#you’re my fucking best friend
space-and-flannels · 2 years
One of my best friends is my favorite person. She’s so incredibly sweet and overall just a kind person. She does this thing when she gets really excited about something where she gets jittery and her voice gets a bit squeaky and she doesn’t stop smiling. It’s adorable. Not only that but she has this beautiful, calming voice, both when she’s just talking and when she’s singing. Like, I could listen to her sing for hours. And when you get her talking, she just keeps talking and is so into it and sounds so passionate. She’s someone who never makes me feel bored and alone. She’s someone you can sit in silence with and not feel the need to talk. She’s someone who you can talk with for hours and never get tired of it. The other week, we were taking Buzzfeed quizzes and ended up creating an entire story around our results. We did this for probably three hours. And before that, we had been at the park all day drawing. We were together from 12:00 pm to 11:30 pm. About 12 hours. I’m someone who’s social battery has begun to die rather quickly and it takes me DAYS sometimes to charge it again. This doesn’t happen around her. She gives me energy. I can be burned out and she’ll come along and brighten my mood just by existing.
She’s one of the few people I feel like I can really, truly be myself around. I feel awkward being in photographs with other people taking them and I don’t know how to act. I feel like I can’t be over the top. With her, I feel like I can do whatever I want. She’s the photographer and it’s just the two of us? I’ll do the weirded poses. I feel loose and not stiff and awkward.
The other day we were together and went to a nearby botanical garden. We walked around the entire thing and never got bored. We were sitting down, talking about hanging out more often when she said that she didn’t always know whether I actually wanted to hang with her or not and if it was just because we were with other people (i felt that lmao). I was utterly baffled because I could never feel that way about her. If I wanna hang out with someone, she’s in my top three people to text (no particular order). I enjoy her presence, I enjoy being with her. I told her this of course because I didn’t want her to continue thinking that I didn’t really wanna hang out with her.
I just, she’s my favorite person. She’s anti-depressants in human form. I feel like this is something I should tell her but I don’t know how without sounding weird. How do you tell someone that they’re your favorite person and that all you wanna do most of the time is be with them?
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frogs-in3-hills · 3 months
rewatching hxh is crazy like the foreshadowing is so good. i’m just as emotionally engaged as i was the first time watching but in a COMPLETELY different way bc it’s almost hard to watch through the sheer sense of foreboding you feel as gon learns more and gains more power. his recklessness was always taken quite seriously by the narrative and that’s clear on a first watch, but knowing exactly what happens and where that self-abandoning recklessness, that thrill-seeking, that bullheaded perfectionism (not to do everything perfectly but to do everything with perfect accordance to his own terms), and that childish willingness to disregard everyone else in pursuit of his own impulsive goals (thereby reinforcing his own worldview for better or worse) goes… the show is SCREAMING at you that this is all going to go horribly wrong and it’s so sinister in this weird offhanded way, like it’s sticking to shounen tropes just close enough that you definitely notice something off but don’t suspect it’ll snowball the way it does.
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starsillys · 1 month
your main sona looks like a pikmin 😓
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
“i only care about lesbian robin and her lesbian relationships”
*no mention of vickie anywhere on their blog*
okay lol
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realsparrowboy · 9 months
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hawkeyeslaughter · 2 months
white knuckling the bathroom sink and summoning whatever strength i need to get through the late captain pierce
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clownjacket · 1 month
If Kipperlilly DOES end up betraying Porter/Jace as part of a secret other scheme she has (whether good or evil) and it has to do with saving Lucy, I just know she’s going to be a bitch about it and pull a ‘sorry, I only save High Five Heroes’ before leaving her other friends to die or some shit. And then she will take her final form: Magic Betty from Adventure Time, betraying her allies and saving her frost gf at the expense of the world. It would also parallel what Ankarna is going through (‘your girlfriend’s out of town, it sucks’, becoming a little imperialist rage machine under the influence of Porter/Sunstone but not being able to fully turn on Lucy despite going against her values and turning into a violent weirdo). This is my wish. My dream. I am manifesting it. Magic Betty Kipperlilly I believe in you.
#I am currently painting clown makeup on my face rn but this is what I’ve been rooting for from the beginning so let me dream#Come on though she HAS to have some other shit going on though right?#She was DEFINITLY in that temple when the Bad Kids said Ankarna’s name#Brennan literally rolled#and we know she was in Porter’s office#so WHY hadn’t she told him Ankarna’s real name yet? We know he genuinely believed Fig found it#Also the BKs couldn’t see who was in the window during the Wanda Childa scene#Which one of the RGs has invisibility?#HMMMM#Wanda saying ‘Kipperlilly? Why are you doing this? Is it because you’re jealous?’ before getting carried off by a fake Porter would let KP#know ‘okay they FULLY saw what happened after I killed Buddy and are onto us’ which would cause her to follow them to the temple#Also…if NONE of the Rat Grinders knew Ankarna’s name then what did Lucy write on her form to change her divinity???#We KNOW it was Ankarna’s name and not the ‘symbol representing her’ because no one could see it BECAUSE the god was dead and no one alive#knew her name#Which means Lucy HAD TO HAVE KNOWN and was keeping it from the others right?#And when she died and didn’t come back they were fucked because they couldn’t even check the form anymore#But#Brennan also said that if Porter WASNT using Devil’s Honey and genuinely believed in Rage And Conquest goddess Ankarna instead of just her#domain then he and his ritual would (maybe) bring her back instead of killing her permenantly so he can take her domain#And idk#A powerful goddess of rage and conquest who despite everything can’t be turned against her sister and ex#who’s resurrection would mean the rune could be broken and Lucy can come back to life#One who has (or had) a personal vendetta against at least one of the bad kids#and a personal vendetta against the people who led to Lucy’s death#that sounds pretty appealing to someone as spiteful and obsessive as Kipperlilly doesn’t it#especially after her best (maybe only real) friend died and didn’t come back#especially if she stayed dead specifically to stop Porter#Again I’m putting my clown makeup on but I don’t want her to be secretly good or anything just unhinged and gay and a parallel to Ankarna#Please world let me have this I’m on my knees#dimension 20
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skhardwarevers1 · 2 months
Soon……I cannot WAIT for this project to actually start…..
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sbyways have me art. Art of me. In celebration of me being generally out of my mind
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sluttyten · 6 months
My afraid-of-romance ass has just been asked by another regular customer for my number and the stupid thing is that again I do think this guy is kinda cute and I really probably should say yes
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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What. What if. Wh. What if they were childhood frens….
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helpimstuckposting · 10 months
I’m sorry but Alya is pissing me off in s5, if my best friend refused to listen to me when I said someone is a liar and narcissist who’s constantly being evil behind everyone’s backs and she DIDNT believe me I’d be furious
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compacflt · 1 year
i'm so curious: what's your favorite thing you've written? something that makes you nod and go, "yeah, that's it right there. i did that." just the best combination of words you've ever churned out in your personal opinion. it makes you proud just Thinking about it. could be a sentence, a paragraph, etc.
very cute ask anon, thank you. im going to assume for your benefit that you mean specifically my icemav writing—obviously I write outside of top gun and am very proud of that stuff but it wouldn’t make sense out of context.
There’s a lot of more recent stuff that I’m extremely extremely proud of on a technical level, but I’m prouder of this paragraph below on a deeper more existential level.
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This paragraph was one of the first parts of WWGATTAI i ever wrote—august 12, i think, well before I had fully realized the characters’ voices or their attitudes towards life/each other; I only had about 5k written of what is now a 300k+ project (at the time of writing this paragraph i wanted it to be 10k max) and had no real outline, didn’t know who or what I was dealing with, hadnt seen TGM in two months, had done no research (so it’s not at all politically/militarily accurate or anything, why the FUCK is ice going to fucking GUAM)—and STILL this wound up being my favorite paragraph in the entire fucking series. not to suck my own dick or anything. I’m STILL so proud of this paragraph, 9 months and 275k+ words later, even though i Absolutely Would Not write it this way now.
#narrative distance both incredibly close and incredibly far#he’s trying to rationalize this whole situation and by extent the whole plot of his life#we’re inside his head as he tries to convince both Pete and himself of this huge huge lie#which is that leaving (right after he fucked their relationship and their best friend just died) is worth it for the navy’s sake#and it will make him a good man#in the masculine strong man leadership sense#and Pete (first name instead of last name; über vulnerable in the worst way because he’s crying yet doesn’t want to be seen crying)#counters all of this lie with—does it? does it really mean you’re a good man? it means you’re the weakest most subservient man i know#bending over backwards for the navy instead of your FAMILY#yeah i would absolutely not write this paragraph this way NOW but i am still so proud of what it represents in the story#& the very experimental 2nd person without quotation marks is i think done very well#at least for august 2022 me#some wording/phrasing/detail issues but other than that—a great paragraph!#again not to suck my own dick but you asked!#pete maverick mitchell#tom iceman kazansky#icemav#top gun#top gun maverick#top gun fanfiction#edts notes#asks#this is a terrible chapter in aggregate but it has some of the best diamond-in-the-rough moments in the whole series#ughhh the Pete this has nothing to do with Afghanistan; pete this has nothing to do with iraq etc line…. SOO good omg i love it sorry
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wyrm-with-a-why · 3 months
Me explaining that if it can’t be my night then it can’t be Megatron’s night either
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Everyone’s favourite girl failure🩷
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redhotarsenic · 12 days
It’s so fucked that the main source of unease I felt building up over the past several months was me feeling pressured to perform femininity to be seen as desirable to other people. It was never ever said said out loud in that space but I could FEEL it and I never knew until it was pointed out to me.
#it’s so agonizing to want to purposely appear desirable and never feeling like you’ll measure up#compared to everyone else#because of eurocentric beauty standard bullshit#like unironically a giant portion of those people in there were white/white passing/fell nearly within those lines#and it was fucking with my head so so bad. because I don’t have ‘dainty faerie like’ (heavy air quotes) facial features#a good portion of what exacerbated the problem is that I have a very good feeling that most of how those people are acting#or how they’re trying to appear physically#is them trying extremely hard to look sexually attractive to that individual#now mind you I’m sure that isn’t all of them but fuck#feels like shit too when you’re very much brushed past 80% of them time on the rare occasions you take a selfie#for the ‘pretty boy with socially favored facial features’ (even heavier air quotes here)#it’s for the best that I’m not in there anymore#some of those people were annoying as shit anyway abd a select few are on my shitlist forever. which could be an entire nother post lmao#and believe me that’s a big fuckin deal. do you know how hard it is for me to outright have vehement hatred towards people??#im not even trying to appear all angelic and pure n shit here I just have a hard time not trying to think positively of people#something something people pleasing tendencies adjacent shit#ESPECIALLY because someone from that space went outta their way to harass my friend. as far as I’m concerned the majority is gutter trash
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lunarrolls · 7 months
whenever i need a laugh or a smile i go back and watch the early bells hells episodes. like pre-bassuras was such an insane vibe for an adventuring party and the shit they got into? unparalleled. truly just a collection of guys doing shit and sometimes experiencing consequences. and then bassuras came down on them like the fucking sword of damocles. i hope that one day, when this is all over, bells hells will still travel, doing dumb shit and fucking around like they once did for lord ariks eshteross. i hope they find that peace once their questions are answered, but i don’t know if a quiet life is for them. i think they’d just continue on, continue to scheme, do incredibly chaotic shit for forever. just let them throw parties, root out government corruption and little shade creepers every once in a while, and pretend to be ghosts, that’s the proper bells hells post-campaign enrichment plan
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danhausensboots · 2 years
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