#you have all my respects anon
edgysaintjust · 2 years
wanna go sans-culotte?
This is actually a fire pick up line thank you
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messiahzzz · 7 months
When I came across that "joke" from Tav to Quill and Z'rell's comment (plus Halsin), I had to take a minute to process what happened. Gale might be a bit silly and eccentric but he's the kindest, sweetest and most passionate character in that party. No wonder the poor man has deep insecurities to solve, so many people reduce him to an easy target! Ofc one of the side effects would be overconfidence and ambition as a defense mechanism. He's obv lonely; only Tara and Morena ever loved him for him.
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his eccentric nature might be a part of it. he is loquacious, outgoing, and doesn’t see the point in hiding his enthusiasm. he is considered to be the weird one. naturally, wizards in general being seen as somewhat squishy and physically weak might also add to it.
personally, i really don’t like the implications of the (widely considered) autistic-coded character being the one who faces the most ridicule by far by other characters and fans (and larian) alike.
some might disagree with me on that, but i don’t find it funny by any means either. mostly it just makes me feel bad. “he deserves it. cocky, arrogant, hubris-ridden wizard needs to be taken down a peg” like he isn’t… y’know… already at his lowest. it also disregards the fact that much of his bravado is part of his carefully curated Great Wizard of Waterdeep™ persona that he has skillfully adopted to mask his general feeling of being defective. being fiercely proud of your skill and knowledge and being doubtful of having something truly worthwhile to offer are mindsets that can coexist. according to fandom, gale is either secret hubris incarnate that is only waiting to be unleashed upon the world or pure baby that can do no wrong. instead of a character that is just as flawed and traumatized as all the others, but no less deserving of genuine love.
to me, the constant ridicule just reads as further feeding into his deep-rooted insecurities and his belief that he (as gale, the person) isn’t someone who holds inherent worth. it really, really doesn’t sit well with me.
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callisteios · 2 months
im not an anon hate guy so im attaching my name to this. your five star list on your uquiz is kind of ass. are you okay? i know art subjective and all that. are you okay?
I stand by each choice 100% and will gladly defend them till i die. they're all five star films
i did have to limit my choices to things I think your average uquizzer might conceiveably know of which was horribly limiting (this was a failure, when i still looked at comments on that quiz like 1/100 would be 'I have never seen a single one of those films')
The films in question (which i stand by):
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I'm doing amazing, thanks for asking. How are you?
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jangmo-othewarrior · 4 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
What characters do you headcanon on the Aromantic Spectrum?
Hot take: Dante! He has so much 'I pretend I have sexual and romantic attraction because society' energy to me.
I think it's funny if Trish in DMC 1 was instructed to use her body to get Dante to go to the island, but he literally only went for revenge. That's it. And after Dante is like 'I mean, I guess you're attractive? Maybe?' And Lady is completely unbothered by it all.
Alao the idea that Vergil thought Nero was Dante's kid would be the funniest shit to everyone except Vergil. Like you think that Dante had sex? That he was in a romantic relationship? Bruh, you really haven't been in his life.
A side effect at this is that Dante gives really good romantic advice because he's always objective. Nero will pine over what to wear to see Kyrie and Dante'll say 'Just wear what makes you comfortable, if she loves you, which she clearly does, she wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable.' And then he takes a bite of pizza, completely unfazed.
Patty also uses this trait of Dante's to full effect, often using him as a vibe checker. because his instincts are just that good.
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Heritage implies age, these aren’t heritage posts they’re just posts you like
you aren't wrong, i've just decided that maybe that's okay tbh
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kikizoshi · 3 months
can we form a coup against asagiri and make you the writer instead? genuinely... I am not taking the Fyodor immortal information well.. please help............................ ( ´,_ゝ` )
Oh, I would absolutely not do BSD well either. I just wish Asagiri had stuck to his roots more. He was a great comedy writer, and the beginning of the story was great for it. It's the action and Death Note stuff he can't seem to get mastery of. But for the immortal part: I'm not entirely sold that Fyodor's immortal, yet. It seems like yet another twists that will twist to reveal oh, shocker, he faked his memories to confuse Sigma/the ADA... or something. Could very well be immortal, but not 100% guaranteed.
#bsd#anon#I still support his right to write his story however he wants#and a lot of people seem to enjoy this sort of shock-value shounen writing he's doing now#I just happen to hate that sort of story#so when BSD pivoted to that I was dragged along into it because of Fyodor and Nikolai#and get salty whenever characters who own a part of my heart and soul are subjected to bad shock writing#and yes I know the version of them that I love the most exist within my own perception#and are a product of the years I've spent working on and developing them for my own stories#but I still love and adore the originals too#and so it's painful and irritating#because the characters are no longer the main focus of the story#it's all about the shock... the next biggest thing#Nikolai's doesn't have a motive to be the ferryman I need to get all the characters in the same place/start the next arc? No problem!#he just wants to kill Fyodor now. problem solved.#how did he use his Ability to get Sigma to France when his Ability only travels 30m at a time?#eh don't worry about it. I made an omake about it so you know I know it's an absolute joke#Nikolai's whole character and Ability practically changed just for convenience... for the story and shock#so as a fan of character-based stories it hurts that sometimes characters just aren't respected at all#with Fyodor I know it's more a case of Asagiri's vision of him seems to have changed as the story progressed#in that realm I'm so happy that BSD is serialised because it means I still have the initial version of Fyodor that I loved with all my hear#when I really can't stand Meursault!Fyodor at all and wish he would just die already so I could be fully free
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cozylittleartblog · 6 months
I want to buy a sticker from your shop, but shipping (to Canada) is down as $22 before tax. May I ask why it costs so much to ship a single sticker? Is it Etsy being weird, or does it really cost that much to send an envelope over the border?
I'm not trying to be snarky or passive aggressive or anything, I'm genuinely just kind of befuddled atm.
A fair question honestly! USPS sets the rates for international shipping, and shipping to canada really is about that expensive 😭 I considered sending stickers via envelopes, but 1. if I send them with a stamp (less than $2) they don't have tracking, and etsy Does Not Like That. I gotta send packages with shipping to qualify for star seller, plus it covers your ass in case USPS loses it. and 2. apparently it's illegal to send merchandise internationally in envelopes!! so sadly we're all stuck dealing with the super crazy international rates. I don't like it either because as someone who deals in trinkets, people generally do not want to pay $16 for a charm that costs $12, and they especially don't want to pay that for a sticker that costs $4... I would ABSOLUTELY have way more international sales if USPS wasn't fucking us with the prices but it's out of my control dssdjkfjksdf
I give this advice a lot, but if you don't want to pay international shipping (or just live in a country I don't ship to myself), you can borrow the address of a friend that lives in the states and they can forward it to you! I don't actually know if this is cheaper, but some people have said it is. it's def cheaper for stickers though if your friend uses a stamp!
TL;DR yeah etsy and USPS are Both Weird, sorry ; - ; i assure you i hate it even More than you do lmao
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gracefullou · 3 months
I sleep fine. you keep yourself up at night being mad about how Harry Styles said he knew one day he'd want to sing the full vocal of personal songs that he wrote himself (wouldn't any artist?) I know you must understand what he said because you're not stupid. You choose to be mad. It's so funny.
Honey, if you don't find anything in that quote at least a little offensive towards his ex-bandmates ( like come on he refers to them as other people 💀 not even my bandmates at the time 😬) and selfishly insensitive, idk what to tell you. Also, nice to see this man's fans proud of the back stabber that he is 😊. There's nothing wrong about wanting to go solo and singing his garbage songs, if only he had the courage to say this in 2016/ 2017
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frogndtoad · 5 months
Do you have your favorite albums shared in a post somewhere? I've been trying to find new music and the only thing I wouldn't care to listen to are songs that tend towards vulgarity, so I'd really appreciate some recs if you've got some :,)
howdy anon! always happy to share new music - i don't have a post, but a few of my all-timers are:
Stars - Heart maybe my favorite album by my alternatingly favorite band; absolutely atmospheric indie pop mostly about love, for better or for worse (as in contextually. all of the songs rule). plus theres french horn!
Streetlight Manifesto - Everything Goes Numb the ska-punk album so good it took me over half a decade to get into ska fr because nothing else could measure up. absolutely epic horns quite good lyrics. wish i coulda made any of the anniversary shows this year
Clipping. - Splendor & Misery perfect afrofuturist noise rap concept album about a slave spaceship and the sentient ai that controls it and the human who breaks free. probably the least gory clipping album if thats an issue for u. i love listening to static dot jpg
The Mountain Goats - Beat The Champ if there is a theme in this list let it be my love of horns. other alternatingly favorite band, and if you havent checked these guys out what are you even doing sending asks to frogndtoad dot tumblr dot com. this is their concept album about pro wrestling - a lot bigger sounds than some of the earlier lofi stuff, plenty of lines still about getting stabbed or doing stabbing. but to a jaunty little horn feature! i have rotating top goats but this has been it for a bit
Willi Carlisle - Peculiar, Missouri one of my favorite if not my favorite finds of the year. truly truly beautiful folk album i dont even know what else to say here. absolutely so excited for Critterland next year
disclaimer also that i was taken a little aback by the use of the word 'vulgarity' here in my asks on tumblr dot com for a couple reasons but tried at the very least to take ur sentiment as best as i could and provide some good albums i stand by. might not meet your needs but its not esp gorey and its not esp raunchy and i hope that you enjoy
oh also!! i do keep an #album-log tag that i update periodically with roundups of what ive been listening to and how much; theres a few stats there. might try to keep a better maintained recs tag in the new year but mostly i do that at least for myself i just think its fun to share also
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singsweetmelodies · 10 months
With all respect and love, I absolutely love your fake dating au. If I had to choose an update between that and the kissing fic (or anything else really) I would always choose the fake dating au. There is so much potential! Please tell me you plan on updating and finishing it? If you’re not, can you at least share with us the fic plans so we can have some closure about it? Would you consider letting another author adopt the gif to finish it if you won’t? It really is a Piarles must-read. I hope I can learn the ending!
but see, anon, you DON'T get to choose. only i get to choose, and i have chosen to update the 2023 kisses fic. 😌
... you know, i debated for a long time if i would even bother answering this ask, or just delete it right off the bat. because in my opinion, this is an incredibly rude, insensitive and entitled thing to send to any writer. it was ONLY A FEW DAYS AGO that i talked publicly about how important it is to remember that writers are humans, too, not machines, and to please treat us like humans. and yet here i am again.
i'm going to answer this one more time, and i'm going to answer it in detail, and then in future if i get any asks in this vein, they WILL be deleted without any interaction. you guys are making me consider turning off anon asks entirely, which i really don't want to do, because the other half of my anons are SO very lovely!! but i also have had enough of waking up to rudeness and blatant entitlement in my inbox.
so. why exactly is it that i think this ask is so entitled and insensitive? didn't the anon say "with all respect and love" and compliment my fic at the start of it?
yes. yes, they did. but the thing is, saying "with all respect and love" doesn't mean you can then proceed to be rude to me and it's all fine. that's like me saying "with all due love and respect, i have decided to delete the fic entirely." the fact that i prefaced it with "love and respect" does not make what i did later alright. (although in this case, it WOULD be alright regardless of whether i prefaced it with "love and respect" or not, since it's MY fic and i can do what i want with it.) this anon, on the other hand - this anon has no right to demand anything of me. i am a fanfic author and i do this for free. it is not my job. i have no obligation to do any of this. which means that nobody out there, really, has any right to demand performance from me. (lmao can you tell i have been deep in the law textbooks lately) but the point stands! i don't owe you anything at all.
yes, you can ask me nicely, and i can choose to reply if i want. (hell, if you ask me nicely, i'd probably LOVE to write things for you!!) but you don't get to DEMAND updates from me. and "tell me you plan on updating and finishing // can you at least share with us the fic plans so we can have some closure" is not asking nicely. that's demanding. YES, anon gave me a compliment and they said "with all respect and love." but they're STILL demanding performance from me, and that's not okay. the anon is making it sound like i owe you "closure" (even though this is a work of fiction, not a break-up you're going through, and i think the word "closure" is a VERY dramatic one to use.)
once again (because apparently i LITERALLY CANNOT emphasise it enough) i do not actually owe you anything. i, katie singsweetmelodies, owe you NOTHING. i do not owe you updates or fic plans or whatever the case may be. i might choose to share them with you, yes, but on my own schedule, since they're MY creations made in MY free time.
right. got that off my chest. gosh. NOW! one other thing that i want to make very, very clear before i end this off - i do not give my permission for anyone to "adopt" my work or to write a continuation of it. i am the one who's put in the hours to write all the setup we have so far. i'm not letting someone else benefit off that. if you so badly want a fake dating fic with the conclusion already ready, then you are more than welcome to put in the hours and create it from scratch yourself. but for someone else to take over my work and take it in a direction i probably won't even like? no. absolutely not. permission emphatically NOT granted.
anon: i'm sorry if you feel that this reply is unnecessarily harsh. but this could not have come at a worse time for me, because i really did talk about the importance of treating writers like people just here, just a day or two ago. needless to say, it really struck a very bad chord with me to get an ask like this right after i took pains to explain, publicly, why these kinds of asks are not okay.
i really am happy that you are enjoying the fake dating fic. and i do appreciate that you tried to tell me that, even though the way you did it was completely out of line. i hope that this answer won't... preclude you from enjoying the fic in the future? or something? i'm not sure, to be honest. the whole thing has left rather a bad taste in my mouth.
but one thing i will say to anyone reading this: i know it's been a long time, but just bear with me. i mean it when i say that there will be an update eventually. no, i can't tell you when. i'm not even going to try and give you a schedule, because like i said, i'm a human and not a writing machine. but the fake dating fic is very close to my heart, and i want to see it finished someday just as much as you do. ❤️
(P.S. - if anyone was very worried reading the first part of this answer: NO, i am not actually going to delete the fake dating fic!!! i was just using a very dramatic example, lmao. the fake dating fic is one of my favourite things i've written, and despite the slight... mess... about its updates recently, that's not going to change anytime soon. 💙)
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dr-lizortecho · 7 months
you come off like a raging antisemite. Who in their right mind sides with a terrorist organization like hamas? You really need to think and research about what they’ve done to innocent Jews and other Israelis before just blindly posting “woke” crap.
I promise I’m not blindly posting and reblogging- I am following along through trusted sources. And if there’s anything I’ve reblogged that is incorrect feel free to reach out with your sources claiming otherwise! Because I’m not an antisemite am anti Zionist and don’t support genocide under any circumstances, or the murder of children.
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negativepeanuthoarder · 8 months
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bloodofgrapes · 2 years
I’m so obsessed with the way you draw nrmt ;-; You draw them like actual men… it’s a huge problem among aa fans where one of the two of them (usually edgeworth) gets written or drawn as a tiny long-eyelashed hairless submissive twink and it’s like. They’re Grown Men. And no one will ever be able to convince me that edgeworth would let his guard down/let go of his control-freakiness enough for some of the shit he’s portrayed as doing lmfao 🫣 I’m certain a big part of it is that you’re gay and You Get It lmao.. I’ve sent you way too many asks in the past few days and i’m sorry if it’s weird but idk you’re my fav ace attorney artist and i appreciate you sm
Alrighty, finally free enough to tackle this anon. So, before I say anything, I want to preface this with my belief that there’s no right or wrong interpretation of a character in fandom—I love to see the immense variety of ways that characters are depicted, and I think it’s fascinating to get to see through the lens that people view them. What I will be talking about in this ask though, is my (and clearly anon’s) personal preference. I just wanted to get that out of the way, because I would be very unhappy if people read this and thought that I judge any interpretation of the characters I spend much of my time talking about on the hellsite.
With that out of the way, I do agree with you anon. I’ve hesitated to answer asks like this in the past (you’re not the first to say this), but you have put it in a way that I think fits how I feel about them. I am a gay man—I love men in any shape or form they come in, but I truly adore masculinity. Hairy belly and ass, boxy builds, square jaws and hands, receding hairlines, deep voice, the works. This is not to say that these characteristics cannot also be feminine, but I am approaching this in the context of speaking about male characters, and the things I enjoy from them—but make no mistake, I love effeminate men just as much, especially in the variety of ways that they can manifest.
Which is a good lead in to something I have always loved about Edgeworth, from the first time I played these games nearly twenty years ago: Edgeworth has always struck me as inherently traditionally masculine, even in spite (or perhaps because) of his more flamboyant tastes, such as wearing a bold pink suit, jabot, preference for frilly things and flowers, etc. He’s not what any boomer would call a man’s man, but I feel like a lot of fandom overlooks that he’s barrel chested, deep voiced, stoically cold, and prone to masking or outright shutting down his emotions. As a gay man these traits really resonate with me—I embody many of the same things, while also having a certain air of “fruitiness”, if you will.
I’m in my mid-thirties, and while I believe it’s never too late to have heroes or feelgood characters, it’s a little unusual for me to have a character that makes me feel “seen”, at least in the way he does. Being a trans man specifically, I’ve spent much of my life grappling with the inherent masculinity and femininity I was born with, so it’s always been a comfort to me (even if I didn’t quite realize it when I was younger) to see a man that sacrificed absolutely none of his masculinity while wearing frills and a bright pink suit. So I love depictions of him (and Phoenix, because I think he’s viewed not dissimilarly in this fandom) that lean away from the typical shiny smoothness of most anime, and more into making them standard 30-something males. As I said in the first paragraph of this, it's all personal preference, there’s no right or wrong way to vibe with these characters, but I appreciate you anon, because I do think that we’re in a very small minority in this fandom, and while that’s not a bad thing by any means, it’s nice to see a kindred spirit <3
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
if you know you're going to be crocheting later in the day, you can tuck the crochet hook against your skin (I put it in my bra, have a friend who tucks it into her waistband at the small of her back) and have it warm up that way
That's a good idea, I just so happen to be a very... messy person who just leaves my hooks in the middle of projects. I'm crocheting a hook holder as a stand-in, though because my other hooks are.... laying on my nightstand loose 💀
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i feel you ari…….. i did 70 pulls on geto’s banner and he’s yet to come home 😔………..
SNIFFLE . i’m hugging you so fucking tightly 🐟 anon we need to start a support group 😭😭😭 HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO US……
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BUT ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DIDN’T KNOW YOU PLAYED PHANPARA 🥺🥺 dyou wanna be friends?? my friend code is 213pzbqz2v2u1 !!! if you feel like it then just shoot me a request!!!!!! :3
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i'm kind of new to the whole misgendering gerard stuff with girlgerard but i have seen thekidsfromyestergay 's posts constatly she/her-ing gerard but they say it's a joke. i don't know if it is funny to me or not... is that like normal? again i'm new to mcrblr
Several big mcr blogs on here she/her Gerard constantly, so it's become super normalized. But these blogs seem to always have a whole list of excuses including that its a joke, the gay she, and that Gerard is a actually a trans woman and to not use she/her is actually sooooo transphobic. In any case it's weird to constantly use the wrong pronouns for someone, or to label them in a way they don't want. (For reference Gee said on twitter his prns are he/they, and that's what Marina Toybina uses for him as well. Gee also said they don't use labels. They choose not to.)
Idc about an offhand girl joke or comment, but when thats all you use, or the thing you use the most its a problem. Jokes are meant to be funny, i don't see how addressing someone with pronouns that aren't theirs just because they dress more feminine is a joke or funny.
People deserve to have their name, pronouns, gender or lack thereof, all that, respected. None of us are Gerard or anyone else, therefore we can't know how they feel on things unless we're directly told. We only know what he has said, and to ignore that in favor of how we or any random person on the internet sees him is disrespectful to Gerard Way as a human being.
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