#you go constance coco
aptericia · 1 year
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So! A while ago I made redesigns for some of my least favorite Three Houses outfits. With a lot of the female characters, it feels like the priority with their design is "show boobs and/or bare legs". Obviously, I don't claim to be better at character design than the original artists, but here's my take with the following priorities (in order):
Representing the character and making them easily identifiable. Basically, the design should serve as a "condensed" version of their personality, abilities, culture, etc.
An outfit that I find (with my 100% correct and objective opinion, of course) to be attractive
Being reasonably practical, at least enough that it doesn't break immersion. Considers the character's job, available resources, etc.
Ordinarily I'd design an outfit to go with the character's body type, but I was lazy here lol. If people are interested, I could draw nice versions on the actual characters sometime. Oh, BTW, the concept for this post was heavily inspired by looking through the @bikiniarmorbattledamage tumblr :))))
Below are detailed descriptions on how I went about designing them, if anyone's curious! I will be bashing the original designs quite a bit because I find it funny, but I hold absolutely no disrespect toward anyone who prefers them to my poorly-thought-out versions :)
Bernadetta – I feel like the designers were trying to combine the female archer class outfit, Bernie’s own girly/plushie aesthetic, and the “fancy noble lady” style and it didn’t quiiiiiite work out. I really like the color scheme & overall shapes, so I just went about changing the few things that ruined it for me.
First off, the huge bell sleeves. They’re just silly and don’t match the outfit imo. I turned them into an elaboration on her cute gloves.
Gave her pants instead of booty shorts. I don’t think Bernie would wear a long skirt that would keep her from running around, but the exposed legs give her a “vulnerable” look that I don’t think she’d appreciate. Plus, having the leg-pouch strapped to her bare skin looked really uncomfy ☹.
The boots didn’t work as well with her shiny new Pants, so I gave her knitted leg-warmer things inspired by this gorgeous cipher art.
I expanded her leg-pouch-thing and gave her a teeny little dagger. I just think she’d carry weapons on her person.
Constance – Honestly, credit to her for doing the best she could with the god-awful Dark Flier class design. I still think her outfit is pretty ugly and sexist, so I made some adjustments. I tried to evoke a “noble lady” feeling, but keep the muted color scheme and lack of patterns to imply that she’s actually dirt-poor. I took inspiration from people like Ferdie (noble vibe; armor purely for show not practicality) but with her personal “edgy steampunk vampire” aesthetic.
I changed her stupid boob-cup breastplate. I don’t even care about the dangers of wearing boobplate in realistic combat—it just looks ugly. Like why do you need to go to extra trouble to say “I have BOOBS! TWO of them!!”? It’s embarrassing. I mean it’s fine if you’re proud of your boobs, but then don’t cover them up with metal maybe???
I realized that the designers probably gave her boobplate because, without it, her outfit isn’t actually all that feminine. Coco is a pretty feminine lady, so I remedied this by giving her puffy sleeves (inspired by the Awakening Dark Flier design) and a skirt-thing (with an awkward slit that would allow her to sit on a horse). The skirt had the added bonus of being incompatible with the stupid butt-grabbing hip armor. Good riddance!
Traded in her bare legs for some silly suspender-sock-things. I just thought they worked better with the skirt and more “girly” outfit overall. Also gave her shin-guards to extend the pink color scheme throughout the whole outfit.
I also changed her dress into a stylish vest that, imo, looks nicer (and comfier) with the armor. I gave her some gold accents on the vest & armguards for a dash of color.
Her belt got a revamp to work better with the vest.
Lysithea – On to our favorite doily princess! Her design doesn’t reek as much of “boobs and/or legs priority”, but it’s still silly and looks pretty uncomfortable. I actually really like the aesthetic, so I tried to keep it as much as possible. I did end up having to introduce another color (silver), though.
I think her doily skirt looks extra silly because it’s so dwarfed by her sleeves. I lengthened it, made it puffier, and added another layer beneath it.
More drastically, I ended up changing the whole top of the dress so it was a shirt & skirt instead. I’m not sure I have a justification for this beyond “I don’t usually prefer dresses”, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out 😊 Also, what’s with the weird rows of ribbons(???) at her sides? Into the trash lol.
The ribbon attachment looks like it would be really cold on her bare chest ☹. I moved it down to the level of her shirt and attached it to her shoulders instead of her neck (for comfort).
Her shoes got boringer but less dumb-looking. What can I say, I’m not good at designing shoes.
Hapi – Hers is the least-bad of the Ashen Wolves’ timeskip designs, not that that’s saying much. I don’t really like gray and green as a color scheme, so I gave her a bit of brown and some more gold accents. Other than that, I feel like she has a sort of forest girl/witch/traveler look, which I tried to keep as much as possible.
Obviously, the silly boob-separator strap had to go. I have no problems with Hapi being sexy, but she’s much more the “forgot to put on my pants when I rolled out of bed at 1:00pm” type rather than the “put extra effort into showing that I have TWO BOOBS” type. Therefore, I kept a similar amount of skin showing but tried to make it easier to assemble.
Her new skirt was based on the Valkrie designs from other games (you’ll notice the similarity to the Mist-inspired outfit in this post). I think this version is both cuter and looks easier to move in. Also, I love giving everyone too many belts! Hers has a lil pouch for carrying random junk she finds.
Both her arms and legs looked a little boring imo, so I gave her some pretty bracelets and altered her shoes. Plus, her original boots looked hard to move in. Here, the actual boot is pretty loose but is tied below the knee with an extra laceable piece and above the knee with a brown strap.
Petra – Ho boy. I always felt like Petra’s design could be potentially problematic, although I’ve never done any research. Anywayyyy, it’s clear that the designers wanted something “exotic”-looking, but they had no ideas beyond “well she’s from a warm climate right” (In reality, someone from a warm climate would probably be unadjusted to the cold and bundle up… but that goes against the goal of “condensed character description” so I don’t really mind). Instead, I took a lot of inspiration from this awesome Cipher art! Her color scheme is a hot mess but not without potential, and personally I think I did okay with it!
Ok, ok, her design also does a decent job of indicating that she’s royalty from a hunting-focused nation. When re-doing her top I tried to keep that in mind, so I gave her some fancy jewelry and animal goods (i.e. fluff). I don’t feel like re-iterating the boobplate argument, so suffice to say that her breastplate suffered the same fate as Constance’s.
I adjusted her arm jewelry to be more to my liking. Not really any logic there.
Her miniskirt is pretty dumb, so I changed the shape and incorporated some hip armor (someone tell me the official name). I also took away the fluffy fringe, seeing as she already got some fluff around her neck. Instead, I added the pattern that was originally on her leg-band.
Do I need to explain giving her another pant leg? I know her outfit is based on the female thief class, but it doesn’t look good there either. And once again, I had no ideas for her shoes beyond not liking the old ones ☹.
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alienducky · 7 months
trick or treat!!
Oooh! I'm going to assume this is for the writers thing I just reblogged, and not for sweets, so have a Yuri-Coco ficlet!
“Yuri! What pray tell do you think you are doing?”
Yuri paused, his fingers brushing around the top of the castle piece he'd finished moving into position, and lifted a brow at Constance in bemusement.
“I’m taking my turn?”
She scoffed, balling her hands into fists on the table between them as she leaned towards him with a scowl.
“I dare say you are cheating sir! I remember quite clearly you distinctly said that only one piece could be moved each turn, and that the king piece could only move one square at a time. And yet, you have just moved the king two spaces, and then moved the castle as well. Put your pieces back where they were this instant, and make a proper move if you please!”
Yuri’s lips twitched slightly, then spread into an honest smile.
“That was a proper move, as you put it. Castling, which is what I just did, is the only time that the king can move two spaces and the castle is the only other piece it can swap like that with. You’re free to check with anyone else around the monastery if you don’t believe me. They’ll all agree that it’s a legitimate and well known move…”
Yuri held her gaze as she glared at him, lips poking out in a pout as she obviously tried to decide if he were in fact telling the truth, or if this were one of his schemes. But seeing as she were the one to approach and ask him to teach her how to play, she must know he had nothing to gain from doing so.
“I shall choose to believe you in this instance,” she said primly, with a delicate sniff as she sat back. “But I insist that you now tell me of any other exceptions to the rules, such as this was, so I will not be caught out if they are used against me.”
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wherefore-whinnies · 1 year
Sooo. In light of recent events (asks). Which actors do you think would play the main characters if Of Magic was made into a movie? 👀
ok so after making you go and put this in my ask box my answer is I have literally no clue. 😅 I don't watch movie...
maybe you can star as Constance. also we can make it a musical. so you can sing your Phantom of the Opera... Hubert is like a phantom. that would totally be a cool crossover art actually. Coco goes tralalalalaaaaa~ sing out over peaks~ while Hubert adjusts his overlong emo bangs to make sure they fully cover half of his face
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Beyond the Blood Tie - Chapter Thirty One.
Big thanks to the little audience for your continued feedback on this :) Time to meet vampire Coco in a little more detail!
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Previous Chapters - One  Two, Part One Part Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen  Twenty  Twenty One  Twenty Two  Twenty Three  Twenty Four  Twenty Five  Twenty Six  Twenty Seven  Twenty Eight  Twenty Nine  Thirty
Words - 5,698
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Angel's POV
Right now, everyone who isn't me, EZ and Coco are looking at us all with bewilderment, but let me tell you that is absolutely nothing to what I, and what I can vouch EZ are both currently feeling at present. We thought the man standing in front of us, looking just as shocked to the core as we no doubt do, died a hundred years ago. He vanished from the centre we were at. I thought he’d long perished... but no.  
"Is it you? Is it really you?" EZ asks, his voice shaking a tiny bit with emotion as he and Coco move closer to each other, EZ reaching out and touching him, like he's trying to prove to himself that his eyes aren't fooling him and Coco really is in front of us.
"Yes, it's really me, boy scout. Is it really you?" he jokes, laughing a little before he and EZ share a hug. God... fuck! He don’t even sound like Coco any longer! His accent is weird as hell, and he’s softly spoken, which he definitely wasn’t when he was human.  
"What's going on?" Edie whispers into my ear, yet when Coco turns to open his arms and smiles at me, I don't answer her, I just rush to hug my friend who I thought was long dead. Technically I've been right as he is dead, but in the same sense we are.
"Sorry, but this vampire standing here, I thought he'd died a long, long time ago. This is Coco, you’ve heard me talk about him, a fellow Mayan, and I can't say anything else because I'm fucking speechless," I reply eventually, still not really able to process that this is real, that another of us survived.
"What an amazing coincidence. Ursula, let us leave the young ones to catch up while we and Charles go and discuss your matter. I can speak to you all later on, as I feel now is an inappropriate time, considering this event," Constance says, before she's gone in a flash with my creator and EZ's.
"How did this happen? The last we saw of you, you were complaining about everything being bullshit before you were gone the next morning. I'd ask if you knew about us from your creator, but with the look you gave us when you came in, I doubt you did," EZ asks him, still hardly able to believe his eyes.
"I did not know of you both still being here, I assumed you'd perished, of course. Constance has never spoken about Ursula's offspring to me either. Is there somewhere other than the hallway for us to assemble and talk?" he asks, while I just cannot get over his accent, or the fact he’s so well spoken now, eloquent, even. But damn, that accent! It's a mix of French and some Texan tones as well. He sounds completely different to the Coco I once knew. EZ suggests we go back outside again, but just before I turn to follow the other two, Edie pulls back on my hand.
"Do you want me to go? I feel like I'm a little out of place here and I don't want to get in the way," she states, looking uncomfortable.
"No, no of course I don't want you to leave, and you're in nobodies' way," I quickly reassure her, leaning down to kiss her.
"Okay, I'll go grab my smokes and meet you outside.” I move quickly, returning in a second with the pack as well as her lighter. "Or you could just go and get them for me." She takes them, grabbing my hand before we walk outside.
"I'm sorry, in the completely and utterly astonishing realisation that two of my closest friends when I was human are not dead, we were not properly introduced. My name is Johnny Cruz, these guys know me as Coco, but nowadays I go by John. You are?" Coco says, moving to in front of Edie as soon as we near the large table surrounded by chairs in the top centre of the back yard.
"I'm Edie, Edie Bailey. I'm Angel's girlfriend, but you probably guessed that already," she replies, while he takes her hand and kisses it.
"I did, and I must say Angel, your taste is as impeccable as ever," he replies, his eyes moving to look at me and smile before he suddenly pulls Edie's hand close to his face again and sniffs it. "Hmmm, you're from Scandinavian blood. Danish, if I’m not mistaken." He then announces lightly before letting go of her hand and giving her surprised looking face a little nod.
"I am?" she asks, a little amazed. I guess she could be from her father's side somewhere down the line.  
"You can smell blood lineage in that much detail?" I then put to him, surprised out of my mind. That doesn't become achievable for young vampires like us, it usually comes after eight hundred years plus.
"My creator is two thousand, six hundred and sixty-six years old. I have skills most vampires our age have to wait many hundreds of years for, and a sharp sense of smell is but one of them. Bloodhounds have nothing on me," he reveals with a slow wink before we move to sit down.
"So, from the moment you escaped, what happened?" EZ asks, still staring at him like he can't believe he's here. I can't believe he's here either.
"It shall take some time to explain," he offers looking at me and EZ more than Edie, who I can sense he doesn't really want to be present for this since she's A – a human and B – one he doesn't know. Even though I haven't seen him for a hundred years, I can read him well as a vampire. That's pretty standard for all vampires, though. She's staying where she is, I won't ask her to leave and if he did, I wouldn't let her. EZ and I both nod, and with that he begins his story, what happened since the last time we saw him.
"After I escaped, I spent two days fighting off the dead and barely sleeping, before I started coming down with the same symptoms as all of the sick people. Eventually, I collapsed in front of a group of military guys, and the took me to the nearest hospital. There, I was placed in an overcrowded room with people suffering the same symptoms as I. The doctors and nurses were in a panic, and of course they were telling us nothing. We were being cared for, up until about thirty hours after I was admitted, when we were suddenly locked into our room.  
“We then heard it all outside, the reanimated killing off the rest of the living, and then those people rising once more. People were beginning to die in the room I was in, but thankfully I wasn't that bad at that point. I managed to climb out of the window and jump into a conveniently positioned dumpster, breaking my fall. It didn't matter though, my escape was in vain for as soon as I left the hospital and one group of roving dead, I ran quite literally into another.
"The vampires of the immediate surrounding area where of course seeing their food source depleting on a massive scale, so were on their way into the hospital in search of blood, either via transfused donations in plasma bags or surviving humans. Constance happened to find me first before she even stepped foot inside the building, and after attacking me and drinking my blood she took me home with her.  
“I was there purely as a food source until I died, that was until she decided to turn me. I had no choice in the matter, but of course I now see it was much more preferable than what would have befallen me. To be honest, it terrified me, being turned into a creature I'd only thought to be fable up until two nights before, and without wanting to be turned either. Did you two have a say in the matter?" he explains at length, pausing to ask us both the question.
"Yes, Charles and Ursula gave us a little time to think about it before we went to them and told them this was what we wanted. We thought that at the time life couldn't get any worse, we were stuck in the middle of a catatonic, near global disaster and everyone we loved or knew was dead, so we figured we had nothing to lose," EZ answers while I nod. Coco (or should I refer to him as John now?) looks slightly sour at hearing that our being turned was of our own free choice when his wasn't, before his face changes back to expressionless.
"So, what happened after that, after you were turned? How long did you stay up here for?" I then ask him, eager to hear more. It seems that Coco was turned weeks before we were. While he was getting used to his vampirism, EZ, Gilly and I were escaping the quarantine centre.
Gilly. God, how I wish he could have been turned too. He’d have made a great vampire.
"We stayed for only a week before travelling back to Texas, where Constance lived at the time. She has a house right on the beach on Galveston Island, and like a lot of offshore islands to the continents that suffered the virus outbreak, Galveston was relatively untouched. I think fifty or so people out of the entire population of the island succumbed to the virus, and that is only because they had previously been in the USA at the time of the outbreak. They contained it well, so down there we had an ample food source. It's also quiet there, very quiet. I couldn't live in Vegas, not for all the blood in the world. It's too noisy, much too chaotic," he continues, making me see just how much he’s changed in his death. The Coco I knew, he would have thrived up here.
"And you were there for twenty years or so, weren't you?" I say, remembering something Ursula mentioned to me about when Constance moved away from the USA.
"Yes, it’s twenty-one year's this year we've been in France for, where we went straight from Galveston. I now live in a beautiful little apartment just on the edge of the Seine in Paris. I have to be close to the city because I work within the FVA as a vampire rights negotiator. Edie, to explain that so you'll understand, I'm like the vampire equivalent of a lawyer and attend all trials against vampires when they're brought by another vampire," he replies. I like the way he explained his job so Edie would get it too, without leaving her out. She nods, lighting herself a cigarette and seeming as interested as I have been in listening to where my friend has been and what he's been doing since he was turned. "Now is the time you two should fill me in over what happened after the last time I saw you both." He then adds.
"Before we do, I want to ask you something. Are we okay to still call you Coco, or would you prefer John?" I ask, not wanting to offend him by calling him a name he's obviously not chosen to keep as a vampire.
"You all may call me Coco, I don't mind at all. I stopped using that name when I was turned, because I just didn't feel like the Coco I was when I was human, so I just chose John. New species, new identity," he replies, running a hand through his hair.  
I then begin explaining to him along with EZ what happened to us, how we left the quarantine area with Gilly in tow, and the note he left us before he took his own life. After seeing the ghost of Edie's mother, it brought out a want in me that I had to crush again, which is to trawl Las Vegas looking for the ghosts of the others. If they haven't found peace, they'll still be around. It'd be hard though, to see them like that, and to see them trapped here unable to rest. That's why I stopped forty years ago; I didn't want to have that on my mind, knowing they're not resting peacefully. I know the ghosts of people who died as the reanimated come back as they were before the disease, so I know I'd see them exactly as I remember them to be. The other guys of the MC eventually come into the conversation, us three remaining sharing fond memories of the time we all walked this earth together as outlaws. It's good to bring them to life again through conversation, making Edie laugh at many a funny story about them, before excusing herself part way through to take a phone call.
"That was Sasha on the phone, as you probably heard,” she reveals when there's a pause in the conversation.
"I also heard you're going for a drink with her. Are you heading back here after or going home?" I ask, standing up and leaving the table when she does, after she tells Coco that it was nice to meet him. She even gets a 'bye, Edie' off EZ as well. I think he's slowly warming to her.
"Yeah, I'll be back here all drunk and horny," she purrs with a little giggle, turning around to kiss me and run her hands down my chest.
"I'll look forward to it." Walking her to the back gate, I kiss her goodbye before returning to the table, sitting down and staring blankly at Coco before shaking my head and laughing. I still can't quite believe he's really here. I feel like I'm dreaming.
"So, what do you two do with yourselves then, do you work?" Coco asks us, looking between both myself and EZ. I have to wonder here whether EZ will decide to reveal his chosen career or conceal it. Of course, when we were all human he trusted Coco implicitly, but as a vampire he doesn't know him at all, much like I don't either. Then again since he is Constance's offspring and a brother of sorts to Ursula, I think he can be trusted. In a way he is family, I suppose.
"Tattoo artist," I state, watching him look curious.
"Hit man," EZ reveals candidly, watching as Coco begins to laugh.
"Why doesn't that surprise me, boy scout?" he says through his chuckles, slapping his hand down on his thigh. "Our kind or humans?"  
"Our kind, I have no interest in humans unless I can feed from them or fuck them. I don't involve myself in their politics or disagreements. Edie is the only one I can really tolerate, and one human friend of Ursula's I enjoy fucking on the regular. That's about it," EZ replies, making me feel pleasantly surprised that he referenced Edie there. I was right, he is warming to her.
"I see. Well, there's nothing much more I need to ask about that, but I'll remember in case anyone on this continent ever pisses me off enough for me to want them dead. Angel, I would really like to see some of your work if I may?” I head inside and fetch Ursula's laptop as well as a USB stick with a pile of my work from over the years, loading everything up before turning it around to face him. He quietly begins flicking through each of them, liking what he sees for the most part, telling me he's glad I put my artistic side to use. We then sit and resume talking, and talk for so long that when I see Edie appear at the back door and walk over to us, I think she's home early. That is until she tells me its 2am and I realise she's been gone for four hours.
We head back inside soon after, Edie going upstairs for a bath and leaving the rest of us to find the elder vampires. We talk for a little while, Constance and Coco being taken to see their rooms where they'll be staying mid-way through the evening (we have three spare rooms, not including the room Charles and Ursula use for extra marital dalliances; where Ahmed was taken last night) and even though I know they won't reveal anything, I'm dying to know what they discussed earlier while we were all outside, and what Ursula's creator had to say on the whole TVM/Elias situation.  
We're being kept out of it for a reason though, no matter how much we hate it. I don't know how much she will reveal to Coco either, but he of course wouldn't tell us if she did. She'll no doubt swear him to secrecy. After an hour I excuse myself and head back upstairs, wanting to be with Edie. I find her lying on the bed, her head at the end as she rests it on her folded arms in front of her. She's turned the monitor around on my computer and is currently watching a Russian movie with English subtitles.
"What's this about?" I ask, pulling my shirt off, removing my jewellery also.
"A cocaine deal gone wrong, the movie shows it from the four different sides of the story, through the viewpoint of four different characters. It's pretty good, but it can wait, and I can't." When she gets up, revealing her nudity to me, I grin, wrapping her in my arms and lifting her from the bed, kissing her hotly before moving to turn the computer off.  
She said she'd come back drunk and horny, and at least half of that is applicable. It's the half I like most, too.
Edie's POV
My tongue entwines with his as we kiss, Angel putting me down on the edge of the bed he crouches at the end, practically tearing my legs open and biting straight into the artery in my thigh, the pain as exquisite as any pleasure I could receive from him. That pleasure arrives after he's sealed the wound, kissing the inside of my thigh until his mouth reaches my centre of warmth, and he slowly begins using his tongue to tease me. He begins stroking the tip along my outer lips, slowly and carefully, making me tingle all over in anticipation until his tongue slips between them and explores me much more thoroughly.
"You taste almost as beautiful as you look," he murmurs, before stretching his tongue right inside me, moaning deeply, moving it around and around while I take in a deep breath, running my fingers through his hair as I let that breath out again slowly, a soft groan escaping my mouth with it. My body begins to judder with each sensation that runs through it, my skin breaking out into goosepimples as his hands stroke up and down my sides, two fingers sliding inside me while the other hand then rests on my leg. If he keeps this up, it won't take me long to hit orgasm, and hit it hard.
"Ohhh, damn you're too good at that!" I cry out at the point my orgasm peaks, my nails digging into his shoulders before I feel myself turned over, a hand coming down to smack my ass hard.
"I know." is all he cockily replies before burying himself deep into my wetness with a hard yet effortless thrust. I'm not on my hands and knees for long, with him tiring of that position and quickly flinging me over onto my back again, holding my legs open high and wide, slamming into me so hard, I can hardly think coherently. The second orgasm that burns through my body after a short while is just one of many more that follow, with Angel fucking me in every position possible, every hole, and every which way sex can be done for the next hour, until I'm exhausted and craving a cigarette.  
Instead of taking my usual spot at the window, I decide to go and get some air, since Icarus and Thor are scratching at the other side of the door too, and I know that's wolf for 'we want to go out' by now. After kissing my gorgeous vampire and putting my clothes back on I leave the room, the wolves running ahead of me to the back door, which they both jump up at eagerly. I open it and let them run through, heading out at a slower pace as I walk down the cobblestone path and onto the grass, where there's a figure sitting at the table, smoking a cigar.
"An après sex nicotine fix, I used to do that when I was human as well," Coco says, blowing out three neat smoke rings. I was going to ask him why he was even smoking it, since vampires don't get the calming effect of nicotine, but then of course I remembered cigars aren't supposed to be inhaled.
"Yep, that and the wolves needed to pee," I reply, feeling a little bit scared suddenly when he turns and gives me a look that isn't innocent at all. Apparently, he was very full-on in life, quite aggressive and loud, hyperactive and always making poorly timed jokes, too. There seems to be a quietness and grace to him in his death that is in stark contrast to the fast-talking outlaw I’ve heard many stories about.
"May I ask, are you and Angel in an open relationship, or do you share exclusivity?"  
"We're exclusive," I reply, watching him look mildly disappointed for a moment.
His dark eyes flit over me, leaving me in no doubt of why he asked. “I miss my lovers, who I left at home. Not to worry, I can find company if I so choose it.”
"How many lovers do you have, if you don't mind me asking?" I choose as my next question to the vampire with the strangest accent on earth.
"No, I don't mind. I have two. Marcel is a vampire, he's Spanish and with an ass so firm you could chip a fang, and Lola is a French human with hair so long she can sit on it. They keep me entertained.” His slight smirk confirms such. "I must confess, and I do apologise for assuming you and Angel were not exclusive, but you must know what most young vampires are like, and the fact that Angel was a complete and utter whore when he was human. I only ever knew him to be faithful to one woman." he adds, while I light up the cigarette I haven't had chance to begin smoking yet.
"He even surprised Ursula with that, his admittance that he wanted me and only me," I smile, watching Coco just stare at me with that same blank expression all vampires wear most often.
He pauses for a few seconds before narrowing his eyes a little curiously. "So, how did you two meet?”
"I was his punisher, and he my detainee. We didn't always like each other; in fact, when we first met, we hated one another. It was only after I saw a different side to him, and eventually trusted and got to know him that my mind changed on that, and so did his over hating me," I explain, not wanting to give too many details. After all, I don't know him. He's my boyfriend's friend, not mine.
His eyebrows flutter a fraction, rolling the cigar between his thumb and forefinger. "That is certainly a very unique case of romance blossoming between adversaries!" he exclaims softly, laughing a little. That laughter suddenly cuts out like a song abruptly being turned off, with a deep, rumbling growl replacing it. Suddenly, he opens his mouth, drops fang and then hurtles around to the front of the house.  
"It's okay, it's okay! I'm working for Ursula! Back the fuck off, or I'll snap you," I hear the voice of Sissy coming from the front of the house. She's about the only vampire outside of her family who Ursula trusts right now, and apparently it is for a big reason too, why she can count on Sissy's loyalty forever. It's a secret one though, not even Angel knows the story there. I run around the side of the house, finding the gate open in Coco's wake with him looming over Sissy, who has someone with her. When I say with her, what I really mean is she's being held fast with a silver chain around her wrists by a gloved Sissy. That woman is short, fat, and is wearing entirely too much cerise lipstick. She fits the description of a woman whose name I've heard in conversation before.
"Edie, if you could go in and tell Ursula I have Dawn Cavendish here, after finding her visiting the human who she no doubt paid to start trouble with you in the bar last night," she informs me, while Coco backs off and puts his large fangs away. Angel has big ones, too. It all depends on the vampire, there's no standard size in fangs.
"With pleasure," I nod, before climbing the steps. The front door opens before I reach it, Charles appearing and looking at me before his eyes move to over my shoulder. He looks even paler than he already is for a second when his eyes find Dawn, before that look is replace by one of hugely venomous contempt.
"Bring her in," he calls to Sissy, frowning as he turns to walk back into the house in the direction of Ursula's sitting room. He really looked shocked to see it was who he suspected could be involved, almost like he didn't want to believe it. I guess I can't blame him or Ursula for being annoyed that this is coming from within the organisation they both work in. I suppose it also confirms Elias is involved, since Dawn is so close to and worshipping of him, as I understand.  
Dawn is dragged in by Sissy, her wrists smouldering as she passes me by and heads straight to the sitting room, Angel arriving at my side just as I'm loitering in the hallway. EZ is upstairs with Angela, which just leaves us with Coco. Of course, we're not to be involved, so we all go and wait in the kitchen, with me trying to overhear what's going on. Turns out with two vampires sitting next to me, I don't need to.
"Oh, she's such a damned fucking liar!" I hear Angel blurt out after about three minutes.
"What's being said?" I ask, watching as he listens intently and holds up a finger to indicate he needs a minute before he replies.
"She's flat out refusing to tell who is involved in this as well as her, and when Ursula just put Elias's name to her, she laughed and said 'it takes a greater mind than his to be involved in this.’ I think she knows there's no point in trying to hide what she's up to, when she's sitting in front of three of the oldest vampires she's ever going to meet. I don't mean to be rude, but don't ask me anything else for a while. My brain is like a tape recorder, I'll be able to tell you word for word what's been said once they're done.” With that, I remain quiet for the time being. Of course, my boyfriend has the capabilities to remember entire lengths of conversation, his brain being about a thousand times sharper than mine.
I patiently wait, getting up to go to the back door for a cigarette, also making myself a cup of tea to calm down the buzz of vampire blood I'm feeling (I took a little more than usual from Angel, and a nice, milky tea always helps settle that) while the conversation in Ursula's sitting room continues. It's 3.30am right now, and with only two and a half hours until daybreak, I wonder how much longer it'll go on for. Both Angel and Coco look like they're concentrating hard on what's being said, giving each other little looks across the table every so often. When 4.15am rolls around, it looks like there's some kind of breakthrough happening.
"Constance just advised Ursula to call Elias and get him round here, because she's just vehemently stated she believes what Dawn is saying, that he isn't involved in any of this at all," Angel tells me, while I feel my eyes widen a little. What the hell? If it isn't Elias, the front runner from day one in all of this, well then who the fuck is it? We all wait on tenterhooks for the Chief of Nevada to arrive, Ursula actually coming in to tell us what's happening and sitting down beside Angel while I smoke at the back door, looking so thoroughly fed up, she actually hugs his arm and rests her head on his shoulder.
"I feel… oh good lord I don't know how I fucking feel. Never in my one thousand years plus have I had such a conundrum to try and figure out. I know I should trust Constance's word - and I feel that most of me does - yet still, I have a tiny little voice at the back of my head telling me that it's Elias behind it all, and that Dawn is playing a very good game," she confesses, before we're joined by the very young looking Constance herself. She can't have been more than about eighteen when she was made vampire.
"He is not involved, my child, and this you will see, because I'll only have to speak to him for a moment in order to deter if he's lying or not. This I can guarantee," she vouches, coming over to her as she straightens up and gives her creator her full attention. Constance takes a seat and then begins talking to Angel, since she hasn't yet done so since she arrived. She ignores me altogether, which I'm not surprised over. That's vampires for you, not all of them will think you're relevant. In fact, pretty much most of them won't unless you're close to them.  
We only have a fifteen-minute wait until Chief Weston, as well as three armed guards arrive at the house, and I'm reminded a little of the old actor Tom Selleck when I see him enter the kitchen. He's dressed in a three-piece, single-breasted suit, with a gold watch fob hanging from the pocket. He looks effortlessly stylish, and is an extremely well-groomed vampire.
"Ursula, I hope that this is important, since I have been disturbed at home," he states as he stands square in the middle of the kitchen, the air of authority radiating from him filling the room. He certainly has a lot of presence.
"As I said, I have been investigating what I believe to be a plot against me, coming from the same vampires who orchestrated the whole tip off that lead to my questioning over possible TVM activity. Tonight, Dawn Cavendish was found to be involved, and after my associate and close friend Sissy Wiseman took capture of her and brought her to me, now is the time I involve you directly to make it official. I want her taken in for questioning, immediately too before we lose the night," Ursula states as she rises from her seat and turns to face Elias.
"Where is Dawn right now?" he asks, his face not flickering at all.
"In my sitting room.”
"Nathaniel, go with Mrs Ó Cléirigh-Cosgrove and bring Miss Cavendish to me. Now," Elias then barks over his shoulder, one of the guards exiting at speed with Ursula, arriving back moments later with Dawn in tow, Charles and Sissy too. The moment is then broken in its intensity a little when a sudden long moan echoes through the house, coming from Angela, who currently has EZ inside her. Angel and Coco both look like they're trying not to snort laugh at the timing of such. Trust EZ to be bringing someone to the point of orgasm while down here, the whole mood is so tense.
"At least someone is enjoying themselves tonight," Elias mutters quietly before looking up and straight at Dawn, who is ranting away like a lunatic, and also seems to have changed tactics now the Chief himself is here.
"I did nothing! I was procuring a feed, I swear! I am not involved in anything, Elias! She's lying, Ursula is lying!" she shrieks.
"Silence, Dawn. That is quite enough of your conniptions. Ursula, although I may not have always liked her and in a lot of ways still do not, is no liar, and she regards this organisation too highly and has too much pride in her job than to be dishonest. You though, however, you're an entirely different kettle of fish. If you confess to me your involvement in all of this, and also offer forth the names of all other vampires, particularly your ringleader, I shall be fair with you. If not, then no mercy on you as a member of the AVA will be shown as it would any other under suspicion," he informs her, while Dawn eyes him with everything she has, her jaw set and her stare fixed unflinchingly.
"I am not involved," she states strongly, saying nothing more. Elias nods, just once and with that Nathaniel is towing her out of the kitchen, joined by the other two guards.
"A search of your home and a few evenings of questioning will deter that, Dawn. Ursula, I'd like you to attend that questioning, which will commence tomorrow evening. May I see you in private before I leave?" he asks, leaving the kitchen with long strides, Ursula following him out.
“Well,” Constance announces to the room after a few seconds of silence. "This is definitely not coming from Elias Weston." Yeah, I think we all got that already.
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nerdnag · 1 year
What would you give the Ashen Wolves for their Pokémon teams?
Fun question! I'll list what I think seems suitable off the top of my head - I feel like this is the kind of question I could lose myself in if I went too serious with it lol.
Tricky boi needs tricky Pokés.
Zoroark - does this one need an explanation?
Greninja - fast and agile fighter
Thievul - also no explanation needed (AND IT IS THE CUTEST)
Lucario - great fighter again! very versatile very strong! and the purr-like sound is so cute
Appletun - everyone knows that it is canon after that one Yuri art in wooloo PJ's (i'm not misremembering i hope)
Tatsugiri - I know it's not good on its own but 1) it's sneaky and clever and 2) Yuri will convince Balthus to have a Dondozo that pairs with it so it's fiiiine
For Her I'm going with types that align with the different kinds of magic she knows, which are mainly ice, lightning and fire. I also want a horse (bc she flies a pegasus), a fairy-type (bc she's def a little bit fairy inside) and something dark (bc of her shadowy self)! So here's the list I've come up with:
Glaceon - what better ice Pokémon for Coco than a ~cat?
Chandelure - I love chandelure and I want Coco to have one <3
Rapidash (Galarian) - the horsey!!
Miraidon - honestly it makes sense that she has the strongest effing electric legendary there is, considering Bolting
Florges - beautiful just like her
Meowscarada - dramatic cat!!
I get the feeling she'd like outsider Pokémon or other kinds of Pokémon that repel people for some reason, or protect from them
Grimmsnarl - just seems Hapi-like idk
Goodra - I think she'd like that it's sort of yucky but very strong
Arbok - Hapi needs snek. It's canon
Scrafty - awkward teen
Mimikyu - shy guy
Going almost purely on feeling here lmao
Turtonator - cool name, silly look, a bit wrestler-themed
Dondozo - see Yuri above
Machamp - Balthus needs the standard Fighting Pokémon of all time ok?
Revavroom - needs a cool ride
Terrakion - feels very Balthus to me
Gholdengo - give the guy some bling
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brrooke-s · 1 year
Michael Langdon♡︎Fluff♡︎American Horror Story
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Im sorry but he looks so fine in this gif😩😮‍💨 Anyways I didnt know what to do so I had my bestie @averi-t pick a topic and this is Meeting Michael For The First Time
Murder House Michael
So lets just say you live across the street form him and constance
One day mabey it was raining and you were looking out your bedroom window and Mikey was to and your windows just so happen to be facing eachother
Hed probably be thinking ‘Oh shit shes really pretty’ and then hed start thinking ‘Crap does my hair look okay’ or like ‘does my breath stink’ as if you can smell it from across the street
You guys would pobably make eye contact and he would wave to you (you would wave back ofc because it should be illegal to ignore a Michael wave)
Like youll grab a random notbook and write hi and you guys will have a whole conversation
after that conversation you guys are always looking at eachothers windows to see if the other ones in their room
then mabey one day Michael asks you if you want to walk to the gas starion with him or something
depending if your parents are strict or not you might have to crawl out your window
You guys will walk to wherever your walking to together and youll litterally become best friends
Ajourn Michael
So lets say you go to Mrs Robichauxs academy and you go with Cordelia to Hawthorn and thats when you meet Michael
Theres this golden moment when you see eachother and your both just starstruck because your both gorgeous as hell
When the council introduces everyone to Michael hes all eyes on you
Hes being a bit of a showoff because he wants to impress you
when you leave all his brothers can tell that he has a crush because hes all blushy and shy🥹
You have a little bit of a crush too
(I mean how could you not its MICHAEL were talking abt)
And Zoe knows
like she could tell that you were crushing on him
AND when you go forbthe seven wonders task Madison knows he likes you and shes jealous
but since shes trying to be a better person she wont do what she did with Kyle😒 she will give him the talk tho
after Madison talked to him hes lowkey scared tho😭
Outpost Michael
Your in outpost three just living your best life
Then Mr Antichirst comes on in while your having a very nice conversation with Coco and Malcolm and everything goes silent
he does his little speech and you guys lock eye contact at least 3 times
When its your turn for interrogations think the Malcolm scene but your just blank staring at him
eventually through the interveiw he says “I like you” in his little ‘scary’ voice
like he will try to pull what he did with mrs venable
And girly pop it worked
like if he did that to me I would have ✨FoLdEd✨
lets just say ur going to the sanctuary
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dpsisquared · 8 months
#2, 10, or 21!
21 favorite dynamic between characters
I'm sure if I thought about it, I could write a novel on several, so I'm gonna go with the one that popped into my head first which is Hapi/Constance. I definitely get why people ship them but I'm also a sucker for a really healthy friendship between women, which this is. They are both so different, but unapologetically themselves with each other, and accept each other exactly as they are. You have Constance, "My dear Hapi, I shall dazzle them with my magical genius!" And Hapi is like, "Yup. Go on Coco." And Hapi doesn't think Constance is conceited, and Constance doesn't think Hapi is rude, they just GET each other and don't ask for anything else but themselves.
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mishwanders · 2 years
FUCK YES THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!! Okay, most of these are village villains, but because there are more characters in the Hackett family, I’m adding in other RE characters to this mix.
Constance Hackett - Alcina Dimitrescu: The way in which this woman grieved over the loss of Kaylee reminded me of when Alcina found Casandra dead. She, like Alcina, are strong matriarch types and would get along through niceties by the grit of their teeth, until one of them finds something to be upset about, and then it’s a family brawl after that.
Jedediah Hackett - Jack Baker: Jed is less sadistic than Jack, BUT his undying loyalty to whatever his wife wants is basically how Jack is with Eveline when he’s infected with the mold. Also, both are like the guard dogs that are sent out after the counselors/Ethan to keep an eye on them. I think they’d both get along fine, probably go on a hunting trip together.
Bobby Hackett - Salvatore Moreau: in Bobby’s words, “MMMOOOOOOMMM”. Both of them are momma’s boys and would do anything for their mother figures, including murder. I wanna say they’d get along, but I think Moreau would scare the shit out of Bobby. But once they put aside their differences, they’re fishing buds, hands down.
Chris Hackett - Zoe Baker: now I know Zoe isn’t technically a villain, BUT she gives me the same vibes as Chris. Both are stuck with a situation another family member caused by accident, and literally run away and hide from their problems to try and not make shit worse (and shit still gets worse). I don’t think they’d get along though, at least when Zoe starts prodding him for answers about “the hag of Hacketts quarry”.
Amelia Hackett - Eva: deceased 💀
Kaylee Hackett - Donna Beneviento: because we don’t know too much about either character in game, I put them together. But in my head, I see them both not wanting the situations they’re in. Kaylee just wanted to help a child and Donna would have much rather be left alone to her own devices in her house. I think Donna would like her company though and Angie would talk the girls ear off.
Caleb Hackett - Lucas Baker: I hate them both. Lucas is an absolute asshole who likes to see people in pain and continued to do so with so many different characters - including the majority of Chris team in the Not A Hero DLC and Caleb is the reason the rest of the Hacketts are infected/is the one who infects or murders most of the counselors in game. In conclusion, I hate them. Don’t let Caleb anywhere near Lucas though - I don’t want him tainting that kids mind any more than it has been since being a werewolf.
Travis Hackett - Karl Heisenberg: both of these men are completely fed up with everything going on, and I love it. They both want an end to the suffering that’s going on/their freedom to not have to worry about it so much so that they will both go out of their way to get outside help, but not tell that outside help what the really want immediately because they’re both busy trying to sus out the situation. Not to mention they both have immense mommy issues - like they are the same lol. To be honest, idk if they’d get along or not. I think they’d both be eyeing each other up and down and would be waiting on the other to make the first approach.
Eliza - Mother Miranda: you saw this coming, right? BOTH ARE MOTHERS WHO ARE OBSESSED WITH THEIR LOST/DEAD CHILDREN AND USING THE COUNSELORS/ETHAN TO GET WHAT THEY WANT! They’d get along well, both witchy badasses. I just hope Eliza doesn’t try to hex Miranda lol.
Silas - Rosemary Winters: Rose is not a villain, but neither of these babies deserved the terror that happened to them and I just want to wrap them up in blankets and give them a hot coco and tell them it’s gonna be okay. As much as I went throughout the majority of The Quarry wanting Silas to die, watching him go back to his cage and sleeping there broke my heart. It was the only home he really had, and he was still suffering after the loss of everything. I feel that for Rose too - and I think she feels that way about the loss of her dad, Ethan. Idk if these two would get along or not. Can Silas even speak? I do think that Rose could keep him entertained with the mold though and he wouldn’t be scared.
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aptericia · 1 year
oh yeah! I wanted to ask about the parallels you see between Utena and Anthy, and Coco and Hapi, but I keep forgetting
yesss I’ve spent way too long thinking abt this so I’m happy for the ask!
Utena & Constance:
pink/black color scheme
rides a pegasus
confident & outspoken (at least for Shady!Coco)
viewed as talented but also a weirdo
obsessed with their ideal of “nobility”
obsessed with a “nobility” that is self-made, based on actions not circumstance
Anthy & Hapi:
red/green color scheme
strong associations with animals
subtle associations with the stars
quiet, self-sufficient, “go with the flow” type, also passive-agressive
said “go with the flow” personality likely stemming from being subjected to trauma and an inability to choose their own path
viewed as “cursed”
physically and psycologically imprisoned because of said “curse”
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onyxedskies · 1 year
9 for prompt!! (Any pair but I’m voting hapistance)
hi sorry this took so long i got home and took like 5 naps
prompt: when it's hard for them to contain a smile, so they grin so wide it lights up your world >>>
word count: 523
Hapi would be lying if she said she'd known what she was doing when she set out to get Coco a bouquet of flowers, but she'd seen enough people doing it for their girlfriends that she figured she should too.
She'd enlisted Dedue and Freckles' help, asking them for the best flowers to get for Constance. Dedue had supplied her a short list, and Freckles had offered to come with her to the market to help her make sure she got the right ones for a good price.
And so here she was, walking into Abyss with a bouquet of lilacs and red tulips and pink peonies and a whole assortment of other flowers that she'd quickly forgotten the names of, all for a price she had watched Freckles' barter over until she'd gotten over half off the initial price.
She passed Yuri on the way to the dorms, where she figured Constance would be, and responded to his snickering with an eyeroll and a light kick in his general direction. She continued down the hallway, even as she heard him following her.
"Well, what's the occasion?" Yuri asked from behind her, voice light.
"There isn't one," she answered. "Just thought I'd get Coco something she'd enjoy."
"How sweet," Yuri said, and he seemed genuine this time. He was still smiling, but the edges seemed softer now. Hapi felt a heat crawling up her neck and turned away from him.
"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go give this to her now. See you around, Yuribird," she said, walking briskly off. She felt his eyes on her until she turned the corner, and she hoped he wasn't making fun of her.
She pushed the door to the dormitories open, smiling when she saw Constance bent over the desk, mumbling to herself with a quill clutched in her hand. Her usually pristine curls were frizzing together, likely from running her hands through them in frustration, and yet Hapi still thought she was the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen.
She hid the flowers behind her back. "Coco?"
Constance turned around, brightening when she saw Hapi. "Hello, dearest!" She stood, walking over to Hapi and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. She then noticed that Hapi's hands were behind her back, and her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you hiding?"
"I got these for you," Hapi said in a rush, holding them out to her and looking down. The heat from earlier was back, stronger than before and taking a determined residence in her cheeks.
Constance gasped, taking the bouquet from her hands. Hapi looked up to see her smiling brightly, eyes shining as she held the bouquet in her hands.
"It's beautiful," Constance said, practically vibrating in her excitement as she turned it in her hands, touching the petals reverently. Hapi found herself smiling as well. She leaned forward, wrapping Constance in a hug and kissing her cheek.
"I'm glad you like it," she said.
"I love it," Constance said. "Just as I love you."
Hapi buried her face in the crook of Constance's neck, but murmured a quiet "I love you, too" back anyway.
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stringcheeseboiii · 2 years
congrats on almost finishing college! I'm almost done too 💖 I'd love to see you draw Hapi and Constance 🥺
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HERE YA GO!!!! thank you for patiently waiting a million years for me to finish this <3
thinking about college made me think about coco and hapi being in college, so here they are studying together!! they also kind of represent the two (equally valid) ends of the college fashion spectrum-- hoodie/sweatpants combo or dressed up :)
congratulations on all you accomplished in college, and hope these girlies bring some light to your day!!
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armatization-a · 2 years
Okay I'm on my train home as I start this. I am utterly exhausted. Let's talk con!
So yesterday was me and bf. it was his first con. He wore a Spider-Man suit he bought off Amazon and you know what? He had fun. He bought some merch (a Simpsons print of all things despite me being the fanatic) and had a great time talking to people. Lots of little kids wanted photos. One was a Venom cosplayer and his big brother was like "scuse me 🥺 can my brother have a photo with you" which MELTED me. That and the deaf kid that excitedly signed for Spider-Man and at his mum. Cutest shit ever
We got back. He was like "oh we'll go out in a minute for dinner". We uh. We passed out LOL but that was that. Spent the night at the hotel, he went home in the morning
Taking my con supplies and probably keys with him AAAAAAAAAA but it's fine. We're fine
Today, I was solo. It was alright! I got to the FE meet late and the Byleth I met in May yelled CONSTANCE!!!! and hugged me. They help run the lightsaber event so I got a cheeky photo with lightsabers they're gonna send me c: thank you Byleth
Actually I spent a while with them. I was glad to have them really tho they didn't wanna sit down so my legs are d o n e
There was also a stand for P5 where I got me a cheeky badge and a photo. I also bought a little potion jar thing (acidic wit on the label and it glows in the dark) which is just?? The cutest thing. I also bought a silly Breaking Bad meme sticker set that I have not stopped laughing at
Con was great! Had a blast. Never cosplayed solo so I wasn't sure what to expect but it was a lot of fun. I don't know about going in May; we'll see. Right now I'm just glad to be going home
Not very glad for the walk tho
I have some photos if people wanna see?? Maybe?? I dunno I thought Coco looked sick. She got a lot of compliments. I realised I gestured a lot bc gloves. They made me feel weirdly powerful. Gloves, man
I'd say back to normal but it's nano soon so semi/full hiatus inbound
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wherefore-whinnies · 1 year
*gives you a whole field of sunflowers, for you to pick from (or not) whenever you like, as encouragement to talk about whatever you want at literally any time. Also it will coninuously grow back because this is your blog and your space and all of us will never be tired of hearing things from you*
😭😭😭 you are so sweet...!!!!!!
today I will talk about the birthday girl. one might wonder, how many "co"s go into a cococo on various occasions? fear not, for I am here to help!
one adds more co to a cococo the happier one is to see her. "Coco" is average, blasé. it is used when one is pretending to be normal about Constance von Nuvelle. "Cococo" represents a baseline level of happiness at seeing our girl depicted in the arts. for instance, I happily coo "cococo" at cocomug every time I remove her from her storage place. and COCOCOCOCOCO is used when one is so thrilled at a depiction of She that one is microwaving oneself. hope this helps!
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nobilismare · 9 months
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@svnsworn ; ask answered
[ 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧 ] : sender is lifting captured receiver's chin up. (Yuri to Coco! But not to threaten! He found her captive and is checking on her before helping her escape)
Being captured - despite putting up a good fight - was more than embarrassing enough. One of the greatest mages, now stuck in a filty jail cell that had never been cleaned no doubt. Cobwebs were sticking to the walls and she was sure she heard a rat earlier. Not to forget about the horrid smell.
It was dreadful but luckily her savior had arrived. A little late, although she knew she could trust Yuri to help her out of this situation. He made quick work of the guards too and she couldn't wait to leave this place.
Yet Constance couldn't move just quite yet as he held her chin and took a look at her. Her left cheek was bruised and the corner of her lip split open from a nasty backhanded slap she took earlier because she wouldn't shut up. They did deserve an earful after all...
"What are you doing? I am fine." She couldn't help but snap from being in this nasty place for so long but she appreciated the concern nonetheless. Though, it could wait until they escaped. "We should go before reinforcements arrive."
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randomestroleplays · 1 year
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𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡: 𝔣𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔡𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 (x)
fake dating to make an ex / crush jealous
fake dating to make someone else back off
fake dating breakup, realize there are real feelings
fake dating feelings confrontations
fake dating for a job 
fake dating for a family / holiday party
fake dating but there was only one bed
fake dating for popularity
fake dating for the media
fake marriage for a visa
fake dating to go undercover
fake dating to avoid being set up
possible starters:
you say you know that you might be crossing a line
fell so deeply into it, it was all so innocent
put your lips close to mine, as long as they don’t touch
I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard
“hey –– we said no strings attached.”
“don’t go falling in love with me.”
“tell me how you actually feel for once.’
I overthink your punctuation use, not my fault, just a thing that my mind do
our thing progresses, I call and you come through
it looked alright in the pictures
you could call me “babe” for the weekend
we were supposed to be just friends
most suited ocs:
Amethyst Andrews ( riverdale / crossovers )
Arianne Martin ( teen wolf / crossovers ) 
Carlotta Falcone ( the batman / dc / crossovers )
Caroline Somerset ( original / fandom crossovers )
Elle Harper ( titans / dc / crossovers )
Finley Rider ( descendants / crossovers )
Ginny Cresta ( hunger games / crossovers )
Hollis Everdeen  ( hunger games / crossovers )
Julietta Drake ( dc / crossovers )
Kat Smith ( supernatural / crossovers )
Kyla Keller ( gossip girl 2021 / crossovers )
Lacey Tanner  ( hunger games / crossovers )
Lyra Lovell ( riverdale / crossovers )
Ophelia Wayne  ( gotham / dc / crossovers )
Rhiannon Ballard  ( stranger things / crossovers )
Rowena Abbott  ( titans / dc / crossovers )
Sierra Nearing ( the umbrella academy / crossovers )
most suited ocs (not yet introduced):
Abbie Hudson  ( glee / crossovers )
Adeline Mikaelson ( legacies / crossovers )
Adhara Black ( harry potter, golden era / crossovers )
Adina Lightwood ( shadowhunters / crossovers )
Cleo Sullivan ( the umbrella academy / crossovers )
Coco Bates ( gossip girl 2021 / crossovers )
Constance Osborn ( the amazing spider-man / crossovers )
Delaney Carlyle ( riverdale / crossovers )
Elle Winchester ( supernatural / crossovers )
Emilia Newton ( twilight / crossovers )
Jacqueline Grant ( gilmore girls / crossovers )
Josie Archibald ( gossip girl / crossovers )
Nevaeh Murphy ( supernatural / crossovers )
Rachel Elliot ( the society / crossovers )
Remi Alcott ( titans / dc / crossovers )
Valentina Wolfe ( gossip girl 2021 / crossovers )
Vanessa Kline ( titans / dc / crossovers )
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gardenofkore · 2 years
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May 17th 1198. A 4 years-old Federico II Hohenstaufen is crowned King of Sicily
Soon after the death of the Emperor Henry, Constance had the child fetched from Foligno by an Apulian count and brought to Sicily. Dressed in widow’s weeds she awaited her son in Palermo. There were grave accusatory rumours against the Empress current at the time: some said she had poisoned her husband, and it was a matter of common knowledge that she had no love for Germans. The suspicion of murder was unjust, but the hatred for Germans ascribed to her was genuine enough; she shared it with her Sicilian fellow-countrymen and with the Italians oppressed by the Roman Curia. The foundations of this hate were the same then as they have always been: the arrogance "allied with unwisdom" of the Germans alienated the Mediterranean peoples, as did their "obstinacy and self-assertiveness."
Their physical strength and their savagery moreover terrified the Southerners, the discords prevailing amongst themselves brought them scorn and contempt. For rulers of the world they appeared "crude, coarse and uncivilised,” while their yet unpolished language seemed to the Romans "like the barking of dogs and the croaking of frogs." But the main factor in this hate was fear; fear of the inrush "of the winter and the storm into the rose-gardens of Sicily." This fear was not allayed by the savagely cruel treatment meted out to the Sicilians by Henry VI. Perhaps Innocent with his biblical phraseology hit on the right description of the German visitation of those days when he wrote: "Because the people of Sicily and the other inhabitants of this kingdom have grown effeminate in sloth, and undisciplined through too much peace, and, boasting themselves of their wealth, have given themselves over to the unbridled lusts of the body, their stink has gone up to heaven and the multitude of their sins has delivered them into the hands of the oppressor."
Innocent spoke thus out of no friendliness to the Germans. The hate of Germans that flamed up throughout Italy on the death of the Emperor had been carefully nurtured beforehand by the Curia, had been given the air of a national pan-Italian movement and utilised as a means to shake off the imperial yoke in the south in favour of a papal Italy. In resonant periods Innocent III had taken pains to stir up and foster this hate: "The wrath of the North wind whistles through the mountains with a new quaking of the earth, it drives through the level plains of Apulia, whirling dust into the eyes of wanderers and country-dwellers." Thus he wrote about the German,Henry VI, whom Dante also designated "that loud blast which blew the second over Swabia’s realm." A reaction of this sort against the tyranny of Henry VI was of course inevitable. The importance of the movement in Sicily was enhanced by the fact that the Empress Constance took part in it. Her motives were probably personal, for Henry had made a terrific clearance amongst all related to the old Norman royal house and had banished the survivors to Germany. On his death Constance immediately resumed the sovereignty of her hereditary domain, in accordance both with the Emperor’s instructions and with the right she herself possessed as Norman Queen. But the new ruler of Sicily was Norman Queen only: not widowed Empress; and the first act of her reign was to banish from her kingdom the Emperor’s interpreter, Markward of Anweiler, and with him all other German notables, a considerable number of whom held fief and office in the Norman territory. The pretext was that they might prove dangerous to the peace and quiet of the kingdom,especially Markward, who had not been slow to propose himself as vicegerent. Her next step was to imprison the Sicilian Chancellor, Walter of Palear, Bishop of Troia, who had been from of old an opponent of the Norman dynasty and a willing tool of the German Emperor. The intervention of the Pope was necessary to effect the liberation of the Bishop Chancellor and his re-instatement in his former offices. AntiGerman feeling in the south was so acute that the first German crusaders who were returning, all unsuspecting, from the Holy Land were surprised and plundered by the excited Sicilians, and after that the home-coming pilgrims had to avoid the har bours of this dangerously inhospitable kingdom. Curiously, the German princes who were on the Crusade, when they received in Acre the news of their Emperor’s death, reconfirmed the choice of Frederick as King of the Romans. 
Constance, however, deliberately shut her eyes to all this. Her hate of Germany reinforced the maternal anxiety which heroes’ mothers are wont to suffer from: in the German crown she saw a never-ending series of future perils and struggles for her son. She would as far as possible ward off such a danger from him. Frederick should be king of the wealthy Sicily, and in the southern Land of Dreams he would quietly forget the imperial dignity of his fathers. A few months after the boy’s arrival in Palermo she had him crowned King of Sicily. The solemn rite was celebrated on Whit Sunday 1198, with a pomp and ceremony borrowed from the Byzantine court, while in accordance with ancient custom the people greeted their newly crowned king with the cry which may still be read on every crucifix in southern Italy "Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat." It is significant to note that this is also the motto engraved on Frederick’s early seals. From that day Constance omitted from all official documents of the young king the title that had previously figured there: Rex Romanorum. From henceforth Frederick of Hohenstaufen was to content himself with the many titles borne by the reges felices of Norman stock. He was to be, body and soul, the son of the Sicilian Constance only, and to be kept aloof from all the fatal, unknown consequences in which the dangerous Hohenstaufen blood of his father might involve him. One is reminded of the childhood of Achilles or of Parzival.
Kantorowicz Ernst, Frederick II. 1198-1250, p. 13-16
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