#yeah so uh this is for my au that is still unnamed
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Almost 6 am. Post this StryKabal snippet when they least expect it.
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avalanchesumich · 5 months
december 26
cameron sat on cale’s couch, a small kitten in her lap as she scrolled mindlessly through all the programs on the tv.
it was quite easy for cameron and cale’s fiancé, tracey, to convince cale to get a kitten; the gaslit him using cameron’s heartbreak, and cale easily caved, as long as they didn’t name him pookiebear.
so currently, cam was home alone with her unnamed cat, cale was in his home gym, tracey went out with some of the wags for a bit, but should be back soon, and her parents and taylor were out in the city somewhere, leaving her alone.
cam felt her body freeze as she saw world juniors was on air. she wasn’t sure if gabe was in the lineup. she wasn’t sure why she selected it, and she wasn’t sure when she started crying. she was only aware of it when tracey came in, and started panicking.
tracey let cam cry into her shoulder. she caught what was on the tv, and easily put together why the girl was so upset. tracey wasn’t aware of why they broke up, just that it happened. he continued to rub cam’s back until the younger girl pulled away.
“what’s the matter, babe?”
“i miss him,” cam whispered, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “but i shouldn’t. i should hate him.”
“why is that?”
“because,” she hesitated. “he used me. he used me to get to cale.”
“what?” tracey gasped. “what are you talking about, honey?”
“i overheard these two girls talking the day i left boston,” cam sighed. “this girl, raegan, has been trying to get with gabe for months. she was telling her friend that he… he was just using me to get to cale.”
“babe, i’m so sorry,” tracey sighed. she pulled cam into a tight hug. when she pulled away she asked, “did you talk to gabe about it?”
“not really,” cam adverted her gaze. “i just went to him and broke it off. i was so blind sided by what raegan had said and how it was everything cale was trying to protect me from that i didn’t really give him a chance to say anything.”
“cam, you have to talk to him,” tracey said slowly. “i know you don’t want to, and you probably just want to punch him in the nose, but it’s only fair. you made him hear you out, so you deserve to hear him out.”
“what if he doesn’t want to?”
“he will.”
both girls turn their head to see cale entering the room. he dropped his hockey bag on the ground and asked tracey to give him a second with his sister. tracey smiled softly at cam before making her way out of the room.
cam huffed and curled up into the corner of the couch, waiting for cale to say something. she stared blankly at the tv, which still aired the game. cale put it on mute, causing cam to look at him.
“how much of the conversation did you hear?”
“not much,” cale shrugged. “i knew more from gabe than i did from you.”
“remember the day you were mia? no one could get ahold of you because you were stress napping? after that, i made sure gabe had my number. i felt better knowing there was another way to reach you.”
“what does this have to do with anything?” cam whispered, feeling her heart start to race.
“ever since you left boston, he’s been trying to check up. make sure you’re okay,” cale reluctantly explained. “i refused to entertain it until he told me what happened. you don’t have to do anything, i would never force you but if you miss him this much, hear him out.”
“you’ve been talking to him?” cam’s voice was flat.
“uh, yeah?” cale answered. “sorry.”
“so what do i do?” cam groaned. “go to sweden with some big gesture?”
cale glared from the direction his fiancée shouted.
“do not go to sweden,” cale pleaded. “you’re an 18 year old girl who, no offense, cannot defend herself.”
“what if i brought someone?”
“if this someone’s name is valerie, the answer is still no,” cale shook his head, shrugging at the pair of flares he got, now that tracey had entered the room again. “look,” he patted his sister’s knee. “you have a phone. talk to him.”
cam nodded, watching as he stood up. “cale?” she stood up and pulled him into a hug. “thank you.”
“of course, cammy,” cale hummed. “you’re my baby sister, i’d do anything for you.”
cam pulled away. “anything?”
“i’m not convincing mom or dad to let you go to sweden.”
“fine,” cam huffed. “i’m gonna go call val, love you guys.”
she heard a chorus of love you’s as she made her way back to cale’s guest room.
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growling · 4 months
Your au reminds me of a pair of ocs I have. They're gonna teach Yomi how to properly arrest then eat people without getting caught/suspected of anything
Step number 1: fridge
sdfwadsfdjhfg Yomi's just gonna be forever clowned on for the carcass packed mancave incident isn't he… no one's never gonna let him live it down huh. "GUYS I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE IF I WAS BY ANY POINT NOTICED CARRYING SUSPICIOUSLY HUMAN-SHAPED BODY BAGS TO MY HOUSE AND A TEENAGER RECORDED IT AND UPLOADED IT TO TICTAC AND IT WENT VIRAL IT'D BE IN TROUBLE. NO I COULDN'T GET A PORTABLE FRIDGE TO THE DEN BECAUSE UH. THE SOCKET GOT BLOCKED BY SETH MEMORABILIA. SHUT UP!!! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH DON'T TELL ME YOU CAN DO BETTER" he scream cries, but there is nothing he can do anymore to salvage his reputation. He will be forever known as the Dumbass That Single Handedly Managed To Give All The Other Homunculi A Bad Name (via slaying so many connected people & sticking to a single location, literally dooming himself to get caught within a month, he also significantly sped up the process of the general public finding out homunculi are a thing. while this would be inevitable anyway no matter how yomi went about his meal prep it's very easy and fun to just blame that one guy you didn't like anyway for the Horrors that are about to befall your collective species or whatever.)
But yeah. Yomi sure does happen in the unnamed growling brand au. Also, concerning how both the homunculi and their human originals are in many cases both somewhat important (sometimes equally so, like in the case of Yakou Times 2), I've been thinking of alt names/nicknames/aliases/you name it for the homunculi. To. Differentiate somehow. Since Yakou & Yakou are for a large chunk of the story doing their epic switcheroos and engaging in acts of trickery Yakou doesn't yet need a diff name to tell him apart from Yakou, so in my mind it's just Yakou Furio & Yakou Tworio. Hmc Martina 100% needs one, and I mean I could just go the easy way and slap her back with the good old Suwaro/Swallow, but I also hc that to be her deadname which uhh sjdfdgufh we'll figure it out guys. Aide/Fake Zilch doesn't even have an actual name anyway and his human og gets fucking digested within the first week, so is Seth, so I might not even bother.......... now Yomi, or, "Yomi" is an important character here so he needs it. While human Yomi is dead from the very very early on, he is also referenced, spoken and thought about a very significant amount through a very long period, like, clone Yomi is fucking OBSESSED with his original, and not in a sexy way. Sooooooo,
(this will probably not be worded as well as I originally hoped because I'm still not all there for the past couple of days jsut bear with me)
Hmc Yomi is actually the only character so far that I'm like, actually somewhat sure on an alias, but he didn't pick it out himself, and moreso was thrust upon him by the media/Amaterasu mostly also around when the killings were still ongoing and the culprit was completely unknown (but it was pretty much agreed on that it was almost certainly a member of the company) but after it was made clear by the WDO it was most likely an escaped homunculus. Like, you get how those serial killers get these way too cool nicknames on the newspaper? Practically what happened to him, except his is slightly less dignified or straightforward it's just There
Still a subject to change but I've been thinking of making him (un)officially dubbed as Heartworm (a dangerous parasite species primarily affecting canids and other carnivores, residing in their lungs or, well, heart, causing serious damage to the tissues, arteries, potentially heart failure, and whatever the hell else.) for a long while. I.e. the public & Amaterasu essentially calling him a deadly parasite lodged in the corporation's heart that needs to be dealt with as fast as possible before he destroys it from the inside out. He fucking hates it ksdjfhgdsiwesdf but doesn't say anything for obvious reasons just stares motherfuckerly at everyone at the peacekeeper meeting when they're discussing this. Also getting nicknamed after a literal animal is fitting for him because all the homunculi are getting dehumanized to hell and back anyway he's not special in that regard you cannot pay an Amaterasu researcher enough to cease the it/its
I was initially hesistant on settling for this one though because heartworms notably aren't really as much of a concern for humans as they are for their natural hosts, that is dogs (and also cats, bears, ferrets, sea lions but more commonly dogs and other canids you know like they're the main host you get me). But then it came to me that the overwhelming majority of "Yomi's" victims were fellow peacekeepers, and it just so happens that in my language we derogatorily call cops "dogs" and... yeah so it just wrote itself lol lmao even woof woof bark bark. hmc Yomi voice I HATE humans they make me use a fridge and shout go Heartworm go
was tyat anything . also WALL OF TEXT BLAST HE LOREDUMPED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
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fenclip · 1 year
crown of insight au: Traveler's Role and more Crown lore
basically an AU of the Imposter AU which is an AU of the SAGAU (which also happens to be an AU where all the Genshin characters are self-aware, thanks guys)
i forgot that the "read more" line was a thing. tbf, i have not used tumblr for like uh... idk, 6 years? i binned my original blog on tumblr bc all my friends inevitably ended up being scattered by the wind like dandelions... so. uh. yeah. anyway, more info down below. mostly just my notes though, i'll try to keep it legible lol
feel free to ditch the in-depth lore if you ever get inspired by my nonsense :')
The Traveler's Role
"The Twin Stars of Fate" - i.e. Aether & Lumine
The Travelers are the First to see the Divine One - both 500 years ago (in Khaenri'ah) and in modern day (with the player, though that's complicated). Unlike the residents of Teyvat, they do not need a Crown of Insight to bestow them the power to see. [since they existed outside of Teyvat]
They are also known as the "Attendants" or the "Ringbearers", as they are the ones that can carry the Crowns on behalf of the Divine One. It is currently unknown how "Attendants" are chosen by the Divine One - still needs fleshing out.
The Abyss Twin was the original "Attendant" of the Divine One that appeared 500 years ago before the Cataclysm. They likely still have Crowns of Insight with them, but probably can't use them?? (idk, make shit up)
The Traveler (the player's character) is the current "Attendant" of the new Divine One that was set to arrive some time during this era... except their arrival (i.e. the player's Descension) was delayed due to Celestia's interference during the Cataclysm that k*lled their predecessor.
It is only thanks to a mechanism (unnamed) that allowed the player to interact with the Traveler without Celestia knowing of their influence. [i wish i played honkai impact, so i can draw inspo from there but oh well]. The player still needs to Descend but thanks to Celestia, it's gonna have to be done "manually" - idk make shit up
Crown of Insight Lore Notes
similar to Divine Knowledge capsules in function, but does not "corrupt" the user with Forbidden Knowledge - since it technically comes from "Teyvat", and not from outside the world.
imports the knowledge of the Divine One - allows the comprehension of the incomprehensible
however, the rarity of obtaining Crowns of Insight makes it difficult to inoculate the populace from the lies of Celestia
the gold blood of the Divine One can act as the catalyst (similar to the Crown of Insight, but possibly more strenuous?) to impart knowledge from the Divine One to a recipient.
Extra Notes (about other items):
Artifacts = "materia" of Teyvat. crystallisation of the world's memories by accessing leyline outcrops via domains.
Waypoints = pinpoints the intersections of the leylines, allowing for fast-travel across Teyvat. in places where more than two leylines intersect, these are where Statues of the Seven are placed.
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hmsharmony · 1 year
Late but for the Fic Files Ask Game! Let's hear more about the Definitely Maybe AU idea outline 👀
Okay this is a PeterMJ AU I've been writing in my head (and parts on paper) for almost half a year now. Because Peter Parker is, as Maya so lovingly put it in Definitely, Maybe, "the boy word for slut" (a slut. he is a slut. affectionately). But honestly, I just think, looking at it from the comics perspective (or at least the earlier ones, as I still make my way through them), that you have Gwen, who loves Peter but never learns he's Spider-Man; then you have Felicia, who know both identities but is arguably bored by Peter's civilian life; and then you have MJ, who knows and loves both. And while I think Peter/MJ is what should always be endgame, Peter clearly has loved other people, and those other relationships had an impact. So it would be fun to explore that, and what it's like loving someone who only knows/loves part of you, in the MCU version.
But this is, uh, kind of a big undertaking--one I'm honestly not sure I am equipped to take. But if I did, I would want to have a good part of it pre-written, because this is the sort of fic that really needs to be buttoned up plot-wise.
Anyway here's a scene from the first chapter that is very very rough:
[NOTE: Daughter is currently unnamed because naming her after May would mean May is dead--since in my head Peter is Jewish, and Ashkenazi at that--and I really don't want to kill off May thank you. What I do know is that her nickname is Bug, because her mom jokingly called her "her little bug" when she was pregnant to annoy Peter (because spiders are arachnids not insects). But it stuck. Also Peter and unnamed daughter's mother are divorced.]
"I want to hear the story about you and mommy."
All at once, Peter feels like he's been run over by a truck. "What?" he croaks.
"I wanna know how you met, and fell in love," she explains, excitement displacing her tears.
"You know how we--"
"Only parts of it! And Jemma, at school, she says most people date other people before they get married. And you were so old when you married mommy."
"We were 27," Peter says, vividly remembering how [_____] had lamented Peter's decision to end his bachelorhood early.
"Twenty-seven," she repeats, awed. Peter has to remind himself that to her, anyone over 13 feels like a full-blown adult. "You must have dated lots of people."
Peter feels a flush crawl up his neck. "I-- I wouldn't say lots," he says, which, well, is technically true, if you stick to the strict definition of dating.
"How many?"
"I'm not sure," he says evasively. He pulls at his shirt. Was it always this hot in her room?
"Daddy," she pleads, throwing out her bottom lip, and he's pretty sure she's figured out he can't say no when she pouts like that.
"I mean, if I had to guess, then there were three people that I was, um, really close to." He's not sure why he said three. He had only ever been in two serious relationships.
(That's a lie. He knows why he said three.)
"Including my mom?"
"Including her, yeah."
"So how did she end up being my mom?"
Panics begins to take root in his chest. Oh god, he's not ready to tell her about sex. Well, he is. He's read books, and he's discussed with her mom what they're going to tell her, but also he is very much not prepared to have a conversation that, if he fucks up, could--
"Why did you marry her?" she continues, cutting off Peter's internal monologue, and he sinks into her bed in relief.
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okay so (mostly for my own benefit/organization) heres some shit i have coming up:
- ttid chapter 28. ik what im doing and i have a few little parts written out already, but like 99% of the chapter still needs to be written. im hoping to finish that this week since i know whats going on with that and im used to writing that story in between classes and shit. hopefully it will be out this weekend, or early next week at the latest
-the last wish au (fucking FINALLY right?). i got pretty stuck with writers block for it for a WHILE, so i decided to just put it on the back-burner for a bit. recently, though, ive gotten all my thoughts and shit down in once place, and basically created a VERY detailed outline. bc its probably gonna be shorter than ttid (like. a handful of longer chapters most likely instead of ) im planning to write all/almost all of it over my spring break next week, so i can edit/post the chapters in the following weeks
-oneshots!! i have too fucking many oneshot ideas, most of which are supposed to be gifts for people :D i tend to work on oneshots when i need breaks fron longer projects, so they will most likely (hopefully) be worked on during break in between the last wish au and potential ttid shit. ideally id like to finish one or two, but we'll see how it goes bc it really depends on my flow for other projects
-this unnamed fucking fic that i literally just had the idea for in study hall :D uh yeah. i was struck with a Concept and i wrote two pages of notes abt it in study hall, and i would very much like to write this thing as soon as possible bc it feels like its gonna be either a short multi-chapter fic or a reeeeeeeally long oneshot that takes place primarily in the city, and ive never really written anything like that before and im very fucking excited by this idea and- yeah gdhdghd at the very least i wanna try and get a better idea of the plotline or ending or something over break. ive got no clue when the fuck this is gonna come out, but im excited by it and i wanna at least start working on it soon :D
if anyone has questions abt any of these projects, feel free to send me an ask bc i am very excited by all of them and knowing people are interested will definitely help my motivation lmao
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starkcanvas · 2 years
I have an idea for another AU and it has lots of fluff and angst.
Child Abuse CW:
Basically In this AU, the argument on the stairs never happens between Sunny and Mari, but it still happens.
So their 'dad' is watching them practice that night, and when he notices Sunny continuously making a mistake he decides to 'persuade' him to not mess up. He orders Mari to stay there while he talks to Sunny.
She does until she hears a cry of pain and rushes out, seeing Sunny on the floor at the top of the staircase, she rushes up and finds him whimpering holding his stomach in pain. Seeing this she gets pissed and starts yelling at their 'dad' until he hears enough and slaps her hard enough that it disorients her and she loses her footing, falling down.
The 'dad' not wanting to get in trouble sends Sunny to his room and threatens him not to talk about what he saw. He then decides to frame it as a suicide and heads out.
Sunny finally heads out early in the morning to see if Mari's ok and after searching for a while finally finds her. Not comprehending that she's dead he freaks out and freezes, his Mom finds him standing there, staring, hours later.
Things go similarly to Canon at this point with a couple of big exceptions.
The first is Basil. He didn't see anything and knew as much as everyone else, so he's still depressed from losing two of his friends, one permanently, one temporarily. And because Sunny never left the house after the incident, minus the funeral, he never had a chance, nor a reason to black out the album.
Because Basil doesn't have the guilt of his actions weighing on him he actually tries to hold the group together, but Kel drifts because of Hero. He does however stay friends with Aubrey.
The other major change is the dream world, as well as its guardian Omori.
Whitespace and backspace are merged in a sense, because Sunny doesn't want to forget, but he can't move on and can't grieve.
And Omori is his own person, instead of an avatar, guardian, and window into Sunny's true thoughts.
Think of it as a case of MPD (Multiple Personalities Disorder).
But he's also Sunny's Friend, he tries to protect him, care for him, and make him happy, similarly to how Mari would. They also work together to create Headspace and the adventures with all their friends.
Sometimes Omori is able to take control of their body and forces Sunny to clean up and eat, this usually happens when he's weaker due to the lack of care. He's never able to go outside though.
That is until about 4 years later, some old friends knock on his door.
Uh yeah! If you want to hear more of this currently unnamed AU, just lemme know, ok?
Ugh I’m conflicted because sometimes angst can be so good but depending on what characters it’s effecting and just what the angst it, it hits very deeply on a personal level for me. Especially any AU where Mari still dies just due to me loosing my own sister so it’s a lot more personal ;w;
...Gonna have to get back to you on if I want more and make myself a sobbing mess 👀
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moonlit-flowerfield · 2 years
I made a RWBY AU a while back and now I'm back on my RWBY bend because beautiful art and stuff for it.
So enjoy me sharing the Bs stuff I made for it. Including art made from a basic body base for making clothing adopts and things like that. :D
I will prewarn, RWBY RP Twitter thought it was a p cool story so who knows how it works here.
CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, talk about death, not exactly graphic but death specifications, and a lot of kinda dark things.
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When Yang was young, she lost her arm to a random criminal who broke into their house while protecting Ruby. That was strike 1. Strike 2 what's when Summer died. The last straw was when she learned that Raven was still alive, but had abandoned her and Tai.
This all made for a terribly horrid child. She would lash out, bully, and harm others. She got grounded at about age 12 for almost stabbing Ruby.
Yang ran away that night, leaving her "family" behind. She didn't need them. She just needed to become stronger. Family was just a weakness.
About a year later, she met Cinder, who had just been found by Salem, and they became good friends. Cinder would train with Yang and help her with controling her emotional outbursts.
Around the time that Ruby meets Roman, Yang is hanging with Neo when Raven comes to visit. Raven tries to persuade Yang to give up the life of crime and villainy while Neo was out of the room. Yang, unamused, didn't allow herself to "fall" for Raven's words.
With Raven distracted, Neo snuck in and stabbed Yang's mother, before handing over the blade to Yang.
"Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you," Yang asked her mother.
"Because you can't control the power I possess," Raven replied.
"All the more reason to kill you," Yang spat back, before decapitating her mother, gaining the Spring maiden powers.
Cinder learned about this, and took her to Salem, who immediately agreed for the two to become her maiden power bearers.
Meanwhile, RWBY without the y has a non named y character. Seasons 1-2 kind of run the same, but with the unnamed y character taking Yang's place. Around the time Qrow shows his face, Yang, Cinder, Merc and Em are all getting ready for the Vytal Fest.
Fast forward to the fall of Beacon. Ruby uses her silver eye power, and is just about to faint when Cinder calls for Yang. Yang went to Cinder and helped her, glaring at Ruby. "This is why family doesn't work. They get in your way," was all Yang said before Ruby fainted.
The only difference between seasons 4-6 is that Ruby now knows Yang exists and Qrow is ready to fight her, knowing that she killed his sister.
Then comes Atlas, where she pretends to be a "good guy" to sneak into the Army and get the lamp. It ultimately fails because Cinder and Neo show up, but she doesn't care. They were more family than Ruby, Qrow and Tai were.
She misses the chance to get the Winter maiden's power for either herself or Cinder.
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I kinda only have that and I made it for an event thing so uh... Anyway.. here's the art and this is the link for the base.
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It also has her basic info.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Alliance: Salem
Weapon Name: Golden Fire
Height: 5'8 (1.73 meters)
Weight: 135 lbs (61.25 kg)
Semblance: Burn
Honestly, it's not much. This was the icon I made for the thing.
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I made that then the full body thing. Eh. I'm working on things.
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Anyway, it's cool, I guess. Might write things about it. What do you guess think? Lemme know. Yeah. Anyway. Bye!
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jellyfishxxi · 2 years
The Day We Brought Her Home (Baby!Freelancer AU) Part 1
Summary: Male!Darlin' and Sam save Female!Baby!Freelancer from being kidnapped and decided to raise her. Shenanigans ensue.
Tagging @ddaannee because they helped me co-write this AU and @themonotonysyndromefanpage because they requested to be tagged
Content warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, woman wanting to strangle baby freelancer tooth rotting fluff
Characters: Sam Collins, Male!Darlin', Unnamed woman, unnamed man Female!Baby! Freelancer/Aria Collins
A truck drove down the road between Los Angeles and Dahlia. Inside rested a wolf-shifter and his mate, a southern vampire. The truck’s radio was playing a song that Darlin’ had selected. Darlin’ was tapping one of his hands against the side of his truck as the music played.
“We’re makin’ good time. We should be back by 11, at the latest.” Sam spoke up.
Darlin’ nodded in response, his eyes trained on the road in front of him. The trip was mostly silent for another five minutes before Sam spoke up again.
“There’s a car on the side of the road.”
Darlin’ looked over and lo and behold, there was a car on the side of the road.
“Looks like they’ve got a flat tyre. And that woman next to the car, she’s got a crying baby.”
Darlin’ pulled over, getting out.
“Stay here, I'll go help them.” Darlin spoke, walking out.
He stopped when he was near enough to hear them however, as he heard the woman speaking.
“Ugh, why won’t this stupid brat stop crying?!”
She yelled, making the baby wail louder.
“The little freak probably wants her mom.” A man next to her spoke.
“Who cares, if she doesn’t shut up, I'm going to strangle her!”
Darlin’s eyes widened. He knew he had to get that baby away from her, and fast. He walked over to the pair, masking his fury under a facade of kindness.
“Hey, I noticed you guys have a flat tyre. Can I help? I can take the baby for you while you change it.” Darlin’ offered.
The woman looked at the man, before shoving the crying baby into his arms. Darlin’ softly rocked her, humming. The baby’s cries slowly turned into whimpers.
“So, what’s her name?”
The woman hesitated in replying.
Darlin' didn’t buy that for a second. When both the man and the woman were distracted looking for a spare tyre, Darlin’ didn’t hesitate and ran back to his truck, the baby girl still in his arms. He handed the girl to Sam and turned back to the steering wheel, starting his car and driving off.
“Uh... Darlin’?”
Darlin’ kept driving, faster than he was before. When he was sure the people from the car wouldn’t see them in the distance, he slowed down.
“Yeah?” He asked, running a hand through his thick and messy hair.
“Can I get an explanation, please? Why did you just drive off? Weren't you helpin’ them? And why do you have this woman's baby?”
Darlin’ sighed.
“I overheard them talking. They were talking about strangling her if she didn’t stop crying. My instincts were raging, God Sam, I couldn’t just leave her there!” he shouted.
Sam looked at him, placing a hand on his husband's shoulder.
“Calm down, Darlin’.” Darlin’ nodded.
“Right. Well, when I got a good look at her, I saw that she looked nothing like the baby. Doubled with the fact that she said she would strangle her if she didn’t stop crying... I think that woman kidnapped her.” Darlin’ spoke.
“But then... aren’t we doin’ the same thing? We should take her back to her parents.” Darlin’ shook his head.
“We don’t know where they live. She could live in the next city over or her parents might live in another country, and they have already left.”
Sam sighed, knowing Darlin’ had a point.
“Ok, but what about the department? They could take her in.”
Darlin’s grip tightened as his face shifted into an angry scowl.
“No way in hell are we giving her to them.”
Sam nodded, remembering that Darlin’ had a bad history with the Department.
“So... are we keepin’ her?” Sam asked. Darlin’ looked at him.
“Do you want to? I wouldn’t push you onto anything you don’t want to. We can always give her to David and his mate or Vincent and Lovely. I just... I just want her to be safe, Sam. If we or anyone else we know and trust raises her, then she will be.”
Sam looked down at the baby girl in his arms, who had drifted off to sleep. He smiled to himself and turned back to Darlin’.
“Yeah, I want to raise her as ours. I want to raise her with you, Darlin’.” Darlin’ smiled, tears dotting his eyes.
“Damnit Sam, you’re making me tear up.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Once Sam and Darlin’ pulled into the driveway of their home, Sam got out with the baby.
“I’m gonna try and get some stuff for her. Clothes, diapers, you know. We can get more tomorrow, it’s just the essentials right now.” Sam nodded.
“I’ll try and think of a name while you’re out. Make sure not to forget baby formula.” Darlin’ nodded and drove off.
Sam went inside with the baby, turning the lights on.
“Right then, we need somethin’ to call you.” He spoke, sitting down on the couch.
He hummed to himself. “Anna? No, you don’t look like an Anna.”
The baby slowly opened her eyes, revealing them to be a brilliant golden yellow.
“Maybe Sunny, to match your eyes?” Sam shook his head.
“Nah, too obvious.” He hummed in thought as the baby giggled.
“Your giggles sound like music so... maybe something to do with music?” He tapped his stubbly chin in thought.
“Melody? No, that’s the first thing you’d think of. Sonata? People wouldn’t get that.” He mused.
“Carol? That sounds like an old lady's name. Oh, how about Aria?”
The baby giggled and clapped.
“You like that, little one? Well, alright then. Nice to meet you, Aria Collins.”
Aria cooed, clutching Sam’s shirt in her little hands. Sam laughed to himself, staring down at the baby with love in his steel grey eyes. The door opened, and Darlin’ walked in with two full bags of baby items.
“Yeesh, I thought you were just getting the essentials.” Sam joked.
“I did. This is diapers, clothes, baby powder, formular, a bottle and a baby blanket.” Darlin’ spoke, placing the bags on the floor.
“Anyways, does our little pup have a name?” Darlin’ sat next to Sam.
“Well, I thought to myself that her giggles kind of sounded like music. So, I thought about calling her something music related.” Sam spoke, causing Darlin’ to nod.
“So, let me introduce you to Aria Collins.” He spoke, handing her to Darlin’.
“Aria Collins, eh?” Darlin’ spoke, cradling his daughter’s head in his arms.
He smiled as Aria took his thumb in her hands.
The next morning, the three of them awoke on the couch. Aria was laying in Darlin’s arms, who was laying against Sam’s chest. Sam had an arm wrapped around both Darlin’ and Aria, assuring they wouldn’t fall off in the middle of the night.
“It’s perfect. She's our perfect little songbird.” He hummed, cuddling into Sam.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Darlin’s eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shone into the room. He looked down at Aria, seeing her sleeping form and smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. He looked up at Sam, seeing the vampire, his vampire, slowly opening his steel-colored eyes.
“Mornin’, Darlin’.” Sam’s morning voice sent a shiver down Darlin’s spine.
A shiver he always liked feeling.
“Morning, cowboy.” Darlin’s accent was usually even more prevalent than normal in the mornings. Sam always loved to hear it. In his arms, Aria began to squirm and whine, wanting to get out of Darlin’s grip. Darlin’ looked down at her, loosening his grip just enough that Aria could move around.
Aria yawned, stretching her arms up. Darlin’ smiled down at her, watching as the golden eyes she possessed stared up at him with curiosity swirling around. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before handing her to Sam.
“I’ll go get us some breakfast. Any requests?” Sam shook his head.
“Just toast is fine.” Darlin’ nodded.
“Alright. Two slices of toast and one bottle.” Darlin’ spoke.
He walked towards the bags he had brought last night and dug through them until he pulled out the bottle and baby formula. He walked into the kitchen to get started on the morning meal, stretching his arms.
Sam moved Aria to lay on his chest, watching as the little girl grabbed a fistful of his shirt, mushing up the fabric in her tiny baby hands. Darlin’ returned a few minutes later, with a plate of toast in one hand and a bottle in the other.
“Alright, food’s here. Can you take the plate so I can feed her?” Darlin’ asked.
Sam took the plate of toast and moved Aria into Darlin’s arms. Aria looked up at him, almost like she was wondering what was happening.
“Alright, Sweetie. Do you want a bottle?” Aria’s stomach grumbled and her face began to scrunch up, like she was about to cry.
“Oh, don’t cry sweetie. Daddy has your bottle, right here.” Darlin’ spoke softly, placing the bottle in Aria’s mouth. He smiled as the scrunching disappeared as she drank the milk.
“There we go. Drink up, baby girl.” Darlin’ cooed softly.
Once Aria had finished, Darlin’ held her over his shoulder and burped her, before placing her down back in his arms.
“Alright. She's all fed.” Darlin’ spoke, grabbing a slice of toast.
He was chewing when Sam suddenly spoke up.
“Do you know when the next pack and clan meetings are?” He asked.
Darlin’ pulled up his phone calendar and looked through it.
“There’s a pack meeting tomorrow, and a clan meeting the day after.” He looked at Sam.
“Are we goin’ to introduce her then?” Sam asked.
Darlin' tapped his chin in thought. It would be easier to introduce her to both the pack and the clan during the respective meetings for each group, as she could meet everyone without any worry of staying too long at one person's home.
“Yeah, it’d be easier after all.” Darlin’ eventually said.
“But for today, I think we should just spend time with her, let her get used to us and all that.” Sam nodded.
“That being said, can you get the extra baby stuff? I think it’s my turn to bond with Aria.” Darlin’ asked.
“Yeah, I think I owe you for makin’ you do it last night anyway.” Sam replied, standing up.
“Do you want me to text you what to get?” Sam shook his head.
“I should be fine. It's just a few extra clothes and toys and stuff, right?” Darlin’ nodded.
“Then I'll see the both of you soon.” Sam spoke, leaning down to kiss Aria on the forehead before he gave one to Darlin’.
Sam left after that, leaving Darlin’ alone with their daughter. He laid back against the couch, holding Aria on his chest. Aria looked up into Darlin’s eyes and cooed, reaching up for his face. However, her stubby baby arms would only reach his chin.
“Oh? You wanna see my eyes, baby girl?” Darlin’ asked, holding Aria up at eye-level.
Aria giggled and pressed her hands to Darlin’s face. Darlin’ smiled and moved her closer, blowing a raspberry into her stomach, causing Aria to laugh as she batted her arms at her father’s face.
“Hey, don’t hit me!” Darlin’ laughed, placing Aria back on his chest.
“You’re so precious...” He whispered, softly stroking Aria’s head.
“Just like a little jewel. Our little jewel.” Darlin’ smiled, kissing Aria’s forehead.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
A few hours had gone by. Sam came home at 10 am, at which Darlin’ gave Aria a bath and put her down in his and Sam’s room for a nap. Now, the couple was relaxing on the couch.
“When do you go back to work?” Sam asked.
“Next Monday, I believe. What about you?” Darlin’ asked.
“Next Friday. I can watch her till then.” Sam replied.
“After that, we’ll have to get a babysitter.” Darlin’ hummed in thought.
“We could ask William on Saturday?” He eventually asked.
“You don’t think he’ll spoil her too much?” Sam replied.
“Well of course he’s going to spoil her, he already spoils his progeny. He'd probably buy her a tiny island if she asked for it. Hell, they’d all spoil her.” Darlin’ spoke.
“Especially David and Asher’s mates. They're both rich, after all.” Sam spoke.
“True. Maybe we could ask David then?” Darlin’ suggested.
“Let’s just wait and see. We could ask for their help getting' the nursery ready.” Sam suggested.
Darlin’ nodded, leaning his head on Sam’s chest.
“We’ll figure it out tomorrow. For now, let’s just relax until Aria needs us.” Darlin’ hummed, his eyes slowly drooping.
Sam smiled, wrapping his arms around Darlin’ and running his fingers through Darlin’s soft hair.
“I’m glad we came back from LA when we did. We wouldn’t have met Aria otherwise.” Darlin’ spoke, his voice teetering on the edges of sleep.
“Me too. Isn’t it ironic? We went to Los Angeles to find a child, and we ended up findin’ the perfect little girl for us on the way back. I’m glad you saved her, Darlin’.”
Darlin’ mumbled something as his eyes closed. Sam smiled, pressing a kiss to his husband's forehead and repositioned himself so that he was laying down as well. He kicked the blanket that they had used the previous night up, allowing it to cover the two of them as he drifted off to sleep as well.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
2 hours had passed. Sam was sitting on the living room floor with Aria in his lap, playing with one of her new toys. Darlin’ was in the kitchen, making the three of them lunch.
“She really likes the teddy bear.” Sam called out.
Darlin’ laughed to himself. “Of course, she does, love. She's 5 months old.” He spoke, poking his head out.
Sam laughed as he picked Aria up. “Yeah.” he spoke.
Aria reached her arms up and pressed two of her fingers into Sam’s mouth, giggling. Darlin’ came into the room with plates in one hand and a bottle in the other, setting them down next to Sam, he took Aria into his arms.
“Looks like someone’s having fun.” He joked, picking up the bottle and placing it in Aria’s mouth.
“You know, we should start buying baby foods soon. She's coming close to that age.” Sam spoke, picking up his lunch.
Darlin’ nodded in response, moving to burp Aria as soon as she was done.
“Yeah. Which means we’ll need a highchair and a bib.” Darlin’ spoke, Putting Aria down in his lap and picking up his own lunch.
“I could take David’s mate to find one. He does have one of the best eyes for design I've ever seen.” Darlin’ suggested, his mouth full.”
“Fair enough. And don’t chew with your mouth full, it’s gross, you dork.” Sam spoke, causing Darlin’ to laugh.
"Aww, does this annoy you?" Darlin' asked, his mouth full. Sam laughed.
"Darlin', that's disgustin'." He spoke. Darlin' laughed after swallowing.
"Alright, I give. What are we doing for dinner?" Darlin' asked.
"I could cook somethin'. Steak maybe?" Sam suggested.
"You know I love your cooking, so I don't care. But steak sounds good." Darlin' took another bite.
"Steak it is." Sam spoke, pulling Aria over and tickling her.
"Her giggles really are like music." Darlin' spoke.
"Yeah. They are." Sam smiled.
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
that scene in sunday in which john asks ronon if he’s dating anyone and ronon goes “like a woman?” and john’s like “or a man!” while doing a barely passing approximation of casual lives in my head rent free for many reasons, but the nice furnished mental room it’s occupying also has an au chaos version hidden in the walls in which ronon then goes “no. i wouldn’t call what mckay and i are doing dating” and the BOOM that rings out across atlantis shortly after is probably john’s head exploding.
(there are MANY directions this could subsequently go from actual ronon/rodney to ot3 to ronon mercilessly trolling john, the last of which feels fitting because i do believe ronon as a matchmaker would 100% plausibly go ‘btw i’m having sex with that guy you want’ and expect things to work themselves out from there. doesn’t even have to be true, of course, the point is just to stir the pot a little, which would work too, because it’d be like,
john when he next runs into rodney: so i hear you’ve uh. you've been spending... more time. with ronon.
rodney, utterly clueless: oh? [thinks about one lunch last week spent at the same table while he worked and ronon was silent] hm. i guess?
john: nOT that there’s anything wrong with that of course! you’re not even military. [pulls ten different emotionally tortured faces at once] you can.... hang out.... with whoever you want.
rodney, ignoring that john’s a little weird because john is often a little weird and rodney has better things to do (none of which are, in fact, ronon): oh, hey, speaking of! i finally got radek to loan me his star wars dvds. do you want to come over tonight?
john, hearing “speaking of” and “come over tonight” and still operating with a context that really makes that sound like rodney is casually suggesting a sex date, experiencing shock and unnamed other emotions: ........... yeah, okay. if that’s, you know. if that's cool with ronon.
rodney: oh. you think we should invite him to join us?
john: [sweats] )
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Invisible Hand Chaos AU x 2
Star Wars Time Travel AU #31
Continuation from HERE
Anakin whirled to face his Master, “Did you know Yoda had a baby?” he asked incredulous and slightly betrayed.
“What? No. Also he could just be another of Yoda’s species. Obviously.” Internally Obi-Wan thought about the still unnamed larva in a hidden aquatic creche, but the Mandalorian’s associate even called him Baby Yoda...
“Unbelievable,” Dooku muttered. “That little green hypocrite.”
“Did you know about this?” Anakin asked the Sith Lord, temporarily forgetting about the fight in favor of the revelation that Yoda might also have a secret family.
“Of course not, the troll never tells anyone anything,” Dooku ranted, deliberately setting aside the fight in favor of unloading decades of suppressed irritation with his former Master.
“I feel we might be jumping to conclusions here-” Obi-Wan offered weakly. 
Anakin scoffed. “He literally just called him Baby Yoda,”
“Loathe as I am to admit it, your apprentice is correct. It would seem the Grandmaster of the order has been keeping some secrets.”
“This is absurd!” Obi-Wan protested as the small child on the balcony above tilted his head curiously, watching the conversation below with interest from the safety of his Buir’s arms. 
“I agree.” Anakin said self-righteously. “If Yoda can have a baby then- then everyone in the order should be allowed a family.”
“Anakin, as interesting is this all is, I’m still in somewhat of a bind over here,” the Chancellor called across the hall, irritated and somewhat alarmed by the sudden outbreak of peace in the room.
“We’ll be right with you Chancellor, don’t worry!” Obi-Wan called back. 
“We just need a minute to figure some Jedi business out!” Anakin added. 
“You there- Mandalorian” Dooku called up sharply. 
“...Yeah?” the Besker-clad warrior answered uncertainly.
“What is the parentage of the child in your arms? How did you come to possess him?” The count's question cut through everything else in the room, and the two Jedi held their breath as they waited for the answer.
The Mandalorian pulled Grogu in closer, “He is a foundling. I know his name as my child.”
“Mandalorians,” Obi-Wan and Dooku muttered, Obi-Wan fondly, Dooku with exasperation.
“What?” Anakin asked bewildered.
“The Mandalorian adopted him- hold on a second, I’m going to try something.” Obi-Wan said.
“Mando! Forgive me- Have you already attempted to return your foundling to his people and been denied? If not, we can show you where to find an elder of his kind.”
The Mandalorian stiffened. “I already found one of his people. It took a great deal of time; neither of us knew there were any others left in the galaxy. By the time I met Luke...the child was mine and we would not be parted long. The three of us began traveling together. He acted as mentor to Grogu, though he is too young to be considered the boy’s senior. In time...we decided it would be simpler to raise him as a warrior together. We are one.”
“Oh. How wonderful.” Obi-Wan said weakly. 
Anakin’s brow furrowed furiously and he lowered his voice “Master did I get that right? This guy is really good friend’s with one of Yoda’s people but the friend is not the Child’s biological father and they don’t know anyone else from the species?”
“He actually said he was married to one of one of Yoda’s people but other than that your conclusions are correct. Very good Padawan.” Obi-Wan nodded, attempting to wrap his head around the various implications.
Dooku made a triumphant hum, “Then, by simple inductive reasoning, and in the absence of an alternative candidate, we can assume that the Child is, in-fact, Yoda’s offspring.”
“Exactly!” Anakin agreed with Dooku excitedly. 
“Interesting that he would give the spawn to a Mandalorian, rather than the creche. Embarrassment, perhaps.” the Count mused. 
“Unbelievable.” Anakin agreed indignantly. 
“Ok, now hold on. Foundling is pretty literal most of the time-” Obi-Wan interrupted. “Mando- was the child entrusted to you or did was there a rescuing involved?”
“...I was assigned to find him as part of a bounty, but found the imps who I was supposed to give him to...unpleasant.”
“Imps?” Anakin asked. 
“There you go!” Obi-Wan said, with just a tinge of hysteria. “Yoda didn’t abandon the child- not that it necessarily is Yoda’s child- he was kidnapped.”
Anakin gasped, “Master! We have to save him!”
“Hold on now, Anakin- He seems perfectly safe at this point and we were here for the Chancellor remember?”
“You won’t be leaving here with the Chancellor or the child.” Dooku sneered. “I can sense the force potential- and I am in want of a new apprentice.”
“Over my dead body,” Anakin snarled.
“That can be arranged.”
“Hey Luke-” the Mandalorian said into the comm as the three swordsman began circling one another “-it looks like two of the Jedi are attacking the other- do you want me to get involved?”
“...Din, by any chance, are any of the laser swords red?”
“Yeah, the fanciest dressed one has a red lightsaber, the other guys are blue. Does it matter?”
“...Red lightsaber means not Jedi. I- hold on, I think I see you!”
The three combatants jumped apart again, looking up at the slight comm echo to the sound of footsteps and the absolutely blinding force presence of the approaching Jedi. 
Had he never learned shielding? Obi-Wan thought hysterically. “Or was he just so powerful that he never bothered restraining himself?”
He tried to exchange a glance with Anakin, but his padawan was too focused on straining to see the incoming Master force user of some kind- light, but not necessarily Jedi. He instead looked over at Dooku, shrugging in confusion. Dooku grimaced back at him in solidarity.
The being finally entered. He was- significantly taller and less green than Obi-Wan was expecting, but still probably shorter than anyone else in the room.
“Din- are you two alright?” The soft-faced man asked in a remarkably gently voice, appearance somewhat at odds with the overbearing power he exuded.
“We’re fine, Luke but look! More Jedi!” He gestured below. 
Luke peered over the balcony, eyes growing wide as they passed over the faces of everyone below. “hoLY KRIFF!” He shouted.
The ship shuddered and Obi-Wan glanced nervously out the view ports, suddenly remembered that the damaged ship only had so long before it fell out of orbit.
“Do you know them?” Din asked. 
“Do I- for fuck’s sake Din, I love you but I have literally shown you holopics of my father before.” Luke whispered furiously. The room unfortunately was utterly quiet and remarkably acoustic, meaning his words carried easily to the listeners below.
“FATHER!” Anakin yelled, causing Luke to wince, slapping a gloved hand to his face.
“FATHER!” He repeated loudly, head ping-ponging between Obi-Wan and Dooku as if trying to find a resemblance, before gasping to stare at the Chancellor, before gasping again to squint at Obi-Wan. 
“DOES EVERYONE HAVE A SECRET FAMILY!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“Oh for force sake- I do not have a secret son. Honestly, Anakin, he’s clearly in his 20s, be reasonable. His birth would however fit into the timeline of Dooku’s withdraw from the order.” Obi-Wan said, raising a brow.
Dooku puffed out his chest, “I did not fail to meet the Code, like so many of the pathetic masses. Before I left the Order I followed the rules precisely. When my disagreements grew too great, and my attempt for structured reform were repeatedly rejected, I left for ethical reasons, not personal ones. I looked at the code and decided it was failing the Jedi.”
He smirked and lifted his chin at the chancellor, who was watching the proceedings with an inscrutable expression, “My, my Chancellor, this is an interesting surprise.”
Anakin rolled his eyes. “We’re not idiots, Dooku. Obviously the boy’s parents were force sensitive, look at him.” 
Dooku’s smirk grew wider.
“This is absurd! Again!” Obi-Wan threw up his arms and lifted his head to address the dark-robed young human, “Hello there, Luke, was it?” 
“Uh, yes. I’m Luke.” The powerhouse responded nervously. 
“My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi-”
“Yes, I know who you are.” Luke responded drily.
Anakin gasped. 
“He is not my son.” Obi-Wan muttered.
“I’m not Obi-Wan’s son.” Luke called down cheerfully.
“Oh.” Anakin slouched, oddly disappointed. He liked this guy for some reason, felt- connected to him. Maybe it was the dark robes, or the force signature that nearly rivaled his own (though it was somewhat lighter), or even the gloved hand that he suspected was mechanical. If he was Obi-Wan’s son than that would make him practically his brother! The Chancellor might be neat but Dooku...ugh.
“Would you be so kind as to tell us whose son you are? I realize its none of my business but you’ve peaked our curiosity. And then afterwards, regardless of your parentage, we would not mind help in rescuing the Chancellor of the Republic from this slowly crashing ship.”
“Right. Right.” Luke nodded. “Would you give me a second?”
He pressed his head to the side of Din’s helmet and started whispering rapidly, to quiet for anyone else to hear. 
The group below exchanged glances, beginning to tense up again. After a few seconds, the Mandalorian nodded and spoke, “Let’s do it. I trust your judgement.” Luke grinned and returned to the edge of the balcony. 
“Ok, I can help with the first, but not the second.”
“Perfectly understandable.” Obi-Wan replied.
Anakin bristled. “So Dooku is your father.”
Luke smiled at Anakin. “No. You are my father.”
Anakin blinked as Obi-Wan’s face twisted in confusion. “No...” he said slowly. “No, that’s not true. That’s impossible.”
Luke’s smile grew wider, “Search your feelings,” he said urgently, with the full weight of his force presence screaming honesty with every word, “You know it to be true.”
Anakin gasped as he reached out into the force to find...his son. Impossible, but true. The ground trembled, either with the immensity of the realization, or catastrophic engine failure.
“No.” Obi-Wan said clearly to Luke on the balcony.
“No.” He repeated firmly, snapping a finger in Anakin’s face to try and break him out of the trance he seemed to be in. “It’s not true.” He said to the room in general, incredulous it even needed to be said.
Dooku began slowly backing away. The confrontation was rapidly spinning out of his or his Master’s control; he had only stayed this long to indulge vain curiosity. Regardless if the boy was insane, lying, or a time-traveler, he was clearly powerful. The ship’s orbit was gradually decaying and with any luck he could use his dead man’s switch to speed up the crash as he departed, neatly killing everyone who could stand against him in one stroke.
“Anakin,” the lunatic on the balcony continued, “You can destroy the emperor. He has forseen this. It is your destiny! Join me, and together-”
Din cleared his throat.
Luke stopped and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry! Sorry. Got a little...carried away there.” He coughed awkwardly into his fist.
“Anyway- yeah. I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m from the future, I guess we... time-traveled accidentally somehow? I uh- was kind-of quoting something you said to me once and you kept going along with it and... yeah, definitely got carried away. Sorry, I really don’t know how we got here but, weird stuff happens around me- one time I was on Yavin IV and these ghosts started- anyway. Long story. Surprise!”
Obi-Wan took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ok...I might believe you’re Anakin’s son.”
Dooku had nearly reached a side door when his treacherous Master called out- “Anakin! Master Kenobi! Dooku- he’s getting away.”
Skywalker’s- Anakin Skywalker’s- attention snapped over to the Count and with a outstretched arm, he crumpled the steel door, throwing a beam across it for good measure. The ship moaned alarmingly and several more red lights began blinking at the navigation panel, unnoticed by anyone.
“Luke- son- I don’t know what Emperor you’re talking about, but help us defeat Count Dooku and save Chancellor Palpatine! After that- after that I’m happy to, um, join you? And meet your... husband? And padawan? Sorry, we were kind-of in the middle of something...” 
“Wow. Ok. I’m not sure if-” Luke started to respond before being interrupted by the Mandalorian.
“Wait, Dooku! I know that name!” Din said suddenly. “The covert hated him! He was the evil Sif Emperor you defeated, right?”
“...Sith Emperor. Din, darling and light of my life, as always, your grasp of history and recent current events never fails to amaze me.” Luke sighed.
“You must stop him, before he becomes Emperor,” Palpatine shouted desperately. 
Luke sighed again, more heavily. “Fine. FINE! Kriff the timeline, I didn’t ask to be born anyway. Din- go help capture...Emperor Dooku. Grogu- Pod. I’ll go- free the Chancellor.” The floor beneath them gave a lurch. “Before this ship breaks apart. Go!” 
Luke and Din jumped off the balcony as a shiny metal pod with a transparisteel view screen closed around Grogu, hovering between them, well off easy reach of the ground.
Din landed between Obi-Wan and Anakin, helmet turning to face each of them in turn, “...I’ll follow your lead.” He finally said, arming his weapons.
Obi-Wan grinned fiercely, “Excellent, Anakin, stay with me.”
“I was just about to say the same thing.”
“Mando, you- Is that the DARKSABER- ARE Yoouu- ugh you know what, I will ask after the fight. I will ask after the fight. How did the Mand'alor- NEVERMIND. Let’s just- FORCE I have so many questions-” 
“No time, Master!”
And the battle began. 
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stormyoceansmain · 3 years
Have you read any 911 fics? If so, 5 top fics?
i did start to go through the buddie tag on AO3, but tbh it's been a very slow process and i haven't read that many fics yet, so it kinda feels unfair to make a top 5 for them when there are still so many i haven't even get the chance to explore ;;;;;;;;; i don't want to leave this unanswered though, especially since you were so kind to ask, so how about i do.. top 5 fics i saved in my 'marked for later' section that im most excited to read? i hope it's okay anyway!!
1) ripples all the way down
With some coercion, Buck allows Maddie to set him up on a date. Surprisingly, the date goes well — and it keeps his mind off the unnamable feelings he’s been studiously ignoring for his best friend.
Until Christopher’s science report on gentoo penguins — no, seriously — sets off a series of events that has him somehow spending more time at the Diazes’ side, and he feels like he’s going just a little bit insane trying to juggle a burgeoning relationship, his jealousy over Eddie’s own new relationship with Ana, and his inability to move on from the place that’s been his for three years in the Diazes’ lives.
Oh, and Eddie keeps looking at him like he has something to say — except he never says it.
This is the tumultuous road to finding out what Buck truly wants, paved by pebbles.
or; christopher partakes in some parent trapping
2) at the end of the day we’re helpless (can you keep me close?)
The thing about Eddie was that he was smarter than most people gave him credit for. And yes, maybe feelings weren't his strongest suit, but he had to be blind not to realize his own for his best friend. It was old news, really.
or Eddie is aware that he's in love with Buck. He is just trying to be a good friend and, well, if that includes telling him how much he is loved and appreciated? He can be cool about it.
3) standing on the brink of emptiness
In which Eddie is struggling in the aftermath of being shot, learning how to take care of himself and realising he's in love with Buck; and Buck is dating Taylor, taking care of Eddie and Christopher and trying to figure out why he's so goddamn confused about everything.
4) Don't Take the Money
“You know, being stuck here isn’t actually the end of the world,” Chimney says, coming up to the table and picking up one of the smoke detectors. “It just feels like it, Buck. Trust me, I know.” “I’m pretty sure it might actually be the end of the world,” Buck says. “Considering this is the sixth time I’ve lived this day.” Chimney stares at him for a beat and then his eyebrows lift. “Wait, are you like – dude, are you in Groundhog Day?”
The post-lawsuit time-loop AU literally no one asked for.
5) i want your midnights
Eddie grins. “Yeah I get that. So can I ask why you applied for the room? No offence but you’re not exactly the kind of candidate I expected.”
Buck laughs, ducking his head. That’s probably true.
“I, uh, I’ve been staying at my girlfriend’s place while she’s travelling but um, my sister moved to LA recently and sort of made the point that I could be overstaying my welcome? Or, well- actually she tried to tell me my girlfriend’s cheating on me and I need to get over it and move out of her place.” Buck shakes his head, eyes widening at what he just implied. “She’s not! Cheating, I mean. She’s just- trying to find herself after losing her mom. She just needs a little space, y’know?”
At least, that’s the excuse Buck’s giving Abby for why she hasn’t called him in over two weeks.
Eddie nods with a vague sort of expression on his face like he hadn’t expected him to overshare that much. Which, oops.
In which Eddie decides to rent out his spare room to help with mortgage repayments right around the time Buck decides to move out of Abby's place after some not so gentle prodding from Maddie. It's a coincidence. Or serendipity. Or maybe just really good timing.
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fizzydrink698 · 3 years
upbeat | jhs
Tumblr media
pairing: jung hoseok/reader
word count: 12.6k
genre: romance, college! au, underground rap! au, best-friends-to-lovers with all the fluff and hints of angst that implies. idiots-to-lovers also suits them well.
warnings: some thirsty pining thoughts, plenty of bad language, unnamed toxic masculinity dudes can't seem to handle pink sundresses, a thoroughly inappropriate use of namjoon's desk, but all in all pretty tame.
Oh no, you wanted to bang Hoseok.
He was just so…vivid. Vibrant. You had referred to him as a little bundle of energy in the past, but this was different. He was radiant - exuding energy and passion and maybe just a little edge of frustration, like he was one nudge away from completely losing control.
Oh no. You really, really wanted to bang Hoseok.
or: you, the life-long best friend of one Jung Hoseok, witness his duality for the very first time and your entire worldview is shaken to its core.
You were in shock.
Your childhood best friend, Jung Hoseok, the constant little ball of sunshine in your life…was an underground rapper?
“Yeah, it’s pretty great,” Hoseok grinned, leaning back in his chair. The two of you were in your usual spot - a quiet little cafe just a few blocks off-campus. “I mean, you know how much I love dancing…but sometimes it feels so restricting. Rapping - especially rapping there - just feels so freeing. I don’t think I could have survived the last showcase without letting out that steam.”
It sounded logical enough, but you still couldn’t get over the idea. “I’m picturing like, a dark alleyway in the dead of night. Oh, or a car park. Huddled around a little bonfire in a trashcan.”
Hoseok pouted over his coffee - some kind of super-sweet, ridiculously-named concoction with an ungodly amount of whipped cream on top. “I mean, I wouldn’t go that far. We meet up in an ordinary bar, just after closing hours.”
“‘We’?” You repeated, and then gasped. “Oh my God, do you rap battle?”
“That’s so…” you cut yourself off, a thought suddenly hitting you. You fixed Hoseok with the most scandalised look you could give, so convincing that he genuinely looked a little nervous sat across from you. “Jung Hoseok. Do you swear?”
He stared back at you. You could tell he was trying his best not to indulge you, not to grace that with a response, but he couldn’t hide the slightest hint of sheepishness when he replied. “Well, yeah, it kind of comes with the territory.”
“Jung Hoseok, I am telling your mother.”
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darkeninganon · 3 years
Arachnophobia part 2! As stated in the link, this AU is the fault of me being me and darkening bittydragon’s Webbed AU. Trigger Warnings for: Arachnophobia (Driders/spider people), Death (Unnamed adventurer), Killing, Blood (Kind of implied), Vore, fatal vore, and Cursing! Read at your own risk!
Ranboo hated this, hanging just a few feet off the ground, tied up in a web with the predator keeping him there just out of sight in the bushy leaves of the giant tree. "HELP!" His voice was hoarse, having been screaming for help for hours. He was bait. Bait for anything or anyone who happened to come by and hear him yelling. He coughed, too violently. He relaxed, casting one last glance at where he knew the drider- Dream, apparently- was hiding. "Please... Help us..."
Ranboo perked up, coughing slightly as he heard the stranger call out in response.
"I heard you! Keep calling! Kid?!"
"Over here!" Ranboo yelled, falling into another coughing fit, causing him to sway slightly from where he hung. "Help! I'm stuck!"
Ranboo saw a strange man stumble through the undergrowth, the other's eyes lighting up as he saw Ranboo. "Thank goodness you're alive! Usually kids who wander into here don't make it out you know!"
Ranboo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I wonder why. Look, can you get me down? My friends are in danger!"
"What? From the spider that got you?" The stranger laughed. "Come on, you know spiders are dumb and blind. Just hold still and I'll get you out in a jiffy!" The man bragged, approaching where Ranboo hung.
Ranboo could only glare at the guy. Okay, he was not going to feel bad about this guy's fate. "Yeah, well, it's much bigger and smarter than you-" Ranboo yelped as he was pulled up into the foliage, yelling and kicking as he fought from instinct. Ranboo froze, once again face-to-face with the giant drider.
"Good job. I knew you could do it."
Ranboo yelled again, pleading for Dream not to as he was dangled and then dropped into Dream's mouth. Ranboo fough and squirmed, still bound by the web  as he was tossed around by Dream's tongue, before finally being swallowed down into the drider's storage stomach.
"Hey bossman."
Ranboo sighed, cringing as he was once again trapped with Tubbo and Tommy inside the giant spider human.
Right near his actual stomach.
With a stranger outside.
Ranboo's eyes shot open. "Shit."
The three boys yelled, suddenly thrown as Dream moved, jumping from somewhere and landing roughly. The boys could hear some sort of yelling outside and Dream talking, likely mocking the guy Ranboo had just helped him capture.
Ranboo squirmed enough to prop himself up against one of the walls, hopefully not the one that was against Dream's actual stomach, and looked to Tubbo and Tommy. "There... was a guy... he heard me yelling, and-" Ranboo felt something, no... someone fall behind him, the wall of Dream's storage stomach giving way for the much more useful actual organ. Ranboo threw himself away from the wall. "Crap! I'm sorry! I didn't-"
"What the fuck did you do to me?!" The man yelled. The teens could just barely see the man pressing his hands against the organ, trying to find where Ranboo was. "I try to help you, and you betray me?! You play bait and let everyone die in your place?!"
"Hey! It's you or us asshole! Don't blame us for wanting to live!" Tommy yelled back, trying to stand and intimidate someone who couldn't even see him.
"What- How many of you guys are there?!"
"There's three of us in here!" Tubbo replied, attempting to free Ranboo from the web he had been trapped in. "Look, we're... we didn't mean to! We just want to stay alive!"
The man was silent for a moment, before asking almost too quietly "Wait... if you guys are over there, where am I?"
The three boys fell silent. They had found out on day one what was on the other side of that side, after all, Dream did get another "Meal" that he saved the trio from. Dream had only brought them out that day to force feed them some of his own food, talking about how it was no different from eating a regular spider or a cow, and made sure they ate what he perceived to be enough before throwing them back into his storage stomach and eating some himself.
"Boys... where am I?!" The trio cowered away from the wall, still moving from the pressure the man was putting on the walls in an effort to find them. "Hello?!"
"You're... uh..." The trio and stranger yelled, the boys suddenly thrown against the one wall they didn't want to be anywhere near. Of course Dream had chosen now to rest on his stomach. He was probably relaxing in the sun.
"Ow! What the hell was that?!" The stranger yelled, squirming underneath the tangled trio.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god-"
Tubbo smacked Ranboo over the head. "Shut up! We're fine!"
"But he's not!" Ranboo yelled, motioning toward where the stranger was.
"He didn't need to know that!"
"He'd find out eventually!"
"Oh god... I'm going to die..."
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry!" Ranboo finally broke down, burning tears streaming down his face. The tall teen curled in on himself, covering his ears as he tried to block out what he knew was coming sooner or later.
Then the thread on his leg was pulled.
Dream had tied a thread to one of each of the boy's legs, and somehow they never got tangled. He used them to pull whoever he wanted out of his storage stomach when he only wanted one. Dream glared at Ranboo, teeth clenched in anger. Sure enough, the drider was laying on his stomach in a sunny spot. Wow he was predictable.
"Would you four calm down? I'm trying to nap and you all moving around and punching is keeping me awake."
Ranboo could only stare, tears still falling from his eyes. "What? You... You're doing this on purpose!"
Dream's scowl suddenly turned to a smirk. "Well, I have to keep you three in line somehow. Tell me, do you want to join the stranger?" Dream asked, sickly sweet with a tilt of his head.
Ranboo frantically shook his head, "N-no! I'm sorry!"
Dream waved his free hand. "Relax. Just chill out and you'll have nothing to worry about. Got it?" Ranboo nodded. "Good, Do me a favor and Tell Tubbo and Tommy to chill as well, okay?" Another nod. "Good boy. Back you go." Dream praised before quickly swallowing Ranboo back into his storage stomach.
"What the hell was that about?" Tubbo yelled, trying to stand without stepping on the stranger.
Ranboo grabbed Tubbo and pulled him down, pulling Tommy and Tubbo to an area he hoped would be far enough from what was to come. "Dream wants us to calm down..." Ranboo let the sentence hang there. The other two boys knew what the silence meant.
"Calm down?! How can I calm down!? I'm going to be fucking digested by a shitty spider asshole!"
"Not you! Us!" Tommy yelled back, only to have Ranboo clamp a hand over his mouth, motioning for Tommy to be silent.
"You guys?! What are... Oh... I get it. Hey! Spider! Dealing with one is so much easier than dealing with three brats! Come on! I could convince others to come into the forest and bring you twice as many people as these three!"
"You son of a-" Ranboo grabbed Tubbo, slapping a hand over his mouth now and doing his best to keep Tubbo from moving too much.
"Tubbo, please!" Tommy hissed, pleading with the shortest boy to calm down.
"Come on! I've got no ties to this dumb town! They hired me to look for some lost kids! Three brats from the orphanage!"
Uh oh... The trio looked between each other. The headmaster knew they were missing and knew they went into the woods. "We're not getting out of here... ever..." Ranboo whispered, tightening his grip on Tubbo out of fear.
"Come on I- Holy shit ow! What the fuck?!"
The trio flinched. It had started. For the next hour, the trio was forced to listen to the adventurer yell and scream, plead for life, and slowly fall still. Sometimes Dream shifted and it threw the trio against the wall right where the stranger was. They were quick to scurry away, scattering to any direction they could that was "not here". The three were silent, and refused to move as it finally fell silent, aside from the gurgling on Dream's stomach as it dealt with metal and cloth.
Tommy and Tubbo seemed to be asleep, hands over ears and back-to-back as they sought any form of comfort from each other. Ranboo could only stare. He had killed that man, it was his fault. The thread on his leg was pulled, and he once again found himself fact-to-face with the giant drider.
"You did good today. But, maybe Tubbo would be better, he looks more like a child, you know. And like that guy said, I only need one-"
"No! I'll do better! Don't hurt either of them! Please!"
Dream hummed, rubbing his chin as he thought. "Well, what could you three offer me that I couldn't get from one?"
"Well... you get us alive and us putting in effort."
Dream stopped, frowning to glare at Ranboo. "What?"
"If you kill two of us, the one remaining isn't going to help you. And, even if you just kill one of us, the other two aren't going to help you either!"
Dream tapped his finger against his temple, humming quietly. "So, it's all or none?"
"Exactly." Ranboo hopped he sounded brave, he certainly didn't feel it.
Dream hummed again, shifting to sit up. Well, that certainly woke up Tubbo and Tommy. "Well, guess I can't do much about that. You do make it easier to get food, so guess I don't have a choice."
Ranboo smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. The trio was safe for now. That guy's attempts to remove them had failed. Ranboo yelped as he was thrown into the air and swallowed again. He had gotten used to this far too quickly.
"What now?" Tubbo hissed, clearly still worried about what had just happened.
"We're safe... for now at least." Ranboo stated, not moving from where he landed. He was exhausted.
"Unless he makes one of us immortal." Tommy stated, glancing up with worry. "I hear some forest beasts know how to do that."
Tubbo rolled his eyes, "That's an old wive's tale!"
So were the spider beasts Ranboo thought bitterly. So many stories from the orphanage came to mind as he lay there. Spider beasts, immortality, snake monsters, giant bird beasts, plants that mimic people. Ranboo sighed, slowly dozing off.
Wilbur looked out to the forest. His three charges were still missing. He had seen the broken window in Tommy's room and the footprints leading into the forest. Phil had warned him and his brother about the forest, and him and Techno had warned the children, but as the kids got older they got braver and would inevitably go into the forest. Wilbur let out a sigh. He had sent a hunter out to find them, and that guy still didn't return.
Then Wilbur saw him.
His heart stopped in terror as the giant drider stared at the orphanage from the forest, sickly smile plastered across its face as it tossed something towards the building. Wilbur ran to the side exit, tripping and stumbling in his desperate attempt to get there before the drider left.
"Woah! Wil! What's the rush?"
"Drider! The worst one!" Phil was suddenly running behind him, cursing under his breath as they ran out the door and towards the edge of the forest. It was gone. It was so silent and quick.
"Shit... we missed it. Aw fuck and it knows where the orphanage is now. Fuck! God, we need to get Techno, mate."
That made Phil freeze. Wilbur rarely called him Dad at this point. Phil turned, walking over to where Wilbur was crouched. Sitting there, on the ground, was a rather damp and partially melted bag. A familiar bag. "Holy shit..."
Wilbur stood, looking towards the city walls that were just past the orphanage. "We need more than Techno, we need a whole army." Wilbur cast one last look at the hunter's bag, kicking dirt over it to hide it from the children, The didn't need to know the stories were true.
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shortprince-cos · 3 years
Presents Or Pranks?
Summary: Janus assumes his "secret admirer" is a prankster, but a familiar face proves him wrong.
Ship: Romantic Moceit (Patton x Janus)
Warnings: Stabbing mention (doesn't actually happen i swear-), pranking mention, high school, Valentine's Day(?). Tell me if I need to add anything else!
Note: Happy Valentine's Day!!! Hope you have a good day regardless of if you have a s/o or not! Also i forgot that Valentine's day wasn't on a school day this year, so ignore that cause i didn't want to rewrite it. Pretend its an AU.
Thank you to @emy-loves-you for helping me with some plot (and basically every other fic I've written)!
If there was ever a time for Janus to develop anxiety, it would be now.
For weeks he had been wondering who kept putting letters - love letters - in his locker at least twice a week. The last letter had said to meet him here, under the bleachers on the football field, after school, on Valentine's Day.
There were two possible situations that this could turn into: One, this was a really elaborate prank and he was about to either get humiliated or stabbed, whichever came first, or two, someone who has a crush on him was about to meet him, and he would have to break their heart or make out with them.
At least if he gets attacked he can defend himself, and humiliate the stranger instead. If it was an admirer, then they would both be humiliated.
He hoped it was a prankster, because if the person was real, they seemed really sweet, and Janus didn't want to do that to them.
It's probably some straight girl who wants a bad boy. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened, but Janus was tired of explaining that he was gay to every girl he ever crossed paths with.
The letters and gifts had always been very stereotypical, like ones you would see in rom-coms and books. They usually consisted of chocolates, little poems, and pressed yellow flowers.
They were all really sweet gifts (especially the chocolates), but Janus still couldn't help but worry over who the 'admirer' was.
Janus anxiously checked his phone. The stranger was seven minutes late.
It was probably a prankster, and he was probably being filmed right now. Janus looked around, but all that was there was an empty football field.
Janus sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
Would a prankster even put this much effort into a joke? This was going on for weeks, and unless this person really hated Janus, he doubted it was a prank. As awful as that was.
Who would even have a crush on Janus, anyway? He wasn't exactly nice or pretty, he was mean and- well, he wasn't ugly, but he definitely wasn't charismatic.
His whole aesthetic was 'stay away from me', so he always wondered why that seemed to attract girls to him, until Remus enlightened him.
"They want a bad boy." Remus explained one day. "They think the idea of an angry guy with a soft spot only for them, is sexy."
"That's stupid." Janus had replied.
And it was stupid- is stupid. What kind of girl wants someone who's mean to them? Janus blamed the Twilight saga.
Janus checked his phone again. Eleven minutes late.
Janus cursed and decided to call it quits. He picked up his backpack and started walking towards the parking lot before he heard someone shouting something behind him.
He looked back towards the football field to see a short, blond, boy, running at him as fast as they could.
"W-Wait!" They yelled.
Janus waited for the short person to catch up, when they did, they put their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breath.
They looked kind of familiar, but everyone does when you go to the same highschool.
"Sorry- sorry!" The stranger looked up at him with blue eyes looking through round glasses. "I'm so sorry I'm late! I promise I didn't mean to be, but my teacher wanted to talk to me after class about my grades, and I tried to tell her I was late, but she wouldn't listen! And then my friends wanted advice about their gifts for their partners, and I got caught up! I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting!"
Janus knew he should probably be listening to what the shorter boy was saying, but all his mind was thinking was that he was rather adorable.
Oh, did he say that out loud?
Janus smirked. "You're adorable when you're rambling."
The boy blushed quickly. "I- u-uh- thank you?"
Janus chuckled. "So, you're the one putting those gifts in my locker?"
The blue-eyed stranger shifted on his feet. "Y-Yeah, I did. I did wanna talk to you about that! Which, is the whole reason we're here- obviously- why else would we-?" He giggled nervously. "Anyway, the reason I put those there is because...uh- I kinda- maybe sorta...like you?"
"Why?" Janus immediately asked.
"I- what?"
Janus crossed his arms. "You said you liked me, and I want to know why."
"O-Oh. I didn't expect you to- uh- ask that?"
"Well, do you have a reason, or-?"
"No- yeah! Of-of course I do...you-you want to hear it?"
"No, I just asked because I was curious." Janus answered sarcastically.
"R-Right. Yeah, okay, um- well-"
Janus smirked as he saw the shorter one fumble over his words.
"Well, over winter break? You uh- you volunteer at an animal shelter in the next town over?"
Janus' eyes widened in shock. "How did you-"
"I work there too! I do every weekend when I'm at my dad's house! Uh- anyway, I saw you there over winter break, and you were just so...soft, with the animals, and it was really cute to see you playing with kittens, and you always took the older dogs on walks because they were sad they never got adopted, ooh! And then you helped me carry some boxes in that one time 'cause no one else was, and you kinda called me pretty? I guess that part isn't as important, heh- oh my gosh I'm rambling! I'm sorry!"
Janus was shocked at how specific this guy's examples were. Then he thought about the situations again.
"You had blue hair."
The bubbly boy's face lit up. "You remember me?"
"A little. You cried when puppies got adopted."
"Can you blame me?! I loved playing with them, and I just wanted to make sure they got a good home!"
Janus outright laughed - which, if you talked to Janus' friends, they would claim that Janus only laughed when a kid fell off a bike.
"S-Sorry- I-" Janus laughed a bit more. "That was the most innocent thing I've ever heard."
The blue-clad boy pouted and crossed his arms in the least intimidating way possible.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Janus apologized while still chuckling slightly. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. A-Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that okay I'll be going now-"
"Wait." Janus said before the smaller one ran off. "What are you doing tonight?"
"O-Oh! I'm not doing anything...why?"
"The dance tonight? Would the unnamed stranger in front of me like to go?"
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself! My name's Patton!"
Janus smiled. "Alright then. Would you like to go to the dance with me, Patton?"
Patton immediately blushed more. "Oh gosh, you don't have to-"
Janus took Patton's hand in his own and brought it up to his lips. "Now why wouldn't I want to take my beautiful admirer to a nice dance?" He pressed a kiss to Patton's knuckles and watched as Patton's face turned even redder.
"I-I...y-yeah, I wanna go with you!" He squeaked out.
Janus dropped Patton's hand. "I'll see you tonight, then?"
"Y-Yeah, sure!"
Janus picked up his bag again as Patton started to gather his as well. "Oh, and, Patton?"
"I hope you know that I will have to repay you for those presents you gifted me."
Patton sputtered. "You don't have to! I just wanted to give you something-"
"Nope, too late, I've already decided." Janus started walking back towards the parking lot. "See you later, cutie!"
Thinking about the future dance, Janus decided that maybe an admirer was better than a prankster after all.
Sorry this is so short, but I thought something was better than nothing! I hope you guys enjoyed!
General Taglist: @resident-crow-goth @macademmia @theantisocialghost @foreverfangirlalways @emo--nightmaree @moxy--sanders101 @quinnthequeer @gattonero17 @trashno0dles @tranquil-space-ninja @chaotic-murder-muffin @lugooble @sander-crossing @princess-rosie @sleepyysoot @hi-its-tutty @lookingforaplacetosleep @sarcasmremovedsoul @corkeecoderyt @drarrymalecsolangelo @private-snippers @girl-who-reads @emy-loves-you @reptilian-with-scallions
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Reblogs are appreciated!💖
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captainimprobable · 3 years
Alright I caved.  Here’s chapter one of the still unnamed sequel to No Apologies, my Lumity coffeeshop AU. It’s been seven months since I finished the fic so I hope yall are still down for the ride! The chaos starts now :) ~
“This might be a bad time to tell you this, but roosters….kinda freak me out.”
“Amity, we are literally swimming in roosters right now.”
Amity hugged herself, shaking but still managing to roll her eyes.  “We are metaphorically swimming in roosters.”
Luz snorted.  “Whatever, Miss Accurate.”
They both looked at the rooster pen in front of them.  A cow mooed in the distance, and they took a moment of silence to question the life choices that had led up to this moment.
It didn’t take very long.  The pipeline went like this: Amity had decided to work part time at a coffee shop to piss off her parents, and two years later she was on a six month anniversary trip with a chaotic ball of energy, tripping on bird feathers at a barn many miles away from home.  Simple.
“It...it was just supposed to be an air bnb,” Luz said helplessly.
“Luz, what did the ad say?”
Luz scrambled to take her phone out of her pocket, mindlessly swatting away the pig trying to eat it out of her hand.
“Uh…’stunning country views and a realistic farming experience.’” She stomped her foot.  “That is so misleading!!!”
“I genuinely think I’m about to pass out.” Amity said, swaying slightly.
“Babe, don’t say that.  The roosters can smell your fear.”
Amity glared at her girlfriend.  “Ha ha,” she said sarcastically.  “Fine, what’s next on the list they left us?”
Luz pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper covered in lines of print detailing exactly what they had to do in order to stay at the barn.  It was politely decorated with a post it note that read “Good luck, suckers!” 
“Inspect the roosters,” she read.  “Check for obvious genetic defects.  Separate these roosters from the rest.”
Amity held up a hand to stop her.  “No. Nope. I am not inspecting roosters.  I am not separating roosters.  I am going back inside, and I am going to read a book, and I am going to pretend there are no demon chickens out here ready to peck my eyes out.”
Amity gingerly tiptoed around the roosters, taking care not to touch any of them.  One brave animal attempted to peck at her skirt, but she let out an unholy shriek that scattered them all.  Luz watched Amity flee the scene, sighing.  She picked up the list Amity had dropped and scanned the next few lines.  “The roosters with these defects will be…” she trailed off. “Oh,” she said, realization dawning.  “Oh no.”
Amity must have dozed off, because the next thing she knew, it was dark and Luz was shaking her awake.
“Amity, wake up, we have an emergency.” Amity was up in an instant.  “What’s wrong? Are you okay???” “Yeah, I’m fine!” Luz assured her. “It’s just uh…..” Luz rubbed the back of her neck nervously. “We have a...situation?”
Amity yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes as she stood up.  Immediately, Luz grabbed her hand and began dragging her outside.  “Ugh, what time is it?” Amity asked, stumbling along behind Luz.   
“Uhhh about one am I think? I had to wait until now to do this.  It’s better under the cover of darkness.”  
Immediately, Amity felt a sense of extreme trepidation.  Whatever was waiting for her outside was definitely not something she wanted to see.
Her suspicions were confirmed when she was met with the sound of roosters clucking. When they reached the driveway, she stopped dead.  “Luz,” Amity said slowly, blinking repeatedly to make sure she was seeing things correctly.  “Why are there a dozen roosters in your car?”
“There’s actually fourteen,” Luz said, but faltered when Amity glared at her.  “Okay, so the thing is, well….the farmers wanted us to separate the roosters because these are the ones with defects.  And these are the ones they’re gonna sell for meat.”
“Oh god,” Amity groaned.  “Don’t tell me-”
Luz’s grin looked almost evil in the moonlight.  “We’re gonna save the roosters.”
“Luz, where the hell are you planning on bringing them??? Most roosters live in captivity!”
“So I looked it up, and it said that roosters thrive in forest climates, and the nearest forest is only two hours away!!!!”
Amity wanted to say she was surprised, but she knew Luz well enough at this point to know to expect this from her.  She reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder.  “Luz,” she said gently. “I love how big your heart is, and I love that you want to save these animals.  But roosters are supposed to live on farms.  Also, you had chicken salad for lunch.”
Luz looked at her with puppy eyes.  Fuck.  Amity couldn’t resist that.
She sighed.  “Fine,” she said.  “We can save the roosters.  But you know the farmers are gonna make us pay for them.”
“Ahhhh thank you!” Luz squealed, throwing her arms around Amity’s neck.  She kissed her cheek.  “You’re the best.”
“I know,” Amity grumbled.  “Now get in the car before I change my mind.”
It was going fine until they reached the gas station.  The roosters were in the back, probably shitting all over Luz’s car, and Amity was in the passenger seat, gripping the door handle and trying not to freak out.  
“Shit,” Luz said over the radio about a half hour into their ride, summing up Amity’s thoughts nicely.  “We need gas.”
“I’ll get it,” Amity volunteered quickly.  Anything to get out of the car, anything to get away from the ominous clucking emerging from the backseat.  She opened her door.  And that’s when all hell broke loose.  
Fourteen roosters, smelling freedom and gas station muffins, burst from the back seat into the front, climbing over Amity and streaming out of the passenger side door.  Amity shrieked and fell out of the car, scraping her arm on the concrete as roosters used her back as a jumping off point into the night.
Amity hissed as she used her arms to get up, her scraped elbow burning.  Luz ran around the side of the car to help stop the roosters, but it was too late.  They both watched helplessly as the birds flapped their wings and hopped away.
It was two thirty in the morning, and they had released roosters into the town.  
They were both silent as they ruminated on what had just happened.  The birds clucked in the distance, joining the cicadas in their unholy screaming.  
“We need to go,” Luz said at last, far more calmly than the panicked look in her eye suggested.  She helped Amity up, careful not to touch her injured arm and, without another word, they both got into the car and sped away.
Since they were fugitives now, they could no longer sleep at the barn.  Forgetting the fact that the barn’s owners had their information and would no doubt charge them for the roosters anyway, they quickly picked up their things, got back into the car, and bolted.  They drove for a couple of hours, trying in vain to ignore the strong smell of bird shit emanating from the backseat.  The streetlights illuminated the scene: feathers in the backseat, feathers in Amity’s hair, blood gently staining the paper towel Amity was holding to her elbow.   
After awhile they passed a sign for a Bed and Breakfast and Luz, having determined they’d gotten far enough away from the scene of the crime, turned the car in that direction.  They were quite a sight as they straggled into the quaint house, but the elderly owners asked no questions as to why they had shown up at four in the morning covered in feathers, so Luz and Amity gratefully stumbled up the stairs, finally collapsing in their new room.  Despite the summer heat, Amity was shivering, so Luz hurried to light the fireplace.
Once she’d tended to the fire, Luz sat down on the floor next to Amity.  “Show me,” she said, gesturing to Amity’s injured arm.  Amity wordlessly offered up her elbow, which Luz inspected.  “You don’t need stitches,” she said gratefully, pulling out a Naruto bandaid.
“How could you possibly know that?” Amity asked quietly.  Luz shrugged.  “I was really clumsy as a kid.”  
Amity raised an eyebrow.  “Okay, fine, I’m still clumsy,” Luz admitted.  
Their silences were usually comfortable, but this one most definitely was not.
“I’m really sorry,” Luz finally whispered, gingerly covering Amity’s wound with a picture of Sasuke Uchiha. “I didn’t mean to ruin our anniversary trip.”
They hadn’t spoken much since The Incident.  Amity had stared stonily out the car window while Luz drove and occasionally attempted to covertly glance at her girlfriend.  Hours had passed without Luz saying a word, a feat which Luz was secretly quite proud of.
“I really thought we’d manage to have a normal, nice time,” she continued, “but I ruined it, and now there’s a town being terrorized by roosters and it’s all my fault.”
Amity didn’t say anything for a few moments and then, unexpectedly, she started to laugh.  
“Um,” Luz said.  “Amity? Did you hit your head, too????”
“No, no,” Amity said between giggles.  “It’s just- it’s so us. Who else would this happen to?????? We released fourteen roosters onto an unsuspecting town in the middle of the night, and your car is covered in shit.  I really should’ve expected something like this.” “So...you’re not mad?”
“I was,” Amity admitted.  “In the car, I was kind of pissed.  I mean, you did wake me up in the middle of the night, which, as you know, is never a good idea, and we did have to flee our romantic trip like criminals.  But then I started thinking, and, I don’t know.”  She smiled almost shyly at Luz. 
“I knew what I was getting into when I told you I loved you,” she said simply.  “And I’m happy being with you, even if I did have to face one of my worst fears.”
“Oh my god,” Luz said, lower lip trembling.  “You’re gonna make me cry.” 
“Don’t go all soft on me now,” Amity said, rolling her eyes with a smile.  
Luz launched herself at Amity, and they fell over, rolling across the carpet a few times before finally landing next to each other on the floor.  Luz touched her forehead to Amity’s.  “I’ll always be soft when it comes to you,” she said.
“Gay,” Amity whispered back, but leaned forward and captured Luz’s mouth with hers.  
After the day they’d had, neither of them had the energy to get up, so they ended up sleeping on the floor that night, cuddled up on a blanket next to the fire.
“Happy anniversary,” Luz mumbled sleepily into Amity’s neck right before she drifted off to sleep.
“Happy anniversary,” Amity answered.
Despite it all, they both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.
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