#yeah its horrible that my moms first husband (not my dad) cheated on her
tempobaekh · 3 years
Rating Penthouse: War In Life characters
I asked my followers on Instagram to give me Penthouse characters to rate and my thoughts about them so I thought to post it here as well. Now this is my personal opinion about how I feel about the characters and how much I will rate them
My Instagram: Tempobaek
Logan Lee
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Lemme just say I love him SO MUCH
I absolutely loved his character and the fact that he was one of the few people who wants justice and is honest made me love him even more
Him playing Go Hu Dong was amazing as well and I didn't recognize him at all at first like he played it so well with the accent, costume and wig and everything
His accent and language switch in between English and the Busan accent Korean was so fucking sexy🥵
✨Mr. Joo✨
My man was also smart with his revenge
He was also serving amazing LOOKS every episode in the two seasons and I loved every single one of them
And I'm going to be honest here, after watching the preview for S2 ep13 his laugh was creepy in one of the clips and after reading a few theories I lowkey thought that he would be the next villian
I regret suspecting him now
But instead of that they gave us a bigger plot twist and blew up our man with a bomb😩
He literally went ✨LiGhT iT Up LiKe DyNaMiTe✨ (I'm so sorry)
I would've rather have him be a villian than die in the bomb
Joo Seok Kyung
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Another one that annoyed me angered me so much🙄
Like she was ruthless and had no mercy when it came to bullying and putting people down that she thought were a rival or putting people down in general
She didn't change even when Rona died
She also went as far as to like cheat her way to win the Cheong Ah Art High School trophy and blackmailed Cheon Seojin to win the trophy
But there were times where she would show emotions and those would be often her break down and weak moments
And those moments would really show how she is broken inside and puts up a careless and brave image, she is someone who needs healing even though healing takes time
I also saw someone saying like 'oh Seok Kyung hates her mom so much'
Yeah she hated her mom but she didn't hate her to death like she didn't wish death upon her
Seok Kyung was heart broken when she heard Suryeon's death and that showed that she still loved her mom even though Suryeon didn't give birth to them
I was heart broken when I saw that she cut her hair because here was no one there to tie it for her bc Suryeon loved Seok Kyungs long hair and that's why she didn't cut it but after he mothers death no one was there to tie her hair for her
I started seeing her in a different light after a while bc again it showed that he character was very broken emotionally and needed healing
I'm interested about seeing more of her character development after the last ep where she defended Rona
Also my girl is so hot, another one that was serving amazing looks
Joo Seok Hoon
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He was lowkey annoying at first ngl
Like my man was just🧍🏻‍♂️
It annoyed me so much how he defended his sister so much, fell for her tricks, covered up for her and did anything she said EVEN though its wrong
But after some time I understood that he cared for and that she was the only family left to him
I mean Seok Hoon hate Joo Dan Tae so he doesn't counts and Suryeon was dead at the moment
I will still not forgive him for bullying Seol A even though he regrets it
It also annoyed me how he didn't stood up for Rona at all in the first season even though he liked her
By he got so much better in S2, he was even part in the revenge plan
He is literally the human CCTV camera in Hera Palace like he knows more than even the viewers know
The way he was protective of Rona when he found out she was alive was so aDORABLE
And my man was amazing in the last episodes
I love him
Cheon Seo Jin
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Like I sometimes just was to 🤜🏻👩🏻
But sometimes I wanna hug her😩
Idk I feel like she became a horrible person bc of greed and that he father and mother placed too high expectations for her
Instead of praising her for her accomplishments her parents wanted her to do more
Maybe that's why she was desperate for love and affection and found that in Joo Dan Tae even though he pretended to like her
But that definitely does not dismiss her horrible actions
But also the harsh past made her the could hearted person, like she left her father to die
She felt more care towards her daughter after she almost lost her because Eunbyeol tried to commit suicide
She was in alot of pain and you could see it in her cries and when she was on the phone with the person
Soyeon's acting was amazing in that scene
She started to care more about her ex husband and daughter when she saw how much Eunbyeol was suffering and she realized that she genuinely liked Ha Yoon Chul hwen she saw how horrible Joo Dan Tae was
I did feel bad for her sometimes but after seeing that she didn't change I really didn't feel any sympathy for her
She needs therapy
Girlie was shocked when the doctor said she is losing her voice like bestie you are screaming every episode
She was also serving amazing looks every episode
Ha Yoon Chul
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The first male character I simped for
Like I am not going to deny it but he is hot🥵
But the first few episodes he was an absolute asshole and greedy
But I never expected him to be Yoonhee's ex boyfriend
I did like him a tiny bit when he saved Yoon Hee from Kyu Jin
His entrance in S2 with the helicopter was damn hot
I spoke too soon
His character development and fighting skills were hot as well
He was ADORABLE with Rona and Yoonhee
I seriously thought that Rona was his daughter
I began hating him after that💀
Like he went 📈📉 with his character development
I actually asked my dad what he thought about what Yoon Chul did and this was his reponse:
"If you look at it from a parents perspective they would want to do anything if they saw their child in pain like he did but I would've also scolded her and had a conversation with her about why she did it instead of wiping her memory from that night like he did. "
So that's that
Jonghoon's acting was chef's kiss in that scene
I was going to rate him a 4 but I gave him that 5 when I saw how he was at court, he admitted to his wrong doings but also still had feelings for Yoon Hee
I wanna see his reaction in s3 to Rona now bc now that he got to know that is his daughter I wonder how he will be
Lee Kyu Jin
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Like I have nothing to say about him rather than I hate him and that he useless just like his wife and son
I'm only giving him that one bc he was funny in the episodes
Go Sang Ah
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The only thing she does is gossip
And spills the tea☕
Giving her a 0.5 bc she is kinda funny eh
Lee Minhyuk
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Idk if it runs in the family but again he is useless
And a dumbass
He also nothing without his parents
Why is he there tho like you ain't even funny
All he can do is cause trouble
And bullied Jenny
His dumbass slipped and broke his own arm and blamed it on Rona smh🤦🏻‍♀️
Sometimes I just wanna 🤜🏻👦🏻
Also my dude was trying to sound all intimidating by saying
"Oh Jenny's father is a scary man, yOuR dEaD BaE rOnA"
Like dude worry about yourself bitch you are dead first for bullying Jenny
But like I hate the character but LOVE THE ACTOR HE IS SO HOT OMFG
Joo Dan Tae
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Like I legit thought he was nice in he first ep and then I saw him kiss Seojin and-
Bae Rona
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She was also annoying at first and was very ungrateful
But over time she got better, still a tiny bit annoying sometimes but better
When she came back from the US I WAS LIKE GIRL NO YOU FINNA RUIN THE PLAN
I do feel bad for her bc she went through alot with bullying, her mom going to jail not only once but twice, her getting to know that Yoonchul who she started liking sabotaged her performance, and also literally almost dying
My girl has been through a lot
I am excited to see her reaction to getting to know that Yoon Chul is her dad
Part 2 is also posted!
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angelhummel · 3 years
Task for you: Rank the Glee dads, then separately rank the Glee moms
(For Glee dads ik we didn’t meet many, but you could also use characters like Santana & Blaine’s dads since we’ve heard things about them)
Ahh I managed to think of a ton of moms and dads on the show lasfjsdkl there's 19 glee dads and 20 glee moms so buckle up. Hidden under a cut bc obviously its very long
Glee Dads!
Burt. There isn't much competition
Puck. Surprise! He wanted to be a good dad even tho he had no clue what he was doing
Hiram & Leroy. Idk what they did to Rachel but at least they're fun to watch on screen
Will Schuester. Wanted to be a dad so bad for the longest time. Was really cute with Daniel
Dwight Evans. Struggling really badly but tries to keep his family afloat
Al Motta. The whole glee club's sugar daddy fight me on it
Ryder's dad. We get one line about him but he's a single dad doing his best to raise his son <3
Will's dad. Didn't have anything to do but who doesn't love Victor Garber? Oh yeah, Victor Garber was on Glee
Paul Karofsky. Seemed like a chill dude but did raise Karofsky. Wasn't mentioned as hating him after he was outed so ?? points I guess
Michael Chang Sr. Was a dick at first but came around. Growth
Artie's dad. Was apparently available to drive him to sectionals in s1 but disappeared at some point between then and Wonderful. RIP Mr. Abrams
Mercedes's dad. Brings home the bacon but doesn't support Mercedes's dreams </3
Pierce Pierce. Annoying, waste of my time, not funny. Also not even Brittany's real dad despite the fact that they have so much in common
Puck & Jake's dad. A bum and an asshole but at least he mostly left them alone
Rusty Pillsbury. Racist against anyone who isn't ginger
Blaine & Santana's dads or dad maybe they're secretly related ooooh. Grade A assholes in my mind but it is mostly speculation and a couple of actual lines to go off of so idk. They don't actually exist but I don't like them
Rob Adams. Apparently chill with sending his kid to conversion camp? Evil
Russell Fabray. Nasty, evil, sexist, alcoholic, cheated on his wife, threw his pregnant 16 year old daughter out of the house. Electric chair
Christopher Hudson. Fought in the army and posthumously made Finn think he had to join the army. Made Carole have to raise Finn alone. Horrible man all around
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Glee Moms!
Nancy Abrams. Apparently a single mother since her husband disappeared. Made her whole house wheelchair accessible singlehandedly. Very encouraging and supportive of Artie's dreams
Carole. Amazing woman, another amazing single mother. Is really great on her own but she did raise Finn so :/
Maribel Lopez. Was really nice and encouraging and accepting of Santana. Just wants what's best for her daughter and wants her to be happy
Jake's mom. Another hard working single mom. Raised Jake <3 Also is Aisha Tyler. What else do you have to say??
Millie Rose. Yet another single mother just doing her best. But also I think a lot of her encouragement of Marley was misguided and she ended up doing more harm than good alkjfsdlk even if her heart was in the right place and things were difficult
Emma Pillsbury. Feel like we hardly see her with her kid(s) but she's a good person so she'll be a good mom
Mary Evans. Doesn't understand why Dairy Queen makes Sam wear so much glitter. But seems nice and also works hard
Julia Chang. Seems nice, supports Mike's dreams more than his dad does. Should've stood up to her husband about it tho
Puck's mom. My reasons for putting her so low are purely speculative a la Mr. Lopez & Mr. Anderson. But. Single mom, working hard, etc etc
Will's mom. Alcoholic? Bad. Hooking up with Josh Groban? Great.
Judy Fabray. Also spineless, also an alcoholic. At least ended up kicking her ain't shit husband out of the house so that's good. We can pretend she got better
Whitney Pierce. Also annoying as fuck but at least it's Jennifer Coolidge. Yes Jennifer Coolidge was also on Glee
Pam Anderson. Seems nice but where was she for six years? Don't think she's actually Blaine's mom
Mercedes's mom. Also doesn't support her dreams. Also if that was her in 2009 then she was like "yes this girl is racist and belittles you and your talent but you will make each other better so stay close to her <3" like ma'am
Quinn Fabray. Was going to terribly insane lengths to get her baby back but eventually realized the best thing for her child was if she was not in her life
Rose Pillsbury. Also a ginger supremacist
Sue Sylvester. Seemed to forget she had a child at some point. I don't blame her
Doris Sylvester. Also horribly neglectful of her children. Also I think they revealed she wasn't even actually hunting Nazis??
Betty Adams. Also cool with sending her daughter to conversion therapy apparently so fuck off
Shelby Corcoran. Belongs in jail. Broke the law to manipulate Rachel into coming to see HER, then decided she wanted nothing to do with her. Scoops up Quinn's baby and dips, then comes back 2 years later to dangle Beth in front of Quinn's face and tease her with the possibility of seeing her daughter again
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Survey #420
lol blaze it (i’m funny i swear)
In your opinion, which fast food place has the best fries? Without a doubt, Bojangle's. Good. Shit. Are there hurricanes where you live? Yeah, they're common here. What do you hate the most about yourself? I'd really rather not get into this right about now. What song are you listening to right now? "Beast of Gévaudan" by Powerwolf. What was your first concert? Alice Cooper. Also my only concert. What’s your favorite Johnny Depp movie? Alice In Wonderland. Who did you last say “I love you” to? My sister. Do you like pumpkin pie? Anything pumpkin-flavored is a hell no from me. Do you know anyone named Austin? Knew, rather. Do you know anyone who is having a baby? My friend recently announced she and her husband are having their second child in December. What was the last thing you cried about? Just PTSD. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? I like both, but I prefer chocolate. Do you think you are an argumentative person? Definitely not. How many deep dark secrets do you have? Two or so, idk. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Some wings at Buffalo Wild Wings with one of the hottest sauces. Wanted to die. ... Yet I continued to get that one whenever I went for years lmao. Who last called you sexy? I don't know. Would you class yourself as a good role model? In some ways, but in a lot of other ways, no. Are you scared of the dark? No. Do you have a motto? No. Who did you last see on webcam? The doctor that overlooks my TMS progress. Do you need a haircut? I need a trim for sure. How would you react if your mother told you that she was pregnant again? Well, considering 1.) she's way past menopause and especially 2.) she's had a complete hysterectomy, y'know... that's kind of impossible. She also hasn't been with a guy in many years, so she would have to be joking. You log into Facebook and see the red ‘1’ notification next to the message icon. Who do you want it to be? -___- Would you rather exercise alone or with other people? ALONE. You will NOT see me exercise in front of other people. What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? The most involved is DEFINITELY World of Warcraft, and I guess you could consider it the hardest too, given some of the much more difficult things I've done in it. It itself isn't a hard game whatsoever, but you can pursue some really hard achievements. Ever watch the show Supernatural? If you have, then what’s your favorite episode? I used to love it, but just stopped watching eventually. My fave episode... Man, it's been too long to remember many. Probably one of the funnier ones. I remember I specifically liked the bit where they were in your everyday comedy show, as well as the one where I THINK Dean kept trying to prevent Sam from dying. I just remember the "Eye of the Tiger" bit that is pure gold. Ever heard of flavored honey? If so, what’s you’re favorite flavor? Oh, no, but that sounds good. Do you remember what your favorite show was when you were little? Yeah, Pokemon. Do you put anything besides cheese on grilled cheese sandwiches? Besides butter, which I think is pretty standard, no. When it comes to books, what do you think is the “perfect” amount of pages? Uh, I dunno. It depends on the book. I don't really care about page numbers. Would you ever be interested in going scuba diving? Yeah. Out of all of your friends/relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? Girt, probably. Are any of your fingers or toes deformed? What about the nails? I don't think so? When is the last time you cried? I was sobbing earlier today, fun stuff. Would you ever date somebody that has been divorced more than once? Most likely not. ESPECIALLY at my age. What are some stereotypically nerdy things that you like? Oh god. WoW, M:tG, big glasses, anime (does that count? idk really), video games... a lot of stuff, really. Have you ever attended a wedding that ended where the bride and groom didn’t actually get married? What happened? Y I K E S, no. That would be SO uncomf. What scares you the most about becoming a mother (hypothetically, if you don’t want to have children)? Actually raising it properly, physically and emotionally. Would you ever want a job in fashion? What would you enjoy about that type of job? No. Would you ever be a surrogate mother? No. What do you think would be the best and worst parts about being a twin? It'd be cool to have someone you feel an almost supernatural connection towards, but I'd also feel like I wasn't as "original" as I would be if I was born alone. Do you feel that your childhood was more rough compared to others around you? I mean it wasn't awful at all, but sure, in some ways compared to at least someone. How would you react if you found out today that you were actually adopted? Well today I'm a wreck, so don't tell me. I want to know that I wasn't lied to for 25 years. Have either of your parents ever cheated on one another before, that you know of? How would you react if you found out today that one of them cheated? I'm not entirely clear on this, but I'm 90% sure Dad cheated on Mom with his now-wife. Dad also accused Mom of cheating, but I HIGHLY doubt that's true. Do you like cleaning and organizing? Not really. How would you react if you found out you were infertile? If you don’t plan on having kids to begin with, what is a long-term goal you’d be crushed to find out was impossible to achieve? Fuck having kids. I'd be a terrible mother. So to answer the other question, I'll be pretty, pretty sad if I can't get permission to spread Teddy's ashes at Yellowstone. Would you take your dream job if it were out of the country? Well, obviously not considering my dream job is a meerkat biologist, and I'm not moving to Africa. Have you ever been robbed? No. Is anyone close to you an alcoholic? Not anymore. Dad was, but he's recovered. Have you ever dumped anyone? Yes. What kind of tea do you drink? I hate tea. Do you know anyone in a gang? No, and I hope I never do. What’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? Risk his fucking sanity and health to try to hold my fucked up self up. What is your orientation? Gay? Straight? Metrosexual? Anything other? Bisexual. I've kinda been questioning pansexual of the late, though. I don't know. Have you ever done anything really dangerous or illegal with friends? Not to my memory. Name three feelings you’re feeling right now: Regret. Hopelessness. Loneliness. And the reasons for these feelings? Take a wild fuckin' guess. How do you feel about your life right now? It's an actual dumpster fire. Is it easy for you to like yourself? Why or why not? Fuck no. Because there's just not very much TO like about me. Even on my good days, I see flaw after flaw in myself. What subjects come naturally to you? English, some aspects of science. What subjects do not? Math, economics, politics, history... Do you read more fiction or more non-fiction books? Definitely fiction. When I read a book, I want an escape from the real world. How has today been for you? BOY HOWDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did you do? Went to TMS therapy. Sat on the Internet. Cried. :^) Are there any candles lit in the room you’re in? No. Are there any lava lamps near you? No. I want one, though. Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats. Are any of your friends a pothead? Yes. What’s a goal you’re trying to accomplish soon? Start losing weight again. That'd be pretty goddamn grand. Are you a high maintenance person? Definitely not. The last time you yelled as loud as you could, what was the reason? I was having a nightmare. Have you ever been heartbroken? For sure. Who did that to you? First Dad, then Jason. Did you go through an ugly stage as a kid? Boy, did I. The last type of sandwich you made or ate: A pb&j. The last time you spent most of the day in bed: Literally every day. I do just about everything in bed. Pathetic, I know. The last friend or acquaintance you made: Ummmm idk. The last thing you took pictures of: A hydrangea bush. The last time you were scared: Now. The future is terrifying, my friend. The last thing you looked up online: The definition of a word to ensure I was using it correctly. The last thing you disagreed with: So I've been watching John Wolfe's old stream of him playing Alice: Madness Returns, and he went on a total soapbox about smoking being okay essentially because we're all gonna die eventually from something, and I really disagreed with it. Does your house have a separate laundry room? No, just like a closet. Do your parents still help you financially? I'm still entirely dependent on them. Does your car have a backup camera? No. Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? Not to my knowledge. Have you ever had a pet that lived to be really old for its breed/species? REALLY old, no. Teddy was definitely up there, but beagles have lived longer. What was the last strong scent you smelled? Lysol. Have you ever told someone to their face that they were ugly? Christ, no. Is your bed against more than one of your walls? No. Have you ever been attracted to someone’s parent? Don't think so? Have you ever pole danced before? No. Have you ever broken into someone’s house? No. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yes. What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? I dunno. Have you ever taken a woodshop class? No. How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? Funny you ask, because as of today I decided to take a break from it for awhile. I've found it's nothing more than a breeding ground for envy and making me feel like a horribly incompetent adult. Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? I had one photography teacher in college that I was NOT a fan of. He was super, super hard on everyone, like to an unnecessary degree. We were students, not pros. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Are your parents supportive of you? Somehow.
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ghwosty · 5 years
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I was tagged by @starsinursa. Thank you!
Rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. last drink: Coffee
2: last phone call: My husband
3. last text message: My tumblr two step activation code. Cause my laptop crashed and burned and I had to reinstall and re-sign into everything.
4. last song you listened to: Whatever was last at the superbowl halftime show.
5. last time you cried: I don’t remember, probably some sappy commercial.
6. dated someone twice: Kinda? He refused to call it dating until well after we were reunited, so I don’t know if the breakup was ever technically a breakup? Relationships are weird. Rest under the cut.
7. kissed someone and regretted it?: Not kissing specifically, no...
8. been cheated on?: Nope.
9. lost someone special?: Unfortunately.
10. been depressed?: Yes. I technically scored as mildly depressed about a year ago, but it wasn’t severe enough for medication. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up?: Ugh, yes. Tequila is evil.
fave colors
12. Blue
13. Teal
14. Purple
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends?: Not really. I have within the last two years though.
16: fallen out of love?: Not in the least.
17. laughed until you cried?: Yep. We have had a few game nights that ended up at this point.
18. found out someone was talking about you?: Considering I applied for a different position in my company, I know for a fact they were talking about me. If you mean in a backstabbing way, then no.
19. met someone who changed you?: Nope.
20. found out who your friends are?: I already knew. ;)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: Well. Yeah. My husband. This list was definitely made for teens, wasn’t it?
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl?: All but three, and I’m pretty damn close with them, too.
23. do you have any pets?: Two kitties.
24. do you want to change your name?: I used to want to really bad. Got over it at some point.
25. what did you do for your last birthday?: Played games and chilled with my hubby. My next birthday is about three weeks away and I plan on playing more Artemis. So much fun.
26. What time did you wake up today? Uhhhh.... Noon. I work from home, and with a downed laptop, I just didn’t care.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Reading in bed. Probably on my phone, articles and stuff, before switching to my Kindle.
28. what is something you can’t wait for?: Seeing my sister again. She moved across the country last year and I miss her.
29. What are you listening to right now?: Grey’s Anatomy is on in the background.
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom?: Yessss? What a weird question. My BF’s friend’s dad is named Tom. Actually, I know a lot of Toms from that generation.
31. something that’s getting on your nerves?: STUPID LAPTOPS THAT COST A FORTUNE AND ARE SHIT
32. most visited website: *sigh* The honest answer to this is riptidepublishing.com. It’s the company I work for.
33. hair color: That nebulous shade that no one can decide if it’s dark blonde or light brown, with red undertones.
34. long or short hair: Medium. Shoulder length right now, then I let it grow to my boobs before I cut it again.
35. do you have a crush on someone?: Only if my husband or actors count.
36. what do you like about yourself?: My brain. My mbti test tells me I’m good at dreaming up ideas and equally good at having the logic, organization, and critical thinking to see those ideas through. This is incredibly true.
37. want any piercings?: No. My ears are enough.
38. blood type: I have no idea. XD
39. nicknames: Kel.
40. relationship status: Married. 
41. zodiac: Pisces, first zodiac. Meaning I have a hint of Aquarius to me. (And I do.)
42. pronouns: She/ her
43. fave tv shows: Out of the current lineup? Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, Lucifer, Archer. I also watch a ton of ice figure skating.
44. tattoos: No.
45. right or left handed: Right.
46. ever had surgery?: Yeah, I had a cyst on my right ovary the size of a small watermelon. That was fun.
47. piercings?: Just ears.
48. sport: As I said, I watch a ton of figure skating. As for playing something, I’ll pass.
49. vacation: My dream vacation is Paris. But I love everywhere we go. The beach, the mountains, Vegas, other cities... I like a little bit of it all.
50. trainers: …I assume you mean sneakers/tennis shoes and are British, but I’m still confused why anyone would find that interesting. Asics, currently. New Balance usually.
more general:
51. eating: We’re having burrito bowls for dinner?
52. drinking: Water right now. Coke Vanilla zero with dinner.
53. i’m about to watch: Currently watching Grey’s Anatomy. We’ll probably watch Supernatural or X-Files with dinner.
54. waiting for: My laptop to get its head out of its ass.
55. want: More cats. All the cats. And all the money. And this job with my work.
56. get married: Already am, and I love it. Helps that I love him to bits.
57. career: I work for an LGBTQ publisher and it is truly, in nearly every way possible, the perfect job for me.
which is better:
58. hugs or kisses: Hugs, cause they are easier and more socially acceptable to share.
59. lips or eyes: Eyes.
60. shorter or taller: Taller. Says the 5′ 0″ chick.
61. older or younger: Older? Hubby is four years older than me anyway.
62. nice arms or stomach: Legs.
63. hookup or relationship: Relationship. I would be horrible at hookups.
64. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. My mom never worried an ounce about me when I was a teen.
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: No.
66. drank hard liquor: Yep. Crown Apple is the bomb.
67. lost glasses: I “lost” a pair in the sense that I left them in a drawer of a nightstand in Vegas. Ugh, so mad about that.
68. turned someone down: Yeah, actually. Don’t know how that ever happened.
69. sex on first date: Lol. I’ve only ever been with my husband (life just worked out that way) and he didn’t want to do it until we were married. He cracked a two years. (Though given that he wouldn’t say we were dating, that might still count? lol)
70. broken someones heart: No.
71. had your heart broken: Oh yeah.
72. been arrested: Nope. See statement about being so “good” that my mom never worried about me.
73. cried when someone died: Ridiculous amounts. Every time.
74. fallen for a friend: Not really.
do you believe in:
75. yourself: Some days.
76. miracles: Yeah.
77. love at first sight: I believe it happens, yes. It’s just rare.
78. santa clause: I believe in the magic of Santa.
79. kiss on a first date: Yeah, why not? As long as both want it.
80. angels: Not really, I’m a fairly strong atheist-agnostic.
80.5. Ghosts: Yes. I’ve heard too many stories to doubt that. One came from my mom and the hospital she works at, and she is not prone to fancy or fantasy.
81. best friend’s name: Tammy. Wow, I guess some things never change. I’ve known her since I was 5.
82. eye color: Blue.
83. favorite movie: The Princess Bride.
84. fave actor: Misha Collins. Obvs.
This legit did not have 85 questions, so I added one under the “believe” section. You’re welcome.
And I legit can not think of people to tag right now, other than the one or two I always tag. (You know who you are...) So feel free to say I tagged you if you want.
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kulaykape · 4 years
Chap. 2 of CONTRACT KILLER: OC x Natasha Romanoff
Chap. 2 of this mess. Ofc I didn’t proof read. 
Word Count: 2852
Summary: One week after Jean returns home from assassinating James Wagner. Nothing particularly important happens in this chapter, only serving to slowly build the dynamic of her household. 
---Holiday Household---
"Quite the headline, anak," Grandma Harper said as she watched the reporter on the national news detail the events. 
"Eh," I called from the kitchen, more concerned with how the hell I was supposed to tell if the spam was cooked well enough or not, "Nothing special." 
"If it was nothing special, you wouldn't have come back with so many bruises," Grandma replied as she walked into the kitchen and tapped the stitches on my brow. "Black Widow?" 
I nodded and pursed my lips. "Black Widow." Somehow, the SHIELD Agent had become a household name in a household of people who worked against her. 
Grandma clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "When you're not using deadly force, you're far too less efficient. You need to figure that out," she said. 
I scoffed. "I was about to use deadly force," I replied. 
"She almost had me," I said as I checked the underside of one of the spam slices. "Is that cooked, mama?" I asked dumbly, doing a double take between grandma and the food. 
Grandma Harper rolled her eyes. "World's Greatest Mercenary can't tell when spam is cooked," she echoed. 
"World's Greatest Mercenary is the reason you're living large, grandma," I said with a grin. Grandma Harper threw her head back and laughed. She'd been a horse breeder (among other things) back in her day. It might've been a lucrative business in 1910, but I don't know how well she'd fare now. 
Of course, she’d had other means of attracting income. Not too unlike my own. 
"It's only a matter of time before they send their big guns after you, Jean."
"Yeahhh…" I drawled, "Nothing that I can't handle. I'm surprised they haven't gotten the message by now, though. I don't kill good people." 
Wagner had been a rapist. My target preceding Wagner was a genocidal terrorist. And the man before that had been one of my worst targets yet. A popular singer and actor. I'd found child pornography in his living room, and a ten year-old boy in his bed. 
And somehow, the deaths of all those monsters had turned me into public enemy number one. 
Grandma Harper sighed as she took a seat at the dinner table. She looked more tired than usual, her eyes looking 123 years old even if the rest of her only looked about forty. 
"My day was simpler. The law was more lenient, more understanding," she said, "But at the same time, ruthless. I think you would've done better in my time, anak." 
I laughed mirthlessly as I stacked the spam up on a plate next to the eggs. Grandma Harper was actually my great grandma, a woman who was born and thrived as an outlaw near the turn of the century. I hadn't seen her in a real fight during my insignificant life span, but the look in her eye hadn't seemed to dull. 
"Kids! AJ! Isiah! Food's ready!" I called, picking up the pan and hitting a metal spoon against its underside. Grandma Harper sent me a sour look, and I put it down. 
Like the stampede from Lion King, AJ and Isiah’s three kids came crashing into the kitchen. They came in with so much heat that they would've slid to their doom and hit their heads on the corner of the table if Grandma didn't stop them. 
"Careful, you three," she said sternly. 
Reggie, the oldest at seven years, apologized sheepishly. "Sorry, grandma," he said, and with a kiss on her cheek was back in her good graces. His little siblings followed his lead to sit at the table, where I had to help four year-old Jenny sit down properly, and quickly stopped five year-old Katie from stabbing herself with a butter knife. 
AJ and Ian streamed in after them, talking quietly and critically. 
"You guys alright?" I asked, turning one of the table seats backwards and settling into it. 
AJ looked at me with a tired smile, not even bothering to hide her conflictions. "Yeah. It’s just been a rough week, what with all that,” she replied, gesturing to the tv screen. Katie extended her stubby hands towards the tv remote. I pointed towards the window to distract her, and then hid the remote.
“Auntie J, that’s you!” Reggie exclaimed, pointing at the screen as the name of my dual identity and my masked figure crossed over the screen. 
I shot Reggie a crooked smile. “Dang right it is.”
“Language,” Grandma shook a fork at me.
“I said dang!” 
I conceded, raising my hands in defeat and then looked at the couple still standing in the doorway. “Would you two sit down?” I said with slight exasperation, “I didn’t cook for you to just look at the food.”
“I wouldn’t call frying spam cooking, J,” Isiah said as he took a seat and started piling up his plate. AJ rolled her eyes as she followed suit. To her, this little bickering feud between Isiah and me was about ten years too old. 
“But you’re eating it, aren’t you, you walnut?” I retorted. Isiah shot me the “touche” nod, and went about chowing down. 
“You just cashed in a million dollar check, and we’re eating spam,” AJ said with a grin. 
“Broke people act rich, rich people act broke,” I said waving my own fork at her, “I swear, you two are just gonna eat the grease off the pan next time.” A ripple of laughter sounded through the table. Jenny and Katie laughed along for the hell of it. 
“A million dollars, auntie?” Reggie said wistfully, looking at me with his mouth wide open and showing off his munched up spam and rice. Isiah shook his head, and pushed up the boy’s chin with the end of his fork. 
“Yeah,” I replied. Grandma Harper sent me a look, and I nodded. “Uh... You know how much doctors make, though?”
“How much?” Reggie asked. 
Way less, I thought. “Three million,” I said. AJ hit her head against the table as she watched me resort to lying to cover my ass. Isiah looked at me, cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk with his food, and just stared at me blankly. Grandma Harper sighed, and got up to find her pills.
Reggie shrugged. “But your job’s cooler. And you’re still making, like, a million dollars!” He exclaimed. 
I sputtered for a moment, and would’ve been done for because of it if Reggie was a little older. “Yeah, but don’t you wanna save lives like a doctor?” 
“You save lives,” he fired back. 
“Eh…” I cringed a bit at that, “I don’t exactly-”
“And you get to have guns!”
“Hold on-”
“And you didn’t have to go to college.”
“But daddy told me you ‘officially started when you were twelve’. Is that true?”
I kicked Reggie’s mother in the shins, jolting her from her stupor as her son's questions evolved horribly. Help, I mouthed. 
AJ cleared her throat, and put her best mom’s voice on. “Junior, finish your food, okay?” She said, “Then you and dad can play Street Fighter until nine.” 
Reggie gawked, forgetting all about his blossoming ambitions to be a mercenary. “Until nine?”
“Finish your food first.” “Yes ma’am.” I don’t know why he emphasized “ma’am” like that, but I thought it was funny as hell and guffawed loudly, while simultaneously slumping over at dodging a (metaphorical) bullet. 
“I can’t believe you told the kid about how I first killed somebody,” I growled in a hushed tone at Isiah, just barely kept from ripping his head off by the grace of god and AJ’s occasional tentative hand on my shoulder. 
“It flew right over his head, don’t worry,” Isiah said flippantly, more focused on trying to get Ken to do a Hadouken without it being on accident. 
“That’s not the point, you perpetual loser,” I said quietly. The kids were still gathered around on the carpet, which I laid haphazardly on as I stared up at Isiah with vengeance in my eyes. I would save the more colorful insults for when they all went to bed. 
“Dad, stop cheating!” Reggie yelled as Isiah moved to casually stand in front of Reggie and obscure his view of the screen as they played against each other.
“Your children will grow up to hate you, Isiah Bradley,” I called from the carpet. Isiah raised his foot up, threatening to step on me. I scoffed. “I wish you would, Isiah. I wish you would.”
“So,” AJ said, sitting down next to me on the carpet as she attempted to avert my murderous gaze from her husband, “You went toe-to-toe with Agent Romanoff again?” I heard Grandma let out a faraway snort from the kitchen.
I sat up and subconsciously put a hand to the stitches on my brow. “Yeah. It dragged on a little longer than I originally planned,” I said. Then again, it was hard to plan ahead when faced with the Black Widow. 
“You need to get control over all your powers,” AJ advised, and I nodded, “You’d be Iron Man-level with them.” I scoffed. “What, am I not Iron Man-level without all the pyromania?” I asked. Sure, Black Widow might’ve nearly executed me by way of thigh, but I’d still won. 
“Don’t know. I mean, are you completely confident you can take a guy like that down when it comes to it?” She replied, “Because it will. Once SHIELD gets tired of this game of cat and mouse.”
And I was honestly surprised they hadn’t played one of their enigmatic little trump cards yet, seeing as we were three years into this little “game”. They could call upon Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, and even throw in Hawkeye, just for shits, if they wanted to. And I’d be a long since resolved problem. 
I gazed down at my own hands. They were slender and heavily scarred, but I’d covered up the flaws with tattoos. And within them was a power kept locked away in slumber, a power that, to be blunt, would turn me from a pesky mercenary to a worldwide threat. But it’d been sleeping in my family’s blood since Grandma Harper, so it was something even she couldn’t explain to me. 
“I mean, you remember that time you activated your powers on accident though, right?” AJ asked, recalling that one spar almost five years ago. 
Isiah had said something that pissed me off- big surprise there- during a spar, and I’d gone in for perhaps the angriest and most uncoordinated punch of my life. Flames had been born from my knuckles, licking at the back of my hand and then shooting forward at Isiah like something out of Avatar. The flames looked as if they were truly alive, and as angry as me at Isiah as they tried to consume him. But they died the moment I panicked at their birth, fearing what permanent damage they’d do to Isiah. And, unfortunately, he lived on.
“I doubt it’ll ever happen again,” I said. Since then, I hadn’t felt that dangerous heat rising in my palms. And I’d never tell any of my friends or even Grandma Harper, but it was the greatest feeling in the world. That power was beautiful. So beautiful, so enticing, in fact, that I couldn’t help but fear it. Just a little. 
Isiah chuckled. “Can’t wait to watch your kids figure it out, then,” he quipped, as Ryu- controlled by Reggie- Ultra Hadkouken’d his Ken into oblivion. 
“I thought we already went over this,” I replied with a chuckle, “I’m not popping any babies out.”
“Good. Imagine the power of those little devils,” he said with a snicker. 
AJ gave him a warning look. “Isiah.”
“Honey, you don’t understand,” Isiah insisted, shaking his head, “The power that was radiating off of this kid for that split second?” He shivered dramatically, “If I’m being honest, it might be that kind of thing that’s better left never discovered.”
“Even though I would’ve done us all a huge favor if I’d just made you a crispy chicken nugget,” I muttered under my breath. Isiah rolled his eyes, while AJ shook her head with a smile. 
“...Back to the popping babies thing, though,” AJ said.
“Oh, heck no.” I started to stand up. 
“You’re young! A young bachelor! With money!” AJ made sure to emphasize the money factor heavily, making an emphatic ‘make it rain’ gesture. 
“No,” I said, marching up the stairs to the guest room that I stayed in whenever I was here, while Isiah yelled something about me having to play against him. To my chagrin, AJ followed me. “Go to your family, heathen,” I spat over my shoulder. 
“But you are family, kid,” she replied, throwing an arm over my shoulder as she rapidly switched into her Isiah-like persona, which only came out when we started to talk about relationships. Her reply would’ve warmed my heart if the conversation topic itself wasn’t revolting. 
“No.” I rushed into the guest room and tried to close it behind me before AJ could slip in, but slip in she did. 
“But yes,” she replied as she sat down at my desk, “C’mon Jean, you’re twenty-two! At least try and have a little fun more often.” I cringed, as I knew exactly what AJ’s idea of ‘fun’ was. Clubbing, house parties, and (before Isiah) plenty of unadulterated sex. She’d settled down from all of that since marrying that walnut, but she’d take some time to herself every now and then, and her ventures usually involved dragging me with her. 
“I have plenty of fun,” I replied sourly as I collapsed on my bed, ruining the perfect lines of Grandma Harper’s work to keep it tidy. 
“You haven’t changed one bit since you were a kid, you know that?” She said, “You still find pianos and books more attractive than actual people.”
“I find people attractive, Aliyah Jackman,” I retorted, sitting up, “I just don’t act on it. Leave me alone.”
There was a beat of silence. And I knew it was coming. 
“...I know for a fact that you were hitting on Black Widow while you guys fought.” I tried to keep a smirk down. “So what if I was?”
AJ let out a howl of laughter. “Be careful with that one, Jean Holiday.”
“Nothing about our lives involves the word ‘careful’,” I replied.
“True. But I gotta tell you, if I liked women, I’d like Black Widow too,” she quipped. 
“...You know, I can’t help but be a little jealous of her.”
“How so?”
I let out a sigh, rubbing my forehead. I was too young to constantly be feeling this old. “Remember those corrupted SHIELD files you and Isiah found?” I asked. 
“Yeah… You found some dirt on her, didn’t you?”
“Yeah. She wasn’t much better than us at one point. If not worse,” I replied, “How come she gets a second chance? And we continue to be prey?”
“It’s not like any of us are seeking redemption.” And I couldn’t disagree with that. 
I let out a sigh. “From what that file said, it seemed like Clint Barton took a chance on her. Likely that she wasn’t looking for redemption either. It just fell in her lap.”
“Look, you’ve got no reason to be jealous of her, kid,” AJ said. I looked up at her, furrowing my brow curiously. “It’s not like you don’t have your own chance. If you want to leave this behind, nobody’s gonna stop you.”
That weight settled back in my stomach. That weight that should’ve been carried by someone much older, much sadder. “It’s not that simple,” I muttered.
AJ scoffed, and I heard the chair creak as she stood up. “Look, you don’t need me to tell you that we’re not exactly good people. The only one making it ‘not that simple’ is you, Jean,” she said, “You have a choice. Don’t act like you don’t.” And with that, she left. I flopped down on my bed. 
It was an odd relationship I had with AJ, Isiah, and Grandma Harper. They willingly conditioned me to take on this life, and yet it seemed like they always wanted me to follow the other path at the crossroad. 
But Grandma Harper had been an outlaw, an idea I’d never romanticized. I knew she did nasty things, probably killed good people (although I’d never ask). Then after her, Grandpa Josiah had gone on an angry tirade for reasons I still didn’t know, rebelling against the law until it killed him. And after him, my mom… Emery Holiday. I think she might’ve tried to be good. She joined the military, flew in the name of the US. But somewhere along the way, I guess the curse of our family’s selfishness and corruption caught up to her. Again, I didn’t really know, too cowardly to ask. 
If that was all they ever were, how could I be any different? What right did I have to be any different?
And if we put that all aside, what hope did I have to be any different?
0 notes
Can't live without you- Happy Lowman
Requested By  @homicidalteenagedream . Hope you like it!! Song- Can’t live without You by Pretty Ricky
Verse 1 Pleasure] It’s 4 O'clock in the morning. And she ain’t feeling right. I’m on a first class trip. Through this place called life. I don’t know what to do. Cause my body’s still shaking. I know it’s time to man up. And start my education. I need someone to call on. So I called on my best friend. I said “Bro, I can’t take it”. He said “Boy, stop tripping”. So I hung up the phone. Packed my shit and got right. I know what I gotta do now. Be a man and face life.
You were on the bed watching Happy pace the floor. You just told him that your pregnant. You’ve only been going out for a few months it was shock. “Are you sure, it could be just a miss up”? He said with panic in his voice. “Hap I went to the doctors and they said I was about two months along”. “I just dont know how this fucking happened, we use protection every time”. “Things happen we cant explain, if you dont want it you dont have to be in its life”. You got up and walked to the door. “But I’m going to keep this child, it was put here for us”. “I cant just give that up”. You wipped a tear away. You walked out of the dorm. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone dialing Chibs number. “Hap, whats up”? “Y/Ns pregnant, I dont know what I’m going to do” “You are going to fucking man up Lowman, that girl loves you”. With that the line went dead. “Fuck, I do need to man up”. You said to yourself.
[Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a ***** can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you.
You drove to Y/N house watching her threw the window. Crying. You knocked on the door. “What are you doing here Happy”? “I dont want to lose you or the baby”. You said walking in, siting down on the couch. “Hap you cant just come in and leave anytime you want”. “If you are in this, then its forever especially for the baby”. “It will be, I dont want my kid to go threw what my mom and I did”. He took your hand, holding it. “I cant live with out you, you dont look at me like I’m some greasy scumbag biker”. “You love me for who I am”. “Hap, I love you even if you dont I do”. You said kissing his cheek “I love you too Y/N”
[Verse 2 Spectacular] At the beginning you was gone. I was staying wit my momma. I stayed getting in trouble, man. Straight damn drama. I started dancing so I stayed out of trouble. Cause I stayed in school, selling candy so my money doubled. But then you told me man, dancing was for punks. Then you told me come and stay. And you ain’t care what I want. You told me come and dance and rap wit my brothers. You taught me how to love and how to care for my brothers. And then you taught me all yo hustlin’ skills. Just in case I get alone I know how to pay bills. You told me I was straight regardless of a deal. And I love you man for that cause you always kept it real.
“So I see you and Y/N made up” Chibs said taking a sip of his beer. “Yeah forever”. “Good she is good for you, she keeps you out of trouble”. “Yeah I remember before I met her, I was balls deep in every croweater here”. “But I met her and havent even thought about another girl”. “Good, your straight and she will keep it that way”. “Yeah she will, I dont want to lose her”. He looked Y/N way as you laughed with Gemma, your baby bump sticking out of your sundress. “She’s glowing, shes happy”. You smiled
Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a ***** can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you
Getting back from the party you both were tired and sunburned. “Oh Hap, I feel like I could sleep for days” You laughed “You better get some sleep, ours will be here soon”. He rubbed your belly. “Have I told you that you look beautiful today”? “You might have mentioned it once or twice”. “Well you are, I’m so lucky to have you”. He leaned over and kissed you softly. “I’m the one that is lucky, you gave me a blessing”. You put your head over his and smiled
[Verse 3 Slick'Em] Now that I made it, it feel real good. Take you out the hood. Put you on B and the block in the middle of the woods. And as hard as it seems, you was there for me. One bedroom apartment. On 6-0 and 14 number efficiency down in Coverly. Told you I had a dream. And even though I like to cheat. I’m going along my Georgia peach and that’s a promise I’m gonna keep. To the end, never gone blend. And I can hear you tell yo friends. And I can see you wanna buss and fuss with yo brand new Benz. To the world, baby it’s yours. I’d give you the world cause you not no ordinary girl. I’m yo son, you my ol’ girl. My momma, we shared for 19 years. And from the bottom of my foundation I’m telling you how I feel, and I love ya.
You were packing to move in the new house. This one was big enough for Happy, the baby, you and Happys mom. “You sure this is ok”. He asked taking the box away from you “Happy if you ask me that one more time, I’m going to smack you”. “Yes its great, I love your mom and I’m going to need help”. “She knows what she’s doing, she raised a great man standing right here”. You stood on your tippy toes to kiss him “Alright, thank you for being wonderful”. He kissed you again You arrived at the new house. It was so big and homie. A big back yard with a pool. A huge garage for Happy and a big kitchen for you. “Hap I love it so much”. “I love you” “I love you too, this is a new start for us all”. He placed his hand on your back and the other on your belly.
[Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a nigga can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you
“The house looks so good guys”. Gemma squealed hugging you both “Thanks Gemma, I love how everything turn out”. “Its great cause Happy and Ii have the same taste in somethings”. You laughed “I can see that”. You laughed rubbing your belly. “Funny Gemma so funny”. You both walked out side. Happy watched you light up about the new house and the baby. You both were so excited to bring this baby into a very loving home. Verse 4 Baby Blue] See, I fell in love wit ya. Wanna raise my kids wit ya. But you left me all alone wit tears dripping down the picture. I remember the day like yesterday. May 9th, to be exact. I’d do anything to get you back. Even though I know you ain’t coming back. I’m serious as a heart attack. Could we get it back the way it was? Cause I know you had some outside influences that pulled a plug. The reality, Junebug, girl I know we’ll always be together. I got you locked away deep in my heart, always here forever
“Happy”! You screamed from the top of the stairs. “What, whats wrong”. He ran up the stairs “Its time daddy”. You smiled threw a contraction “Shit, ok”. He helped you down the stairs and in the car. “I’ll be right back I have to get the bag”. He ran back inside. “Momma, we going to the hospital to have this baby”. You heard Happy yelling. The car ride was horrible. Contractions were taking over your body. “Fuck, Hap it hurts”. You screamed “I know baby, your doing great”. He said carrying you into the hospital room Four hours of pushing and screaming. Yelling at Happy to never touch you again. You heard little crys. “Its a boy”. The nurse said “Wow a boy, mommas going to kill me”. Happy said kissing your sweaty forehead. “No, she will be so happy to have another son”. You looked at your son with amazement. He looked just like Happy. “He has your eyes, so soft and pure”. Happy said as his son took his finger in his little hand. “Y/N thank you for giving me another chance to live this with you”. “You are the one that gave yourself a chance, you are the man your dad couldnt be”. You grabbed his shirt and kissed him. “I love you Happy, I always will”. “I love you and my son, I always will”. He said as he picked up his little boy. Chorus Pleasure] Maybe we could work it out. Cause you know I can’t live without you. And everytime I think about it. I know a ***** can’t live without you. Ain’t no need to cry about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you. I even wrote a song about it. Cause you know I can’t live without you.
“Do you Happy Lowman, take Y/N Y/L/N to be your wife in life, death and the after life”. The preacher spoke. “I do, I always will”. “Do you Y/N Y/L/N, take Happy Lowman to be your husband in life, death and after life”. “I do, I always will”. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride”. Just as you about to kiss. “Wait a minute, what else Brother”? Chibs blurted out. “I promise to treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my Harley”. Happy gushed. You blushed. “Ok now can I kiss my smoken ass wife”? He asked Chibs “Go get it Brother” He said clapping his hands. Happy kissed you long and hard. It was like the first time over again, you were weak in the knees and you felt his semi-hard on. Everything was in slow motion until you son came over a pulled at your dress. “Hey little man, Daddies kissing Mommy you gotta wait your turn” Happy laughed picking him up. The preacher got everyones attention. “Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Happy Lowman”. Life was bumpy at the beginning but it turned out better than ever.
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Sentence Starter Masterlist
Jason Todd:
“You deserve a world without this”
"Guns? Ha! Last I remember, you had string bean arms!"
“It’s not that funny.”
“I know you liked it when they were hitting on you.” "If you would do it I would like it better" "Wait, what" "What"
"If you're not there when this baby comes, I'm going to take that gun, and shove it so far up your--"
"open it" "can you say please?"
"real smooth, tripping over air"
"Alright guys time to play truth or dare"
"well, that was... interesting"
"where have you been"
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
“If you shove cake in my face this will be the worst wedding night of your life.”
“After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?”
"I know I said I’d get up with the kid in the morning but I’m hoping you can’t tell I’m fake sleeping and hoping you will do it instead"
"It helps that my competition is attractive."
“I’d die for you. Of course, I’d haunt you in the afterlife but really, it’s the thought that counts.”
"I bet I could beat you in wrestling match"
“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
"Yeah, because fighting crime wearing the colors of a traffic light is soooooo stealthy."
“I met your parents and your mom was flirting with me. "
"I am not jealous, I'm territorial. Jealous is when you what something you can't have, territorial is protecting what is yours."
"Get over here, Jason 'Crush Me With Your Thighs' Todd!"
"Wait, you're not a virgin? do you even stay awake long enough for sex?"
"you can't just go around killing people"
"So tell me: do all vigilantes lurk or is this just a part of your unique charm?"
"Am I really gonna be a father to an actual human being?"
"Put the water balloon down."
“You’re cute when you’re angry.”
Dick Grayson:
“I did a pregnancy test.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
"What do you mean I can't stay up until 4 am reading? You've stayed up later risking your life in a ridiculous costume!"
"If you sing that song one more time I will fight you"
“I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
"I swear to god if you don't get off the chandelier right now"
"love first of all  if you're wearing that kilt to slag me off for me Irish heritage I'm not one fucking bit impressed and second KILTS ARE FUCKING SCOTTISH ugh but you do look the ride in it , i have to say wait there I'm posting a pic of it this gonna be great craic"
“What do you want me to do with this?”
"You know you have to worst name ever"
"Where do you run off to every day?" 
Tim Drake:
“Is there a problem?” “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
"No, nothing's wrong, I was just fangirling, carry on."
"You should know by know that if you leave your cape laying around, I don't care if it's for 'superhero business', I'm going to wrap it around myself like a blanket."
“You drowned my makeup in water so I used my key to scratch all of your video game discs.”
"stop it, stop whatever the hell your doing"
'please stop staring at that stupid computer and talk to me'
"You're not meeting my boyfriend, Tim, because I'd like to date him a while before my brother kills him."
“This is your twentieth cup of coffee are you trying to break a world record or something?“
"I found you passed out, face down in a pile of coffee cups, are you ok?"
"You have to be cheating! No one is that good poker!"
"There's nothing wrong with taking a break"
"You should really get out of the house more, I almost attacked you thinking you were a vampire. And no patrol doesn't count, get some sunlight."
Damian Wayne:
“Damn, when did y/n get hot?”
"We’re camping and you think you lost the kid but they’re napping in the tent and I’m not telling you yet so you watch them better next time" 
"Damian, are you sure your dad is going to be ok with us sneaking a monkey into the Manor?"
“Before you decide to murder me, let me explain…”
“His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.”
“When you love someone, you don’t just stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!”
“Do you ever follow directions?”
"dami ..I can't find my reading glasses have you seen them ?"
"I was trained by the masters of the League of Assassins and Ra's Al Ghul himself I DO NOT SING"
"we are not going to steal someone's dog"
"i'm allowed to be obssesed with you, im your husband"
"Why is there a deer in the mansion."
"I'm better at handling swords than you"
“So that’s why you’re always gone... you’re fighting crime in tights...”
"Wait... are you actually trying to stab me with a spoon?"
"Do I have to?"
"Don't worry beloved my family will love you, if anything I'm worried about them scaring you off"
"Not to point out the elephant in the room, but is that a literal elephant in the room?"
Barry Allen:
"Cisco I don't need you to hit on them for me."
"I don't care how much a speedster needs to eat, you touch my food, and we're going to have a problem."
"everyone can tell you lover her, it's obvious"
“im NOT jealous, but he was flirting with you"
"I'm so sorry to disturb you but....I ran out of toilet paper"
Wally West:
"you like her, don't you!" 
"I recognize that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it"
Oliver Queen:
"are you jerking off or did you just find another book?"
"Are you really jealous of a dog?"
"Mon-El, stop trying to make me blush, you jerk!"
Winn Schott:
"Winslow Schott, you do *not* get to saw I'm 'crabby' right now. If I seem to be in a bad mood, it's because *someone* decided to drag all the way to the DEO, first thing in the morning before I had a chance to have breakfast, without actually giving me a reason!"
DC (Other):
Billy Batson:
"I'll give you your precious hoodie back, if you say the magic word!"
"How hasn't Bruce Wayne adopted you yet?"
"So...what happened EXACTLY?"
"y'know when you sneak around like that to transform you look super shady right?"
"You snuck into my room in the middle of the night to tell me something that could've waited till morning, woke me up by tripping over a small pile of books, and almost broke the most expensive thing I own. Remind me again why I shouldn't immediately call the cops on my best friend?" 
Young Justice:
Wally West:
"I'd like to remind everyone to refrain from eating my food"
"I think you're just jealous cause you don't have magic powers! Or maybe you don't believe cause your so dependent on your precious science to explain everything!"
"I don't speak science, think you can translate for us non-nerds?"
Bart Allen:
"You can't keep blaming yourself for what happened to him"
"I'm from the past...I knew your cousin"
"We're about to die!"/"Comes with the job!"/”You're not helping!"
"You can't be serious"
"Hey, could you help me go over these case files-...you do not have a shirt on..."
"Who do i look like, Batman?"
"How are you always late?"
"Give me back my book!! You better not spoil it!!!"
"YOU CAN SING?!?!?!?!"
"You look good in yellow"
"I promise to tell you where your snacks went, if you promise not to get mad."
“are you sure about this”
"please don’t make me say it" 
The Avengers:
"oops they saw it, well surprise I guess!"
Peter Parker:
"Don't be such a nerd Parker, we need to keep this professional and intimidating."
"You're that Bug Boy Jamison keeps talking about"
"You're an arachnophobe?"
“You're gonna get me killed!"
"I dare you to kiss him."
"Explain your powers to me again"
"Could you just get me down from here?!"
"These aren't even quips! They're just bad puns!"
"I cannot believe you of all people got us detention! I always thought it would be me."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity!"
"So, what's up with BugBoy over there?"
Steve Rogers:
"When were you planning to let me know what happened?!"
“I’m like 20% sure this plan will work. The other 80% means we could die horribly and violently, but honestly it’s a really solid plan.”
“You’re so determined to protect yourself and your feelings, but what about me?”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
"i lost our baby"
“Are you hitting on me?”
"...Why did you throw confetti in my face?"
“I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.”
"Please tell me you aren't washing a metal, mechanical, slightly magical lion with soap and water?"
“How did you even get that there?“
"How in the world did I get you to like me back?"
“I thought it was a good idea at the time, but it now occurs to me that I was horribly wrong.”
“Oh my god! You’re in love with them!” "No, Dumb-ass I'm in love with you"
"I can't believe you talked me into this."
"Keith, I love you, you know I do, but *please* tell me you didn't actually jump out of an airlock to get your lion."
“Why are you staring at me like that?” 
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid:
"i need you to breath in and out with me, this anxiety attack will pass, i......"
"I don't care what you think you know, Spence, I'm *not* ticklish!"
"God, I hate profilers! You can never keep a secret from one."
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