bearlyfunctioning · 16 days
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Comic #345 : Cringy Teen - Website links here
I bet only a few people can return to the bedroom they had as a teen 20 years later! Not everything here is cringe, but they come together to paint a very personal picture of who I was/am 😳🤭 Also, just because my tastes changed a lot and I cringe at my old self doesn't mean it doesn't suit & look good on you 😉 so please don't take this as a judgement if your room looks similar before or currently!
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canisriviveronis · 1 year
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trickycharm · 2 years
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random sparkledog
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stickbrony · 2 years
more silly art i made
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ashmag-adopts · 1 year
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OPEN [3/4] 
1. Valentine’s 35 usd 2. Dark Demise 30 usd 3. Cyber Flame [CLOSED] 4. Sunset Beach 30 usd
Once I receive the money I will send you an HD/unwatermarked image of your character. DM me if you want to buy!  
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topchomp · 1 year
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xXx_live and die an emo kid_xXx
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bloodmoonokami · 2 years
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and a sparkledog i made for myself
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vyckuke · 28 days
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Call this a basic bitch answer but my headcanon for Charles’s spirit animal is a wolf (probably a slightly skeletal one a la Toki’s fucked up rabbit form) due to how they’re obviously badass predators but more importantly they’re commonly ranked as some of the most paternal animals out there. To say nothing of the Mordhaus yard wolves and the wolf symbolism in Fatherklok (even if he specifically was not involved with those moments) which in turn might be influenced by their frequent use in Norse mythology up to and including Ragnarok.
Have even considered getting one for the ita bag but probably not gonna jump the gun until I get a definitive canon answer.
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sketchy--doodles · 8 months
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the 2nd week prompt of @theworldofprompts's art challenge: theworldofprompts.tumblr.com
The prompt was "a leap of faith" and I immediately went to Fawna and her journey of confidence and bravery. It was a leap of faith for Fawna to go up against the wolves. Here she is going up against Tilde. I used screenshots from "The Fox and the Hound" for background references. Also, I wish there were more wolf drawing poses out there lol
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oneslimybastard · 2 years
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Thinks briefly about April, one of Akira's oldest, and probably the first of his pack to disperse. She was part of his first litter alongside her sisters Mars and May, and I imagine she's the one who's most alike Akira in terms of personality, for better or worse. Their relationship was a complicated one, April looked up to her father but she also kinda hated that he was so much stronger than she'd probably ever be. The older she got the more she itched to stand on her own and surpass him somehow, and they bickered a lot due to being very stubborn and prideful in exactly the same way. Autumn thought it was hilarious, but also a clear catalyst for an interpersonal disaster and fallout, so he was probably the one who gently suggested that maybe April go chase her independence back at Amethyst Mountain. Which she did. Akira was not happy about it when it happened but April was not there to have to deal with it, yay! The one she misses most after leaving is her sister, May, the runt of their litter. May was always struggling to keep up, being weak and frail to a fault, and April worried constantly that she'd feel like dead weight because of it despite being assured otherwise. She'd urge May to accompany her on hunts, which'd often go south because they were both inexperienced, and April would endanger herself for the sake of keeping her sister safe, and in turn Akira would usually have to come in to save them both. If you guessed April hated that, you are correct! But one of the harsher lessons April's had to learn while roaming Amethyst Mountain is just how much she relied on her family back in Slough Creek, and how dangerous it is to be alone. Initially she planned to never pair up with a mate because she didn't want a pack or pups, but after getting trashed around by elk and remembering how much easier it was with a hunting partner — she reconsidered. It's how she ended up meeting and begrudgingly pairing up with Maple, a laid back himbo wolf who thinks her attitude is cute. She kinda hates him, but she also kinda likes him, it's a conflicting situation, but he hunts good and isn't afraid to join her in chasing bears off their carcasses, so she deems she's better off with him than without him. The both of them have yet to journey to Slough Creek, because April really isn't fond of the idea of raising pups of her own after having been stuck with so many siblings, nor the risk of running into her old pack back there. She's content to just prance around the mountain and terrorize the local wolves when they get in her way, whilst slowly getting it bonked into her head that being reckless can be a death sentence, and that a damaged ego isn't worth dying over. Some fun gameplay facts: April died like three times while I was trying to get a damn bear away from my carcass, I contextualize this as her having gotten her shit kicked in until her life flashed before her eyes and mustering her final strength to gtfo of there. She also broke her leg during a hunt once, which led to a long painful week of being too slow to hunt properly, as the hunger slowly set in deeper and deeper. It was not a pleasant experience, neither for her nor Maple. Maple doesn't wanna get too up in April's business despite being her mate, but he does worry over how hard she seems to push herself. He never really says anything though, their communication need some work.
(The designs are pending, her coat is practically all black though so that's handy. I like the idea of her being a bit pointy in the design department, ehehe, while Maple is just Fluff)
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goodboywyrmwood · 1 year
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Giving in to the past, reverting to my wolfy ways New fursona unlocked
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stickbrony · 1 year
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whisperwillyou · 2 years
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Our boy’s really goin through it 🥺🥺
Drew this at like 5am because I was to wired after the episode to fall asleep.
I’m not fully satisfied with it but I’m too sleep deprived to care lol.
Also, listen, I understand the significance behind the brown eyes, I get it, I fully support the shows decision. But they’ll have to pry the pink eyes out of my cold dead hands.
Excuse me while I go deal w/ the dopamine crash ✌️
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skxrbrand · 7 months
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" Why guise into a human? I do not understand. They are so...fragile. Why not a bear? Or even better, a wolf?"
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bmpmp3 · 28 days
we've been in a little bit of a cannibalism moment in narrative media for the last like, decade, and its pretty good and all: metaphors for all kinds of things, consumption as love, etc etc BUT i will say. between all the barking and crawling on all fours in the funny tasty dungeon manga (although dont get me wrong its also no stranger to cannibalism) and all the biting and wielding knives in ur teeth in Monkey Man 2024..... i wouldnt mind a bit of a Creature Moment. maybe we should creach a little
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