#wof scavenger
otiksimr · 9 months
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queewp · 2 months
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some friends of mine doodled alongside me, ty for @/floralstorms and @/drakiandh for drawing on a magma with me!! And also to a bunch of other peeps in a discord server who helped me brainstorm ^^ Scarab's a Skywing and Prismo's a Rainwing!! Cosmic Owl is a Night/Sand, Kheiro will be a sky (fire scales), Orbo will be an Icewing, and-- I think that's all I rlly have rn?? OH OH and Scarab has an animus-touched object that allows him to disguise himself as other tribes >:D (think like chameleon or wtv his name was)
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flawseer · 6 months
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Golden Devil
I remember once talking to my partner about the Dragonslayer book (which I have not read myself). I told him I hope there is a scene in there where Sunny does something normal and non-threatening and somehow ends up misinterpreted as a horrifying nightmare creature by a bunch of clueless scavengers with overactive imaginations.
I've sat here for about an hour now, trying to decide whether I should tag this as "violent" or not. On the one hand, it really isn't; it's just strawberry juice after all. On the other hand maybe the evocative imagery in the first panel is transcending the actual reality of the situation. I've decided to leave it as is for the time being. If this imagery upsets you though, please let me know so I can figure out a way to deal with that in the future. Maybe I can make up a new tag or something.
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tobuzzu · 6 months
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Peril as a sapient two-legged simian creature!!!!!
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ninoxwof · 21 days
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Rose (Flower) the Human
(I'm not well practiced with drawing humans by any means. I was initially going to hold off on drawing any scavengers until I get to Dragonslayer, but I think Rose is an important character in The Brightest Night that deserves a mention)
[Image Description: A digital drawing depicting Rose from Wings of Fire. She is a middle aged average built black woman, with coily hair that reaches down to her shoulders, thick eye brows, and a wide nose. Her lips are two toned, with her upper lip being darker than her lower. Her lower lip is also slightly thicker. She has slightly muscular sleeveless arms with forearm protectors on her. Her palms and the soles of her feet have a lighter pigment to them. She's wearing a sandy yellow sleeveless robe and green pants that are loose and free flowing. She's also wearing what appears to be sole protectors, likely to keep her feet from burning from the hot desert sand. She is sitting, with one leg bent inward, and an arm touching the floor, supporting her body weight. /.End ID]
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darkstalker-void · 5 months
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Finders keepers
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saroko-still-draws · 7 months
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Me: *Using symbols to show swearing*
Sis: Let him say 'Fuck.'
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Sometimes, I get the urge to burn all the scavengers from Wings of Fire (especially when I remember the mess that was The Flames of Hope).
I want all those bastards to burn in dragon fire. Get out of the DRAGON BOOK, you rats!
Too many GODDAMN "dragon books" have humans! I'm so sick of it!
If anyone knows a dragon book that doesn't mention/feature humans, I'd love to know.
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jade-mythriil · 7 months
Human Settlements of Pyrrhia
There are not many human settlements known in the books. So I decided to come up with a few that I also often use and reference in my own fics. These are some of the human settlements I made up with some lore behind them.
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* Defiant is a subterranean village located in the far western edge of the rainforest founded by the Bush Clan by repurposing an ancient iron ore mine and expanding the caverns within with more living quarters. Outside the mines, there are trenches covered by foliage sprawled across their territory floor to help the clansmen hide in case of a dragon attack. The bush clan defenses involve setting up traps and ambushing intruders. Their marksmen have the truest aim and are capable of hitting targets with much precision.
* Tranquility is a town built within the shoreside cliffs south of Defiant and is inhabited by the Wave Clan. The town has a subterranean dock where the Wave Clan builds and stores their fishing sail boats known as paraws. The beaches below the cliffside is where the clan dries their harvest(seaweed, fish, etc.) and collect trade goods. On top of the cliffs is a small clearing where they meet with the Bush clan to do trade. Wooden cranes are set up on the cliff's edge to make it easy to transfer goods to the beach below. Trenches are also dug up on the clifftop clearing to help defend against aerial dragon attacks. The Wave clan attacks by utilizing incendiary arrows that stick to dragon scales, are hard to put out and burn for a long time.
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* The Empire of Kiln is a human kingdom located in the western coastal mountains west of the Scorched Desert. They're one of the only kingdoms to have managed to maintain their power since the Scorching amidst the constant threat. They have the highest amount of iron resource of any human settlement being located over a large iron deposit making them the largest export of iron of any settlement.
* The Silent Oasis Camp is a small trade outpost where traders from other settlements stop to rest before heading out into the desert. It has a relatively small oasis but enough for the people to live off of. This was set up by the empire of Kiln to help their traders rest after a full night of travel (which is the only safe time for caravans to traverse the desert.)
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* Athanor is an underground human city found within the old sewer network of Ancient Athanor just below the Old Athanor ruins. Most of the humans here live within the networks, dungeons, and sewer systems of the ancient city. Athanor has some of the most well-preserved archives of any settlement with books and scrolls that date back to before the Scorching. It contains many documents on ancient sciences, elements, alchemy, and other sciences thought to have been lost to time.
* Allegro is a small village located within the dense birch forests which helps them keep dragons away.
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nationalforestt · 1 year
are dragons edible? like if a scavenger was to find a dead one could they.. eat it?
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mamajoeee · 11 months
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Happy pride y'all! :D Cactus and his DragonKin (dragon he connects most to) decide to celebrate by chillin' in the desert
And ye, both of the dudes names are Cactus 👌
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otiksimr · 9 months
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My brain decided to randomly pop off and now I've given myself a whole lot more work.
I just made myself a whole species in my attempt to rework wof. Feel free to make a character using one of these I guess.
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carriegalaxyy · 1 year
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my wof oc thing idk im new to the series
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butchriptide · 2 months
I've seen people make human AUs and equate Winter's scavenger fascination with being like. a crazy cat person. and while that is really good and I do think Winter would and should be crazy about cats, I do think like... if you are going to give him an equivalent interest you gotta go nicher than that. Like, being a Cat PersonTM is a thing like half the population identifies at. You GOTTA go stranger. He needs to be regularly attending reptile conventions. He needs to daydream about owning a praying mantis. He needs to yell at underpayed PetSmart workers about how small the fish tanks are that they keep the bettas in. He needs to be offered the chance to hold a snake and he needs to talk to that snake like he's greeting the queen. He needs to show you photos of tarantulas please please please look at his pictures please of his tarantulas
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I dislike scavengers in wof. Not because of the usual reason of “I came to wof to read about dragons not humans” (I actually really like the idea of how humans would work in a world of dragons) it’s just that any story that turns humans into anything equivalent to pets is a massive ick for me, regardless of how much sense it makes in story
this also kinda ruins Winter for me since he still treats scavengers like unintelligent animals (I still love him though its just when he talks about scavengers I just can deal with it)
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k8wof-designs · 1 year
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Wren the Scavenger
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