#wof fan continent
dramaturgydrakes · 1 year
hello everyone! please buckle in because i am about to be an unstoppable force unable to shut up about my fantribes and alt tfoh timeline branch au
note that many things are bolded, italicized, colored differently for more readability and to bring focus to important points!
THIS WILL PROBABLY BE DIVIDED INTO MULTIPLE POSTS/REBLOGS!! i have a HUGE amount of development for this story you have no fucking clue
So, first things first: Where are we in this quaint little alternate universe that totally doesn’t have at least two massive intertwining overcomplicated plotlines?
We are on Tipula! (No completed map as of current.) Tipula is the primary title of various genera of crane fly, a family which incidentally has the rarest insect species known to date under its tree.
Now, what’s so important about Tipula? Why are we here?
Tipula is the last of the seven dragon continents (Pyrrhia, Pantala, Oedalus, Vespina, Aedes, Povilla), in the context of surviving the spread of the othermind.
Yeah, sorry, guys, it’s that kind of AU—even though I don’t delve into the WoF community much, I’m sure it’s done to death at this point. BUT! I like to think my spin on it is completely unique in its own right!
Moving on!
How has Tipula survived? What happened to everyone else?
Centuries upon centuries ago, in the dying breaths of Tipula’s last animus, she cast a spell that protected the entirety of the continent from invaders. But that’s not all: the enchantment held her spirit, which would guide dragons fleeing from tragedy and disaster to Tipula’s shores. To anyone else, it was hidden. Imperceivable and nonexistent to those who had never heard of it in the first place.
Even before realizing Luna’s failure, many dragons had already prepared themselves to leave; inhabitants of Pyrrhia and Pantala alike. Somehow, some way, something of perhaps two hundred or more dragons escaped the horrible disaster that was beginning to take place.
Many did not survive. But many more held on, flying until their wings ached and screamed. Carrying their tired, crying children and leaning to the sides of the elderly when they could hardly keep up, eggs wrapped carefully in bags of some kind or another—only for many to be lost to sea. Barely finding any places of rest, driven from the shores of every new continent as they were greeted with only hostility and fear.
... There were whispers in Lichen’s ears.
A frail old RainWing, never having been pushed this far for this long. No suntime, no naps, no fruit or hammocks or furry friends... but she was old enough to know tragedy. She knew how to push forward, and how to motivate the youth of her tribe to keep moving when they grew bitter and hopeless.
Perhaps her age was getting the better of her, her deteriorating mind telling her things that didn’t quite make sense.
Still, she pulled herself to the front of the exhausted group, and murmured in the ear of her queen. She repeated the words that had been spoken to her just moments before.
“Angle yourselves further left. There is a small tropical island, with enough food for every dragon to have one meal. It is safe to rest there. Then fly straight, and you will be guided the rest of the way.”
Glory seemed as bewildered and uncertain as Lichen herself, but, seeing as they were already aimless in their flight, she relayed the information to the queens that had come along and still survived this far.
(Ruby’s confidence was unwavering, and it had gotten her all the way up to here. Snowfall would do anything for her tribe, determined to prove she could survive for their sake. Coral and the SeaWings were already well-built for such a journey regardless. But Moorhen had been lost to the waves when the first storm hit six days prior, and Thorn had refused to leave without at least trying to save their home.)
It seemed crazy. And yet, their hope at its last embers, they took a chance.
And there it was: the island. Relieved at such a miracle, they settled down; replenishing their energy until they all felt they could move forward again.
In the distance, the blurred figure of a dragon flew forth. Not knowing what else to do, they followed. Their uncertainties and their fears were cast aside, knowing, ultimately, this was their only hope. Now was not the time for doubt, for questions, for hesitation: they had to trust that this would lead them to safety.
One by one, talons met sand. One hundred and thirteen dragons landed on the shores of Tipula, greeted by curious eyes and a kindness they had not been granted for days on end. These dragons had not known war or continental conflict: their priority was peace and knowledge, acceptance first and foremost. There were no queens, no rulers—but instead a council that decided the laws with input from all the tribes across the continent, and oversaw the fair trials of all alleged criminals.
The refugees settled in. Purity of blood could not upheld, and centuries passed, the number of Tipulan tribes almost doubling as division of bloodlines created entirely new dragons.
Originally, Tipula had CavernWings, CloudWings, BlazeWings, and... BeetleWings. BeetleWings had come from this continent, and, as it seemed... they were not lost to time at all.
Now, seven new tribes exist among them: ScaldWings, DustWings, FrostWings, GaleWings, SproutWings, VineWings, and... HiveWings, but not. Modern HiveWings, I call them.
All of these tribes will be covered in their own posts and/or reblogs! :)
There are a LOT of story details I still need to fit in here, and I may have to reorganize plotpoints and rewrite paragraphs, plus I still need to figure out what I should be putting in separate posts instead of just here. Stay tuned! :)
And also I’m not done being an annoying highlighter with the text.
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APPEARANCES: ScaldWings appear much like SeaWings, but with features that are considered sharper—their bioluminescent stripes appearing more like slashes most of the time and their webbed frills having less uniform structure. They are also considered less bulky. Then, of course, their colors pose a stark contrast to that of their primary ancestors—anywhere from sunny gold to bright red, though some are on the lighter end of the spectrum. This is more helpful for disguising themselves among the vibrant coral and red kelp that litter the waters of the Dragon’s Nest.
ABILITIES: ScaldWings can breathe underwater, swim at speeds much faster than most dragons can fly, light up their bioluminescent scales and stripes at will, and, most notably, boil water they have consumed and spit it back out—which generally causes them to have an overall higher body temperature. Rarely, a ScaldWing can be born with too much of this heat, to a point where they are constantly boiling the water surrounding them. These are called ventscales (like thermal vents), and most of them live in ScaldWing shore villages rather than underwater.
NAMING CONVENTIONS: ScaldWing names are usually taken from sea creatures and plants, corals, heat-related terms, shades of red/orange/yellow, and other oceanic things.
LOCATIONS: Most southern part of the Tipulan map, in a string of islands called the Dragon’s Nest, with the waters in between these islands and the mainland being known as the ScaldWing Gulf. There are a variety of shore villages that extend up until the beaches give way to the desert.
ORIGINS / ANCESTRY: ScaldWings’ primary ancestor would be the SeaWings, the increase in heat-related capabilities and different colors mainly attributed to the tropical environment and a small mixture of SkyWing blood among the line.
( this post may be subject to change for the purposes of: reformatting, adding information, rephrasing, or correcting inconsistencies. )
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scrollwyrm · 1 month
Fan theory! (Excuse me if this is wrong. I don’t know anything about meteorology.)
So. A storm swept Luna from one continent across a massive ocean to another, seemingly unharmed. We see that in Burn’s ‘weirdling tower’ the same has happened to two other SilkWings, possibly more, but they weren’t so lucky.
How? Well I think that every decade (or so) a huge storm rolls across a certain path, crossing the Pantalan coast, possibly sweeping up some dragons, then turning around to go near (but not quite reach) the Phyrrian coast, before careening back off into the sea.
This makes some sense because the other two SilkWings clearly drowned just before reaching the beach. I think that Luna got lucky and was dragged to shore by the current.
Another interesting thing I noticed is that a similar storm hit Pantala just after ClearSight arrived, but it also covered the mainland and was much more destructive. Is it possible that its course and strength have changed?
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wof fans calling clearsight a colonizer is a really gross misuse of the term imo. clearsight sought refuge on the other continent and it was through shitty worldbuilding that hivewings existed as a result. the journal being worshipped was just...something that happened well after she died too? like the writing sucks and i agree on that but comparing a fictional character to people who committed atrocities against indigenous populations is just really weird and belittling of irl tragedy to me.
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blizzardstarx · 4 months
DMs are closed. I will not respond.
i should probably make a intro post
Hello, my name’s Blizzard, you can call me Blizz or Blizzy! I’m non-binary and neptunic/lesbian and I go by they/it/xe/ze pronouns.
Basic info about me:
My favorite animals are wolves, cats, dragons, dinosaurs, griffins, and a lot of other things, and my favorite color is glaucous (a shade of blue)! I’m a band kid, I play the flute and I’m also in marching band. I like drawing though I post it rarely, and I used to write! I may have ADHD and autism (self-diagnosed), but I don’t have the resources, although I have most or even all the symptoms. My MBTI is INTP-T, I’m a Pisces, and I’m a bilingual Chinese-American. I like listening to The Crane Wives and Conan Gray! Also I’m legally blind- my glasses "amplify my asian smartness 🤓" - my friends
My Discord and Instagram is under the same name blizzardstarx, feel free to send a friend request or follow!
Pronouns page
Straw page
Current Hyperfixation: Elizabeth Lail + FNAF + Vanessa
Fandoms I’m in:
Life/Traffic Series
Just basic DNI things
Terfs, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, racists, proshippers, pedophiles, zoophiles, ableists, anti-furries, DSMP fans, zionists, anti-neopronouns/xenogenders
My tags:
#blizz’s nonsense - Where my rambles go
#blizz’s rants - my rants and vents
#blizz’s art - my art
#blizz’s writing - my fics
#aura!!! - related to my oc, Aura
#Blizzardstar!!! - related to my warrior cats oc, Blizzardstar
#cat!vanessa au (Navigation/Masterlist) - my au of the fnaf movie but everyone is a cat
#Pontalo!!! (Masterlist) - my Wings of Fire AU dragon species that live on the continent Pontalo, created in a roleplay four years ago
#CS&Co.! - The combined universe of Pontalo and other roleplays I did, like Creature School and the Dragon-Wolf War (DWW)
My ask box is open closed, you can ask me anything, like about my cat!Vanessa au or my ocs, or send me dumb stuff
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nirvanacuga · 1 year
haven't posted in a while grrrr
I'll try to post more content here, especially WoF canon related. In the meantime here are two more bust shots for fan ocs.
We have here, Monarch. He is in no way related to the silkwing queen Queen Monarch, and had gotten the name out of sheer coincidence (and from the orange colors of his wings). He is a professor who loves honey
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The green/red leafwing is Aglaonema or simply Aglo for short. She is one of the few rare librarians of the Leaf Kingdom, storing books and literature from all over the continent.
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They're both neeeeerds (if you don't see their glasses). The silkwing being the mellow geeky type while the leafwing is the straight-A-in-everything-top-of-the-class kid.
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endy-boi · 10 months
i am trying to write a fic for the first time, where peril explores all over the world, and i thought it would be fun to have her explore some fanmade continents and towns
if you have a fan continent or town, and you’re fine with me using it in a peril au fic, please let me know!!
i won’t be using any characters that aren’t mine, unless you specifically mention one to me and want me to write them in! (prepare for mediocre writing lol)
so far i’ve written space for 1 fan continent and 1 fan town, but much more will likely be added!
feel free to contact me in reblogs, dms, or on discord (listed on my carrd)
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prince-sawgrass · 6 days
for wof ask game! 7 + 19 + 32
7. Answered here!
19. Least favorite tribe?
Hivewings and Leafwings tied for this one. I find them both really boring (though that’s probably in part because when I was waiting for the first arc 3 book to be revealed I was anticipating something that was. actually buggy. I think with a lot of wof plot as a kid I was making a lot pf predictions and theories that were a bit more ‘out-there’ than what tui was actually likely to write, lmao.
i still like a lot of those theories more than canon and might pick em up for some self-indulgent AU things, and I’ll work out the hivewings and leafwings’ deals from there, probably!
32. Have you made any fantribes/fan continents?
Not really! Fantribes and continents dont really catch my interest, and while I’ve entertained the idea, I find it difficult to make a kind of dragon whose premise is either too broad, too specific, or kind of already filled by a canon tribe. When considering it I also kind of prefer for there to be an associated/preferred set of biomes for the tribe to set up in, with plenty of options for stories and individual character preferences (and naming opportunities, too!)
That and I prefer filling the canon tribes with my + my friends’ headcanons about them, and I’m not sure I could figure out how to fit an original kingdom in there without the world feeling bloated.
tldr: not my thing mostly bc i have a hard time coming up with ideas like that for this setting!
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wc-confessions · 1 year
"To be honest? I'm kinda sick of people saying WOF is better than Warriors, when it shares MANY of the problems Warriors has, whether it's racism, the portrayal of abuse, colonialism, ableism and more. I dunno guys, maybe we shouldn't act like EITHER is all that great. Warriors has it's issues, we all know that. But putting WOF on a pedestal and sweeping the issues it shares under the rug ain't it. :/"
Tbf, the reason people say this is because the issues that come from warrior cats vs teh issues that come from wof are for completely different reasons. Issues with WoF's writing stem from trying to comment on big systemic issues without having the right level of expertise to tacle them delicately. Warrior's portrayals of these subject matter comes from biases that the writers and editors have that they dont want to address at all in the first place and those biases bleeding into the writing as a result. Not to mention Warrior's issues are much, MUCH, MUCH more egregious between the EXPLICIT sexism and colonialist messaging. I cannot stress enough that in warriors we get repeated, very clear endorsement of xenophobia, racism and sexism over and over again as CORE values and messages in the stories of the series. Where WoF tries and fails, EX: mixed messages with the whole lost continent arc, nightwings vs icewings thing, and anemone wanting to 'fix' tamarin's blindness being portrayed as a good thing- Warriors doubles down and spits on the fans for having values with stuff like ashfur and frecklewish. Not to mention WoF is made by one person with a concise vision for the story vs warrior cats which is pretty disjointed and has extremely inconsistent charization of its characters - if they have characterization at all. Afterall when people say WoF is better than Warriors they might not even be talking about values they could just be talking about the actual books themselves being more entertaining to read.
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sandshadow9 · 2 years
Can you elaborate on what aspects of the WoF worldbuilding you find to be underbaked? I'm interested in your point of view(and it's been a while since I've reread them so my memory isn't the freshest lol)
Thanks for ask @aspirationatwork! To prevent this from getting too long I’ll use bullet points and try to briefly describe my thoughts on the topic. OK here we go
- The animus magic system: Its origins are a mystery, it’s limitations (if any) are vague and undefined, and its inheritance is random. Someone else (maybe on the subreddit?) pointed out that Tui had to get rid of animus magic since she had basically written herself into a corner and made it too overpowered which I think is a valid point but I’m not happy about it.
- NightWing powers: Now I enjoy mind reading/prophecy powers a lot, but these powers stick out like a sore thumb compared to the abilities of the other tribes and we never really find out how the NightWings got them.
- The aging system: Need I say more?
- The naming system: Also very creative for Tui to give the humans the same naming system.
-Size of fruits and non-dragon animals: Just overall proportions of dragons vs the environment that seems to change every so often as fits the scene.  
- MudWing breeding night: Of all the scraps of MudWing lore Tui could have given us, this is what she came up with. 
- The Scorching: the biggest event in dragon history was left vague for a very long time, and then once an explanation was offered it was lame and only provided half the answers. It might have explained why the dragons conquered the continent but not really why they then differentiated into different Tribes.
- Inconsistent characterization and character arcs: While it maybe doesn’t fall into the “world building” category, character arcs are definitely an important part of story crafting, and I don’t think I need to provide specific examples. Every WOF fan has their own.
-Overall dragon culture and society: This is probably a personal bias, but the way the different dragon tribes live and work and rule are kind of brushed over in a lot of ways. I’m not expecting Lord of the Rings level detailed world-building here, but there are certain things that just don’t hold up when you think too deeply on them. Stuff like the IceWing Circles or how currency works (is it a bartering system? Do they use coins and gold?) or how the postal system works. 
Others can feel free to add other stuff or disagree, these are just what come to mind for me. But I do want to explain that I don’t say this to be hateful of the WOF books as that would be immensely hypocritical of me, a person who actively creates fan content for the series. Some part of me loves this series obviously, or else I wouldn’t have the passion to write for it, but it's the same love for it that makes all these things stick out to me. 
I also want to take this chance to explain a comment I made in my previous post: that it is very telling that Tui was given the suggestion to write a book about dragons rather than her coming up with the idea from scratch. Anyone who has created their own original story or even an AU has probably felt the universal experience of feeling overwhelmed with the details of how the world works and the characters they are writing about. This comes from a place of love and passion for what’s being created - and I just don’t think Tui has that love for WOF. 
I am sure she had a fun time writing it, or I hope she did, but I just don’t feel the love in the story. The characters are wishy washy since she doesn’t really love them. The world building is shaky because she probably hasn’t spent years daydreaming about it and turning it over in her head.
Anyway, this post is getting long enough. I’d like to know how others feel about this, but these are just my thoughts :3
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New Wings of Fire Roleplay Server!
Here’s the description:
Welcome to Wings of Fire: Untold Stories!
About Us: We are a 16+ literate to semi-lit role play server. The RP Takes place before Arc 1, during the Great War. Canon characters and OCs are allowed!
- We have have fun emojis
- We offer a lot of creativity when making characters despite being a canon centric server
- We are beginner friendly! The staff are experienced RPers who love introducing people to the hobby. We are more than happy to help you improve in both role playing and character creation
- Scavenger OCs are allowed, as well as canon ones!!
- It’s open to all fans. You don’t have to be an expert on the series to join nor have read all the books. We can fill you in on lore but given the time the RP takes place, don’t worry if you haven’t finished Arc 1.
- We offer various events both in RP and outside of RP. Battles, festivals, arena fights, and even D&D style campaigns will be present as we grow. There will also be raffles and prizes in these events. We want everyone to win something cool!
- We have a channel dedicated to the amazing WOF fan games on Roblox (which are free), and will have game nights on them.
- Server boosters will be rewarded for boosting and can win special perks for their OCs.
- We are a very accepting and accommodating place. Every member should feel comfortable and included. Our top priority is to make sure everyone is having fun. We will take all suggestions seriously and make sure stress and anxiety are reduced.
- We plan to explore the history of the Dragon World. Explore ancient ruins and uncover secrets to questions we have all wanted answers to.
- Explore a more mature and gritty take on the series.
Server Plot:
“The death of Queen Oasis was a shock to everyone. For the first time, a Queen had been killed by a scavenger. From this one incident, Pyrrhia would fall into a brutal war with nearly every tribe involved.
It seems as though the fighting would never end. Even the hope brought on by a prophecy could only do so much.
War brews conflict beyond what one would expect.
Skywings using prisoners for entertainment.
The Nightwings taking control behind the scenes.
The Rainwings blissfully ignorant to the bloodshed beyond the forest.
Things are even worse on the continent of Pantala.
Queen Wasp has her claws wrapped around everything, even the minds of her own subjects. Dragons don’t like being oppressed, and many are planning to dismantle the Hivewing dictatorship. Meanwhile the leafwings have split into two separate tribes, that of the Poisonwings and the Sapwings.
While we all know how it ends, so many stories of this time have gone untold. It’s time to shed light on the dark times.”
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sharkthe-cat · 1 year
Who's your favorite character from each arc?
Favorite arc?
Best wof book?
Aaaah i love it when i find people in multiple of the same fandoms as me :D Tysm for the ask.
Fav character from each arc, Clay from The Dragonet Prophecy because he's an absolute cinnamon roll and has an amazing personality, but honestly i love all of the Dragonets of Destiny, and most of the other characters in the arc as a whole. Tentatively Winter from The Jade Mountain Prophecy, semi-tied w/ Kinkajou/Turtle/Peril? I'm not the biggest fan of this arc ((in particular DoD)), but i love all the listed characters. I say tentatively, as though i've just read up on Winter on the wiki and remembered why i liked him so much, i haven't read the books in ages & i remember loving all these characters in addition. For the Lost Continent Prophecy ((i think that's what it's called?)), Sundew. I think i sorta liked Cricket as well, but i remember enjoyed her book and her as a character. Ooh, and Lynx! I totally forgot about Lynx, i loved her. One of those lassies.
My favourite arc is undoubtably The Dragonet Prophecy. It's just good, idk what to say about it. The characters have amazing chemistry, and there's not a lot to debate ship-wise in this series. The ships don't stand out as strongly as they seem to in the other two arcs, but maybe i didn't get as engaged in the fandom until reading the later arcs. The Lost Continent Prophecy is second, and The Jade Mountain Prophecy dead last.
I stopped reading the graphic novels after a few of them, but i have read many of the books multiple times. I might have to say Darkstalker as a general favourite because it was probably the book that had me closest to crying over a WoF book. Idk what it did but something about that book had me so much more connected to the characters than other books did. I think The Hidden Kingdom is my favourite first arc book, Talons of Power is for sure my second arc favourite ((i read full through in abt a day without putting it down)), and The Poison Jungle is likely my favourite third arc book. Prisoners is my favourite Winglet, because i think the layout with the letters is such a creative move, but Runaway is quite good because of Foxflake.
Like i probably said so many times, i don't remember a ton so take this with a grain of salt ^^;
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scrollwyrm · 3 months
(Spoiler warning for books 11 and beyond) HiveWings: plothole or propaganda?
I have a theory. What if HiveWings aren’t really all descended from ClearSight? Clearly none of them have defining NightWing traits like NightWing powers, stars under their wings, or anything like that. This could just be due to the traits being bred out, but it’s a whole tribe, and they all have the same lack of obvious NightWing traits, despite being descended from a NightWing? No. Another problem with this idea is the lack of any major problems stemming from the horrific amount of incest that this would imply. So, what’s my theory?
Here’s what I think: when ClearSight arrived on Pantala, she saved both resident tribes- BeetleWings and LeafWings, from certain death. Everyone was impressed, and she was treated like a queen. Many of the BeetleWings disliked her though, and found her constant warnings to be condescending. They moved to the centre of the continent, the Savanna. The ClearSight supporters started to become more fond of black scales, like ClearSight’s, and yellow scales, like SunStreak’s. The offshoot tribe, meanwhile, hated this development and wanted nothing to do with it. They became the SilkWings, evolving separately. The BeetleWings kept growing as a tribe, and evolved into HiveWings. They wanted more power though, so they started spreading rumours that all HiveWings were descended from ClearSight, and put out propaganda depicting ClearSight as some kind of deity, watching over their futures from the past. A deity who looked a lot like a HiveWing.
ClearSight warned against all of this corruption in the book of ClearSight, but one of the earliest known HiveWing queens tore out those pages, rewriting the end to say that they were all her descendants. This also goes into why the bookbinding looked so wrong, as Hazel said.
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I really dislike the way the WIngs of Fire wiki is run.
The Wiki has 17 tribes. 10 canon, 7 fanon.
That might sound off, considering that fan tribes are common. Why aren't there more fan tribes? That's because on Fanon, they limit the number of tribes there are.
It's an incredibly odd choice to make, and I find it incredibly restricting to do in a fandom as creative as this.
Obviously, it is very hard for a new tribe to be made due to the beurocratic process - first, you have to make sure the continent is open, then, you have to go to the admins, and then there is probably a vote held (it's been so long, I can't remember).
If you don't go through that process, your tribe will be deleted. Because the admins don't want too many fan tribes.
It's utterly baffling, once again, to limit the number of fan tribes. It cries control freak, because why else would someone do that?
So, pretty much, WoF Fanon Wiki is a closed roleplaying community disguised as a fanon wiki due to the level of restrictions it has on what can be posted.
I agree. I can't see the point in having a fan wiki that doesn't allow free posting of fan tribes., which is half the fun of being in this fandom.
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dinodogs · 2 years
Sorry for OC posting so much, I promise I'll give yall some rwby wof stuff. For now u get ash in her racing stripes + mini skywing society info dump below the cut
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Hi welcome to my info dump. Before I start, plz don't copy these ideas. I know there are other ones similar out there and everyones allowed to be inspired by the same thing, but please just don't take these ideas exactly and put them in ur universe.
Anyways. Skywing society is inspired by the ancient Greeks and Romans, specifically Sparta. We've mixed in a lot of our own ideas, some canon stuff, and some other Greek city-states and different things from different time periods of each ancient civilization.
They heavily value their military, not to the extent of Sparta where ppl would legit just get beat in public. But to a point where every citizen is required 2 years of military school so they're all at least aware of the most basic military and combat tactics. And dragons who go into the military even after this have high statuses and highly honored. Skywings who die in battle get their names inscribed on a wall of honor and once every month they hold a ceremony to honor those who had passed in that passed month, not just soldiers.
In addition to this, the skywings also highly value their arts and entertainment. Artisans of any kind are just as honored as soldiers, and the skywings put on a lot of plays that have dragons from all over both continents flocking to the theatre for. They also value entertainment and do almost weekly races, but they also hold something similar to the olympics. They have both flight and foot races, games of whats just high stake capture the flag, and sparring matches that don't end in death, or even bloodshed. Its one of those matches where they have to push someone out of a circle to win.
Anyways. Ash here comes from a family that values status more then most. As a result she and her siblings are all well decorated soldiers and participants in these races and games. Its traditional for any dragon competing in races and games to put on these paints that help the crowd identify them from afar and just show off in general, the more complicated your paints the more you can show off. Ash specifically is an incredibly successful racer and wins almost every single one she's in, as a result she gets mad bitches ngl. She's also got more complex paint then most. Ash herself isn't a huge fan of this and its forced onto her by her family, but thats all I'll say for now.
Anyways thanks for reading my rambles
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Huh, I guess so.
I suppose I'm not really a big fan on WoF. I mean, I've read the third arc twice, read the graphic novels, maybe a handful of times? Never bothered to read the first or second arc, though.
The stories are kinda meh. I mean, I absolutely loved The Lost Continent, The Hive Queen, and The Poison Jungle... (until Hawthorn, at least).
The Dangerous Gift and The Flames of Hope absolutely lost me, though. It felt like the story took a hard left and nosedived into the ground.
Man, I feel it would have been so much cooler if Queen Wasp stayed the big bad of the story instead of that stupid Cottonmouth bullshit.
And... I'm not really a fan of scavengers and dragons communicating and whatnot. It gives me the "uuugh, humans are the main characters in a DRAGON BOOK" feeling.
I feel like the story had so much potential to be amazing, but all I felt at the end was... meh. "That's it? That's the end of the book?"
But, hey, I really love the design of SilkWings and HiveWings. They're quite cool.
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