#with his pet rat🤣
angellayercake · 1 year
Can i ask for 10 🥺❤?
Secondo or/and Cardi with close secretary/helper reader who just gives them cheek/forehead kisses every morning and for goodnight without thinking much about it. And papas with crush on them ara just blushing °\\\° with dumb 'im not sure if they're into me'
It has taken me a while but here you go my dear. You gave me some fantastic inspiration the other day so I've gone on bit of a tangent. I hope you enjoy it! Love yooou 🐇🐇
‘There you go Papa. All fixed for you,’ you smile up at him catching him off guard as always. He nodded at the sibling knelt down before him doing his very best to keep his composure. It wasn’t just the fact that someone was so close to being in a position he knew he would very much enjoy under other circumstances. Nor that he had been going through what his brother had not stopped referring to as a spell dryer than the sahara desert. No, it was this particular sibling that was causing all the problems.
You who had faded into the background of his life until recently. Someone who was an integral but often unnoticed member of the Ministry. To say you just fixed things would do your work a disservice but it seemed whenever there was a problem there you were, smiling and whistling and mending what was broken. Including the heart of this grumpy old man it would seem, not that he would admit it out loud. As he watched you slide the drawer in and out with no problem, the drawer he may have been slamming particularly hard recently in the hope it would get stuck, he thought back to when this had started. And it had started with Snowbell.  
‘No no Papa this will not do!’ The Cardinal tutted, stroking his moustache and frowning at the sight before him. ‘I would never let my rats live in such a small cage and they are much smaller than Snowbell.’ Secondo looked between Copia, the cage that was currently taking up the corner of his office and the ball of white fluff that was sitting quietly on his desk. When, in a moment of weakness, he had admitted to his youngest brother that at times he had felt lonely he hadn’t realised it would become Copia’s mission to fix it for him. The next day he had found himself dragged to the nearest pet store and forced to survey the critters on display as Copia prattled about his rats. He had been humouring him, he had thought until his eyes had fallen on the little white rabbit curled up by itself.
‘Si! This is the one,’ Copia called to the shop assistant gesturing to the enclosure in front of them. ‘We will take this one my friend!’ Before Secondo could utter a word he took in his brother’s beaming face and gave in with a sigh. This was happening whether he liked it or not. 
As Copia was on the phone summoning the person that could fix all their problems Secondo sat at his desk looking at his new pet. She stared back at him, beady black eyes calm in spite of being in an unfamiliar place and all the commotion coming from the other side of the room. 
‘Hello,’ he said quietly, offering his gloved hand for her to inspect. He had no idea what to do with the creature, really not having had a chance to peruse the pile of books Copia had insisted they buy along with everything the shop assistant had suggested they would need to care for her. She stretched her head forward, ears perked up curiously, whiskers twitching as she scented him out, and after a few moments hopping forward until he was able to rest his large hand over her. Slowly he rubbed her head with his thumb and watched her eyes drift close and her ears flop down in contentment. As he watched this lonely little rabbit basque in his affection he felt something in him soften, which is when the door to his office opened and in you walked.  
He hadn’t been able to take in a word of what was being said about Snowbell’s new home he had been mesmerised. You were captivating with an air of quiet confidence that filled the room and he could see the strength in the way you moved. You were chatting away with Copia taking measurements and discussing who knows what details when Snowbell had hopped into his arms stealing both of their attention away from their project. 
‘Ah fratello, she has already seen through your grumpy facade eh?’ He nudges you with his elbow but you are too busy looking up and down between his usual stoic face and the little rabbit he is now cradling.
‘I hear rabbits are very good judges of character, Cardinal,’ you tease. You weren’t scared of him? He would admit himself that the root of his loneliness problem was his grumpy demeanour and ‘resting face of stronzo’ as Terzo liked to call it. It wasn't that he lacked for bedroom partners, he was often spoiled for choice, but he did lack good company anywhere else. And he was growing tired of one off encounters he wanted someone who liked, maybe even loved him. A stirring in his arms brought him out of his less than happy thoughts. ‘What’s her name?’ He could get lost in your kind eyes and he does in fact as he tries to answer the question he was asked.
‘I … well,’ he stutters before giving himself a shake. What is the matter with him? No one had ever been able to reduce him to stuttering. He clears his throat before trying again. ‘It is Snowbell.’ The inquisitive little thing perks up as he holds her up for you to see, looking so small in his cupped hands. You let the rabbit sniff at your fingers just as he did, only reaching to scratch gently between her ears after gaining her approval. Her ears sink back to their relaxed position as she accepts the attention 
‘Snowbell you said?’ you question leaning across his desk to give her the attention she deserves. ‘She is terribly sweet, I can see why you picked her.’ you continue with a genuine smile that he can’t look away from. ‘Well I better get to work so we can make sure this little lady has the perfect home.’ You turn away but pause, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Snowbell's head, holding his gaze as you do. He has never been so thankful for his Papal paints before as he feels his cheeks uncharacteristically heat up as they turn and leave his office. ‘Papa, Cardinal.’ 
‘Farewell! Now Papa…’ Copia, oblivious to the unspoken exchange, had continued his running commentary of upgrades Snowbell would need but all Secondo could think about is if he would ever get a kiss of his own. 
And so he had gone from not even knowing of your existence to you in and out of his office every few days asking his opinion on all types of things and bringing hand made pieces of what was looking to become a palace for his new companion. He hadn’t admitted it to Copia yet but it did really seem like his idea was working. He had someone to care for now and even someone to talk to now, even if little Snowbell didn’t have much to say in return. It took just over two weeks for the cage to be completed, the grand opening attended by the talented creator themselves, Snowbell of course, himself, Copia, and Terzo. He couldn’t help the frown that grew when his brother waltzed into his office just in time, it was probably Copia who let it slip.
‘Secondo you sfigato!’ He entered with a shout. ‘I hear I have a niece and you have been keeping her from me?’ He looks around in his ridiculous flamboyant way and his frown only deepens when you giggle at his antics. Snowbell, the niece he thinks with an eye roll, is sitting in your arms. As you had worked so hard to build her new home he thought it only right that you get to let her in for the first time. Which means Terzo makes a bee line for you as soon as he notices. ‘So this is the cutie I have been missing out on eh?’ He asks with a smirk. ‘And then this is the rabbit.’ He lifts his eyebrows in a way he is sure he thinks is charming and he can’t help his scoff of indignation. Terzo manages to pull his attention away from the only person in the room he is able to flirt with and slings his arm around his older brother. 
‘My apologies fratello, please continue,’ he says in his exaggerated earnest way that has even Copia rolling his eyes. ‘This day is about you and of course Snowbell.’ 
‘Si,’ Copia interrupts before he can continue. ‘And it is time for her to see her new home. 
Secondo nods his agreement, giving you a small smile as you step forward to the open door and set Snowbell inside. She looks around the space before venturing forward, sniffing at the air. She hops in and around some of the toys inside before heading straight for her food bowl and staying put. The four of you stand watching for a while longer before realising that she has finished her exploration for now.  
‘Well that was a bit of an anticlimax,’ Terzo says at last with a sigh. ‘She clearly did not inherit the Emeritus talent for drama. Oh well.’
‘Shut up cazzone, Snowbell likes it very much I am sure.’ He can see you are a bit disappointed by the reaction and he would do anything to make you smile again. As you look up at him with a smile he realises that you no longer have reason to come to his office. The thought sends a shoot of pain through his chest and he panics knowing he needs to find a way to make sure you come back. ‘You should come and visit.’ He says abruptly, calling not just your attention but both his brothers as well. ‘Snowbell I mean, she will miss you.’ 
‘I will, of course, if Snowbell will miss me.’ You look down before looking back up at him through your eyelashes and his mouth goes dry. You turn to leave stepping backwards towards the door so you can hold his gaze. ‘Bye Snowbell, bye Papa.’ 
‘Good bye,’ he manages to say as he sees his brothers sharing a look out of the corner of his eye. When he is sure you are gone he doesn’t even bother to look at them, instead turning to the cage that now takes up the entirety of the wall. ‘Shut up and get out you two.’ For the first time in a long time they actually do as he says and leave him be, even shutting the door behind them. Snowbell had finally finished her meal coming up to sniff his fingers as he toyed with the bars. ‘Oh Snowbell,’ he whispers as he tickles her soft nose. ‘What is happening to me?’  
You are as good as your word, coming to visit Snowbell, but it is not enough. He gets brief glimpses of you in the halls but you always seem so busy. He would hate to be a burden. One day though inspiration drops from the sky on him, or at least from a high shelf. He is looking for a book to help with some latin translations and piles books out of the way so he can find the title when the bookshelf suddenly breaks away with an almighty crash. Typically this type of event would inspire kicking and cursing, but instead a grin pulls over his face. He has an excellent reason to get you here now. You come and fix it with all your skill far too quickly and then you are gone again before he can even build up the courage to talk to you properly. The next time it is a draughty window frame, then the squeaky door hinges and now here he is having deliberately broken the drawer of his desk to get you here. 
He has been staring too long he thinks, but he can’t look away, every time you stay a little bit longer, speak a little bit more but this time he is going to ask you to stay,or at least to come back later, for dinner or drinks or something. He opens his mouth to speak but his office door is slammed open and the last person he wants to see right now is standing in the doorway. Terzo looks around quickly noticing where Secondo’s eyes are trained and slaps his hand over his eyes with a gasp. 
‘Ugh brother if you are going to have siblings under your desk, at least put a sock on the door.’ he grumbles with disgust but doesn't bother to leave
‘Or you could not burst in,’ Secondo replies through gritted teeth. He was so close he was going to wring his brother's neck as soon as he got the chance. 
‘It’s only me Papa,’ you laugh as you pop up from behind the desk. Terzo looks between you and him back and forth with an entirely too smug look on his face but thankfully says nothing else. He pulls out one of the chairs next to Secondo’s desk slouching down as soon as he sits and folding his hands across his chest. ‘I will leave you both to it then,’ you say as you collect up your tools and head for the door, giving him one last sweet smile before leaving. 
‘What do you want then Terzo? ' he asks dejectedly, leaning back into his own chair. His brother levels him with one of his usual smug smirks and he is tempted to punch it for ruining his chance, that is until he next speaks.  
‘Why don’t you ask them to help you break the desk first next time, si?’ He sits there in shock for a moment as so many different feelings run through him. Predominantly though he is annoyed that his brother had figured him out so easily and then he hears a giggle from the door and his blood runs cold. 
‘Sorry to interrupt, but I forgot my screwdriver.’ You point to where it sits on the desk with the hand that isn’t covering your mouth but he can see the pink glow of your cheeks just above. He is frozen to the spot so Terzo reaches across and hands it over with a smirk. ‘But maybe I could come back for a screw next time,’ you laugh from behind your hand. Terzo barks out a laugh and he just sits there mouth open in shock as you take your screwdriver and flee. 
‘Well go after them then,’ Terzo says, snapping him out of his daze. He jumps out of his chair knocking it to the floor in his haste and scaring poor Snowbell if the sounds from her cage are anything to go by, hoping to find you before you get too far. He spots you just as you turn the corner out of the Clergy wing so he picks up speed not wanting to shout and draw too much attention.
‘Wait, por favore,’ he calls when he finally catches up to you. ‘What about tonight?’ You turn slowly, surprised that he has finally got the courage up to ask you but you look at him questioningly. ‘Not for a screw,’ he corrects, still trying to catch his breath from his rush. ‘Well maybe, I mean. Dinner first?’ He takes a deep breath so he can actually get his words out but you already look so happy, although he hopes you aren’t just laughing at him. ‘Would you join me and Snowbell for dinner? Tonight?’ He tries again, hoping that he isn’t about to make a fool of himself. 
‘I would love to have dinner with you Papa.’ There is such an obvious affection glowing in your eyes he doesn’t know how he hasn’t seen it before. ‘And Snowbell of course.’ You lean towards him, your hand drifting up to cup his cheek so you can guide him towards you. The kiss you press to his cheek is so soft but he feels incredibly content and desperate for more at almost the same time. You pull away far too soon but he can’t be annoyed about getting to see your happy smile again. ‘I will see you tonight.’ You say as you leave him there standing in the hall like a lovesick fool. Yes, tonight he thinks and he can’t wait.
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telvess · 8 months
Record of Ragnarok: What kind of pet do they have?
I'm like Tesla 🤣
I once read that people who are broken or haven’t experienced much love as children tent to choose animals that are less popular and sometimes seen as bad omens, such as black cats or ravens. So I see that Jack has a rat as a pet. They are intelligent and very clean animals, with an unfairly given bad reputation, and I think that suits Jack very well.
Nicola Tesla
Hear me out, Tesla is the proud owner of a turtle. There's a joke going around turtle owners that every time the turtle does something - such as yawns or falls asleep - you take a photo or video of it and happily show it to everyone. This is Tesla. The entire science crew has a mailbox full of this kind of spam, and their all sigh whenever Tesla sends them a new video of his pet doing absolutely nothing.
I think he likes animals in general. He despises humans and most gods for not behaving as they should, but animals are themselves. They do what is expected of them, they are excellent at being themselves, if that makes sense. So Poseidon probably has a dog that he has trained very well. The dog listens to all commends and generally behaves very well.
It’s canon that Hades has a pet - cockatoo. These animals require a lot of attention from their owner, which makes sense because we all know how lonely Hades is. He is literally playing chess with it! The parrot probably knows some fancy words like „magnificent” or „mellifluous”, and a whole bunch of wine names that it randomly says. Adamas, by the way, puts some effort into educating the bird too and incidently teaches it how to swear.
Given how little he cares and how little he CAN care, the only option he has is fish. He gives it a good tank, he remembers to feed it and that’s it. They just exist. Damn… how depressing…
Two options. First: SAND ANT FARM. He watches it from time to time, mocking the ants for poor direction choices or just messing up with them for funnies. Second option is ferret. Loki finds them both annoying and interesting. There’s no boredom with them.
Ares thinks highly about himself, after all he is a part of the most powerful pantheon and the son of Zeus. He believes that he deserves only the best, which mean that whatever animal he gets, it will be a pure breed. If he chooses a cat or dog, it will receives a golden pillow to sleep on, a silver food bowl, the fanciest toys, the best caretakers, and… „the best owner”.
Thor has a cat. Most of the time they simply exist in their spaces and don’t interact. But every now and then a cat comes to Thor and demands a scratch, which Thor gives without hesitation. Loki once overheard Thor talking to his pet in those rare moments. Surprisingly, he speaks in a very gentle and caring tone, almost like mother to her child.
He probably has a tank full of dead fish. Never cleaned, never fed, never bothered.
Lu Bu
Lu Bu has a pussy. He had no intention of having a pet, so the cat had to choose him, and Lu Bu obligated. He gives it lots of scratches and plays with it. Lu Bu is unfazed by the claws. Hearing her meow when he isn’t close puts him in a fighting stance. Nobody hurts his cat girl.
Budgies! The guy has a lot of responsibilities, he's probably the last to fall asleep and the first to wake up, but he still finds time for his melodious pets. They always get the best snacks and for some unknown reason they become very excited when Zeus is around.
She has hamster, as small and cute as she is. Göll tries very hard to provide it a happy life, which probably means she’s trying too hard. She asks all his sisters for advice, and knowing how many siblings she has, she probably ends up with very conflicting opinions.
Definitely rabbit. They are both full of energy, do not pose a threat and just enjoy themselves on a clearing somewhere.
He doesn't have a pet, but he occasionally looks after Zerofuku’s and Göll's pets. He complains that he doesn't have time and that he doesn't care, but in the end he has a great time with the rabbit and hamster.
I think he ends up with a pigeon. He just feeds it from time to time in the same place and slowly tames it. Before he knows it, the bird becomes a new part of his life. He tells it about his problems, about Luna, Jack, Mother Goose and Shakespeare. This pigeon has therapeutic properties.
Definitely a husky. I see just two idiots keep talking to each other and arguing over nothing. The more the emperor demands something, the louder the husky's tantrum will be.
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indieyuugure · 3 months
Also his family handled it pretty well
Yeah, probably about as well as they can.
Though to be honest this kind of thing isn’t exceptionally out of the ordinary. I mean just in the last year they’ve been attacked by nightmarish mutant squirrels, Mikey got weird-most likely fatal acne from mutagen, Raph’s pet turtle became a giant sentient mutant turtle, a bunch of mutant mushrooms were running around poisoning people and them with panic inducing spores, the Rat King came back, they had to fend off massive alien worms, like the list is LONG.
They definitely won’t take the situation lightly, but this isn’t that old of an occurrence when you think about it 🤣
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sanjoongie · 9 months
Morning Glory
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🏖My submission for the Written in the Sand Event held by @cultofdionysusnet
🏖Pairing: Kang Yeosang x Reader (f) 🏖Genre/au/trope: Smut, vacation au, s2l/one night stand 🏖Word Count: 2,146 🏖Summary: you're bored to tears during a destination wedding so you download the glory hole app and see if you can't find a good time 🏖Rating: 18+ MDNI 🏖Warnings: glory hole, dirty talk, sex with a barrier, auralism, verbal instructions, oral (m), fingering (f) 🏖Dedication: @anyamaris you got caught in the crossfire that is my brain. Thank you for yeo’s username 🤣 @downtoamagicalland & @mejuii for beta reading like speed demons
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You were b-o-r-e-d bored. This destination wedding was starting to become a drag. At first, you had been excited to hop on a plane and go somewhere hot with sand. And now, after several hours between lounging at the pool and reading, you had quickly become antsy with nothing to truly do a day before the wedding.
You texted a friend and they immediately replied with a solution: The Glory Hole app. You scoffed at the horrible name but it was quite literally that. You signed up with the username VxctionFxk and left it at that. You had to fill in some personal information, that would remain confidential but it worked like this: you would be matched with someone in your area, you would have twenty-four hours to "connect" aka flirt with your match, then you would arrive at the designated location for the "appointment" and then your messages, and ability to contact each other, were deleted.
You entered your height with a nose scrunch in distaste but realized they probably needed it to set up the glory hole. Once everything was complete, you matched almost immediately. Interesting, considering you were in a gated vacation spot but you didn't argue when you saw who you were matched with.
His profile picture, faceless as per the app rules, showed some very muscled arms. Did that mean he was a gym rat? You glanced at his username YourProteinShake and that confirmed that. You shook your head. That didn’t really matter considering the point of the app but it did make you wonder…did working out so much make veins in his dick more visible too? Perhaps you’d get unhinged enough to text him that.
YourProteinShake: hello ^^
Okay, he was already kinda cute, maybe this wouldn't be that bad after all.
You flirted, he flirted back. You sent suggestive photos, he sent you half his face. If anything, you were the pushy one. You wanted to know everything! Was he expecting pussy or mouth? Was he usually rough with his partners? What about pet names during sex? To his credit, Shake, as you started to fondly call him in your head, kept up with all your questions.
VxctionFxk: you're such a sweetheart, can I call you Honey? YourProteinShake: ^^ I'd love that VxctionFxk: I'm starting to regret this is anonymous YourProteinShake: why? ^^"" VxctionFxk: kinda wanna see your full face and feel your hands on my body YourProteinShake: these hands?
Honey sent you a photo of his hands and you groaned out loud, letting your phone fall to your chest. Suddenly this app was torture. You checked your phone and it was roughly an hour or two before your glory hole appointment.
You got a separate message from the app, informing you of the location of your appointment. The photo of a shower house where guests go to get the sea water and sand off of them was perfect. It was early morning, and most guests would still be sleeping off their alcohol induced sleep from the night before. It was perfect.
VxctionFxk: See you soon? YourProteinShake: don’t flake on me now ^^’’ VxctionFxk: Wouldn’t dream of it <3
You don’t bother to get dressed, you’re about to have sex with a stranger through an anonymous hole, why dress up? So you remained in your bathing suit and cover up. You paced once you were on your side of the wall, eyeing the hole. It seemed gratuitous. Did that speak about Honey’s size?
“Bee?” A deep, rich, LOVELY voice came from the other side of the wall. Was that your date?! His voice almost made your knees buckle. You should have requested for a voice note from him to prepare you for this. If that had been allowed, of course. The app was very anonymous.
“Hon?” You replied back tentatively.
In hindsight, the new nicknames were actually smart, because then you could be sure you were fucking the guy you had been talking to. “It’s me,” Honey replied back.
Goosebumps appeared all over your body and you rubbed your hands up and down your arms to calm yourself. You weren’t scared, you were getting turned on. Mental flashes of half of Honey’s face and his hands tightened your nipples. You wanted this so badly.
“I’m gonna… get ready, Honey,” You informed him, voice slightly higher because of the nerves.
“We… are you sure you wanna do this?” Honey replied, sounding unsure himself.
“Are you sure?” You shot back, worried he didn’t want this now either. “I said I wouldn’t dream of flaking on you. I’m firm.”
“I bet you are,” Honey replied off-handedly.
You bit down on your lip. “You saw my ass. Pretty firm, I’d say,” You giggled.
Honey moaned on the other side. “Don’t tease me.”
“I’m sorry you can’t touch it while we…” You paused, unsure of your next word, “...fuck?”
“Gonna fuck your hole so good, Bee,” Honey said without fail and it sent another wave of goosebumps over your skin.
It was the first time Honey had been truly vulgar and you loved it. The sound of his voice only enhanced it. You fumbled with your bottoms, moving them out of the way and you began to touch yourself. “Wish it was you playing with my clitty right now, Hon.”
“Wait, are you touching yourself?” Honey sounded strained, “Tell me.”
“I didn’t even need to suck on my fingers, I’m already wet,” You revealed, “The sound of your voice is driving me up this wall.”
“Yeah? Like the sound of my voice?” Honey purred.
“Are you touching yourself?” You wondered.
“Playing with my head through my shorts,” Honey admitted, “I’m wet too.”
“Fuck,” You groaned and pushed a finger in you. “You said I should scissor myself, right? Stretch myself out for you?”
“Can we…?” Honey paused to swallow, “Think you could suck on my dick while you fuck yourself with your fingers?”
“Sounds like my type of foreplay,” You flirted back.
You crouched in front of the glory hole and resisted the urge to peak. “I’m here, Hon.”
Before too long, Honey’s dick pushed through the hole and you gasped. “Too big?” Honey asked and you groaned in response. Confirmed: the veins in his dick stood out wonderfully.
“You’re so fucking thick, Honey, jesus, no wonder I gotta--” You moaned as you worked your fingers in and out of you, “Shit, two isn’t gonna do it, I’m gonna need-hnnnnnnn-three fingers.”
“Lick my tip,” Honey requested.
You began to kitten lick his slit while you were busy with scissoring yourself and preparing for a third finger. Honey cursed lightly under his breath and encouraged you to do exactly this. You wanted the both of you to enjoy this so when you took him finally in your mouth, you introduced your third finger. The both of you made noises of pleasure at the same time and it almost made you laugh.
After only a few minutes, with the lewd noises of you sucking off Honey and fingering yourself at the same time echoing in the shower house, Honey withdrew from the hole and you protested. “Wait--!”
Honey let out a shuddering gasp from his side of the wall. “No, I need to be inside of you, Bee. Please.”
Always so polite, your Honey was. Wait…your Honey? Claiming him already?
You stood up and bent over, genuinely surprised the hole was the perfect height for Honey to just… “Condom?” You wondered.
“Oh, yeah, shit.” Honey fumbled and then you heard the noise of a condom coming out from the package. “If we ever get matched again…”
You felt a little melancholy, actually. You had been so fucking bored during this trip but chatting with Honey had really perked you up. Not only was he not a dick but he was a gentleman but a dirty one at that! What were the chances…? You shook your head. You could not go down this route. This was a one time thing.
But you couldn't let Honey down right now. “If we ever get matched again, I’ll show you the neat trick where I put your condom on with my mouth only.”
It was silent for a moment, like Honey needed some time to absorb your words and then he said 'please' in a desperate tone.
Soon your gentleman, and fellow glory-holer, was pushing that thick dick inside of your waiting hole. Even with your three finger prep, it was still a stretch, but a pleasant one that had you wishing you had something to brace against. The best you could do was push back against the wall and hope Honey kept on pushing, despite your resistance.
“Shit, you’re so wet and soft. Bee!” Honey’s tone took on a whine. You were dying for his hands on you now. You could only imagine how tight his fingers would be on your hips.
“It’s all for you, Honey, all for you,” You said wistfully.
“This tiny, tight hole is all for me,” Honey repeated, “My sweet Bee.”
This fucker was about to romance you when this was all about strangers fucking without seeing each other. As it turned out, you two were definitely on the wrong app. “I’m ready, Hon, you can start fucking me.”
Honey began to move in and out of you and you groaned as his dick dragged against your walls. “Oh god, you’re clenching. Is it good, Bee? Is my dick good to you?”
“So good,” You gasped. “You’re so thick. I still can’t decide if you’re better in my pussy or my mouth, fucking hell, Honey.”
“Oh don’t even start with me,” Honey groaned. “I want everything and more now that I've gotten a taste of both. I wanna come all over your ass and tits. I wanna fuck all your holes and then some. Your cunt is--” Honey halted his words suddenly. Had his brain caught up to his dick now? “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t--”
You panted, Honey’s thrusts becoming shallow and less frequent, making you whine. “It’s okay, Hon. We knew what we were signing up for. Please, keep going.”
A knock on the other side made you think he either banged his head or his fist in frustration. “Maybe Woo was right, maybe I am too romantic for this.”
You swallowed some saliva yourself. That was a name that seemed familiar. Could Honey be a part of the groom’s party? Shit.
“Honey, sweetheart, come back to me?” You begged, “Let’s finish this, yeah? Don’t leave my pussy weeping like this.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course.” It sounded like Honey shook himself out of whatever thoughts he was having. “We’ll come together. At least we’ll have that.”
Honey’s thrusts became more sure and harder, making you cry out. “Fuck, yeah Honey, just like that, mmmm that’s hitting the spot baby, oh yeah, fuck me just like that!” Words were falling out of your mouth but you didn’t even know what you were saying right now, you were just chasing your high.
“Fuck, this cunt is everything, fuck you’re taking me so well, Bee. Wanna fuck this pussy all day and all night. And I’d still be coming back for more.” Seemed like Honey was babbling as well.
With both of you struck dumb by the good sex, you came and you came hard. Your hands were braced above your knees, nails digging half-moon marks into your palms. You were gasping in air as Honey let out a grunt and stilled inside of you. You could feel your creamy juices dripping down the back of your thighs and winced at how fucking wet this scenario had made you.
All you could hear was your pulse after your climax had hit. You pulled forward and Honey slipped out of you. If you had bothered to look back, you would have seen that he was still rock hard and had not cum. Honey quickly pulled out of the hole, wondering how he was going to be able to make it back to his room with a raging hard-on while tying off the condom.
Yeosang aka Honey, pressed his sweaty forehead to the makeshift wall. "Bee, do you think--?"
You cut him off with a laugh. "I have literally no thoughts, Honey, you were fucking amazing."
"But, I mean, we could--"
"I gotta meet some friends for brunch," You made up a lie on the spot. "I gotta shower first. Thank you for the mind blowing orgasm." And then you were gone with a fwap of your flip-flops.
Yeosang breathed in deeply and let out a sigh. This was what he signed up for. He felt stupid, falling for you, but he had. It WAS stupid, he barely knew you for twenty-four hours but you were something else. He didn't even care what you looked like, he just wanted you. And now he had just lost the chance to find you again.
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leonenjoyer69 · 2 months
May I hear some HCs in regards to Jekyll and Hyde? 🤣
Of course!!
I read a fic where Hyde played the piano and I absolutely live for that. Jekyll probably got lessons or something when he was younger, but quickly dropped it on account of focusing on his studies. Hyde though? He ABSOLUTELY whips out some killer ragtime songs at bars (or anywhere with a piano OR reed organ, honestly) when he feels like showing off or bringing up the mood. Like, I imagine him to have the same energy as Will Wood when playing (speed and enthusiasm wise, here's a good video for reference lmao)
On the flip side, Jekyll sings/hums to himself when mindlessly doing things (like cleaning up) and when bathing. Usually Scottish ballads, but he's also picked up some more popular British ones from Hyde. Hyde also sometimes asks Jekyll to sing to whatever he's playing, and if Jekylls in a particularly good mood, with some coaxing, he'll give in.
Jekyll had to give Hyde his own little journal so he would stop defacing the journal he kept his experimental logs in. Hyde still uses it, and is actually on his second journal of shitty doodles. He likes to leave it open on pages with mean doodles of Jekyll, or obscene things he knows will make the other flustered, just to get a little rise out of the man.
Hyde has tried bringing some of the nicer street rats back to the society to keep as a 'pet' (he wanted to try and train one to attack and do things he says) but Jekyll has thankfully put a stop to that every time.
Jekyll's eyes before the potion were just a really pretty brown and only got that deep red color after. Surprisingly, no one really asked about it because of how his eyes already shone in the light.
Jekyll starts slipping into his Glaswegian accent when he's super drunk or angry (and when he's more sleep deprived than usual). It also slips into Hyde's voice a bit in high stress moments. At one point, Hyde got hit pretty nasty in the head and could only speak Glaswegian for a good few hours. Jekyll forced him to isolate, as to keep it a secret, and led him through brewing something to help. He didn't complain much about the few things that got broken, but he did scold Hyde for biting off more than he could chew (and for leaving him with such a horrible headache that he couldn't get rid of).
Hyde is surprisingly clumsy when he's not roof hopping. He's the type of mf to fall up the stairs. I'm also a firm believer that he does that ADHD walk thing where he just twists his body around tables and corners and such, along with drifting a bit while he walks (which has made him bump into many people, causing fights). Jekyll on the other hand? Yeah, he's got that high society gait and is super thoughtful about how he moves, but he also just runs into shit. Generally it's when he's alone and/or working (or super tired and weak), but there have been a handful of instances where he did it around Lanyon or Rachel that he still gets embarrassed thinking about (the bloody nose he had one time in front of Lanyon was not fun).
Anyways, that's all I really have rn, thank you for asking!!! :33
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redthefieryginger · 6 months
I lowkey wanna see a buddy cop AU fic and headcanons with Copia as the goofy detective while their partner, the reader/you/OC detective, pretends to be annoyed but secretly loves his antics. 😂🤣😂
These are some of my personal headcanons for this ridiculously stupid AU 🤣🤣:
He is amazing with kids, he knows what to say to comfort them and gets them to open up and smile despite going through something horrible to get information.
Copia’s incredibly perceptive and usually has the scene assessed entirely within seconds and goes to pet the rats.
You have to constantly pull him away from the wild alley rats if you’re in the middle of assessing a crime scene.
Grabbing Copia’s tie and pulling him along to talk to witnesses/other cops/CSU team/boss.
Copia acts like the sub of the team, but if his partner is in danger, he becomes unrecognizable and sometimes frightening in his need to protect or save them.
He is often the butt of jokes in the office, but if his partner hears someone make a joke, they make a threatening joke or comment in return. (Despite his partner claiming to be annoyed by him, they will still defend him to the death against others. Very much a: “I am the only one who can be mean to him ‘cause he’s my partner. So fuck off.”)
Copia has an interesting interrogation technique. He talks and talks and talks, hardly ever asking questions. He wears them down until they want to confess. (For some reason I think of a mix between DiNozzos’ rambling and McGees’ almost awkward interrogation techniques from NCIS.)
Copia surprise everyone with his perfectionist tendencies when it comes to paperwork and often works late to make sure his reports are done and grammar checked before turning it in to the boss.
Copia can usually tell if someone is the killer/ guilty party quickly after meeting them. He just has a sense for when people aren’t being truthful or if they are hiding something. He may know who it is, but he and his partner must now prove it and there in comes the fun and antics.
That’s all I have ATM! Please feel free to add to them or make corrections! Just a funny AU thought I had after binging NCIS for a while now 😂😂 It’s just fun to think about.
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windsweptinred · 9 months
Your headcanons about Destiny? 👻 📓 😺
@mashumaru so much headcanony goodness! Thank you! These were just too fun! So I've decided to do a serious and fun headcannon for both. 😁
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
I like to think when they were younger, Destiny and Dream would sit together in the Garden and enjoy one of the pastimes they could both share and appreciate....Sitting quietly with their nose in a good book. 😅 Maybe he'd read aloud to his little brother from his book. Maybe he was a little more indulgent back then and listened to Dream weave tales of fantasy. In a way, both siblings share a role of being keepers of stories. Just one brother got non fiction and the other fiction.
I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... Destiny is a cottage core icon. 😆 Oldy worldly, rustic, flowing clothes ✔️ Simple, secluded rural life ✔️Hobbies: gardening, being outdoors, walking barefoot, reading, journaling, sculpting... Preferably outdoors ✔️ I bet he's got a blog...
👻 A headcanon about what scares them.
I'm not the first to say this by any means, but the notion of anything existing outside of his book. Of paths of fate to be found beyond the boundaries of his Garden. The prospect of fantasy becoming reality. Because that means his entire way of existence, which he clings so emphatically to, is wrong.
Desire and the words 'make over'. No one wants a repeat of Destiny attempting to deliver portents of doom a in 'seafoam' coloured, short chiron. Twas a dark day indeed when he was forced to bare his naked knees and elbows to all and sundry!
😺 An animal related headcanon
I've always thought the zodiac would fall under Destiny's dominion, like him they're a prefect unification of space and time. Constellations and also used to mark the passage of the earths rotation round the sun. And also... Astrology obviously. Dream has his ravens, Despair had her rats... Destiny has a gargantuan cosmic lion/ goat/ bull, just meandering round the Garden of Forking Ways. 😅
I am utterly convinced the dude has a pet snail and it's called something like Bob or Jeff because Destiny has all the imagination of mashed potato. I love you Destiny... But it's true. 🤣 Why a snail? Well they're both observers to the fast pace life around them. They both like to hide themselves away in their cloaks/shells. They both like being in gardens... 😅 But yes, Destiny's little friend Jeff the snail. I don't know why it's stuck in my head... But there is stays. 😆
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los-ninos-tortugas · 9 months
Regarding the 03 boy’s accents - I kinda figured it was because of their isolation. Donnie and Leo having generic American accents makes sense because for a long time the only interaction they had with the outside world is through the TV. I figured Mikey heard some kind of ‘surfer dude’ accent via the TV and decided he liked it and decided to just speak like that (although he does seem to grow out of it a little as the series goes on - so maybe a phase?). Same with Raph; either on a supply run or sneaking out at some point (or again, maybe through the TV) he heard someone speaking with a Brooklyn accent and decided he liked it. Adding in an extra little headcannon: I also always figured the 03 boys spoke Japanese before they spoke English - Splinter is from Japan so even before he was mutated that would have been the language he heard spoken both as a wild rat and once he was Tang Shen’s pet. Even when Yoshi moved to America with Splinter, I think he would probably have spoken Japanese to Splinter at home (or at least more so than English) just because that was the language he was most comfortable with. So, once he was mutated, Splinter taught the turtles to speak Japanese first and they all learned English at the same time, via TV and any humans they did hear etc. That probably meant that the turtles had Japanese accents when they spoke English for a while themselves until they either grew out of it or picked what they wanted to sound like. (Extra Bonus Headcannon: although they spoke Japanese first, they read English first, and didn’t learn to read and write Japanese along with Splinter until they were in their teens. Japanese is a difficult language to read with three separate alphabets, and although I think they would have managed it if they were living in Japan and exposed to it all the time, they were living in America, so most if not all of the written word they came across would probably have been In English. They had to wait until they had dedicated resources to learn it.)
(Sorry about all the headcannons… I’ve thought about this quite a lot. Also, I am not American, and I have never been to New York, so if there is anything I am wrong about I apologise.)
Ah, I was sort of talking the turtles in general/in a hypothetical future iteration where they all have accents but I guess I didn’t make that super clear 😅 still I’m going to follow you down this rabbit hole because I like where you’re going with this. Cuz accents are kind of a funny thing, especially when you have characters that are isolated from the general population. I kinda figure in a scenario where they all have distinct New York accents it would come from overhearing it from humans (Rise Leo is said to have learned Spanish by listening to the Puerto Rican population of New York) but unlike more recent iterations like Rise and Mutant Mayhem, the 03 boys really stuck hard to the whole avoiding humans rule until their first lair got destroyed and they were forced topside.
I think it really makes sense that their first language was Japanese, because of Splinter learned ninjutsu from watching Hamato Yoshi then he probably learned Japanese from hearing him. Learning English from TV makes the most sense since that was probably their main exposure to the language. Though if they didn’t have cable (which they probably didn’t in the early days) then most of what they heard probably would have been local news/public access channels so that’s probably where they got their first taste. If I may add to your head canon, I think the boys probably would have gotten the bulk of their English education from Sesame Street since PBS would have been one of the few channels they had easy access to and that actually had programming that they would be interested in when they were small. (Which then raises the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Raph got his accent from imitating Oscar the grouch 🤣🤣🤣)
The reading thing makes sense to me too, especially because they probably got a lot of their books by digging through trash or donation bins, so everything they would have had access to would have been in English. I had something similar as a kid because I grew up in a Spanish/English speaking household but I mainly learned to read in English, written Spanish didn’t make any sense to me even though I knew it when spoken. I didn’t really learn to read/write Spanish until high school but even then I can really mostly just read it, for some reason if I’m asked to write anything in Spanish myself I completely forget the rules of grammar and syntax immediately. It can be really hard to take a language that you’ve only ever heard or spoken aloud and then try to match it with its written form, especially if you’ve never even seen the alphabet before (and Spanish is like, easy mode, I can’t imagine having to learn three different alphabets, all of which support each other to form the language, though I think the 03 boys would be determined enough to do it) I like the idea of April bringing them language books to help them learn, it’d be really sweet, maybe they’d teach her a couple of phrases they know in turn.
No need to apologize! Kinda cool to know that I don’t just have people from the U.S. reading my blog tbh. It was really fun to go into these headcanons 😁
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hchollym · 2 years
Stay at home dad Percy!!!
Although I do think unlike Molly he would still find ways to make money. I can definitely see him selling foods or clothes or something, maybe babysitting/teaching kids in his neighborhood before they go off to hogwarts like twice a week or something. And I can definitely see him constantly showing his girls everything about the world. He wants them learn and develop passions and not just do everything by the book - I am a firm believer that this is what makes Percy different from Hermione, he didn’t just go by the book. He tested things and experimented and asked why -
In response to this post.
I'm so glad that someone agrees with me on this, because I thought people were going to come after me with pitchforks for that post! 🤣
Seriously though, it makes sense! Percy is organized and great at multitasking (which you need to run a household), and he's a mother hen to his younger siblings, so it stands to reason that he would be the same way with his own children.
At Hogwarts, we saw that he looked out for the younger Weasleys: he was concerned about Ginny’s health (making her take Pepper-Up Potion & rest), he kept the twins under his thumb in terms of discipline as a Prefect & Head Boy, and he gave Ron his own pet rat. He definitely has the makings of a great father, and I think he would find being a stay-at-home dad really rewarding (once he got over his initial reluctance because he felt like he was supposed to work full time). 
I definitely agree that he would make money somehow though - for logical reasons and for his own pride. I think he most likely taught other kids in the neighborhood (that's a perfect part-time job for him, because he’s intelligent and probably tutored at Hogwarts as well). It’s also possible that he got a part-time job where he could work from home, like being an editor for a textbook publishing company (because that would also suit him well - he loves reading, learning, and correcting other people's mistakes 🤣).
I also agree with you about Percy wanting his children to experience the world. He loved reading to learn, but we also saw in the books that Percy liked getting out and going places as well, such as the Shrieking Shack, Zonko's Joke Shop, Quidditch matches, etc. He also liked working in the middle of things - not at a desk - such as mingling with politicians, representing the Ministry at the Triwizard Tournament/Yule Ball, helping to organize the Triwizard Tournament with all that entails, etc. 
So I do think he would want his kids to experience the world by getting out from behind their desks as well, such a going to zoos and trying different muggle sports and clubs. I think it’s even more important to him, because he felt like he never got to explore a ton of passions for himself as a child due to his family’s tendency to stay isolated (see this post), and as a result, I think he felt like he missed out on some good opportunities, so he doesn’t want to do that to his own children.
I also headcanon that Percy always wanted to travel and experience other cultures (another reason why he learned several languages - see this post), but they obviously never had the money to do so when he was growing up (aside from Egypt one summer), so as an adult, I think he'd try to take his kids on vacations to different countries too. 
Sorry for ranting, but I love this topic, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! ❤️
Thank you for the comment! 😊
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50shadesofyouregay · 1 year
I’d like to talk a little bit about my HL character so:
He has 7 siblings: Linda, Allen, Elizabeth, Vector and Vincent (they’re twins), Jessica, and Lola.
They’re all older (except Lola, she’s his twin)
He also has 5 nieces and nephews.
He loves being an uncle and is very close with all of them.
He has a crush on both Sebastian and Natty
Also has a little one on Amit
He normally only has crushes on guys but Natty really stole his heart 💚
His scar came from his dad, he was practicing magic and Cole, being 4, was playing and ran in front of his wand as he casted Diffindo and it hit his face.
His dad felt really bad and he’s babied him since then
His family are all Slytherin and don’t like any other house (especially Gryffindor)
Cole and Lola have a lot of Slytherin pride but they don’t agree with their family’s hatred towards other houses
His parents were angry when he brought Natty to introduce her since she was a Gryffindor.
He was very upset at how mean they were to her cause he’s always seen them as loving.
He is also a pureblood so they are strict on him marrying another pureblood too
They loved Sebastian and they knew about Cole’s crush on him so they wish he would date him.
His family are all brown haired, brown eyed or blonde haired and blue eyed so when Cole was born with ginger hair and green eyes, they were shocked. 🤣
His favorite professors are Ronen and Onai.
When he gets older, he runs a magical bakery.
He has mixed emotions towards spiders, he has one as a pet and he loves her but the others creep him out
Her name is Stella
He also has a rat named Jenny and owned guinea pigs before he went to Hogwarts.
He’s a huge animal lover so Poppy is like his best friend.
She’s his emotional support Hufflepuff 💛
He also loves fashion, he will literally spend most of his money on clothes.
His love language is all of them, he pretty much just loves giving love.
People say he acts like a Hufflepuff more than a Slytherin
But there’s times when his cunningness really comes out 😳
Thank you for reading my rants about my boy 🥰
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9, 10 and 15? 💜
Hi friend! Thanks for playing 💙
9. Do I bite my nails?
Absolutely I do. Daily. It's a terrible habit and really gross, I know. But apparently, it stemmed from undiagnosed anxiety at the time and I'd bite my nails whenever I was uncomfortable or anxious. Unfortunately for me, that's often 😅 I feel like I have nubs for fingers at this point.
10. When was your last physical fight?
Believe it or not, I've never actually gotten into a physical fight. Never had an altercation with someone to the point where fists went flying or there was kicking, biting, or hair pulling. I threaten to throw hands a lot for someone who cries when I get yelled at and has a hard time opening doors clearly marked push/pull 🤣
15. Do you have any pets?
Yes I do! I have a seven month old kitten named Queso Mozzarella. I call her 'Mozzy' for short. And then the 13 year old trash rat, Zeus. He's a chihuahua mix from hell and the bane of my existence, but we cuddle from time to time 🙃
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susiceri · 2 years
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The best option to fulfill your evil plans? Get an evil rat mascot 🤣
Oh Gosh, I was craving for some minish Vaati and this happened! Now Zarbon can enter a dispute over the best rat pet with @theseawitch-1102 Oc, Light 🤭
(of course his rat is better, it's an evil sorcerer after all <3)
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justasecretwriter · 2 years
H-H-Hi um… do you have a favorite pet name? Out of th-the ones I g-gave you my favorite is Darling or Peaches…. B-b-but during praise i r-r-really like g-good girl… um… also do y-you like sub Loki at all? I’m n-not the dominant type b-but a lot of how people write s-sub Loki makes me j-just wanna hug him… I-if he would like that of course…. S-Sorry if I’m being w-weird 😅. Had a lot o-of time on m-my hands today w-with reading b-because I’m in b-bed all d-day…. H-Hopefully I will be c-cleared tomorrow to be able to g-go back to work.
S-So I am a b-bisexual girl m-myself and th-there are other characters I o-obviously like… like W-Wanda… I g-guess chaotic magic u-users a-are my type 😅. I s-see you like Sebastian Stan and h-h-he is really awesome t-too. D-Do you have other f-faves as well? Loki i-is my all time favorite but B-Bucky and W-Wanda are tied for s-second for me… A-Again sorry for being w-weird if I am… I hope you h-had a great day!
-🧁 Cupcake Anon
My favorite pet names are pet, kitten, and darling. But I feel like Loki could call me a wet rat and I would melt just the same 🤣
I LOVE sub Loki. I'm a switch and haven't had much time to explore sub Loki in my writing but I've always wanted to. Maybe some day soon.
You're not weird at all and I hope you get cleared too before the real cabin fever crawls in and we gotta break you out of the looney bin (we would too. Me and @vbecker10 would absolutely knock out some guards for a Loki fan in need)
I love Wanda, and she's my number one MCU gal. I think maybe it's just knowing she could like kill me with her magic or with her thighs just turns me on 😁
My favorites are Loki, Bucky, Wanda, and Tony Stark. Loki is well... Loki, and Bucky is just so badass and hot I can't resist. Wanda is so pretty and so powerful and I'm all about that sexy girl power. I love Tony's playboy energy and I-know-everything attitude.
I hope you have a great day too and thank you for letting me get to know you better! You're never weird or annoying and never be afraid to talk to me. If you can count on me for anything, it's to talk!
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I can definitely see him with a cat, but also consider this: Dog owner.
Now it can go both ways, he could definitely own a big dog, since he’s more or less a small guy (on average), but imagine him with a SMALL DOG.
Like he’s been looking at these tiny ass rats that descend from wolves for most of his life and thinking they’re just privileged people’s pets. He ain’t that kind of life. Yet one night he hears something like tippy taps across the floor, and he goes to check it out, only to find a dirty cottonball of a puppy walking across HIS floor like it owns the place.
Twitter blows the fuck up after he tweets with a picture or a short video of the dog “Yo how the fuck did you get in my house? Fucking rat-“ captioned: ‘I think a fucking dust bunny gained sentience.’
Initially he planned on sending it away to an animal shelter or for someone to take care of it, but the little shit is so tiny it can hide underneath everything. It yaps every three milliseconds and it pisses on every corner of the goddamn floor. He literally couldn’t sleep for the next few days because the thing was too small to climb the stairs and was howling for him to come pick it up during the night.
When the puppy is inevitably taken away finally, at first he’s like: “Holy shit, it’s finally over.” Only to realize he already misses the dumb thing within two minutes of it being gone.
Or, third option: he gets a Shiba. This man loves memes (even if he doesn’t get half of them) and a Shibe literally breaks the internet by doing anything. He breaks the internet, his dog breaks the internet, perfect match.
Except, he forgets that those things scream like it’s being murdered every day.
Interviewer: So, tell us about your new upcoming album you just announced.
Em: Yeah, sure. So-
*Air raid sirens in the background*
Interviewer: …what was that?
Em: The sins on my conscience turned into a fucking dog.
- 🔪
Calling it a rat sent me omg 🤣
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sungbeam · 1 year
I’M BACKKKK only to see Changmin??? Smth fishy is going awn 🤨🤨/j
Also omg what do you feel abt the new album?? I love Delicious with my whole being 😭 BUT LIP SYNC AND DOOR HAVE A HOLD ON MY SANITY LIKE PHEW I HAVE LISTENED TO THEM AN UNHEALTHY AMOUNT OF TIMES ESP CAUSE THE VOCALS IN DOOR GO CRAZYYYYYYYY Sunwoo esp omg lord have mercy on my soul-
AND JACOB’S COVER OF CEILINGS- REAHHHHHHHHH 👹👹👹👹 I actually astral projected (esp since I was thinking of basing my first fic off of it for a bit now 😳)
Just a silly question lol and if they don’t have jobs, what job do you think they’d have? 🧐 Personally, I feel like Changmin would work at a Target KEHKFHKE he’s just giving those vibes yk? Chanhee gives off retail vibes fs while Sangyeon is giving home depot OH AND ERIC WOULD BE WORKING AT ONE OF THE HOTDOG STANDS THATS ALWAYS OUTSIDE THEM 💀😭 Canada bros would suit the library methinks, they would def be the type to work with kids in the summer programs or would help tutor 😌 I could also see Kevin working at a pet shop or a barista? 🧐 Haknyeon also gives off barista vibes though especially with his fluffy hair these days 😭🫶
Ok that’s enough for my little ramble this week LOLOL happy to see that you finally embraced your Changmin love 🤭 hope you have an amazing rest of your week! :D
(Also if you have any poetry recs then lmk hehe)
- Always and forever, love, 🌷 anon
he won 😔 i wanted out of the basement 😔 and this was the only compromise 😔 im sorry jacob i repent 😔 for my sins 😔
omg honestly i absolutely love love love lip sync, eyes on me, and door like KWNFKSJDK R U SKIFIEBF KIDDING ME??!))<_] HEY . WHAT ABTNE MEU SANITY. HUH???? MY MIND IS NOT ANTIFRAGILE . it's doing things to me omg like i thought the simpery was bad before, but now 🤡🤣 oh boy 🤣🤡 also LOVE THAT FOR JACOB KING SHIT I LOVE ALL THE COVERS HE GETS TO POST CUZ YESSIR THATS MY HUSBAND 😭😭😭😭😭 (chxngmxn pay attention, u ARE THE SIDE HOE don't hurt me) OMG???? UR FIRST FIC???? HELLO HMU ONCE/IF U DO I'D LOVE TO SUPPORT U SKFJEOFJK unless ur uncomfy or shy tho i totally get it 🤧🤧 !!!
HELP ME 💀💀💀 I FORGOT THAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE JOBS LMFAOOOO the only one who has a canonical job rn out of the boyz is jacob BAHAHAHHAH STOP. CHANGMIN AT TARGET AJZBDIDJFODJF THATS SO FKN FUNNY HELPMEBDKSNFKJD I AM NEVER LETTING THAT GO AND HELLO???? UR RELEGATING SANGYEON TO HOME DEPOT AHAHHAHAHAHAYYA KDNFKSJFJ IM SCREECHING WHE EZING YELLIGN ERIC AT THE HOT DOG STAND I— 💀😭 pls there r tears falling down my cheeks rn this is hilarious. low-key i think kev could make money via freelance photography and being an ✨influencer✨, and maybe get eric to coach little league baseball LMAO sangyeons prob making big boy money, and haknyeon will prob find SOME restaurant to work at tbh (i can't believe i forgot to give them canonical jobs 💀 i m never letting go of target worker changmin pls that is so funny) omg WAIT haknyeon working at the target starbucks in the same target as changmin 💀💀💀 IMAGINE TBZ!TARGET WORKERS ALCMLSMFKDJF IM CRYING
ANYWAYS HOPE UR WELL 🌷!! 💖 loved seeing u in my inbox as always :') mWAH
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eleestel-art · 2 years
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What his family tells us about him: A monster, a man of ill omen that brings bad luck, a misfortune that happened to the village...
We just have a guy who loves his family more than anything else and tries to cure his anxiety, paranoia and huge loneliness issues with some pet therapy rats...
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Oh no...  Please tell me I don't have to start another blog for him too! 😐
I'm already managing too many blogs.... For now I will post the fan art on Encanto here! 🤣
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