#william joyce one shot
mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Is the end scene of S4 actually Will's "Vecna vision"?
I just want to quick point out that this possibility was first pointed out by @heroesbyler in this post. I'll be adding some of my own evidence to Stav's original idea, as well as doing some theorizing.
So we know S5 is going to pick up right where S4 left off. We also know that S5 is action-packed from the start. Let's take a look at the final scene of S4, starting from when Will feels Vecna outside Hopper's cabin.
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Look how warm the lighting is in this scene! It has warm hues, particularly yellow and orange. However, the minute Will feels Vecna in the back of his neck, the lighting immediately changes.
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The scene becomes much darker, the lighting turning towards a blue/grey hue. This is the moment I believe Will entered his trance from Vecna. Let's take a look at the lighting in the scene where Max entered her Vecna vision.
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Look familiar? The scene starts out in very bright lighting then quickly shifts to darkness. Why isn't the lighting for Will's vision so starkly different? It's because this is a plot device to throw off the audience's suspicions after S4. No one expected Will to get tranced right at the end. No one would expect the scenes they believe to be real to actually be fabricated by Vecna. It's called suspense! It's a stunning plot twist!
This isn't my only evidence though. Another strange thing about the final scene is that the grass/flowers are decaying right in front of the characters' eyes. El picks up a flower and it disentegrates to pieces. That seems weird, given how far they're standing from a gate.
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The nearest gate is way in the distance, perhaps even a mile away. Why is only the grass by the characters rotting? The ground by other gates we've seen looks perfectly normal.
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I believe this is because where Vecna goes, things rot. Think back to Chrissy's vision. The table of food she runs across is rotted and decaying. The pit Fred falls into also is rotting and greyish. It's hard to tell with Max's vision, since the entire ground is covered by fog. Yet we can probably assume that where Vecna walks (or around him) is where the ground rots, just like what we see only near the characters in the final scene of S4.
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Extra Byler theory about Will's vision:
The final scene makes a big show of Jopper and Jancy holding hands, with Mike and Will standing close to each other, but not touching. There is even a zoom shot on Hopper grabbing Joyce's hand for extra emphasis.
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What if Will's vision in S5 starts out with Mike grabbing his hand? Will is startled, but smiles. The camera pans down to their hands linked, only for Mike's hand to fade, replaced by Vecna's. "This is what you've always wanted, right William?" This would be a great parallel to Vecna posing as both Susan and Billy to inflict maximal trauma on Max. Imagine if Vecna is in that final scene, but disguised as Mike.
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arcadiabaytornado · 4 months
do you think if max didn't come back to arcadia bay at 18 (and chloe didn't get shot by nathan ofc) she would've still tried to reconnect with chloe at some point??
I'm 100% sure she would have wanted to, but I lean toward the controversial idea that she wouldn't have.
Max says she wants to contact Chloe in Episode 1. She writes it in her journal, and if you find the picture of her and Chloe, she'll say it again. However, Max is very avoidant. We get multiple hints throughout LIS that Max ghosted Chloe because she didn't know what to say after William died. That would make sense because one of Max's biggest character flaws is that she struggles to face things head-on, and we see this a bit in Before The Storm as well. She tells Chloe that they should set up a time to talk, but she doesn't offer one. She tells Chloe that emailing is hard and texting would be better for her...but that's obviously not true. She's being very avoidant and non-comital through the entire exchange.
I bring this all up because she's very non-committal about reaching out to Chloe in Episode 1. She says she needs to...but she doesn't give herself a time frame or talk about in a "I'm totally going to do this" sense. She's once again putting it on the back burner. I think that's because even though she WANTS to contact Chloe, she knows that they're going to have a super awkward conversation after five years. A "Hey. Sorry I ghosted you right after your Dad died. How are you?" text is going to be uncomfortable for everyone.
So I think she would have wanted to but would have put it off out of sheer nervousness. However, I do think she would have met Chloe again eventually. Arcadia's a small town, so she would have likely run into Joyce or Chloe at one point.
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erikiara80 · 3 months
March 22nd and all the birthday references in ST
Will's birthday has always been important.
A birthday mug in episode 1
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Same mug in Mike's basement. We see it in scenes with El in S1 and Will in S2. Yeah, I think birthdaygate could be about her, too. Will is the only character whose birthday was used to literally save him and the whole town. And we've seen El's birth and birth certificate, but we still don't know when she was born? Strange
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The I forgot your birthday card in Will's room in S1
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But in S2 we only see it when Joyce looks at the Will the Wise drawing. In all the other shots the card is not there, and the drawing is on another wall. This could be a hint at different timelines (of a timeloop?) More screenshots here
Basically, I have two theories about Will's birthday: either people really forgot it in S4, or the Will who was born on March 22 is the brown-eyed Will in the Missing poster, in the timeline we see in the shed scene, and not the hazel-eyed Will we see in the rest of the show. Maybe they hid the truth in plain sight, they let people believe that his eyes were different because he was possessed. But then in S3 they show that Billy's eye color never changes (here) Can't wait to see what this means
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No birthday card in these shots
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Lesbianmindflayer found a video posted on the official IG account in August 2017. At the time, they had already filmed S2, they knew there was an important scene about Will's birthday, so why posting the wrong date? Is it actually a mistake, or that's really his birthday in another timeline? We'll see!
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The amazing shed scene. One of my favorite! Joyce talks about Will's 8th birthday. That was in 1979, the year of the massacre. She also mentions his rainbowship, a hint at his queerness, but also a reference to the lab. And I think there's a connection to the "rainbow rocket" near Creel House, and the ship of Brenner's father, who was involved with Project Rainbow, and the first man to wind up in Dimension X. This scene is so important!
Will drawing a spaceship could also be a parallel to Olivia Dunham (Fringe), who drew what she saw in another universe. A Zeppelin
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Olivia's drawing (Byler-Polivia parallel and Subject 13)
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3x03. Happy Birthday and '76 on the poster. The lifeguard is talking to El and Max here. My theory about what this could mean and what might have happened in 1976 here and here
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The original title of episode 3x06 was The Birthday. There is no birthday in that episode, but after the intro, the song that plays is Stand up and Meet your brother, and then El meets the Mind Flayer/Vecna (as a lab kid, Henry is kinda her brother), who is possessing a boy named William. A surfer boy.
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Episode 3x08, posters of Firestarter and Sixteen Candles. Will is associated with fire, and in Sixteen Candles a girl hopeful thar her 16th birthday is the beginning of a great year, is shocked when her family forgets it because her sister is getting married the next day.
Sixteen Candles and a boy's 16th birthday are also mentioned in S4, and it is likely that S5 is set in 1987, after the time-jump, when Will is 16.
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S4. There are so many mentions of birthdays in this season, it's crazy to think that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
Mentions of birthday and stolen thoughts in the opening scene.
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Birthday party at Rink-o-mania. I could be wrong, but it looks like a party for two people, to me. And there's a hidden reference to the massacre. The game Asteroids was released in 1979 (here)
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The scene that made many people believe that the writers forgot Will's birthday.
March 22. The Rink-o-mania scene is a parallel to the lab scenes, Asteroids was released in 1979, and the day of the massacre El remembered her birth. Maybe a hint that her birthday is also on March 22?
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They call her little baby, and two of the bullies are twins.
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Murray says that a one-year-old won't remember their birthday
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Also, the wallpaper reminds me of these birds we see in his house, when Alexei explains how the two keys open a gate
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Murray says that his "son" is almost 16
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Mention of Sixteen Candles
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Mike's Happy Birthday mug
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At Suzie's, Will mentions Dustin's birthday
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Yeah, I think something will happen to Will in 1987, when he's 16. And it won't be funny, lol. But he'll get his happy ending.
Happy birthday, Will!
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The Guardians: How Jack Frost entered a snowball fight with Winston Churchill, J.M. Barrie and Rudyard Kipling
Extracted from Jack Frost: The End Becomes the Beginning by William Joyce
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Historical side of Tumblr, did they really knew each other in real life, or is Joyce just going mad as usual 😂
It was a piercingly cold winter night. Jack was leaving the Athenaeum Club. He belongs to many clubs. Private clubs are a vital function of the social life of young and old men in this whirligig era. These clubs are elegant and brimming with friendships, rivalries, and the excitable friction of men with ambition and ideas. It is at the Athenaeum that Jack has made some of his most interesting friendships.
On the night of this report, Frost was seen walking out of the festive warmth of the club with three companions. They were bundled against the cold, laughing and chatting as they trekked their way down the snow-covered steps to the street. As is his habit, Jack hung back a few paces. He enjoys observing the easy joviality of his friends at the end of an evening of fun.
The most affable of the three is young Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, whose booming laugh and manner reminds Jack of his old friend Nicholas St. North. Churchill had been a devilish child, full of mischief, and had been kicked out of most of the finest schools in Europe. On this evening he is smoking a huge cigar and is at this point singing the song of one of the schools he had attended.
“Sandhurst was a great school with a wretched song!” he shouted out, interrupting himself midchorus. The other two friends, Joseph Rudyard Kipling and James Matthew Barrie, are both writers of some renown, though tonight they were singing the song of a school they had never attended and were doing so with considerable volume and enthusiasm.
“It would jolly well help if we knew the words,” said Kipling, laughing, but this ignorance did not seem to hamper his and Barrie’s happy attempt.
Jack grinned. He liked his friends best when they behaved less like adults and more like children.
But as the group reached the sidewalk, they passed a huddle of street children who stood shivering in the evening air.
“Please, sirs, a penny for the hungry,” said one child with a practiced, hopeful desperation.
Jack’s friends did not even glance the children’s way. These children were cold and close to starving. Jack saw the ragged clothes. The thin, lanky legs and skinned elbows. Again Jack stayed back, watching as his friends continued down the street.
The children stood quiet and shivering. They watched the happy threesome stagger and wail down the street.
Jack appeared angry with his friends. He knew they may have had childhoods of comfort, but each had experienced great turbulence and heartbreak in their youths. They should not, could not, would not ignore the wretched children they had just passed. They must be made to listen.
So Jack made himself invisible. It is a power he uses subtly. If a party is dull, he will simply disappear. Or if he wants to secretly influence the outcome of an event, being unseen makes his efforts much easier.
At this point in the proceedings he discreetly launched three expertly constructed snowballs at his friends.
Each hit its mark.
All three men’s hats were knocked to the snowy ground. The three then spun around and stared at the children. The children stared back.
Apparently, a war had silently been declared.
“This aggression must not go unanswered,” muttered Churchill as he, Kipling, and Barrie crouched down and began busily packing snowballs.
Though invisible, we surmise that Jack was delighted. He whispered to various children, “Better get busy. They’re bigger than you.” They instantly fell to their knees and began to pack snowballs themselves.
Churchill and Kipling both have military histories and have seen battle, so they knew the necessity of a steady supply of ammunition. Barrie, as records , is the worst shot of the three, so he continued making snowballs while his cohorts took up positions behind a lamppost and a mailbox.
“Wait for my command,” said Churchill, puffing his cigar.
The children were seasoned snowball makers, and they had amassed an impressive hoard of ammo. They wereready to attack, but they seemed uncertain. Again Jack intervened. “Concentrate on the one with the cigar.”
The children were so focused on their enemy that they hadn’t even noticed that Jack was nowhere to be seen. They heard his suggestion, and without questioning it, they acted.
And charged! Their battle cry was high, shrill, and impressive. Eight little voices sounded like an army.
“My word,” said Kipling, astonished.
“Steady!” commanded Churchill.
Barrie stopped his constructions and readied for the attack, a snowball in each hand and several in each pocket.
In an instant the children were upon them. The air was thick with snowballs and shouting and cheers.
“Fire!” yelled Churchill, but his command was muffled by five or six direct hits on his head and shoulders. He fell backward and lay on the street as helpless as an overturned turtle. Four children stood over him and pounded him with snowballs.
“My cigar!” he yelped. And indeed his cigar had been knocked from his mouth, landing somewhere inside his coat.
Kipling and Barrie tried to lend aid, but both were hit with such accuracy that their eyeglasses were caked with thick clumps of snow and neither could see a thing.
The three men were being overwhelmed, routed, in fact. But suddenly, the tide of the battle changed. Twenty or so members of the Athenaeum Club had seen the skirmish from the windows and were rushing out to lend a hand.
Jack had reappeared and raised his staff, and within an instant, he brought about a blinding gale of snow to slow the Athenaeum men.
A smallish boy who looked particularly ragged raised two fingers to his mouth and let out a high, sharp whistle that could be heard for blocks. The boy had not finished his first note when children began to appear from seemingly every direction and swarm toward the fray.
And so this snowball battle became epic. Adults against children. Jack watched with astonishment. What had he triggered?
Old men — older than eighty — who minutes before could barely hobble with canes across a plush dining room carpet, were now rippling over snow-snow-covered cobblestones with the vigor and skill of Roman gladiators.
Gangly half-starved children, some as young as five years old, were standing their ground or attacking with the stalwart cunning of the most seasoned generals.
The blur of a thousand snowballs glistened in the streetlamps’ glow as cheers and laughter of pure exultant joy filled the air. The strange untethered glee of making pretend war with well-packed snow had turned men into boys, and children into heroes.
Jack returned to invisibility, but he stayed in the thick of this battle royal, flying from place to place faster than any snowball. He was heard shouting instructions or guidance to anyone he felt was in need. At first he only helped the children, but as the ruckus continued, he began to urge the Athenaeums on.
So focused were the combatants that none ever wondered who was helping them.
The fight reached a pitch so fevered that one by one participants began to collapse with exhaustion and merriment. There were calls of:
“Stop! Enough!”
“I surrender!”
“I’m done!”
Shouts became laughter. The din of the battle dissolved into a singsong of helpless giggling and gasping and guffaws.
Churchill struggled to his feet. He was laughing with more gusto than anyone. He pulled his still-lit cigar from some deep fold of his coat and took a long and satisfying puff.
“I suggest we call an end to these hostilities,” he said to the spent troops. “I suggest we call this battle a draw.” He took another puff.
The half-block heap of young and old sat panting, their warm breath making a wheezing fog around them.
“I say we are all victors, and so to all must go the spoils,” Churchill continued. “Let us retire to the warmth of the club. I urge that we leave the snow to fall in peace and that we feast like kings!”
Cheers of agreement rang out. As they helped one another to their feet, Churchill began again to sing his old school song, the song of his beloved Sandhurst:
“And so from those who have gone before, to those who are yet to come,
We pass our motto loud and clear, all evil overcome.
As true as is a brother’s love, as close as ivy grows,
We’ll stand four square through our lives to every wind that blows.”
It was then that Frost tactfully reappeared as stealthily as he’d vanished in the first place. Smiling, he watched the scene unfold. Churchill slapped him on the back, still in full-throated song and joined by all who knew the words.
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@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @princesssarisa @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @tamisdava2 @mask131
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outta-my-tree · 1 month
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August 9, 1969: Manson “Family” members Susan Atkins, Tex Watson, and Patricia Krenwinkel entered the home of Hollywood actress Sharon Tate and murdered her and four others. Linda Kasabian (née Drouin) was also present, but allegedly did not take part. Steven Earl Parent, who was present at the address only by unfortunate coincidence, lost his life that night, in addition to Sharon Tate and her houseguests, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, and Wojciech Frykowski. In an earlier incident involving Charles Manson and his followers, musician Gary Hinman was murdered after being held captive for several days, forced to turn over his property to his captors under torture and threat of death. Manson associate Robert “Bobby” Beausoleil killed Gary Hinman on the orders of Manson.
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Above: Lurid headlines abound in the days following the crimes at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, north of Beverly Hills, the home of actress Sharon Tate and her husband, Polish movie director Roman Polanski.
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Above: Wilfred Parent, and his wife Juanita (néeJones) were unaware that their son Steven had gone to Cielo Drive that night to visit his friend, live-in caretaker William Garretson, hoping to sell him a used radio. He was shot by the intruders as he was preparing to leave the property.
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Above: Linda (née Drouin) Kasabian was given immunity for her testimony against the Manson Family defendants. She has maintained that she did not take physical part in the murders, but acted as a “lookout” only.
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Originally from New England, Linda Drouin (later Kasabian) is listed with her parents, Rosaire and Joyce (née Taylor) Drouin in the 1950 U. S. Federal Census, in Maine, Linda’s paternal grandparents having emigrated there from Quebec in the 1920s.
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Above: Colorado-born Gary Hinman was a musician living at this residence in Topanga Canyon, California in 1969, where Manson associate Bobby Beausoleil had lived with Hinman previously. During this time, Beausoleil had become acquainted with Charles Manson and his followers.
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Above: In late July of 1969, Beausoleil went with Manson associates Susan Atkins and Mary Brunner to Hinman's house in Topanga Canyon. After demanding money that Hinman did not have, Manson told them via phone to hold Hinman captive there at his house. When Manson arrived, armed with a bayonet, he struck Hinman, severely cutting his face and ear. Gary Hinman was held captive for three more days before being murdered by Bobby Beausoleil, on the instruction Charles Manson.
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Above: After a well-documented investigation and trial, the principal participants in the Manson “Family” murders were found guilty and sentenced to death. Bobby Beausoleil was convicted and sentenced to death for the July 27, 1969, fatal stabbing of Gary Hinman. Beausoleil, Manson, and the other participants who were sentenced to death were later granted commutation to a lesser sentence of life imprisonment, after the Supreme Court of California issued a ruling that invalidated all death sentences issued in California prior to 1972. Bobby Beausoleil is currently imprisoned in California. Manson died in prison in California in 2017. Linda Drouin Kasabian, who gave a handful of interviews about her participation in the 1969 murders, kept a low profile over the years and died in Tacoma, Washington on January 21, 2023, at the age of 73.
More information:
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byneddiedingo · 11 months
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Bette Davis in The Letter (William Wyler, 1940)
Cast: Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, James Stephenson, Frieda Inescort, Gale Sondergaard, Bruce Lester, Elizabeth Inglis, Cecil Kellaway, Victor Sen Yung, Doris Lloyd, Willie Fung, Tetsu Komai. Screenplay: Howard Koch, based on a play by W. Somerset Maugham. Cinematography: Tony Gaudio. Art direction: Carl Jules Weyl. Film editing: George Amy, Warren Low. Music: Max Steiner.
As Tony Gaudio's camera travels across the Malayan rubber plantation we hear shots being fired, and as we track closer we see Leslie Crosbie (Bette Davis), coming down her front steps with a grimly determined look on her face, firing the remaining bullets from her revolver into a man on the ground. And we sit back and relax and think, "Oh, yeah, Bette's here. This is gonna be good." Davis is one of the few stars who can almost always make us feel this way -- maybe Cary Grant or Barbara Stanwyck for me -- who else for you? And it is good, perhaps the best of the three films Davis made with William Wyler. For me, Jezebel (1938) is too steeped in the Hollywood Old South myth, and The Little Foxes (1941) too hamstrung by Lillian Hellman's dramaturgy. This one has a very fine screenplay by Howard Koch that deftly steps on and around the restrictions placed on it by the Production Code. For one thing, Leslie has to be punished for her crime, which involves not only murder but also, with the help of her lawyer, Howard Joyce (James Stephenson), suborning justice. (Joyce somehow gets off scot-free, though with an embittered conscience.) Wyler got a bad rap from the auteur critics like Andrew Sarris, who found his technical skills insufficiently personal. But we see something of Wyler's daring early in the film as Leslie is recounting her version of why she shot Geoffrey Hammond to her lawyer, her husband (Herbert Marshall), and a government official (Bruce Lester) who has been called to the scene. Wyler chooses to shoot a long segment of Leslie's story with the backs of Leslie and the three men to the camera: We don't see their faces, but only the room where the initial shooting took place. The effect, relying heavily on Davis's voice acting and Koch's script, is to place Leslie's narrative -- which as others comment rarely varies by a word -- in our minds instead of the truth. It is, for Davis, a splendidly icy and controlled performance. The major fault in the film today is in the condescension toward Asian characters typical of Hollywood in the era, though it's not as bad perhaps in 1940 as it would be after Pearl Harbor a year later. We learn that Hammond had a Eurasian wife (the Code-enforced substitute for the Chinese mistress of W. Somerset Maugham's 1927 play), and in 1940s Hollywood "Eurasian" invariable meant "sinister," especially when she's played by Gale Sondergaard. The other Asians in the film are treated as subordinates, including Joyce's Chinese law clerk, Ong Chi Seng (Victor Sen Yung), who is all smiles and passive aggressiveness. That we are expected to share in this colonialist order of things is especially apparent when Leslie is forced to deliver the payment for the incriminating letter to Mrs. Hammond, who lords it over Leslie, making her remove her shawl to bare her head and to place the money in her hands; then Mrs. Hammond drops the letter on the floor, making Leslie pick it up. If today we cheer at Mrs. Hammond's abasement of Leslie, who after all killed her husband, you can bet that 1940s audiences, or at least the white ones, didn't.
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unitedbydevils · 7 months
Match Review: Manchester United Women 7-0 Everton Women
The Women's Conti Cup had an explosive north-west rematch between United and Everton, less than three weeks after their last meeting in the WSL. That game ended 5-0 to United, the perfect response to the Paris defeat, so it's only fitting that after a disappointing 2-2 draw with Brighton that United punched down on poor Everton yet again - this time with a 7-0 snotting.
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It was Liverpudlian Nikita Parris who was the star of the show, bagging a hat trick, with additional goals coming from Rachel Williams, Hayley Ladd, Geyse, and a cherry on top from Leah Galton to finish up.
A modest first half saw United go into the break 2-0 thanks to Parris and Williams, before the second half rout took place. The stats reflect the dominant performance too: United had just over half of the possession but restricted Everton to one shot on target - their only shot of the game. In contrast, the Red Devils had 20 shots and 13 on target.
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Notably the game saw the first goal for Brazilian star Geyse, as well as a debut - and clean sheet - for American goalkeeper Phallon Tullis-Joyce, who joined United in the summer as backup to Mary Earps.
United now sit 2nd in Group B of the cup, behind leaders and neighbours Manchester City who have played a game more, but ahead of Leicester, Liverpool and Everton.
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naturepointstheway · 10 months
So I was thinking about the...less than stellar way that Dontnod handled the "reveal" of alternate Chloe being in a wheelchair (not a good look for them the way they showed the wheelchair in the first few shots of the reveal) and being completely paralysed, and wondered if there were better ways to have the alternate timeline be unpalatable enough to Max without necessarily needing to have Chloe being totally quadriplegic and dying on top of that. So here are some scenarios I thought up and whether Max would go back again in different scenarios where either Chloe did die in the car crash, someone else is killed/paralysed, or other. It became a long post so more under the read more tag, because apparently I can write hundreds of words on overthinking a scenario, but my own research for my Masters? I'm lucky if I get 100 words in there without re-re-re-editing them over and over.
Chloe died in a car crash instantly--A bit obvious and on the nose, but Max would definitely go back to her original timeline, especially as even she wouldn't want to put William and Joyce through the pain of losing their only child. (Heck, when you refuse alt!Chloe's request, this is one of the reasons she points out why she doesn't want to accept Chloe's request!) What could make this even better is show the same signs of the storm approaching too like the beached whales and so on, which would be a good way to solidify that Chloe's death doesn't stop the storm. So this would be super easy, though it might give us a chance to see how alt!Max reacted to her friend's death. Also, it would be interesting to see if William and Joyce's marriage survives this scenario.
Chloe is quadriplegic (or even paraplegic) but healthy and living a full life--The huge bills aside, I like the idea of alt!Chloe still maintaining something of a healthy life with hobbies and stuff, and has at least a decade or so of life ahead of her. Maybe she finds a forum online where people with paralysis can get together and talk about their lives, support each other, and vent about how there are literally no ramps in Arcadia Bay and pretty much...everywhere else. However, the storm is still coming for Arcadia Bay, which means even there, her days are numbered. Here, I probably would have to say that you'd have to find a good reason for Max going back to her original timeline outside of the storm, because here, we still have William as well, and that was whom Max was trying to save. Otherwise, Max going back to her original timeline on the basis of Chloe being severely disabled (but living a full life) in this timeline would only help make her look like an ableist asshole (and give more fuel to people who really hate Max.) Unless, William still dies and Joyce ends up marrying step-douche instead, but that sounds like something that could still happen in the OG timeline as well, and you know Chloe would run over step-prick's feet with her motorised wheelchair every chance she can. Or, you know, alt!Max is absolutely and unironically dating Nathan Prescott. Y'know, something that would give Prime Max a good reason to go back to her own timeline that won't make her look like a total dick.
William is paralysed rather than Chloe -- This could go so many ways, with at least one certainty: Chloe would still have her dad, even if he's now in a wheelchair. "Our" Chloe is healthy and on her way to kicking everyone's ass at academia in Blackwell Academy and beyond, so on that note it's fine. But what if William was also dying (kinda similar to original alt!Chloe)? That would make an even harder choice I think: should Max stay in THIS timeline where Chloe is watching her dad slowly dying, or in the original one where it was just instant death in a car crash (from what we can assume)? I can see Max not wanting to put Chloe through that, but on the other hand, William is at least alive--and when he does die, Chloe would be in a much better mental space to be able to more readily handle his death (and we can assume Max would be there for her too.) It'll still be tragic, but on the other hand, we know William had lived a long and full life, unlike with original alt!Chloe who was dying and not even 20.
Joyce dies in the car crash/is paralysed instead -- We all know Chloe was much closer to William than Joyce, and while it would be hard at first, I feel like Chloe (and Max) would not be as deeply affected and would be more easily able to accept her death (or oncoming death in the paralysis scenario). While Max would definitely feel guilty for creating a timeline that meant Joyce died/got paralysed instead, she'd likely stay here (so...end of episode 4, roll credits?) Alt!Max would still likely have kept in touch as well, since here William is still alive and Chloe is healthy and fully mobile. The storm is still happening, but I get the feeling Max would still be able to convince Chloe somehow about the rewind powers, just as she had with Prime Timeline Chloe.
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weirdo09 · 2 years
wheelclair royal au pt. 2 <3
as a year goes by, michael starts to fully realize his feelings for lucas. he just doesn’t know the right time to tell him. unfortunately for him, his parents decided to find him a suitor.
more so, a woman suitor. who’s name is eleanor jane hopper-byers of the neighboring kingdom, wisetropia. her parents, queen joyce hopper-byers and king jim hopper-byers along with her two brothers. her twin, prince william byers a kind-hearted boy and her older brother, jonathan byers who is the same age as the darling princess, nancy.
the byers family came to the castle later afternoon. michael and his sister are in the throne room waiting for them alongside their parents. the family came in and introduced themself properly. they all bowed before them. “hello, your majesties, i am joyce byers of wisetropia and this is my family.” joyce announced. mike got a good look at the family and his supposed suitor. she was good looking, though not someone he’d like to marry maybe befriend(y’all already know who he wanna marry ;) )
he then glanced at the young prince and slightly blush. ‘he’s………beautiful..’ mike thought and whispered out loud. nancy shot him a glare ‘what are you talking about?’ mike blushed even harder. ‘nothing’ he whisper-yelled back. their parents not even noticing and holly was just singing to herself. “your highnesses, is it ok if we stay here for the courting ritual?” joyce inquired “by all means, yes you may.” karen said with a smile.
“i can take them to their rooms!-“ mike suddenly said “are you sure, son?” ted grumbled, wanting this all to be over with. “yes, it seems like you aren’t going to.” mike replied back firmly ‘he’s kinda cute’ will thought as he listened to mike and his father’s bickering. eleanor(el) was looking at her twin with a smile, she knew that he was starting to like mike just by his facial expression(believe me, they spent much time together to not not know)
when mike finally won his father over, he lead the byers family to their rooms. until they got to will’s room, did el wink and left them alone to find her room. will was thinking ‘what the hell, el? why’d you leave me with YOUR suitor’ though he kept on a small smile. michael was the first one break the silence. “so, um, how are you, william?” “i’m fine and please call me will.” will said quite nervously not sure how to act around him. “oh, ok sure well in that case, please call me mike.” mike said sweetly but he was also thinking ‘how can i like two people at once?’ ‘is that wrong?’ ‘what’s going on with me?’. he suddenly remembered “oh, this is your room.” mike motioned to the door beside him “thank you, shall i see you again?” will questioned. mike smiled “you shall.”
mike went to go see lucas in their secluded garden. “lucas?” mike called out. “luc-“ he called out again then, someone grabbed him from behind into a hug. he looked up(lucas is taller than him in this 😋) and smiled “hiya, pretty boy, did ya miss me?” lucas said slyly with a massive grin. mike blushed and chuckled “i did.” “glad to hear that, so what did you do while i was wastin’ away here?” lucas asked curiously. mike lightly slap his chest “don’t say that!” “anyway, my parents found me a suitor” he says grimly. lucas looks confused but also relieved that he doesn’t like like his suitor(yk what i mean?)
“oh…” lucas said rather gloomily “don’t worry, it’s not like i like the suitor, if that’s what’s troubling you.” mike said. “what? no, that-“ “that wasn’t it.” lucas said nervously “yea, sure.” mike grinned happily that lucas was(somewhat) jealous. lucas rolled his eyes and mike chuckled in response ‘he’s too cute for his own good.’ lucas thought. “soo, what do you want to do?” mike asked ‘you’ lucas thought(and no, not in naughty naughty way more like kissing way, dirty minds 😡) “let’s go to the forest.” lucas said “ok, let’s go!” mike said excitedly, dragging lucas with him. ‘god, this boy’s gon be the death of me, good thing he cute🤭’ lucas thought as he was dragged.
hope you like it ☺️ @adorewillbyers @adoremaxmayfield @pimplepogue @mwheelerz @slaymaxuwu @background-character-341 @thebylerfiles @assbutt-casbutt-iii @byleriscanonby
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nigthbreed · 1 year
Sophie Dickman and the Shortish Jewellery Expert
7th July 1985: Sophie Dickman was raped and burgled in Monterey Park.
The Night Stalker underwent one of his many metamorphoses in this case. After this attack, he also dropped his gun before driving off to commit murder a mile away, for the 7th of July was also the night he bludgeoned and strangled Joyce Nelson to death. Perhaps it was the other way round and after the murder – in which Joyce died fighting her assailant – he had a bath, patched himself up and picked up a gun on the way. In any case, Sophie Dickman did not report that her attacker was covered in blood or looked like he had been injured.
Sophie Dickman’s neighbour across the street was Linda Arthur, an LA County crime scene analyst, which was pretty handy (she was featured in the Netflix documentary). Linda Arthur was a friend of Detective Gil Carrillo and one of the few investigators that believed in his madcap serial killer hypothesis, so she decided – for reasons she did not care to explain – that this crime was somehow to do with Gil’s killer and called him in.
This makes no sense – before the Dickman incident, there had only been one rape attack – Carol Kyle’s – which was not yet linked to the Night Stalker attacks and it was not in the San Gabriel Valley. The previous attacks were very different: Dayle Okazaki, Maria Hernandez and Tsai-Lian Yu had been shot in hitman-style attacks. The Zazzaras had been brutally murdered, William Doi had been shot and burgled and Mary Cannon, Whitney Bennett and Joyce Nelson had all been beaten over the head and strangled. Why on earth would anyone connect the rape (and survival) of an older lady with any of those? Bell and Lang had also not yet been connected to the others and were an open case at this point, but their hammer attack did not match Dickman’s either.
This is the composite drawing dated 7th July by the press.
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This is silly – composite sketches are not always drawn by artists, so this same face, aside from a few differences has been used in the 1978 suspected Golden State Killer attack (below, centre) and also for the ‘Brayman Road Attacker’ in Connecticut from 1988. Frankly, it should be thrown in the bin.
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When Evil Triplets Attack
Sophie identified someone from a photo line-up who later went on to be convicted of murder, and he gave up samples of saliva, blood and hair. Because the rape was ultimately unsuccessful (she was sexually injured, but the attacker was impotent), there was no semen to be tested. Therefore, there is no evidence that Richard raped her.
At trial, Sophie Dickman denied that she had told the composite person (we can hardly call them an artist) that the rapist was around 5’8”. She said he had made a mistake and she had in fact, seen someone who was Richard’s height. She also said his hair was medium-length. Richard’s was short in 1985.
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However, that becomes less plausible when we discover that she also said he was 5’8” in her initial report. Either both officers are wrong, or she has changed her testimony after media influence.
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The latter is more likely, for she admitted to seeing Richard on television multiple times a day, and in the papers.
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Sadly for Richard, the defence did briefly mention that her description did not match his appearance, but they did not adequately emphasise it to the jury. From the Petition:
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But here is something else to put Richard’s guilt into doubt: we are not privy to the trial transcripts, so, unfortunately, we have to rely on the LA Times. Yes, papers sensationalise stories, but this is all we currently have. Sophie Dickman claimed that the rapist was knowledgeable about jewellery and could differentiate between real diamonds and cubic zirconia on sight.
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This is in direct contradiction to what Sandra Hotchkiss, a convicted felon who committed many robberies with Richard said:
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So, while Sophie Dickman was raped by a thin man with dark, wavy/curly hair, he was too short, too Caucasian and too knowledgeable about jewellery to be Richard Ramirez.
In the near future, we will compare and contrast the rape-burglary incidents to see if there was sufficient modus operandi to indicate Richard’s guilt.
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Full article
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Broken neck from face riding, definitely not a bad way to die. I agree that Billy is an ass eating connoisseur.
I loved how Billy centric this chapter was, mostly because he's my very special boy and I love the way you write him. I love the little return of aggressive ass Billy. But also the growth. The budding friendship with Jonathan.
Jonathan is also a very special boy, especially here. You know and get the vibe that he's dangerous, so much so that even Billy Fucking Hargrove listens when he tells him to tread carefully. But also he's just got such a good heart.
Joyce Byers Appreciation Club. That woman isn't going to let ANYBODY push her around, and she WILL have her way. And if her way means those kids get to eat a nice meal and stay at her house as long as they'd like, she'll be DAMNED if anyone gets in the way.
Dustin and Max bickering! She's growing into her secondary gender so well but, like her brother, wants to protect the omegas that Do Not Want it.
Steve calling him William!! That was just really funny to me. Some in-love bickering old married couple shit.
Steve hating his heat specifically because it makes him not feel like himself is SO on brand. But being bundled up and spoonfed soup anyway and not being thought of any differently? It's good for the soul.
Okay haha, okay YES for Billy right? That feels fucking CANON no way he works his tongue like that and ISN'T a goddamn connoisseur, I KNOW he eats good ass i KNOW it.
I am absolutely in love with version of Jonathan. I feel like the show nerfed the shit outta him as far as character development but like, specifically in the first and second season you get the feeling that he is holding back ALOT of rage and that he's a lot more dangerous than people assume just because he's quiet? And I love in the Omegaverse how even though he's a Beta he's not intimidated by Alphas in the least, he's not intimidated or scared or even impressed by them. It's not that he knows he can take Billy in a fight (cos, doubtful) it's that he wouldn't hesitate before engaging because he's not afraid and I love that for him.
And Joyce is just... okay so in my marvel fics, I write alot about Maria Carbonell and I almost always have her be like, this intensely BAMF woman who was definitely a spy and maybe an assassin or at the very least some super intense high society gonna ruin you with a look sort of bitch and Tony just worships her? Like who Maria Carbonell is in my own personal canon and I LOVE HER and I feel like that's what I'm going to do with Joyce.
Not that Joyce isn't awesome on her own but I'm going to make her more. She's the mom that goes toe to toe with literally anyone when it comes to her kids, the kids her kids love, any kids she's collected as her own... like heaven help Neil Hargrove if he ever tries to get in her face. Homegirl will take a shot of whiskey and a drag of her cigarette and then put it out on his eyeball. I have a really great scene for her coming up in Risk and another one coming up for her in Rest.
I love baby Alpha!Max. She is absolutely one of my favorite characters.
ALSO one of the most difficult things about writing Omegaverse is keeping everyone in character while letting them go through super not in character situations... like heat. Like in no way do I think Steve Harrington is the sort to curl up into a ball and whisper begging pleading for someone to please dick him down, like. no. That's not who he is. But it DOES feel fairly in character for him to go through something extremely stressful ALONE literally to the point of locking down his house so no one else can get close, but then when someone does make their way close, he just folds into them in relief. THAT feels in character for Steve and that's the vibe I was going for with this chapter. Wanted him pushed to his limit and almost over the edge and then when Billy does show up Steve can just relax cos now someone's there to take care of the rest of it.
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erikiara80 · 9 months
Why so many mentions of Barb in S4? Because it's not just about Nancy
@chirpsythismorning @lilitblaukatz I finally have a theory. I didn't understand what all those mentions meant until I found another one in 4x01.
A hidden reference, in a school project, to Barbara Henry, the woman who teached little Ruby Bridges, the first African-American child to attend the all-white William Frantz Elementary School, New Orleans. Barbara, Henry and William. And El had Henry as a mentor...
EDIT (spoiler of The First Shadow) There's another mention in . The name of main character of the play in the play (Joyce's play) the Dark of the Moon, is Barbara Allen.
So, if most of these Barb mentions/references are connected to Will and El, maybe she's not just important for Nancy's arc, but the writers are also using her story to hide hints about Will and El's story.
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I talk about the references here and here. For example, Lenora is in Santa Barbara County, the hint being 805, the area code number on the Surfer Boy Pizza van. There are two Barbaras in Brenner's crossword puzzle, the day of the massacre. This means twin imagery= Willel (and Henry/Edward) and maybe different timelines.
Another twin imagery is in S2. The owls.
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Also, Rick's house, where Eddie is hiding, is at 2121, Holland RD. Barbara Holland. 2121, another twin imagery, and 12 mention (the number associated with Will), but reversed. Rick is a reference to Dr Richard Brenner, mentioned in two articles in S1 (here). One of them is The boy who came back to life. The kids also say that there are 12 Ricks... I don't think these are coincidences.
So, S1 is all about the boy in the UD and the girl who escaped from the lab. Brenner refers to them as the boy and the girl. Will and El, the keys to save the world. In fact, this is the first question Joyce asks after Will's vanishing: 'Where are they?' (the keys) After they showed a key on the wall and keys on the table in Hopper's house.
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(screenshot by chirpsythismorning)
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Also, close up of the number of Hopper's badge, in his first scene: 380 (11) Imo, a hint that Will and El are the keys, and Joyce and Hopper are their parents.
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But S1 is also about finding Will and another girl, Barb. So my theory is that Barb represents El and the writers hid some important hints in their parallels.
The boy and the girl
Barb is bleeding when she's taken to the UD, and her attack is different from what happens to Will. But she's attacked right after the scene in Will's room, where Should I stay or should I go starts playing, and the light gets brighter, something that only happens when El and Vecna use their powers. Also, Joyce sees the Demogorgon in the wall. They connected Barb to Will.
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Another connection. El finds them in the void, and Joyce helps her. She helps El to find the boy and the girl, a parallel with her trying to find the keys in 1x01. And if Will is one of the keys, Barb represents the other key, El.
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If this is true, what are the hints about Will and El's story?
1. Water. They find Will's fake body in the quarry, and in S1 there are random shots of lakes. Something bad happened in the past (more here and here)
Barb is taken in a pool, and water is important in the show, but it's mostly associated with danger/death. They mention another death in the quarry in 1976. Will has the first vision of the UD in 1x08, when he's washing his hands, and a vision of the Mind Flayer after he washes them in S2. El sees Heather in the bathtub, Billy sees the Mind Flayer in the shower. The song when Hopper and Joyce revive Will (I don't want to swim forever... When it's cold I'd like to die- the same song that plays when Max dies). And Owens says that El is going to drown in the water tank.
This scene in S2 also seems to hint at a parallel between El and Maria's drowning scene in the movie Frankenstein.
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The word LIFE
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El and a bathtub
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And after the shot of Maria walking towards the lake, they show the radio and the number 11. Maybe this means that in the past El died, too, and was revived?
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Also, the first time Will communicates with Joyce, she only hears him breathing. Then she tells Hopper that she knows her son's breathing. But in 1x08 Will is not breathing. In S2, when he sees the storm, he feels frozen, like when you can't breath or move or do anything. He says it again in S3, three times. In S2 Becky says that Jane wasn't breathing, and the first thing Terry says to El is: Breath.
And this is also connected to the other big hint hidden in Barb's story.
2. The official "cause" of her death, the experimental chemical asphyxiant (so she couldn't breath) is a parallel with Agent Orange and a hint about the real connection between Willel and Hopper
In S3, Will, El, Hopper and Joyce are all connected to the word orange. I didn't notice it when I watched S3 years ago, because I didn't know Hopper's backstory, but now...
Robin sees a pretty girl with read hair and says: 'Twelve o'clock!' Orange and 12 mention. Will.
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Then El explodes the cup of another girl. Curiously, another redhead. Imo, another twin imagery that connect the two scenes. Also, there are four cups: Hopper, Joyce, Will and El. And the guy's outfit reminds me of a lab orderly. (I'm not forgetting Jon. I just thinks he is Lonnie's son)
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In this shot the word orange is behind Lucas, but he's telling Hopper that the Mind Flayer destroyed his cabin: Hopper's connection to the events of 1959 and the curse are haunting him and his family?
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Then my favorite part, because it connects all of them to Agent Orange and the keys.
Murray gives Jon and Nancy the keys of his house.
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Then we see one of the keys, Will, with Joyce. When she hugs him he says that he can't breath.
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And even when the camera moves on Hopper and El, we can still hear him saying 'I'm suffocating'.
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The word orange between the parents (another screenshot by Jo)
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And here. Billy (William), El and the Mind Flayer/Henry, the other person connected to the curse.
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The reason why I decided to analyze Barb's connection to Will and El is a strange detail in S4.
When El blames Brenner for all the deaths, the flashback shows Bob's death first, then Barb's. But in 4x02 the journalist says that it all started with Barb's death. I'm not sure what this "error" means. The only thing I could think of is the score at the Arcade in S2.
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1st, 75 (12) 2nd 65 (11)
11 comes before 12 but in the Dig Dug score it's second. Barb dies before Bob, but in the flashback they show her death after his. Maybe this is also about something in Will and El's past? There's still a lot to analyze.
And, of course, Barb is very important for Nancy's arc, too. I just noticed a connection to other characters and wanted to see what it could mean.
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lynmars79 · 1 year
Get to know me
Tagged by: @elveny.
Tagging: Whoever wants to!
Share your wallpaper:
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That's how I have my desktop set up; the finale shot from FFXIV: Endwalker, and the "Flow" music video final image. Lock screens and wallpapers for my tablet and phone tend to be commissioned art of my OCs.
The last song you listened to: According to Spotify, it woulda been "Moon" by Gabriela Robin on my Discover Weekly list…but I don't really recall hearing most of the songs on there this week, TBH. I was listening while working so the last one to catch my attention was Alex Moukala's Lofi HipHop Remix of "Mortal Instants" from FFXIV.
Currently Reading: Started on William Joyce's Jack Frost: The End of the Beginning from the Guardians of Childhood series. Having caught up on The Locked Tomb and Critical Role's Kith & Kin, a good preteen fantasy series as a light snack before jumping into another adult novel or series is nice.
Last Movie: I legit don't remember. I want to say I watched something recently, but maybe not since my rewatch of Willow.
Craving: usually something sweet and chocolatey
What are you wearing right now: baggy bue-gray tshirt, black yoga pants, some Critical Role socks.
How tall are you: 5'6"
Piercings: Just regular single piercings in my ears.
Tattoos: None; nothing really's jumped at me to get, either.
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses. I can't stand things touching my eyeballs. I can't even do eyeliner cuz the idea of the pencil that close freaks me out.
Last drink: I have ice water on my desk.
Last show: Star Trek: Picard
Last thing you ate: chocolate ice cream, after having spaghetti and meatballs for dinner (wrote this in the evening, queue'd for morning).
Favourite colour: blues.
Current obsession: Nothing really at the moment.
Unrelated Obsession: Nada. Part of my restlessness right now, really, is waiting on some things, or being in a habit with others, waiting for my brain to catch on something.
Any pets: My tabby cat, Chel. Also known as Chellybean, or Chelcifer. Depending if she's being cute-dumb or cute-naughty. We lost our big boy Rory recently, but roommate's been approved to bring home a new rescue kitty so we'll have another one scampering about soonish.
Do you have a crush on anyone: Not really. Maybe a slight aesthetic girl crush on CR's Dani Carr, but who doesn't, really?
Favourite fictional character: No you can't make me choose.
The last place you traveled: Uh. Heck. Outside of the city I live in, I think it mighta been to Pennsylvania for a cousin's wedding about a year and a half ago.
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simp-legend · 2 years
• Requests: currently open!
• Active events: none yet.
• What I feel like writing: honestly don't mind rn.
• The to-do list:
• All posts will be in Gender neutral Pronouns (they/them) unless specified in the request.
• Also please be patient if your request takes a while to upload.
• You can also ask me stuff in my ask box.
• Read this post (which will be pinned) to see if requests are open.
• Send the character's full name and the fandom they're from and a prompt/ idea/basic plot that I can use.
• Adding the relationship between the characters would also help such as sibling, parental, wife, platonic and best friend etc.
• I would preferably not have you make me choose between two different characters for a fic.
• Please include the type of imagine in your request (one shot, headcannons, preferences, gif imagines etc).
• I will try to write anything that you request, but please keep in mind that I may not feel comfortable writing some themes.
• Please do not request something that has already happened in the fandom, as I don't want to replace characters.
• DO NOT spam me with requests. please, I have seen this happen to other writing accounts and It is quite annoying to see. If you do not follow this rule then I will block you.
• Do not send any physical description for the reader.
• Will only be taking requests sent from my ask box.
Fandoms and character lists *working progress*
This contains all the fandoms and the characters that I will be writing for. Please make sure you check this before requesting to see if the character that you want me to write for is on here. Also check regularly as I will most likely be updating this list. But if you don't see a character you're looking make sure to ask about it to me because I might've forgotten to add them!
First published: 14th August 2022
Last updated: 9th October 2022
Attack on Titan
Annie Leonhart
Armin Arlert
Bertholdt Hoover
Colt Grice
Connie Springer
Eren Jaeger
Erwin Smith
Hange Zoe
Historia Reiss/Krista Lenz
Hitch Dreyse
Jean Kirschtein
Kenny Ackerman
Levi Ackerman
Miche Zacarius
Mikasa Ackerman
Pieck Finger
Porco Galliard
Reiner Braun
Sasha Blouse
Zeke Jaeger
*I won't be writing be writing for the characters that currently have a score through them as I still haven't watched Season 4*
Baby driver
Brooklyn 99
Amy Santiago
Charles Boyle
Gina Linetti
Jake Peralta
Raymond Holt
Rosa Diaz
Terry Jeffords
Buffy the Vampire slayer
Andrew Wells
Anya Jenkins
Buffy Summers
Cordelia Chase
Dawn Summers
Jonathan Levinson
Joyce Summers
Rupert Giles
Tara Maclay
William "Spike" Pratt
Willow Rosenburg
Xander Harris
*Dawn I do believe was still a minor in the show so if you do want to request her, I don't want anything weird*
Criminal minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Elle Greenaway
Jennifer Javerus "JJ"
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
Celestia Ludenberg
Chiaki Nanami
Chihiro Fujisaki
Genocider Syo
Gundham Tanaka
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Junko Enoshima
Kazuichi Souda
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Kyoko Kirigiri
Leon Kuwata
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Mondo Owada
Mukuro Ikusaba
Peko Pekoyama
Sakura Oogami
Toko Fukawa
*Haven't included characters from the 3rd Danganronpa game as I have yet to play and need to some of the characters a bit more*
The dark knight trilogy
Bruce Wayne
Harvey Dent/Two face
Jim Gordon
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow
Rachel Dawe
Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Ginny and Georgia
Abby Littman
Georgia Miller
Ginny Miller
Hunter Chen
Marcus Baker
Maxine "Max" Baker
Zion Miller
Harry Potter/ Fantastic Beasts
Bellatrix Lestrange
Eulalie Hicks
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Jacob Kowalski
Leta Lestrange
Luna Lovegood
Newt Scamander
Porpentina "Tina" Goldstein
Queenie Goldstein
Ron Weasley
Theseus Scamander
Charlie Spring
Darcy Olsson
Elle Argent
Nick Nelson
Tao Xu
Tara Jones
Victoria "Tori" Spring
*Nothing weird with these characters please*
How to train your dragon
Astrid Hofferson
Dagur the Deranged
Eret son of Eret
Fishlegs Ingerman
Hiccup Haddock
Ruffnut Thorston
Snotlout Jorgenson
Stoick the Vast
Tuffnut Thorston
Valka Haddock
Hunter x Hunter
Gon Freecss
Hisoka Morrow
Illumi Zoldyck
Killua Zoldyck
Kurapika Kurta
Ben Hanscom
Beverley Marsh
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Henry Bowers
Mike Hanlon
Richie Tozier
Stanley Uris
*Please specify if younger or older*
Jurassic park/World
Alan Grant
Claire Dearing
Ellie Sattler
Ian Malcolm
Owen Grady
Zia Rodriguez
Lord of the rings
Frodo Baggins
Merry Brandybuck
Pippin Took
Samwise Gamgee
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Movies
Alexei Shostakov/Red Guardian
Bruce Banner/Hulk
Carol Danvers
Clint Barton/Hawkeye
Darcy Lewis
Erik Killmonger
Helmut Zemo
Hope Van Dyne/Wasp
Jane Foster
Jimmy Woo
Katy Chen
Loki Laufeyson
Maria Hill
Maria Rambeau
May Parker
Melina Vostokoff/Black Widow
Michelle Jones/MJ
Monics Rambeau
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Nick Fury
Pepper Potts/Rescue
Peter Parker/SpiderMan
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America
Scott Lang/AntMan
Sharon Carter/Agent 13
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Thor Odinson
Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch
Xu Xialing
Yelena Belova/Black Widow
*Do not write for Yelena romantically*
Disney+ Originals
Agatha Harkness
Emil Blonsky/Abomination
Jennifer Walters
Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel
Karli Morganthau/Flag Smasher
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye
Kazi Kazimierczak
Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab
Marc Spector/Moon Knight
Maya Lopez/Echo
Steven Grant/Mr Knight
Sylvie Laufeydottir
The defenders
Anatoyl Ranskahov
Foggy Nelson
Hope Shlottman
James Wesley
Jessica Jones
Karen Page
Luke Cage
Malcolm Ducasse
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Trish Walker
Vladimir Ranskahov
Maze Runner
My hero academia
• Dabi/Touya Todoroki
• Denki Kaminari
• Eijiro Kirishima
• Fumikage Tokoyami
• Fuyumi Todoroki
• Hanta Sero
• Himiko Toga
• Izuku Midoriya
• Katsuki Bakugo
• Kyouka Jirou
• Mezo Shoji
• Mina Ashido
• Momo Yaoyorozu
• Ochaco Uraraka
• Shoto Todoroki
• Tenya Iida
• Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura
• Tsuyu Asui
• Yuga Aoyama
*I have not seen season 5 or read the manga*
Once Upon a Time.
• Ariel
• Emma Swan
• Killian Jones/Captain Hook
• Merida
• Mulan
• Neal/Bælfire
• Red/Little Red Riding Hood
• Regina Mills/The Evil Queen
• Robin Hood
• Zelena/The Wicked witch of the west
Squid Game
Ali Abdul
Cho Sang-Woo
Hwang In-ho
Hwang Junho
Kang Sae-byeok
Seong Gi-hun
Star Wars
Aayla Secura
Agent Kallus
Ahsoka Tano
Asajj Ventress
Bariss Offee
Boba Fett
Bo-Katan Kryze
Cad Bane
Caleb Dune/Kanan Jarvus
Cara Dune
Darfh Maul
Din Djarin/Mando
Ezra Bridger
Fennec Shand
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Han Solo
Hera Syndulla
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Lando Clarissian
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi
Padme Amidala
Poe Dameron
Rose Tico
Sabine Wren
Stranger things
Alexei "Smirnoff"
Chrissy Cunningham
Dmitri Antonvo "Enzo"
Dustin Henderson
Eddie Munson
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Erica Sinclair
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Joyce Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Murray Bauman
Nancy Wheeler
Phil Callahan
Robin Buckley
Steve Harrington
Will Byers
*Nothing weird with the stranger things kids*
The boys
Annie January/Starlight
Black Noir/Earving
Hugh "Hughie" Campbell
Kimiko/The Female
MM "Marvin"
Queen Maeve/Margaret
William "Billy" Butcher
The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins
Fili Oakenshield
Kili Oakenshield
Thorin Oakenshield
The Hunger Games
Effie Trinket
Finnick Odair
Haymitch Abernathy
Johanna Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Primrose Everdeen
The lost Boys
Alan Frog
Edgar Frog
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
The Walking Dead
Abraham Ford
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee/Greene
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Tyreese Williams
Alex Summers/Havoc
Charles Xavier/Professor X
Danielle "Dani" Moonstar/Mirage
Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke
Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Erik Lensherr/Magneto
Hank McCoy/Beast
Illyana Rasputin/Magik
Jean Grey/Phoenix
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Logan Howlett/Wolverine
Neena Thurman/Domino
Ororo Munroe/Storm
Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver
Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane
Raven Darkholme/Mystique
Roberto "Bobby" da Costa/Sunspot
Samuel "Sam" Guthrie/Cannonball
Scott Summers/Cyclops
Sean Cassidy/Banshee
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Warren Worthington iii/Angel
How to request
When requesting please give full name or code name/alter ego of the character that you want me to write and what fandom they belong.
Also specify what type of request it is that you want and I'll do my best to write it!
Denied Requests
If I have denied your request, there may have been a reason or two why I didn't accept it. If I do deny your request then I will probably also explain why I denied and it may be one of these reasons:
• Requests being closed.
• Wasn't a complete request.
• Being spammed the same request.
• Don't write for the character.
• I might feel uncomfortable with some content that you may request.
Okay! I think that's everything that I needed to cover, but if there's anything I missed (characters, fandoms, extra info) let me know and I will either add it here or make a new post!
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sadcats13 · 10 months
Getting Away with Murder in The Letter (1940)
A series of gunshots ring out into the night outside of a Malayan rubber plantation. A woman steps out onto the white painted verandah of her large mansion to stand behind her attacker. Geoffrey Hammond, the local playboy, collapsed on the steps before the feet of Mrs. Leslie Crosbie, shot dead while her Malay employees bear witness to this righteous retaliation. The camera hovers above Hammond sprawled out across the stairs, standing as Leslie does over the scene of the crime. The threat to Leslie's dignity and honor has been extinguished.
This opening scene is an icon of Golden Age Hollywood. No matter how you have come across this scene or Bette Davis herself, The Letter and Bette have been cemented into cinema history. From those first five minutes to the film's bitter end, you are almost guaranteed to fall madly in love with William Wyler's masterpiece.
Released in November 1940, The Letter, an adaptation of the play by W. Somerset Maugham, follows Leslie Crosbie (Bette Davis) as she struggles in the aftermath of this grisly incident. She claims she murdered Mr. Hammond in self-defense against his unwanted advances. Leslie must convince and cajole her husband (Herbert Marshall) and his lawyer, Howard Joyce (James Stevenson) of her innocence. Leslie's charm and knack for weaving a story bring Mr. Crosbie and District Officer Withers to her side.They believe she acted heroically however, the taught rope of Leslie's moral conviction begins to unravel as Mr. Joyce searches for evidence that will lend credence to her defense in court.
In act one, as Leslie is being questioned by her husband and Mr. Joyce about the details of the incident, she wrings her hands around a handkerchief and moves around the house pretending to be confident to hide her anxiety over being caught. Leslie's hands, or more specifically, Bette's hands become a point of focus here as they hint at her inner turmoil. Since Of Human Bondage (1934) Davis's most obvious mannerism is her hand wringing and the constant need to fiddle with something, especially when she is playing villains or morally gray characters like Leslie Crosbie. A notable example of this within The Letter is when Mr. Joyce comments on the shawl Leslie left unfinished in the foyer. It is a task most women of this era turned to when they were not ordering their housekeepers around or making tea for their husbands. Sewing the fine silk lace is a relaxing task Leslie took up while Mr. Crosbie was away managing his rubber company which is on the verge of failing, information unknown to Leslie until the second act. The shawl, the letter Leslie wrote to Hammond that his wife now possesses, the gun, these are plot devices meant for the audience to gather clues like Mr. Joyce to evaluate whether Mrs. Crosbie is guilty or innocent.
A hint at the true nature of Leslie's relationship with Mr. Hammond, aside from the letter (which Ong Chi Seng made a copy of) comes in the second act when Mr. Joyce asks Leslie how long she had been working on the lace shawl. Leslie responds that she had been sewing the intricate shawl ever since she and Mr. Crosbie moved to British Malaya. This implies that Leslie had been secretly meeting with Mr. Hammond for years before she shot him in the back. Her guilt is spelt out in a piece of cloth.
The lace shawl becomes her armor when she finally meets her lover's wife, only identified as a Eurasian woman (Gale Sondergaard), but it is unsuccessful in hiding her confused emotional state. She stares nervously at a dagger in the shop where Mrs. Hammond lives while Ong Chi Seng, Mr. Joyce's clerk, acts as the mediator during their tense interaction. Leslie has come to retrieve the love letter she wrote to Geoffrey that she previously confessed to having written knowing that Hammond's widow will not relent this blackmail until justice is done. Mrs. Hammond gives up the letter, but the camera lingers on her face after Leslie leaves. Her hatred of Leslie emanates from her gaze. Leslie's manipulation turns everyone against her save for her white British expatriate friends who stood and cheered in court after the judge said, "Not guilty". Mrs. Hammond is true to her word, promising to exact revenge with the dagger she leaves on Leslie's porch during a party celebrating her acquittal. Though the aim of this film was not to overtly comment on British Colonialism like Black Narcissus did later in 1947, the conflict between Mrs. Crosbie and Mrs. Hammond acts as a microcosm of the complicated legacy of the Empire's domination of island nations such as Singapore and Malaysia. Ong Chi Seng and Mrs. Hammond are the "savage" in need of governance by a civilized white England. Mr. Crosbie is the embodiment of the British Empire's waning control over Malaysia in the years preceding the second World War. All that is left to do after such violence is to drink and gamble your pain away.
However, the more practical interpretation is that, due to restrictions imposed by the Hays Code, William Wyler had to punish both Leslie Crosbie and Mrs. Hammond. Leslie Crosbie is killed by the scorned wife with the dagger and the help of Ong Chi Seng. Both murderers are later arrested after attempting to flee in the dullest scene of the film. It all ends with a whimper because murder and adultery could not go unpunished according to the code. The violence of the original play, based on a true story, is neutered for the film adaptation. If it had been released in the 1960s, when the Hays Code was officially abandoned, then one could imagine a different, more ambiguous ending where Leslie dies but Mrs. Hammond gets away and it is up to the audience to interpret what the rest of the film meant. It is still possible to read this version of events in the original play.
This heavy subject requires our full attention and the first act of this beautifully shot film (cinematography by Tony Gaudio) commands our eyes to never leave the screen. By the second and third act, however, you will be reaching for the remote despite an excellent performance by Bette Davis and James Stephenson, who was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. You can watch The Letter on Amazon Prime Video.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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The Parallax View (Alan J. Pakula, 1974)
Cast: Warren Beatty, Hume Cronyn, Paula Prentiss, William Daniels, Kelly Thordsen, Earl Hindman, William Joyce, Jim Davis, Kenneth Mars. Screenplay: David Giler, Lorenzo Semple Jr., based on a novel by Loren Singer. Cinematography: Gordon Willis. Production design: George Jenkins. Film editing: John W. Wheeler. Music: Michael Small.
This somewhat elliptical political paranoia thriller was a critical and commercial dud in its day, but time has been kinder to it than it has to more conventional films in its subgenre, such as Three Days of the Condor (Sydney Pollack, 1975), which looks rather slick and self-satisfied by comparison. The story, about a reporter's investigation of a shadowy company that seems to provide fall guys for political assassination, is framed by shots of a panel of judicial figures delivering their conclusion that the most recent assassination was the work of a "lone gunman." We think "Warren Commission" without hesitation. Although the main story is somewhat fragmented and the film occasionally seems rushed, there are some terrific action sequences and an overall feeling that the director and screenwriters are on to something real. The "downer" ending leaves us with that sinister panel floating in darkness, and although conspiracy theories are thicker than fleas these days, who doesn't think there might be one or two of them that have merit?
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