#wilf butler
bobbie-robron · 1 year
Well, Rob has decided that Stephen’s gay so, obviously, he must be.
The Sugden household have mixed viewpoints on Stephen with Robert making derogatory comments about him (his perspective altered from the time Danny’s orientation was in question), Katie on Stephen’s side and Jack rather they not discuss it period. Andy defends Jack to Katie who sees him as a ‘gay bashing old bigot’ (his translation, not Katie’s opinion). Odd conversation at the pavilion about handbags and genres 🤔. Wilf is getting to the point he’s done with the farm sooner rather than later.
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justmoreocs-edits · 11 months
Just some quick links to my story introductions.
A Few More Hours [Until Dawn] (Lucy Hartley)
A Knife's Edge & Music and Lyrics [Stranger Things] (Belle Barrow, Robin Buckley, Mia Moreno and Eddie Munson)
A Matter of Blood [A Discovery of Witches] (Chizzy Duncan, Alina Driscoll and Monty Sanderson)
Bedtime Stories [The Librarians] (Bonnie Vasliliev)
Boldness Be My Friend [Grishaverse: Six of Crows] (Dmitry Kovalev, Annika Yahontov and Zariyah Yahontov)
Burns Knight [The Inheritance Games] (Fiona Dalton)
Crime, Friendship and Other Things [Detroit: Become Human] (Frankie Alverez)
Dearest Verona [Deadly Class] (Cassie Verona)
Elements, Brains and Fangs [Teen Wolf] (Renée Cobalt)
Family Legacy [Superman & Lois] (Mara Kent)
Flowers of Iron [Lockwood and Co.] (Violet Morello)
From Angels and Gods [The Devil in Me] (Angelica Lonnit and Castor Griffin)
Haly's Circus: All Grown Up [Titans] (Kit Cole, Viola Cole and Tae Lee)
Hunter's Delight [The Quarry] (Lacey Pearson)
Kindred [Shadowhunters] (Aoife Dawnfleur and Benji Fray)
Learn To Do It [Vampire Academy] (Cedric Nicholls and Frances Mazeika)
Listen to Your Hart [Kingsman] (Lily Robinson and Eggsy Unwin)
Misfits and Misinformation [Wednesday] (Carmine Bishop and Talia Hawkins)
No Matter What [Nowhere Boys] (Emie Thompson and Mal Thompson)
Our Legacy [Superman & Lois] (Mara Kent)
Prestige [MacGyver & The Mentalist] (Lilia Bennett-Hope)
Rising Light [Constantine {Written with @fiercefray}] (Kate Bastille)
Ships Ahoy [Wreck] (Reeve Amos and Cali Pierce)
Stories of Hope [Harry Potter] (Hope Wood)
The Butler and the Duke [Pennyworth] (Hannah Duke)
The Conman and the Investigator [Constantine] (Charlie Doyle)
The Making of a Hero [Nightwing] (A.J Kane, Teddy Kane and Dick Grayson)
The Piccola Rossa Series [Peaky Blinders] (Sylvain Alfonsi, Hal Brandon, Cece Hawthorne, Stan Shelby, Luce Turner and Wilf Turner)
The St. Claire Mysteries [Prodigal Son] (Annie St. Claire and Harry St. Claire)
Trust Your Instincts [Dexter: New Blood] (Everleigh Howard)
Truth Serum [Slow Horses] (Millie Blake)
Unexpected Partners [Alex Rider] (Eliza Moriarty)
Verstehen [The Order] (Abby Stone and Becca Warren)
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flamingredanon · 1 year
tyrant fresh is a variant of fresh i cooked up forever ago who does this funny little thing i like to refer to as the Fog. unlike our regular fresh, this guy isn't afraid to alter the minds of those around him to a degree, and his response to the Toppats being afraid of him after everything and thinking he isn't fit to lead is to put them under a spell that sort of "calms" them, along with the mental suggestion that he is here to help. It's- it's a drug allegory, you know me, but the point is that's what's keeping them coming back to him.
Add in some insecurities, the occasional puppetry, and his treatment of his Wilf, and you've got a man desperate for friends who will manipulate you by worming his way into your brain, grabbing you and keeping you coming back with a false sense of safety.
Wilford doesn't get the comfort of knowing that Randy is there for him. Unlike Wilfilth, he essentially acts as a butler to Rand, no dirt curse included. He's usually the first one Fresh goes to when experimenting with new brainworms or alterations.
He's deluded himself into thinking he's genuinely helping people, but I think we both know that manipulating people into telling them your problems and comforting them with your powers isn't the best way to make friends.
That is really interesting so far.
Probably horrifying for any Toppats that haven't been in the Fog to see this all go down.
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justmoreocs-writing · 11 months
Just some quick links to my story introductions.
A Few More Hours [Until Dawn] (Lucy Hartley)
A Knife's Edge & Music and Lyrics [Stranger Things] (Belle Barrow, Robin Buckley, Mia Moreno and Eddie Munson)
A Matter of Blood [A Discovery of Witches] (Chizzy Duncan, Alina Driscoll and Monty Sanderson)
Bedtime Stories [The Librarians] (Bonnie Vasliliev)
Boldness Be My Friend [Grishaverse: Six of Crows] (Dmitry Kovalev, Annika Yahontov and Zariyah Yahontov)
Burns Knight [The Inheritance Games] (Fiona Dalton)
Crime, Friendship and Other Things [Detroit: Become Human] (Frankie Alverez)
Dearest Verona [Deadly Class] (Cassie Verona)
Elements, Brains and Fangs [Teen Wolf] (Renée Cobalt)
Flowers of Iron [Lockwood and Co.] (Violet Morello)
From Angels and Gods [The Devil in Me] (Angelica Lonnit and Castor Griffin)
Haly's Circus: All Grown Up [Titans] (Kit Cole, Viola Cole and Tae Lee)
Hunter's Delight [The Quarry] (Lacey Pearson)
Kindred [Shadowhunters] (Aoife Dawnfleur and Benji Fray)
Learn To Do It [Vampire Academy] (Cedric Nicholls and Frances Mazeika)
Listen to Your Hart [Kingsman] (Lily Robinson and Eggsy Unwin)
Misfits and Misinformation [Wednesday] (Carmine Bishop and Talia Hawkins)
No Matter What [Nowhere Boys] (Emie Thompson and Mal Thompson)
Our Legacy [Superman & Lois] (Mara Kent)
Prestige [MacGyver & The Mentalist] (Lilia Bennett-Hope)
Rising Light [Constantine {Written with @fiercefray}] (Kate Bastille)
Ships Ahoy [Wreck] (Reeve Amos and Cali Pierce)
Stories of Hope [Harry Potter] (Hope Wood)
The Butler and the Duke [Pennyworth] (Hannah Duke)
The Conman and the Investigator [Constantine] (Charlie Doyle)
The Making of a Hero [Nightwing] (A.J Kane, Teddy Kane and Dick Grayson)
The Piccola Rossa Series [Peaky Blinders] (Sylvain Alfonsi, Hal Brandon, Cece Hawthorne, Stan Shelby, Luce Turner and Wilf Turner)
The St. Claire Mysteries [Prodigal Son] (Annie St. Claire and Harry St. Claire)
Trust Your Instincts [Dexter: New Blood] (Everleigh Howard)
Truth Serum [Slow Horses] (Millie Blake)
Unexpected Partners [Alex Rider] (Eliza Moriarty)
Verstehen [The Order] (Abby Stone and Becca Warren)
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rosetintedgunman · 6 years
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Tag Dump Part Two!
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softlass27 · 4 years
Robert Week 2020 Day 3: Family A family dinner goes awry when revelations about the Sugden brothers' past come to light.
FYI, this is set in a slightly AU version of husbands era where Andy returned at some point and is living in Emmerdale again (I brought Adam back too, because why not).
Also, this fic refers to an old storyline that I must have watched but have no real memory of, considering how long ago it aired. So I've had to rely on gifsets and the Emmerdale Wiki, which you can see here:
https://emmerdale.fandom.com/wiki/Stephen_Butler https://isabellaofparma.tumblr.com/post/176241877331 https://robsugdens.tumblr.com/post/176241303211/i-didnt-have-it-easy
On a warm Saturday evening in August, the Sugdens and their other halves all gather round Diane’s table for their tea. Family time still isn’t a particularly common occurrence for them, but Diane and Victoria insist on it every now and then, and they mostly manage to get through the odd meal without any drama these days.
So as Aaron sits in his usual spot next to Robert and Seb, he doesn’t expect much more from the next couple of hours than some small talk with his in-laws over homemade shepherd’s pie and apple crumble.
Andy and Victoria are both in a nostalgic mood, it seems, tossing childhood memories back and forth as they eat. Nothing too heavy, thankfully, just funny – mostly farming-related – anecdotes from their youth.
At least, Andy, Vic, Diane and Doug seem to find them funny. Adam smiles and laughs easily along with them, but Aaron’s mostly left nonplussed. Honestly, the only thing getting him through it is the eye roll and small kill-me-now grin Robert shoots him whenever they catch each other’s eye. Aaron’s husband is clearly just as bored by the farm talk as he is, only chiming in when someone addresses him directly.
How many stories can you possibly tell about runaway cows, anyway?
As the first hour drags by and some of them start helping themselves to seconds, talk turns to Butlers farm and how the Sugdens had come to take it over back in the day.
“Who were the actual Butlers, anyway?” Adam asks, shovelling a forkful of mashed potato in his mouth. “Don’t think my mum ever said when we moved in there.”
“Just a bloke who was getting too old to keep up with things,” Andy replies with a shrug. “Will or Wilf, I think. And he had a son, too, about our age, right Rob?”
Robert nods as he wipes Seb’s mouth (he’s going through an incredibly messy phase of insisting on feeding himself) but doesn’t add anything.
“Drawing a blank on his name, though – ”
“Steve,” Robert interrupts quietly, turning back to his plate.
“Oh yeah, that’s it,” Andy snaps his fingers as the memory comes back to him. “Steve… dunno what happened to him. We were mates for a bit but he moved away in the end. We’d fallen out, can’t remember why but – ”
Robert’s scoff cuts Andy off. Everyone pauses and turns to him as he finally lifts his head to stare at a confused-looking Andy.
“Are you kidding me?” Robert asks incredulously.
Victoria tenses and glances warily between the two of them. “What’s the matter, Robert?”
“Yeah, what’s your problem?” Andy says with a frown.
“You seriously don’t remember what happened with Steve?”
“No… ” Andy’s bewilderment is quickly turning to annoyance. “Who cares, it was like, a million years ago. Do you remember everyone you fell out with when we were kids? Saying that, it’d be a pretty long list for you, wouldn’t it?”
“Boys, come on now,” Doug rumbles quietly. “Let’s not spoil the evening.”
Robert stays silent, but Aaron can see he’s biting the inside of his jaw. A telltale sign that he’s upset but trying to keep it together. He rests a hand on Robert's tense thigh under the table, ready to jump in to his defence if needed.
“Well, share with the class,” Andy drawls, ignoring Doug’s words with the beginnings of a smirk. Aaron has no idea what this is about, but he wants to punch it off his face. “What was it, then?”
Robert hesitates, eyes darting to Seb – who’s thankfully still oblivious to the tension – before shaking his head and stabbing at his food with his fork.
“What, nothin’ to say?”
“Maybe we should just change the – ” Diane begins, but Andy speaks over her.
“No, come on, he’s started now. Spit it out, Rob, whatever it is that's got your back up.”
“I said no.”
No one else at the table would have caught it, but Aaron hears the wobble in Robert’s voice. He tightens the hand on his husband's thigh, trying to keep him calm, remind him that he's not alone at the table.
“What d’you bring it up for, then?” Andy isn’t taking no for an answer, apparently, and he’s starting to get on Aaron’s last nerve.  “God, you always do this, always have to turn everything into some big drama, don't you? Come on, what was it that was so bad that – ”
“You found out Steve was gay,” Robert cuts Andy off, voice low but unmistakably clear.
Silence rings over the table as everyone freezes on the spot. Adam’s fork hovers in the air for a moment, before he sets it back on the plate with a clatter.
“Or, you heard rumours that he was gay, from that Ali kid. I dunno if he actually was, but that was good enough for you. You heard the rumours, you believed them – started passing them on to other people too, if I remember right – and after that, you wanted nothing to do with him.”
Aaron’s heart is thumping loudly in his chest, a familiar anger and defensiveness – for Robert, for himself, for this Steve kid – surging through him like wildfire. He watches Andy open his mouth uncertainly before closing it again, the irritation vanished from his face and replaced with shock. He looks like a deer caught in headlights.
“I asked you what the big deal was, why you cared so much if Steve was gay,” Robert continues with an air of apparent nonchalance, though Aaron knows better than to fall for the act, he knows Robert's fuming. Hurting.
“You said he shouldn’t have kept it hidden from everyone, you had a right to know what sort of person you’d been hanging out with. You were also very keen to make sure everyone else knew that just because you’d spent time with him, that didn’t make you ‘queer’, as you put it.”
Diane and Doug both look on uncomfortably, while Victoria brings a hand to her mouth in shock.
“Andy, you didn’t… ” she whispers with wide eyes. Adam lays a hand on her shoulder, looking almost as taken aback by the situation as her.
“I… ” Andy flounders helplessly, head whipping to his sister then back to Robert.
“Steve ended up moving away from the village in the end,” Robert finishes, pushing his plate away and tossing his napkin on to the table. “I guess all the shit he got over it – the name-calling and bullying – became too much for him to cope with, so he got the hell out of there. And no one ever mentioned him again.”
“Robert… ”
“Any of this ringing any bells for you, Andy?”
Andy gulps loudly before giving the slightest of nods.
“I – I forgot.”
“That’s nice for you,” Robert lets out a hollow laugh, before abruptly pushing his chair back with a loud scrape. “Sorry Diane, dinner’s been great but I don’t really fancy pudding. Lost my appetite.”
He scoops Seb out of his high chair and strides out of the room with a backward glance. Aaron rises quickly, muttering his thanks to Diane for the meal and following him, only stopping to throw a hard glare back in Andy’s direction. When Andy’s eyes meet his, he cringes and shrinks back in his seat.
“S’been a while since I’ve sat in on some proper Sugden drama,” Aaron say lightly, passing Robert a brew and Seb his sippy cup of juice.
Robert lets out a small huff but doesn’t speak, silently watching Seb playing with his toy cars on the rug. He hasn’t said much of anything since they left Diane’s and Aaron hasn’t pushed him. Not until now, anyway.
Careful not to spill their teas, he sinks onto the sofa and nudges Robert gently, raising a questioning eyebrow at him. Robert glances at him before sighing heavily.
“Probably gonna get an earful off Diane later,” he eventually mutters. “Causin’ a scene, spoiling a family meal again.”
“Somehow I don’t think she’ll blame you for this one. And if she does, she’ll have me to deal with.”
That gets him a tiny smile, at least.
“Gonna tell her off, are you?”
“I ain’t scared of her.”
Robert chuckles and leans into him, taking a slow sip of his tea. They sit in companionable silence for a few moments, before Robert begins to speak.
“I know Andy doesn’t have a problem with me, with you and me. I know he doesn’t think like that anymore, I wouldn’t speak to him if he did,” he says quietly. “We were just kids, and kids can be idiots, I get it. It’s just – it’s the fact that he didn’t even remember. To him it was clearly just a stupid bit of teenage drama, it didn’t mean anything. He probably never even gave it a second thought after Steve was gone. Whereas I… ”
Robert trails off, blinking rapidly and looking frustrated. Aaron reaches over to lace their fingers together, squeezing gently.  As out and proud as his husband is now, it's still difficult for him to talk about his sexuality sometimes, about all the time he spent in hiding it.
“That day,” Robert eventually continues. “When Andy said all that stuff about not wanting to hang out with Steve anymore, I thought I was gonna be sick there and then. The way he acted like it was the most disgusting thing he’d ever heard… I don’t think I got a wink of sleep that night. I just lay there in bed, picturing Andy’s face if he ever found out about – about me. If he knew what Dad knew.”
He sets his mug down and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“It wasn’t like I’d been about to come out or anything, this was a couple of years after Dad… you know.”
Aaron nods wordlessly, feeling the hatred he’d carried for Jack Sugden ever since he learnt about that day bubble rapidly to the surface.
“I’d already buried the fact that I liked boys, I'd decided I was just gonna pretend it wasn’t there. But – but hearing Andy say all that stuff about Steve, the way he reacted to even the possibility that his mate was… It was like like the final nail in the coffin, y’know?” Robert’s bottom lip wobbles as he shakes his head, sounding so resigned.
“I knew then, that I could never tell him. Or my friends, or anyone in this stupid village. Any hope I’d had, deep down, that being myself might be... I don’t know, not accepted but… tolerated, maybe? It pretty much died that day.”
Sometimes, Aaron is reminded of just how drastically things in Emmerdale have changed in recent times. His adolescence and Robert’s were only a few years apart; on paper the time seems like nothing. But the reality is that in terms of mindset and attitude, things couldn’t have been more different for the two of them.
He remembers the fear, the absolute terror of others finding out the truth about him all too well. But once he was out, once the dust settled and everyone knew… apart from the odd snide comment from some tosser he didn’t even know, people were fine with it. His family, Victoria, Adam, Ryan, Holly… none of them cared, no one saw him any differently. If anything, he became closer to nearly every person around him.
The fact that Robert not only believed that the opposite would happen to him, but basically had actual confirmation of it played out right before his eyes, breaks Aaron's heart.
He puts down his own mug so he can pull Robert into him and tuck him under his chin, Robert’s arms circling his waist as he buries his face into Aaron's chest.
“I love you,” he murmurs into his husband’s hair, hands stroking softly. “You deserved better.”
Robert clutches him tighter.
Later that night, Adam texts him while Robert’s in the shower.
so that was fun
Aaron readjusts a sleepy Seb in his lap so he can reply.
What happened after we left? Andy say anything?
not much. diane and vic gave him an earful, he left pretty sharpish. looked proper ashamed of himself too. vic’s been going spare ever since, i’ve had to stop her from going to yours 3 times. u both ok?
We’re fine. Tell Vic that Rob’s alright, I’ve got him
will do. night mate
“Well, you’ve got balls, I’ll give you that.” Is the only thing Aaron says when he opens the front door to Andy the next morning, folding his arms across his chest.
Andy shuffles awkwardly on the welcome mat, a hand coming up to scratch his bushy beard.
“Is Robert here?”
He doesn’t step aside to let Andy in. When Andy realises that Aaron isn’t budging, he sighs heavily, shoulders slumped.
“Look Aaron, I uh… ” He clears his throat. “I’m sorry."
“Not me you need to apologise to.”
“No, I know, but I just wanted to say that I was a right idiot back then, really stupid. Ignorant. And I’m – I’m not proud of it, but I don’t want you thinking I’m still like that because – ”
“I don’t think you’re like that,” Aaron cuts him off.
“You wouldn’t still be standing here if I did.”
Andy pauses and blinks, face twisting nervously.
“Right, well uh… good, I’m glad. So… can I…?” He gestures to the inside of the house.
“Wait here.”
He closes the door in Andy’s face (not exactly necessary, but he takes some petty pleasure in it) and walks through the living room to the back door, stepping out into bright sunshine and the sound of splashing and laughter.
Seb’s playing in his paddling pool in the garden, happy as a clam, while Robert sprawls on the grass beside it, occasionally passing him one of the bath toys they’d brought down to the garden. The front of his t-shirt is absolutely drenched.
“Alright?” He asks as Aaron approaches.
“Andy’s here. Asking for you.”
Robert stiffens, grin dropping off his face.
“Want me to send him packing?”
There’s a long pause, before Robert sighs and shakes his head. “No… suppose he can come through.”
Aaron returns to the front door and beckons Andy, leading him to the back garden.
“Andy!” Seb cries when he spots them. “Pool!”
“Wow, look at this!” Andy calls as he steps closer. For all his and Robert's issues, he adores Seb. “You havin’ fun, mate?”
Seb nods vigorously, his damp sunhat bouncing on his head as he smacks his hands into the water. Robert tilts his head up to stare at Andy.
“Alright?” Andy tries for a hopeful smile, which Robert doesn’t return, instead refocusing his gaze on Seb.
“Can we have a quick chat?”
Robert passes Seb a rubber duck.
“Rob, come on,” Andy pleads, looking down at him imploringly.
Robert rolls his eyes, before pushing himself up and wiping his palms on his shorts.
“Can you – ?” He asks Aaron, gesturing to Seb.
“Course.” Aaron gives Robert’s wrist a brief squeeze as he passes him, before settling down next to the paddling pool, flicking some water in Seb’s face to make him laugh.
As he plays with his son, he keeps an eye on the two brothers, watching as they walk to the deckchairs at other end of the garden, sitting sideways on them so they’re facing each other.
Aaron can’t make out exactly what’s being said, not over the sound of Seb’s splashing and yelling, but neither of them look angry, which is a good sign. He just hopes Jack’s name doesn’t come up, otherwise that could all change in a heartbeat.
Andy’s doing most of the talking, elbows resting on his bouncing knees as he leans towards Robert. The expression on his face is uncomfortable but earnest, as he offers what is clearly an apology – Aaron doesn’t need to hear them to know that much. It makes a change; Aaron’s never known anyone so keen to deny any wrongdoing as Andy Sugden – especially when it comes to Robert and their childhood.
Robert keeps his face blank, sitting ramrod straight and staring somewhere past Andy’s shoulder as he listens. But as Andy continues speaking, his face begins softens a little and he eventually begins talking back quietly. Andy fidgets and looks down, but he doesn’t interrupt except to nod occasionally, replying only when Robert finishes speaking. It’s probably the most the Sugden brothers have communicated in years.
Aaron wishes he could lipread. Or that he had a slightly quieter child.
“Daddy!” Seb cries for his attention, hitting him in the chest with a plastic bucket.
“Oh, sorry mate, did you want a shower?” He fills the bucket with water and tips it all over Seb’s head until every inch of him is dripping, causing him to shriek loudly.
“That’s what you get,” Aaron laughs at the indignant expression on his son’s face, before glancing up to see Robert and Andy have stopped talking in favour of watching the scene fondly.
Andy stands and stretches. “I should get going, then,” he says to Robert, who stands to follow him.
“Stay for a bit if you like? We’ve got lemonade in the fridge, lots of ice.”
“Nah, you’re alright. I’m taking Sarah shopping soon,” he claps Robert on the shoulder. “Another time, though?”
“Okay, yeah.”
“I’ll see myself out.” Andy leans down to tickle Seb under the chin. “Enjoy your pool, Seb.”
He starts walking across the grass, before pausing and turning back to them.
“You – you’re my brother,” Andy chews his lip, looking serious. “My family. Family’s supposed to rely on each other, and I made you feel like you couldn’t. I really am sorry.”
There’s a long silence as Robert stares at him, unmoving. For a moment, Aaron thinks he isn’t going to say anything back, and then –
“S’okay, Andy. It’s forgotten.”
“Okay,” Andy nods, sounding relieved. “Oh, and please let Vic know that I’ve spoken to you, will you? Before she castrates me.”
Robert’s mouth twitches. “Can’t have that. I’ll let her know.”
“Cheers. See you, Rob. Aaron.”
Andy takes his leave, shoving his hands in his pockets and disappearing around the corner of the house.
Robert sinks down onto the grass next to Aaron and lets out a long breath.
“Okay?” Aaron asks.
“You sure?”
Robert smiles and presses a kiss to the side of his head. “I’m fine. We talked, it was good.”
That’s probably the most Aaron’s going to get out of him, for now at least, so he smiles back and snakes an arm around his waist. If Robert’s good, then he’s good.
“D’you want me to get the drinks from the – hey!” Robert splutters when he’s cut off by Seb chucking a bucketful of water in his face, giggling madly when he hits his target with impressive accuracy.
“Good aim, kid,” Aaron grins, ruffling Seb’s soaked hair.
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immabethehero · 5 years
Jackieboy Man fits the superhero thing, right??? BUT CONSIDER: GO THE DISTANCE. He sings this when he’s just being born, and wants to get superpowers and help the world. (Keep your eye for a Hercules fanfic in the future)
Jameson can’t sing, but he can sign. There was a Deaf West End version of Srping Awakening in 2016, so he could sign while someone sang for him!!!!! AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON TAP DANCING. HE MUST HAVE THE TAP DANCE NUMBER.
Funny enough, I also had a vision of Schneeplestein tap-dancing one. Just the centre of all these ensemble members, coat flying as he amazes us all!
Speaking of Schneep, maybe Burn from Hamilton? When he finds out his wife has been cheating of him? He’d be heart-broken and furious, and probably would want to commit arson.
And MAYBE for all you shippers out there, he sings I Won’t Say I’m In Love when he DOES fall in love again
I feel like JJ from My Brother’s Keeper @beerecordings​‘s fits lines of Good Girl Winnie Foster from Tuck Everlasting. Because while he does obey Anti most of the time, there are periods when he secretly rebels against his orders. He even sneaks in a pet in @my-brothers-corrupted​, like Winnie sneaking in the toad. ( @beerecordings you every right to disagree, it’s your story)
And let’s not forget @seagullsausage‘s idea of Anti singing Mother Knows Best from Tangled!!!! @seagullsausage you’re amazing!!!
BUT!!! ALSO CONSIDER: Out There from Hunchback of Notre Dame!!!! With a Septic under Anti’s control!!!!
BUT!!! BACK TO JAMESON!!! Step In Time!!! He leads the show-stopping  tap-dancing number!!!
There’s a sweet song called Whistle Down the Wind from the musical Whistle Down the Wind. It’s a lullaby sung by a father to his children, to comfort them about the loss of their mother. After he sings it, his oldest daughter sings it again, but in the production I saw, the ghostly mother comes in and sings.
I feel like Chase would sing it to the egos to keep their spirits up while Jack is in a coma, then Jack himself sings it while they sleep and it’s all emotional and makes us all cry.
On the subject of Markiplier egos, I feel like Yancy, when flirting, would do something along the lines of Never Ever Getting Rid of Me from Waitress. Because he’s awkward when it comes to love.
BUT WILFORD. I CAME UP WITH THIS A FEW DAYS AGO. So maybe Dark’s all mad because of Actor!Mark and shuts himself up in his room, and Wilford tries to comfort him but can’t get him to come out, so Wilf sings What’s Wrong With Me from Mean Girls, because he feels like he’s doing something wrong and it’s all angsty. 
ACTOR!MARK AND THE BUTLER OR SOMEONE ELSE DOING GASTON. Because he’s confident and all that!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!
OOH! But one of the egos tries to get Eric out of his shell, and sings something like A Christmas Song from Elf: the musical. In the number, Buddy convinces Jovie to sing for the first time and she does and she sounds MARVELOUS. And then she later sings it in front of a large crowd to save Christmas and that could Eric having a lovely voice and using it to come out of his shell and later save the day!!!
AND THEN THERE’S US. I feel like many of the writers can relate to Katherine Plumber’s Watch What Happens from Newsies, because we’re trying to “write good” and we end up rambling and wasting paper as we try to write the story.
Another song that could apply to us is When Children Rule the World from Whistle Down the Wind. Even though we aren’t really children, we like to imagine ourselves saving the Septic Egos from Anti’s grasp. Just look at these lyrics:
We've got to keep this secret we gotta do this rightIf we don't screw up we could save his life
And the atmosphere of the song is hopeful, energetic and optimistic, like we feel like we could really do it!!! PMA!!!!
Annnnddd that’s all I got... for now...
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scatterpatter · 5 years
“I want to get into the lore with Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache, but where do I start?”
There are more egos, but this will just be focusing on Wilford and Dark(plus the entire Who Killed Markiplier cast)
Wilford has been an ego for nearly as long as the channel has existed. He is eccentric, egotistical, has a strange- slightly slurred accent, and is very trigger-happy, though seems to not realize the consequences of his actions
Some of his most notable appearances are: Amnesia Animated, The Ned Affair, FNaF: The Interview[jumpscare warning], and Warfstache Interviews Markiplier
There are a few more videos of him that I haven’t linked, but I’m hoping these will be enough to give you the insight of his character
Darkiplier was initially a simple “Evil” Mark who would occasionally appear to spook viewers(especially since Mark often plays horror games), but quickly grew to more of a fleshed-out character
Early appearances include Don’t Blink[jumpscare warning], Don’t Move, and Relax
His character is much more fleshed out by A Date With Markiplier- where we see his typical blue-red appearance, deep voice, ringing sounds, etc. He is seen in Horror, Freedom, and Left.
Markiplier TV is not only a funny project featuring numerous egos of Mark, but also shows that not only do the egos know each other, but they’re working together. ... Trying to, at least.
Dark specifically wants to take down Mark, given his “How is this supposed to help us take back control? We are the heart and soul of this channel, after all.” and “You’re missing the point of this endeavor.” implying there’s something more going on than just a silly tv show.
Who Killed Markiplier is a 4-part mini series detailing what at first seems like a cheesy who-done-it, but is quickly revealed to be a tragic backstory. The playlist I linked includes Wilford Motherloving Warfstache and Damien, but I’ll talk about those later.
I will refer to the “Mark” in these videos as Actor-Mark for the rest of this post, as to not confuse the character we see and the actual Mark Fischbach
A very-bad plot synopsis: Damien and Celine are siblings. Damien, William, and Actor-Mark were all childhood friends. Actor-Mark was married to Celine, though she left him for William. Fueled by rage, Actor-Mark begins a plot of revenge. He found there was something supernaturally wrong with the house, and anyone who “died” could come back. He invites everyone to a party, including Detective Abe, Butler Benjamin, and Y/N(the cameraperson). After a night of drinking, Actor-Mark is found dead. While the rest of the series is trying to uncover the mystery, the true story is: Actor-Mark purposely got William to shoot him, so William would be blamed for his death(and his life ruined for “stealing” his wife), while Actor-Mark would come back from the dead later. After a lot of pointing fingers at each other, tensions escalate, and in a panic William shoots Abe the Detective and Y/N, though insists “it was an accident, I swear!”
The next part is... hard to summarize, but bear with me: Through trying to help, Damien and Celine both get expelled to this afterlife-type plane in the house(it’s revealed that William killed Damien earlier, while the spirits in the house took Celine’s body[i believe, its very difficult to interpret]). When Y/N dies, they meet the siblings. They explain that Actor-Mark took Damien’s body, abandoning them all with Actor-Mark’s broken body. They ask Y/N to help them by letting them into Y/N’s body, and they all come back to the living world.
William sees Y/N’s dead body just... get up like nothing happened, and can’t comprehend it. This leads him to begin the path down insanity- seeing everything as a “joke”, and how he “never killed anyone”. Darkiplier looks into the mirror, and cracks it along with his neck, and at that point... Y/N is actually expelled from their body, left in the house. Damien just wanted to protect Y/N, but in doing so left them behind while Damien and Celine took their body.
I... hope this summary helped XD I recommend looking up an explanation thats more in-depth, it’s REALLY hard to summarize coherently
Dont Remember. I’m... not 100% sure the meaning of this video, but turn on subtitles. There is indeed lore here. I believe this may be either Actor-Mark or Dark talking to Y/N(the cameraman during the van vlogs[the vlogs are not lore related]), but I can’t say for sure. Worth watching anyways.
Following up on Abe the Detective and William, who now goes by “Wilford”, Wilford Motherloving Warfstache deals with what happened in the past. They both come to terms that things are not “normal” anymore, that they are not “alive” anymore, and embrace the insanity together.
Finally, Damien, the last video of the backstory. [warnings for sudden loud noises and graphic imagery]
Here we see Damien and Celine taking up residence in a cabin in the woods, and all is not as it seems. They appear to be in some type of... afterlife, purgatory, or something similar. This is taking place at the same time as Wilford Motherloving Warfstache, since we hear their dialogue echoing in the forest.
Damien soon meets Actor-Mark, who explains that he’s selected Damien as the “villain” in his story. Actor-Mark sees himself as the “hero” despite all he’s done. Celine quickly intervenes before they can get much further in their argument. Celine reveals she’s been trying to protect Damien, but now that Damien remembers everything that happened to them, he promises to help Celine and let her rest while he vows to make Actor-Mark pay and “Well, he did say he wanted me to be the villain. Maybe he should be more careful of his wishes”, taking on the full persona of Darkiplier.
I... think I covered all the bases? Hopefully this helps anyone trying to get into the Dark/Wilf lore but not knowing where to start!
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etherealblasphemy · 6 years
This started out as me taking notes of WMW and took a sharp right into Hell
Warning: This is absolute bullshit I wrote trying to take notes of WMW and what it means (spoiler alert, I still don’t know). OH, AND SPOILERS FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVEN’T SEEN THE VIDEO
I don’t even know what I was trying to write, it just wrote itself.
    Only when Abe says Wilford’s full name does the full color come in, possibly representing the change between times- WKM was supposed to take place somewhere between the 1920s and 1950s, the film noir vibe from the beginning of the video up until now is similar to the film category of the same name that is most applied to detective movies from 1944-54. Black and white movies began phasing out of popularity around the 1960s, with only a short list of black-and-white films released during the 70s onwards. This is represented by the slow transition to color while Abe moves throughout the club (nightclubs first became popular around 1962 with the opening of the Peppermint Lounge in NYC), with us really seeing the full color, hardly any monochromia, once we see Wilford, who represents the mid-60s onwards. Afros like the one Wilf wears were most popular around the mid-60s and are attributed to the Blank Panther Party. Disco, the style of dance and music seen/heard in the club scene, was most popular during the 70s. Additionally, the clothing we see on everyone but Abe is tight on the top and loose on the bottom (specifically, bell bottoms and flare trousers)- the style of clothes and fashion trends in the 70s.
   With this in mind, I’d like to propose a theory: Wilford and Abe represent two different eras of WJB, whatever that name stands for in Wilf’s mind.
    Abe represents the early 1900s- and thus the early, or “sane”, era of the Colonel’s life. In WJB’s timeline, Abe in the sole figure remaining from his life before WKM. Damien and Celine are gone- I don’t think Wilf knows what they’ve become just yet. Y/N, us? Wilf shot us. He may have seen us rise from the dead, but I think he’s forgotten that we died in the first place (when Abe blames him for “my partner’s” death, Wilf shows no reaction or recognition, but more on that later). Mark… well, I don’t think Wilf really cares about Mark that much. The chef, the gardener, and the butler were all minor figures. But Abe? Abe has chased him for years, proving to Wilf that he will always come back. And Abe and William interacted before WKM- Abe was investigating the “SAFARI HUNT GONE WRONG” incident, as shown by the bulletin board in the final chapter of WKM. So, for WJB, whoever that is now, Abe represents the time of his life before everything went so, so horribly wrong.
    Abe represents the Colonel’s life, if you will.
    In contrast, Wilf represents the Colonel’s death. Take the line, “Life needs a bit of madness. Why should death be any different?” Wilf obviously remembers at least some of the events of WKM, similar to how people sometimes say that you remember your life after death (at least, those of whom believe there’s something after death). Additionally, all the time jumping and bullets not obeying physics and the seeming teleportation and the time not adding up is something that very much describes limbo- at least in the modern sense of the word. Limbo, in its original sense, still describes what we’re seeing, defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as “the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned”. As we know, the Colonel committed some hefty sins- murder included- so it would make sense if he wound up in Limbo.
    To add onto to this idea of Wilford representing the Colonel’s death, he doesn’t remember what happened to us, Damien, or Celine. According to some speculatists, after death, you remember most of your life, but have trouble remembering your death and the circumstances that led to it. To help explain this, I’d like to use the simile of sleep. Death is often likened with a long, deep slumber. Our memories remain intact once we wake, but during sleep, and just before we fall asleep, we don’t process anything, and thus can’t remember what happened. WKM must have occurred just before the Colonel’s death- possibly suicide- which is why, using the sleep simile, he doesn’t remember events that occurred just before his death. Additionally, Wilf seems to have complete control over what goes on in this Limbo. He’s never phased when he randomly teleports around the room- heck, he’s even admitted it. But, of course, there’s the sole problem of that other Wilf being in the camera frame between 5:11 and 5:15, and back again at 5:18.
    Which of course begs the question, is this even Wilford we’re seeing, or is just another one of the house’s tricks?
    Okay, this has made no literal sense, but I needed to get this down on paper before my mind exploded. I’m sorry if I confused you (to be honest, I confused myself).
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realtalk-princeton · 2 years
What dorm buildings have AC? Is there a list somewhere? In upperclassmen housing ?
Response from Chewy:
Res colleges: Forbes Main Inn, Whitman College, Butler College (except 1915 hall), select rooms in Edwards Hall (reserved for housing accommodations)
Upperclassman Housing: Wilf Hall (Independent housing), Scully, Dod Hall (window A/C), and select rooms in Brown Hall (window A/C)
New College East and West are still unknown in terms of A/C.
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celestialmarkiplier · 7 years
Playtime (wilford x reader) (NSFW)
Requested? nah, this was another one w/ @katrodriguez1234 / @katidid-writes-stuff and jeSSUS THIS ONE WAS TRIGGERING ME
pairing: wilford x reader
warnings: light bondage, smut, daddy!wilf, other things probably
Maybe it was whatever the butler was putting in the drinks he insisted on giving you, or maybe it was just that Wil being himself was actually really cute. Sure he was waving a gun around, but it was all for fun. So when he beat you for the third time in poker, you had decided to blame it on the butler. You also decided to blame the butler for climbing into Wil’s lap, and honestly, everything that happened after that too.
“Wil, it's not fair, you always beat me!” You pouted, resting your hands on both of his shoulders. He didn't seem to mind the physical contact, probably because he was just as tanked as you were.
“I can’t help it if you suck, sweetheart.” He chuckles and rests his hands on your hips so he’s more comfortable. You gasp, actually quite offended by his statement, and pout.
“I do not suck!” you had to resist the urge to giggle at the innuendo, honestly it wasn’t even that funny you were just super drunk. “You’re just a cheater!”
Now it’s his turn to gasp, “I am not a cheater! I would never!”
“Uh-huh” Your response was slightly childish, but oh well. Wil narrowed his eyes at you and looked like he was about to say something when someone interrupted.
“Get a room guys.” Damien chuckled from the other side of the table, and under any other circumstance you probably would have been embarrassed, but all you could manage was to turn your head towards him and wink, causing him to mock gag at you.
“As you wish.” Wil said, drunkenly trying to pick you up and stand at the same time, and you giggle as he hooks his hands under your thighs, keeping them securely around his waist.
“To the sex dungeon!” You yelled and pointed at the stairs, drawing groans from the crowd, and a chuckle from Wil.
You’re not sure how, but somehow Wilford manages to get up the many stairs and into a bedroom with you still wrapped around him like a koala bear safely. He laid you down on the bed gently and climbed on top of you, taking off his hat and jacket before slinging them somewhere random in the room. You giggle slightly and take of his glasses, gently placing them on the table and staring into his deep brown eyes. He truly was a beautiful man, and that definitely was not the alcohol talking.
You can’t help yourself, you lean up and capture his lips in a bruising kiss. He grumbles something low in his throat and kisses back with enough force to make the area between your legs ache.
Slowly he moved one hand down your side, then up and under your shirt to rub your breast through your bra. Trying to keep your moans quiet, you reached up and slid off his suspenders and began to pull his shirt out from his pants, getting his attention just enough for him to pause what he was doing and pull his shirt up and over his head.
“I would have taken you for the type of person to want to go slow, Y/N.” Wil mocked slightly, and in return you shifted your leg up just enough to rub against his bulge, wiping the usual smirk off of his face making him look even more intimidating than he usually does.
He groaned, rolling his neck and making you shudder. “I’m trying to go slow here, doll. I’m trying to be gentle. But if you do something like that again I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself.” He growls close to your ear before nipping at the skin just below it. Your eyes flutter closed and before you can really stop yourself your hand is traveling down his exposed chest and palming his hard dick through his pants.
He stops pressing kisses to your neck and is completely still for a solid second. You were just about to stop, afraid something was wrong, when both his hands came to grab your wrists, shoving your hands above your head and unclipping one of his suspenders to tie your hands to the bed.
“You can't say I didn't warn you doll.” His voice was surprisingly smooth, compared to the low whispery one you were sure you would have if you were able to find your voice. He rolled his hips down against yours, drawing soft whimpers from your parted lips. You tugged against the suspender, wanting desperately to feel him, but it only tightened the knot. He noticed your struggle and smirked at you.
“Please.” You manage to get out a low whimper, and he brought his hips down against yours again in response.
“No doll, you were misbehaving. I want to take this, you, slowly, and I get what I want. Trust me, you’ll get what you want too, but as of right now, this is your punishment. No touching Daddy Wil.” He smirked at his last statement, seeming proud of himself.
You whine, which obviously wasn’t what he wanted you to answer with because the second he heard it a harsh smack came down on the side of your thigh. “Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he grins devilishly, “Words, baby, use them.”
You whine once more, but this time you respond. “Yes Sir, I’m sorry I’ll be good,” you say. He seems happy with your response this time and starts kissing on your neck again. He makes a path down, kissing down your chest and growling when he realizes your shirt isn’t off.
“Do you like this shirt?” he suddenly asks, you furrow your brow and shrug.
“I mean, not really I guess, wh-” you didn’t get to finish your sentence before a loud ripping sound echoed through the room, and suddenly your bare stomach and barely covered chest were revealed. He had actually ripped your damn shirt open.
He continued making his way down after that, not making a big deal out of the shirt at all, and kissed all the way down to the place where your skirt meets your skin.
Unintentionally, you buck your hips up and whine, wanting way more than what he was giving you. His eyes flicked up to meet yours and without moving his lips from your stomach he put both of his big hands on your hips and pushed them violently down into the bed.
“Don't. Move.” He growled the words out against your stomach and the slight vibration had you biting your lip in a pathetic attempt to keep in the whimper that surely would have caused this to drag out even further. He grinned at this, then with one final wink at you he moved his attention back to your skirt, kissing and biting right above the hem of it, causing you to close your eyes. This, of course, stopped you from making note of his hand that was making it's way up and under your skirt, so when he grabbed your panties and pulled them down you couldn't stop the gasp from escaping your lips.
“You doing okay up there, baby girl?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice when he said this. He didn’t wait for your answer, he just pulled your skirt down your legs and went back to focusing on his current mission.
You open your eyes again to find him right in front of your aching core, his breath hitting your clit making you squirm. He grabs your hip again with one hand and spreads your legs apart with the other. He sends you one last warning look before he slides his tongue into you.
You gasp, pulling on your restraints the way you would like to pull on his hair which causes him to smirk from his place between your thighs.
“Do you want me to untie you, darling?” You nod viciously and pull against the restraints. “Well, that's too damn bad,” Wil says as he moves his tongue to the side to replace it with a finger. Slowly he works his way into you while he circles his tongue around your clit teasingly. You tugged at your restraints once more, determined to get out, and in response snapped the suspender in half.
“Excuse you?” He says, his voice low and dangerous as he moves from his position on top of you. Your eyes are frozen wide, partly in horror, and partly in shock that you actually broke Wil’s suspender. You were sure he was going to go for his gun, but instead, he just began to unbutton his jeans and pushed them off, along with his boxers. Then he turned and met your eyes again. “You’re going to pay for that doll.”
You gulp, “W-Wil, I’m sorry, I-”
“I don’t wanna hear it, darling.” He growls, this time using his hands to hold your wrists down. “You’ve already dug yourself the grave, might as well stop and take the punishment.” With that, he lines up and slides in all the way, not giving you any time to adjust before he starts thrusting at a slow steady pace.
He leans down to your neck again and, instead of kissing it like you assumed he would, he starts to bite the skin near your collarbone. He sucks on the skin, most likely creating dark bruises that wouldn’t be gone for a couple days, and speeds up his thrusts.
His hand moves from your wrists to the wall, steadying himself so he can go deeper. He seemed too focused on what he was doing to move his other hand to your wrists, so you take the opportunity. Quickly you move one of your hands to his hair knotting your fingers in it and pulling hard, and the other to his shoulder.  His dark eyes met yours, and you could see him briefly debating whether or not he was going to restrain you again, and almost on instinct you dug your nails into the skin on his shoulder.
“Okay doll, if you want to play like that, then we can play like that.” His voice was rough, and you let out a thankful sigh that turned moan when he began to thrust faster, placing his free hand on your hip to make sure you didn't get pushed up into the wall. The combined feeling of him inside of you and his hand pushing you into the bed had you moaning and whining loudly, no longer giving two fucks about being loud.
“That’s it, baby,” he grunts, bringing his thumb down to rub against your clit harshly, perfectly timed with his thrusts, “Let everyone in the house hear you, let them know who you belong to.”
You couldn’t take it anymore, his thrusts combined with his words plus the new pressure on your clit was enough to push you over the edge. You were close, and Wilford could apparently tell because he was speaking again. “You better get permission before you cum baby, if you don’t things won’t be pretty,” he growls.
You whine, practically screaming the words, “Please! I need this so bad, need you so bad.”
“Oh come on, doll, you can do better. Beg.” he grins, his thrusts not slowing any.
You meet his eyes, knowing you can't hold out much longer. You decide to take your hand from his shoulder and drag it down his back, letting your nails tease at his skin while you move your hips up in time to meet him with his next thrust. “ Please let me cum, I can't hold out like this much longer.”
He seemed to come undone for a split second when your hips started to move in time with his, but he didn't stay like that very long. “You will do whatever I tell you to do, doll.” His voice was gravely though, and from the way his arm that was braced against the wall was shaking, you were sure he wouldn't last very long either.
“Please, I’ll do anything,” you actually pouted when you said it this time.You were just so close, your body was so sensitive and he was still driving into you like his life depended on it.
You didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up as he said, “Anything?”
“Anything! I swear!” You screamed, body actually shaking from the force of trying to hold back.
“Alright baby, come on then, be a good girl for daddy and cum.” That was all it took, you were coming undone, body shaking violently and nails scratching so hard on Wil’s back you were sure he was bleeding. He didn’t last much longer, the feeling of you tightening around him too much and causing him to tip over the edge into a pool of pleasure.
His arms wrapped around you, hugging you tightly to him as he came, moaning louder than you had been. He thrust once more, before going completely limp and rolling off of you, but only long enough for him to wrap his arms around your waist and lay his head on your stomach. You looked down at him incredulously, then smiled.
“So the big bad Wil likes to be the little spoon here?” He didn't give you any response other than to bite at the still exposed skin of your stomach, causing you to yelp which quickly turned into a giggle.
“So, do you think the rest of the group heard us?” Wil said as he giggled, sounding very much so like himself again.  
“Most definitely,” You laugh, running your fingers through his hair slowly and letting a comfortable silence take over. It was like this for a few minutes, then Wilford cleared his throat and rolled over so he was on his elbows beside you.
“You remember how you told me you would, you know, do anything? If I let you, you know,” Wil was suddenly really embarrassed about something and you giggled, nodding.
“Yes, Wil, I remember. What is it?” you ask. He laces his fingers with yours and brings them to his lips.
“Would you go on a date with me? Maybe one where it doesn’t end in drunk sex?” he asks with a grin and you can't help but grin back.
“I would love to, Wil.” With that, the two of you fall asleep. The last thing you remember is looking at the clock, which read 1:30 AM.
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bobbie-robron · 1 year
Look… if it’s the life you want then I’ll help you all I can but I’m not gonna let you kid yourself it’s an easy option.
There is no Robert in this episode but it sets the way for Andy taking over Butler’s Farm later. Andy learns Wilf is ‘definitely packing it in’ with the farm by autumn. Stephen, like Robert, has no interest in the farm and being ‘stuck’ there ‘up to my eyes in stinking mud for the rest of me life.’ Jack is not too keen about Andy’s talk about taking over Wilf’s farm because of the debt and basically both Wilf and him failing in the end.
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markipliergamegifs · 7 years
Unanswered Questions
I still have some questions that went unanswered in the stream. Some of them might be things that end up being nothing, or maybe they’re supposed to be obvious and I’m just dumb idk Also some of these are probably super unimportant but still just questions I have.
Why was Mark's YouTube Profile Picture the old one but inverted and darkened?
Who was writing by candlelight in that sound clip and why?
Why was Mark having the chef and butler investigated? Was he just paranoid?
What happened to Marks body? Did it get moved to that Upside Down place?
What did Damien mean when he said “That asshole is walking around in my body?” (this might have been touched on and I didn’t catch it)
So Damien and Celine used our body to get back to the real world cause they’re bodies were like destroyed? And Dark was able to change our body to look like Damien? 
Wilford doesn’t obey the laws of physics in the future, is that because of his time in this house or something else?
Does he wear the bow tie because Damien used to wear one? (even if this isn’t confirmed I’m just gonna believe it to be true cause I want the pain)
Why is Wilford’s mustache pink in the future? (I like to think it’s cause it was Damien/Celine’s fav color lol)
How does Mark from WMK relate to the Mark in ADWM or any other instance of Mark related to Wilford and/or Dark?
Why did the Colonel owe Mark so much money?
What is our relationship with Mark? I know we were friends with Damien at University, but we didn’t know The Colonel or Celine but we did know Mark cause he invited us to the party. How do we know him well enough for him to invite us to the party?
So is the evil that was in the house gone now? Did it leave with Dark or is it still there as well?
So you still looked like you when Wilf left the room. What was his reaction when he comes back and actually sees Damien and that he is seemingly alive and well? (pain)
There might be some I’m not thinking of but these are the ones I was able to remember. 
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I’ve gone through every second of this video at .5 speed maximum and recorded everything I saw, as well as questions, notes, uncertainties, and relevance to current theories. Next I’ll try to draw as accurate a map of the manor as I can make at that point, but this comes first. Feel free to reblog with anything I missed! Some people have unique knowledge I don’t (guns, poker, crime scene investigation, military badges, etc.) so I may overlook something. Additionally, if I mention something you’ve already pointed out, let me know and I’ll credit you specifically. This is LONG.
Scene One: Introduction (0:00 - 1:00)
This is a large, very expensive looking Manor. Mark is obviously quite rich in this. For what? YouTube? Or something else?
This is obviously an old-timey TV show introduction, and the font has that Markiplier TV feel to it, as has already been pointed out. Is this fictional (in the Markiplier ego-verse)? Is this actually airing on Markiplier TV?
The Colonel is the first character we see. He’s walking toward the manor as the shot pans overhead. Innocent enough.
That’s Ethan’s hand, isn’t it? Probably ultimately irrelevant, but Ethan also posted a video on his twitter where he fell off a balcony with a camera strapped to his chest, so it’s rather safe to assume something like that will happen to the PC (player character).
The time is shown to be 7: 55 when we arrive. Presumably PM, by the light in the sky and the nature of the video, but it’s ambiguous.
We focus on what appears to be two garages, with a tower-like room and 3 windows. One is open. Remember that for later: Those windows can open.
As we approach the Colonel, he shakes his head and has his hand on his hips,. Almost as if he hasn’t been here in a long time? This may hint that he recognizes the Manor.
Everybody and their mother has pointed this out, but the Colonel has an unmistakably Wilford-like voice, as well as a hat and large mustache to potentially cover Wilf’s defining traits. Not only that, but Wilford was once said in a livestream to have been a war general.
Perhaps those badges mean something.
The Colonel says that he thought he’d be the last guest to arrive. He introduces himself to you, so he doesn’t know you. This also implies that both of you are late, or perhaps the other guests have a penchant for being early.
He says “my friends call me the Colonel. You’re welcome to do the same.” Avoidance; he doesn’t tell you his real name. Why? To avoid being caught? Because he’s really Warfstache?
It’s hard to see his eyes behind those fancy glasses.
In we go. He comes in behind us, presumably.
Scene Two: In the Manor (1:01 - 2:34)
Tyler greets you as The Butler, reprising his role from A Date With Markiplier. This begs the question; is it the same character? More importantly, is this the same universe? He greets us with his customary “bonjour.”
The Mayor and The Detective are chatting rather casually in the background as you interact with The Butler.
He asks you for an invitation, so this party/celebration is invitation only.
On your invitation it says “Y/N District Attorney.” This is a bit of a weird way to word it. Why put someone’s profession on their invitation, and why like that? “Sally District Attorney?” This is probably irrelevant, but for the sake of being thorough, I’ve included it.
This does, however, have implications about the main character; that you’re a minimum of 26 years old, that you are very intelligent and have a good memory, and that you know the law very intimately. This could be very important later on. It also means I can refer to the Main Character as “The Attorney” from now on.
There’s a seal on the envelope, a gold one. From whom? Mark? the Mayor?
Probably for brevity’s sake and not an important detail, but The Butler does not actually check your invitation before letting you in. This could mean that nobody here has actually been vetted.
The Butler tells you he’ll fetch you a drink “forthwith” (without delay or immediately) and exits to the right. But wait, where is the Colonel?
As we approach the Mayor and Butler, The Mayor makes a motion with his hand seeming to indicate “crazy” and the detective shakes his head in a sort of begrudged agreement or acceptance, mouthing “yeah.”
The Mayor has an odd walking stick thing. If anyone could tell me what that is called, that’d be great. The top appears to be solid metal, and heavy enough to bludgeon with.
The Mayor greets you as an “old friend” and asks you how you’re settling into your “new office.” The implication here is that you do not directly work together, which would make sense as you’re clearly a newly hired district attorney.
However, next he says “there’s no one I would rather have alongside me to protect this great city of ours.” Do you work directly with The Mayor?
Not to mention that he says it will “take some getting used to.” What did you do before becoming a district attorney?
Not a fact, but I immediately fell in love with the Mayor during his first 2 lines of dialogue.
Many people are very confused and/or concerned about the line “but try not to rob me blind again.” It’s connected with a statement about the Poker Table, so grammatically he likely is talking about the game. Is the Mayor bad at poker? Are you really good at poker? Do you have a history of cheating? Perhaps you actually did physically rob him during an event like this?
Also, you’ve played poker with the Mayor before.
The Mayor exits behind you, either to sit down, go where the Butler is, or perhaps greet the Colonel, a conversation we would not be privy to.
You move to a short hallway to the left that opens to a formal dining area, and we meet our good old friend the Chef. Like the Butler, he reprises his role from ADWM, and does a damn good job of it.
He has a ladle in his hand (why?) and is picking up an ornate serving platter as you approach. Perhaps he’s cleaning up from an earlier snack? Are you actually late?
He seems to be irate already, making a comment about hors d’ouvres, a small, bite sized snack with layers, and that he’ll get them when he’s “good an’ ready.” Has someone already asked him about them? From ADWM, we can presume the Chef is a perfectly lovely person when not in a rotten mood. Who pissed him off? Mark?
He also points his ladle threateningly at your face and tells you harshly to “stay out of [his] kitchen.”
The tiny chef is pointed toward you, on this end of the kitchen. Remember that for later.
The Butler saves you from this terrifying ordeal (you just wanted to say hello!) and tells him “not to be rude to our guest” with an even more terrifying glare. Is the Butler above the Chef in terms of hierarchy?
“So sorry about that. Here’s your champagne.” That is not a lot of champagne. There’s 5 glasses on the platter, not including yours.
“Enjoy your evening.” His tone here, and at the champagne comment, are SO unsettling, and so is the music. Almost conspiratorial.
You hesitantly toast to him, and he slinks out of frame hilariously. This is probably just Tyler being a doof as he tries to get out for Mark to arrive, though if you read far enough into it it could be that the Butler is afraid of Mark.
Mark comes down a spiral staircase with the same openable windows as we saw in the intro, and an ornate rug. He’s wearing what appears to be a red silk robe. A very blood covering color.
He seems almost to announce his presence to everyone, though you’re the only one there, or are you? Is the Colonel still behind you? What about the Mayor? The Detective? However, this is probably just a silly pretentious version of his “Hello Everybody, My Name Is Markiplier” and not to be taken too seriously.
He calls the evening (so yes, we did arrive at 7: 55 PM) auspicious, which means “favorable to success.”
He makes a comment about being surrounded by “close and trusted friends.” So among The Attorney, The Colonel, The Mayor, and The Detective, everyone is friends with Mark, or at least he believes so.
Also, this means you have some kind of history with Mark.
He gestures elsewhere when he says “close” (at the Butler?), and at you when he says “trusted.” Mark trusts you. Why you, specifically? Especially if you robbed the Mayor “blind?”
Apparently, according to Mark, this evening is “for you.” Which means you showed up late to your own party. Nice.
He makes an obvious foreshadowing comment about being “dead tomorrow.” Probably just a joke, but it could also be read to mean Mark is aware to some degree that his life is supposedly in danger, perhaps someone tried to warn him but he brushed it off. It’s an odd thing to say right after you’ve turned the focus to someone else; a more typical thing to say would’ve been that “you” or “we” could be dead tomorrow, not specifically him.
Of course, this could just be Mark being self-centered.
You drink the “champagne” and go into an odd haze as the sound of Mark’s “crazed laughter” (per english captions) distorts, and the party sequence begins.
Scene Three: The Party Sequence (2:35 - 3:00)
I have never been drunk, so I can’t verify, but that probably is not what one tiny glass of champagne looks like. I’d be willing to bet that’s not what any amount of champagne looks like. Were you drugged?
EDM Music starts playing! How fun. Also, not very old-timey.
The Detective is wearing a weird hat. I don’t even know what to call that. He looks just as inebriated as you feel.
You’re playing Poker, at least it sort of looks like it. The first few shots are typical guy partying. The Mayor does a keg stand, which is amazing, although not very relevant.
Much of this scene is played for laughs, but there are a few gems.
You go into the kitchen a few times. The cook is cooking. Is this to set up an alibi for him?
The Colonel and The Detective “roughhouse” for a bit. The fighting does not look serious, but the Colonel demonstrates the skillful use of a headlock.
The Colonel is seen with a flask. His own alcohol? Why?
The Colonel swings at the Butler, then you flip off the Butler. Poor butler.
The Colonel is seen loading a very powerful gun, the same one Wilford had in Markiplier TV. Not only is this solid evidence of him being Wilford, it shows that he is not inebriated enough to impact his fine motor functions.
He points the gun at the Detective, then at his own head, grinning the whole time. His hat and glasses come off to reveal nothing special.
The Detective uppercuts you, and you fall to the ground. The Mayor runs to your side, extremely concerned, and this marks the end of the merrymaking.
You fall into bed. It is 1:30 AM. Assuming the beginning up to this point was all real time starting when you arrived, 25 seconds of potentially drug-addled partying just covered 5 hours and 33 minutes of potential murder setup.
Scene Four: There’s Been a Murder! (3:01 - 7:02)
An alarm rings to wake us at 8:30 AM sharp. That’s 7 hours of sleep. Not bad. However, who set the alarm? Was it the Mayor, who probably got us to bed safely?
Or was it the Butler, who is awake and has been long enough to serve you, er... setzer water with cocaine. Sounds... pleasant.
That said, if you were drugged, it probably wasn’t with cocaine. The effects don’t match very well.
That aside (for now), the Butler is waiting outside your room when you wake up. This means he probably set the alarm.
The Butler walks away, leaving you alone with The Mayor as he walks to the right.
The Mayor greets you as “our little monster.” His hand is obscuring the metal top of his stick thingy.
He reminisces briefly about “our days at University.” You knew each other in college, and are very good friends.
Apparently, you went quite wild. Like a college student. On drugs.
A concerning, Dark-like line: “Good to let the beast out every once in a while, eh, old friend?”
He expresses confusion about what it is you’re all celebrating. Mark earlier said it was about you. Did the Mayor not get the memo?
“It’s good to have the gang back together, but out of the blue like this seems...” So you all, hired help excluded, know each other. Presumably from university.
Also, it’s safe to assume at this point that Mark invited us all under vague or unknown motives.
“Life is ours to choose, as I always say.” Hello, very obviously Dark-like line. And also very out of the blue. This comment has no context.
He says he has some work to finish. What? At a party? “Finish?” Mayoral duties are typically not something you can just do at a friend’s house before breakfast.
“We’ll all catch up soon.” Ominous.
He walks to the right, following the Butler and staying on the second floor.
You walk down the stairs. These stairs are carpeted, and there are curtains in the windows. This may be important later: there’s at least 2 distinct spiral staircases in the Manor.
We focus on a suit of armor here... gotta remember that.
Just as we’re thinking about that, something falls from above right in front of us! It’s Mark, and he looks to be dead!
Lightning strikes just as we look upon the body. Nice timing, but not very relevant. It’s just for atmosphere.
The Detective shows up, and immediately announces there’s been a murder. That’s a bit hasty. We as the audience knew that this is a murder mystery, and we saw the body drop, but he didn’t. Was he expecting this?
The Butler and The Chef have the same reaction. What about them?
Not a fact, but Tyler’s “oh my god murder” just has me in stitches every time I see it.
Also the chef. Comedy gold right there.
The Detective seems to be trying really hard to make sure we know Mark is dead. He points it out when it really isn’t appropriate.
I’m pretty sure the owner of the Manor being dead doesn’t make you in charge, Detective.
Not only does the Detective want you to know he’s dead, he wants you to know it was murder. Someone committed this act.
(At this point in writing this, Chapter 2 dropped, so from here forward the theories will include that knowledge.)
Why did the body drop in front of you, specifically?
Of course the Detective suspects you first, but backs off quickly. The Butler is rather quick to come to your aid.
The video is, at this point, starting to get you to suspect the Detective. Not typical of a whodunit, but what part of this is?
The Detective makes sure to talk in great detail about his dead partners and all their deaths without prompting.
The Detective clearly doesn’t know you, despite the Mayor’s earlier comment about “the gang.”
You turn around to grab the fingerprinting kit, and when you turn around, the crime scene is set up completely. This means time has elapsed.
The Mayor appears, and he’s the only one who doesn’t immediately expect murder, despite the fact that there’s now CLEARLY been a murder. He instead asks what the hell happened.
When he’s told it’s a murder, he doesn’t even expect it to be Mark. Besides the Colonel, everyone else is here. This could either speak to innocence (via shock) or guilt (via fake confusion).
The Detective is downright hostile to the Butler when he asks to call the authorities.
The excuse for nobody coming or leaving is a bit suspect. I’ve left places during thunderstorms. However, there’s no other evidence to suggest it’s false, so I’ll let it slide.
The Detective seems to suspect that the murderer is out to kill more people, without any evidence. Hmm...
The Butler leaves to take care of guests.
The Chef leaves to cook.
The Mayor leaves to “talk to the Colonel.” Besides being the only person to appear even remotely distraught, others have pointed out that his skin turns gray as he leaves. This could just be the lighting; The Butler’s does the same as he enters the same way.
That’s all for now. The rest of Chapter One will be up by tomorrow (10/12/17) at the latest. This took 4 hours to do 7 minutes of video. Please love this, I’m working REALLY hard on it.
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jam-campasta · 7 years
Hey yeah sorry I didn't make it clear that I only wanted Wilf and Dark related stuff from WKM so I'm probably not gonna draw stuff related to the chef or butler or anything but ima try and post something wkm-related tomorrow aaa
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fleecal · 7 years
Day 3 notes
Notes are much longer today Most of this is probably irrelevant.
Selene (Roman Moon. Selene is the Greek personification of the moon. Oop  Relevant?)
Sel and Con know each. Relation?
If Selene didn’t know Mark was dead, why did she come when she did?
Dead like my hopes and dreams
Selene, the seer, sees the lightning. No one else does.
Dick is really dumb.
Con jumanji
Sel sees the camera. And ghosts.
Chef sees camera too. NVM
Tyler is adorable
Sel well versed in the arcane arts.
Something supernatural is going on. Fun. Like Dark or Wilf?
“speak with Mark” oh no.
Homeosapio zombifius
“That doesn’t sound like a good idea” maybe the Dick isn’t as dumb as I thought
Sel got sass. Nice.
Why is Tyler grinning? Suddenly I got the feeling that Sel is his sister. Y? Nvm
Sel sees us! Ah!
Beady little eyes?
Rags. Why does the butler thing our clothes are rags? We’re the district attorney. Wouldn’t we have nice clothes?
Dic thinks we’re ‘gorgeous’. We know the camera person is played by Ethan, but it was never stated whether the district attorney was a man or a woman.
Col has nothing to say to us. Y?
We seem trustworthy. Do we have a trustworthy face?
Big part to play. No shit.
“Believe you me” Isn’t that something Wilf said? What if Dark and Wilf aren’t just the Colonel and Damien, but an amalgamation of the party guests.
The dick doesn’t trust himself. Why?
“I just don’t think it’s the time to get mixed up in all of this” ?
Damian is a nonbeliever
Damian is very cute.
Why is it when we turned to grab things they’re already in the person’s hand? Is that a joke, or is it relevant?
Series of Unfortunate Events. Is that a hint or just a joke? That series is about three orphaned siblings.
Bigger mystery.
“Never been very comfortable in this house” and she was here before she learned the occult. She grew up here? Maybe she’s Mark and Col’s sister.
“Dark forces surrounding this manor”
Wonky music and video. Are we being possessed? The edges were strange and dark as it faded. Like smoke or ink.
“Keep your enemies close” oh. She’s possessed?
Sel is evil?? She sees all
What’s that scene with the grave digger? Nvm
Not evil?
Who showed us those. Was it Mark? Or someone trying to incriminate George so we don’t suspect them?
Why were they in black and white? Almost like someone can’t see in colour?
George, the groundskeeper. Did the staff murder Mark?
Why does Damian need to stay with Selene?
What happened between Dam and Sel?
What are Dam and Sel doing?
Have we ever seen Damian and the Colonel in the same scene?
Three weeks of culinary school?
Night now
Hole? NVM
Burst water pipe? What happened?
He hasn’t been in the house in 15y. Why? Why won’t he come inside?
Are his eyes heterochromatic or is that just the lighting? I think it’s the lighting.
Glow house!
Col. Saw him in the madness.
Sel. Oh.
Dark? O no.
Where’s Dam?
Description. Kilt?
As far as I know, the only people who have names are Seline, George, and Damian. And Mark. Why?
Jim had Selene’s supplies?
Demons? Probably.
Why does YouTube want to give me Spanish subtitles for the Jim video? Is that my computer being screwy or?
Also, the Jim videos are in colour, but not exactly HD. When was colour TV invented?
What’s on the TV? I can’t tell.
Jim. Stop. Ouija isn’t a toy.
Jim is their family name. They surname?
“Where is-” oh no.
S u b s c r i b e t o m a r k i p l i e r. Hmm. That’s a hint or a joke. This might mean that Mark is somewhere between life and death if he still wants people to subscribe to his channel, he thinks he’ll be back? This also probably means this takes place after he becomes a YouTuber. Another possibility is that Dark is a Tulpa and uses his powers to move the planchette and plans to take over the channel.
Is Jim possessed?
These are just my thoughts and notes. Feel free to share anything.
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