#why is tessa the only human to have a noise when she blinks?
umblrspectrum · 1 year
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hello that one person in my askbox asking my about my opinion on cyn. I think this should answer your question.
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
Rio pra não chorar - Part 8
Pairing : Tessa Thompson x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language ; grammar/spelling mistakes ; angst
Word Count : 2.3k
Soft knocks were heard and RDJ’s head passed the doorframe. A bright and large smile on his face. Behind him stood Ruffalo and Kevin Feige, also with large smiles. « Hi, can we come in? », Ruffalo asked gently. Your parents nodded and stepped outside leaving you a few minutes with your newly made friends. They gave you a small kiss on the cheek and asked how you were feeling. « I’m ok. I guess », you replied. « We were worried », said RDJ. You gave him a small smile. You then turned towards Feige and your smile vanished. You cleared your throat and said « I’m sorry for dragging you in the public eye with my family issues. It was never my intention to put the Marvel Studios in such a position. » Feige shook his head before saying « Don’t think about that. We’re a team and we stick together no matter the situation. You’re part of Marvel now. We have your back like you would have ours. » You blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall and thanked them for everything. For not giving up on you, for the support they provided.
Another knock was heard and you all looked towards the noise. A heavy breathing Tessa appeared. In two steps she was next to you, coping gently your chin in her hands, her face close to yours. « Y/N…Finally you’re awake », her voice full on emotion whispered. You caressed her hands on yours and she pecked your lips gently, trying to pour all the emotions she felt into that small gesture. « You smell good », you giggled but a sharp pain came across your rib and you turned your head elsewhere to cough. « Ahh », you hissed. « Shhh. Stay put. Don’t do any movements. You need to rest », she said. It made you smile and you replied « Apparently I was in the coma for 5 weeks, I think I rested sufficiently. » They chuckled noticing that even after all what was happening to you, you still had your fun and witty personality. « We’re gonna give you some space, but we will keep in touch », said RDJ and you nodded and thanked them again before they left.
During the day, more and more cast members and friends appeared in your room, relieved seeing you awake and smiling. After a while, the doctor entered, « I’m sorry to interrupt but we need to make some tests. She will be back in a couple of hours. » Everyone nodded in understanding and the nurses that entered with him, took your bed to another room to start the tests. A few hours left, you came back and the doctor took your parents and brother aside, while the nurse dropped a plate with food in front of you. « I have good news. The recovery is going perfectly. Of course, she will have to wait a few weeks until her leg is better but it’s promising. She will have to do some reeducation, since she was a certain amount of time in the coma, but I’m sure she will do fine. We took the liberty to call her therapist and check for her memories. The therapist assured and gave a certificat stating that she hasn’t suffered from memory lost. Here it is, I think it can be useful if Y/N decides to testify”, the doctor stated. Your family let out a relieved breath and thanked him for everything.
1 week later
There you were sitting next to your parents and attorney waiting for the Judge and Jury to step inside the room. When they did you tried to stand up by holding yourself with your crushes and father’s help. « Please sit down », the Judge exclaimed. They called for Carol to enter and you gave her a stern look, cursing her in your mind. « Before we start, I just want to remind the charges that we are facing here. Julia and Tom Williamson are suing Carol Collins for blackmail, harassment and attempting murder towards their daughter Y/N Williamson, who’s present today. Now may the Williamson’s attorney begin with where he was left a week ago », the Judge exclaimed. The attorney did as such and began by showing your parents bank records, stating that the blackmail has been going on for 26 years. An hour later, witnesses were being called at the bar, starting with your parents. Carol’s lawyer was after yours to ask questions. « Mrs Williamson, you proclaim that my client left her newborn in an alley but do you have any prouve of that? » Your mother gasped and replied « What? Why would I lie about something so awful? » He shook his head and said « Just answer the question by yes or no. Do you have any prouve? »
« No », she said. « So it is possible that you could have indeed stolen the child from her mother’s life. » Your mother was about to protest when he cut her, « Is it true that 27 years ago, the doctors told you that you couldn’t have any more children and it left you desperate. Isn’t it true? », he insisted. You felt your blood boil in your veins, heat creeping on your face. « Answer Mrs Williamson ! ». She gasped again and said « Yes but I would never… ».
He cut her but your attorney stood up « Objection your honor. It’s distortion of the truth. » « Objection declined. Proceed. » Carol’s lawyer had a proud smirk on his face. « Mrs Williamson did you stole that baby from her mother? » Your mother looked at him in the eyes and exclaimed firmly « No ! You want the truth, here it is : That woman (she pointed at Carol) left a baby in an alley next to garbage, alone in the cold. A year later she appeared on our porch declaring she was the biological mother and that if we wanted to keep the baby, our baby, we had to pay. We didn’t believe her, so we did a test and indeed she was the biological mother. She threatened us and blackmailed us. For nothing in the world I would give my child to someone so horrible, someone capable to leave a defenseless human being in an alley. Someone who’s ready to kill to get money ! » During the whole speech, Carol’s attorney tried to shout her down, but your mother wasn’t having it. « Silence ! », exclaimed the Judge. « I have no further question », exclaimed Carol’s attorney.
Your mother sat down on her side and tried to calm down. Her outburst may have been negative but you can’t stand still when someone is accusing you of steeling someone’s life and she lost her temper. Your father was next. He was calmer but even word he said, he said it with so much firmness that Carol’s attorney couldn’t find a way to attack him, even if he tried. Your father stayed still and clear the whole time. After him, they called some paparazzi’s that were pressent on the car crash, which surprised you. They showed their videos and Carol’s lawyer stood up « Objection your Honor, this videos may have been trafficked. » Your lawyer affirmed stepped forward and presented a document certifying that the videos were authentic. « Proceed », exclaimed the judge. « This footage was partly shown the day of the accident on national televisions. We can hear in the tape Carol Collins  saying ‘They took my money from me so I’m taking her from them’. »
He pressed + on the volume so that the Judge, the Jury and everyone in the assistance heard her say it. « I’ll continue the footage, which was cut on the news. As you can see, the victim, my client Y/N Williamson laying on the ground, unconscious and blood everywhere. The state of the car proves how violent the impact was. My client was transported to the hospital with a broken leg, a concussion and an internal bleeding and spend 5 weeks in the coma. I don’t know what more prove do you need to confirm that Carol Collins planned to kill Y/N Williamson. »
They called Carol at the bar. « Do you swear to say all the truth and only the truth? », asked a police officer. « I do », replied Carol. Her lawyer began the interrogation. « Mrs Collins, tell us when did you found out that you were expecting a child. » She waited a few seconds before replying « I was in high school and dating this good-locking boy. Two months later, I found out that I was pregnant. » He nodded and continued « Did you tell the father that you were pregnant? » Her eyes became glossy and her voice stuttered « No, I was afraid he would leave me. I was only sixteen. »
« What happened? », he asked. « I was scarred so I told my parents seeking for support. They put me out of home, embarrassed. When I gave birth, the nurse told me I was too young and the next thing I know is that they gave my precious baby girl to a wealthy family. » Her lawyer nodded and thanked her. Your lawyer stood up and chuckled sarcastically. « Mrs Collins, you do know that you’re in court right and that you swore to speak the truth? » She nodded and a silent tear slid down her face. « So if you’re aware of that, how can you lie straight to our faces? »
« Objection your honor. This goes against the rules. » The Judge looked at your lawyer who affirmed that he had a reason for his words. « Objection denied. Proceed. » He marched slowly to her and said « You said that you didn’t tell the father because you were afraid. Was that man named Richard McQueen? » She nodded « Yes that’s correct. » He chuckled and declared « You also declared that your parents put you out of home but here I have copies of your diary stating that in that period you were home. » He turned to the Judge and dropped the evidence and declared that Carol’s parents gave them access to the diary. Her eyes turned dark.
« You pretend that your name is Carol Collins when in fact your real name is Carol McQueen, wife of Richard for the past 30 years. Now tell me, was he aware that you had a child 27 years ago? Or did you keep it a secret like you kept secret of all that money you extorted from my clients? Did you tell him that he had a daughter, before he passed two years ago? » She didn’t respond and your lawyer continued to make pressure. « Did he know that not only he had a child 27 years ago but that your children Jess and Noah are her biological siblings ? Did he know? TELL US !
« NO ! », she shouted, fuming. « He was just a pure loser. If I told him that he had another child he would do everything he could to find her and take her back and I would have lost the money », she declared angrily. The room gasped hearing her finally confess that it was all about the cash. « She ruined my life (and pointed at you). I was supposed to be famous and have everything I ever dreamed of and she stole it from me and still is. Being an actress. IT WAS MY DREAM AND YOU STOLE IT FROM ME! IF I HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO FINISH WHAT I DID I WOULD HAVE CRUSHED THAT CAR WITH HER IN IT AGAIN, IN A HEARTBEAT », she yelled hysterically. Shivers procured your whole body and your father took your hand in his and squeezed tightly. You cleaned away the silent tears and felt the eyes of the jury looking at you. Your mind was becoming loud. ‘They’re my biological siblings. The biological father would care if he knew’, your mind screamed. The room erupted in bewilderment and shock, booing and cursing her.
« Silence ! I suggest you to control your client », exclaimed harshly the Judge towards Carol’s lawyer, who seemed also angry of this new discovered information. He mumbled something in her ear when she sat down to what she brushed him, not caring. 
After the room calmed down, the Judge exclaimed « I believe Y/N Williamson is next to testify but after hearing this confession, I don’t see the need for her to come to the bar. Now if the Jury would like to retrieve and discuss in privacy, please stand up and follow the officer on your left. The audience will continue after the Jury has made his mind. » He slammed his hammer on the marble and the Jury left. You stood dumbfounded in your chair and turned to your parents who’s eyes lit up in hope. You turned back and saw your brother and some actors nodding in support.
« The kids », you whispered. « What did you say honey? », asked your father. You looked at him, tears blurring your vision. « What will happen to the kids? », your voice cracked. He didn’t answer but you could see the desperation in his eyes. 20 minutes later, the Jury reentered the room. You all stood up until they were told you to sit down. « Did you come up with a verdict? », asked the Judge. The head of the Jury stood up and nodded before preceding reading the verdict. « After hearing the evidences, proves and confession of the accused, we declare Carol Collins at 10 years imprisonment for blackmail. Along that sentence, Carol Collins will face imprisonment for another 10 years for attempted murder with no possibility of anticipated release. » You, your family and friends let out the breath you were holding and erupted in tears hearing that she would pay for the suffering she caused. The Judge slammed his hammer before exclaiming « Since we couldn’t find any close relatives, Jess and Noah McQueen will be placed in the orphanage until majority. Please prepare the transfer for the prisoner. » The police officer grabbed Carol who just shouted curses towards them « YOU FUCKING BITCH. I HATE YOU. DIE, I HATE YOU. »
You embraced your family tightly, happy that this chapter of your lives was over.
  PERMANENT TAG LIST: @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @gypsystrangerkeefhawfromtexas @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @honey-kitschlokithotties @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @rikkirikki @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @raiprericnitertiodafo @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @thesilverlioness @francezka10
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