daily-dragon-drawing · 3 months
hi :) sorry for asking but how exactly does the proof of donations work? I've been donating but my full name and location are listed in the pcrf email and I don't want to share that on the internet
I’m no longer drawing dragons for donation receipts at the moment, but generally speaking you could screenshot just the part(s) of the email with the amount, date, and the organization!
You could also manually censor out your name and location when sending the images, just be sure to cover the info fully and with an opaque color.
Here are some amazing artists you can send donation receipts to & get gorgeous artwork! :)
Cartoonist Co-op:
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Drawings for Gaza:
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scissor-tournament · 6 months
I don't want this tournament to be over. I've had so much fun. Emmanuel James wins no matter what. what an artist!
Oh, this warmed my heart to read! 😄 I'm so glad to see people having fun-- and 100% endorsed, Emmanuel Jammas is incredible! Even with the three pairs that made it in, there were still several more of his pieces that I wanted to include, including these absolute beauties:
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I know I've plugged his site before, but I'll do it again! And if you are a connoisseur who'd fancy owning your own personal, high-quality, one-of-a-kind piece of scissor art, he does have several pairs for sale right now, too.
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swordsonnet · 3 days
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
19. most important thing in your life?
23. favorite piece of clothing?
thanks for the ask :D
10. atm i'm looking forward to my next meeting with my support worker! she comes by twice a week to help me with stuff i want to try but can't do on my own (yet). she only started two weeks ago, but we're getting along great so far :) next time we'll do some painting, which i haven't done in ages, so i'm excited for that!
19. i don't think there's any one most important thing in my life tbh. but if i had to pick one, maybe the ability to create? it's really important to me to have some sort of creative outlet, even if i'm not always that good at it lol. it's just great to have something that i can point to and think "i made that!". writing and knitting and crocheting have gotten me through some tough times in my life, and i'm so glad i've (re)discovered these hobbies in the last few years.
23. this little jumpsuit - it's super cute and comfy!
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dummerjan · 2 months
1. what song makes you feel better?
4. what flower would you like to be given?
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
The list is endless but since I am listening to AJJ right now and listening to them is like therapy, let's go with White Worms, it just feels so reassuring and affirmative:
4. Daffodils which is why it is extra outrageous Jeff Satur (derogatory hissing) would caption his latest attack as such. 🤬
21. Oh dear... perhaps to take those antidepressants much earlier and not have to suffer so many years. And that some of it does get better, the utter loneliness will ease eventually. I am not an unloveable monster.
Thank you for indulging me. You are, as always, the best. ♥️♥️♥️
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I saw your post about the years long search for a perfect fidget toy. Mine is the stephie from FidgetLand. This isn't an ad, I just love mine. It's more subtle than a fidget cube and you can kind of hide it in your hand. It might not work for everyone because everyone is different
Hello! Thank you for reaching out to me about this, I really appreciate it. I actually already own something similar (to the Stephie) but sadly it doesn't feel right to me. They do have some other options on there that look interesting but I don't live in the US so I worry about the shipping prices. Thank you again.
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kikiknits · 2 years
🌼🐸 that's daisy and frog in case they don't show up properly
Ahhh thank you for the ask! 🤗💖
🐸 What do you wish people who don’t craft understood better?
How much time and how much of your soul goes into each project! They truly are labors of love
(Cheating a bit by copy pasting this answer from the last ask, but I mean it with my whole heart!)
🌼 Do you have a project (current or a past one) you want to talk about?
So many!! 😅 One of the projects I am currently working on is a cardigan (an actual, me (hopefully!) sized cardigan), which is modeled after an art I saw recently. I saw it and was like “hm, I wonder if I could make that,” so I am excited to see how it is going to turn out! I am also excited abt the buttons for it- they are shaped like little flowers! 🌸
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Ask Game
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charlie-artlie · 22 days
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i love the completely baseless assumption that first aid has a thing for helicopters, its so good sometimes i forget its not canon
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loveofbots · 7 months
Whirl, a goblin shark: Please help my friend, he is ill with every disease Rung, a sniper eel: I'm okay, real- Whirl: Every. Disease.
I just want to say that I’ve run across a phenomenon of marine biologists naming fish really weird things like the boney-eared assfish (I’m serious look it up) and I can say this is true because I myself do this. For example I have a Titan OC who lives underwater as a base but I don’t have a name for him so I’ve taken to calling it ‘fat fuck’ for the meantime. Marine biologists think alike.
That being said Tyrest is a bastard moray eel. I mean COME ON. LOOK. (It’s the spots)
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Now he is ill with every disease.
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mermaidmoose · 1 year
Inspired by @montyuh & @callsign-relic first contact AU oneshots - here’s the first fanfic I’ve written in literal years so uh, it’s a bit rough.
Soaring through the depths of space, far beyond the reach of man traveled a ginormous starship- the Lost Light. Measuring 15 miles long and 10 miles wide it was certainly spacious enough to comfortably accommodate a large crew … and one tiny new resident.
Back on Earth, you had signed up to be part of an expedition to an inhabitable planet far from home. In exchange for food, shelter, and the adventure of a lifetime you eagerly packed your bags and said your goodbyes to loved ones. The trip was supposed to take a few years total give or take. Nothing too strenuous.
To quote Murphy’s Law: “What can go wrong will go wrong”. The company responsible for creating the expedition’s starship had cut corners- lots of them. When the starship jumped into warp drive it shook so violently that your whole body was rattled and smashed into the ceiling of your capsule bed. You were lucky to get away with only severe bruising and a bloody tongue. Exiting the jump left the ship stranded, drifting aimlessly as everyone scrambled in the dark to collect themselves. With several of your more experienced crew-mates dead or injured, you and the few survivors chose to route the ship’s remaining power to fuel the escape pods to try to navigate back to Earth.
After a week of travel (according to your pod’s calendar) you were carefully navigating through an asteroid field when a large shadow fell over you. While you are grateful the giant-ass starship that appeared out of nowhere hadn’t obliterated you and your escape pod, you weren’t expecting to be kidnapped either. By giant alien robots no less! With a language barrier! And no sense of personal space or boundaries! Shit! You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the situation.
Well, you had tried quietly crying about it while wandering down one of the vast halls of the Lost Light, until a blue mechanical horror emerged from an adjacent hallway. To you, Whirl looked like something that had stepped out of a horror movie, with his gangly inhuman build, long neck, and large yellow optic that felt like it drilled right through you.
Whirl barely gives the fleshy creature a cursory glance, noting that it had stopped moving and making those weird noises. He hardly knew what all the fuss was about over such a small, fragile, stinky creature. One misstep and he’d be cleaning gunk out of his foot for several cycles. As he looked away and began ruminating on who he could heckle at Swerve’s a sound made his antennae twitch. It was the pitter-patter of tiny feet running away from him at a frantic yet pathetically slow speed.
Ok, so maybe he could gain some entertainment out of the thing at least. “Hey? Where you goin?” He drawls as he slowly follows after you. It was almost comical how slow he had to walk to not catch up right away. Did you really think those tiny legs could outrun him? “If you don’t pick up the pace I’ll pinch ya!” He leans forward and clacks his pincers menacingly at the empty air behind you.
You were scared shitless. Once Whirl started plodding after you, you contemplated if this was the end. Murdered or eaten by a metal alien monster and all because you wanted to explore beyond earth. ‘I wish I could go back in time and throttle myself’ you seethe as another pinch draws closer. ‘I wish I had never left home. I wish-‘ pre-death regret-thinking is cut to a halt by the appearance of a gap in the wall paneling. In an instant, all thoughts disappear as your body bursts forward with a surge of adrenaline. With a quickness neither of you were expecting, you squeeze yourself into the gap.
You heave a sigh of relief at your successful escape. Your victory is short lived however when Whirl’s optic comes into view and blasts you with what feels like the light of several hundred light bulbs. “Ow! Bastard!” you snarl. Without even thinking you blindly lash out and slap the offending optic. Whirl jerks back in slight surprise, not expecting to feel … whatever that was. Was that an attempt to fight back? Damn, this thing was pathetic. “Oh? Think you’re a tough guy? You’ll need to hit harder than that!” He jams one of his pincers into the gap above your head, trying to wiggle the wall panel open.
As Whirl is focused on the wall panel, you desperately squint around, looking for some means of escape. Thankfully, his loosening of the panel opened another gap on the opposite end. You make a break for it and rush out of the gap, not daring to look back. As you feel a rush of wind and the thrumming of danger (or is that the vibrations of something running?) a shout breaks through the chaos.
“Whirl! What do you think you’re doing!?” Before you can even register what’s happening a smaller, orange mech runs up and scoops you into his hands, holding you in a protective grasp. Though muffled you can still hear what you’re pretty sure is angry robot speak.
Rung rolls his optics at Whirl’s theatrics and sighs. “We’ll discuss this further at your next session. And don’t think this will go unreported- Ah, poor thing, you’re shaking” his attention is drawn back to you. The mech softly coos, gently running a finger along your back in soothing strokes. Truthfully at this point you’re shaking from a mix of adrenaline and relief, not fear. But you lean into Rung’s finger and note how much gentler he is compared to the other bots you’ve met so far. Orange eyebrows bot is now #1 in your book … whatever that means (god your brain is fried. you want a damn nap).
“Are you trying to kill the poor thing? Organics are much more fragile than us Whirl, even enough stress can kill them. Such as being chased by a giant mech! And don’t think I didn’t see you try to grab them!” Rung hardly raises his voice at others, but if Whirl is going to be a threat to the organic, he needs to intervene now.
“Tch! Relax eyebrows, we were just playing around. Y’know, bonding and all that slag. That’s what the captain said we were supposed to do right? Well,” He clicks his pincers. “This is how I bond. Bet we’re already besties! See?” Whirl stretches his neck out to get a closer look at you, but all you do is cower further into the orange mech.
Whirl lets out a dramatic gasp and places one servo over where his spark would be. “Did you see that doc? Rejected! Betrayed! I’m never gonna emotionally recover from this!”
“…It wasn’t that bad” the blue mech grumbles, somewhat affronted by Rung’s scolding and the weird itching at the back of his processor. “Whatever, I’ve got better things to do than hang with you two losers. Like getting drunk!” With that, the blue mech takes off with a cackle, leaving you and Rung in the dust to process everything.
‘I need to find my escape-pod as soon as possible, or else I’m gonna die here’ you morosely conclude.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
Been listening to maybe too much of the operation mincemeat (the musical) soundtrack (if you haven’t listened to it they’re v v good songs) and it has sparked a deep need for the Ghost squad to be in that situation:
One of them (i’m thinking Logan) comes up with some crazy idea that if all goes well: will lead to them to getting a good start on an attack on the federation, but if it goes wrong? all shit to the fan
Someone (Keegan, whoever you want really that isn’t Hesh/Elias) hears his plan and takes it to Elias with their support and he reluctantly gives them the green light
So far so good, right? Wrong! The feds are getting suspicious! They have to bullshit *hard*, but they do have an advantage, being that this is new, and therefore if we say that rorke can remember tactics or whatever about his time in the Ghosts, so they at least have the originality on their side
The Ghosts secret weapon: Logan and Hesh being absolutely off the rails.
Oh, and also Rorke not really knowing how they tick yet. That too. (But mostly the prior.)
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simplyghosting · 3 months
Words that are homophones (sound the same, usually spelled differently; mean different things) that I see mixed up in writing:
That thing in comics that you often want to
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
In Chainsaw Man, Power lets Denji fondle and squeeze her breasts for helping her. She lets him squeeze them three times for the three things he has done for her.
The Lost Light Liasion lets the bots of your choice fondle her breasts and lets them squeeze a certain number of for three amount of times they’ve saved her ass/helped her.
Who are the bots and how do they react?
(If this happened, Ultra Magnus would be so on top of this since there would be mechs that would purposely create trouble to "save" the resident human. He's gonna nip that in the bud since the Lost Light already has too much chaotic energy. So nudity scenarios with Giant!Liaison because I love that concept a lot.)
Whirl eyes your chest in a manner that wouldn't feel off on a gemologist appraising someone's antique jewelry, optic narrowed in serious consideration as he pokes your left boob.
"I don't see the appeal." Whirl taps a claw on his own impressive chest. "My bazongas are bigger."
"Yeah, but can yours bounce?"
"Touché, Fleshlight." Whirl hums, optic following your chest's jiggling motions as you cup and squeeze the soft flesh. "Touché."
Ambulon brushes his servos over the uncovered skin. It's soft and warm and strangely like a really supple protoform. The specialized sensors in his digits and palms pick up your biochemistry, and it buzzes pleasantly to his neural-net.
He filters the temperature readings, hydration levels, and other basic information from the passive scans to just concentrate on the sensation of the innate elasticity, how his digits can press into your protoform, and how it contorts and flexes.
You can't manually shut off your nerves, nor can you inwardly self-manipulate how you perceive sensation. Apparently, in your species a dimmed or lacking pain response is attributed to a sensory-perception defect.
Ambulon is curious how you function on the paltry information from the medical books in your bookcase is very limiting. Theory doesn't always match to application. In general, organics are messy and squishy and so full of so many liquids, but he had traced over the skeleton and muscle tissue within the diagrams, and can't help the heretical thoughts of the familiarity of the structures.
You can't show him the innards of your frame under your guidance; self-surgery is a wonderment to humans but it's common amongst Cybertronian medics. At least well-trained ones or the very experienced ones that survived their ventures.
(Pharma was many, many things, but he had ensured that his staff was well-equipped and well-trained under his perfectionist ways. Even the ex-Decepticon.
Ambulon, to this day, can't tell what was real or falsified by the surgeon. How much was simmering beneath his old CMO...)
He chases away the thought by exploring other areas. Humans are just softer than Cybertronians by design. Some parts are more so than others as he traces your abdomen and your chest area, thumbing over a teat.
"Does your species have something like this?" You ask, voice hitches.
"Under the old regime," his voice takes on a teaching cadence, "supplementary refineries were deemed obsolete and phased out. Very few frames, think of older schematics off Cybertron or cohorts too far away from public refineries and production, were... allowed to keep such things." Ambulon remembers one of his old gestaltmates, his refineries kept them alive in the combiner process. "It helps refine lower-grades of Energon, even near-usable ones, to something consumable."
Based on the emotion on your face, you're interested in the strange similarities as well.
Swerve's vents sputter as he coughs out a weak cheer and is overwhelmed by Tailgate's complete enthusiasm. Getaway also claps, but Swerve could feel the heat from the mech's plating, despite how unruffled the escapologist appeared.
You twirl around as Swerve sends a quick prayer to the Guiding Hand at the expanse of your back and your bare legs as the fabric floats and takes its sweet time to settle back down.
Tailgate immediately makes a beeline to fuss over the dress and attaches the rest of the accessories.
"You're okay if I adjust the front?" Tailgate asks.
"Go for it, short stack." You admire the glinting gems and subtle, beautiful swirls in the mirror.
And without any sense of shame or embarrassment, Tailgate does it. The minibot pulls it and you up. Swerve takes a large gulp of the complementary cocktail when it turns skin-tight, pressing into your flesh.
"Short stack," you wheeze and your chest heaves. "You're squeezing me here."
Getaway crosses his arms, fingers digging into his plates. He isn't as nonchalant as he tries to be.
"Give me a moment." Tailgate clips on the thin, glossy strands of jewelry over all your body. "I have to get this on before I fix it completely."
When the mech finishes, you look far more stunning and Swerve's vocalizer simply clicks, so he makes it up by whistling and clapping. It isn't missed that Tailgate is used to casual touch as he gives an arm to help you down the podium. Plus, the mech has quite an eye for 'off-world' fashion.
One of the attendants admires Tailgate's handiwork, clicking at a rapid pace as feathers ruffle and soothe, and Swerve hopes that the rest of the team is almost done with whatever they're doing.
"What do you guys think?" You ask, calm with even talons near your face, painting your lips and applying geometric patterns down your cheeks and neck. Whatever the attendant had done to your eyes had made them larger, brighter.
You look something out of old folktales from the outer rings of city-states as the metal strands clink pleasantly as you move, the fabric languidly shifts in a strange, fluid way, defying gravity, rippling across your bare skin like a living covering.
"You look good, Y/N," Getaway says, quite casually. "But I think that set there would look even better."
The burnt gold body jewelry in the case behind you is a dead ringer for Getaway's faceplate. The escapologist gives no other reaction to the flat fields and stares from Swerve and Tailgate, just a happy curve of brightened optics.
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ixtaek · 9 months
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Had a dream this was a regional evolution of Drifblim named Carniloon.
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op3ra · 5 months
thinking about the time I was in highschool and I was going through a really rough time and my best friend (at the time) had recently told me about the transformer named Wreckgar and I remembered wreckgar while I was going through this mental spiral and I ended up shedding So Many Tears about wreckgar because I had so many emotions about him and I wanted him to be happy
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dummerjan · 2 months
patron saint of small brown dogs <3
i'll use that as an excuse to show off my small brown dogs
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my baby, fluffy little baby. weird little thing that barely qualified as a dog, always by my side. she was utterly besotted with this cat. always on the look out for her. but also utterly unable to interact with cats because she'd get so excited and scare them away.
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the most loving and caring, most desperate for love and clingy little guy. what even is life without a dachshund? i'll never be loved like this again.
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the bravest little old lady with the most harrowing screech
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not my dog but sometimes I borrow her so I claim her nevertheless
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nocturnal-birb · 8 months
If anyone remembered in chapter 11, Nihil said Copia needed 150 shows and with Impera's era concluded with 130- there's a probability of 20 more before his time is up. Not to mention Nihil said they need it to be technicolored television which I'm assuming it'll be the time they release the LA ritual too as part of the ensemble
But take this one with a grain of salt- since in the last ritual, Copia has been cryptidly and ominously been saying he hasn't feel good (at least from what I saw in posts), his possible last show (once he has done 150 shows) it might be the time his health decline
Which this lines up
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