#whimsey chat
writingwhimsey · 3 months
Just curious...what are some your comfort movies?
Some of mine are:
Robin Hood Men In Tights
The Princess Bride
2015 Live Action Cinderella
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
The Little Mermaid (1989)
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ultra-raging-ghost · 3 months
Bad accidentally called dapper son and chat filled with "SON????" NNJJBHVHBJN
Also someone asked since HG is cannon does that mean goodgirlhalo is cannon, bad said no because he hates fun and whimsey/jjj
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phatcatphergus · 3 months
i love that both chats are spamming the FOBO emote right now :D
The fobo emote fills me with such joy and whimsey. They’re such little guys with such little smiles but so full of happiness and joy with their little friend
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anndramarama · 1 year
Initial thoughts on the episode, which I stayed up to watch on a work night. :/
The Ted and Rebecca fake-out at the beginning was hilarious, to the point that it was almost mean. But I have to say I love the way they did it with Beard appearing, followed by Jane. How amazing and ridiculous. With apologies to the hardcore tedbeccas, who are probably having a rough night, I love Ted and Rebecca's friendship so much that I was initially a little nauseous but then they gave us a laugh out loud moment, so all is forgiven. And Dutch boat guy appeared again just when I had given up hope!
One of my favorite Rebecca moments from the episode had to be the chat with her mother in the pub. That was so funny, and so perfect. And Harriet Walter got to cackle with Mae, and I love the show for doing that. (Does anyone remember the Lord Peter Whimsey series with Harriet Walter? Not a comedy but she is fantastic in it.)
The chats with Ted were lovely, but my second favorite Rebecca moment was that last note with Keeley when they mentioned starting the women's team. What a lovely thing to add to the story.
What else? In the end it wasn't Rebecca's team winning that broke Rupert, it was her nonchalantly wishing him well because she had obviously moved on. And Anthony Head was tremendous.
Ted and Trent thoughts? Well, they're both still single and available! I take that as an invitation to clown on. I did expect Trent's book to have more of an impact but did appreciate that they mentioned it at all.
I do still think Ted moving back to Kansas is a bit depressing, but I think we are supposed to take it to mean that he's still a work-in-progress, there are no perfect situations or people.
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i think will knew he was special considering he tells hannibal he's all alone and that they're alone without each other. will understands that hannibal is alone even with all the other murderers he surrounds himself with, because he cannot find the same fulfillment in the company of others as he does with will because only will can see him and understand him and take away his loneliness.
hi anon ! thanks for sending this bc it's smth i've been meaning to expand on for awhile. i wrote a post many moons ago abt it and have another ask thats just been Waiting for a proper reply (srry!) and maybe now's the time to address it
okay so. i think this ask is in reference to my tags on a recent reblog, screencapped here for reference:
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i think youre right that will is aware that he's special to hannibal, considering he's special enough to be one of the patients hannibal decides to try and coerce into their "Becoming." but! i do question will's understanding of the Depth of his uniqueness to hannibal.
in shiizakana (s2e9), after will finds out about randall tier having been hannibal's patient and margot visits him at home to chat abt hannibal's therapy, will has a bit of a stress fit in his next session:
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pacing the room, avoiding the chair. he's questioning what he has in common with hannibal's other patients... he wonders how many others there have been – even bringing up his brief conversation with hannibal's own therapist who tells will he isnt in a particularly unique dynamic with hannibal
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but. this is in shiizakana, 3 eps before the quote you're referencing. so let's move forward and see what's changed:
in tome-wan (s2e12), will finally gets to properly speak with the famed dr. du maurier and he asks how they can bring down hannibal. her only advice being
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so. hannibal's got a bit of an ego (shocker). and during their next session,, things get a lil dicey. will leans hard into this idea. he essentially lists off all the work hannibal's done to get will to be entirely his
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i'd like to argue that will doesn't see this list as a "why im special to hannibal" list but rather a way to stroke hannibal's ego, like bedelia had explicitly said would be hannibal's downfall. bc the fact is,, will Knows hannibal can and likely has done this level of insane shit to others. and narratively,, i'd say a lot of will's dialogue in this scene is influenced by bedelia's advice from the scene before where she advises will to stroke hanninal's whimsey and his need to feel Unique, even god-like. and hannibal even sees will seeing him!
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so yeah will's saying "we're unique together," but that's also flattery on his part towards hannibal.! he's using hannibal's knowledge of his empathy to convince him that Only Will Gets Him. he's saying "yes ive been applying myself to your perspective and u are so unique and special." it's will manipulating BACK. (thats our powerful lil gay.) and i'd argue that all these layers of lies and deceit leave little room for truth and Feelings to leak through the cracks. how much of what hannibal says does will believe? how much of what will himself says does he believe?
all of this and we're still left questioning: does will know just how important and special he is to hannibal? well. i'l leave yall with some words from bedelia
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asexualstellar · 5 days
IM LATE TO DOING ASK GAME... but hjello hi rose i love you forebr and ever. you are seriosuly so so silly and sweet, talking to you is always so fun :) even if we dont chat for long i still love it lots and i am always so joyful and whimsey filled afterwards... ALSO UR ART IS SO LOVELY!!!!!!!! you do such nice poses in like everything you do its so cool to see honestly.. also i love ur persona like a whole lot, the colors n everything just is so fun ^_^ you really are a joy to know and im so glad we're friends and we became mutuals that one silly day ..i dont even remember why we became mutuals but im so so glad it happened, truly where in the world would i be without rose cloverstellar !!!!!! no where1!! i would be one less of myself uknow.. anyways anyways i love you, i hope we keep being friends and keep being silly goobers together :) Hashtag ctnt makingout love blast or something
HASHTAG CTNT LOVE BLAST…. ily lainey ur the bestest ever btw ☹️🫶 💖💖💖 three million hugs forever ily
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gildedhq · 4 years
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the SANTA CLARA COUNTY HARVEST FAIRE -- a weeklong celebration of californian agriculture and the general harvest season, heavily tied to the society on all levels. vendors, organizers, donors; with all of the societal ties, yearly tradition has settled one of the Society’s biannual meetings in the quaint californian landscape. Air BnBs of the local farmhouses are offered to Society members for the “authentic” countryside experience, though Santa Clara boasts plenty of bigger hotels for the pickier members, with Silicon Valley nearby.
the week of the big meeting is full of opportunities to partake of the Society’s social benefits; big and small names alike flood the city, to give patronage to the local economy, exchange favors, and unwind. though the harvest faire is a public event, the Society provides an exclusive event each day from the start of the faire to the big HARVEST MOON BANQUET. this year, in a fit of holiday whimsey, the meeting is to be held at the Winchester Mystery House, a tourist attraction said to be cursed by locals and visitors alike. 
a comprehensive list of both public and society exclusive events can be found here for perusal.
the first phase of our event begins on OCTOBER 12TH, 12AM EST, and runs until OCTOBER 17TH, 11:59PM EST, at which point our second phase will begin!
in character, this time with span from the 12th until the evening of the 16th. The Harvest Moon Meeting will begin our second phase, but you are welcome to put out chats and threads up until the beginning of the dinner. 
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corescorner · 4 years
Charmberry Cove Chapter Seven.
Chapter Name: Weekend Whimsey: Saturday.
Wordcount: 5,062
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6.
Taglist: @aularei, @softest-emo or I guess it’s @oh-itscherry now? 
When Logan wakes he realises that he’s the first to do so, no matter though he’ll just quietly leave the rest to slumber, so he decides to leave the room as to not disturb anyone.
Well, he would like to not disturb anyone but Remus is clinging to him, he sighs reaching for his glasses that he placed securely under Roman’s bed and now to stealthily remove Remus from his extremities but it’s not as easy as he thinks, Remus’ arm is around his torso and his leg wrapped around his own.
He picks up Remus’ arm and as he does Remus snuffles, mumbles and turns himself over to cuddle the body on the other side of him who just so happens to be Patton; who is snuggled up to Virgil.
He gets up and quietly opens the door and closes it behind him, he descends the stairs and walks into the kitchen where Valerie is sitting at the table with Thomas having coffee.
“Hey there Lo” Thomas greets “I’m guessing Patty’s not awake yet?”
“Good morning Thomas, no he is not, he’s stuck in a cuddle pile but I could probably go get him if you want me to” he offers.
“Nah he can wait, no point in waking everyone” Valerie waves off “jam toast for breakfast Logan?”
He sits at the table “yes please.”
“you’re always so polite” Valerie remarks.
“Right?” Thomas agrees with a chuckle “I wonder where he gets it from, cause it’s not from Joan and Talyn.”
“I’m gonna tell them you said that” Valerie laughs back.
Some toast pops up from the toaster, apparently she was already making some, she puts in some more bread and then gives him the toast and jam jar.
“Thank you” he says and starts to butter the toast.
Valerie and Thomas continue chatting while Logan eats, when he starts on his second slice Remus bounces down the stairs, Roman is sleepily trudging behind.
Remus smiles when he sees Thomas and loudly says “oh hey Thomas!”
Roman stops right at the bottom of the stairs not stepping into the kitchen quite yet, from where Logan is sitting he can see Roman fix his hair and brighten his face from his sleepy one before striding into the room, Logan rolls his eyes.
“Hello Thomas! Good morning mother!” Roman greets as he goes to the cupboard to fetch the Captain Crunch.
“Good morning my little royals” Valerie says.
“Morning boys, I’m just here to drop off Patton’s inhaler, won’t be intruding on your weekend for long.”
“You can never intrude Thomas, you are always welcome” Roman proclaims.
“He should be down soon” Remus informs, pouring milk into a bowl than putting a handful of cereal in and while he takes his first bite Virgil and Patton come in the kitchen groggily “shee?” Remus says with a mouthful, pointing his spoon in their direction.
They both walk to the table like they’re zombies, it doesn’t help that Patton’s glasses are on the top of his head and not in front of his eyes. Patton is leading them over and when he bumps into a corner of the table he whines at the impact but deposits himself on a chair with no more hassle and then lays his head on the table top.
Thomas snickers “hey kiddo” he lays his hand on Patton’s back, Patton moans sleepily in answer “I brought your inhaler.”
Virgil is staring at Thomas with surprise “you say ‘kiddo’ too” he notes.
Thomas smiles “sure do” he agrees.
“It’s, just that I’ve only heard my Pops say kiddo is all” he says like he feels he needs to explain himself.
Thomas chuckles “where do you think I picked it up from?”
Virgil startles at that “you know my parents?”
“Yeah, they used to babysit me when I was like nine or something, I’m glad you guys are back.”
Virgil looks confused “’you guys?’ I’ve been here before?”
Thomas and Valerie share a confused look themselves.
“Yeah, they didn’t tell you anything? You guys lived here for almost a year when they first got you” Valerie explains.
“Yeah I’m surprised you don’t remember anything, you were almost four when you left” Thomas says.
Virgil’s face contorts into one of contemplation.
Interesting Logan thinks.
They’re all eating breakfast with different levels of awareness, Virgil is thinking about why his dads haven’t said anything to him about this, though he supposes they haven’t really been super honest with him since moving here, with their secrets and such.
“So” Valerie starts “what are you boys doing today?”
Roman swallows his food before answering “we’re going to go to the quarry to swim.”
“Oh that sounds fun, be careful out there” Thomas comments and stands up, he takes an inhaler out of his pocket, placing it in front of Patton (who is still not wearing his glasses and is slowly munching on toast.) “I’ve gotta go now, but don’t forget this when you go out to play alright Patty?”
Patton mumbles something and nods to Thomas slowly, Thomas only chuckles “someone please inform him when he’s awake” he kisses the top of Patton’s head and goes to leave.
“Farewell Thomas” Roman crows “and worry not! I shall keep dear Patton safe!” He makes an over the top hand sweep; he’s the most extra person Virgil has ever met, and he was best friends with Dee.
Thomas smiles “thanks kiddo, I know I can count on you” and he’s out of the door.
Roman pouts at the word ‘kiddo’, Virgil snickers and Remus snorts while shoving Roman.
“Shut up” Roman huffs.
“Didn’t say anything bro.”
Valerie gathers the dishes with an affectionate eye roll “when are you guys planning on leaving? And do you want me to pack a lunch?”
“Maybe an hour” Roman says.
“Uh” Virgil cuts in, they look his way “we, we can go to the café for lunch… if you guys wanna” he suggests.
“Fine with me” Valerie laughs “I’ll leave the cooking to the professionals then; how are you getting to town center, need a ride?”
“Biking!” Remus chirps.
“I brought my bike” Patton mumbles, he’s leaning his cheek on his hand to keep it upright, his eyes are still closed.
Virgil nudges Logan “is Patton always like this in the morning?”
Logan nods “yes, Patton has a hard time waking up, he’s not much of a morning person but just wait another ten minutes or so and he should be hyper again.”
“Lock up when you leave, I need to head out soon too” Valerie says.
“Alright mom” the twins chorus.
“Alright!” Roman announces while they’re all putting their shoes on “we have three bikes and five people, who’s doubling up?”
“Well” Logan begins “you and Remus both have pegs on your bikes so logically someone would be with you two, I can go with Remus and Virgil can ride with you.”
He smiles, yes, yes you can go with Remus.
He turns to look at his twin, who has his own smile in place at the suggestion.
Really Roman wonders how neither of them notices the obvious pining; they’re not smooth in any regards, not like he is.
“I’m sorry, we’re doing what?” Virgil asks, Roman turns his gaze to the emo.
“You and Nerd Alert there are going to stand on out bike pegs, what of that is confusing to you?”
“Isn’t that, oh I don’t know… dangerous?” he says with snark.
“Well, if you think that’s dangerous, I don’t want to know what you’re going to think about what we’re doing today.”
“You said we’re going swimming” he says accusingly.
“We are; how are you with heights?”
“They’re fine” he replies warily.
“Then you’ll be fine” he pats Virgil’s shoulder.
“Well this bodes well” Virgil mumbles.
“If it makes you feel better, we do this all the time and I can look into today if you would prefer me to” Logan offers.
“Mmnah, that’s alright, you don’t need to do that.”
“Let’s go then!” Roman says impatiently.
“Don’t twist your panties in a knot bro, we’ve got the whole day to do shit” Remus says but he’s he first one out the door excitedly rushing to his bike, leading the rest of them outside.
Roman mounts his trusty steed, his beautiful shimmery red and gold bike.
Virgil is hovering around him, he looks unsure of what to do, so Roman instructs him.
“Alright, so just put one foot on a peg, hold on to my shoulders and then when we take off put your other foot up, got it?”
Virgil doesn’t look too sure about it but he complies.
“I’m gonna die today” he mumbles as he holds on to Roman’s shoulders.
He looks around to find that everyone else is ready to go.
“Let’s ride!” He declares and starts to pedal, Virgil wraps his arms around his neck in surprise, but he settles back quite quickly.
The bike ride to the forest path that leads to the quarry is a short one, they didn’t really need to ride there, but it’s just easier than going back for the bikes later he supposes.
They ditch the bikes at the tree line out of the roads way to walk the rest of the way there.
Virgil thinks that’s too trusting to leave them there like that, but he surmises that in a town like this it probably doesn’t matter.
Remus and Patton are at the front of the trail leading the way, Virgil and Logan are placed in the middle and Roman takes up the end; he’s swinging a branch around like a sword.
The forest is gorgeous, he doesn’t think he’s ever been in a forest like this before, it just tingles with life and beauty and everything is bright on the trail.
“How long are we going to be walking through here?” He asks.
Logan answers “it goes uphill so we’re going to have to hike some of the way, but it’s going to take approximately fifteen minutes.”
“Approximately? I thought you would have things like time down to the second.”
“I don’t look into things that don’t particularly matter, and anyway I’ve been on this trail a considerable amount of times to know how long it will take.”
“Right… are, are there things in this forest?”
“Things?” Logan inquires.
“Like, creatures” he reiterates.
“Oh yes, plenty. Many a creature lives in these woods, but as long as we don’t stray from the path we should be fine.”
“Should be?” Well that’s reassuring.
“You have nothing to worry about Virgil, Patton can calm almost any beast.”
“Yes, there are some that are… more aggressive and feral than others and feelings don’t do a whole lot to them, but they usually don’t stalk around this part of the forest.”
“Usually? Logan man, you gotta stop using words like that.”
“My apologies, would you be more at ease if I look into our trek there?”
It would be, but he doesn’t want to seem like he’s using Logan, even though he did offer to do it.
Roman slings his arms over their shoulders, scoffing.
“Pssh, you don’t need the psychic to tell you everything will be fine, for I am here to protect you all” he boasts.
Logan looks slightly annoyed as he knocks Roman’s arm off of him. “Not a psychic” he simply replies.
Roman sticks his tongue out at Logan.
Virgil shrugs Roman off as well which makes Roman pout.
“And who do you think you are? A knight? A prince maybe?” He asks sarcastically.
“Precisely!”  Roman crows with a flourish of the sword branch.
Virgil snorts “alright there Princey.”
“I know you’re being sarcastic, but I’ll take it.”
The banter really took his mind off of the maybe doom of the forest because Remus yells out to them.
“I can see the parting of the trees! We’re almost there!” and then he sprints off.
“Remus! Watch your step you can fall!” Patton yells out, rushing after the reckless boy.
They break through the tree line not long after and the view is just, amazing.
The quarry is surrounded by cliff from all sides and the forest on the other side seems never-ending.
From where he’s standing he can see a slope of rocks that lead down into the cliff, probably the way to the water he deduces.
The others start taking off their top clothes to reveal bathing suits underneath, Remus is the first one done; Roman tries to grab Remus’ wrist to stop him from rushing off again but he’s too slow.
Remus runs at the cliffs side and jumps off, a few seconds later and too long for Virgil’s liking he hears a splash.
Oh. That’s why Roman asked about the heights thing.
He’s never jumped off a cliff before, even if there is water at the bottom.
Patton giggles at Roman’s squawk at his brother.
“Remus! We were going to go down to-“ he sighs “-he can’t hear me.”
“Guys” he gets their attention and they all turn to him “I’ve… never done something like this before, is there, like anything specific I should know to not hurt myself?”
“Don’t second guess yourself, just do it” Roman says.
“Also” Logan interjects “go feet first and make sure you jump far enough from the cliffs side and you’ll be fine.”
“Right right, all that safety stuff too” Roman flippantly says.
He nods in understanding.
Okay, it’s no biggie; just jumping off a cliff is all.
Oh man.
The other three move into a line at arm’s length from each other at the ledge.
Patton waves him over “c’mon we’re gonna jump together, stand next to me but at arm’s length kay?”
He lines up with them and looks down into the water, Remus is almost on the other side of the quarry looking up at them from his floating position on his back; he spits water out towards them.
Roman looks excitedly at them “okay, we back up and on the count of three we run and jump off the edge.”
Oh man, okay no second guessing, just do it.
Ah shit.
He can do this.
And they’re running, they’re at the edge now and he pushes himself off the side as he jumps to get more air as to not hit the side of the cliff.
There’s butterflies in his stomach going down, it’s exhilarating, the wind rushes at him as he falls fast towards the water, he lets out a whoop of pure exhilaration as the adrenaline buzzes through him and before he knows it he’s hitting the waters cold surface.
Under the water is slightly disorienting for a few seconds but he can see which way is up from the blaring sun so he kicks his way up, it takes a bit longer than he expected it to be and he almost runs out of breath before breaking the surface with a gasp.
Everyone seems to have come up at the same time, all gasping and laughing, Virgil is right there with them.
“H-holy shit”- he breathes, letting out another laugh- “that was insane!”
Everyone is looking at him with smiles, Remus splashes him “city boy over here” he stage whispers with a goofy accent. “You like the adrenaline don’tcha?” He adds.
“It’s definitely different from what I’ve ever done before, it’s exciting and… and really fun” he smiles at his group of friends softly “I, I don’t think I’d ever have done something like this without you guys, so… thanks.”
“Aww Virge!” Patton coos, swimming towards him to give him a hug.
Roman shoves him but he’s smiling too “you’re a bit of a sap huh Stormcloud?”
“Shut up” he says splashing Roman in the face.
“Splash fight!” Remus yells sending a large one at Roman as well.
“Oh it is on” Roman growls playfully going to splash his twin back, but before he can a wave comes at him from Logan who just smirks at Roman’s glare “oh what? Is it attack Roman o’clock or something?”
“Maybe” Logan goads.
“You want some of this, nerd? I’ll wreck you.”
Logan raises an eyebrow “come at me” he narrows his eyes with an amused but cocky smirk “bitch.”
“Ohhhh!” Remus hollers, hovering a hand over his mouth and the other air dunking at Roman.
Roman launches himself at Remus rather than Logan and dunks him underwater.
Remus comes up laughing and rushing over behind Logan for cover.
“You can’t use him as a shield!”
“And why not huh?”
“Because that won’t save you!” he bellows then dives under the water, he swims quicker than Virgil thought he would cause in the next second both Logan and Remus are pulled under.
He and Patton are watching the spectacle with twin looks of amusement.
Patton looks at him mischievously “hey, wanna team up?”
Virgil smirks “definitely.”
When they emerge from under the water Virgil and Patton are gone.
Remus and Roman are splashing each other and making a general ruckus, but Logan is looking around trying to spot the other two.
He suddenly feels something grasp his ankle and he’s being pulled under again, but it’s not Roman this time.
The twins splashing ceases and their voices stop as well except for a muffled: “Logan? Virgil? Patton?”
He notices Patton smiling at him under the water as he and Virgil swim towards the twins.
They both yelp as they’re pulled under.
He swims up to the surface; Virgil and Patton soon follow.
They’re all gasping.
“I’ve never held my breath for that long before, it didn’t even hurt, a bit uncomfortable though” Virgil remarks.
“Patton probably made you calm enough to slow your heartbeat so you can stay under longer, he does it to himself all the time” he explains.
“He did kind of explain that to me, I just didn’t think it’d be that effective.”
“You dissin my power?” Patton cheekily says.
Virgil puts his hands up in front of his chest in mock surrender “oh no of course not.”
Patton nods “that’s what I thought” his tough façade breaks quickly into laughter though and he can’t keep the ‘scary’ face up any longer.
Roman and Remus come spluttering up.
“You two were under there suspiciously long” he says.
“Dunno what yer talkin ‘bout” Remus says looking to Roman “Roman? You know anything?”
Roman shakes his head “nope, no idea at all.”
“Oh no” Patton whispers “they’ve formed a truce.”
“It appears so” he replies.
“I’m guessing we’re all doomed then” Virgil says.
“Quite possibly, they are a force not to be reckoned with when teamed up.”
“Great, let’s bring it.”
Roman and Remus’ smiles are wide and asking for a challenge.
With that, an all-out water war begins.
The water war lasted for a while and even though he doesn’t think there was a victor, the twins are sure that it was them.
At the moment they’re back up on the cliff, drying off and basking in the sun.
Virgil’s stomach growls “heh, I didn’t eat much this morning” he says.
“It’s quite alright, should we head over to the café?” he directs the question at Virgil.
“Uh, yea can I just borrow someone’s phone to call my dad?”
“Here” Patton says handing Virgil his charm infested phone.
“Thanks” Virgil says as he gets up to walk off a little ways to talk.
When he gets back he affirms “yea we can go now.”
So they head back into the forest.
About six minutes on the trail they hear a loud howl shriek, they all pause in place.
“That’s not what I think it is… is it?” Patton asks uneasily.
“Can’t be, they don’t come to this part of the forest” he says, but he’s not confidant that it’s not one.
“Usually” Virgil whispers.
“Usually” he agrees turning to face everyone. “Okay we all know this, but Virgil does not, I am fairly sure that there is a Shadow Mimic not too far from us, do not believe anything anyone says unless you can see us speaking the words and try to stay out of its line of sight, we can’t fight it, the only thing that will kill it is an immense amount of fire. We’ll be safe once we hit the road but we need to be cautious until then.”
Virgil’s eyes are wide, he’s scared and Logan can’t fault him for that, he’s pretty sure all of them are scared.
They try to quickly and quietly make their way through the forest; the howls are nearing them though and everyone is on edge.
He’d look into it if it would be beneficial, but there are too many variables to go through to come up with a confidant and precise estimation to safety, so they have to go in blind and Patton can only do so much against a Shadow Mimic .
It’s close to them, but they’re almost at the end of the forest, just a bit further.
He looks behind them to where the latest howl came from and his stomach drops, it’s not far, he can see it in the distance and they’re fast; they just need to be faster.
They need to go right now; he can see where the trees end, they can make it.
He turns to everyone so they can see his lips move and tells them as calmly as he can to run for it.
They sprint to the forests end and all of them make it except Roman who trips and gets caught in an upturned root.
Logan freezes looking at Roman’s scared face, he doesn’t know what to do, his brain isn’t working, why isn’t his brain working? He can feel Patton sending out calming vibes to the creature to try and stall it, but that’ll only work at half power on a Shadow Mimic.
Remus goes to rush back in to help Roman and Logan’s brain boots up enough to grab hold of Remus to keep him out of the forest.
“You can’t fight it, you have to trust that Roman will get out” he tries to logic his way through to Remus but Remus is just squirming and screaming at him to let go.
“Ah fuck” Virgil hisses and sprints into the forest.
“Roman!” He yells as he runs towards his friend, he’s not sure what he’s doing but his fight instincts kicked in and now he’s going to what? Throw down with a fuckin Shadow Mimic? Whatever the fuck that is!
Roman looks to him in wide eyed fear “Virgil?” he squeaks.
He drops to his knees in front of Roman’s captured foot to help him escape.
“C’mon, c’mon” he growls as both he and Roman struggle to get the root to yield.
“Virgil it’s almost here” Roman’s voice is thick with fear.
“Just focus!” He snaps.
The root comes undone and as Roman’s foot is freed the Shadow Mimic pounces.
His instincts rush to him again and without thinking he turns and holds his hands out, palms towards the monster.
A wave of heat hits him as a large wall of fire engulfs the creature, it shrieks as it’s burned into ash.
He’s shaking.
What in the actual fuck was that?
He looks at his palms then to Roman who is also shaking.
“You, you saved me” Roman says in awe.
“Yeah well, what was I supposed to do? Let you die? Not on my watch Princey” he replies; Roman surges forwards to hug him.
The others are now rushing to them, Remus drops harshly to the ground to tackle his brother in a teary hug.
“You fuckin idiot! Watch where you’re running!” he clutches at Roman.
“Sorry, sorry.”
“We should go” Patton murmurs looking around and fidgeting “you guys okay?”
“Shaken and confused, but sure” he says.
“We can look into your new found power after we leave the forest, Shadow Mimics sometimes travel in packs” Logan says.
Well that’s enough for him to get up, he pulls the twins up with him, Roman limps a bit as they walk to the bikes.
Remus hitches on Roman’s bike this time around so he doubles up with Logan, it doesn’t change anything, they’re all still too shaken up to talk.
He can’t stop thinking about the fire, how it just came out of his hands at such a forceful power, how it immediately went out when the threat was gone and how nothing around it burned, like the only thing that can be affected was the thing that he wanted it to.
He has no idea how it happened or how he did it or even if he can do it again.
They arrive at the café in what feels like no time at all, he must have been so lost in thought that he wasn’t aware of his surroundings.
They walk through the doors and Pops greets them from behind the counter “hey kiddos! Hungry?”
“Uh” he flounders, not anymore he’s not.
They all share the same sentiment that Virgil does if their faces are anything to go by.
Pops gives them a concerned look but Logan interjects before he can say anything.
“Yes, we are. We need to regain our energy after swimming for so long.”
Who knew Logan was a good liar?
Everyone nods along to Logan’s statement.
“Alright” Pops says a little unsure but he doesn’t press them “just take a seat and I’ll be there in a sec” he tells them and then steps into the kitchen to no doubt talk to Dad about their weird behaviour.
The group trudges their way to their regular seats at the bay window, taking the same spots as last time.
Dad and Pops come to their table and hands each of them a menu.
“We just made these up, we’re just about ready for a grand opening” Dad informs, he looks at Virgil and he feels like he’s being scrutinized from behind those sunglasses.
“Your hands are really red Pumpkin, you okay?” He asks.
He looks down at his hands, just now noticing the slight sting from them.
“Uh yeah, just fell. I guess I scraped up my hands…”
He and Pops glance at each other, Pops’ face is indistinguishable but Dad looks agitated.
“So what’cha boys gonna have today?” He asks in a tone that doesn’t fit the look he was just wearing.
They all order their food, and they wait in relative silence when his parents walk away; only talking at a whisper at most and not at all when either parent is in the room.
When the food does come he feels hungry again, like the smell and sight of it just made him remember that he was.
It seems like most of them feel the same cause their whispered words are replaced with eating; except Roman who only picks at his food and barely gets any of it done.
Things have been kind of tense since the Shadow Mimic situation, even through their little whispery conversations.
He knows, he can feel every ones moods even if they don’t fully show them, but he can feel them as if they were spoken out loud.
After their meal they bike back to the twins house, they’re all a little bit loosened up when they get to Roman’s room in the fort where it’s comfortable and safe from prying eyes and ears.
Remus and Logan start up a video game, Virgil sits to watch but Patton can tell his mind is elsewhere.
And Roman isn’t even trying to pay attention, he’s sitting knees up to his chest staring off into nothing; wallowing in self-hatred.
He’s had enough of the solemnness; even Remus is muted, still shaken up from almost losing his brother.
“Hey guys” he says and his voice is quieter than he meant it to come out.
The game pauses and all eyes are on him now.
Oh gee.
“Um can I…” should he just let it be?
“Go ahead Patton” Logan encourages.
“Can I lighten the mood a bit, does anyone want that?”
“Please” Roman says.
Virgil shrugs.
“I don’t see why not” Logan says.
“Oh yea I don’t see what can go wrong there” Remus says sarcastically “but yea sure, fuck us up Patty!”
He smiles but it’s not in amusement, Remus is right, but he closes his eyes anyways to focus on lighting the air in the room to take everyone’s worries away.
It instantly has an effect and both Roman and Virgil sigh out in relief.
Remus turns to Virgil “fire powers huh?”
“Yeeeah, I don’t know what happened there, I was working on instinct and feeling”- he looks to Ro -“I couldn’t let anything bad happen and it just… overtook me.”
“The sensible thing to do would to be to ask your parents” Logan says “but I have a feeling you don’t want to do that.”
“Not yet, no… I, I heard my dad and uncle arguing about me the other day and I’m not sure what it was about.”
“Well that’s concerning” he says.
“You should snoop” Remus suggests.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea” Virgil retorts.
Remus shrugs “I would, I do it all the time.”
Roman snorts and shoves Remus “yea that’s cause you’re a creep.”
Remus laughs “guilty!”
“Can we rest for the rest of the day?” He asks.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’m down for anymore adrenaline today” Virgil agrees.
“We can research your power tomorrow if we’re up for it” Logan proposes.
“And where would we go for that?” Roman asks.
“The library of course” Logan replies.
“Of course” Roman deadpans.
So they do basically nothing for the rest of the day, movies and video games and an early bedtime.
He runs down the dark corridor to the main chambers in a rush, the large cavern is illuminated with candles, The Leader is at the center, they’re doing something at the altar.
“How did the Shadow Mimic fair?” His Leader asks of him, he gulps.
“It’s dead” he flinches at his own words.
“What?” The Leader growls.
“Um, the boy killed it, big ‘ol fireball shot right out of his palms.”
“Damn it” The Leader hisses “he’s coming in to his powers, we must make haste, get out of my sight; I need to think.”
He scurries away quickly to let his Leader plot.
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SCOUT OF THE WEEK: Monkee’s of Ridgeland
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We’re back with this week’s Scouted business- Monkee’s of Ridgeland! Monkee’s owner Suzanne Ketchings is just about the cutest gal on the planet, and we are thrilled for the chance to get to chat with her! Let’s get to it! 
Tell us about your business in just a few sentences!
At Monkee’s of Ridgeland, we offer the finest in ladies clothing, shoes and accessories. You can find a fabulous outfit, a great new pair of shoes or earrings, and the perfect gift for a friend, or for yourself! Some of the brands we carry are Crosby by Mollie Burch, Julie Vos, Barbour, Sheila Fajl, Anna Cate Collection, Tyler Boe, APL, Ilse Jacobsen, Kaanas, Stoney Clover Lane, and Nest.
What do you love most about being a local business?
The connection we have with our customers and through them, our community. Since we opened in August 2019, the greater Jackson, and Mississippi communities have been extremely supportive of our store, and for that we are thankful. I love meeting women from all across our state, hearing their stories, listening to their fashion wants and needs, and helping them find beautiful pieces to bring into their wardrobes that will make them feel beautiful and happy when they get dressed each day. Additionally, I love the platform I am afforded as a local business owner to be an active and involved member in the charitable endeavors so many in our community spend their time planning. Whether it is donating an item to a silent auction or using our social media platforms to bring attention to important causes, I feel fortunate to be in a position to play a small role in affecting positive change in our area.
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What is on the horizon for your business that you’re most excited about?
I am most excited for the much needed joy I know the upcoming holiday season will bring to many, for the trunk shows we have planned in November and December, and to continue seeing our amazing customers in the store each day. Since we were in our first year of business when life came to a pause and our storefront was forced to close during the period of shelter in place, we have many customers who began shopping with us online and whose names we know and recognize, that we are just now seeing in person for the first time as they are now able to shop in the store! We love meeting everyone face to face (even in masks!) and are enjoying and appreciating even more the in-person interactions we have on a daily basis.
What has been your biggest challenge as a business owner during COVID-19?
Our biggest challenge has been finding creative ways to take the in-store Monkee’s experience and make it digital. We strive to give every person who walks in our store the highest level of service possible, and when the in-person shopping experience was taken away and altered due to COVID-19, we were challenged to show our customers that same level of service, through our phones and computer screens, as well as through alternative ways of shopping. We had an e-commerce website before the pandemic that we updated regularly, but now our website has become an even more important part of our business, and the vast majority of our merchandise is now online. Through try-on videos and photos on Instagram, to offering free shipping on all orders, in-store/curbside pickup, free local delivery, and shopping by appointment, we were able to adapt to our new circumstances and meet the needs of our customers during a difficult time for us all. I am proud of the ways in which we responded to the challenges our business faced due to the pandemic, and feel positive that we were able to establish our new digital focus, as well as the different shopping services we now offer, as permanent parts of our approach to doing business moving forward.
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What is your favorite local place to grab lunch with a client? What do you love about that restaurant?
I am always up for grabbing lunch at Caet! I love that the atmosphere is lively and comfortable, and the food & drinks are top notch!
Spread the love! What’s a local business that you just can’t live without?!
It’s a tie between two of my favorites: Whimsey Cookie Company and Lavish Fleur. First, I have to give a shoutout to our neighbor in the Renaissance, Whimsy Cookie. They have the sweetest owners/staff, not to mention the best cookies that have kept me going, whether its an afternoon pick-me-up or a treat at the end of a long day. Stop by and see them after you shop with us, and you have yourself a perfect afternoon! Second, I adore Mallory Henry with Lavish Fleur. If you need a floral arrangement big or small, Mallory is who you need to call. Her work is exquisite and she is incredibly easy to work with on a project. You tell her what you need, and she makes it happen. I can’t wait to see the beautiful wreath she will do for us at the store this holiday season!
What else do we need to know about you/your business?
We are always here to help with any of your fashion needs! Our store is filled with items you won’t see on every corner, or in every photo on social media, and our goal is to always to help you look and feel your best when you get dressed so that you can tackle the important parts of your day with confidence. I love it most when a customer comes to us with an event for which they need the perfect outfit or the perfect gift, and we work together to find them something they love and feel confident with when they leave the store. If shopping/gift giving isn’t your thing, we have you covered! We love nothing more than to shop for you or your loved ones, and can take the pressure off of you by selecting just the right thing for any occasion. We have beautiful signature gift wrap that is complimentary with all purchases. Don’t forget, if you are not local to the Jackson area, are unable to shop with us in person, or simply are in a hurry and want to buy online and pickup your order curbside, you can shop with us on our website 24/7 at www.monkeesofridgeland.com.
Shipping is free and we also offer free local delivery within the Jackson area. Be sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook @monkeesofridgeland to stay up to date with all of our new arrivals, store events, and promotions. On a personal note, my husband, family and I are so very thankful for the overwhelmingly kind reception you have given our small, family owned, family run business. We hope to continue to serve you well as we all move forward into the holiday season, 2021, and beyond! 
You can visit Monkee’s of Ridgeland by visiting Renaissance at Colony Park in Ridgeland! Their storefront is right there on the roundabout in the middle of the shopping center. You won’t have any trouble finding it! 
Thanks for your time, Suzanne! 
0 notes
broomstickvigilante · 7 years
Previously, while leaving Gringotts ~
As I stepped out of the curse breaker office I noticed theo chatting with the pair that had walked past us earlier. One of them was obviously from Beauxbaton, her accent grating on every word, and the other looked familiar somehow. 
“Theres no reason to return it, I’ve got loads.” Said the man, still can’t quite place where I know him from. 
“I really appreciate it, I started to make my own. They’re a little dangerous but wicked fast.” Theo was acting more excited then usual, was something wrong with him? He was fauning over the man like some sort of- Ha. I know who this is.
“Sebastian Prince, I presume?” I casually stroll into the conversation, accepting a handshake.
“Just so mate. You look familiar, have we met?” I got a sudden jolt of suspicion as he gave a keen look.
“Theodore Nott, I ah, I know your sister.” Best to say it now, than later. He grinned widely, charming, I can see why Theo is so star-struck. 
“Ah so you’re Theodore, heard a bit about you. How’s my sis doing these days, havent gotten a letter lately; she hates to write.” I quickly avert my eyes.
“She is, reserved. We haven’t spoken in a while.” I stepped back a pace, unexpectedly affected by my own words. My eyes felt like itchy glass, 
I glanced up and he was looking at me with a strangely angry expression. “You haven’t talked to her? why?”
I looked to the side and Theo and the woman were watching quietly. I felt trapped somehow, cornered. “I- am unsure, we fell out.” The words sounded like a mockery of an excuse, even to me. I felt the open doorway of the lift nearby as if the only place with breathable air, If i could get inside and away my lungs could finally get air. 
His expression changed to something like disappointment, and as he stepped forward i heard the sound of footsteps behind us; the woman calling out to someone. He whispered in what i can only recall as a menacing tone and said “She deserved better friends than you.” He immediately walked past me, brushing into my shoulder with a hidden jab. 
Theo was back to talking with the three of them before I ducked into the nearby lift and hit the button for the lobby with a numb hand. I am not scared, not scared but terrified nonetheless. I tap my foot and scratch at my arm nervously as the lift makes its crawl to the surface; conscious thought pulling back like exposed muscle beneath flesh.
Adeline was safer without me as a friend, 
+ + + + + 
Diagon alley, the pub out front, even city blocks rolled by my eyes with little notice. I found the handle to my car and slipped inside, the clap of the door lock sounding like a coffin lid. With a twist of the key the engine roared into existence, and I felt my veins expand, a little of the screaming in my head died into soft murmuring. The seat shook slightly as the cylinders rolled over and over, heating the engine, a lullaby. I laid my head back and let the attack slowly dissipate. 
It must’ve been some time when Theo knocked on the window. He mouthed something through the glass and I let the window down. “You alright? you just left me back there.”
I unlocked the door and he climbed in. “I- just needed some air.”
“And some heat? Its a furnace in here.” He turned the knob for the AC down to a normal clime. I had turned the heat up without thinking, the car was backing but I felt at ease. After some time he looked over, I kept staring at the busy street outside the windshield. “Can you drop me at the garage?” He asked after another minute.
I nodded, shifting the car out and into traffic. We drove for a quarter of an hour in silence until we arrived at the garage, Theo opening the gate to let the car roll in. He got out without a word, and busied himself making sandwiches from a fridge he had set up in the corner. I stepped out, removing a box of journals from behind the seat. 
“I will be in the back, if you need me.” I said over the sound of dishes. I headed into an office in the back, a pair of couches on two walls and a desk covered in pieces of parchment and diagrams, and dropped my box onto a coffee table in the middle. Theo had screwed a light bulb lamp above one couch and I pulled the chain to light it, grabbed a book out of the box, and proceeded to drown my thoughts in text. I could not get Adeline out of my head, her laugh as she made a joke about my ears, or the sound of her screaming for air below the icy water. I missed her so badly. I knew I was a coward for avoiding her, not telling her what I feared might happen, but i couldn’t bring myself to do anything about it. The curse on my family would end with me, I will complete it soon.
+ + + + 
The stories in the book were filled with such thoughts, strange muggle tales of ghosts inflicting terror and pain on those nearby, or magical creatures unheard of in england hunting them for sustenance. My great grand uncle Algernon had a fascination with the fringe beasts of the world, some called it a sickness, but I found a kinship with him as I read; a familiar sorrowful whimsey I first mistook as bad storytelling. Soon, the tale of the three pigs drove the dark temptations from my mind as I devoured its twisted tale of binding magic gone wrong. The next was of a ghost, there were several ghost stories, that was left to haunt a late model town car and plied its deathless frustration on anyone it found on the roadway. The tales were gruesome at parts, but overall carried that same sad curiosity. At some point Theo set a plate down for me, a sandwich and pickle, I absently took the pickle; they are my favorite.
Back in the Present ~
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corescorner · 4 years
Charmberry Cove Chapter Six.
Chapter Name: Weekend Whimsey: Friday.
Wordcount: 6,987
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5.
Taglist: @unsocialchapeau, @aularei, @softest-emo
Notes: I split this chapter up, I wanted to make the whole weekend this one chapter but I feel like if I did that you guys wouldn’t get it for a while.
It's Friday morning and his friends are going to arrive in just a few hours, so he decides some last minute cleaning should be done before they inevitably wreck it again, he should also wake Remus up to help.
He knocks on Remus' door and walks in without an answer, he was prepared to have to kick his brother awake, but as it seems Remus is already up, well he's awake.
His torso is dangling off the beds edge and his head is almost on the floor; cellphone in hand texting someone.
“How long have you been up?” He asks, crossing his arms. He suspects what the answer is but he'd still like to confirm it. He looks like he hasn't slept at all.
“Since about none of your business o'clock.” Remus sticks out his tongue blowing a raspberry.
Roman looks at him very unimpressed, he's just concerned.
“But if you really need to know, maybe since two.”
“Rem! It's Friday, it's the night we stay up the longest, you're going to be so tired around three what are you gonna do then?”
Remus rolls his eyes “pff whatever I'll just get Patton to zap me with some juicy adrenaline or something.”
“I don't think that's how that works...”
“Sure it does! I've done it before” Remus says flippantly waving his hand in a 'whatever' motion.
“That cannot be healthy. Also don’t use Patton's powers like that.”
“He doesn’t mind!” Remus insists.
Roman gives him a look “I hope you’re right about that” he says and then tacks on “I also hope you haven't been keeping Logan up all night with you.”
Remus looks offended “excuse you, I have other friends too ya'know!”
Roman raises an eyebrow “oh yes, of course you do, but ones outside of our group?” He teases.
“Um yes, I’ve told you about him before, we’ve been friends for like two freaken years.”
Roman looks at Remus with a distasteful expression “oh, right” he drawls “that guy from the internet.”
Remus slumps the rest of his body off of his bed while looking Roman in the eyes the entire time he crosses his arms while sitting up.
“What? Don’t look at me like that! He can be some kind of creeper for all you know! Ever heard of stranger danger?”
Remus just scoffs, waving his hand around.
“You don’t know him Rem” he says softer, Remus sighs with a scowl.
“But I do know him, we’ve video chatted multiple times! I’m not having this conversation with you again” he says with finality.
“Rem, I’m just worried” Roman says, plopping himself down next to his brother, who huffs but leans onto Roman; he looks really tired, and it’s only eleven.
Well, no use sitting here and waiting for him to fall asleep where he sits, they have stuff to do before their friends get here after all.
“We should get up and fix our rooms up some” he says, but they stay where they sit.
Remus hums in displeasure, Roman softly laughs.
“Hey, you brought this upon yourself” he says nudging Remus` shoulder with his own “whose room is going to be for sleeping and who’s room for shenanigans?” He asks.
Roman’s eyes are closed but he can practically feel Remus` suggestive look through his tone.
“Shenanigans? Roman I didn’t know that’s what you had planned for the weekend.”
Roman shoves him again, but off of his shoulder this time “ugh, that is not what I meant and you very well know it!”
Remus just laughs as he lets himself fall to the floor from the shove.
Roman gets up looking around Remus` slightly cleaner than usual room.
“Okay, so sleep in my room.”
Remus rolls his eyes “like that hasn’t been the plan every time there’s a sleepover” he says sarcastically.
Roman ignores that “gather up all the blankets and pillows and bring them to my room for the fort making.”
Remus gets up off the floor to start picking stuff up “shouldn’t we wait for everyone to start building, you know how good Lo is with the structural shit of fort making.”
“Of course we’ll wait for them to build it, we’re just gathering until then, duh.”
“Bluh” Remus mocks.
As they’re gathering stuff from the living room and kitchen the doorbell rings, both boys stop what they’re doing to stare at each other.
Remus drops the snacks in his arms and yells: “I got it!” before Roman has the chance to.
“No you don’t” he says, catching Remus` wrist as he tries to bolt for the door, yanking him to get behind Roman, but Roman miscalculates and sends Remus tumbling into him instead and they both fall to the ground, laughing the whole way.
The doorbell rings again.
They yell at the same time.
“I’m coming!” Roman yells.
“Come in!” Remus yells.
Roman looks at his twin “the door is locked you dingus.”
“Yea but”- he’s cut off by a small `bang` and an even softer “ouch” then a louder “the door is locked.” Remus laughs “-but that.”
“You are so mean to poor sweet Patton” Roman says while untangling himself from their fallen heap on the floor.
“Hey! I didn’t know it was Patton, it could have been anybody.”
Roman just lightly shakes his head, going to open the door to let their friends in.
“Greetings friends! Weekend Whimsy begins now!” He says as he takes in Patton, Logan and Virgil on his doorstep.
“Weekend Whimsy?” Virgil asks with a small amused smile.
“Yes, that’s what we have been calling these weekends as a sort of title for the tradition” Logan explains.
Roman gestures them in with a flourish of his arm.
“I’m so excited! We’ve never invited another person to join us before!” Patton enthuses as they all file into the house.
Remus is still laying on the floor as they enter, Patton and Logan simply walk over him to get to the couches, Virgil however hangs behind not exactly knowing what to do so Roman being the host (well, one of them anyway) motions for Virgil to do the same.
“He’s in the way and I don’t know when he’s going to move, you can just step over him it’s fine.”
Virgil seems amused and follows the others leads and Remus just stays on the ground as he does so.
Roman nudges him with his foot “get up, we need to continue our preparations.”
“Nnnngh, I’m dead I can’t do it” Remus says dramatically, flinging his arm over his eyes.
Roman crosses his arms, time to take out the big guns.
“Logan, can you help my poor dead brother with getting the snacks?” He smirks at Remus as his twin moves his arm slightly to glare up at him.
Logan nods “of course Roman.”
He turns to Patton and Virgil next “can you two help me with the couch cushions?” He asks.
Patton smiles “Sure thing Ro!” He picks up a cushion, as does Virgil; Logan walks towards Remus.
He knows Remus can’t deny Logan anything.
The three walk up the stairs, hands full.
Logan is staring down at him, arms crossed and eyebrow raised with a smirk.
Is he trying to actually kill Remus? Cause it might just fucking work with that look.
Logan extents his hand towards Remus to help him up.
“Well come on then, you heard the prince.”
Yep, dying. Right now.
Despite the death, he does grab Logan’s hand and Logan helps him up.
They head to the kitchen to gather more snacks, Remus grabs the ones he previously dropped on the way, he doesn’t want to let go of Logan’s hand but he needs to, he needs both hands for holding all of the snackage.
As they approach the stairs to gather with everyone else, Loan stops them with a hand on Remus' shoulder.
“Are you alright Remus?”
“Pssh of course I am, just tired is all, nothing Pat can't fix with a little adrenaline zap!”
Logan looks at him like he doesn't particularly like that answer, but he doesn't push Remus on it either.
“Alright then. I just hope you got some sleep after you told me to go to sleep. Though I am sure Patton will help you out if you ask him, but then again I don't know the health risks of shocking your system like that, it might not be the best solution to be doing, but it would be an interesting test to try out sometime” his hand is at his mouth in thought as he speaks.
“I’ll be your guinea pig if you want Lo” Remus winks, Logan just looks at him with slight confusion.
He adjusts his glasses and clears his throat “we should join the others” he says gesturing to the stairway waiting for Remus to ascend them before following.
When they get to Remus’ room they linger in the doorway to listen on the current debate happening, which happens to be on Disney because of course it is.
“How could you say that about Disney? It’s pure and amazing! How can you besmirch the good name of Disney with your dark theories?” Roman says in bewilderment, hand to his chest looking like someone just bitch slapped a baby in front of him.
“Have we been watching the same movies or do you just have that much of a filter over your eyes?” Virgil retorts.
Roman scoffs offended “ugh your darkness has no room in this topic.”
Patton looks amused by the discussion, gladly listening to the two bickering; he’s the first to notice Logan and Remus standing in the doorway.
“Oh hey guys! What took you so long?”
Roman and Virgil stop their conversation now looking at them too, Remus lifts up the snacks in his arms.
“Sustenance!” He yells out, throwing the snacks like they were confetti.
Virgil startles slightly at the snacksplosion, Remus keeps forgetting that Virgil is new here and that he has yet to know the extent of weirdness that Remus can get to. This is gonna be fun.
“We should start the fort, everyone to my room!” Roman declares marching out of Remus’ room into his own across the hall, everyone trails behind him.
Logan and Roman are discussing on how they want the fort to look, Roman suggesting things and Logan shooting it down cause it’s not structurally sound, they do work out the kinks in everything though so they get started on it.
As they’re all doing as instructed he gets a text, feeling the vibrations from his pocket. It can only really be one person considering all his other friends are in this room with him.
He checks the message, yep it’s from Dee.
 -Have you rested yet?
-ur one to talk! Have you?
-Mmm, yes.
-go n take a nap Dee I have ways of stayin awake
-Yes, your friend with the ‘powers’ right?
-excatumando beotch! an anyway we’re doin our weekend thin right now so no sleep until much later!
-Right, I don’t remember you telling me that was starting a couple hours earlier than usual this year.
-mmhm we have a new friend in our group! hes kinda quiet right now though, also fun to try n freak out!
-You’re going to scare him away Remus.
-don worry! Virgie is a tough one I can tell!
 “Remus! Stop texting and continue helping!” Roman chastises, Remus rolls his eyes but complies.
 -Roman is bein a biiiiiiiiitch, talk later!
He turns his phone completely on silent and stuffs it back in his pocket.
After Roman tells Remus to put his phone away the fort is progressing with little to no distractions, well no outside distractions cause really they’re all a little prone to being distracted easily.
Like Patton for example stops right in the middle of what he’s pinning down to run to the other room to randomly get his onesies.
“Virgil I don’t know if you have a onesie or not so I brought both of mine!” Patton exclaims holding up both of the pyjamas, one being a grey cat and the other being a calico cat “they’re both cats though.”
“Onesies?” Virgil asks with an amused smirk.
“Yes, it’s tradition on the first night that we all partake in wearing onesie pyjamas” Logan explains.
Virgil hums “you shoulda told me, I would have brought my own.”
“Aw shoot” Patton says snapping his fingers “I could ask Thomas to pick it up for you if you feel more comfortable with yours.”
Virgil waves his concerns away “Nah, that’s alright Pat you brought an extra for me, it’s fine.”
Patton smiles and then they continue with only minor distractions.
The fort is nearing its completion, it’s slightly larger than they usually make it and Logan made sure of that considering they need to accommodate another body.
The fort goes over Roman’s bed this year (a smart change from previous years he thinks) and it stretches up to the ceiling, sloping back down to go behind the television. The window is blocked off and there’s just enough room between the doorway and the sheet wall to open and close the door without issues.
Inside of the fort they’ve gathered a substantial amount of pillows and blankets to make a very cozy nest of sorts that will fit all five of them comfortably (even though Roman will end up on his bed.)
Patton bounces up from where he’s kneeling to go retrieve the onesies he discarded earlier and once again addresses Virgil with them.
“So Virge. Grey or calico?” He asks waving them around getting Virgil to look them over; Logan watches him speculate on his options.
There’s a ninety six percent chance for the grey one, Logan isn’t surprised about that, it’s darker than the mostly white calico one.
Patton will give him they grey one when he asks, even if it is his favourite of the two.
Virgil points to the calico one.
Huh, well that’s odd.
“Virgil may I enquire as to why you chose the calico?” Logan voices his confusion, everyone looks to him then Virgil, they’ve probably put together that it went against his Probability.
Virgil shifts where he’s sitting “Idunno, I guess I had a feeling that Pat would want the grey one, I don’t really know how else to explain it…”
“Interesting, although true. It is indeed his preferred out of the two.”
Patton smiles wide, Logan narrows his eyes at him.
“Don’t” he simply says and Patton’s smile widens as he looks right at Logan.
“Don’tcha mean preFURed?”
“I do not and you very well know it.”
Virgil snickers “aw c’mon Logan it wasn’t that much of a CATastrophe.”
Patton squeals in joy his hands balled up to his chest and bouncing a bit where he stands.
Remus and Virgil laugh at the puns while Roman amusedly smiles.
These are his friends, he chose them Logan tells himself. He huffs but lets out a small smile of his own anyway.
“You can have the grey one if you want Virgil” Patton says with an encouraging smile, Virgil just gets up and snatches the calico one from Patton’s grasp.
“Nah, it’s alright I like the orange and black patches on this one, kinda Halloweeny” he assures with his own smile.
“Alright” Roman pipes up “there are five of us and only four places to change so someone is going to have to wait” he says as he looks in his closet for his own onesie.
Remus jumps up declaring “not if we’re fast enough!” And then runs to his room to get changed.
Logan supposes he’ll wait.
“You and Virgil can take the bathrooms, I shall wait for Remus to be done, he’ll be the fastest” Logan leaves Roman’s room with Virgil and Patton behind him.
“Thanks Lo” Patton says before turning to Virgil “you can have this bathroom, I’ll go downstairs” and downstairs he goes, Virgil closes the door to the one he just stepped into as Remus exits his room in a possum onesie.
“I just got this one!” Remus says flapping the tail around “pretty nifty huh?”
Logan clears his throat “yes it suits you quite well” he starts and debates whether or not he wants to say his next thought out loud.
There’s an eighty nine percent chance it’ll be taken well so he goes for it.
“You look very, cute.”
Remus’ eyes go wide, a smile grows on his face along with a slight blush, well if he wasn’t cute before he’s most certainly making Logan speechless now.
He adjusts his glasses, awkwardly motioning to Remus’ room “um, may I get dressed?”
Remus jolts, jumping out of the doorway he was blocking the entryway from.
Logan makes his way into the room going right for his bag to get his unicorn onesie, once dressed he opens the door to see the others on the other side waiting for him.
Roman has chosen his Simba onesie for this year it seems.
“Alright, we’re all onesied up we can now start our days activities!” Roman declares.
“Oh, what are we going to do first?” Patton claps in excitement.
Roman puts his hand to his chin in thought “well. We can take a vote” he suggests.
“Pff” Remus scoffs “you gonna suggest that just so you can rig it bro?”
Roman looks offended his hand going to his chest and holding it there for a second before dropping it, sighing “yeah fine. 
Virgil snickers leaning into Logan’s space slightly to ask “how often does he do that for him to be called out on it?”
“Basically whenever there is a vote to be had” Logan responds.
“So since it really doesn’t even matter, what the fuck are we doing?” Remus asks and everyone looks around in thought like the hallway they’re loitering in will give them an idea of something to do.
“We could play video games to start?” Roman says.
“There are five of us this year so we’re going to have to take turns” Logan points out.
“We can rock, paper, scissors to see who sits out first round?” Patton suggests.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea Patton!” Roman says smiling wide, Patton smiles back just as wide.
“Maybe we should decide on what we’re playing before we decide, to see if anyone wants to ‘sit out’ first” Logan says.
“Rock Band!” he twins chorus, smiling at each other while high fiving.
“Um, maybe we should look through the games so Virge knows what the options are?” Patton says to the twins.
“Oh, shit yea. Virgie doesn’t know all the things yet” Remus says as he shoots down the stairs, to no doubt rummage through the games.
“Does he do that often?” Virgil asks.
“Do what often?” Roman answers, heading towards the stairs as well.
“What do you mean ‘do what often’? Maybe, oh… abruptly doing stuff” Virgil says waving his hands towards the stairs.
“All the time, you will get used to it eventually” Logan says.
Patton bounces to Roman’s side, both ready to head down to the living room. Logan motions Virgil to follow them and they all descend the staircase.
Remus is sitting in the middle of the floor in front of the television stand, game drawer open and games scattered all around him.
Roman and Patton go to sit on the love seat closest to where Remus is, Patton leans on Roman as they sit. Logan takes the chair and Virgil sits himself on the floor in front of the couch.
“So, we have a handful of multiplayer games” Roman starts “we have a Wii and a 360” he directs at Virgil.
“We can vote on what we’re gonna play ooor” Remus says looking to Logan, Logan knows what’s coming but he still sighs when Remus finishes his sentence “we could just ask Lo what we’re gonna end up doin.”
Virgil looks towards him in confusion, Roman and Patton look slightly alarmed, all Logan does is sigh once again, well it looks like they should have this conversation before they start anything else, just to ease Virgil’s thoughts. The percentage of Virgil freaking out and not trusting them heightens with every sideways comment about their powers without actually addressing it.
“I think”- Logan starts, adjusting his glasses –“that we should address the metaphorical elephants in the room.”
Patton scrunches in on himself, but nods a little bit anyway.
Virgil is getting increasingly more anxious the longer they stay silent, he’s sure Patton can feel it as the percentages rise.
Is he finally going to know what’s going on here? Ever since he got here it's been secret after secret, even his dads are keeping things from him! He thinks he should have been told something by now, they've been here for about a week and things just keep getting weirder.
“Okay” Patton says quietly, Roman rubs his back for comfort and Patton gives him a small comforting smile.
“I think it would be best if we go back upstairs for this conversation, my mom might come home soon and the privacy would be nice” Roman suggests.
“Good idea Roman” Logan agrees.
Remus drops the games in his hands gets up and heads to the kitchen, when he returns he has a twelve pack of root beer in his arms.
“We're gonna need these” he says then walks up the stairs, Logan snickers, Patton cracks a smile on his uneasy face and Roman doesn't look surprised in the slightest.
“Alright shall we then?” Logan addresses the group, Roman and Patton nod and get off the couch.
Patton walks over to him holding out his hands to offer help up off the floor, Virgil takes them and he's being hoisted up; Patton lets go with a squeeze before they ascend the stairs. Going into Remus' room once again where the owner of the room has already cracked open a soda and is lounging on the floor leaning against his bed, the others all take a soda from the scattered pile of cans and ripped cardboard before seating themselves.
Virgil cracks his own open in sync with the others opening.
“Should we play a game to ease the conversation along?” Logan asks seemingly directed at Patton who nods in return, “very well a question game then. Twenty questions or two truths and a lie perhaps?”
“Maybe we can do truth or dare” Remus suggests.
“Virgil should know more about us before we start on with truth or dare I think” Roman says.
This is getting more distressing the longer they say things that aren't the things they should be talking about and it's making Virgil a little on edge with the situation.
Patton himself is distressed about all this and that’s not helping Virgil’s thoughts on what they’re about to discuss.
“Yes, that should be reserved for a later time, how about a mixture of two truths one lie and twenty questions?” Logan offers then adds “I'll start.”
Okay finally, some answers it's nerve wracking to think of what they'll say but he's ready to know things.
Logan clears his throat “I am colour-blind, I do not enjoy the flavour of coffee and I have an ability that allows me to analyze probabilities.”
“Jeeze Lo, starting off heavy huh” Remus comments to Virgil's confusion, cause no way can he have what basically amounts to a super power right?
“Of course, I don't like to-” he looks thoughtful for a second “beat around the bush as they say. I did use that one correctly right?”
“Yea Lolo you did” Patton says, he's been awfully quiet and Virgil is eager to know why but he needs to address Logan first.
Virgil shifts thinking, how is he supposed to answer this when he actually thinks that Logan has this power, it makes sense with the context clues he's been able to pick up on but it's also impossible!  But what if he says that he doesn't believe Logan and that starts a fight between them? And if he's wrong he'll look stupid...
“Virgil, breathe for me, it's a simple game between friends and you cannot offend me with whatever you say” Logan reassures, ripping him out of his thought spiral, he didn't even notice his breathing rapidly getting faster until Logan said anything.
“Okay so this is crazy but I think the lie might be the colour-blindness?” he asks wincing a bit.
Logan looks slightly surprised, humming.
“Alright, well that's wrong but why did you choose that one?” He inquires.
Virgil runs a hand through his hair shrugging “Idunno, I took a guess on it with the interactions that we've had so far” he says then jolts, looking Logan right in the eyes “wait wait wait, does that mean you actually have a power?!” He exclaims.
Logan nods “yes, I do” he confirms, the others have been quiet during this and Virgil looks around the room at them to gauge their facial expressions, sincerity in all of their eyes.
This is crazy. This can't be real, there's no way!
“Do you have any questions?” Logan directs at him.
Does he have any questions? Yeah he has some freaken questions!
“Uh yea. What the fuck?” He says, Remus laughs loudly at that.
Logan smirks “you're going to have to be a little bit more specific than that Virgil.”
Virgil can't sit still anymore, he gets up and starts to pace “okay okay, um how does it work? How long have you had it for? How did you get it? You're eleven how are you so composed while having a superpower? Who knows of this? Are your parents weird about it? Can you turn it on and off like with a switch? Also you're colour-blind! That must suck!” His pacing and arm flailing stop and he's panting slightly cause he barely took a breath through his whole question tirade; the others are staring at him wide eyed.
“Whoa, calm down a bit there Panic at the Everywhere, deep breaths” Roman says, Virgil looks at him with narrowed eyes and a small amused scowl.
“Let's get the easy one out of the way” Logan begins, adjusting his glasses “yes, colour-blindness is not ideal but I've been living with my Protanopia all my life.”
“Protamawha?” Virgil says blinking.
“Protanopia, it's the type of colour-blindness that I possess, in other words, I have red green colour-blindness.” Logan answers.
“Ookay” Virgil says slowly.
“Essentially I can see mostly blues and yellows though they are different from yours, and I vaguely know what green is.”
“How do you know that if you can't tell what the colours are?”
Patton softly pipes up to answer, “when we found out Lo was colour-blind we did a bunch of our own tests.”
“When did you find out?”
“I was four when we found out, I thought everyone saw colour like that so when I was learning colours I associated the ones I  learned with the different shades of yellow and blue that I saw, but now I know red isn’t just another shade of yellow.”
“Jeeze, okay. So the, the powers then?”
“Ah yes the powers” Logan says “I call it my Probability. It gives me future outcomes and percentages on each outcome presented to me and from there I can determine what I want to do with that knowledge, my parents are not weird about it and neither is anyone else in the town, basically everyone knows that I possess it considering how the town is. It's actually fairly common in Charmberry to get a 'gift' from, for simplicities sake a 'fairy god parent' some other residents also have their own personal gifts as well. I have had mine since birth and yes I can control when I want to use it.”
Okay, that's a lot to take in.
He looks to Patton cause from his demeanour with this subject Virgil suspects that he also has a power, he wonders what could be so bad about them for Paton to act like this.
Patton sighs “okay, me now-” he says sitting up straighter, flapping his hands a bit “-my brother is my guardian, I also have a power and I really like spiders.”
Even though they got the abilities thing out of the way he still seems on edge with it.
“I'm guessing you don't really like spiders all that much” Virgil says, Patton puts on a small smile.
“Ding ding ding, I'm terrified of them. So, questions?”
He wants to ask about what happened to his parents but he feels like that might be too intrusive at this time so he goes with the powers instead.
“Can you tell me what your ability is?”
He nods nervously, Roman takes his hand “it's okay, you can take your time” Roman whispers.
“No, no it's alright I'm just a tad nervous” he says while plastering on a smile at Virgil.
Virgil shifts “Pat, whatever it is, I'm sure it won’t change anything.”
Patton takes a deep breath readying himself for the word tornado that he's about to say.
“I control emotions and sometimes I can't control when I do it, if I'm feeling strongly with one emotion it effects everyone around me I don't know how far the reach is and I don't know how to rein it in when it's pure emotion, I'm worried that no one will trust me or want to be my friend if they know I can control them so easily and I'm always worried that I'm somehow manipulating my friends and it tears me up inside thinking about it cause I do use it often and sometimes I'm not sure if it's the right decision I just want to help!” He started tearing up about halfway through his rant and Roman pulls him into a hug from where they're both sitting on Remus' bed.
Remus chugs the rest of his soda and Logan looks slightly uncomfortable.
How is he supposed to react to that? That's a lot of emotion and he can feel it coming off of Patton, no doubt the rest of them do as well, a tear rolls down Roman's face probably because he's the closest to the emotion waves.
Virgil walks up to Patton who's snuggled under Roman's arm, he puts a hand on Patton's shoulder, sadness immediately floods him stronger than when he was just standing there, direct contact does makes it so much more potent.
He clears his throat “hey it's okay, I like you Pat and I don't think you've manipulated your way into my friendship, you're a good guy.”
Patton looks up at Virgil through wet lashes, wiping his eyes on the back of his sleeve “thanks Virge, I'm glad you moved here.”
Virgil smiles, he's glad he moved here too.
Patton perks up and there's some emotional whiplash in the air as his sadness dries up. “Oh! I almost forgot!” he bounces out of Roman's hold to go to his bag to rummage through it, when he faces them again he has a handful of colourful beads. “I updated our friendship bracelets to include Virgil!” He declares handing Virgil one of them.
Four of the beads spell out 'Vivi' the beads next to the lettering are purple then it moves to light blue, red, indigo and green. He stares at it as Patton passes out the other ones to their respective owners.
“Vivi?” Virgil voices, Patton smiles wide at him and nods.
“Mmhm! Everyone has the first two letters of their names on it!” He explains holding out his own arm for Virgil to inspect his, it says 'Papa' on it with the two beads on either side of the word being light blue then moving in to the other colours.
“Oh, so we're all matching then” Virgil muses, Patton nods again.
“Yep! That's how friendship bracelets work, matchy matchy.”
“What will we do with the originals, do you wish to have them back or shall we keep them?” Logan asks.
“You can keep em if ya wanna” Patton says, Logan nods once and stores it in his bag, Patton beams.
“Should we keep playing just to make it even?” Roman asks.
“Only if you wish to share, the point was to get the topic of our abilities out but it would be helpful for us all to learn more about each other” Logan says.
Roman hums, “alright I'll keep it going then, as long as Virgil participates too.”
He shoots Roman a glare, “yea I was planning on it, in fact I'll go next.”
Roman raises his eyebrows “well, someone's a little competitive hmm?”
“Shut up. Okay so a little bit about me, I'm a huge conspiracy theorist-” Roman snickers, Virgil side eyes him but continues “-a traumatic event happened to me when I was younger that I don't remember, and I don't want to know anything else about this town” he finishes and Remus snorts.
“You guys are making these really easy to know.”
Roman nudges Remus with his foot “uh yea, that's the point.”
“Can we ask what you do remember about the traumatic event?” Patton asks.
Virgil shrugs, there's really nothing to say he literally remembers nothing. “Sure, you're not going to get any answers though, I remember nothing. I don't know when people start to retain memories but I have nothing before I was adopted.”
“Humans start to keep memories around the age of two or three” Logan says. “However, if you have experienced trauma at a young age it can start to develop in later years.”
Huh well that makes sense, “Well I was taken away when I was three I was told my birth parents weren't great people.”
“A traumatic event early on like that could also be the cause of your anxiety and selective mutism” Logan says offhandedly.
Virgil startles “how do you know I have those?”
“Observation and clues from what Patton has said about you.”
“That's, kind of freaky” Virgil admits.
“You'll get used to Lo telling you stuff he shouldn't know about” Remus says, “he's just super smart like that.”
Logan looks off to the side adjusting his glasses, Virgil notices that he has a slight blush going on.
Logan clears his throat, “okay so Virgil has shared with us, now you two should say something to end this game” Logan addresses the twins.
Remus from what Virgil has noticed of him so far has been uncharacteristically quiet, even with the small comments here and there.
“I'll go” Roman offers. “My ability is to create things out of thin air, I can play the piano well and-” he pauses then huffs “-and I think I'm gay.”
Remus starts laughing loudly, Roman looks offended as he dramatically scoffs.
“Oh yea cause we all didn't know that last one bro” he says through his giggles.
“Excuse you! We've never actually talked about it before and I'm being vulnerable here!”
“Oh, okay” Remus drawls “cause your huuuge crush on Thomas doesn't tip anyone off.”
“Augh, that doesn't mean anything!” Roman pouts, crossing his arms.
“It's true” Patton pipes up, “there's so many different types of sexualities that like multiple genders.”
“Also regardless of if we already knew this information, Virgil did not and it helps him to know us better which is the point of this game” Logan states.
“True true true” Remus chants. “Okay I guess I'm last to share” he says before downing another soda.
“For once” Roman quips and shoves his brother with the tip of his foot.
Remus throws his empty can Roman's way blindly and hitting Patton's knee instead.
“You missed me, but you hit Patton so that's a worse offence. Prepare to die!” Roman says dramatically while throwing a pillow at Remus' head.
Remus throws an arm over his eyes “oh woe is me! You have slain your poor brother!” he cries out and adds: “smart move, I was going to dethrone you to take over the kingdom.”
“I knew your schemes all along! I was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to take the shot and now everyone can rest easy knowing that the tyrant is taken care of!”
Remus lets out a dramatic 'BLARG' and flops to the floor limp.
Everyone is smiling at the twins antics, Patton giggling as he puts a hand on Roman's shoulder and the other to his own chest.
“Oh thank you brave Prince for protecting my honour, I am forever in your debt!” He then fake swoons in to Roman's lap.
“No need fair maiden, your safety is all I need” Roman says holding Patton up.
Virgil thinks he's gonna enjoy being in this group.
Remus sighs loudly, opening another soda “I'm now a ghost bitch, prepare to be haunted for life.”
Virgil laughs and a snort escapes, his hands fly to his mouth in embarrassment, everyone is looking at him with varying degrees of amusement.
“Aww! Your laugh is so cute!” Patton says while propping himself up on Roman's legs.
Virgil ducks his head down, cute is not a word people usually use to describe him, he changes the subject back to the game.
“So Remus, your turn.”
“Yay, vulnerability time! I have insomnia, unlike my brother I am not super gay, and my gender isn't what it was assigned at birth.”
Everyone is staring at Remus, Roman breaks the silence.
“Wow, no kidding about vulnerability time, all of those are very telling.”
Remus just shrugs “eh, I like to keep things truthful.” He looks to Virgil “so, what's the lie?”
Virgil thinks on it, like Roman said all of these things are very vulnerable.
“I'm guessing you actually are super gay?”
Remus nods “suuuuuuuper gay.”
Virgil shifts, is it rude to ask? Remus seems to sense Virgil's unease, he flips his hand about in Virgil's direction “ask away Virgie, it's all good.”
“How did you know?”
“Hm, well I only started to figure it out sometime last year, some people think I'm too young to know but it just makes sense to me ya'know?” He stops talking looking around the room then looks in to his soda can, “maybe you don't but it just kinda snapped in me one day that I am most definitely not a girl, it's just wrong and uncomfortable so I started to think, well if I'm not a girl can I be a boy instead?” His words aren't said in sadness but in contemplation.
Roman and Patton slide off of the bed to be on either side of Remus to put their arms around him.
“You are a boy Remus” Roman whispers and Patton nods.
“I will physically fight anyone who disagrees” Patton says with conviction, Logan nods to both of their statements.
“As will I, I do not take kindly to, to” he seems at a loss for words as he huffs “stupidity” he finishes.
Remus cracks a smile “but you deal with Roman all the time.”
Roman lets out a high pitched 'ugh!' as he shoves Remus “asshole.”
“Dunce” Remus shoots back affectionately.
A door seems to have opened for Virgil with all this talk of different sexualities and gender identities, he's sitting there quietly, when he hasn't said anything in a while the others start to stare.
“You okay there Virge?” Patton asks.
He nods and looks back to the group “I, I wasn't aware” is all he says, everyone's stares become confused.
“Aware of what?” Logan asks.
“Aware that, that's a thing. I mean it makes sense! If you don't feel like whatever you're told you are then of course you're not that thing.”
“I think we just blew his mind” Roman stage whispers.
“Of course, take my parents for example” Logan says, Virgil looks to him. “Both of my parents are non-binary, which is to say they both go by 'they/them' pronouns and don't conform to gender because they feel that none truly encompasses their being.”
Virgil's eyes widen “that, that's awesome.”
Logan smiles “they are pretty awesome.”
With all of the hard stuff out of the way Patton feels better, they all know each other more now even if four out of five of them already knew most of it.
Hearing about Virgil's trauma and lack of information about it, it's kinda heartbreaking to think about but he supposes that it's fine considering Virgil didn't seem to mind at all about it.
As all of their secrets are now out in the open, the day continues with fun.
They do end up playing Rock Band first. Roman takes the vocals immediately, Remus goes for the drums, Logan takes lead guitar and Virgil takes the bass parts. Patton is happy to sit out and be Roman's backup singer, even if he wasn't technically in the game it's still fun.
When Valerie comes home at around supper time they order some pizza, they're playing a game when Valerie takes Roman and Remus aside, to all of their confusion.
When they come back it doesn't seem like anything is wrong so no one questions it.
The pizza comes so they put on a movie instead, the atmosphere and emotion in the room is very calming and happy, it makes him even happier.
After eating and the movie they all head into Roman's room for the night.
Sometime after midnight, they're sleepily watching Lilo and Stitch.
Remus was surprisingly the first to fall asleep, Logan following behind shortly.
“I'm glad I moved here, I don't know the last time I ever had this much fun with a group before” Virgil mumbles with a yawn.
He and Roman scoot a little closer to Virgil.
“We're happy to have you Virge” he whispers.
“Mm ditto” Roman mumbles, snuggling closer into Virgil's shoulder.
Patton smiles also cuddling in closer, and if they fall asleep like that then so be it, they're too comfortable to care.
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