#which is almost worse
glsneeg-enthusiast · 7 months
*covered in blood gripping the bathroom sink and staring into the mirror* ok. okay. okay. im normal. im normal again. the demons are gone. i cannot hear the voices. i dont even know what a minecraft is. im normal.
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myriahkamm · 7 months
Ugh, can't wait until I have my own place again so I can stop having to hear my sister's not-so-subtle digs at me constantly.
"Oh, I would *never* shop at Walmart."
"Oh, you use *cheap* yarn."
"I know she rarely eats *good* food, kitties."
Bitch, I'm single, my job doesn't pay all that well, and I've been *saving for a house*, so please back off with your nonsense. 😑
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I do think it's funny though that writing isn't really thought of as something that has "sketches" or "warmups". You're either writing a completely fleshed out original story or you're failing at being a writer.
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we hired one of my coworkers kids for a summer side job and how do i interact with a highschooler
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thatoddboy · 6 months
I live in a part of my city that used to be very Jewish. The population moved in the early 2000s and now it's mostly Latino and Cambodian families. It's a great neighborhood, and I love living here, and there there's still signs of a historic Jewish presence. A beautiful facade with the ten commandments above the door of what used to be a synagogue is probably the most prominent instance, tucked into the alcove, across from a park.
Another was the date on the corner stone of a daycare building I pass every day on my way to work. It's roof is lined with roaring lions, and the cornerstone has both the CE building date and the Jewish year right about it. It always made me smile a little to see it - that I might be a half hour bus ride from me shul but there's a little bit of history not even a block from my house.
One day, when I left for work, I noticed they put up a large sign advertising their classes. The sign is big enough it covers the cornerstone, but just the Jewish year. The CE date is perfectly clear, Anno Domini with the serial numbers filed off
Unless you saw before, you'd never know this building was made and dedicated by Jewish people. The synagogue is now a Episcopal church, their big neon sign overshadowing the carefully carved stone tablets above the door.
I feel a little more alone again.
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nervousbreadpuppy · 7 months
why did i start reading the ballad of songbirds and snakes i hate rich people and politics those are like two of my least favorite things
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klaviergavinwiki · 8 months
far be it from me to like expect people on this site to have braincells but i don't think saying "these guys are WEAK and PATHETIC! I mod Karlach to be BEEFIER and add MORE scars because i have TASTE" in response to people like removing her scars and making her skinnier is the exalted read you think it is
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shadow-pixelle · 1 year
Mmmmm noodle brain says words illegal. 'Tis very rude, I have Things and Stuff to write.
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not-urbabbe · 2 years
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 months
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prince and prince friendship. this is my vision
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@vanweek2024 day 6 - spare
vanny goes bowling !
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kagoutiss · 10 months
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oot zelda doodle i liked :’-)))
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since i'm back on my x-men bullshit: One underrated subplot in x-men first class is to me the way Charles, Hank, and Raven are totally fine experimenting on themselves (Cerebro, the serum Hank creates) and Erik - the person who has actually been experimented on in the most horrific circumstances imaginable - frequently going "can you...maybe not???"
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milkweedman · 5 months
It is interesting how much math comes into even the most basic of like. Making things. Making almost anything. And often not numbers necessarily but proportions and geometry. I think all the time about how castles were built with geometry at the heart of it. And I use the same kind of proportional math to make socks fit. And none of my pieces are ever knit with a prime number of stitches--because you use factors to make neat colorwork and ribbing and different stitches. Idk ! I remember constantly thinking 'how the hell is THIS gonna come in useful ?' But it always does. Math is at the heart of everything, and knowing how to apply it is a tool of critical importance to Thinking Up A Shape And Making It.
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seraphsfire · 20 days
any other spoonies or people with fibro/chronic fatigue/myalgic encephalomyletis/adhd/etc start just *trying* to think of the steps to a complex mental task have an immediate brain shutdown and get sleepy/fatigued/feel drugg/ed and physically exhausted immediately after doing so bc i feel like im going crazy and googling/duckduckgo-ing yeilded only like, mayo clinic articles defining chronic fatigue so. lol
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vristrogen · 21 days
something about people calling vrisrezi "toxic yuri" always puts me off. i understand the lack of words to really put their dynamic but like you know theyre in a relationship thats largely good for them right. they arent dating because "it sucks but it would be worse without each other" they genuinely really love each other a lot
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