#where he realizes that to be the best malewife to her
michyeosseo · 1 year
why do you keep losing yourself?
why can’t we feel the same way?
Can Love Be Fair by G.Soul feat. Ben
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egcdeath · 1 year
spectator sport
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pairing: joel miller x reader
summary: you and joel are the most competitive parents in your daughters’ soccer league. as it turns out, it’s not so easy being enemies when your daughters become best friends.
word count: 4.8k
warnings: canon divergent (no apocalypse yay!), rivals(?) to lovers, they don’t really like each other at the start but they also kinda do?, fluff, realizing feelings, domestic moments, yearning, allusions to a divorce 
author’s note: tlou is an angsty masterpiece, but sometimes all i want is a little lighthearted fun. is this the most in character thing?? no! is it more fun to imagine malewife joel in a world without cordyceps? well… you tell me ;) 
part two / series masterlist
“You got it, Chlo,” you cheered from behind a spray painted white line on a cleat-beaten grassy field. You balled your fists as you anxiously watched your daughter chase after the ball with a ferocity, herding it closer and closer towards the goal.
Your daughter had always had a passion for soccer, having watched professional matches with her father since the moment she could comprehend the game, and playing as soon as she could walk. Chloe had leaned even further into the sport following you and your ex-husband’s somewhat messy divorce, which left you in charge of bringing her to practices on Tuesdays, and games on Thursdays. It wasn’t like you minded much, you were always happy to support your daughter in whatever brought her joy. 
“Pass it! Pass it!” a loud, masculine voice interjected as the man next to you shouted at your daughter. 
Joel was not exactly your favorite parent on the team. While most of the parents enjoyed his presence, with his oddly wise advice for the girls and vocal support of the team (it also helped that he was quite easy on the eyes), something about the man had always thrown you off. Maybe it was his stubborn demeanor, or the way that he found a way to argue with you during every single game, without fail. 
Now, as far as soccer parents went, you weren’t the worst. You had your moments of snapping at a shitty referee after a particularly rough week at work, or possibly being a little too enthusiastic when something bad happened to the opposing team, but somehow Joel always managed to do or say something that provoked you just enough to go back and forth with him.
Chloe glanced over in his direction, briefly losing her footing in perfect time for a member of the opposing team to snatch the ball right out from under her. 
There was a collective groan from some of the more intense parents on your side, and you openly glared at them for indicating their disappointment with your daughter’s performance. But this wasn’t their fault. It was Joel’s.
“Great call out there,” you spat, shooting daggers in Joel’s direction as you took a few steps closer to where he was standing.
“Oh please,” you could practically hear the roll of his eyes in his words as he prepared to defend himself from your vitriol. “You think I wanted that to happen? I’m rooting for the whole team, not just my child.”
“I am not just rooting for my kid,” you delivered the statement a little too genuinely considering that the truth was probably closer to the opposite. “But you’re acting like you wouldn’t have felt the same way if it was your daughter.”
“I wouldn’t, ‘cause I understand that we’re probably gonna win,” Joel responded casually with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“Well, we would’ve had a much better shot at that if you weren’t so dead set on yelling shitty directions at the girls. Maybe leave that to their coach?”
“Hey, don’t curse! You’re forgetting there are kids around,” one of the fathers interjected, sounding far more offended than he needed to be. 
“Shut up, Mark,” you and Joel said at almost the same time, voices overlapping. Your little spats were yours and yours only, and you’d thought it was common knowledge by now not to interfere when any of the parents were getting into it—but especially with you two. 
As usual, your little back and forth seemed to go on and on. It had reached the point where you weren’t even really sure it had anything to do with the game as much as it had to do with the text you’d received from your ex just a few hours before the game, and whatever bullshit Joel had going on in his own life.
As much as you’d like to say you had self awareness, week after week the other parents shared knowing looks and snickered at your spectacle, yet being the laughing stock of the game didn’t deter either of you. 
This week’s argument was no different. 
To be quite honest, you hadn’t ever really paid attention to those who treated your spats as their mid-game entertainment. Right now, all you could think about was stupid Joel, shouting something stupid at your daughter, making her lose her focus, and miss out on a moment. 
Well, maybe you two had too much tunnel vision, as an uproar of cheers from your side pulled both of your attention from each other, and to the celebrating team on the field. Particularly, Chloe and Sarah high-fiving as they jogged away from the goal. 
Awkwardly the two of you clapped, cheering the names of your respective children. You didn’t miss the slight flush of red on Joel’s cheeks after missing the sight of his daughter working with yours to score, but you would be a liar if you didn’t admit that you felt the slightest hint of embarrassment too.
The game wrapped up soon after, with a quick discussion with the coach before the children were dismissed back to their families. As you waited for Chloe, you didn’t miss the newfound camaraderie between herself and Sarah, with the girls seemingly laughing at something as they made their way over to you. 
Despite whatever negative feelings you may have had towards Joel, you were always happy to see your daughter happy, and if that meant you may have to tolerate the father of her friend, maybe, just maybe, you would stop treating her games as an arena for your shouting matches.
As an involved parent, you were no stranger to school fundraisers. For the most part, you would enter a raffle and sit through a catered dinner as the school choir butchered school-appropriate songs, or purchase a handful of chocolate bars from whatever kid was knocking at your door. However, for this fundraiser, Chloe insisted that you volunteer. 
It was a simple bake sale occurring during school hours, and you had the day off. How bad could it really be?
Apparently, really bad. 
Just minutes after you arrived and began to set out the cash box and assorted baked goods, an unwelcome presence joined you, immediately bringing an uncomfortable tension into the atmosphere. If you knew when you signed up for this event that you would be working with Joel Miller, you could guarantee you wouldn’t have been so eager to register.
“Oh, hey,” you tensely acknowledged after a moment, glancing up at the man who was joining you, then back down at the bagged brownies in front of you.
“Hey,” he responded just a second too quickly, then went silent as he seemed to feel out the awkward tension in the room. After a few seconds of heavy silence that felt closer to an hour, he finally added, “Any ways can I help out?” 
Joel gestured to the table where you’d been organizing some of the baked goods. “Is there a method to your madness? Or just…” he trailed off awkwardly. 
It was obvious that he hadn’t expected to be working with you, likely not enthused to be spending a good portion of the day in such close proximity with someone he clearly did not like being around. The situation was almost comical—spending hours in a school with someone that you weren’t sure you could spend five minutes with without breaking into explicit argument. Obviously it would be inappropriate to argue with him in this setting, so you reasoned that for the duration of your shift, you could at least attempt to be cordial.
“Uh, they just want us to keep twenty items out at a time,” you shrugged. You could be cordial. You could just give Joel instructions, then only interact with him when need be. “And to keep gluten free items in this basket. Other than that, everything is set up. The first lunch period’s in about a half hour, so we won’t have much to do until then.”
“Got it,” Joel nodded, pulling out a rather squeaky chair before taking a seat next to you. 
The following few minutes could only be described as painfully awkward. You could cut the tension with a knife as you attempted to scroll nonchalantly on your phone, and Joel uncomfortably rubbed his hands on his jeans. This was going to be a long afternoon.
“So, what made you decide to help out today?” he asked out of the blue, drawing your attention away from your phone and over to his face.
Okay, you could handle small talk without getting into an argument. Besides, it’s not like you had anything to argue about. And to be frank, were your arguments really ever anything of substance? Sure, sometimes you both had done something slightly annoying or antagonistic, but your arguments never really felt that serious. 
“Chloe knew I had the day off and pretty enthusiastically suggested I come help,” you shrugged as almost a means to shake some of your nerves out. “How about you?”
“Pretty similar on my end. Sarah thought it would be a great idea for me to come in today and help out.” Joel looked at you, then back down at his watch, as if he didn’t want to maintain eye contact for too long. 
What a strange coincidence. Both of your daughters suggest you come to their school and work together on something.
You bit back whatever emotion it was involuntarily forming on your lips as it occurred to you that there was not a chance in Hell that this was accidental. Sarah and Chloe seemed to be quite close—you rarely heard a story that didn’t involve Sarah these days—and it was not unlike your daughter to plot schemes to try to fix relationships, a trait you and your ex-husband know a little too well. Clever, clever girls.
“What are the odds this was on purpose?” you asked, finally not restraining your entertainment by this whole situation. How ridiculous. And ironic. How ridiculously ironic. 
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say quite high,” Joel pressed his lips together and shook his head to himself. 
And while you’d rather have your child just communicate to you that you’re embarrassing her at games, or that she would prefer you to be at the very least amicable with her new best friend’s father, at the end of the day you couldn’t really blame her for pulling off an elaborate plot. Besides, your feud with Joel was silly and unnecessary, and part of you had always wondered if you hadn’t spent so much time arguing with him, if you two would actually get along. 
“If they did plan this, which they most certainly did, we have some smart kids,” you chuckled softly. “And maybe for the sake of them, we can attempt to be… friendly?”
Joel nodded slowly, “I can do friendly.”
A truce. Although the tension between you could still be cut with a knife, it felt nice to agree at the very least not to start a war at the little table. 
”Can we really blame them for setting us up?” you pondered aloud, “I mean, who would want their best friend’s parents to be enemies?”
“We’re enemies?” Joel asked with a lift of his brow.
“Well,” you paused. You weren’t really enemies. Despite all of the heated arguments, more times than not, Joel provided you a pretty safe outlet to vent your feelings without many repercussions. “Maybe… rivals?”
Joel shrugged, “Maybe. I know for certain I don’t see you as an enemy. Although, I apologize if I ever made you feel that way.”
Was Joel… apologizing? First, working together with the man, and now an apology. Maybe you should’ve gone and visited your psychic after all, with the unpredictable way your week was turning out. 
“I’m sorry,” he admitted, sounding quite genuine. You still weren’t completely sure that this was some weird joke, or that you’d woken up in a parallel dimension. “For always stirring the pot during games. It’s really quite-“
“Joel, it’s really not an issue,” earnestly and without a thought you interrupted the apologetic man, not wanting him to feel the guilt of being solely responsible for your little tussles. “I don’t take anything you say during games seriously. But I also want to apologize. It’s probably not the best to find little things to argue about every week.”
“I just wanted to be clear that I don’t hate you or anything,” he emphasized.
“Well I don’t want you to think I hate you either. If we’re being honest, it’s been pretty nice to be able to inconsequentially blow off steam every now and then. If anything, you’re doing me a favor.”
The corners of his lips turned up and into the slightest smile at your admission, and suddenly it had felt as if a weight had lifted off of your shoulders, and a bit more of the tension had dissolved in the room. 
“No hard feelings?” he offered. 
“None. Maybe the opposite,” you teased.
“Well, you know what they say about love and hate…”
“Now that may be a step too far.”
As it turned out, you and Joel made a pretty efficient bake sale team. Joel helped the kids pick out their baked goods, and you cashed the kids out. Sure, it wasn’t the most complex operation, but it felt nice to be in such a comfortable rhythm, especially considering the majority of your professional work you did alone. 
By the end of your shift, you were far less displeased with your situation. In fact, one might even say that you enjoyed spending your afternoon at the sale with your daughter’s best friend’s father. Maybe Chloe and Sarah’s plot to force you together wasn’t so terrible after all. 
Maybe Joel wasn’t so terrible after all.
Every year, Autumn means one thing in your town: the annual fall festival.
It was honestly impressive the way that the entire community would go all out to put on such a large event in order to adequately honor the season, although part of you was convinced that the whole weekend-long event was an excuse for kids and adults alike to indulge in candy apples and Oreo turkeys and show off unnaturally large pumpkins. 
This year was no different, and as tradition, you and Chloe hauled yourselves down to the festival. It just happened to be your luck that as you were exiting the car, a pickup truck pulling into a parking space caught Chloe’s attention. 
“It’s Sarah!” your daughter informed you, practically skipping over to the vehicle. You followed after your daughter (who just so happened to be much faster than you) as she pulled her friend into a hug the very moment she popped out of the car. 
Joel hopped out as well, glancing at your children who already seemed to be walking off towards the fair, then back to you.
“How are you?” he asked, fidgeting with his keys as he put them into his pocket. It was clear that despite deciding not to feud anymore, things were still a little fresh and weird between you two. 
“Good, good,” you trailed off, nodding slowly as you slipped your hands into your own pockets and began to follow the two girls. Somehow, Joel ended up walking next to you as you trailed behind your daughters, and a light tension filled the air. 
Despite feeling slightly more comfortable with him after your shift together at the bake sale, it was clear that there was still some strange awkward energy between you two. After all, you had only made amends around a week ago, and prior to that, the majority of your interactions had included some sort of verbal altercation.
Walking into the fair, you maintained a less-than-comfortable silence as your daughters chatted and led the way to the field, filled with booths and stations as far as your eye could see. 
After a bit of aimless walking around, Chloe suggested a stop at a cornhole station. Watching your respective children play from the sidelines, you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the pure, unadulterated joy coming from your daughter as her and Sarah bantered with each other and tossed little bean bags. After ending with a tie, the pair began to walk away from where they were standing before pausing in front of you and Joel.
“You guys should play!” Sarah suggested enthusiastically, looking up at her father with an animated look in her eyes. 
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Joel trailed off and glanced at you as if he wanted to check how you were feeling on the matter. 
Sure, you didn’t have the upper body strength of someone who did construction for a living, but you were confident in your ability to kick some ass at corn hole. 
“C’mon, mom. And you too, Joel. It’s fun! It’ll be fun!” Chloe, ever the instigator, egged you on. 
“Alright, alright, since you insist,” you played up your reluctance, but happily accepted the red beanbags your daughter offered you. “It’s on, Miller,” you said as you approached the boards. 
“Just you wait,” he shot back, matching the overconfident, cocky persona you’d seemed to put on. “Before I embarrass you, I’ll be polite and let you go first.”
“How kind,” you playfully rolled your eyes, but focused long enough to toss the pack not too hard and not too light, and it slid on the board before landing in the hole. “What was that about embarrassing myself?”
Heckling Joel was unsurprisingly quite easy, considering the majority of your interactions prior to the past week had consisted of taking blows at each other. What you didn’t expect was how naturally the banter between you flowed when both of you were able to acknowledge that what you were saying really wasn’t serious at all.
“I think that was called luck. You still have plenty of time to embarrass yourself,” Joel didn’t even miss a beat as he tossed his bean bag with ease, landing right into the hole.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed by his aim, and that your confidence hadn’t slightly faltered. For once in your life, it was possible that a man wasn’t over exaggerating his capabilities.
“Not bad, Joel,” you brushed his accomplishment off as you went to toss your next bag. This time, you weren’t so lucky, and your turn ended with your beanbag on the side of the board.
Chloe and Sarah dramatically reacted from the side, cheering or whooping whenever they saw fit. In a weird way, it was like your roles had been reversed. You and Joel were no longer the overenthusiastic spectators.
“What did I say? Luck,” Joel tutted. “Look, girls. I’ll show you how a real expert does it.”
Turning his back to you and the board, Joel attempted to toss his bag through the board, yet as he turned back around, he found it in the grass between your two boards. 
You, Sarah, and Chloe erupted into laughter at the irony of it all, so much so that Joel couldn’t even help but to join in. 
“Great job, ‘real expert’. Can you teach me your ways?”
You were somewhat stunned with the speed at which the ice had broken between you and Joel. Just a few minutes ago walking into the fair, you were nervous that the evening would be tense and awkward, yet here you were, teasing and laughing right along with each other.
Once your laughter subsided, you both tossed your last bags, with you making it in and Joel missing. After a gratuitous moment of celebration, Joel walked over to you and extended his hand for a handshake. You took up his offer, and firmly shook his hand. 
“Good job out there. You were a worthy opponent.”
“Thank you, Joel. I could say the same, but I won’t. Y’know, since you lost.”
This received a giggle from your kids as Joel abruptly dropped your hand, feigning offense. Maybe it had just been a long time since you’d received any physical affection at all, but the loss of his brief grip stirred something strange deep inside of you. 
Ew. No. 
You could barely tolerate this man a week ago. Sure, he wasn’t terrible to look at, and your daughter had seemed to take a liking to him, but you’d be remiss if you hadn’t thought about all of those charged arguments you’d had during soccer games. You had only just recently considered him to be anything more than a nuisance. 
“Where to next?” Joel asked, pulling you out of your head as the girls began to chatter and move in the direction of whatever booth had caught their eyes. 
That was a train of thought for another time. Maybe you’d let yourself think about it tonight night, as you attempt to fall asleep in a bed that’s far too big for one person and far too cold without someone else there. But not here, where the situation felt like a live wire, and a little too real for your liking. 
For the most part, Chloe’s soccer hobby took up more time than it gave you. The time it took going to practices, games, and tournaments quickly added up, on top of working an absurd amount to make sure that you could pay the mortgage and club fees on time and keep your child happy. The one exception to this general rule were team dinner nights—a night where you didn’t have to worry about spending an hour or two in the kitchen, giving you far more free time to do whatever you wanted.
This time around, Joel was hosting the dinner at his place. Clearly, Chloe was excited to be spending the evening at her closest friend’s home, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t the slightest bit curious to see what his place looked like.
And maybe, just maybe, you were the slightest bit excited to see Joel again. 
“Can we just go over early?” she requested as you checked the nearly done cookies in the oven. “Can I go over early to hang out with Sarah? Please?”
You practically could hear the puppy dog eyes in her voice, and when you looked over to her, she was indeed looking at you with a somewhat convincing sense of desperation. It was never easy for you to say no to your daughter, which she unfortunately knew. This time was no different. 
Sighing softly, you conceded, “have Sarah ask her dad if you can come by.”
Chloe cheered as she dashed off to the other room, seemingly reaching out to her friend who very quickly responded, as your daughter was back in just a few minutes with confirmation that she could come by any time. 
Quickly pulling the cookies out from the oven and throwing them into a container, you packed Chloe into the car, and hauled her over to her friend’s house. 
Chloe grabbed your Tupperware and skipped to the door, politely knocking and waiting patiently as you stayed seated in your car, just to make sure your daughter got in okay. As if she was awaiting Chloe’s arrival (and she most definitely was), Sarah pulled open the door the moment Chloe had put her knuckles to the door and welcomed her friend in. 
A somewhat muffled voice from inside called something out, leaving Sarah to relay it back to you: “Before you go, my dad wanted to know if you wanted to stop in for a drink?” she called out, just loud enough for you to hear from your open window.
Any other day, you would’ve said no. But for some reason, coming in and checking in just felt right today—so that was exactly what you did. It wasn’t like you and Joel weren’t in friendship territory with each other. 
While the girls ran off upstairs, you made your way to the kitchen to find a very stressed-looking Joel. He was in complete disarray as he checked the oven twice, then the fridge for something, then stirred something in a pot.
“Hey, you alright?” you asked right off the bat, setting down the container of cookies your daughter had given back to you onto his countertop. 
“Yeah, fine. Just didn’t think about how I was gonna cook all of this in time,” he moved away from the stovetop and towards a cupboard to grab you a glass. “Now what would you like to drink? I’ve got some coke, some juice, something a little stronger…?”
“Just water is fine,” you hummed, awkwardly standing by the counter. “Joel, do you want some help? You know, four hands are better than two. And I’m pretty competent when it comes to reading and following a recipe.”
“Please,” he barely let you finish speaking before he spoke, and desperation was practically dripping off his tone as he passed you a glass of water.
You weren’t sure you expected him to say yes, but you were somewhat surprised when he agreed anyway. He didn’t exactly seem like the type to accept help, let alone ask for it. Joel must’ve been even more stressed than you initially picked up on. 
“Of course. What would you like me to do?”
“Uh, if you could just cut up some of the fruit that would be great,” the man ran his hands through his hair as he approached the fridge once more.
You nodded and walked over to the cutting board where it was clear that Joel had begun to attempt cutting some fruit up, but had been interrupted by one of the many pots on the stovetop or dishes in the oven.
Although you didn’t necessarily envision your evening being spent in a frantic Joel Miller’s kitchen, you weren’t particularly mad at it. It didn’t take long for you two to fall into that easy collaborative rhythm that you seemed to always have when it came to working together. Maybe you weren’t too bad of a team after all. 
By the time the doorbell rang with the first family, you and Joel had just finished up, and your daughters had just about finished setting up the table in the dining room and on the patio. Taking you by surprise, Joel reached out for a high-five, which gave you a hearty laugh as the two of you tapped hands.
“I appreciate your help,” he remarked. “You saved my ass tonight.”
By all means, dinner was a success. Parents and children raved about how good everything was, and conversing with Joel and the other parents was surprisingly easy—despite you not noticing the knowing looks that a few of the more gossipy moms frequently shot each other. 
Luckily, a few families assisted in cleaning things up after dinner before heading out, cutting the time you’d need to spend helping with cleaning pretty significantly. As the night wound down, it came as no surprise when Chloe asked if she and Sarah could hang out for just a bit longer. It’s not like an extra hour would kill you, especially not when Joel was pulling out a bottle of white wine and suggesting sitting out on the patio in the pleasant Austin autumn weather. 
As you got settled into your seat, Joel poured you out a glass before pouring himself some. You sighed contentedly, happy with a rather pleasant evening, but tired from the stress of the day. 
“Thank you for helping me out. There’s no way in hell I could’ve done this without you,” he confessed, peering deeply into your eyes. He looked at you for just a moment too long, the attention bringing a warmth to your face.
“I’m always happy to help anyone,” you smiled shyly under the pressure of his intense look before taking a sip of your drink. “Well, maybe I wouldn’t be happy to help Amy. But I’m always happy to help you.”
“Well, I appreciate you,” Joel paused as he drank. “And I wouldn’t help Amy either.”
The two of you shared a little laugh before a rather comfortable silence filled the air. The two of you looked up at the sky, gazing at the stars that seemed to be shining a little more bright than usual.
“I’d like to repay you somehow,” Joel said, breaking the silence as he continued to keep his eyes fixed on the sky. 
“Mm, that’s not necessary,” you hummed. “Dinner was plenty. It was great, and Chloe and I will definitely be enjoying our leftovers.”
“It’s necessary to me,” Joel paused as if he was contemplating even saying the next words. “Would you let me take you out sometime?” 
It was clear that he was looking right at you, nervously anticipating your answer. 
You cracked a slight smile as you turned your head towards him, “That would be nice,” you nodded. “I think that would be really nice.”
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blueblurseptember · 1 year
god, i've been so busy these past weeks bc of work, and i am hating every moment of it. i just really wanna write a binggeyuan fic where bingge tries to "restore" the soul of the shen jiu of his world after meeting cucumber qiu, not knowing any better (that they're two different people), only to somehow end up reverse transmigrating in the modern world.
and as it turns out, in this timeline [original timeline of the universe/fate, i guess?], shen yuan didn't die and transmigrate. instead, he survived the cause of his death in the svsss universe, was forced to move back into his family's house, and is seeing a therapist to much more healthily cope with what had caused him to hyperfixate and self-neglect [almost] to the point of death – the loss of his little sister to [a longterm terminal illness].
i can already picture it clearly in my head: shen yuan obsessively finishing the proud immortal demonic way in 20 days for his sister bc she didn't make it for the ending. her favorite character is yue qingyuan, and she ships him with shen jiu – shen yuan doesn't get it. not when yue qingyuan is such an angel, and shen jiu, in his opinion, is such a piece of shit!!! being such a creep to ning yingying and hurting the protagonist luo binghe!!! (his own personal favorite, he realizes.)
his personal fixation with binghe grows after he blackens; he doesn't realize it won't admit it, isn't aware of it, but he can relate to the rage, the hunger for power so he doesn't end up losing someone important again, the ability to achieve the impossible, and take matters into his own hands.
bingge learns all about this, puts all the pieces together, fills in the blanks, and in getting to know shen yuan, he also figures out the mystery that is the uncharacteristically loving, gentle, and kind shen qingqiu from that other universe.
the delusional (but accurate!!) conclusion he arrives at from all this is that they are deadass soul mates, and that in every universe where there is a luo binghe, there is a shen yuan fated to find him or be found by him, and they will save each other with love they never knew they're capable of giving another person.
all that, plus, screw being a demon realm emperor. he's found his truest and best calling in life and it's to become shen yuan's maiden-hearted malewife who likes to clean, cook, wash the dishes, pamper his husband, and make his entire world revolve around his husband. as much as he loathes to admit it, he gets it now. turns out that supposedly inferior version of himself in that other universe was onto something being that sickeningly soft and sticky.
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My Hellaverse ship takes!
First off all, these are my opinions and I respect other people's tastes. Please respect that what I'm about to say is all subjective and there isn't any right or wrong pairings at the end of the day (unless it's like. Legit fucked)
Secondly, please don't get mad if your favorite pairing didn't make it into my preferences or what not. Everybody's got different tastes. Again, it's all subjective! If you like (x) pairing and it isn’t in the "like" section, good for you - seriously, have fun as long as it hurts nobody.
That being said, here's my thoughts.
OTP(s) + Pairings I LOVE:
Stolas x Blitzø - The most divisive yet amazing. They’re controversial but damn, I love them so much. I love their slow burn into something that isn’t as toxic as they started. I love their history. I love how their personalities can click well in subtle ways. I love how similar they are in some ways (i.e. self loathing) yet different in other ways. They’re both massive disasters, and that’s what makes them fit - even if it’s taking them forever to realize it. Ultimate otp material.
Charlie x Vaggie - um, how can you NOT love them? They are so adorable. Nice and healthy, and sure they’re super vanilla but what’s wrong with that? The way you could fill in the blanks with how they got together. The way Vaggie being a fallen angel proves Charlie’s ambitions aren’t foolish. The whole grumpy girl/smiley girl she’s soft for dynamic! Ugh, sweethearts. THE girls of all time. Can’t get enough.
Alastor x Rosie - so quick note, I'm aspec myself and prefer seeing radio demon bastard man as a demiromantic/gray asexual. It's a spectrum, guys, and the staff says it's OK to pair him off. So yeah, I love these two... they're such an old married couple type. Kind of see it as slow burn friends to lovers, but without so much drama, and more cannibalism. She keeps him steady yet doesn’t stifle him like I see in some other ships. He also lets her run wild and they are so complementary of each other. If he HAS to be with somebody romantically, let it be his best friend - the one who didn’t turn on him - and the one he cares for the most and actually trusts.
...plus, anybody get Xibalba and La Muerte vibes from them a la The Book of Life? No, just me? OK.
Moxxie x Millie - married couple of crazy kids in love. They’re sweet yet freaky. I can’t not stan them.
Husk x Angel - I don’t care what the detractors say, I love them. Hurt people finding comfort in each other is a trope I ADORE and these two take it to a level I'm just at a point where, if I had to, I'd chew on glass to see more of them on screen. Also... they have some great chemistry. You just have to look at the subtleties.
Fizz x Ozzie - pretty explanatory. Imagine if Chaggie was two guys, one an imp and the other a sin, and they were not only super adorable and healthy and happy but also kinky. I gotta stan, once again.
Lucifer x Lilith - very basic, old married couple. They have a lot of issues to work out, even if I don’t necessarily think Lilith’s gonna be some evil conniving bitch - though it’s fun to explore that in fics I’ll admit - since she did just up and disappear for more than a decade. Still, I like them. He risked everything and lost everything in heaven for her, and she was willing to build hell with him - the dreamers in love. Malewife and girlboss but if more complicated.
Lucifer x Paimon - this sounds cracky, but hear me out! The actual dads of Charlie (and Stolas). In actual lore of demonology, Paimon is the Goetia who’s most loyal to Lucifer. Undying loyalties, I'm talking. Yes, in the Hellaverse, he’s an absolute asshole, but asshole to everybody but the one I love is a trope that’s got me hooked. I think Lucifer could rub off well on Paimon, probably knock him down all those pegs. Redemption, though probably not in the way Charlie was going for - especially not if it means her stepbrother is a total disaster and she has 70+ more stepsiblings... details! Oh, and bonus if it’s poly with Lilith.
Striker x Stella - Stella's not my fave, at all, but I like her and Striker together. I think they'd be total nasty assholes but an absolute evil power couple. Yes, it's hypocritical for them to get together because of their views, but hey - who doesn’t love a contradictory ship every now and then?
Zestial x Carmilla - another pretty basic pairing. It's vanilla and will never happen, but I love them still. Old married couple, once again, and Zestial adopting Carmilla's daughters is just very sweet to me. Plus if she's portrayed as a fallen seraphim, it'd be interesting - the hellborn who allowed a fallen angel into his ranks, gave her a chance when nobody else would. The potential.
Charlie x Emily - super fluffy and fun. Better if it's poly with Vaggie. Charlie has two hands.
Ships I like:
Valentino x Vox - only as mostly a work relationship/on and off fling. I don’t deny they have feelings for each other but personally I don’t take the "they're in love" here as more than they found solace in each other's awfulness. I enjoy them and their banters but I'd be hard pressed to really write up on them. They do make a good villain/villain pair, but it’s just not my favorite due to Valentino being...Valentino. Yet somehow them both being so awful works it out, so how can I object?
Blitzø x Fizz - first love type, and I like it even if I'm biased for stolitz and fizz/ozzie. They’re great in their own way and I love how they’ve been able to patch things up. I see the vision here, it’s good, it’s just not my primary vision.
PAST Adam/Lucifer/Lilith/Eve - fucked up polycule being the actual reason it went to shit in Eden? Sign me up. I like the idea that Charlie’s been fed a half truth and neither her parents wanted to admit that Adam and Lucifer had a thing, and Eve and Lilith did too. I don’t know if I'd pair them as an OT4 in a post canon tense, but in terms of bitter exes? YES. I also think Adamsapple is my overall favorite combination of this, though all are good except maybe Adam x Lilith, which I don’t see as more than just really bitter divorced couple. Still, great poly. Just again, not my primary thing.
Adam x Lute - super popular again, pretty cliché boss/subordinate pairing but they’re both such assholes that they'd work so well. There’s SOME type of thing going on there, I'm sure. If we get Adam back in S2, I'd love to see glimpses of him and Lute again even if that's such wishful thinking.
Rosie x Velvette - for some reason, I like this. Mainly as one-sided on Velvette’s end, but still. I think Velvette’s 36, and Rosie's not more than 49 (I hc she's a sinner) so it wouldn’t be...super awkward. The idea of Velvette being a bitch to Carmilla but flustered around Rosie is funny to me. Too bad I can't find art of just them.
Verosika x Stella - bad bitch and big bitch. I blame that swap au mostly. I could see it as them first bonding over their exes but then actual feelings spring, and Stella has her bi awakening (and redemption arc in my eyes, never underestimate my love for wlw!). It’s just super interesting to me.
Sallie May x Barbie - I haven’t got much to say other than that I just want them to be girlfriends. And for Blitzø to freak out in realizing Moxxie is technically his brother in law, and Millie's actually his sister in law. OK bye-
Paimon x Tilla - I blame some Stolitz fix-it fics for this! AUs where Paimon actually becomes a decent father and doesn’t arrange the marriage between Stella and Stolas, and instead decides after Cash abandons his family to donate to the circus; that shit has me on a tight grip! Not my go to for King Bastard, but goddamn it’s so INTRIGUING. The hypocrisy of it is deeper than Strella. He falls for not just an imp but an obvious imp/succubi mix? Like? Hello?? Only reason I don’t pair this as much as Lucifer and Paimon is because it makes Stolitz harder to become endgame for, well, obvious reasons. It’s a fun what-if, but unfortunately unless I can come up with a scenario where they can meet when Stolitz is established as adults, it’s currently just in the "like" section of my ship list. :/ shame too, because there's no art of it? And no new fics...hmph.
Loona x Beelzebub x Vortex - poly again! This time it would actually work out. They'd have a chill dynamic and just party, hang out and Loona learns to loosen up a bit. Good stuff. Can't really say more than that.
Crimson x Alessio - assholes that deserve each other. Crimson is a shithead but I like them, idk. I think Alessio is like, the singular person he respects. That dynamic is something I fuck with.
Verosika x Sallie - I just think they’re neat and yeah, that’s it. I'm shamelessly into any F/F pairing that can grab my attention.
Pentious x Alastor - Cherri and Pentious felt...I don’t know? They are cute, but they never clicked with me. I liked the weird dynamic here more. Pentious is the only male character besides Zestial that he’s ever been close to "somewhat cordial" with. There is an interesting past that could be explored - why's Pentious extra nervous saying sorry to radio bastard... hmm. It's not a FAVORITE, but props for being more interesting than an actual canon pairing that had dynamics I should've been into (enemies to lovers, fast buildup/tension, kinky as fuck; Cherri and Pentious you had it all yet you couldn’t grab me WHY).
Stolas x Vassago - only in fanfics and fanart. I don’t know if I'm totally on board with them becoming a thing even if it'll be temporary. Im too biased, I know, and i think this is a good ship its just not something I'd root for as endgame. I do think Vassago is great though, deserves all the things a good boi does.
Ships I could get into:
Polycule Stolitz x Fizzozzie - sure, why not? I've read some fics of this. See the vision. They'd all actually be fun together.
Lucifer x Vox - totally crack but the stuff for it is so well done, and it'd piss off deer bastard to see the men he hates get together so? Gotta applaud.
Lute x Emily - enemies to friends to lovers, maybe? Very strangely cute. Dig it. Ship name for them however makes me guffaw in the worst ways. Name combinations are a blessing and curse in this fandom lmao
Adam x Mammon - funny, and they're both such massive douchebags it would work. Too bad I'm kind of digging into another ship with Mammon...
Leviathan x Mammon - I BLAME FANART FOR THIS. Ugh... it’s so fun to imagine them being an asshole power couple in the deadly sins. Sea creature that’s overly manipulative and the total clown that’s such a massive sack of shit yet can keel over for his bf, how could I not.
Sallie x Striker - sure, I’ll allow it. Mostly just prefer it platonic tho oops
Alastor x Zestial - again, the only guy Alastor doesn’t actively despise. They’re pretty cordial and I could see maybe a slowburn here. Perhaps poly with Carmilla?
Cherri x Pentious - maybe if I'm feeling generous in the future. Idk. I wish I felt something when they happened. I like them more in the pilot than in actual canon. Sad.
Vassago x Andrealphus - enemies to lovers and a plausible redemption for peacock bitch in my eyes. Can't complain.
The Loopty dude x Lyle Lypton - they were an old married couple you can’t tell me otherwise
Cash x Paimon - ONLY FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES. Cash is such an asshole and deserves nothing but...THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME I CANT DISLIKE IT. I'm so mad. Legit Stolitz but if they were godawful parents.
Tilla x the Mom of Moxxie - sure why not? Old women yuri. Let's go!
Vaggie x Emily - mostly prefer them with Charlie but it's too sugary to not enjoy tbh
Velvette x Vox - it's got that girlboss and malewife vibe. I just can't really seem to het-ship Velvette.
Polyvees - I love polycules tbh, but I see them all as evil besties so it’s so conflicting to me. Gahhhhh.
Striker x Stella x Verosika - does anybody ship this besides like, 3 other people. No? OK I guess I could be the forth. Don’t rlly pair Verosika with men despite seeing her as pan, but she and Striker dating Stella and hooking up occasionally is a cool idea. Rip Octavia tho jfc
Vox’s Assistant x Valentino’s assistant - I saw this ONCE and it’s alright. Could probably vibe with it if Travis wasn’t such a Val dickrider though probably not to Vox’s extent. Oh well.
There's more that fit here but I'm forgetting LMAO sorry...
Ships I'm very neutral on:
Carmilla x Rosie - I love femslash but I can’t get into this for some reason. It has all the dynamics I should love but it doesn’t click. Very upsetting to me.
Alastor x Angel - ughhhh this is where my gripes with popular ships begin. There's a vision here but I can't see it. It's not ruined for me like some other popular ships, but I can't be hard pressed to care for it? I want to enjoy it as a fun what if but smth about it doesn’t appeal to me. It isn't bad? I just...don't know. I'm sorry.
One-sided Vox x Alastor - strictly as unrequited, I see where people vibe with it. Vox’s obsession with Alastor is not a normal rivalry. Who the fuck puts up THAT many cameras around an area where the guy you hate is present? Why is he so pressed about Alastor turning down the offer to join the Vees? Why the fuck is he so goddamn tense and frustrated during the last half of that song??? Yet I can't get into this one way broadcast too much. A lot of it mischaracterizes Alastor's being aspec as if he'd cower at a man liking him, and assumes the aspec-ness means he can't ever love. I do not vibe with this shallow take.
The reason Alastor dislikes Vox is because he embodies what he HATES in men the most. His arrogance and shittiness. Alastor’s a hypocrite for this because he is also a terrible person in his own way, but Vox’s his own kind of fucked up that even Alastor has to take a step back - and yet it isn’t one-sided in the rivalry sense. Al likes to purposefully take a piss out of Vox. But it IS unrequited in the sense of Vox’s psycho-sexual and parasocial addiction to Alastor. He stalks him relentlessly. For that, I am so on the fence because I see this being portrayed as Alastor’s so mean for rejecting Vox! Wah! Vox really loved him! like excuse me???!
Vaggie x Lute - I understand where it comes from. Bitter exes. Yet I cannot get into it and that also upsets me. I love wlw lovers to enemies and yet!!! Agh. Why am I like this.
Stolas x Andrealphus - if it wasn’t for the fact I see Andrealphus as 13 years older than Stella and Stolas (thus he was already in his early 30s by the time they got forced into marriage at 19), THEN MAYBE. Just one-sided? Little hatefuck? Idfk.
Husk x Alastor - toxic as hell, but the art is good. I understand more if it's an AU where the gamble/contract isn't made, but...blah. I'm hardly into most popular ships with deer bastard, and I think cat-bird dude deserves better than him tbh.
Wally x Verosika - I see this sometimes? It’s hilarious but it’s definitely not something I'd actively search for. She's out of his league and he probably doesn't need that toxicity either.
Moxxie/Millie x Blitzø - only as a one-night threesome and nothing more. They're great buddies but damn, after a while, the running gag of Blitzø wanting to fuck them both just needs to stay a gag and nothing more than that.
Crimson x Stella - my mind tells me no, my body says yes. SEND HELP.
I'm too mean, maybe. Idk. This is where I prep up for "spicy" takes now...
Platonic / Found Family:
Alastor & Mimzy - I don’t care if Mimzy’s not really the greatest friend from her single appearance. There’s some HISTORY and I like to believe they are each other's rides or dies. They're so sibling coded, it hurts!
Rosie & Mimzy - them bonding over their love for Al. I am WEAK for this dynamic. Even if Rosie would probably be skeptical of Mimzy for a long time.
Alastor & Niffty - they are so father/daughter coded. Step aside, Charlie, Niffty is Alastor’s REAL daughter. For real though? I love them so much. The fact he’s so sweet with Niffty despite their weird contract. She adores him so much and gives him dead bug crowns?? King roach and his lil princess forever. <3
Carmilla & Vaggie - it’s a tough love dynamic but I have had a mother like that, so I DIG IT. The idea of Carmilla learning she cares about this fallen angel, and her adopting her into her family... Odette and Clara becoming Vaggie’s siblings? Zestial being the awkward father? Please give me this I'm obsessed!!!
Octavia & Loona - their sister bond has me bound and gagged. Loona being so soft around Octavia but still mean to others, like...yes. we love that. We need more of this. I would again, chew glass just to see their bond more.
Barbie Wire & Loona - I feel they’d probably get along well. Loona could help her adoptive aunt chill the fuck out (ironically or not idk). Plus I'm just a sucker to see broken families slowly mend ♡♡♡
Andrealphus & Stella - chaotic evil sibling duo... what more do you want?
Angel & Niffty & Husk - they both care for this little gremlin lady in their own ways and I honestly ate that shit up in that episode.
The Overlords & Vassago - in general, mostly as individual dynamics, but them being a funny squad in memes is something I want so badly. Esp since we don’t know yet if Vassago's overlord status was retconned. Like we don’t have concrete rules - what if he can be an Ars Goetia and an Overlord?
Alastor & Charlie - the only acceptable way to pair them is platonic. He’s her "I didn't actually adopt her but I've grown so attached I will do it mostly out of spite" dad. We love that for her.
Vaggie & Lucifer - give me more of them bonding as future in-laws.
Lucifer & Ozzie & Bee & Mammon - fucked up found family manifest, please... I am begging.
Sera & Lucifer - not as siblings but as ex best friends who fell out after he chose Lilith over heaven. It would be heartbreaking but cathartic (for me).
Vaggie & Angel - wlw/mlm animosity to solidarity arc when?
Squicks Me Out / No Thanks:
Charlie x Alastor - romantically? Nope. This is giving me vibes of some of the worst heroine/bad guy ships. That, and the homophobic fans of this - not saying all are homophobic but Those types - have made it hard for me to be sympathetic here. I personally also think it’s kind of gross that most sideline Vaggie or pair her off just so she's not in the way. That and that specific line in the Dad Vs Dad song doesn’t make me feel any more comfortable around this as a romantic prospect.
Two-sided Alastor x Vox - alarming tbh. A lot of stuff I see of this comes from the idea that, again, it’s wrong for Alastor not to rub shoulders and make out with a guy who disrespects him. Say what you will about Stolas and Blitzø but there’s mutual agreements and consensual understandings, toxic as they might be. There’s none of that in any potential relationship between Vox and Alastor. At most, they take pisses out of each other - but for them to go to loving each other? Nope... big nope. The worst enemies to lovers. They’re similar in the worst ways and too different in the worst ways - they'd probably suffocate one another or violently dismember each other before they'd ever kiss and make up.
For all I see complaining about Alastor and Rosie or Stolitz being too basic of an idea romantically, how is this any better tho? Vox is a voyeurist. Alastor’s a sadist. How could it ever work? I'm sorry to those who like this pairing as requited, but I personally can never get behind this. At all.
Lucifer & Alastor - ugh, it's everywhere and after seeing how rabid the fanbase got with it, like it's the only acceptable ship with either character, I just blacklist all ship tags and try to block it out entirely. I do not like this ship. It's very boring to me and there's no chemistry or anything that could potentially appeal to me here. Again, if you're into it, that's fine - just not for me.
I can never get into popular pairings sometimes, and this was one of them. I'm so sorry.
Stolas x Stella - don't need to explain this one. Ugh.
Verosika x Blitzo - nope... maybe as exes to explore, but the fanbase also ruined this for me. She needs to move on with a girl, and he should be with disaster owl prince. That's all.
Moxxie x Chaz - Chaz sucks and Moxxie deserved better.
Cash x Tilla - Cash sucks, and Tilla deserves better (yet I like her and Paimon...I know I'm a hypocrite, at least I'll admit it!).
Crimson x Cash - something, something... my absolute trauma seeing abusive dads together...something.
Crimson x Striker - hahaha, no.
Striker x Blitzø - another "was good as an idea but some people got so annoying that I can't stand it now" pair. Yes, I'm mean and hypocritical, I'll repeat it and apologize.
Absolutely Not:
Valentino x anybody who’s not a Vee - he is a bastard and belongs with bastards on his level. Keep him far away from Angel, particularly.
Any incest ships or pairings with Octavia and an adult - should I have to explain??? REALLY???? don’t make me explain.
Niffty x anybody - she’s just so... childish. It makes me so uncomfortable seeing her paired with Husk or Pentious. Damn.
Again, if your fave ship didn’t make the cut (unless it’s incest or p3do because then that’s just NOT IT)... I'm sorry! I'm just very picky sometimes. I wanted this post to be short but it ended up long. Super sorry but yeah these are my ship opinions <3
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dxmoness · 1 year
Give your moots a genshin valentine!! 💝
note: Omg this is going to be fun. This is so late 😭 I have too many mutual so will only do a few 🙁
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@sidra-29 — Kaveh.
personally I feel like Kaveh would be the best match for her since one, he'll be this extremely sweet lover who'll do anything for you and two he'd support her for anything she does. Plus he'll most likely talk her out of some negative feelings that she has for herself! Plus from the info I got in the post she made. Kaveh is everything she'd want.
originally I was gonna place Ayato but then realized he wouldn't exactly know how to have fun so yeah. Kaveh or maybe Kaeya?
@nxccolo — Diluc.
Idk why but when I think of Diluc I think of that he the same traits as Papyrus minus leaving her alone (I'm watching you). Since I feel he'd make you think he doesn't care and then suddenly comes in with everything she could ever want / need.
thought Zhongli would also be a good match, but judging your current bf / type I thought Diluc best fits.
@d10nsaint — Dottore.
Yes, I chose a red flag on purpose. Due to Brooke's many fucked up men. They'd fit so well together. Their fucked mindsets is just going to be fun for each other. Dottore talking about random stuff like how his experiments failed in a morbid way and Brooke's just admiring him 😭.
I'm eyeing you Brooke. Also I remember I post you made abt Dottore so I think or thought you like him? Another person would be another Harbinger or maybe you'd fit with the Raiden Shogun. Not Ei just the puppet.
— Thoma.
I'm kidding Brooke here's the actual one. Thoma because he'd be just the perfect househuband / malewife. He can also cook and make sure you don't burn the house down. Who knows your bonding moments may be about him teaching you how to cook. Thoma would try his hardest to love you no matter what and he'll be such a great caretaker for when you're sick. Plus the fact that he'll give all his time of work just to spend it with you.
@elychee — Xiangling.
I feel like you and Xiangling would always be in the kitchen cooking with each other and enjoying each other's company.
— Al Haitham.
You both would be arguing about who's more intelligent; Haitham winning but Ely doesn't back down so easily. Then after you fight about it, you both refuse to talk for like thirty minutes before talking again.
Al Haitham came to mind first so did him too. Xiangling would be such a sweet wife
@that-one-pretty-bitch — Kaeya.
I actually don't know why Kaeya came to mind, but he did si here he is. Kaeya would be a good husband expect the fact that he acts flirty sometimes but you know still a good husband. I feel like the fandom just does Kaeya dirty and he isn't actually a play boy as people say. For me, Kaeya would be so loyal to the point he'd give up his captain role for you.
If you don't like Kaeya I'm sorry 😭 another match could be Yae Miko, but then again idk
@roseadleyn — Kazuha.
Ahem one reason only because you deserve the world. Also because Kazuha is such a cute green flag I thought you two would fit so well for each other. You both would be so adorable with each other
I don't need to explain <33
@kaaveh — Ayato.
Personally think you fit so well with Ayato. (Heard you're an Ayato kinnie). He'd treat you like such a princess and buy you your cravings anytime. When there's days where he doesn't show up to the house, he'd make it up in other ways.
Ayato best man 😍
@ykassu — Ei.
Yes, you got the archon. Reasons are simple. You for one deserve everything. Ei could be so happy with you and love you so so much to the point that if someone annoys you or harasses you, she's willing to bring in her puppet into the picture.
Don't make Ei mad lmao.
@dion-s-lawyer — Rosaria.
Idk you just give Rosaria fancy vibes. I don't think Rosaria would be a bad lover in fact she'd be equivalent to Dion, but more loving.
Was gonna place Hu Tao, but I don't think-..
@yevenly — Yae.
Feel like this is a Yae situation and you'd fit Miko's standards although idk. Yae would be a good lover, though mostly will tease the f out of you 😭
@acuriousmoon — Bennett.
He may be an unlucky boy, but with you on his side he can take on any unlucky events ! Bennett would do anything to help or entertain you ^^
Our unlucky boy may be a great guy to be your lover
@cerisearan — Jean
Jean would be the best emotional support although she'll be gone most times, she'll come to see you or even sneak even when she's so tired.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 11 react
ok i found chapter 11 translated by amnemonie on tumblr (thank you thank you thank you and if you want me to take this down i will!!) but there's no guarantee ill be able to find the rest lmAOo we'll see
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i mean what no pathetic sopping wet man
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cat face izaya i thought id never see you again
man after realizing there's a minidura tag i saw a post that was like "i wish minidura got animated like bsd wan" and like. YEAH. PLEASE
it would be the perfect revival of the durarara fandom pleaseeeeeee do it for meeeeeeee we could revive durarara like we revived trigun
and i need shizuo izaya and shinra cooking together being animated. please
anyway izaya looks like he really doesnt wanna be here in that last panel and i mildly spoiled myself on the comments/reblogs saying this one is really mean to izaya which you know i live for. [cracks knuckles] i hope he gets hit by a truck but like an emotional one because that's the only one he'd really react to
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oh god he's more pathetic than i thought he'd be
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they're really looking at him like "damn bitch you good" which is fair
bro summoned up all his courage to ask 😭rip bozo
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izaya simultaneously has the best social skills known to man and the WORST social skills known to man
ill never stop bringing this up but. now presenting orihara "i love humans because they're so unpredictable" izaya getting fucked by humans' predictability everybody
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and here we see izaya walking awkwardly in his natural habitat, trying to eat cake with high schoolers /j
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kadota casually calling out izaya on his bullshit bkgjdSGKHDSHds
he just wants to eat cakeeeee someone go with him
not me though i wouldnt be caught dead with that man
i swear walker's face gets longer every time i see him and it tickles me so much
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aaaand cue shizuo on stage right
god bless erika for suggesting that he invite shizuo cuz id have done it myself
also "just today". are you implying that you want to see shizuo every other day. izaya.
oh my god thats actually sad okay
id say to ask namie but namie probably rejected him already without even letting him finish the question bkfdgjhgf
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shinra keeping up the stupid anniversaries trend from that other chapter we love a consistent malewife
man shiki he wasnt even here for work 😭 at least he got some food although karasumi does not look that good if im being honest
at least compared to cake
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shinraaaa you FORGOTTTT
may 4th is the date of my statistics exam but i swear ill celebrate it for you izaya. ill even mark it down on my calendar
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oh 💀 namie is as delusional as i am. love that for her
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he's even singing to himself ohhhhh poor baby...(i say this as if i'm not grinning wildly to myself in my room rn)
i swear i feel bad for him but he's so fun to bully
man i remember those fics where shizuo was the only one to remember izaya's birthday bgkjhfdgfd i guess those were founded from somewhere (even if his gifts were things like 'not chasing him today' or sending him black roses)
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oh my god 😭 he's so desperate at this point i didnt think he'd actually be happy to see shizu-chan
even grabbing him by the arms bkgdssdkahdskjhgsdsd
this is gonna end badly though if the comments/reblogs i read have anything to say about it
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😭yep the izaya bullying is real
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izaya's conscious too 💀 MAN
part of me feels like this is narita's personal revenge against the shizaya fans in his fanbase askdbgskjhsdhgsd shizuo needs to be extra cruel to prove he's not gay
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he's so happy to just get birthday textssssss this is so sad
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qourmet · 1 year
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i didnt post this here becos i forgor but Believe it or Not i've summed up So Many Headcanons about Everyone's Parents but between Xiao Laopo & This Lady Here (Wen Ning/Qing's Mom), i'm struggling to pick a favorite
tall lean/muscular Lady with a relatively cold demeanor. honestly close to lwj in terms of personality but quieter, my hc for her & her partner are just Tall Strong Girl Husband & Small Angry Smart Headstrong Malewife. Both the wen siblings get their hair from their dad, both of them get natural body Shape from their mom, wen ning gets his mom's height & eye-shape & wen qing gets her dad's skintone, height & eye-shape.
me who HC's wen ning with an hourglass figure
she's like, idk, 182cm & ranks 3rd or 4th on her generations list of Eligible Desirable Young Masters despite Everything. probably a nie sect disciple without being part of the nie clan. i think a Lot about how she & her husband Meet, & it's probably a slow build during a night hunt where she gets injured Enough & ofc other clans are There so wen-daifu is there because wen-gongzi is there & wen-gongzi wouldn't go without bullying his cousin/best-healer into going with him & responsibilities be damned cos wen-daifu heals whoever Needs it. something about her presenting him with a thank-you courtesy of a gift comprised of herbs and other medicinals grown in qinghe territory & he gives her a rare smile & that jumpstarts her courting of him. he doesn't even really realize it's courting until way late & a lot of their relationship is him griping while bandaging her & her quietly pushing his buttons to rile his ranting cos she just enjoys listening to him
eventually she'll get a sheet like cangse sanren & xiao laopo
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Sorry if I'm typing on the asks a lot, I just have a lot to unpack for Hua Jiao (and his lover)
Hua Jiao and Xci Nicco (Lakapati's nickname/ secondary name is Xci Nicco, so I'll just call Lakapati "Xci" for simplicity. They also use They/she pronouns so that's kinda nice..) definitely have a malewife husband and girlboss wife dynamic.
Xci is a mechanic.
Hua Jiao and Xci definitely met because Hua Jiao's motorbike broke down, leading him to go to a mutual friend. Said mutual friend goes to the mechanic dealership (I think that's what it's called) where Xci works at, needless to say on Hua Jiao's part, it was love at first sight. It also turns out that Mei used to go to the same mechanic dealership years ago, Xci's mother used to help Mei with her motorbike. Once Mei found out that Hua Jiao had a crush on the local mechanic, she definitely went:
And Hua Jiao would just try to shush her the best he can so his parents don't hear. Hua Jiao definitely tells Mei first whenever he has a problem, a crush, or something else entirely.
Never be scared to send asks about your ocs! I love them very much!
Hua Jiao and Xci meeting cus of motorbike problems and bonding over mechanics sounds so sweet!
I love the idea of Mei being the kids' Cool Aunt™ that they turn to for life advice. Hua Jiao especially sees her as a confidant.
I also just realized that the "Jiao" part of his name could have come from Mei's chinese name Xiaojiao, so she def was the one who named him XD
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renjibozo · 1 year
episode 7 thoughts dump (part 1/2)
(this will be referencing this post of mine and this one too)
(part 2 because this is getting too long)
ok so putting things under a cut again bc spoilers obviously <333
(edited a bit because damn i wrote this on a whim)
OK SO ! most of my predictions are. somewhat correct, if not just misplaced in the wrong areas of the episode
the episode IS centered around rei having to realize that kazuki's role in the house is difficult because he has to take care of so much (laundry, cooking, getting miri ready early and sent off to daycare) so i wasn't wrong about that
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this conversation is very nice to listen to as well because the thing of kazuki taking care of almost everything if not everything in the house is finally addressed! and they talk about it! somewhat. to mixed results
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and he is doing his best my god he is doing his best you're doing so great you cringefail of a man (/pos) but i'm glad that this episode pushed him to a point where he just realizes he has to help kazuki more
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this minute pause spoke to me so much because he was about to yell at her but stopped himself before he could..... amazing little detail
OK. NOW. THE SCENE THAT SPAWNED THIS ENTIRE POST. there must've been some kind of falling out between rei + miri and kazuki because he was screaming "I'm... not your housekeeper!" during dinner i'm suspecting that they finally got on his nerves if they never pick up after themselves properly or just the small stuff piled up onto kazuki and he had enough despite usually not really minding the fact that he has to do most if not all of the house chores but another theory i have is that the scene with the photograph is connected and because of the stress, it leads up to him taking it out on rei and miri. i'm distraught i don't want to see this episode but i have to. mfs gonna have a sk8 episode 7 situation and i'm powerless to stop it
recalling this from the second linked post, they do have some kind of falling out!!! and it does refer to the fact that they don't pick up after themselves!!! (and that they don't try to make it easier for kazuki himself)
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the other theory is wrong because the thing with his wife doesn't really come up until karin's in the picture ok no i worded that incorrectly, thank you person who replied under the post
the scene is connected! but it did start off from the start of the episode itself, and his the stress that leads up to him going on strike is just from rei and miri not appreciating what he does enough..... poor unappreciated malewife
but yeah they did end up having a sk8 episode 7 but without them actually arguing in person, kazuki just dipped and left early in the morning
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he really said he's not going to be coming back home for a while and they can fend for themselves
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and kazuki seems to be on a solo mission, which is probably something rei and miri knows about considering they dont look too panicked by kazuki’s absence (rei looks a little frazzled from the daunting housework chores he has to deal with)
(episode 7 trailer post) ok so the solo part is wrong, but now we do know that rei and miri know that kazuki's out of the house and rei is frazzled by the housework
the day of reckoning has arrived for one suwa rei frfr..... it only took one whole day without kazuki doing things for him to realize
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kazuki was nice enough to leave notes around for him so he doesn't get TOO lost trying to prepare miri
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this means that since they got miri, he hasn't been going out to fool around in the night life and is at home taking care of miri and rei..... interesting
onto the more meatier part of the episode, THE TRAUMA !!! ill go back to the fluff when we're done here <3333 let's start with rei's since it's the tamer part and since we're on the topic of rei having to experience what it's like to be the sole caretaker of the house for once
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he cant cook and doesn't know which plate in the fridge is for eating
this reminds me of the very first episode where kazuki tells rei that he left food in the fridge for him that he didn't eat because it was cold
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maybe because kazuki papa wants you two to have a balanced meal !!!! also the laundry left out on the couch.... did kazuki just never fold it?
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he does not know her schedule At All (to be fair, so does she in some way but the point stands)
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but he does have a calendar that he did not check before leaving probably out of panic
time to nitpick a little at rei's choices with good intentions (he's doing his best but these are Not It fr)
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why is miri being exposed to the rain like this!!! should've taken the car i feel like because this right here
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is what leads to this
poor miri got sick and rei doesn't know what to do so he immediately calls kazuki who doesn't pick up
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so he thinks of an alternative,
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but the medicine isn't allowed for anybody below 12 so he thinks of another alternative,
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but he doesn't know where the hospital is!!! so he ends up in kyutaro's doorstep as a last resort....
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dgknightblue · 2 months
I was thinking about El Dorado and RVB after the song good to be a god came on and wondered how I could twist it in any way I want.
Who are the main characters pretending to be god?
Church for one.
So that leaves the other one.
They were a blue and a red.
I thought about Simmons, but like I don’t know if it works.
I don’t remember the names of the main characters it’s been a long time since I’ve watched it.
There are a number ways this could work.
Kai is a thief they meet that gets flirty with Church to help her out.
The sword fighting at the beginning, really like the whole sister bit, but I like the idea of Simmons kind being family so he’d know Carolina’s the best…..
Maybe after they help Kai they meet Tex? I don’t ship Kai with anyone.
Actually I’ve got this idea of Grif somehow tricking Simmons into marrying him. Like there’s this place where Simmons and his family live that’s off limits.
Simmons is the “weakest” of the kin still living because he use to get sick often as a child and he thinks he’s the only “fully human” family member.
Uh or his family just has special powers and he thinks he never got any so the others are a tad protective and it’s also because he was the sickly child back then.
So closed off, sheltered Simmons rarely ever meets anyone because he’s rarely aloud out of the private land or home. He’s got this backstory that’s kind of sad.
His dad was hitter before he left, so Simmons’ mom wanted him to be safe when she couldn’t be there, she moved into her sister’s home.
Wither or not you want to do Trans Simmons is up to you, but I do just so you know.
How do simmons and grif meet?
Kai got into a little trouble due to a scuffle and Grif was trying to bail her out and they had to run. They hid in one of Simmons’ hiding spots in the forest surrounding his home.
He had a complete and utter panic attack so they had to calm him down. Afterwards, they realized where they are (in a very well known piece of private property) and who they are with (a sheltered, innocent, and possibly very important kin to the land owners and who is also visibly terrified but not hostile).
Believing in magic (don’t know if I want actual magic or just superstitious peoples) and hearing the rumors about the people of the property, Grif offers to be Simmons friend in exchange for safety.
Simmons (who crushes easily and has a few rejections behind him) lights up and throws any caution out the window. Grif realizes Simmons is blindly trusting him and that he’s so fxcking lonely.
But Grif knows only kin are allowed to be on the land, so he thinks fast on how to make his proposal semi official in a short amount of time.
First is words of promise
Second is mutual agreement
Third is proof
Kai helps them and stays quiet about what she thinks about this. It’s fxcked up they are tricking this poor guy, but also they need the protection.
Simmons is chatting excitedly about his new friends and wants to tell his mom about them. They aren’t excited about that.
Simmons holding Grif’s hand as he leads them to his house and that he’s the only one home right now, he was making pastries!
Grif might have just lucked out.
Soooo Simmons was already a very domestic and now he’s on his way to being a full househusband/ malewife. He doesn’t know what personal space is or the difference between friendly and lovestruck so he’s just feeding Grif by hand and wiping his face for him and embarrassing him in front of Kai and she’s trying not to laugh at her just engaged brother.
It comes up somehow, but Simmons gives Grif a thank you kiss on his cheek and he’s snuggling him- WHY IS HE SITTING ON HIS LAP???
“GET YOUR GAWD DXMNED HANDS OFF MY NEPHEW!!!!”, says a tall, angry man in light blue.
Simmons can’t read the fxcking room so he cheerfully waves.
“Hi uncle Church, this is my boyfriend! I just met him today!”
“Oh shxt don’t say it like that!?”
Kai’s having a blast now. Here comes Caboose!!! Yoinking Simmons to go play and eat the rest of the pastries. The Grif’s are left
[Unfinished, abandoned idea]
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
Seeing people call Daemon a “mALewIfe" was so FUCKING cringe. Like I know that’s your man and all but I keep seeing people in the year of 2024 call this man “goals” “best father in Westeros” and I just can’t. Did we watch the same show? (since episode one Daemon has been doing foul things to Rhaenyra and is always undermining her and her claim. him laughing at what vaemond said wasn’t taking the pressure off of rhaenyra if anything you can interpret that he’s laughing because he thinks it’s funny because her children are bastards. in fact it looks as though he’s trying not to laugh but can’t hold it in and is exasperated that no one else is laughing) Read the same book? (where daemon very clearly groomed and sexually abused her (teaching sex acts to a minor who is your niece not is illegal but immoral) where he cheated on her multiple times with multiple women)
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They really have no shame. Even if Daemon was somehow a male-wife(that term is a choice), it sure as hell wouldn’t be for the psycho he actively groomed for a crown and then proceeded to leave for another woman when he realized that said crown wasn’t worth it🎭
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midnightcowboy1969 · 1 year
Monk for the character ask thing <3 #s 10, 13, 14, 22, 27
Hii, thank you <333
10. Describe the character in one sentence.
Adrian Monk is my wonderful wife, and one of the greatest tv detectives ever! <3 :)
Or... Monk is a quirky, intelligent, delicate, soft and squishy malewife detective.... I'm being normal about him here.
13. Your favorite friendship they have.
Monk has so many wonderful friendships that he does not realize are friendships and I want to shake him and then apologize because oh god he's crying.
But, you know my answer. His friendship with Leland Stottlemeyer is where it is at! I could talk about them forever and ever.
It is about the - not friends to enemies to (best) friends - journey from friends/partners to friendship loss to a rekindeling of friendship and a refalling in love, listen -
It is also about touch! Hands! Oh god!
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14. Best storyline they had.
Believe it or not. I cannot decide...
15. When do you think they were at their lowest?
This is a very difficult question because my wife has been through so much throughout his entire life.
He went from a bullied kid blaming himself for his father abandoning his family to a lonely adult who loses the love of his life! etc etc.
The easy answer is when Trudy died. His world fell apart. It was as if he died with her. His life was over. And, he probably felt very alone. It helped that Leland got him Sharona, but I do not believe Monk felt good about Leland leaving him like that. After all, Monk notes in the show, that everybody leaves him. He's got abandonement issues, and I will personally kill Jack Monk. So yeah, when Trudy died, he died. His lowest.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Columbo. It is 2002 of course we can still make a Columbo/Monk crossover work!
No, but it would be a lot of fun! I'd love to see just the two of them solve a crime together.
I think Columbo would find Monk interesting (he actually reminds him of his very real nephew) while Monk would think Columbo is kind of gross (smoking, the raincoat, dirty car (the driving!) etc etc) :( can Natalie come pick him up from the crime scene :( but eventually, as they investigate the murder, Monk would maybe start to like Columbo a little. I can really see them figuring it all out and >:) at each other... <3333
(Another suggestion is Benoit Blanc - this is how Monk can be in Knives Out 3)
Thanks again for the ask <333
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eriexplosion · 1 year
I need an anakin/padme thoughtd update, Floki/Athelstan/Ragnar, aaaand I'm actually kinda curious. Any pair(+) from Mass Effect?
•when or if I started shipping it. Okay so quite literally I did not really start getting into it until season seven of Clone Wars which is where I had to 1. admit that their scene in the bad batch arc was SUPER fucking cute and 2. admit that I actually really like and care about Anakin Skywalker, something I was resisting for several seasons by this point. • my thoughts: I don't specifically romantically ship it, I just like them together. I think in the long run, in a fluffy AU because we all know how things went in canon, I super prefer a QPP coparenting situation with occasional romantic spikes because I think that they did rush into things pretty quickly and they need to be able to reevaluate how they actually feel. It's not like either of them are rolling in romantic experience, y'know? They're doing the best they can and both of them have been given too much responsibility WAY too young. • What makes me happy about them: When they are soft, they are SOFT. Anakin thinks Padme is simply the most amazing person to walk the earth, he craves so badly to be her malewife. I like when Anakin gets to be happy okay and he is happy with her, just both of them are shackled by the bonds of responsibility. • What makes me sad about them: Canon :c Truly the most INCREDIBLY TRAGIC THING is that they really do love each other and that gets turned into a weapon by Palpatine in order to groom Anakin further into the dark side. They had their dysfunctions on their own of course, but goddamn.
Which is of course the other thing that does make me Sad as Fuck, which is that Anakin genuinely did have possessiveness issues because he's literally never in his life seen a healthy relationship and everything he's ever loved has eventually been ripped away from him and he was not at any point taught how to deal with that outside of telling him not to care so much. • things done in art/fic that annoys me: Okay, so, occasionally people will have background Anidala that has Anakin as actively an abusive asshole and it's such a misunderstanding of their actual problems as a couple and what they actually have to deal with. Even when I didn't particularly like Anakin or their relationship it was clear that his love for Padme is absolutely genuine. • things I look for in art/fic: I don't tend to specifically look for Anakin/Padme fic or art, if art comes up that's cute I'll enjoy it but I don't seek it out specifically. • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  The joy of multishipping is that I have Several. Obikin feels basic to me, if they can work out their shit they'd both be much happier. I am... still obsessed with my AU that leads into Fives/Anakin/Crosshair. • My happily ever after for them: QPP COPARENTING. Either no Order 66 AU or somehow Padme lives and they get Anakin back to the light early, anyway he would have no idea how to parent and neither would she but they would both be trying so very very hard. • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? Anakin just likes to be up in her business while she does things. He's like a lap dog. If she has a hobby he wants to float in like whatchya doing and then just sit there. This is what marriage is about right?
•when or if I started shipping it. I started shipping it SPECIFICALLY during episode five of season one where after Ragnar's village gets massacred they spend the whole winter at Floki's hut. They get a bunch of cute little interactions ("Just eat your soup, priest~") and take part in the exchange of religious stories and at one point Floki looks at him with the SINGLE FONDEST SMILE and there is zero tension between the two of them at all and I realized my Floki/Ragnar and Athelstan/Ragnar ships could be seamlessly combined. Later story decisions not withstanding. • my thoughts: Floki and Athelstan have such major potential as foils to each other that the direction they took them in season three still drives me absolutely insane. They're both some of Ragnar's primary relationships in the first two seasons, arguably taking precedence over his wife by the time season two rolls around, and they represent two different influences on Ragnar perfectly. Athelstan the monk gone pagan-esque, quiet and gentle and Floki the pagan that multiclassed in boat building, knife fighting, and a little bit of healing on the side. They're both extremely faithful, and strong spirited men who are very very devoted to Ragnar, and taking it down to an out of nowhere jealousy narrative was SO weak.
Doing more with them as a triad just makes sense, and if you really wanted to you could even keep it as kind of a rivalry at first between Floki and Athelstan, but I just always come back to that season one dynamic where they got along fine and can just fall in love from that starting point. • What makes me happy about them: I just like to look at them okay. Literally I get happy just observing the three of them. But also, I just get delighted by the narrative concept of them. It's hard to sum up this question because I am just. Endlessly emotional about They. • What makes me sad about them: Lack of fics. Canon. MANY THINGS. Listen it is just hard out here in the rarepair mines, Floki ships are rare to begin with and then this one is even rarer due to, well, events. • things done in art/fic that annoys me: Obviously I can't get mad when people write antagonistic Floki & Athelstan but I'm not really into when Floki gets put into a one note asshole role. He's one of my faves so I hate to see him flattened. He can be a grudge holding, petty creature while still letting him be cheerful and sociable. • things I look for in art/fic: I like when it exists. Seriously, this is such a rarepair that I cannot get picky, if someone besides me writes it, or even the Floki/Athelstan or Floki/Ragnar parts I am diving in there and writing a novel for a review damn it.
Athelnar I can be a little more picky on since it, you know, actually exists out in the wild and all, but honestly I read almost all of the ones that come to my attention anyway because the fandom is so slow these days if you're not into reading reader fic. • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  sdfsodifjsdfoijs this is hard because their dynamic is all so central to my Vikings Experience. Honestly Floki/Helga is canon and very cute. Ragnar and Athelstan I cannot envision not being with each other in some way though, truly it is not something I can summon into my brain. • My happily ever after for them: First of all only the first two seasons are canon. Floki and Athelstan can sort out the whole 'Floki being a vicious asshole' to him thing because he was only doing it as part of being a mole against Horik. And then I want Athelstan to grow in his pagan interests (Floki can teach him a lot here) and for Ragnar to have two husbands, he's king now he can do that. Who's going to tell him no. • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? I imagine they like to Exchange Stories since that seems to be a big thing for them, but Athelstan likes to read to them as well. The Vikings don't seem to have much in the way of books, so probably anything he reads would need to come with him from England, and they can just listen to his voice while he reads. Ragnar at least just likes to listen. Floki will critique the book's conclusions and/or narrative.
•when or if I started shipping it. Hm, this one seems kind of basic because it is something that there's a lot of, and I did start thinking of it very early on so pretty much from game one, HOWEVER... • my thoughts: I think it's better as a QPP ship than a romantic one. As you can imagine this shuts out quite a bit of fic for me, aka pretty much all of it. I headcanon Garrus as super aro, and also a little gay (listen one of the things he said he would compliment on a turian is fringe, aka the thing only male turians have) so while I can do a little bro banging for mshep/garrus, I feel like femshep/garrus is most appealing to me when it's purely QP life partners. Yes they live in the same house no they're not romantically involved, it's only complicated if you have no imagination. • What makes me happy about them: GOD THEY BOTH NEED SOMEONE TO CALM THEM THE FUCK DOWN. Every Shepard is so fucking tense all the time being dragged from emergency to emergency and Garrus both gets that and also is fine being dragged intos aid emergencies. Garrus however needs someone to keep him from going full serial killer again. Normal things for normal couples. • What makes me sad about them: ...Canon yet again. Because listen, Garrus went off the deep end when Shepard died and he went to become a vigilante, he finally gets Shep back and..... loses them again. My man's going to mcfucking lose it. • things done in art/fic that annoys me: I cannot read 99.9% of Shakarian fics because of the absolutely bonkers Garrus interpretation. Like straight up unrecognizable as the actual character. Who is this superdom masc man that is indistinguishable from some kind of Alpha fantasy because it's surely not Mr. Garrus "Your waist is... very supportive!" Vakarian. Just because he's ten seconds from murder at all times doesn't mean he's not a nerd. • things I look for in art/fic: Literally if someone sent me a fic purely with the recommendation of "Garrus is normal in this one" I would read it okay. Also I would read the fuck out of mshep/Garrus if there were more of them but it's really not a big thing. • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  I actually super like Garrus/Tali and Shepard/Thane is actually my go to in the games themselves! Shepard/Tali is also good shit. • My happily ever after for them: Bros Who Live Together and also go on occasional space adventures because I can't imagine either of them sitting still for long. Garrus because he has no chill, Shepard because the universe WILL make them the main character regardless of their opinion on it. • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? Shooting contest, it's basically canon.
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ladymorghul · 1 year
You're so right that some Aegon stans are starting to sound like D*emon ones with that "well we don't really know if he was cheating after his marriage, that could be gossip" yes we do and yes he did just that. You can't question every single thing in the book just because it paints your favorite character and your favorite ship in a not so flattering light! Just stop. He wasn't the malewife you want him to be. And this is fine! He's just a fictional character. You can like him as he is without making up stupid excuses. I personally came to this conclusion after some started saying that Aegon was as much as a victim as Helaena was in their marriage which reminded me of the D*emon stans who claimed he was the victim in his marriage to Rhea because he was forced to marry her (yes, they are actually saying this). Or their 100 pages essays in which they argue D*emon is not a groomer at all and how everything bad about him in F&B is Green propaganda. Or those Al*smond stans saying bullshit like "her being 40 years old could be just the maesters defaming her, she could've been much younger than that, we just don't know" or "she wasn't a witch at all". Back to Aegon, sure, he was a victim in the sense that he didn't have a choice just like Helaena (and most Westerosi nobility and anyone who was in an arranged marriage) but to put them on equal foot? Definitely not. Even as a married man Aegon could still have as many mistresses or lovers as he wanted to, father bastards and suffer no consequences. The same cannot be said about Helaena and most other married women as their agency was much more limited. Sorry but their situations are simply not comparable. But nooo, people are only expecting her to be faithful no matter what are losing their minds if we dare to ship her someone other than her unfaithful husband. If he cheats, well, that's normal because he's a man and it doesn't mean he doesn't love his wife but if she does she's a hoe like Rh*enyra. Another thing that has been bugging me is how much blame Alicent gets for the way he turned out to be? Because she hit him and entered his room while he was still naked, invading his privacy. And yes I've seen this from Greens as well as Team Black stans. Sure Alicent was wrong for doing that but at some point you need to realize that Aegon, as an adult, does have the ability to realize what's wrong and what isn't and stop blaming everyone around him all the time. As if D*emon stans and Aemondwives aren't enough at making shit up and creating a version of those characters that doesn't exist in canon now Aegon stans are doing the same.
i quite agree with everything you said.
just wanted to say: i've talked a long time ago about alicent's way of parenting aegon and aegon as a character and i've said the same thing as you before: was alicent the best mother to aegon? no, not the best, and she wasn't the best because she herself didn't have a proper caring parent and she was a teenager when she gave birth to him and she was trying to navigate parenthood as well as the trauma of losing her friend and having her first child by marital rape from a man as old as her father.
that being said i believe alicent tried her best to pass on her values of duty to aegon and i think because of a multitude of factors aegon didn't turn out the best adult. but at some point you are responsible for your own choices. it's clear alicent disproves of his behaviour and she likely repeatedly told him as much. he is fully capable of understanding he is doing wrong but he does it anyway.
and why are these comments about alicent always? where is viserys' fault?
but anyway, yeah, i agree.
this being said, anti alicent helaemonds also rub me the wrong way and i try to avoid them. there are specific ways i interpret and understand characters and dynamics and storyline and there are certain things about these characters that i will not sit around and listen to and one of them is alicent bashing. whether it comes from x side or y side, i'm not here for it.
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
OK OK PLEASE HEAR ME OUT IN THIS ARBA I BEG U: we all know chifuyu would be the biggest simp for his s/o, but now i realize that he just gives me big malewife vibes
imagine a f!reader that just irradiates girlboss energy (like half of the time shes mean and serious / maybe shes in a gang too? or she knows to fight really well for the fun of it) and chifuyu would just looking at her and being like: yeah, i love her, i will marry her. he would be so whipped lol
pleaseeee i just need more chifuyu content because i love him ??
you coming home from a brawl covered in blood and looking like you’re ready to murder the next person you see, only to sigh and ruffle chifuyu’s hair affectionately when he sheepishly admits that he almost burned down the kitchen trying to make you brownies
chifuyu wanting to be babied by you and feeling secure in your arms on days he feels down
you shaking off three different opponents with ease yet finding yourself defenseless and a pushover when chifuyu forces you into a seat to treat your wounds
toman watching you knock down opponent after opponent and being like “yo, that’s your girl?” to chifuyu, who’s leaned back sipping on a bottle of water completely at ease like, “yeah, what about it?”
baji poking fun at how utterly whipped chifuyu is and buying him a mug that says “world’s greatest wife” but chifuyu sips coffee out of that bitch daily with zero problems. it’s partly to spite baji, but also it’s also partly because shiiiit👀
you standing alone in front of a gang and politely asking them to leave, but then putting their commander in the dirt when he tries to attack you, anyway. meanwhile, chifuyu’s just looking at you with heart eyes like “that’s my future wife”
chifuyu thinking you’re the cutest when you send him “<3″ and “:D” while texting
once you guys retire from the delinquent world, chifuyu having the god tier idea to cut your gang jackets in half and stitch the halves together into two new jackets. that way, you’ll be wearing half of his jacket and half of yours, and vice versa
y’all will be training together and you’ll flip chifuyu over your shoulder and he’ll be laying sprawled on the ground with a bruised ego before rethinking it and being like, “wait, that was kind of attractive--”
chifuyu will get defensive whenever someone slanders you for your strong physique or “unfeminine habits,” and if they disregard his warning for them to knock it off, they’ll catch a foot to the face real quick
chifuyu malfunctioning whenever you pick him up or throw him over your shoulder. he’ll just get really quiet and won’t say anything even after you set him down. he’ll still be trying to process wtf just happened and why his stomach feels so jittery
chifuyu lowkey competing with you over who can give stronger hugs
chifuyu getting an ego boost whenever he manages to catch you off guard and make you squeal with surprise by sweeping you off your feet or lifting you off the ground also him having the biggest smile on his face when he’s holding your strong, mean ass like a princess
chifuyu admiring your “if your followers’ well-being isn’t your top priority, you don’t deserve to be their commander” mentality and wanting to better himself as a person so that he can stand equally beside you
if the situation allows it, best believe chifuyu’s gonna be right by your side during a brawl so he can watch your back, because he knows from experience that not everyone can dodge everything, regardless of how skilled you are
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actualbird · 2 years
Vyn's childhood one is very endearing to me because I have sewn up plush animals before. Hole that needs to be mended? I'll get the needle and thread. One time my younger sibling filmed a dramatic video of me fixing a mouse plushie's tail. Anyway I hope Vyn also knows how to sew HAHA --galena
irt an embarrassing childhood story for each nxx boy
oh gosh ur right. i cannot believe i made vyn have an animal plushie clinic without even thinking of ACTUAL PLUSHIE SURGERY!!!! this would be very adorable yes and while i dont know if vyn knows how to sew, i do know that vyn has......some depressing hangups on when something is "broken"
i think this is in SR Mended Heart (which i havent played yet but my friend has told me about the story) where his expensive teapot gets broken during shipping and hes like ah well it's broken it should be THROWN AWAY NOW and mc, bless her heart, is like hold up, i know a pottery place, we can Have It Fixed.
idk how the rest of that card goes but like, to immediately react to "object is broken" with "object has to be dispatched now" is kinda sad to me!! especially bc im sentimental!!! and i know kids are sentimental too, especially with toys.
so it makes me cry a little bit to imagine little kid vyn and one of his plushies gets a hole torn into them. and hes tiny, he doesnt know how to sew yet, so he goes and finds an adult and asks for help. and that adult, not realizing that this object Matters to vyn, just tells vyn "oh, it's fine, we can just get you a new one. one thats not broken." and then he Never Asks For Help From Adults Concerning His Plushies Ever Again.
vyn doesnt throw away the broken toy. maybe it even becomes his favorite one, one he takes with him when he leaves home, when he gets settled in stellis. one thats still in his room on a shelf next to his books.
maybe he learns how to sew eventually (THRU THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!! mc already taught him pottery, so maybe mr. malewife artem wing can teach him basic sewing and mending) and he uses that skill to fix up that toy!!! his stitchwork on the old plushie isnt the best. it's all wonky and crooked and the stitch length is uneven. in a sense, it's still very much broken but like...
to try and fix something is an act of love.
and keeping "broken" things anyway is an act of love as well.
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