#when the way you're treated has got you good and pissed.
scoobysnakz · 7 months
||* Maybe it's because he's safe and keeps you warm in times or need. Or maybe it's because he has those unruly salt and pepper hair and worry lines. Either way, you want him and maybe he wants you.
Maybe you don't know, or maybe you don't care. But he can smell you, the rush of dopamine when he turns his back and you can see his trapezius shining deliciously in his dimly lit room.
||* dilf!miguel, vaginal fingering, praise kink, eye contact, perv!miguel, college-age reader, lap sitting, slight hair pulling, one shot, Daddy issues, Dom/sub, smut written by a virgin, not proof read
You're young. And oblivious. So painfully oblivious.
At first, Miguel had just assumed it was a defence mechanism. Don’t give them a reaction and they’ll leave you alone. But the more you smile at the guys flirting with you, the more you lean into their non-platonic hugs, the more certain he becomes that you’re just unaware.
And- in all honesty- he's jealous. He doesn't want to feel the shame that weighs down on his shoulders each time your expression softens at his praise. He doesn't want to feel guilt for watching your hips sway as you walk away. He doesn't want to be like them but he craves the audacity to leer at you in broad daylight.
Maybe it's his morals or maybe it's because he's a coward.
Either way, you’re young and oblivious. And deep down, he loves it.
It's worse in HQ, these men are meant to have morals, good morals, and yet they treat you like a fuckdoll to the eyes.
Your perfect, untouched, college body just for them to perv at.
And Miguel hates it. He hates how he has to ignore your pretty eyes staring up at him as he talks, how he has to scold every Spiderman for being a pervert, and he hates how he's just as bad.
Maybe if you weren't so bubbly sweet he wouldn't have to spend each night palming himself to the thought of your perky body, every shower spurting his hot cum on the misty glass and every moment alone with his office with the doors locked and hand muffling his moans.
“Migs?” that nickname, that only you can use, that only you dared to think of.
He turns to face you, a lazy smile drawn across his painfully perfect lips. “Princessa?” And you immediately try to hide the blush that threatens to bloom on your cheeks.
You hold out your hands, a tray holding a ‘spidey spectacular’ on top. In reality, it's nothing spectacular- a beef burger with barbecue sauce, large fries and a medium drink.
“Got you some lunch,” you grin.
He hops down from his podium, cringing at how your body tenses at the loud thud. “Why?” his tone is harsh, cold, forced.
He knows why. You care, you check in on him when no one else does, you randomly ask him if he's drinking more water than coffee that day, if he actually went to sleep the night previous- unknowing to the thoughts of you that kept him up.
“You haven't eaten today,” you stick your arms out, a playful smile on your face and he doesn't ask how you know. You just do, “and you can't capture those nettlesome anomalies on an empty stomach!”
He quirks an eyebrow. “Nettlesome?”
You laugh, a soft one that makes his core ache with need. “My literature professor has permanently engrained fancy words into my brain.” your shocking professor. Probably some perv who keeps you behind to help you with your tests and oggles at your perfectly shaped ass when you bend over to pick up a pen.
And a painful reminder that as mature as you may be, you’re still young. 18 years too young.
He takes the burger from the tray, gaze lingering on the second as he tries to decide if it's for him or not.
“I’m eating with you,” you answer his question without him asking.
“No, princessa.”
You huff at him, soft, rounded lips falling into a pout. It's a habit you've made- bringing him lunch and sitting with him to make sure he's actually eating the food you've bought no matter how hard he protests.
“Fine. I won't eat with you, I'll just sit and stare and probably piss you off,” you smile smugly at him.
“Whatever,” he grumbles, turning away from you and throwing the paper from the burger in the bin.
You hum in response, not even caring for his grouchy attitude because it doesn't bother you. Because you're young, and you don't understand how men work yet.
He pulls himself up to his podium, glowing red webs dangling from the large metal disk where you soon follow.
Maybe you don't know, or maybe you don't care. But he can smell you, the rush of dopamine when he turns his back and you can see his trapezius shining deliciously in his dimly lit room.
You pull yourself close to him, hand resting just between his thigh and yours. So soft and delicate and he wants to ruin the innocence within them. Wants to see your dainty fingers wrapped around his cock, wants to see how you use those digits inside of yourself while- hopefully- thinking of him.
“How’s school?” he feels like an awkward uncle at an even more awkward Christmas party. Is this what it's come to? Him having to ask about your college life because that's your main focus because you’re young… er.
A small scoff escapes you, and you immediately cover up with a cough.
“I’m not seven,” you tease, hand held out to shove him but you immediately withdraw it which makes him frown.
“You look it.” it's your turn to frown.
You blink up at him, wondering if he knows how you crave these sweet moments between the two of you. You hate how dependent you've become on him, how you can't get through the day without thinking of him and using his health as an excuse to come see him.
“You’re an ass,” you fold your arms across your chest, nose scrunching in feigned irritation.
Miguel clicks his tongue at you, head cocking to the side in disapproval. “Language, princessa.”
You mutter a feeble “sorry”, a forced waver to your voice that makes him chuckle lightly.
You turn your head to face him, his dark, almost curls illuminated by the neon orange of his numerous monitors. His eyes meet yours, deep maroon paralysing you in place, peeking fangs slowing your breathing, chiselled features pinking your cheeks.
And you smile. A sickly sweet, beautifully innocent smile. Any other person would look away, grow red with shame, and maybe say something embarrassing. But you? You just smile.
Because you're painfully naive.
You blink up at him, wondering if he knows how you crave these sweet moments between the two of you. You hate how dependent you've become on him, how you can't get through the day without thinking of him and using his health as an excuse to come see him.
“Really?” you turn your head to face him, neck craned back so he gets a perfect view of your soft skin. “Do I look seven?”
Of course, you don't look seven. You look twenty, which you are. But you're mature and not in a creepy way. No one else would think twice about seeing if he's okay, and no adult would have their panties organised by colour like you do either.
The sound of his chewing eventually fills the bleak room. You can see him looking straight ahead through your peripheral.
“A man of few words,” you grin.
“A girl of far too many.”
You aren't a girl. You’re a woman. You don't spend time chasing boys, you enjoy literature, and you have your whole life planned out. Kids don't do the things you do. Kids don't want a life with a decent man, with him.
“School’s boring,” you cut through the silence, voice soft, quiet, shy.
Relief washes over him like the first rainfall in the Sahara. He swallows- quickly, and brings his attention back to you- not that it ever really left you.
“It shouldn't be, you're smart, princessa, and if your professors are doing their job you should be engaged with their subjects,” he hates that he sounds so parental and demanding when he speaks to you but it's like a default setting. He expects the best from you because he knows you can achieve it.
You scoff and this time you don't bother hiding it at all. “Thanks,” you mutter dryly, “I’ll keep being smart and then school will be more exciting.”
He grimaces at your dull tone. He's used to your sparkly side, the smiles and the giggles and now you're acting your age, all attitude and sarcasm.
“That’s not what I meant,” he groans, his voice harsher than before.
“What did you mean then, Miguel?” you press on.
“I meant that you're smart enough to entertain yourself, unlike other people.”
And in its own strange way, his ‘complisult’ makes you smile. He sees who you are, that you aren't some immature child.
It feels nice not being viewed as a child for once. A slow, steady warmth travels through you. He's being nice to you, not a rare occurrence but uncommon enough to mean something.
Slowly, you edge your hand closer to his, fingers gently nudging against his own. You pause for a moment, knowing you’re pushing it and waiting for his reaction but when he doesn't pull away you give his hand a squeeze.
“Thanks,” your gentle voice making his cock harden beneath his suit, “in its own way, that was sweet.”
And you grin at him again. Soft lips beaming up at his plain expression as he tries not to think about how badly he needs some relief.
Against his better judgment, he squeezes your hand back. And the soft, nervous, almost squeak that escapes you makes it all worthwhile.
“It’s true. When I went to your universe,” not to jack off while you shower, “I saw your study notes. You work hard, princessa, and it's good, admirable,” hot.
All your life you be craved words so sweet. Someone to tell you that all those years of dedication to being the best and coming second is too, better than good. Someone to tell you that when they saw your study notes they didn't see you as dumb you have to revise but studious enough to want the best.
You don't even think twice about him being in your universe, just putting it down to an anomaly or another perfectly innocent reason.
He can smell it again, that dopamine rush. You pull yourself closer to him, taunting him unknowingly and let your head rest on his shoulder.
You do this often, allow yourself to lean against him, intertwine your fingers with his, plant endearing kisses to his stubbly cheeks when he helps you out. And you do it so secretly that it's almost sexual but the innocence you perform these acts with makes it feel painfully platonic.
All he can do is ride out this moment of pure torment. Cock stiff and thighs burning.
Deep down he knows he shouldn't be like this, savouring your innocence that he can so easily capture on cameras he can use later. You're so pure, sacred almost, that it feels wrong to even have his arms wrapped around your waist.
“Migs?” that nickname that only you get to use because if he gets to call you princessa its only fair.
Your hand slips off of his and moves to rest on his thigh. “Migs?” you say a little louder this time. He hums dully.
Sometimes you wonder if he knows how wet his voice makes you. The low rumble that passes through his chest, the silky smooth movements of his lips, the slight tinge of an accent that makes your cunt flutter.
You let your thumb travel over the ridges of his fingers, smooth over the peaks of his knuckles.
His hand is so big compared to yours, something that the two of you haven't ignored.
He wonders how the rest of you feels, past the tight lycra of your suit as it covers your wrists, against the fresh cotton of his bedsheets, flush against his chest.
The dull humming of the monitors accompanied by your heavy breathing and the subtle whirring of the random machinery warms up the silence between the two of you.
You shift yourself to face him, pretty lips pursed and brow furrowed.
Maybe it's because he's so safe right now. Or maybe it's because you failed your paper and his praise is all you need. But he looks painfully handsome.
Broad shoulders rising and falling with every breath. Soft lips parted in hunger. The sea of deep sepias and carmines that is his eyes.
Miguel has always been there for you. Well, maybe not always, but often enough. Your roommates being assholes? You can sleep at HQ. Suit ripped? He’ll make you a new one.
And in this moment, you can't see past that. He may be older, grey strands peppering his umber locks and worry lines framing his features, but that doesn't matter.
So you lean up close to him, faces inches apart. Just to smell him, just to see him, just to be near him, just to feel him.
He flinches at first, brow furrowed and eyes narrowed. His gaze runs up and down your figure, trying to figure out what you're doing, your innocent expression leaving far too much up for interpretation.
For a moment the two of you just stare at each other, arousal burning white-hot in your core and bodies thrumming with desire.
A calloused hand moves to cup your cheek and pull you closer. Miguel lets out a low sigh, hot breath tickling your face and making your nose scrunch in a way that can only be described as perfect.
Your breathing slows and your heart hammers. He's so close, soft lips just within reach.
“Can I?” his voice is almost a croak, a desperate plea.
He can't tear his eyes away from your quivering lips. He wants to feel them against his own, taste you, have your mouth in his possession.
You don't get time to finish your feeble “please” before he's pressing his lips against yours.
It's soft at first, the two of you gradually warming to the sensation of each other. But when you let out a soft sigh something inside him switches. All morals and guilt go completely out the window and his senses are filled with you.
His tongue probes hungrily at your lips, seeking access to the warmth of your mouth and you happily agree. His hands slide down to your hips, fingertips pressing into the soft flesh crudely hidden beneath your suit.
“Need you,” you groan, hands gripping his chest with desperation. He silences you with another kiss, tongue immediately attacking yours, too impolite, too hard, too impatient to wait for your sanction.
He's blinded by lust, a desire that's been building up inside him for too long. His arm snakes to the small of your back, protruding talons catching on the material of your suit. He pulls you into his lap and you nearly gasp at the sensation of his erection brushing against your clothed cunt.
You lean back slightly so you can look at him, chest rising and falling with each pant. “Say something,” you pout, his mutism making your head swarm with confusion, “let me hear your voice.”
The neediness of your tone makes him smile, a boyish, cheeky one that makes your stomach flutter.
“What do you want me to say?” he questions, fingers tracing up and down the bridge of your spine.
“Just… talk me through it,” you pause, cunt fluttering and thighs tensing, “it’s my first time,” you admit quietly. Your cheeks flush with embarrassment. It's something you've never admitted, viewing virginity as a burden more than the blessing men do.
“Who said I'm gonna fuck you?”
You purse your lips, your smile faltering and skin prickling with embarrassment as you fidget on his lap. His cock strains against his suit, hips threatening to buck up when you unintentionally grind against him.
You look down and a smirk forms on your face. You press the heel of your palm against his erection, eyes widening with arousal at the whine that escapes him. “This did.”
You swear that for a moment you can see a glint of red in his eyes, much darker, meaner, than his usual cool mahogany.
“Don't,” he grunts, hand gripping your wrist.
The excited grin on your face brings him back. He can't do this to you. He can't take your innocence, be the one to steal what makes you so pure. He's done things he's ashamed of, killed, lied, hated. He isn't deserving of the sweet bliss that’s you.
Your lips fall into a disappointed pout. Have you done something wrong? Maybe you’ve been too eager?
“I… I'm sorry?” you pose your apology as a question, unsure of what's actually going on. You’re inexperienced but this… this isn't normal.
“No, mierda, no, princesa,” and his hands back on your cheek, thumb tracing over the curve of your vermillion. “No digas lo siento.” your brow furrows in confusion but he doesn't elaborate.
He wants to ruin you, corrupt your pretty pussy with his hot cum and watch it seep out in think dribbles before he can stuff it back in with his fingers. But he can't.
That sweet innocence in your eyes, lashes fluttering with arousal from a simple kiss. He can't do this to you.
“Look at me,” he commands and on instinct, your eyes meet his.
“Good Girl,” he croons.
“I'm confused, Migs,” you push his hand off your cheek softly, head cocked to the side, “you’re confusing me.”
He brings a hand to your cunt and he cups it, the heel of his palm digging into your cunt. “Let me do this instead, hmm?” you nod in agreement, head too fuzzy with the strange mixture of arousal and bewilderment to even process the jolt of pleasure that shot down your spine.
The sound of ripping draws your attention down to your arousal-slick folds but he clicks his tongue. “Eyes on me, chica,” his tone is slightly harsher now but his eyes are still warm.
You don't know what he's doing. If he's coming or going. If he's teasing you or allowing this to go further.
“Mi-” he presses his index finger to your lips, not that he needed more than his intense gaze to silence you.
“You said this is your first time?” you nod again.
“No one else has touched you?” his fingers part the tear in your suit, your damp panties on show for him.
“No one.”
His thumb starts to slowly circle your cotton-clothed clit eliciting a soft gasp from you.
“Do you want me to touch you, princessa?”
Your fingers dig into the muscle of his thighs but he doesn't flinch. A sharp talon nips at your weeping bud and you nearly cry. It sends a jolt of pain fused with sickly sweet pleasure coursing through your veins. “Asked you a question didn't I?”
You nod your head again, not knowing how to answer.
“Use your words.”
Your cunt is dribbling its juices all down your thighs- and he can smell it. His mouth is practically drooling at the scent it your arousal. He's trying so hard not to rip your suit all the way and split you open with his cock. But you're gentle, soft, sweet, delicate. So he has to be as well.
Taking a shaky, deep breath, you nod your head again, “I want you to touch me, Miguel.”
“Muy bein, princessa,” his thumb slips under the waistband of your panties and comes to rest on your clit but he doesn't stimulate you. Just leaves it resting on the hardened nub.
You whine at the lack of friction, hips trying to grind against his hand but his free hand holds you down.
“Migs, please,” you know you sound pathetically needy but you don't care. The man you've been lusting after since he first recruited you has his hand in your pants.
“Then keep looking at me,” he instructs, “wanna see your pretty face. Can you do that for me?” he grins at the twitching in your cunt caused by his words. That's all the confirmation he needs.
His thumb begins its slow pattern around the hood of your clit while his other hand rests on your waist, keeping you planted firmly on his lap. And maybe so you can feel how big he is.
His hands are surprisingly gentle. You've seen him kill before, seen the plethora of blood he can draw from someone with one fell swoop. Yet he's always been so careful with you, right now being no exception. Maybe that's what’s drawn you to him, the idea of him viewing you as something so sacred that he can't bring himself to damage your fragile body.
The tedious speed he's using is purposefully slow. He wants to draw this out for as long as possible, keep you a squirming mess on his lap, your sweet nectar running down to his thighs. But you want more; you’re too shy to ask for it but you want it.
You press your lips to his again, tongue slipping into his mouth almost sloppily. He's taken aback at first by your sudden burst of confidence but he doesn't protest. The hand that was resting in your hip moves to the back of your head to press you deeper into the kiss.
You whine hungrily and he rewards you with a faster pace. Your thighs clench around him, not actually expecting your plan to work. Your eyes flutter for a moment but he grips your chin, forcing you to keep looking at him.
“Princessa, I'll stop,” his warning is heed enough.
Your mind’s a foggy blur of arousal and pure bliss. He keeps toying with your clit, slowing down when your gaze falters but speeding up and rewarding you if you've kept eye contact.
“Please, I'll be good, so good for you,” you mewl, craving his kind words of praise again.
“Will you? Will you let me see those pretty lips of yours smile so sweetly for me while I make you feel good?” you nod your head excessively, mumbled “yes I will”’s and “good for you”’s spilling from your lips.
The hot coil of pleasure tightens with each flick of his distal. More and more sweet moans spew from your loose hanging mouth which are just music to his ears. Your leaky hole clenches around nothingness but you're too shy to ask for more. Miguel’s thumb is good enough but what you really crave is that hard cock that's pushing up against your stomach.
Soft, sticky clicking sounds mellow in the warmth of the rooms atmosphere, arousal blending in smoothly along with the scent of your nearing climax. He can sense it, your hips stuttering and your nails digging into the meat of his chest. But he can't let you go just yet.
“Hold it for me,” its a command, not a request.
You bite your lower lip, eyes nearly watering as you try you hardest to hold back. Your poor cunt throne needily while it continues to pump hot juices all over his hand. “I-I don't know how,” you blubber, thighs trembling and hands twitching.
Your body runs white hot with pleasure while your mind teeters on the edge of climax.
“I know you can, be a good girl, princessa,” he pressed earnestly, two-toned lips falling into that signature smirk.
You let your head come to rest in the crook of his neck. He flinches at the warmth of your breath and grabs the back of your hair roughly. You whine at the sharp tug but don't protest further.
“Fuck did I tell you ‘bout looking away?” his voice is almost harsh but you don't care. Your whole body is tingling with so much euphoria, blood pumping hot with pleasure, that you don't even care about his talon catching on your clit.
You’re so close to cumming, to reaching that paradise he's dangling in front of you like a carrot on a stick. “Let me, I-i can't, Migs.”
He frowns.
Once you're done that's it. He has to let you go, push off his lap and keep you at arm's length. But he can't bring himself to do that, get rid of your warmth and tiny frame.
“Migs? Please, let me…” you cut yourself with a silent moan.
Your mouth falls slack, eyes widening for a moment before fluttering closed. Warmth washes over you, trickling down your spine like honey from a jar. And for a moment you think you've gone deaf because Miguel’s lips are moving but you can't figure out what he's saying.
Your arousal spills from your cunt and all the way down his hands in a warm, blanketing trinket of your pleasure.
He clicks his tongue in disappointment but lets you ride out your high with his thumb remaining on your pussy.
“Fuck,” you breathe, voice cracking in a way that only makes his cock harden.
“Mmmm, did my princessa enjoy herself?” you look up at him, eyes glazed over with lust.
Your orgasm took enough energy for you to be exhausted now. You can barely lift your head let alone reply to him. When you try to smile your eyes just roll back slightly, your lashes fluttering and your nose scrunching.
You’ve come before, plenty of times, but this feels different. This time it feels all warm and gooey like it's going to stick to you forever. Maybe it's because it's Miguel’s fingers instead of your own toying with your cunt or maybe it's because you got to hold onto him. Either way, you've just cum all over his hands and can't form a proper sentence now.
Miguel smiles down at you, revelling in your blissed-out expression. Knowing that he's drawn this pleasure from you makes his insides churn.
“Pretty Girl,” he coos, hand smoothing your spine, “so pretty for me, hmm? Cumming just from me playing with her pretty pussy.” as if to prove a point, he spreads your sticky folds open with his thumb two middle fingers, a soft gooey sound catching your attention.
“Wonder if your cunt is just as pretty?” be slides a harsh finger inside with a grunt, eliciting a sharp gasp from you, “want me to fuck your tight hole, princessa?”
And you nod. Too fucked out, too tired, too needy, too in love with him without either of you knowing it yet, to push him away.
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simonsslut · 8 months
meeting simon in the army.
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18+ MDNI || nsfw || f!reader || oneshot/drabble || masterlist
wc: around 4.8k
cw: eventual smut, unprotected p in v, lil massage trope, spit kink, simon being his own enemy, reader being oblivious, simon loves tits, simon’s kinda mean at first but sweet at the end-ish, not proofread.
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Lieutenant Riley is familiar with the process of adding a new addition to their little task force. but just because he's familiar with it, doesn't mean he's a fan of it.
a new member, a new person means that he has to most likely deal with another soap of sorts. don't get it wrong, he's okay with soap, but that doesn't mean he enjoys the constant questions soap seems to ask about him, even when he knows they irritate him, but that won't stop his curiosity.
you're confident when you show up to the meeting room, nothing new. recruits are either confident in themselves or they're completely terrified and it'll be written all over their faces.
soap is quick to befriend you, both of you snipers and demolition experts after all. it gives him a whole new buddy to talk with. simon takes this as a good sign, maybe he won't have to spend much time showing your around and telling you about the team and how things work here if soap is gonna spend all his time with you. right? wrong.
Price assigns soap on a mission with another task force soap had recently worked with before TF141. meaning that Simon is going to have to spend every free waking moment he has with you. and for a guy like Simon, this is hell. but don't take it the wrong way, he's like this with everyone.
you're quick to find the large man rude, dismissive. you'll ask barely personal questions and he'll shrug it off and blatantly ignore you. will roll his eyes or just walk away mid-conversation (which was one-sided anyway).
maybe you talked too much? had you asked him too many questions? maybe he just didn't like you for absolutely zero reason. you decided to stop thinking too much about it. you didn't do anything wrong, maybe he's just a natural-born asshole.
Soap had mentioned something about the lieutenant having a stick somewhere deep up his ass and to not worry too much about how he treats you.
however, after telling yourself you'd stop losing sleep over it, you continued.
maybe he just wasn't used to having a woman on his team. They are all men after all. but that wouldn't be professional, plus the others aren't like that with you. they kinda just treat you like their own. they knew about your background, and what you have done, and they respected you for it, so why couldn't he?
simon knows better than most about your background, he had to study your file after Price mentioned your recruitment.
"weapons of choice - melee; knives, axe."
a shared opinion.
he trains with you to see how advanced you really are. weapon training and all that is fine, but sparring? this has to be a joke. that mountain of a man versus you? you've got muscle to you, yeah, but even soap going against simon is an evident loss. and soap is a big guy.
you start off with Gaz. he's also tall and well built, but he's the more common build of soldiers. you guys spar for an hour, or two, and then you take a break.
you don't think much about who your next spar round will be with, so the anxiousness doesn't begin to settle in until ghost's rough voice calls you over to the mat. he's the only one there. and it settles in.
you look over at Gaz and the look on his face is one of pity, your face drops.
it's not even 30 seconds into the round when you're already dropped to the ground. the mat feels like concrete when you hit your back on it.
"c'mon, get up." ghost says in an almost pissed off way.
you groan and roll over, quickly getting back up on your feet. "no mercy?" you ask in a huff. "you won't get mercy when you're fighting for your life in the field, you should know this, sergeant." he states dryly, but the way he said 'sergeant' sounded like an insult rolling off his tongue.
after 30 minutes of repeatedly losing, you admit defeat. but at least he stays with you after hours when the others have left, leaving you both alone so you don't have to keep losing in front of a crowd.
3 months of dry responses, frequent scoldings, straight-up constant attitude from the man and not many interactions besides from when he was ordering you around or lecturing you about a fuck up in training or on a mission.
and even though he wouldn't interact with you much, it somehow seemed that he was always on your ass, always watching to see what your next fuck up would be, always so observant. because why the hell were his eyes always on you? every time you'd glance over at him, he'd already be looking at you with that dark 1000-yard stare, arms crossed and sitting across any room you were in at the moment.
3 months is what it takes for him to not act like a complete brooding asshole towards you even for just a moment. reason? you saved his life.
sort of.
simon was clearing a wide area in a warehouse on a mission and it seems one of the men there seemed to blend in far better than anyone else could. Simon was almost too late, almost the one standing at the receiving end of a bullet to the head, but you had him. and you saved him.
neither of you thought too much about it though, after all, it is your job to have each other's backs in the field. he only gave you a gruff "thank you" when he brushed passed you towards the exit. but you took that thank you as a sign that he didn't absolutely despise you like you had thought he did for the past 3 months.
or so you thought. not much changed afterwards. but at least whenever you'd start a conversation, he'd just stare at you instead of walking off. but he'd always stay quiet. you wanted to give up, you should've given up. but something deep inside you had you pushing.
what it was wasn't so obvious at the time.
but that's probably because you were so oblivious.
you didn't know him like the boys did, you were new. so no one could've blamed you for not seeing the obvious frustration you caused him. soap on the other hand thought it was bloody comedic.
you always assumed the triple checks on your comms and positions were just because he didn't trust you enough to know what you were doing. because why would you think anything else with the way he behaved towards you?
the way he'd suddenly appear when a private was up and flirting with you. he'd come and scold you for having chitchat when you should've been doing paperwork, his jaw tensed. he'd look behind you to give the private a glare that you would've assumed was a 'get back to work' glare and not the threatening glare it actually was, because why would you think otherwise?
when you all went out to the pub for a drink after a long exhausting mission to relax a bit, but you hadn't had alcohol in so long so you didn't think to slow down, eventually blacking out on Simon's shoulder, and ending up in your quarters at the end of the night, boots off and snuggly tucked in under your sheets.
what you did notice is that you'd never be assigned to missions that ghost wasn't on. you caught on eventually but you never mentioned it, too annoyed with him to start an argument you knew you'd lose.
but when you're all at the pub on another night, soap and gaz over by the pool table, drunkenly betting against each other, and price long gone back to the base and having called it an early night, leaving the two of you at the table alone, it slips out.
he's been ignoring your attempted starts of a conversation all night, the alcohol had given you the motivation you needed to try again, but you've had enough of the silent treatment.
"hey, i've noticed I only go on missions that you're on.." he tenses. "'s that because you don't trust me? or somethin?"
he doesn't respond as per usual, and you know he's already annoyed with you but you keep pushing.
"you can be a real prick, y'know?" you mumble out, earning a side glance from him, his hand on the table, fingers tapping on his empty glass. he stays quiet.
"I just don't understand why you dislike me or whatever. I haven't done anything to you personally, I don't think.." you trail off, furrowing your brows as if in thought. he just stares down at you.
"you're a real pain in my ass" you then state rather confidently. he raises his brow at this before looking down at his empty glass and muttering a "Seems we've got that in common."
you roll your eyes and groan, moving to grab your beer but he moves it further up the table before you can reach it.
"hey-" you start but he interrupts, "you've 'ad enough." he grumbles out and you scoff, standing up from the chair and walking over to where Soap and Gaz are laughing it up with each other.
but maybe he's had a bit too much to drink too.
because the moment a man starts flirting with you at the bar, his hand just a bit too touchy, Simon appears, his hand is gripping the man's shoulder and pulling him back with an angered "back off."
you can't even manage out a "what the hell-?" before he's grabbing your bicep and dragging you out of the pub. you stop protesting rather quickly, too tired to continue. you just let him drag you all the way back to the base where he only lets go of you when he reaches the doorstep of your barracks building.
"sleep. now. don't wanna deal with your lazy tired ass tomorrow when you're moping around because you didn't get enough rest." he grunts out before abruptly turning in his place and leaving.
it's the next week when you're in the break room sitting across from Soap who's on his phone and drinking his coffee when you voice your troubles. "I can't deal with him anymore, Soap, really. he gives me such a hard time and I don't understand why," you practically whine to him.
"bloke doesn't know what to do with you when you practically give him a hard on all the time." he says it so plainly. as if it's a common fact, no big deal.
though you, of course, take it as a joke.
"Oh shut up, I'm serious." you groan through a chuckle and he just looks up at you and smirks before excusing himself to go back to his duties, leaving you there to mope at the wall.
the hell does that even mean?
luckily for you, you forget all about your short conversion in the break room, your mind too occupied from the busy week to care about a little dumb joke that soap told.
maybe you should've sat to think about said joke for longer.
you zone out while you do paperwork, your mind running on autopilot so that you don't pay attention to the time on the clock running past 11:30pm.
you hands hurt. your wrists hurt. and your back is sore from uncomfortably hunching over this old desk in this dinky chair that doesn't even spin properly.
you're too tired and too caught up in mentally complaining about everything to notice the tall figure standing in the doorway of the office you're working.
so when he speaks, voice baritone and accent thick, it scares the absolute living shit out of you. letting out a short yell and flinging your pen across the room, you look over at him.
you roll your eyes, too tired to even deal with him right now, preparing for him to lecture you about how sleeping late is bad for you even though literally everyone on base knows that he has the most fucked schedule of them all.
"I know it's late, I don't wanna hear it. this is the only free time I had to do this." you explain, your voice low and tired.
"didn't say anything." he responds and you glare up at him, and he knows.
he walks across the room and picks up the pen that you flung, his heavy steps making their way over to you and handing you back your pen.
he hasn't done or said anything threatening, so then why does it feel like he did?
you whisper a small 'thank you' before looking back down at your sheet and writing a few things down. he just stands there, staring down at your with crossed arms, observing. always observing. that's all he does. all he ever does.
you try to not let it get to you but he's just so intimidating.
you clench your jaw and breathe for a moment before focusing back on your paper. but just as you do that, he rounds the desk and stands behind your chair.
he grabs the chair, pulling it back a bit before his voice demands out, "stand,". you don't hesitate a moment before standing up quickly.
why does it feel like ages before he finally speaks??
"you're tense." he states and you furrow your brows because what the hell is happening. "y-yeah, I guess?"
the air is thick.
you're so caught up in empty thoughts that you don't hear what he says. "sorry, what'd you say?" you ask but it comes out a whisper without you intending for it to.
"may I?"
you're not sure what he means but you still slowly nod.
you suddenly freeze and your eyes go wide when you feel his palm wrap around your hair and move it to the side, his other hand resting in the crevice between your shoulder and neck, bare.
he's not wearing the glove.
his hand is warm when he suddenly squeezes you there, checking to see just how tense you are and your mind is blank. your thoughts have evaporated and you can't fucking move, because what the hell is happening!?
"why're you so bloody tense?" he asks, his voice so fucking deep that it makes your skin warm up. you've always hated the effect that his voice alone has on you.
'maybe because you're touching me?' is what you think to yourself.
"I don't know? work?" you sound so unsure of yourself that it feels embarrassing.
he mutters a quiet "yeah." while he continues to massage the area.
you wouldn't say this is a complete 180º from the way he's been treating you for the past couple months, but... this is a complete fucking 180º from the way he's been treating you these past couple months.
but you can't deny how fucking good it feels. his hands are so big and warm. the roughness of them surprisingly adding so much more to the massage and it feels so. good.
you can't help the slight moan that escapes your lips when you dip your head forward, giving him more space to work with.
ghost would halt his movements but that would only make you suspicious of what's happening to him behind you he clenches his jaw hard, his entire body tensing as he feels his pants grow tight and fuck is he fighting back a groan.
he did this to himself. he should've just minded his business and muttered an order to you like he usually would. he should've put up the asshole act instead of strolling in and offering a goddamn massage because he would never in his right mind actually do this.
he's barely slept for the past three days, so he doesn't really have control over his own actions, especially when it comes to you. it's always you that gets him like this, only you.
it's quiet for so long while he just massages your shoulders. usually It would be awkward, but this time it's just comfortable.
when he finishes, his hands remain and you start to actually snap back to reality on where you are, who's behind you, and what's going on. you don't move, hell you barely breathe. how could you when you could feel every breath he takes hit the skin on the back of your neck or how you can feel the heat radiating off of him while he stands behind you as if he's a human furnace or something.
there's always been tension. whether it was negative or positive, you were never completely 100% sure which. but it was always there. and it bothered the fuck out of the both of you.
you feel his thumb caress your nape. just a small movement. you wouldn't've noticed if you weren't hyper focused on every fibre of his being standing right behind you, not caring for your personal space despite him always getting pissed about not having enough of his own.
you don't know how to move on from this moment. there're no words in your mouth, your body frozen still under his gaze, under his touch.
you want to say something, anything. but you don't know what.
"ghost," you start, but he doesn't answer, he just rubs his thumb over again. "ghost." you try again.
"simon." he stops.
"what are you doing?" you turn your head to the side when you whisper this, looking at him stand behind you out the corner of your eye, and he stares right back.
after his silence, you go to move but he stops you, his hands grabbing your arms and keeping you in place. you go to shake him off but when you lean your body back, you feel something against your ass and your breath hitches.
he shuts his eyes and clenches his jaw, he knows you felt it, and he knows he's fucked when he lets out a quiet groan.
"it seems you’ve been stressed too..." you mumble out and his grip on you only tightens. you don't think before you nudge your ass against him again but with purpose and his breathing stutters.
"Don't." he demands through gritted teeth, but you only do it again and he doesn't stop you.
he then pushes you forward and you gasp, your crotch hitting the desk edge as you bend over the desk.
he doesn't do anything for a few moments as he thinks over what he's doing. he's your superior. this is wrong. so why does it feel so good to drag his hand down your back.
he then suddenly lets go of you and backs up, confusing you in the process. you stand back up and turn to stare at him, your brows furrowed and you open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
the way you look at him, it's as if there's hope in your eyes and that only spurs him on to do what he does next. he moves his hand up to raise the bottom of his mask up to rest just over his nose. he then quickly loops his arm around your waist and pulls you in for your lips to meet his in a kiss born off of sexual frustration.
you're quick to wrap one of your arms around his neck, not caring at all for what this means because god it feels so good.
he groans against your lips and pushes you back against the desk, lifting you a bit to sit you down on it before he mumbles against your lips.
"you gon' let me do this?"
the man, your lieutenant, your superior who you thought hated you so damn much for the longest time, is asking for your permission as his hand squeezes your thigh.
this is crazy. all of this is crazy. yet you nod.
he spreads your thighs with his hands and stands between them while his mouth moves from your lips down to your jaw and then to your neck, his lips hot and wet against you.
you let him push you back until your back is flat against the desk, his hand moving to grab your hip to keep you in place just as he likes while his other hand loops under the waist band of your pants and palms you over your panties.
you can't help but whimper when he does this which only turns him on more. and he grunts against your neck when he removes his hand only to grind his covered bulge against you.
you huff out as he continues to grind against you, growing in need when heat begins to pool in your core while his hands grip at you tightly as if you'd disappear if he let go. and he's not about to risk that when he finally has you right where he wants you.
you pull at his clothes, a whine slipping from your lips and he knows what you want. one of his hands moves to slide your shirt up your stomach and you let him. when he does get the shirt off of you, he doesn't even go to unclip your bra, instead his hand moves to grab the front of your bra and drags it down, your tits falling out.
he grabs one of your tits and mouths it, sucking, while his other hand moves to pull your pants down.
he backs up and fully pulls your pants off before he's back on you, mouth on your tit while his left hand plays with the other and his right hand slips under the fabric of your panties, feeling how soaked you are.
his thumb applies pressure on your clit which has you already gasping and arching into his touch.
he teases you a bit, wanting to see how desperate you'd get before he actually fucks you with his cock. he slips a digit in and groans against your nipple when he feels how your wet warmth clenches around just his finger.
he adds another and then another, wanting to stretch you out enough for him to squeeze in.
he curls and thrusts his fingers in you, getting to that spongey spot in you that has you moaning and throwing your head back against the desk, whining fro him to finally put it in.
"y'want me?" he asks but you can't even reply.
"I asked if y'want me, love." his voice is gravel when he repeats himself, wanting an answer out of you before he takes this further.
you nod, frantic and and grinding against his palm for more friction against your clit. "y-yes, yes sir, please-" you answer and he feels his cock twitch in his pants.
he moves his lips back up to your neck and removes his hands from you, undoing his pants and pulling himself out, precum beading at his red tip.
you whimper at the sight of it. it's obvious to see how big of a man simon is in general, he's huge. and it seems that so is everything else about him.
he doesn't bother to remove your panties as he's too impatient. instead he just moves them to the side, his finger running down your slit before he brings it to his mouth to get a taste of you, letting out a satisfied hum.
he then brings his hand up to you and orders, "spit", and you do.
he pumps himself a few times to wet it before he aligns with your slit and you inhale when he starts to push in, stretching you out so perfectly for him. so fucking big.
he takes his time pushing into you, his warm breath against your neck when he groans as he bottoms out, deep inside you. “so fucking tight…” he groans through gritted teeth.
you clench around him, your hands slipping under the fabric of his shirt and your nails clawing at the skin on his back, wanting him to move already as you grow impatient and needy.
he does just that, drawing his hips back before thrusting back into you resulting in a yelp from you. and he doesn't stop.
his pace is already above slow and picking up with each time he hammers back into you, curses and moans falling from his lips like he's in heaven, because he is.
your lips meet his again and you moan into his mouth with each thrust. he makes out with you like a man starved, like he's been wanting this for so long…you under him while he fucks into you like it's the last thing he'll ever do.
the only sounds in the room being the squelching of your pussy as he thrusts into you and both of your moans. if anyone was walking down the hallway at this hour which is unlikely, they'd most definitely hear what you two are doing.
he moves his hand down and presses his thumb to your clit while he continues to fuck into you, rubbing it in circles which has you crying out through moans, tears of pleasure threatening to spill out the corners of your eyes.
your breathing becomes ragged as your back arches deeper into him, your hips bucking against his to meet his pace while he groans and nips at the skin on your neck, “takin’ me so well… s’ fuckin good f’me…” he moans and it sets your skin on fire.
he's close and so are you.
your fingers move under the back of the mask to pull at his short hair and he let's you do it, trusting you to not pull the mask off.
your lips against his ear, letting him hear all your pretty sounds and it only drives him further, his pace keeping steady, knowing just what you need when you moan out "i'm close..so close.." and he knows it too as he feels you clench tightly around him.
he surprises you when he places his thumb in your mouth when you moan, flattening it against your tongue and grunting a “open f’me, yeah?” and you do without hesitation, opening your mouth nice and wide enough for him to spit on your tongue. he doesn’t even have to tell you to swallow before you do it automatically, earning a smirk from him before he kisses you again.
the combination of his thumb rubbing in circles against your clit and him hammering into you has your body stuttering and spasming, feeling like you're getting possessed as you let out a strangled and broken quiet scream as you finally come undone beneath him, your vision going for a few moments while he fucks you through your orgasm.
you continue to moan when he keeps pumping into you after your orgasm, chasing his own high while he grunts out "'m gonna come... gonna come on your tummy, love.." before he quickly pulls out of you, leaning back up and pumping his cock a few times before he releases his load on your stomach followed by his heavy breaths.
he stares at you for a moment, his chest rising and lowering in heavy breaths before he leans over you to grab the tissue box in the corner of the desk and wipes his cum off of you.
he puts your panties back in place and steps back, handing you your pants. he shoves his cock back into his pants and then watches you pull yours back on, his arms crossed.
now that the foggy feeling in your mind is gone, you're shy as you stand under his gaze.
you just fucked your lieutenant.
he licks his lip before pulling the mask back down and sitting back onto the chair. you're confused for a moment before he nods his head in the direction of the door and mutters a "go t'sleep. it's late."
you look at the door and then back at him, furrowing your brows in confusion. "but my paperwork-" he interrupts you before you can finish your sentence. "I'll do your paperwork. now go to bed. tha's an order." he instructs and you stand there absolutely dumbfounded before you actually register his words.
you slowly nod and he clenches his jaw before he looks at the short stack of paperwork on the side of the desk, grabbing one and beginning to work on it, but you're still there.
"thought I told you t-" he pauses when you lean down to place a kiss on the fabric over where his temple is, taking him by surprise as it shuts him up.
you then give him a sweet smile, your hand sliding down his muscular arm before you turn around and walk out the small office, leaving him to do your paperwork after he fucked you so well just a moment ago on that very desk.
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horny brain = ©simonsslut 2023 — do not steal!
simon experiencing blue balls too many times in secret bc he's stubborn.
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How bout angel dust, Verosika and Alastor with a puppy hybrid s/o? Like, they have puppy ears and tail and has some dog like tendencies?
For example: they love to bite and play with dog toys,they bark and growl, they LOVE headpats and being called "good boy/girl"
You can remove 2 characters if it's too much.
"Good Puppy!" ; Alastor, Angel Dust, Verosika Mayday
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I'll be honest here: I have no idea how you got this to happen, because this man absolutely HATES dogs, and therefore hated you when he first met you. And he's honestly quite possibly the worst one to be with as a puppy hybrid.
He was exceptionally cruel, calling you a "mangey mongrel", a "rabid mutt", and just about any cruel name for a dog under the sun.
Will try to make you act more human. He'd despise your dog features. Dogs remind him of his death, and that's something he'd rather not deal with.
If you've managed to start dating him, he'll be slightly more polite, but still make his distaste for those features very apparent to you.
"S/O, must you constantly be wiggling that furry abomination?"
It isn't that he means to be mean, but, well, in some primal way, you scare him, and he doesn't know how to cope with feeling that helpless.
If you growl or bark at him, you will ROYALLY piss him off, and he will actually need to leave to avoid either lashing out at you or having a mental breakdown.
Fortunately, with enough time and patience, he will eventually calm down and begin to regard you as safe, and not someone he needs to fear. Then he'll become noticeably kinder to you.
"Well, aren't you just a dandy little pup! Excited to see me, hm? Such a good boy/girl~."
He may have started off cold, but he's trying to be better for you now.
He isn't sure how he feels about dog toys and the like, but hey, he's a literal cannibal and serial killer, who is he to judge? As long as you're having fun.
Eventually, he'll begin to give you those headpats you so crave, realizing how happy it makes you. He can stand a bit of discomfort for your sake.
But seriously... please don't bark or growl at him, he still doesn't like the moment of panic he's forced to feel when that happens.
He wouldn't do it to you, so don't do it to him. That's his one boundary with your dog-like behavior/appearance.
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Oh boy. He'd be the one constantly flirting and teasing you for your traits, but in a loving (and very NSFW) manner.
"What's with the tail, Ears? Got a pet play kink or somethin'?"
When he finds out you ACTUALLY enjoy being called a good boy, that actually sets off every single one of his teasing instincts.
Every single day, you'll hear a joke about you having a praise kink, purely because it makes Angel laugh.
But he's only teasing, of course. If you actually tell him you're uncomfortable, of course he'll stop. The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable with him.
He'll also get you dog toys and chew toys if you find them fun!
And his absolute favorite thing to do is pet your ears and ruffle your tail, especially if they're as fluffy as his chest is! He finds the sensation soothing.
If you growl at him, chances are he'll growl back at you just to mess with you.
Or he'll make a claw motion and do the little "rawr~" thing because he finds it amusing how you react when you don't know how to respond to something.
He'll also definitely tease you if your tail ever wags.
"That a tail or are ya just happy ta see me, baby boy~?"
He's a tease but... very sweet. Toward you, at least.
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At first, she didn't really see the appeal of dating a puppy hybrid. She treats Vortex like a guard dog, and she initially expected you to be the same.
But of course, who could resist a cute puppy? She quickly warmed up to you, finding you absolutely adorable. Whereas Verosika is sultry and seductive, you were cute and innocent, and she loved that about you.
She'd often find herself petting your head and telling you what a good boy/girl you were, seemingly without actually consciously meaning to. She just couldn't resist, the puppy eyes were too much for her!
"Aww, S/O! Such a good boy/girl! Who's my good boy/girl? You are! Yes you are!"
Yeah, even after you start dating, that doesn't change. She still calls you that, but her affections now run even deeper.
As in, she buys you a LOT of dog toys. A lot. She doesn't know why you love them so much, but she knows she wants you to be happy, because you absolutely deserve it.
She's also greatly amused whenever you bark or growl, but shh, don't tell anyone. That isn't part of her persona!
Sometimes, when you're cuddling, she'll wrap her tail around yours and slowly wag them both, since she knows it both stimulates you and expresses affection.
She'd also probably use your barking and growling to her advantage to scare people she doesn't like off. Nine times out of ten, it works. Dogs can be pretty scary when they're not being friendly actively, and puppies are no different.
"That was amazing, S/O. You really know how to scare a little bitch off!"
You didn't really mean to scare anyone, but you were happy Verosika was happy.
She did send that person an apology note at your insistence, though, luckily.
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roosterr · 10 months
white flag ✹ ch 4
note: i had to rewrite this chapter TWICE. im sick of it so pls enjoy. also forgot to mention on here that I have been away this week on a little holiday. didn't stop me writing tho lol.
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 2.3k
no use of y/n
readers callsign is 'stingray'
summary: while you're gone on a mission, ghost has time to ponder your relationship, and comes to a long awaited realisation
warnings: ghost's pov, mentions of blood and injury, lil bit of angst
【prev】 || 【next】
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ghost never knew how to feel about you.
at first, he really did hate you; you were the bright-eyed new recruit with seemingly endless optimism, he simply couldn't help but be annoyed by you. honestly, he half expected you to tap out a week into the job. you were just so… normal, he found it hard to believe you were cut out for this line of work.
of course, he trusted price's decision to hire you, and deep down ghost knew he wouldn't have recruited you if he didn't think you could handle it, but he looked down on you anyway. it didn't matter how good price thought you were, you'd have to earn ghost's respect.
it was infuriating, the way you fit so easily into the dynamic of the team. they all liked you right off the bat, even the captain, who was notoriously hard to impress. he observed you from afar, watching how you easily broke down their walls and fell into place next to them like it was nothing.
if he was honest with himself, he might have even called it jealousy. it seemed that everything was so natural to you; everything that he struggled with, you did with such ease you made it look like child's play. he especially hated the way you could just be a person. you didn't lock up every time someone spoke to you, you didn't need to sit with a visual on every available exit, and you didn't need to analyse every person you met in the fear that the second you turn your back they'll stab you in it.
you pissed him off, but what was worse than anything else about you, is that ghost had to fight with himself not to like you too.
it was the first time he got sent on an assignment with you that he began to understand why everyone seemed to get along with you so well. the ruthless efficiency with which you did your job was almost shocking to see. he couldn't have predicted how well the two of you worked together; like a well oiled machine, by the end of the mission he didn't even need to communicate verbally, you could just tell what his next move would be.
he finally understood why price fought so hard to get you on the one-four-one – and he finally found it in himself to respect you.
but that didn't change the way he felt about you beyond the field. you were soft, too kind, and too optimistic, you weren't hardened by the job like him. so he went out of his way to be tougher on you than he was with the others, and he rationalised it by telling himself he was helping you; that without a little toughening up, this world would break you, and for some reason, he couldn't stand the thought of that.
when you started to resent him back, it made his stomach feel heavy in a way he'd never felt before. it was new, and uncomfortable, and it scared him. he wasn't sure when he first noticed it, but it only got worse when he came to the realisation that you didn't care for him like you did for gaz and soap.
you could joke around so easily with them, but you go quiet when he enters the room. you never meet his eyes, and make sure to never be physical with him. when he addresses you over comms, you answer with a quick 'yes sir' and that's the end of it. ghost would never admit it, but the distance between you hurt – even if it was by design. 
as he lay awake that night, he thought about what it would be like if you treated him the same way you treated the others. he couldn't stop the tiny smile that pulled at his lips as he imagined laughing with you, sitting next to you, touching you.
he imagined you, taking his calloused hand into your own, so gentle and kind like you always were, and the way his pulse skyrocketed scared him into staying up the rest of the night.
after that, the way he saw you changed. where he used to think you were soft – and therefore weak – instead he saw the way you chose to be kind. when once your constant jokes with the others was an inability to take things seriously, now it was your specialty way to keep up morale, and ghost actually found himself chuckling at a few of your quips.
it was like his entire perspective had shifted, everything about you that used to annoy him gradually became something he appreciated about you.
it took him a while, but he finally came to the conclusion that he… liked you. 
but it was bittersweet, because he already knew you didn't want him, and he doubted you ever would. you'd never see him in the same light, he'd ruined his chances before he even knew he wanted one.
maybe it was for the best, though. you deserved better, someone who would treat you right, someone normal. he already knew you didn't want him, and he could never blame you for that. people like you don't fall in love with people like him, that's just the way it is.
so he resigns himself to burying the feelings he harbours for you. you never had to find out, if you did you'd surely be disgusted by someone like him being interested in you. he couldn't handle rejection like that, not from you.
when price told him he'd have to take you in when your house burned down, he was fucking terrified. it shook him to his core, how much he liked the idea of the two of you living under the same roof. he did his best to avoid you, leave you in peace like he assumed you wanted; but you – wonderful, kind you – wouldn't just leave him to his misery.
you were being nice to him, and he couldn't figure out why. he assumed it was because he was doing you a favour by letting you stay with him; he couldn't even trick himself into believing that you might be doing it because you liked him.
every night, he'd go back to that fantasy of existing with you, by your side instead of at arm's length. you were so close, just a single door separating you, his hands started sweating every time he passed by the living room.
he knew he was a goner the morning you woke up before him. he'd scarcely ever seen you in a casual setting, but walking into the kitchen and being greeted by you sitting at the table, the domesticity of it all hit him like a bullet to the chest.
it was exactly what he wanted, and it scared the shit out of him, so he panicked. he needed to stay away from you, for your own good, so he did what the ghost does best.
he ran away.
he didn't even consider what you'd think, he just had to get away, before he said something he'd end up regretting.
when you came through the door, soaking wet, and laid into him – which he knew he deserved – he immediately regretted leaving you behind. seeing you cry, knowing it was because of him, it made him feel sick. he knew he never wanted you to feel that heartache again, especially if it was because of him.
he'd give anything to start again with you, go back to the beginning and do it all right this time, but the only thing he could do was try and make up for what he'd put you through.
the hot chocolate was a peace offering; he knew you loved it – he even knew about the stash you had of it hidden in price's office, away from the other soldiers. he half expected you to just tell him to piss off, but when you accepted it, he felt his heart soar.
it ignited a spark of hope within him. more than anything, he just wanted you to like him, it didn't matter if you never saw him the way he wanted you to.
he intended on waking you up the next evening, before he left for the pub, but when he saw how peaceful you looked while you slept, he couldn't bring himself to disturb you. 
you stayed with gaz and soap most of the night, and he spent the night watching you from the bar and dimly lit corners, assuring himself that you were okay. when it came time to drag you home with him, he had never been so nervous. taking care of people was the exact opposite of his strong suit, especially when they started crying at him.
he almost couldn't believe his ears when you said you liked him.
he'd dragged you home with an arm wrapped around your waist, his head feeling light as a feather. by all accounts, he should've been annoyed at having to look after you in your inebriated state, but he found himself smiling under his mask the whole way home – even when you almost threw up on him.
when you rested your head on his shoulder on the bathroom floor, he might've actually short-circuited. all thoughts except for you evacuated his mind, and a wonderfully warm feeling blossomed in his chest that made his stomach flutter like never before.
he came so close to spilling his guts to you, but then he remembered that you were drunk, and you most likely wouldn't remember it if he did. so he resigned himself to tucking you into bed with an uncharacteristically gentle touch.
the next day, sitting on that park bench with you, laughing with you like he'd wanted to for so long – it was everything to him. it sent his pulse through the roof, it was complicated, and it was so pleasantly warm.
the logical part of him knew that this would only end painfully for him, but found himself willing to risk that if it meant more of these moments with you.
but of course, he'd fucked it all up at the first opportunity. he'd screamed in your face and he had yet to even apologise for it – for any of it. he felt immeasurably guilty, but he was so scared he couldn't even force himself to be around you.
even price had yelled at him for how he'd treated you. you were traumatised, you had a very real phobia as a result of the house fire, and he felt like a fucking fool for not noticing. he swore to himself he'd make it up to you, he'd grovel at your feet for the rest of his life if he had to, and if you never forgave him he still wouldn't blame you.
he regretted it – of course he did. he let his fear consume him; the fear of you getting hurt, of losing you, and not being able to do anything to save you.
almost as soon as the words had passed his lips, he realised what he was doing, he heard himself. the anger in his voice, the fearful look in your eyes as they glistened with tears, it was everything he didn't want to be.
he felt just like his–
no. he refused to even entertain that thought. he'd never be… that. you deserved so, so much better than the broken husk of man that he was. no matter what he did, he would never deserve you; and it was selfish, but he still hoped that you could somehow forgive him.
it's only been a few days since you left on that assignment for laswell, but he's found that being alone in his house didn't bring him the same comfort it used to. the silence never bothered him before, in fact he greatly preferred it, but now it just felt empty. like there was something missing, leaving a hole in the space it used to occupy.
deep down, the rational part of simon knows that it's you, of course it is, but you wanted nothing to do with him right now. he knew he had to fix things, he would never get over the hollow feeling in his chest if he didn't. that's why he was currently standing at the edge of the runway in the middle of the night, watching the ramp of the helo lower to reveal you, gaz, and the captain.
you looked shattered, like you hadn't slept for days – which was probably true – and he was suddenly overcome with the urge to gather you into his arms and not let go. he wondered if the remnants of dried blood that were visible on your hands and face were yours.
he felt his heart rate pick up as you made your way closer to him, his icy stare softening when he sees how you drag your feet across the tarmac.
when you were close enough, he reached his hand out to grasp your arm, opening his mouth to speak, but he never makes contact.
you sidestep him, and he feels his heart break in his chest. any words he was planning on saying die on his tongue as he turns to watch you slip through the doors without a hint of acknowledgement to him.
price gives him a rough pat on the shoulder as he and gaz pass by. "fix it, simon." he murmurs, before disappearing through the doors as well, leaving him alone outside the building.
he will fix it – he'd do whatever it takes because simon doesn't just need you, he's come to the alarming conclusion that he loves you – he just has no idea how.
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taglist p1: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @mockerycrow , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy , @guiltgoreglory , @postmodernrevolutionist , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @delilah-grimes , @sunflowerqueen1416 , @luvssemma , @ghostslittlegf , @imonmykneessir , @kenz-ee , @eistro-phobia , @rzmarona , @alanalanalanalanalanna ,
@cathnoneofyourbusiness , @madsothree , @geisterfvhrer , @lazyninjaphilosopher , @aliilium , @koi-feish , @chaoticgoblindev , @clear-your-mind-and-dream , @thrivig-n-jiving , @lesterous , @glitterypirateduck , @slu77ym4nw415ts , @livelaugh-light , @trulylavendedarling , @stateofcatatonia , @rivalriotrenegade , @yoichiislovie , @nirvanaaaonly , @ameliaamareeee , @batmanunicorns523 , @sapientiia , @thesecretwriter , @susanmukami , @ryze1113 , @stars-andfreckles , @spya1 , @tunaa-luvchrm , @tzutology , @kuruksenshi
if your name is crossed out, i can't tag you for whatever reason, sorry! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hi 👋🏽 I really like your stuff! I was wondering; could we possibly have some platonic headcanons for Husk where he has this unspoken kind of parent-kid relationship with the reader?
And the funny thing is that some of the others speculate that it’s no coincidence that the reader’s weirdly good at cards. Like, the reader doesn’t look exactly like him per say, but they bare enough of a resemblance to him that it has the other wondering is Husk could have possibly (unknowingly) had a kid while he was alive. No one knows. Not even us.
♦️ plz, and thank you ♥️
This is so fucking cute!!
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Husk X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Reader being a sad baby, Kidnapping, Underage drinking, Harassment, Reader needs help fr
Description: ☝️⬆️
Sure, technically you were an adult but you're also still just a kid
You thought you knew everything, you thought you were grown and didn't need to rely on anybody
You didn't need to open up to anybody, you grew up tough and went out like a badass
You weren't hurt or angry at the world at all
It's your attitude towards these things that makes Husk look out for you, keeping a watchful eye on you even when you don't want him to
You're trying to get a drink at a bar?? He's dragging you out and telling you that you're too young for that shit
Fucking hypocrite you drink all the time
You're getting into a fight with someone 10x your fucking size?? Husk is there to tackle them and take you home
Lectures you the entire way back if you're the one who started it
Some sleazy motherfucker is hitting on you?(Or even if it's not someone sleazy really) He's there to tell them to keep walking
Even if you don't want them to
Even the others at the hotel slip up and call him your dad which just pisses you off even more
"Angel! Let me have a drink!!"
"No way, kid! Your pops would totally kill me if I let you get wasted!"
Definitely causes some arguments between you two, the kind that makes everyone else in the hotel scatter
"You're not in charge of me, Husk! Just leave me alone!!"
"You think you got it all figured out, don't you? Well you fucking don't! You're not the biggest baddest thing out there! Hell, you're not even the baddest thing in this hotel!"
Not Alastor giving you cheeky wave as he walks by
Once the fight reaches it's peak then you storm off, fed up with being treated like a child
"I don't need a father so just back off!"
Husk needs a drink
Fine, let's see how you like it when nobody is looking out for you
You and Husk don't speak for awhile after that but you're too stubborn to admit that you miss him
You begin to act out whether you realize it or not, wanting him to come and yell at you like he used to
It was actually nice having someone who cared enough about you to fight with you over your choices
So you take your newfound freedom and sneak into a club that you've been trying to get into for awhile
You meet some fun people and party with them, drinking every drink they slide your way, dancing with whoever grabbed you
After awhile though you begin to feel dizzy and sick, you desperately need some fresh air
And some water
"Hey where you going, squirt??? We're just getting started!!"
Hey let go-
Ow! That hurts! Why are you grabbing so hard!?
I said let go of me-
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
You nearly cry at the sight of him, fur bristling with anger, wings spread out, arms crossed
You break away and run to him immediately, hugging him tight and relaxing as he wraps a protective arm around you
You'll blame it on the alcohol later
"You okay, kid?"
You don't see how he never takes his eyes off your friends turned attackers
You just nod and hide your face in his chest, squeezing him tighter
"I wanna go home..."
Husk immediately softens up and carries you home, making sure nobody follows the two of you
He takes care of you the entire night and has a hangover remedy ready for you in the morning
No lecture from him this time, he just quietly takes care of you then leaves
Charlie and Vaggie will later tell you that he stayed with you the whole night, refusing to leave your side
You'll have to seek him out on your own once you feel better, sitting on a bar stool and clearing your throat
"I'm not going to fix you a drink so just forget it-"
"Thank you...for...you know..."
Husk visibly softens up once he registers your words, sighing as he sets his rag down
It takes all of his strength to power through his next words, looking embarrassed and uncomfortable
Telling you that he's not trying to baby you when he stops you from doing certain things, or when he tells you that you're too young
He's just trying to look out for you because he cares about you
And no matter how angry with him you get, he'll always come bail you out of trouble and you can always come to him with anything
Sure, he might not be your father but he's definitely your daddy
Wait fuck that came out wrong
It sounded cool in the movie!!
It's not that funny!! You are ruining the moment
Husk is so fucking embarrassed now, forget he said anything
Freezes up when you suddenly leap across the counter to hug his neck, squeezing him in a way that makes his heart melt
Hugs you back while awkwardly petting your head, feeling like his old heart is about to burst
"Thanks for everything, Husk~"
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I GOT VERY CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS I'M SORRY!! I hope you still enjoy it!!
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ohmygraves · 4 months
Hello! I've got a little writing idea if you want to do it. Reader and the rest of 141 are at a bar and reader keeps getting hit on throughout the night. Ghost/Soap getting jealous and feeling protective/possessive over reader and intervene. Just a little bit of a guard dog trope really. Scary man privileges. Hope this sounds a little interesting to do, have a good day :)
hello!!! thank you sm for the idea 💖🫶🏻 please enjoy this humble writing, i love the idea 💛 i wasn't sure if i want to do it with ghost or soap so i did both lol have a good day yourself!
scary dog privilege — ghost/reader/soap
warnings: creepy guy being pushy, alcohol mention, swearing
your little outing at the bar tonight seems to be quite unsuccessful.
actually, no, someone else would argue that you had a very successful day at the bar, since you're currently being hit on left and right by the other patrons. that's the purpose of a bar, right? to maybe find someone to kiss or hook up with one night, and hopefully not catch anything along the way.
but no, you're actually getting quite annoyed right now, as you want nothing more than to sit back, relax, and just get a few drinks with your friends from work. that's all. you want nothing to do with these people who want to get into your pants, or even ask you what's under it.
after a job well done, your captain had wanted to treat the team a few drinks to celebrate. this gets everyone excited, especially because he's not giving any price limits, and he's quite generous. besides, who would miss out on getting free drinks?
maybe you, because you're actually thinking if it was better if you'd just stayed behind, maybe read a book or watch some movies. hell, you could've even spent time at the shooting range, which you actually hated! (because ghost would nitpick at every single thing you did wrong when shooting, and he won't leave you alone until you get it right)
poor you, being such a people pleaser, not wanting to offend the person trying to hit on you, giving them a chance to speak and you'd listen attentively before turning them down because you're not here to hook up, you're here for some drinks and maybe to catch up with your friends. work has been so awful lately that the five of you haven't had the chance to even speak about anything other than mission, work, training... it's slowly getting annoying.
unfortunately, it seems like the others are not so interested in catching up, seemingly leaving to do their own thing. gaz went to the bathroom after downing a few pints, captain went out for a smoke as it is a non-smoking bar, and ghost and soap were somewhere near the billiard table, competing for something stupid again likely. and you? you're left alone in the booth the team always sat in, alone, taking sips of your drink waiting for kyle to come back from his pee break.
you've turned down two men so far, who fortunately was smart enough to sense that you're uninterested in their idea of a good time. you have to admit, you felt quite bad turning them down, especially since they seem to be quite courteous.
this fucking bloke, however...
he was very drunk, very pushy when talking to you. you could literally smell the alcohol off of his breath, it was a surprise that no one has tried to kick him out yet. he kept pestering you, trying to sit beside you and touching you, and your politeness is growing thin everytime he tried to get you to drink with him. you tried to tell him you're not interested, but he was too drunk to even register a "no", apparently.
seriously, where the hell is kyle? why does he need to piss out his two pints of beer immediately after drinking them?
you cursed at kyle, wondering which bathroom he went to for his pee break. did he go to the bathroom in the fucking philippines or something, what's taking him so long?
quickly, someone else scooted over beside you, leaning against your shoulder. soap.
"aye, this lad bothering yer, hen?" he asked you, arms slung behind your shoulder. you thanked whatever gods sent him your way.
the man who tried to hit on you seemed offended, was about to give soap a piece of his mind, before he was yanked out of the way by ghost, thrown aside down on the floor. it made a huge commotion, people were now looking at you.
ghost sat down quietly in front of you — where the man just sat after he tried to touch you, "reckon we should give him 'piece o' our mind, johnny?" he asked the scot.
"mmmaybe. what yer think, lt?"
now the man was fuming, being humiliated in front of the bar when he was trying to flirt with someone?
to make matters worse, now soap decided to kiss you!
he gently held your face, pressing his lips against yours, and to make it believable, even slipped his tongue in-between your lips, his eyes glaring at the drunk bloke. the man who tried to flirt with you was dumbfounded, too surprised to even say anything.
soap pulled away from you for a moment, letting you catch your breath. but before you could say anything, ghost pulled you over the table, his hands gripping your collar as he kissed you too, following what soap did, but much more intense. you didn't even see him pulling his mask up.
"see? lass's taken. shoo." soap held you close after you kissed ghost, basically telling the guy to fuck off. somehow, he left, still fuming though at the two guys who claimed you just like that.
you? you were a little dazed. confused. whatever. your two work mates kissed you after saving you from a random bloke who did not know what no means because he was too drunk off his arse. and strangely enough you didn't mind, they were the best kisses you've ever gotten in your life.
"why'd you two kiss me?" you asked, somehow. you felt stupid right after asking, clearly the answer was to help you get away from that creep!
ghost let out a sigh, taking a sip of his own glass of bourbon. "think we did ya a favor there, love."
you thanked both of them, but you still feel soap's hand squeezing your size, pulling you close to him.
"ye see, lass, can't have 'nother blether hittin' on ye."
you didn't seem to mind, you were getting tired and too drunk to even care. at least you're safe with them.
soap lets you lay your head on his shoulder, talking to ghost about something as you three waited for price and gaz to return.
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callsign-datura · 4 months
putrid pride
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x fem!reader warnings: ghost being a dick, unrealistic character, sexual tension, oral (f receiving), ghost not fucking you as a punishment for you being a little brat a/n: he's had me in a chokehold for the past year. i kinda want to do a character analysis series not gonna lie song: get stoned ~ hinder
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Sometimes you wondered why Price assigned you to be his partner. He thought it'd be a good learning experience for the both of you. Since you were a sergeant you were bossed around by everyone else already, and you've only been there for a few weeks. In most missions you've been assigned, Ghost has been part of it one way or another and you noticed that he treated you differently than his mates. Whether it was the fact you were a woman or the fact you were a talented sniper, or what, you didn't know. He always made these little jabs at you that could be passed off as light teasing or playful banter. You felt a bit crazy for thinking he was being rude to you because he wasn't rude to anyone else; why you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Damnit," he grunted, his back towards you. "You always fuckin' do this." His tone was laced with anger and venom, and your heart sunk. "You never fuckin' listen." he hisses, turning around and taking a few steps towards you. The look in his eyes pissed you off. You made the right decision, or so you thought. Sure, you disobeyed his direct orders and nearly got yourself killed, but you completed the objective and came back in one piece. You got the intel, confirmed the target's identity and best of all, did it quick and quiet. Why was he angry? You did everything you thought you were supposed to, but here he had you, in his office and standing in front of his desk and staring at him blankly.
"You never fuckin' listen, always disobey my orders despite th' fact your ass would be dead right now if it weren't f'me." His accent is thick, his voice steadily rising as he gets more pissed. "Jesus fuckin' Christ!" In truth, he didn't even know why he was so angry. Was it because you had disobeyed his orders again, or was it the fact you almost got yourself hurt? Or maybe it was the fact you did the mission better than he would have? "I don't know why you're so intent on breakin' the goddamn rules, but it's gettin' old." He snaps, brown eyes piercing yours as he splays his hands out on the surface of his desk, leaning forward so his face was inches from yours, his breath fanning over your face, hot and smelling faintly of alcohol.
"Look, Lieutenant. I may have disobeyed your orders but I saved lives in the process--" "Nearly losing your own." "But I completed the objective." "But you put yourself in danger." "I came back in one piece, didn't I?" "Barely. You escaped that goddamn explosion by a hair." He hisses through gritted teeth, leaning back and putting his hand in his pocket. "You're always so reckless. Do you have no sense of self-preservation?" "You're one to talk about self-preservation," you snort, your eyes widening slightly in disbelief at the mention. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten the time you hopped in front of a bullet to keep a sergeant from taking it?" His eyebrows knit together and his eyes narrowed. "I knew what I was doin', girl. Don't question me or my choices. It's not your fuckin' place to do so."
You snorted again. "Oh, yeah? Don't like it when I call you on your bullshit, huh? If you would have done this, we would have been expected to thank you and ignore the fact you could have been killed. But the moment I do it, you get on my ass."
"I am your lieutenant. I make decisions, you follow them. You don't question why I do what I do. When I tell you to do something, you do it without a second thought. When I order you to not engage, you do not engage." He spits, his eyes narrowing further and his chest tightening in barely contained anger. "You're lucky I don't fuckin' suspend you. The decision you made was a thoughtless, reckless and stupid one." "At least Price would understand where I'm coming from."
His eyes widen, and he laughs. "You think he'd take your side?"
"I think he'd understand why I did what I did. I think he wouldn't give me bullshit for making the right decision."
"Well, sweetheart, that's the thing. He isn't your CO, I am. So if I'm givin' you bullshit for makin' a decision, you stand there and take it and make a goddamn change." You shake your head and laugh. "I know what I did was right. I'm not going to stand down just because you think my execution wasn't proper." He's practically fuming now. He feels his chest tighten further, and he balls his hands into fists. "You're such a brat. For what? Just because you wanna be right?" He steps around the desk, moving and getting in front of you, his frame towering over yours. "You wanna be right so goddamn bad because you're new, huh? You don't want people to think you're weak, hm?" He leans in, his face inches from yours once again as his hands tremble at his sides. Your eyes focus on his brown ones, piercing with a newfound depth you haven't seen before. You take in a breath through your nose and against your will you take notice of his cologne; woody, citrusy. He's so close to you. You feel your body start to tingle a bit from the closeness and the tension.
"Oh, well, look at that..." His head tilts, his eyes softening for just a moment. "Now you've got nothin' to say?" He says, his tone faintly mocking as he backs you up against the wall. He's painfully aware of this situation and he's painfully aware of the source of these feelings, but he's refusing to see it. He's stubborn and he knows you are too. "Nothin' to fuckin' say cause I'm in your face?" He growls, his gaze burning holes into you. He brings his hands upwards and cages you against the wall, looking down at you with an intense mix of lust and anger. To him, it's just pure emotion and you feel slightly intimidated by this newfound situation. So, you do the only thing you know how to do. "Fuck you," you hiss, moving onto your tiptoes to get in his face in return. A chuckle leaves his throat in a growl and he doesn't back down. If anything, he finds this show of dominance to be... charming. Endlessly fucking irritating, but charming. Some twisted part of him wants to crush it; crush your insubordination, make you finally respect him. He takes in a breath and the hairs on his neck stand up as your scent wafts over his senses, and his eyes twitch briefly before he grunts and moves closer. "So fuckin' feisty. But we both know you've got nothin' more than bark." He murmurs, his voice raspy and low and with a tone that makes your heart thump in your chest and your cunt pulse between your legs. Despite yourself, you feel him leeching the fight from your body. You growl slightly. "You don't know what you're talking about," you grumble, your tone just as low as his as your gaze searches his for something other than this overwhelming lust.
"I think I do." He murmurs, tilting his head and leaning in so he's right near your ear. You ball your hands into fists. "I don't think you can fight me, cause you don't wanna. You like it when we get into this, don't you?" He questions, one of his hands coming up and cupping your cheek. "I think you like seein' me pissed. I think you like bein' a fuckin' brat 'cause you know it irritates me, an' you wanna see what I'll do..." He smirks, and you can hear it in the way he talks. "Well, I think I know how to solve your little problem now, eh?" He moves, his hand coming down and cupping your throat, applying gentle pressure to keep you against the wall as he moves back, pulling his mask over his nose and leaning back in to nip at your earlobe. You grunt and you feel yourself melting in his grasp. His other hand comes and holds your hips, his fingers slipping underneath the hem of your shirt as he tilts his head and kisses at the flesh of your neck his hand doesn't engulf. Your body heats up and you suck in a gasp, tilting your head back slightly and unintentionally revealing more of your neck to him. "Mm-hmm." He murmurs. "Yeah, all bark, no fuckin' bite. You wanna be all tough? Takes more than just an act, sweetheart," he grumbles, words punctuated by rough little nips to the flesh of your throat as he withdraws his hand and slides it down your side and to your hips. He moves and lifts your shirt and once again, despite yourself, you lift your arms to make it easier for him. He throws it aside and his gaze travels over you hungrily, focusing on the curves of your chest and your waist, and the way your jeans sit on your hips. He grunts quietly and dives back into your neck, holding your hips and drawing you against him as he starts kissing and biting at your neck with renewed vigor. One of his hands slides to your ass, giving a little squeeze as he hoists you up, still assaulting your neck with kisses and bites. You whine out at him, the sensation making you shudder. He chuckles against your flesh and his other hand is already working at the button of your jeans.
He sets you down, working your pants and panties down your legs, tugging them off hastily before he's kneeling in front of you. A wave of embarrassment comes over you as he gazes up at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He grunts slightly and his gaze flickers to your cunt. He slides his hand up the back of your thigh and down before cupping your knee and pulling your leg up and to the side, humming in satisfaction at the way you follow suit and open yourself up for him. His gaze focuses on your cunt, glistening with your slick. You're soaked. He sees it, and he smirks and chuckles a bit when he sees your cheeks flush red. "Pretty fuckin' cunt," he murmurs, before leaning forward and letting his eyes flutter shut as he drags his tongue along your folds, letting out another hum as he tastes you. He grunts and his grip on your leg tightens, his free hand cupping your ass and squeezing as he slips his tongue between your folds and drags it upward along your clit. He swirls it with the tip of his tongue before closing his lips around it to suck gently, grunting as he tastes you and he feels you tremble. Your eyes roll back in your head and you tilt your head back against the wall, your hips arching forward in attempt to get more of that stimulation. He chuckles at your eagerness, giving your ass another squeeze. "Patience, dear." He murmurs against your cunt, before swirling his tongue over your clit with ease and pushing it down, teasing your hole with it before he pushes it inside briefly, moving back up to flick his tongue over your clit in a new pattern that has you trembling and whimpering in seconds. The hand gripping your ass comes to your cunt, and he rolls his pointer and middle fingertip against your hole, gathering your slick. You jolt at the feeling of his cool flesh and you whimper eagerly yet again, a harsh gasp leaving your lips as he pushes those fingers into you. Your walls make an embarrassingly wet noise as he sinks his fingers into your plush heat, and your face flushes and warms up. You're too distracted about how good it feels. He grunts in satisfaction once more, curling his fingers and brushing the tips against that spot along your walls that has your vision going white.
At the same time, he swirls his tongue a bit faster over your clit, using the opportunity of dual stimulation to send you spiraling. And he does, successfully. Your leg trembles and tenses, and your walls squeeze around his fingers as he laps at your cunt like a man starved. He grunts against you as you mewl and the coil in your belly tightens before releasing. Within seconds, you're coming undone on his fingers your back is arching, your hips are bucking, and your hands are pulling him closer. Your vision goes white and you throw your head back, your lips falling apart in a whine of his name, your fingers grasping at the fabric of his balaclava. Your walls tighten again on his fingers, and he helps you ride the orgasm out before he's gently pulling away and dragging his fingers out of your sensitive cunt. You pant and tilt your head forward, watching him withdraw his fingers from you. You whimper at the feeling and you tense up, your gaze flickering to his mouth. You're sensitive, but as you watch him kneeling under you, you find yourself wanting more. He smirks as he notes the way you're looking at him. It's taking a lot of restraint for him to not bend you over his desk and pound you senseless, but... he has a point to make here. He gets to his feet and he looks down at you, cupping your face and placing a chaste kiss to your forehead. "Get yourself dressed. Y've got some training to do." You swallow and blink up at him. "W-Wait... that's... it? You're not gonna--" "Fuck you?" He laughs, as if the suggestion is odd. Your face flushes in embarrassment. "Not after the way you've been actin', love." He murmurs, kissing your forehead. "If you start behavin', then maybe I'll consider givin' you what you really want, eh?"
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ashwhowrites · 6 months
okay so this has been in my head forever but imagine cheerleader/rich popular reader and eddie are dating. reader is the daughter of a company ceo and wayne works at the company. wayne absolutely hates his boss because he’s rich and spoiled and his boss hates him because he doesn’t understand where he came from since he never grew up poor or whatever. let’s say one day reader and eddie decide to tell their parents about each other and reader invites eddie and wayne to come to her house for dinner and wayne and her dad are pissed bc they don’t want their kid/nephew associated with each other and like forbid them from being together but they eventually realize how much they mean to each other and like give them permission to date again. i feel like this would be so chaotic and funny but cute and wholesome at the same time
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Rich girl, poor boy
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Wayne Munson was a hard-working man who didn't get credit where it was due. He started at the bottom and worked his way through every promotion. But his boss made Wayne's life hell. He kept Wayne at work later and later, giving him random tasks that weren't needed and treating him like scum. His boss was a rich old man, he was bitter and looked down on the people beneath him. Wayne was used to being the poorest man compared to others, but to be targeted because of it by his boss was his last straw. He hated that man and he hated whoever was related to him.
Wayne worked hard for himself but he also worked hard for Eddie. To provide as much as he could for his nephew. That's why he sucked it up and kept working for that twat of a boss.
"You're home very late," Eddie announced as Wayne walked through the door. The small clock above the couch read midnight as Eddie picked at the cold plate of dinner.
"Tried to wait but I was starved," Eddie said, Wayne brushed it off, heating his plate in the microwave. He waited a few seconds as it heated, grabbing a beer and taking a swig. He grabbed the warm plate and set it on the table.
"It's fine. The boss decided every car on the lot needed a tire cleaning." Wayne grumbled, stuffing his face with semi-warm food, Eddie frowned as he sat across from his uncle.
"Again? You did that last week." Eddie said he could see Wayne's body language was annoyed and exhausted.
"Didn't do good enough last time," Wayne said, rolling his eyes as he ate his first meal of the deal. Eddie watched with a heavy heart as Wayne's tired body ate as fast as he could. He knew once he finished, Wayne would go to bed and do it all over again.
"How was your day, though?" Wayne asked, he tried to keep up with Eddie's life. His parents were deadbeats and never checked up on him. Wayne wanted Eddie to have at least one parent who cared.
"Good! I took Y/N to get ice cream and we listened to new records." Eddie smiled as he recalled his day. Wayne couldn't help but smile along. Eddie had this girlfriend that he was obsessed with. She was popular and a cheerleader. Wayne almost choked on his dinner when Eddie first told him about her. He was nervous that such a popular girl was interested in Eddie, but from every story, she sounded sweet and genuine.
"When do I get to meet the unlucky girl?" Wayne joked, placing his fork on the empty plate.
"Haha," Eddie faked laughed, flipping Wayne off. "She's been asking for our families to meet, and invited us over for dinner on Friday. Think your boss will let you off at a normal time? She wants to do it around seven."
"I'll make him," Wayne promised, a pat on Eddie's head as he made his way to bed.
"I haven't worn nice clothes since you got baptized." Wayne chuckled, buttoning up his last button, then tucking his shirt into his jeans.
"I'm baptized?" Eddie laughed, also tucking his button-up into his jeans.
"Oh yeah, your mom did it for your grandma before she died. Are you ready?" Wayne asked, grabbing the keys.
"Eddie!" Y/N cheered, her arms wrapped around him as she snuggled into his neck. She soaked in his warmth for a second before she pulled away. Her eyes were on the older man next to Eddie. She smiled and brought him into a hug as well.
"Oh!" Wayne chuckled, hugging her back softly.
"Eddie talks about you all the time. Nice to see the man that inspires him." Y/N said as she pulled away. Wayne smiled back at her kindness. She had a sweet voice and a bright smile. He could easily see why Eddie fell so fast.
"Nice to meet the girl Eddie constantly talks about. I see he was right about how beautiful you are." Wayne smiled, and Y/N felt herself blush as she looked at Eddie. Her was art warm when he talked about her and believed she was beautiful.
"Well, I'll lead you to the dining room!" She said. Her black dress swayed at the bottom as she turned around. Her heels clicked on the marble floor as the boys followed behind her. Wayne tried to not let his jaw drop as he took in the huge house. The chandelier on the ceiling, the velvet furniture, the plants, and wall art. She came from money, and she came from lots of money.
Eddie was in awe of her house. He didn't think these houses were real. It looked like a scene from a movie. He knew she was rich, but he didn't know she was that rich. She didn't act spoiled, she was humble and even had a part-time job. She wasn't a snob, Eddie wouldn't have guessed she came from this much money based on how she acted.
"Daddy, this is Eddie! My boyfriend, and his uncle, Wayne!" Y/N held Eddie's hand as she introduced them to her dad. Her dad stood up from the table, his eyes settled on the younger man next to his daughter. Then they moved to the older man next to him.
"Son of a bitch." Wayne muttered to himself. Eddie quickly looked at him with confusion. Y/N looked between her dad and Wayne. Not understand why the air got so thick.
"You didn't tell me you were dating a Munson boy." Her dad sneered. Y/N didn't like the way he said Munson like it was a curse.
"Well he didn't mention he was dating a Y/L/N" Wayne growled back. Both men racing their chins higher and higher.
"Away from that boy now!" Her dad said, walking over to yank her arm. Y/N gasped as her grip lost Eddie's.
"Daddy!" She hissed, she couldn't believe his behavior. "What is the problem?"
"That man is a shame excuse of a man. He is scum at the bottom of the earth and you will not be dating no family member of his." He demanded, Y/N felt panic in her chest. Worriedly looking at Eddie.
"Sir, please just give us a chance. I'm not sure how you know Wayne, but he isn't scum! And neither am I. I love your daughter and I know I can take care of her." Eddie tried.
"Not. He works for me! I know exactly how much of a pathetic man he is. How can you take care of her when you are poor, Eddie? My baby girl doesn't belong in a tiny trailer."
"Stop it! You are being so rude." Y/N said, yanking her arm from her dad's grip. She stood productively in front of Eddie. "Eddie is a very nice boy and I love him. How much money he's got has nothing to do with anything."
"You are not dating him. That's an order."
"You can't tell me what to do! We don't need your support." Y/N snapped, her eyes angry as she stared down her dad.
"We have Wayne's and that's all we need," Eddie said, his hand reaching out to grasp hers softly.
"Eddie, you break up this relationship right now," Wayne said Eddie's eyes were huge as he turned around to look at his uncle. Shock is written all over his face.
Y/N's dad smiled as Wayne agreed. Maybe they could have this one small thing in common.
"Wayne!" Eddie exclaimed. He couldn't believe Wayne would suggest that. Y/N felt her heart crack as she turned to look at Wayne.
"Eddie, that man is evil. He is a snob, rude, and will forever look down on the people below him. I'm sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You are getting out while you still can. You are not dating a spoiled brat." Wayne spat out.
"Wayne!" Eddie scolded, he couldn't believe Wayne would speak so poorly of Y/N, he barely gave her a chance. In the same way, Dad barely gave Eddie the chance.
"Wayne, please. I know my dad is a boss man but I would never look down on you or Eddie. I'm so sorry for his behavior, but please I love Eddie. Don't do this." Y/N begged. She knew her dad was a loss cause, she needed Wayne to be on their side.
"It's Mr. Munson, Eddie we are leaving. Say goodbye and meet me in the car." Wayne spat, he turned around and walked out the door.
"Break up with the boy or Wayne is fired. You will not be talked about like that. He disrespected my daughter in my house!" Her dad threatened, his arms crossed as he looked down at the couple. He ignored the pain in his daughter's eyes but enjoyed the fear in Eddie's.
"Eds." Y/N whimpered, her eyes watery as the world crashed at their feet. She didn't want to lose him.
"Y/N, I gave an order. I want him out of my house and out of your life." Her dad said before he left the room.
"What do we do?" Eddie asked
"We have to break up." Y/N choked out, her eyes watered and her throat burned.
"Baby no! We'll make your dad change his mind! I'll make him, I promise!" Eddie panicked.
"I'm sorry. That job is all you guys have. I can't be the reason he gets fired, he'll hate me even more." Y/N couldn't live with that guilt. "I'm sorry." Y/N whimpered, sobs making its way out of her mouth. She covered her cries with her hands.
"He doesn't hate you! I'll make him change his mind and give you a chance!"
"Eddie, it's me or the job. Wayne would never accept us if it cost him his job, his income, and his source to support you. But soon I'll have money saved to move out, we will graduate and we can be together. Just wait for me?" She cried.
"Yes," Eddie said with no hesitation. He'd wait years for her.
"I love you," Eddie whispered, leaning down to softly kiss her goodbye. He felt his heart sink as he tasted her salty tears.
"I love you." She whispered. She watched as he walked out the door.
Eddie tried to hold back his sobs as he got in the car. He didn't look at Wayne the whole drive. The betrayal in Eddie's heart was the worst pain he'd ever felt. Out of everyone in the world, he thought Wayne would always have his back.
The car ride was silent, a few blocks away from home when Wayne finally spoke up.
"Look, I know you-" Wayne tried
"No! You don't know. I can't believe you would talk to her that way. You disrespected my girlfriend right to her face. She has done nothing to you. It's her fucking dad! Yeah, I get that. But you did not need to treat her like that." Eddie snapped.
"Eddie, you are too young to understand. But she will turn out just like him. She'll be selfish and think she's above you. You'll thank me in the end." Wayne said.
"You don't know her. You don't know anything about her." Eddie argued. "She's nothing like him. She is sweet, kind, and would do anything for the people she loves."
Wayne laughed and shook his head. "She has you fooled." The car came to a stop as they pulled up to their trailer.
"Make sure you send her a thank you card for saving your ass from being fired." Eddie snapped as he slammed the car door. He raced into the trailer and locked himself in his room.
Y/N knew she'd never forgive her dad for what he did. She'd never forgive him for making her break it off with Eddie. She'd never forgive him for not letting her be happy. Her mom tried to make everyone civil, but dinners were silent. Y/N refused to speak or look at her dad.
"How was school?" Her mom asked, slicing her steak.
"Fine," Y/N muttered. She picked at her plate, not much of an appetite. The breakup with Eddie was the most painful thing she's ever experienced. It's been days of silence. Days of longing look from across the classroom. Days of crying in her room when all she wanted to do was be in Eddie's arms.
"Did you talk to that boy?" Her dad asked, his eyes squinting at her over his newspaper.
"Good girl."
Wayne sighed as he walked into the trailer, complete silence. It's been days of Eddie locked up in his room. He only left for school, then right back into his bedroom.
"Did you eat?" Wayne asked as he knocked on the door.
"No," Eddie said through the door.
Wayne ordered pizza, sitting on the couch as his nephew stayed locked in his room. Wayne was conflicted, he knew Eddie liked Y/N and that the breakup was hard. But Wayne couldn't help but like the relief of his boss' attitude towards him. It was like banning Eddie from seeing his daughter was a win. He let Wayne go home at normal times and didn't give random tasks.
In the end, it worked out for Wayne, but was it worth it if his nephew had to suffer?
Eddie came out when the pizza arrived. He stacked up a paper plate and went to walk back into his room.
"Can we talk for a second?" Wayne asked, Eddie sighed but sat down.
"I know you're hurting. I know these past few weeks have been hard for you. I can see my actions have hurt you. It's hard for me to admit, but I was wrong. I spent years trying to get you to smile and enjoy life. Ever since I took you in, there was this light missing in your eyes. I took you to parks, bowling, and arcades, and yet you never smiled. You grew up and still, that light wasn't there. You never enjoyed living. Then you met her. And one day, I saw that light in your eyes. I see that smile when you talk about her. I'm sorry I took that away from you, Eds." Wayne said, choking slightly as he felt tears falling down his face. "I'm so sorry. I want that light back in your eyes. I want you to have something to live for."
Eddie choked back his cries as he watched Wayne break down.
"She makes me happy, Uncle Wayne," Eddie whispered, biting his lip harshly as he felt sobs making their way into his throat.
"You have my blessing. Get her back." Wayne said, he reached out and rubbed Eddie's hand softly.
"It means a lot. But she broke it off so you could keep your job. Her dad threatened to fire you. She'll never do that to you." Eddie said, "But thank you."
Wayne watched as he got up and went back into his room.
He knew what he had to do to make it up to his nephew.
"Sir, can I come in?" Wayne asked as he knocked on his boss's door.
"Yes." His boss sat at his big desk, his hands under his chin as he waited for Wayne to speak.
"I quit," Wayne said, folding his uniform and placing it on the desk.
"Excuse me?" His boss scoffed.
"Eddie or the job, right? Your daughter and I have something in common. We both love that boy and it's time he gets picked. I pick Eddie. I'm accepting your daughter, because of the way she brightens up my boy's world. If you can't see he does the same for her, then maybe you don't love her the way you should." Wayne said, not waiting for a response as he left the office.
Eddie was doing homework in the kitchen when Wayne walked in.
"It's like three? How did you get off that early?" Eddie chuckled.
"I quit."
"WHAT?" Eddie yelled, standing up from his chair.
"He can't fire me if I don't work for him," Wayne smirked.
"But Wayne! We need the money."
"I'll get a job somewhere else. You are more important than any job. I'm sorry I stood in the way of your relationship, but now there won't be any consequences."
"Thank you." Eddie smiled, tears in his eyes as he pulled Wayne into a tight hug. Wayne smiled as a few tears left his eyes. That smile was back.
And so was she
"CHEATER!" Y/N screamed, her accusing fingers pointed to Eddie as he tried to tuck cards under his plate.
"AM NOT!" he yelled back. His hand crumbled up another card he tried to hide. His girlfriend's eyes were watching his every move.
"WAYNE!" she yelled, the older man got off the couch and walked to the table. The board game is on the table, dice everywhere, and a mess of cards.
"Check his hand." She said a smile on her face. She knew Eddie was about to be caught.
"Wayne! Who are you gonna believe? Me or her?" Eddie gasped
"Your girlfriend." Wayne laughed, easily tackling Eddie to the floor as he tried to get the card out of his hand.
"GOT IT!" Wayne cheered, snatching the crumbled card. He held out his hand and yanked Eddie to his feet. Then placed the card in Y/N's hand.
"I knew it!" She said, slamming down the card she needed to win.
"Thank you, Uncle Wayne." She laughed as she high-fived him.
"He always cheats," Wayne whispered, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "Now I'm off to bed. Try not to be too loud. Big day tomorrow!"
"Good luck at the job interview," Y/N said, Wayne thanked her as he shut his bedroom door.
He smiled as he crawled into bed, the sound of Eddie's laughter and Y/N's screams filled the trailer.
Now the sound of that was worth quitting a job for.
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lovingmattysposts · 5 months
You don't know me
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P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32
pairing: y/n and chris sturniolo
summary: you and chris came from two different sides of the spectrum when it came to the social scale. You had the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect parents, but when you start to peal back that layers things got messy. Your life was set and stone, your future was set and stone. That was until he comes and changes everything.
warnings: drinking, partying, smoking, mentions of a toxic relationship. mentions of drunk driving, mentions of alcohol poisoning, smoking
hello!!! and welcome to the first part of my new chris series. I think you guys are going to LOVE this one. I cannot wait to hear your guys thoughts on this, love you as always. also CHRIS HAS A LIP RING IN THE SERIES. you're welcome.
xoxo, autumn
This party sucked. Everyone smelled like beer. It was too loud. Everyone around me was wasted and I just wanted to go home. Every single person I've come in contact with tonight has managed to piss me off in one way or another. Including my boyfriend, Max. Every time he drinks it's like he thinks he can finally say or do anything he wanted to and it did nothing but anger me, but I never said anything. He drinks, that's okay. I guess. I don't. That's okay too, I think.
So mostly being the only sober one at every party he drags me too, isn't necessarily my idea of a good time. Yet I suck it up almost every weekend because I didn't want to upset Max. He does a lot for me I can do things for him. Even if it means that I have to sit in the corner of the room watching my friends get wasted. I mostly find myself watching the clock, hoping one of them decides to call it a night early, or at least get sick so we have an excuse to leave.
This particular night Max was really, really pushing my buttons. First it was about my outfit. He hated it, basically forced me to change. He told me, 'You're an Labraut, you're suppose to look classy Y/n', I remember him glaring at me in my room. Next it was about who was driving. He always insisted to drive every time we went out, promising me that he would let me drive his car home, spoiler alert, he never did. He always wanted to drive home. Insisting that he was fine to drive. Clutching the seatbelt and the door handle as he whipped his brand new BMW across the neighborhoods, begging, praying we got home safe.
We fought in my driveway, over which who was going to drive. Him or me. I told him he could even drive there, just please let me drive home. Somehow within the argument I gave in, letting him drive. He kissed my head and told me not to worry that he would let me drive home this time. I reluctantly smiled as we picked up each of our friends and drove them to the party.
Max used to push me on drinking, not anymore. He gave up early in our relationship. Along with most of the affection, unless he was drunk, then he was all over me. Especially when we went back to my house because my parents would let him stay the night. My parents loved Max. Sometimes I even questioned if they loved him more than they loved me. They told me all the time as I was growing up that they wished I was a boy. That I was suppose to be a boy. They stopped saying that when I turned 14 though. I guess they realized wishing that I was a boy everyday wouldn't magically make me wake up with a dick.
God they were assholes sometimes. They let me basically do anything I wanted, which I gets lonely after a while but you get used to it. I definitely was. Like I said, they were assholes. I think they started to semi-like me when I started dating Max. Which Max ate up. I was getting kind of tired of the way he was treating me. We fought almost the entire way to the party before I agreed to go to his hockey game next weekend that was three hours away, might I add. He couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to drive that far on a Saturday. He didn't understand that sitting home and reading sounded like a better plan to me.
The longer we argued, the more I wanted it to end. So I would ultimately give in after a while. I think Max started to catch on too, because he would never give in until I did. I've learned throughout my life that speaking up for yourself does nothing but cause trouble for yourself. Or at least that's what my mom always taught me. I'm starting to think that's true since I spent the entire rest of the car ride starting out the window, fighting tears.
Max kissed me before we walked into the party. Just a peck, as If to say, "I'm sorry for being such a dick". I smiled at him and we continued into the party.
That brings me here, absolutely annoyed and tired. Sydney walked over in my direction with her usual soft-pitying smile. She was my best friend, really sometimes the only person I could stand in my life. I smiled softly towards her direction.
"Hey babe" She said looking at me. I nodded at her. She sighed.
"If you want to go, I'm sure I could convince ash to let me take him home" She said looking down at me. I shook my head. I didn't want anyone else dealing with drunk Max. That wasn't a task I would put on my worst enemy really.        
"It's okay I don't mind. I'm sure he'll want to leave soon" I said softly. She sighed and looked down at her drink.
"Let's try and find him, I'll ask" She said motioning me over to the main living room. I followed her through the crowd.
"It's really fine Sydney, It will just make Max mad if he knows I want to leave" I whispered to her as we approached Max and Cayden, Sydney's boyfriend. Max smiled down at me. His eyes lit up.
"Look! My beautiful girlfriend!" Max said wrapping his arms around the side of my waist and kissing my cheek. "You're so beautiful. Isn't she so beautiful?" Max asked looking over at Cayden who was talking to Sydney. I cringed as he squeezed me tightly against him. Yep, five minutes in and he's wasted. He looked over at Max and raised his eyebrows. His eyes trailed to me. He smiled at Max and shook him off before directing his attention back to his girlfriend.
I attempted to wiggle out of his grip but he squeezed me tighter against him. His lips found the side of my face as he kissed me. He started to nibble on my ear when I pushed his face away. We were in a room full of people. "Max come on" I groaned cringing away from him. "But you look so pretty, in that dress" He whispered. My face was turned away from him.
I was still pissed about our argument in the car. He was being a dick and I wasn't about to forget about that because he decided he's over it. Max kept his hands placed around my waist as he turned me to face him and pulled me against him. He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I hate when we fight" He pouted. I sighed and resisted myself from rolling my eyes. "Then don't cause fights" I said looking at him. His face fell flat. I could tell he wanted to push the subject, attempting to tell me that the fight was in fact not his fault, but mine, but I knew he wouldn't because I knew where this PDA was about to lead too. I looked up at him, smiling slightly. He just looked down at me, before lifting his hand off my waist and to my jaw propping it up before connecting his lips to mine.
I kissed him back briefly before parting as he attempted to push his tongue into my mouth. His eyebrows furrowed as I parted. I looked around. "We're in a room full of people" I mumbled looking around us. No one was really watching us but I still didn't like the idea. "Babe, no one is watching" He said moving his thumb across my jaw. I turned my head before locking eyes with someone across the room.
His hair was brown. His eyes were blue. He was wearing a t-shirt and somewhat bagging cargo pants. Completely and utter underdressed compared to everyone else in the party. I squinted my eyes at him. I recognized him. His name was Chris. He was standing next to a kid on Max's hockey team that I knew to be Nate. Neither ran with our crowd. I don't really know what they were doing here. He took the drink in his hand before taking a sip. What was he doing? Just standing there watching me, and he wasn't breaking the eye contact. I suddenly felt Max's hands that we on me a lot more than before and I felt my face go red.
Max grabbed my face and positioned it back to him. He bent down and kissed below my ear before whispering something to me. "Can we go somewhere more private?" He said into my ear. There it is. I sighed before grabbing his arms and pushing them off me and stepping back from him. "Max, you're drunk. You know I'm not doing anything when you're drunk" I said crossing my arms over my chest. Max groaned and looked up.
"Babe, I've had two drinks. Two! Cayden-Tell her how many have I had?" Max said holding his hand out to Cayden, who looked pretty invested in whatever Sydney was whispering into his ear right now. Cayden looked up to Max and leaned up wiping the smile off his face. "Huh what? Oh! Right, no it's it's third at most" Cayden shook him off. Max's faced turned angry. "Second" He mumbled through gritted teeth. "Yeah, Whatever man" Cayden waved him off before grabbing Sydney's arm and walking towards the stairs. I watched them as they walked off.
Max turned towards me. "Second, third, forth, I don't care. Not while you're drinking" I said looking at him. He groaned and shook his head. "Oh my God, y/n-" He said shaking his head.
"Max!" Someone yelled from the kitchen. He sighed and then looked over in the direction of the the noise. He looked back down at me. "Don't move okay? I'll be back and you better still be here" He said pointing his finger at me as if I were a child. I huffed before he walked off towards the kitchen. I watched as he greeted other people that had just got there.
I looked up towards the ceiling, trying to calm my anger towards him down. I looked over to the same spot that the boy was staring at me from, but he was gone. I glanced around the room. I didn't see him anywhere. I pursed my lips as I stood in the room alone. I suddenly wondered why I was doing what I was told. Staying put. Fuck that. I walked across the room searching for anyone I knew. I found no one. I looked up at the ceiling.
Why did I do this to myself? I was miserable every time I came. Yet I always allowed Max to guilt trip me into going. I looked toward the back door that led to the backyard. I sighed and walked outside. Maybe some fresh air would do me some good. I stepped out of the door before closing it shut. I sighed breathing in the fresh air. It felt good. Not stuffy like inside. The noise of the party was now muffled.
I crossed my arms over my chest feeling the cold air come over me. It felt nice. I needed some space from Max before I absolutely blew up on him. Today was not the day to push my buttons, I wish the could just take the hint sometimes.
I walked over to the edge of the porch that was attached to the nice house. It was a pretty night. It wasn't cloudy so you could see all of the stars in the night. It was my favorite kind of night. Looking up at the stars made my problems feel so minuscule, and I loved it. Taking the attention off my own life for a second and looking at something bigger than myself. I let out a shaky breath as I looked up.
I jumped turning around, meeting the same blue eyes from earlier. I let out a breath clutching my chest. He scared the shit out of me. He smiled down at me. I noticed a lip ring that hung on the side of his mouth. I wondered if that hurt. Why would you pierce your mouth?
"What the hell are you doing sneaking up on people like that?" I breathed looking up at him, my hand still on my chest. He just looked down at me before bringing the cigarette that was in his hands up to his mouth. I waved the smoke out of my face as he blew it out. He just looked down at me.
"Those's kill you. You know?" I said motioning to the cigarette. He looked down at the cigarette and then at me, before turning and putting it up to his mouth again. I watched him as his lips wrapped around it and when he inhaled the end of it lit up and the the smoke he exhaled through his lips. I swallowed. He blew out the rest of the smoke before responding. His eyes glanced down to meet mine.
"A lot of things kill you. Might as well choose the one's that feel good" He said glancing down at me. I wanted to laugh at his statement. "That's stupid" I said shaking my head and looking down. He raised his eyebrows before throwing the cigarette down at our feet. I moved over away from it. He chuckled. I looked up at him.
"Don't worry princess, it's won't get on your designer shoes" He said shaking his head. My eyebrows furrowed. My shoes were expensive, but I didn't overly care about them. It was the way I was brought up. I was taught to care. So I do. What's wrong with that? I swallowed and looked forward not likely the energy between us.
"So where's your boyfriend?" He asked after a few seconds of silence between us. I felt a blush creep up my neck remembering that he witnessed that. I didn't want to be that girl who hooks up with her boyfriend in front of a bunch of people. I licked my lips and looked at my hands.
"I don't know. Inside?" I guessed. I didn't want to talk to him about Max. I didn't really want to talk to him at all period. I just wanted some fresh air. Some peace and quiet. I looked up at him, he was staring forward. Didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon. He lifted his eyebrows and put his hands in his pockets. I crossed my hands over my chest.
"Why were you watching me in there?" I suddenly asked. He chuckled. I hate when people did that. Laughed at things I said that weren't meant to be funny. It made me feel little. Max did it constantly. He sighed and looked down at me. "I just thought it was interesting" He mumbled. I scoffed. What was so interesting about me and Max?
"You thought what was interesting?" I asked meeting his gaze. He looked down at me, with a small smile on his lips. He shrugged. "That you weren't giving him what he wanted" He said looking back forwards. My eyebrows furrowed. How did he pick that up from the few seconds he looked at me? I suddenly felt very vulnerable in front of a boy I'd never talked to before. I felt like he knew me. Like he could read me.
"Feel like that doesn't happen a lot with your kind" He said. I turned towards him, starting to get angry of his demeanor. "My kind?" I asked. His face turned towards me and smiled as he realized that I didn't like that. It was like this was entertaining for him. To see me squirm.
"I'll have you know that Max and I's business is none of yours. And for you to sit here and attempt to belittle me, for what? Because you know I have money? I was just coming out for some air and some peace and quiet and you approached me. You didn't understand anything that you think you saw okay? Stop attempting to figure it out" I spat at him. 
His face didn't change as I yelled. He just licked his lips and looked at me. His gaze held power. I felt it in my body the way he looked at me. So calm, yet overpowering. I just yelled at him and a smile still was on his face, vaguely.
"You done?" He asked raising his eyebrows. My eyebrows furrowed. I took a deep breath unfolding my arms. "Yeah" I breathed. I give in easily. I don't know why. It's just the way I'm wired. I think it comes from my parents. Or maybe from Max. I don't know. I just don't like fighting.
He nodded before reaching in his pocket and pulling out another cigarette and then grabbing a lighter and lighting the end. I just watched him as he did this as if we weren't in the middle of an argument. He breathed It in and blew out more smoke.
"How many of those do you smoke a day?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows at him. He finished his other one nearly 3 minutes ago. How could he already want another one? He dropped the hand the held his cigarette and he looked down at me. I swallowed.
"Why? Are you worried about my heath?" He smiled. I bit back a smile and looked down. I shrugged. "Maybe" I breathed. We both laughed and looked away.  Silence fell between us.
"It was just nice seeing him not get what he wanted. Your boyfriend's kind of a dick" He said after a few seconds. I rolled my eyes. "So you are" I said back. He shrugged blowing out smoke. "True" He smiled. I smiled and shook my head. I should definitely not be smiling this much with another guy. I suddenly felt like I was doing something wrong. I felt like I should walk away, go back and find Max, but my feet weren't moving and my mouth wouldn't stop talking.
"Where's your friend?" I asked looking up at him. His eyebrows furrowed and then clarity hit his face. "You mean Nate?" He asked looking around. I nodded. He shrugged. "Lost him a few minutes ago when I went to smoke. He doesn't smoke" He said looking down at me. I smiled and nodded.
"Ah, sounds like Nate is the smarter one of you two" I said looking up at him. He raising one of his eyebrows and looked at me as he inhaled another round of smoke. "Is that what you think princess?" He asked quietly. Jesus Christ. I swallowed and looked away from him. Why can I hear his voice throughout my entire body? I hated it.
"Stop calling me that" I quickly said looking away from him. He didn't stop looking at me and I felt his gaze burn into the side of my head. I let out a shaky breath. He finally looked away humming. I suddenly hear the back door open.
"There you are! Geez, stop running away!"
We both turned around at the noise. I saw Sydney walking towards us and she grabbed my arm starting to pull me away from Chris. Her eyes shifted to Chris and looked him up and down before looking at me and giving me a confused look. I just stared at her with a blank expression feeling in my soul as if I had been caught doing something bad.
She didn't say anything as she continued to drag me away back towards the party. I turned and looked at Chris, who had an unreadable expression on his face as he watched me be physically dragged away. She pulled up back into the house and closed the door. She turned and faced me withe a furrowed expression.
"What were you doing?" She asked looking at me. My face turned red. "I just wanted some air" I said looking at her. She just looked at me for a second as if investigating my expression. She shrugged and then walked towards the steps. I quickly followed behind her. She started to walk up the steps and turned to face me.
"The boys are upstairs, I think they might want to leave soon" She said as we walked. I sighed of relief. Thank God. I felt like I've been here for ages. I nodded as we walked and finally made it up the steps. The room was very crowded, almost more crowded that downstairs. This house was absolutely huge, so there had be like 200 people here to make it feel this small.
I hated crowded places, even though I'm forced to go to huge events like this more often that the average person. I hated it, but it's what I had to do. With a last name like mine, you don't get by with skipping an event here or there. You have to attend every. single. one.
Sydney started to look around people looking for our boyfriends when I glanced around the room seeing two people getting to it on the other side of the room. I made a disgusted face and was going to by pass them when something caught my eye. I looked back at the two people.
Max was wearing that shirt.
I narrowed my eyes. The guy's back was to me but he had a girl pinned up against the wall, sucking on her face. Curly brown hair. The blue shirt. My fucking boyfriend. I gasped catching Sydney's attention. She turned towards me and looked where I was looking.
"Did you find them?" She asked scanning where I was looking when she suddenly made the same gasp as me. Anger rose in my system. Are you kidding me? I clenched the fists that were at my side and I felt anger rise up my neck. "Is that-" Sydney started to asked. She turned to look at me but my face was glued on the people. "Y/n-" She started to say but I turned and immediately bolted down the steps.
I don't think I've ever been so angry in my entire life. My face was pounding. I could hear it in my ears. I couldn't think. No thoughts were going through my head, but anger. The room got louder. It got blurrier. My fists were still clenched as I wanted to scream. I wanted to kill him. I made it down the steps. Sydney was quick to follow me.
"Y/n! Stop! Wait a second!" She yelled trying to follow me. How could he? I couldn't even think to be sad because of the amount of anger that was fogging my vision and my decision making. I didn't wait for her as I moved through the crowd of people. Did it suddenly get hot in here? I'm burning up. My jaw was clenched. I needed revenge. That was the only thing that my mind could think of. I didn't need planned revenge. I needed immediate fucking revenge.
I made it to the kitchen and placed my hands on the counter. Sydney followed me in. "Are you okay? What are you thinking? What do we do?" She asked a million questions at me. She was panicked I could tell. I just breathed heavily as I looked down at my feet. I looked back up and scanned the room, meeting the faces of others. Revenge. Revenge. Revenge.
"Y/n talk to me. What are you thinking?" She asked looking down at me. I turned to scan the room. My eyes met that backdoor. That boy. I picked my hands up off the counter, pushing myself up off of it. I hate him. I hate him. I could kill him. I set off towards the backdoor. Sydney quickly followed me. I opened the door violently and walked out.
Nate was now outside with Chris. Both of their eyes shot towards me as I walked outside. Chris raised his eyes at me. His gaze overtook me again as I walked towards him. "Party is inside Princess" He said looking at me, brushing me off. That comment would piss me off if I wasn't already clouded with anger towards someone else. Nate didn't say anything he just watched me as I walked up to Chris.
Chris looked down at me. Sydney stopped from a distance. I looked at his cigarette in his hand. I reached up, taking it out of his hands before bringing it up to my mouth. Chris just watched me.
Please lungs don't fail me, I swear I'll never do this again.
I inhaled slowly and softly letting the smoke run down my throat. I took the cigarette out of my mouth before blowing the smoke out of my mouth. By the grace of God, without coughing. He raised his eyebrows at me. I threw the cigarette down at my feet before stepping on it with my shoes. Not thinking in the moment of the repercussions of my $600 shoes.
I looked back up at him. He opened his mouth to say something but I reached up grabbing his front of his shirt with my hand and pulling him down to me. I connected our lips. I heard Sydney gasp. It took him a second to figure out what the hell was going on, as well as me. My lips froze for a second as well as his, but after half a second his lips overtook mine, kissing me back. My lips started moving again once they felt how good his lips felt.
I dropped my hand from his shirt and placed my hands on his face as we kissed. This was weird kissing someone other than Max. It felt different, it felt good. I felt his lip ring against my lips. The cold dark metal. It felt so good. That's why he has a lip ring.
I tugged on it softly with my teeth, making him breathe in slightly. I felt him swipe his tongue on my bottom lip and then into my mouth. I let him in as we kissed deeper. He tasted like cigarettes, alcohol, and bad decisions. It was an amazing combination. If two people weren't watching us make out right now, I would have allowed myself to moan, but I had already been publicly embarrassed enough for one night.
I felt his arm snake around my back pulling me against him. God this was good. This was so good. I smiled against him as we kissed. One of my hands went up into his hair.
"Y/n!" Kylie whispered sternly. I disconnected our lips, but we didn't move apart from each other. We both just stayed breathing heavily. Staring at each other, connected. He removed his arm from my back and I moved my hands from his hair, separating us. I looked over at Sydney who looked horrified at me.
"Alright then" Nate said looking at me.
I looked back, feeling myself start to turn red. "What was your name again?" I asked feeling myself go blank. My head was still spinning. He chuckled and looked at me smiling. "Chris" He breathed. I nodded before turning around and walking up Sydney. She stood frozen looking at me. I walked past her, grabbing her arm on my way, dragging her back inside. She stumbled behind me as we went inside.
"What-What was that?" She laughed looking at me. I let out a deep breath. I was no longer angry. Every angry though and emotion that was running through my veins left when my lips touched him. Like a breath of fresh air. I smiled at her. "Revenge" I smiled. She shook her head laughing.
My moment of clarity of happiness and calmness was shaken when I saw Max making his way over to me from across the room. Anger started to rise inside of my stomach again. I should just punch him. Not give him an excuse to explain himself. I felt myself get angrier the closer he got to me. His eyes met mine and he smiled. Smiled. How could he stand there and smile knowing what he just did? I'm going to kill him.
He finally made his way in front of me. "Hey, babe I was looking for you" He breathed, his dimples showing promptly through his smile. I clenched my fists and opened my mouth to scream at him. To humiliate him. To destroy him right here in front of everyone for what he just did to me, but I stopped. My eyes glanced down to his shirt.
A white shirt.
My face went pale. I looked up at him, unclenching my fist and guilt washing over my whole body my legs almost went numb. "Your-your shirt" I pointed at his shirt. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked down at his shirt. "What about it?" He laughed lightly at me. I looked over at Sydney who's expression was the same as mine. Horrified. I swallowed looking up at him.
"Wasn't it b-blue? You were w-wearing a blue shirt." I said looking at the shirt again, panicking. He looked down at his shirt and then back up at me. "Babe are you okay? Did you drink anything?" He chuckled placing his hand on my shoulder. Oh my God. Oh my God. I looked down and felt my heart beating out of my chest.
I just cheated on him.
I shook my head quickly and didn't look at him.
Suddenly one of Max's friends came stumbling up to us. His name was Mitch. He grabbed Max's shoulders attempting to stabilize himself. Max looked over at him laughing. "Dude where'd you put the other beers?" He slurred at him. I looked at him. Blue shirt. Curly brown hair. Fuck. I felt my heart drop. It was Mitch kissing that girl, not Max.
"The fridge dumbass" He laughed pushing him off towards the kitchen. Mitch smiled at him before looking over to me, waving. "Ms. Y/n" He nodded at me. Max pushed his chest. "Go. Stop gawking at my girlfriend" He said smiling shaking his head. Mitch laughed before turning and stumbling into the kitchen. I ran my hand through my hair, attempting to calm my heart rate that was quickening, fast.
"I'm ready to go if you are, I'll go grab your purse" He said bending down and kissing the top of my head. I didn't say anything as he moved past me and out of our view. I snapped my head towards Sydney. She walked forwards grabbing my arms and with wide eyes.
"S-Sydney I could have sworn-" I started shaking my head. She cut me off. "Shh. Shut up. Don't say anything. It didn't happen. Nothing happened, okay y/n? We went outside for air. That's it. It will be okay. You can't act like anything is wrong." She said shaking her head. I swallowed. My heart was pounding in my ears, I could barely even hear her. I felt tears brim to my eyes.
"Sydney, I just ch-" I started but she covered my mouth with her hand. She shook her head. "We will both forget this ever happened okay? Listen to me. Act like nothing is wrong. Like nothing is different" She said looking at me. I nodded as she removed her hand from my mouth. Max walked back over to us. I tried to compose myself. Push down my emotions to my stomach as he handed me my purse.
"Thank you" I smiled at him. He nodded and pulled me to him wrapping his arms around me. "Syd, Where's Cayden? Tell him were leaving" Max said motioning her towards the main room. She nodded and quickly walked away.
Max looked down at me. I smiled at him. Nothing is wrong. Nothing is eating me alive. I love you. We're dating. No one cheated. Everything is fine.
"I'm really drunk" He chuckled pressing his forehead against mine. I smiled at him, leaning up and connecting our lips. The lips that were just on another person's mouth. He pulled back and furrowed his eyebrows, moving his lips around. My face fell, my heart was beating out of my chest.
"Were you smoking?" He asked looking down at me. I swallowed and shook my head. "You taste like smoke" He said looking down at me, but not letting go of me. I shook my head. "You're just drunk Max" I said smiling through my pain. He shrugged before leaning down and connecting our lips again. I pulled away this time.
"You know that I love you right?" I whispered looking at him. His eyebrows furrowed and he nodded. I hope he doesn't think it's weird that I'm randomly telling him this. He sighed and pulled away. "You know just because we fight, it doesn't make me think that you don't love me" he said pulling me into him and wrapping me in a hug. The fight. Yes the fight. I'm saying this because of the fight.
"I love you too" He breathed. I sighed of relief. "I'm here!" Cayden announced himself as Sydney dragged him into the room. Max and I both laughed. Sydney looked more than annoyed. "I leave him alone for 5 minutes. How many shots does he take? Eight" She said shaking her head. I smiled and shook my head at the couple in front of us. Cayden leaned his head on Sydney's shoulder.
"I don't feel so good" Cayden said squeezing his eyes shut. Sydney's eyes snapped towards him and pushed him away slightly. "Do not puke on me I will literally break up with you" She said glaring at him, and we all knew she was serious. Cayden lunged forward, holding his stomach. Max and I stepped back. Sydney gasped and pushed him towards the backdoor. He tumbled over towards the door.
"Out! Out!" She yelled pushing him out of the door. Max followed quickly behind them and I was behind Max as we followed them out. I immediately regretted walking outside, completely forgetting Chris and Nate were still out there until I saw them.
Cayden ran towards the grass before emptying him stomach on the grass near Nate and Chris. My face went red as I looked at Chris. He looked towards Max and then at me. I immediately looked down, not making anymore eye contact. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. Forming in a pit in my stomach.
"What the fuck?" Nate said turning his head and backing away from Cayden. Chris didn't move. His eyes glanced from me to Max. I swallowed. Please. Please. Please. Don't say anything. I secretly wished in my mind over and over.
Sydney walked over to Cayden rubbing his back. "You know I hate when you do this shit" She groaned at him, but I wasn't focused on the fact that Cayden might have alcohol poisoning. I was focused on Chris's eyes burning into mine. I stayed behind Max, hiding like a pathetic little girl who just got in trouble. Hiding from their parents.
Max noticed Chris staring at us, because I felt his body turn towards him. Please. Please. Please.
"What are you staring at freak?" Max spat. I'd like to think that Max wouldn't have been that harsh if he wasn't under the influence, but Chris was right. He was kind of a dick. It bothered me at first, it still bothers me now, but I stopped commenting on it knowing it only made him more angry and hostile. He says that he has to separate his status from others. That he has to show them their place. He didn't say that to me until after we started dating.
After we started to be known as Max and Y/n, Hastings and Labraut. Status and Status. After my parents fell in love with him and after I'd already been on his private jet with his entire family three times. If he had said it prior I would have never gone out with him. I was already in too deep. Our parents had already started picking out wedding venues. I couldn't say anything. I always bit my tongue for the sake of what seems to be the rest of my godforsaken life.
I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the worst outcome of this situation. I glanced up, Chris was looking at me. I didn't have the courage to shake my head, to beg him silently not to say anything, to mouth anything, to even look at him for more than three seconds. Chris looked towards Max, emotionless before turning towards Nate and motioning him towards the gate of the house.
Nate looked at me and shook his head before following Chris away. Sydney and Cayden weren't focused on the silent battle that almost ruined my relationship. Cayden was now down on his knees. "I feel like I'm dying" Cayden groaned. Sydney sat next to him. "We have to get him into the car" She said turning towards us.
I, still frozen, didn't move, didn't react. Max stepped forward and walked over to Cayden picking him up off the ground. Sydney took him from Max, wrapping Cayden's arm around her shoulders, carrying him. Max stepped back and looked at me.
He reached in his pocket before throwing me his keys. His keys. I caught them mid air and looked down at them before looking back up at him smiling. He smiled back at me. The one time he decides to be nice? Really? Tonight? Didn't even fight me on driving, and I just cheated on him. I swallowed looking down at the keys.
"You're gonna let me drive?" I mumbled looking at him. He smiled and walked over to me. "I promised you didn't I?" He said kissing the top of my head. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. I nodded before looking at him. Max smiled before pulling me into him. Sydney stumbled over to us, while Cayden held on to her for dear life. "Walk please!" Sydney said from behind us. We both looked at her and then walked back through the door of the house.
We maneuvered through the crowed house before walking out of the front door towards the line of cars that filled the street. I saw Max's BMW parked a little ways down the street. I couldn't help myself from looking down both ends of the street looking for any sign of Chris. I looked both ways, but nothing. He was nowhere to be seen. He disappeared. I sighed of relief. I didn't realized I had stopped walking before I heard Max calling my name. I snapped my gaze towards him. Feeling as if I had gotten caught.
"What?" I asked quickly. He smiled before shaking his head. "Babe, unlock the car" He said motioning towards the car and Cayden who was now doubled over against the car, groaning. Sydeny sighed as she rubbed his back. I quickly walked over to them before unlocking the car.
"Dude, you puke in my car and I'm taking yours" Max said looking at Cayden before opening the passenger seat sliding in. Sydney opened the back door before shoving Cayden in, then following him. I swallowed and took a deep breath and sliding into the drivers seat.
heyoooo hope you absoluely loved the first part, tell me what you thought
tag list:
@rac00ns-are-c00l4 @miastromboli @secret-sturniolo @sturnsclutter @sturniolodreamz @paper-crab @chrisolivia4l @mwah0mwah @recklesssturniolo @ejswift @kitaysworld @meg-sturniolo @nickmillersn1gf @fr3shl0ve @adrianaturnedpretty @oversturn @ghostgurlswrld @flowerxbunnie @ilytrinsworld @lustfulslxt @kiarastromboli @gemofthenight @blahbel668 @haunted-headset @sturnybabes @bethsturn @d3adlyclassrat @sturnybabes @mattsbitch @chrisluvbot @nickenthusiast @sturniolossmut @biimpanicking @iloveneilperry @chalametbich @dsmja @bernardsleftbootycheek @lovingsturniolo @aoxash @idrkk-123 @gingerbreadgodofhyperdeath @babagurlrichey
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lovesickinbed · 6 months
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best friend!ellie who is actually in love with you and hates every person you bring home
you do not have the best track record with relationships
in fact literally every person you date turns out to be a major scumbag
and ellie knows this
because more often than not she's the one picking up the pieces and consoling you
when really all she wants is to tell you to leave those idiots and be with her
“look,” she says to you one day, as you're about to embark on another date
"just don’t… don’t go with him, okay?”
"i'm gonna be fine. he’s not like the others, he’s - he’s really nice, els. and sweet. i think you’d really like him.”
ellie scoffs at this, jaw clenching
“and I really appreciate how much you care. i do. you’re - you’re an amazing friend-”
that's what did it
ellie's gaze flickers back to you, all ice
any evidence of her previously gentle demeanour has completely vanished
"i’m not gonna like him,” she snaps. "as a matter of fact, i’m not even gonna try. you know why?”
she takes a step forward and presses her finger against your chest, hard
"because they're all nice," she continues. "jake was nice. alex was nice. hell, even brady was nice to you at first, but that got pretty overshadowed by the other girlfriend he had the entire time, huh?”
she jabs her finger at you to enunciate every point
“Face it,” Ellie huffs. “None of these guys are good enough for you. They’re all just gonna hurt you, lie to you, cheat on you, whatever. And if you keep going along this road, someday you’re gonna end up married to some deadbeat that treats you like shit and screws his secretary, all because he was nice.”
at this point ellie has you backed up against the wall, the distance between you so little than you can feel her laboured breaths against your lips
at her words, something inside you twists, and a shot of laughter bubbles up your throat
“Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think that this is embarrassing enough for me as it is?”
“Don’t you think,” you spit, “that I feel like an absolute idiot every time I find out you’re right about the guy I’m seeing? That he doesn’t actually love me, that he’s just like the rest?”
“Because I do, okay? And the first thing I think of when one of these douchebags cheats on me or yells at me or lies to me isn’t even about how I’m feeling. It’s you!”
Ellie is taken aback by this, like a lot
“Yes, Ellie, you. I think of how your face gets all scrunched up, like - like this! Oh my god, you’re doing it right now.”
you grab her face with both hands as if to solidify your point
“I think about how you look at me like this, feeling all sorry for me and concerned and pitiful and I just…” your breath catches , a sob building in your throat
“I hate what comes after that, too. How angry you get, frustrated because you have to deal with this again and again and again.”
at this point ellie has to grab your wrist to stop you from jabbing the heel of your hand against your forehead repeatedly
she takes your wrists in her hands, concern etched into her features
"hey, hey. i'm not mad at you. i'm never mad at you."
you whine like a little kid when you respond
"yeah, you are"
"'m never mad at you," ellie assures you, pulling you into a hug. "just hate seeing you get hurt. it fucks me up, seeing what those guys do to you. and yeah, it makes me fucking pissed."
you're still really upset, choking back sobs as ellie rubs your back
"i know you think i'm pathetic," you say softly
and ellie's like what?????
because she doesn't think that, ofc she doesn't
"said it yourself. 'm never gonna meet a guy that's good to me. why bother, right?"
"no, that's not what i--" ellie cuts off, struggling to find the right words. "i didn't mean it like that."
"what'd you mean then?"
ellie's in physical pain trying to find a way to say this
because tbh she's been avoiding it for a while now
"just meant that... like, these guys, they're... they're idiots, because you're absolutely gorgeous and they don't see that"
"you don't think that guys find me pretty?"
"what? no! of course they see it. they just don’t notice the little things, you know? like the look you get when you aced a test and you’re about to tell me about it, or how you refuse to wear anything but a skirt even when it’s freezing out-”
what ellie's really trying to say slowly dawns on you
"ellie-” you cut in
“I mean, not that I’m complaining or anything-”
“I just mean that there’s a million little things that make you who you are that these guys just don’t get. And I could spell it out for them, hell, I could even put it on like, a huge billboard and they still wouldn’t get it. Because that’s just who they are. And it makes sense that you’re shocked by it every time, because it makes no sense-”
“Fuck it,” Ellie curses below her breath, before grabbing your face in her hands and meeting your lips with hers
and it was one thing for her to kiss you, but God, it was another thing completely for you to kiss her back
it's completely electric, and ellie can't even believe it's happening
you pull away first, breathless
"you gonna let me talk now?" you ask, your words coming out muffled because ellie's hands are still planted firmly on your cheeks
"no," ellie says, and then dives into you again
when she finally, reluctantly, pulls up for air, you try a second time
"ellie," you whine, and she laughs and kisses you again quickly
"okay," she breathes, "talk."
you're just trying to make sense of the situation right now because everything is happening so suddenly
"you like me," you say, looking for confirmation
"i love you," ellie corrects, "i love you, and i swear that if that airhead comes into this room in the next five minutes to pick you up for that date, i'm going to punch his lights out"
"hey," you pout, "michael is nice"
ellie rolls her eyes and says "there you go again with the nice"
"fine," you laugh, "no more nice guys. i don't like 'em anyway"
"well that's a surprise"
you hum against the crook of her neck, "don't like nice guys. love you, though"
"good," ellie murmurs against your hair, "'m sick of 'em. don't wanna see 'em around my girl again"
"no more nice guys," you solemnly agree, "just mean, scary ellie"
"that's right," ellie agrees, before leaning down to kiss you again and again and again :))
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vampykween · 6 months
Ya know. Part of me wants someone from the 141 to swoop in and take toxic!simons wife. Maybe one of them has always had an eye on eye and wanted to provide what simon couldn’t…and now that she’s divorced…
I dunno, I love drama
it is bad i've actually already thought about this idea hehe in fact i had planned who it would be from the beginning. also this got a little horny i apologize oops!
and let me tell you none other than john price would be doing the swooping. he's the perfect man for you, really! far less chaotic than simon and would undoubtedly treat you like the queen you are. had you been toddling around the house carrying his kids, he would've been right behind you insisting that you sit down and let him handle everything. john believes that a man provides for his wife and family, so he'll do all the hard work in exchange for you sitting pretty and treating him to some good sex <3
this is definitely a 'one man's trash, is another man's treasure' situation. you'd feel a bit of guilt letting your ex-husband's captain seduce you; until you're being wined and dined at lavish restaurants and then later he's pressing kisses all over your face while he thrusting deep into you, telling you 'he's the luckiest man on earth to get to have you', 'he loves you so much' and your favorite 'you're the best wife and momma, i'd have you swollen with a million of my kids if i could' hehehe
adding in the fact that simon would be so pissed when your kids start to prefer spending time with price over him. ouch! you try to reassure him, that they're just children and that they still love him, but deep down you secretly like that he's finally realizing he let his selfish ways steal his family from him. simon is very torn because price is his captain and he's a good solider! he respects his captain, but now his once right-hand man has moved in on his territory. god the horror!
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ifangirlalot · 10 months
what finn’s characters are like during s3x? I FEEL WEIRD REQUESTING THIS BFISJSJSAJDJS
˗ˏˋ 𝐒𝐀𝐔𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐒𝐒 ˎˊ˗ | starring the fellas
~smut!~ [𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:] too many to pick out, just a shit ton of nsfw shit.
✧˚ finn ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or bottom?
Well, it kind of depends on the day. Sometimes if he's feeling particularly stressed, he just wants to watch you ride him and praise him while getting his head rubbed. But if he's pissed off (or just bored), he wants to top. When he tops, you know you're probably not going to be in the same position for more than a couple minutes.
What are his favorite positions?
Finn likes missionary. He's an old fashioned guy who thinks eye contact is a private kind of intimacy. Doggy is definitely a hella close second though. He's a hair tugger, so it's a lot of fun to pull your head back by your hair while you're on your hands and knees in front of him getting impaled from behind.
How freaky is he?
Once again, it kinda depends on the day and the mood you catch him in. Being a celebrity, Finn's hella paranoid the second that zipper goes down an inch there's gonna be cameras all over the damn place, so public sex is a no-go. He'll fuck you anywhere in the house though. In fact, the bed is hardly ever an option. He loves shower sex and car sex, kitchen table sex ain't too shabby either. He has a thing for having his hair pulled and, as narcissistic as it may sound, he likes it when you call him by his characters' names. It gives him an excuse to change personas.
How noisy is he?
He doesn't have any loudass moans, but he has some breathy ones here and there. He groans more often than not. Occasionally he whimpers.
How long does he usually last?
About ten to fifteen minutes on a bad day and up to an hour on a good day. (Dude has almost spooky levels of self control.)
Protection or no?
Absolutely. He can't risk knocking you up right now.
✧˚ miles ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or bottom?
Top, all the way. He's somewhat controling and he also doesn't like sitting still for long, so he hardly ever lets you ride, as that would kind of give you the wheel and he's not about that. He likes to decide when you have sex, where you have sex, for how long, and in what position. He makes all the decisions, and you know. You're probably gonna be hella sore afterwards. Like hella sore. My man has hella high libido.
What are his favorite positions?
Miles has favorite positions that don't even have names, that's how fucking freakshit he is. He loves it to the side the most though, with his fingers wrapped around your ankle, holding it up, his grip usually pretty tight. His other hand is usually clamped over your mouth.
How freaky is he?
Miles is a FREAKSHIT. Most of the time, he twists you into positions that he's made up, and you know for damn sure he'd got an entire chest he keeps in his closet that he uses for "playtime". He's also maybe a tad bit creepy with the kinks that he has at times, but that's kind of to be expected. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to be his girlfriend.
How noisy is he?
Not very. He lets out a few breathy groans here and there, but most of the time he's pretty quiet. It's kind of creepy, but also maybe a little bit attractive?
How long does he last?
As long as he wants to. It really depends on how horny he is, but averagely about thirty to forty-five minutes.
Protection or no?
Lmao, no. Good joke, though.
✧˚ boris ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or a bottom?
It depends on how high he is during the fucking. If he's sober or moderately high, he likes to be on top. But if he's balls to the walls high, he's a little bby and must be treated as the pillow prince that he is.
What are his favorite positions?
Doggy. At least for dom Boris. He likes to pound behind you with your hair wrapped around his fist like a horse rein. Preferably with a mirror in front of you so he can watch while he smokes. He's a lil freak thang. Subby Boris likes to be ridden because BOOOOOBS in his face.
How freaky is he?
Boris likes public humiliation, whether he be the one being humiliated or the one doing the humiliating. He also likes watching you touch yourself while he's forced to watch with his wrists tied to a bedframe (this is sub Boris, btw. Dom Boris wouldn't put up with it.) He also likes spanking (him spanking you, he doesn't like his ass being touched because he's a bitch.)
How noisy is he?
Extremely. My boy does not care if someone else is in the house. If he's getting pussy, PEOPLE WILL KNOW ABOUT IT.
How long does he last?
Again, it depends on how high he is. Dom Boris can last for twenty minutes, but with sub Boris you'll be lucky if it lasts more than like ten.
Protection or no?
Sometimes, yeah. But the other half of the time he lowkey forgets and you have to get him to smuggle in some Plan B from the store.
✧˚ ziggy ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or a bottom?
A top. A very messy, very cocky top. It's kinda funny how confident he is in his abilities. He is also a bottom. Pet his hair and watch him whine, I dare you.
What are his favorite positions?
He likes to go down on you. Albeit, he's very good at it, but he also a sloppy thruster. But at the same time, it kinda adds to the experience because somehow he manages to hit the right spots with every pound. Plus, look at him up there with his little gold chain. He's so cute.
How freaky is he?
Ziggy may be an awkward teenager on the streets, but he's a freak in the sheets. He has this fantasy where he really wants to record your sex so he can use it for tissue time later, but he's too much of a bitch to ask you. He's also hella good with his tongue, it's actually kind of surprising. Plus. You know. He look good as hell down there on his knees like the champ he is.
How noisy is he?
Lmao very. But only when he's actually having sex, if he's just beating it, he's pretty quiet. But during the real deal... Yeah, that loud ass moaning and swearing Evelyn hears from Zig's room is indeed her son getting to third base with a lady person.
How long does he last?
Thirty minutes tops for him. Not bad.
Protection or no?
Usually yeah, but for quickies he just pulls out and spills everywhere, which most of the time his mom finds because his stupid ass didn't clean up.
[ A Note From Zee ]
Y'all, this took me way too long. I'm gonna have to split this into two part. Next part will include Trevor, Mike, and Richie.
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 7 months
Jealous!Cheol quiet through the whole ride so furious , and when you got home all your clothes vanished within a second , and before you knew you were already pinned at the wall of your badroom being drilled by che0l's humongous dick whispiring onto your ears
"Baby i haven't even started, and yet you're already crying?" "What? huh? , if you weren't being flirty with jeonghan you won't get this treatment."
- Y
(This brainrot for cheol's big dick is NOT IT, IMAGINE, goodness gracious i feel like sucking his diCK would be soooo DIFFERENT)
tw: hard dom!seungcheol, established relationship, sub fem!reader, reader is smaller than seungcheol, big dick!cheol, manhandling, fingersucking, unprotected sex (pls stay safe), rough sex, dirty talk, degradation, jealous sex, creampie, cheol is pissed and possessive™
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No response.
"Cheol, come on, it was just a joke." You pout.
Seungcheol doesn't respond this time either. He just looks at you and clenches his jaw, swiftly returning his gaze to the road ahead. His knuckles are white from gripping the wheel too tight for his own good.
You just wanted to play jokes on your boyfriend with Jeonghan during the dinner at his house. But the jokes went a bit too far when your mutual friend pecked your cheek as a thank you for helping him clean the table.
You're fisting the hem of your dress, knowing you're in for a long night tonight. You know Seungcheol is pissed as fuck, judging from the way he's almost breaking the traffic laws to get back home.
And it has your panties turning into a lake.
The ride from Jeonghan's home usually takes twenty minutes, but Seungcheol completes it in ten. He parks the car in the garage with swift motions, opening the door to get out in the blink of an eye.
"Get out." He opens the door for you, tone sharp as a knife. You gulp down audibly as you get out of the car and he slams the door, grabbing you from the wrist.
He pulls you behind him all the way from the house entrance to the bedroom, his fingers bound to leave bruises on your wrist.
Once you recognize the walls of your shared bedroom, you find yourself pinned against one, with Seungcheol's body blocking your escape - not that you would attempt that.
"You do realize you fucked big time tonight, am I right, sweetheart?" He grips your jaw with his hand. "Don't even try to deny it."
"Cheollie, I'm so sorry-"
"Cheollie? You think you have the right to call me that?" He tilts his eyebrow, squeezing your cheeks together.
"I am sorry! I didn't think-"
"You didn't think what? That I would be pissed at you for letting Jeonghan kiss your cheek? Put his lips on what is mine?"
He puts his hands on your chest and grabs the material of your dress, ripping it just enough to uncover your bralette and rip that as well.
"Cheol! These were new!" You whine.
"One more complaint out of that mouth of yours and I will shove my dick down your throat until you beg me to breathe." Seungcheol growls as he throws his blazer on the bed and rolls up the sleeves of his button-up.
He unbuckles his pants just enough to let his cock spring out, rock hard and flushed from the base to the tip. He bunches your dress around your waist and he hooks his forearm under your knee to lift it up and rip your matching panties with his other hand.
"Act like a little slut and you'll get treated like one." He lines up his cock with your hole and pushes in with more force than usual, his tip ramming its way inside you.
"U-Ughhh..." You groan, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as your pussy tries to accomodate to Seungcheol's shaft without any actual prep.
"You're taking me that well without prep? Bless your messy cunt, princess." He licks his lips and lifts your other leg as well. He throws your ankles over his shoulders, your stilettos still on as he pushes you harder on the wall, his cock now all the way to the base inside you.
"It's t-too deep-" You gasp, voice audibly strained. "God, you're all the way in, fuck!"
"Good. I plan to stay that way all night long, until your pussy molds in the shape of my cock and can't stay empty without it."
Seungcheol wraps one arm around your waist and puts the other one on your jaw again and starts moving his hips in an unforgiving pace. His heavy cock drags against your warm walls, battering your sensitive spot again and again with the tip.
Your jaw goes slack and your voice disappears, your hands wrapped around your boyfriend's forearm. He looks at you with like a hungry wolf and puts two of his fingers in your mouth.
"You are mine and only mine." He pushes them in until you start gagging around them. "I am the only one who gets to kiss you, hug you, touch you, fuck you stupid and full of cum, my cum."
The tears now run down on your cheeks and you moan around his fingers, your tongue greedily lapping at his digits.
"That's more like it, suck them good with your slutty mouth, fuck," he speeds up his hips, meaty thighs slapping against your ass, "My pretty little whore. Makes me wanna dump my load in you and send pics to Jeonghan of your ruined little cunt."
Seungcheol's words make you clamp down on his cock and he lets out a scoff, lips curling in a wolfish grin. He takes out his fingers and you take deep breaths, moans mixing in.
"Is that what you want, Y/N? To show our friend that you're my pretty little cumdump? My slutty princess?"
"F-Fuck yes, I'm your pretty slut!" You sob loudly.
"That's right, baby. Now you better take all of my fucking cum in your hole and keep it there." He slams his lips on yours, moaning in your mouth and sucking your tongue messily.
Your screams echo in his mouth when his cock explodes in your pussy and paints your walls white, triggering your own orgasm. Your legs have gone numb from the impossible stretch he has put you in.
But you are ready to sell your soul to Satan in order to keep Seungcheol fucking you like that.
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dawndelion-winery · 9 months
Tripping Into Love
Clumsy confessions and the silly things they do for you
Ft. Capitano, Dainsleif, Diluc, Kaeya, Pantalone
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He knows better than to charge in without a plan
At least he thinks he does, which is why he's begrudgingly forking over a hefty portion of his personal funds to Pantalone in exchange for information about you
He didn't stop to think how odd it might be for him to know things about you when you've never told him
Honestly, the only reason you probably haven't told him to piss off for being a creep is because you like to think you know him well enough to know he wouldn't have any unsavoury intentions
That and his reputation as the esteemed captain
He does panic when you question where he got the information from though
He doesn't know Pantalone have you a heads up simply to have the joy of watching Capitano squirm
"Did...didn't you?" Capitano stammered. "Perhaps I heard it from someone else, I could've sworn I'd heard somewhere that these were your favourite flowers."
You were cackling internally, of course, knowing his informant. Not that you'd tell him that; he could stew in his panic for a while longer until he finally mustered the courage to ask you out explicitly.
You were only joking when you said he should act more knightly
Sure he'd said there was no point since the fall of his nation meant all titles and status were irrelevant
But that's pretty hard to believe when he's practically bending over backwards for you
It was hard not to notice his efforts, honestly, with how curt and cavalier you knew he could be
Yet there he was, offering you his knee as a footstool for your comfort
"Dain, this isn't what I meant when I said I'd love to see you get on one knee."
You looked at the bough keeper quizzically. In return, he only gave you his usual, impassive expression as he insisted. "You're tired, it is a knight's due duty to ensure his companion's comfort."
You'd protest if it hadn't been for the faintest of blushes dusting his uncovered cheek, his gaze averting subtly in a momentary flicker. So you sat on his thigh, resting your head on his shoulder with a soft thanks as you shut your eyes, leaving the ex-captain swallowing hard as he stilled his aching heart.
Mondstadt's most eligible bachelor? Or most rizzless?
Sure, he's got the money to send you gifts and little tokens of his affection as he courts you
And yes, it's sweet to receive bouquets and desserts that remind him of you
What's less than ideal is the love letters he sends
You find yourself compared to the most questionable of descriptors that you're not sure if he likes you
I mean, did he seriously compare you to his deceased pet tortoise?
Years of living like a social recluse has scuffed all sense of tact he might have had
"Master Diluc-"
"Just Diluc is fine, love."
You blinked slowly, noting the way a faint blush crept up his cheeks, thinking he was slick with sneaking in a little pet name for you (he wasn't). It was hard to tell him relating you to the soil in the winery wasn't the most romantic declaration of his affection when he seemed so proud of himself. Admittedly, you were somewhat proud of him for coming out of his shell to court you too. But this!! This wasn't it.
"I don't need you to try to be poetic, Diluc, a simple 'I think you're lovely' is enough."
Remember those poetry lessons he got from Venti? (Well not really but still)
Venti was peerless when it came to his songs, so naturally, you were quite enchanted with his performances
And of course, why wouldn't Kaeya think serenading you would be a good way to win your heart?
Unlike Diluc, he's much more delicate with his words, weaving them to flatter you best
Yet it's not quite what piqued your interest in him
Sure, it's poetically romantic and all, but it didn't really feel like him
It was moreso his banter with his estranged brother that you found endearing
"Care for a refreshing beverage on this fine day? My treat, of course, the Angel's Share has a new series of fruit mocktails that are just perfect for the weather, and I'd love to try then with you."
You hadn't expected master Diluc himself to stop the both of you at the entrance - well, he stopped Kaeya, at least. "Isn't it a little early for you to be drinking? As I recall, it's office hours for the Knights of Favonius right now."
"I have the day off, am I not allowed to drink in the company of my lovely companion?" Kaeya quips, gesturing to you.
"So you're being a bad influence?"
"We're not here for alcohol."
Diluc looked at Kaeya doubtfully, glancing in your direction as though to gauge if Kaeya was bluffing.
Oh woe is you who has to see Diluc burning holes into the back of Kaeya's head as he moniters his brother on a date.
Money can buy anything.
Except your affection, it would seem
Sure, you enjoy the gifts, and it's nice to be spoilt
But he wants you to look at him the way he looks at you
Worse still is how he's conflicted about making use of his intelligence network to dig up information about you
"it'd ruin the process of getting to know (you)" he says
Which leaves him squeezing time into his schedule to spend with you against his better judgement
He's totally not slaving through his work to make time for you
He's nothing if not opportunistic though
Will most definitely take advantage of any concern you show
"Eyebags? No, no, I doubt I have those, but if you insist, why not come a little closer to check?"
All you'd said was he looked a little tired and haggard, and suddenly he has you in his chambers, sitting on his satin sheets as he lays his head in your lap. After all, if you were so concerned about whether he was resting, surely you wouldn't oppose helping to make sure he got a good sleep, yes?
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Taglist: @myluvkeiji @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @cxlrose @astrequa @eowinthetraveler @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate @the-lost-anime-dad @moonbyunniee @greyrain23 @heavenlyfloof
Commissioned by @monstersealclubber
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pinejayy · 9 months
╰┈➤ SFW & NSFW Headcanons || One Piece!!
featuring: dracule mihawk and arlong
a/n: @everlastlady requested some nsfw headcanons of mihawk! and i’m adding arlong to satisfy my monster fucker needs uwu
summary: NSFW!! degrading, biting, blood, oral mention, mihawk is a sweet babey and arlong is basically an ass
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Dracule Mihawk
Now this man is going to respect you to the very end I can see he's the type man to grab your hand and give it a gentle kiss and tell you how beautiful you are. "You're so beautiful my sweet darling."
And honestly I can see him as a sugar daddy, he'll go after bounties and once he gets the money be prepared to get spoiled! He'll buy you anything. You're his babygirl/boy.
And he'll protect you to the very end, and if someone were to lay a finger on you let's just say they'll be chained up to some bricks and be thrown into the ocean.
He's great with a sword and he's going to teach you how to use a sword, and you're not gonna be as great as him but he's gonna teach you anyways.
Whenever he had to leave for long periods of time he makes sure to take you on a nice dinner the night before. And he's gonna treat you with nice things like gifts, kisses, cuddles and a romantic night in the bed.
He does have to keep your guys relationship on the low, because who knows what will happen if someone got their hands on you because of him, he would feel awful.
Definitely loves giving you pet names!! "Darling, Sweetheart, Dear, Love and Princess/Prince."
He honestly has trouble showing any kind of affection, so it was pretty awkward the first few weeks of dating him. But as time has passed by he started to show you more affection.
He isn't too loud in the bed, a few moans and groans. But loves to talk a lot. "You're doing a great job Darling." and "You wrap around my cock so well, you feel so good."
Mihawk knows how to please his lover, he knows what places to grope and kiss. He knows what exactly to whisper in your ear to make you weak to your knees.
He's the type of man to think about your pleasure first rather than his. He wants to put you first. "Be a doll for me and get on your knees."
When he has you pinned against the bed he loves thrusting slowly into you. He loves seeing your face reactions. And also depending on his mood is going to be his pace. If he's pissed off and needs to let out some steam he'll pound you until you pass out. Oof.
Wear his hat and only the hat he's going to be on top of you in a second, his hands all over you. "Oh my, look at you with my hat. I was looking for that." He'll whisper and bring his lips to your neck.
He's definitely into marking you. Such as hickeys and scratch marks.
Man loves oral, and he prefers to give rather than receive. Don't get him wrong he loves a good blowjob but he loves getting in between your legs. He loves all the sweet lewd noises you make and he loves the way you arch your back. And this man loves the way you taste. "You taste divine as always darling."
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This man is selfish being, and honestly he's gonna treat you like trash. He's going to treat you more like a pet rather than a lover. So you better buckle up because you're in for a ride. He's very disrespectful towards you.
Considering you're human he's going to treat you like a pile of hot garbage. And he's definitely going be talking down on you. "You're a worthless Human, you're lucky that I keep you as a pet."
Since you belong to him he definitely makes you wear a collar that has his name. "That's right, show the world you belong to me."
Arlong has a huge bounty on his head and he knows that it's a huge risk on you too, because people can go after you and use it against him. But he could give two shits on what happens with you. If they take you away and kill you that's your problem.
He always makes sure you're by his side, whenever he goes on meetings or parties you're always by his side. And when he's sitting on his chair he has you kneeling next to him.
You may be a pet but he still a sugar daddy, he wants his pet to look good for him.
He doesn't bother to call you by your name, but he enjoys calling you "Pet, Stupid Human and Worthless Chum."
You fall asleep whenever he gives you permission, you eat whenever he allows you to eat. He controls your life. He will make you eat out of a dog bowl.
He's a very selfish man when it comes to the bedroom, he only thinks about his own pleasure. But if he's in a good mood he'll treat you so well. And he's going to make you feel so good. "I bet human dick can't make you cum like that way I do."
His favorite thing is when you sit on his lap, he'll tug onto your collar roughly. That's his favorite position. Fucking you as he's sitting down. He'll groan loudly in your "God, you're so tight." And loves slapping your ass.
He loves biting you, sinking his shark like teeth into your soft skin makes him hard. Watching the blood drip down, licking it up is a sweet treat for him.
He loves forcing you to your knees as he's sitting on his chair. He loves when you suck him off, he'll forcing your head down. And you better take his full length and trust me babygirl he's huge. He'll also thrust into your mouth.
Arlong is going to fuck you, and fuck you so good that you won't be able to walk for the next few days. And whenever your having sex with him he's going to hit the right places. Making you scream his name out. He doesn't care if anyone hears you.
Loves to mark you, so bite marks. Scratch Marks, Bruises and Hickeys. And you better show off your markings. Be proud of them.
He can fuck you anywhere, and he doesn't care if anyone walks in on you guys. He doesn't care if they watch or not.
Overall he's a selfish being. But he will dick you down so good that you crave it.
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
Whatcha Gonna Do About It ?
group : ateez
pairing : brat!wooyoung × milf!reader
genre : smut
wc : 3.3 k
tw : mdni, explicit smut, age difference (legal ofc), unprotected sex (std ew), wooyoung being annoying, reader in her mid-to-late 30s, wooyoung calling reader mommy, masturbation (m), wooyoung in some sort of a sub space ? but like... brat, slapping like.. twice?, creampie
a/n : requested by anon and part of my milf deal with @luvt0kki !! >:D
buy me coffee ?
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Warm sun, cold drink, the soft murmur of people by the pool of the country club, sometimes you appreciate your husband for moments like this.
Well, ex-husband.
While you made peace with the fact that your marriage ended years before, the divorce still brought a bitter taste in your mouth. Years spent with that asshole and he had the gall to come to you with the bimbo who couldn't even spell the word 'homewrecker' without writing it with a crayon, asking for you to help him raise the baby as the girl was willing to get paid to let go of maternal responsibilities and instead get paid to go to beauty school. Served you right for letting your parents set you with him when you were still so young just for the money. Safe to say you got the penthouse, the luxury and the community while he got the bill and the 19-year-old high school dropout with a baby on the way. Not even your son who idolized his father wants to have anything to do with his father and while your ex said it was just him being a 12-year-old, you knew better. So while your ex had to redo his whole life and regain his credibility, you were left simmering in unresolved anger and frustration. Though by the poolside, in your ridiculously expensive bikini that you bought just to piss your ex off, you found the experience rather pleasant.
"Well, well, well, look who we have here,"
Speaking of children.
Barely giving him a glance, you took a sip of your mojito and adjusted your sunglasses, "Hello, Wooyoung," you greeted half-heartedly.
Jung Wooyoung is someone you want to avoid when you're at the club. He's a notorious tease and a player and everyone knows it but has no means to stop him due to his influential family. He treats girls his age like a plaything so when he started to get close to you a couple months ago when your divorce was finalized, you didn't bat an eye. Maybe he was just bored, maybe he wanted to rile you up, or maybe he wanted to see how many demographics his good looks can affect because while he's relentless and annoying, he's VERY easy on the eyes and smooth with his words. No wonder there was a long line of broken hearts that seemed to always trail behind him.
"Surprised to see you here today," he sat himself down on your pool chaise, right next to your hip, "I heard you went to the Komodo Island for healing. And to think you'd just stick with your husband if you wanted to be close to something dangerous and cold-blooded," he smirked. While his jab at your ex amused you, you tried your best to not show any reaction by taking another sip of your drink before shrugging, "I went there to see the construction of the villa I invested in. Why? Thought you could get me to give you free access?" "Well," he pursed his lips and turned his body towards you, allowing you to trail your (thankfully sunglass-covered) eyes on the smooth expanse of his chest and watch droplets of water race down his skin, "I'd love a free access, but not to your villa. If you get what I mean," he coyly stated.
You could feel your cheeks warm up but having had enough you stood up straight and got your face close to him (much to his delight). "Okay, little boy, you think you can play with the sad divorcee? Is that it? You think someone like you can do more damage to someone like me?" You jabbed a finger at his tanned chest that now that you were so close to him, you could see how delicious it looked, "You're nothing, boy. You're just a tease with a big mouth," you hissed.
Much to your surprise, he was looking at you with such intrigue and when you looked into his eyes, you noticed the slight teasing glint in them that made you swallow a lump in your throat.
"You think I'm all talk?" He chuckled condescendingly as his hand suddenly found your shin. The touch was electrifying and it sent a sharp tingle up your spine which you found delightful as much as you had to admit. Your heart started beating harshly against your ribcage when said hand trailed upwards slowly, brushing against your inner thigh before it jumped to the hand on his chest, gently wrapping his larger palm around your hand. How can veins be hot? What are you, a mosquito?
"You think I just have a big mouth?" he teased again with voice at a lower register that drew you into a hazed state until he brought your palm to his lips, kissing the skin around your pulse point to the pads of your fingers, "Don't you know that it's good to have a big mouth?" Your eyes widened and your mouth involuntarily let out a gasp when he shoved your index and middle finger into his mouth. His mouth was warm and you could feel his tongue circling your digits which sent your core clenching and leaking arousal, suddenly imagining the muscle somewhere... Lower.
"You've been treated so bad, so I want to treat you right. But you seem to think that all I want to do is use you once and that hurt me..." He leaned close abruptly, sending you reeling to an almost lying position had it not for one of your elbows supporting your weight, "Mommy."
The name triggered something in you and as if on instinct, the hand that was in his grasp slipped away and grabbed at his throat, pressing on his jugular as you pushed him slightly away. "Did you just fucking call me 'mommy'?" you growled, glaring at him.
Wooyoung had always considered you hot and sexy but seeing you like this at a proximity this close, made his cock twitch and hands itching to pull the flimsy ties by your hips. "Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Everything was a blur, you didn't know what exactly happened but you somehow managed to pull Wooyoung into a private cabana without getting seen (or at least you hoped no one saw) after what he had just done and in a blink of an eye, you found yourself i your current position.
"Aww, I thought you said you weren't just all talk," you pouted at Wooyoung mockingly.
Scowling, Wooyoung moved his hand faster on his cock, trying to get himself off in front of you while you stood on your knees on the daybed in front of him, an unamused look on your face. "I am," he hissed from annoyance and stimulation mixed with frustration because though he was getting some relief, it was not from you and you were just standing there as if mocking him with your presence. Seeing him in such a state, clear annoyance with an obvious blush that betrayed his demeanour somehow made you feel powerful, confident, beyond sexy. Even with your husband, whenever either of you initiated sex, the feeling was never this... thrilling. "So? You just can't cum? You're all talk and so pathetic, Wooyoung. How are you supposed to fuck me like you said you would, like you said I deserved when you can't even do it to yourself?" you scoffed, rolling your eyes which made Wooyoung let out a sharp exhale.
You had to admit, you liked the sight of Wooyoung stark naked with his knees slightly bent and legs spread wide. Seeing from the way your eyes fell from his own gaze to his twitching cock, and the way you bite your bottom lip, Wooyoung was aware that you liked what you saw and it made his back arch as if to make a big showcase of his pleasure. Your pussy was practically drenched seeing the hot twenty-four-year-old trying so hard to please himself to please you what with beads of sweat and remnants of pool water that slowly seeped into the cushions underneath him. He was glowing. You couldn't believe that a guy like him wanted you to the point of throwing himself at you like an idiot.
"Mommy, come on," he moaned, dropping his chest back, "I'm touching myself to you so the least you can do is pop those pretty titties out to help me cum because now that I have you in front of me, I need it, I need it bad," he whined, trying to inch his body closer to yours only for you to drop your hands on his knees, securing his position. Wooyoung halted his movements when he saw your tits dangling in front of him, the flimsy fabric couldn't hide your hardened nipples and the sight of them bouncing and jiggling at the slightest movements made his eyes widen and mouth drool.
Despite his Neanderthal-like vocabulary and crass expression, you felt flattered and as weird as it is, you found a unique charm in that. "You think you deserve to see my tits, boy?" you smirked, crawling closer to him until you sat yourself on the tops of his knees with legs caging his comfortably. Wooyoung's eyes automatically dropped lower to the space between your legs, taking note of the dark patch that had formed and smirked, happy that you were turned on seeing him put on a show for you. Slowly, he started stroking himself again, this time putting more pressure in his grip, "Of course, I do, mommy. If you let me suck one of them, I'll even pound your pussy to next Thursday," he smugly said.
Scoffing, you pulled one side of your bikini top, revealing your left tit to him and his jaw comically dropped. You could see from his eyes the way his pupils followed the movement hungrily as if being hypnotized and you couldn't help but laugh at him mockingly, "Oh my God, are you that affected by the sight of breasts? What are you, a virgin?" You taunted. Wooyoung's eyebrows furrowed and his lips pouted as his eyes darted to glare straight at yours, "How can I be a virgin? You've seen girls I slept with," he huffed with cheeks tinted slightly red. "Well you sure are acting like you've never seen a woman's naked body before which is so sad," you faked a pout before moving to reveal your other tit to him. You saw his chest shake as a rumble passed his throat and his adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed his saliva. "Fuck, you're so hot," he whined, trying to reach for your body only to have you slap his hands away with a hiss, "Did I tell you that you could touch me without permission?"
Dissatisfied, Wooyoung whined loudly and was about to protest when he felt something tweaking his cock. "What?" you smirked, letting your finger tweak his tip again which caused him to choke on his breath a little. "Pathetic," you spat after clicking your tongue, expressing disappointment as you grabbed him from the base and squeezed.
He didn't know why, he didn't know how, but the combination of your treatment on him got him cumming on your hand. Your eyes twinkled with intrigue as you watched spurts of white liquid spray from his tip, hitting your exposed tits as his back arched with a slight tremble and his head thrown back. For once, you appreciated the sound he made; a whimpered moan that sounded slightly muffled as if he was holding himself back by keeping his lips tightly sealed. "Now, now, don't hold back on me," you teased, pinching the tip harshly. His thighs tensed from the sudden stimulation as his jaw slackened letting the voice he had held back finally out. You were not sure what but maybe it was the reality that you were being physically intimate with a man a lot younger than you or the possibility of getting caught by passerby separated by the tent because Wooyoung was being loud or a mixture of both, but you felt a pleasant chill ran down your spine straight to your aching cunt.
In his haze, Wooyoung barely noticed you crawling up and situated yourself on his lap, your heated but unfortunately still covered core pressed on his flaccid cock. Wooyoung's eyes rolled into his head when he felt you starting to roll your hips on him. The anticipation had eaten away through him and the barest minimum of contact made him almost nut right at that moment. But with sheer will, he pushed through and decided to enjoy himself first.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," Wooyoung grunted as he felt his dick coming back to life almost instantaneously, "Fuck, I want to make my mommy feel good," he moaned shakily when he felt the wet patch on your bikini bottom rub against him, giving him friction from the friction and warmth. You couldn't deny the fact that hearing someone as young as Wooyoung lusting after you made you so aroused that you were practically clenching at nothing which was stupid because his cock was there and it wouldn't take much for him to get fully hard again. Even if he wasn't fully hard, you were sure that you could get him inside you without any issue. Why were you torturing yourself instead of torturing the guy under you?
At that point, you had had enough of messing around, you wanted him in you and you wanted him right then and there. Wooyoung's eyes followed your every movement like a predator watching its prey which was ironic since you hold the reigns. When you pulled on one of the strings of your bikini bottom, Wooyoung couldn't help but think of it like a present being opened because the moment your bare pussy came to view, he accidentally let a word slip past him. "Want," he whimpered with eyes still glued on your pussy like an idiot. You had to bite your bottom lip to prevent yourself from saying something snarky because frankly, you were enjoying the attention. "Yeah? You want mommy's pussy, baby?" you teased, returning to rubbing yourself on Wooyoung.
With each movement, the fabric of your bikini bottom ruffled which allowed your bare cunt to make direct contact with Wooyoung's bare cock. The feeling and built-up expectation seemed to be too much for Wooyoung as his back arched and eyes rolled back into his head. You had to admit that you had never seen a prettier sight than the one that was oh so freely given to you by Wooyoung. Taking advantage of Wooyoung's state, you grabbed his hardening dick and positioned it at your entrance and began descending until your hip met his.
"Oh- fuck!" Wooyoung grunted, his body jolting which was followed by his abdominal muscles tensing as if he had just been punched in the gut, winded simply by your pussy. Seeing this, you could only smirk not just because you didn't want to ruin the moment but also because you thought that nothing could beat the cocky look on your face.
Wooyoung's pleasure doubled the moment you started moving against him. Your more experienced hips moved in a way that allowed his cock to slip in and out without slipping out but also kept your lower halves connected. "Shit- fuck, mommy!" he gasped loudly which prompted you to slap him and grab ahold of his cheeks in one hand. "Keep your voice down, Wooyoung, no one can find out what we're doing here," you hissed, leaning down close to warn him. You hadn't meant to be so harsh but that action seemed to rile Wooyoung up even more because once you let go of his face, a depraved smile appeared on his face and he let out a content sigh, "Fuck mommy, if only you'd let me let people know how good you're using me right now," you felt the soles of his feet planted flat on the surface of the daybed and he began meeting your thrusts which almost caused you to fall on top of him, "God, Jesus, you feel so good mommy, your cunt is so perfect, I want to never stop fucking it, holy shit," goosebumps shot up your spine when Wooyoung grazed his hands on the sides of your legs and they kept moving upwards until they settled on his chest. Your eyes widened and you instinctively licked your bottom lip when Wooyoung began tweaking his nipples.
Somehow the pace you both set never faltered but you felt Wooyoung thrusting into you harder than you had initially done but it wasn't like you were about to complain.
It didn't take long before you felt Wooyoung's movements become frantic and you realized that he was about to cum again. Before Wooyoung could do anything else, you reached forward and grabbed his face again, prompting him to look at you, "You don't get to cum yet, pretty boy, I'm cumming first and then you'll wait until I told you that you could cum." Wooyoung pouted and whined, "Mommy why? I need to cum, please." You had to think that he was purposefully being loud to get you to slap him again because when you did, you swore you could see him smirking. "Weren't you a good boy? You can make me cum just with your cock, can't you? Or are you that pathetic that the woman had to do everything, huh?" your taunts successfully egged Wooyoung as he determinedly thrust into you. His face was scrunched and his movements were sloppy, beads of sweat started trickling down his face and the lack of changing expression on your face seemed to frustrate him.
You casually slipped your thumb into his mouth and pressed down on his tongue, "Don't you give me that look," you scoffed, "You talk big but you can't deliver, huh? Pathetic." Wooyoung tried whining again but this time you pressed your thumb more onto his tongue, not caring about the drool that accumulated and trickled down the sides of Wooyoung's mouth.
Maybe deep down you had a thing for pliable brats because, for some reason, the sight of your harsh treatment on Wooyoung got you fucking yourself quicker and quicker until your cunt clenched down on Wooyoung as you came.
The sudden tightness sent Wooyoung reeling and he came inside you immediately. The release felt amazing and your grip on him allowed his cum to be fully stuffed inside you.
"Fuck," you panted, coming down from your high first, "Didn't I tell you to wait for my permission?" you scoffed once you finally managed to find your voice again. Chest heaving, you weren't really mad that Wooyoung disobeyed you because you had just experienced the best sex you've ever had, bar none.
"M' sorry mommy, so so sorry," Wooyoung babbled with a stupid grin on his face, eyes blinking back as his euphoria died down. "Yeah, sure you're sorry," you shook your head, not believing his words even slightly because he looked like pure bliss. You were no better though because had there been a mirror, you would've seen that you were also smiling genuinely. You could simply say that it was because you just had sex, but you had to admit that it was also because you had done it with Wooyoung.
Thinking that you were done, you slowly detached yourself from Wooyoung. But before you could even get off properly, Wooyoung had leapt forward and pinned your body down.
"Wooyoung!" you hissed, surprised and you immediately tried to sit up only for Wooyoung to push your body back down.
"I'm sorry for not waiting for your permission, I feel bad, really. So let me clean you up real quick, yeah?" there was a mischievous glint in his eyes that was accompanied by a knowing smirk before he lowered his face down to your cunt.
You were about to have another best sex ever, bar none.
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