sanctus-ingenium · 2 months
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look at my creature
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gammija · 8 months
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ereyesterday it was vampy martin, today its time for wolfy jon 🐺
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occudo · 7 months
Happy Halloween!! 👻 🎃
Yes. Well. So... you want the candies or..?
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candlecoo-sideb-art · 10 months
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fanart of @the-lantern-lights vampire/werewolf au. It's honestly one of my favorite au's(besides my own)
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the-lantern-lights · 1 year
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Vampire/Werewolf Au time!
Martin: Jon, when’s the last time you ate?
Jon, who needs to drink blood every like 3 days: I don’t know… 2 weeks?
Jon, very much dead: Ha ha, very funny Martin. I’m fine, get back to work.
I’m not fully happy with the result of the art, but I’m super busy moving and I couldn’t wait to share this au I’ve been thinking about for weeks and I should make more content for this au in the future
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edi-storm · 7 months
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Supersons week day 7: TRICKS AND TREATS
Covid may have hit me like a truck in an isekai but i’m alive 😤😤😤
The vampire and werewolf idea was inspired by @spider-jaysart and their vampire x werewolf damijon au 😩 it’s adorable ehgeysgsywgs
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aubrietarose · 2 months
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That's it, I've peaked. This is officially the best werewolf I have ever or will ever draw. (Sneak peek at part of a fun musical project I'm working on. More previews on Patreon! 😊)
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life-of-a-rat · 1 year
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is it obvious that I don't know how to draw animals? I feel like it might be obvious...
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pastadrawstma · 3 months
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Simple little werewolf Jon doodle for you
Day 37 of posting magpod art daily
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hippiewerewolf · 5 months
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When a silly little band named after a veggie gets you thru some bad times.
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polarspaz · 2 years
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-Steve needs to transform at least once a week, however with how insane Hawkins can get, he usually ends up transforming more often than he has too. This takes a toll on his body as the more he transforms the more painful it becomes. One week was so bad it had Steve crying in bed, unable to move for a whole day as his muscles and bones screamed in agony.
Hopper got some high grade pain drugs for Steve when he saw how bad the teen looked. He’d pried bullets from this kids back and had barely shed a tear then, so to see him crying from this must mean the pain was unbearable.
Unfortunately for Steve, being a werewolf means he has a high tolerance for drugs and alcohol and those fancy pills Hopper got for him don’t do shit. Things seem bleak until Argyle pops in with his own solution. Steve’s uncertain at first, as he might have secretly tried this method already, but Argyle insists he try this blend instead.
One hour later and Steve can barely feel any pain. He’s laying in a boneless heap on the ground, smiling ear from ear like the giant puppy he is.
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pechaghtlecha · 1 year
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
More Vampire!Damian and Werewolf!Jon💖🦇🐺💖
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(They're both holding onto the umbrella together💗)
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game, please! Dracula AU where Jonathan is a werewolf. It doesn’t end well (well, even sooner) for the count.
Ok love this also we're throwing werewolf lore in a blender to make this work and kinda fit the original novel. Kinda.
1- ok so Bram Stoker was Irish so our dear friend Jonathan is a descendent of Laignech Fáelad and the werewolves of Ossory, though one who's family has been in England for at least several generations now. Also, these are the "astral projection of spirit in the form of wolves" type of werewolves described in Nennius of Bangor's Historia Britonum, similar to the ones Augustine of Hippo say are possible through God to fight evil because uh whatever Christianity thing is going on in Dracula.
2- So when Jonny boy shows up to Transylvania and all the locals are freaked out about something, he looks in his Romanian to English dictionary and sees they're using a word that means either vampire or werewolf. And then he wonders if the Count is a werewolf too, and is curious about how that works here- the only other werewolves he ever knew were his mother and grandfather, but they are tragically long dead since he's an orphan who sees his boss as a parental figure. So when he hears wolves in the woods, he's not too concerned yet. When a woman presses a rosary into his hand, he awkwardly takes it and wonders if she'd be superstitious of him too, if she knew- but he really wants to meet the Count!
3- but then he meets the Count. And the Count does have the ability to somewhat control wolves... But he really also sets them off. They don't like him. And Jonathan? His inner wolf does not like this guy, it's unnatural, it's bad, he wants to bite but!! He can't do that, he's a real lawyer now and Mina would be so disappointed if he used his first customer as a chew toy. So he grins and bears it, wondering if it's just a territory thing, and wondering if the castle is so empty because the rest of the Count's family is out in wolf form. But... Where are the servants or anyone else?
4- Eerily, Jon goes to sleep, and his human body is left behind in his bed while his spirit pops out in wolf form. He can't smell anyone. Just the Count, and three faint scents, but they don't smell human. They don't even smell like real wolves. They smell like long dead corpses. Still nervous, Jon curls up in the corner and tries to get some rest as a wolf.
But then the Count comes in while he's "sleeping", getting close to the bed and frowning at the rosary. Jonathan's spirit werewolf has had enough and just jumps up, lunging on instinct to protect his human form.
A wolf battle commences, but Dracula hasn't had to put up an actual fight in so long, and Jonathan has the power of God and anime on his side so he wins- and the lady vampires drop dead from their connection to the Count. Freaking out about the murder, Jonny returns to his human body and runs.
5- when he returns to the town a day later, ragged and panicked, when the town hears about all four vampires being dead... They throw a party of a "funeral", everyone swears up and down that the Count and his family tragically died of a wolf attack the day before Jonathan got in and he found their bodies when the coach took him to the castle, and he's sent home bewildered but his boss is like "wow that really sucks, I'm sorry you had such a horribly unlucky first case, let's keep you close to home from now on. Also is your hair white now?"
No vampires travel into England, Jonathan is worried that his wolf form now being stark white is a bad omen, but Mina just pets him behind his ears and says she thinks it's cute, oh, also, Lucy wrote her about one Doctor Van Helsing that a friend of hers knows, he heard about the strange wolf attacks in Romania and blamed it on vampires, can you believe?
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boog-how · 2 years
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Yandere Werewolf chase!
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the-lantern-lights · 1 year
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(Martins turn next)
((Also I promise I’m actually working on comics for this au rather than just random thought accompanied by art))
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