Sympathy For Wolves: Werewolf!Blackwatch!Cole Cassidy x Fem!Reader
Chapter 6: What Big Eyes You Have
Contains needles and blood in this one!
“You can’t tame what’s meant to be wild, doc. It just ain’t natural.” ~ The Howling
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It was dark, nearly pitch black outside save for whatever light the moon gave off. She hung above the two of you, sitting fat and happy in the sky, the pale white light barely illuminating the woods around you both.
He could smell how wet the woods were, the fresh rainfall on old and mossy trees and the mud squelching beneath your pairs of military boots muddled his nose. He was craving a cigarette, for the stench of tobacco to clog his nose and distract him from the woods standing tall around him. He felt caged standing in the towering evergreen, they cast odd shadows into the small clearing you both found yourselves in. His throat burned for a cigarette, swallowing thickly as he dream of being able to light one up right now and compromise whatever mission it was that they had to send the two of you out on together - a rarity but it had happened twice now.
He could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance, the sky lighting up in the east as thunderclouds rolled away from you both, leaving you two cold and wet, shivering out in the middle of the woods alone. The wind still blew harshly, shaking branches and threatening to take down the smaller trees completely. Hell, he even had to keep a hand on his hat to keep it from blowing off of his head.
Cole turned to look at you. Your normal blue and white Overwatch uniform was muddy and torn a bit from the snagging branches. The flowing coat almost every higher up Overwatch agent got was all snagged and torn, leaving you barely anything to keep warm or shelter you from the rain that had just fallen. You were probably soaked through to the bone, you shivered and held your gun tightly in both hands, your tired eyes keeping watch at the trees. Your hair was messy and your face even had some mud and scrapes on your cheek and chin. You were drained, not really able to keep up in case something did happen yet you still kept worried eyes on the trees. You looked terrified and you looked miserable.
Why the fuck were you two even out here alone and with no supplies? Hell, not even a damn compass. Cole turned around a bit, looking at the skyscraping spruce trees and how they blew roughly against the wind. The winds were howling, the trees looked as though they were going to snap at any moment should the winds become too rough. He couldn’t even make out stars from where you both were, the dark clouds still loomed over but they were peeling away. Cole tried to fumble in his pockets for his communicator.
The communicator he and Genji had weren’t as fancy as the ones Reyes had or the medical one Moira was given, it really was just a glorified flip phone from the early parts of the century just reused for them to probably save money. He felt the familiar box in his pocket, managing to pull it out and flip it open. The screen was cracked but it still relayed the holo-image of his boss. Pressing the button to dial Reyes just sent it to an unavailable tone.
Cursing to himself, Cole tried again and again and again. The unavailable drone the communicator gave off only raised Cole’s heartrate.
He tried Captain Amari, praying that the saint of a woman would pick up. Scrolling through and finding her image and pressing dial seemed to work at first, giving in two rings of a dial before cutting out and giving you both the unavailable drone.
Angela? Angela had to answer. There was no way he would even call Moira for help, even if it was life or death. Cole pleaded for the angel to pick up only to be met with the unavailable tone immediately.
Genji’s contact did the exact same thing. Reinhardt and Lindholm’s didn’t even let him access a call and Oxton and Sojourn left him on a long-going dial tone.
He was becoming desperate, running out of people to turn to and call.
Morrison! Morrison had to answer. He absolutely had to. Cole clenched his jaw, ready to take an ass chewing verbal beat down Morrison was about to put him through for fucking up the mission and getting lost in the woods with you with no supplies and blah blah blah. Pressing the button dialed. He kept his eyes glued to the little holo-screen with its cracked glass. He was pleading internally to the holo image of Morrison’s overdone Overwatch portrait with all of his medals pinned to his chest.
One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings.
“We’re sorry. The number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service.”
“Fuck!” Cole sneered at the communicator. Turning back to you, he could see you frantically going through your own communicator, a desperate look on your face too. Your communicator was a fancy Overwatch model, fancier than the one Reyes had despite being the leader of Blackwatch. It had a better tracker on it, but it was seemingly useless right now as neither one of you could get ahold of anyone. You were flicking through the ones he had just tried, calling them and getting the same responses. You tried other agents he had never heard of, you got the same endings. You even tried Moira despite feeling the same way about her and got nothing. “Nothin’?” Cole questioned, shoulders slumped in defeat.
“Nothing,” you shook your head.
“Let’s just keep walkin’ then. Gotta hit somethin’ somewhere.”
You looked back down at your communicator in defeat before pocketing it and following closely behind Cole, basically right against his back.
Cole kept his eyes open, glancing around at the endless maze of trees and bushes with no sign of life or light. No animals running around trying to find shelter from the storm that just passed, no little cottage to try to take refuge in and keep warm.
“… -her.”
Cole halted in his tracks, you stopping right behind him. You pressed yourself against his back, you were absolutely shaking by this point, clutching the back of his chest plate.
Did you hear it too? It was so quiet anyone could have mistaken it for an odd gust of wind.
Glancing behind his shoulder, you didn’t to have heard it, instead, you were trying to make yourself as small as possible to save heat.
“… -ll her.”
There it was again.
Was it the howling winds? Maybe whatever animal out in the woods was crying out? He’s heard that foxes and cougars sound like a woman’s scream before, but nothing like animals talking or anything. He’s heard of what the Overwatch moon base is doing with animals, but no reports of this on earth.
Cole slowly reached his hand down his holster, gloved fingertips slowly curling around the handle of Peacekeeper and slowly pulled her from her sheath. His tired eyes stayed on the trees, watching for any movement that would either prove he was going mad or prove that you two are not alone out here.
His eyes scanned the woods, moving past one gnarled tree to the next, looking over bushes and past twisting branches until he felt his blood freeze.
His eyes had landed on an oddly shaped bush, the branches and leaves in the middle split apart just enough to reveal a familiar haunting sight. It was like something ripped straight from a comic.
Two yellow eyes, glowing faintly from the bushes, pupils dilated so small they got lost in a sea of gold looking right at him.
Feeling him tense up, you pulled back a bit to see what was wrong, still trembling cold behind him. He felt sick to his stomach, dizzy all of a sudden as he couldn’t help but stare at those golden eyes. It was almost like he was in a trance.
Whatever it was suddenly stood from the bush, Cole’s face going pale as it towered before him. Familiar claws, a maw full of sharp teeth ready to maim someone.
But it wasn’t the one who attacked him.
This one was bigger, broader, it looked like something that could take down someone far bigger than Reinhardt.
An arch of lightning lit up the sky, bleeding light into the woods and showing just a bit more of the beast. Various shades of brown fur and scraps of simple jeans and a red flannel loosely hung off of the beast’s bulky form. The one that had attacked him was pitch black, it was lean and tall with little defining features. This was not Talon’s new pet project.
It snarled at him, claws flexing and teeth bared. Cole tried to back up, nudging you to do the same only for him to hear it again.
He heard it clear as day this time.
“Kill her.”
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Everything was a sterile white around him. There were no specks of dirt to be found in the office and it was freezing in here. Cole scrunched his nose at the strong chemical smells that stung his nostrils. Despite the room being just as big as Angela’s office, it still felt claustrophobic in there, he felt like he was suffocating. He sat quietly on the examination table, eyes trained on the “good doctor” before him. There was something else in here than made him want to just run out of here, there was an odd feeling at the back of his throat, almost like he was having an allergic reaction to something. He feared that if he spoke up, Moira would get the idea to make sure exactly what was wrong in the worst ways possible.
Moira sat on a rolling stool, one lanky and very thin leg crossed over another, eyes trained on her computer as he scrolled through, punching orders for blood and whatever horrible experiments she was about to do to him. He heard about her time at the Oasis University, how she was kicked out, about her little rabbit “farm.” He didn’t want the mad scientist coming anywhere near him within a ten mile radius, but sadly, Angela was too busy to take him and he needed one last exam before he could go out on missions again - he had no choice. Either be examed by the woman who probably melted plastic and metal into ant hills as a kid or be reamed by Reyes for putting it off for so long.
Cole held his breath as Moira kept putting in orders, she would take occasional glances at Cole before going back to type away. She made no conversation at all with him since he stepped inside. He didn’t honestly know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It probably would be best to just keep his mouth shut, get it all over with, and then be done with it all.
Moira suddenly stood up, the printer below the computer spitting out a couple of pages of stickers, probably for vials of blood and such. She stalked over to one of the pristine white - why does everything have to be white in doctor’s offices? - cabinets and pulled out six thin yet long vials and then dug through a drawer for a new needle as well as a band for his arm. She dragged over a small stand with a tray. Cole went to roll up the sleeve to his left arm only for Moira to leave it on his right, Cole gave her a look that he knew she didn’t see as she went to retrieve the stickers for the vials.
Cole glanced around the room some more, not wanting to look at the sadist before him for long, wanting to just get out of here as fast as possible, even if he has to play along with her cruel games. It was when Cole looked at the tall bookcase by the door did he notice a couple of books poking out just a bit more. Squinting, he could only make out one of the books in English, the rest seemed to be Irish or some other language she knew. The ones that had caught his attention were on the bottom shelf, books of myths and fairytales and creatures. Cole raised a brow but didn’t question it, not wanting the back-alley doctor before him to go into a medical lecture about whatever sick thing that she was concocting in her head. It was when she turned around with the empty vials all open that Cole suddenly felt unease settling in his stomach.
She set the vials down for a moment before picking up the elastic. She tied it tightly around Cole’s right bicep, the gunslinger’s nose twitching as he tried to not sneer at her for picking the arm he shoots with to draw blood from. He winced as the elastic bit into him, digging through the thick material of his Blackwatch uniform. She produced a small alcohol wipe, cleaning his inner elbow, the cold and wet square was dragged across his warm flesh so slowly that it made him want to just get up and leave, especially when she dug her nail in just enough to scratch at him.
He normally didn’t mind needles, he was poked and prodded a lot when he was brought into Overwatch originally. Angela had done so much bloodwork and given Cole so many shots that he swore he would’ve been immune to any and all diseases. Hell, he has plenty of tattoos too littered all over his body (some of which he does plan to get lasered off pretty soon, especially the Deadlock tattoo on his left forearm) so he didn’t really have an aversion to needles medical or not.
But with Moira? He wanted to pull back and kick the needle from her ghoulish hands and get the hell out of hell.
Instead, he took a deep breath and kept his eyes off of her, knowing she would try to do something to make him tick.
He felt the needle prick into his arm and puncture through his vein. He didn’t feel the blood flowing but he felt the metal inside of his stretched elbow and the rubber still tight around his bicep.
Moira worked over him, filling each vial with his blood quickly. The doctor herself reeked of chemicals too, matching her sterile office and medbay.
“Tell me, are you having any strange cravings?” she piped up, focused on filling the vials still.
Cole cocked a brow and glanced at her. Was this some sort of tactic to get him to look at her so she can put him in even more unease?
“No,” was all Cole gave as an answer before looking down at the floor.
He started to count the pristine white tiles, getting to twenty when Moira suddenly pulled the needle out and stuck a bandage on the puncture. She snapped off the band and cleaned up the vials.
“Any odd or out of place dreams? Nightmares maybe?” she asked as she disposed of the needle and waste.
Cole swallowed thickly. He was about to confirm the odd nightmares he’s been having ever since he woke in Angela’s medbay and how it was all about that creature and how there was a new one in the dream taht had awoken him this morning. He kept his lips sealed, he didn’t want to give her any information she could use.
“I’ve heard of your little bout with Commander Reyes in the range yesterday,” she tutted. “Are you noticing any other emotional bouts besides anger?” She plucked each individual vial up one at a time and placed them all into a little carrier for them. “Maybe hunger? Are you suddenly more happy at times?” She placed the last vial in the carrier and gave him a look. “How is your little play thing? Y/n, isn’t it? One of Morrison’s little worker bees that I’ve seen you around with? Feeling more lustful than usual, Cassidy?” she hinted towards him, giving him side eye.
“That ain’t any of yer business,” Cole sneered, cutting off her next possible question.
Had she heard what you both had done last night? You both were rather loud, he was shocked nobody had come to pound on his door or shout at him to quit fucking and being loud. Something made his skin crawl at the thought of Moira being alone with you, it burned him on the inside just thinking about the things she could say or do.
“I’m just doing my job,” she feined innocence, puffing out her thin chest with a false sense of pride. “That creature that used you like a squeaky toy could of had hundreds of diseases. I’m only worried about my team.”
She had turned back to her little stand with the computer and printer and pressed a few more buttons, the printer spitting out a few more pieces of paper that she folded up and put in the carrier. She had a look on her face that Cole knew all too well, the look that she always gives him when she is about to really get under his skin and make him squirm.
“You could of had something like rabies! That has a one hundred percent kill rate you know. Or maybe a staph infection with all of the oozing blisters you can get? Maybe even a pasteurella infection, if under the right conditions it can cause necrotizing fasciitis where you skin will start to die and turn black-” Moira stopped, almost as if another idea popped into her sick and twisted head. She turned to look at him sitting very uncomfortably on the hard examination table. “How are the bite marks? Last I saw they were a bitter black around where that thing sank its little teeth into you.”
She stepped closer to him, this time Cole started to feel caged.
“All healed up, no need to worry about em anymore,” Cole stood his ground.
“Are you sure? Do you want me to look?”
Moira stood before him, eyeing him with a small smirk on her thin lips. It felt like the room got suddenly colder, the hairs of Cole’s arms stood straight up. His shoulders tensed and he clenched his jaw.
Sensing the negative vibe Cole was giving off, Moira simply chuckled.
“There’s no reason to fear me, you simple thing. I ask these things to make sure.”
“Make sure of what?”
“You could still be infected.”
What did she say? Still? As in he was infected with something before?
Moira’s brows tilted up, it dawned on her that he wasn’t properly informed on the entire situation.
“Why else would you have been out for nearly nine days upon coming back here to the base? You had a constant fever that could have killed you should your body suddenly reject medicine, you weren’t responsive to most treatments, your wounds remained opened where Angela’s nanobots couldn’t even close them. She thought you had rabies, we all did until you suddenly started to heal. And just like that, you woke up. Your little girlfriend played nurse for you for about a week or so and now you’re walking around getting into scraps with the Commander like you weren’t knocking on death’s door within moments of your life.” Cole stayed quiet throughout her little rant, the entire time Moira kept her eyes on him, looking over at the spots where he had been initially wounded. His shoulder, his hip, his ankle. “So that begs the question: What was it that mauled you?”
Cole swallowed, his throat dry all of a sudden as he kept his eyes pinned on Moira in case she did something.
“I don’ know,” Cole muttered, hoping it would have been enough for the woman before him to back down.
Moira’s shoulders slumped ever so slightly, the so-called doctor grabbed at the carrier of the vials and headed to the door.
“Wait here, I’ll only be a moment to run the tests,” the “doctor” stated sarcastically, almost as if she knew Cole was going to book it the second he knew she was long gone from this room.
He watched with stern eyes as she turned and left, the doors sliding closed behind her. He waited a minute or two before he stood up from the very uncomfortable examination table.
He first went over to the bookshelf he had been eyeing at earlier. It was tall, reaching from floor to ceiling. Half of the height were opened up shelves, the bottom half was a cabinet where the doors were locked. Looking at the bottom shelf a lot better now that he was close, he could see that the books were all mostly old, coming from nearly one hundred years ago according to the faded gold stamping on the old leather bindings and spine. Most came from the 1990’s, the ones written in Irish coming from before then.
The books were all filled with notes poking out of the top, colorful little tabs just peeking out just enough for someone to flip to their respective pages. Cole pulled out the thickest book and open looked at the cover, the bindings were roughened up from nearly a century of being used, leather faded and had lost most of his brownish-red tone, the marbled printing of the leather now faded to be smooth. The stamp of the name with still legible though.
‘Monstrology of the Old World’
Cole couldn’t make out the name of the author but cracked open the book just barely. He flipped to one of the pages that had a note sticking out of the top, the old book’s spine snapping and crackling as the old glue popped from the sudden movement. Cole was met with a photo, a drawing from centuries ago according to the scripted date. A man was on his hands and knees, a limb in his mouth as mutilated bodies surrounded him. The man was hairy, his clothes had been torn all over, his beard and his hair made some sort of mane and his eyes were wild. Most of the text underneath the photo was faded, mostly the name of the artist, but Cole could make out the word ‘werewolf’ amongst the faded ink.
He felt a prickle run down his spine as he turned to another page to see another drawing from around the same time as the first. A man sitting with an expensive looking cloth wrapped around him looked furious, a dead infant before on a silver platter as the buildings in the background were set ablaze. There was another man, fleeing, but he was changing to look like a beast. A canine snout, wolfish eyes and ears at the top of its head.
He felt compelled to put the book back, sliding it back into its place just as he found it so Moira wouldn’t know.
There were multiple other books in the row exactly like the one he just flipped through.
‘You could still be infected,’ he heard Moira’s words ringing through his head.
He swallowed hard and turned on his heel, walking away front the shelf behind him.
He couldn’t be, right? There was no way! This was all just a series of unfortunate events.
As Cole passed the door to Moira’s office, he couldn’t help but stop in his tracks. It was almost like he had been possessed. His back straightened, his eyes opened up more, and his senses sharpened. He turned to look at the door; it was a large iron door that seemed to be unlocked when he glanced down at the pad.
He could smell something coming from behind the door. It smelled… natural? Something natural in a room that was anything but. It cut through the harsh bleach and chemical smells Moira had used to scrub everything just a little too clean that it would grate at anyone’s nerves. He knew she hated the false scents candles and air fresheners gave off, and she never kept plants around like Angela did to spruce up her office.
What was that smell?
Cole chewed on the inside of his cheek for a second, debating on if he wanted to enter her office. Would he end up like one of those poor rabbits she liked to experiment on? Or maybe something worse? Or who knows - maybe Moira secretly likes to garden in her spare time and has something alive for once in her private office?
The longer he stood before her door, the more the smell tempted him. He could feel the minutes dripping away slowly like honey, each second that slipped past only thinned his control and made his decision only tougher.
Curiosity killed the cowboy, Cole pushed the small button on the bottom of the pad by the door and it slid open quickly. Cole was met with Moira’s office cast in the darkness. Flicking on the lights, he felt unease as he took in her office. It was nearly all white save for a couple of grays here and there as well as the Blackwatch logo sitting painted on the front of her desk.
There were no plants or decorations in this room either, instead, the walls were lined with lines of bookshelves, each having a locked glass door in front, allowing Cole to see what lied inside of each. It was mix of books and binders towards the front of her office by the door, but towards the back held more disturbing things. Medical “equipment” he was sure nobody used anymore, plenty of preserved skulls and bones in containers, and a whole lot of medical jars filled with dead animals floating in a pale yellow liquid. Cole swallowed, wanting to just turn around and leave, turn the light off, close the door and leave Moira’s medbay before she got back just like she knew he would do.
But the smell stopped him. It was stronger in here, smacking him in the face. He couldn’t find anything at first glance. It was only when he took a few steps deeper into her office did he notice something towards the back against the wall. It was hidden behind her desk chair at a first glance inside: A small metal cupboard, the door just barely cracked open not even an inch. Cole slowly rounded her desk, standing before the small cabinet before crouching down.
He felt the hairs on the back of his neck standing on edge. His nose was starting to tingle from the smell to the point where his nose hairs felt like they were going to shrivel.
The smell was pungent, woody and natural. It smelled moist and dark, like a forest right after it rained.
Cole slid his fingers between the slightly opened door and the metal face of the cupboard and slowly opened it, revealing a small potted plant beneath a now-dead lightbulb. The plant was tall, tied to a small stick to keep it straight. The flower’s petals hadn’t yet bloomed, the buds were a vibrant purple though. The buds were dropping, the stem was a bright green. It looked well-taken care of, meticulously groomed and all.
The smell was heavy now in his nose, adding onto the frosty weight Cole felt in his gut as he was in the office of the person he trusts the least in the whole base.
Cole’s breathing became uneven, his mind went hazy all of a sudden. He felt a slight stinging in his eyes, causing him to stand suddenly go to rub them with his gloved fingers. As he stood, he accidentally bumped the cabinet door closed, the metal clunking in place. His eyes felt like they were going to start burning as if he was about to stare at the hot desert sun for too long.
The stinging suddenly stopped and Cole was able to keep his eyes open again.
He felt dread suddenly wash over him. He needed to leave.
He retreated from Moira’s office, making sure to close the door and turn off the light before he left.
It was when he was about to reach the door to the main hallway did something else catch his eye. The full-length mirror on the opposite wall, he just so happened to have looked at it before he was about to leave.
He froze dead in his tracks, fear prickling his skin like millions of needles.
His irises were yellow.
He had to be hallucinating. Whatever that plant was had to be making him hallucinate.
Walking over to the mirror, he rubbed at his eyes and stared at them in the reflective glass. They were yellow, faintly giving off a glow. His pupil was retracting and dilating quickly as he started to panic inwardly.
The door suddenly swung open behind him, thinking it would have been Moira, Cole didn’t move. He froze in place, waiting for her sarcastic response.
“Cassidy, there you are!” Reyes’ voice cut through the thick silence. “Care to explain what you fucking did to one of the punching bags a few days ago?”
Cole felt his heart pounding in his ears as Reyes blocked the door, probably with his arms crossed over each other and a look of heavy disappointment a father would give to his misbehaving son.
“Boss, I-”
“Look me in the eye, Cassidy.”
Cole tried to move away from the mirror when he heard Reyes’ feet coming towards him, but his boss clapped a hand on one of Cole’s shoulders and spun him around to face him. Reyes’ scowl turned to pure shock at the sight of Cole’s eyes, proving he wasn’t drugged and hallucinating.
He felt icy claws rake lines down his back, fear welling up inside of him as his mind screamed at him to get the hell out of dodge.
Cole booked it out of the room, leaving Reyes more confused than ever.
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connortheconceded · 2 months
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I'm very normal rn
177 notes · View notes
peachdaes · 1 year
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vampire hanzo & werewolf cassidy - halloween 2022
1K notes · View notes
Since it Halloween season could you do head cannons with overwatch mcCree genji and mercy about there love who is a werewolf and they been trying to hide from them and when they transform the bones of sound like they’re breaking when asked about it they say that is used to the pain and they no cure for it and reader thought there lover would leave them because they didn’t think there love would wanna be with a monster
Sure! Always down for some spooky stuff! I know you said headcanons but these just came to me!
Cole had been walking home from the grocery store when it had happened. He had been gone for a handful of days and figured he’d do something nice on his way home. The only problem with this was by the time he had wrapped up and finally made his way to your shared home, it was dark. Well, not dark.
The full moon had seen to that. 
Cole had always liked full moons when he was a kid, thought they were probably the nicest thing to look at. That changed a bit when he met you. Now it was second. 
He had snuck inside the house, cursing himself when the screen door swung back a little too quickly, closing his eyes and wincing at the loud crashing sound.
Well, you were probably awake now thanks to that. 
“Come on Cole, try a little harder” he had whispered to himself. He took at deep breath and walked in, making his way quickly to the kitchen. He set the groceries down and called, “Darlin’ I’m home!”
No response. Hm.
“Sweetheart? I’m sorry about the door! We can try fixin’ it tomorrow huh? I got ice cream!”
Nothing again.
Okay, now he was starting to get worried. Something was definitely wrong. Neither of you were heavy sleepers. He understood why he was like that, the amount of time he spent in the Deadlock Gang and then Blackwatch after, those walks of life don’t exactly lead to heavy sleeping. He never quite understood why you were the same though. He never asked you, figured you might not want to talk about. Especially after how jumpy you seemed to get every once and a while. 
Cole checked every room in the house and could not find hide nor hair of you. This wasn’t good. He knew he hasn’t been home and he had planned on making his trip home a surprise, there was no reason that you had to be home right now and it would have been wild if you would have called to tell him where you were. Maybe that was it, maybe you were just out.
He had one place left to check though. He stepped outside, looking around the perimeter of the small farmhouse. Nothing.
He was all set to go back inside and bounce his knee sitting on the couch, when he heard it.
A cry of pain and the snap of something sounding like bone coming from the barn. 
It wasn’t really a barn, more of a small glorified shed than anything else. 
There was no mistaking it, that was your voice crying out in pain and Cole Cassidy would be damned to Hell and back if he didn’t do something about it. He rushed to the doors, using his robotic arm to rip the lock and chain off the door. Had someone locked you in there? It didn’t really matter who or what had done what to you in that moment. Whatever it was, Cole was going to put a stop to it.
He kicked the door down and was slightly surprised to see no one else in there with you. You were panting and chained up but otherwise there wasn’t a scratch on you.
“Darlin’?” Cole asked, rushing to your side.
“No! Wait!” You cried, shuffling away, hiding your face as quickly as you could. Oh god. Oh god, no. He wasn’t supposed to see you like this. Not yet. Not until you were ready to tell him.
Cole didn’t stop though, he stepped closer to you and stopped you with a hand on your cheek.
“Sweetheart, who did this to you? It’s gonna be okay, you’re safe now.”
You sighed. Damn it. Why did he have to be so sweet?
“I did this, love.”
“It should be about done now, there’s a key under that rock over there, that’ll get me out of here. I’ll explain after.”
Cole gently lifted your head for a moment. He was planning on listening, he just wanted to see your face first. Everything about you was the same. That same wonderful face he had fallen in love with, except your eyes. Instead of their natural color, they were a fading shade of amber.
You frowned and he understood.
Once you were free, you gave him a hug, letting him know that you were okay and hopefully to make him feel a bit calmer about the situation.
“Soooooooo,” you began about as awkwardly as your probably could’ve, “I guess you’ve figured out by now... I’m a werewolf...”
“Darlin’ are you okay?”
“Are you alright, honey?”
“I’m not crazy if that’s what you-”
“No!” he interrupted, “No. I don’t think you’re crazy. That wasn’t what I was trying to say. Are you alright, you sounded like you were in pain, sweetheart.”
“That’s cause I was.”
The blankness in your response broke his heart.
“Darlin’“ he whimpered.
“It’s okay. I’m used to it.” When he didn’t respond you continued, “And there isn’t a cure if that’s what you’re thinking next. I’ve tried just about everything. Half of them only made it worse.” You sighed again, “I tried to keep it a secret for so long. ‘Course I’d screw it up sooner or later...”
“Why would you hide this from me, pumpkin?”
“Because I didn’t want you to leave!” You said, tears beginning to well in your eyes, “Because I was scared that you would be just like everybody else. That... that you... wouldn’t see me anymore... just the monster.”
“Now you stop that right now.”
Cole scooted closer and closed the distance between the two of you grabbing your shoulders, “You are NOT a monster, do you understand me? However you got this, it isn’t your fault. Wouldn’t see you anymore, how could I not? I think about you all the time, darlin.’ You are smart, strong and braver than I could ever hope to be. I love you more than anything in this world, okay? And nothing, not even a little lycanthropy is gonna stop that, you hear me?”
Tears of a different kind started to flow from your eyes and Cole panicked.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Does it still hurt? Did I touch something I shouldn't've? Did I say something wrong?”
You finally had to shut him up with a kiss. “No. You said everything right.”
Genji had known you for a while, you happened to be one of Zenyatta’s students alongside him. You had gotten there a little bit after he did and the two of you hit it off (once he was a little more friendly that is). 
He never asked you what you were there for, figuring that was personal. If you wanted to share it with him you would.
He wouldn’t find out until years later.
It was a particularly cold night outside the temple in Nepal. It was late, or was it early? Regardless of the grayness of descriptors for the time of night/morning it was, Genji had woken up. 
Zenyatta’s teachings, though helpful in healing the anger the Shimada had felt as a result of what his family had done to him, did not stop the nightmares from coming. They did, however, offer means of winding down after one. Genji had taken to taking walks after his nightmares, he found they cleared his head and given his armored body, the temperatures didn’t really effect him as they probably should. 
He had taken a nice, soothing walk around the grounds, breathing easier in the cold night air and enjoying the beauty of the untouched snow at night. He was also entertaining himself with thoughts of you. You see, the two of you had been engaging in tentative little courtship for the past year. The two of you were close to something, you were just focused on healing yourselves first.
Genji, despite the nightmare that had woken him, was having a relatively nice night. That was, until he found some tracks in the snow. 
They were strange, larger than any foot prints he had ever seen. They were also staggered strangely, as if the being they belonged to was in a great deal of pain. Genji quickly grabbed his weapons, just in case, and followed the prints where the led. 
They led to the mouth of a cave, the tracks stopping as soon as they reached the covered rock floor. Whatever made the tracks was inside. He was debating whether or not he should go inside to investigate when he heard a scream. 
It was your’s.
He rushed into action immediately, acting more on instinct than anything else, and charged into the cave.
He found you relatively quickly, you had not hidden yourself very well, assuming no one would follow you and, to be fair to yourself, dealing with quite a bit of pain. 
“Y/N?” Genji asked, rushing toward you.
“No! Stay away from me!”
He paused but did not move away.
“You weren’t supposed to know.”
The transformation was mostly finished at this point, but there was no way Genji didn’t see at least enough to know the truth. 
“I wasn’t supposed to know what?” he asked.
“That I’m cursed. That no matter how hard I try to heal, I will always be a beast.”
Genji sighed sadly, placing a hand softly on your shoulder. He pressed the button on the side of his mask and took it off, revealing his eyes. He looked serious.
He stared at you intensely and said, “Y/N, I’m a cyborg.”
Whatever tension you had tried to maintain, was broken instantly.
“What?” you asked, laughing slightly.
You were so caught up in your own miserable situation, coming off basically getting hit by a train with the amount of pain you usually went through, that you had never expected him to say that.
And the mischief in Genji’s eyes was enough to tell you that he also knew that.
Genji laughed as a smile you couldn’t see reached his eyes. “We all come here for our own reasons. All of us need to heal in one way or another. There is no time limit on how long it is supposed to take you. You will get there eventually, it will simply take time. And,” he added, “there is nothing wrong about your abilities. I think it’s cool! I wish I could turn into a dragon!”
“Alright,” you chuckled, “you’ve made your point.”
“Let’s get you out of the cold,” he said, noticing your shivers.
For reasons unknown to Angela, you would never accept her as your doctor for checkups. You would always request Ana to check on you and patch you up. Angela didn’t have any reason to find this suspicious and she wasn’t even bothered by it really. She just figured you’d rather have Ana watch over you so she wouldn’t worry.
You always told her she worried too much. She couldn’t really help it though, she loved you and she wanted to make sure you were okay. You would do the same for her.
Things were a little shaky for the two of you sometimes. You had been a Blackwatch agent back in the day and despite all odds, the two of you found your way into a cozy little relationship. Angela always thought that it was Blackwatch’s worst kept secret that they really were a bunch of softies. Nothing wrong with that though. She loved it.
After the Swiss Base Incident, the two of you didn’t see each other for a long time. You both had tried to find each other when everything went haywire but you were both forced to evacuate before finding the other.
Now that the two of you had each other back, it was hard not to be at least a little worried about the other.
That translates into the field as well.
You both had been sent on the same mission along with a few other agents. The intel had been good on the outset. However, you found out that Murphy’s Law is constantly in effect no matter how well laid your plans are. 
You and Angela had gotten yourselves separated from the rest of your team, and, just to make matters so much worse, you were nearly surrounded. The cherry on top too, you could hear your allies calling frantically for your help over the comms. One of them was down. 
Weighing your options, you knew you really only had one card to play right now. Angela needed to get out of here and without a distraction, you knew that she couldn’t.
“Angela,” you told her, “You need to go.”
“What? What about you?!”
“I’ll be fine! Get to safety! I’ll meet up with you all when we’re done!”
“der Liebling, I’m not leaving you!”
You sighed out, looked back at her softly before you’re voice shifted. “Please, go!” The yell that came from you sounded much more like a growl by the time you were finished with it. Hair had already started growing on your arms. 
Angela gasped but got the message and she escaped while you and the abilities gained by your painful transformation covered her.
Once you had changed back you met back with the team as promised. Your quick thinking saved the mission actually. You couldn’t bare to look Mercy in the eyes though. Regardless of how much she heard after she made her escape, she still knew the truth about you. 
Angela was grateful, despite you not speaking with you at the moment, that you didn’t refuse her help this time. She checked you over, nursing what injuries were needed and then she left you be. You weren’t sure if you were grateful or not. 
As soon as you were back on base and as soon as she had the opportunity however, Angela grabbed you (she is surprisingly strong for her size, must be handling unruly patients) and dragged you into a room, standing in front of the door.
“Are we going to talk about what happened?” The voice she used to ask the question was firm but not unkind. She wasn’t going to force you to tell her but she made it clear that she wanted an answer. 
“I’ve been trying to keep it a secret for a reason, love.”
“Why?” she asked, sweeter, sadder, this time.
“Why?” you asked, incredulous, “Because I’m a monster? Because I’m something we tell children about to scare them into behaving? Because of what O’Deorain’s experiments made me? What more do you need?”
Angela was quiet for a long moment, you would almost describe it as surgical, the way she was handling the situation. She knew you well enough by now that your mood right now was very fragile and she did not want to make you feel any worse than you already did. Quite the opposite actually.
Angela sat down next to you, not touching you yet. She wasn’t afraid, she just wanted to make sure you weren’t.
“Would a monster come back after all this time to ensure they made a positive difference in the world? Would a monster be as loving to their friends as you are?” she paused for a beat before, “Would a monster have given me the chance to save someone else?”
You heart ached in a good way as you smiled at the doctor. You reached for her hand and brought it up to cup your cheek.
“Thank you love.”
“You’re not nearly as scary as you think you are, schatz.”
The two of you dissolved into laughter, you stopping only momentarily to kiss Angela’s cheek.
Happy Halloween!
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mattastr0phic · 1 year
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Yeehan Week 2022: Harvest
In which the vampire must consume his lover’s heart in order to turn him into his familiar and spend eternity together.
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weredice · 9 months
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@atomicgardenersheep i haven't learned much about her but she gives me borzoi vibes.
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deadmaidclub · 2 years
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conceptualizing a werewolf girl
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drearycowboy · 1 year
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Werewolf cassidy on da brain
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Sympathy For Wolves: Werewolf!Blackwatch!Cole Cassidy x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Chapter 5: The Hunger
“Whereas I am a victim, of your carnivorous, lunar activities.” ~ An American Werewolf In London
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He hurried down the corridor, keeping his weight on the balls of his feet to avoid making too much noise or drawing attention to himself as he hurried past numerous closed doors of sleeping agents.
Slinking past corridors and hugging corners, all Cole could think of was getting the hell out of dodge and making as much distance between him and the range.
What was that? What did he do? How could he have done that?
He felt almost no pain coming from his hands, they no longer shook from throwing his bare fists against hard leather numerous times. His knuckles no longer bled and his fingers had stopped trembling - the rest of his body could not say the same. He shook with anxiety, his breath was hard to catch all of a sudden. He had to stop, halting in the middle of another long corridor and placing his back against the wall. The cold metal wall felt so refreshing against his back all sweaty from his sudden bouts of aggression. His Blackwatch fatigues felt so heavy all of a sudden as well, like he was wearing nothing but lead.
He was expecting someone to shout for him; Reyes, Morrison, someone over the damn intercoms, anyone for what he did, order him to go straight to someone’s office and get the ass reaming of a lifetime. He wanted to vomit from how horrible he was feeling at this point, an awful mixture of anxiety and anger that could never mix well.
And then something caught him, hooking him as though he were a fish being reeled in. It shocked him right out of his anxiety as though he had been smacked across the face.
A smell. Not a sight or a sudden sound (like Reyes or Morrison shouting his name at the top of their lungs). A smell.
It was the smell that had caught his attention suddenly, a smell that had stirred up something inside of him that made him crave. It calmed him suddenly as well, easing his tensed nerves. He felt his insides churn, his chest fluttering as his mouth moistened. It suddenly became hard to think straight.
It smelled divine; sweet and sultry like the finest of wines, salty and savory like the sweetest of candies. It clouded his mind with temptation, controlling him as a puppet, following his nose towards the scent down a familiar path.
Down a long hallway, over a short sky bridge and under the overhead of the Blackwatch symbol to their very small wing in the back of the facility, Cole had stopped at the first door on the left: His door. His door that the smell had been coming from. It was even more potent standing right before the metal door than it did just down the hall.
His heart was pounding in his ears, his blood roaring through his veins, sparks flying up his spine.
He was suddenly hungry. For what, he didn’t know. He was hungry for whatever lied behind the door.
He heard humming coming from behind the door, soft and sultry, not really following a pattern or rhythm, the sound sent tingles through him, making him feel things he never knew he could feel.
It was your voice. Your voice echoed in his room, he could hear you walking around inside but he didn’t try to enter, something was holding him back.
You were inside, so why did he hesitate on going inside?
He stared at the holo pad that sat right at the side of the door, awaiting his pin to be put in to let him inside. It was as if the world had stopped turning, like time had stopped suddenly as he slowly reached out towards the pin pad. Four repeated beeps filled the silent hallway, and yet your humming didn’t cease, he heard you still walking around in his room even as the door quickly slid open.
The smell had smacked into him like an oncoming truck, nearly running over and knocking him back.
He saw that his room had been cleaned up, clothes either put into the hamper to be cleaned or back into his closet. The bed was neatly made with a new set of sheets, black sheets with a blue flannel comforter and the pillows were neatly fluffed and laid to rest in cases of heather gray. The curtains had been drawn, the tableside lamp was left on in a dimmed mode. A candle had been lit, one of the vanilla rum candles he loved so much that was very much not up to code with Reyes.
Cole took one step into his room, just far enough to allow the door to slide closed behind him.
He peered farther into the room to see the bathroom light was on, your shadow in the doorway. Your humming was music to his ears, lulling away the anxiety that riddled his insides raw, the incoherent pattern calming his panicking mind.
“Cole? Is that you?” you called from the bathroom.
“Yeah-” he paused to gulp, “darlin’ I’m back.”
Your shadow disappeared from the doorway as you stepped into his line of sight. Cole’s heart started to pound hard in his ears to the point he could barely hear you.
You looked like an absolute sin. Your hair had been done up just right, barely pushed away from your face, gloriously messy and framing your gorgeous face just right. Your face was painted, eyelids smokey and lips a gorgeous ruby red with glassy gloss glazed over. He wanted to kiss off your lipstick, he wanted to bury his fingers in your hair. The closer you got to him, the more your scent drove him close to losing it. You had to have been wearing some sort of perfume that was made with witchcraft or something, he wanted to bury his nose into your neck and kiss it raw.
He felt himself stir as he stood there, caught like a deer in headlights as he looked you over.
His fatigues had started to grow tight down south.
You were dressed in black silks and lacey pieces, hidden just barely by a silky black robe you had on that was barely closed at the waist. He could see through the plunge of your neckline for your breasts cupped beautifully by your brasserie. It was a new one he hadn’t seen before. In this kind of life, it rarely offered you both a moment like this, especially for you to find pieces like these. He could see that pearls were sewn in between the cups to form a heart that nestled just right between your breasts. He could see your panties; Black to match the bra, they sat high on your waist it seemed, and the same pearl design was stitched in right below your navel, all tied together by the littlest of white bows he had ever seen. You were wearing black lace garters, attached on both thighs halfway up, holding up black cotton knee-high socks that him stir where he stood.
You looked like a goddess before him.
“I heard you had a rough day today, I thought you could use some cheering up,” you said in your damn perfect voice.
Your eyes fluttered at him, and your painted lips curled into a sweet smile.
“You gonna cheer up little ol’ me, puddin’?” He took a step closer to you, closing the distance even more. “And how do you plan on doin’ that?”
Without a word, you reached before you and undid the very loose knots of your robes. You shrugged it off, allowing it to bunch at your elbows before you gathered it and dropped it to the floor. Cole’s heart nearly stopped at the sight. Your little set had really left little to the imagination. He could see all of your curves and edges, see the length of your legs and your delicious hips.
Breathing through his nose as best as he could, he couldn’t help the strain in his underwear.
Something in him snapped.
He lunged at you, hands grabbing at your hips, and hoisted you up, practically throwing you onto his bed. You gasped as you bounced on the bed, eyes wide as you looked at him with wide eyes. You leaned back against the mattress, spreading your legs by the knees, your lips curling back into a smirk as Cole loomed over you.
He’s sure he must have been a sight to behold. Sweaty and out of breath, still in his messy Blackwatch fatigues, panting up a storm as he stalked towards you on the bed like a predator.
Cole snatched up one of your ankles, dragging you closer as you let out a small yelp. His other hand came down to the side of your head, caging you underneath him. Leaning in, he sniffed at your neck, getting a noseful of your perfume, driving himself even deeper into his little trench of lust.
Cole removed his hand grabbing at the sheets next to your body to snatch at the waistband of your panties, fingers curling into the elastic band and dragged them down the length of your legs and off your person. Cole had tossed them over his shoulder without a second thought.
The smell radiating off of you made it hard to think straight, Cole’s vision was swaying and he found himself panting like a wild animal over you.
He leaned down and got close to your naked sex, your ankle still in one of his hands, his other hand was fisting the sheets next to your hip, wanting so badly to grab at your waist and sink his fingertips into your flesh. With every gentle touch he made, you jumped under him. Cole’s nose barely brushed your wet core and you whimpered out, begging for him. He had knelt to the ground to get as close as he could to you.
Cole’s tongue parted your walls, splitting you open like opening petals of a rose. His tongue was met your wet heat, tongue dipping deeper into your pussy as you let out a sharp cry of pleasure. Your back curled, the back of your head dug deeper into the plush covers of the bed, you lifted your ass off of the bed to bring yourself closer to Cole’s mouth. Growling softly, Cole pressed his face closer, tongue digging deeper inside as he licked at your slick heat. You tasted more wonderful than any meal he ever had, sweeter than any pie he ever ate. You tasted like the most expensive wine in the world, and he was one lucky son of a bitch to drink from you.
You grew wetter and wetter as the seconds passed by, soft moans and mewls turned to needy groans and begging. Sweat had started to grow on your forehead, your hair was sticking to your skin, and your other leg had hitched itself over one of Cole’s broad shoulders. Cole continued to lick at your rosebud, groaning and growling into your sensitive bud to strike a cry out of you.
Your breathing had quickened, your chest fluttering, and your eyes were squeezed tight, he could practically feel it where he sat kneeled by the edge of the bed. His dick was aching at this point, begging him to just fuck you already.
But something inside of him wanted to prolong this.
You came suddenly on his face, Cole humming with pleasure as he licked at your clit for your juices. You tasted even sweeter after you came, like something straight out of a dream, like heaven itself had just poured a bit out of you.
Cole withdrew his face from your rosebud, he was sure he looked at the part too. His lips and chin are left with whatever remains of your climax, his soul patch glistening in the candlelight as he stood.
You looked so gorgeous laying down before him, out of breath and flushed, eyes looking at him all dreamy and hair sticking to your face. Your painted lips had been parted a bit as you panted, they still held that glassy shine Cole swore he could see his reflection off of. He wanted to kiss the gloss right off, he wanted you to leave lipstick marks all over his neck and his face and his chest.
Cole wanted to toy with you some more as well.
Cole stood at the end of the bed and had grabbed ahold of both of your ankles gently, fingernails biting into the soft material of your knee-high stockings. He had brought them to his waist, allowing you to lazily lock them behind his back before bringing one hand back to you while his other traveled to your thigh.
His hand carefully overlapped your nether lips. You whined softly at the touch. Cole knew what you wanted; His dick, not his damn hand. But he wanted to really work you open.
His index finger slowly dipped between your petals, slowly reopening them again. You were still wet, his finger easily gliding against your walls. You were so soft to the touch, it was unreal. He had replaced his index with his middle finger, his fingertip dipping down into your core and splitting you open even more. You were already tight around his finger, he was salivating at the pleasure his cock would receive. He could just feel it, your walls tight around his cock, plush walls squeezing against his girth in all of the right ways. It was driving him crazy not being inside of you right now.
You whimpered as he pumped his finger in and out of you, your hands grabbing at the sheets, turning your head to the side to try to breathe better. Your eyes squeezed closed, your legs tightened around Cole’s waist.
He had started out slow with you, only starting to quicken the pace with his middle finger when he would notice you would catch your breath and start to get accustomed to the feeling of his finger inside of you.
The leftover of your climax was all he needed, and soon, he had slipped in his index finger. His hand on your thigh tightened, nails biting into your soft flesh and grabbing at your skin.
You whined even louder when he had slipped in his index, your head craning back to reveal your neck. Cole stared at it with deep intent, he stared at the columns of your throat, he could help but think of how good it would look all marked up to hell and back with bruises and bite marks. He could even picture you fussing over them when you would wake up to get ready in your uniform, trying to find a way to cover them up while badgering him about it for a while.
Cole had quickened his pace again, placing his thumb on your clitoral hood to help speed up as he curled his finger inward just a bit. He gripped harder onto your thigh, you tightened your legs around him. You were letting out sharp cries and lewd little moans, arching your back upwards as he finger fucked you for god knows how long. Your hands flew to Cole’s broad shoulders, your sharp nails biting into the fatigues shoulders. You opened your eyes briefly to catch him staring down intently at you, a flush plastered across his face as well as his honey-brown eyes staring right into yours.
You were panting like a dog, whining and jerking around under his touch.
And you were only growing wetter underneath him.
Cole had managed to slip in his ring finger, pumping his fingers in and out of you like a well-oiled machine. He felt your walls tightening around his digits, you were so warm and wet inside.
“Cum for me, darlin’,” he ordered, staring directly at you. Your hands grabbed at his shoulders, fabric threatening to rip under your grasp.
“Cum around my fingers, I know you want to. Yer gonna cum and I’m gonna fuck ya into this mattress. I don’ care who the fuck hears,” he snarled down at you.
You couldn’t help but whine. He knew you were close, just barely tipping over the edge. You already were close, the coils inside of you were tightening once again until they white-hot inside of you.
You came with a sudden shout, your arms releasing Cole’s shoulders and your legs trembled under Cole’s grip.
Cole had pulled his hand away, nearly transfixed by how his fingers glistened in the candlelight from your climax. The smell you gave off was more intoxicating than any whiskey he would ever drink, he wanted to get drunk off of you.
He felt too hot and too caged all of a sudden by his clothes. He backed away, clawing at the collar and yanking on the zipper, somehow managing to loosen it just enough for him to shed and shake it off of him like a dog coming in out of the rain. His fingers had snatched at the waistband of his boxers as he quickly shed those two, tossing them to the floor and kicking them out of the way without a care in the world.
His dick sprung free, fully erect and practically throbbing to be inside of you. He was fully nude before you in a matter of seconds, panting like a dog as he looked down at you on the mattress with a primal hunger in his eyes.
Your legs were trembling against the bed, your face sweaty and strands of hair were clinging to your forehead and cheeks. You were out of breath, looking up at him with wide eyes, watching his every move.
Cole suddenly was on top of you, pinning you to the mattress as his hands snatching at your waist, fingers digging into your hot flesh. He barely gave you any time before he started up again, the head of his cock started to slowly split your wet folds, rubbing his cock with your nectar that had made a bit of a mess under you. He teased at your entrance, barely putting the slightest bit of pressure against your womanhood to tease you open once again until he had finally driven the head of his cock in.
The whine you let out as he sank himself into you drove him mad as he plunged himself deeper inside of you. The way your walls welcomed him, fluttered around his girth, drank up the precum that had pearled out.
“Please,” you whimpered, “Cole, please.”
Your breathing was rapid the longer he took inside of you, barely moving as he enjoyed the feeling of your silk walls around him.
“Please what darlin’? What do ya want me to do?” he finally spoke up as he drank up the ecstasy in the air.
His eyes finally met your, honey-brown hues making contact with your beautiful eyes he could look at all day and night.
“Fuck me, Cole,” you ordered.
It was like a lever had been flipped. The sweet and soft Cole went flying out the door.
Something starving inside of him took over.
He ramped up his pace, he fucked you fast and hard. He slammed himself in and out of you, reveling in how your walls wrapped so perfectly around his length. Cole let out guttural moans and threw his head back a bit, his mouth hung open as he found it hard to breathe. His voice was deep, dark and heavy in his chest as he groaned and hissed as he pistoned his hips like a well-oiled machine.
You whimpered and moaned, clawing at Cole’s shoulders and back, nails biting into his skin as he fucked you without mercy. You arched your back off of the mattress, the sheets greedily drinking up the sweat from your body as they clung to your balmy skin.
Your walls fluttered around him, you were so tight and warm and wet inside, it was almost too much for him to handle. The smell of you surrounding him, the sight of you in lingerie, all of this pent up stress.
No wonder he was fucking you like an animal.
He didn’t know how long you both were at it, time melted away as Cole fucked you into the mattress, fucking you passionately. He held onto you for dear life under him, he shook as the sudden cool air drifting in from the fan pranced across his sweaty and naked back. Cole looked back down at you. You looked so perfect; all hot and bothered, your body trembling beneath his touch all shiny and warm from being aroused and fucked, your eyes heavy with lust and straining to stay open as you looked into his eyes, having climaxed twice now. He was determined to make you do it again.
He wished you both could do this forever, make passionate love without a care in the world, no war or fighting or dealing with Overwatch’s bullshit. He wanted to stay with you forever, entangled in the sheets and live in eternal bliss.
You suddenly cried out, the back of your head burying itself in the sheets that had now been tugged up and off of the mattress, your mouth hung open as you gasped for air. He felt your walls fluttering around him quickly, only spurring him to fuck you even faster, nearly smashing his hips against yours quickly. He wanted to go as deep as he could, explore everything you had to offer, and just hearing the noises you make when he hits all of the right spots is spurring him on even more. His hips were snapping back and forth quickly, the bed was rocking and the headboard - thank fuck it was a platform bed just barely pulled away from the walls - was swinging just a bit back and forth. He honestly couldn’t care if anyone bothered him about the noise. The five team members were lucky that their rooms were spaced out farther than the Overwatch agents; Which would explain why you loved to sleep in Blackwatch’s little wing rather than your room. Hell, you were stationed between Torbjorn and Reinhardt, he was shocked you got any sleep at all when you didn’t spend the night in Blackwatch’s wing.
As Cole pistoned his cock inside of you, he could only think of more ways to have a little more fun with you. He’d love to get away with fucking you somewhere a little more public, maybe the little lounge Blackwatch has or stowed away somewhere in one of the practice ranges? He would love to try the idea you brought up: Fucking in Reyes’ broom closet of an office.
Just the thought of having you bent over a desk trying to be as quiet as possible mixed with the thrill of almost getting caught by his boss of all people sent a pleasurable chill down his spine that went right to his dick.
Cole could feel it, he was going to cum. The coils inside of him grew tighter and hotter, it was burning inside of him. He hissed, gritting his teeth as he sank his fingertips deeper into your skin. He was openly moaning softly with every thrust, hissing when your walls squeeze him just right. He could feel himself stiffen up just right before he came apart inside of you.
He released himself, cumming inside of you with a shout. He rocked himself inside of you, completely drunk on the feeling of your walls milking him for everything he had until he had grown soft inside of you.
You came suddenly, walls closing in around his thick cock as you cried out below him. You sank your nails just deep enough into his skin that it barely broke open, the pain sparking something inside of Cole that had made him snap.
Not even giving you another second to think or say anything, Cole had flipped you over onto the mattress so your stomach would lie on it. You cried out in surprise, hands suddenly fisting the sheets as you tried to look back at him with wide eyes. His cock had started to prickle with sparks of life once again. Cole snatched at your hips and hoisted them up, bringing your ass in the air to just the right level. You were trembling beneath him, legs threatening to give out as they look like a branch in a storm. Cole sank his fingertips deeper into your warm flesh, anchoring you up on your knees as you pleaded beneath him. Lust and hunger took over him as he reentered you without a second thought, sliding right in as you cried out.
Cole fucked you.
The headframe started to rock dangerously fast, nearly missing the wall by a hair. The bed creaked beneath you both as you openly cried and let out the lewdest moans, biting into the bunched up sheets to try to be quiet.
Your overstimulated pussy fluttered around his hard cock, Cole didn’t care that his cum was leaking out of your poor and abused hole, he was just going to cum again. Something inside of him wanted to just keep going forever.
He was going fast, faster than he ever had before. He was grunting with every thrust, his heart was going one million miles a minute in his ears as his blood roared.
“Cole!” you whimpered as you openly cried out.
Looking back down at you face-first in the mattress, you were crying. Mascara was smeared under your eyes and your lipstick was smudged across your chin, tear streaks ran down your cheeks and soaked into the sheets that were wet with a mix of tears and sweat and cum.
Yet you still arched your back in the slightest of ways to make it even better.
“You don’t know what yer doin’ to me, darlin’,” he grunted as he dug his nails deeper into your skin. “Dressin’ up like, swayin’ those hips and thinking you’ll just be able to get away with it.”
“P-Please!” you whimpered.
“Please what? Let you cum?” Cole by this point was about to come undone himself, he could feel himself teetering on the edge of ecstasy. Cole suddenly smacked your ass, the sound cut through the air and could surely be heard from the hallway should someone be walking by. You let out a small cry, knees nearly buckling under you until Cole caught you again. He dug his hands in, using them to guide you along his cock as he rammed into you. “Yer not goin’ anywhere until you cum under me again,” he snarled.
He could feel your walls squeeze around him, the overstimulated muscles tightening the more he wound you up. He was drunk off of the feeling, head craning back as he openly groaned deep from his chest. His abdomen tightened, his chest was heaving.
When you came with another cry he nearly lost it.
The coils inside of him were burning white. His head was spinning, the room was suddenly one hundred degrees hotter, his dick was rock hard inside of you.
He came with a roar, his hot seed spilling right back inside of you. He rocked his hips lightly this time, suddenly coming down from his high as he panted, still managing to hold you up despite his arms feeling like jelly. When his seed had been spent, Cole allowed you to collapse on the bed finally, your poor cunt finally free from the terror he had caused. You shivered beneath him, breathing quickly to try to calm down after climaxing four times. Cole had rolled and collapsed beside you, bouncing a bit on the mattress. He laid there for a moment, trying to gather his breath as the carnal feelings inside of him seemed to finally have calmed down and had taken a hike. Cole swallowed, his throat feeling dry when he sat up again, looking over your trembling form.
You weren’t going to be able to get up to go to the bathroom to clean off, hell, you probably wouldn’t be able to walk right tomorrow morning.
Cole had gotten up from the bed, his knees wobbly for a moment as he trudged into the bathroom, somehow managing to not fall over in the process. Retrieving a spare washcloth and running it under some warm water, Cole quickly returned to you still on the bed, eyes fluttering and legs still open as he kept them. You smiled softly at him as he gently reach down with the cloth to clean at your sex, wiping away the mixture you both had created, gently wiping away the mess he had made. He kept eye contact with you, noting how your lips parted as his fingers brushed against your naked sex here and there, how your brows pinched with want as he dug the washcloth just a bit harder into your nether region.
When he had finished, you were practically dozing off before him, smiling all dreamily as you laid before him.
Folding the washcloth in his hand, intent on cleaning it before he join you, he looked down at you. He could still smell your perfume radiating off of your person, it tickled his nose in all of the right ways.
“I love that perfume yer wearin’ pumpkin,” he purred, standing up from the bed.
You yawned, turning over a bit in the bed to lay fully on your side, snuggling up to your side of the bed.
“I’m not wearing any perfume,” you mumbled.
Cole stopped in his tracks upon hearing that, turning a bit to look at you where you had already seemingly drifted off into sleep.
He stood there in the silence of his room for a moment, wondering on what you had just said. He chalked it up as nothing more than just you being tired from all he had done and turned back to the bathroom to finish cleaning his mess.
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connortheconceded · 2 months
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While werewolves may be able to survive most injuries they still need to tend to them like ordinary people sometimes.
Also note Ezekiel's little tail
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dandyseedlings · 11 months
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two attacks for artfight today! ocs in the first pic are from @roxyaddams and ocs in the second pic are from @/artsy_dungeoneer on insta!
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bluenightingale · 2 years
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Where’s your costume?
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mxmadius · 1 year
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Human-Appearance/Seeming Cassidy Digital Doodle Dump, because I love her so much. The yellow eyes are technically a flaw on her sheet, a sign of her fae nature.
First one is a loosely colored sketch of her with a few of her new but very quickly close friends. The leftmost characters are other PCs. From left to right, they are Jamie (A Mage, Celestial Chorus), Rowan (A Werewolf, Ahroun Fianna), and Cassidy (A Changeling, Unseelie Redcap). I wanted to draw them all dressed up, they're commenting on how nice Jamie looks in a suit.
The second one is my attempt at drawing a Masc version of Cassidy. One of the lower levels of a changeling ability allows minor changes to appearance, including gender change. Body hair is quite a challenge, but I can't imagine masc Cassidy not being hairy.
The third one is just a late night sketch that I hyperfocused on too hard until it just became an illustration of it's own.
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audhdgoku · 2 years
Now I’m ACTUAL Fox
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heirceleste · 1 year
“You’re pale as a ghost!” - Elena to Cass or Clem or both!
cassidy shuffles her feet, a stuffed wolf clutched to her chest and blood crusted around her nose. climbing onto her mom’s lap the young teen breathes in her mother’s scent and sniffles a bit. she’d had a dream about her father, a nightmare and had woken up partially shifted. changing back had been painful, something she still wasn’t used to. “can i stay home from school today mom?”
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loudrats · 5 months
Loud Rats Book Club 2023
This year the rats became literate!
We suggested a number of books each month and then voted on one to read (somehow Fish managed to read all 12 of them… wild!). The ones in red are the winners, but there are some other really good books in there.
Hopefully you can find your next favourite read below! :)
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
The Butchering Art by Lindsay Fitzharris
Earthlings by Sayaka Murata
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk
Why Fish Don't Exist by Lulu Miller
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy
Fledgling by Octavia Butler
Pirates and Prejudice by Kara Louise
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
Adua by Igiaba Scego
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
The Passion by Jeanette Winterson
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
The Humans by Matt Haig
Cane by Jean Toomer
Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa
The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa
The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (#1 Broken Earth Trilogy)
Young Mungo by Douglas Stewart
Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrel
Dubliners by James Joyce
The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht
My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake
Mary: An Awakening of Terror by Nat Cassidy
No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Where You Come From by Saša Stanišić
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher
Death in Her Hands by Ottessa Moshfegh
Our Hideous Progeny by C. E. McGill
Swimming in the dark by Tomasz Jędrowski
Girls like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 17 by Jeff Kinney
Zami: A New Spelling of my Name by Audre Lorde
Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century by Kim Fu
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Kid Youtuber 9: Everything is Fine by Marcus Emerson, Noah Child
Bored Gay Werewolf by Tony Santorella
Hit Parade Of Tears by Izumi Suzuki
When Death Takes Something from You Give It Back: Carl's Book by Naja Marie Aidt
Pandora's Jar by Natalie Haynes
The Decagon House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji
The Summer Book by Tove Jansson
Mapping the Interior by Stephan Graham Jones
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Small Game by Blair Braverman
Free: Coming of Age at the End of History by Lea Ypi
Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood
The Employees: A workplace novel of the 22nd century by Olga Ravn
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Linghun by Ai Jiang
Eyes Guts Throat Bones by Moira Fowley-Doyle
The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers
The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley
Catch the Rabbit by Lana Bastašić
Kindred by Octavia Butler
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Life For Sale by Yukio Mishima
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Liberation Day by George Saunders
Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter
Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes by Maurice Leblanc
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien
Minor Detail by Adania Shibli
Prophet Song by Paul Lynch
Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
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