gabbygerbs · 2 years
now that annasui's wolf TF was in the anime it got me thinking of your old werewolf!jotaro stuff again, would jolyne be an awoo too?
Hey. . .
Sure why not!
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kefirsart · 8 months
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Trick or treating gone wrong🫢🫣
It's the spooky season! Hope to make more of these ^^
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stargreen · 7 months
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Nočnoj Dozor🔥
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dilfartist · 2 years
Full moon
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Paring: yandere werewolf Josuke x female reader
TW: blood mentioned, the reader is injured, yandere themes, unhealthy obsession, monsters.
Josuke pondered if you felt his eyes on you. He wouldn't doubt it; Josuke had been watching you from afar all day. He couldn't help himself. Last night replayed in his mind like a broken record. Josuke’s eyes traveled from your figure to the assignment assigned in class today. Josuke unconsciously had sketched a picture of you. Your appearance was the same as last night: bloody and bruised. Josuke remembers the scent of your blood, the sweat dripping down your forehead, the whimpers of pain that seeped from your lips. Josuke continues to add detail to the sketch, adding more shade to your features.
While sketching, his mind wanders to last night; The reason he was interested in you in the first place.
Josuke sprinted through the forest, failing to avoid the objects in his way. Josuke's chest burned, his lungs lacking air. Then again, he could care less about the growing pain. The main objective on his mind was to reach the usual spot he would come to during the full moon twilights. Josuke's feet ached as he continued to sprint through the forest. Josuke almost gave out, the pain too unbearable for him to keep going. Josuke stopped himself before he could give up. He reminded himself of the purpose of coming to the spot; To protect the citizens of Morioh Cho. In his vision, he sighted a group of trees surrounding a large rock. Finally, he had reached his destination. Josuke collapsed to his knees, taking in the fresh air surrounding him. He looked up to the sky, observing as the warm colors of the summer atmosphere turned into a dark twilight blue. The moon rises not long after, illuminating the night. When the moonlight hits josuke's figure, he feels pain shooting through his body. Josuke's head pounds, his body aches, and his teeth hurt: It was like puberty all over again, only ten times more painful. He felt his body growing wider, his clothes tearing in half during the process. Hair grew everywhere, creating a heavy fur coat against Josuke’s body. Josuke's cries of pain turned into snarls only an animal produced. His teeth grew longer and sharp; they became so sharp they could be considered small knives. This process is what he had to deal with every once a month.
Josuke turned completely. Now conscious, Josuke was overwhelmed with hunger. His stomach grumbles, yelling for Josuke to fill it with a delicious dinner. Josuke started to hunt for anything to eat. He used his nose to track down the rodents in the forest. The rodents had a particular smell that Josuke was accustomed to. Tonight, however, Josuke picked up on a much different aroma. Without thinking, Josuke followed the addictive scent. Josuke found himself near a river, where the scent ended. Josuke froze, noticing a trail of blood leading to a bunch of rose bushes."Hello! Anyone there!?" A voice called out. Josuke's mentality told him to leave at that moment, in fear he'd maul you; Yet, Josuke scurried towards the calls of help.
Josuke peeked over the bushes, finding an injured girl resting against a tree. "Is anyone there?! I need help!" The girl yelled once again. When she receives no reply, all hope drains from her expression, and she slumps back against the tree. "What am I gonna do?" She asked herself, closing her eyes to think of a solution. Josuke's paw steps on a branch, causing the girl's eyes to snap open. They stared at each other for a minute until the girl smiled. "Hi, cutie! What are you doing over here?" The girl cooed at Josuke, forgetting about the pain in her leg when she noticed him. Josuke felt his tail wagging. The girl lifted her hand for Josuke to smell. Josuke ambled to the girl, uncertain if he should get closer. "It's alright." The girl encouraged. Josuke eagerly walked closer. Close enough to sniff her hand. Josuke allowed the girl to pet him. "Aren't you the cutest thing on the planet?!" The girl praised him as she scratched behind his ears. Josuke felt his heart skip a beat when the girl took his face into the palms of her hands. "Your definitely too big for a dog, kind of scary looking, but you seem to be a sweetheart." Josuke had never seen himself in his wolf form but he never thought he looked like a dog; in a way, it was kind of embarrassing to be a fluffy puppy instead of a stereotypical werewolf. The girl told Josuke the reason she was in these woods. The girl decided it would be nice to take a drive to help her fall asleep, but her car broke down near the woods. She left her car to fill it up with the gasoline in her trunk; while opening the trunk a deer jumped out of nowhere, resulting in her losing her balance and tumbling down a hill leading to the forest. Now, she lay against a tree, injured with a sprained ankle, and a piece of glass plunged into her leg.
Josuke felt a sense of need to help the poor girl. He quickly put his head under her arm for support. The girl understood what he was doing and helped him lift herself. They made it to her car in thirty minutes. The girl climbed into the driver's seat and opened the door for Josuke to jump in. Josuke hesitated to jump in. He knew the whole purpose for coming to these woods was to stay there until sunrise, but he felt the need to stay with this mysterious girl. Josuke ended up jumping into the passenger seat and accepting the car ride home. The girl drove them to her house, which was right across from Josuke's house, and carried Josuke inside her house. The girl decided to sleep on the couch with Josuke, enjoying the television until she drifted off. Josuke, on the other hand, stayed up. Josuke felt strange about the girl. Josuke thought fondly of her rather than feelings of malice towards her.
Josuke left the girl's house through the back door with many questions unanswered. Josuke snuck through his bedroom window and fell asleep on his mattress. The only thought on his mind was the girl. He barely slept that night. Instead of sleeping, he plopped his headphones in and recollected his thoughts.
By the time he awoke from his tight slumber, he was drowsy. If it weren't for his mother's nagging for him to go to school, Josuke would have stayed home and slept in. He barely paid any attention to his routine: He put his clothes on backward, missed the bowl of cereal when pouring his milk, and left his shoelaces untied. He was a mess. Walking to school with Okuyasu and Koichi, he didn't pay attention to the conversation. This didn't go unnoticed by his two best friends. When they asked Josuke about his silence, Josuke respond with a yawn, explaining he stayed up all night studying.
Departing from his friends, Josuke went to his first period. Josuke slumped against his chair, struggling to doze off. He didn't care what the teacher announced, he was concentrated on sleeping. “Hello, I am L/n Y/n. I am a foreign exchange student from [Country, Content].” He instantly opened his eyes. He recognized that voice from anywhere. Standing in front of the classroom stood a girl wearing the same uniform as everyone else. Her semblance was the same as last night, the fresh cut covered by a bandaid.
You sat two chairs down from Josuke, giving him the perfect view of you.
After school, Josuke left Okuyasu and Koichi to walk home by themselves. Josuke, instead, followed you home. Josuke wondered why his urges were subdued around the girl. To find out the reasoning, Josuke stalked her every day. Throughout the days, Josuke felt the urge to make you his. Josuke needed to turn her into a wolf as well. Josuke would make sure of this.
It had been months since you had moved to this town. You already were facing problems in school. Specifically, problems with relationships.
You hated the way you felt. Your friends all had dates this week with guys from your school and you felt hatred growing in your gut. It wasn’t just the fact you were lonely, your friends enjoyed shoving their relationships in your face. They also have ditched you to spend group dates together. “Guess it's just me walking home tonight.” You bitterly mumbling to yourself. You unlocked your locker, placing your textbooks inside. Shutting the locker, you jerked in surprise when a boy appeared out of nowhere. The boy looked down at you with a grin and flushed cheeks. “Jeez! You scared me.” you clutch your chest. The boy flashed an apologetic smile, “Sorry! I just wanted to talk.”
He wanted to talk? You've never seen this guy before, so what could he possibly want to discuss. “Uh, sure. What about?”
The boy suddenly turned flustered. “Well, you see..” he awkwardly spoke, a hand rubbing the back of his neck. “There's this movie tonight and I'd love it if you’d join along.” The boy struggled to maintain eye contact with you. Your face flushed. An attractive boy was asking you out! You couldn't say no to this offer. When would be the next time you had an opportunity like this one?! “Yeah, I'd love to, uh...?” the boy quickly said, “Josuke! My name is Higashikata, Josuke!” you chuckled at the excitement in his tone, “okay, Josuke, Pick me up at 8:00.” you took out a pen and wrote your address on his hand. “Bye!”
At home, you wasted no time getting dressed. By eight you were ready to go, eagerly waiting for his arrival at the door. You rushed out the door after hearing several honks at the front of your house. Josuke waved at you when he saw you leaving the house. Josuke pulled into your driveway in a little red Corvette. You climbed into the passenger seat, greeting Josuke as you closed the passenger door. “Wow, Josuke, nice car! Where did you get it?” “My old man. I guilt-tripped him into getting me it.”
Josuke stared at the engine with the twist of his keys. Before pulling out of the driveway, Josuke looks up at the sky; The sun hadn't set yet. “What movie are we seeing?” you asked trying to start small talk. “A movie about a werewolf. It will take us a while to get to the movie theater though. The best quality movie theater is a mile away.”
Josuke both told a lie and a truth. There wasn't a movie theater a mile away. However, you would definitely be seeing a wolf tonight. After all, tonight was a full moon. Josuke was sure to turn you into a werewolf as well.
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"Running under the Moon" i s m y c h o i c e
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Ah, the ever classic werewolf, my beloved ;3
This is probably the one that is closest to being done. So… werewolf fic coming maybe soon? 👀
Walking through the woods, Jotaro - not for the first time - found himself cursing his lineage.
Just because he happened to be born into this family, just because he was unlucky enough to have taken over the trait from his parents, just because he was stupid enough to reject this part of himself, Jotaro found himself walking through these massive woods every month on the evening of a full moon.
The Joestar family - and by proxy the Kujo family - were cursed with a wolven bloodline.
And that is all it was to Jotaro. A curse. A curse that needed to be stomached every month. No matter his mother’s warnings or attempts at convincing him otherwise, Jotaro refused to accept the carnal part that rested within him.
Both his mother and father were werewolves too, though ‘pack mentality’ clearly wasn’t a thing within his dad, and Holly had tried so hard to teach her son about this part of his life. How he could harness it, use it, deal with it. But every time, the 18 year old refused.
He did not want anything to do with the beast in him, and that made it why he was alone, deep in the woods, on his own. Ignoring it made it so that every full moon, he lost control. He turned into a ravaging wolf and for everyone’s safety, he chose to confine himself to a tiny three room cabin deep within the forest every month.
It was better to let the beast within rage harmlessly for one night a month.
Wasn’t it…?
Was it better? His mother said that if she let her teach him, he would be able to control his transformations. He could choose what to do on full moons and in the time in between. But doing that meant accepting what he was.
Frustrated by his thoughts, Jotaro let out an angry yell as he punched the nearest tree.
His father left at a young age. One of the few memories he has of his dad, was of the man in his wolf form. He stood opposite his mother, Jotaro clinging to her pant leg as he watched his dad huff and turn around, running off hard and fast without a word. Jotaro remembered looking up at his mom, hearing her sniffle softly and seeing tears in her eyes, and the seed of resentment was planted that night.
‘Wolf’ became synonymous with ‘the father that left’ and Jotaro’s resentment for his father morphed into resentment for the wolf within. No matter how often his mother had tried to convince him otherwise, growing up, Jotaro never changed his mind about it.
Walking past the giant oak he knew so well, the cabin soon came into view and Jotaro stopped for a second. Very distantly, a twig cracked behind himself, but due to his upcoming transformation his emotions were on max, and he snapped his head back, glaring into the quickly darkening forest, yet coming up empty handed.
Weary yet in a hurry, Jotaro continued moving, walking towards the cabin as the sun was nearly fully set. Pretty soon the moon would come up as the main source of light in the sky, and by then it wouldn’t be long before he’d turn.
Pushing the cabin door open, Jotaro made a rapid yet clean sweep of the house, making sure all was in place just in case.
Looking out the window, darkness had fully set and Jotaro sighed tiredly. It wouldn’t be long now.
Taking off his jacket, the delinquent took care to hang it over a chair before simply bringing the tank top over his head in a quick motion, leaving him in his bare chest.
Ain’t no way he was also gonna let his clothes be ruined by the bloody curse.
Taking off his belts, he removed them from the loops and placed them on the table before unbuttoning his pants.
Moving to pull them down and leave him in just his boxers, the door to the cabin suddenly flung open.
Snapping his head up, Jotaro’s eyes widened in horror at what he saw.
Right there in the door opening, stood you, his best friend of years and recent crush.
Your eyes locked on his before they quickly travelled down his face, over his naked torso and to the unbuttoned pants he was clearly about to pull down, showing a hint of his underwear.
“Gah-! I’m sorry, bad timing!” You jumped back a bit and quickly covered your eyes while Jotaro felt a heat creep up his neck. Yet he quickly shook that off of himself, panic returning to the forefront of his mind as he quickly closed his pants again before storming forward.
Hearing his heavy footsteps approaching, you dared to peek through your fingers, only to see an angry Jotaro coming towards you. You didn’t have any time to move as he harshly gripped your upper arms, pulling you towards him while slamming the door shut with his foot, twirling around and pushing your back into it not a second later.
“What the hell are you doing here?! Did you follow me?!” He spoke angrily, bending down to be at your level while still keeping you pressed up against the door.
“J-Jotaro-!” You started but he instantly shut you up.
“No! What the fuck are you doing here?!”
“Wh- I was worried about you!” You now yelled back a little indignantly, matching his intensity, though your concern clearly shone through in your tone.
“You’ve been pulling away and becoming more and more reclusive! It’s just- I’m your best friend and I want to help you!” You spoke, looking into his eyes and seeing a flicker of doubt in them before he steeled himself, lowering his voice.
“We’ll talk on Monday. Right now, go home.”
“No, Jotaro, don’t push me away.” You pleaded but Jotaro firmly re-gripped your arms.
“Go. Home, Y/N.”
Despite his firm tone, you stood your ground, not taking it any longer. “No! I’m not gonna let you push me away again! Jotaro, I’m concerned about you. Please just talk to me!”
“Not now! You have to leave!”
“Because it’s a full moon today!!” Jotaro yelled the last part out, looming over you before realising what he was doing. Quickly stepping back, he took some hasty breaths. He didn’t mean to raise his voice at you, but it was clearly already starting, his heightened emotions a telltale sign of the transformation.
“…What?” You questioned, your face a little pale after Jotaro yelled at you, for which he absolutely hated himself. The last thing he wanted to do is scare you. “What’s that got to do with…?” You slowly stepped forward, reaching out for the man but holding yourself back before you could touch him, remembering he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
“I’m a werewolf, Y/N.”
Your eyes widened in shock as you took a step back. Not in fear, just in pure surprise.
“In about thirty minutes the moon is high up in the sky and at that point, I don’t know what I will do. I’ll have no control and be just a beast.” Taking a step towards you, Jotaro once again gripped your arms, though this time a lot more gentle. “I can’t hurt you. You have to leave now and try to make it home before I can turn and attack you.”
Your breathing sped up a bit as you looked up at him with a sad look. “You think you’ll attack me?”
“I turn into a monster, Y/N. Yet I can’t decide what to do in that form. I can see everything, but I can’t do anything. Don’t make me watch myself eat you.”
Tears brimming in your eyes, you just shot forward, breaking from his hold to instead throw your arms around him. To hell with the fact that he had a bare chest. Squeezing as hard as you needed, you felt him loosely wrap his arms around you as well.
Looking down at the top of your head, Jotaro felt so many emotions swirling in him - once again curtesy of the curse. His heart thudded at the fact he was holding you, yet every rational part of his brain was screaming for you to run, fear and doubt at the forefront of his mind, though he put up a mask of calm. “How did you come here?” He asked gently.
“By bike.” Your voice was a little shaky as you answered and Jotaro’s arms briefly squeezed you before he pulled you away from his chest.
“Take it and ride as fast as you can. With some luck, you’ll manage to make it back to the city before I catch up; in the case I try to follow. Just keep going and don’t stop, do you hear me?” When you didn’t instantly answer, he shook your shoulders a bit, making you stutter out an affirmation.
Content, he walked over to the door and pulled it open, a frigid gust of wind blowing inside as he looked back at you.
“This is for your safety, Y/N. Remember that. Keep going and don’t stop.”
Walking to the doorway, you stopped right before you stepped outside, turning to your friend. “Will you be okay?”
At this, Jotaro nodded reassuringly. “I do this every month. Now just go.”
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jacks-obsessions · 2 years
Werewolf Jotaro
Not enough werewolf joot
He’s very self conscious about his wolf side 
He see’s the same way he had seen Star Platinum
To him it’s something dangerous and to be feared
He hides it from everyone only his family knows as it runs in the family
And now you too of course
He’s extra protective and gets mad a lot easier
Doesn’t want you around when he transforms at first
But you can convince him to let you stay eventually
Big boy
He loves to snuggle
Big softy but only for you
Watch out come spring
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medaart · 10 months
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Artfight for my pal @highwayking of our mermaid-themed OC's hanging out at the beach!
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kingsdynasty666 · 11 months
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Here's my third attack i did on Frosticle84 on art fight
Here's the link to my artfight if anyone wants to fight me
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bloodyratboi · 4 months
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@bloodyratboi on ig 🦇
Werewolf Jotaro and vampire Kakyoin is one of my biggest headcanon bc idk what do you want me to say lol im just an emo dude and they r my favorite characters ofc I had to do this lol
Live laugh love jotakak theyr bf and gf
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
Master list
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Jojo Bizarre Adventure:
The failed negotiation (Fem reader x Acdc)
Under the balcony (Joseph joestar x reader)
His muse (Yandere phantom of the Opera Jotaro kujo x fem reader)
A heart's guardian (Angel Jotaro kujo x reader)
Multi family stuff:
Sea of tears (Potential yanderes Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor and Ra's Al Ghul x fem reader) (vampire au) routes and choices : (1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Beloved (Yandere werewolf Clark Kent x fem reader) (vampire au)
2. The Apprentice ( Yandere dampier Lex Luthor x fem reader) (vampire au)
3. The Blessed one (Yandere vampire Ra's Al Ghul x fem reader)
4. Black Rose (Yandere vampire bat family x pregnant fem reader) (vampire au)
His mother (Yandere Damain wayne x Naga reader x yandere Bruce wayne)
His mother (part 2) (Yandere Damain wayne x Naga reader x yandere Bruce wayne)
Being a Wayne (Yandere batfamily x male reader)
Being a Wayne (part 2) (Yandere batfamily x male reader)
Unwanted embrace (Neglected bat-family member x yandere Bruce wayne)
Unwanted embrace (part 2) (Neglected bat-family member x yandere bat family)
Unwanted embrace (part 3) (Neglected bat-family member x yandere bat family)
Unwanted embrace (part 4) (Neglected bat-family member x yandere bat family)
Our little secret (Yandere Alfred Pennyworth x batmom reader)
Unneeded embrace (Yandere batfamily x ex-family member pregnant reader)
Unneeded embrace (part 2) (Yandere batfamily x Now family memebr pregnant reader)
The moth and candle (Yandere Damian Wayne x fem reader x yandere Bruce Wayne)
The heir (Yandere Thomas Wayne x male reader x potential yandere Bruce Wayne)
Father in law (Potential yandere Bruce Wayne x reader)
Father in law (part 2) (Yandere Bruce Wayne x reader)
Black Robin (Yandere Tim Drake x Twin brother reader x yandere Bruce Wayne)
Crimson Bride (Yandere Damian Wayne x Twin sister reader)
Bat-mom series:
Super family:
Unwelcomed embrace (Yandere super-family x neglected reader)
Unwelcomed embrace (part 2) (Yandere super-family x neglected reader)
Super-mom series:
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bimbosandbubbles · 7 months
Guys which fandom should I do a werewolf fic for?? I need help! For context the werewolf will be feral so needy and downbad for you! His dick can’t help but get hard when he can smell your sweet pheromones from miles away.
He stalks and waits,waits to talk to you—for you to notice him until he can slowly sink his sharp canines into you so you never leave him.
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hamarhemmo · 2 years
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Here again.
Image description under cut:
ID 1: A tweet by @ AbbyHasIssues. The text reads: "I may not have any Olympic medals, but I do have a favorite stovetop burner, crippling anxiety and a plastic bag filled with 103 other plastic bags." Next to the tweet there's a picture of Jotaro Kujo wearing his outfit from part 4.
ID 2: A Tumblr post. User tryclops writes: "what would happen if a werewolf and a vampire bit a human at the same time." Next to this is a picture of Koichi Hirose. User toughboymacho answers: "turns them into a furby". Next to this is an image of Yukako Yamagishi. User isayoldbean answers: "takes a screenshot" Next to this is an image of Okuyasu Nijimura. User rosegardenofeden answers: "polycule". Next to this is an image of Josuke Higashikata.
ID 3: A Tumblr post by wizardcreature saying: "diversity win! im bisexual and im going to kill you!" Next to this is an image of Joseph Joestar.
ID 4: A Tumblr post by user vorematty. The post says: "its my god given bisexual right to be dramatic". Next to this is an image of DIO Brando.
ID 5: A conversation on Facebook comments. Usernames are censored. First comment says: "i farted on your dads balls". The comment has 5 hearts and a picture of Joseph Joestar next to it. Another user answers: "my dad is dead". The comment has 1 sad face and a picture of Caesar Zeppeli next to it. First user (Joseph Joestar again) answers: "yeah he died of ball fart". The comment has 8 hearts.
ID 6: A Tumblr post by user stigmataboys. Post reads: "i have feelings for u. not telling u which ones." Next to this is a picture of Caesar Zeppeli.
ID 7: A Tumblr post by frakus. Anonymous sent them an ask: "you seem to have a very nasty spirit" Next to this is an image of Joseph Joestar from part 3. frakus answers: "is there a way i can put this on my resume". Next to the answer is an image of Jotaro Kujo.
ID 8: A Tumblr post by user catboykafka. Post reads: "evil bisexual sex with my evil bisexual boyfriend". Next to this is a picture of Mariah. catboykafka answers: "evil bisexual sex with my evil bisexual girlfriend". Next to this is a picture of DIO Brando.
ID 9: A Tumblr post by user 7172626728388918928292991974. The post reads: "please lord im only 7". Next to this is a picture of Boingo.
ID 10: A Tumblr post by darkacademiasuggestions. The post says: "wear crisp, elegant shirts. throw yourself very dramatically over a chaise longue. be the hedonistic victorian teenager of your dreams." Next to this is an image of DIO Brando from part 1.
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goatpaste · 2 years
🦄 Jotaro maybe?? It would be so awesome.. it would be so cool...
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mmm couldnt really think of anything too specific, some a fun lil simple werewolf jotaro maybe,,
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stargreen · 7 months
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biggestxsimps · 2 years
You can find the fandoms and characters we write for > Here
Shuichi Saihara:
> Proud of you
Makoto Naegi:
> Betrayed
Mondo Owada:
> Motorbike Night
Nagito Komaeda:
> Missing you
Gonta Gokuhara:
> Boyfriend Headcanons
Kazuichi Soda:
> The Truth Behind the Blackened
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:
> Protective Fuyuhiko Headcanons
Kakyion Noriaki:
> Interacting with Kakyion and Hierophant
Joseph Joestar:
> I love you
Jonathan Joestar:
> Admiring Christmas Decorations 🎄
> Amnesia
Jotaro Kujo:
> Taking Kujo’s Hat
> Watching Snowflakes 🎄
> Valentine’s Day Special
Josuke Higashikata:
> Sharing a Hot-Chocolate 🎄
> Are You?
The Quarry:
Dylan Lenivy:
> Asking him out
> Haircut
> Late Night Confession
> Patching him up
> Winter Vibes 🎄
> Staring at the Stars
Jacob Custos:
> Mucking Around 🎄
> Cold Cuddles 🎄
> Reacting to you being attacked by a werewolf (Dylan.L, Jacob.C, Ryan.E, Nick.F)
> Lost Lover (Can be read as any)
Shoto Todoroki:
> After Hours
Katsuki Bakugou:
> Helping Hand
Denki Kaminari:
> Impress you
Izuku Midoriya:
> So Close, Yet So Far
Dabi/Touya Todoroki:
> Duty or Love?
> Dabi headcanons
Hawks/Keigo Takami:
> Love Takes Flight
> Headcanons 
Detroit:Become Human:
Connor RK800:
> Are you okay?
> Missed your Birthday
> Christmas Chills 🎄
> Morning Routines
> Love?
> Here for you
Harry Potter:
Draco Malfoy:
> I’m Sorry (Part 1)
> I Forgive You (Part 2)
> Exchanging Gifts 🎄
> Asking Draco out to the Yule Ball (Interactive Fic)
> Study Date
> Happy Birthday
Harry Potter:
> In the Snow 🎄
> Skating Date 🎄
> Shark-Like Reader Scenarios
> Dance With Me
Ron Weasley:
> Handmade Sweaters 🎄
Tom Riddle:
> Make It Up to You
Hogwarts Legacy:
Sebastian Sallow:
> Amortentia
> Why I love you
> It’s Okay, You’re Okay
Ominis Gaunt:
> Gorgeous Boy
> Nightmares
Garreth Weasley:
> Secret Shambles
> Asking the Boys to The Yule Ball (Sebastian.S, Ominis.G)
> Semi-Romantic Headcanons (Sebastian.S, Ominis.G, Garreth.W, Amit.T)
Call of Duty:
Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
> Thank you
> Face-Paint
> Happy Valentine’s Day 
> Overworked
> Unspoken Words (Part 1)
> Heard Feelings (Part 2)
> Short Reader Headcanons
> Last Embrace
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher:
> Seeing Sal’s face for the first time
> The Campbell Boy
Larry Johnson:
> Cuddles
Yandere Simulator:
Ayato Aishi:
> Obsessed
>Change in fate
Amao Odayaka:
> Baked Treats 🎄 (Platonic)
Osoro Shidesu:
> Confessions
Budo Masuta:
> Behind the Martial Arts Club’s Closed Doors
> Whispered Wishes
Umeji Kizuguchi:
> Troubled Souls (Platonic)
Shin Higaku:
> Boyfriend Headcanons
> Kidnapped By Obsession (Ayato.A, Taro.Y)
Death Note:
Light Yagami:
> Finding The Deathnote
L Lawliet:
> Deception & Intrigue
Diabolik Lovers:
Ayato Sakamaki:
> Fireplace Teasing 🎄
Yuma Mukami:
> Boyfriend Headcanons
Monty Gator:
> Late Night Duties
Michael Afton:
> Friends to Lovers
Peter Parker:
> Movie Night
> How each Spiderman would confess
Tony Stark:
> Top Priority  (Platonic)
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helpimhyperfixating · 2 years
saw your post and i present thee with random werewolf joot thought... remember that one vine where:
Joot: *growls*
Dio: WRYYYYYYYY get your fucking dog bitch!
Y/N: It don't bite~ :>
Dio, whole arm already bitten off: Y E S I T D O
This genuinely got such a grin from me when I read it
So allow me to share this ugly doodle I made because I really couldn’t resist
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*shocked Pikachu face* “What are you talking about? He is a good boy, he can do no harm.”
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