#well done tamika
thousand-winters · 5 days
Okay, folks, we have a whole day left to theorize and I'm well aware there's two episodes left of this arc still, but:
Now my logic for these are: Cecil is the narrator and he's had his fair share of making things happen in past arcs, Carlos has history with getting rid of avatars of the Smiling God so there's that, Kevin I'm not sure at any given time that he's actually allied with Lauren and we haven't seen him so it could happen, the Boy heartbreakingly said next time he wouldn't fail and he was pretty much trying to erase his own grim future so I could see him trying, Tamika also hasn't shown up recently and she feels pretty relevant for this arc though I'm unsure if she would want to fight again, and Huntokar should not be done dirty like Lauren is doing so there's a chance.
Share your theories because I'm genuinely incredibly unsure of what will happen.
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WTNV quick rundown - 127 - A Matter of Blood, Part 1
Featuring the voice of Jasika Nicole as Dana Cardinal.
Read the rest here!
Sleep like there's nobody watching. Welcome to Night Vale.
Dana is in her fourth year as mayor and plans to give herself full control over the agents from a vague yet menacing government agency and the SSP, thus in theory allowing her to make things more just and imprison less people. Cecil accidentally reveals this as a statement when he wasn't supposed to.
This is met with protests from City Council who want to control everything themselves and seperately by Councilwoman Tamika Flynn who is worried about government overreach and how changing policies to give the government more power relies on the assumption that the government will always be made up of good well-meaning people. Dana is unavailble to defend herself as she is running around town asking people if they know who she is and spying on city hall.
This ends with her murdering a parking officer who tries to engage her in conversation. A statement comes through from Dana claiming that she is being framed. She says that a double of hers with shorter hair is the one who killed the parking officer and who has now come for her too. She says to keep away from all versions of her because they might not be her.
The SSP still want to charge Dana, any Dana, for the murder and claim it has nothing to do with trying to impede her physically as they've done before.
Weather: “J'Accuse” by Mucca Pazza]
Meanwhile, a rain of blood matter from space is due to happen all over NV. Cecil and Carlos are having a viewing party at the station.
Because stay tuned next for Bubble Gum Hour, the hour devoted to reviewing the chewing sound of popular varieties of bubble gum, hosted by today’s celebrity chewer, Mr. Tom Hanks. Good night, Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: Hey, what’s your sign? Mine’s a stop sign. I stole it from an intersection, and I hold it up every time someone tries to talk to me.
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changingplumbob · 6 months
York Household: Chapter 8, Part 4
Time for my first in game high school graduation! Time to find out if it's worth it or everything just glitches to infinity and beyond. Deanna attempts to get a tan and Kelly spends time avoiding homework.
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Snowball fight, check. Snowpals, check. Snow angels, check. Ice Skating, check. While Calista has high fitness skill Aaron has spent more time skating so can practice tricks out on the ice.
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More of Aaron skating circles around the rest of the family.
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Back home Kelly decided to warm up by riding his bike around. He seems to be turning in to a bit of a daredevil. Meanwhile Deanna got on to practicing her valedictorian speech
Deanna: We know why we have all come today... no. We know why we have spawned for... no. I am delighted to... Urgh
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Aaron: I talked to her
Calista: And
Aaron: She wants to give Paris a home. I mean how can we disapprove of that without being in the wrong
Calista: I suppose. But amore what if-
Aaron: If anything goes wrong, we'll be right here to help. She told me we have to give her the room to make mistakes
Calista: I'll try not to worry I guess. Paris is a sweet girl, it’s not as if she’s a bad influence
Aaron: It's not like she's going to get her pregnant either
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Graduation time! I think in future I'll see if I can play this separately to what appears on the calendar because... yeah things did not go smoothly, and the sims I wanted there didn't show up. Deanna got a moodlet for epic speech but the rest of the family had a boring speech moodlet...
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Paris jumped on the stage, this should probably not be allowed... Kelly had fun finding some random background sims to terrorise. The other students who officially "graduated" all went before Deanna, but I suppose it could have been alphabetical. I tried to get her done first but no luck.
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Paris: How did you know you were ready to move in with Samir
Reece: I didn't
Paris: Some genius
Reece: I just mean, he loves me and needs me there so it was really a no brainer
Paris: Well I do love Deanna, and I know she loves me...
Reece: So you're hesitating because why
Paris: It's tricky
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Reece: This third party observer thinks you two are cute together
Paris: Oh we are absolutely cute together, that's not in question
Reece: Then what is in question
Paris: I guess I just don't know if I'm ready to start forever
Reece: Meaning
Paris: If I move in then we could be together like forever
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Reece: And that's not a good thing?
Paris: I worry, do I even know who I am outside of being with Deanna
Reece: You seem young for an identity crisis
Paris: Maybe. I do want forever, a big house filled with grandkids, true love. But how can I know it's true you know
Reece: Talk to her about it, you need to be able to communicate
Paris: You're right. Maybe you're a partial genius
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After a billion zillion years Deanna finally is called to get her diploma. Why are we high-tening the principal holding our diploma? Do you want it to get crumpled??? And of course the standard cap throw.
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Middle of the night and Kelly wakes up with an evil smile. he hops out of bed and declares he's entering a picky eater phase. Mantis says, bloody hell dramatic much dude.
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Deanna has an early morning jog while Kelly tries salad.
Kelly: What the duck is this
Aaron: Kelly!
Kelly: Why is there oil in this ship
Aaron: Watch your language. It's called dressing
Kelly: Well it tastes like poop
Aaron: Lot of experience with that huh
Kelly: Shut up pa
Aaron: Kelly! Timeout!
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Aaron needs to use an archive for his work today so he and Deanna head to the recreation centre in Tartosa for the first time. I really tried with the lighting when I built it, but despite no lights being anywhere near Deanna her skin still lights up while Aaron looks normal.
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Tamika: The hell are you doing
Deanna: Trying to get a tan
Tamika: With no clothes on
Deanna: It's not like kids are out of school
Tamika: You're doolally
Deanna: We can't all be born with the perfect shade of skin like you
Tamika: It is totally perfect
Deanna: Just be lookout a little bit
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Tamika: That high confidence you have is ridiculous
Deanna: It's not like anyone will take pictures, we'll be fine
Tamika: What if your pa sees
Deanna: He doesn't see anything when he's working
Tamika: What if the bartender looks
Deanna: I'm sure she's seen crazier stuff in her line of work
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Back home a freshly tanned Deanna hangs out the washing. I love how it actually gave her a reddish shade as if her pale self did actually get somewhat burnt. She takes time to test Gerald, second of his name. He doesn't say anything interesting this time.
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Kelly once again neglects his homework and school project, choosing instead to calls his friends, play with toys, and bike around the place. Deanna tries to build some parts and despite reaching level 2 robotics, still hits her head with the hammer.
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Poor Calista woke up in the middle of the night having had a bad dream. Then after managing to get back to sleep, she has another, resulting in being very scared. She tries online therapy while Kelly takes the opportunity to have what he wants for breakfast, cupcakes over salad.
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Community centre time again. Deanna meets up with Noe this time to have a kick about. Aaron is meant to meet prospective clients but runs into best mate Harvey instead. How come sims bond well when playing soccer, even if they get hit in the face, but football practice is so destructive? Make it make sense EA
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Paris: Hey babe, got time for a movie
Deanna: I fried myself earlier so yes
Paris: You did what?
Deanna: It was a minor electrical shock, so long as I don't tinker for the rest of the day I'll be fine
Paris: You have to take better care of yourself
Deanna: Isn't that your job
Paris: True
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Aaron: We've got to talk about this picky eater phase
Kelly: I said I was sorry for snapping at you over salad
Aaron: You didn't actually
Kelly: That you heard. I don't want to talk now
Aaron: Kelly, sit back down and listen
Kelly: Why
Aaron: Do you want to be grounded and not have friends over
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Kelly: This is stupid
Aaron: I hear you neglected your school project, again
Kelly: It was boring
Aaron: How do you know if you didn't try
Kelly: I just do
Aaron: Well you can sit here and "just do" your homework
Kelly: Or what
Aaron: Or no friends over
Kelly: Fine. But a B isn't a failure pa
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Kelly: You know how I'm your favourite
Anya: Are you trying to get me to kill you, I said keep it to yourself
Kelly: Want to swap friendship bracelets? We can be bracelet buddies forever
Anya: Fine but only cause you're desperate
Kelly: Boom! Swapped!
Anya: Up top bracelet buddy
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Calista has a day working from home and has to give an inspirational speech. Who stops by but an as normal irate Ava (Tamika's mum, Noe's step-mum). I'm sure we're bound to fail but Calista pulls it off and gets Ava smiling.
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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So Let’s Cast the Night Vale TV Show - Part Two, The Palmer-Carlsbergs
Welcome back to So Let’s Cast the Night Vale TV Show, an idea I came up with that was supposed to be community-sourced, but seems to be mostly led by myself. However, if you DO want to add your ideas, use the tag #nightvalefancast and let me know what you think. 
This is probably the most self-indulgent casting so far, but I’m operating on the assumption that we can get literally anyone for the Night Vale show, and that several characters will be aged up for the show. (For example, when we get to Tamika Flynn next time, I’ll be aging her up as well.) In this case, it’s Janice who I’ve decided should be a high-school level basketball athlete at the start of the TV show, rather than the middle schooler she was in canon. 
Okay! Let’s cast the Palmer-Carlsberg family!
Steve Carlsberg: Originally voiced by Hal Lublin. Fancast, Sean Astin
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Nobody does wholesome step-dad like Sean Astin. Nobody. As some of you may know, I’m a big Lord of the Rings fan, so I’ve followed Mr. Astin’s social media, watched his interviews, read his autobiography, and the consensus seems to be that he’s an all-around charming guy and a blast to work with. Based on his role as Bob in Stranger Things, he’s already sort of done the loveable dad thing, so he’d be a perfect Steve. Plus, he looks like he’d coach a basketball team. He just does. 
Abby Palmer: Not voiced. Fancast, Gina Gershon. 
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Is she way too famous? Yes. Is she too old? Absolutely not. Abby Palmer is an immortal milf. Abby should be knowledgeable yet down to earth with just a smidge of intimidating, and I think Gina Gershon is all of those things. Also, insanely hot. Also, I’m an Abby truther and want only the best to play her. I love Abby. Okay moving on. 
Janice Palmer: Not voiced. Fancast, Kiera Allen
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Kiera Allen is relatively unknown the industry, having just had her breakout role in Hulu’s “Run” opposite Sarah Paulson. However, that’s not due to her lack of talent; probably more due to the ableism that is still unfortunately present in Hollywood and LA. Kiera Allen was the second female wheelchair-user to star in a suspense thriller; a genre that’s been included in Night Vale multiple times. She’s a graduate of Columbia University! Janice is witty and charismatic, and I think Allen would bring that out well, having the chance to play something different from her horror-fied character in “Run”. 
Khoshekh AKA Silas: Originally voiced by Jonathan Attkinson. Fancast, Timothee Chalamet
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This is just here for the memes. 
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podcastgirlsweek · 1 year
At least one kind soul sheltered each of our women on the run, but Tamika Flynn was the runaway favorite. Well done, Tamika!
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
Way deep down south, where we play this game
It's them Quad City DJs and you, we call it the train
So if you wanna ride your thing
Just come on down the train
We gonna rock, ooh, Lord, just jump aboard, baby
So get your next of kin, your sister and your friend
Pack it up now
Choo, choo, ride on this, choo, choo
And, boo, you need to stop faking, and come on with me
I wanna take you home with me, to be alone with me
And I can see you wanna hide it, come on, just divide it
And please don't knock it, until you ride it
So to all of you girls, you know, I'm calling your name
Michelle, Tamika and Tanya wanna ride this train, ride out now
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
If you feel like dancing, well, come on, it's up to you
We got the sound to keep you getting down, down
The train is coming through
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
I can smell them tranquil breezes from a mile away
Graduated from Booze, up to allazay
Baby, you looking tough to death got your weave done right
It's on so tight, now it's on tonight, yeah, yeah
Right about now it's about that time for me to holler
Girl, I wanna waller in the back of my Impala
Woo, don't need no tickets for this thing
Just jump on in, let me hit them switches on the train
And it ain't no thing, it's all the same
Get on the train tracks, here we go, so get on the floor
And put a hump in your back
So pack your bags, come on, get ready, say what?
We're coming through your town
Move your arm up and down
And make that choo choo sound, like this
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
If you feel like dancing, well, come on, it's up to you
We got the sound to keep you getting down, down
The train is coming through
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Ride that choo, choo, woo, woo
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
If you feel like dancing, well, come on, it's up to you
We got the sound to keep you getting down, down
The train is coming through
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
Come on, it's the choo, choo
Come on, it's the choo, choo train
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tf this is so groovy i love it
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noizchild · 2 months
City Lounge: London (Book Seven, Chapter Twelve: Back in the Living Room)
Chapter Twelve: Back in the Living Room: -Paul- So there we were. The four of us sat in the living room in silence. It was like we were daring each other to say a word. Soph held my hand as she sat next to me. Jay and Tamika were staring at us. When did this become uncomfortable? I pressed my lips together. Well… “You done?” Jay asked. Soph and I didn’t answer. She wouldn’t even look at him.…
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karisworldofwords · 5 months
New day, new Whumpuary post! This one is a bit NSFW so beware, okay? I'll try my hand at a fandom I kinda abandoned a bit ago too, btw, lmao, it's about time I revive this.
Days: 11/12
Prompt: Blindfolded
Characters: Takeo Toue [later Sterling] (Dramatical Murder OC), Clear
It was... weird. Not being able to see anything while sitting on a chair, clothed in not much else but a bath robe that was already pulled halfway down... Clear had taken a relaxation bath in the communal bathroom beforehand, something he had been advised to do by Mink, given how stressed he was lately with all that was going on around the house as everyone gradually moved in - and Clear, together with Mink, was often needed, seeing as he was one of the stronger guys in the household.
The last to move in was Tamika, a timid but bubbly young woman with a smile worth more than gold, everybody liked to agree - and she just so happened to be Takeo's little sister. Takeo himself... At first, Clear wasn't sure what to think of him. He was quite peculiar, an oddball amongst several of his kind, and yet something about him was special. Maybe it was his relation to the one goal they all aimed to reach and destroy - a man named Tatsuo Toue, if evil were a living, breathing person. Maybe that was why. Because Takeo and Tamika were this wretched guy's almost equally wretched kids, a product of his heinous deeds done to them.
After the big showdown at Oval Tower, however, it was like a switch flipped for the older of the two siblings. The lifeless glint in Takeo's eyes vanished and made space for something else, something much brighter and filled with excitement for an emotion filled life going forward. Compared to what he looked like beforehand, the half Brit now looked much softer, and his British accent slipped through much more clearly. It was something Clear often swooned over, although he was never programmed to do that - and yet, Takeo somehow managed to, without touching the android in any way, redo his wiring and give him the ability to develop crushes, feel such intricate feelings and experience the feeling of truly loving someone.
And loving he was, that funky Englishman, although he often had a rather hard time regulating his emotions since the grand final in the tower in Platinum Jail. But that's what the rest of the guys were there for, especially Clear - he loved being helpful, and given that he was in a sort of similar predicament as Takeo, they agreed to always help each other out when it came down to it.
Due to this, their relationship bloomed, blossoming into something more loving and intimate, something Clear had never imagined for him to happen with the leader of a vigilante group of all people. Then again, he also had something left for Mink who was known to be a sturdy ex-convict... Perhaps the albino had a type there.
That night, however, his thoughts weren't with Mink, Aoba or anyone else really. As he sat there blindfolded, instructed not to move an inch from his seat, all his mind could think of was scenarios of what could happen to him once Takeo returned. He wouldn't hurt him, that much was for sure, but Takeo also wasn't quite known to be, well... the gentle type. He liked to do things the rough way whenever that choice seemed more feasible, and usually, he'd go after the motto "My way or the highway". A greedy little bastard, but filled with many little surprises not even Mink would see coming often enough.
With Clear's mind wandering aimlessly, his ears only faintly picked up the sound of footsteps approaching the room he was in. Once they fully focused on that sound, however, his train of thoughts stopped and his head moved ever so slightly towards the general direction of the door - it was a little hard for him to navigate if his most vital body part, his eyes, was restricted from him to use. The footsteps grew louder, deeper, and they made Clear's spine tingle - another little detail that had only begun happening ever since his feelings for the brunette had started coming to light more clearly - up until they stopped. And instead, the android heard the crisp sound of the door clicking open, how the underside of it slightly dragged along the carpet as light flooded the room. This much he noticed through the dark void of the blindfold he wore. He had no real idea of what was coming for him though, and just the simplest thoughts caused his throat to close in both excitement and fear.
A deep chuckle rang throughout the room once the person stepped inside, and Clear instantly recognized this chuckle as Takeo's voice - dark, a little raspy from the cigarettes he'd often smoke when stressed and yet as melodic as a freshly and perfectly tuned piano. Clear didn't even have to see it. He knew that the Brit was smirking rather meanly at him, he almost heard it. Takeo slowly made his way over to the poor albino, who sat there with shaking breath, not knowing what to think or where to turn his head so he simply kept it still. Once a soft thud sounded in Clear's ears, he knew that the gang leader had probably gotten down on one knee - he was certain once a soft, if calloused, hand landed on his right leg, weighing it down just the tiniest bit.
"What. Don't tell me you're scared, Clear. Or are you?", Takeo teased the robot, who shivered the moment the former started to speak, even more so once his very own name rolled off the Englishman's tongue, as smooth as silk. When Clear couldn't give any type of response, Takeo's smirk transformed into a grin, white teeth flashing towards purity incarnate that sat right in front of him, not daring to move at all. He brought up his right hand towards Clear's face and gently but firmly grabbed his chin, turning his head to the right, then to the left as he inspected his partner. "Tell me, luv. What's it feel like not being able to see anything at all, hm? To be forced to trust your other senses, which are now enhanced to a double, if not triple the amount of what they were like before... And I know you've already been quite sensitive beforehand. It's exciting, innit? Gives you a pretty strong rush, I'm sure... Tell me what it's like, Clear.", he teased some more before demanding for Clear to speak up, his voice on a steady low, lower than normally, which made the latter's mechanical heart jump.
He breathed out one last shaky breath and swallowed thickly, then began stuttering a sentence together - an action Takeo saw as extremely cute, if a little pitiful. "It's... It's certainly a new feeling... I mean it's- it's not like I'm inexperienced or something", an awkward laugh from the white-haired android, "It's just, well, heh... I'm not exactly, uhh, what's the word... used to it...? Yes, something like that.", Clear somehow stammered together, another chuckle escaping the half Brit who caressed his favorite robot's chin a little, thus making him purr almost like a cat. "Interesting, really... But that didn't answer my question, I fear. I wanted to concretely know... do you like it... or don't you? Don't be shy, I don't bite.", Takeo sang into Clear's right ear as he drew his head closer to it, effectively causing a wave of goosebumps to wash over the albino's back. Another shaky breath came from him and his lips parted as if he wanted to speak, yet the words got stuck in his throat as he dryly swallowed and as such resorted to simply nodding his head yes.
"Good boy... That's just what I wanted to hear. Or, well, see, in this case, but... the point still stands.", the brunette vigilante leader growled praises directly into Clear's ear - and Clear would've been lying if he said he didn't drool over those two specific words at the beginning. He heard Takeo get up again by then, though the latter made no attempts to leave Clear in the literal dark once more like he did earlier. Instead, the Englishman reached for the belt of his trousers and opened it, the metal clattering loudly before his pants audibly hit the ground and he shook his feet out of them messily.
Once more, the grin on his face widened, and if he weren't a human, one would've assumed Takeo was the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland, it was almost that wide. Shamelessly, the tattooed brunette then sat right down on Clear's lap, roughly taking his wrists and guiding his hands to his chest where they immediately slipped underneath his shirt, caressing the deep crevices of the gang leader's abs which made said leader tilt his head back just the tiniest bit as he watched intently for a minute through half-lidded eyes. They quickly shot back up again though and gained a somewhat menacing glint, something at which Clear hitched in primal fear while his hands traced Takeo's side tattoo - again, he didn't even have to see it for himself. He simply knew that the older of the two had that predatory look in his eyes, as if Clear was nothing more than Takeo's prey - and he was just about to have a feast for dinner.
"You're in for a wild ride, honey... I can assure you of that.", was all Takeo muttered as he grabbed Clear's cheeks, pulling their faces closer together while he spoke before their lips clashed - and whereas Clear's red eyes instinctively fell shut, even underneath the blindfold, Takeo's deep green eyes stayed open, half-lidded like earlier, focused on the person in front of him.
That night, Clear was nothing but game during a hunt. And that same night, Takeo held the shotgun right against his prey's head.
(Might I say I kinda outdid myself? Like, damn-)
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enwrcorsetry · 6 months
Rhetorics of Mobility and Immobilization in Corsetry Critique and Defense
By Katherine Larson.
ENWR 3500 with Tamika Carey
Constellations Project
Mapping Document
Hello, and welcome to the mapping document for my ENWR 3500 Constellations Project! This is the central post that contains the introduction and conclusion, as well as links to individual posts for each artifact. To be clear, each artifact has its own tumblr post, and they all are linked in this document; if any of the links do not work, please contact me! Additionally, the "tags" (at the very bottom of each post) contain keywords relating to specific recurring concepts: specifically, documents may be tagged "delicate doll trope" "anti delicate doll trope" "immobility" "mobility" "social mobility" "counterstory" and "context dependent values". Clicking these tags at the bottom of the post should lead you to the other posts relating to this concept.
There are few garments as controversial as the corset. Once a staple of many women's wardrobes, corsets now have a reputation as oppressive, painful tools of the patriarchy, binding women to painful extremes and causing injury and disease and overarching immobility. But who controls the narrative of corsetry, and how does the control of corsetry control the narrative of corseted women? Specifically, the rhetorical use of mobility and immobility in commentary on corsetry will constitute the focal point of this archive; sources included are those that develop, reflect, or challenge norms and understandings about what corsetry means for the mobility (both physical and social) of women. Overall, a balanced analysis of these diverse sources illuminates how people using rhetoric targeting any particular cultural norm, even one that may be oppressive to those most active in its execution, must be highly conscious of the implications that their assertions carry for the marginalized group in question, as they may accidentally counteract their own goals with heavy-handed rhetoric wielded clumsily.
Before delving into the archive itself, there are a few facts and concepts that should be clarified. First is that women as a whole have always done work, whether it be farm work, homemaking, childcare, factory labor, or any other such work; as such, one must be highly conscious of any source that claims that any group of women as a whole were prevented from performing labor, as this does not reflect the historic facts of labor distribution.
Second, a project-specific term must be introduced: the Delicate Doll Trope. This term will be used to refer to the phenomenon in which some anti-corsetry activist fervently (over)exaggerate the inhibiting and immobilizing effects of corsets to such an extent that it is implied that corseted women were incapable of performing labor: in these cases, the corseted woman is characterized as being so repressed and constricted that she is nothing more than a delicate doll, left on the shelf and incapable of movement and work. Given what we know about the prevalence of different types of labor for most women in society, this trope is inaccurate to the lived experience of most women, and thus is a harmful rhetorical tactic, as it erases and obscures the actual labor carried out by historic women, a remarkably anti-feminist impact from the supposedly feminist anti-corsetry activists.
Overview of Sources
Below is an overview of each source, including the basic information about the source, its connection to central themes, and what rhetorical work it does. The title of each source links to an individual post that goes further into detail about the source and its rhetorical work.
“Jack Sparrow Saves Elizabeth Swann | Pirates of the Caribbean | Freeform” YouTube, uploaded by Freeform, 11 Nov 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIisZi_e5UQ.
This source, a scene from the 2003 movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, serves to represent some of the common conceptions of corsetry in modern times. By centering around the supposed constriction of breathing of Elizabeth Swann's corset, the scene features stereotypes and tropes that conform to the dominant modern narrative of corsetry as immobilizing. As such, it implicitly conforms to the Delicate Doll Trope, as the exaggerated portrayal of constriction caused by corsetry implies a consistent level of immobility for women, which would imply lower labor participation.
2. Safford-Blake, Mary J. “Lecture I,” edited by Abba Louisa Goold Woolson. Dress-Reform; A Series of Lectures Delivered in Boston, on Dress as It Affects the Health of Women. Roberts Brothers, 1874, pp. 1-41. Nineteenth Century Collections Online, link.gale.com/apps/doc/APYKZQ993817081/NCCO?u=viva_uva&sid=titlelist&xid=72b9d8bb&pg=57. Accessed 9 Dec. 2023.
This source contains the transcript of a lecture by Dr. Safford-Blake on the topic of dress reform delivered in 1874. This lecture is included because of its demonstration of stereotypes and tropes regarding the corset and its effects on women, specifically the perpetuation of the Delicate Doll Trope. The rhetorical work done is stereotyping, perpetuation of the dominant narrative (despite attempting to be feminist), and contribution to the Delicate Doll Trope.
3. Galen. “From the Poughkeepsie Journal.[:] Corsets.” The Monticello gazette. (Monticello, Miss.), 13 Sep 1823. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090962/1823-09-13/ed-1/seq-4/>
This source, a newspaper section from 1823, contains a section discussing a mother's concerns about her daughters' corsetry practices, and the response made by Dr. Galen. This source is relevant because both figures perpetuate beliefs about corsetry's effects on mobility; additionally, Dr. Galen offers an interesting rebuttal to the Delicate Doll Trope, as they recognize the constrictions of corsets while praising the perseverance of women, thus counteracting the negative anti-feminist labor-erasing implications of the Delicate Doll Trope. As such, this source does rhetorical work by engaging with stereotypes but augmenting tropes.
4. (two works by Bernadette Banner)
Banner, Bernadette. “I Grew Up in a Corset. Time to Bust Some Myths. (Ft. Actual Research).” YouTube, uploaded by Bernadette Banner, 2 Mar. 2019, https://youtu.be/rExJskBZcW0?si=UftHfqWjhDOoYVuf.
Banner, Bernadette. “I Wore a (Medical) Corset for 5 Years. How do Victorian Corsets Compare?” YouTube, uploaded by Bernadette Banner, 7 Nov. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y25Go12sUg&t=1513s
These sources, both created by fashion-history YouTube creator Bernadette Banner, center around the physical and lived experiences of wearing a corset. They are relevant for their demonstrations of mobility in corsets, and thus the rebuttal of dominant narratives about the immobilizing nature of corsetry (and, implicitly, a rebuttal of the Delicate Doll Trope). Banner’s opening montage of the video “I Wore a (Medical) Corset for 5 Years…” contains media examples of the rhetoric surrounding corsets, including the examples from Enola Holmes and Pirates of the Caribbean (this montage inspired me to include those pieces in this collection); as such, Banner is also in active conversation with other pieces of modern media, tailoring her rhetoric to react to prevalent dominant narratives. Additionally, by drawing on her personal experiences to extrapolate the lived experiences of women who wore corsets and were silenced, Banner is engaging in counterstory (Martinez; Castelli).
5. French Meadows Corsets [@french.meadows]. Video of corseted woman breathing. Instagram, 11 Nov 2023, https://www.instagram.com/p/Czg1YopRJcO/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_video_watch_again. Accessed 9 Dec 2023.
This source, a short video posted on Instagram by the company French Meadows Corsets, depicts a woman wearing a corset and breathing, all in response to a comment implying that corsets restricted breathing. This source does rhetorical work by demonstrating to the mass public a perspective that challenges the dominant narrative about immobility in corsetry, and does so through personal experience, making this an example of counterstory.
6. “Alexandria: Monday, January 15.” Alexandria gazette, commercial and political. [volume] Image 3,  (Alexandria [Va.]), 15 Jan. 1816. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024014/1816-01-15/ed-1/seq-3/>. Accessed 9 Dec 2023.
This source, an article from the Alexandria Gazette published in 1816, describes an interaction that revealed the perspective of a corseted lady. She has a positive view of her corset, and ascribes positive symbolic value to it. As such, this source does rhetorical work as a counterstory, as it gives voice to an underrepresented group (historic women) speaking on their personal experiences to challenge dominant narratives (Martinez; Castelli).
7. “Enola Holmes (2020) | "A Lady" Clip [HD] | Netflix.” YouTube, uploaded by CLIPS with Subtitles, 25 Sep 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8CdopmUxnY.
From Enola Holmes. Directed by Harry Bradbeer, performance by Millie Bobby Brown, Netflix, 2020.
This scene from a modern movie involves a character discussing her corset; it is relevant for its recognition of the nuanced and ambivalent effects of corsetry, especially in the context of social mobility. As such, the source does work by communicating a nuanced (and thus non-dominant) narrative to a wide audience, while transforming discussions of mobility into the sphere of social mobility.
8. Summers, Leigh. Bound to Please: A History of the Victorian Corset. Berg, 2001.
This source, a book about the social aspects of corsetry, contains important commentary on the class-dependent aspects of corsetry, tying corsetry to concepts of social mobility. As such, the source does rhetorical work by adding nuance to the discussion of mobility in corsetry and transforming the discussion of mobility to include consideration of non-physical forms of mobility.
Sources: Mapped and Connected
To map and categorize the artifacts of this archive, the following list of assertions has been compiled. Each sentence highlights one perspective about corsetry, with some sentences expanding on others or conflicting with each other. For ease of organization, the statements have been color-coded for the central claim about whether corsets are oppressive and/or mobilizing, though the rest of each sentence is vitally important. The source(s) corresponding to each assertion is/are linked at the end of each sentence, with a phrase denoting the source. Please view the sources in the order presented.
Corsets were oppressive and immobilizing (Pirates)
Corsets were oppressive and immobilizing, and women are therefore immobile (Dr. Safford-Blake)
Corsets were oppressive and immobilizing, but women persevere (Monticello Gazette)
Corsets were NOT oppressive or immobilizing (Banner, 2 videos) (French Meadow Corsets)
Corsets were NOT oppressive or immobilizing, and could be seen as "armour" (Alexandria Gazette)
Corsets had different meanings to different people, and could be useful in facilitating social mobility (Enola Holmes) (Summers)
Why does this all matter? If corsets are not regularly worn anymore, and nearly nobody is actually affected by the mobility aspects of corsetry today, why do we need to talk about it?
As highlighted in these sources, any attempt to discuss corsets implicitly comments on the experiences and tendencies of the women that wore them; as seen in the lecture by Dr. Safford-Blake, convictions that corsets are immobilizing can be easily tied to implications that historic women were immobile, and did not contribute to work or labor (an inaccurate and anti-feminist assertion, as it invalidates and erases the contributions of women). As such, we must be conscious of the ways that dominant narratives about corsetry affect dominant understandings of historic women and their contributions to society. While the argument over whether corsets were immobilizing or not will continue to be a source of debate (and one that I certainly have no definitive answer for), it is the character and implicit rhetoric of this debate that we must analyze. After recognizing how our rhetoric in regards to historic fashion influences our societal conceptions of the women of the past, we can begin to be more conscious of this issue when discussing other practices that were oppressive and/or important to the lives of marginalized groups. We must learn to be conscious of the implications of our critiques, recognizing when we are projecting unintended ideas on groups we may be trying to defend. In sum, we must learn to cut the garment (whether physical or metaphorical) without unduly cutting the wearer.
Works Cited
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[ad_1] Utah Jazz guard Johnny Juzang (33) shoots against the Spurs during a game in San Antonio on Wednesday. Eric Gay/AP hide caption toggle caption Eric Gay/AP Utah Jazz guard Johnny Juzang (33) shoots against the Spurs during a game in San Antonio on Wednesday. Eric Gay/AP The NBA will have labor peace for years to come. The league and its players came to an agreement early Saturday on a new seven-year collective bargaining agreement, the NBA announced. It is still pending ratification, though that process is almost certainly no more than a formality. The deal will begin this summer and will last at least through the 2028-29 season. Either side can opt out then; otherwise, it will last through 2029-30. Among the details, per a person familiar with the negotiations who spoke to The Associated Press: the in-season tournament that Commissioner Adam Silver has wanted for years will become reality, and players will have to appear in at least 65 games in order to be eligible for the top individual awards such as Most Valuable Player. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because neither the league nor the National Basketball Players Association released specifics publicly. Another new part of the CBA will be a second luxury tax level that, when reached, will keep teams from using their midlevel exception to sign players. That was a clear compromise, given how some teams wanted the so-called "upper spending limit" that would have essentially installed an absolute ceiling on what can be spent each season and help balance the playing field between the teams that are willing to pay enormous tax bills and those who aren't. Not in the CBA is a change to the policy that would allow high school players to enter the NBA draft. It was discussed and has been an agenda item for months, but it won't be changing anytime soon — probably not for at least the term of the next CBA. "We also appreciate that there is a lot of benefit to really having veterans who can bring those 18-year-olds along," NBPA executive director Tamika Tremaglio said in February during an NBPA news conference at All-Star weekend. "And so, certainly anything that we would even consider, to be quite honest, would have to include a component that would allow veterans to be a part of it as well." Silver said Wednesday, at the conclusion of a two-day Board of Governors meeting, that he was hopeful of getting a deal done by the weekend. He also said there had been no consideration — at least on the league's part — of pushing the opt-out date back for a third time. The current CBA, which took effect July 1, 2017, came with a mutual option for either the NBA or the NBPA to opt out after six seasons — June 30 of this year. The sides originally had a Dec. 15 deadline to announce an intention to exercise the opt-out, then pushed it back to Feb. 8, then to Friday. The league and the union continued talking after the midnight opt-out deadline passed, and a deal was announced nearly three hours later. The agreement doesn't end the process, though it's obviously a huge step forward. The owners will have to vote on what the negotiators have hammered out, and the players will have to vote to approve the deal as well. Then comes
the actual writing of the document — the most recent CBA checked in at around 600 pages containing nearly 5,000 paragraphs and 200,000 words. Much of it will be the same; much of it will need revising. [ad_2] #NBA #players #reach #7year #deal #labor #agreement #NPR
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nightingaletrash · 1 year
I’m still workshopping ideas on how Mel gets out from under Arturo’s thumb, so here’s the one I’m working with rn:
Agathon and Qadir both independently get some idea of what happened to Mel at the end of Coteries. Agathon learns that she was taken in by Arturo from Callihan during their meeting on Ellis Island, and Qadir figures out her involvement during the course of Julia’s investigation. After bringing D’Angelo into the Camarilla’s protection, he carefully reveals a few choice bits of information to him - that Mel is alive, under the control of a powerful elder, and was involved in Callihan’s murder.
Tamika’s already headed west but Hope is still in town so D’Angelo goes to her. Qadir doesn’t get any further involved than that, but he hopes these dumbass kids manage to achieve something with what he has provided. Meanwhile Agathon has managed to get a message to Hope through Nastya in the meantime, and convenes with her and D’Angelo at Ellis Island to conduct a ritual that might help them figure out precisely what happened to Mel and how to help her. They learn that Arturo dominated Mel into killing Sophie, then forcefully blood-bound her to him with the intention of having her take Adelaide’s place as his go-to assassin. Agathon is confident that he can break the blood bond with a ritual, but suspects that the moment they do, Arturo will know they’re onto him and they’ll need a way out.
Hope suggests turning to Julia for help, as she helped Tamika to leave the city, and Double Spiral can provide the necessary funds without a problem. While she covers that, Agathon and D’Angelo get to work on a plan to lure Mel in so that they can try to get through whatever mental conditioning that Arturo may have put her through and break the blood bond. They decide to use D’Angelo’s haven and wait for Hope to show up.
Julia agrees to get the group out of the city in exchange for payment and a share in Double Spiral. She also agrees to shield Hope from any potential fallout so long as she gets a say in Double Spiral’s operations. With a deal settled, Hope meets up with the others and shares the good news, as well as her plan to stay in New York as part of her deal with Julia.
However Mel arrives and tells them that they should have just left the city when they had the chance because now she has to kill them. They have to subdue her so that Agathon can break the blood bond. With Arturo’s influence waning, Mel pretty much has a break down because of Everything that’s been done to her, and Hope has to hurry D’Angelo and Agathon to take her and leave before Arturo can retaliate.
The three of them leave New York and head west to find Tamika in LA, while Hope becomes one of Julia’s most staunch allies to shield herself from Arturo’s reprisal over losing his second assassin. Meanwhile Qadir successfully remains off of his radar and is vaguely hopeful that they’ll eventually be okay.
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donnabroadway · 1 year
Random thoughts
I love Mo'nique and I am glad she's being vindicated and getting everything she's been fighting for over the past 10+ years but her special, My name is Mo'nique should have been anything but a stand up special. It was very informative and I learned a lot about her and her life but maybe she should have done a documentary about her life over the last 10+ years or so or a loosely based biopic about her entire life and career but comedy specials are supposed to be funny and an hour of hearing about someone's trauma, while informative and well delivered, was not exactly funny. I enjoyed it but it wasn't a comedy special. I would have preferred it to be something else because I missed the jokes.
Side note, I hope Mo'nique has healed and made peace with her trauma or she's going to be in the same position she was in for the past 10 years. I am happy to see that Lee Daniels was in the audience supporting her. Mo'nique is so funny and talented and I'm glad she's working again.
As much as I've been secretly loving the Xscape drama from the past month or so, I need them to wrap it up by close of business next week. The finale is Sunday, which means everyone has three days to get their reviews out and say their peace and clear the air because after next week, I don't want to hear about it anymore. Whatever they say Latocha and Rocky did, they did, Tamika was a doormat who burned bridges and lost out on bags due to wanting the approval of her sister and mother, Kandi got to the bag and everyone is jealous, I am sure she has more than enough dirt on her and if anyone has any true tea on Kandi, now is the time to put it out there but since it's not even being rumored, I am going to assume that Kandi is less messy but just as messy, Tiny goes along to get along and she made a video to capitalize on this mess but spent 15 minutes saying not much of anything. SWV is creating drama on the show about being the "opening act" because these ladies know they don't want to do what needs to be done to get headliner money, which is truly invest in their shows. SWV may have sold more records and may have more bops but Xscape, namely Kandi and Tiny, are about their business and know how to get it done. SWV should get out their feelings and take notes.
So, it looks like Ashley and Wendy were seen filming for season 8 of Rhop, I wonder if Robyn will be back. She's not going to tell the truth about Juan and he won't tell the truth or even talk about it because he's trying to protect his mistress, so call it a wash. Robyn can make money another way.
As much as I applaud Bobby being where he is today in his life after all he's been through, maybe Bobby needs to figure out another way to make money because he is struggling through those New Edition shows. I get it, age, years of drug and alcohol abuse, health issues and just life in general but how long are y'all going to delude yourself into being grateful for Bobby being alive but he can't even get through one show without being helped on and off the stage. Maybe it is time to retire but Bobby has three young kids, probably does have not access to his catalog or masters as he only wrote a few songs, royalties may not be a lot depending on the business decisions he has made over the last 40 or so years, so all he has is touring and his life story, which is why he is always retelling his life story with Whitney Houston even though they've been divorced 17 years and she's been dead 11.
I get that music and art doesn't always age well but singing a song "back stage, under aged, the girl is gonna do me" at 20 or 21, when "underaged" may only be a 4 year or so age difference, is different than singing that line as a 54, 55 year old man. Maybe omit it, change it up, or let the audience sing it but t's a bit creepy. All of New Edition are old enough to have grandchildren that are teenagers or young adults and dating girls young enough to be your grand child is a bit, ick.
Speaking of underaged, I need Marques Houston to stop talking and just let people speculate. The math is not mathing. So there is proof that Marques Houston and his wife Maya, knew of each other when she was 13, nothing illegal there but we're supposed to believe that they magically began dating the day she turned 18, okay. It is weird and creepy but whatever. We're not stupid, stop trying to convince us of this math.
The reason why B2K can't get it together is because something nefarious, and probably very close to what Raz B has been alleging all these years, and they don't know how to reconcile everything that comes with that, including the confusing feelings, questioning of sexuality, probable attraction to their group mate, the anger, how Omarion was placed on a pedestal and given a pass, which is why it is always three against 1. They need a therapist but I don't even think a therapist can fix this because the issue is very deep and complex and no one seems to want to talk about it.
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hoodnewstv · 2 years
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Chris Wells was his name. He was found dead in his apartment. He was responsible for bringing Justice to Breonna Taylor and getting those cops arrested. Munashe Kwangwari A Louisville man known for helping lead the calls for justice following Breonna Taylor's death has died. On Sunday, authorities said they found Chris Wells dead in an apartment on Oak Street. "He was one of the people from the very beginning," said Tamika Palmer, Breonna Taylor's mom. "He showed up when no one was listening, and he continuously showed up." For Palmer, Wells' death hits home. She said for the more than 700-days she spent waiting for some sign of justice for her daughter's death, Wells was out in the streets organizing gatherings and fighting for her daughter's justice. Sadiqa Reynolds, president and CEO of the Louisville Urban League, was one of the many people right beside him, and when she heard the news, instantly shed tears because she knows what he went through. "I am not sure our community really understands the emotional toll of trying to fight for something for so long," said Reynolds. "You have nightmares sometimes, you sacrifice time with your family. I think that investment took so much more out of us than we might realize." Authorities say early indications are that Wells took his own life. Palmer said she's happy he was able to see the indictment of the four officers involved in Taylor's case because it couldn't have been done without people like him continuing to push the needle. As she continues on her road to complete justice, she said Wells will never leave her. "Nobody else in the world was listening, so we [She and Wells] will forever be tied together," said Palmer. Wells was 33 years old. #hoodnews #hoodnewstv #hoodnewstv247 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChvXp27PfXS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Foster Household: Chapter 7, Part 4
Last time, Carson's tattle-telling actually scored Reece a room upgrade and the Foster family met up for a BBQ. Samir was busy with birthday stuff but did show up just after midnight for cuddly hijinks.
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In this part Reece begins his final year of High School, Kayleigh tries to spend time with Charlie at a public library, and Reece runs afoul of some bullies at a beach clean-up.
Reece wakes and happily manoeuvres himself out of Samir's arms without waking him. Carson however wakes up sad.
Carson: Does he hate me
Reece: Huh
Carson: Samir
Reece: Why would you think that
Carson: Cause I ratted you out
Reece: Little siblings rat out older siblings, it's the way of the world
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Reece: When Charlie broke a window I ran to mum so fast, and when Keira spilled paint everywhere
Carson: You don't hate me, right
Reece: Of course not. And look, I'll put in a good word with Samir
Carson: Thanks Reece
Reece: But don't even think about hugging me after hugging that trash bag!
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Reece: Sami
Samir: No
Reece: Why are nicknames hard
Samir: I have faith in you. You're a genius, you'll find one
Reece: I don't have to go to school
Samir: Hey, don't let anyone stop you from learning, even me. Promise me blondie
Reece: I promise
Samir: Good. Now kiss me and go
Reece: So demanding
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Reece takes a quick library selfie to send to Samir. Samir's response is too explicit to post. When the genius can focus he preps for exams. They may be at the end of the week but can't be too prepared. Also Noe and Tamika got their 16yr old glow ups as well!
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Reece: Say SENIORS
Reece: You ready for final year
Tamika: I'm ready to be done with high school, and jerks
Alfonso: Are you talking about me
Tamika: If the eavesdropper fits!
Reece: I wonder how much trickier exams will be
Tamkia: I'm trying not to think about it
Alfonso: Same
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Tamika: No one ducking asked you Alfonso
Alfonso: Suck it Tamika
Tamika: In your dreams loser
Reece: If you two are done I'm trying to listen
Tamika: It's the exact same as she taught us last year
Alfonso: Weird right
Tamika: Do not agree with me Alfonso, it makes me uncomfortable
Reece: *sighs*
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Yes most sims change outfit here, it's between game sessions...
Reece: I mean, is that how straight people flirt
Deanna: I have no clue
Noe: My sister is just intense
Reece: Aren't you erratic
Noe: Yeah and your point is
Reece: Nevermind
Reece finishes lunch practicing throws with Elisha Tinker.
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Back home Harvey tries out the standing mixer to prep some seafood. Unfortunately it takes his personal inventory fish first (the foul ones he keeps for bait) so he needs to redo it before he dares make dinner with it. Then we have a semi civilized family dinner, no arguments tonight.
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Reece has to do his yoga inside since it's raining. What a show off. When he's done he invites Samir over for more snuggle time. Carson wakes up after placing another tooth under his pillow. His tooth fairy collection is growing. No following Reece today, it's Kayleigh's turn.
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Charlie: You need how much?
Kayleigh: All I know is I'm not getting promoted until I get better with logic
Charlie: The struggle is-
Charlie: Is she okay
Kayleigh: Oh that's just Sofia. She does that
Charlie: The glamour of celebrity life
Kayleigh: I'll give her an autograph when she wakes up
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Kayleigh: See, there she goes again
Charlie: Is she not at all concerned about her face
Paparazzi: Mrs Foster! Over here
Kayleigh: Sorry, better pose for a few pictures
Charlie: Oh, your king fell over, how sad, I win
Sofia: *babbles incoherently*
Kayleigh: You want a selfie as well
Charlie: Me too
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The plumbing curse has struck and taken out the dishwasher as well. Kayleigh is busy boosting her fame so calls someone to take care of it. Then the school calls. Reece skipped class because a friend was crying. Kayleigh tells them to let him know to tell the teacher next time rather than not show.
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After school Reece and Carson volunteer at a beach cleanup. Harvey, having finished his fishing shift, goes for another picturesque run. Back home Reece has chores to do. He confronted some bullies during the beach clean up but ended up getting in to a fight instead of helping. Stupid bullies.
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Carson finishes his homework in a timely fashion so is allowed to invite his friends around to hangout. They spend the time goofing off, catching up and of course, playing video games. Reece thinks they make far too much noise but his parents are too occupied in their bedroom to care about it.
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Samir: You'll have to speak up, there's too much background noise
Reece: So I said, don't make fun of his speed, then the jerk swings for me
Samir: I'm coming over
Reece: I'm okay now
Samir: But you weren't
Reece: I guess so, but I can hold my own in a fight. We're a family of scrappers really
(When Keira was in HS she got into a fight with a girl who flirted with her gf, and Charlie antagonised a few people with her endless sarcasm)
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Reece: You look glummer than I do
Samir: I'm so sorry
Reece: Whatever for
Samir: I should have been there. I would have protected you
Reece: That's very sweet but look, I don't even have bruises
Samir: This time. What was his name
Reece: You know, I didn't stop to ask, I was busy
Samir: He's lucky
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Samir: If I'd been there-
Reece: Hey, don't go there. What's past is past
Samir: I always forget how generous you are
Reece: If you want we could go upstairs and I'll show you how generous I can really be
Samir: You're trying to distract me
Reece: That and I think you're really hot
Samir: *chuckles*
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Samir makes sure Reece lets him know where he was hit before they get stuck in. He would hate to hurt Reece any more. He's still mad he wasn't there to harm those who hurt Reece. What do you know, a long make out session is just what the doctor ordered. Reece lets Samir take the lead, relaxing.
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Reece spends a lot of time in his own head. He's a teen and a genius with a million cogs turning. He can let go when all he has to do is focus on Samir and what he's asked to do. He likes Samir being in control, he knows Samir sees him as important. Too soon however Samir says they need to sleep.
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Reece has a quick workout before class begins. It's art this morning, not his favourite. That doesn't matter too much though as his confidence is through the roof today.
Tamika: You look happy
Reece: Yeah, my boyfriend makes me happy
Tamika: Wish I had a guy like that
Alfonso: I'm here
Tamika: Nope
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Paris: Not another bloody fire drill
Noe: At least it's not raining
Paris: We still have to go out there don't we
The students pour out of the building, amassing at the road.
Principal: Is this really necessary
Firefighter: Yes. There's a reason for the phrase, spreads like wildfire
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Deanna: At least it didn't happen during science
Reece: I know
Paris: I like art, we get to doodle without getting in trouble
Deanna: So how's the boyfriend
Reece: Really good
Paris: TMI
Reece: I didn't mean in that way. He makes me happy
Deanna: I knew it would work out
Paris: No, she was worried
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After school the boys do their homework together. While Reece leaves for football practice Carson takes another bike around the island, practicing his tricks. Reece is doing some post practice swimming when Samir texts to invite him out on a date. As soon as he arrives Samir sweeps him in to a kiss.
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Reece: I'm certainly not complaining but what was that for
Samir: I had a rough day
Reece: Rougher than your stubble beefcake? I regretted that nickname before it was even out of my mouth
Samir: *chuckles* points for trying
Reece: When can I cash in these points
Samir: In good time. Come inside
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entertainment · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Brandon Kyle Goodman
Brandon Kyle Goodman can currently be seen playing Deco in Netflix’s Feel the Beat, which follows a failed actress returning to her small hometown, who is roped into training a misfit group of young dancers for a big competition. Other acting credits include eager father-to-be Andy in Amazon’s Modern Love, as well as roles in People Just Do Nothing, Alive in Denver, Plus One, and Papi Chulo. Aside from acting, Brandon has found success as a writer for Netflix’s animated comedy series Big Mouth, which is set to return to Netflix in 2020 after an unprecedented three-season renewal. As a proud gay Black person, Brandon has recently emerged as a staunch advocate for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, actively speaking out against the injustices plaguing the African American community. He encourages his followers to donate to The Innocence Project, The Bail Project, NAACP, and Black Lives Matter.
What drew you to the role of brave, outspokenly queer Deco in Feel the Beat? 
What drew me to the role was Deco’s fearlessness, as well as the movie’s choice to not center Deco’s story around his identity. He was allowed to be unapologetically queer without taking on an oppression-based narrative.
You are in the writing team for Netflix’s hugely successful Big Mouth. Can you tell us about how you got there and what it’s like writing for an animated series?
I was fortunate that the creators of Big Mouth considered reading a script of mine. We met a couple of times and discussed my experiences to determine if the writers’ room was the right fit. Thankfully it was and continues to be. Writing on an animated series like Big Mouth is truly a dream. It forces me to expand my imagination in a way live action doesn’t, while also strengthening my ability to tell impactful stories in new and exciting ways.
What inspired you to enter into the creative industries, and which came first for you—acting or writing?
I grew up with a minster for a grandmother and an actress for a mother, so creativity was ever-present in our household. More specifically, I watched two very talented women write for themselves. They blessed me with that tool. Even though I professionally started as an actor, as a middle schooler, my first love was writing. Acting soon followed. I’ve been fortunate to have many moments where they get to be linked together, and honestly, there’s nothing better.
You use your platforms to speak up and share your experiences as a Black person in America. Can you tell us a bit about how the response has been?
The response has been overwhelming and bittersweet. On the one hand, as a human being, there’s nothing better than feeling heard and seen. On the other hand, as a Black human being, it’s painful that it’s taken this long to be heard and seen, and quite honestly, there are a lot of people pretending they hear and see us. I choose to keep my focus and attention on the ones that really do—the people really doing the work and striving to do better, be better, and fix this abhorrent mess of a system.
In what ways does your activism influence your creative work?
My sheer presence on stage or on camera is activism. I’m Black and openly queer in an industry that doesn’t value Blackness or queerness, and especially not Black queerness. I pick my roles based not just on what I want to do but also on whether the role will be a portrayal that will amplify, elevate, and expand representation, or whether it’s a caricature. More times than not, it’s the latter, and those roles I turn down. Whenever I write, I write for myself and people like me. I write Black characters, POC characters, and, more specifically, Black queer characters, and I do it as fully as possible. I want to be seen as a full person, not just an accessory to the white lead. My activism is my creative work.
Which activists currently inspire you, and why?
There are so many, and they all inspire me for the same reason. They’re bold, they’re vulnerable, they’re smart, and they are committed to the amplification, elevation, protection, and equity of Black people: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, Sonya Renee Taylor, Tamika D. Mallory, Ashlee Marie Preston, Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Mila Jam, Tiffany Dena Loftin, Yves, and Kendrick Sampson, to name a few.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to get involved with advocacy but doesn’t know where to start?
Start in your community. Start at your place of work, your apartment building, your local businesses. Take it day by day. This is a lifelong commitment to life long change. It’s not going to get done in a day, a month, a summer, or a year. So, if you feel like you have to do everything, you’ll find yourself stuck and not making any change. But start with the three things you can commit to working on this month. If you’re feeling ambitious, maybe it’s this week. Remember, in addition to the protests, donations, petitions, phone calls, there are internal things you need to do. What are you reading? What are you watching? What POVs are you exposing yourself to? It all counts.
On the subject of advice, do you have any for young queer Black folx who want to get into acting/writing in America today?
My first bit of advice is to get into it! We need you. We need your voice, we need your experience, we need you to take up space in these creative spaces. My second bit of advice is to be yourself. Work towards showing up fully wherever you go. Obviously, depending on where you are, there are things you have to do to maintain your safety. Your safety is important. But how do you show up in your mind? Are you free in your mind, in your soul? Are you fully yourself in your spirit? Get to know yourself every day, it will make you a stronger actor and writer. It will bring an unmatched authenticity to your work.
What would you change about the industry if you could?
I would change the white supremacist system of doing things. I would change the value we place in whiteness as the ideal. I would change the lack of inclusion on screen and behind the scenes. I would change the all-white executive suites that think they’re diverse because they have a singular person of color on their team. I would eradicate the violent grip on the keys to “the gate”. I would create systems that mentored and shepherded new talent, especially Black, POC, and queer talent—especially from places outside of LA and NY. I would find ways to empower more artists having the ability to create and share their work in a global way. I would ensure that Blackness was valued and treated with the respect, reverence, and honor that it deserves.
Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item.
Brandon. Spirit. Mac & cheese.
Thanks for taking the time, Brandon! Feel the Beat is now streaming on Netflix.
Photos: Leslie Alejandro
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gointothevvater · 2 years
St. Cecilia's OC Interactions
-JD @vicekings: They first met after the SnB reunion concert, and he’s been a longtime fan of hers, and they hit it off pretty quickly. They have literally the sweetest relationship while also being just... Thirsty as fuck any time they're together. They're really good for each other, and there's even an AU where they have a kid together!
-Seonag @fishklok: There’s art of them sharing a kiss under the mistletoe, but I’m not quite sure of how their relationship would go, though I’d really like them to have one. I think they’d be a good match, considering St. Cecilia’s so bold and Seonag is so reserved! (Also a triad with the two of them and Magnus could be really, really fun, lol) 
-Olive @thatwritingho: They've had at least one threesome (Possibly two, and possibly a foursome) together, and I can see them being really good friends once Olive gets over her initial shyness.
-Vektor @deth-of-a-king: He was assigned to be a guard for her for a while during her season four stay at Mordhaus, and despite their polar opposite personalities, they get along pretty well! They’re basically the embodiment of the “someone will die... of fun!” meme.
-Ro @needsmorezass: They shared a kiss under the mistletoe, but I think the’d be better as friends, probably drinking and lovingly talking shit about Pickles, lol.
-Miranda @kawaiibaphomet: They modeled for Dethklok’s Dethfashion line together, and I can see them being good friends! 
-Nikki @frienderbender: St. Cecilia’s kind of a mentor/older sister figure to Nikki! They’ve done some modeling work together and they just have a really fun, funny dynamic! 
-Nita @chordsykat: Nita likes St. Cecilia’s hair! That’s their only interaction! 😂 But I think they’d get along really well! 
-Tamika @little-murmaider: As long as they can avoid the subject of Abigail (And subsequently, Magnus), they get along pretty well! Though I’m honestly not sure where they would have met at all! 
-Bailee @dynamesvirtue: Bailee interviewed St. Cecilia in @dethkomic once! Ceelie’s a total gossip, I bet these two would have such a lot to talk about! 
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