wilcze-kudly · 3 days
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Like to donate 1 yuan to a poor loveless mako... idk what im doing at this point anymore
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lying-on-floors · 10 days
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More TLOK as text posts
Hey guys, I'm glad you're enjoying these! It's totally okay if you repost these btw, but I would greatly appreciate it if you guys credit me for them. Just an fyi <3 :)
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 5 months
Korra: “I say ‘suck my dick’ a lot for a person who doesn’t have one.”
Bolin: “That’s the big strap energy talking.”
Mako: *facepalms*
Wei: *chokes on his tea*
Asami: *bursts into laughter*
Kuvira: *laughs* “You’re not wrong though.”
Iroh: *frowns* “I don’t get it.”
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linnorabeifong · 4 months
Legend of Korra texts
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themasterusersblog · 4 months
i went to see what the weilin fuss was all about and almost all the posts i saw were made by the same person
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theepsizet · 1 month
A playlist designed for one of my two favorite Avatar ships (the other one is Zukka). I compiled a soundtrack that I thought would fit these two, lovable jocks earthbenders. If I ever write a Weilin fic, these songs will absolutely get quoted in some form or another; either as chapter titles or as lyrics.
(Side-note: There's been a strange glitch on my end with these playlists. Whenever I embed a Spotify playlist on a Tumblr post, it will sometimes skip songs when I click the play button. I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem, but I'd stick with simply clicking the forward button. 🤷)
Tagging the blog that got me hooked onto this ship: @wilcze-kudly. I'll be more than happy to explain the quick rundown of how I structured this playlist, if you're interested.
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novaae · 3 months
Buchef, Weilin, and Makroh for the ship game?
Buchef: Ship it
Listen. They're good for each other. Bumi gets to have a chef boyfriend who's always down to fuck. Chef gets Bumi (which is a better deal imo). Besides, IT'S FUNNY.
Weilin: Maybe
I will be frank if a ship/content doesn't have Bumi I am immediately uninterested, but I haven't been annoyed by this ship yet, and I can find myself drawing them once or twice voluntarily.
Which is more than what I say for 97% of LOK ships.
Makroh: nonono
I can appreciate Mako getting richer. What I cannot appreciate is him getting with this wasian with the political brain of a seventeen year old who was isolated from the world for her first sixteen years.
send shipping asks for avatar, fma and aot?
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aq2003 · 1 month
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion Opening: Innocent Arrogance
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Yes yes, I know. Late to the party. But I wasn't really feeling it before and I've been watching it a good bit over the last few days so I figured now or never since I've not got much else going on today. A wonderful opening, incredibly expressive and fluid and ridiculously dense, it centers around a few key aspects and themes. Religion, connection, branching and reaching out. There's a lot to get into with it so I guess I'll just get started.
As soon as the opening starts, the symbolism and story does too. Two birds circling above, one white, one black. It's easy to see the Yin and Yang association as they go around each other, but beneath it we get a character who puts their hand over their eyes to transition to the next scene. You might be able to say that it's saying something about death in that regard, but it's a rather large stretch considering the more apt symbolism that precedes it.
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Next up is this incredibly well animated spider's web. While it does set the tone for the overall style of ethereal animation that seems to almost escape you, it also begins to chip away at that theme of connections. A literal spider's web of them, to be exact. Though of course, it doubles up to symbolize the danger of the story, how Kiruko and Maru are prey rather than predator of the world.
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Following that up, we have this two step shot of background shifting to foreground. The background objects being pillars of a bridge that survived into the post era of the apocalypse, while the foreground is a cutout of a young boy sporting a similar uniform to the ones that the children wear at the institution. The former image of course making use of the pillars to compare them to Tori gates (based on their shapes), while the cutout is meant to link that religious symbol towards the institution. It's a very quick and aesthetically pleasing one-two punch that leaves viewers with a vague sense of something.
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We transfer very smoothly over to a shot of overhead powerlines in the next scene, which flows very well in terms of repetition, as it has a similar appeal as the "tori gate" pillars. What we see with the power lines though is the connections made between them, what brings them into contact with one another. It's a rather fluffy and vague use of the symbolism to liken it to the overall theme, but with follow-up shots it works well in establishing the overall explicit story of the opening.
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With the follow-up scenes to this cut, we get a grasp of what this opening is. The journey of Kiruko and Maru. The two are trekking across Japan in search of Heaven in this opening. Not exactly a revelation, but it serves to be a great way to tie together the vague and sometimes loose pieces within.
Also, I love the approach to line art within the opening, which you can really see in scenes like this. The characters don't have that hard outline, they're not well defined in the slightest. Incredibly fluid and open, it's a really unique and beautiful style that they make full use of through all sorts of pieces. Even take the pieces of paper fluttering in the wind, they're rather transparent and don't feel incredibly well defined.
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After this, we get a breakdown that matches the timing of the song. There's not really much to say? It's almost sort of self-explanatory. An explosion of creativity at almost random, with a strong line on literal "misdirection". Maps and signs that twist and turn and become undecipherable. It's cool, though maybe a bit out of touch compared to other sequences, but gets the point across about how difficult and winding and confusing the path of the story is. All the foreshadowing and mishaps and challenges that occur, they're all summed up in one messy billboard.
What's really impressive is how much is going on. There's scenes and layouts you'll completely miss if you're not playing the opening back over and over again and slowing things down and pausing in the right spots. Ridiculous how densely animated and detailed this opening is.
Now, for the keen eyed anime-onlies I'll leave a single hint within this sequence: order of events. Have fun haha.
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Now, one last blink and you'll miss it bit, this one. The text says "welcome to hell!", as the sun shines above and countless hands make a peace sign at the bottom. Interestingly enough, a dog or some other similar animal paw appears at the top of the screen. What's most interesting here is the sun, which I think viewers of episode 3 will associate with a certain scene.
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So, following that we get the title card and some scenes of the pair wandering around on their journey. Very well animated, very well expressed. Lovely little bits that add to it. But, we get some nice foreshadowing. Some yet to come, others that have appeared. Obviously, I'll only talk about the latter. First though, this frame of Maru kicking a can. The direction does wonders in these literal scenes to stay true to Hirotaka's vision of a more voyeuristic and outside-looking-in style.
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Anyways, onto the first foreshadowing/symbolism: Maru's ability. It's a very strong sequence that speaks to a lot about what anime viewers suspect and understand about Hiruko. His ability starts as a flower that blossoms into a technological branch that reaches out, before transforming into an actual one. The best I can describe it is almost something like "human intervention". Something natural is intervened with, changed, altered by humanity, before returning to a natural state.
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Following that we've got this breathtaking sequence for Kiruko. I was stunned when I first saw it in episode 2, knowing where the anime was headed for the third episode. Incredible work to show the separation between mind and body as Kiruko's outline lags behind their actual body. And then there's the whole out of focus piece that blurs the lines between Kiruko's outline and their actual body to even further the symbolism. Really, really incredible work for such an important detail in the opening that ties in with the early foreshadowing of the reveal.
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And that's about where the opening ends. It's very intense, and has an incredibly strong vision that brings it all together. The opening is a story of Kiruko and Maru, but runs deeper and wider than just their journey to Heaven. It's stippled by references to religion and restriction, expression and evolution, and confusion and misdirection. It branches out and changes shape and form to find the perfect ways to tell its stories, to show viewers what lies ahead and what's to come, dropping subtle and not-so-subtle hints and bits of foreshadowing.
Just all around incredible work that essentially puts it neck and neck with MAD's OP for this season. I can, and have, picked a favorite between them just because of expectations placed upon both, but from an objective viewpoint there's no way you can call either "better" than the other. It's just incredible work that sets the bar painfully high for the rest of the year. Endlessly impressive that between this and MAD we're looking at not only the OPs of the season, but damn near shoe-ins for the year at large. Beautiful, beautiful work done on them.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
The return of me going slightly loopy
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Previous part here
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lying-on-floors · 11 days
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TLOK as text posts
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 20 days
The Krew 2.0 playing Smash Bros together.
Asami: The undisputed champion. Takes no prisoners.
Korra: Isn’t a gamer, but happily cheers for her friends.
Iroh II: Has never played before, but is somehow good at it.
Opal: Goes down in the first round.
Bolin: Is crying because he lost 16 times in a row to Asami.
Mako: Is taken out by Opal.
Wei: Finally beats Iroh, and promptly loses to Kuvira.
Kuvira: Manages to last until the final round. Her duel with Asami was legendary, but she still lost.
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linnorabeifong · 5 months
Imagine Bolin post season four realizing how awful what he participated in was and feeling so blindsided. Him and Opal break up because of it and then he has a conversation with Wei about everything.
I- 😭🤚🏼 Just consider it.
Bolin: “Can I uhh… talk to you for a minute. I wanted to apologize for everything and I know me saying sorry doesn’t take back everything that happened to your family-”
Wei: “It’s okay Bo. I forgive you”
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sakugabooru · 1 year
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madeintrinafchelp · 10 months
❁ click on each tag to find the faceclaims resources ❁
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nyrdcastpodcast · 2 months
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