#we're getting feed today fellas
buckymilf · 6 months
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the way bucky's love for steve is so strong that just by hearing his name was enough for him to gave up the mission that hydra gave to him while brainwashed... yeah thanks what if
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blue-howlite · 1 year
Do you have any hcs about Li Ling and his love language being physical touch with reader?
Oh my gods no I don't but I'll fix this immediately.
Li Ling x Reader, headcanons
Type: fluff. Pure fluff.
Warnings: Physical touch as a love language so I wouldn't recommend this to all the haphephobic fellas out there, aside from that nothing really. Maybe NSFW if you squint really hard and already have a 'horny disgrace' mindset.
Yn = Your name
First off, I think that physical touch would naturally be his primary love language. The second is quality time together.
But we're focusing on physical touch here.
As I said in a previous post, he has six arms and he'll always have at least one of them on you. Either walking hand in hand, or he has an arm around your shoulder, or even just your arms touching.
If he can't touch you because you're in a very formal setting, like a meeting or something, he'll poke you every time he has to get your attention or say something to you. He thinks he's very subtle, but he's not.
If either one of you has been away, maybe a mission or regular work if you're not an Esper, once you meet again the first thing he does is hugging you. Like bear hug. You're not getting away from him again any time soon.
I also said this in a previous post, but he like to just carry you around with his six arms, like a backpack. Literally, if you two have to go somewhere together, you're not walking. You're either in his arms or in his arms.
I feel like he's the type that expresses his love at all times. He doesn't have a "right time right place" policy. He loves you, so he'll show it to you.
Which I'll admit can be a bit overwhelming.
If you ever need a little break from his affections or some you time, he might not like it but he'll give you your space.
If you think he doesn't give the vibes of someone like that, remember that he was trained by Yun Chuan since a young age. The man that tried covering his eyes when a woman was in a night dress that was a bit revealing. Li Ling was definitely taught respect for personal boundaries, you can't tell me otherwise.
So yeah he might be a dork sometimes but he is ✨ respectful ✨ and he will respect you.
Back to the matter at hands, sleeping together. His hands won't leave your body.
No you horny disgraces, go back to horny jail, today isn't feeding day.
He is the big spoon and will fall asleep like that. If you want to try to be the big spoon, you'll have to deal with his extra arms so it's not super comfortable.
But that's not the only way you'll sleep together.
If you come back later than him you'll find him already in bed and he might look asleep... but the moment you get to the bed he's hugging you and mumbling "Good night". You're not getting away until he wakes up.
If he comes back later than you and you're already asleep, he'll lay close to you, rest his forehead against yours, and fall asleep like that. He doesn't want to wake you.
If you fall asleep facing away from his side of the bed.
If you dare to.
He will sulk. Like you can't see him because you're asleep but I promise, the moment he sees he can't press his forehead against you, he's sulking. I know.
He'll move little by little, in order to not wake you up, until he's spooning you. And he will hold you tight. Not enough to hurt you or wake you up, but enough to stop you from getting away from him in the morning. And he won't let you go for a while even when he wakes up.
Because he like cuddles.
He really likes cuddles.
He'll agree to waking up early in the morning just to be able to cuddle with you more before work.
He won't have you sitting in his lap only because he's low-key hyperactive and never sits down.
But you can sit on his shoulders if you don't like to be carried like a bag by his extra arms.
No seriously I didn't mention this earlier but this man doesn't mind, whatever size you are it's fine, he doesn't have six arms for nothing.
If you're chubby or buff he'll use his extra arms and keep you by his side, if you're thin he'll lift you with only one arm and move you around just for giggles, if you're medium he'll carry you around koala style. Either way, he's having fun and making it enjoyable for both of you.
Again, all of this with your consent. He's ✨ respectful ✨.
But honestly just get used to his hands being constantly on you, he loves you and needs to express his love.
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drawotion · 2 months
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This is Remu, our sweet pup who was put to sleep today, 8th of April 2024... The procedure went smoothly, he almost got to the age of full 11 years. This summer it would have been his 11th birthday.
In memory of him, let me tell you about how our little rascal was like. This is going to be a long post so buckle up. I'll put more pics in at the end.
He was a rescue dog, he came to me and my mom through my oldest big brother around year 2018. He was around 5 years old back then and he was born during summer, what I heard from my brother is that the pup was super skinny when he first got Remu.
Remu was an absolute lap dog, he loved being on our laps and in our holds. Loved sleeping next to us. ((He was like little heater! Very warm hahahh)) Sometimes when we would do stuff around the house he had to be with us on the thing!
For example if I was sitting on the floor and moving plants to new pots or I was cleaning my pet bugs little habitats, it was guaranteed he would be on my lap. And he would always be listening what we're doing.
Oh he was one stubborn and clever fella, there is a reason why I call him a rascal! Of course in the most loving way possible. He was like a big dog in small dog's body. His barks were LOUD.
He wasn't that trusting at first and god forbid if you touched his paws and tried to bath him, or even reached out to him in certain way! Face was off limits. So it was heartwarming how over time he came to trust me. So much so I could do almost anything with him, it got to the point where he let me even rub my finger between his eyes and wipe his cute little snoot if there was something.
Oh any visitor would still get bunch of barks and growls! Never biting tho, but he would let you know that hey, this is his turf! His home! Would even start barking even if he heard my younger old brother through phone. (He still got onto brother's lap and all, pfft) It was kind of silly to see how little mohawk would rise on his back.
Like a true summer dog, he loved basking under the warm & hot sun. I think his belly even got tanned because of this. (Oh Remu, you silly.)
And goodness did he love to run when able to during our walks.
Gosh, let me tell you, whenever he would greet another dog his ears got so high up it looked like he had bunny ears! Adorable.
And his adorable little hop running when inside... It's a shame I never got it on video, but it was silly fun and cute thing he did.
Oh he would do this thing though where he would whine and paw at bed/floor as if he wouldn't be able to get off our beds! (mattresses on the floor btw.) He was fully capable of getting off and all, he just decided to turn dramatic if we were observing him.
Another dramatic thing he did was flip over a bowl when asking for food. Even start rolling up the blanket on his own bed and oh, so vocal. He was a vocal pup.
He never seemed that interested in toys, only playing with them when we prompted him and played with him with them. Eventually his favorite type of play would turn out to be chasing hand under the blanket and and also digging at our blankets while I scratch his head.
Hahh, he sometimes would playfully try to get at our feet, mostly during feeding time. Such a silly pupper.
All in all, he was a lovable silly rascal and one heck of a cuddly dog.
I'll forever miss him, and I am happy he was in our lives, even if I was hesitant to take him in at first. I am so thankful I was able to be there with him and for him on his last moments, when I wasn't able to for our previous pet so many years ago.
Now... May you run a lot, buddy. Run lots and lots… To your heart's content. Get all the treats you so love, till your belly is full.
I love you, Remu.
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
Erza : [thinking] Hmmm...I'm wondering if I'm missing something April 7th before the eclipse. What was the most important thing about me in my routines of Clear Heart Force Organization, yeah. That could only mean one thing on April 7th. I share the most important thing in all of my life...
Erza : [Determined] That's right! Today's my birthday! I gotta think cool, think fast, cause the facts are really simple when it comes to paying all respects on birthday, just gotta get everything to get everything situated. Alright, time to think fast!
(scene pans)
Erza : Happy birthday to me, guys!...Huh?
Mui : Oh Good! You finally made it to the "We All Share the Same" Birthday Party like everyone else.
Gundam : And including me, I share the same birthday we these guys and it's also my anniversary!
Erza : I never thought that we all share the same birthdays before, how is that possible?
Setsuna : Oh it's possible. We celebrate Birthdays and Gundam as well for the anniversary! It is our amazing achievement how we'd celebrate the day such this. To make the earth happy on the spring time.
Erza : Oh yes, I guess that this explains a lot of why was I born on Gundam Day. Yeah, that figures much on why there was ever a Gundam Day.
Relena : I do share the same as yours, but we all share the birthday, it's totally a win for us.
Erza : I can't believe that after all of that Cheesecake Factory, we finally get to celebrate our birthdays at this long table...
Jean : Hey, everybody! Glad that you finally made it to our birthday party!
Erza : This is literally not my idea of how did we all share the day of birth on these occasions with the Gundam anniversary, not my day, of saving mortality of being the girlboss cause anyone in this universe will rue the day!
Yona : Oi! Just in time to open our birthday presents. But first, we gotta say that happy birthday to all of us and this is the day we all started on this occasion!
Erza : Yo, Yona! You gotta have a cool birthday you know, I know that we all share the same birthdays but we needed to all celebrate our birthdays and that was the day, we needed something for more than just to celebrate this special day for us!
Yona : I know, right!? It's super cool to have sharing the same birth as you do! You gotta understand the context of being the luckiest girl you wanted to understand and I have no talent of being the luckiest person ever!
Erza : Well, you if you insist!
Mui : Yeah, I had to invite my boyfriend since my birthday has arrived!
Fuuko : Hey, everyone! Sorry we're late for the occasion, here's the birthday cake that we delivered.
Erza : Oh goodie, it would've been a small birthday if we had the cakes for each and everyone...?
Fuuko : Behold! I give you the "Ultimate April 7th Birthday Cake!"
Erza : wow! That's a huge-ass cake! Now that's what I call a birthday surprise!
Mui : Intriguingly yes! That is one superb cake! Definitely delicious!
Yona : It looks super delicious!
Setsuna : So good to eat it!
Erza : I can't wait to eat the cake let's eat shall we!
Gundam : I don't have a mouth to feed on.
Aerial : Surprise! Happy Birthday, everyone! (realizes that the cake exploded everywhere) Uhhh, oops. I thought it would be a cool birthday cake surprise. Did I get that right?
Gundam : *Steam whistling* Aerial, you stupid mechanical twit!
Relena : Suletta Mercury! Your stupid robot just ruined the entire cake for all of us! What's with this idiot robot ruining our birthday cake!?
Mui : Yeah, what's the big idea of ruining a good birthday!?
Yona : Can't you do anything right, you big bucket of bolts!?
Suletta : Hey, guys! Look! I did what I had to do something, I only wanted Gundam to have big anniversary cake and that is what we simply did on exactly did with these occasions soon as possible. We get to eat our cake fellas?
Mui : Oh you are so dead to us.
Suletta : Oh, crud.
(sounds of Suletta getting beating up by everyone)
Erza : Oh...So I get it now. Everyone shares the same birthday while we celebrate the anniversary of a giant robot. That all makes sense now.
Setsuna : Well, you had your problems on getting that birthday cake. We brought all food from the Cheesecake factory, wanna go for another round, birthday girl?
Relena : Cheesecake Factory!?
Mui : No way!
Jean : Quick everyone! To the Cheesecake Factory!
(everybody runs off in excitement)
Erza : There problem solved! Now let's head to the cheesecake factory.
Setsuna : But first you're gonna have to pay for all of this cleanup.
Erza : I know.
[Course Clear (NSMB Ver.) - Koji Kondo]
Mario : That's-a so nice! (Runs into the castle)
[iris out]
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colormeconfused · 10 months
I saw the bear this morning! I was on my way out of the house and Mark is calling at me to pay attention because the little guy was near the other house. He's just a little fella. Really cute. And Donna is working Sundays now! I had a good start to my day. And what a slow day it was. Only about a fourth of the volume of people from yesterday showed up today. Slow and dead. Plenty of time to be with my thoughts. I didn't wanna text you though. I don't wanna bother you when you're with your girlfriend. So I wrote. And wrote. For hours. About how I'm still unclear about how you feel exactly. All I know is that we're "wrong time, right people" (I absolutely abhor that trope, I hate angst especially if there isn't a happy ending) and that I'm attractive (what part of me?) and that I'm funny (sure hun). I wrote about how I wish I knew more. Do you think of me? What's the difference between her and I? How do you feel when you're with her? With me? Did you know that I normally fear the future? I don't like thinking about it, it fills me with anxiety and dread. But if I think of a future with you in it, it's not so scary? Platonic, romantic, what have you, life seems doable. You asked me "what would it take for you to come to Australia with me?" I gave you an honest answer. Help me get a passport. I mean it. You could say "let's run away" and I'd go get my shoes on. I don't know why I'm so devoted, all you've done was string me along. But I'm a fucking simp I guess. Bat those doe eyes at me and I'd do a lot for you. I wish I could let you in. I already let my guard down too much. I gave into a lot of impulses, let you feed me (I don't know why that feels so significant to me), accidentally gave boyfriend privileges to you (which is why the news of her hurt so much), and let you comfort me. I feel safe with you. I can breathe easier with you around.
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widarswrath · 1 year
Shroom Log 19. Feb 2023
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As some of you may know, I grew up near the sea, but I now live in the greater Cologne area. This Weekend is Karneval-Season, which I find excruciatingly strenuous, so I decided to get out to the forest.
I was hoping for some Oister-Mushrooms and maybe some Judas-Ears, but it's been a pretty warm few days so my hopes weren't high, as we're now reaching the very end of winter. Coincidentally this is also the very beginning of the season for deer to loose their antlers, so I was hoping to maybe come across some of those.
The forest I chose wasn't my usual territory. Instead I traveled to a forest on the other side of the rhine. On my way from the station to the woods I stopped by a local supermarket chain and "foraged" some bread I had forgotten to buy the day before and also met some very friendly sheep on the way.
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At this point it started to rain a little so I hurried into the forest.
Did you know that large parts of the German forest are currently threatened by a plague of bark beetles? The trees can usually fight them off but after a decade of dry summers and warm winters the trees are severely weakened. It's one of the first effects human-caused climate change is having on northern Europe.
It's not yet quite warm enough for symbiotic mushrooms like porcinis to flourish but a little to warm for most parasitic winter fungi to develop fruits. You can walk into a forest with the intention of foraging a specific mushroom but whether you succeed is up to the forest.
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The mushroom I came across the most often is this little fella, the Trametres Ochracea (Ockerfarbene Tramete), a parasitic mushroom that feeds on all kinds of dead wood. I say little, but these guys can get BIG.
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(I have large hands)
Unfortunately they are not edible, just like the Daedaleopsis Confragosa from the same family.
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Barely into the forest a raven flew by; I took the time to mind Odin on my way into the woodland.
Most dead birch carried the Piptoporus Betulinus (Brikenporling), which aren't edible, but they can be made into a healing tee that has some antibiotic effects.
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I took a little one home for my altar.
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These are Flammulina Velutipes ("Velvet Shank" or "Gemeiner Samtfußrübling"), the first edible mushrooms I found today. They usually grow in the cracks of dead but also alive trees and form thin, sticky fruits 2 to 10cm across.
I thanked Vidar and the spirits of his dominion by stacking some stones and then decided to head home, because at this point I was holy lost. While i didn't find any of the things I was looking for I'm still very happy with the day. I learned a bit about new mushrooms and I got a break from the city.
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dystopia-fantasy · 3 years
Always read the job description -Part 1
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Max was a fit, well built man. He had been body building since he was 14 and now In his early 40s he has the body of a god, but is slowly getting to the age when he needs to find another way to make money. He knows he can't take part in his competitions anymore, and needs to take it easy. He got great grades in school and college, proving people wrong that you can't be a nerd in a jock body.
Max had some money saved and was able to keep up on bills for a few months but needed a job to keep his large house, in the rich area of the city. He got a call from a business he applied to a couple of days ago, telling him to go in for an interview tomorrow, and if it goes well he will be sent straight on a trip for the company. He gets his new blue suit ready to be worn the next day.
The morning arrives, it's 5am, and Max wakes. He does his normal morning routine, making breakfast, working out, taking a shower, then gets his suit on ready for his early morning interview. Driving to the office building in the middle of New York, it's at least 50 stories high, and is made of mostly glass, and is one of the newest modern builds in the city.
On arrival a large man in his late 60s wearing a suit greets him, "hello sir, you must be max, Sir Mammon is on his way down to collect you, may I say what an amazing suit you have on today".
Max looks the man up and down, seeing the man's huge belly flowing out from under his dress shirt, showing a massive W shape, "thanks mate, you might want a bigger shirt" then points to his belly.
"sorry if I offended you sir, but all clothing has been chosen by Sir Mammon himself" Mammon is the big boss of the business "if you would like to make a complaint I can print you a form".
Max laughs, "No thanks, I'm gonna sit over there, tell Mammon im there".
"will do sir, have a great day" the man says while max walks away paying no more attention to him.
About 15 minutes later a young handsome slender man walks over. "Max is it?" He says behind Max.
"yes.." max says confused.
"I'm Mammon, nice to meet you" he smiles holding his hand out for a shake.
"oh hello Mammon, is wasn't expecting someone so young, no offence of course" max shaking his hand.
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Mammon let's out a little laugh, with a little grin "it's ok max, people don't expect someone like me to own such a remarkable company like this one would you like to follow me, we can go up to my office, this is Mark by the way, he's my Butler". Mark is another large man aged around 50, he has a massive belly stuffed into his suit, hes huffing and puffing, like he ran a marithon, "don't mind him, most of my staff are..."
Max cuts him off "fat?"
They both laugh, "you could say that Max" the elevator arrives and they all walk in, "now max, you did read the whole advertisement correct?".
Max didn't, it's was 48 pages long, who would read it all? He just looked at the wage he would get, it started at $100,000 per month. "Yes, I did".
"that's good, most guys are more keen to keep their body's but I guess if your struggling you'll do anything."
Max now confused just nod's and watches though the glass elevator as they fly up to the top floor.
"where here sir" Mark the butler says peacefully in his British accent.
They walk into the room, and Mammon sits at his desk pouring himself a glass of wisky, and Max one too. Max looks around in aww, the room was covered in art work, with the walls painted in golds and whites and had its own bar. "How do you have all this money?" Max asked.
"a mix of many things, this company, and a few investments paid for this whole building, I have many other ways but we're not here for that." Mammon points at the seat," take a seat max" Max sits the chair is made from leather and is very comfy. "So, max, I've gone through your file, I think you're perfect for the job."
"so, does that mean I have the job?" Max replies confused, expecting to be asked a question.
"well yes, if you agree to the terms"
"terms?" Max still confused.
"well yes, you expect to be paid 10times the amount the normal person for this job without any terms or conditions?"
"well I didn't know.." Max gets cut off.
"Max let me simplify them for you. You sacrifice your body to the company, and in trade you get, $100k X the amount you weigh paid into your account per month, So if you weigh 450lbs, you get $450k a month."
"what the fuck? That's sick, I'm not doing that, I'm leaving" and with that Max got up from the chair and stood face to face with Mammon, with the desk all that is separating them. "Your sick, you fa**ot".
With that Mammon's eyes glow a bright red. "I'm a what?" Max got through back against the chair by an invisible force. "Max you could have just left with your freedom, but now look what you've gotten yourself into".
"Let me go, What the fuck?" Max says while traped against that chair, it chreeking with the force of his muscle.
"I'm a fucking demon max, I'm never going to 'let you go'" he took a second break to mock max, "now, what did you say? Fa**ot, was it?".
"fuck, I didn't mean it" the force pins him down harder, trapping his arms against the leather chair arms, and pushing his legs against the underboard. "Please let me go home, I won't do it again."
"shut up max, the process is already starting".
Max looks down to see his body deflating, his pecs turning from mountain peaks to a flat surface, his giant powerful arms turning weak and light. And then looking up he sees a whole new man infront of him.
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"Not as big as I thought I would get, but boy I'm big" he took a break to admire his new giant arms and pecs.
"what the?" Max looks in confusion, "how did you do that? Give me them back".
"what are you gonna do max? I'm an infinitely powerful being and you, your an old man, or at least your going to be."
"I'm only 42, what do you mean, going to be?"
"you see I don't have my infinite life span on earth, so to stay alive and in this fit body, I absorb anything a guy has and I want. In your case, these massive muscles, but then I need to absorb their life force as well, in order to make sure I don't age."
"what do you mean life force?"
"well, you have roughly 50 years, worth of life left, I'll drain about 20 years leaving you in your future crippled body at around age 60, force you to work for the company for another 20 years, then when your 80 drain the rest of your life, which after you get fat won't be much, then you got to hell."
"man your sick, let me go, LET ME GO!".
A bright red light shoots from Peters hand enveloping Max's whole body, and he starts to age, his face wrinkling, skin dropping, eye sight worsening, hearing getting muffled, and mind changing a little. "Max, you ok old man?".
"yes sir" max was confused in his mind, why did he say sir?
"max, you ready for your Cruise? You can have tones of food for the next 6 months."
"Yes sir, I'm ready" max lifts his head, opening his eyes to see a new blurry room from his new old eyes.
"you're gonna need these from now on" Peters eyes glow and a new pair of glasses appear on Max's face he can now see clear.
"thank you... Sir", max blinks seeing Peter infront of him, "what have you, done to me".
"Max, I've turned you into the perfect office worker, old, brainiac, who is soon going to get fat and live the rest of his life, in an office chair for me, don't worry for accomodation you live here now, we have apartments on floor 30 to 40, all workers live here, it's policy, we have also sent a team to your house to, well, blow it up, that way nobody is going to be looking for you, becuase we can plant a body"
"give me... My.... Body back, give me... My.. life back."
"Max we both know that will never happen, now enjoy a life of gluttony, and prepare yourself for hell, that's gonna be worse then anything I can do to you." Peter snaped his fingers and a red glow enveloped max.
Recovering from the glow max sees two men infront of him with a trolly of sorts between them. "Is he awake" one says,
"I don't know" said the other.
"im- awake" max said in a much older raspy voice.
"good we can now start the feeding" the man on the left said, his body as muscled as a god, ripped from head to toe, and we can see everything.
Max rubs his eyes under his glasses and opens them again, "Fucking hell, put some clothes on both of you".
Both men where nude, one a ripped god, another muscled up but with a big gut. "Clothes are banned here mate" the beefy man said in a type of Australia accent, "you cant say much fella, look at that tiny pecker".
The men laughed pointing at Max's shriveled up old cock and low hanging balls, "what the fuck"max tries to move his arm to cover him but his arm doesn't move, he looks down to see him stuck in a chair, with a cut out hole under his ass, and straps tying him down, trapping him. "What... Are you gonna do to me?" Max asked sceared.
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The men laughed at him again, "no need to act to sceared, we're here to feed you for the next 6 months".
"but... Sir said..." Max get cut off.
"he said you'd be going on a cruise? Fucking hell are you dumb? He's a demon, you shouldn't trust a demon" The muscled guy says.
"bro let's start the feeding we have 50 other guys to see and I wanna watch football Tonight." The beefy guys says, and in unison both their eyes glowed a bright red, showing they where demons too.
The trolly between them had several items on top, one long tube, which floated in the air for a few moments before shoving itself down maxes nostril and deep into his stomach, his head flipped back trying to wriggle it out, but it was stuck. Another item moved into his frame, a IV bag holder, holding a giant barrel type object made of glass, and two large bags floated of the table again and started to drain into the barrel, and the tube connected itself to it, starting a flow of the liquid into maxes stomach.
"done" the beffy guy said. "Now we'll be back tomorrow to refill your barrel, and clean you up if you make a mess, but youll basically be unconscious for the next 6 months, due to the drugs were feeding you."
"so enjoy your sleep mate, you'll litterally wake up a different man." The two men laughed and walked out, max tried fighting the restraints but in his crippled form could do nothing. The door slammed and locked, and the room fell dark, max screamed begging into the darkness to be let free, and to have his life back, which he had only an hour before, but nothing happened, nobody came. He felt the drugs taking effect, but tried to fight back, but it was useless, his body slumped and loosened. His mind fell blank as he drifted of into his 6 month hibernation.
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twstwonderlandstuff · 3 years
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#basically: valie suffers bad luck in which every person she crushes on usually ends up dating someone when she wants to date them
My Top Posts in 2021
falling for you (Sebek Zigvolt x Reader)
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ALSO sorry for clogging up ur feed dudes its 3K words
School has ended, and the halls are empty, save for a few people going back and forth. 
Walking should be easy, considering you have two legs, but add sleep deprivation and a lack of sensitivity to the mix and it becomes much, much more difficult to move around. You were constantly bumping into pillars, haphazardly apologizing left and right. Your companion would laugh at you, but he, too, was too exhausted to say anything, more than happy to block half of your vision by laying on top of your head.
The two of you just finished a particularly difficult chore by Crowley, forced to clean out one of the many storage bases scattered around NRC. Why does the guy force you to do these things, anyway?! Isn't this institution STACKED with cash?!
You plant your face onto something broad. "Ah, sorry." You mutter, taking a step back.
"Be careful, human! Walking clumsily like that could hurt the Young Master!" The person shouts, and with the words 'Young Master', you knew EXACTLY who you bumped into.
"Sebek..." You give him a lazy grin. "Hey..."
"Human, you look deficient in sleep. Is something the matter?" He asks you in a much lower tone than what you would usually hear from him.
Grim already slipped off your head and fallen onto the ground, and you, too tired to care did nothing, simply nodding at Sebek's question.
"Yeah, it's been... A really fucking tiring week, heh.. sorry, Sebek, I'll move out of the way." You attempt to do so, but your next steps had you falling onto the ground instead.
"Ow." You wince, trying to get up. Normally, your face would've been aflame in embarrassment, but not today. 
Today, head empty, no thoughts, just sleep.
You hear Sebek sigh. With a flick of his magic pen, he rises Grim from the ground, making him float.
"Ah, thanks-" Your sentence is interrupted when a pair of strong arms hoisted you from below, supporting your back and ass, which quickly slopping down towards your leg.
"Tch." You hear Sebek click his tongue, and when you look up, a worried look was etched into his face. "Don't overwork yourself, human. Look what you've gotten yourself into." He begins walking, towards Ramshackle, you presume.
"I know, I know... Sorry, Sebek but I just..." You yawned again, falling closer to his broad chest. "I thought I could handle it, you know?"
"Well, now you know, don't you?" He scolds, positioning it so that you’re comfortable. "You're weaker than most people here, so take better care of yourself. It won't look good on Young Master if you give such an unsightly appearance, and I’m...” He doesn’t finish his sentence, and you leave it be. 
You mutter out another apology, a third yawn escaping you as your eyes struggle to open. "Hey, 'bek?"
He doesn’t shy away from the nickname. "What is it?"
"Can I... Sleep for a bit?"
"...wait a bit, we're almost there." You nod your head, yawning once more as sleep begins to overtake you.
"Okay..." But despite your words, you feel yourself slowly settling into his chest, a small hum escaping your lips. "Hah...you feel nice... And warm, too."
Sebek seems to freeze up at your actions, but you're unaware, wrapping your arms around him. "Ya don't mind if I..." Before you can finish your sentence, you're knocked out, snoozing lightly on his chest. 
He stills, looking down at you with a brilliantly gorgeous shade of pink dust on his cheeks. He hears a chuckle behind him, and when he turns around, he’s faced with Lilia, who looks at him with a cheeky grin, and nothing good ever comes out when he has that grin. 
“Oh, is that [name]?” Lilia glances at your sleeping face, concern quickly washing over him. “They look exhausted.”
“I was about to bring them to Ramshackle so they can rest,” Sebek explains, the light pink dust slowly fading away. 
“That won’t do!” Sebek looks at Lilia curiously, waiting for his next words. “There wouldn’t be anyone to take care of them!”
Sebek nods in realization. “Ah, how careless of me! Young Master wouldn’t-” Lilia places a finger on Sebek’s lips. 
“Quiet down, you’ll wake them up,” Lilia advises and begins walking the other way towards Diasomnia, leaving Sebek to catch up with him. Lilia takes Grim off Sebek’s magic, the cat squirming lightly in Lilia’s arms. 
You let out a small giggle. Whatever you dream of must be making you happy, Sebek thinks and without his notice, a fond smile creeps onto his face as he watches your changing expressions. 
Lilia doesn’t suppress his smile, and asks: “How did you and [Name] meet? I’m quite surprised that you two are as close as you are.”
Sebek snaps out of what he’s doing and answers: “I was training, then I saw a figure in the distance. When I came to check who that was, it was [Name], doing homework.” A frown crosses Sebek’s face. “I asked why they did it here, and they said that the atmosphere was peaceful.”
"And then...?”
“Day by day, they came out of their place and went to watch me train instead.” A light flush colors Sebek’s ears. “Then, we got to talking, and they...” A light smile came upon Sebek’s face, but no words came out. “They...”
“What did the two of you talk about?” Lilia questions softly, entering the mirror chamber. 
“They... listen to me talk about Young Master, and they didn’t seem bothered!” Sebek gave Lilia a happy grin, which the old bat happily returned. “They talked about their adventures or some of the things they did during the day. Little things.”
“Hmm~” Lilia hums, stopping in front of Sebek’s room, and Sebek didn’t even notice they arrived! How unvigilant of him! Sebek curses. He really should be taking his job more seriously.
“Well, we’re here~ I’ll leave you to it, Sebek~” Lilia leaves, cackling down the hall. The old fae was always a little strange, he thinks as he opens the door with his foot, glad to see his roommates aren't in. 
He sets you down on the bed, and you immediately curl up into a ball, almost like a hedgehog. 
The word ‘cute’ flashes through the half-humans mind and he freezes, a dark shade of red appearing on his face. Why did he think of that?!
To keep his mind off that strange word, he begins to take care of himself, undressing into a simple tee and shorts (in the bathroom, of course) and making a cup of tea for you and him in his makeshift kitchen, keeping the process simple and quiet, making sure not to wake you up. 
Come to think of it, why is he so careful about this? Is it truly ONLY because you were friends? Come to think of it further, how did he and you, a magicless human, become friends?
Perhaps it was the way you listened to his tales of Malleus so openly, commenting about it positively, or the way you trusted him with your thoughts, or how you respected his boundaries about humans, promising not to tell your friends about your friendship for HIS sake. 
Perhaps it was the gentle way you smiled when he finished a retelling of a book, or how you knew the right words to catch his temper, or perhaps it was how your eyes seemed to glow when you retold the daily experiences you had or the way you just... understood him.
Perhaps, it was the excitement etched clearly on your face when he meets you during those evenings, where your hands hold various things: a book, a water bottle, your phone, or your cat. 
Perhaps it was the way you eagerly expressed excitement over his training, asking to be included. He indulged in it too, feeling a sense of pride every time he showed off a move he perfected and your face of awe as you applauded him. 
Perhaps, it was-
The sound of the kettle whistling seemed to get his attention, snapping him out of his haze. What... what was that...?
The way you smiled? Why was he thinking about how gorgeous you looked, the light of the evening sun shining over you?
Why was he?
Why... was he...?
Met with confusion, Sebek pours the hot water into the cup and dropped the leaves absentmindedly. 
He glances at your sleeping figure, an odd urge washing over him too... look at your face. 
He walks over to you, the cup of tea forgotten.
Your soft smile sent a flurry of strange, unwarranted emotions straight into his heart, shaking his already weakened foundation. It's like he forgets how to breathe. Really, what were these feelings, and why is he so... greedy for more?
What... did you do?
Why was he feeling like this...?
He kneels down on one knee, hand going up to cup your cheek, and you nuzzle into it so casually. His other hand went to your palm and tightened his hold on it. He got closer to you, now able to make out the gentle creases of your face. 
A dam broke in him because Now he wanted to... kiss you.
He wants your smile, your laugh, your eyes on him. He wanted your laughs, your grins, your hands holding his. He wants all that has to do with you, but why?
Seriously, what did you do? What spell did you cast on him when you slept in his arms earlier? 
Ah, perhaps...it’s... could it be that...
He... likes you?
The thumping of his heart and the heat on his face seems to confirm the thought, and his world swirls, falling onto the floor. 
You’ve... you’ve managed to take his heart. When? How? Why?
This is bad. He’s supposed to be focused on Malleus, and only Malleus, but somehow... he yearns for you.
He yearns to love, to take care, to protect you from any dangers, not just Malleus (and his family).
Oh god. 
What is he going to do? You’re in his bed, for god’s sake! You smell like him, and that sent a flurry of giddy emotions his way. 
God damn it, what did you fucking do?!
Oh no.
You’re awake. He quickly retracts his hands from you and holds them to his side. 
“Se-bek?” You slide your head off the bed, hanging on its side, very close to his own. He stills, feeling his face beginning to redden as your eyes meet. “Oh, sup.”
Your breath sent a shiver down his spine, and he, more than ever, feels so, so aware of your actions. 
“Are you okay?” You ask drowsily, casually placing your hand on his forehead. “You got a fever or something?”
His mouth slacks open, unable to create a response as his face burns even brighter, tears beginning to prick his eyes. 
Is this... is this what liking someone means?! To be so-
“You do! Hey, get in bed with me.” You flip onto the bed and open the blanket for him. 
W H A T. 
“Se~bek~ I’m going to call Lilia-san, you know! You’re acting really weird, come on!” You drag him onto the bed, and he follows your bidding.
“Now sleep.” You order, immediately cuddling into his body, throwing an arm on top of him. 
You seem to take your own orders, as you fall back asleep 2 seconds after, snoozing away. 
He stays very, very still, arms stiff as a board as his face reddens as cherry red as cherry can get. 
After 15 minutes, he slowly, precariously, lets his eyes trail from the ceiling down towards you, who again, was smiling in your sleep. 
Your face...
God damn it, now he wants to cuddle you up. 
Well, he technically can, right? I mean, you’re in his bed, his territory, and you literally forced him to sleep with you, so...
He bit his lip, trying to keep his shaking arm to a minimum as he slowly snakes his way around your waist, and settles on of his arms there, as painfully light as possible. He keeps his other hand to himself, not knowing what to do with it. 
He then notices your exposed neck. 
What if he just... buries himself in it?
Before he could contemplate further, you’re eyes randomly snap awake, and he immediately retracts his hand from your waist, cursing himself. 
“ ‘Bek? Are ya feelin’ better?” You ask, speech slurred from sleep. 
“Y-yeh.” He manages to mutter, internally face-palming. 
Yeh? Yeh? YEH?????
You frown. Oh god, it’s all over. His chances are over. You think he’s a pervert who took advantage of you-
“No, I dun’ believe in dat. C’mere.” You sigh and tug his head inwards so that it reaches your chest as you rise upwards, hands going under the cover to settle on his waist. 
“There.” You let out a satisfied sigh. “I’m not gonna sleep ‘till ya sleep, ‘kay?”
“...’kay.” He replies, in a voice so small and unlike himself that he doesn’t know if you heard it, but then.
He feels your hand snake from his waist to his head, patting it softly. “ ‘Bek, I’ll be here when ya’ wake up, so it’s ok. Ya don’t need to be so worried about us. We’ll be...” You yawned softly, landing your chin on his soft locks, running your hand through them. “..fine. Now go, sleep.”
He replies with the same, small, “...’ Kay.” and tried to do what you say, but god damn it HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WHEN YOU’RE CUDDLING HIM LIKE THIS AND-
“’ Bek.” You called softly. “Is there anythin’ on your mind?”
“Yeah, right.” You snort. “But ya know what? I do. I got somethin’ on my mind .”
“...I like ya.” Sebek’s eyes snapped open and he faces you immediately, still not daring to push himself up towards you.
“I like ya a ton. You know, that’s why I was sittin’ in the woods like that. I was enjoying the atmosphere, yeah, but I was admirin’ you too, from a distance, ya know?” You giggle softly. “I just found ‘yer dedication towards Malleus so cool, and I gotta admit, ya looked fucking hot when you were practisin’, so can ya blame me for starin’?”
“...I just made this awkward, didn’t I?” You sigh sadly, getting up. “I get it, it’s super weird. Like, I literally fucking confessed to you when we’re cuddling like this, and- WOAH-”
He stops you from leaving, holding onto your hand and pulling you back onto the bed and under the covers. 
“...How dare you.” He whispers, not able to look at you.
“W-what?” Welp, this is it. He’s going to lose his shit at you.
“How dare you say all those things...”
Your heart sank even lower. 
“...and not expect me to return your feelings.”
“I...” He looks up at you, and even in the darkness of the covers, you can still properly see the pretty flush on his face and the crocodile-green eyes staring at you. 
“I just realized that I, as well, have feelings for you. Very recently, actually. …30 minutes ago.”
“D-don’t laugh, [n]-[name], I-” You laugh even harder, and with a gleeful giggle, pressed your lips against his, effectively shutting him up. 
He freezes, and when you break apart, he’s still frozen, looking at you with a face that could bring Riddle’s hair to shame. 
“Y-you... m-me... we... k-kiss...” He mutters, his hands holding his mouth in absolute surprise.
“You’re fucking adorable, you know that?” You giggle, pressing a light kiss on his temple. “I like ya, Sebek. A whole fucking lot.”
He flares up even more, unable to look at anything BUT you as he replies, in a tone so, so soft that you would mistake it for a gentle wind, except that this is a closed room and no wind can enter: “I.. do too. I really... I want... I...”
“Take it slow, Sebek. You don’t have to rush your words.” You reassured him, petting his head. 
This is you’re so-
This time, it’s his turn to surprise you as he pulls you towards him and kisses your mouth very clumsily, not like the first one you initiated. He quickly pulls apart, apologizing frantically. 
“That wasn't pleasant, was it? I’m sorry, I--”
“Sebek, it’s okay. Take it slow. It’s okay. I don’t expect this to be perfect.” 
He smiles so, so endearingly to you that you can’t help but smile back. You both stay like that for a while, saying nothing, just glancing at each other.
Until that is, he breaks the silence.
“So, are we... um...” You catch on to what he says quickly. 
“Dating?” He flashes another dark shade of red at the word. He really is cute. “Yes, yes we are.” You finish your sentence by yawning. 
"You must still lack sleep. Come.” Sebek says simply, caging you under his arms. You blush at the closeness, wrapping your arms around his. The roles are now reversed, him comforting you instead of the other way around. 
“Thanks, ‘Bek. I like ya. I... really do.” You say simply and fall asleep easily, snoozing away. 
Sebek sighs, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I like you too. I swear, [name], I’m going to protect you with all my might, and be the best b...” He busies himself with your hair and mutters the last words. “boyfriend you’ll have. I... I will.” 
With a gentle kiss to your hair, he finally falls asleep, a grin snaking its way up to his lips as well. 
Silently, an old bat turns the lights off, unbeknownst to the two of you.
114 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 14:08:12 GMT
Pretty. [sebek zigvolt x fem!reader]
ahahahahhaaha god... I'm abandoning my previous hubbies for this man...
Sebek, my guy, what HAVE YOU DONE TO MEEEEE?!
Tumblr media
"y- you think... you think I'm... pretty...?" you whisper, looking straight at him.
"T-that was merely a slip of the tongue, I-" He caught himself. He knew better than this, come ON! "I- yes. I..." He looks away, hands placed behind his back as he lowers his voice as much as possible. "I... I've always thought you were pretty."
"It... it started from P... PE. When you finished running, sweat dribbling off your neck, I thought you looked determined, brave."
"T-then, in classrooms. Every time I look at you, you always, ALWAYS seem to be doing something to distract me from the Young Master! Your hands, your hair, your eyes-" Sebek starts marching towards you, frustrated eyes looking at yours and you begin backing away.
"The way you look at Grim, or how you twirl your pen around! In lunchrooms, when you eat!" Sebek grows a sudden blush, eyes growing hazy at the thought. "Your lips... I've always wondered how it felt like..."
"Y-... wanna try it out?" Sebek's eyes snap back to yours, and does a KABEDON, HELL YEAH! trapping you between his arms and the wall. He stares and stares until you start laughing nervously. "K-kidding, kidding..."
He places one of his hands on your chin, preventing you from looking away.
"Don't take away the offer you so boldly offer to me, human." He says, and before you can reply, captivates your lips with his.
You go on like that for a bit, lightly pressing your lips together and separating.
"How does it... feel?" You ask shyly, a red blush forming on your cheeks.
The half-fae looks away. "I... I haven't formed an opinion yet. Another test must be conducted."
And you start again.
shrugs I dunno dawg he just cute m an n
129 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 03:35:08 GMT
Hands (ft. a surprise)! [some twst x reader]
After the whole deal with the whole ‘hands’ thing, your small curiosity becomes even bigger and now, you’re determined to hold hands with everyone you’ve known in this magical, mysterious world you reside in. 
‘No, it’s not some kind of thing you especially like.’ You deny in your thoughts, rubbing your palms together. ‘This is just to satiate some odd fascination of yours, is all.’
“[Name]-san, greetings!” A robotic voice calls you, Ortho’s robotic figure coming in your view. Luckily for you, the robot is already reaching out to intertwine his metallic hands in yours, tying them together. “My brother is trying out a new greeting he saw in a game, and it’s called ‘hand-holding’! According to the web, it’s an intimate action close friends, or lovers do together, and based on my statistics, we are what is deemed ‘close friends’, so I am trying it out with you!”
‘OHHH, ORTHO!!!!’ You squeal internally. ‘Honestly, you’re so cute!’
“I- Gotcha.” You reply simply, feeling the cool, smooth metal on your palms. It's smaller than yours (Aha, so you don’t have baby hands after all!), perfectly designed for his size. 
“Your fingers radiate the average amount a human has, unlike my brother!” Ortho comments, a light buzz ringing from his synthetic body. 
“Well, I mean his hair IS made out of fire, so I can see why.” You reply, unsure if he’s replying to you or talking to himself. 
“[Name]-san, my brother wishes to speak to you!” With that, Ortho’s eyes turn blue, and Idia’s voice is heard through the mouth chamber. “H-hello, [N]-[N]-[Name]-san.”
“Hey, Idia.” You greet back, hands still intertwined. “I wasn’t expecting this upgrade from you.” You can feel the heat of Ortho’s hands increasing rapidly. ‘What on Earth?’
“Hey, is your temperature and Ortho’s connected, or something? Ortho’s getting warmer.” You observe, and as theorized, the heat of the hand gets unbearably hot that you have to remove your hand from it. 
Ortho’s yellow eyes return, and the robot scrunches his eyebrows. “Big brother is sulking! See you, [Name]-san, I must care for him now!” With that wave of goodbye, the robot leaves, floating away with his… shoes? You’re not sure what the name of those things are. ‘Levitating boots?’
“So that’s where he is.” You turn around, meeting the Octavinelle Trio, with Azul speaking to you. “I wondered why he wasn’t in the board-club room.”
“Heheh, Firefly Squid’s swimming away from you again, Azul!” Floyd chuckles with that laugh of his. 
“How strange that the dishrag- my apologies, that Grim isn’t with you.” Jade grins, smiling at his ‘mistake’. 
“He’s busy doing redo’s with Deuce. I pity him, but oh well.” You sigh, shrugging your shoulders. “What to do, right?”
“Nee, Shrimpy~” Oh no, it’s THAT tone. Nothing good ever comes out of that tone. “Azul here needs help with the lounge, and I don’t wanna help. Can you do it for me?”
You're about to shake your head, but then Floyd pulls… unexpected puppy eyes?! He pouts, walking over and wrapping his arms around your neck. “Please, shrimpy~?”
“S-sure…” You mutter, cute-struck with his face. The expression changes immediately, and his wide grin is back, sharp teeth shining. ‘Why are cute things your weakness?!!?! Arghhhhh---’
“Thanks, shrimpy~” He then lifts you up like you weigh nothing (you probably don’t to him) and toss you to his twin, you screaming “No no NO NO FLOYD FLOYD WAIT-”
Jade catches you with ease, smiling politely, and both he and Azul begin walking away, leaving Floyd alone- he’s already found a goldfish to annoy, anyways. 
You hear Riddle yelling at Floyd in the background, only able to shake your head and smile at the eel’s playfulness. “Uh, you can set me down, Jade.” You say, looking at the mer-eel. 
“I’d rather not.” Jade insists. ‘Okay… well, something’s happening…? WAIT IS THIS A DEAL-’
“No, just please set me down, I’ll be fine on my own!” You struggle in his hold. “This is some sorta extra deal, right?! If you carry me around then I’ll have to do something in return, right?!”
“Of course not. I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart. Don’t you believe me?” Azul cuts in, glancing at you. 
“Absolutely not. Not the slightest bit- Ruggie-senpai! Ruggie-senpai, help me get out!” You plead, catching the tuft of light brown hair in the distance. The hyena turns towards you, gives you a grin, and turns back to conversing with Leona. Jade sweeps over them, and you give Ruggie a grumpy look, sticking your tongue out. 
“Ruggie senpai, you traitor!” You grumble, attempting to kick the hyena’s sleeve. “I thought you had my back!”
“Aww kitten, I’m honored.” Ruggie bats your failed attempts with his hands. “That you think I’ll have your back 24/7.”
“Don’t even try it, herbivore.” Leona grunts, running his hands through his locks as he yawns. 
Beside you, Azul laughs at your poor attempts at getting help. Annoyed, you reach out to completely spread your weight on Jade, head flopping over so your view is upside-down, and you reach out to grab Azul’s hat, also sticking your tongue at him. The octopus looks slightly surprised, but a grin comes to his place. 
“My, [Name], how bold of you. Perhaps you truly do want another deal made with me.” 
‘Oh yeah, I didn’t think of that.’ You wince in thought, and quickly hand him his hat back, sitting back up on Jade’s arm. Speaking of Jade…
He’s staring forwards, not even bothered by the small banter happening between you and Azul. ‘He really is one hell of a butl- ehm, student.’
“Jade, don’t you get tired carrying me?” You ask in earnest, giving up on the notion that he’ll let you off on your own.
“Floyd weighs more than you do, Angelfish.” You quirk an eyebrow at the nickname, but say nothing to refute it. 
“We’re here. Jade, you can let go of the Perfect now.” Azul commands. Oh, you didn’t even notice!
The cool colors of Octavinelle surround the 3 of you, Monstro Lounge lighting up in the middle of it all. Jade drops you down, making sure your feet land lightly onto the ground. Seriously, why is he being so SOFT with you today??? ‘What’s going on?’
Jade quickly reaches up to cover your eyes with his hand. “Angelfish, I’d like you to close your eyes, alright?”
“Hah- I… why- I mean, okay…?” You stutter in a questioning tone, your own hands reaching up to touch his. Of course, all you feel is leather, considering he wears gloves. ‘Hah… why do people here use gloves, anyway? Isn’t it harder to move around with gloves?’
You hear the door creak open, and Jade gently pushes you forward to walk, his other hand guiding you. You feel his chest press against your head.
...his heart.
Beating rapidly. 
“Ready, angelfish?” As he asks you and his heartbeat beats even faster. 
“S-sure, yeah.” You nod, and as you enter Monstro Lounge-
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PERFECT!!!!” Jade’s hand comes off, and all your friends are there in Monstro Lounge, sporting similar headbands on their heads. There’s a banner on top that spells out ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’ in white, sloppily written. 
Your hand goes to cover your mouth. “M-my-”
“Hehe, you didn’t expect this, right~?” Ace snickers, walking to you with the 1st year. “It’s really hard trying to keep Sebek from spoiling the secret.”
“Happy birthday, henchmen!” Grim, your companion shoots into your arms, and you happily accept its hug. When you don’t answer, Grim tilts its head and pulls back. “Henchmen, why aren’t you- you’re crying!”
You nod, tears streaming down your face. You didn’t even remember that it was your birthday…!
“Come on, henchmen, lift your head! It’s kinda scary ya know, you cryin’ all of a sudden.” Grim grumbles. 
“Let’s enjoy this party to the fullest.” Jade reminds, still behind you. You don’t even remember him standing there. 
Tears still running down your face, you nod, a wide grin on your face. “So you planned- uh-”
“All of this? Yep, we did.” Deuce nods, a proud smile on his face. 
“I’m glad ya like it. I got some apples from my ma, so let’s start with that!” Epel adds. 
“Fggna, food!” Grim jumps out of your arms, scurrying to the apples. You laugh, and follow the monster. 
Happy Birthday, Prefect!
I seem to enjoy the ‘carrying people around princess-style’ trope a lot. It sounds nice, hehe. I hope the ending catches you off-guard, because it sure did to me!
At first, I was planning to write hcs of all the Twst! cast’s hands, but it turned into this, so I hope you enjoy regardless~
Unedited, of course. 
158 notes • Posted 2021-03-24 06:05:34 GMT
Jack 🤝 Yuuken
Being buff pals that admire each other as they encourage each other in their work out regimes
159 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 15:23:33 GMT
Speak the Truth [pt. 2](Their reactions!)
Part 1 here
Cater grins, looking at the notification from his phone. "Eh, so my cute kouhai joined the interview?" Cater hums, clicking on the video.
"Which one?" Trey asks as he passes by with Riddle, helping him carry books.
"[Name]." Cater shows them the video.
"You can watch that later, Cater. For now, help us with this." Riddle instructs, gesturing towards the pile of books.
"Ah, sure." Cater does help. While they walk, it was Riddle who looks fidgety- his eyes keep on straying towards the lit-up screen.
"We can watch that after we're finished, Riddle." Trey notices. Riddle flushes a shade of light red.
"I didn't say wanted to watch it." He counters, looking away. Trey and Cater share a smile.
'He's cute like this, isn't he?' [Trey]
'Right~?' [Cater]
Per arrival, the seniors set down their books, and as Cater pulls up the video, Ace and Deuce walk in.
"Senpai!" Deuce bows formally as Ace cheekily grins at them.
"Yo, is there something going on?" He asks, walking casually towards them.
"Sit with us and find out~" Cater hums, playing the video.
'...this sort of cockiness he has is cute, and I just… I wanna hug him and squish his cheeks and kiss him. So, there’s a half-sexy half-cute kinda thing going on.'
Ace smirks smugly. "So that's how the perfect think, huh? Might as well ask me out on a date while they're at it!"
There was, however, a tiny red blush on his ears.
"Ace, you're blushing." Deuce points out, snickering.
"I'm not~!" Ace denies, trying to playfully play it off, but once Ace gets embarrassed, it's difficult to put his act back.
'Deuce is a cutie.'
"HAH?!" Deuce blushes red, holding his arms out as a sort of defense. "Wha- what?!"
"Hah, now you're red!" Ace teases back, grinning.
'...But then, there’s that side to him where he goes all delinquent mode and that’s kinda hot!'
"...I mean, if that's how the perfect sees it..." Deuce whispers, burying his head in his hands as he blushes.
Cater grins at their reaction. "I wonder what they'll say about me~?"
'At the same time he can pull these looks on Magicam that make you blush, you know?'
Cater grins at their compliment. "Eh, so they like my selfies~ Maybe next time I'll have them take one with me!"
"Now I'm curious what they say about me," Trey admits, scratching his cheek.
"I am, too. If it's anything that breaks the rules..." Riddle threatens lightly, a small frown blooming on his face. Ace and Deuce wishes for your fate.
'Trey-senpai is the sexy type.'
Trey lifts an eyebrow, a slight smirk adorning his face. "Hmm?"
'-he caught me-'
"Woah, like a prince charming, huh senpai?" Ace asks good-naturedly, elbowing Trey.
"Ehhh, you didn't tell me?" Cater pouts. "That's so mean, Trey~"
"Well, I didn't know they'd say that here, heh," Trey answers, shrugging. "I wonder what they'll say for Riddle?"
"Probably something about him being mean..." Ace whispers, earning a glare from Riddle and a harsh elbow from Deuce.
'I’m going to die saying this, I think Riddle’s fucking cute.'
"Ah- c-cute?!" RiddlE loses face for a second before a red hue adorns his face.
"EH?!" Ace and Deuce look honestly, spooked, and scared. "Seriously?!"
"Well, I can't disagree with that," Trey admits, shrugging.
'- and the WAY he EATS his SWEETS?!?!'"It's true, Riddle, you have a-a squirrel sort of look when you eat! It's perfect for Magicam, but you never let me take pics of you~" Cater whines sadly, crossing his arms.
"..." Riddle says nothing, simply staring blankly at the screen.
"S-senpai?" Deuce asks warily.
"I think he's going to blow..." Ace slowly backs away. Riddle's face reddens. "OH YUP I'M OUTTA HERE!"
"Oh- wait, you ass! Take me with you-"
"That's an extra 200 words!"
'It's just a swear word- besides, perfect use it too, it's not fair!"
"The video titled '‘Speak the Truth’,' now sent. Shall I review who you've sent it to?"
"No need... I just want to take selfies..."
"Your wish is my command, Cater-kun~"
Peals of laughter rang throughout Savanaclaw. Jack takes a look to see Ruggie doing his Unique Magic on some of the people, making them tickle each other.
"Senpai?" Jack asks, looking at him, confused.
"Yo~" Ruggie answers nonchalantly, going back to tickling them.
"O-OKAY OKAY HERE!" One of the guys throws his phone at Ruggie, and he gleefully drops his UM, leaving them running.
"What a ruckus..." Leona sighs, his signature lazy drawl on his face. Jack frowns, knowing what Ruggie's doing. "Ani- senpai, that's not good."
"Relax, Jack. I'm not going to sell it." Ruggie lies shamelessly, turning on the device, only to notice that it's in the middle of a video. He clicks on it, and your voice rings out.
"-express. Leona is a sexy, sexy man.'
Leona grins, his lazy smirk forming on his face. "Who's that?"
"Shi shi shi, interested?" Ruggie teases, but the video continues to play nonetheless.
'Too bad he’s an asshole,-'
Ruggie bursts into a laugh as Leona's face shifts into annoyance. Jack lets a smile slip.
'-snickering as like a cute thing or a sexy thing,-'
"[Name]'s interested?" Ruggie's ears perk. "Maybe I can get them to pay me... shi shi shi..."
Jack can't help but feel bad for his friend, knowing what they have gotten themselves into.
Jack flushes red, ears folded down at the praise. "H-huh?"
'-like 'But it’s not like I like you or anything!’ what is that tsundere behavior hello?!'
"Oh, looks like the kitty cat has eyes on you, Jack~" Ruggie teases, a wide grin creeping on his face.
"That's not true-" Jack retorts, hating how he halts himself.
"Hmm." Leona simply hums, a grin sliding back into place. "The herbivore notices? I'm surprised."
'Of course, he’s also hot-'
Jack's had it. He's embarrassed and he wants to leave, so he does, a red flush prominent. His tail is wagging as he goes, but he doesn't seem to notice.
"I'm going too. See ya, Leona-san." Ruggie waves goodbye and leaves, ears perked up.
Leona notices their reaction and doesn't try to hide the slow sway of his tail as he walks back into his room, ready for another nap.
"Eh? Shrimpy's in a video~?" Floyd sways, looming over the other Octavinelle students as they hand him their device. "Lemme see~"
"H-here..." The student squeaks, leaving.
"Oya? What's this?" Jade asks, walking towards his twin with a grin on his face. "The perfect?"
"Ne, Azul, come look~" Floyd invites the octopus, only for the boss to sigh.
"Later, Floyd, I have plenty of things to-"
"Just do it!" Floyd snaps, looking at Azul in annoyance. Azul sighs again, standing up from his desk and walking towards them.
"What's the video about? Ah, the perfect?" Azul smiles cunningly. "I wonder what they have to say... fufufu..."
"You're not thinking about taking advantage of the poor prefect, are you, Azul?" Jade asks, lying flawlessly.
"Of course not. The Sea Witch wouldn't like that." Azul smirks back. Floyd's getting real tired of their chatter and shuts them up by playing the video.
'... cute and vulnerable...'
"Oya?" Jade raises an eyebrow, not at all fazed. "Is that what the prefect truly thinks of me? I'm surprised."
Azul frowns. "I don't think that's what I wanted to hear..."
'...do you think he talks to his plants?!'
Floyd turns to look at his brother and grins. "Hehe, Shrimpy's smart! How'd they known that? Do ya think they stalk you, Jade?"
"No, I don't think that would be the case, Floyd." Jade has a little bit of blush on the tips of his ears. "It was a mere coincidence, I believe."
'...he has a nice embarrassing face-'
Azul frowns even more, but his face turns into the shade you described as you continue your ramblings. "I thought that was-!"
"Eh??? Azul is embarrassed, after all, ~" Floyd teases, grinning. "I wonder what Shrimpy's gonna say about me? Maybe I can even squeeze them for it..."
'...off-swing mood can be cute-'
"...I suppose that is one way you can put it." Azul miffs, the blush slowly disappearing off his face.
"Oya, don't you find Floyd cute, Azul?" Jade smirks, only to be met with an eyebrow lift from Azul.
Floyd doesn't seem to notice the light bickering between the two, happily commenting: "Shrimpy finds me cute~?"
He stands up, and before Jade could ask why, runs outside Octavinelle, shouting: "Shrimpy~~~ Let me squeeze you~~~"
"..." Azul sighs, shaking his head as a small smile slips out. Well, perhaps he's just a little bit cute.
"Jamil!" Kalim bursts through the kitchen door, surprising his friend.
"Kalim, how many times do I have to tell you NOT to bang open doors? What if someone got hurt?" Jamil lectures, sighing as he goes back chopping up ingredients. "Is there something you need?"
"Look!" Kalim bounces over towards Jamil and shoves the phone in front of him. "[Name]'s interviewing with the Newspaper club!"
Before Jamil could complain and say that he's not interested, Kalim let the video play out.
'Kalim's the fucking sun-'
Kalim beams at the compliment. "Aww, that's so sweet! I should thank them after this!"
Jamil frowns, not wanting to hear praise about Kalim, but then-
'Jamil's a sexy, sexy snake.'
Jamil smiles at the compliment, genuinely surprised as he listens on.
'my heart went 'BADUMDUMDADADUM'.'
HE smirks. Maybe he SHOULD take advantage of his voice, in more ways than he ever thought he could...
Kalim grins at the prefect's words and walks away, humming happily.
"Roi de Poison!" Rook opens the door and elegantly poses, waiting for Vil to turn around after looking at his reflection in the mirror.
"Rook. Is there something you need?" Vil asks, noticing a tuft of purple hair sticking behind Vil. "Ah, Epel? What a surprise. I didn't expect you to want to talk to me."
"That ain't my- mmph!" Epel was silenced by Rook, who easily grabbed the first year as if he was nothing but air and sat him down on one of the couches available. He then forces Vil to sit as well, smiling as he roles the clip.
'I cried when I first saw him.'
Vil's reaction wasn't even noticeable. Plenty of people cried when meeting him in person.
"Oh, Roi de Poison, your beauty truly touches all those who see it!" Rook compliments, humming.
'-step on me, which makes me pretty happy.'
Epel snickers at this sentence, eyes wide. "Perfect...?"
Vil frowns and shakes his head. "I always get this request from fans... what does that mean, to want to be stepped on me?"
Rook, obviously understanding the prefect, simply says with a happy smile: "Perhaps what they mean is they are delighted to have your beauty, even from a step of a shoe."
"I suppose." Vil shrugs.
'He's hot, but like, he's kinda creepy-'
Epel looks over the huntsman, praying that his friend wouldn't be stalked after those words came out of their mouths. Rook had a gleam in his eyes, something you'd often find when he's stalking watching Leona.
"Roi de Trickster! how delightful!" Rook claps his hands happily. "It'll be a delight for me to give them something back!" He stands up, bow and arrow magically on his hands and walks out with a smile on his face.
Vil stands up, having to take a call, and steps out, leaving Epel alone.
"I hope that prefect says somethin' good..." He mutters to himself as he continues watching.
'Epel is... is kinda hot, man.'
A hot blush fans Epel's face as he pauses the video. 'Me?!'
"They think I'm cool...?" He questions himself before a smirk makes its way towards his mouth.
'How can someone look so cute, but then have this hot, kinda badass look-'
Epel grins widely, happy that someone noticed him for something that is NOT cute. He pauses the video and walks away, smirking.
"Big Brother!" Ortho calls, walking into Idia's room."
"Ortho." Idia turns around from his computer. "Do you need a maintenance check?"
"No, but I found a video where [Name]-san has given their opinions on us," Ortho says.
Idia takes a glance at the title, before shrugging. "Not interested, that's for a bunch of normies..."
"Brother, give it a chance? I've talked to the prefect a few times, and they seem friendly!" Orto quips, playing the video.
'Idia seems like the typical gamer boyfriend you want.'
"E...Eh...?" Idia stutters, looking at the video with wide eyes. "EH?!?" His whole hair combusts into a bright shade of red. "M-m-me in an r-r-romantic- I can't even speak to people in regular social interactions, let alone an r-romantic one!"
"You seem to enjoy it, big brother! Your heart rate has increased, and so has your 'affection' meter!" Ortho giggles.
'he is certainly friendly and cute!'
"I appreciate the prefect's compliments! Perhaps we can compliment them back some other time, big brother!"
"N-no way! There's no way I'm coming out after that!"
"Malleus, did you see what your little friend posted?" Lilia asks, a gleam in his eyes as he hangs from the ceiling. Malleus usually stays away from his questions, but he obliges a nod this time, [Name]'s name having interested him.
"I did not." Malleus shakes his head.
Malleus appears shocked. "I'm cute...?"
"You can be~" Lilia teases. Malleus pouts at that. "See what I mean?" Lilia continues teasing.
Malleus laughs it off, smiling. "I see. I'm... 'cute'."
Sebek enters the room, shouting: "Young Master! I saw the video slandering your-"
Lilia walks towards Sebek and puts a finger over his mouth, silencing him. "Let's just watch it. You too, Silver! Come watch with us."
"...Mhmm..." Silver nods sleepily, walking as he sleepily places his head on top of Sebek. Sebek freezes, but says nothing, for fear of disrespecting Malleus, who also walked towards them.
' his muscles are big if you're into that.'
Silver's eyes snap open as he looks at his arms. "My... arms?"
"Well, maybe some people are just into that stuff~?" Lilia teases innocently. Silver side-eyes his comment.
"Thank you, I suppose, perfect, but I don't think we've met before." Silver scratches his chin, closing his eyes and sleeping once again.
Sebek is about to burst his bubble, but he can't do anything about it!!!
'and that in itself is cute, in a way.'
"C-CUTE?!" Ah, he does burst. "I-- the audacity! Truly, I'm nothing adorable, as they say?!"
"Well, I have to agree with them. You can be cute in your ways, Sebek." Lilia says, like a father to his son. "So are Silver and Malleus."
"Such as that one time you and Silver pee-"
171 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 11:05:08 GMT
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rufusdawes · 3 years
Making Tracks
"Keep going" and "straight ahead" are Joe's two navigational instructions, if not otherwise gesturing forward by a casual waving of his right hand low to my left.
Meanwhile, my hands are spinning the steering wheel faster than some eighteenth century freebooter trying to outmanoeuvre the guns of the East India Trading Company. This is mostly due to the plethora of staking hazards that are found when bush bashing through scrubland somewhere in the eastern fringes of the Great Sandy Desert. Each potential wheel puncturer the remnants of some long dead skinny tree, anywhere from a few inches high to a few feet just waiting for an opportunity to interrupt an afternoon. It doesn't help that I'm in the only Toyota Hilux, the lead vehicle in a convoy of six with the remaining five all being the larger, more rugged and purpose built for such adventure, Toyota Landcruiser. It's not that the Hilux can't handle this kind of off-road terrain but that the relatively low seating, lengthy bonnet and thus my angle of vision means trying to read the landscape that's fifteen feet in front of me and not the six feet I'd get from the upright and high seating in the Landcruisers. So for every 'straight ahead, keep going' I'm getting from Joe, I'm trying to process where my wheels are in relation to all the stakes that have now exited my field of vision whilst also trying to identify and put into memory those still ahead. The five cars behind have got it somewhat easier in that they can now follow the tracks I'm creating.
Eventually, and despite another 'keep going' from Joe, I stop the car as I'm unable to see a path through the scrub infront. We're looking for a sacred men's site not visited for many a year and Joe is my guide, reading the landscape from memory and knowledge of the songlines that helped Pintupi move through this environment for millenia. The vehicles we're able to bring helping people stay connected to their Country by getting to places that are beyond the capability of a Holden Commodore. The stop was good timing since the back right tyre is hissing from the inevitable puncture. As we patch it up the senior men are able to regroup and chat through where they think we now are in relation to the rockhole we're looking for. We're hemmed in by the thick scrub in front as well as some rocky country to our left. It seems we might not be getting in to where the site is thought to be from this direction and we've been pushing through for a couple of hours now. Since we only left basecamp around two o'clock, the decision is made to visit a different site further west, in our approximate direction of travel whilst we still have time.
Despite the fact that the two most senior men, Joe and Bundy, are both in my car from our party of more than twenty, I ask them if they want to jump into one of the Landcruisers to lead. They decline, but with a long way before we get close to this next site, they are happy for us to sit back and let someone else with thicker tyres and more visibility make the tracks for us to follow. Naturally, this is of course the period of the journey where we move into more open and sandy country. Gone are the puncture hazards every couple of yards, replaced only with the occasional dune crossing for which confidence and speed are the two requirements to surmount.
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Sitting three vehicles back from the lead, the tracks are already well defined so the next hour or so is a relatively sedate affair. Eventually, we hit the Sandy Blight Junction Road. Running from the Great Central Road in WA up to the Gary Junction Road in the NT, this single track is a bucket list affair for many the four wheel drive enthusiast. For us, it's a chance to get out of second gear as we head south for a dozen or so kilometres before again peeling off to head through the scrub.
This site, a cave, is close Joe tells me, so we assume the lead once more. To my frustration, scrub, stakes and uneven terrain replace the maintained Sandy Blight and my hands on the wheel are again moving quicker than Bruce Lee's on a wooden dummy. Close is very much a relative term, much like time when you're moving through Pintupi Country. Since it's now gone 5pm and we're due back at camp ideally in an hour to cook for this group plus the twenty or so women that are off hunting at an outstation to the north of Kintore, I'm hoping close means five minutes.
"There should be a track. Keep going, straight ahead" Joe tells me.
There's no track.
"Where's the track? Should be track here."
Still no track.
"When were you last here Joe?"
"Maybe six years. We made a track."
Whatever wheel ruts we've made today could be followed tomorrow. After six years, I'm not so sure. However, this site is much more obvious in the landscape sitting high in a large hill in front of us and close turned out to mean around thirty minutes. The navigation was far more straightfoward despite the absence of a track than to our original intended target.
Upon our arrival, we pile out of our vehicles and climb the last twenty metres to the opening of the cave. Looking out from it's southern facing entrance over the Great Sandy Desert, as the sun sets to our right is a view I'd never thought I'd get to experience in the middle of Australia. Behind me, Joe is telling the men the stories and songlines of this site in language to the other Aboriginal men. To myself and my piranpa (non-Aboriginal) colleague, they are words we neither understand nor should understand. To be here is privilege itself. Many of the fellas were excited to be taken to this important site. It helps place them in this part of the landscape and for some would be the Country of their fathers or grandfathers, helping embed them further into the lore and culture ingrained deep into the desert features.
We leave on dusk and I can now settle behind the fleet of Landcruisers again, though we're retracing our tracks back to the Sandy Blight. From there, it's an hour and a half back to camp, albeit now on this formal track and another as we bypass the afternoon's cross-country adventure. Despite the majority of people responsible for cooking tonight's dinner for the group being in our convoy, the women had returned first from their trip and we arrived to find a chicken stir fry ready for our rapacious appetites. As we retire to our respective campfires following the feed, Joe breaks into song sharing more of the stories of Country with the men. On the other side of camp, the women engage in some traditional dancing. I am tired from another long day behind the wheel and crawl into my swag, lulled to sleep by Joe's distant melodious voice knowing nothing of what he sings. He is accompanied by one of the other tjilpis tapping out a beat and between song there is conversation in language punctuated by occasional laughter. It is among some of the sweetest sounds to fall asleep to and when I awake the next morning I am fully rested and energised to do it all over again. To play my small part for us all to keep going, straight ahead.
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