#we didn't end up doing much today though because the mall we were in??? got put on lockdown?????
somelazyassartist · 9 months
There is. A reason I like to live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a bunch of farms and cornfields. The city is terrifying what the fuck is happening
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
First dates with the boys (Haikyuu) 
Well, I got carried away at the last post of the confession because Bokuto is just so cute. haha But I have this in my drafts so take it as a continuation hehe. But I'll add in more of the boys too. <3
Yuji Terushima is so underrated we need more of this cutie ):
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Characters: Bokuto, Kuroo, Yuuji x f! reader Tw: unchecked works, fluffy.
Bokuto Koutarou
He picked you up waaaaay earlier than your agreed time, luckily you guys were going to the amusement park so you didn't need long to dress up.
He drove because "we can reach there faster and spend more time playing rides!!"
And indeed he does. He plays ALL of the fast and cool rides except the kids ones. But if you want to, he'll definitely go with you on the spinning teacups. And he'll definitely go on the merry go round and ferris wheel with you because "That's what all couples in shows do!!"
He holds your hand and takes pictures of you on the merry go round and posts it on his social media. "I want to
He's also pretty good in all the games so he wins you some stuffed toys as well, he tries he very best to as well. When he doesn't win, you can see he'll start to get a little emo and pouty and you have to tell him that's it's okay, else he might really find somewhere to hide under and pout.
You have to show him that you're REALLY appreciative and happy with what you have, and convince him you REALLY don't need that huge duck anymore.
He goes to the hunted house and he tries to act all macho but he's a little spooked too. In the end you both held hands and ran for the exit.
He then brings you to a nice cafe with milkshakes and ice cream because "that's the way to end an amusement park date!" Gets you everything you want to eat, "don't worry y/n, I'll finish what you can't!"
Sends you home all the way to your doorstep before 12 midnight, and juts his cheeks out, asking you for a peck on the cheeks. Of course you give it to him, he's been nothing but a gentleman the entire day. And he floats all the way back to his car with a goofy grin on his face.
Kuroo Tetsuro
He reached 1 hour early but was worried you might think he's overly eager so he waited somewhere until it was 15 mins to your agreed time and knocked on your door.
He dressed casually but neat at the same time, making it look like he didn't really put much effort but in fact he thought of what to wear for 2 DAYS. He also tried to tame his hair for a good hour prior to meeting you.
He brought you on a mini road trip, had a little mini picnic at the back of his rover on the way to the destination, then you explored the other city a little. To surprise you, he brought you to a little mini event of (something you loved). Like a little pop-up store, or a museum or some small carnival that was being held.
He watches your face light up and he smirks his shit eating smirk, "thought you might like it,"
He holds your hand and let you walk him through the entire thing, telling him about what was your favourite and letting you talk non stop about it. He's a real good listener too and will ask serious questions to learn about whatever you liked.
He then asks you to join him in a volleyball event in the near future and bam, this smooth man gets his second date all ready.
Buys a little souvenir so the both of you can have a "couple" thing.
Brings you to a nice restaurant that he's researched about in that city and pays the bills. Kuroo has sparred no expense on this date with you.
Drives you home and sends you to your doorstep, and gives you a kiss to your forehead. "I had a really good time today, and I already miss you."
Yuuji Terushima
Texts you "I just woke up, are you awake?" before heading over to pick you. This boy looks like he doesn't really sweat it when it comes to first date but in fact he was nervous. He checked himself in the mirror TONS of times even though he was just wearing jeans and t shirt.
Brought you to mall with nice food that wasn't too over the top. And pays the bill because "how can I let a pretty angel pay on her first date with me"
He then brings you to the arcade where he's absolutely thrashing all the high scores there. Basketball, whack a mole, shooting, he even wins in mario kart. He doesn't give in to you even if you're his date.
He wins lots of tickets and he lets you exchange them for anything you'd like.
He's also cool on letting you drag him into those instant photo booths and he draws and decorates your faces in funny stickers. He places it in his wallet's photo holder or the back of his transparent phone cover immediately.
Brings you to watch a live game. Baseball, basketball, volleyball anything that was on that day. This boy knows a lot of sport and he would teach you the rules and could tell who was good and not.
He's all up for impromptu things because after the game, there was a good movie screening when you walked past and he just bought the tickets and off you went for a movie.
It was already late when the movie ended and he just laughed it off saying, "time flies when I'm with a pretty lady."
You were both a little hungry so he made you call home to tell them that you'll be late and he brought you for supper at a place he frequents. It was a nice chill bar and you both had some drinks but he made sure not to let you drink too much.
Gave you his jacket and flagged a cab for the both of you and sent you back home. "I hope you had lotsa fun today, I hope I deserve another date after today," he smirks and kisses your temples.
He then flags another cab home himself.
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Hit The Jackpot || Dabi x villain!fem!reader
Part 2 : The Spark That Lights The Fire
A/n : Please let me know if there is any mistakes or thing that can be improved. Again I'm french so English isn't my first language 🍍🌷 Also my requests are open as always so let me know if you have any ideas 🍭
Part 1 : First Encounter 🔥
Part 3 : Welcome Back 🔥
Masterlist ⚜
Warning : None but a lot of fire at some point so be aware of that if you have any issue with it
Summary : The league goes on a mission but an event makes Dabi realize his feelings for you
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 2374
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More than six months had passed since you joined - got kidnapped - by the League of Villains. You had acclimated quite well. Becoming fast friends with Toga and Twice. Earning the respect of your comrades and your leader by being very useful during missions
Your specialty, suicide missions. Why ? Because it was fun, it gave you a lot of adrenaline. Though you were always careful not to reveal all the quirks you had acquired just in case you found yourself in a tricky situation
Today was a big day, Shigaraki announced to the league that he needed something that was in a highly guarded place, but he wouldn't say where or he wouldn't tell you specially where. Maybe he didn't trust you completely yet
You were paired with Twice, Toga was with Dabi, Skinner with Mr. Compress and it was said that Shigaraki would stay back during this mission to a sort of backup - that's what they were told though
At the end of your meeting, as everyone was leaving, you stood up too but Shigaraki called out to you "Y/n you stay here, Twice too"
Dabi looked at you with a puzzled expression before leaving the room. You had come closer, but it was still Dabi we were talking about, so it meant that he tolerated you closer to him. And that he looked out for you a little during the toughest fights, though he would never admit it. Sometimes, at night, when he was sitting on top of a roof, watching the bustle of the city below him, you would join him and he would let you stay by his side, unlike the others he would have sent to hell. Even if you didn't talk to each other the atmosphere was not heavy, it just felt right
Anyway, Shigaraki explained you a part of the plan that he had not explained to the others, because he wanted to keep it secret. If the allies didn't know the secret weapon aka you, how would the enemies guess it. The victory would be overwhelming
You and Twice left the room a few minutes later, before joining Toga who was sharpening her knives. "Hey Y/n/n" she called out to you
You turned your head towards her about to answer but she was quicker than you and handed you a knife "I stole this for you earlier, I upgraded it so it suits you and now it's yours" she was still smiling at you
You had tears in your eyes as you took the knife out of its sheath. It was very sharp and the blade had a beautiful F/c sheen to it and then it was quite long for a pocket knife. You jumped into her arms giving her a big hug "Thanks Himiko ! This will do a lot of damage !" you said starry-eyed
"Yes I know" she said in a high pitched voice "It's going to be a blood bath !" she laughed
Dabi looked at you both - no he was looking at you - arms crossed from a corner of the room. He was hoping to see more of you on this mission. The others had been much more chill you didn't need to be at 100% of your abilities and today was the opportunity to know your true potential - he was sure of it
The tension was at its peak, you were all hidden… in fact… it had gone a little wrong… in short the heroes had showed up and you were reduced to hiding. The site worked in your favor, as the abandoned shopping mall you were in offered plenty of hiding places to ambush your enemies
As usual you were excited about the action. You then looked at Twice out of the corner of your eye and saw that he was looking at you too, he knew that at some point he'll have to do the special secret attack Shigaraki told you both about earlier and even though he trusted you he didn't want to do it for fear of hurting you or worse
Dabi watched this exchange of looks with a frown, he felt something inside him rise up that bothered him in every way and he had no idea what was happening to him- "You like her don't you ?" a voice was heard next to him
He growled as he looked at his teammate "Mind your business shit-stirrer-" he wanted to shut her up
"I look at the people I love the same way… Ochako-chan, Izuku-kun-" she was cut off by his roaring voice but he still had to be quiet
"I told you to shut the fuck up you fucking-" he stopped as one of the heroes entered his field of vision. He quickly looked in your direction to make sure you were safe, but he saw you retreat from your hiding place and take to the heights, followed by Twice who was mentally preparing for what was to come
As the two of you continued to move forward, your teammates didn't quite understand what was happening. Meanwhile, the heroes began to move in on the perimeter of the mall's ground floor.
All the villains looked at each other "What do we do now ?" Skinner asked.
But as Dabi raised his hand in the air to attack them - which wouldn't kill them all on the spot like he wanted - he felt Toga tug on his jacket. He whipped his head towards her "Don't touch-"
"Hey look !" she whispered yelled at him, pointing to the top floors of the mall
You were reflecting the sunlight off the blade of your knife - the one she had given you - to signal something apparently. Several dozen meters from the ground you signaled them to be quiet and not to move. They made big gestures towards you but stopped when they saw Twice coming behind you
In his hand he was holding a can - which looked like a gas can - before he spilled it on you. Toga's eyes went wide - and Dabi's too. You approached the edge where one of the railings was broken and leaned in slightly to see what was happening underneath
You took a deep breath and threw a stone, so as to attract the attention of the heroes who had come to prevent you from carrying out your mission. You clenched your fists as you saw them approaching the spot where the stone had landed. You concentrated hard, the quirks you wanted to use today hadn't been used in a long time - not even since you joined the lov
Twice reached into his pocket and fished out a box of matches - the one Shigaraki had given him - of course he had found a way to know that you had these quirks. He cracked it and it burst into flames
At the same time, Dabi's eyes widened even more, he wanted to do something but it was too late. You jumped off the edge of the floor and while you were doing a flip Twice threw the match at you and you burst into flames. As you fell you couldn't see Dabi raise his hand to you from afar as if he wanted to catch you but you kept falling. No one saw as they were busy watching you attack the heroes
The heroes all looked above them because of the light emanating from the fire around you but before they could do anything you landed on the ground. And the moment you touched it you released all your power
A wave, no a tidal wave of fire, swept over them, the heat rising high and killing them all without any chance of survival. Your fellow lov's were stunned by what you just did and Dabi was ready to kill Twice
But as the temperature returned to normal and the dust settled you could be seen at the bottom - in an almost ironic superhero pose - fist and knee resting on the cracked ground around you from the force of the impact of the landing, your cheeks covered in soot, your clothes partially burned and your crazy hair
Twice's voice breaks the macabre silence "Y/n are you okay ? Are you okay ?"
He was more than satisfied with the answer you gave him, you let out a high-pitched cry of joy "Wow that was amazing ! And there is no one left ! It's over ! We did it !"
"We did it !" Toga joined you before jumping from the second floor where she and the others were hiding "You were so badass- aaah shit !" she screamed as she tried to hug you but got burned when she touched you. Your body was still burning
The others arrived, Dabi in the background and when Twice arrived he had to restrain himself from burning him or at least putting a good punch in his face. He clenched his jaw and looked at him deeply as if he was about to kill him. He restrained himself as much as possible and took a very threatening step in his direction Twice jumped back before hurrying towards you and Toga
"Everyone turned in his direction and began to make their way out of the dilapidated and now charred building
The same could not be said for you, as you took a step and fell back to the ground, your energies drained by your previous attack
Skinner turned and ran to you to help you up but also got burned when he tried to touch your arm "I'm sorry but you're burning"
Dabi, who was leading the way, closed his eyes and took a deep breath that was as quiet as possible. He turned around and came back to you "Keep going" he told the others
He walked to you "Can you stand up ?" he said in a cold voice - a voice he never used with you. He didn't give you time to answer as he bent down to you and put an arm around your waist before pulling you to his side, you put a left arm around him to help you walk
Of course he didn't mind the heat, he didn't mind helping you either, the problem was that he thought you were going to die and that made him realize something he always despised about others and feared for himself
It felt strange to feel him so close and at the same time so far away. You tried to meet his eyes by looking in his direction but he didn't let anything show on the outside except anger
"Dabi ?" you tried your luck but he didn't answer "Dabi ?" you insisted again but he didn't and it was starting to annoy you "I swear if you don't intend on answering me leave me here instead I'm sure I'd be much better off"
"Leave you here ?" he replied in a tone brimming with venom "Let me laugh, first try to walk without my help before trying to be witty"
Exasperated you shot him a glare before wiggling out of his grasp. You almost fell but he got you on time "Why being so mean ! I just saved our asses ?!?"
"Don't remember asking you to do fuckin' anythin' for me"
"You're an asshole !" if you weren't this badass you would have teared up but you were strong and kept talking "Your body would NOT have supported so much heat ! I did what was right for the league !"
"Whatever" he scoffed, he know you were right
"You know" you started "I thought we had some consideration for each other after all. I'm disappointed that I was so wrong"
Even though he didn't want to let it show, he felt sorry for you. He never hated you heck he doesn't think he would ever hate you for anything. But he got really scared back then and he doesn't know how to tell you nor if he really wants to
"So that's why Shigaraki called you back into his office earlier. It was to put your little plan in place… it won't work all the time like this"
"Why are you still complaining ?"
Your remark probably didn't appeal to him because he suddenly snapped at you "Don't you understand ?!? I thought you had sacrificed yourself for us that you desperately let yourself be set on fire so that we wouldn't get caught by those damn heroes !"
You looked at him deeply, your mouth opening and closing like a fish, you didn't have the words your habits have never been a problem in your life and yet this seemed to be one for him
"Do you care… for me ?"
"I just say you're reckless and that one day you're going to pay the price" he replied more calmly now
This seemed to calm you down and you put your left arm back around him to support you as you both walked out of the mall. And you decided to speak again while you were away from the others "In that case I think you're rekless too"
You thought he was going to ignore you but you felt his arm tighten on your waist, his long fingers squeezing your side as if to let you know that he understood you and reciprocated your feelings
You brought your right hand up to where he was holding you firmly to catch his fingertips. For the moment you would be satisfied with that, after all there were people around you and you knew that you would see him again very soon alone on the roof of the HQ as usual. But who knows, maybe this time you'll have a chat with him
Once you had joined the others you couldn't help but see Toga's mischievous smile before your attention was drawn to Shigaraki's voice congratulating you all for having successfully completed your mission
At least you assume so, because your vision darkened and the only thing you were aware of was the screams of your comrades and Dabi's grip closing in on your waist
A/n : I'm wondering if I should do a third part because yeah we are still alive 🎉 I hope you guys liked it ! 🧵🧶 Again my requests are open 🧩🧸
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Breakable Heaven | Chapter Eight: LDSK
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Summary: a lot can happen in 2 days.
Warnings: LDSK plotline, canon typical violence, gun violence (y'all know), Hotch verbally and physically assaults spencer, Haley goes into Labour
Word Count: 5k
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Looking at all the information in front of her, she felt a little overwhelmed. This wasn’t what she was expecting for her first big case with them, especially not when Spencer was about to fail his gun qualification... She was still so mad at him, that she didn't even kiss him goodbye before he got on the plane.
Franklin Park Des Planes 
3 shootings in two weeks
6 shot all in the abdomen, 1 fatality 
1st - married father of 3, died outside a shopping mall parking lot
9 days later - Miller, Parks @ community centre 
4 days later (today) - Middleton, Murray, Reilly @ Franklin Park 
No link between victims, using frangible rounds which fragment on impact and make ballistics comparisons basically impossible. 
1 patient has an in-tact bullet lodged in his spine.
Her notes from the briefing were even more intense.. 
Long Distance Serial killer - never before caught with a profile 
Always male, frequently have law enforcement or military experience and they always contact the police or the media - For both credit and to relive the experience 
Underkill /= Sadistic Killer?
Smart, resourceful, paranoid sociopath? 
Does he aim to wound or because it’s the biggest spot on the target? Is he unable to take the kill shot with skill or willpower?
She sighs, overwhelmed as all hell and Penelope can see it on her face. “Wanna talk about it?” 
“The case or my love life?” She turns to her with an unimpressed glance, miserable regardless of what she picked. 
“I’m sorry we caused that,” she keeps her voice down even though it’s just the two of them. 
“It’s fine,” she waves it off and looks over her shoulder to the flight path, “they’re getting ready to land soon, is there anything I should be doing right now?” 
“Uh,” Penelope looks around at all her paperwork. “Can you use those computers over there to go through the men in Des Planes with honourable and dishonourable discharges or past police work and pinpoint the weird ones?” 
“On it,” she wheels over to the other desk and starts imputing the perimeters, searching through everything to the best of her abilities. 
She connected a few dots, matching current police officers to their former military files and double-crossing it with their shift changes and ordering in cellphone pings for them over the last 3 weeks. No one was a perfect match, but she did notice one thing. 
She called Gideon as soon as he was at the Des Planes hospital, even though she didn’t want to talk to him, this was of his concern. “What do you have?” Is how he picks up. 
“Each shooting happens between the first/second shift changes, is it more likely for him to be coming off the first or doing it before the second?” 
“Good question,” he thinks it over. “It’s most likely going to be before, so he can look into said shooter without anyone knowing it’s him… thanks for the tip.” 
And like that, he hangs up. 
“Is Gideon always so dry?” 
“Most of the time, yeah,” she shrugs it off. “I think it’s easier for him to not take it home if he’s a grouch all the time.” 
“He told Spencer not to date me?” She finally lets it slip. “And he said he wasn’t were just fucking… and I told him I’m over it now that he’s explained why but like, I’m still so pissed?” 
“Understandably,” Penelope sympathizes. “I didn’t think he’d hold back once he got a girlfriend, I thought he’d be screaming it from the rooftops…” 
“Cause he’s been single for so long?” 
She nods, “yeah, and he deserves to have someone love him. Really love him.” 
“Believe me, I do,” she can’t help but blush. “It's almost scary how much I love him.” 
“I know he loves you, too. Ever since the banquet I knew you two were going to end up together,” she shimmies with glee. “It’s so nice to see two smart young people with such different lives come together and fall in love and sneak around and pretend they’re not.”
She laughs, “it’s stressful when it’s happening to you… but then again you know what that’s like.” 
“I’ve never had a secret boyfriend?” Penelope looks confused. 
“Derek?” Andy points out. “You two are made for each other.” 
“No, no, I’m afraid you’ve fallen victim to my fabulous acting skills,” she sighs, covering her eyes and spinning in her office chair. “We’re simply ships passing in the night.” 
“Uh-huh,” she doesn’t believe it for a second. “Just promise me I can be the maid of honour at your wedding?” 
The morning of day 2 was weird. 
She woke up alone at her house, made her own coffee, she even kissed Haley’s tummy and said goodbye to her before she drove off by herself. 
She spent last night on the phone with Spencer, the team had the night off as they, unfortunately, waited for another shooting to happen. The more victims, the more clues, that was the most disturbing part of the job to her. Just waiting for people to die. 
Not long after they woke up, the 4th shooting happened. 3 people were simply having lunch when the shots rang through the courtyard, wounding them all. 
They made it to the hospital in time, all 3 people would live but at what cost? The damage done to their bodies and minds will last a lifetime, but it was Andy’s job to catch this guy and help ease that pain a bit. Let it not be for nothing.
She spends a lot of her day calling her dad, well, Agent Hotchner, with the information she’s gathered. They knew so far, that the slug they removed from a survivor's spine matched to an M4 version of the M16 rifle… it’s an intense weapon that requires a lot of skill. This man was indeed trained, skilled and aiming for the stomachs for a reason. 
Today they were re-enacting exactly how the shooter was able to do what he did during the 3rd shooting, in broad daylight, in the middle of a park, without a single person noticing him. They figured he parked in a homemade handicap spot, sat in his trunk and shot the 3 easiest targets at the time before speeding out. 
Garcia had a secondary feed streaming to her bat cave from every angle of the park, watching the team set up and move around. Andy’s eyes stayed mostly on Spencer. 
He was with Derek in the field, pretending to be the father and son playing football before the father was shot. He had a camera in his hands, detailing his view of the situation at hand to further examine if that witness could tell them anything more. So far, they had nothing. 
Gideon and JJ are in the trailer on site, watching the same feed as them and on speakerphone with Penelope. She heard every order, she knew everything that was happening and then suddenly she didn’t. 
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” JJ’s voice rumbles down the line. “Look at this,” she’s clearly talking to Gideon and the squad leader. 
“Contact with the media,” Gideon responds and then they head feet shuffling out of the room followed by silence. 
Penelope starts searching, finding the Des Planes news coverage as they described the re-enactment and told the public that a member of the police department was the shooter. 
Just before the reporter can sign off, JJ is walking up behind him with anger beaming from her eyes. “FBI. We need you to reveal your sources.” 
“I know my rights,” he scoffs. “I’m not telling you anything— hey!” 
Gideon grabs his arms and twists them behind his back, reaching for a set of handcuffs. 
“We believe this is an act of terrorism, and under the patriot act, we can detain you for as long as we need to,” JJ informs him. “Now, who is your source.” 
“I don’t know, really!” He gets defensive. “All I have is the phone number that called in the tip.” 
“Watch this,” Penelope turns to Andy with a smirk. Her phone rings then and she taps the connect button, “yes sir.” 
“Garcia, we need you to run a number for us, 847 555 5843.” 
“on it,” she says while typing away, pulling up screens and transferring information, she worked faster than Andy’s eyes could even follow. “It’s a police-issued work phone… give me a minute to pull up the system. McCarty. Scott McCarty.” 
“Thanks,” Gideon hangs up almost as fast as he called and her eyes were back on the screen. 
No one is moving. There isn’t a fallback order, nothing. “Shouldn’t we tell them the shooter is possibly there?” 
Penelope shakes her head, “starting a commotion could make him start shooting.” 
Minutes feel like hours as she watches in fear, the worst anxiety she’s ever known creeps up her throat as she watches Spencer carefully. She feels almost weepy, far too in love with this man to be doing this kind of job with him.
“How do you do this?” She whispers. “How do you sit here and listen to terrible things happen every day?” 
“Kinda have to,” she reminded Andy. “But I cope with these,” she teaches forward and grabs a little purple stuffed owl to hand to Andy. “They bring me comfort and joy, and whenever something happens, like when someone dies and I feel like if I did something sooner, it would help… I buy one of these and I put them here so that they can help me save the next person.” 
“But what if it was Spencer?” She whispers again. 
“It won’t be,” she tries her best to assure Andy, rubbing her back gently. “Derek's got his back.” 
And that he did. As soon as the SWAT team moved in for McCarty, who just so happened to be playing the fake unsub, Derek pulled Spencer to the ground. 
“Get down!!” Derek basically got on top of Spencer, shielding his head with his arm as he watched the SWAT guys take down the unsub. 
Just when it seemed safe, just when he let Spencer sit back up, a shot rang through the open field. McCarty was shot between the eyes. From where? No one knew. Everyone simply hit the deck while SWAT raised their weapons and started looking around. 
“oh my god,” Andy covers her mouth as she gasps, “he was there!!” 
Penelope immediately pulls up traffic footage for the area, watching every single car that was going slightly above the speed limit, swerving or just looking sketchy. She flipped between screens while Andy moved to the other side of the office, she logged back onto her set of computers and began looking into everything about Scott McCarty. 
His recent contacts, shift schedules, his wife, her MSN account, and their digital footprint was small but from what she saw, he was just a normal man. Now deceased for no reason other than the unsubs inability to share the spotlight… that was it. 
She called her dad quickly, it rang and rang until finally, he picked up. “I think I figured it out,” she leads. 
“He shot McCarty because he took his lime lite, he shot a cop between the eyes in broad daylight, I don’t think he’s a cop… what if he’s an EMT? He wouldn’t have contacted the media if he’s the one picking the victims up?” 
“Hero Homicide,” he confirms her theory. “Check into all medical personnel between the Des Planes and Arlington Hospitals, if he’s switching jurisdictions then he might have gotten fired and moved to another hospital. This is a fantastic lead, Andy.” 
“Go get him, dad.” 
They watched Gideon and the surgeon that removed the slug from one of the victims argue behind glass. In the small observation room together, Gideon accused the extremely narcissistic man of a murder charge. 
Doctor Landman was one of those doctors who believed he was god, that no one was in better hands than his own. He wasn’t the most talented, he was so arrogant they turned him down for chief of surgery, he fucked all the nurses and even some of the doctors and drove a hot red car.
He was a douch. 
“My guess is Dr. Pate is going to corroborate Landman’s alibi,” Hotch explained as he led Spencer down the hall towards the OR. apparently, this woman was sleeping with him at the time of the last shooting. 
“You don’t think Landman’s the shooter? 
“Richard Angelo wanted to be a hero because in his everyday life he was a nobody. Landman’s a surgeon. He has power and recognition— 
“Yeah but you know surgeons are a different breed. They’re the stars in their field and Landman is definitely not one of them,” Spencer scoffs quickly. 
“Excuse me, I’d like to speak to Dr. Pate?” Hotch asks the first person in a white coat he sees. His badge was open and in front of the man so he knew it was important. 
Cautiously, the man looks him up and down, “yes sir. I’ll go find her for you.” He turns immediately and walks away, unable to give them a view of his name tag for a follow-up. 
Spencer notices how weird that is but he lets it slip. Everyone must’ve been on high alert knowing a shooter was somewhere in their town. Who knew when the hospital was next on his to-do list, right? 
“The motivations of hero homicide are excitement, power and respect, and even though Landman’s not a star, he still gets respect. Racing against the clock to save someone's life is exciting."
"Maybe it's not exciting enough," Spencer mumbles, "that’s… thats why he shoots three people at the same time." 
"But he can only operate on one at a time," Hotch adds, making him think harder. "It wouldn’t be any more exciting…. At least not for Landman and not in the OR."
"Policemen and ER personnel are on the exact same 24-hour shift schedule," Spencer comes to the same conclusion Andy had on the phone. "The unsub wasn’t shooting on shift change because there are fewer cops on the street. He works the second shift in the emergency room!"
Hotch takes out his phone and hits buttons to no avail, “sir, you can't use a cellphone in a hospital.” A nurse announces as she hears the dial tone. 
Hotch migrates over to her, Reid in tow. “Excuse me, for a moment, please?” 
She follows him around the nurse's counter and watches him take his badge out once more. “We’re FBI agents, and we believe that one of your staff members might be the sniper.” He uses a calm and delicate tone with her, talking at her level with words she would get outside of his profile. 
Her eyes widen but she keeps her composure. 
“Now the man that we’re looking for works the second shift, and he would’ve transferred from Arlington in the past two weeks.”
“We haven’t hired any new personnel in two months.” 
“Are you sure?
“Yeah.” She’s very certain. “I’ve got patients who need me,” she goes to walk away from him, not interested in being fear mongered into giving him information. 
Aaron places a gentle hand on her arm, “he’s vain, rude, arrogant, he works out, he shows up to work late, he blames others for his mistakes,” he lists on and her expression falters. 
She looks away as she falls deeper in thought, she knows someone who fits that exact description and her heart sinks to her stomach. “Oh, my god. It’s Philip Dowd. he’s— he picks up shifts at Arlington.”
“Is he here today?” He keeps his voice calm so that she will follow his lead. 
She looks around, beginning to panic, “oh, my god?” 
“It’s okay,” Aaron soothes her gently. “Your patients need you to stay calm. Tell me, is Dowd working today?” 
She nods, swallowing sharply to hold in her fear. 
“Do you see him?” 
She looks around carefully, Spencer follows her eyes as a second measure. “no.” 
“Go tell Gideon,” Hotch taps Spencer on the shoulder and then he’s off. 
Running around the nurse's station like a chicken with its head cut off, barely looking where he’s going, “Reid, easy.”  Hotch reminds him and he slows slightly. Not wanting to cause panic in the hospital by proxy. 
He starts walking calmly towards the doors as the same man they talked to before comes barreling in removing his M16 from under his doctor's coat. Before Spencer has time to react, Dowd hits him in the nose with the butt of his gun, knocking him to the floor. 
He loads the weapon, ignoring Spencer’s passed-out form as he aims for the one and only security guard in the OR. he makes the man drop his gun, he grips him by the uniform and holds him as leverage. His first order of business is to shoot out the control room, insuring not a single message could be sent out and sending the OR into lockdown mode. 
The lights drop to an ugly yellow, alarming everyone inside as they seek to cover. Hotch is quick to pull his gun, pointing it at Dowd. 
Dowd points right back, only his weapon is much larger and much more powerful. “Nobody moves and nobody dies.”
Haley never normally called Penelope… she normally called Aaron or Anderson, but never Penelope. 
The name pops up on her screen, Andy sees it from over her shoulder, she’s on line 3, so Andy picks up. “Haley?” 
“Oh, thank God,” she sounds panicked, her breathing heavy and laboured, “my water broke and I can’t get ahold of Jess and Aaron is god knows where, I need you, Andy. I need you, please?” She’s crying, scared and in pain. 
“I’m on my way, you stay put and don’t hesitate to call 911 if you feel you’re not safe! I’m coming!” She waits for Haley’s string of “okay, okay,” and hangs the phone up. 
Penelope heard all of it in her ear, “you go, I’ll tell Aaron when I can.” 
“Please, make sure they get out of there safe,” she takes a moment to be scared, too. “Jack can’t lose his dad before he even gets to meet him… a-and—
“Spencer will get to hear you tell him you love him again, I promise, now go!” Penelope shoos her and she’s off. 
Her heels click and clack as she runs down the long hallway, knowing if she got to the other side of the building the elevators where she’s parked in the garage will be closer. And just her luck, the doors open as she comes barreling towards them. 
“Hold it! Hold it!” 
The man keeps his arm in front of the door, she attempts to slow down but only stops when she hits the elevator wall, “sorry, sorry,” she tries to catch her breath. “Garage, my moms in labour.” 
He hits the button for her, “you’re Hotchner’s kid, right?” 
She nods, still winded from running, “yep. That’s me.” 
She starts digging through her purse, looking for her keys and finding them all the way at the bottom. The man watches the whole time, he looks familiar but she has no idea who he is. He doesn’t say much more until the doors open on his floor, “good luck, and congrats!” 
“Thanks,” she presses the close doors button so the elevator will go faster, she really needed to get her ass moving. 
It was Haley’s first baby, and while it was a boy, she was concerned that he would come fast. There were so many wives' tales that boys took forever, they would stay in there as long as possible and their labours were always long… but Haley’s been on the edge of labour for so long, there was no knowing with this one. 
She’s on auto-pilot as she drives home. Her mind is in a million different places, she can’t even imagine missing her own kids' birth, her dad was probably losing his mind… and how was she going to tell Haley that Aaron was in the same hospital as an LDSK…
Within seconds, Aaron's gun was unholstered, off the safety and pointed at Dowd. 
Aaron stared him down, sandwiched between their aim was the poor guard, shaking and sweating while he stared at Aaron with pleading eyes. 
“It better be a headshot,” Dowd eggs him on. “I got this on full auto. Anything less, I go down squeezing the trigger.” 
Aaron lowers his weapon and places it on the counter. Dowd knocks the unarmed guard to the floor, moving over to Aaron to take his weapon. He calls Spencer up from the floor, “come on, up. Double time!” 
Spencer nervously rushes over, falling behind Hotch in fear. 
“Take your partner's gun and place it on the counter.” 
“He’s not armed,” Hotch answers promptly, but down hesitates to believe him. “See for yourself.” He pushes Spencer towards him, 
“Hands on your heads,” he insists before he pats him down. “Okay,” he believes him when he feels nothing. He beckons the guard closer, making him cuff the two agents and then himself with zip-ties. “Get down on the ground.” 
Spencer sits in seconds, Aaron slowly moves, unwilling to diminish his dominance. 
“Now what kind of agent doesn’t carry a gun?” Dowd laughs at him. 
“I’m a profiler,” Spencer can barely meet his eyes, shaking in fear. 
He was never going to see Andy again. He was doing the one thing he promised he wouldn’t do to her, only two days after she asked. He was going to die, he was going to let her dad die, and he wasn’t going to be able to do anything to help. 
“They sent you to figure me out?” He gets angrier. 
“We did, thats how we found—,” Spencer bites back. 
“Shut up, Reid,” Hotch cuts him off with a stern voice. 
“No, no, don’t shut up,” he’s interested in what Spencer has to say. “What do you think you know about me, boy?” 
Spencer hesitates, unsure what the best approach could be when Hotch comes in, “go on, genius. Tell him. Tell Him!” He gets angrier. “But remember, get it wrong and he’s going to kill you.”
Spencer's gaze flip-flops between the two men, horrified as Dowd nods in agreement, “yeah.”
He swallows sharply, unable to do that. Frozen in fear. 
“Okay, then,” he turns the gun to Hotch. “You’re the boss, you tell me. Who am I? What’s my plan?” 
“I know you shot 11 people in broad daylight and left us nothing,” he complains, mirroring the same narcissism as him but not in a competitive sense. It was a way that he would be able to relate, to compare to himself and maybe, hopefully, loop Hotch into his plan. 
“You excited a cop in front of the FBI and got away clean and I know your plan is to go down in a hail of bullets.”
“And?” He wants more. 
“I know you’re the smartest man in every room and no one’s ever known it. People feel threatened by you and try to sabotage you every chance they get. You’re not a bad person, you helped save all your victims afterward. The first guy wasn’t even your fault?” His shoulders raise, and his face scrunches like he has a sour taste in his mouth. “If the paramedics weren’t so fucking incompetent you’d have a perfect record.” 
“It took those guys 13 minutes. THIRTEEN!” He screams. As riled up as Hotch was trying to get him. 
“You’re gonna want to barricade the door,” he keeps his voice low but his brows raised, antagonizing him. 
Spencer turns to him with fear, “what?” 
“Shut up,” he spits back at Spencer, something he’d never normally do. That’s when Spencer got it. “Have me and the kid do it. Let them see that you’ve got two FBI agents in here doing your bidding.”
“Yeah right, let you give them a signal?” He tries to stay one step ahead of Hotch, but he can't. 
“What signal?” He gets visibly fed up. “They knew you were in here and armed and they sent me in with the gunless child who can’t shoot his way out of a wet paper bag. What can I tell them?” 
Dowd snaps back into it, holding the gun up so he can look at Hotch through the site, “what is this? Some kind of profiler trick?” 
Hotch stares him down, not faltering for a second. 
“I mean,” Dowd lowers his weapon just slightly. “The barricade is a good idea… but why the hell do you want to help me?” 
Hotch laughs, “oh, I don’t. I’m just sick and fucking tired of this. You know he’s sleeping with my daughter?” He points at Spencer, his anger building. “He pretends to love her but he’s just doing it to build his way up through the FBI, hanging off me and my reputation like a leech and now look where we are?” 
Dowd laughs, “this loser?” 
“Tell me about it,” Aaron huffs.
“So you want to help me?” 
“I don’t want to help you, but when they come storming in here for the cop you killed you’re going to go down fighting and a lot of us are going to die in the crossfire. They sent me in here, I figure why make it easy for them?” 
“Oh, thats good,” Dowd loves it. 
“Mhm,” he nods, smirking at him. “And you wanna know why they took away boy genius’s gun?”
“Why?” He wants a good laugh. 
“He failed his qualification 2 days ago!” He lets his frustration out, and it's that simple lie that leads Spencer to believe this is all plan… 
“Twice a year I’ve gotta hear him whine about re-qualifying and every year I try and help him and you know how he repays me? By spending more time shooting into my daughter and then telling people he doesn’t even love her! He’s a sick little fuck, it serves him right to go out like this.” 
“You think you’ve got it rough?” Dowd’s anger builds again. “These people done nothing but undermine me since I got here.”
“Put them next to the barricade,” Hotch says it like it’s nothing, but it’s far from nothing. He’s moving all the civilians out of the way. “That way when they blast their way in here, both our problems are solved… that kinda thing could ruin a cop's career.” 
“You are one sick mother fucker,” Dowd shakes his head with glee. 
“how do you think I found you?” Hotch smiles. “We’ve walked the same path, been dealt the same cards, walked all over, kicked when we’re down. It’s our turn to show them who they’ve been messing with.” 
His ankle gun.
Hotch wasn’t fully pat down, he still had a weapon. He was dropping clues for Spencer with each mean word he said against him. Andy must’ve told him about their session shooting the other day, how she told him to be able to protect her father at all costs, even if he didn’t have a gun on himself. There would always be another one on Aaron.  
“Let's do this,” he smirks and then looks past Aaron with his gun held up, “I want all of you against this wall. NOW!” He points by the door and they all flee like moths to light. Huddling close in fear as they sit back down on the ground. 
Once everyone is where they are, Aaron speaks up again. “Can I ask you a favour?” 
“Like?” Dowd spins back to him, guards down fully now. He trusted Aaron. 
“I figured the chances of my getting out of here are pretty slim, so, can I just beat the shit out of him while I still have the chance?” He motions to Spencer.
Dowd laughs, “be my guest.” 
Aaron stands, towering over Spencer, he mouths, “left,” and begins to kick him. “You stupid, arrogant, know it all.” Each word gets him a kick. It hurt, he pushed through it, nonchalantly unclipping the holster and taking the small revolver from him. 
He kicks him a few more times for good measure, “fuck you! Fuck you for ruining my life, my family!! My daughter's innocence!” That one felt too real. 
“Fuck you,” he takes a deep breath and pulls back. Huffing slightly he slumps back down. “Thanks, Phil.” 
Laying on his side, cowering in pain, Spencer keeps the gun out of his sight. 
“I think he got the message,” Hotch announces and Dowd smiles at him, big and wide when the shot rings out and the blood starts to trickle down his face. 
He drops to his knees and then faceplants, dead in a pool of his own blood. Spencer did that. He shot him. He saved the day. 
“Oh my god?” He turns to Hotch as he runs to the door. 
“Hold your fire!! Federal Agent, hold it!!” He waves his hands, getting the civilians out of the way again. “I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” He apologizes to everyone. The nurse he talked to earlier runs into his arms, sobbing. 
The whole room lingers with fear. 
By the time he sees Hotch again, he’s sitting in the back of an ambulance holding the small revolver in his hands. “Hey, Spence.” 
He smiles at him, “you don’t have to say anything. I know you didn’t really mean it.” 
He takes a seat beside Spencer and wraps his arm around him, “whether we like it or not, we’re family now. I need you to know that as long as you mean the world to Andy, you mean the world to me too. I wouldn’t let you die and I’m thankful you got the memo.” 
“I couldn’t let you die either,” he manages to laugh, “even if I lived, she’d murder me. And no offence, sir, but she’s scarier than you.”
“That’s how I raised her to be,” Aaron assures him with a sweet smirk. “I’m really glad that out of all the guys in the world, she picked you.” 
Spencer gives him a sweet smile, “so can I call you dad?” 
“Don’t push it,” Aaron pumps him with his shoulder. 
They sit in silence at the end of the ambulance, leaning on the bumper and taking a second to relax. Their blood pressure went down, breathing settled, and adrenaline went down… they both felt tired and ready for a nap on the plane ride home. 
When Aaron's phone rings, it’s Penelope’s name on the ID. “Hello?” He answers softly. 
“Sir, how are you?” She asks anxiously. 
“Okay… what’s up?” 
“um. Well—
“Jack was born…” 
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dinodinodin0 · 2 years
Can I request 29 “You are so not who I thought you were” &/or 36 “She used to be really popular, and then it was like, she got sick of it or something.” From the 10 things prompts?
Ahh ty for responding to the prompt list !! <3
You used to be apart of the cheerleading table, sitting along with your friends and their jock boyfriends. You used to be at least semi-popular. You'd go to the mall with them, you were always invited to parties.
That is, until they started to notice you glancing at the freak. At lunch they'd talk about whoever they hated that day, and all you could do was pretend to listen, nod, and break eye contact with them to stare at Eddie. you couldn't help being fascinated by him. You admired how much he didn't care about other people opinions, and just did what made him happy. You loved scanning the details in his vest, and started imagining combing your fingers through his curls.
Eventually, your table sat you down for a sort of "familly meeting," or rather, a public execution.
"look. You're a vital part of this table, seriously..and all of that, but we don't want you hanging around that satanist freak," Jason spat, hands in the table leaving over to you.
"i-i don't hang out with him-"
"yeah well the entire table can see you eye-fucking him every chance you get, and we don't want a satanist fucker at our table. Okay? So, what'll it be. Your friends or some random punk who doesn't know who you are."
The entire table stared at you, awaiting and expecting you to just play along and forget all about it once you agreed to stop looking at him, but no. You were tired. You may be popular, but you only were if you did what they wanted. You'd lose your footing if you did anything out of the predisposed pre-affirmed moves, interests, or apparently, where-ever your eyes followed.
"y'know what Jason?" You stood up, " I don't feel like sitting here anymore. You're suffocating, and I can smell the box dye bleach from your hair all the way at this end of the table."
You huff and walk away, leaving your food.
"oh, and everybody in this school knows who I am. Dick."
The entire table stared at you, but then their eyes all shift to Jason, who was bright red.
And that was that, it'd been a few months now and you didn't talk to those friends of yours, except for maybe Chrissy in passing. Just like that you were outcasted, and the power you held over other people in hallways dissapated. Now you were being talked about, as you passed them.
"yeah, she used to be really popular, and then she like, got tired of it or something."
You didn't care though, you were happy that you could do whatever you wanted now. If you were already a social nobody, nothing else you did could make it any worse.
You usually sat in the music room for lunch. It was quiet, and nobody else really went there at the last lunch period. You expected today to be the same, but after a few minutes of decompressing, you watched as Eddie Munson walked through the door.
Your breath hitched. These past few months you've tried forgetting about him, because even though he was the reason you left your group, you were still too nervous to talk to him, and you were embarrassed about liking him. Not because he was an outcast, god no, but because you knew he'd never like you back. I mean.. you're a cheerleader, and he's some metalhead.
He slowly approached you, beginning to speak.
"hey, y/n is it?" He stared, looking down at you, as you just stared back at him. Too nervous to say anything.
"oookey. Well, I wanted to say what you did at your table was.. really badass. I know it's been honestly quite a bit but I honestly assumed you were going to be an asshole like the rest of them, so I didn't think of coming up to you" he chuckled, as he sat next to you, his pretty brown eyes peering down at you.
You cleared your throat, "oh uh.. thanks. I uh, I really... I mean those guys.. uh, shit-" he chuckled at you, tilting his head, "shit, sorry, I'm just nervous, lemme start over. That table.. sucked. Frankly. I'm glad you thought I was bad.. badass." You laughed, relieved you at least got through your sentence.
"y'know y/n? You are so not what I thought you'd be like. You're really adorable honestly"
You almost choked on air as he said that, he laughed at you and brought his chin to his chest.
"you nervous 'bout me? I mean. I know I'm all big and scary sweetheart but I promise I'm a huge wimp," he stood up, eyes staying on you as he shifted his weight.
"i-im sorry. I not nervous because you look.. scary.."
"ah. So you think I'm handsome than isn't it? I knew it. nobody can resist the Munson charm," he jokes, flexing an arm and posing.
"I mean yeah, basically" you blurt out, reddening as you realized what you confessed.
You both stood there for a second, and you could practically hear your heart beating.
"you and I are going somewhere. I'll meet you in the parking lot after school" he says, smiling and walking swiftly to the door.
"what? Where are we going??" You call over to him in disbelief.
"on a date!" He yells back, now out of the classroom.
*hehehehe >:))*
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pbandjesse · 6 months
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What a day. I have a lot to think about right now. Because we saw three awesome houses. I wasn't supposed to like all of them!! So much to think about now.
The rest of today was very full too. I wasn't in the best headspace this morning though. I did not sleep well at all. I woke up my back pack a bunch and I was very cold. I just wasn't having a good time.
I slept in until 930 but it didn't help. I just felt really upset. James came and laid with me but they weren't fixing anything. Didn't close the window. Weren't making me feel better. I was being a big baby about it but I tried not to be to upset.
I took a shower to try to feel better. I got dressed and liked my outfit and felt a little better physically but emotionally I was just going through it still.
I sat on the couch and James came and talked me through our plans for the day. Go to the mall to see the train display. Get lunch. Get my x-ray. Get groceries. Go to my doctor's appointment. See some houses. Then have dinner with the Fulwilers.
The say wouldn't completely work out that way. But we had a very full day. I was a little stressed out about the x-ray. Because it's a walk in and I was not sure how long it would take so I didn't know when we should go and I was just struggling emotionally so everything felt hard.
I was trying very hard to not let it ruin the day. We would leave the house and went to the mall. James took me to see these trains years ago. And it was fun! I liked seeing the displays. I liked pushing the buttons. I liked seeing James so excited about them. They did say they felt a little self conscious because everyone else that was there was a family with a toddler. But I said they didn't need to feel any kind of way. It was fun and I was glad we went.
That mall has a Trader Joe's in the same complex so I thought it would be fun to go look around there. I was wrong. It was so busy I was very overwhelmed. We did get to grab a free sample that was a little little snack. But I needed to get out of there. So we left and headed to the Towson diner for lunch.
I made James laugh really hard when we were going inside. I reached for their hand as we were walking across the parking lot but they weren't quite ready because of a phone in their hand and I just go "you gotta be ready! I can be coming from any angle!!!" And they just lost it and it was probably the first time all day I felt like I was feeling more normal.
Eating also helped. We looked at houses and talked about the day. Tucker called and suggested somewhere for dinner. This would end up not working out but it was nice to be invited.
After lunch we decided to go to the imaging center for my x-ray. And then depending on the time we would decide what to do next.
It was about a half hour away and it was not a bad drive. When we got there I was like. This building is familiar. But when we got inside it wasn't the correct layout. Thankfully the woman at the desk was very nice and she said we just had to go upstairs. The elevator was broken but that was okay. We walked upstairs and that room was much more family and was how I remembered from last year.
We didn't have to wait long. The girl at the front desk was very nice and got me back pretty quickly. I was excited when she said I would get my x-rays right away on the patient portal. So enjoy seeing my bones!! Amazing. Also I am crooked and that is hilarious to me.
I did have to take my earring out which was difficult. Once I was done James helped me fix them in the waiting room when I was struggling so hard doing it myself. Love them so much.
We had about two hours until my appointment. So we decided to get groceries. Since we didn't need milk or anything that couldn't be in the car for a while. We walked in together but James would leave me in the produce area to run back to the car for bags. I enjoyed looking around at the deals of the week. I found boxed Thai tea which I have never seen before. I got a couple little snacks. And then James found me again. And told me that they took a minute because they went to the wrong Subaru and didn't understand why it wouldn't unlock. Incredible.
We did pretty good and got just about everything we needed. Tried to be smart about it. Still was to expensive. But it was fine.
It was still an hour early but I figured if they didn't want to see me yet that would be fine and we could just wait.
But they did see me a half hour earlier. Excellent.
This appointment didn't go as weird as last time. But I still don't think the injections went amazing. I have painful lumps in both my legs. If they are still lumpy tomorrow I'll call the doctor's. Sincere, the medical assistant, for sure is getting better at the leg injections but something went weird. I don't think I've had such a hard lump in my legs before.
I also was wildly dehydrated. I feel like that happened a lot today. Plus the sun was setting and was coming through the office window and I was baking a little bit. But I was alright. I would be okay. I was just really excited to go back to the car where my water was.
James said they were starting to deal with the 330 sleepies. Honestly same. I was excited to go home.
When we got back here we got word from our realtor, Harold, that we would go see the first house at 6. Which made it not possible to have dinner with the Fulwilers. But that's okay and we have rescheduled for next week.
James went for a bike ride. And I picked up the apartment a little. And just chilled with sweetp on the couch.
James came home and we hung out on the couch until it was time to go.
The first house is in Hamden. A very cool neighborhood and it overlooks the big park. But it's a sort of busy street. And it's street parking. But we didn't struggle to get a spot so it's probably okay. The biggest issue is that it is built into a hill. And from the street to the front door there at 27 stairs. So basically like the house I grew up in. This isn't terrible but there are some concerns about the retaining wall and shifting land.
But this house was great. The carpets upstairs were a little stained but beyond that this house was awesome. A partially finished basement. A little backyard. A really nice kitchen. Vintage charms. A porch swing! A vintage bathroom with mirrors everywhere. I really liked this one.
The problem is I liked all three tonight!! This first one was so good but I was trying to be like. Can't happen. To many stairs. But then we saw the other two. And they were also great! But both had one thing off.
The second one has awesome details. A finished basement with its own bathroom. A huge tub. Extra rooms. A porch. But it's an open concept on the first floor and I struggled to see how our living room would be set up.
The third one was hilarious. Like just as a bit it was so good. A spiral staircase. Multiple rooms. Weird cutouts. Visible beams in the ceiling. A loft that I had to use a ladder to get to. I love this one but living with a spiral staircase would be very tough. And there was no basement. Also it had a heat pump which makes the electric more expensive. But the house made me laugh a lot.
We stood outside with Harold and we were trying to talk through each one. The problem is they are all good. Each has pros and cons. Each brings something great to the table. This wasn't supposed to happen!! I felt like I had so much less clarity because I could see us being so happy in all of them.
But as we got to the car and started taking it through the more I felt like we should try for the first house. I loved the size of the rooms. I loved the location. I wish it didn't have so many stairs but it doesn't completely ruin it for me.
All of them have been on the market for a few weeks. So right now no one else is fighting us to put down offers. So we don't have to decide tonight. And tomorrow we might go see one that's at the top of the budget. In a really nice area. But things are happening! Crazy. Feels crazy to feel so good about so many places.
We went home and I was in a great mood. James made me dumplings and themself tortellini. We hung out in the couch talking number. I texted with my mom giving her updates and talking though what would have to happen to make this work. To actually buy a house. Feels crazy. But we might get a house before Christmas?? Wild wild wild.
I was feeling very stressed about everything. So I tried everything to calm down again. I took a very hot bath. I used my fancy face tool. I tried to be cool and calm. I do not feel cool or calm. I feel very excited and scared.
But I hope I can sleep easy tonight. And tomorrow things will feel more clear. I will be at camp all day. I am going to work on cleaning the attic. It was be a fun day.
I hope you all sleep well. And take care of yourselves. Goodnight everyone. Until next time!
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Today is what would have been my mom's 84th birthday. When I think in terms of people who have died and have been dead for a long time and it comes time for their birthdays, I always think of them as being incredibly old or would have been incredibly old if they had lived.
The thing is my mom diesd so damn young. She would not have been that old---- at least not to me. But she died at 45, when I was barely 12, and 40 years have come and gone.
I saw a post about Ramadan. And I don't know much about it I don't know if it is still going on. But I did want to put up a little tribute to the second parents that God gave me.
They were an Iraqi couple that I met when I was managing a little kiosk at the mall. I managed there for 10 years and met some of the most wonderful people who became my found family.
The man was named Zeki Al Jabir and his wife was Hayat.s
They only had sons so I became their unofficial adopted daughter.
They immigrated here from Iraq when Saddam Hussein took power and they had to leave behind a fairly privileged life including friends and family.
They both found good jobs here in the United States as professors at a university up north----though probably not as good are as fancy and glamorous as the government jobs that they held before Saddam took everything away.
They came back to Corpus Christi in their '80s to retire and that is how I found them because they walked the mall everyday.
There was a Jordanian couple who ran a kiosk next to mine and I'm guessing that's how we started talking because I heard them speaking Arabic to each other.
I told him how my father was Lebanese and that he had died when I was 20 but he never spoke Lebanese to me. He spoke fluid Lebanese and Spanish to his parents and his parents never really learned english. But he only spoke English to me and didn't seem particularly interested in teaching me any other language. Which I felt a total loss about especially as I got older and after he passed.
Zeki and Hayat were towering influences in my life. Hayat especially was a force to be reckoned with and I truly believe it is because of her that I am now a teacher and it is definitely because of her that I stepped out and published 5 books on my own.
When my first book came out I presented them with a copy and they were so proud of me. They paraded me through the mall with them and introduced me to everyone as their daughter.
Zaki especially always wanted me to become muslim. But that was just not in the cars for me at all. Although I do love and respect it. And in the end I don't think that there are that many differences between our beliefs.
Zeki would regale me with stories of living in Morocco and all the crazy things he had seen and done there. He also thought it quite a novelty that I liked girls. And unbeknownst to his wife would email me. Pictures of scantily clad he thought we both found attractive. He was a wild one! He taught me some Arabic but sadly I cannot remember almost anything now.
Zeki did not tell me when he got answered. I was actually on a trip to Washington DC to visit some of my other Lebanese relatives who are extremely hardcore Republicans and extremely stuck up. But I had gone out on a limb and had gone to visit them and we had eaten at the celebrities restaurant and tried all this wonderful wonderful evidence food and I was so proud to come back and sure it was sexy and it was the last thing we would ever share because after I said he emailed to tell him all this. Hayat assured me he read it and he died a few days later.
I ended up getting a teaching job and moving from South Texas back to West Texas and I never saw Hayat again .
I'm sure that she is in whatever Realm Of Heaven they believe in. Probably harassing Zeki about all those virgins. That's one thing I kind of never figured out. You die you went to heaven you got all those virgins but what happened to your wife?
I'm guessing she would have to be okay with it although if it was me I think I'd be demanding those virgins for myself as well. Big bisexual at all.
People are never God as long as they live on in your memory. And now I'm hoping that Zeki and Hayat will live on in yours as well.
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jazzygaga · 1 month
My 29yr Old Life
Hey Friends!! Soooo remember how I was struggling financially? Well it seems like there was a loophole in the dungeons of capitalism and somehow I came out on the bright side of it. Not only am I about to be making BANK at my first job because of the '"OT" loophole. But I am also about to be making money weekly doing something that I already do anyway as well. I am super pumped for all of the things that I have planned for me and the kids this summer and all of the extra money I will be getting is going to finally be put to good use. Some of my anxiety is actually lifted.
Now back to my regularly schedule program. I am actually coming down off a natural high that was the weekend. It was so much fun for me. I really enjoyed every day of it. I came home from work Friday EXHAUSTED and was asleep in bed by 8:30pm. Then Saturday I was productive and got all of the laundry done (putting it away is another story lol). Then I went to the mall which was not intentional, but I made out pretty darn good. Rue was having a sale which I RACKED UP on. Got me 2 dresses and a really cute shirt for less than $14 altogether. Then I went in Aero for my daughter. I also visited a stone store where they had these really beautiful gemstone rings and yep you guessed it I bought 3 (not all for me though). It was a really good day and I had on my Walmart walkers so my feet didn't even hurt. SUNDAY was a great day as well. I did some catching up with a family member that I haven't seen in such a long time. We went to a festival (yes call me a festival girlie) and ate really good food. I even tried some different things. I ended the night with my crush and that was it.
I start my cleanse today!!!! I am so scared because the reviews say i am going to be using the bathroom so much. It's much needed though if I 'm being honest. I am so proud of myself for putting me first and taking care of my health both mentally and physically. I saw my ex at the festival and surprisingly I didn't feel anything (but if they were to have pointed at an alley well, I would've definitely gone for the ride hehehe). Speaking of romance, this little fantasy I have going on about my kpop idols may be getting out of hand. The visuals they have been dropping are such a tease!! I cannot wait until they do an American tour, I am gonna be front row POCKETS BE DAMNED!!! Well that's all for today friends!
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 2897
my tummy is upset.
and my skull is itchy.
i am displeased currently.
but it was a pretty okay day.
so i knew joel was hanging out with dean today, so that's good for him. i'm glad he gets to spend time with his best friend, even though we're all adults and scheduling shit is hard.
i got up early and i showered and dressed and made my way to manchester to work with the kiddos. we went over a few things in their books and i said "let's put those away, shall we? i have something else to show you." and i pulled out the monopoly game my mom and i had gotten for them a few weeks ago. it helps teach strategy and money management, but also fudging the rules to work together and collaborate and keep the game enjoyable for everyone is important too.
they loved it.
we had to stop because we hit noon and they had to go with their dad somewhere.
i have to bring some little baggies with me for next time so i can organize it better.
so after that, i headed to the mall and called my mom who had gotten lost and guided her back to where i was, and we went adventuring in search of dresses. because someone won't clarify the dress code. (goddamnit, brother, make a fucking decision.) buuut then my mom's shoes were hurting her so we got her new sandals, and we stopped to get some new leggings for me and as we were about to leave i realized i didn't have my phone.
my mom noticed i was frantic.
"what's wrong?"
"i'm missing something."
"what are you missing?"
"what do i always have with me?"
"yes, but-- my phone. i'm missing my phone."
so okay, mom is funny. but i went on a goose chase around the mall in the opposite direction to find my phone. it was in the shoe store we stopped at.
anyway, we poked around a little more and went for lunch at longhorn. it was a little after 2 by this point.
when we were done, i was definitely tired and ready for a nap. i planned to stop at joel's to nap and then continue with my day, but i didn't end up doing that. i had told my friend who got covid again that i'd bring her some snacks because sometimes you just need something from outside of the house to help you feel human again, so i went and i got a whole basket full of goodies and snacks for her, and i got a card and a "feel better" balloon, which i put all of in and on a shiny blue bag, which i brought to her house half an hour away, plopped on the front step, and left. i snapped a picture of her mailbox and sent it to her with the caption "ehhehehhehehe." didn't-ding-dong-just-ditched her. with a whole bag of goodies. she found it a while later when she probably woke up from a nap, and she thought i'd put things in the mailbox. so i told her to go outside. she got the bag of goodies and the card and she opened it all and laid it out and snapped a picture and said "i'm not crying you're crying" because she's adorable. i was just happy that i could do something that brought a smile to her face, despite being sick again. she's spent so much of her life sick or incapacitated in one way or another, and i just wanted to make her smile. and i succeeded. so i stopped for gas and made my way home.
i laid down upstairs for a while because pain and also exhaustion and phone charging, but papa ordered chinese food so i eventually returned to the main floor, ate my food, and continued reading what i'd started upstairs. ignored the baseball game on and scrolled through a bunch of tags and posts and honestly the reason i have the "likes" tab turned off is because it's fucking ridiculous how many things i like in a day is. there's too many things and it's too varied for it to make any coherent sense. so i just reblog the fun things i like most.
and so here i am in bed after all that, after a long-ass day, in need of a new digestive system and at least twelve hours of sleep.
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phantomenby · 2 years
The apple of my eye
Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to request an imagine where poly the lost boys comforting their female reader because her parents body-shamed her?
Hitting close to home today, eh anon? Hope it suits your needs bubs <3
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"Stop that right now child! You look awful, stop arguing with your mother. We have talked about this before your body doesn't look right, we're just doing what's best for you. Now go to your room!"
You had hardly left your room in days, only going out to get water and use the bathroom, your appetite was gone and you had no desire to sit downstairs with your parents where they would just your eating.
It didn't help that because of this you hadn't seen your boys for almost a week now, they didn't meet you on the first few nights, knowing you didn't want your parents to see them and ban you from ever going near them again. But at some point even Dwayne had become outwardly stressed about it, sending Marko and Paul to knock at your window.
When they returned back to their friends down at the end of the meadow behind your house they were concerned to hear that you hadn't even moved, even after they gave the secret knock they always did.
They could hear you though, your broken heartbeat and your quiet sobs as you curled up under your bedding, hiding from the world. If you had already changed it would be easier to communicate in ways your parents couldn't hear and you couldn't escape from but until they could find a chance to get to you without your father threatening them they would have to wait.
It was around midday now and you were standing in only your towel, having just gotten out of the shower after your mom informed you that she was taking you shopping for more appropriate clothing before they went away for the weekend.
Letting the towel drop you stared at yourself, tugging on the parts of flesh that just looked wrong to you, pinching them in punishment as you said self-loathing words to yourself in your mind. Your mom often said these things to you, but something about this time had just hurt so much more, you thought now that you were an adult she would at least respect you like one. But things under their roof would always be the same.
She dragged you around a mall she found under an hour's drive away, taking you to stores full of dull basic boring you doubted even your grandparents would wear. Each piece covered as much of you as possible, something no one wanted during the Santa Carla summer head. After almost three hours of clothes shopping, she was now carrying three very full bags back to the car, claiming she would make one last stop at a beauty supply store for things that would soften your skin and make you smell nicer.
Never mind the fact that you moisturised religiously since she told you that you would be at risk of eczema if you didn't. Since then Paul had made a point of rubbing against you like a cat, insisting your skin felt like silk to them.
Your boys always made you feel better, but you couldn't stand letting them see you, not when you were as gross as your mother said.
"Come on hun, I've got a coupon! Good thing your father came to his senses, wouldn't have been able to buy all of these things without him."
Sighing you let her pull you along, not that you could escape the firm grip she had around your wrist as she dragged you through the busy Saturday crowd. You wouldn't tell her how it was slowly bruising your skin, or how much you just wanted to go home, your self-hatred had already chipped away at your resolve. For now, you would just accept whatever shit she and your dad put you through.
As soon as she pulled you into the store titled 'fixer uppers' you let your eyes glaze over, more interested in fading out the noise around you than focusing on what the attendant and your mother had to say.
That same night your boys came up with a plan to get you to spend time with them, by the time the sun went down your parents would be long gone and on their trip out of town for at least two days, your room had blackout curtains so they would be refusing to leave your side no matter what.
As soon as it reached eight PM they were flying out of their cave, climbing onto their bikes, and speeding along the route to your home near the outskirts of Santa Carla. When they arrived they were concerned to see all of the lights off, the front and back doors were both tightly locked and when you didn't respond to their knocking they floated up to your bedroom window and nocked, announcing themselves so you would know who it was.
There was still no answer past your curtains shifting a bit, David began to coo at you through the glass, instructing Marko to pick at the lock on the back door while he kept you distracted.
"Sweet flower come on out...we can't help you if we don't know what's wrong love..."
He glanced down at Marko, Dwayne had now gone to stand beside him, your parents had added a lock onto all of your doors so they were on the verge of pushing the door open by force.
"If you won't come out we'll come in you know that dear, stop hiding from us."
He smiled at you as you pulled the curtain to the side slightly, it fell quickly as he took in your tired face and tear-stained cheeks, he could do no more than put his hand to the glass to comfort you. You nodded up at the latch on your window and it was then he realised your parents had changed the lock on that also, now it would require a key to open, one he assumed you had to access to.
"Oh, little bird..."
He watched as you jumped once Marko and Dwayne had succeeded in getting the door open, closing the curtain, and hiding from his view.
Inside you were rushing to pull on some nicer pajamas, some soft flannel pants, and a cosy sweater as you heard the familiar thumping of your boys coming up the stairs, moving back to lean against the window from your bed.
Dwayne entered first, and in three long strides he reached you on your bed and sat down, holding his arms open in welcome. You didn't hesitate to crawl into them, curling up against his chest as he began to run his fingers through your hair, tugging on the ends softly.
The other three soon entered, David and Marko turning up last after inspecting all of the new locks around the house, including the one on your door that locked from outside.
"Geez doll, what did you do this time?"
Your room had changed too, gone were most of the band posters Paul had given you after showing you his favourite music selections, Marko had ripped open your closet to find your clothing choices looking significantly different.
"Kitten, look at me.." Dwayne tugged your chin so you would meet his eyes, rubbing his thumb over your lip softly, "what happened?"
Your eyes began to tear up, pulling your chin out of his grasp so you could hide your face in his chest as you tried not to sob. You thought after hiding from them for over a week that you would be able to tell them, but they looked at you with such love that you thought they would be mad to see you thinking such hateful things about yourself.
"I- they-"
"Shh little one, calm down, we're not mad at you," Paul was behind you now, rubbing soft circles across your back, the soothing motions were helping you to even out your breathing, "was it your parents? We saw the locks love bug, we know they've done something."
You nodded, nose running along Dwayne's chest as you breathed in his scent, listening as his chest began to rumble in a soft purr.
"Did they say something?" David leaned against the wall across from you, playing with a pen he found on your desk, waiting for you to speak.
"They- I don't know, they were just so mean," your voice sounded so small, like you were scared someone would come through the door and tell you to be quiet. "I just wanted to go out and my dad he-"
You breathed in deeply, remembering how harsh his words were, how cruel your mother was as she agreed with him. God. Your relationship had never been healthy, you had been their perfect little golden child until you got burnt out in high school, now they'd rather pick apart your looks than love you unconditionally.
"I can look for you babe," you lifted your head to meet David's eye, his suggestion of you opening your mind to him had been given before, until now you had refused and claimed it would just give you a headache. Thinking on it you realised it would be easier than telling them, and so with a nod, he began to reach around your mind, it felt like a soft nudge under your skull. Uncomfortable but not unbearable.
The four of them were still, eyes glazed over as David shared your memories with them, after a couple of minutes they came back to you with much darker eyes. Dwayne's grip immediately became tighter and Marko had left the room with a growl, heading to some unknown part of the house.
You began to sob, muttering almost silent 'I'm sorry's as you tried to bury yourself in Dwayne's jacket. The three who were still in the room shushed you, David smoothing his hand over your head repetitively as he listened to Marko enter the attic.
He came back with a box that smelt strongly of you and them, inside was something you swore you would never see again, on the side the word 'donate' was written and within was all of the clothing and now slightly torn up posters your parents had taken from you while you were at school.
"We can take them to the cave bunny, keep 'em safe for you," nodding at him he pushed them to the side, reaching towards you so he could hold you in his arms, "you're perfect babe, you know that right?"
You didn't answer, choosing to push your face into his neck and give him a soft kiss. He carried you downstairs and outside, Paul following behind him with the box in his hands. Dwayne made sure to grab your fleece-lined jacket so you would be warm for the night, handing it to you as you climbed behind Marko, before heading to his own bike. David left last, taking the key he found on top of the fridge and using it to lock the back door before they headed off into the darkness.
They spent the night drowning you in affection, whispering sweet words in your ears and telling you how perfect you were, how you were their sweet angel crafted from starlight. Marko and Dwayne kept playing with your hair, offering to style it to how it was before your mother made you change it. Paul was already pulling out new posters to smother your room in as he showed you a cassette he found that he knew you would like.
And David, well David was planning how to kill your parents and keep you with them for all eternity.
Just like all sweet boyfriends do.
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angellesword · 3 years
It’s Sunday. Jeongguk was supposed to be at the gym, serving looks. You were supposed to be at the church, serving the Lord. But you two were at the mall, looking for baby toys. You guessed this was your punishment for letting him stick his dick inside of you instead of just using an adult toy.
“We share the same painful views. Won’t you please stay in my dreams.”
word count: 2.6k (one-shot) PART OF INTRO SERIES
pairing: husband!Jungkook x wife!reader
genre and content warnings: established relationship, angst, fluff, married au, (forced marriage) mention of premarital sex, pregnancy, abortion, Catholic guilt, death, and mental illness.
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Sunday was church day.
This was what your whole family made you believe ever since you were young. They were firm believers of God. In fact, your first word wasn't like what most babies said.
Jesus. This was your first word and your mom wasn't even complaining. She loved to brag about it to other lectors and commentators. Your father, a lay minister, also took pride sharing the same story over and over again.
Frankly speaking, you were getting tired of it.
Don't get it twisted. You loved Jesus and you believed that he was your savior. You even sang worship songs at the church every Sunday. You were the head of the choir; every church goer knew you—well, not only church goers.
Literally everyone around you knew you.
You were also popular at school. People referred to you as the good girl who had it all.
You were pretty, smart, and your boyfriend was none other than Jeon Jeongguk.
The man you were dating was a jock. He made it clear that he didn't like studying, but he still wanted to go to a university and apply for scholarship. You had no doubt that he would get what he wanted.
Jeongguk was a star football player after all.
"Babe, what do you think of this?" You showed Jeongguk a stuffed animal. It was a rabbit.
"Cute," he grinned at you. Jeongguk wasn't sure what he found cute. Was it you or was it the stuffed toy?
You and Jeongguk were currently at the mall, buying toys for Haneul, your son who was turning one this month.
"We'll buy this next time.”
The smile Jeongguk was sporting turned into a scowl when you put the toy back to the shelf.
"Next time?" He furrowed his brow, reaching for the rabbit. "Why can't we buy it now?"
"Guk," you let out a sigh. He was feigning innocence but you knew better.
You knew you couldn't afford this kind of toy. Why did you even ask him to go here? It was obvious that you didn't belong here.
Years ago, you and Jeongguk had plans. He wanted to be a famous football player while you decided to major in Marketing; however, your dreams had been shattered when you found out that you were pregnant with his baby.
You didn't know what to do that time. You just graduated high school. Actually, you were supposed to take the college entrance exam at Seoul University.
The test didn't happen because you felt sick that day. You had been vomiting non-stop and everything smelt awful.
You still took a test, though. It wasn't the kind of test you were expecting. You woke up that day to chase you dream, but instead you ended up chasing your breath as you cried and cried and cried.
You took a pregnancy test and the numbing slap of your mother was enough for you to know that you were a disgrace.
A disgrace, a disappointment, an animal, a disrespectful child, and a....
You accepted it all. You didn't mind that your whole family was insulting you inside and out.
You didn't blame them—couldn't blame them.
How could you do that when you saw yourself the same way they saw you?
Your mind was poisoning you. You were blaming yourself. You were blaming Jeongguk. He did this to you.
He did this to you because you let him.
So basically, this was your fault.
You ruined your future and the only way to restore everything back to normal was to have an abortion.
Of course you considered abortion. You were young and so, so scared. How could you take care of a child when you couldn't even take care of yourself?
And what about Jeongguk? He didn't deserve this shit. He was young too. He deserved the world, not a punishment.
You considered your child as a punishment. Why didn't you just stick to dildo? Or a fucking vibrator?
There were so many options. Why did you have to trust that stupid condom? You knew it didn't work all the time.
Nothing worked according to your plan.
"You are going to marry Jeon Jeongguk." Your father's words screamed authority.
Everyone in your family was aware that once your father demanded something, it should be followed without any questions. He rarely spoke, but when he did, it was absolute.
"But—" despite knowing the end of this discussion, you still tried to reason out.
You were only able to utter one word before you felt another deafening slap from your mother.
Or was it your father?
You had no idea.
All you knew was that everyone was either physically hurting you or emotionally manipulating you.
"No buts! My decision is final! You are going to marry that Jeon boy!"
Ah, that Jeon boy.
Poor Jeon Jeongguk. He had no idea what was about to happen to him. God. He didn't even know that you were carrying his child.
"We won't allow you to live like a slut anymore," your auntie crossed her arms.
This was the thing about your family. Everyone had a say, even your relative could discipline you. According to them, elders should always be respected. You had to follow what they said because apparently, they knew better than you.
Maybe they did. But still, you didn't want to force Jeongguk to marry you.
Sure, you two had been dating for three years now, but that wasn't enough. What if the love he felt for you wasn't the kind of love that you and your kid needed?
Perhaps you should have thought of that before giving into lust. The tiny voice inside your head sneered at you.
You could only sob.
It seemed like crying was all you could do.
You cried when you found out that you were pregnant, you cried when your parents found out that you were pregnant, and you cried when Jeongguk found out that you were pregnant.
All of this was happening because you were pregnant.
Except one thing:
Jeongguk wanted to marry you not because you were pregnant but because he loved you.
"You don't have to force me.” Jeongguk gritted his teeth when your whole family barged in his house.
Of course the Jeons were surprised. They weren't close to your family even though you lived two houses away from one another.
Your family didn’t want to associate themselves with the Jeons. The latter didn't really believe in the Lord, or even if they did, they were still far from religious.
They raised Jeongguk to be a sinner.
Your family firmly believed that you only got pregnant because Jeongguk forced you.
It wasn't true. You both wanted it to happen. You were consenting adults. Besides, your boyfriend asked you thousands of times if you truly wanted to do it.
He didn't force you. He respected you.
"I will marry her." Jeongguk said with confidence. He was looking at your father as if he was ready to knock him down.
"Jeongguk," his mother called softly. She was crying. She was broken. She was ashamed. She was sorry.
"It's alright, mom." The look Jeongguk gave his mother was the opposite of the glare he threw at your father.
Jeongguk was a sweet boy. He loved his parents so much.
"Shall we talk about the wedding, then?" Your father raised a brow.
Everything happened fast after that. Your family and Jeongguk's parents arranged the matrimony that was about to happen.
The Jeons offered to pay for the wedding expenses. Your family agreed. They didn't really care about the details. They only demanded a church wedding. They also wanted to marry you off as soon as possible.
They said it would be a shame if your baby bump appeared before the white event.
Since the preparation was short, you didn't have a choice but to wear a simple dress. Your mother insisted that you add veil as an accessory.
It was a hypocritical move, really. Veils symbolized innocence and purity.
You were neither.
You were a sinner and guilt was consuming your whole being.
Guilt for disappointing your family.
Guilt for breaking your promise to the Lord.
And guilt for taking something away from Jeongguk.
You took his freedom away.
The small apartment where you two now lived was not enough to showcase what he got. This abode was small, suffocating and confining his talents.
It was also too small to cater your unending tears.
You felt like you were drowning.
"Babe..." Your husband whispered, yet his voice still startled you.
You didn't answer—didn't have the energy to do so. You were drowning, remember? It didn't help that you feel suffocated too. The stupid dress you were wearing was too tight.
"You okay?" Jeongguk enquired, sighing.
He was worried about you. The two of you got married today. It was supposed to be one of the happiest days for brides, but why weren't you happy?
Why did you look...dejected?
"Yeah," you tried to offer him a smile. "I just feel hot."
You weren't lying. You didn't like the ambiance of your house. It felt like a vacation place, like you were a stranger, like you didn't belong.
It was because your mother and sisters were the ones who decorated this place.
"You think you can join me outside?" Your husband rubbed circled on your palm. "Let's have some fresh air?"
You nodded in a heartbeat.
You were tired, but you didn't want to be stuck in this room. You wanted...out.
"Okay.” Jeongguk helped you get on your feet. He was acting as though you were an expensive figurine ever since he learned that you were pregnant.
Your husband led you to the small garden of your home. You didn't know that your family decided to buy a place like this.
You were grateful though. The inside of your home was suffocating, but the garden appeared...magical.
"Jeongguk," your eyes widened in shock. "W-What's all this?"
Your hand was shaking as your eyes scanned the garden. There were fairy lights wrapped around the trees. The place was also decorated with different ornaments and pretty flowers.
Your favorite flowers.
"Do you like it?" Your husband was grinning at you. His eyes were shining brighter than the lights.
"Of course," you cupped his cheeks. "This is sweet, Kookie. Thank you.”
"Anything for you," he brought your hands closer to his mouth, kissing it.
"You deserve everything, baby." And with that, Jeongguk dropped on one knee.
"W-What are you doing!?" You panicked, eyes dilating once again.
"I know everything happened so fast." He started, licking his bottom lip. "We didn't have time to process everything. Our family decided what they think is good for us and trust me, I appreciate it."
You knew he was implying that he wanted this to happen.
"But I want to do something that I want.”  He fished a small box out of the pocket of his slacks.
You gasped.
"They told me to marry you." He opened the velvet box.
There was a ring.
"But they didn't give me the chance to do this," he raised the ring in the air.
"Baby," Jeongguk called, looking at your face with so much fondness. "You deserve a better proposal."
You were sobbing.
"You deserve a man dropping down on one knee. A man who will show you that he is serious about this marriage.”
He took your left hand.
"And I want to be that man. I want to be the man you deserved and not the boy your father coerced,"
You laughed, heart hammering through your chest. Jeongguk was so beautiful.
"I love you..." He confessed as he called your name. "Will you marry me?"
The yes that came out of your mouth was instant. You didn't hesitate. You didn't feel guilty. You just felt....happy.
Jeongguk put the ring on your finger. He kissed your stomach before standing up to crash his lips against yours.
Jeongguk no longer tasted like regret.
He tasted like forever.
You swore you would stay with him forever. You felt silly for doubting him.
Jeongguk was a good man.
Your house no longer felt suffocating. It was loaded with love and laughter and it made your heart swell with joy.
Your family didn't bother your life anymore. You were on your own. They stopped supporting you. They said you made a choice—a choice to be a mother.
A mother was a provider, a natural giver.
You provided for your new family. You worked harder. You had two jobs: a waitress and elementary tutor.
Jeongguk continued studying. He was a student in the morning and a delivery boy at night.
You two worked in the same restaurant. Jeongguk tried to cover your shift as much as possible. He was basically doing your job.
He was scared. What if you overworked yourself? He didn't want you to work but you said you had to.
Raising a baby was expensive.
But you did it.
Haneul was turning one year old this month. He was a bright kid and he looked exactly like his father. They had the same brown eyes, so innocent and wide.
You knew you would do anything for your baby—well—except for one.
You wouldn't buy this stuffed toy for him. It's not like you didn't want to. It was more like you couldn't.
You couldn't afford it.
You couldn't, but Jeongguk could.
"Let's buy it...” He repeated. "I have money. I worked overtime last night.”
Your husband was still a delivery boy. You, on the other hand, quit your job so that you could look after your baby.
"Are you sure? This is expensive, Kook." You bit your lower lip.
Jeongguk smiled at you.
"But Haneul will like it.”
His reason was enough for you to just give in.
Of course.
Anything for your little Jeon. You would die for your son.
"Haneul, we're home!" You cooed loudly.
You were excited to see your baby. Jeongguk told you to give Haneul the stuffed toy while he go and express his gratitude to your neighbor for looking after baby Haneul.
Little did you know, Jeongguk was lying.
There was no neighbor to talk to.
It was only an excuse so that he could stare at you through the window as you rocked the empty crib in your room.
You were singing.
"You are the sunlight that rose again in my life..." Your voice was sweet that Jeongguk couldn't help but cry a little.
For you, Haneul was light. He shed light when you felt like giving up.
"You are the cause of my euphoria," your child was also the cause of your happiness.
Without him, you would be lost.
Jeongguk knew it.
This was the name you chose for your kid. It meant heaven.
For you, Haneul was God sent.
But Jeongguk was wondering.
If Haneul was God sent, then why did the Lord take him immediately?
Why did your Lord take him away from you and Jeongguk?
"Close the door now..." You continued to sing.
Jeongguk's heart clenched.
He watched you every day, so he already knew the next line of the song.
He sang with you.
"When I'm with you I'm in utopia..."
Utopia was a special place. A fantasy world. A world where everything was possible.
In Utopia, Haneul was still alive.
Jeongguk wasn't crazy.
He knew you needed help.
You were in denial. Too caught up in fantasy that you refused to believe that your son was already dead the moment he was born.
Haneul died in your womb.
He tried telling you, but you didn't want to acknowledge it.
You became hysterical when the words dead and Haneul were mentioned in the same sentence.
Jeongguk avoided using those words. It had been months now, almost a year actually.
He wondered if he could still continue pretending.
Looking at you hurt.
He guessed it was time to let go.
Not now, but soon.
For today, he just wanted to believe that utopia was real.
It should be fine, right?
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more JJK FICS: Your Eyes Tell or check Masterlist
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honghunni · 3 years
"I'm going to fucking ruin you today."
San x Bottom male reader
Non Idol oneshot
2794 words
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Contains: Slight Impact play | Bondage | Breath play | Unprotected sex | Public sexual activity | Orgasm denial | Dominance and Submission | Wax Play | Hair Pulling | scratching | Light Blood Play |
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You woke up to the sound of the front door closing and your boyfriend, San, shuffling around the house. You rolled over and saw the time. 9:30 am. You heard his small giggles get louder as he approached the bedroom. San walked into the room with a box and a boxcutter. "San what are you doing?" You mumbled half awake. He sat at the end of the bed facing away from you and started opening the box, continuing to snicker to himself. Once he opened the box and started playing with what was inside his playful giggling became slightly maniacal. "I was worried this wasn't going to arrive on time."
You sat up and crawled towards San wrapping your arms around his shoulders, still not quite completely awake yet. Your drowsiness subsided a bit when you realised he was holding a small, purple, insertable vibrator.
You pointed at it.
"We have enough of those why did you get another one."
San removed your hands from his shoulders and gently pushed you onto the bed. "This one is different." He began explaining while sitting on top of you. "This one has a wireless remote..... I can control it from anywhere."
"Is there any reason why you wanted this to arrive today?" You asked. "We have a double date lunch with Wooyoung and Seonghwa today." He paused briefly to kiss you. "And I want to see how long you can last before you start begging." He said in an extremely patronizing tone. He jumped up and went to the shower. You didn't know how to react to what just happened. You did all the stuff you typically do while San is showering. As usual, you were ready to shower right when he was finished, he thinks it's a coincidence but you actually timed it because you like seeing him right after he showers.
"Tell me when you're done showering and keep the door unlocked." He said while walking past you back into the bedroom. You did as he said and unsurprisingly, he walked in with the vibrator and a small bottle of lube. He put them both on the bench "Come here." He said while aggressively pulling you toward him. He held you close and kissed you. Without warning, he suddenly slipped one of his fingers into you, it wasn't painful since he had a small amount of lube on his finger but it was slightly uncomfortable since you weren't expecting it. You reflexively moved because of it.
San held you tighter trying to stop you from wriggling. "Stop squirming." He chided. He fingered you slowly and with his other hand, he gently stroked your hair. "I've been a bit bored lately, " He explained. "You've been busy and we haven't had much time to do something fun." He slid his fingers in deeper causing you to gasp a little. He looked at you. "There?" He asked. You nodded and he smiled. Once he thought it was time he picked up the vibrator. "Look at me," San demanded. He slowly inserted the vibrator inside of you, you owned a few vibrators but you could really feel this one because of the way it's curved. It wasn't even turned on yet.
San turned it on and your knees buckled slightly, it caused you to break eye contact with him. San forcefully grabbed your face and pulled your head up.
"Look. At. Me." He growled and then smiled. "This is only the mid setting." He laughed. "I am going to fucking ruin you today."
He grabbed your hand. "Don't forget this is the non-verbal safe word." He said while drawing a circle and then an X on your palm with his finger.
He turned it off but not before briefly turning it to the highest setting just to fuck with you. He put the remote in his pocket.
You took a moment to both recover and mentally prepare for what San was going to do to you. You continued to get ready for the day.
You and San both arrived at a small strip mall cafe and sat down at a table. You weren't waiting long before you heard Wooyoung's distinctive shrilly chatting down the street. "Hiiii San," Wooyoung said loudly. "Hi y/n." Seonghwa leaned down to San and spoke in a hushed tone. "I will be back in a minute he hasn't shut up the whole way here and I need a break from him."
Wooyoung sat down and scanned the menu that was taped to the table.
"How have you been," San asked him. "I've been well for the most part," He replied while tapping his feet. "Seonghwa hasn't been home much recently though."
"Oh, why is that?" You interjected.
Wooyoung draped over the table. "He says he has to work overtime."
"Woo get up please we can't see the menu," San said.
"Sorry." He sat back up. While choosing what you wanted to eat you felt San gently hold your hand and saw him put his other hand in his pocket and then shortly after you felt the vibrator turn on which caused you to grip his hand, he gripped back. Seonghwa returned.
"I'll go in and order just tell me what you want. I come here a lot with my coworkers so I have the menu memorised." Said Seonghwa.
Wooyoung and San both told Seonghwa what they wanted and then it was your turn. As soon as you started telling him what you wanted, San turned the vibrator up a bit higher, making it slightly difficult to get your words out. After you told him what you wanted, he looked over to San skeptically and went inside to order. San turned the vibrator back down, though this made it easier to talk and function you also wanted him to turn it up again.
Seonghwa came back with some drinks, sat down and placed a small black object on the table. "They will be 5 minutes." He announced.
"What is that for?" You pointed at the black square on the table that Seonghwa brought with him from inside. "That's a coaster pager it vibrates and beeps when our food is ready." He explained.
"Ah, that's kinda c-..." You couldn't finish your sentence since San had suddenly turned the vibrator up quite high. "Are you okay?" Wooyoung asked concerned.
Seonghwa appeared to be quietly giggling to himself.
You tried your best to engage in conversation with everyone without making it obvious what San was doing to you. The small pager on the table went off and the moment it did San turned the vibe up very high. He had timed it so that it would mask the sound. All you could do it lay your head on the table and focus on not moaning. "Sit up, Seonghwa won't be able to put the food on the table otherwise."
You pulled yourself off the table and San quickly whispered in your ear.
"You're not allowed to cum if you do I'll make sure you can't walk for a week."
Seonghwa placed the food you all ordered on the table and Wooyoung immediately started eating. He placed his arm around Wooyoung's shoulder and also started eating while talking about.......what are we talking about? All you can think about is your boyfriend and trying not to cum. "Are you going to eat?" You heard Seonghwa ask you. Your brain started somewhat functioning again. "Yeah I- I was just distracted by something."
Seonghwa smiled to himself. "Yeah, I know you are." He looked directly at San. "Text me where you got it from." You choked on your food, realising that he knew exactly what was going on. "Get what from? Is he okay? What is going on?" Wooyoung questioned. "Don't worry about it, just don't blame me for what's going to happen to you in about 2 weeks." San giggled. Wooyoung was still very confused. You began trying to eat your food when suddenly San placed his hand on your thigh, you realised then how much your leg was shaking. He pressed down a squeezed your leg trying to stop you from shaking so much.
You continued chatting and eating and reached for your drink.
San turned up the vibrator to the highest setting causing you to spill the drink on yourself, you didn't have time to react to that however as you realised you had failed to stop yourself from cumming. At least the water all over your pants hid any evidence. You grabbed San's hand and drew a circle and an X on his palm with your finger, signalling for him to stop. He turned it off. Wooyoung went to help you but Seonghwa stopped him. He and San both looked at each other. "I assume you're leaving early." Laughed Seonghwa. San helped you up. "Yeah." San moved your plate toward Wooyoung. "You can eat the rest." Wooyoung leaned back in his chair. "I'm so lost...." He said.
You and San both left and walked into a single stall bathroom together. "Did you cum?" He asked while helping you clean up. "Yes." You answered. "Pathetic." He jeered. You removed the vibrator and put it in your pocket before leaving.
You got home and San threw you on the bed wasting absolutely no time and attacking you with kisses. You felt him grinding against you.  You kind of found it cute how easily and quickly he got hard. He stopped and walked over to a box where you kept all your toys and laid out everything he was going to use and then took off his shirt.
He positioned himself on top of you, grabbed your hands and placed them on his chest. "This is the only chance you get to touch me before I tie you up." You dragged your hands down his body and then sat up and pulled him towards you. He hugged you. You took the opportunity to mess with him a little bit, after all he put you through today (and what he was about to put you through) you wanted a bit of revenge.
There was one place that made San weak. You licked up from the base of his neck to his ear and his nails dug into your back. He let out a small moan. You bit down gently on his ear and you felt his entire body relax. "Fuck you." You heard him say quietly and slightly angrily. He pushed you down and firmly held down your wrists. He abruptly grabbed your neck and squeezed hard. "You didn't think you would actually get away with that, did you? Especially not after you're already in trouble for cumming without permission." He kissed you deeply which only made it harder to breathe. He stopped choking you and started kissing your neck while unbuttoning your shirt.
He took a ribbon and tied your hands together and then tied the rest of the ribbon to the bed. He began kissing down your body, biting occasionally. He took a red candle. "I think this is the one that burns the most." He said while lighting it. San held the candle over you and you watched the wax slowly melt, when it hit your skin the pain was sharp and sudden, the wax cooled quite quickly so the burning didn't last long, however, there was a lasting subtle feeling of heat and sensitivity. You flinched each time it dripped onto you which San clearly enjoyed. Eventually, he had covered most of your torso with hot wax.
San then held the candle over his neck and let it drip onto his skin, he winced but evidently liked the feeling of it. He let it drip a few more times before blowing the candle out. He peeled the pieces of wax off of you as well as the few drips on his neck revealing small red burn marks. He took the time to kiss the burn marks which was slightly painful. San took off your pants as well as his and flipped you over, he hit and aggressively grabbed your ass. "I saw this recently so I'm going to see if it has the same effect on you." You looked back at him. "What is it?" You asked. San lubed up a very small corded bullet vibrator and inserted it as far into you as he could.
He then slowly eased himself into you,
you had never had someone fuck you with a vibrator inside you at the same time. San held your head down. "I'm only going slow right now because I feel generous." He said. Because of the vibrator it felt like he was going much deeper than he actually was. He smacked the back of your thigh hard which made you yelp.
"Does that hurt?" San asked.
"Yes." You answered.
"Good." He said while hitting you again. He pulled your hair, forcing your head back.
You could feel his other hand tightly gripping your waist, you could feel him pull your hair harder after every few thrusts. He let go of your hair and pulled out to remove the vibrator. "I can't be too rough with the vibrator or it might get lost," San said while turning you over again to lay on your back. He untied the ribbon that was restraining you giving you a short break before changing to 2 ropes. He tied your wrists to opposite sides of the bed having your arms effectively stuck to the mattress. San leaned over you and cupped your face with his hands.
"You're so cute." He said gently while sliding his hands down your face and neck. When his fingers reached your chest he dragged his nails down your torso, his nails caught on the burn marks from the candle and it felt as if he was dripping wax on you again. You inhaled sharply because of the pain and as you did San suddenly slammed into you. He grabbed your leg and put it over his shoulder which helped him get a better angle. He placed his hand on your neck tightly. You could hear his breath begin to become shakey, he put more of his weight onto your neck.
"You're not allowed to cum you have already cum once today." He let go of your neck and put two of his fingers in your mouth, impulsively you bit down a little. San pushed down forcing your mouth open.
"No biting." You had to grip the bed because of how rough he was being with you, even though you were tied down it felt as if you didn't hold on you would fall off. He suddenly stopped. "You're bleeding, should we stop?" You realised the rope had rubbed and cut into your wrists as well as bleeding from San going a bit too hard. You looked up at San.
"I don't think it's an issue." You said.
He untied you and lifted your wrist up to his mouth. Still fucking you, but less aggressively, he licked the small amount of blood off you. He immediately leaned in and kissed you, going back to the fast pace he was going at earlier.
The taste was metallic. He tangled one of his hands into your hair, his other arm around your waist. You could feel his sweat dripping onto you, the heat from his body slightly re agitated the burn marks. San pulled his face away from yours and buried his face in your neck, his grip tightened and you could feel his body shudder.
You put your arms around him and he stopped and you felt him relax, practically melting into you.
"Did you-" before you could finish your sentence San interrupted.
"We've had sex how many times and you still can't tell when I've cum?" He said breathlessly. He jumped up. "I should have known you would bleed I should have used a towel. Does it hurt?"
You shook your head. "Nothing really hurts more than usual."
San went and got a towel and a few other things to take care of you. After you had both cleaned everything and put on clothes San sat on top of as he often likes to do. He gently lifted your shirt.
"What now? Are you still not satisfied?"
"I'm not doing anything like that," San replied.
He placed his thumb on a part of your stomach and you felt a sort of cold sensation.
"I'm treating your burn marks." He attentively treated every small little wax burn on your body, you slowly started to drift off to sleep due to how exhausted he had made you. Before you fell complete asleep you felt San lean into you close to your ear. He whispered.
"I love you."
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Gwynriel Headcanon : We'll Meet Again
(This may be the most depressing headcanon I have ever written so for fuck's sake, read at your own risk.)
It was Gwyn's birthday today. And she couldn't be more happy. All the girls from the inner circle had spent the day with Gwyn. Even Elain had come back from the day court to spend the day with Gwyn.
While she couldn't be more happier, she saw a glint of sadness in each of their eyes. Saw a glint of sadness in every person she met.
Even in Velaris, when she was strolling through the roads and they were at a mall, people looked at her with sad eyes. As if they pitied her.
But this wasn't pity exactly. The people had happy eyes but they still glistened with tears of sadness. She didn't know what was going on and she didn't ask.
She could ask some other day, right? And besides, she couldn't wait to see her mate tonight.
The bond had recently snapped for her and it was the best feeling in the whole world. Today Azriel was organizing a party for her. She knew he hated people, but she loved that he was doing so much for her. She loved him. Shit, she was gonna have to tell that to him tonight.
But the bat boys had said not to worry, that they'll handle the party and Gwyn should just enjoy her birthday. That is what worried her but she just went with it. She trusted them with her life, but handling a party was not their job.
And now, she was getting ready for the party. She was wearing a beautiful teal dress. Gifted to her by Azriel, and she couldn't be more happy. It was pretty revealing than her normal clothes, but she was happy nonetheless.
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All the girls had gotten ready and now they were simply adding extra makeup and accessories to Gwyn. And when she was ready, they all quieted down for a bit. Just looking at Gwyn through the mirror.
Nesta broke the silence by sighing gratefully and everyone burst out into a laughter. Just before they were going to leave, Feyre called all of them in for a group hug. It was going to be one of Gwyn's most cherished memories, she just knew it. But that hug felt final. That this was there last hug.
But Gwyn didn't say anything, for she was more excited to see her mate. She was in the centre and all the other members of the inner circle surrounded her.
And as she was walking down the staircase, her gaze locked with her mate, Azriel, who was waiting for her at the foot of the stairs, in a black suit. Gods he was so handsome.
But she could care less about that. For she was far more interested in the way his eyes took her in, how they were filled with love. At some point, Gwyn might've felt overwhelmed because of his love for her, but not today. Not today.
And as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs, Azriel froze. And she laughed at his nervousness. Cassian was furiously whispering in Azriel's ear to ask Gwyn for a dance, and Rhys wad violently patting Azriel's back.
At some moment, both of them literally pushed Azriel forward and he stumbled, and Gwyn giggled. Seeing Gwyn like this made his racing heart calm a bit, but he still couldn't get the words out.
So Gwyn asked her himself, "Care for a dance shadowsinger? ", and Azriel silently cursed himself, earning a soft chuckle from Gwyn before she extended her hand, and he took it.
They both went to the centre of the dancefloor. And Azriel was grinning from ear to ear seeing Gwyn blush. And he finally spoke the words he'd been dying to speak, "You look beautiful. "
And he could've sworn Gwyn's cheeks became even more redder. But she smiled, a smile that he would die to earn again. And so they danced, they danced and danced for hours, not saying a word. Just looking into each other's eyes and being happy in each other's company.
And she could've sworn that one by one, the inner circle slipped from the ballroom, leaving just her and Azriel alone.
But she didn't care about that, she was happy with the person standing in front of her, whom she loved more than herself. But then, the walls of the ballroom started disappearing. Little by little, even the roofs disappeared.
And Gwyn seemed alarmed, not knowing what was going on, not wanting to either. Azriel sensed her sadness and pulled her closer to him, their foreheads now resting against each other's. Gwyn closed her eyes and nervously asked, "Is this Rhys' magic?" Hoping the answer was yes, and not the thing she knew was happening.
A single tear left Azriel's eyes, and he too closed his eyes. With a broken voice he said, "No love" And they continued dancing, even without the music.
And when Gwyn opened her eyes after a few minutes, she saw Azriel was staring at her. She reached up to him for a kiss, a little one. But Azriel kissed her as if it was the end of the world, cause it was, for him it was.
And then he pulled away, smiling sadly at Gwyn. Gwyn then noticed his shadows had disappeared, so had his wings. She looked around nervously to see that the ground was brown now and that the night sky was fading.
"Gwyn" Azriel said, not leaving her, not letting even an inch of space be there between them. And realization hit Gwyn like a grenade. "No no no no no" She started sobbing against Azriel's forehead.
"Gwyn we don't have much time-", "Don't say that, don't say that don't you DARE say that Azriel."
"But it's the truth love" He said and tugged Gwyn's hair behind her ear. She realized this may be one of the last times he ever did that. "No no no no, please-please don't leave me." Gwyn repeated like a mantra, hoping it would stick, but it didn't.
"Gwyn I need to tell you something-", "Azriel NO, this is not the end-" She cups his cheeks, "Promise me you'll tell it to me tomorrow, promise me"
"You know I can't do that love. " He said and Gwyn started crying, really crying now. "No no no no no" She said and hugged him, resting her head on his chest now. "Gwyn" Azriel said, she could feel him fading away. "I love you" He said and his voice broke, "I love you too Azriel" Gwyn said against his chest, his body was fading away now and she pulled away to look at Azriel, cupping his cheeks once again, "Please don't leave me," "I'd never leave you love. Don't worry, I'll find you again in the next lifetime. It's okay love. It's okay" He said and Gwyn pressed her lips to his.
But she was a second too late, and he had already disappeared. "NO NO NO NO NO" Gwyn shouted and her knees buckled, she was now on the floor,all alone, crying, her head in her hands, she shouted and shouted for all of them to come back, but they didn't.
And when Gwyn looked up, she found herself in a jail. Hybern, she realized. And she then remembered that she had wanted a family so badly, that she had inserted herself as a character in one of the legends she had read. She knew it was fictional, she knew it wasn't real, and that is what scared her.
That all the love she had felt for those people, only to find out that they weren't real, they weren't real. But her love for them was, her love for them was.
She tried thinking that this was just a dream. That that was real and this jail was not. She banged on the jail's rails, shouting and shouting again, hoping someone would listen to her and come rescue her. For once, for once she just wanted to be the damsel who got rescued.
But she knew life was cruel and it was not going to be like that. Even though she had just lost her family, her mate in just a matter of seconds, she knew no one was going to come for her.
A/N : No comments. Just tell me your views on it. I did almost cry twice while writing this.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I do not know what but my leg is hurting very much. It started yesterday and it hasn't improved. Even with James trying to squeeze and massage it. Hopefully I just like twisted something weird and I'll be okay soon. Cause it's really uncomfortable.
But today was a nice day. And it's Jess's birthday! She finally joined me in being in her thirties. And she got the flowers we sent her! Poster above, they are shaped like a cat and we though they were hilarious.
I slept alright last night. And felt a little better this morning. James had loaded up the car already. I was slow to start. But got myself together and we headed out.
We beat the rain. But it would be on and off all day. And after we got breakfast James helped me set up my table.
The pavilion was all wet but Ann had worked hard on brushing the water away with the broom. But I wouldn't notice a new puddle showed up under my chair and the whole bottom of my dress got soaked and it kept sticking to my legs and it was cold and terrible. I would survive but only barely.
Callie was at the market today working for Helen. It was so fun having a friend there. And it wasn't a terrible day. I made my break even sale goal, but it was slow. The rain didn't help I'm sure. But there were good waves of people.
And I had fun. Sewing. People watching. Chatting with CJ. I had my two little friends come and I showed them how to sew and let them work on some of my keychain bears. I will be redoing them but it was fun to let them do it.
I did have a slightly stressful interaction with some kids who wanted to buy keychains and their parents said yes but then wanted me to change the pins to keychains and I did but then the kids changed their minds and had meltdowns about wanting pins still. There was a lot of screaming?? But it was fine. I am glad they liked my stuff.
It started storming really hard and it got really loud for a while. But it would calm down again. And as 1 came around we started packing up. And then it started raining again and I got all wet carrying everything to the car. Ah well. It wasn't to bad.
I went and said goodbye to James. And then I went home.
When I got back here I would collect my dried flowers and put some new ones in my books. Callie let me keep some that fell on the group. And had my leftover chipotle from last night.
I got changed and laid down. And would eventually fall asleep.
I woke up when James came in. I told them to wake me up for real when they got done in the shower. And I would take my time getting myself together. James had two podcasts to do today. And once I was up and dressed I left.
I drove out to joann's to buy yarn. They didn't have the colors I wanted but I got black and that's fine. I went to savers next and had a weird interaction when I asked to get by someone and they were really rude. They were blocking the whole aisle and I waited a little but they weren't moving so I asked politely to get by and they made a fuss backing up to make room and then said I should have gone down a different aisle??? No?? You don't own the whole store?? It out a bad taste in my mouth. I hadn't had my headphones in but I would put them on now because I didn't want to hear nasty people anymore.
I would end up finding two more skeins of yarn that were brand new and the brand I like. $3 a piece! So I was very pleased. And I found a little white towel rack (?) That was only $2 and I am going to use as camp and I was very pleased. And older lady, as I was leaving the store, told me it was a really cool find!
I checked out and went over to the goodwill. There I found a dress for the Ren fair. And had a nice conversation with the woman at the counter. She thought using the dress for the Ren fair was a great idea.
In the car I decided I wanted a pretzel. But the Towson mall was closing soon. So instead I drove out to white Marsh mall. And got a piece of pizza and a pretzel and walked around the mall for an hour. Smelling all the lotions at bath and body works. Looking at the jewelry and makeup at Claire's. Enjoying that goth fashion is back at hot topic. It was fun.
At 730 I went home. Getting back here at 8. As James was finishing their podcast. While they did that I played with making my Ren fair outfits. And soon would go and take a shower.
Me and James have been hanging out in bed since then. I am cozy and happy.
And tomorrow is the first day of camp!! I'm excited. I hope it's a good day and everything goes smoothly. Wish us luck. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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wenwenbittercake · 3 years
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(Thank you so much for reading my fan fiction. There's not much fluff. A little bit of smut so you know. Also swearing. If you can't take teacher x reader plsss don't read this.)
You just started UA and the first thing you realize was you're tall handsome teacher with long wavy black hair. You seated at the corner of the class giving you a perfect view of your teacher.
" Good morning everyone my name is Shouta Aizawa you can call me mr. Aizawa. From now on I'll be your homeroom teacher so no funny business around me." he said as he gave a smirk to the class making everyone giggle but it's a smirk you will remember for the rest of your life.
You watched him carefully as he teach but your mind is not on the subject but on him. To be honest he's the most handsome guy you have ever seen in your life. His facial features and his body is perfect. Like an angel that fall from Heaven, his voice is like music to your ears. No voice in this world can calm you down like this. He always wear baggy clothes but you wonder, how much muscles are he hiding behind those clothes. Huge rule at your teacher has veiny strong hands, you wish he didn't you down with then.
The Best Is Yet To Come, when you and your class practice on the field, I saw our would roll his sleeves up to his elbow, showing his car covered on once he wore a sleeveless shirt causing you to have a nose bleed. It was embarrassing but it's worth it.
Because of this, you start to lack on his subject making aizawa move you to sit in front of his desk. This gave you a chance to admire him close. His scar Place perfectly under his right eye, and his eyes, those pitch dark eyes that you got hypnotized even though he's not using his quirk.
"RingggRingggRinggg!" The bell rang and everyone in the class run for their lives to the cafeteria, except you, he got out last so you could admire your teacher till the last minute.
"Y/N can you meet me in my office after school, we need to talk about your grace." He said with disappointment that makes you feel guilty for a moment.
You nodded and left. It's 3 p.m. and students are running towards they're busses or walking back home. Except you, you are now standing in front of mr. Aizawa's office. Your fingertips are cold. You realize that you're great start to descend but it stops at Bs or Cs. You're really nervous about this. Before you knock on the door you heard...
"Come in."
You walk in, closing the door behind you quietly, and set on the seat in front of his desk. He sign and passed you a pile of paper. These are your current test scores and they are filled with Fs. You feel like the blood from your body has been drained.
"Y/N, do you know if you keep on going like this you will fail on the finals."
"I-i know." You look down on the table not being able to look him in the eyes.
All of a sudden, he walk up to your seat, placing his right hand on the table and his left on the back of your chair. His face so dangerously close to yours. Look you straight in the eyes and said..
"So tell me, what's distracting you so much?" Does he know? No way.
"Tell me what's more interesting then my lesson?hmm?" You look away. Your face is as red as a tomato.
"Tell me!" He raised his voice a little making you jolts and panic. You can't think straight anymore. How would you reply? And then... It happened.
Your soft Rosy lips touches his. When you realize what's going on you jolted back. You look him in the eyes. He looked shocked. Out of words and look at you like WTF happened? What have you done? You just read your relationship with your teacher. What do you expect him to do, kiss you back? Tears start to fall, due to the embarrassment and sadness.
"I-i'm so sorry." You said as you run out of the office.
The next morning was awkward you can't even look him in the eyes.
"Y/N can we talk for a moment?" You weren't expecting that from him, after what happened. You walk towards his chair what's up your eyes fixed on the marble floor and your hands behind your back.
"So about yesterday.."
"Right, he'll be having extra classes with me, I will help you with the failing grades. " you look surprised and happy in the same time. You got to see him more.
" yep, is your homeroom teacher, it's my responsibility to teach you, isn't it?" He gave you a slide smirk. You blush that it an attempt to hide it.
"A-about yesterday."
"Oh don't worry about it." You look shocked. Really? He really don't mind? Of course, and his eyes you're just a naive little child, nothing much.
"However..." he said as he pull you towards him, making you fall on his chest, positioning you to sit on his lap, facing him.
"...we need to work on that kiss of yours."
"B-but this is wrong."
"I know, but it feels so good, doesn't it?" He whispered into your ears in a deep voice making you want to melt in his hands.
You've been in this little Affair for 2 years. However, you feel like time flies faster when you're beside him. You want to be with him till the end. You know this relationship won't last but you still hope it did. You gave all of you to aizawa. Every inch of your body and soul. You love him a lot. Your grades got higher even though you didn't do much work. Every day, you come to school just to meet Mr aizawa. You were loved, you are appreciated, feelings that you never felt before. He told you you were his everything, but sometimes he gave you looks as if. .. he regrets it. No way, why should he regretted it feels so good doesn't it?
Your graduation got nearer and Shouta has been ignoring you for these past couple of days. You didn't get the wink when he passes you or private lessons that you crave to have. He wouldn't call you or text you anymore. Even if you sent him photos and text messages. You felt hurt a little. Maybe it's because then final exams are getting close. Or maybe because he's just busy. He felt neglected. Is he bored of me? Does he not like me anymore? But he said I'm his everything. Is it because I'm not pretty enough but he said I'm perfect. The thoughts filled in your head as you walked toward his office. As you are about to knock the door, you heard. ..
"I'm coming home early today."
"Hmm, I promise I won't be late this time."
"Hahah I know I know."
"Yea love you bie." Aizawa said as he ends the call.
You feel the similar cold feeling. Is he meeting other people? Is it his wife? Wait he's married? Who is this person he's talking to? Maybe his family member? Am I not good enough did I do something wrong?
"Y/N" you snap out of your thoughts but I saw was voice. He look like he's ready to go back home.
" ..you're supposed to be home 30 minutes ago. What are you doing here?"
" I thought we were supposed to have our tutor session today?"
"Oh-um no need for that, your grades not bad these days, I don't think you need them anymore."
Is he fucking serious? Why is he playing dump now? You didn't even let anything in tutor sessions, are you both do is fuck. Tears start to fall from your eyes. You know this wouldn't last, why are you crying now?
"Y/N are you alright?" He asked does he pull you into the office. He locked the door behind him and knocks you what's going on but you wouldn't listen. You start to strip in front of him.
"W-wait, not today I gotta go somewhere."
" I thought anything can wait if it's me?" You said as he drop on your knees and start to take off his belt.
"W-wait but this is important!"
" I thought I'm the most important thing in the world?" You said as you slip his cock into your mouth.
"W-wait auhhh."
The graduation music plays outside the school. Every student is happy, taking photos with their friends and families. Not you though.
"W-what are you say?"
" it hurts to say this but we need to stop this relationship. It's not healthy anyways." You can't believe what you just heard. Said by a men who promise to never leave you behind.
"Wait did I do something wrong? I promise I can fix it, please just don't leave me." Uhealth on mr. Aizawa has arm like your life depends on it. The last thing he wants to do is to make you cry but he knows he has to end this fast. He hugs you tightly.
" no no, it's not your fault it's mine. I'm so sorry." He hugs you tightly. You cried into his shoulder. It hurts a lot.
"Just forget about everything, just pretend nothing ever happened. Could you do that for me?" How could you forget all of it and live on a normal life. These are the things you can never forget even if you try to. But you just want to make him proud, so your nodded hesitantly.
"Good girl." He said as he kiss your tears away.
"O-only if we do it one last time.. Please?" He's not expecting that from a shy girl like you. He expect him to say no but...
"How can I say no when you asked me so nicely. " he said I should look around and pull you into the nearest classroom.
It's been weeks since you've seen Aizawa. He stops replying your text and stop picking up your calls. You missed him so much. You want to see him again even though you promised not to. The tightening feeling on your chest wouldn't come off unless you see him. Your friends realize this so they call you to meet them at a mall. You've been ignoring your friends for a really long time so you decided to go with them this time. He stood in front of a cupcake shop. Waiting for your friends who are always late. You look around to find them and then you saw it, that wavy dark hair you used to play with, that pitch dark eyes you adore.
"Shouta!" Can't think straight anymore, you only know you want to touch him you miss him you need him. You hug him tightly.
"I missed you!"
"Y/N!" He didn't hug you back like he used to.
"Sho who's this?" A woman voice appeared behind him.
"Oh-um this is my student that recently graduated." He said as he looked at you like a stranger. A person he never met before.
"Oh how sweet. Hi my name is wife/name. I'm your teacher's wife."
"Umm nice to meet you."
"Um-oh I forgot. We have to go to the doctor's office soon." He said as he pulled his wife hand and walk away. Didn't even bother to say goodbye. From a distant you heard...
"Sho why u being so rude. She seems close to you."
"Oh it's nothing, she's just a student from my class, nothing special."
Nothing special? He dropped to the ground. The world around you crashes. Nothing special? Is this what he sees you all the time. All the love, all the kisses, all the sex. They are all fake. When he said you're his world, his everything, his only one. They're all lies. How stupid of you to not notice that he used you all this time? You are nothing to him. You are nothing more than a play thing for him. You're nothing more than a pet. A teacher's pet.
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(Dammm this fan fiction hit hard. I'm sorry that I didn't put explicit smut. I just don't like writing them. I write this fan fiction to explain that teacher x student stuff can end in bad ways. Sorry that this is not the spicy stuff you all use to read. I hope you all can for give and thank you for read. 😓😓🙏🙏🙏💗💕💕💗✨✨✨)
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(Ik this man would never do something like that😭😭)
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limenysnocket · 3 years
Attention and Company
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I couldn't help myself. @honorarytenenbaum
Summary: Sometimes you need someone to chill with, and that's okay. Maybe that person is your boyfriend who also gets a little roughed up at work sometimes. Pubs can sustain you both for only so long, but what you really need is to curb yourselves in the mall parking lot, right next to a shaved ice food truck.
Warnings: Just some light swearing, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and some brief mentions to "raunchy" behavior. This is a soft fic for y'all tonight, out here needin' some gentle lovin'.
A/N: Got some lonely feelings right now. I just wanna hug someone, dude. Yo, we could totally watch a movie over discord sometime... maybe.
Today sucked. Flat out. The bags under your eyes didn't lie, and now here you were, outside of your studio, sitting on the hood of your car, eating a granola bar to stave off hunger for a few more hours. Hopefully.
You pull your phone from your pocket, looking at the time for a moment, then looking at your screensaver. It was the only thing that could make you smile. You had your arm wrapped around one of your closets friends, Taika, and the phone didn't capture it, but he had his arm wrapped around your waist. His curls were all messed up, and the picture perfectly showed how drunk you both were by the fuzzy pink on your cheeks. It was 99 cent beer night at one of the local pubs, and unlike the first one held at a baseball game, all went well.
Of course, there was a limit to how much the two of you were allowed to drink, but that didn't stop the many failed attempts at stealing other people's drinks while they were looking away, just to get a taste more. Didn't matter that you guys were eventually thrown out of the bar for breaking rules and coming close to breaking a few faces, you had a great night.
That night also lead to a few other places, including his hotel room, but that end of the story has to be saved for another time.
Instead of staring at your phone for another century, you decide to unlock it and dial the man up. You knew he was somewhere around here, either charming his way onto another movie set to mess with his rich friends, or getting his tired ass kicked by daylight savings.
His number was saved to your favorites, so dialing him was quick and easy. The wait for him to pick up didn't last long either.
"Talk to me..."
God, his voice sounds like one big yawn. Looks like he needs a bit of perking up too.
"I've got two curbside tickets to eat a snow cone and watch kids do loops on their bikes in the parking lot. One of those tickets has your name on them," you grin, despite sounding exhausted too. The day really made you strain your voice.
His musical laughter really makes the sun look brighter from its low position in the sky.
"That's oddly specific... where would these magical tickets take me afterwards?" He had cocked his eyebrows up and leaned against his office door while he spoke to you.
"If this were a booty call, I would have told you already, Taik," you snort and tease him. "So, it's either make yourself fat on some weirdly flavored snow cone, or take your horny-ass home."
"Okay, okay... I'd like to make myself fat for a night, as long as your there," his voice is dreamy, desperate and warm. "You there already?"
"Nope," your lips pop the p, "but I'm nearby."
"I swear to God, if you're talking and driving, I'm gonna whoop your ass," Taika stood up, acting serious when he was just really worried about your safety in general.
"I'm not, I'm fine," you laugh again. "Not even in the car. Sitting on it though, trying to convince the world's sexiest man to go out with me again."
"And you said this wasn't a booty call," he retorts over the phone, making you playfully glare at the asphalt on the road. It's like he's in front of you.
"You coming or not?" you change the subject and you hear him laugh again, but softer.
"Yeah... I'll be there in a few minutes, gorgeous."
He always made goodbyes so easy. Maybe it was because you both knew you would be seeing each other again, no matter what circumstances you were thrown into. But the dial tone still had its effects.
You slip off the hood of your car, and take a seat in the driver's seat. The warm summer air makes your skin glow, and your brain went fuzzy only imagining it doing the same to Taika.
The drive feels so quiet. For a moment, you actually thought about calling him again, but you knew for a fact that he wouldn't pick up if he was driving.
As predicted, kids are zooming around on their bikes, showing off to their friends or trying to be cool, even though they all were obviously teary-eyed each time they scraped a knee. It was amusing to you and Taika, especially when some of the older boys would try to catch your attention and zip past you and Taika. It ended up being a heckle fest in the end, and some kid always went home with his butt hurt.
Keys and wallet in hand, you trek to the small, blue trailer tucked in the corner of the parking lot.
"Damn, you must have beat me here by just a few seconds," Taika calls, rustling his way through the small spaces between a couple of cars.
"Well, you've never been a speed demon type, so last place is your calling when it comes to racing," you guwaf and grin at him. He rolls his eyes and comes to walk right next to you.
"I pride myself on road safety," he hums, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
You glance at him from the side, just to silently check up on him. His hair was tousled and his eyes were resteless. It looks like he had it rough from the start. He had struggled to get dressed this morning, but picked the most eccentric clothes in his closet to make up from his lack of sleep.
"Dare you to try the dill pickle flavor this time," his cocky tone wakes you up.
"Like hell I will," you snort as you finally reach the trailer, where a teen boy happily greets the both of you.
"Oh come on, it'll be funny," he eggs you on, his bottom lip pouting.
"Keep trying to make me get dill pickle, and the next time we have a movie night together, I'm getting the pizza," you sniff and he rolls his eyes. He thinks it is an odd threat. "And I'm making it all Hawaiian pizza." That got his attention.
"Bull shit, you would never. Not on a perfectly good pizza!" He gasps.
"Oh, just watch me, pineapple boy," you snicker and point to his pineapple print shorts. You break conversation to order two piña colada flavored snow cones. Taika usually took for-fucking-ever when it came to picking a single flavor, so ever since the second time you've been out here with him, he assigned you to choose for him. He usually got what you got.
Now, you wait.
You plop yourself down on the curb, as you promised, and he joined you with a long, loud groan. You give him a bewildered stare, wondering if his age had really gotten him this much. He smiles at you through a wince.
"Sat on my keys," he wheezes and chuckles at his own stupidity under his breath.
Your eyes float down to where he pulls out his keys and you start giggling quietly.
"Oh, come on, I'm sure you've done the same thing," Taika says, not handling the fact that you have new material to mess with him, and also trying to get some stories out of you.
"Well yeah, but I don't sit down as violently as you do," you prod his bicep, and he laughs.
"Such a lady. Must sit down gracefully and slowly," he says, mocking an English accent, but he was horrible at accents so of course it was bad. You smack his bicep this time, and he playfully flinches, like it hurt.
"I really need to get you into some accent classes or some shit, before you get your teeth knocked out," you shake your head with a smile.
"What? I think I'm great at accents. My American accent is the best one yet, don't you think?" He smirks at you, and proceeds to demonstrate. "All you have to do is put an 'er' at the end of everything, right? That's totally how they speak around here."
"I would be careful, Mr. Waititi. Could get in some trouble if you say that too loudly," you roll your eyes, and he sighs. Yeah. Things were going to shit in LA. It was clear to everyone, but what could two hollywood producers do to stop things like that? Keep making films, you guess.
"Two, large piña coladas!"
You look up, and so does he.
"I'll get them," you volunteer, but he places his hand on your shoulder before you could get up.
"Let me," he speaks softly, in a damn near whisper.
He stands up and strides right over to the trailer with so much confidence, you're envious. He comes back with two large styrofoam cups in hand, spoons, and a warm smile. His smile was always warm. It set fire in your belly.
He sits down a bit more carefully this time, even though his car keys were sitting in the grass, far away from his landing zone. He hands you your cup and a spoon.
"Do these have alcohol in them?" He nudges you with your elbow and you shake your head.
"As if they would let a seventeen-year-old serve alcoholic beverages," you throw in logic.
"I dunno... ever been to a ballpark before? Pretty sure some of those kids are way too young to be peddling there too, but that doesn't stop people from hiring them," he says while pointing his spoon at you.
"Fair point," you finish, then look at your snow cone. You decide to start eating before it melts.
Silence swarms the air, but comfortably. There's the occasional murmur of cicadas or humming cars drowning them out. Birds would land on the scorching asphalt to pick at whatever crumbs were left by other patrons, before fluttering away at the sight of a zooming bike getting too close for comfort.
Taika will point out a few of the kids doing tricks. He picks his favorites for the night, and he keeps himself busy by watching them. You, on the other hand, are occupied with him. You examine him from the tips of his dirty white chucks, to his frazzled hairdo.
"You look like shit," you mutter. He barely pays you mind and that comment was hardly acknowledged. It was like the air had gone a bit stiffer. He was hiding something from you.
"What's going on, Taik?" you worry. He never kept things from you, unless they were hard to bear.
He sets his cup down and holds his hands together. He looks so tired. So solemn.
"Today was total shit," he whispers and runs a hand through his hair.
"Well, yeah, I get that. I wouldn't have known if you had looked a little spiffier," you say, reaching out and gently tucking a curl on his forehead back in place with all the rest of its friends.
"Look, I--..." he says, turning to you, lips parted slightly, and a yearning sensation bubbling from the tips of his fingers as he rests a single hand on you.
There were tough times with the occupancy you both, willingly, chose. The hardest part about it was making friends, or making love, then finding out you have to leave it behind for a new location the next morning.
"I have to leave... for Sydney..." he says, reaching to gently take your cheek into the palm of his hand.
"When?" you manage, though you were clearly becoming upset.
"In a few weeks. Thor is waiting for me," he sighs, barely able to look at you while his thumb rubbed your ample cheek.
"And what does this have to do with me?"
"I don't want to leave you," he says, tilting your head up just the slightest bit. "And I don't want to stop loving you."
Your eyes search his for a moment, wide and a bit confused.
"I thought you said we were just a fling with--"
He cuts you off, "A fling with benefits. I know..." he sighs again, "but every time I find myself waiting for you to call on a shitty day, each time you rest your head on my shoulder, all the times you smile at me and tease me, I find myself falling... more in love with you." He has to pause to breathe.
It's so quiet. Dangerously quiet.
"What happens if I love you too...?" you muster your courage, and look right into his expressive, brown eyes.
"I don't know," he says to you, thumb still rubbing circles.
"Guess there's only one way to find out, huh?" you breathe, and he nods.
Still as statues, you wait for words to touch the air. It's only when his foot makes a wrong move and knocks over his snow cone, does the tension break.
His bottom lip pouts for him again and you quietly pick his spoon up off the ground. You clean it on your shirt and hand it to him, all before taking your cup, and holding it out to share. He smiles down at you, taking his spoon from your hand and sticking it into the shaved ice.
Your head leans against his shoulder when the sun disappears behind the mall building.
"I love you too," you whisper.
"I know," he says back, sucking at the tip of his spoon.
"Think we can keep this up over the phone?" you ask, wondering about a brief virtual relationship, just until one of you catches a break.
"Guess there's only one way to find out, huh?" he says, lowering his spoon, wrapping his arm around you, and giving you his full attention.
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