gribes · 1 year
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ambebei · 10 months
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☆:゚゚⁠:⁠。WAZUUPPPPP。⁠:゚゚⁠: ✧
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kunpyon · 9 months
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Haiii O_^ hayy :3 wazup (0_o)
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clownsterzz · 8 months
Wazup 🌟
So, my OCs have redesign character Syndrome 😔 Tho fr this time T won't get changed,,, I hope- (I'm quite happy with it, so I should be gud hjdhdjd)
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I came up with a silly story about them, I'll try to stay short with it smhh
So basically, T was technically never really a character within the show itself. She was actually drawn by a daughter's friend of a animator from WH! And the friend gave that drawing to them. In the studio, they liked her design, but never really knew what her name was and used "T" as a bystander until they came up with one. All they knew was that she was described as a very kind and caring Sunflower! T was sometimes drawn by storyboard artists just for fun and made her interact with the peeps that live in welcome home :]
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For example smth like this ;F The context is that Sally was struggling of writing a script and constantly changed it or threw it away! But she never wanted to reveal her struggle and always said to everyone that she is coming up with something big. Which also caused her to be slightly pressured until T approached her and asked if Sally needed help. A little later, Sally eventually told T the truth and now T wants to try and help Sally.
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Howdy is slowly but surely loosing his mind
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wallnoises · 1 year
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kenz0id · 2 months
Just Another Day: All You Need to Know
WAZUP GUYZ!? I realized I never shared anything about the characters in most of my content publicly, so I decided to make a short guide on the basics of JAD for those who are interested!
"He who never rests, who loves being with his friends, explore the world until the end. Needless to say, they've seen things none can explain, but hey... it's just another day!"
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Just Another Day is a PG indie series, following a dude who loves to explore what the world has to offer while he still can, alongside his friends! Even if it means all that exploring often leads them to face danger, the thrill cures their boredom anyway.
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Oh, them? Those are the main three: Kyle, Mike, and Ash.
"We aren't all that perfect, but we're alwayz up for sum fun!"
They share a strong bond built on years of friendship. They are often loyal to each other, and if things ever go wrong, they'll always have each others backs... sort of. Their friendship is filled with adventures and shared interests, such as exploring and playing games together. They also like to vlog random stuff they do, just because they think it's funny or content worthy.
However, they can sometimes be too competitive or arrogant, leading to arguments and conflicts, especially when it comes to games or other activities where they want to outdo each other. But despite these flaws, their friendship endures, and they always find a way to reconcile and continue their adventures together.
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He embodies the curiosity and energy typically associated with pre-adolescence. He likes to spend time with his friends Mike and Ash, he's mostly curious or bored and likes to explore surroundings he isn't familiar with. He can also come off as competitive when it comes to fun games he wants to take part in.
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Kyle's bestest friend; his partner in crime. He has a funny and loud yet caring and gentle personality. He's a coward and a sweetie, he would never hurt a fly. but if you mess with his loved ones, he will end your life. He has a habit of eating. He's also pretty good at math, but he doesn't bring it up much.
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She's trendy, short-tempered, and a bit sassy. She finds humor in situations and can be honest and genuine. Ash is into fiction books, K-dramas, and has expertise in romantic relationship advice. While she can be violent and aggressive when provoked, she is generally a nice person.
But wait! there's another fella...
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it's Frank, the robot!
"They're so annoying, they never let me do cool trickz! but they do all the chorez for me, so whateva. It's cool, I guezz."
They share a unique bond, with Frank serving as both a friend and a caretaker to Kyle. Frank's overprotective nature can sometimes smother Kyle, making him feel restricted or controlled. So he often takes their assistance for granted, failing to appreciate the extent of their care and support.
Although Kyle mostly seems pretty annoyed by their presence, he doesn't realize how much he needs them around. Not even just because he could potentially be in danger in person, but also for the sake of his sanity whenever no one else is with him at home.
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They're a robot designed by Kyle's parents to watch over and serve Kyle while they're not present. They're a very nice and kind robot, only ever showing pure kindness and sympathy. They will do anything to make sure he's healthy and safe. They also try to be funny sometimes, but Kyle and his friends just think it's lame.
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Despite being the literal shield of the group, Kyle and the others often find Frank's attempts at humor annoying, and they occasionally tease Frank for being a robot, which can hurt their feelings despite their lack of emotions. Additionally, their literal-mindedness and occasional misunderstandings of human emotions can lead to friction with the group.
However, despite these challenges, Frank doesn't really mind the treatment. It's kinda their job to watch over them. As long as Kyle and the others are still alive and kickin', Frank's happy!
Anyways, that's all you need to know about Just Another Day (JAD) for now!
Though you might have noticed I didn't mention other characters that were also present in some of my content. that's because I only added the more important aspects of JAD; Those fellas were more so just background characters. I don't mind sharing about them though! I just didn't wanna bother adding them in this post is all.
Thx 4 Reading! Hope this helped. ^^ If you have any questions, just ask in the Q&A!
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wazup moot? ;)
woke up and got termed for being mid on main but I just finished a final rn! wbu
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villagesmartass · 11 months
Wazup wasup wazup with youw
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yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
wazup YAMI
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vunek0 · 2 years
Been a while since I ever used this app but I am here now- Wazup! Names Loo Loo your average sonic artist :D, here’s a few pieces of art I’ve done that I’m quite proud of being both canon and non cannon aka oc artwork
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defness · 23 days
Nothing much lol :)
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nursefromhell00 · 2 months
hai gaiz wazup im back with more oc art
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tygbethegang · 3 months
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cyane-noms · 7 months
nothing much, school and other shit.
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zompark · 7 months
Wazup guys Ik I haven’t been on with the Au lately but dw bc I’m making Gary rn.
I’m planning for him to have white horns,wings, and tail and his horns n wings have roses on them (he can grow poisonous roses Im@o)
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deejayshane · 9 months
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