#watching tos
I meant to put only 5 but couldn't choose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honorary mention: Where No Man Has Gone Before (I knew I was sold on Jim at "Above all else, a god needs compassion")
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casualdadcore · 7 months
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check out this alien dog lol
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campfire-collective · 9 months
i am the type of person to go "it's not hemoglobin if it's based on iron"
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spirk-trek · 2 months
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captain kirk was allowed out of his enclosure today for some much needed enrichment!!! look at him go!
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cursedtrekedits · 11 months
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“If I were human, I believe my response would be, ‘sashay away.’”
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 8 months
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Star Trek - Strange New Dumb Comics #75
Guess who's rewatching TOS for the gazillionth time ?????
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jim-kirks-bubble-butt · 3 months
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mudd: 🫵 🏳️‍🌈
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offline-nobody · 3 months
if i had a penny for everytime star trek wrote an incredibly autistic coded character, who happened to also be gay for the most bisexual character imaginable, id have 5 pennies, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that its happened 5 times, right?
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studying queer history (i’m watching star trek)
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legallybindinggecko · 10 months
forget the guys who pitched amok time I wanna meet the guys who pitched wolf in the fold. “yeah the plot of this episode is that they go to planet fuck nasty and Scotty gets addicted to killing women. but don’t worry it’s not actually him it’s a weird alien ghost manifestation of Jack the Ripper possessing the body of a little bald man with a funny voice.” genius. misunderstood. ahead of their time. truly terrible episode 0/5 stars but full points for trying
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kyurochurro · 5 months
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"gentlemen i believe... we are lost."
(entering the new year with a stv drawing since im still on a st movie kick from the marathon my dad and i had HEHE >:D)
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Watching Star Trek TOS - So much is happening AAAH
The Corbomite Maneuver
This episode is about Jim, Bones and Spock bantering and Jim & Spock smiling at each other and I'M HERE FOR IT
The fact that Jim is walking from sickbay to his quarters half naked? I know you only have eyes for your ship darling but that's not everyone's case, put those away
"I'll keep that in mind Mr Bailey, when this becomes a democracy" The guy got his ass handed to him twice in less than 5 minutes
THIS EXCHANGE "And if you're asking the logical decision to make..." "No I'm not" "Has it occurred to you that there's a certain inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?"
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"I was curious to see how they appear" "Yes of course you were" aka Jim all tense but taking time to be soft w/ Spock
"A very interesting game, this poker" aka Spock admiring Jim
"And you, Mr Bailey. The face of the unknown, I think I owe you a look at it."
Jim succeeding because he fulfills his duty which is to seek out and contact alien life & he won't leave a distress signal unanswered
After all the tension, a fun and optimistic ending!
I am: delighted
The Menagerie
Obv I knew it was gonna end well but I was STRESSED
Spock having a secret plan? Inventing a transmission?? Out of loyalty and friendship to his former captain???
McCoy & Jim being so sure of Spock's loyalty to him bc he's Vulcan
Spock hijacking the Enterprise!!!
The look on Jim's face when the computer doesn't respond to his voice command oh my god i can't
They have changed uniforms for the court-martial lol appreciate their fashion sense
The commodore trying to get Spock to give up command of the ship by telling him he's invited death penalty onto Jim! The first thing that makes Spock react! My heart!!
"Captain, Jim, please don't stop me, don't let him stop me"
Jim saying "Guilty... as charged" OMIGOD
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I am: overjoyed
(Ok Jim's a very understanding man (and/or very much in love) with Spock but the "mutiny - hijacking - court-martial - everythings goes back to normal" sequence would undermine both their authority before the crew, I can't believe there is 0 follow-up on that lmao)
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favvn · 4 months
I am once again thinking about how in The Naked Time, Spock has an emotional breakdown after contracting the virus and cries about the regret he feels for not loving his human mother vs his shame he feels for his ongoing friendship with Kirk, but before he contracts the virus, Spock finds LOVE MANKIND written on the wall. And it's been written and discussed to death about what it means, I know this, but it's telling that Spock not only loves in spite of his Vulcan upbringing and continued adherence to their customs but that he holds regret and shame deep down inside because the love is still there, regardless.
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Whereas Kirk likewise has his virus-induced breakdown over the opposite: his self-inflicted pressure to not love an individual, either due to fear of distraction from duty, losing his position as captain due to the ethical conundrum of "How can a captain date one of their crew?" (no, I do not know the details of how Starfleet manages crew relationships, but I'm assuming rank is an issue, especially where captains are concerned), or even the unspoken taboo of the show's production era, his sexual orientation, hence his focusing on the ship as the only safe and constant outlet for his love. But after this, Kirk finds SINNER REPENT written on the wall, as if to say his altruism isn't the full truth, as if what he desires is what he denies even with the virus lowering his inhibitions.
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And like my god. What foils to each other! How damned telling the literal writing on the wall is for them! I am going to eat my fucking sweater!
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spirk-trek · 1 month
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"I do not understand the question."
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flying-ham · 3 months
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I laugh every time I remember that kirk’s brother was just william shatner in a mustache in tos
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captain james t kirk whenever he encounters a misbehaving computer
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