#warring clans
peppymint1986 · 21 days
I was reading Hidden in the Deep by IlogicalHuman and had a random idea.  Yes, Butsuma was in love with Tobirama Mother and vice versa.  Yes, she is a Siren.  But in this case, Butsuma was human rather than another mer.  He would never admit it aloud, but in his head he is forced to thank Tajima for his ability resist her song.  
So, have this little snippet for MerMay
Izuna came back to himself rather abruptly.  What the hell had happened? One moment he had been trading verbal snips with Tobirama, having randomly come upon the Senju upon the road.  He was not so unprofessional, or careless to start a true fight without reason.  But he was hardly going to let his rival pass without comment either.  
Then, there had been this voice.  The most lovely voice he had ever heard.  In fact, Izuna could still hear it.  Trying to pull him back under like the most subtle of genjutsu.  Though that subtlety did not make the song any less powerful.
‘My eyes are pierced by Cupid.  I disdain all glittering gold.  There’s nothing can console me but, my jolly sailor bold.’
It was then that Izuna noticed something else.  Tobirama’s hands were locked around his wrists.  Pinning him back against the Senju’s larger frame.  “Get off of me!” he snarled, attempting to free himself.
Tobirama’s grip was like iron.  “That depends,” he replied coolly.  “On whether you think you can prevent yourself from walking into the sea.”  
What.  Izuna found his gaze drawn to the other man he had met along the road.  A Tinker who had scoffed when he had relayed the locals’ warnings to avoid this route.  That he had been advised to take the other, longer path.  The man was already up to his waist in seawater.  
Eyes bleeding red, Izuna watched as the man took one step, then another.  Not hesitating in the least as he walked to his death, his head vanishing beneath the waves.  Even for a member of a clan known for its mastery of illusions, it was disconcerting.  
This time, when Izuna once again attempted to yank himself out of his rival’s grip, Tobirama let him go.  Quickly, Izuna put a decent amount of distance, not just between himself and the other ninja, but also between his body and the sea.  “Don’t think this means I owe you for anything Senju!”  
“Of course not,” Tobirama scoffed.  “You would have broken free without my intervention.”  It was the truth.  He had been considering using his own voice to jar the other, but it had turned out not to be necessary.  
If anything, Tobirama’s response made him feel even more off center.  Then why?
While Tobirama was not so foolish as to take his gaze off Izuna entirely, he did direct his attention back to the ocean.  “Are you quite finished?” he asked.
“Not entirely,” a melodic voice came from the depths as a woman with long silvery hair lifted her head above the waves.  “But it can wait.”  The woman smiled, revealing a mouthful pearly white, needle sharp fangs.  “Hello my son.”
Izuna’s mind came to a screeching halt.  He had occasionally wondered, given Tobirama’s unique looks, if the other was only half Senju.  But he had never considered this.  Another might not have noticed the silver and red fins still hidden beneath the water.  But his sharingan picked out the details with ease.  This woman was a mermaid.  No, he thought, remembering the music, a siren.  A man-eater.  
“It is good to see you Tobirama,” she greeted.  “Even if your human sentimentalities do appear to be getting the best of you.”  
“Not at all Mother,” Tobirama disagreed.  “It is simply that this one is mine, and I am not inclined to share.”    
“Really,” sharp red eyes, eyes which like her son lacked a visible pupil, focused on Izuna.  “He is quite lovely,” she mused.  “Strong too.”  She clicked her tongue thoughtfully.  “He will sire fine pups.”  
Izuna sputtered.  Then sputtered even more when Tobirama did not seem inclined to correct his Mother’s obviously incorrect conclusion.  Also, did she mean his rival could get pregnant!?  
“Just be smarter than me, my son.  Eat him once you have what you need.”  
Tobirama merely shrugged, unbothered by the thought that Butsuma might have ended up in his Mother’s stomach.  She sometimes stated she regretted not eating him as well when unlike his sister Erena he had not been born a full siren.  Honestly, that was probably why there were not more hybrids like himself walking around.  “I have not yet decided.”  
Izuna could feel himself turning red.  Just what did that mean?  Decided about what?  Eating him or fucking him?  Even worse, now he was imagining what a child of his and Tobirama’s would look like.  What kind of warrior they would grow into.  How Tobirama would look round with his child.  
He cleared his throat.  “Well,” Izuna stated.  “As I am clearly not needed here I will get going.  See you on the battlefield Senju.”  A quick sunshin took him back to the main road.  Izuna trying desperately to feel like he was not running away.  The laughter, a bell-like sound he would never have imagined emerging from Tobirama’s throat before today, not helping with the feeling in the least.  
The muses say Tobirama was there specifically to visit his Mother and sister.  He brought a selection of inland meats as a present.  But that just did not quite fit into the story.  Maybe if it gets expanded into a multichapter one day.  But if that happens it will not be soon.
Still struggling with Acquainted with the Night.  I know how the last few chapters are going to go.  I just need to figure out the middle bit.  I need filler and connections without it seeming rushed.  
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sinisterhaven · 1 year
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SO L S T I C E C L A N ☽ P L O T S
A war is looming between SolsticeClan and WickedClan. Tensions have been rising between the two clans for moons since SolsticeClan's Moon Priest's mate was killed in cold blood, and two of his children where taken. The two clans continue to have border skirmishes, and tensions are rising as both side prepare for a fight.
>>>> Current Plot Topics >>>>
-ˋˏPREPARE FOR THE WORST ˎˊ- - All of sunclan kits and apprentices have been gathered to play a game of "invasion" to get them ready for the possibility of being invaded by WickedClan.
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-ˋˏHOPE FOR THE BESTˎˊ- - All Sun Warriors have been paired with a Moon Warrior to begin teaching them some self defense moves in case they are attacked while gathering herbs. Grab your self a training partner and hop on in!
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eggdrawsthings · 1 month
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This is the May! Have a little doodle of my fav brown eyes duo :3
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yamineftis-art · 1 year
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Grogu likes Din’s mustache.
So I’m hella excited over the third season coming I just pray we get some more of Din’s feelings about his past, so I finally drew this little thing I’ve been thinking about for a while ;v;
I firmly believe wearing a helmet for your whole life is no reason to not style yourself like you want, so let Din have a mustache if he wants™!, but also I like to think he looks at himself on the mirror and can’t help but think of his dad :’) so he keeps the mustache.
Also pls let Din adopt Grogu and show him his face when they’re alone!!!!
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lil-ace-of-spades · 7 months
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When your dads are flirting in front of you, but you are just a 50-yr old baby and take things to mean literally
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inthefaceofadaffodil · 9 months
Baylan: Your family died on Mandalore because your Master didn’t trust you.
Rebels Fans: I’m sorry WHAT
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pridoo · 6 months
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dinluke advent 13 <3
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131-vr · 2 months
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I'm in the Hunter needs to sleep Clan.
Everytime I draw something like this i'm Cracking up while i post it, Its kinda stupid.
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darlingjmiller · 1 year
it’s giving Tired Single Dad™ at the playground watching his toddler from the bench so he doesn’t get hurt
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grogu falls down and he just shouts “walk it off buddy”
another child is playing with a toy grogu wants and when he uses the force to get said toy back you hear din from a distance “what did we say about using the force on other kids hm? give it back”
an exasperated “no, don’t eat that”
din dragging grogu from the playground after one too many duel attempts
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artsimmys · 1 year
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He just wanted to add a little bit of color to Mando’s cape
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kaaya-d · 7 months
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iszapizza · 1 year
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some dinluke for the soul
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shirozora-draws · 1 year
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Am I late to the Barbie meme?
Shower thought turned into a diptych called "Aftermath of a Barfight on Niamos Started by a Baby Who Did Nothing Wrong Ever".
Two weeks of merch designs has me churning doodles out faster than ever. I'll post the finished stuff later in the week if I don't die from all the OT I have to work to make up for the long holiday weekend.
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eggdrawsthings · 1 year
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a duet in a galaxy far, far away
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trukoo · 1 year
a present 🎨
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lil-ace-of-spades · 1 year
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Luke helped Grogu master his abilities to keep him safe. Din taught Grogu how to navigate and fire darts. ✨Co-parenting done right ✨
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