#wapos bay
National Indegenous Peoples Day🖤❤️💛🤍
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Elisa Maza, Gargoyles, 
Katara and Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Kai Green, Ben-10
Kuzco, Emperor’s New Groove
Joseph Gribble, King Of The Hill
Naarah, Catghost
Nani Cloud, Horseland
Kodiak, Summer and Eddy Skycedar, Spirit Rangers
The Guardians, Guardians Evolution
Little J & Big Cuz
T-Bear, Raven, Talon & Devon, Wapos Bay
Do u know any other Indegenous characters in media? I’d love to know💖
Made a similar collage last time if anyones interested
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anarchywoofwoof · 10 months
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A buoy in Manatee Bay, about 40 miles south of Miami, posted a temperature of 101.1 degrees at 6 p.m. after a morning low of 91 degrees. Temperatures remained at or above 100 from 5 p.m. through late evening. For comparison, the “ideal” temperature of a hot tub is 100 to 102 degrees, according to jacuzzi.com.
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darkeagleruins · 28 days
Front-page, above-the-fold fake climate news from WaPo @karishma__m__. Not mentioned:
1. There is hardly any sea level rise at the Bay of Bengal. All of it is way below the global average of the past 150 years, per NOAA tide gauges. https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/
2. The Bengal Basin delta is subsiding because of glacial isostatic adjustment. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-015-87198_9#:~:text=The%20delta%20occupies%20most%20of,%2DPliocene%2DPleistocene%20deltaic%20sediments…
3. We're not going communist because of geology.
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restroom · 5 months
Wapos Bay marathon on FNX. Lone bright spot in the holiday TV world.
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miklb · 1 year
Since stopping use of Twitter I’ve been using a mix of newsletters from Tampa Bay Times and WaPo for news and feeds for tech news. Magnitudes less self confirming outrage feels healthy.
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
WaPo op-ed says GOP politicians are worse than Reagan assassination attempt: 'Hinckley paid to attack democracy'
WaPo op-ed says GOP politicians are worse than Reagan assassination attempt: ‘Hinckley paid to attack democracy’
Unbalanced January 6 Committee: Turley Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley takes a look at the latest developments from the Jan. 6 committee hearings and what they’re missing from “Your World.” NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Washington Post contributing columnist Matt Bai suggested in an op-ed Thursday that John Hinckley Jr. had been treated more harshly by the Justice Department…
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neechees · 3 years
Hey! I'm looking for films or shows with native american representation. Do you have any recommendations?
TV shows: 
Mohawk girls (never watched it tho)
Trickster (based on the book by Eden Robinson, HIGHLY recommend)
Strange Empire (Metis main character alongside 2 other female main characters, a black sex worker & autistic doctor respectively! Also a few other Indig charas)
Wapos Bay (stop motion animation series, kid-friendly & cute. Also available in a Cree dub!)
Jamestown (I’ve watched a bit and its got colonizers too ugh but there’s also a couple of Native main characters and recurring indig charas)
The Rez (continuation of the movie Dance me Outside)
Blackstone (I’ve only watched a couple eps & I’ve heard the first season is shit but the second season is much better lol)
Empire of Dirt (also never seen this one)
Songs my brother taught me
Indian Horse (BIG tw tho for rape, csa, religious abuse, child abuse, anti-native racism, suicide, & pedophilia it will definitely make you cry)
Dance me Outside
Smoke Signals
Rhymes for Young Ghouls (tw for drugs, suicide, attempted rape)
Crooked Arrows
The Grizzlies
Rumble: Indians who rocked the world (documentary on Indigenous influence in pop media and music)
Reel Injun (documentary on media representation of Native Americans in tv and film)
Edge of the Knife
Maïna (tw for rape)
Drunktown’s finest
Angelique’s Isle
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When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like thinly-disguised Marxism.
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Ironic how Kiva Bay complains about alleged ableism and racism while he’s actively being ageist.
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Seniors Are More Conservative Because the Poor Don’t Survive to Become Seniors - NY Magazine
Poor people die younger in the U.S. That skews American politics. - WaPo
Please note that the first article’s main source is the second article. Nonbinarywithaknife just used two links that said basically the same thing to look like they had more evidence.
It’s also interesting how the first link says black people are more likely to die early, but mentions nothing about the high crime rate. Even if black Americans aren’t victims directly, I think that could count as a “stressor”.
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lots of poor people are republicans in the US.  In fact, a common criticism of the far left is being composed of/shaped by upper middle class college students.  Heck, in the US, if you look at the most consistently left wing states, you tend to get relatively rich states, while consistently right wing states tend to be relatively poor.
Maybe you shouldn’t replace all your political analysis with class structure, and you absolutely shouldn’t assume your side has the monopoly on ‘the poor’
Hasn’t much of the left spent the past few years insisting the poor red states are leeching off the more prosperous blue states? Stereotyping republicans as poor rednecks and democrats as enlightened and well-educated intellectual city folk?
This is just the “BREXIT was because of racist old people!” discourse all over again.
And OP (vaguely-problematic) has me pre-blocked. What a shock, a person who reblogs Marxist nonsense and playing at being a revolutionary who’s a coward.
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punkrockpolitix · 4 years
Strap in for an Ugly Ride
by Mitch Maley — This week, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden did the most Joe Biden thing left to do in announcing that centrist NeoLiberal Senator Kamala Harris would be his running mate. The establishment left swooned and suburban liberals rejoiced, while the lunatic right clutched their collective pearls at such a “radical” choice. Meanwhile, the rest of us yawned as the stage was set for an absurd, bizarro world, alternative-reality election that will take place in the midst of the most unstable American society in modern history.
The chaos created by the 45th President of the United States has a way of wearing the reasonable mind rather thin. After all, who aside from the angry mobs of nativists does not long for a return to the normalcy of the early aughts when all we had to worry about was forever wars in the Middle East, an infinitely-expanding wealth gap, 50 million Americans without healthcare, and trade policies that had hollowed out the middle class. Sure, the children of white collar elites would continue to thrive (so long as they could avoid pill mills and heroin needles). Meanwhile, the offspring of former factory workers who couldn't afford an increasingly cost-prohibitive college education would toil in Amazon warehouses with few benefits and no shot at the kind of modest defined-benefit pensions that had allowed their parents to enjoy some modicum of prosperity in their twilight years and increasingly gloomier chances of even enjoying the social security payments that have kept millions more from abject poverty once their working days were behind them, but that was certainly a little easier to swallow than 2020 has thus far been.
Sure, automation had already begun eating away at more jobs than even offshoring had, we'd done nothing to address the climate crisis beyond symbolic, feel-good policies that avoided pissing off the wrong special interests, and the only amber waves of economic growth in the past 30 years had been driven by engineered bubbles. So what? Wall Street was happy (the stock market tripled under Obama) even if the big party was being floated by artificially-cheap credit, and besides, we could all go to sleep each night relatively certain that we wouldn't face a zombie apocalypse type situation on any given morning which is more than you can say about our current situation.
But let's not forget where things had gotten by 2016 when populist spasms on both sides of the ideological spectrum saw our traditional two party-driven political process totally upended. Harnessing the power of the internet had been largely responsible for President Obama successfully splintering the Democratic establishment in 2008, but let's not over-romanticize the grass or the roots. Obama was the product of an inter-party schism that saw a large number of career Dems break from the Clinton dynasty and its requirement for complete fealty to the party's grudge-bearing first family.
Obama was not an anomaly. He was Wall Street approved, Bilderberg-blessed and mainstream media anointed because, regardless of what others projected upon him, he was a typical center-right Dem who wouldn't rock any of those boats. Yes, the right labeled him a dangerously-radical liberal, but those who paid attention in the 2008 primary will recall that the actual semi-progressive candidate, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, had to be actively cropped out of the debates in order for that narrative to take hold. After all, it wouldn't do to have Kucinich onstage talking about Medicare for All and explaining how to get out of Iraq tomorrow any more than it would do for Ron Paul to be onstage in Republican debates calling out the NeoCon likes of Mitt Romney and John McCain.
Under Obama, the war machine kept rolling, taxes remained at historic lows, deportations skyrocketed and we expanded warrantless surveillance and other Big Brother police state tactics, including sending "surplus" tanks and other military armament to your local police forces. In other words, most of the things liberals hated most about the Bush era continued only they didn't hate them as much anymore. That said, institutional norms remained in place, our allies were quite happy and Americans, or at least those who weren't driven mad by the thought of someone with brown skin holding the highest public office, could hold their heads high knowing that they had an intelligent and articulate statesman at the helm who wouldn't embarrass them with Bush's tangled English or Clinton's infidelities. He was a family man who loved his wife and children and treated even his most vile-mouthed opponents with the courtesies of polite society. Yes, it's easy to grow nostalgic for such normalcy in the age of Trump.
However, years of bailing out Wall Street banksters who'd crashed the economy, allowing hedge fund managers to pay lower tax rates than teachers and failed companies to hand out huge bonuses often paid for by the taxpayers themselves took its toll. Millions of Americans who'd seen their homes foreclosed upon were scolded for buying into the worthless products being pushed by those same banksters—reverse mortgages, sub-prime interest-only loans, etc.—and lectured about "personal responsibility" and the "moral hazard" of bailing them out, even as those same fat cats who'd been rescued themselves swooped in to buy up all of those empty houses for cheaply-borrowed pennies on the dollars in order to make money hand over fist renting them back to the creditless schmoes who'd been kicked to the curb. It turns out a lot of people were fed up.
Enter Bernie Sanders and Donald J. Trump, two men, as different as can be, who nonetheless each managed to harness enough of the sometimes dangerous power of populist anger to finally upset the apple cart that had been two-party politics. While their platforms were radically different, the essential nature of their messaging was the same: you're getting screwed and have been for a long time. Their message was particularly well-received by working-class whites in formerly industrial states who'd been ignored by both parties for decades, beyond rhetoric from the right about it being the fault of illegal immigrants and rhetoric from the left about educational programs that would retrain the working class for the jobs of tomorrow. Regardless of whether they believed in or even understood the solutions either candidate was offering didn't matter so much as someone at last acknowledging that the reality they'd been experiencing actually existed.
The Clinton machine, with the DNC's foot on the scale and the MSM distorting perception, was able to (barely) keep Sanders at bay. Meanwhile, the GOP may have been able to do the same had it not been for the sheer giddiness of legacy media outlets like WAPO, the New York Times, MSNBC and CNN for what they saw as the death of the modern Republican party should it actually nominate a crass, foul-mouthed blowhard of a third-rate reality TV star (who'd until recently been a Democrat) for President. Make no mistake, Clinton's people desperately wanted to take on Trump, believing it amounted to not only an easy win, but a path toward retaking Congress, despite having been gerrymandered out of contention (for those of you who came to politics late, the GOP's electoral success in 2010, saw them take over a majority of state legislatures just ahead of the once-every-decade reapportionment that follows a census, allowing the party to gerrymander Congressional districts to such a degree that Democrats could not gain ground, despite regularly receiving millions more total Congressional votes than Republicans each cycle).
Everyone inside the beltway was caught sleeping in 2016. The Republican establishment never saw Trump coming and didn't know what to do with him when he arrived. Remember how sad Jeb Bush seemed in the debates? Remember how ineffective Marco Rubio was when he tried to sink to Trump's name calling? By the same token, the Democrats were so tone-deaf as to who Bernie was appealing to (far more aging New Dealers and working-class labor Democrats than the teen radicals they imagined) that they actually thought making trans-bathroom laws a wedge issue would drive turnout for their side. Imagine living in Michigan and working the counter at a Dollar General because the stamping factory you used to work at moved to Mexico, wondering whether your kid's rehab from Oxycodone would finally stick this time while being told that the real fight to be won was about where the gender fluid would take a leak.
That's not to say that trans rights aren't a worthy issue, so much as to point out how out of touch you would have had to have been to think it was a winning one in that moment of time. And if you think there was something more altruistic behind it, ask yourself how much energy has been expanded by the party on the same subject since. Like abortion-related ballot referendums used by Republicans to drive evangelicals to the polls, out-of-touch Beltway Dems thought that identity politics was the path to uniting the left-wing of their party and getting the Bernie crowd to turnout for Hillary, even after the DNC got caught smoothing her path to victory. After all, the donor class Dems never mind looking woke, especially if it prevents them from having to get behind things like a living minimum wage that might actually mean less coins falling into their coffers. And that my friends is what created the relatively small yet curious "I voted for Bernie in the primary and Trump in the general" demographic, not sexism, spite or misogyny.
Fast-forward to 2020 and Bernie is finally poised to emerge as the resistance candidate. Despite the MSM again selling alternative facts that kept explaining away his success, his path to the nomination looked inevitable until the Democratic establishment again intervened, this time with Obama in the role of Clintonesque king maker, convincing moderate establishment favorites Pete Buttiegeg and Amy Klobuchar to take one for the team ahead of Super Tuesday so that a path could be cleared for a sputtering Biden campaign to claim the nomination. For his part, Biden's 40-year record is as right of center as a Democrat can be without going full Joe Lieberman, so the remaining question was how not to repeat 2016 in alienating so much of the left-wing as to ensure Trump another four years.
Then, like a gift from the political gods, Trump began shooting himself in the foot so frequently in his responses to the pandemic and civil unrest that his approval rating—which has never even hit 50 percent even once during his presidency (not surprising considering he won the White House with a smaller share of the vote than either Romney or John Kerry managed in losing)—sunk to a pathetic 35 percent, convincing the NeoLiberal bosses that it was no longer necessary to kiss any rings on the far left. Bernie, Elizabeth Warren and even Tulsi Gabbard and AOC had already bent a knee to Uncle Joe, imploring their supporters to vote blue no matter who, so why not instead go after the moderate Republicans and Bush-era Never Trumpers whose ideology make the Democratic donor class feel much more comfortable than the progressive left’s anyway?
Enter Kamala Harris, who, to the Democratic donor class at least, signals nothing less than a female Barack Obama. And they’re not exactly wrong in that she’s a highly-articulate, ideologically-flexible politician capable of putting a friendly, progressive veneer on the modern NeoLiberal platform. That’s probably why the left-leaning corporate media outlets tried so hard to give her a push in the primary, even though voters simply didn’t find her to be a compelling candidate. Despite a healthy fundraising machine and the focused attention of MSNBC and CNN, Harris didn’t even make it to Iowa, dropping out ahead of what surely would have been a bottom tier finish in her home state of California. In that sense, it’s hard to see what she brings to the ticket in terms of electoral success. Fortunately, she won’t have to deliver her home state, but while much has been made of the fact that she’s the first woman of color to be on a major party ticket, it’s worth noting that there’s little to suggest she’ll help turn out the African American vote as most polls had her fourth of fifth even among black voters, who preferred Biden, Warren and even Sanders over the Senator from California.
As long as we’re on the subject of Harris’s race, however, it’s worth noting that the we're-not-racist right immediately went down the rabbit hole with birther conspiracies disgustingly-similar to those used against Obama that, within moments of the announcement, were used to question her eligibility to ascend to the presidency and fear monger that it was all a plan to install Nancy Pelosi when an aging Biden stepped down soon after being elected. Harris was born in the United States and, furthermore, born to two U.S. citizens. Her eligibility shouldn’t be in question to anyone who’s taken a junior high civics class, yet from what we’ve seen already, I’m sure it won’t be long until someone asks to see her birth certificate.
That said, despite the RNC's painting Harris as the most radical choice possible, her politics are no more progressive than Biden's, as evidenced by the two articles in the Wall Street Journal about Wall Street “breathing a sigh of relief” at her selection. In fact, one of the audition rounds for the veepstakes included hosting a Biden fundraiser and insiders have suggested that it was deep-pocketed Obama donors and not Uncle Joe himself who put her over the top. In Harris, the NeoLiberal establishment has all but cordoned off the progressive wing of the party, perhaps for a decade to come. Like Obama, she allows them to market a progressive package to make affluent suburban liberals feel good without making Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Tech, or the military industrial complex the least bit nervous. In fact, in a communication to investors, Goldman Sachs essentially said that even if it means the Trump tax cuts go away, the stability and predictability of a Biden administration would be at least as good for the 1 percent's bottom line.
To hear the Trump campaign tell it, however, Biden's selection of Harris is nothing less than a signal that, in his cognitive decline, Sleepy Joe has acquiesced to becoming nothing more than a puppet for far left radicals like Bernie, AOC and the rest of The Squad. In their narrative, if elected, he’d be doing the bidding of Antifa, while doing away with everything from God and religion to guns and even the suburbs, and the dangerously radical Harris is only further proof of that. In one of their weirdest turns yet, the Trump campaign is literally showing clips of what America has become under Trump himself and warning that this is what will happen if Biden is elected and only by reelecting the man that brought it to you in the first place and has failed to end it by uniting the country (or even trying) can you stop our present from becoming our future. When taken literally, it is a message that says the world I brought you is the world my opponent will bring you and the only way you can stop that from happening is by keeping the guy who brought it to you! If that doesn't make sense, congratulations, you're not an imbecile.
However, if you buy the narrative that the radical left has taken over the Democratic Party then I'm sorry to report that such may not be the case. Biden-Harris is literally the most Law & Order ticket I can imagine either party fielding. It’s the guy who brought us the Crime Bill, supported the private prison industrial complex and paved a smooth road for Clarence Thomas paired with the AG who wanted to jail young single mothers whose kids missed too much school, blocked access to DNA evidence of the wrongfully convicted, supported marijuana criminalization and pretty much accumulated the least progressive record any prosecutor could ever hope for. 
So no, Harris's pick wasn't to appease the progressive left. It was a middle finger to them, just like the initial convention lineup which didn't even feature AOC or Andrew Yang, the two stars of that set. Meanwhile, NeoCon warmonger John “life starts at the first heartbeat” Kasich is in primetime, along with Jeb Bush acolyte Anna Navarro. AOC finally got space for a 60-second pre-recorded (read vetted) afternoon spot, and the Yang Gang was able to kick and scream until their candidate was given a low-billing slot as well. In other words, if you don’t see that the progressive left is not only not running the show at the DNC but is all but powerless in the party’s politics, you’re simply not paying attention.
Why are NeoLiberals more interested in Bush-era Republicans than the media rock stars on the left who seemingly hold the future votes of the party in their hands? Simple, there's less of a difference in platforms, which means unlike working with the left, they don't really have to give anything up to court NeoCons. That’s because the age of Trump has seen those Republicans give up on social issues they never actually cared that much about from gay marriage to abortion in exchange for a seat at the table on the issues they do—things like energy policy, deregulation, aggressive foreign policy and, above all, jockeying their snoots into the trough of money that the winning team gets to eat from.
Excited because a Black Lives Matter protester is going to Congress? Slow down, Ace, as the hallowed halls are also about to get their first QAnon member. We've reached peak lunacy under Trump, this much is true, but the wheel has spun back to same old song and dance, remixed for 2020. The American empire is falling apart and one side is offering four more years of the lunatic king, while the other is betting that such a thought will scare voters enough to accept the same brand of politics that brought us that President in the first place. All that remains to be seen in whether Dems finally got the calculus correct. Are progressives so infuriated by life under Trump that they'll vote blue no matter who, or have they picked off enough white suburban Republican women for it not to even matter? We'll find out, though likely not until weeks after November 2, assuming we aren't fighting each other in the streets by then.
Dennis “Mitch” Maley has been a journalist for more than two decades. A former Army Captain, he has a degree in government from Shippensburg University and is the author of several books, which can be found here. 
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naradreamscape · 4 years
What's your opinion of mainstream Canadian animation like Total Drama etc.?
I wish it looked better. So many industry artists rely on the angular Total Drama-esque art style, or copy the styles of American cartoons (particularly “jellybean style” as I call it). It drives me nuts, because I can tell when it’s phoned in or if the executives thought that’s how it should look, but I know Canadians have a distinct art style, too! I wanna see more of it, especially when it’s something heritage-influenced (i.e. Wapos Bay or Tshakapesh Superhero), and not just someone copying Steven Universe.
I checked Teletoon’s site for the first time in a while, and I don’t think they run more than just the shows on their front page now. I hope that’s a sign they’re just moving to a streaming service, because Teletoon was such a large venue for Canadian animation (for better or worse) and it’s worrying that they seem to be becoming Cartoon Network 2.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Democrat majority passes defense authorization bill that funds transfer of remaining Gitmo jihadis to U.S.
Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Don Bacon of Nebraska were the only Republicans to vote in favor of the bill.
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The Washington Times - Thursday, June 13, 2019
The House Armed Services Committee wrapped up a marathon mark-up in the wee hours of Thursday morning, approving a $733 billion defense authorization bill that comes up short of President Trump’s budget request and challenges a number of Mr. Trump’s policy priorities.
After more than 20 hours of discussion and debate, the new Democratic majority pushed the bill through by a 33-24 margin, with Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Don Bacon of Nebraska the only Republicans to vote in favor of the bill.
“Thank you, @RepStefanik and @RepDonBacon for your leadership and commitment to our men and women in uniform. We look forward to working with you, and all our colleagues in the House to pass this bill on the floor,” the committee Democrats tweeted at the conclusion of the session.
The committee vote sets up another fight on the House floor and with the Republican-controlled Senate, which this week unveiled the text of its version of the defense authorization bill that now goes to the full Senate for debate.
The most hotly contested topics included the overall spending number, as well as new funding restrictions on a “low-yield” nuclear weapons and the future of the detainee prison at Guantanamo Bay.
The House bill also funds a plan authorizing the transfer of the remaining inmates at Guantanamo to U.S. facilities.
WAPO adds:
Republicans sought unsuccessfully to bar Guantanamo detainees from being transferred into the United States and to add certain Central American countries to the list of locations where accused terrorists may not be relocated.
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paterday · 3 years
Love wapos bay for having a character repeatedly insist that his name is (rough translation) ‘Transgender’
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newsmanmdgn · 3 years
Israel Poised to Silence Palestinians in Latest Round of Violence
Death toll rises from air strikes in Gaza and rocket fire on Israel
Israel carried out hundreds of air strikes in Gaza on Wednesday and Palestinian militants fired multiple rocket barrages at Tel Aviv and the southern city of Beersheba in the region’s most intense hostilities in years.
At least 49 people have been killed in Gaza since violence escalated on Monday, according to the enclave's health ministry. Six people have been killed in Israel, medical officials said.
A Palestinian source said truce efforts by Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations were continuing but without progress so far. U.N. Middle East peace envoy Tor Wennesland said the United Nations was working with all sides to restore calm.
But I thought Jared Kushner solved Middle East conflicts?
Liz Cheney set to become a martyr today
GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, who appears likely to be stripped of leadership duties by her fellow House Republicans, does not plan to stop blasting former President Donald Trump for repeating the lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, according to people familiar with the matter.
Cheney, a staunch conservative, has been telling key donors and supporters behind the scenes that she is going to continue to hold Trump and the Republican Party accountable for what she has called the “Big Lie,” said these people.
I will tell you this: She gave an excellent speech last night on the House floor. It made me feel like I was 17 year-old Republican again.
This time tomorrow, it's likely Cheney will have lost her third-in-line GOP leadership role in the House. It remains to be seen if she has the tenacity of her evil father, Dick, who avenged what he thought was the failure of the Gulf War when he persuaded Congress and President Bush to wage war a second time in Iraq a decade later.
Federal judge denies NRA attempt to declare bankruptcy in win for New York state attorney general
A federal judge Tuesday denied an effort by the National Rifle Association to file for bankruptcy protection, ruling that the gun rights group had filed the case in a bad-faithattempt to fend off a lawsuit by the New York attorney general.
“The Court finds, based on the totality of the circumstances, that the NRA’s bankruptcy petition was not filed in good faith but instead was filed as an effort to gain an unfair litigation advantage in the NYAG Enforcement Action and as an effort to avoid a regulatory scheme,” Judge Harlin Hale wrote in a 37-page decision.
The decision was a victory for New York Attorney General Letitia James, who filed a far-reaching civil suit against the group last August accusing top officials of fraud and self-dealing. NRA chief Wayne LaPierre and his legal team had contended that the lawsuit was a political act intended to destroy the organization.
Washington Post
You mean to tell me the NRA acted in a dishonest way? Pffft! No way.
New book portrays a Secret Service riven by scandal and growing pains
On Sept. 11, 2001, Secret Service agents raced Vice President Richard B. Cheney to a secure underground bunker below the White House — only to realize that they couldn’t immediately usher him inside to safety because they didn’t have the tightly guarded S-keys required to open the shelter.
Almost a decade later, Secret Service agents allowed a disoriented homeless man to wander through an unguarded staircase and get within steps of first lady Michelle Obama’s suite at the Beverly Hilton hotel.
Years after that, President Donald Trump — who had a penchant for surrounding himself with people who looked like they were out of central casting — was consumed with getting overweight Secret Service agents removed from their posts, saying he wanted “these fat guys off my detail” and asking: “How are they going to protect me and my family if they can’t run down the street?”
This is frightening. The Secret Service is supposed to be an elite and agile team whose sole purpose is to keep the President out of harm's way.
Three things:
Trump complained some SS officers were fat? LOLOL
I never thought, “Did you lose your keys?” would be a punchline for the Secret Service.
Did you hear one of them was sleeping around with Donald Jr.'s wife?
You can't make this shit up.
More than 1,000 gas stations run out of fuel
CHAMBLEE, Ga. – More than 1,000 gas stations in the Southeast reported running out of fuel, primarily because of what analysts say is unwarranted panic-buying among drivers, as the shutdown of a major pipeline by a gang of hackers entered its fifth day Tuesday.
Government officials acted swiftly to waive safety and environmental rules to speed the delivery of fuel by truck, ship or rail to motorists and airports, even as they sought to assure the public that there was no cause for alarm.
That last line: Conservatives just had their wet dream orgy.
Oakland Athletics to start looking at relocating elsewhere
The Oakland Athletics on Tuesday said they will start exploring the possibility of relocating with the blessing of Major League Baseball, a move that could put pressure on local government officials to greenlight a new stadium project that has spent years in limbo.
The A's, who have played in Oakland since 1968, have prioritized building a waterfront stadium in downtown Oakland at the Howard Terminal site. But after years of failed stadium plans — and weeks after the organization requested that the city council vote on the $12 billion mixed-use development before its late-July summer recess — the long-anticipated specter of the A's looking into relocation became a reality on Tuesday.
LEAVE. That's my recommendation. Major League Baseball, along with all other professional sports, has grown too expensive to serve communities like Oakland.
Oakland is, and always has been, a blue-collar city. Sure, they have Lake Merritt and the expensive “Oakland Hills,” but let's face it: If you live in the Bay Area and your family is bigger than two, you can't afford to be a fan.
So leave. Just get out. Move to a metropolitan area that doesn't have another baseball team within 20 miles, a pro hockey team, and an NBA franchise (two if you count Sacramento). There's simply too many sporting venues to appeal to such a geographically small area.
That's my take as a lifetime fan of Oakland, the Raiders, and the A's. We can't afford you any more.
The article was originally published here! Israel Poised to Silence Palestinians in Latest Round of Violence
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patriotnewsdaily · 3 years
New Post has been published on PatriotNewsDaily.com
New Post has been published on http://patriotnewsdaily.com/wapo-is-it-time-to-cancel-the-tampa-bay-buccaneers/
WaPo: Is It Time to Cancel the Tampa Bay Buccaneers?
Fresh off their hot success in eradicating the world of the Washington Redskins, the PC Police are back to challenge the winners of the 2021 Super Bowl. According to Washington Post writer Jamie Goodall, a staff historian at the U.S. Army Center of Military History, it’s time for us to think very seriously about the dangers of celebrating pirates.
Very, very seriously.
“While this celebration of piracy seems like innocent fun and pride in a local culture, there is danger in romanticizing ruthless cutthroats who created a crisis in world trade when they captured and plundered thousands of ships on Atlantic trade routes between the Americas, Africa and Great Britain,” Goodall lectured. “Why? Because it takes these murderous thieves who did terrible things — like locking women and children in a burning church — and makes them a symbol of freedom and adventure, erasing their wicked deeds from historical memory. These were men (and women) who willingly participated in murder, torture and the brutal enslavement of Africans and Indigenous peoples.”
Oh! We weren’t on board with canceling pirates when we were under the impression that they only targeted white people and Europeans with their violent ways, but now that we know they victimized “Africans and Indigenous peoples,” what can we do other than agree? Everyone knows that those are the only magic words you need to use to get results in the United State of Wokeness. Tampa Bay Football Team, here we come!
Just to make sure we don’t forget about the main offense of the pirates, Goodall reminds us within just a few short paragraphs.
“So why do we celebrate individuals who were the baddest of bad guys, those whom preacher Cotton Mather once called ‘Common Enemies of Mankind?’ Pirates were known murderers who pillaged, raped and plundered their way through the Caribbean. And they were well-known enslavers who dehumanized Africans and Indigenous people, selling them for profit,” she wrote.
Goodall concluded by informing residents of Tampa Bay that they must address this “problem.”
“Should we celebrate their complicated legacy? It’s a question Tampa Bay has to contend with as we collectively contemplate other major sports mascots with dubious legacies, like their Super Bowl rivals in Kansas City,” she finished.
Guess we have to “cancel” Pirates of the Caribbean (ride and movie), the Pittsburgh baseball team, that one VeggieTales movie, all versions of Treasure Island, Pirates Dinner Adventure in Orlando, and the Oakland Raiders as well as the Bucs. And, apparently, the Chiefs.
Why don’t we just get rid of everything and make a clean break from all entertainment, sports, and anything else that might possibly offend someone?
But then, what would these busybodies do with their time?
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neechees · 4 years
hey! i know you've mentioned before that you're in the process of learning cree, and i was wondering where it was that you were having lessons? i've been trying really hard to reconnect as best i can, but i live in a very white community with my white mother, so actually reconnecting has been, how do you say, A Bitch! anyway, my point is, i would really appreciate it if you could give me some pointers! thanks and have a good day!
I signed up for classes at a nearby university, but because of covid, we’re doing everything online. But I think there’s some other sites that offer it for free, of the sort of duolingo type (but not duolingo itself, I don’t think)? You’d just have to find them. I think my first point for you would to be to learn the sound system first. Find what dialect you wanna learn and are from (Plains Cree? Woods Cree? Atikamikw? Naskapi?) and then learn the sounds from that specific dialect, it’ll make pronouncing actual words a lot easier later. I think it wasn’t AS hard for me to learn the sound system even though I didn’t technically do that first because I’ve been surrounded by Cree speakers my whole life, I hear my Kohkum speak Cree regularly, so I have her for reference and for a guide if I’m having trouble. There’s language apps and sites that will have voice recordings for you to use for this exact purpose, so that’ll help, you just gotta find them!
Secondly, listen to people speak Cree, specifically your dialect should be good, but even then Cree sounds familiar even to different dialects, so it might still help. One thing I like listening to is Wapos Bay, a Cree tv show from APTN, which also has a Cree dubbed version! There’s entire episodes of Cree Wapos Bay, (there’s an episode example in the bolded link), and just hearing words and listening to how they say it, the speed, seeing if you can pick up words etc will help, it gets you more familiarized. So, 1. Learn the Sound system, 2. download a language app in your dialect just to have a dictionary on hand, and 3. listen to people speak Cree. That should get you started at least!
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These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC (GreatAwakening)
submitted 3.1 hours ago by patriot2008
Q drop 1515: Where do these reporters and agencies stand on covid? Fear mongering? Pushing lockdowns? How about on Q? "Conspiracy theory"?
Q drop 1515:
These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:
ABC – Cecilia Vega
ABC - David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC – Jon Karl
ABC – Liz Kreutz
AP – Julie Pace
AP – Ken Thomas
AP – Lisa Lerer
AURN – April Ryan
Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein
Bloomberg – John Heillman
Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
Buzzfeed – Ben Smith
Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer
CBS – Gayle King
CBS – John Dickerson
CBS – Norah O'Donnell
CBS – Steve Chagaris
CBS – Vicki Gordon
CNBC – John Harwood
CNN – Brianna Keilar
CNN – Dan Merica
CNN – David Chailan
CNN – Erin Burnett
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN – Jake Tapper
CNN – Jeff Zeleny
CNN - Jeff Zucker
CNN – John Berman
CNN – Kate Bouldan
CNN – Maria Cardona
CNN – Mark Preston
CNN – Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
GPG – Mike Feldman
HuffPo – Amanda Terkel
HuffPo – Arianna Huffington
HuffPo – Sam Stein
HuffPo – Whitney Snyder
LAT – Evan Handler
LAT – Mike Memoli
McClatchy – Anita Kumar
MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin
MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell
MSNBC - Beth Fouhy
MSNBC – Ed Schultz
MSNBC – Joe Scarborough
MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski
MSNBC – Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow
MSNBC – Rachel Racusen
MSNBC – Thomas Roberts
National Journal – Emily Schultheis
NBC – Chuck Todd
NBC – Mark Murray
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – David Remnick
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
NPR – Mike Oreskes
NPR – Tamara Keith
NY Post – Geofe Earl
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT – Carolyn Ryan
NYT – Gail Collins
NYT – John Harwoodje
NYT – Jonathan Martin
NYT – Maggie Haberman
NYT – Pat Healey
PBS – Charlie Rose
People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
Politico – Annie Karni
Politico – Gabe Debenedetti
Politico – Glenn Thrush
Politico – Kenneth Vogel
Politico – Mike Allen
Reuters – Amanda Becker
Tina Brown – Tina Brown
The Hill – Amie Parnes
Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas
Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco
Vox – Jon Allen
WaPo – Anne Gearan
WaPo – Greg Sargent
WSJ – Laura Meckler
WSJ – Peter Nicholas
WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson
Yahoo – Matt Bai
Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+
Why did the Podesta Group close?
Public charges?
Why close?
When did Huber start?
JP/ Huma NOV.
Do they know?
Why did the Podesta group close?
Why no leaks?
Who else knows?
HRC deal request?
Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?
Why not?
Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?
Everyone has an opinion.
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