#wakfu ush galesh
kerorinart · 2 months
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This drawing is based on a dream I had yesterday haha, I dreamed that Joris was going on an adventure or a trip with Kerubim, Atcham and Ush, but these three were babies that Joris was the one who took care of them. I thought it was so cute that I wanted to recreate this dream 💕💕
I think I will draw Joris more times with the three kittens 😆✨
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thedominickowo · 28 days
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So, I came up with an idea for AU, in which Joris would not have been raised by Kerubim, but Ush instead (/_\)
I don't know if anyone has thought about this before me soo??
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jorisjurgen · 16 days
ecaflip demigod relationship lore summarized in a 20 second video for your convenience
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geekgirles · 2 months
Lady Echo: A Character Analysis
Before we dive in, there's something about me you should know. I'm a TV Tropes truther. That site is my Bible. If a piece of media interests me, then you'd better believe I have visited its TV Tropes page.
And because of that, Echo in particular is a character I've been meaning to talk about for a while now, because I get the feeling people tend to overlook what I feel is the true core of her character at the end of season 3.
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As you can see, while other tropes go more into detail about her true motivations behind betraying Oropo, that part of her character ends up being reduced to being a Woman Scorned, and while that certainly applies here, I really don't think that's the trope that best encapsulates her character and her decisions at the end of the season.
A Woman Scorned is essentially any woman who has been wronged by the person she loves and seeks revenge or has at least expressed great anger. And it can go from being cheated on by a partner, or simply being rejected by their love interest and not taking it well. And both heroic and villainous characters can be the ones to break her heart. In fact, Arpagone too would be an example of this trope, as even if her feelings for Ruel are still there, most of her actions are motivated by the pain she feels for his decision to choose money over her.
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As you can see, this all fits with Echo's actions and feelings at the end of season 3, but it's very general overall. Which is why, in my humble opinion, Echo is a better example of Love Forgives All but Lust.
This trope is essentially a deconstruction of tropes centred around the appeal bad boys have for women. The thing about women falling for bad boys is that those women tend to know they're bad news, and beyond a desire to be the ones to change them, the real reason that interest is born is because they're attracted to the idea of the bad boy being a jerk to everyone, but them. Love Forgives All but Lust is what happens when the woman is rudely awakened from that delusion.
In other words, when they realise not even they are safe from their partner's worst actions. And what is the best way to have a woman feel betrayed to the point of seeking revenge? Unfaithfulness.
Sure, they will forgive their partner if it turns out he's a serial killer, but if he cheats? Then he's the one who's dead.
And example of Love Forgives All but Lust is when the police is trying to get a mafioso's wife/girlfriend to testify against her lover, but she refuses to cooperate... until she discovers her husband/boyfriend has a lover, then she'll do everything to bring him down.
If you think about it, this is essentially what happened between Echo and Oropo after he revealed he only ever "loved" Amalia. Even if Echo is a much more active player in Oropo's machinations than simply being aware of them, having helped him carry over his plans for centuries as his second-in-command.
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After he kissed Amalia and claimed Echo never meant anything to him compared to her, that's when Echo totally lost it. And her subsequent actions are a direct result of his betrayal. It never had anything to do with Echo seeing the error of her ways, as we all know.
Think about it, it wasn't until Oropo chose Amalia over her, after everything they had ever been through, that Echo truly struck. Once it became apparent her lover didn't care for her nearly as much as she cared for him, that's when Echo revealed his true plans: to destroy the gods, he must destroy the World of Twelve and deprive them of followers. In other words, he was willing to commit mass genocide for the sake of his dream.
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Moreoever, the fact that she got to reveal the true extent of his plans at all already highlights that only she knew about them. All along, Echo knew what Oropo was planning, the consequences of his dreams, and she never once stopped believing in his cause. Their conversation in episode 6 even going as far as explaining Echo already believed in him and supported his dreams before ever falling for him, meaning she can't even excuse her actions by saying her feelings blinded her. Because she was perfectly aware of Oropo's plans all along.
And yet, that didn't stop her from loving him. If anything, it was only another reason she fell in love with him.
No, it wasn't until Oropo broke her heart that she ever went against him.
If you ask me, this all reads as Echo not minding Oropo's most questionable tendencies because she was convinced she was exempt from ever being at the receiving end of his worst actions. After all, she had been by his side the longest, witnessing how he got rid of demigods that failed to meet his standards or were no longer useful (going with what the show claims, I haven't read Ogrest's manga). It wasn't until he kissed Amalia and shoved her aside that Echo realised not even she was safe from him.
And it was because Oropo had had no qualms to screw her over that Echo decided it was her turn to screw him over. And hence, she revealed his plans to the Brotherhood of the Forgotten, not because she'd seen the error of her ways, but because Oropo had hurt her and she wanted to make him bleed in turn.
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In the end, Echo's actions weren't fuelled solely by revenge or even jealousy, they were fuelled by the bitter realisation that she never meant as much to Oropo as he meant to her. It was about realising he had no qualms hurting her, not about how he had no qualms hurting anyone else.
It was about Echo not being enough for Oropo.
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And for me, that's why Echo is a better example of Love Forgives All but Lust.
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laurencher · 2 months
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The Ecaflip family
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niximilart · 3 months
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the file name is "divorced"
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generalecapodiurano · 2 years
Ecaflip: of course I love all of my children equally! You know, Kerubim and *looks at smudged writing on hand* Kacchan... Hashish...
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animecatoftheday · 4 years
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Today’s anime-inspired cat of the day is:
Ush from Wakfu!
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serunekai-art · 4 years
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Wakfu fan art. He's such a pretty kitty <3 Speedpaint video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOePBdOhOrA
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eledoodles · 4 years
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@noximilien-art bought me among us so we could play together-- therefore i had to draw her smth back 🥺 she asked for ush & lotus and i’m GLAD she did because i love both dearly
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faery-the-diamond · 2 years
Ok, so, I was rewatching Wakfu the other day.
(Btw, if you didn't see it, I'd recommend you to check it out. It's a good show)
I was already at the OVAs when this guy appeared.....
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I remember him being in the show from the time I watched long before Cult of the lamb was released, but now...
I stopped the episode and just looked at him...
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I can't be the only one who sees this—
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Sir, are you—
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Are you Narinder's long lost twin brother by any chance????
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kerorinart · 13 days
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This's Ush based on my headcanon, I'm going to explain everything about this Ush. I'll comment on the IDEA, I will explain the CONCEPT of the entire design and finally I'll tell you the LORE of this Ush (it will be a brief lore since it's not fully developed yet)
Let's goooo!!👇
🔺The idea
Basically, the idea comes from a dream I had a few days ago haha. I dreamed about a heroic Ush that for some reason the Ush in my dream had white spots on his fur.
I thought it was so cool that I wanted to draw the Ush from my dream, But cooler would be to give him a lore and a reason. And something quite interesting occurred to me 👀 (when it comes to my favorite characters I put a lot of effort into it hahaha)
The white spots reminded me of when Ush in the Remington comic suffered very serious burns. After sacrificing himself to save Bonta from a fearsome monster, he was reincarnated into a kitten, who in the comic kept those stains from the burns. I thought it would be cool to keep those burns in the form of white spots as a symbol of his sacrifice for the nation 🫡
As for him outfit, I was inspired by traditional oriental clothing, since Ush looks that type of clothing. This Ush is wearing a blue haori* ( *a traditional Japanese jacket) , very representative color of Bonta, with a silver headdress around the edges of the garment. He wears his uniform somewhat sloppy and more comfortable for combat. The red ropes on his legs are woolen threads.
As for the weapon, I opted for a lance because I liked one of first designs of Ush that had a lance, in that design, the lance had a bell hanging and I decided to add it as a reference. This spear isn't just any spear, I was inspired by the niginatas! a Japanese weapon. And of course i wasn't going to forget that he's an Ecaflip, therefore his weapon on the upper blade represents a ♠️, on the lower blade a ♦️, like playing cards, and because the original Ush carries two swords which also represents these symbols. I should also mention that the upper blade is also inspired by the tips of French spears.
With this design I wanted to make something neither so detailed nor so simple.
🔺The lore
This's the story of a different Ush, who after the threat of a terrible monster in the nation of Bonta, sacrificed himself putting an end to the monster and reincarnated into a new life
In addition to preserving his nobility, he was named as a hero of Bonta, Ush would continue to live up to this name and find the admiration he so desired to have, or that's what his lackeys told him, because Ush... He doesn't remember anything about his previous life.
He doesn't know who the Brotherhood of the Forgotten/The Siblings are, and they didn't go looking for him again either because his priorities changed. Although he isn't involved in these canonical events, who knows if he may meet the little eliatrope again 👀
~ The end ~
Thank you for reading :)💕
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thedominickowo · 8 days
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this cute Ush' design belongs to @kerorinart
I gave him a flower (most likely, he will eat it later (。•́︿•̀。))
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jorisjurgen · 4 months
Very glad that Ush's beef with Jurgen-Crepins has now been acknowledged outside the Remington comic's insane interactions between Ush and Joris, and Wakfu OVA.
Genuinely the best scene in the history of this whole franchise.
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geekgirles · 13 days
If you think about it, Oropo really is the harbinger of his own misfortune. Not only because he manipulated the events that would shape the World of Twelve into the state it was in when Yugo accidentally created him and the other Eliotropes, thus beginning his unintentional abandonment and neglect of them which would them fuel Oropo's grudge against him and the gods he himself sent into hiding, but because he is the main reason the Brotherhood of the Tofu came to be in the first place.
In season 3 Oropo admitted to being all but tormented by memories and feelings of companions he couldn't be alongside with and of a woman that wasn't his to love, which in turn caused him to look for a replacement in his own brotherhood and in Echo. But the thing is, Yugo most likely would have never met the Brotherhood and he would have never fallen for Amalia if it weren't for Oropo's machinations bringing them together in the first place.
In other words, it's proven once again that, although Yugo might have created him and his race, Oropo had no one to blame but himself for all the misery he endured and forced upon others.
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ephemer-os · 4 years
Ush Galesh
I feel like ppl don’t often realize how tall ush is like
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He is straight up Tiny
And that’s his adult form from the last season
How tall is this bb
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I may just love cats way too much esp black cats but I wanna just Pick Him Up and Hug That Tiny Cat Man
Give the kitty a head pat
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