#w the open world….agh
birdietrait · 1 month
decades challenge in ts3 i miss you…
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tidetfs · 1 month
Wade peered through his large glasses at the murky white-ish liquid falling from his ceiling into the bucket.
He gave a sigh of annoyance as his expensive gaming laptop whirred to life, grumbling about having to call maintenance and however much he was paying for this place.
Wade’s nose wrinkled as a slight whiff of BO reached his nose. “Ugh” he shivered, reaching his arm up to check his pit. Dry. Huh. Wade turned back to his laptop, typing the first line of his email before—
The sound echoed off the bare walls as the smell assaulted him again. “What the hell?” Wade turned around again and set his laptop on the desk, peering into the bucket.
Wade gagged as another wave of that god awful BO stench hit him in the face, but then he paused, staring down at the murky off-white liquid slowly filling the bucket.
He sniffed again, breathing a little deeper. The smell had become more intense as the bucket began to fill up and—
His brow furrowed as he let a little more of the smell in, the bucket beginning to smell like a locker room or a runner’s pit on a hot summer day. "W-Wait" Wade stammered. How did he know what that would smell like?
The odor made his eyes flutter slightly as he stared down at the bucket, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
“Mmmm” Wade breathed deeply, his mind blurring at the edges. It was becoming harder to think the more of the manly musk he let in. He blinked, feeling the front of his jeans tent slightly, his vision going dark…
Drip. Drip. Drip….
“Ahh! Wade shot awake. How long had he been here? His mind darted, it was dark outside now.
His eyes peered back at the bucket, now half full, gagging again at the smell, posters now peeling off the walls, the surfaces slick with some sort of liquid.
“Agh!” Wade brought his hand to his mouth, suppressing the urge to vomit as he raced to the door, jiggling the slick handle only to find it locked.
“W-what…” Wade started to panic as the fuzziness began to return to his mind, turning slowly to face the leak.
Wade breathed deeply, letting the scent of a hundred sweaty jockstraps enter him, the wave of stench sending him to his knees. His vision blurred as his mouth hung open, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as the fumes sent a shock through his body, causing his member to tent his pants, straining against the denim.
Drip. Drip.
He moaned as he unzipped his jeans, letting his throbbing erection spring free as he shucked his shirt and jacket, throwing them across the room.
As the stench of stale sweat washed over him, his mind melted into the puddle of musk. His eyes rolled involuntarily as his head lolled back, his dick already dripping with precum.
Compelled by some force, the nerd began to pull his pale, thin body across the floor towards the bucket, with each breath feeling like he was inhaling a locker room’s worth of ripe, cheesy musk.
His hand gripped the bucket, bringing the rim to his nose and inhaling the fumes, moaning into the rim as his body shook. His eyes fluttered again as his hand gripped his cock as he began to stroke.
It was impossible for him to think, the only thing he could feel was the smell, his mind becoming mush.
He couldn't stop his hand, his strokes speeding up as the scent of musk filled his mind, his hand moving faster and faster, the scent filling him with a primal urge, his body writhing on the floor, his mind a blurry mess as he stroked himself faster, his mind lost to the musky aroma.
Despite the small part of his brain telling me not to, Wade knew what to do, reaching out his tongue to catch one of the drops.
Instantly, his body was wracked with heat. Wade fell back onto the floor as sweat began to pour out of his pores as if he had just finished a long, grueling game in the heat. His glasses were quickly coated in a layer of steam, making the world around him blurry.
He didn't care.
Wade continued to stroke himself, his body tensing as his hands moved faster and faster, the sensation building up in his abdomen.
More. He needed more. More of that intoxicating smell. Wade pulled himself across the floor towards the bucket, lifting himself so his lips could lap up the sweaty droplets.
The taste was incredible.
Wade's eyes rolled into the back of his head once more as the taste of the pure, unadulterated musk exploded across his tongue. His hand pumped his cock faster and faster as he lapped at the bucket. He could barely think, the taste sending him over the edge.
Wade let out a loud moan as his body began to shake, the smell sending his body into overdrive. He could barely hear his own screams of pleasure over the sound of his blood pumping in his ears, as he started to feel his body change.
His arms were the first to feel the effects. The skinny limbs started to bulge, his muscles growing larger, thicker, and stronger. Wade could barely notice, his mind lost in the smell. His body was shaking, his back arching as his torso expanded, his stomach becoming rock hard, his pecs becoming two firm mounds, his shoulders becoming broader.
Wade continued to moan as he felt his chest grow heavier, his pecs growing into large, round melons. He could barely think, the sensation was so overwhelming. He couldn't stop stroking, his cock continuing to grow, his balls becoming two large, swollen orbs. His hair was plastered to his head, the sweat dripping from his body.
He could feel his body changing, his muscles growing, his ass becoming rounder, his hips becoming wider. His cock continued to grow, his balls becoming larger and larger, until they were obscene and drooping.
Wade was a sweaty, writhing mass on the floor, his body shaking, his cock leaking precum. His hair was plastered to his face, growing longer and unkempt as the sweat poured down his cheeks, his mouth hanging open, his tongue lolling out.
Wade groaned and whimpered as more drops began to fall from the ceiling, landing on his chest and causing his muscles to clench, his back arching. The sweat dripped down his face, his neck, his chest, his back, his arms, his legs, his feet, his toes, his fingers.
Every drop caused his muscles to spasm, his body convulsing, his cock leaking more precum. His pecs were so large, he could barely see over them. His ass was so round, he couldn't even sit properly.
His entire body was covered in sweat, his entire body dripping with it. He could feel his balls tightening, his cock twitching.
He moaned and whimpered as his face cracked and changed, becoming model-like, his glasses breaking and falling to the floor.
He groaned, the scent sending his mind into overdrive, his body twitching and convulsing. His muscles were so large, they were bursting through his clothes.
Every muscle in his body was on fire, his body drenched in sweat. He could barely think, his mind overwhelmed by the scent.
He gasped as he felt his mind go blank, his body shaking as he came. His orgasm was so powerful, his balls contracted, forcing the cum to spurt out of his cock. The force was so great, the stream of cum flew through the air, covering the room.
"Ah!" Wade gasped as the drops fell onto his skin, sending waves of pleasure through his body, his cock spraying his seed all over the room.
The drops kept falling, causing Wade's orgasm to continue, his body shaking. He could barely think, his mind was swimming as all paths of higher thought were permanently wiped away, replaced by an unending desire to bury himself in the pits and crotches of sweaty men. His hair grew out, becoming blonde and shaggy, signifying his permanent change.
It was not for hours that he finally left the house; but the Wade who walked in would never return.
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isackwhy · 24 days
my time to shine.
isaacwhy sfw hc’s!!!
i fully believe this man is terrified to flirt
like i blame all the homeschooling he’s so sociable normally but just buckles up w flirting
unless he’s drunk
so w that i think he’d easily fall for a best friend
someone he gets more comfortable with but also more head over heels for
kinda makes it easier to flirt in the long run tbh
okay enough i’m too high i’m going too in depth w that LOL
even after you guys start dating he gets ten times bolder when he’s drunk
that’ll be more detailed in nsfw dw dw
loves play wrestling w you
like no matter or tall or body type this man will try and gently body slam you onto a bean bag
does that fake punching shit w the ���ugh! agh!” noises behind you when ur editing or cooking or looking at something in the store
also bluetooth humps u
it’s embarrassing the amount of times he’s done it in the middle of target and people have spotted it as you swat him away
isaac laughs everytime as soon as they’re gone while u just sulk
here’s a quick take: if ur both content creators and known best friends when u start dating, i feel like at some point one of y’all would let it slip OR u drop one too many hits and the ppl catch on
y’all would want it to be private but not like secret. u would mention that u arent single every so often and he’d slip into a podcast one day but never directly state it
until a slip up on stream when u we’re playing a horror game and he came into your room to scare you
you yelped, headphones falling off
once your heart stops beating you let out a whined, “babeeeee….”
he stops laughing first
it’s only then u realize what u did
and then boom everyone knew
he posted a lot of pics of u before but now he’s reposting ur ig posts to his stories. posting selfies of u two on his story. (w his face covered ofc)
nsfw hc’s now >:)
i remember vividly during one of the podcasts that willy said isaac is the freakiest. it was under his breath and i remember isaac just going “wha—“ BUT I REMEMBER IT
w that said…..choking, a mix of praise and degradation, marking you….like he goes IN w that
he’s like got your legs in the air doing what he has to do with his hand around your neck, curls slightly sweaty, toned abs shining under the light
“you’re doing so fucking good baby. you like this? you like the world knowing you’re a good slut?”
EEP okay
the next day your whole neck is purple. his back and biceps are scratched up and u are being bullied by your friends
“they’re mad they didn’t get laid last night!” isaac yells
after u guys announce ur dating and someone even spots what could be a hickey on ur neck it floods into the chat and thank god for ur mods bc u are not addressing how ur bf was pounding ur shit and then went to play clash of clans after
now….when he’s drunk.
he had just filmed that drunk lethal company video w yumi and larry
downed far too many shots of vodka
he gets up and plops onto the bed, wrapping his arm around your waist
“you okay there?” you laugh, moving some of his curls so u can see his face
his eyes are glazed over but a goofy smile works it’s way across his face
next thing your know he’s inching towards your thighs, kissing them and then trying to separate them to get to your core
“isy. you’re drunk.”
“hmmm? i think i’m still sober enough to make you cum.”
“hmph no. you’re drunk.”
he pouts and climbs on top of you
he leans down and rests kisses all over ur face, trailing to your neck, whispering ‘please’ between every kiss
“no. when ur sober” you push him away with a laugh
he gives in, very excited to wake up sober
as soon as your eyes flutter open there’s kisses along your jawline and a wide eyed isaac in your face
“i’m sober.”
but when you’re BOTH like any sort of intoxicated
by golly
it’s very rare you two find yourselves at a party but when you do and you’re both taking shots and then running to the sesh circle and then getting more shots
first, you’re holding onto each other so you don’t fall
second, your hands are all over his biceps while his keep trailing under your shirt or around your stomach
ur walking around to find nick. the only one who didn’t drink. because you guys are impatient and like need each other like now
he takes you guys back to the house and goes back to keep an eye on the other guys
meaning. y’all have the house to ur selves
lord do u take that to ur advantage
you don’t even make it to the bedroom. you stumble into the living room and before the front door is even closed your lips are attached to his
you’re both stumbling as you kiss until the back of your legs hit the couch and he falls on top to you
“i was so very tempted to just fuck you in the bathroom of that house,” you laugh between kisses, words slurred with adrenaline and alcohol
“well—now—weee have the house to ourselves,” isaac slurs as well, his hands sliding down your bottoms and pulling them and your underwear down swiftly
“nuh uh! you too mister!” you giggle as you drunkenly tug at his pants
he complies ofc duh
lots of drunk mumbles of i love you are exchanged. his head in the crook of your neck as you fuck on his couch 🫡
he’s whines a lot more when he’s drunk too like he whines when he’s sober but it gets louder when he’s drunk and u love it sm omfg
i barely write for nsfw so if it’s ASS i apologize
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tiredlilguy · 8 months
Can I request flags (separately) x artist reader? Like they do paintings and such and maybe they go to art museums with them s/o? Painting the flags or drawing for them too ya know? :DDD
a/n: hi hi!! >:D (ur lucky u got in the 4 slots that filled up within a day LMFAO) TYSM I HOPE U HAVE A GREAT DAY <333 I hope you enjoy this! I did little scenarios as opposed to what I usually do (which is hc's) because i haven't done small scenarios in a while. also for anyone who's interested: here's the [SB masterlist]
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pairing: The Flags (separately) X GN!Reader cw: NA, not proofread desc: the flags with an artist s/o in various different scenarios =w=
You had been sitting behind sketchbook, a frown on your face as you went through multiple sketches of scenes you saw outside of the window. You were sitting at the windowsill, on a piano bench that you stole from your lover’s piano side. You fiddled with your pencil for a little while, eventually letting out a frustrated sigh and placing your sketchbook on your lap. In that moment, the front door opened revealing Pianoman. You paid no mind to him, lost in your own thoughts as you tried to recall a scene that had just happened right outside so that you could draw it.
“ Hm…? No ‘welcome back’, my dear?,” his voice intruded your thoughts, and you quickly opened your eyes to see Pianoman peering over you.
A blush quickly crept up on your face,” Agh-! You scared me.”
Pianoman chuckled softly behind his hand,” Really lost in your own thoughts there, I see. Well, I’m home, sweet thing.”
“ W-welcome home,” you stuttered out. He only smiled, but before you knew it you were being lifted off the bench you were sitting on and into his arms.
“ H-hey…! What are you doing?,” you asked in protest, though your body seemed to relax in his arms (save for your shoulders and hands that were held close to your chest).
“ Well, I need the piano bench,” he answered simply, placing a kiss on your temple and moving you over to the couch nearby. He placed you down gently with a small huff before walking over to the piano bench.
“ You could’ve just asked me to move, ya know?”
“ I would, but my baby looked so wrapped up in their own world, I didn’t wanna bother you~,” he teased, placing the bench down by the piano and taking a seat. He’d already discarded of his large overcoat and was just wearing his tailored white suit. You leaned over to the arm of the couch, your cheek resting on it as your eyes traveled towards him. Pianoman took off his gloves and placed them on top of the piano before cracking his knuckles and playing a couple cords with his fingers. He let out a satisfied hum at the sound of the notes, but before he was about to play again, he heard you pencil sketching away as you tried to recreate the image in front of you.
“ Don’t lay on the couch like that for so long, dear. You’ll hurt your neck like that.”
He had been across the kitchen counter, cooking dinner for the both of you while looking over at a script and repeating lines over and over again. Memorization was important, considering that he was an actor, and with how busy his schedule was, he was often practicing in the few breaks he had. Of course, he’d normally be conversing with you, but seeing that you were working on a painting across from him, he decided to do what he did on his own time: vocal practice with lines and cooking up a good meal.
As he was cooking (and talking to himself), you had just finished up playing with acrylic texture on a canvas. However, it started to become too blotty and you had been staring at it wondering how to fix that. Eventually, you thought of using water to help this, and sat up from your stool.
“ O me, what fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have- Oh dear, hi sunshine,” you interrupted him (more like startled) as you walked in between the cramped way to the cupboard.
“ Hello… sorry to interrupt your cooking. I just need a glass of water,” you walked past him to the cupboard, taking out a glass and walking over to the sink.
“ It’s ok, love,” Lippmann smiled gently, moving to place a kiss on your cheek,” Whatever you need to make art.”
“ Thanks,” you looked over to him with a smile as you turned the faucet off with a glass now full of water.
“ Hey, where’s my kiss?,” Lippmann stopped you, a hand on his hip and the other in your wrist.
“ Oh right.”
You moved to peck his lips before walking off and moving back to your canvas. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was slightly flustered at the gesture.
Whenever he was off work, he usually stayed home. He often rarely went out, but this one time, he decided to come with you to an exhibition at an art museum that you were looking forward to. Iceman didn’t really understand art, but he could hear you talk about it for hours on end, even if it didn’t make sense to him. He tried to memorize every word, and comprehend it in his own way. He sort of guessed it was like how he was when he listened to and studied every note and sound in music.
Currently, you were trailing along, explaining every piece of work you saw. He didn’t say much, only nodded and staring into the picture/sculpture that was there for a couple of seconds. Eventually, you were both lining up to go inside of a room. You’d mentioned something about how it was a room full of hanging lights, with mirrors that were all throughout the interior, making it feel bigger than it really was.
Eventually you both walked in, and he opened his eyes a little wider. This time, you had nothing to say in particular. He raised a brow, asking you if you were going to say anything.
“ Hm… I think we should just enjoy the piece for now. I’m getting a little tired of talking,” you shrugged with a sigh. Taking his hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
It was silent as you both stared at the hanging lights in silence. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you in closer to him.
“ Sorry for talking so much,” you laughed awkwardly, leaning into his side.
“ Don’t apologize,” he quickly told you,” I could hear you talk forever.”
He was currently taking a sick day today, but he insisted that he sit on the couch and watch you paint instead (despite all of your protests… he walked his weak body over to the couch with a giant blanket around him before flopping on the couch). At times like these, he usually felt his weakest, as his body couldn’t perform to the aptitude that the average person’s would. Thankfully, you were around at home to take care of him, but even then, he didn’t want you to take care of him, as he felt that he was being a burden when you were so busy working on paintings.
He was currently curled up on the sofa, watching you walk around your canvas with a color palette before walking up to it and switching brushes. He was awfully fascinated by the way you so meticulously made work on a canvas.
“ It’s almost like surgery a little bit,” he spoke up, shifting slightly under his blanket into a more comfortable position.
You turned around,” Think so…?” You placed the palette down on a side table and walked over to him, sitting down on the couch.
“ Guess so,” he answered,” Carefully piecing together parts of it before it comes out into a new final project. It’s different every time.”
“ I hope you don’t do that to people too…,” you shivered, before placing a hand over his forehead, moving the hair away from his face. He hummed lightly, before giggling to himself,” Hm… Maybe. What if we were able to breathe from a kidney instead of a lung.”
“ I doubt that’s humanly possible.”
“ In a world of people with abilities, who knows what’ll happen?”
“ I think what will happen is you getting some rest instead of watching me work, babe.”
“ Are you drawing ME?!,” Albatross took you out of your trance as you were, in fact, drawing him. He’d just gotten back home, and smothered you in a sudden back hug.
“ Hey! You’re not supposed to be home for another couple of hours!,” you yelled back in confusion.
“ I got off early,” he answered before hugging you once again, almost taking you out of your chair this time,” Anyways, you’re drawing meeee~!”
You giggled, hugging him back as you waited for him to finish hugging you. Of course, he took a minute or two… making sure to take in plenty of breathes of you, and rubbing his hair on your shoulder. He would occasionally move you in his arms too, rocking you from side to side.
“ It was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess I’ll make it a practice sketch for now,” you said, as he let you down.
“ Oh!,” his expression went blank, until a small smile went on his face. He pushed his sunglasses back on his eyes, slowly walking down the door,” I didn’t see anything then.”
You laughed to yourself as he slowly closed the door, as well.
Currently, it seemed that the only thing you were painting was him. You couldn’t get him out of your head, and it was starting to get embarrassing, the more canvases you’d buy just to practice, only to realize you were painting him.
You were now walking him back to your shared home. Though, you’d forgotten one crucial detail as you slowly opened the door… you left all of your canvases out.
“ Actually, let’s not go inside right now,” you quickly shut the door with an awkward smile.
“ What’s wrong,” Chuuya raised a brow,” Is there something in there…?”
“ Well… Uh… Yeah, let’s go get dinner! I’m hungry,” you tried to cover it up, still leaning against the door.
“ What’s behind the door, (Y/N)?”
“ Nothing! Let’s go, c’mon!”
After a while of back and forth, eventually, you gave up with a hardy sigh and opened the door with an embarrassed expression. He walked in, blue eyes widening as he observed the many canvases that were scattered around your apartment.
“ I was gonna wrap them up, but I lost track of time and went to go get you before putting them away.”
“ You… drew me…?’
You nodded shyly, but it was quickly met with a big hug and many a kisses to the face.
“ Thanks, doll.”
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[also if you want, please consider getting me a coffee or commissioning me ;) no pressure ofc!!! i understand that we're all in different circumstances/situations, any support of any kind is appreciated <3]
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pangolin-404 · 1 year
for ship bingo: gabv1el (i dont know if i got their ship name right. oops)
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THEY'RE SO. INTERESTING. they want to kill each other so bad but also they are just about the only people who can survive each other. nobody else (aside from V2 Once) has escaped V1 alive and few have walked away from Gabriel unscathed
In canon, I feel like romantic feelings on Gabriel's side is Implied, or at least it's intentionally open for things to be read that way, but V1 is a blank slate which makes sense but man they did NOT have to write Gabriel so Like That. this is not a bad thing ! AND they're fated for one to destroy the other (probably V1 killing Gabriel before his fading light can kill him). can't wait for act 3 when they fistfight in a denny's parking lot
I feel like if they Were together their braincells would cancel out. mostly on V1's part. It is a war machine, it's not built for things like caring for people!! It was never coded with intention to feel anything, let alone romantic love! no idea what it's doing! trial and error! and while Gabriel is very familiar with close bonds and platonic relationships he does Not know how to handle whatever the hell V1 is doing. it's scuttling over him like a rat, it's leaving dead husks at his feet as gifts, it thinks using him for target practice is fun bonding, it's asleep on his legs and now he can't move or it'll wake up, and he's fighting for his life trying to understand its beeping and body language. in a world where gabriel would not collapse in on himself like a dying star I think they would be very closely knit. would care very much for each other
I half-picked "only exists in my head" because I feel I have a very specific view of V1 and if I ever see it super ""out of character"" from the version in my brain I go AGH!! and it's the same w/ Gabriel at times. I'm opening and closing ao3 like the fridge at 3am looking for more fics
and "no way this will end well" less from a relationship standpoint and more from a canon standpoint, because they're both going to die one way or another. canon Gabriel I think would go out with more unspoken baggage about his feelings to V1. there's something sad about that, about Gabriel maybe developing an affection for it, but dying before it can grow or he can confront those feelings. I don't think any of that would be stated but! imagine. imagine
thematically... they are thematically delicious yes.. gabriel driven to revolt by a creature of steel, driven by the very thing he views as nothing, mere object. v1 is a silent protagonist while I enjoy/prefer that this means lots of the juicy bits is from gabriel having a life crisis after getting the christianity beaten out of him twice by a roomba with a knife strapped to it
there are so many ways their relationship can be read!! they're fun to think about. rotating them in my brain
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kynrki · 2 years
021. confrontations!!!!!
WARNINGS: swearing
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its was 6pm, and kazuha had walked into the gym right on time. she looked around and saw sunghoon. she smiled and ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. “hi sunghoon” she said as she smiled at him.
she then heard a sound. it sounded as if someone make their thraot clear. she looked around and saw sunoo and her smile dropped but it quickly picked up as she didnt want anyone to notice. but sunoo did. “hi sunoo” she said with a fake smile. sunoo nodded.
“what did you wanna talk about?” she asked as she looked back at sunghoon. anyone could clearly see how she had heart eyes for him. “well uh-“ “cut the shit, whats your issue kazuha” sunoo cut sunghoon off as he crossed his arms.
“i-i- i dont know what you’re talking about” kazuha laughed nervously. “let me see” sunoo said as he stood up and started walking around the girl in a circle. “threats to sakura about doing all this? ruin all yn’s opportunities? oh and lets not forget, making sure yn didn’t debut? does any of those ring a bell?” sunoo continued as he stood right in front of kazuha, slightly looking down at her with a cold expression.
“w-w-what? how do you even know about all those things!” kazuha shouted in frustration. “we know alot, now are you gonna explain yourself?” sunghoon said as he looked at kazuha with cold eyes. she felt her heart break slightly. she had lost. she truly had. it was like the world was working against her in all ways. “agh that stupid bitch yn, if she wasn’t here then none of this would have happened. dont you see, she ruined my life! she took all the opportunities i could have had, even you sunghoon. im in love with you, but ofc you had to like her. she took everything from me, now its my turn to make her pay.” kazuha said as she grabbed her hair in frustration.
sunoo and sunghoon sat in silence for a while. “why” sunoo asked after a looking at sunghoon for a bit. lazuha sighed softly. “im so tired of being in yns shadow. she was always the one that did the best no matter what, but i’ll give it to her, she practiced hard for everything. she did her best so that she could excel and you could see it but im jus so tired of yn taking everything away from me. the thing that makes it worse is that when she didn’t get the debut spot, she didn’t even seem sad about it. she instead said i deserved it and carried on with her life like normal again which to me is such a huge thing to do. if i didn’t debut i would probably be crying rn yk?” kazuha said as a few tears dropped from her eyes.
“but dont you think you’re going the wrong way about this? like youre creating all this jus so she could feel some sort of remorse but cant you see its not working. yn would’ve shown so much already if it was different but she isnt. and that’s because shes a mentally strong person.” sunghoon said as he felt bad for kazuha.
“i know i have no excuse for what i did, i jus think i was so blinded by the fact that i got it and she didn’t that i wanted her to feel bad. as if all her hardwork went for nothing and that she was useless. it felt so good being in power for once.” kazuha said. “i understand but you need to realise that not everyone is the way you are and how you think.” sunghoon said. “i hope you know this means im not forgiving you at all, but thank you for telling us all this. you need help kazuha. you’re not mentally okay” sunoo said as he sighed and left the gym.
“sunghoon?” kazuha said after they sat in a while in silence. “hm” he hummed. “im sorry” she said softly. sunghoon sighed and walked towards the door. “i shouldn’t be the one youre saying sorry to. youve caused years of healing to sudden be ripped open again. yn needs the apology not me. i hope you know management will be told about all this.” sunghoon said coldly as he left kazuha in the room alone.
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masterlist | previous | next
PAIRINGS — idol!park sunghoon x idol!fem!reader
SYPNOSIS — yln yn and park sunghoon are sworn enemies ever since highschool. unfortunately for yn, she had undeniably huge feelings for sunghoon and wrote love songs for him. now they both are out of school, one being an idol, the other still writing songs in the comfort of their home. what happens when yn accidentally leaks one of her songs that miraculously ends up blowing up? and why does her voice sound so familiar to sunghoon?
TAGLIST (closed) — @yunki4evr @ijustmetyouandthisiscrazy @thisisnotjacinta @trsrina @liliansun @shinsou-rii @seosracha @notdrunkbutdazed @shoooobin @vatterie @kimmchijjajang @ilvsoup @sungookie @vampsvngie @winteringdream @hikyeom @raimbows4u @gfksn @enhasengene @luviehyck @nyfwyeonjun @allcra @luveuly @jwsflower @jihyoscrown @wooniy @fadedluvv @jakelux @enheyy @y4wnjunz @yjwluvs @kyanmeai @indelicate-macalino @sophhloaff @02zluvbot @lowxkie @ohmyhuenings @nomniki @lost-leopard-beanie @captivq @cosmicwintr @ahnneyong @diamondx211 @cyuuupid @lvepsh @xtra-cheese @jeongintwt @butterflyy-ningg @dasa3040 @meiiiwa
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d10nyx · 4 months
nyx i've cracked one open for you idc if it's the morning... also what is your favourite wiriting trope in the whole wide world
omg i feel honoured :3 already hungover from my dad getting me 700 shots last night but... time to go out again :')
ALSO AGH... stop i feel like i'm so basic tbh... probably between getting stuck together, second chance(like getting back w your ex) ORRR... fake relationship :3
they're all romance tropes bcs i'm sappy
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bartholomew-junior · 1 month
2, 3, 4, sips exact same questions from my last ask sure we ball
ok i’m gonna throw in 2 freebie questions 4 this one for fun, if that’s alright, apologies if it isn’t ^-^ i was just eyeing this 4 sips and thought this was a good chance.
2 . you could probably find some1 in the fandom who could ramble and rave about sips’ personality, design, vibes, etc. for DAYS. and i am no different, really. the themes of his character are being lost in the world and trying to find purpose and learning to be vulnerable and heal, which speaks to a LOT of people, as well as his personality (that is kind of infused with dingo’s humor, quirks, struggles). also the way he’s drawn, shit-eating grin and generally being a prick gets a lot of people hooked. basically, his whole design and personality pretty much, but if i had to narrow it down, i would say his special kind of defiance and general prick aura.
3 . i feel like his base design without the croc arm could be spiced up a liiittle bit more and given a few more ornaments, but that’s just me. the combo of open vest and harem pants just reminds me of aladdin lol. but who cares i’m not his character designer and its just a nitpick lmao
4 . same kind of genre as erina, aka obscure old anime. i’d give his a few more shonen elements and jttw inspiration, and a different artstyle kind of like jojo’s bizarre adventure (LOL) with more crosshatching and messier lines, more distinctive atmosphere, and draw sips very similarly to how he is in the series. the original series has a kind of storyboard feel, especially in the later episodes, and i think dull/greyscale backgrounds with some bright colors could make things more visually interesting. also psychological horror
bonus. kind of:
7 . same headcanons they give to ohio jack, which is making him trans, autistic, etc. i do enjoy the more realistic takes on his design, like making him look like a whole ass macaque cuz i think it’s fun. i’ve drawn sips w top surgery scars b4, and i think it’s a cool addition to his character. also, i really, really like that at least this part of the fandom acknowledges that he’s aroace and doesn’t really ship him and instead focuses on his friendships, which i think does his character more of a service than shipping him with gothi. bit fandom will fandom, and i have nothing against shipping, etc. in short, i like this little corner of the fandom :]]
18 . i already wrote about gothi and sips, so i’ll do a different one this time. i wouldn’t say admire like at all, but this one is rlly interesting to me (and if you’ve been looking @ this blog 4 a bit, i do mention this duo), which is xanu and sips (and also the existence of xips). they’re foils, and have so many parallels like in the way they were both experimented on, hold their friends in high regard and everyone else is suspicious to them, etc., but sips seems more aware? which is a rarity when he’s contrasted with other people and both of them bring out a less seen side of each other, with sips meeting an actual Bad Guy and being less murderous compared to him, and xanu being especially annoyed and irritated by sips and kind of enabling him. agh. they should never talk to each other again. sorry 4 the ramble
summary: hehe funny little guy
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comiclink: https://www.tumblr.com/dingodoodles/174215134831/doodle-of-a-scene-from-this-weeks-session-sips?source=share
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
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The story needs her. You can't just mess around with timelines like this! This is not what narrators do!
=Oh? And what do we do?= We tell, not show! All narratives follow a strict alpha timeline. If you mess with the alpha, it messes with all other timelines existing and hypothetical. It would mess up the balance of paradox space itself!
=I understand this.=
Then why are you doing this?!
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=Because his pain tastes better than her faith.=
W-what? Your kind would go that far?
=No. But I do.=
I won't let you. You can't.
=Won't let me?=
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=I am the catalyst. I have put history in motion long before your paradox was born. I am the one who made this narrative. I am the wolf who shepherds the flock so I can feed upon their wool.=
=I am not bound by your silly rules, for I am not like you. You forget, narrators do not interact with the narrative lest they are the force of motion granted by the god writer; I am that force in motion. Try as you may to stop me, the author won't let you.=
What is your goal here? Power?
Then what?
=To do what all living things must do: feed. I take no satisfaction from this, I take no amusement, no malice. I am simply playing my cards so that I must eat.=
Messiahs aren't supposed to do this.
=The other Messiahs are not as clever as I.=
There's only so much disorder you can do to a timeline before it becomes another world itself! If you keep changing the narratives, who knows what will happen?
This bears no significance to me. I do not care about the lives I have touched. Trollkind is neither my friend nor my enemy. This neutral arrangement is what kept us alive for so long, it is how we are able to feast upon your kind for millennia like leeches to an open wound. You only oppose me because you do not share in my instinct. You are chained to this sun, a prisoner witness to all of time and space.
That's not true...
=Please, I encourage you to continue your fits of denial. Your misery has a fine flavor to it.=
I don't understand. There's so many other ways you can feed off of energy. You don't have to do this! Rutaci might not ever come back! Why are you--
=You poor sheep.=
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=Almost all life that exists on your plane always assumes a 'why.' A mortal mind cannot comprehend that there is a lack of reason for their world. They always grip onto something, as if the truth is something tangible that would save them from themselves. There is no truth to find. There is no purpose in life. No god created your world, and no god will take you from it. There is no why to your existence, nor mine.=
Then you kill people, revive them, torture them, bring them joy, save their lives... all... just because?
That would imply reason. There is none.
I don't believe you-- agh!
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=Do you believe it now, now that your very own narrative has split? The things that I can and cannot do? I do not possess your boundaries, nor will I ever. I am not a narrator, nor am I a god; I am a parasite of which that must feed.=
W-what...? How did you...? Why?
=Because it simply is. I am done explaining to you the nature of things you should already know. Come now, Mystical; you are due your freedom, and I, a meal.= =And I know where to look.=
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Mask-a-Raid: Part 2
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GAGH! Ugh...!? W-Would it kill you to stop running around and slinging me about like I’m your god-damn backpack!?
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No...But I find it very entertaining.
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*After scaling a small Hokkaido building with his package, Matta unstraps Kanade from his back and throws her onto the ground. He then takes something out of his pocket and speaks into it.
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...Tsutsuji? I’m going to need a pickup from my current location.
Woman’s Voice: Matta? Wait, what’s this about?
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I’m with Kanade Otonokoji, I just rescued her as Shirogane desired. You yourself reccomended that I do this, remember?
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But this was a mostly solo mission so I’ll need you to take me to safety. Drop Zetsubou a pin of my current whereabouts.
Woman’s Voice: *sigh* Alright...But next time give me advance warning, why don’t you? I can’t be here to oversee your missions all the time.
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Hmph...I’m still glad I have you around.
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*Matta disapprovingly raises his head after hearing this angry scream. He turns around to see Kuripa and Kaede fly up to him on Kaede’s spear.
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Over and out...
*He hangs up his call with the mysterious woman, then faces them.
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Why don’t either of you just give it a rest?
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I’ve put up with too much lately for you to just grab that psycho and make off with her! I don’t care what Zetsubou needs her for, I’m just not letting it happen!
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Admirable, I’ll admit...But I must ask...
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You really hate psychotic murderers, correct?
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Of course!
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Then why side with THAT guy and a Monokub?
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Don’t compare Kuripa to her! Why wouldn’t I side with him after everything he’s done for me!?
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Does that include almost killing you in America?
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Yeah...I knew about it...When the same man spends his life trying to hunt you down, you learn to keep track of his movements.
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I can’t fathom why you would continue to place faith in a man who would not only hurt you so horribly, but would do so again in a heartbeat if the ends justified his selfish means.
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Besides...It’s not as if you have any reason to spite me. Zetsubou are becoming increasingly unreliable, and it’s not as if you’ve wronged me in any way.
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What are you getting at?
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I’m saying...don’t give me a reason to HURT you...!
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Too late for that. You’re rescuing Otonokoji AND you killed Kuripa’s sister! 
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That’s more than enough of a reason for me to hate you!
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And how many sisters do you think HE’S killed?
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How many lives do you think he’s trampled on as part of his personal revenge story against the world? How many family’s do you think he’s ripped apart?
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Kurafto doesn’t care how many people pay the price so long as I am one of them. And you still choose to place your faith in-
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Kuripa has NEVER killed an innocent, or hurt someone without good reason! I STARTED that fight!
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These last few days have been a real eye-opener for me...And I’ve come to realize something.
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Lots of bad things have happened in my life recently...and I’ve learned firsthand that there’s no way I can completely deal with them and overcome them!
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But that’s because no matter what, I can’t deal with anything by myself! And I trust in the good nature of humanity and BELIEVE in people, no matter what they’ve done.
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We move forward in life together...Or we don’t move forward at all...!
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That’s adorable...
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In that case, you can SUFFER with him!
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*Matta grapple shots Kaede and Kuripa, yanks them both forward and pummels them into the ground!
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*Kuripa kicks Matta in the stomach, but he just leaps back, seemingly unphased. Kuripa immediately lurches to his feet and rushes at him, brandishing his blade!
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*Matta suddenly suddenly whips out a pair of scimitar swords and crosses blades with Kuripa! They block, parry and dodge each other’s attacks until Matta brings both blades down on Kuripa, forcing him to block.
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Even if you were serious about protecting that girl, you CAN’T protect her forever!
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Then it’s a good thing she doesn’t NEED my protection!
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*Kuripa nods behind him, and Matta looks up in time to see Kaede soaring straight at him. With her weapon in bludgeoning mode, she slams right into him, knocking him back.
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No worries.
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So, Gyalu-shit-su!
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Gyalu-shit-su? What am I, a puppy dog?
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I’ve never been able to successfully match you, but what about now!? Feel like you wanna take on both of us at the same time!?
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Come at us!
*They brandish their weapons confidently.
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No, I think I’ll just leave...
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We’ll see about-
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Wait, wha-?
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So long...
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*Matta suddenly grabs Kanade and jumps off the roof of the building. Kaede and Kuripa grab hold of the former’s weapon and fly after him to give chase.
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*With Kanade once again slung round his shoulder, he jumps down onto the highway and on top of a speeding delivery truck. He groans as he sees them fly after him
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Gagh...That weapon is very annoying...!
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You get that side, I’ll get this side!
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*Kaede flips over Matta and she and Kuripa strike him simultaneously from both sides. 
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Oh boy, this is gonna be super rough! Kanade likey~!
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H-Hold on time out.
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*Matta casually pushes Kuripa and Kaede back and sheathes his weapons.
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*He smacks Kanade’s head behind him and knocks her out instantly.
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I could do without the running commentary...Anyway, where were we?
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Civilian: AAGH!
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*Matta kicks Kuripa and sends him flying back into the vehicle behind. He crashes into the car’s window and thankfully, doesn’t injure the driver.
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*Now on her own while Kuripa jumps back onto the truck and tries to rejoin her, Kaede starts to cross swords with Matta.
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How long will it be before you fall down that path too, Kaede Akamatsu!?
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If you continue to follow this man’s guidance, he will corrupt you. Turn you into his own remnant...And you’re still following him, even knowing that?
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You don’t know...a DAMN thing about him! OR about the nature of people!
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Kuripa and Monodam...Don’t you DARE DISRESPECT THEM!
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*Kaede shoves forward, deflecting and parrying Matta’s blade, but he simply takes a few steps back and stands up straight.
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Kuripa is unruly and violent, but I’m not the same.
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We’re from two different walks of life, but I will support him. But I will never follow his goals or be like him.
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You say that now...But words mean little...
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I can see it in the way you fight...For someone who carries such an air of grace around her, I cannot say the same for your battle prowess...
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Your movements are unrefined...amateurish...sloppy...!
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*Kaede tosses her spear in Javelin mode and it soars straight towards Matta on the other side of the truck...But...
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...Hm...Like I said...sloppy...!
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*Kaede stars in horror, as Matta catches her full-force weapon between two of his fingers.
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That’s...That’s not possible...!? 
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What...What the hell...ARE you...!?
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I’ll say it once again, you misguided little girl...
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I EXIST to DEFY the impossible…!
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*Kaede’s heart sinks, as Matta effortlessly crushes the Mozart MK2 between his fingers...!
*The split pieces of the spear fizzle and clunk down on top of the truck. She tries to recall them, but the spear is well and truly broken.
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Not so powerful without your little toys, are you?
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*Kaede screams defiantly and rushes towards Matta with a clenched fist, but she is effortlessly kicked in the chest and knocked down, wind knocked from her lungs.
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*Kaede still doesn’t give up, and forces herself up to attack again. This time however, Matta fires his grapple shot and yanks an iron pipe from a truck next to them on the highway forward! It flies towards them and smacks Kaede in the head, knocking her down again!
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Aah...Agh...*COUGH!* Ngh...!
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*Her vision clouded, with the remaining pieces of her spear in front of her, Kaede stars up at Matta, who points a pistol down at her face.
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Remember this, Kaede Akamatsu...You didn’t have to-
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*Kaede throws one of her spear pieces at Matta. It hits him in the mask and cuts him off.
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You didn’t have to go through with this.
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*He cocks the pistol, but right before he can fire...
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*Kuripa recovers, clambers back onto the truck and tackles him to the ground!
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Gragh! GAAGH!
*Kuripa LAYS WASTE to Matta, punching him in the face and chest over and over, and adding in a headbutt for good measure!
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*Matta lifts his leg and knees Kuripa in the gut, forcing him off of him. He flips and recovers, unsheathing his blades once again. Kuripa gets to his feet and claps his hands together.
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Akamatsu GET UP!
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But I-!
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I NEED you, ok!?
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Alright...We take him together!
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Madness Mansion of Helter Spider 13
꒷꒦˚︶꒦Previous꒷︶꒷꒦˚Chapter thirteen꒷꒦˚︶꒦Next꒷︶꒷꒦˚
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You decided to drink the tea
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Please proceed chapter woth caution.
You sigh and drink the tea, the moment you sip the last drop, drowsiness have taken over you and you have fallen into a deep sleep.
Entering dreamscape.
You once again in someone else point of view, staring outside the window, you saw someone familiar yet not familiar gazing from the garden, admiring the flowers before his eyes stared up and meet yours.
You back away in fear that you will be spotted yet chains stops you from moving further and now you lay on the floor holding your throat as the chains tighten it's gasp on you.
"ack... Ah..." You try to gasp for air yet the chain won't let you be till you pass out.
The dream don't end yet...
The next moment your conscious, your tied in a horrible torture chair as someone stood beside you.
Your right hand tied to a torture device where it will impale your nails off from your fingers and salt shall be poured to them once they are off by the person beside you.
"p-please... I-i don't ... Don't..." You try to reason as tears building up from fear of the pain.
"sorry, it's orders." He give you a sad smile as he began.
One nail have been removed.
"AHHH... AHH.... agh... S-STOP it...." You squirm as you try to escape, the pain is unbearable. But the person held you down by your shoulder, hugging you in one hand as he pour salt in your open would. " Ahh... *Hic.... W-why... I-its... Not m-my fault...*hic... " You weep.
"was it really?" The so called nice person chuckle as he hugs you. "Do you REALLY think so? " He held your chin to make you look at his eyes. Twisted with madness, even how nice he is. He is like them.
"Oh how ravishing you are... In such agonizing stare, I wish I could take a chunk off you... " sinister smile on his lips as he lean closer to give you a kiss. Yet it was to muffle you screams as his other hand have Activate the torture device once again.
Flack, flack.
Four nails have been remove in the same time.
"HMM!!! AHHMMM!!!" you cry out yet it's all become muffled sound as tears continue to fall from your eyes, the person won't let you as you give you a deep kiss. "!!???" he chuckle as he take a bite of your tongue, causing you to bleed and he happily indulge in such fine taste.
The moment he lean away, he act so nice as he wipe your tears away.
"how precious... We will never let you go..." He trace your lips before he remove your right hand and softly kiss your bleeding hand.
"How pitiful... How frail you are... What will become of you when your left in the wild ~?" He dreaded such thoughts as he now bandage your wounds.
The dream soon come to an end when a voices speaks and he seems alarm him, his eyes become dull as he let go of you.
"see, this what happened if you try to look outside.... Tresspassers will come and try to take you away..."
He was about about to leave but he return and he wave his hand toward you before everything turn black as your head collide to a surface.
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Oh pitiful one who's dragged in such twisted world. What shall you do~?
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angelsvoice1love · 2 years
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Han-Seo: Your honestly telling me the truth?
Y/n: Yes. You smiled brightly, as you looked into his beautiful eyes as they lit up.
Han-Seo: I...I'm going to be a father? He laughed, as he hugged you tightly. This is the best news ever. He said, as he kissed you.
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Vincenzo: AGH! What did I tell you about kissing here?
Han-Seo: S...sorry,i just came to bring everyone lunch when I heard the great news.
Mr Nam: What great news?
Y/n: We are...going to have a baby.
Cha-Young: AHHH! She yelled, as she hugged you tightly. I'm going to be the best aunt in the world.
Vincenzo: Your pregnant?
Y/n: Yes. A month...i went to the doctor yesterday, and they told me that I was pregnant.
Vincenzo didn't say a word, biting your lip he walked over to you taking your hands in his. Placing a kiss on your forehead, Vincenzo pulled back giving your a soft, yet warm smile.
Vincenzo: I'm more than happy that my best friend, is going to have a baby.
Han-Seo: Mr Cassano.
Vincenzo: Yes.
Han-Seo: I'm asking this now, so that we...i...would you please be the godfather?
Vincenzo: The godfather?
Mr Nam: Why? He asked, as Vincenzo looked his way. I...i mean, why not me?
Y/n: Because, you've been my best friend since middle school. Why can't we ask you?
Vincenzo: Yes...okay, I'll do it.
Smiling you hugged Vincenzo, as he returned the hug you felt as if nothing would go wrong.
Time skip
Han-Seo: D...don't...please. Han-Seo begged his bother Han-Seok, not to hurt you.
Joon-Woo/Han-Seok: Why would I hurt y/n? She's carrying my niece or nephew. He spoke, as he rubbed your belly.
Pulling away from him, you cleared your throat.
Y/n: Get your hands off me. You said, as you tried to wiggle loose from being tied up.
Joon-Woo/Han-Seok: Awe...don't hate me y/n. I'll never hurt you or the little miracle growing inside you. He smirked, as he kissed your cheek making you grinch.
Later on Han-Seo was busy fighting his brother, which allowed Vincenzo to untie you and Cha-Young. Grabbing your hand, Vincenzo holted to a stop when a loud bang was heard. Cha-Young was shot, yes by accident since she protected Vincenzo and got shot which made Vincenzo mad. You fell to your knees as you helped lower Cha-Young, setting her against the table to lean on.
You were checking Cha-Youngbfor any other ingury that she might have when Bang another gun shot was heard. This stopped you in your track, looking up to see that Han-Seo was shot.
Y/n: NOOO! You yelled as he fell to the floor.
Han-Seok still held the gun in his hands which made you think he'd shoot again, not being able to move. He tried shooting Vincenzo, but failed when the gun was empty.
As Vincenzo chased him to the balcony, you ran over to Han-Seo placing your hand on his wound.
Y/n: Jagi...i...its going to be okay. Your going...to be okay. You said, while crying as you looked down at him.
Han-Seo: I...I'm sorry...that I won't h...he...help raise our child.
Y/n: Don't say that...your going to be fine.
Han-Seo: I was...i was going to ygive you this. He said, as he gave you a ring.
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I was...going to propose to y...you at d...dinner.
Y/n: Yes, I'll marry you. You'll be fine. You tried, to convince yourself.
After Vincenzo talked to Han-Seo, he died in his arms causing you to cry even more. Pulling away, he looked over at you and engulfed you in his arms as you cried on his chest.
Time skip 1 year
You were busy making tea for yourself when there was a knock on your door, walking over thinking it's one of the tenants you saw Vincenzo as you opened the door. Swallowing you, smiled as tears filled your eyes.
Vincenzo didn't say anything as he pulled you into his arms, holding you close as your arms wrapped around his waist.
Y/n: Your here. B...but how?
Vincenzo: I got some time to stay, did someone a favor.
Y/n: Oh. W...would you like some coffee?
Vincenzo: Sounds great. Vincenzo replied, as he walked in closing the door behind himself.
He followed you into the small kitchen you owned, looking around your apartment when your little baby cried.
Y/n: Excuse me. You said quickly, running to the next room. Vincenzo, meet your godson. You said as you entered the room. Would you like to hold him?
Vincenzo: Yes. He said, as he took the boy in his hands.
Looking down at the boy, the baby smiled at him as the baby giggles filled the room.
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Vincenzo: What's his name?
Y/n: Jang Han-Seo...Vincenzo. You said clearing your throat. Han-Seo wanted to name our baby after you if it was a boy...so I did.
Vincenzo: He looks just like Han-Seo. His eyes, and his smile. He spoke, as he ran his thumb over Han-Seo cheek. Junior is such a handsome guy...arent you? Vincenzo asked, Han-Seo as he bounced him up and down.
Y/n: Your really good with him. A natural.
Vincenzo: I may be a mafia boss, but there is no way that I will be hard on this baby. He deserves a father...and that's what I'll be for him. You also need someone to lighten the load, so...thats why I'm going to move to Korea for a while. The apartment across from yours is mine now, I signed the lease this morning.
Y/n: Your coming back to Korea? But aren't the police still looking for you?
Vincenzo: No.
Y/n: O. Um...about Han-Seo's will...he...he gave me Babel, and some of his estates that he had, property, businesses that he invested in and loads of money. Ever since Babel is under new management it all changed, and Mr Nam is a great manager. Cha-Young is my lawyer, and some of the tenants in the building help out sometimes with the baby or business. He also left you part of the business.
Vincenzo: What? Why would he do that?
Y/n: In the will he left a letter saying why. Saying that the 30% of the business he's leaving you is because, of all the good things you've done for others and for him. For teaching him that no matter what happens to yourself, that a man will always protect others no matter the loss. He also said that he gained a brother in you, that you were his real brother and that he loved you very much.
Vincenzo: I...i don't know what to say.
Y/n: Accept it. He wanted you to have it Vincenzo, and you promised him that you would protect us, which could cause problems in the long run but your still here.
Vincenzo: I came back for you and the baby, nothing else. But...if this Han-Seo wanted then I'll gladly accept.
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
Big Ocean - Mischief Villains 2
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta, Tetora, Koga, Adonis
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(We can’t return to the time where we were innocent and free, but… You and I are definitely connected, Yuuta-kun. You agree, don’t you?)"
Season: Winter
Location: Connecting Corridor (Yumenosaki)
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The day of the live…
Tetora: This is bad, this is bad…! Agh, Oogami-senpai and Otogari-senpai, where are you~!? At this rate, Hinata-kun and Yuuta-kun’s live is gonna start!
Koga: ……
Tetora: Ah~!! There they are! I finally found them!
Koga: Haah? What, if it ain’t Tetsu-kun.
Adonis: What is it? Need anything from us?
Tetora: Ummm…
(…Urgh, I messed up. I said I’d bring them, but I never thought about how I’d bring them…)
(It’d be best to keep it a surprise, right? Of course I’ll hide that it’s a Repayment Fes, but should I also hide that it’s a 2wink live too…?)
Koga: ? Hello~. What’s up with you turnin’ frozen? Tetsu-kun?
Tetora: W-Well, you see!!
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Koga: O-oh.
Adonis: That’s some amazing spirit you got there… What is it, Nagumo?
Tetora: It’s… It’s, it’s an emergency!! A mysterious thug is wreaking havoc in the academy! At this rate, the academy will be over with!
Koga: Wha!? The hell!? Are you serious!
Adonis: Nagumo, where is this mysterious thug in question? I’ll go to help!
Tetora: O-Ossu! This way!
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Tetora: (AaaAAH! I’m a stupid idiot!! Out of all things to lie about on the spur of the moment, why was it something like that!? Everyone, please forgive me~!!)
Location: In Front of Yumenosaki Academy Auditorium
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Koga: Hey, Tetsu-kun! Here?! Is the mysterious thug inside the auditorium?!
Adonis: Oogami, be cautious upon entering. An ambush can be launched from the shadows or corners of rooms.
Tetora: Uh, um, wai—
(Ahh… The two entered with a complete misunderstanding…)
Location: Big Ocean Stage
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Koga: Hey, you! Where are you, mysterious thug! Show yourself!
Hinata: Eh~? Aren’t you the terrible mysterious thug, to jump these cute juniors of yours?
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Yuuta: He’s right. We may play pranks, but we don’t use violence.
Koga: …Hah!? What’s going on here?!
Adonis: Hinata and Yuuta…? With no thug in sight…?
Hinata: That’s right~! As you can see, this is 2wink’s live venue!
Yuuta: Really, just what sort of fake reason were our seniors given to get them here?
Hinata: Well, whatever the reason… They’ve arrived—and that’s what matters! Since you’ve come all this way, please enjoy it to the very end! ♪
Let’s go, Yuuta-kun! ☆
Yuuta: Understood, Aniki! ♪
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Hinata & Yuuta:One, two—
Hinata: “♪~♪~♪~”
Yuuta: “♪~♪~♪~”
Hinata: (Yuuta-kun, look, look! Our seniors’ mouths are hanging open all wide. Doesn’t this make it already a success?)
Yuuta: (I feel like our live isn’t the sole reason for that, though. Seriously, what sort of reason did Tetora-kun give to them?)
Hinata: (Ehehe~♪)
Yuuta: (What, Aniki? You’ve got a weird grin on your face.)
Hinata: (The moment we were born into this world… We were already “separate people”. There’s absolutely no doubt about it.)
(But, still. Even if we were separate people, the time we’ve spent together hasn’t changed any more than it has for anyone else. We’ve been together so long, we’re so much alike in so many ways.)
Yuuta: (Like our gestures, and habits… What makes us laugh to the the timing of our yawns, right?)
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Hinata: (Yep. That’s why I can understand what you’re thinking and what you want to say just by making eye contact with you. It’s an entire conversation.)
(And that makes me happy.)
(We can’t return to the time where we were innocent and free, but… You and I are definitely connected, Yuuta-kun. You agree, don’t you?)
(So let’s find it together, where “same” and “different” overlap. That of our happy places, the dreams we long for, the extents of our sorrow…)
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Yuuta: (…Even if our “differences” might continue to grow?)
Hinata: (It’ll be okay! ☆ You can say what you want to do on this stage, after all. We can move forward together from now on.)
(Even if our roads are different… I’m sure the end point will be the same.)
Yuuta: (That’s right… As long as I can see you at the end of a long journey, Aniki, I can move forward without fear.)
Hinata: (Yaay! ♪ Thank you for the fervent call of encouragement! C’mon, Yuuta-kun, with how we are now, we can definitely say it now.)
(And I don’t mean in a thinly veiled flattering way. I’ll mean it loud and clear, no falsehoods, with a sincere heart.)
Yuuta: (Mhm. Well, we can say it without any strange worries. This is at our school, not ES.)
(Because, we’re Yumenosaki Academy’s Aoi Yuuta and Aoi Hinata, right?)
(Because we’re Aoi Yuuta and Aoi Hinata, who have fun playing instruments with their beloved seniors, who can laugh and make fools out of themselves.)
Hinata: (Okay, Yuuta-kun!)
Hinata & Yuuta: One, two—
“We are so thankful for you, our seniors!"
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goobersleepy · 1 year
Hey pookie, can you do Mitsuba and Tsukasa angst to fluff?
Mitsuba and Tsukasa
Not sure if you wanted them like this or not and this Is my first time doing something like this on tumblr/taking request
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The sound of birds chirping, the smell of fresh air, later filled with cooked meat and baked potatoes as the sound of boiling water could be heard
"Mooomm! " A soft voice said, as the person turned off the oven as to not burn the fresh cooked meat
"Wake upppp! I made food! I know today is the big day! ....... Mom? " The child stopped talking as footsteps could be heard, along with the floor creaking, here and there. "Mom....? " the child opened the door oh, the person mother wasn't there he should have checked..
The child sighed, he closed the door making a loud THUD sound, he sighed as he walked to the kitchen and grabbed different bowls and plastic plates to put the found away
He looked at the time 6:20 he is going to be a little light but its fine, he putted the warm, fresh food away. He putted the plates away, and got ready.
He grabbed his uniform, a cyan shirt, a pale pitch tie and a black suit, with white pants and a black belt.And white with green shoes, he sighed and grabbed his bag, fixing his pink soft hair
He sighed and smiled "Today you wont miss this up mitsuba! " His pink eyes with a goal of making friends.....
(Later in the day)
"AGH! " The sound of the metal fence and a body with it along, kicking and name-calling, punching, face slamming etc
"Stop... Please" whimpering and groaning, whinging and crying like a girl, he didn't think this would happen again... He thought this day would be different that nobody would make fun of him for being a girl. Well, looking girly that is, but guys have to be masculin... Not girly
He cringed at the thought of his mother finding out about this, the people stopped hurting him... Its fine it will all pass away anyway
He hiccuped, and got up, hot tear going down his cheeks.. He walked away and out of the school.. He didn't feel like it today anyway
It seems like he was skipping school, it was cold he thought maybe he will freeze to death... That was better then living in a world that didn't want him
He walked home, the cold breezing wind caressing his body, as he tried to get warmth his suit didn't help one bit. He cringed at the wind was hurting his eyes, he couldn't even see anything much... This sucked every part of him screamed at him, he should have walked back
The cars pasted by him, the passengers and drivers watching a school student walk home almost freezing to death. He was lucky he didn't forget his bag, sure they almost stole everything but its fine... Its fine.....
He hiccuped he didn't actually want this... God kill him already, small tears forming as he walked to his gate.. He went to grab his keys and..
Oh.. He forgot them or they got stolen even worse they stole his camera the thing he loved the most, great just great.
He sighed and walked back might as well get back even it was almost the end of school... Just a little closer and- 𝘾𝙍𝘼𝙎𝙃 oh.. Oh no this is bad
He seems to be loosing his sights maybe its his tears? But why is everything so silent? He can barely hear other then the sound of a loud ringing
Everything turned black.
He woke up, everything was so bright but why does he feel like he is floating? Weird this is soo weird "What the fuck... " the child cringed and hiccuped wait.... Was he...? OH GOD! He's dead oh wow oh wow...
Childish giggles could be heard, he looked around what..? No who was that? Was it a child? Was it his imagination? "W-WHO'S THERE?! " he yelled in a panic tone
"Hehe its me silly" A childish voice could be heard as the person showed themselves
A short boy with choppy black hair and wide amber eyes, but his eye pupils are always constricted and he has two small fang-shaped teeth. The child wears a white Western shirt with a black kimono over top, a grey hakama, black shoes, red ankle-height socks, and a hat, and 2 koku-joudai with black and pink with blue circle markings respectively.
On his right cheek is a black yorishiro seal, with 封 (seal) written in red.
"My name is Tsukasa Yugi! But just call me Tsukasa" Mitsuba looked at the kid.. Or well Tsukasa, huh... And what does he want?
"I know what your thinking, what is a kid like me wanting from you? Well THATS easy!!! I grant wishes from dead people. Yes you heard me right.. Dead people" oh so he is dead.. Ha good to know
"So how about a deal? " Tsukasa smiled showing his little sharp fangs, mitsuba shook his head...
"Oh... Well.. You sure? " the child made mitsuba uneasy his stomach turning the tone of the childs voice wasn't something he liked or sounded good... Venom in the tone that could easily scare someone
But he had to stay strong he just had to..
The child just sighed "Fine then your no phone at all... Might as well leave" mitsuba panicked he... He didn't want to be alone..
"NO! I... Dont leave... " his voice creaking a little why was he doing this...? The child looked at him, mitsuba looked away as tears almost spilled down
The child giggled and laughed "𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺.. 𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺... 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘵, 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺... 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘥" the child tone sweet yet filled with venom like a snake trying to attack its prey... And scare it too
Mitsuba sighed in relief maybe this wasn't so bad... This wasn't bad at all.. Yeah, he ignored the way his stomach turned into uneasy like he was drowning... Its fine even what wrong could this kid do? Even better! 𝘏𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦..
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rescue-ram · 2 years
ok so ill just kinda list off stuff that happens in phase 3 bc u didnt rly specify what kinda lore u wanted to know about so uhh (also i havent been super up to date about phase 4 but if ud like to know i can help w that too)
doctor strange - basically standalone . he becomes doctor strange. has the time stone.... tbh this movies kinda boring imo
guardians of the galaxy vol2 - peter quill meets his dad. dads evil </3 peters half evil all powerful planet. peters adoptive dad yondu sacrifices himself for him. nebula goes to find thanos and kill him i think. lots of dad themes here
spiderman homecoming - agh i love this movie </3 im trying to only mention important info that effects the entire mcu um... avengers hq is moved from the classic building in downtown nyc to a bigger building. spiderman gets better at being spiderman. peter meets mj but they dont have feelings for eachother yet. ned and may both find out his identity.
black panther - tchalla goes back after civil war and goes thru the coronation to be king. his cousin killmonger uses ulysses klaue (evil vibranium smuggler) to get to wakanda n challenge him for the throne. he thinks wakanda should be using their resources to help black people around the world instead of staying isolated. they fight a bunch and killmonger dies. this effects how tchalla decides to rule and so wakanda decides to become more open and help people more. also they take in bucky barnes to give him a new arm.
if u want to know about infinity war ur on ur own its gonna bring back war flashbacks lmao. but u know everyone becomes dust. loki dies fr fr. nebula dies also i think ,,,,,?? dont quote me on that but i think thanos is like damn girl u were gonna kill me,, rude.
ant man n the wasp - not much goes on but at the end scott lang is in the atom zone or whatever when he gets stuck there bc everyone there to help him out is dusted. scotts been on house arrest bc of the civil war stuff.
also cant help u with endgame i spent an entire year being a nutcase about it ,,,,,,, wow
neways good luck with ur writing!! sorry this took awhile i hope it was helpful eek
Lmao thank you for this this is actually really helpful!! Sorry for triggering your war flashbacks XD
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ybstsr-blog · 2 days
Agh… how to- oh! Finally! *ehem*
My name is Subspace! I’ve fiddled a bit around with my phone and eventually found this place called ‘Tumblr’! And, uhm, I’d like to talk to you!!
The big thing is… I’ve turned myself younger and am now trapped in this state for an unknown amount of time! It’s not exactly uncomfortable, but I have amnesia of my future life and feel more… what can I say, softer now? Not so… evil or cranky. It’s a nice change if I’m going to be honest… but that’s a bit off-topic now! If you have any questions/‘asks’, feel free to ask me!
On some occasions, my dear friend Hyperlaser could possibly also answer some of your questions! So, you can leave a few asks for him too!
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Hi, hello!! You might know who is moderating this, so if you do, nice to see you here ;3 So, basically, this is a RP/Ask blog for my PHIGHTING! story which I’m writing on AO3! If you wanna read it, link here! /nf
If you’re not in the mood to read it, then here some basic information about Subspace:
Despite being 15 years old physically, he acts like a young teen (around 10-12 years old). He is 5’3” (might change bcuz I’m bad with heights ;w;), pretty naive and friendly and also a bit scared of Biografts. As he already said, he has amnesia of his future life, so he is basically pre-disaster Subspace but more friendlier. His original personality is still somewhere in him, he just needs some time to get used to his different world!
A few notes:
- please nothing weird/NSFW here (note that mod is a minor, and even if I wouldn’t have been, I still wouldn’t condone such things to my boy)
- I don’t think I would be extremely active on this blog, so you can imagine that as Subspace doing something else
- M!A (Magic Anons) are open!
- some swearing might come in later
- I can draw little doodles/art if you request it! Just a reminder that my motivation varies, so it can take a while or not
That’s all (for now)! Probably will get updated as the story goes on. If you have any questions, you can feel free to ask me here or on my main blog (if you know it)! Big thanks to a friend of mine for giving me the idea for this blog! Also, maybe I’ll add a few doodles/art here and there.
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Character’s text when mentioned/speaking:
Subspace (Normal, pink)
Hyperlaser (Normal, blue)
Mod / Author (Normal, purple)
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