#vincent over the hedge
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have you done your daily click
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icefir-windbreaker · 5 months
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First-ever-playing-Ultrakill Fan/Players: Is that the-?
Veteran Ultrakill Fan/Players: THE 1000-THR Earthmover... Prepare for a lot of stinging...!
Template found here.
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tis-i-multifiend · 1 year
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plumsaffron · 1 year
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Vincent Casually explaining he was on his way to kill RJ. Oh funny Over The Hedge game storyboard moment.
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lightytheorcagirl · 2 months
all Fandoms I'm in! :D
ok,so I'm in a lot right now! <_<
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
Despicable Me/Minions
Inanimate Insanity
Over the Hedge
My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic
Violent Vincent
Monsters vs Aliens
Fish Hooks
Let's Go Luna!
Total Drama
Phineas and Ferb
Hamilton (the musical!)
Six the Musical
PB&J Otter
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daechwitatamic · 1 year
VIII. Nothing Grows Here || KNJ
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(banner by @/itaeewon)
Title: My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni
Genre: college!au, roomie!au, angst, s2l, the absolute slowest of burns
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader, unrequited Taehyung x reader
Beta'd by @/kookstempo, @/casuallyimagining, and @/toikiii - thank you endlessly!
Summary: You know a lot about the many types of love thanks to Kim Taehyung. You love him as the only person you see as “family”, you love him as your very best friend, and you love him as the beautiful, funny man he’s become. But when a twist of fate during your senior year has you rooming with his good friend Kim Namjoon, you just might find that you have plenty left to learn about love. 
Lesson One: there are such things as a right way and a wrong way to love and to be loved.
Namjoon starts to question where your heart lies.
Section Warnings: kissing, language, drinking, breast play/nip stim, public physical intimacy (they do not get caught)
WC: 5.5k
The world is mine: blue hill, still silver lake, Broad field, bright flower, and the long white road A gateless garden, and an open path: My feet to follow, and my heart to hold. - Journey | Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Thursday November 22nd
Namjoon catches you for breakfast on Thursday, too. He stands on the kitchen side of the breakfast bar, while you sit on one of the stools facing him. You each hold a coffee mug - yours blue, his white with lineart of a tree peeking between his fingers.
“I’m working on Journey for my thesis today,” you tell him suddenly. “Do you know that one?”
You must be talking about a St. Vincent Millay poem, Namjoon figures. 
He shakes his head. “No, I don’t know that one.”
You lean your body fully towards him, clearly excited. Namjoon feels a tickling sensation of fondness at how animated you get when you talk about this kind of thing. “It’s about freedom,” you explain. “Or, longing for it. It’s about walking a certain path but longing to step off, to go somewhere uncharted.”
Namjoon hesitates. He feels a little like you’re telling him something without telling him, in a way. “It sounds good,” he hedges finally. “What’s your favorite part?”
“The last two lines,” you answer immediately, reaching for your phone and opening a note you’d made. “A gateless garden, and an open path: / my feet to follow, and my heart to hold.”
“What’s the context?” Namjoon asks. “What’s your thesis?”
“Well, the first line’s clear,” you say, turning your phone screen back off. “A gateless garden - the gate being the symbol for what was holding her to the strict path, right? And now it’s gone? Leading her to the open path she mentions next. It’s like, the moment she breaks free.”
Namjoon nods, following easily. 
“It’s the last line I’m not sure about,” you admit. “My feet to follow, and my heart to hold. I feel like you could take it two ways? Is it spoken to the reader? Like, my feet are for you to follow, and my heart is for you to hold? Or is it my feet’s task to follow, and my heart’s task to hold tight? The second, right? Her feet are meant to follow the open path mentioned in the line before?”
“If you want my actual input on this,” Namjoon says with a sly smile, “you’ll have to come to my office.”
You grin at him, laughing. “I think I should get free TA services. It’s a roomie privilege.” 
Namjoon laughs too. “Nope,” he says, standing and picking up his emptied plate. “Office hours, or no help.”
You sigh dramatically, draping yourself over your plate. “You wound me,” you say mournfully, and Namjoon chuckles from the kitchen, where he loads his plate and fork into the dishwasher. 
“Maybe I just like you showing up during my work hours,” he says, looking at you sideways. “Maybe it makes work suck less.” 
That shuts you right up, a blush spreading across your cheeks.
You don’t visit Namjoon during his TA hours, and he tries hard to pretend that’s not the reason he’s in a weird mood by the time he locks up and walks home in the dark. 
His mood darkens even more when he unlocks the apartment door and finds you and Taehyung side by side on the floor of the living room, your laptops open on the coffee table, clearly working on homework together.
You look up when you hear the door open. “Hi!” you say brightly, oblivious. 
“Hey,” Namjoon says, hoping he sounds normal. He sets down his bag next to the breakfast bar and heads in the kitchen. He starts scavenging for anything quick and easy - leftovers would be ideal, if there are any. 
Out in the living room, he hears Taehyung’s low voice ask you, “Hey, do you remember that time at the beach?”
You let out a peal of laughter instead of answering.
Taehyung giggles, too, and then adds, “I still can’t believe that kid jumped on me. Who does that?”
You’re still laughing, the words coming out strangled. “And you’d been fast asleep,” you wheeze. “What a wake-up!”
Namjoon finally settles on something and heads back through the kitchen, hands full. He slips into his bedroom and closes the door gently with his foot, placing his food on his desk and preparing to start writing.
He wonders, as his laptop boots up, if he’ll ever manage to be around you and Taehyung at the same time and not feel like the outsider. 
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Friday November 23rd
Namjoon’s Friday schedule is his best all week - he’s done by two in the afternoon, free as a bird to start his weekend. 
He hangs around the offices for a while anyway, killing time and trying to pretend it’s not because he knows you have an afternoon class that ends around three-thirty. 
When three-thirty rolls around, he can’t lie to himself anymore. He texts you.
[3:32 PM] Namjoon: want company walking home? im leaving my office
[3:32 PM] You: siiiiiiiiiiigh i WISH i was going home
[3:32 PM] You: i’ll be in the library until it closes, bye 🙃
Namjoon tries to put aside his sinking feeling of disappointment. He gathers his things and starts to walk home. Once there, though, the apartment feels too empty, too quiet. He used to like that, used to seek out being home when he knew he’d be alone. Now, it makes him feel… kind of hollow.
He takes a quick shower, mostly to kill twenty minutes, and then texts Yoongi and Hobi - “happy hour?”
It’s less than twenty minutes later that he’s on a barstool next to Hobi at their favorite dive, waiting for Yoongi to arrive. The place is dimly lit, practically empty as the office crowd has another hour or more of work and the college crowd won’t start filtering in for another six hours or so. 
The door opens, a blast of late autumn air accompanying Yoongi as he makes his way over and sits on Hobi’s other side.
Two beers later, each, Hobi knocks his elbow against Namjoon’s. “Anything new from the she-devil?”
Namjoon eyes him flatly. “I assume you mean Elyse?”
Hobi nods, biting back a proud smile at his own bad behavior. 
Namjoon sighs, fishing for his phone in his pocket. “I told you about her coming into the bookstore out of nowhere while I was hanging out with Y/N, right?” he checks, as he searches through his phone for what he’s looking for. 
“Yes,” Yoongi confirms. “We all agreed that was very kdrama of you.”
“It wasn’t my fault,” Namjoon complains. “Anyway, so she called me like two days later. I let it go to voicemail. You never heard this, okay?”
The guys nod, and since they’re essentially alone, Namjoon puts the voicemail on speaker and lets it play.
“Hi, it’s me. Elyse. I know you’re probably wondering why I’m calling… you were pretty clear about how you feel. I just… I’m just having a hard time feeling… closure, I guess? I know, it’s silly, when I’m the one who ended things. I just… I don’t have anyone to talk through all this with me… you were my person to talk to.
“I know this is so unfair. I know it’s illogical. And I’m sorry, I hope you can believe that. Anyway. I’m not asking for anything. Just… if you ever want to talk… I wanted you to know you can call any time. I’ll talk to you.”
“So now she’s the saint and you’re the villain,” Hobi grumbles, leaning back in his chair. 
“Right,” Namjoon agrees. “She’s the poor baby having a hard time and I’m the asshole for not entertaining her every need, when she’s the one who asked me to move on.”
“You don’t owe her a fucking thing,” Yoongi says seriously. “I hope you aren’t planning on calling her back.”
Namjoon pauses. He has no intention of humoring Elyse’s little game, but mostly because his head is too full of you.
And somehow, Hobi reads his mind.
“Listen,” he says, uncharacteristically serious, “I’m not saying to call Elyse, because I think I am speaking for everyone on planet earth when I say that’s a terrible idea. But if your reason isn’t your own dignity and self-respect -”
Yoongi cuts in. “What he means is, if your reason is the roommate.”
“She has a name,” Namjoon snaps.
Hoseok carries on like nobody else was speaking, “-then you need to sit back and think about that. Because that’s been going on for, what, two months? And what do you have to show for it?”
Namjoon feels defensiveness flood through him, clear down to his toes. 
“It’s a two-way street, though,” he protests. “I haven’t pushed the issue with her, either.”
“And that’s all well and good…” Hobi allows. “But do you want to come second forever?” 
Namjoon scowls. “I don’t think you’re being very fair to her.” 
Yoongi leans forward, his elbow on the sticky bar. “I think you’re giving someone too much grace as they string you along - again. I kept my mouth shut the whole time with Elyse, and when she broke your heart I felt fucking responsible for not being a better friend and telling you what I could see from the outside. So I'm doing it this time - I'm not making the same mistake twice.” 
Namjoon shakes his head. “It’s not the same. She’s not Elyse. You can’t hang her for someone else’s crimes.”
“We’re just saying,” Hobi says, eyes finding Yoongi’s for confirmation as he speaks for both of them, “this feels a little familiar.”
When they leave, a few hours and a few beers later, Namjoon’s still got an ugly feeling in the pit of his stomach. They’re wrong, he knows they’re wrong, he knows you have feelings for him - they don’t have all of the information. 
Can he say for sure you’d choose him over Taehyung if it came to it? No, but he also doesn’t think it has to come to a choice like that. Surely you can all handle this like adults? 
When he texts you, asking if you’re still at the library, it’s with that ugly feeling stirring and churning inside him, the need to prove something building up into a flurry.
When you text him that you’d meant it when you said you’d be there until closing, Namjoon pays his bill and heads, on foot, for campus.
It’s not hard to find you in the library; there are four other people, total, each of you at your own tables, hunched over laptops. He pauses by your elbow, and you look up at him, surprised, your fingers somehow continuing to type as your brain catches up to the world outside your paper.
“Oh,” you say. “Hi! What are you doing here?”
“Come with me,” he says. He meant it as a question, a request, but he can hear how it comes out like a demand. Your eyes widen, your mouth opens a little in surprise. But you close your laptop and slowly rise to your feet. Namjoon takes your hand and gives it a gentle tug, pulling you towards the stacks.
Once you’re shielded from view by the shelves and the books they hold, he tugs more insistently, pulling you to him, catching your lips in a kiss. 
You stiffen in surprise, but melt out of it quickly, reaching up to cup his jaw as you kiss him back. He grunts happily when he feels you return it, reaching around you and pressing his large hand against the small of your back, forcing your bodies closer, pushing your hips against his. He keeps you there but doesn’t push it further, waits to see how you react, gives you the chance to indicate that you want him to cool it down.
You don’t. You release his jaw and fist your hands in his sweater, opening your mouth for him as he kisses you like he has a point to prove.
He does have a point to prove. He’s fully aware of why his feet led him right here, right now. 
He backs you against a shelf, careful to leave his hand between your spine and the metal, his other hand coming up to tangle in your hair. He kisses you like he wants to meld himself to you, leave a piece of himself, leave a reminder to everyone else that he’d been here first. You let him, you take his fury, you spin it into something softer, and you give it back to him, just a little changed. 
He doesn’t know how long he kisses you, your body pressed between his and the books, but when he finally abandons your mouth and straightens up to look at you, you’re panting, cheeks flushed, hair mussed, chest heaving. He takes a step back, putting space between your bodies again, unpinning you to the bookshelf. You seem like you’re not sure how to hold yourself up without it, without him. You take a tentative step, and your arm twitches like you might reach for him, might pull him back. But you don’t.
“What was that for?” you ask instead, breathless. “Not that I’m complaining. Just. What the heck.”
“You’re in this, right?” he asks you, which isn’t an answer at all. It comes out strange, strangled, desperate. “It’s not just me?”
“What?” you utter, looking positively alarmed. “Namjoon, what? Of course I am. What’s going on? Did something happen?” 
Namjoon feels himself calming by degrees, his control coming back to him little by little. He needed to hear you say it. 
“Nothing happened,” he says, which is kind of a lie. Yoongi and Hoseok happened. Elyse happened. In his own way, Taehyung happened. But none of that is your fault. “I just… had a moment where I wasn’t sure. What this is. If it’s… just me.”
You shake your head, eyes wide. “Did I do something to make you feel like that? I’m really sorry if I did. Is it - is it because of -?”
Is it because of Taehyung.
A little, Namjoon thinks. But not entirely.
“Look,” he says, reaching out a hand and touching your arm gently. “I’m not asking you to… choose between us or anything stupid like that. I just need to know if this is… going somewhere. If you want it to, or if you’re just… enjoying it. No judgment either way - I’ve just hit a point where I think I need to know.”
You continue to stare at him, eyes still wide, looking probably as blindsided as you feel.
“Namjoon,” you whisper finally. “I don’t know how to answer that.”
The air all leaves his body. “Okay,” he says, exhaling. He gives himself a mental shake. He can lick his wounds later, alone. “Okay. Thanks for tell-.”
“I’m not just enjoying this,” you continue, putting a little sneer on the words. “I’m - I’m in this. I’ve told you - I like you, and I want to be with you. It’s just - my paper’s due in an hour and a half, and my brain is pudding, and you just kissed me absolutely stupid and…” You trail off, look at him a little desperately, like you’re trying to juggle just one too many things. “I don’t know what exactly I want, within what parameters - I was… I was kind of okay with just seeing where it went and not trying to put a name or rules to it just yet? If you need more than that, we can have that conversation, but… maybe not right this second?”
“No need,” Namjoon tells you, meaning it. He reaches out without thinking first, smoothing down where he’d messed up your hair. “I’ve been fine with that, too. I just needed to know that… it isn’t nothing. That we’re going… a direction. That’s all.”
You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. “Something happened,” you say, sounding sure of it. “You don’t spook this easily. Was it her?” 
Namjoon shakes his head, takes your hand, starts to lead you back to your table. “Nothing happened,” he lies again. “What’s your paper on? Do you want help?”
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Sunday November 25th
I unlock my ribs and pry them open. I want to view the things I make. The garden has that fresh-earth smell, each seedling marked by a little stake.
But I grow only skeletons - no petals - brittle blooms, instead. Buds of bone will reach the light. Nothing grows here that isn’t dead.
An offering made - a little seed. This one, they say, will live. There’s quite a price for this living thing,  a price I’m not sure that I can give.
You stare at the page, chewing absently on the end of your pen - a bad habit you’ve never been able to break. 
You kind of like this one. Especially the eighth line - nothing grows here that isn’t dead. You roll the words around your head again, feeling the weight of them. 
You do like it, you decide. You’ll turn this one in; you hadn’t turned in the shitty wolves one - you’d drawn an ‘x’ near the top of the page and left it to die.
Namjoon passes behind you at the breakfast bar, touching your back lightly as he does. It’s his little way of announcing his presence without scaring the shit out of you; you’re not sure when he started it - not long ago, for sure - but it’s sweet.
“Morning,” you tell him, closing the notebook. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good,” he says, coming back around to your side of the breakfast bar now that he has a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. “You?” He crosses the living room and drops heavily on the couch, turning to look out the large windows. Outside, it’s overcast - so dark that you really ought to turn a lamp on, but no rain falls. 
“Pretty good,” you say. “Can I come hang out over there with you?”
He says the same thing back to you that you’ve said to him before - “You don’t have to ask.”
You perch by him on the couch, coffee cup warm in your hands. You curl your feet up next to you and tug a throw-blanket over them. 
The two of you sit in comfortable silence, both watching the window absently.
When Namjoon speaks, it surprises the hell out of you.
“Y/N…” he says slowly, turning to look at you. “Tell me about you and Taehyung? Like - about your friendship?”
You’re shocked into literal silence, mouth open, brain absolutely devoid of words. What do you even say to that?
He reaches out a hand, places it gently on top of your thigh. “It’s not a trick,” he says gently. “I just… want to get to know more of you, and your friendship seems like… a really big piece. You’ve told me before that he’s family…” He trails off, looks down at his coffee, then back at you. His face is open, genuine, kind. “I want to know more about that. If you’re comfortable telling me.”
You lick your lips, eyes on the ground. You should let him see this part of you; you owe him this honesty. But how to make him understand? Which moments of your life best paint a picture of what it was like having only Taehyung in your corner?
“When I think of Taehyung,” you say softly, when you’ve thought of a starting point, “I always think of fall. We met on the first day of school, two years before I lost my family. He was the only kid who would talk to me at lunchtime, because I was new.” You laugh under your breath, remembering. He’d been all ears, but you’d been so glad someone was sitting by you that you wanted to never let him out of your sight again.
You claimed him as yours immediately. 
“When I lost my parents,” you continue, “I lived with my Grandma for a long time. She was really strict; she was being protective. She didn’t like a lot of the other kids in my class, she wouldn’t let them come over to play. But she had a soft spot for Taehyung. He could just charm the shit out of her, even when we were seven years old. I still don’t know how he did it. But when I look back on my life, he was the only one there. Every holiday, every birthday, every stupid childish adventure, every mishap, every failed test or scraped knee - it was Taehyung who was with me.”
You don’t look at Namjoon while you talk; it’s easier not to have to see him as you recount your early years. But you can see out of the corner of your eyes that he’s watching, listening, hearing you out.
“When my Grandma got too sick to take care of me - she started losing her memory, it got unsafe for both of us really rapidly - Taehyung helped me pack up her stuff that was going to the facility with her.” Remembering this makes your throat tight, and you drink some coffee to cover it. “I think the only reason she went in willingly was because he held her hand through the lobby and down the hall. It wasn’t me she was clinging to, it was him.”
You pause, bracing yourself for the next part a little. “Aunt Lin raised me after that, but… her heart wasn’t really in it, and she worked nights and slept days. Most of my teenage years, I spent on my own - unless Taehyung was with me. He shared food with me when Lin forgot to give me lunch money, gave me Christmas presents when she worked the holiday… made me laugh with his dumb-ass jokes when I felt like no one in my life ever remembered I was there.
“When we graduated high school, Taehyung bought me flowers and…” You swallow, fighting hard against choking up. “He told me he was proud of me for getting this far, alone. That he knew I’d make it anywhere I wanted to go, because he’d watched me fight my way that far. Lin… didn’t show up to graduation, and left me some chicken in the fridge to have for dinner. That story’s the best metaphor for all of it. No matter what step of my life you’re looking at, that’s the picture you get.”
Namjoon waits to make sure you’re finished, not just thinking of what to say next. “Can I ask something kind of challenging?” he says quietly, and your heart stutters, afraid of what it might be.
“Of course,” you tell him, because if he can sit and listen to you talk about another guy like this and not walk the fuck away from you, you owe him the answer to anything.
“All those stories…. all those moments…” he says thoughtfully, and you recognize his tone from when he was trying to let Elyse down easy, “they’re all from when you were growing up. What about now? What about these last three years, here at university?”
He was right. It is a challenging question. Putting words to it is hard enough, but add in that your audience is the guy you’re developing strong feelings for… it feels like a puzzle. Or a test. 
“It’s been… hard,” you admit slowly. “Being his friend… it’s different, here.”
Because of other girls. 
Because of your own stupid heart.
Because you’ve left home, and your circle of support isn’t just him anymore.
Because your worlds have gotten bigger, your edges expanding, and you can’t revolve around each other as tightly anymore. 
Namjoon doesn’t even have to ask the question he’s driving at. You get there all on your own.
Are you and Taehyung even really that close, now? Or is it all nostalgia and familiarity, loyalty and habit?
He seems to see it on your face that he doesn’t need to push it. He brushes his thumb along the side of your leg, where his hand still rests from earlier.
“Thanks for telling me all that,” he says, voice hushed. 
“Thanks for listening to it,” you counter. “You want a turn? I can listen for a while.”
He laughs a little, leaning back against the couch. “Nah, I’m good,” he teases. Then, he lifts his arm to make a spot for you. You slide over, leaning against him, letting him wrap an arm around your shoulders.
You sit in silence together a while longer. You’re not sure what he’s thinking about, but you’re thinking about your friendship with Taehyung - its benefits, its failings, its definition. 
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Monday November 26th 
Even though you spend most of Sunday together, working separately on your homework in the living room, even though you walked to campus together as the sun burned away an early-morning fog, you still think about Namjoon the entire time you’re in class on Monday. You can’t help it. When class ends, you catch yourself practically running to go bother him in his little office.
Girl, you think, scathingly, get a grip. 
But it’s happening and it’s exciting and you just like him and you can’t stop thinking about how he kissed you in the library last week and -
You knock on his office door, and he has the audacity to smirk without even looking up to check that it’s you.
“Come in,” he says, pen scratching away at whatever he’s working on. There’s something dangerous and playful in his voice, and you shiver. Then, feeling bold, you close the door behind you when you enter the room.
That makes him look up, the smirk still on his lips. 
“Hi there,” he says, still in that same voice. 
It’s cocky, a little smug - a side of him you haven’t really seen before. 
“Happy to see me?” you tease, dropping your bag on the ground with a thunk and stalking closer, feeling a little predatory. 
He hums agreeably and stretches, the movement pulling his shit taut across his chest. 
There’s part of you that thinks he’s fucking with you on purpose. You decide, on a whim, to push back - to play the game, too, and see where it gets you. 
You approach him purposefully and he spreads his legs to let you stand between them, leaning back and peering up at you, a dare on his face. You feel alight with thrill, your own smirk playing on your lips. 
You swivel and sit, perching on his (strong, thick) thigh, looping your arms around his neck. You half expect him to lose the bravado, to get shy or flustered, but his hands come up to grip your hips - dangerously close to your ass - immediately, tugging you more firmly onto his lap. 
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” he murmurs, one eyebrow raised. 
“Just wanted to see you,” you tell him honestly, and lean in to kiss him.
It’s light and sweet, at first - less desperate and hungry than your previous kisses have been. His lips feel feather-soft for a few seconds, brushing gently against yours, and your heart stutters, trips. He brings one hand up to the middle of your back to help you balance, and you pull yourself tighter against him as he opens for you. 
It’s tongue and teeth as you pull yourself against him, your chest flush with his. As you kiss him, the sweet, gentleness melts away and you find yourself humming low in your throat as he grabs your ass again with the hand that isn’t holding your back, fingers kneading into the jean-clad flesh there. 
He makes a noise of his own at yours, like an answer, pulling you tighter against his lap by the meat of your ass. You can feel him, hard beneath you, and you shift purposefully against it once just to hear him groan so quietly you might miss it, his mouth only centimeters from yours. 
Then he’s kissing you again, more forcefully, his hand creeping up from the swell of your ass to dip under the hem of your shirt. His fingers feel warm and sure against the bare skin of your waist, and then they’re sneaking higher, his thumb sliding firmly along the side of your breast, over your bra. You sigh into his mouth, and it ends on a bit of a whine as you wordlessly ask for more.
He obliges, shifting slightly to cup your whole breast in one large hand, squeezing once before running his thumb over your hardened nipple. You whine again, pressing your leg against his hard length, trying to egg him on. He squeezes again, then slides his fingers beneath the underwire, rolling the bud he finds there between his fingers.
You moan quietly into his mouth, breaking the kiss to gasp as he does it again, a fraction harder. He swipes his thumb over it again and you press open-mouthed kisses to the side of his neck as he buries his face in your hair, eyes closed. 
Footsteps approach and pass outside the door, and you both freeze, his hand still wrapped around you. You look at each other, wide-eyed, afraid to move.
“Does… that door lock?” you manage to whisper. He shakes his head no, almost imperceptibly, and slowly withdraws his hand from up your shirt. 
“We should probably cool it anyway,” he whispers back. “Even if someone knocked first, having the door shut with you in here… is probably enough to get my office rights revoked.”
You nod, vacating his lap and fixing your bra, which he’d left askew. He does some adjusting as well, you notice, before reaching over and pulling the door open a few inches.
“I’m working the store tonight,” you tell him, trying to get your head back to reality, focusing on your schedule to help get it there. “So I won’t be home for dinner.”
“Should I bring you something?” he asks. “I’m here until five. I could come by, after.”
“That’s your choice,” you tell him. “Kris is working with me tonight, so if you show up with food for me it’ll be officially a thing. Like, there’s no going back from that. So if any part of you is trying to keep this low-key, that’ll be over.”
“Hm,” Namjoon says, mouth making a straight line.
“To be fair,” you say, as an after-thought, “Kris has been being obnoxious about you and me since you moved in, way before anything happened. So. It can’t really make things worse.”
“Okay,” Namjoon says, giving you a sweet smile. “I’ll see you later, then.”
You glance at the time - you’ve got twenty minutes to get across campus. Which is plenty, but you need to go. 
“Alright,” you say reluctantly. “I guess I’m off. See you in a little bit.”
At the store, it takes Kris about fourteen seconds to look you up and down and say flatly, “You’ve been kissing.”
“What?” you gasp, hands leaping to your body - checking your hair, your shirt, your mouth. “How do you know?”
They shake their head in mock disapproval. “I just know these things. Honestly, Y/N, you live with him, can’t you do these things at home?”
You swat at their arm petulantly. “Quit acting like you aren’t super jealous.”
“Oh, I am,” they inform you. They lean against the counter, placing their chin in their palm, a dreamy expression crossing their face. “Believe me. So what’s it like with him? Tell me everything.”
Namjoon shows up sometime before six, a bag of food in hand. He looks a little nervous, and you aren’t sure if it’s because of your warning about Kris, or because last time he did this he got accosted by his ex. Maybe both.
“Hi there, Dimples,” Kris greets him with a big smile. “Come stay a while.”
“Have you ever formally met Kris?” you ask, coming between them. “Kris, Namjoon, - Namjoon, Kris.”
“Nice to meet you,” he replies. “Unfortunately, I have to go home and finish a paper.”
You set the bag of food on the counter and walk with him back towards the doors leading out. 
“Just so you know,” he mutters out of the side of his mouth, voice barely audible. “I have had a problem for the last hour and a half since your little visit. And that’s not me flirting with you, that is me filing a formal complaint.”
It surprises a laugh out of you, and he grins at you sideways too. 
“Sorry,” you say, barely meaning it. “That’s sounds… hard.”
“Oh, my god,” he utters, as you lose it, laughing so hard you have to grab his arm for support as you double over. “Seriously? Kris, do something with her. Who let her out of the house today?”
“I do believe that was you,” Kris says dryly from their perch by the registers. 
You wheeze through the laughter, trying to suck in a long breath. “Sorry, sorry,” you giggle. “I couldn’t help myself. 
He shakes his head at you, moving for the door. “I’ll see you at home,” he tells you, and then he leaves.
“At home,” Kris sighs, like it was so romantic.
You shoot them an eye-roll as full of ire as you can manage. 
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Finally some backstory, and finally some spice!!!! What are we thinking??!!!
As always thank you so so so so much reading, I appreciate you all sooo much! Happy friday!!!
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
hi so since shannon survives in babea au 🥺 would she and mary ever think of getting married?
v normal about this
in the wake of losing the halo, shannon remains a sister warrior for a few months, but it doesn't feel right, the way she feels rejected by god, the way beatrice is barely on speaking terms with her, the pitying looks she gets in the halls of the convent. she leaves the church quietly, mother superion giving her blessings and her understanding, but remains with the order in the way the mary exists within it, as an outsider standing at the periphery, held only by a handful of a commandments and the family she's found amongst her sisters
she moves in with mary, has been dating her for about five years at that point, but is more focused on doing what she can to keep bea safe from vincent than she is on their relationship, which is a homecoming and a safe haven and on the backburner for two women trying to protect the teens they love. (the visions, the knowledge of the betrayal, come earlier in this 'verse because vincent is giftwrapped a warrior nun who has grown up under his care, who he has groomed to be the warrior nun adriel needs). 
ronda happens, and bea's relationship with shannon resettles, and bea allows herself to listen to what shannon's been trying to tell her all along. that vincent cannot be trusted. that trusting him would lead to her downfall.
vincent gets squared away, and bea can focus on becoming number one efficient warrior nun, and mary and shannon can relax a fraction, relax a hair (can never fully relax when bea is a reliquary and a raw wound and a scar). they learn to live with each other in their new normal, shannon in the first freedom she's ever truly had
it's mary who raises the question late one night, after a family dinner at which lilith had made some jab or another about them basically being married already. it's just an initial conversation, she says, just seeing whether they're on the same page about where they want this to go (mary, her trust shattered by vincent, always, always hedging her bets), but shannon takes mary's face in her hands and forces her to make eye contact and tells her this is the only place she wants to be. that if mary feels the same way, then there's no point wasting time not being engaged
they go get rings the next day, matching white gold bands and chains to wear the other's on around their neck when they're in the field. they quickly end up getting silicone rings too for daily wear, spend most of their time wearing the other's engagement band around their neck. they keep it quiet, beyond telling bea and by extension lilith, and bea snaps into action planning their wedding
it's a small affair, on the overlook in ronda, where the four of them had stood in the early dawn so many months before and revelled in their survival. lilith stands for shannon, their bond grown so much closer in the aftermath of shannon losing the halo and lilith being passed over for bea. bea stands for mary, feeling every year between them in the ache in her heart, at mary's shoulder the way mary has so often stood at hers. bea has both their rings tucked in the breast pocket of her suit (having been ragged on for being the ring Bearer for months), and mary squeezes her hand affectionately when she passes them over
mother superion conducts the service, tries desperately to contain her tears but to no avail, and shannon holds a hand out for her to take, to support her, to remind her that at least one of her girls has made it out of the meat grinder alive, that at least one of her girls has found safety and happiness 
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schmooplesboop · 6 months
Toffee Apple
Pairing: Alex X Male farmer/player
Rating: Teen
For the past couple of years Alex had skipped out on Spirit’s Eve. It had gotten pretty stale. Fake plastic hedge maze, shitty plastic scares, and even shittier food that might as well have been plastic. Just bad all around.
This year, though… on top of keeping his farm afloat Colton had volunteered to grow a huge corn maze on his land for the town’s Spirit’s Eve celebrations. And the rumors had been buzzing around Pelican Town since: Colton had recruited the weird wizard dude who lived in the woods to provide spooks for the haunted corn maze, Gus had been inspired by Colton’s enthusiasm and dug up new recipes for Spirit’s Eve treats, Marnie wanted to set up a hayride for those who wanted a calmer vibe. Everyone was excited to see this year’s festival, Alex included. Even if he hadn’t cared about the event, he had a personal reason to be excited this year. Colton had straight up asked him on a date.
“I may not look it, but I’m a giant scaredy cat. I need a big, strong date to guide me through the maze. You up for it, dude?”
Haley had been staring at him so intensely that Alex could practically hear her brain screaming at him to “Just say yes, you big dope!” For once, he didn’t need her intervening, he’d said yes almost immediately. Colton’s smile and faint blush was worth the awkwardness of Haley standing there looking like she wanted to scream with delight.
Now the big night was here and he was nervous as hell. This was his first real date in a while and his first date with another dude, period.
Alex looked himself over in the full-length mirror in the hall outside his room. He’d chosen to wear a grey hoodie under his old letterman jacket and his cleanest jeans. Hair perfectly coiffed then perfectly re-coiffed, his usual hour-long hair care routine had lengthened into two. He anxiously looked over the cologne Haley had forced into his hand that morning.
“Spiced Orange. Seasonal and sexy!”
He sniffed it warily. It did smell nice… ah, what the hell. He sprayed himself then tossed the bottle through the doorway onto his bed.
Alex wished he had someone other than his grandparents to give their opinion of the end result.
His grandmother was terribly biased, “You always look handsome, dear!”
And his grandfather was not biased enough, “Hair is hair. You look like always do.”
Out of desperation, he’d asked Dusty’s opinion too. “What do you think, boy?” He gently scratched his old dog behind the ears. “How do I look? Underdressed?”
Dusty huffed a quiet doggy noise of reassurance and licked Alex’s fingers.
Alex set his jaw, chiding himself. (It’s a haunted corn maze, not the fucking opera. Just chill.)
It was definitely going to be a cold and spooky night. Alex’s breath misted in the air as he headed out of town toward Gullwing Farm, hands shoved in his jacket pockets for warmth. Fog swirled around his ankles.
Alex’s jaw dropped as Colton’s farm came into view. He’d really gone all out. Orange and purple fairy lights were strung everywhere. Ghost and witch decorations hung from the trees. Menacing scarecrows leered in the fields. Dozens of jack-o-lanterns lined the lane that led into the farm.
Right at the main gate to Gullwing there were two signs, both decorated with childish drawings of different townsfolk being scared by different monsters. Alex recognized Vincent and Jas’s handiwork straight away. One sign said that entry was free, but there was a suggested donation of five dollars. The second sign was slightly ominous, simply stating that the “Ghost Show” was at midnight… whatever that meant. Alex put fifty bucks in the slotted box nailed under the first sign and went through the gate.
Gus had a canopy set up under which he and Emily were busy doling out food and drinks. Trays of toffee apples, buckets of popcorn in three different flavors, ‘devil hot’ potato chips, pumpkin cookies, ‘mini brain’ cake pops, ‘graveyard’ cupcakes, apple punch, and hot cider. It must’ve taken them all day to get things ready.
Haley was hanging out with her sister, looking vaguely bored and eating a cake pop. When she spotted Alex, she gave him a quick once over and a round of brief silent applause. Feeling slightly better having his friend’s approval, Alex waved at her as he went by. The food looked delicious, but Alex was still mostly nerves. He didn’t think he could eat anything right now.
Pierre had set up his stand too, of course, selling Spirit’s Eve t-shirts and decorations. Alex bought a little plastic bobble ghost for his gran. She liked these weird, cheap little things for some reason. She had so many that she’d had to buy an enormous bookcase to display them.
The corn maze loomed in the distance, looking intimidating and surprisingly eerie in the fog and dim, colored light. It really was huge, it would probably take a couple of hours to get through, maybe even more. Alex was impressed by the enthusiasm and effort that not just Colton, but everyone had put into this. The whole town had really pulled together to make things better than before. Colton seemed to have that effect on people, Alex included.
Jodi was standing outside the maze with a tearful Vincent, telling him that it was too scary for him and trying to convince him to check out the more laidback hayride Marnie had going not far away. Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian stood nearby, pushing each other around and laughing.
Sebastian caught his eye and waved. Alex waved back. This is what he’d meant by Colton having an effect on him too. Old Alex dismissed Sebastian as “that weird guy” without a second thought. But when the weather had gotten colder and their morning beach runs had evolved into morning hikes in the mountains, Colton had invited Sebastian to join them sometimes and Alex had been surprised to learn that not only could Seb keep up with them even though he was 95% skinny legs, but he also knew a lot about wildlife (frogs mostly). He’d also discovered that they actually had things in common. They were both really into an old adventure-fantasy comic series that had been all the rage before either of them was born. Sebastian had even lent Alex two of the comics he was missing from his own collection. New Alex had learned not be so fucking judgy. He was liking New Alex way more than Old Alex.
Abigail linked arms with Sam and marched him into the maze. Seb pointed to a little picnic area where people were milling about eating treats, waiting for their turn on the hayride, or just enjoying the atmosphere. Alex could see Colton waiting there, munching enthusiastically on a toffee apple. Willing himself not to blush, Alex nodded his thanks to Sebastian and made his way over.
Colton towered over literally everyone around him and Alex was relieved to see that they had similar outfits on. He was wearing a fleece lined black-and-teal plaid jacket over a dark sweater and faded jeans. Now that it was too cold to surf every day, his tan skin had lost its golden luster and his hair had faded from bleached back to sandy blonde, but Colton was still super hot, to use Haley’s words.
Colton spotted him and quickly swallowed a bite of his apple, “Hi, Alex!” Like Haley, the farmer gave him a once over and Alex felt his chest tighten with anxiety. “Looking very spruce tonight, dude.”
Oh, thank fuck. “Thanks. You’re looking good yourself.” Alex was impressed with how chill he sounded, despite feeling very unchill. “Did you do all this yourself? It looks awesome, I barely recognize the farm.”
“Thanks! But nah, I had a lot of help. Demetrius helped me design the maze, but I did all the planting and watering and maintaining. Vincent and Jas helped with decorating and Marnie’s handling the hayride. Gus and Emily are in charge of the food and drink, of course. Rasmodius also said he’d provide scares for the maze and something called a ‘ghost show’. Not sure what that means, I’m kinda nervous about it to be honest—"
A scream came from the maze, startling Alex and sending a ripple of murmurs through the picnic area.
“I think that’s Maru, poor woman’s been in there for a long time. Even Harvey made it through the maze before she did. We should rescue her if we find her.” Colton finished off his apple and tossed the stick into the trash. “You ready to guide my wussy ass through this maze or would you like some food first?”
“Let’s get our maze on.” Ugh. New Alex still sometimes said mortifying shit.
Colton seemed charmed by it, thankfully, and they entered the maze. Alex didn’t scare easily, but he had to admit it was pretty creepy in here. The corn was so thick you couldn’t see through it, and it rose high over even Colton’s head. The only light in the maze came from the full moon and the fairy lights that occasionally criss-crossed overhead and it was like outside noises were muffled somehow. The ankle-deep fog outside the maze became knee-map inside. Somewhere ahead they could hear Sam whimpering and Abigail calling him a baby.
The first scare that Rasmodius conjured up, maybe literally, came running at them from out of the corn. A skeleton that glowed a sickly green sprinted right for them with arms outstretched. Alex jumped as Colton screamed. The skeleton blew right by them, bony fingers scratching at the farmer’s arm before disappearing into the corn again. Alex’s stomach flipping had nothing to do with the scare and everything to do with Colton grabbing hold of his hand.
“Sorry for making you jump, Alex. Did warn you I was a big ol’ scaredy cat.” Colton sounded self-conscious.
Alex hated to hear it. Didn’t feel right, that someone as awesome as Colton was feeling bad about himself. He gave the farmer’s hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled. “Nothing to be sorry about, dude. Happy to be bodyguard and date tonight.” Or any night.
And Alex played his part well. The wizard’s scares definitely weren’t of the plastic variety. Giant spiders, weird noises in the corn, invisible hands that brushed at their ankles and arms, figures in the fog, drooling red-eyed hounds, big swooping bats, footsteps that ran up behind them with nothing there when they turned. Colton didn’t scream every time, but there was always someone else screaming just out of sight.
By the time they reached the middle of the maze, Alex had one arm wrapped tight around Colton’s waist. The farmer looked around nervously. There was nothing here in the center of the maze except a creepy statue of what looked like a guy with an octopus for a head. Poor Maru screeched again, but it sounded distant. It seemed she might actually get out sometime before dawn.
Colton looked at the faintly glowing display on his watch, “The ‘ghost show’ starts soon. Wanna see what that is before we try making our way out?”
Alex nodded, even he needed a break. “Sounds good.”
The wizard’s ‘ghost show’ started at exactly midnight. Vaguely human-shaped figures, glowing pale blue, drifted up through the corn and started swirling over the maze. Fast, slow, they zipped and twirled overhead. There were a few surprised squawks from the maze dwellers, then a murmur of amazement. Considering what they’d been through already tonight, this was actually kind of… soothing.
(And romantic?) Alex’s brain supplied oh-so-innocently.
No! Don’t be stupi—Alex swallowed thickly. Apparently, Colton agreed with Alex’s brain. He’d turned to face Alex, leaning in slightly. The anxiety in his deep brown eyes had melted into something very close to desire.
(Okay. The hottest man in the valley wants to kiss you, don’t fuck it up. Shit. I can do this. Okay. Fuck. C’mon, Alex, you’re not afraid of ghouls and shit, but you’re afraid of a kiss? Just--)
He blinked. Colton was suddenly angling away, looking a little embarrassed. Belatedly, Alex realized that the other man had been politely waiting for him to lean in too and had taken his getting momentarily lost in his own panicked brain as disinterest. Great. Fucked it up instantly.
“Then unfuck it, doofus!” He heard Haley’s voice so clearly in his mind it was like she was swirling overhead with the wizard’s ghosts. Hoping this didn’t make things even more awkward, Alex slid his arms around Colton’s neck and leaned in. The embarrassment faded instantly. Colton leaned down… and holy shit, they were kissing, the farmer’s body very warm and very firm as it pressed against Alex’s. Colton tasted like toffee apple and he smelled like rain in the woods with a hint of the sea underneath. Then his fingers hooked into Alex’s belt loops to draw him closer and who knew that such a small thing could be so fucking sexy?
They parted, both slightly breathless, as the ghosts above faded out so that near darkness settled over the maze once again.
“That was nice.” Colton murmured.
Alex agreed wholeheartedly. “Yeah, it was.”
He shivered as Colton’s lips brushed against his ear and his fingers tightened in his belt loops. “You smell amazing, by the way…”
Score one for Haley, she’d be pleased to hear it. Alex was trying to form some kind of reply that wouldn’t want to make him shrivel up and die when somewhere to their left they heard the sound of Abigail screaming and Sam laughing long and loud and very donkey-like. Their little romantic moment was over, but not ruined.
Colton’s lips were at his ear once more. “Get me out of this maze alive and I’ll kiss you again.”
If it wouldn’t have ruined the experience for everyone else, Alex would’ve bulled a straight line through the corn and made his own exit.
Oddly, kissing Alex seemed to have bolstered the farmer. He was much less jumpy as they navigated their way out and only screamed twice. Alex felt his ego puff up. Just a bit.
Someplace ahead of them they heard Maru shriek again, but this one was different. It was a scream of triumph, “Heck yeah, I survived! Emily, two cupcakes, please!”
Colton laughed, “Guess she found her way out.”
A few more twists and turns and they found their way out as well, Colton breathing a sigh of relief in the cold night air.
“Thanks, Alex. My hero.”
True to his word, Colton was moving in close again. Alex moved as well, perhaps a bit too eagerly as their noses bumped lightly. Colton only chuckled, tilting his head just a touch more so their mouths slotted together perfectly. Goddamn he tasted and smelled and felt so good. Alex could get used to this…
Afterward they bought some snacks and cider and went to join Maru and a few others in the picnic area. Haley had disappeared, probably went home a while ago. Spirit’s Eve wasn’t really her thing. She’d likely just come to give her sister and Alex some support. With the kids in bed and the last few stragglers exiting the maze, Marnie was dismantling the hayride and loading her ponies into the trailer behind her truck. Alex took a bite of the toffee apple he’d bought, a sheepish grin on his face. He knew it was kinda goofy, but he wanted to relive the taste of Colton’s lips a few more times.
They were halfway through their snack feast when Sam, Abby, and Sebastian emerged from the maze, taunting each other about who was the biggest baby.
“Didn’t hear Seb once so he’s obviously the champ among you three.” Colton called out with a teasing smirk.
Abigail laughed as the trio came to a stop beside their table. “You and Maru had a chorus going.” She teased back.
“Oh dude, yeah, I definitely would’ve dropped dead five feet into the maze without Alex to protect me.”
Alex’s cheeks flushed as he felt Colton’s hand slide over his wrist. Abby and Sam’s eyebrows raised in surprised, Sebastian just looked smug that he’d known something his friends hadn’t. Old Alex would’ve cared, probably too much. New Alex didn’t give a fuck.
He just smiled and gave Colton a nudge with his elbow. “Don’t sell yourself short, you didn’t shit yourself on the way out.”
The five of them laughed together. It felt nice.
“Walk me home?” Colton asked as they threw their trash in the bin, gesturing to the farmhouse in the distance.
“Yeah, of course.”
Alex felt more sets of curious eyes on them as they walked off hand-in-hand. He still didn’t give a fuck.
As soon as they entered the farmyard Finn, Colton’s dog, came barrelling out of his doggy door and jumped all over Alex, barking excitedly trying to lick his face.
“Oh, I see who his favorite is.” The farmer smirked.
Alex laughed and scratched Finn around the neck, trying and failing to keep all four of the dog’s paws on the ground. “Hey, buddy!”
“Thank-you, Alex.” Colton said as they ascended the stairs onto the porch, Finn racing in circles around both of them. “I had a lot of fun with you tonight.”
A pleasant little knot of warmth formed in Alex’s stomach. “Me too.”
“No hike tomorrow. Gotta take all this stuff down.”
“Not by yourself, I hope?” Finn impatiently butted his head against Alex’s leg and he reached down to pat him.
“Nah. Wizard dude is taking care of the spooky stuff tonight. Marnie, Gus, and Pierre are taking care of their areas tonight too. Tomorrow morning Marnie, Shane, Seb, Sam, and Abby are coming to help with the rest.”
“I’ll help too. What time?”
“Yeah? I thought it’d be kinda tacky to ask my date to help me clean up.” Finn was harassing Colton for pets now, and he ruffled the dog about the ears.
“Nah, I want to help. Just tell me when to show up.”
A fond little smile curved Colton’s lips, “Why don’t you come by a bit earlier than the others? I’ll make pancakes.”
Alex felt his cheeks go red, “…I’d like that.”
“Seven, then?”
“I’ll be here.”
His affection quota satisfied, Finn slipped back through his doggy door into the house. Colton’s affection quota not quite satisfied, he placed a soft kiss on Alex’s jaw. “Goodnight, Alex.”
“See you tomorrow, Colton.”
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bestanimatedmovie · 18 days
Revenge of the Underrated, Round 2!
Round 1
The big players will start competing this round, so make sure to support your favorite unknown movie with propaganda and reblogs!
Also, this round we somehow ended up with more polls than round 1, so that will be fun 😅
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Luca vs Ballerina
2. Mary and Max vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
3. The Bad Guys vs Miss Hokusai
4. Loving Vincent vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
5. Pocahontas vs The Girl Without Hands
6. Hercules vs The Twelve Tasks of Asterix
7. Anomalisa vs Cats don't Dance
8. The Little Mermaid vs Felidae
9. It's Such a Beautiful Day vs An American Tail: Fievel Goes West
10. Paprika vs Pokemon Heroes
11. Sing 2 vs The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning
12. Wendell and Wild vs The Plague Dogs
13. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs vs Ice Age
14. The Hunchback of Notre Dame vs Strange Magic
15. Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16. Mad God vs Rock and Rule
17. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm vs Titan A.E.
18. The Wind Rises vs The Adventures of Mark Twain
19. Sleeping Beauty vs Tarzan
20. Zootopia vs Robots
21. Monsters vs Aliens vs The Twelve Months
22. Robin Hood vs Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe
23. The Case of Hana and Alice vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24. Long Way North vs One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
25. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26. My Life as a Zucchini vs Lupin III: The First
27. The Fox and the Hound vs Minions: The Rise of Gru
28. The Three Caballeros vs Princes and Princesses
29. When Marnie was Here vs A Letter to Momo
30. Akira vs The Wild Thornberrys Movie
31. The Cat Returns vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32. Belladonna of Sadness vs The Swan Princess
33. Porco Rosso vs Patema Inverted
34. Rio vs Next Gen
35. The Lego Batman Movie vs Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods
36. The Aristocats vs Thumbelina
37. James and the Giant Peach vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38. Castle in the Sky vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39. Over the Hedge vs Charlotte's Web (1973)
40. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius vs The Princess and the Goblin
41. Redline vs Catnapped!
42. The Addams Family vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
43. Epic vs Padak
44. Vivo vs Bartok the Magnificent
45. Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Night on the Galactic Railroad
46. Waking Life vs The Rabbi's Cat
47. Barbie as Rapunzel vs Seven Days War
48. Cool World vs Pippi Longstocking
49. When the Wind Blows vs Ruben Brandt, Collector
50. Summer Wars vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
51. The Black Cauldron vs Mars Needs Moms
52. The Red Turtle vs Underdogs
53. Ron's Gone Wrong vs Once Upon a Forest
54. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
55. Arthur Christmas vs Help! I'm a Fish
56. Barbie of Swan Lake vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
57. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
58. Pokemon: The Movie 2000 vs Rock-A-Doodle
59. Arthur and the Invisibles vs Unico in the Island of Magic
60. Barbie as the Island Princess vs Flatland: The Film
61. Mind Game vs Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
62. Dragon Ball Super: Broly vs The Flight of Dragons
63. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero vs Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
64. Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase vs Happily N'Ever After
65. On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Book Girl
66. Rock-A-Doodle vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
67. The Pebble and the Penguin vs The Magic Riddle
68. A Troll in Central Park vs Ico, the Brave Horse
69. Robot Carnival vs Blinky Bill
70. The Snow Queen vs The Legend of Manxmouse
71. Early Man vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
72. Nocturna vs Junk Head
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incorrectoverthehedge · 5 months
Damn, been a hot minute since I’ve referenced over the hedge on here sooo headcanons for New Years!
RJ’s resolution is to finally try being more open about himself. It’s about time his family learn about him more…then again he’ll be ready when he’s ready.
Verne’s resolution is to try and not worry as much. He’ll fail within the first three days the minute RJ gets an idea.
Hammy doesn’t have one because he doesn’t have time to think about one.
Stella’s resolution is to actually try accepting herself more. The way she will do is that she’ll ask everyone if they’re cool with her, and if they’re not, she’ll spray them. The resolution was completed in less than an hour.
Ozzie’s resolution was to protect Heather more.
Heather’s resolution to was to have some independence. Both these failed for obvious reasons.
Lou and Penny’s resolution is to be good parents. Personally I’ve would’ve chosen have a personality. They succeed on being parents, and still lack a personality.
The Kids’s resolution is to beat Grand Theft Auto V…they just need an XBOX and a working TV. They still haven’t found the cables needed.
Tiger’s resolution is to continue to establish his claim as royal protector of the forest…or of a small portion of it. He succeeded because who wants to mess with a cat?
Vincent’s resolution is to still kill RJ. Bear’s gotta get a new hobby. Obviously he failed
Dwayne’s resolution is to get a pet and not have the urge to fire a net at it. He failed.
Glady’s resolution is to finally settle down. Yeah she failed.
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iuriinacio · 2 months
Julgando os personagens do filme Os Sem-Floresta (Over The Hedge)
Durante 6 anos acompanhando a comunidade OTH, eu nunca julguei cada personagem do filme, então hoje vou falar de cada um deles, então vamos começar.
RJ - Apesar dele quase todo o filme não dar importância para a família Hedge, apenas para se salvar a si próprio, ele percebe que não dá pra viver sozinho para sempre, após ver sua verdadeira família sendo levada pelo Dwayne, então a partir desse ponto ele começa a mudar seu comportamento egoísta para ser um guaxinim de bom coração, além de ter se tornado o líder dos animais.
Verne - O comportamento dele durante quase todo filme faz o telespectador pensar que ele é uma tartaruga arrogante e durona, mas na verdade ele apenas estava tentando proteger a sua família do mundo dos humanos que não queriam eles lá, além dele ter sido um dos primeiros a perdoar o RJ pela sua "traição".
Hammy - Embora ele tenha um comportamento igual de uma criança cheia de energia, ele já é um adolescente/jovem adulto, além de gostar de cookies, devido a ele ser o mais rápido da família, os animais evitam de dar energético ou refrigerante que tenha cafeína pois como mostra a batalha final do filme, se der energético, Hammy pode ficar na velocidade da luz. Embora ainda seja vago o que aconteceu com os pais de Hammy e quando Verne o adotou.
Stella - Apesar dela ter aquele jeito sincerona e debochada, ela ainda tem um bom coração com os outros animais do grupo, além de ter levado Tiger (que jaja falo sobre ele) para ser um novo membro da família Hedge.
Ozzie - Apesar de ser um gambá dramático do grupo a ponto de se fingir de morto em coisas mais bobas como uma neve cair em sua cabeça e envergonhar a sua filha Heather, ele é amigável e atencioso com os outros animais, além de que ele tem um amor incondicional por Heather, antes de RJ aparecer, ele era o mais alto do grupo. Embora o motivo dele se fingir de morto por qualquer coisa deve está relacionado a sua esposa que acabou morrendo em algum momento trágico.
Heather - Embora ela tenha vergonha do comportamento de seu pai, ela ainda o ama e o admira muito, pois foi o único animal que cuidou dela sozinho após a morte de sua esposa, ela se destaca por ser a mais aberta e a mais gentil do grupo, é a única animal do grupo a ter sua idade revelada oficialmente tendo 16 anos de idade, além dela gostar das coisas da moda como TV e aparelho de som, de acordo com algumas teorias ela tem uma certa queda por RJ (mas nada confirmado). Devido ao filme não ter muita coisa além do que foi mostrado, Heather tem pouco o que fazer durante a trama.
A Família de Porcos-Espinhos - Sobre o Lou e Penny, não tenho muito que falar sobre eles, apenas dizer que eles são uma família feliz e saudável. Sobre os trigêmeos Bucky, Spike e Quillo eles gostam muito de jogar videogame, não é atoa que eles aprederam dirigir o "Dwayne's Battle Bus" em um jogo fictício chamada "Auto Homicide 3" ou "Auto Radical 3", que claramente é uma paródia descarada dos jogos Need For Speed ou GTA que eram jogos que estavam na moda.
Tiger - No início ele é um gato arrogante que não gosta de animais silvestres ou vira-latas, mas depois que conhece a gambá Stella, ele muda seu comportamento e se torna o mais novo membro da família Hedge, além de ter uma habilidade de não sentir cheiro. Curiosidade sobre ele é que durante o desenvolvimento ele se chamava Stanley e sua cor seria laranja.
Bom, esses foram os personagens de bom coração, agora vamos pros vilões do filme:
Vincent - Um urso oportunista e egoísta que mata qualquer animal que se atreva a traí-lo ou roubar sua comida, houve uma época que os fãs discutiram quem era o vilão verdadeiro se era o RJ ou Vincent, no final acabou concluindo que era o Vincent mesmo, já que RJ foi manipulado e pressionado por ele.
Gladys Sharp - Embora ela queria o bem pra população de El Rancho Camelot, ela simplesmente acabou se lascando por causa de sua loucura de tentar se livrar dos animais, já que ela comprou um Tira Couro Turbo via contrabando que é ilegal em todos os estados (exerto no texas), o resultado disso ela foi pra cadeia.
Dwayne LaFontant - Dono/Funcionário da Vermitech, foi contratado por Gladys pra acabar com os animais da floresta, mas também ele acabou se lascando, já que ele também foi preso por ter trazido o Tira Couro Turbo, mas diferente da Gladys, ele acabou escapando, mas o Nugent (falar dele no próximo tópico) acabou mordendo a perna dele, desde então não se sabe se ele foi pego ou se realmente conseguiu fugir.
Pra fechar com chave de ouro vou falar um pouco sobre os personagens secundários ou sem importância para trama do filme:
Moradores do condomínio El Rancho Camelot - Esses não tenho muito que falar sobre, apenas dizer que não se importam ter presença de animais silvestres ou não.
Nugent - Cachorro da raça Rottweiler, ele nunca foi uma "ameaça" para o RJ e Verne durante a cena da perseguição, ele apenas é um cachorro ingênuo que queria brincar com algum animal ou ser humano. Curiosidade sobre ele, de acordo com o TV Tropes, originalmente Nugent não existiria, seria outro cão da raça poodles chamado Waffles e esse cão iria engolir o Verne, RJ e outros animais iriam ajudar a tirá-lo, mas isso foi descartado, pois isso iria assustar as crianças e também o filme subiria a sua classificação etária de "G" para "PG" que aqui no meu país seria mais ou menos "proibido para menores de 10 anos de idade".
Bom esse foi meu julgamento dos personagens do filme, embora eu tenha me inspirado em alguma fontes, eu dei minhas considerações finais a cada personagem do filme, lembrando que esse tópico não irá contar com o jogo baseado no filme, já que o jogo tem a história paralela ao filme, obrigado pela leitura.
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max-the-entertainer · 10 months
I think Over The Hedge would've been way better if it had a depressing ending so, the scene where RJ returns the food to Vincent and betrays him before going to save the family from The Verminator
see I reckon it would have been so cool and so much more powerful if RJ didn't go back and save them and they ended up dying off-screen..the conversation between RJ and Vincent is one of my favourite scenes from any film...if it ended with RJ coming to terms with who he is, what he's done and accepting it, that would've been so powerful and so cool...it would've made the film a lot darker as well since it would condemn the family to death and RJ's gotta live with that
it would've also just been an excellent bit of cinematography and symbolism if it ended with that ending and also RJ and Vincent walking off into the forest together as friends, since RJ has now stooped to his level and accepted it
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build-a-batmovie · 1 year
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pearlsoflongago · 2 months
Voices of April
Breezes, Blossoms, and Birds
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Prunieurs en Fleurs/Plum Trees in Bloom by Clause Monet
The West Wind
It’s a warm wind, the west wind, full of birds’ cries; I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes. For it comes from the west lands, the old brown hills, And April’s in the west wind, and daffodils.
It’s a fine land, the west land, for hearts as tired as mine, Apple orchards blossom there, and the air’s like wine. There is cool green grass there, where men may lie at rest, And the thrushes are in song there, fluting from the nest.
‘Will ye not come home, brother? ye have been long away, It’s April, and blossom time, and white is the may; And bright is the sun, brother, and warm is the rain,— Will ye not come home, brother, home to us again?
‘The young corn is green, brother, where the rabbits run, It’s blue sky, and white clouds, and warm rain and sun. It’s song to a man’s soul, brother, fire to a man’s brain, To hear the wild bees and see the merry spring again.
‘Larks are singing in the west, brother, above the green wheat, So will ye not come home, brother, and rest your tired feet? I’ve a balm for bruised hearts, brother, sleep for aching eyes,’ Says the warm wind, the west wind, full of birds’ cries.
It’s the white road westwards is the road I must tread To the green grass, the cool grass, and rest for heart and head, To the violets and the warm hearts and the thrushes’ song, In the fine land, the west land, the land where I belong.
-John Masefield
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De Roze Perzikboom/Blossoming Pear Tree by Vincent van Gogh
Home Thoughts, From Abroad
O, to be in England Now that April 's there, And whoever wakes in England Sees, some morning, unaware, That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf, While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough In England—now!
And after April, when May follows, And the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows! Hark, where my blossom'd pear-tree in the hedge Leans to the field and scatters on the clover Blossoms and dewdrops—at the bent spray's edge— That 's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, Lest you should think he never could recapture The first fine careless rapture! And though the fields look rough with hoary dew, All will be gay when noontide wakes anew The buttercups, the little children's dower —Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!
—Robert Browning
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Song of a Second April
April this year, not otherwise Than April of a year ago, Is full of whispers, full of sighs, Of dazzling mud and dingy snow; Hepaticas that pleased you so Are here again, and butterflies.
There rings a hammering all day, And shingles lie about the doors; In orchards near and far away The grey woodpecker taps and bores; And men are merry at their chores, And children earnest at their play.
The larger streams run still and deep, Noisy and swift the small brooks run Among the mullein stalks the sheep Go up the hillside in the sun, Pensively,—only you are gone, You that alone I cared to keep.
—Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Pear Blossoms by Winslow Homer
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plumsaffron · 1 year
It's like my 10th time watching over the hedge this year again.
RJ telling Vincent after stealing his food and item stash that he's a desperate guy trying to feed his family and Vincent says you don't a family BWHWHHWFFFAAHAHA Then RJ says he meant a family of one. SHSHSHAHAHAHAHAHAH Then later on a song about a family of only RJ's self plays. DANG haahahahah bruh
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Over The Cryptid Hedge.
RJ- Chicken Ghost.
Verne- Smile Room Host.
Hammy- Mothman.
Stella- Long Horse.
Lou- Big Charlie.
Penny- Void Nugget
Spike- Little Nugget.
Bucky- Forgotten Baby.
Quillo- Fluff.
Ozzie- Short Horse.
Heather- YoYo.
Tiger- Flatwoods Monster.
Vincent- Cartoon Cat.
Gladys Sharp- Angel.
Dwayne LaFontant- Dr. Turbo.
Nugent- Cartoon Dog.
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