#vielen dank <3
Enemies to lovers für das trope game, bitte :D
!!! Ja. Absolut. A+.
Ich hab noch überlegt, ob ich dem ein C gebe, weil @bookshelfdreams schon Recht hat, manchmal gibt's Zeug, das diesen Tag trägt, aber echt kritisch zu sehen ist/keinen Spaß macht (abuser/victim etc.), aber m.E. ist der Tag dann fehl am Platz.
Denn "Enemies to lovers" setzt voraus, dass sie einander ebenbürtig sind. Das bedeutet, jeder hat bereits die schlimmste Seite des anderen gesehen, weiß, wozu der andere fähig ist, und hat trotzdem etwas in ihm gesehen, das ihn anzieht. Und sie wissen, dass die Zuneigung/Anziehung/Liebe ernst gemeint ist. Denn wenn sie einander wehtun wollen würden, hätten sie das längst getan; wenn des einen dunkelste Seite den anderen abschrecken würde, wäre der nicht mehr hier.
Es beginnt mit der gegenseitigen Anerkennung der Ebenbürtigkeit. (Wenn man es genau nimmt, fallen sogar Sprotte und Fred in diese Kategorie. Und Svacky lol) Und irgendwann steht man da, hält sich gegenseitig die Klinge an die Kehle - bildlich, wörtlich, egal - und -
Oh fuck.
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falleraatje · 2 years
🧠❌✨ :) <3
Pick a character and I'll tell you my favourite headcanon for them
Da du keinen Charakter ausgesucht hast, bekommst du einfach mal einen meiner Leo headcanons, den ich irgendwann mal irgendwo verarbeiten will: So, wie Leo aussieht, kann man davon ausgehen, dass er oft ins Fitnessstudio geht und dementsprechend den regulären Gästen dort bekannt ist. Keiner von ihnen weiß, was Leo beruflich macht. Er erwähnt zwar manchmal das Büro oder Papierkram, aber keiner ahnt, dass das Büro ein Polizeipräsidium ist. Weshalb es umso verwunderlicher ist, wenn Leo ein paar Wochen weg bleibt und auf einmal eine neue Narbe hat, die aussieht, als ob sie von einer Stichverletzung kommt. Es kursieren die wildesten Gerüchte, von denen die meisten mit dem organisierten Verbrechen zu tun haben.
(wenn du möchtest, kannst du mir aber auch gerne noch mal einen Charakter deiner Wahl schicken :)
What's a trope you will never write?
Alles, was mit breaking up oder getting back together zu tun hat. Das ist mir einfach zu messy und da lasse ich lieber die Finger davon. Klar passiert so etwas im echten Leben, aber ich möchte einfach, dass meine Figuren irgendwann ihre Ruhe haben und zusammen glücklich und zufrieden in den Sonnenuntergang reiten können (im übertragenen Sinne. Reiterhof-AU ist nicht geplant)
Langsam geht bei mir den Komplimenten echt die Luft aus. Manchmal finde ich meine Geschichten im Nachhinein ganz witzig? 😅
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7, 15, 38 and 59!!! ^.^
7) The Trail - from the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt OST
15) Chant - from the Hadestown Original Broadway Cast Album
38) His Kiss, The Riot - from the Hadestown Original Broadway Cast Album
59) A Nearly Peaceful Place - from the Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings OST
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mercedes-lenz · 8 months
ich fühl mich grad wie schiller der betrunken ode an die freude geschrieben hat und das dann eins seiner bekanntesten gedichte geworden ist
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buttercup-bard · 2 years
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... haven't seen you in a few centuries.
Polizeiruf (Frankfurt/Oder): "Good Omens"/Engel & Dämon AU
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kinokoshoujoart · 5 months
69 comic made me think oh yeah or just 6 for roku. Something something 6 is sechs in german vaguely pronounced sex do with that what you will thanks for attending german 102
😳 oh…. that’s very sechs……
very enlightening german lessons. i can’t wait for german 103 and have prepared a fitting rock to thank you. here is the link to the full (if you don’t mind seeing sechs, that is)
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daughterofhecata · 6 months
Seit jetzt drei Jahren freue ich mich jedes Mal seit ungefähr Sommerende auf Kajs Kink January, und habs die letzten beiden Jahren immer unter dem kreativen Namen "Kalender" auf meinen Startbildschirm gehabt btw und dieses Jahr (nächstes Jahr?) wieder ab dem 1. Januar. Bin so happy, dass du das wieder machst <3333
Hehe, das freut mich echt riesig zu hören <3 ich hab auch wirklich immer wieder Spaß dran, vor allem, zu sehen, mit was für Prompts Leute um die Ecke kommen und dann zu versuchen, das umzusetzen!
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sergeantjessi · 9 months
Jetzt hast du MICH neugierig gemacht :D akvsdjdh was ist dein Liebling-Zelda-Volk? Bzw. Welchem Volk würdest du angehören wollen / welchem würdest du wahrscheinlich angehören :D?
Es ist ein schönes sich gegenseitig neugierig machen <3
Also zu meinen Fave Völkern zählen auch die Orni und Minish. Deshalb auch same hat :DD Das Schattenvolk hat auch einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen, weil TP einfach das perfekte Spiel für mein jüngeres ich war (ich war edgy und habe Wölfe geliebt, was gibt es da besseres???). Aber ich glaube ich würde dennoch nicht gerne bei ihnen leben, ich glaube das würde mich einfach nur traurig machen KEKW
Hylianer wäre irgendwie basic, auf der anderen Seite hat mein Sona spitze Ohren, weil das von Hylianern inspiriert ist :'D
Minish wäre cool, immerhin können die mit Tieren reden und haben allgemein ein top tier design [eyes emoji] Aaaaber ich weiß nicht, ob ich so ganz für das Minish Leben gemacht bin. Wobei ich klein sein gewöhnt bin [finger guns] :DD
Ich mag die BOTW/TOTK Orni mehr als die WW Orni, but man, ich glaube in so kalten Bergen wohnen wäre nicht so meins... xD Wobei mich ja niemand zwingt, dort zu wohnen... HMMMMM.... vielleicht wird das doch meine Wahl, yes yes
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opheliagreif · 1 year
'fanfic end of the year asks'
15, 19, bitte - falls noch nicht beantwortet X3
15. something you learned this year
Ich habe dieses Jahr drei Dinge in Bezug auf Fandoms gelernt: Dass ich durchaus empfänglich dafür bin, Tatortzuschauerin zu sein, auch wenn ich von meiner Kindheit aus durchaus Tatort-traumatisiert war. :D
Dann, dass es wunderbar möglich ist, aus dem Stegreif tolle Gespräche zu führen und Bekanntschaften via Tumblr und Discord zu machen und dass ich es immer noch sehr gerne mag, neue Leute über das Hobby kennen zu lernen und zu erfahren, welche tollen Menschen eigentlich hinter den Nutzernamen stecken.
Als Drittes und nicht ganz so Schönes: Dass die Block-Funktion hier auf Tumblr (oder auf anderen Medien) manchmal, selten, ihre Berechtigung hat und bei Fandomhate zu mehr Zufriedenheit im Fandom führt.
19. any new fics to start next year
Jap, geplant sind gerade zwei: Eine Werwolf-AU, die auf folgendem Prompt beruht: "Das Wolfsthema greift um sich. 😆 What if … Adam ist Wolf Shifter, Roland hat ihn nur in wölfischer Gestalt gehalten, zusammen mit seinen abgerichteten Hunden und Adam hat verlernt, seine menschliche Form anzunehmen. Roland wird zerfleddet aufgefunden. Es gibt eine Untersuchung. Die Tiere sollen eingeschläfert werden. Enter Leo."
Und eine Canon Divergence-Fanfic, die auf dem kurzen Abschnitt hier beruht: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42069975/chapters/106196838
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dreamauri · 8 months
‧˚⊹ 𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 ଓ :: 𝗠𝗩𝟭 ‧₊˚⤾
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you are reading :: part twelve !!
╭╯ pairing . . . max verstappen x fem! driver! reader ) ┊ summary . . . this part of your life is called: healing <3 ) ┊ genre . . . fluff ) ╰╮ warning . . . google translated german )
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( fic masterlist | general masterlist ) ( requests ) ( taglist )
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2013 — somewhere in France
You flicked the visor up, nodding in thanks as the steward handed you the trophy. "félicitations, seventeen. C'était une belle performance aujourd'hui" [congratulations, seventeen. That was a beautiful performance today] He clapped your back, standing beside you for the photographer to take his shot before moving onto Max in second place, then Charles in fourth.
You go back to your little station once the trophy giving is over. Gathering your stuff, you couldn't help but overhear the shouting between the Verstappens a few tents away. And you did what any person did. You watched Jos fuss around in Dutch before ultimately stomping away.
Max looked down at his feet defeated, angry tears in his eyes as he looked around for the things he had to pack. [you need help] He looked back to see your figure standing at the entrance.
He didn't say a word, watching you silently. You were the reason he got the scolding after all. Jos wasn't pleased that his son lost to a girl.
"Ich bin mit dem Packen meiner Sachen fertig und dachte, du brauchst die zusätzlichen Hände." [i finished packing my stuff, i thought you'd need the extra hands] You offered gently, taking a step in. Max looked away from you, clicking his tongue in visible annoyance. "Das mit deinem Vater tut mir leid. Ich weiß, wie scheiße es ist-" [i'm sorry about your father. i know how much it sucks-] "Du weißt nichts." [you don't know anything] Max spat back angrily.
"Das tue ich leider." [i do, unfortunately] You sighed scratching the back of your head only to find your helmet there instead. "Unsere Väter sind sich sehr ähnlich." [our fathers are very similar] "und wie ist das? Ich wette, du bist nur Papas Tochter, die immer wieder gewinnt." [and how's that? you're just daddy's girl who keeps winning, I bet]
"Er hat mich in ein Zimmer gesperrt. Er will nicht, dass ich gewinne." [he locked me in a room. he doesn't want me to win] you looked away feeling ashamed. "aber das ist nicht der Punkt. Ich bin hergekommen, um dir beim Packen zu helfen. Habe ich die Erlaubnis?" [but that's not the point. i came here to help you pack. do I have permission]
He looked at you for a few moments before nodding hesitantly. You got to work. And although you were still in your early teen years and weren't as strong as a full grown man, you were able to help him as much as he needed; with his kart, with the tent, his tools, his spare parts, everything.
"Vielen Dank, dass ich Ihnen helfen durfte." [thank you, for letting me help you] You put your hand out for him to shake and he took it gently. "Danke, dass du mir geholfen hast." [thank you for helping me]
"Ich gehe jetzt, bis bald, Verstappen." [i will be going now, i'll see you soon, Verstappen] ". . .-wie geht es dir nach Hause?" [how are you going home] why was he asking? You weren't that relevant or important for him to worry about your safety. Then again, Max couldn't imagine a podium where you weren't P1.
He could see the smile and sunshine reach your eyes. That was the first time he noticed your eyes. Safe to say he was mesmerized by the gentleness and warmth that came with them.
"Mach dir keine Sorgen, mein Onkel holt mich ein paar Blocks weiter von der Tankstelle ab." [don't worry about it, my uncle will pick me up from the gas station a few blocks down] He watched you pull your machine in your pull cart, keeping your helmet on as you exited the circuit alone.
Max never thought you'd have such a big heart to help him or such pretty eyes that still lingered in his mind when he closed his eyes for a nap during the car ride home.
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"I am your father."
"Nooo." You and Leon said at the same time in monotone, syncing with Luke Skywalker on the screen in front of you. Mkayla looked out the window worried, watching your brothers run after Max around the garden in the rain.
"Should we be worried—" "No." You and Leon answered at the same time, eating popcorn in sync, 100% focused on the master piece of a movie. Star Wars: the empire strikes back.
"That was . . . Enough cardio . . . To last me . . . 50 reincarnations." Meike flopped on the couch wet with rain and sweat. You pushed him away, fake gagging from the gross smell and touch.
"Pink." He retorted ( trying to insult you ) before moving onto his girlfriend who wore the same grossed out reaction. You watched as Killian walked in with Max in headlock, one dropping in his father's chest and the other in yours.
"Get off me, kid." Leon fussed pushing his oldest away, cringing at the beads of sweat in his hands, which he wiped off in your shirt ( an inside joke you were surprised he still remembered ).
"But that's not fair! Micky and Nunu are with their partners. My wifey isn't here! Dad, be my dad for a second— I don't want to third wheel . . . Or not." Killian backed away upon meeting his father's deathly glare. The rest of you couldn't help but laugh watching Killian sit beside his father's legs, hugging his calf.
"So, does this make us official?" Max whispered in your ear. You've told him he had to complete a ritual from your father's side of the family, usually for relationships and such.
"What do you mean? We've been official since Monaco." You teased, plopping a popcorn in your mouth with a smirk. Max pursed his lips, holding you from your shirt, gently shaking you back and forth.
"Stoooop- Maaaaaaax. This is my favorite part." You giggled, pushing him away, wiping his face dry with your sleeve.
Somewhere in Italy, Killian decided to rent out a small mansion to absolutely chase and kill the living hell out of Max for the week off. And since Killian invited your boyfriend, he also invited Mkayla ( who you had done the ritual with quickly before the clouds arrived ). Killian also invited Leon because he didn't want to be a third wheel on his own like a pussy.
"Okay the wags share a room and the siblings share a room." Killian jokes, pushing Max away from you. "Me? The wag?" He laughed, shaking his head going around to hold your hand again.
"Wag or not, you're not sleeping beside my sister." "It's not like we haven't done that before."
You watched as Meike chased Max around with a cooking spoon.
Max and you did get to share a room eventually. You let him take a shower while you searched for your phone to check on Leila. "Hey, papa. Have you seen my pho-" "Shhh." You looked at the tv to watch the scene. "Where's padme?"
You sighed, leaning on the door frame as you watched the last bits from the movie. You never knew why, but your family was almost identical to the Skywalkers. Broken up and torn only to try and fix itself up in the last few moments.
You sighed once the movie was over, eyes following your father's hands that held up several packets of condoms along with your phone. "Papa-'' You snatched the items from his hand, blushing. "I'd rather you stay safe—" "—Papaaaa!" You whined embarrassed, running away. "Yeah yeah."
"Where did you go?" Max was sprawled on the bed, warming it up for you. "Revenge of the sith." You explained, jumping in beside him while clicking through your contacts.
"3ayzah eh?" [What do you want] Was the voice you heard after a few ringtones. Max remembers her, Leila's mother. "Jumanah! Ezayek?" [How are you] You grimaced, trying to sound polite as possible. "Zeft. 3ayzah eh?" [Shitty. What do you want].
You sighed, wincing at her harsh and drunk tone. "Momken Leila?" [can we talk to leila] "meshmaugoudah." [she's not here]. You laughed nervously at her reply while Max listened confused, pulling out his phone to attempt using Google translate.
"Azdek eh?" [what do mean] "azdi mesh maugoudah." [i mean She's not here] "mat3arafish benteik fein?" [you don't know where your daughter is] "La2, mate3melish feihah malak. El bet geryet wanna mesh na2sa koleshwaya agri waraha." [no, don't pretend to be an angel to my face. the idiot girl ran and i don't want to waste my time running after her]
You pressed the red button, turning to face Max who looked down at his phone absolutely confused and lost since Google only showed gibberish translations. "Were you guys summoning demons?"
"Leila ran away." You sighed, pulling his phone from his hand and giving him your phone instead. "Wait- What?!- oh your gallery." You quickly distracted him by opening the camera roll.
Going through his contacts, you swiped on Charles' name to FaceTime him. A sigh of relief escaped your lungs as you saw Leila's forehead pop up on the screen. "Leila! konthamout!" [I was going to die "Leila, what are you watching on there?" Charles' voice came from the background.
"Please tell me you're not learning how to summon a demon in a Ferrari driver's apartment." He took the phone from her gently, looking at the screen absolutely confused. He saw Max in a dark room, face illuminated from your phone's light.
"Charles!" You fixed the frame so he could see you. "AAA!" The Monegasque jolted and screamed ( high pitched like a girl ) and threw the phone away like a Goddamn visco girl seeing a cockroach, successfully ending the call.
You and Max stared at the 'call ended' screen unimpressed for a few moments. ". . . Was that Charles screaming?" "Yes." "Never thought I'd hear such a noise." Max sounded completely unfazed as he went back to scrolling through your photos.
Charles called you back and when you answered you knew it was Leila who dialed. "You cracked the screen," she scolded Charles, turning the phone to face him. The monegasque cringed seeing yours and Max's judging eyes on him, gently pushing the phone away.
"Maxie!" "Hey, Lei." He put your phone down, leaning closer with a relieved smile. "I missed you." Max cooed and you gave him an unimpressed and jealous look.
Leila giggled blushing. "I missed you too! Can we play football together in Monza next week? Please?" She pouted, giving her best doll eyes, successfully convincing Max.
"Don't think you're escaping the consequences of your behavior, young lady. How did you even get to Charles." "I walked." You frowned deeply at her answer. Jumanah's apartment was a 1.5 hour walk from Monaco. Did she walk an hour and a half?
"Do your feet hurt?" "Nope. Charles is getting us pizza." "Don't drag me into this! I don't even know how she got my address. And what are you two doing together-" He gasped loudly upon seeing Max's bare chest. "ARE YOU TWO- Pierre is going to love this."
You face palmed once Charles ended the call. Not even saying goodbye. You shared a quiet look with Max who only shrugged, wearing a small smile. You rolled your eyes, going back to his phone hearing a notification ding.
From you? You opened it only to see "you" sent pictures to Max. You gave him a look and Max couldn't help but crack a smile. "You're cute. Plus, so I can put you as my wallpaper." He defended, pulling you in his embrace by your waist.
You shook your head in disapproval as he laughed. "Come on, you're so cute." He trailed his hands to your ass, feeling your backpocket crunch. "What's this?" "No— wait—" He pulled out the packets before you could stop him. Upon recognizing what they were, Max smirked at you, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Papa gave them to me! I didn't want them." You plead your innocence, trying to pull away only for Max to pull you closer with his mouth dipping to your neck. "He just wanted to make sure if something happens-'' You found yourself moaning upon feeling Max suck a sensitive spot under your jaw. "If? Why not?"
"Be—because— You know—" You stuttered, praying that he couldn't hear your stammering heartbeat. "Max—" you gasped, feeling him climb on top of you and undress you. "I-I've never done anything like this before." Your confession was muffled against his lips as he kissed you passionately.
"Oh . . . Do you want us to stop?" He pulled away, looking deep into your eyes. You could only see the sincerity and care in his eyes. You couldn’t help but bring your hand up and stroke his cheek gently. He closed his eyes, nuzzling in your palm.
"We can do this another time." He comforted, kissing your cheek and rolling to your side. Your eyes caught a bulge in his pants which he was quick to cover with a pillow.
The two of you stared up at the ceiling quietly for a few minutes. "Do you need help with that?" You whispered shyly. "Hmm?" He turned his head to face you confused only to find you already looking at where he was trying to cover.
"Are you sure?" You nodded with a small hum, sitting up.
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You laid your head in your hands while Max argued with half of the grid on a discord call.
"Meike shut up, your dating Mkayla." Max shot back and you could hear the girl laugh from the room next door and through the voice chat. "And why are you not taking my side. Were brothers in law now."
"Max, you're mad." Pierre joked and you could hear Lando, Carlos, Charles and Alex laugh their ass off. 
"Give me the demon. Let me speak to the Demo— AAAA��" Lando screamed and threw his phone away in fear upon seeing your angry expression pop up on his screen. He didn't expect you to be right over Max's shoulder
"You are speaking to the God of death, do you have an appointment?" You pulled a few laughs from your competitors, which in turn induced your own smile.
"Miss. Anubis. If you would be oh-so-kind to confirm the information Charles is feeding our ears." Alex says in a formal tone, doing a little bow.
"Are and Max fucking?" Gorge asked, straight to the point.
You found yourself wheezing on the floor, hugging your stomach. You didn't realize the way everyone was teasing Max over the loving gaze he gave you as you ugly laughed on the floor. "I HAVE A SCREENSHOT!" You heard Yuki laugh evilly among the weird collection of laughs from the other drivers.
Max raised the phone, showing your wheezing figure on the floor beside his smiling one, holding up a peace sign. "Take another one."
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R10 - RACE DAY Sunday, June 23 2024— Monza, Italy
You jolted in shock as Yuki held you in place while Max poured the cold alcohol down the inside of your suit. You gasped and jumped around to try and warm yourself up. Christian and Max laughed as Yuki ran around the stage trying to spray you with his bottle.
It was yet another successful win for Max, and a great race for you and your teammate with a 2-3 finish. It was Yuki's first podium as well and you were going to celebrate till the sun rose the next day.
Max had his hand gently holding your back into his chest as you danced so you wouldn't fall over or escape. "SHOTS!" Yuki called, raising the bottle. "Y/N and Max!" He pointed at you jogging over with the bottle.
Max kneeled down on his knees while you learned your hands on his shoulders, bowing down just a bit. Yuki poured the bottle down which trailed down your stuck-out tongue and into Max's mouth. The crowd cheered, clapping their hands once the bottle was finished.
"KISS! KISS! KISS!" The crowd cheered as Max pulled you in his chest. He dipped you down and you yelped in surprise, gripping onto his shirt. You relaxed once you felt his lips dancing with yours. Wrapping your arm around his neck, Max pushed his tongue in your mouth.
"Kraustappen!" The crowd cheered over and over as you got back on your feet as the DJ flipped through Spanish songs.
Max smiled brightly, leaning his forehead into yours as you sang along. "Didn't know my girlfriend spoke Spanish." He commented surprised. "Reserving for Ferrari does things to you." You joked as he kissed you.
"Can confirm." Charles added in as he passed by, patting Max's back in good luck.
You and Max laughed at him as he looked at both of you tired. "You two are literal devils, mon dieu." Charles joked before scurrying off.
How you and Carlos ended up flamenco dancing on a table, you will never know. The crowd cheered your name as Carlos dipped you to where Max was standing. You didn't hesitate to pick your boyfriend's lips softly while the crowd roared in approval. Phones flashed, taking videos and photos.
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"In my defense- in my defense," You cut yourself off, looking at the camera aimed at you. "I was forced to do this."
You had a cute pink tutu on as you walked into the ballet studio. It was quiet and calm with Max and Leila sitting against the wall, who clapped once they saw you walk in.
"The skirt suits you, Schat." [darling] He greeted you with a kiss once you leaned down to put your bag beside him. "Got a nickname! Score!" You whispered to the camera before going off to warm up.
"Hey vroom vroom fans. We're here at Paris, France. And with a lot of encouragement from my best friend, I'm starting a channel in the middle of the season. Because I can."
Max couldn't help but smile as he watched you mess around with elegance and beauty, trying out if you could still do stuff from your toddler years. Leila just watched football matches on her phone, not really giving a fuck.
"I'm here!" Meike jumped through the door, disturbing the peace and calmness in the room. Max glared at him for interrupting his girlfriend's beautiful choreography, folding his arms in with a deep sigh.
THe dutch covered Leila's eyes so he could flip off your twin, who returned the favor. "Bet I'm more flexible than you." Meike hummed, pretending to flip his hair, looking at the camera in the corner with a confident look.
Leila watched this part amused, versus Max who was unimpressed. He watched you and Meike cause chaos, competing to see who was more flexible.
He was more intrigued by the fact that your flexibility can come in handy for a few things, wink wink. "Oh! I know!" You concluded standing up from the bridge stretch. "Remember that dance we learned with Randy?"
"Nunu, that was 18 years ago. It's going to take me longer than that to forget that dance." "Max is going to be the judge." "Wait what? I don't even know what you guys are doing."
"Loser kisses Maxie." You put your hand out to seal the deal with your brother. It wasn't going to be any trouble for you if you lost. "Ew no, I'm not kissing Max."
"What's wrong with kissing Max?" Said driver scoffed, folding his arms. "Yeah, loser gets a kiss." The blond nodded, concluding the consequence, giving you the que to start.
You did end up winning. Max involuntarily thought you were beautiful, even if you messed up here or there. You were an angel in his eyes.
"Wait wait, let me get my phone." You giggled pulling your phone from your bag's pocket. You pulled out your phone filming the two. Meike looked like he was going to shit himself and Max looked Meike up and down, examining his target.
"I have permission from Mkayla." You put a thumbs up, watching Max hold Meike in head lock. You found yourself laughing, trying to keep your phone steady in your hands as your twin tried to squirm away from Max.
Max chuckled, kissing your brother's cheek who screamed in pain. "The agony— oh God. Someone save me—" "—It has to be on the lips!" You corrected them laughing hysterically.
If Meike wasn't struggling before, he is now. You watched as the boys scrunch their noses once they pulled away from each other. "You taste like watermelon lip gloss." Meike pointed at Max grossed out.
"You taste like girl." Max pointed back at him. You fell on your belly wheezing like there was no tomorrow. The whole street could hear you and you couldn't stop.
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RACE DAY - 2:24 AM Sunday, June 30 2024 — France
"It's pretty." "You think so?"
"I think so." Max butted in on your and Lei's conversation, taking a sip of his red bull.
"Kraus! You're up." With a deep breath, you kissed Leila's cheek one more time before pulling your balaclava and racing helmet on.
Max furrowed his eyebrows with a tired glare. He wanted a kiss too. "Go to sleep." You pulled on your gloves and shoes, giving one last hug to the sleepy cousin before pressing your forehead to Max's.
"Take a nap, ya 2amar." [moon, nickname / petname] You stroked his cheek gently before pulling away to greet the arriving hyper car pulling into the pit, replacing the driver. The Dutch man carried Leila in his arms, draping her with his leather jacket while she slowly started to fall asleep with the noise canceling headphones on.
Max on the other hand watched you race around the French track. He was through his 3rd redbull can of the night, determined to watch when you were in the car. The Porsche held on nicely, he had no doubt you'd overtake Ferrari sometime down the next few corners and take the lead.
He felt himself smile hearing your radio messages and seeing your concentrated face on the screen. He's never seen your face when you're racing before, mostly because he was driving alongside you.
Max went upstairs, setting the girl on a couch so she could sleep peacefully. He continued to watch you, feeling pride and joy swell in his heart seeing you cheer as you began to lap other cars, extending the gap to your lead. Max couldn't deny that along with the joy he also felt fear. He felt goosebumps crawl on his skin, scared you'd lose footing in a corner and hurt yourself.
You were too important to him. He couldn't lose you or the little family the three of you had become. Max found himself lulled to sleep, hearing your voice over the radio. Giggles and cheers and silly questions, quiet singing with the bad jokes and attempting to create pick up lines for max ( who you didn't know was listening ) for when you finished.
Porsche seemed to be treating you well. He was surprised to hear from your PR about the email directed to you. He remembers sitting with in a corner of the paddock after media duties were fulfilled. Your PR had come over and showed you an email, one where your face lit up with joy, getting you to jump around in joy.
"Porsche wants me personally! Their first driver backed out and they wanted me! I'm their first choice! In the 24 hour of le mans!" You squealed, jogging in your place. He's never seen you so . . . happy.
Max was disappointed to see you were getting back in the car once he had woken up. Your break was short in his opinion ( he didn't get enough cuddles ). "Three more hours." He reminded himself watching you zoom out of the pitlane and back into the track.
"She's holding up nicely." Max looked beyond the wall to the other garage balcony next door. Charles stood there with a soft smile. Max found himself laughing, sharing a short hug with the Monegasque. "Mate, I didn't know you were coming."
"I wanted to see a successful Ferrari team. You know the drill." Charles joked, patting Max's back before going back to lean his forearms on the fence. "Does successful mean second place?" Max returned the joke, watching you speed by. "Ha ha. Very funny, Verstappen."
They listened to the French commentators, watching the few pit stops and opening conversations about a few teams here and there. What's a conversation with Max without maxplaining. "She seems to be doing well though." Charles commented. Max hummed in confusion, even if there was only one 'she' he could be talking about.
"Y/N?" "Yeah. I haven't heard her shout or cuss one time today." Max sighed deeply at the statement. "She's not usually—" "All fussy? I know. She has been for the last couple of months. But maybe she found her sport and team." Charles chuckled. The two formula drivers watched you come into the pits for a change of tiers before taking off again.
"found her sport and team" Why did that hurt Max? As much as it made him happy that you were happy, it also made his heart clench in a painful way knowing that the team you needed was not with him. He felt himself gulping at the thought of you leaving formula one for hypercar, a whole different world.
Max was only broken out of his trance once the crowd got impossibly loud. He's missed you crossing the checkered flag. "Congratulations." Charles shook Max's hesitant hand. "Y-yeah."
Leila dragged Max along to Parc ferme where they greeted you. With your German flag draped on your shoulders, you leaped in Max's arms pressing kisses to the French girl and the Dutch Man's cheeks. He watched the way you hugged your team in euphoria, the way you jumped in your place like an excited kid as you made it to the podium. The way you put your hand over your heart and sang with a bright and wide once the German anthem came on.
He couldn't help the small smile that made it to his own lips seeing you so happy and upbeat. He'd do anything for that smile, even if it meant letting you go.
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falleraatje · 2 years
"Wiederholen ist gestohlen" als Titel Idee :)
Ein toller Titel, der mich sehr inspiriert hat (deshalb hat die Beantwortung auch etwas länger gedauert). Dafür ist auch gleich eine ganze fic draus geworden
Leo hat kein Date für die Hochzeit seiner Mutter. Caro schon.
Und da ich mehrere Ideen hatte, hier noch eine andere kleine Plot-Idee als Bonus:
Im Team wird sich regelmäßig um das beste Büromaterial gestritten. Wer darf den einzigen Tacker haben, der auch mehr als zwei Blätter erfolgreich zusammenstecken kann, ohne dass die Nadeln sofort verbiegen? Wer bekommt den einzigen Edding, der nicht quietscht und der auch tatsächlich schwarz ist und erfolgreich den Text abdeckt? Und wem gehört eigentlich der Bleistift, der im Gegensatz zu allen anderen nicht sofort abbricht, wenn man versucht ihn anzuspitzen?
Wem das alles ursprünglich gehört hat, weiß keiner mehr so genau. Wahrscheinlich einem ehemaligen Kollegen, der längst im Ruhestand ist. Trotzdem herrscht ein erbitterter Kampf darum. Leo ist überzeugt, dass der Tacker ihm gehört, aber wenn er ihn ausnahmsweise mal nicht in der abschließbaren Schublade seines Rollcontainers aufbewahrt hat, ist er immer verschwunden und taucht wenige Tage später auf myteriöse Weise auf dem Schreibtisch einer der Kolleginnen auf. Diese ist natürlich total davon überzeugt, dass der Tacker eigentlich ihr gehört und dass es ganz klar Diebstahl ist, wenn Leo ihn zurückverlangt.
Es gipfelt darin, dass eines Morgens ein Wanted-Poster an der Pinnwand hängt, mit Mugshots von Adam und Leo, weil Pia sie verdächtigt, ihre Kaffeetasse geklaut zu haben (es ist eine Tasse, die schon in der Küche stand, bevor sie in diese Räumlichkeiten umgezogen sind. Pia hat sie aber adoptiert und es ist jetzt ihre). Leo fängt an zu diskutieren, dass das mit den Postern wirklich zu weit geht und dass diese kindische Klauerei am Arbeitsplatz nichts zu suchen hat. Adam lässt unauffällig die Kaffeetasse in seiner Schublade verschwinden.
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6, 17, 78 :)
6) Never Love an Anchor - The Crane Wives
17) Her Sweet Kiss - from The Witcher (Netflix), performed by Joey Batey
78) Thus Always To Tyrants - The Oh Hellos
0 notes
acidburnsthings · 5 days
UNEXPECTED //DR3\\ part four
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x doctor!reader
Summary: Over a break in Croatia, Daniel falls in love with the ... culture...
faceclaim: Maria Rutkis; various pinterest girls
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liked by user1, danielricciardo and 458,946 others
doctor_y/n First day of the seminar here in Austria! Can't wait to see ya'll out there!
user1 is it just me or do some of here recent post always have things in pairs??? like the cakes and coffee in this one??
user2 i mean, she could be traveling with one of her colleagues user1 true true
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liked by maxverstappen1, doctor_y/n and 895,185 others
danielricciardo what a great weekend in Vienna!
landonoriss 👀
maxverstappen1 👀 user3 👀 user4 👀
user5 ok, he is dropping crumbs...
user6 gurl, those are not even crumbs...
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liked by collegue1, danielricciardo and 798,645 others
doctor_y/n Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome at The Medical University of Vienna. It has been a wonderful week of teaching and learning for myself and those who came with me! A big shout out to my lovely kids, aka, my students, who served as my biggest supporters throughout all this, I truly hoped you learned something useful from me and not just how to cram for exams!
Nochmals vielen Dank an alle, es war eine schöne Woche! <3
student1 Thank you motheer!
student2 thank you, mother! student3 Dankeschön mutti! student1 @.student3 oh you just had to be unique doctor_y/n dont fight children!
collegue1 i honestly never thought you could sound smart
doctor_y/n wow...
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liked by danielricciardo, y/bff/username and 784,515 others
doctor_y/n a little photo dump from the past week or so... New video dropping soon!
y/bff/username ok, you seem allergic to telling me things...
doctor_y/n should i bring aminophylin... also, I TOLD YOU
user7 mother has given us CRUMBS!!!
user8 aaaaahh, can't wait to find out what the guy looks like!!!
user9 hopefully he can match our mother's beauty
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liked by landonorris, doctor_y/n and 978,645 others
danielricciardo a little getaway...
user10 oof, even lando is getting antsy
maxverstappen1 daniel, please...
user11 ok, now this is bad...
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y/n's phone
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@yllomhej if anybody else wants to be tagged, send me a DM or an ask!
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trustinsighters · 2 months
Haurchefant's Actions & Battle Quotes
Support NPC Name: Haurchefant
Expansion: 3.X (Heavensward)
Job/Class Name: Chivalric Knight
Roles: Tank and DPS (both listed as Gladiator)
Duty Support: Yes (Lv.57 The Vault)
Trust: No
Tank & Dps
Fast Blade: deals single target damage.
Riot Blade: deals single target damage; Combo action: Fast Blade.
Rage of Halone: deals single target damage; Combo action: Riot Blade.
Fortemps Blade: deals single target damage; uses Goring Blade animation.
Silver Fuller: deals single target damage; uses Spirits Within animation; Executed after: Fortemps Blade.
Shield Bash: deals single target damage.
Circle of Scorn: deals split AoE damage (circle); Executed after: Shield Bash.
Phoenix Down: revives the support NPC healer if they have been incapacitated; out of combat use only.
Tank Only
Iron Will: tank stance.
Feral Charge: rushes to target; increases enmity.
Shield Lob: deals single target damage; increases enmity.
Provoke: increases enmity.
Total Eclipse: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity.
Wrath of Halone: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity; Combo action: Total Eclipse.
Sentinel: reduces damage taken; Duration: 15s.
Rampart: reduces damage taken; Duration: 20s.
Reprisal: reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies; seems to use it only during boss fights; Duration: 10s.
Cure: heals target;he uses it on himself and allies if health is low.
Excellence: invuln; uses Hallowed Ground animation.
Dps Only
LB1 Braver: deals single target damage.
LB2 Bladedance: deals single target damage.
Feral Charge
[EN] Come! [JP] フハハハハッ! [DE] Angriiiff! /Komm doch! (3) [FR] Viens par ici !
Rage of Halone
[EN] Have at thee! [JP] セイッ、セイッ、セイィィッ! [DE] Nimm dies! [FR] Yahaaaaah !
Silver Fuller
[EN] I shall show you something special! [JP] 少しはイイところを見せんとな! [DE] Einer meiner Lieblingstricks! [FR] Tu ne t'en remettras pas !
Circle of Scorn
[EN] Bear witness! [JP] 見ていろ、我が友よ! [DE] Sieh her! [FR] Regardez ça, vous autres !
Excellence / Low Health (1)
[EN] Hold fast! [JP] 耐えてみせるぞっ! [DE] Ich falle nicht! [FR] Je ne flancherai pas !
LB1: Braver
[EN] For the honor of House Fortemps! [JP] 受けよ、我が妙技! [DE] Ehre den Fortemps! [FR] Pour la gloire des Fortemps !
LB2: Bladedance
[EN] Halone, guide my sword! [JP] 輝け、我が剣! [DE] Führe mein Schwert, Halone! [FR] Halone, guide mon épée !
Pain Sounds
[JP] やるではないか [FR] Aïe !
[EN] Live on my friend... [JP] おまえが…無事なら… [DE] [MISSING] [FR] Adieu... mon ami...
Revived (2)
[EN] Thank you, my friend. [JP] 助かった、もう一度ゆくぞ! [DE] Vielen Dank! [FR] J'y retourne !
Haurchefant hasn't any Character Selection quote.
(1) Low Health line is the same as Excellence line with the exception that the voice doesn't play. Speech balloon only.
(2) Revived quote isn't dubbed. Speech balloon only.
(3) Audio and speech balloon text don't match. Audio: "Angriiiff!"; Balloon: "Komm doch!".
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gaym3bo1 · 1 month
hey du :3 ich bin der anon der auf offiziel-deutsche-medienlandschaft gefragt hat ob jemand die robots (2005) syncronstimmen-interviews finden kann!
es wäre echt lieb wenn du sie hochladen könntest, vielen dank dass du das anbietest und ich hoffe ich mache dir damit keine mühe! ich hatte die DVD selbst als kind und habe mir immer richtig gerne behind the scenes footage angeschaut, die gelöschten szenen und das englische behind the scenes video gibt es easy auf youtube zu finden...das deutsche aber leider nicht :,) also tust du mir einen richtig großen gefallen! <3
hi hi! hab's eben schnell gemacht, das mühsehligste daran war mein schlechtes wlan, also keine sorge! bin happy, dass ich helfen konnte <3
gut, dass ich die dvd letztes jahr aufm flohmarkt geschossen hab haha
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lalalaugenbrot · 9 months
Da meine Fragestellung wohl teilweise etwas zu unspezifisch war, gieße ich noch ein wenig Öl ins Feuer der "gucken"-Debatte und starte hier nochmal einen neuen Versuch. (Vielen Dank für die rege Teilnahme bisher!)
Diesmal stehen meiner Meinung nach alle Aussprachemöglichkeiten von "gucken" (bezogen auf die "g"/"ck"-Laute und die Länge des "u"s) zur Verfügung - vielleicht mit Ausnahme der Schweiz oder Südtirol(??), wo es eventuell eher Richtung [x] geht? In dem und anderen Fällen gerne Option 9 wählen...
Erläuterung zu den Antwortmöglichkeiten:
k/kk - stimmloser velarer Plosiv (ob einzeln oder doppelt zeigt nur die länge des Vokals "u" an, nicht die Intensität des Konsonanten o.ä.) g/gg - stimmhafter velarer Plosiv (ob einzeln oder doppelt zeigt nur die länge des Vokals "u" an, nicht die Intensität des Konsonanten o.ä.) u vs. uu - zeigt zusätzlich an, ob das u kurz oder lang gesprochen wird
Wie auch schon bei der ersten Umfrage würden mich sehr die Heimatregionen der Leute interessieren, die die Option 4 (oder andere, noch ausgefallenere Varianten?) wählen! Und auch generell, erläutert gerne woher ihr kommt!
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