#victor rookwood smut
ephemerasnape · 3 months
My AUDIOS are now hosted on ao3! 💜🎩
For ease of access, and because I realized I have my own domain now, I am hosting all of my audios myself and posting them directly on ao3. All previous audio posts on ao3 have been updated to have the files embedded directly rather than linking to tumblr.
This will make it easier for everyone to bookmark their favorites!
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If you're not familiar with any of these, most of them are x f!listener. No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC most of the time. It's safer to assume they are all adult-oriented although there are some exceptions. DR = Daddy Rookwood
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➔ Victor Rookwood Shorts - DR x You
A Big Day - x MC A Bone to Pick - x MC All in a Day's Work - x Ashwinder Just a Little Blood - x MC Daddy's Pleasure - x You (GN) Dirty Talk - x You
➔ Bred by Victor Rookwood - DR x You
➔ Rookwood's Revenge - DR & Ashwinders x You/MC
➔ Goblin Supremacy
Goblin Supremacy - Ranrok x You/MC, DR My Little Angel - DR x You/MC
➔ The Rookwood Gang
Comeuppance - Ashwinders/Poachers x You/MC A Wicked, Wicked Man - DR x You/MC
➔ Captured by Rookwood - DR x You/MC
➔ Epic Rap Battle - Rookwood vs. Aesop Sharp
➔ Bait & Switch - Sebastian, Ominis & DR
➔ Welcome to Hogsmeade - DR x You/MC
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➔ At the Mercy of Macnair - Poacher Stalker x You/MC
➔ The Pledge - DR & Silvanus Selwyn x You/MC
➔ Rookwood's Revenge - DR & Ashwinders x You/MC
➔ Battle Royal at Horntail Hall - Poppy Sweeting &/x? Poacher Stalker
➔ The Rookwood Gang - Ashwinders & DR x You/MC
➔ Harlot of the Highlands - Poacher Executioner x You/MC
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➔ Sebastian & Ominis Shorts - Various
A Moment Alone - Sebastian and a surprise guest Talk to Me - Ominis x You/MC Bait and Switch - Sebastian & Ominis, Victor Rookwood Sebastian's Pleasure - Sebastian x You (GN)
➔ Today's the Day - Dark!Seb & Ominis x You/MC
and last but not least...
➔ Miscellaneous
Battle Royal at Horntail Hall - Poppy Sweeting x Poacher Pigtails' Revenge - Piers Pemberton x GN!Listener Epic Rap Battle - Victor Rookwood vs. Aesop Sharp The Sexual Obsession Iceberg - Various
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Please don't forget to leave kudos and comments (don't make a witch beg). If I said they didn't matter to me, I'd be lying!
Don't worry, I am not moving or deleting anything from Tumblr.
*it's a pun. I think I'm funny. I'm definitely punny, at least. 😝 womp womp
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slytherinsomniari · 1 year
Deal With The Devil| Victor Rookwood x F! Reader
Pairing: Victor Rookwood x F! Reader
Summary: 4 years after you graduated from Hogwarts, you have an unexpected reunion with a former enemy and make a monumental decision.
Word Count: 2829
Themes: Smut, overstimulation, fingering, slightly public indecency
A/N: I do still struggle with dialogue, both with adding more of it and with making sure it fits the character. I hope that with time, my writing will be a lot better than it is so I could make fanfics that are good both for me and for the readers. I did get inspired by other Rookwood fics but I really hope its not too similar to the point of plagiarism. If it is, I will gladly take it down. (Sorry for the cliché title lol)
Upon your first meeting with Victor Rookwood, you had been intrigued by him from the moment you saw him. He had a certain charm to him, one that was certainly aided by his sleazy yet fashionable attire. There was something in his voice you liked as well. Maybe it was the way he said things in a playful yet serious tone, making him both intimidating and enthralling. When you had dealt a huge blow to his crew in your fifth year, you were disappointed to see him leave but at the time you were too busy trying to stop Ranrok from getting the last repository and destroying wizardkind to really think about it.
 Suffice it to say, you were not prepared nor expecting to meet him 4 years after you had graduated from Hogwarts. You had become an official Keeper and were now working on getting a position at Hogwarts–specifically in the library as it allowed you to learn even more about magic and the world surrounding you. He approached you as you were on your way out of the Three Broomsticks, just as you were saying goodbye to your friends. You were walking away from the pub through one of the side streets when a voice called out to you.
“Y/N was it? What a lovely name for a lovely girl.” You turn towards the source of the voice and find none other than Victor Rookwood. Despite the years, he looked as if he hadn’t aged a day since your first encounter. Meeting him in Hogsmeade was ironic and brought back memories from your first encounter with him. You were younger then and more naive and new to the world of magic, but now, you have changed. You were much stronger now and were not cowed by those who threatened others.
Prowling around you, you feel his eyes pierce your soul. Why is he so interested in me? Is he still after the ancient magic I’m protecting? I sealed it away though…unless he wants to take it back and gain more power than he ever had before?
“What do you want, Rookwood?” You ask sternly, pulling out your wand. Despite your interest in him, for reputation’s sake you had to at least pretend that you outright despised the man–which wasn’t that hard considering all the terrible crimes he’s done.
“Victor,” He replies, glancing your way. “Call me Victor. We’re not strangers now, are we?”
You hesitate for a moment but press on, “Well, Victor?”
“It has come to my attention that we have not been quite as honest with each other as we should have been when we first met.” He gives you a knowing look and continues, “It has been a while, but don’t think I didn’t notice your…longing glances you threw my way all those years ago.”
Flushing and in shock, you try to stutter out a rebuttal but nothing coherent forms.
Chuckling he comments, “No need to worry, your secret is safe with me. I was thinking we could discuss a little transaction that would be for our mutual benefit.”
Approaching you, he took advantage of your frozen state by grabbing your hand and taking your wand away, storing it in one of the wand pockets in his coat. You felt almost naked without it and as you realized what he was doing and tried to get it back, he merely tutted as he put it away, saying, “Come come, that would not be in your best interest dear.”
Without waiting for you to respond, he pulls you into an abandoned alleyway, not too far from the streets but far enough to where no one will see you. Struggling with his pace, you try to keep up when you are suddenly thrown against a wall. You let out a whimper upon impact and do not see him approach you until it is already too late. He surrounds your field of vision entirely, making it impossible to look anywhere else but him. His chest is right in front of you, leaving you free to see his partially unbuttoned shirt and his pale yet slightly sun weathered skin poking out from underneath. It is so deliciously close but Victor springs into action before your thoughts could lead you further astray. With one movement, he pins your arms above your head with one hand, locking you in place and forcing your back to arch and press yourself against him. You struggle to get your arms loose but he doesn’t budge. It is a constant battle between your emotions, torn between wanting him and wanting to escape and pretend nothing had happened. Although both sides struggled equally, one side was quickly winning. 
He grabs your waist with his other calloused hand and, giving up on all sense of propriety, you pull one leg out and latch onto him. His body is flushed against yours, with his erect member prodding through his clothing at your entrance. He grinds into you, making you moan. You shut your mouth in an instant, not wanting to be heard. He rocks his hips into yours, yours promptly responding to his touch. Your eyes become lidded with desire and the craving for complete intimacy with him. 
Victor grinds slowly but purposely, drawing out your response whether you wanted it or not. He moves his head towards your ear and says seductively, “This is but a mere taste of what I have to offer. The question is, how bad do you want it?”
His voice is that of the devil’s, you can be sure of that. You find yourself increasingly becoming hypnotized by him and the mixing of your long-held desire for him. You knew it was wrong and that he was the enemy, but how could something so bad feel so good? With the way your body was responding, you knew it was already too late to run away. The only thing you could do now is give in and receive the pleasure that he had promised.
He lifts up your skirt with the other hand and lowers it towards your drawers, feeling your throbbing area. You part your legs to give him room, which he takes advantage of by teasing you. He rubs circles on your clit, eliciting a shudder from you. You want him to put his finger, his dick, anything in you at this point. He continues to tease you, running his fingers over your clit. His fingers slightly graze your entrance, sending electricity through your body and making you buck into him, barely suppressing a moan. Victor smirks and you pant heavily, already in the midst of pleasure. At the sudden impact of his finger partially going inside you, you let out a loud moan. He removes his hand from your arms and puts it over your mouth, attempting to muffle your sounds so your time wouldn’t end just yet.
He slides his finger all the way in and moves it around. You want to pull him to you but even though he isn’t restraining you, you don’t have enough strength to do so. Instead, you place your hands on his chest and grip his shirt, keeping him in place and attempting to make yourself a bit more steady. Soon one finger became two and both fingers worked their magic on you, inducing more muffled moans from you. After all of the teasing, you let out a whimper as you unexpectedly cum, feeling it cover Victor’s hand.  
As you come to, you can hear more and more people in the surrounding area, leaving the two of you vulnerable and more likely to be noticed. He notices it as well and disengages from you, slowly removing his hand from inside of you and backing off. Taking a handkerchief out from his pocket, he wipes the fluid off and assesses you before speaking.
“How about we go somewhere...quiet to discuss our business?”
Victor grabs you and quickly disapparates with you, taking you Merlin knows where. Once you feel land beneath your feet, you take the opportunity to look around you. On the horizon you could see glittering water and once you looked further down, you could see the beach. The sea is close by and you seem to be on a hilly path leading down towards the beach. He leads you down the path and soon you can see a stone cottage by the seaside.Tannish-grey in hue, you can see that it’s a spacious cottage–and a quite costly one at that.
Once you arrive at the doorstep of the cottage, he opens the door for you and, feeling your heartbeat increase causing it to nearly jump out of your chest, you enter. He closes the door behind you and locks the door, trapping you in there with him. In the middle of nowhere in Scotland. This should frighten you but it doesn’t. Instead, you are greatly excited by it, craving his touch more than you thought you would. Taking your time, you take a look around you as you take in your new surroundings.
Inside, there is a kitchen directly to the left with a long, rectangular table with chairs around it and to the right is the living room with a fireplace and sofa parallel to it with chairs by the sides of the walls. Before you could think about exploring the other areas the cottage had to offer, Victor clears his throat. Clearly taking his time and observing your reaction, he gazes at you with not so hidden desire and with a knowing look. He had never taken anyone to the cottage before. It was his secret hideout and getaway when he wanted peace and quiet away from his men. It was a place where he could escape the more grimy lifestyle he created for himself and live in a more respectable manner that his family name suggested. Although this time, he was there for a not so respectable reason.
Grabbing your arm once more, he leads you up the stairs to his room which is low-lit and decently sized, with a desk with countless papers strewn about and a bed near the center wall of the room. There is a dresser and a few bookshelves lining the room, making it feel cozy and lived-in. While you are trying to burn his room into your memory, he closes the door behind you and approaches. He comes up from behind you and puts his right hand on your shoulder, slowly rubbing it and letting his hand run down your arm. 
“Now my dear, there will be no more interruptions. Where were we?”
Flushing, you can feel your vagina pulse in anticipation and begin to quiver. You had already experienced a rush of pleasure in the alleyway but now you are going to experience the pinnacle of it in complete isolation from the world where time would mean nothing. No one would be able to get between you and the mere thought of that excites you further.
“The method of our transaction has not properly been discussed, though there is but one option. Give yourself to me. Give yourself to me and I will show you a world of carnal pleasure. You may refuse, but either way I will have my way with you.”
His words ring in your ears and cause a fire to erupt within your body. Mute and frozen, you can do nothing as he approaches you from the front and grabs at your clothing. He starts to unbutton your shirt and as he gets to your skirt, he drags it off of you slowly, his fingers lingering on the garment as he teases you once more and takes your bloomers down with it. He unlaces your corset, his nimble fingers performing with such ease as if he had done it countless times before. As your corset loosens and falls to the ground, he tosses your shirt off to the side, leaving you in just a chemise. You shiver, both due to the cold and in anticipation for what comes next. 
Glancing at the near naked state of you, Victor is hardly able to contain his mounting desire for you. He grabs onto your chemise with force, tearing it off of you and permanently damaging the garment as it is thrown off. You are now fully naked and gasp at the feeling of the cold air hitting your skin. Standing still, you find your senses on fire as you stand on the cusp of having your every wish fulfilled.
“Well? What do you say?” He asks in a near whisper as his eyes do a cursory glance over your body.
Placing his hand underneath your chin and tilting your head towards him, he murmurs,”Let me in.”
Sucking in a breath, you shakily exhale and respond with “Yes.”
He smirks, knowing he’s got you in the palm of his hand and could make you do anything for him. Releasing you from his grip, he watches as you hazily walk towards the bed and get on top of it, the springy mattress bouncing as you do. Laying flat on your back, you shiver and part your legs, eager for the pleasure that was promised. You could feel his eyes taking in the sight of you in the dim lighting, relishing the effect he’s had on you. He quickly undresses himself, unable to resist your expression and visible desire. The bed shifts with his weight as he gets on top of you, the full weight of him pressed against you. His legs rest on either side of you, arms by your head as he gets himself into position. You can feel his penis press against your entrance and find yourself unable to suppress a shudder.
“Please…” You beg, unable to take it any longer. He complies and thrusts fully into you–hard. The sheer force of his thrust sends jolts through your body, causing you to moan loudly. He was not going easy on you but you didn’t care. All you wanted was him, and that’s exactly what he was giving you. Your arms encircle his body and bring him closer to you. Feeling his muscled body lie against yours, you tighten your grip on his back as he growls and thrusts harder and harder into you. Seeing him focused on pounding into you relentlessly, you grab his face and plant a long and lustful kiss onto his lips. It begins in a calm manner, your lips softly mingling with his, but once Victor takes control it becomes more and more intense. You moan into the kiss, arousing him even further. 
In response to this, he brings his mouth to your neck and bites down, sucking on it and creating a hickey that you would definitely have to cover afterwards. You yelp, feeling the mixture of both pain and pleasure and bask in it. Your nipples, already hardened, rub against his chest, overstimulating you and sending lighting through your body as he creates multiple hickeys along your neck and shoulder. With your body quaking, you feel a tingling sensation as you reach your orgasm. His eyes flick to yours as he feels your body tremble beneath him. 
“Good girl” He lustfully chuckles as you buck your hips into his and release all over him. Your fluids coat him and give him more lubrication, allowing him to thrust easily into you with what should have been a sickening squelch but brought you pleasure instead. Feeling himself about to climax, he speeds up and with one final rough thrust, he spills himself into you. You can feel the mixture of both of your fluids inside you, trailing out on your legs and onto the bed. 
The two of you lie breathless and panting next to each other, allowing your bodies to recover from the whirlwind of desire he had put you two through. Turning on your side, you face him with an exhausted grin and nuzzle into him. He turns towards you and moves a strand of your hair behind your ear, remarking, ”Perhaps I should have bargained with you sooner had I known you would be so pliable”
“I would have given in sooner had I known you felt the same way, Victor”
“Well then, our next business venture shall have to incorporate more...unique methods into our bargain. Something more punishing perchance.”
He looks into your eyes and you see a lingering hunger in his eyes that hasn’t gone away yet. If this was just the beginning, you wonder how much further he could toy with you until you broke completely. It is a thrilling thought, one that you are eagerly waiting to realize when you are under his sway once more. He playfully nips at your ear and you giggle. He kisses you on the neck and wraps an arm around you, allowing you to fall into a peaceful slumber, wrapped comfortably in the arms of your former enemy. 
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jecksaa · 10 months
Ao3: Jecksa Links for my fics are below. I will update as I post All my fics are MDNI 18+ In the Shadow of What If? - Long fic - Sebastian SallowxLauren Horrow (my mc) All chapters out can be found here Dial Drunk - Sebastian Sallow x F!MC Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Once A Coward - Duncan Hobhouse x Cassie Blanc (F!OC) Chapter One One Shots Forbidden Frolic - Sebastian Sallow x F!MC A Ghostly Touch - Richard Jackdaw x F!MC A Sacrifice - Sebastian Sallow Solo A Ray of Sunshine - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC Not His Idea - Victor Rookwood x F!OC Alone Time - Ominis Gaunt Solo He Tried His Best - Leander Prewett x Saoirse Ryan (F!MC) A Lover of Literature - Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader Insert Carpe Diem - Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader Insert
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antaresgalaeth · 1 year
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A version of this drawing with Ominis, but with Rookwood 🎩
Uncensured here [Twitter] 🔞
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radical-ghostface · 9 months
Ranrok - All that power wasted on a whiny, mopey do-gooder. God, I could eat her eyeballs.
Rookwood - Our plans for MC are a little more long-term than that. But if you can't help yourself, then by all means, be my guest.
Ranrok - You're fun for a human.
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lara-kaminari · 9 months
Masterlist ♡
Ao3: Lara_Kaminari
Sebastian Sallow:
- What he wants - +18 / Dark!Sebastian Sallow / Rape/Non-con Elements / Graphic Depictions Of Violence. ONE-SHOT.
- The serpent and his forbidden fruit - +18 / IN PROGRESS
- The benefits of the modern era - +18/ ONE-SHOT / Explicit Language / AU University / Fantasize.
Ominis Gaunt:
- Another person in the room - +18 / Light Angst / Non-Consensual Voyeurism / Semi-Public Sex / Minor SebastianxMC. ONE-SHOT.
- The decisions we make - +18 / Angst / Infidelity / Explicit Sexual Content / Explicit SebastianxMC
- The serpent and his forbidden fruit - +18 / IN PROGRESS
Victor Rookwood:
- A fair exchange - +18 / Kinks / Explicit Sexual Content /Dubious Consent / Age Difference / Plot What Plot/Minor Sebastian×MC. ONE-SHOT.
- Don't worry - +18 / Gangbang / Bukkake / Dubious Consent/ Degradation / Creampie/ Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Lucan Brattleby:
- Eight years - +18/ Age Difference/ Forbidden Love / Teacher-Student Relationship / Alternate Universe - Student×Teacher / Older Woman×Younger Man. ONE-SHOT.
Poachers | Ashwinders:
- Don't worry - +18 / Gangbang / Bukkake / Dubious Consent/ Degradation / Creampie/ Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
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yunaatay · 1 month
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lili863 · 3 months
Yes, all yours.
AN: Welp , I am finally writing for Sebastian Sallow. This was fun to write knowing how his personality is.
Warning: MDNI, SMUT, 18+, Enemies to lovers, DARK, DOM! SEB
TW: Slight Dubcon, a little blood involved (literally)
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Sebastian Sallow.
The most charming boy I've met, he's witty, fun loving and just such an adorable flirty dork. In fact if I would have asked him to court me if only...he wasn't such an insufferable, arrogant, hard headed human being that I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.
He's a walking contradiction to better put it.
Just a week ago we were laughing and making our way to the library after sneaking out of detention and then in a span of 7 days I found myself firmly entrenched in his shitlist when he figured out I was communicating with a goblin in my investigation about Ranrok and Victor Rookwood.
Since then, it's been an onslaught of cocky remarks, disdainful glances, and thinly-veiled jabs. Oh, the joy of camaraderie among wizards.
I could tolerate all of it, really. After all, navigating the intricate social dynamics of Hogwarts has become something of a specialty of mine. But things took a turn for the worse when he had the audacity to label me as ignorant and then failed to extend even a semblance of an apology.
Initially, I empathized with his frustration and understood his misplaced anger. I made excuses for his behavior, attempting to rationalize his actions. But my patience wore thin faster than I anticipated.
Merlin, if I had known how stubborn he was going to be I would have given up hope of reconciliation a long time ago.
And it all started right after I had convinced myself that perhaps extending the olive branch should fall upon my shoulders.
I found him by the great hall. There he stood among a few of our friends: Natty, Garreth, Ominis, and Amit. A small smile crept onto my lips at the sight, hoping that this apology, however undeserved, would set things right. But just as I neared earshot, his words struck like a dagger.
"Can you believe her? The audacity. She parades around as if she's the font of all knowledge just because she's the apple of every professor's eye when she's barely scratched the surface of our world".
The words hit me like a ton of bricks as I stood there shocked.
"Sebastian, perhaps you're being a tad harsh," Natty interjected, her voice tinged with a hint of reproach. "She's many things, but ignorant isn't one of them."
Nods of agreement rippled through the small gathering, Ominis adding his voice with a weary sigh. "I'm inclined to agree. You're letting your temper get the best of you."
Sebastian's sneer sliced through the tension like a blade. "Of course you would agree, Ominis," he retorted, the bitterness palpable in his tone.
It dawned on me then that this matter held more significance for him than I had realized. I knew he was angry with me, but to this extent?
"Seems she's got all of you wrapped around her little finger, doesn't it?" he said, his gaze flicking between them with contempt.
"That's enough," I interjected sharply, drawing all eyes to me, including Sebastian's.
"You know, I would have taken your words more seriously if you had the guts to say them to my face," I challenged, closing the distance between us with purpose.
Sebastian turned to face me fully, his eyes zeroing in on mine. His deep frown transformed to a mocking smile playing on his lips. "Well, here I am, aren't I? Besides, your back is just as good a place as any for such heartfelt conversations, considering that's all I was faced with the last time."
I pressed my lips together, determined not to let his cutting words pierce through my resolve, though I could feel their sting like a sharp slap across the face. Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed the group behind us watching with wide eyes.
Damn it. The last thing I needed was to turn this into a spectacle, but Sebastian was making it impossible to keep a level head.
"Funny, because I was about to say the same. Grow up, Sallow. I could handle you being a jerk any day, but immature as well?" I lowered my voice, drawing closer so our conversation couldn't be overheard. "We both know that everything I'm doing is for the greater good, including your sister."
That smile disappeared as quickly as it came, as a shadow crept over his features.
Slowly, deliberately, he closed the space between us, each step a calculated move. Startled at his demeanor I started backing up otherwise I was sure our bodies would've collided.
"Don't you dare pretend you're doing this for the good of everyone, especially my sister, when you're the one cozying up to a damn goblin."
Backed against the wall, I felt the weight of his presence looming over me, and it was precisely that moment I realized how much of a threat he could have been if he wasn't someone I knew.
He disregarded the stares of onlookers, his focus solely on me as if nothing else existed in the world.
I never saw this look on him. So scary. And so unforgiving.
My nostrils flared, and I clenched my jaw to tyring to ignore everyone gathering around us "But I am. And whether you like it or not, Lodgok is not the same. I understood your anger at first, truly, but enough is enough" My voice now ringing with authority I continued "Now back off".
He didn't move a muscle. I swear if looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet beneath the dirt right now.
With a glare, I pushed off the wall when his hand suddenly planted firmly against the wall besides my head, stopping me effectively.
His eyes darker then before trailed over my face and down to my lips "You know"... I shivered at the low timbre of it.
" For a so called prodigy you sure do run away a lot. Especially when your one marching in here telling me to man up".
My resolve wavered for a moment, but I steadied myself, meeting his gaze head-on. "Careful, Sallow," I warned, my voice laced with defiance. "Just because I choose my battles doesn't mean I'm afraid to fight."
Sebastian's lips curled into a menacing grin, a small scoff escaping his lips.
Amidst the murmurs of the gathering crowd, I turned my gaze towards them, trying to ignore his taunts.
"Well, while you're busy choosing your battles, you're losing the ones that matter"
Damn it, why is everyone here—suddenly, a calloused hand gripped my jaw, forcefully turning it back to face him.
"With me."
I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart pounding in my chest, eyes trailing back and forth between his.
He really did have a way of making every encounter feel like a fight for dominance and now I knew I was trapped. "Back off Sallow, now".
"I said back off"! With a hard shove I pushed him away from me, earning gasps and exclaims from the crowd gathering around us, all excited to see what was going on.
A sinister chuckle escaped his lips, his head thrown back in complete amusement, while I stood there, flushed with embarrassment. Whether it was from the fact that he barely moved an inch or from the proximity of his presence, I couldn't tell. He on the other hand reveled in the attention, knowing full well that I despised being the center of such spectacle.
But I wasn't about to let him see me falter. "You want a battle? Fine. Since you're so desperate to get on my bad side"!
A mocking nod was all he could offer at my not so threatening threat "Bad side, huh? And what does that entail?"
"Mopping the floor with your arse in the courtyard, for all to see. Perhaps then I can show you just how well being a teacher's pet pays off." I spat.
"Well, let me tell you what my bad side entails, since you're already on it."
I huffed, a sarcastic smile playing on my lips as I shifted my weight, a hand on my hip. "Do enlighten me."
As tension crackled between us, Sebastian's breaths came slow and measured, the controlled rhythm of his chest betraying the intensity of his emotions as he stood before me.
"When I emerge victorious from this duel," he whispered, his voice dripping with controlled menace, "You won't forget it. I'll ensure it. And it won't just end there. I'll make your life a living hell, and believe me, darling, it won't be a pleasant experience."
My heart dropped, and my hands fell to my sides as I looked up at him in shock. "Sebastian..."
Maybe it was just my imagination, but a flicker of something passed by his face. His gaze softened, but his face remained expressionless.
"Do you really think you can just come into my life and pretend to care about everything? To care about my sister and then just dump it back in my face, as if all the things we went through together meant nothing?"
I shook my head, my eyes wide as saucers, but before the words could come out of my mouth, he beat me to it. "You'll regret it." Cedarwood and pine filled my senses as he stepped closer. "I'll make sure of it."
Speechless. That was what I was. Turning back around, he faced our group of friends, all of whom were confused, and started walking back towards them.
"Tomorrow after classes, tell Lucas I'll be there at 5," he said. He really was going to duel me.
"Oh, and..." He turned back around, and the smirk on his face irked me. "Bring plenty of Wiggenwald, darling." My stomach churned, and I felt nauseous. I wasn't afraid to duel him, but now, I am not so sure. This was a much bigger deal to him then I thought it would be. And considering this involved his sister... maybe I underestimated the weight of it all.
And that smile on his face... the normalcy after that terrifying expression... it was as unsettling as it was unexpected. And I was going to have to face the full wrath of it tomorrow...
Sparks flew as spells clashed in midair, casting dazzling lights and shadows across the courtyard. I dodged and weaved, my movements being fluid and controlled, but his relentless barrage of spells were uncannily precise.
There he stood, a calm look to his face as his spells were coming faster and more ferocious with each passing moment.
It's come to my attention as soon as this duel started that I might be royally screwed. Along with the insomnia I had suffered last night and eating next to nothing in the last 36 hours I was in a bad shape.
But what really threw me off was that he had dramatically improved from the last time I dueled him.
In fact he was arguably one of the best duelers in this school at the moment. I am, ashamed to say, it was more challenging with him then anyone I've encountered in my missions, including the trials.
Though in my trials I was fighting knights, not a actual human being so, I cant just use my ancient magic to spear a lighting through his head.
With gritted teeth, I unleashed a wave of fiery infernos, the flames dancing and twisting towards Sebastian with menacing intent. The crowd Oohs and aahs only got louder and more excited at my display of magic.
Too bad it only lasted about 3 seocnds before he countered with a powerful Shield Charm, the flames dissipating against the barrier with a hiss.
A surge of panic washed over me as he unleashed a dark hex, the ancient magic stirring within me in response. With a desperate effort, I summoned a powerful shield to deflect the attack.
As the spell collided with my shield, I felt the impact reverberate through my entire being, threatening to shatter my resolve. I staggered, barely managing to stay on my feet, disbelief etched into every line of my face.
Sebastian stood there, his lips slightly curling at my reaction.
He knew.
That would have been impossible to counter if it hadn't been for my ancient magic.
I heaved for breath, my chest tight with apprehension as I watched the young slytherin, seeing the powerful dark aura radiate off of him like smoke.
He just flung a dark hex at me as if the very notion of it being forbidden never crossed his mind.
He stepped close enough for me to hear him say "Did you ever learn that while being a teacher pet"?
I growled, gripping my wand tight. I did not go through trials involving deadly knights, goblins and trolls to lose to an egotisical boy.
"Is this really how you wanna play Sallow"? I sneered.
Sebastian predatory eyes swept over me as I ignored the tightening feeling in my stomach. His tongue flicked out to wet his lips in anticipation.
"You know exactly how I play fifth year". He purred.
With a swift incantation, I conjured a dazzling array of illusions, each one more intricate than the last.
To my utter joy Sebastian's eyes widened in surprise as he struggled to discern the real me from the phantoms that surrounded him.
But he was quick to recover, his own spells flying fast and furious as he sought to break through my defenses. Bolts of lightning crackled through the air, sending shockwaves rippling across the courtyard as our magic clashed in a spectacular display of power.
The crowd's cheers and gasps melded into a deafening cacophony, but amidst the chaos, I could only focus on the piercing ringing in my ears. I gritted my teeth, my eyes narrowing as I prepared to unleash my most powerful spell yet. With a flick of my wand and a whispered incantation, I summoned a whirlwind of energy that engulfed Sebastian and everyone else in a blinding vortex of light.
Everyone gasped covering their eyes and as the brilliance faded, I braced myself for the next onslaught, but nothing could have prepared me for what came next
Suddenly I yelp, feeling the tip of a cold wand pressed to my neck and a warm yet menacing presence press against my back.
To my utter horror, Sebastian stood behind me out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around my waist, keeping me perfectly still.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach, unleashing a wave of blood to my core. It's almost laughable, the way fear grips me now, rendering me hesitant to face him. I just know what hes going to look like, and I am not sure I could take it.
I try to cast something as his lips brush against my ear, and he whispers "Expelliarmus".
My wand flies out of my hand instantly, bouncing on the ground before rolling away as the crowd watched in stunned silence.
Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as I watched my wand disappear into the distance. And then it hits me.
How could I forget.
I taught him how to apparate last week...
"Sebastian, please," I pleaded, struggling to keep pace with his brisk stride. Every two steps felt like a hurdle, but his iron grip on my arm prevented me from face-planting afterward.
"You've won, alright," I conceded, feeling defeated.
With a forceful tug, he yanked me forward and pressed me against the wall, eliciting a grunt from me.
"And yet, you're still defending a goblin," venom dripped from his words, saturating the air with its malevolence.
I hadn't known he was capable of such intense hatred. Part of it, I suspected, had something to do with his dalliance in the dark arts.
Melting into the wall did nothing as Sebastian stepped in to close the distance.
"He's provided more information than any other creature I've encountered, Sebastian. He's the reason I can move forward in this investigation." I pleaded.
"Yeah, and how do you know it's not all a lie?" he retorted sharply.
"You're acting as if no one else, or any other creature, hasn't lied to me before. How is it any different if a goblin does?" I shot back, trying to maintain my composure.
"You know why!" he exploded, pushing against me, his frustration palpable.
Ragged breaths escaped me as I struggled to remain steady. His hard abdomen was smashed against mine with no disregard for personal space. I was caged.
"I understand your anger, Seb. But only to an extent. Not all goblins are bad, just like not all humans are good. Victor Rookwood is scum, yet there are trusted relationships with all kinds of creatures and humans."
With a scoff like laugh, his fingers began to trace its way down my cheek, "You're adorable, living in your little fantasy world. But reality is much harsher than your dreams."
I let out frustrated grunt but before I could respond I felt his wand press against the side of the my lower thigh. "Goodness know mine is hell, your precious goblins saw to that when they decided my sister should be 'seen and not heard'"
With a hitched breath I felt him raise his wand, sliding the smooth wood closer and closer to core.
It was like my brain shut down as I realized what was happening.
I squeezed my eyes trying to concentrate on the conversation, a very important conversation.
"I am sorry Sebastian. I-I really am, I am most definitely not defending all goblins here, especially the ones who cursed Anne-"
"Oh yes you are. You even fought me for it". A cruel grin spread across his lips.
I started to step on my tippy toes instinctively to avoid the thin wood making it way under my skirt.
"You'll never understand will you"? His unsettling voice rattled me and thats when a tinge of fear seeped into my brain. This was not the Sebastian I knew.
"Seb..." My voice tremebled.
The tip of his wand disappeared under my skirt until I jumped with gasp when the tip pressed firmly on my core.
"You betrayed me".
I gasped, arching back, my hands shooting straight for his in an attempt to stop him as he began to move the wand up my clothed slit.
"I-I didn't-"
Through quick glances, I could see him observing my reactions without a hint of shame. I squeezed my eyes shut, whimpering at the sensation as the tip of his wand halted atop my clit before he started twirling it.
Despite my tightening grip on his hand, he remained unmoved. All I could do was throw my head back with a cry, feeling a tight knot forming in my stomach
"Seb s-stop" I whimpered.
"Are you sure you want me too"? His cocky tone showed now remorse as he watched me fall apart.
"Tell me the truth," his lips pressed on my to my cheek. "You wanted this from the day you met me didn't you"?
"W-what? NO-"
"Thats why you did what you did. Because pissing me off was the only way to get my attention" He chuckled. But it was hardly humorous.
I wanted to slap him, but my legs were shaking, my own wetness beginning to drip down my thighs.
His wand dropped instantly, rolling away from us. Panting, I thought maybe this was the end of it until his hand dove beneath my skirt, forcibly making its way down my underwear.
Gasping, I clutched his collar for dear life, feeling his calloused hand slide across my slit, rubbing my soaking cunt. As if my dignity wasn't hanging by a thread, my hips started to roll on their own, meeting his fingers.
Thats when his other hand swung around to grab to my ass and squeezed a handful of it. Hard. "Look at this"
I faced him finally. A smug grin draped over his face.
"You act all righteous but in the back of your mind all you wanted was a good fuck"
Suddenly, all sensations within my body halted. Without a second thought, my hand connected with his cheek, the sound of a slap reverberating through the dark hall.
His cheek swung the other way as he backed off slightly. I stood there, breathing hard, eyes wide, and clenching my thighs. If he thought I would just stand there and endure his vulgarity, he had another thing coming.
A small bruise formed at the corner of his lip, where a hint of blood emerged. However, what made me tense up, gripping the wall behind me, was his gaze slowly returning to mine—dark and hungry—as his tongue darted out to lick his lips over the bruise with a smirk
Clenching my jaw, I gritted, "You're a bastard."
Then I see the glint in his eyes
He charges towards me, "Well, if I'm a bastard, then you're my slut."
His lips crashed onto mine, pinning me against the wall. I groaned, attempting to navigate the kiss, but I couldn't keep up. His lips switched angles every few seconds, exploring every inch of me in a frenzy. His chest pressed against mine, his hands diving under my thighs, pushing me further into the wall as he devoured me.
I couldn't push him away, even if my life depended on it—which now it definitely did as I struggled to breathe. With no choice, I pulled my head back, opening my mouth to breathe, but he shoved his tongue in.
I whimpered breathing him in as forcifully as he made me. It was dizzying it, if he didn;t keep me upright I was sure I was going to fall from lack of oxygen. His finger went back to my gushing core as he slipped a finger in, pumping it rapidly. I pulled back gripping his jaw with a moan, barely able to stand right as he finger me harshly
Sebastian lips moved down to my neck pressing searing kisses "Your so wet baby" He murmered against my skin.
Then he brought his head up, pupil exploded with lust. I was sure I looked the same too hazy from the pleasure he giving me.
"Give me a taste huh"?
Nothing was registering in my mind. "Wha-"
Before I could finish, he finger, drove out of me with an audible pop before he yanked my panties down.
He fell to his knees, and without hesitation, his head disappeared under my skirt. Then the most startling sound escaped my mouth as I felt his warm tongue envelop my cunt, sucking and licking with desperation. No teasing, no foreplay, just an explosion of sensation.
My hand tangled into his hair as I cried out, hunching over as if he was sucking my energy. It didn't take him more than a second to find my clit as his tongue circled the hardened nub.
His other finger found my cunt, ramming in two fingers this time. The dark hall was filled with slopping sounds and loud squelches; if that didn't send a message to any poor classmate who happened to walk by, then my screams probably did.
Finally, with two more harsh thrusts, I became undone, crashing my weight onto his shoulders, my world spinning. My cries were silent with how intensely the orgasm hit me. Sebastian knew it too when his head popped out from under my skirt, licking the remaining juices off his lips. He pressed a kiss to my inner thigh, his smile, anything but friendly
No. I could tell he wasn't done.
My legs finally gave out as I kneeled before him. "Hang on, darling, I'm not through with you," he teased, his tone doing nothing to prepare me as he grabbed my waist and pushed me onto the ground, dirt be damned.
Oh fuck.
I realized I was going to be taken right here, in the middle of this damn hall, and no one was going to stop him. I knew I couldn't. Because hell, I needed him too. He nudged in between my legs, spreading them wide enough for him to see everything.
"You're so fucking pretty," he breathed heavily, his mouth still glistening from earlier. I went completely red.
No, not here. If someone walks in, I'd sooner get eaten by an Acromantula
"Stop, Sebastian! What if-"
A sharp slap to my thigh silenced me instantly before he loomed over me. "You don't want me to stop," he accused, slipping his hands beneath my shirt.
A sob-like cry escaped me as his other hand smoothed over the red mark on my thigh. I hated how good it felt, but what I hated more was that he knew
One last lie. Maybe he'll believe me and I can end this fever dream and not have to deal with the consequences after.
"I do".
Sebastian looked at me, studying my face scrutizing every aspect I tried to keep indifferent when he grins.
"Your cunt certainly doesnt". And he makes a point to show me by smashing his lips on top of mine as I taste myself.
Why is that I am always out of breath whens he kissing me? I breath him in hard.
Everything about him is overwhelming.
As pulls away with my bottom lips between his teeth. He unbuckles his trousers and I dare to look down...
His hand immediately grips my jaw bring it up to face him.
"It'll fit. Ill make it fit".
I shake my head, another excuse brewing in my head when he pauses what hes doing and rips open my shirt button flying everywhere.
A shaky sound leaves him he gazes at my breasts "Is that for me".
He was talking about the lacy bra I decided to wear today, and I realized, that today of all day I decided to wear it, because of him.
I gulped "No.."
He smirked, pulling the bra down. "Liar. Keep it up though; I love catching you and seeing the blush all over your face," he said, aligning himself over my entrance and pushing his blunt head in.
I flinched, grabbing his neck and pulling him down. "The least you can do is distract me from the pain..." He smiled, moving a strand of hair out of my face. "I don't think so; perhaps you're forgetting this is punishment," he said, his long, nimble fingers wrapping around the nape of my neck, keeping my head in place.
"Let me see those tears, baby, and don't you dare move your face"
I squeezed his shoulders, a pleading look on my face "Your being cruel".
"Only cause you made me" With that he pushed his length is as I gasp, a strangled noise leaving my throat.
Before I could adjust, he began thrusting into me. The room filled with the sound of his hips slapping against mine. I bounced on the cold stone floor, my breasts moving in tandem. He seized one in his mouth, and I cried out, closing my eyes tightly, feeling utterly helpless in his grasp.
Both of his hands gripped under my thighs and stretched my legs nearly to my stomach as he rammed into me at full speed. My screams and half-moans likely echoed throughout the castle as I flailed on the ground, arching my back, nails scraping against the floor, sweat slickening my skin.
Sebastian groaned as he observed one of my hands reaching for my breast and teasing my hardened nipples
Any pain I felt at the beginning was replaced by sweet utter bliss, it was powerful, and so blinding.
His length reached inside me and pulled out sqelching each time, as if there was a pull stopping him backing all the way out.
He grunted before proceeding to grab my wrists and pin them above my head, putting most of his wright atop of me.
Leaving hot wet kiss all over my neck, he faced me watching my tear stricken face, "Do you want to make this up to me".
I hear those words and immediately nod my head, knowing he would never accpet lodgok no matter what.
"Then promise me your mine. Promise me from now on you'll come to me whenever I summon you whether its the restricted section or in the middle of the damn dark forest. You'll come and do whatever I ask whether thats spreading your leg for me or giving me a taste of that sweet cunt of yours".
I gushed, my eyes nearly rolling at the back of my head with the speed he was going.
"Se-Seb" I whined. "I am-gonna c-cum"
"Promise me sweetheart. Or we stop this. Now".
I am no fool. I knew he what he was asking of me nothing short of being slave to all his desires. But he would never call me his girlfirend. No.
Thats my punishment.
"Seb, I- thats too much"
He clicked in tonghe, an annoyance washing over his features.
"Unless you perfer me to tell other professors what youve been up to. You know, sneaking out in the middle of the night, slaying goblins and ashwinders..."
The cruel grin made it way to his face when my eyes snapped up at him.
"Tell me" He leaned in pressing a soft kiss to my lips and everything I hated about him melted. "Tell me your mine" He murmed against my lips.
As if he knew extactly what to do to get wheat he wanted, his finger dove down to my clit, pressing the nub and rubbing it harshly.
I screamed arching my back as it all hit me. The blinding white pleasure that had me see stars. He wrapped my legs around his waist holding me tight, watching me and convulse against him in pure bliss. As it came over me in waves, I fianlly open my eyes to stare up at his. I cant believe I am saying this.
His forehead leaned on top of mine a knowing smile on his lips.
"I am all yours..."
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orqheuss · 1 year
I like my body when it is with your body
(Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow/GN!Reader SMUT)
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Sebastian believes that he doesn't deserve to be happy after everything he's done. His partners don't agree, and are hellbent on proving him wrong the best, and most effective, way they know how.
Title from the E. E. Cummings poem, "I like my body when it is with your"
word count: 8k
AN: I'm reposting all of my fics from ao3 on to here for easier access! We're starting with the smut.
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Sebastian was tired. Today had been another long day trapped away in his office, filing report after report of his findings in the latest tomb he had explored. The life of a curse breaker never stopped. All he wanted to do was go home and curl up next to his partners. They’d each take turns stroking his hair and smoothing the stress from his shoulders like they always did when he had an exhausting day and he’d relax into their sides, falling asleep to the soft sound of their heartbeats. He was fortunate enough to work close to home, only having to venture out of the comforts of London every so often for a day or two, but each trip away made him desperately crave a life of simplicity. Even being away from his two loves was torturous— he always wanted to be near them, always wanted to know that they were safe and with him. There were some days where he didn’t believe that he deserved their love, their kindness, their understanding of his busy schedule. Ever since his sister was cursed by the villain, Victor Rookwood, he had been set on this path for his life. The aftermath of that dreadful day in the catacombs only solidified it for him— he would never use dark magic again, instead he would protect the wizarding world from it one cursed vault at a time. 
He thought fondly of his seventh year at Hogwarts, how each of you had stressed about what you wanted to do with the rest of your lives. While he may have had it figured out, you and Ominis were a wreck to say the least. With the gift of ancient magic pulsing under your skin, you had originally thought about becoming an Auror and working alongside Sebastian with Gringotts bank, nearly causing the blond of the trio to have a conniption. He was already stressed at the prospect of the brunette being in danger nearly everyday, he couldn’t stand the idea of you being there as well. He knew that you both could hold your own, but it certainly didn’t help his heart. If anyone asked him, he would say that the incessant schemes you both got up to during your school years had left that organ of his half as strong as it used to be and caused more than enough grey hairs to go with it— he was basically an old, fretting man already. In the end you had agreed with him, deciding that you had earned a simple, safe life after everything that you had gone through over the last three years. It just so happened that Professor Hecat had decided to step down from her position as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, meeting with you personally and offering the job to you as soon as you had graduated. It was an easy choice, and you were the happiest you had ever been working at the school you loved so much. Ominis was a mess at the beginning, constantly pacing around thinking about what he wanted to do— what path he should choose. He had considered following in his father’s footsteps and working in the Department of Mysteries for the Ministry, but quickly pushed that idea to the side; the idea of having anything to do with his family, even sharing a job title, was absolutely abhorrent. He considered becoming a Professor as well, he loved teaching, but that seemed to not be in the cards either with none of the faculty leaving anytime soon. Finally, you both had sat him down and talked him through his stresses, coming up with a possible list of things he could do with his high scores and brains; the final verdict was an inventor of magical tools. He was proficient in the art of tinkering and had a passion to help those in the wizarding world who began their life with as many struggles as he did. 
Yes, the trio were very happy together. 
Even with all the good things happening in his life, the unconditional love of his partners and his rewarding job, Sebastian couldn’t help but still feel a gnawing guilt for his actions in his fifth year of school. It had been years at that point since he had even uttered an unforgivable curse, but the taste of the words still left a bitterness in his throat that wasn’t going to go away any time soon, if at all. Some nights he still woke up in a sweat, the look in his uncle's eyes as the sage green spell hit him in the chest and stopped his heart forever burned into his memory. He would quietly sneak out of bed and sit in your living room, a cup of calming tea clasped between his hands as he watched the sun streak over the horizon. He was acutely aware that both of his partners knew about his nightmares, but every time they tried to talk to him about his trauma he would just shrug it off with a smile and a kind word in their direction. He could deal with this himself— it was his cross to bear. He hoped that they hadn’t pieced together the depth of his regret and guilt about everything he did, though. Sebastian knew that he would never hear the end of it if they ever discovered how much he loathed himself and his actions sometimes, how often he questioned why they had even decided to be with him and not someone else with a better mental view of the world, a better attitude towards the future and the past. He loved them both more than words could describe— more than there were stars in space; he would do absolutely anything for them— had done dreadful things for them already, but sometimes he worried that he wasn’t truly enough. 
The boy was truly obtuse sometimes, even with his high marks and proclivity to all things magic. Of course his partners were aware of his self loathing, they knew him better than anyone else in the world— they would know him just as much in death as in life, and had been working hard to concoct a plan for how to break him from his funk. They had puttered meticulously around the day, making sure everything was absolutely perfect for their love when he got home. He always took care of them; you with your trauma with Rookwood and the battle under the school and Ominis with his family and everything they did to him until he was old enough to break away from their strangling grasp, but he refused to let them take care of him and his needs. Quite frankly, they were sick of it. They could see the stress under his skin withering away the joy he once had for his life and it broke their hearts. It was time to break that cycle and show him how much they truly cared about him. 
Dropping the last file from his never ending pile of reports onto his desk without a care, he glanced at the clock ticking away above the arched doorway of his private office. Just in time to go home. With a renewed sense of energy, Sebastian quickly gathered his things scattered around the room and rushed out the door, waving bye to a few of his colleagues as they called out for him to have a good weekend, and apparated home without a second thought. 
Little did he know, the lovely curse breaker had an even lovelier surprise waiting for him when he got home, that was for sure. 
Apparating into their shared living room, he noticed two things right off the bat. First, the lights were dimmed around the entire house, candles floating just below the ceiling and casting a romantic glow across the walls, and second, there was a path of clothes leading down the hall towards their shared bedroom. He could distinctly point out Ominis' favorite waistcoat, a gaudy thing that looked like it was skinned right off of his grandmothers couch, and your Professors robe, iridescent hues of forest green and gold decorating the velvet and fleece. His heart stuttered in his chest, a blush making his way across his face and down his neck at the prospect at what he was about to find waiting for him. Even after all these years, the two of you could still make him as flustered as a school boy. 
He delicately made his way down the hallway, stepping around the clothes, his heart beating steadily but fast in his chest as he heard the soft laughter of his partners seep through the cracked doorway. Sebastian gulped lightly in his throat, steadying his nerves before gently pushing the door to their master suite open and taking in what was waiting for him. 
Resting on your shared bed was his two partners, sprawled out in nothing but their underclothes and a beautiful red flush dancing along their skin. They each were already panting in need, likely from a bit of foreplay before he had gotten home. The idea of them beginning without him so they could jump right into action when he got there made his brain short circuit, static filling it for a moment as he processed everything in front of him. He cast his eyes around the room, taking in everything the both of you had done to set the mood— he wanted to appreciate your effort, after all. Floating above your nightstands and chest of drawers were more candles, their gentle flame creating enticing shadows around the room and glowing against the sweat shining on your skin. A mix of red, salmon, and burgundy rose petals decorated the foot of the comforter and the floor around the four poster bed, filling his nose with the sweet aroma of vanilla and flowers. You and Ominis had gone all out for him, and his heart filled with love at the idea of you both taking the time out of your day to make the night special. Sebastian momentarily racked his brain, stressing slightly that he forgot some important date, but he came up empty. What was the occasion?
In all honesty, he couldn't really give a damn. He was just happy to be there.
Flirting his eyes back to the pair of bodies adorning the silver colored bedspread, heat began to burn in his stomach and fuel the fire in his loins. Sebastian lightly groaned, an absolutely sinful noise making its way out of his throat, as he tilted his head back to the ceiling in elated disbelief. He could already feel his trousers tightening around his growing member as he verbalized the thoughts and prayers swirling around his mind. 
“Merlin, God, Buddha, Ra, whomever is up there— I don’t know what I did to deserve this gift, but thank you.”
His partners laughed at his little speech, making their way from the bed to their very bothered partner and flanking either side of him. The heat from their bodies seeped through his suit jacket, spreading over his arms and flowing from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. He sighed in pleasure, both of his hands reaching up and threading his fingers through yours and Ominis’ hair as you each began to suck light bruises on his neck. Sebastian felt like he died and had gone to heaven, tugging you both away by your roots and smashing his lips against the closest of the two— in this case it was Ominis. He gripped the blond by his hips, letting go of you and allowing you to sit on the bed once again and watch the show as he proceeded to stick his entire tongue down the blond’s throat. The smaller of the two moaned against his lips, his lovely long fingers reaching up to the broad shoulders of his partner and pulling the jacket from his form with enough force to make Sebastian slightly lose his balance. Ominis took this as the perfect moment to strike, taking the taller of the two by surprise and shoving him roughly into the wall behind them. The brunette sucked a breath through his teeth, his pupils doubling in size with unrestrained lust coursing through his blood. Ominis attacked his throat once again, one hand tracking his nails lightly down the other boy’s cheek before his fingers wrapped around his neck and squeezed. A heady whine left Sebastian’s throat, feeling his head get slightly fuzzy at the lack of air and the transcendent burn of his partner’s kisses down his jaw and under his shirt collar.
Ominis chuckled against the column of the brunette’s throat, the arousal heavily present in his voice sending shivers down Sebastian’s spine and even more heat to his core. The blond harshly sunk his sharp canines into the soft skin connecting the other boy’s neck to his shoulder, roughly tugging at the collar of his shirt to get a better grip, before licking the spot and whispering with a seductive drawl, “I’m going to take my time with you tonight. Do you remember the safe word?” 
Sebastian groaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the feeling of his partner’s sweltering breath against his pulse point and nodded. You both were going to be the death of him, he was sure of it. 
Ominis laughed again, a breathy thing that made the brunette’s heart stutter, and cascaded his fingers down the front of his partner’s chest with bone-chillingly leisure touches. Moving his hands back up to the collar of the freckled boy’s shirt, drawing a shaking breath from his lungs in the process, he undid each button with tantalizingly slow movements. A moan lodged itself just under Sebastian’s jaw, only being freed by the feeling of lips returning to his pulse and slowly making their way down his chest as each new bit of skin is revealed to the cool wind of the bedroom. Ominis smiled with mischief against the brunette’s neck, taking the delicate skin against his jugular and sucking a bruising hickey for all the world to see on his absolutely enticing partner.  
The blond breathed against his collarbone, feeling his way down the large expanse of skin that he had revealed and grabbing at the brunette's hips under the starched fabric. "It's an act of sacrilege for you to have to wear clothes."
Ominis reached his fingers dangerously into the trail of hair leading down his partners stomach and dipped the tip of his middle finger under his belt. Sebastian grabbed at Ominis’ shoulders, begging for something but not knowing quite yet what he wanted— what he needed. With bruising strength, the smaller man grabbed the other’s wrists and pinned them against the wall by his hips, a needy whine choking its way out of his partner’s mouth.
“No touching until I say so.” 
Sebastian feebly nodded his head, thinking better of it and instead whimpering a soft affirmative. Ominis smiled, letting go of his wrists now that he was confident that they weren’t going anywhere, before ever so slowly pulling the shirt from the brunette’s shoulders and tossing it towards the other corner of the room like it affronted him, barely missing one of the many candles that decorated the space. The bulge in the taller boy’s trousers was getting painfully hard, straining against the zippered fabric of his formal-wear. This side of Ominis always excited him, the ability to completely release all of his stress and have someone else take over for him filling his mind with delicious bliss. Satisfied by the heaving breaths shaking his partner’s chest and brushing against his cheeks, the blond clasped his hand where it was resting once again against the larynx of his very flustered boyfriend and squeezed slightly harder than before. Sebastian’s eyes fluttered closed at the feeling, sighing as Ominis began to leave open mouthed kisses on his collarbones, trailing down his chest and stopping to bite lightly at his nipple. A shocked grunt left the brunette, slightly choked around the hand still lightly cutting off his airflow, and moaned into the air. 
Just behind where the two boys were, Sebastian could hear a second set of heavy breaths, arousal spiking through his veins at the thought of their third pleasuring themselves to the sight of their foreplay. Soft moans filled the space just beyond where the blond had him pinned, the sound of cloth rubbing against skin danced through his ears like the most stunning piece of music. He wanted to reach out for you, take you into his arms and snog you until you forgot your name before taking you right then and there against the wall. 
Ominis, hearing your sounds just as well, if not better, than Sebastian, leaned towards the brunette’s ear, nipping at his lobe before whispering breathlessly against his skin. “You sound so sinful against me, Sebastian, like I should be struck down just for the thought of running my tongue along your skin.” He deeply inhaled the scent of the brunette’s arousal, a combination of sweat and something primal. “You’re doing so good so far— such a good boy— our perfect boy. Will you continue to be a good boy for me and watch our friend while I tear the rest of your clothes off of you?” 
Sebastian whined again, a pitiful sound that sent fire directly to the blond’s throbbing member, before nodding around the hand holding him to the wall. 
Ominis chuckled deeply in his chest, absolutely intoxicated by his boyfriend’s submission.
“Good. I’m going to release you, now. I need you to tell me everything they’re doing. Give as much detail as possible. Am I clear?” 
With a frantic nod of his head, Sebastian creaked open his eyes and met yours. The air in his chest stilled at the sight before him, a bolt of electricity striking down his body and nestling itself right in his lower stomach. His member was absolutely leaking at this point, painting his pants and trousers with an alluring wet spot. Ominis sank to his knees in front of the brunette, trailing his fingers down the sides of his thighs and drawing intricate patterns along the seams. The taller boy didn’t think that his heart could beat any faster, any harder in his chest— one more shock and it may as well burst from behind his ribs. He could already feel the tightening of the knot in his stomach, his orgasm approaching embarrassingly fast and without being touched by either of the people he loved. He had never felt this pent up before, never felt this loved , this wanted .
Ominis began to untie his dress shoes, taking his sweet time on each knot before pulling them off and beginning on his socks. He lightly pinched the skin by Sebastian’s ankle, startling the other man out of his pleasured bliss and reminding him of what he was asked to do. Focusing on you again, he recounted each of your movements to the blond, struggling desperately around the dryness of his mouth. 
“Oh fuck, t-they’re touching themselves over their pants. They have a gorgeous blush covering their entire body, glowing with a beautiful shade of pink— like the sunrise. Their eyes are hooded— shit, they’re absolutely dripping, Ominis. Their noises are driving me crazy, can you hear them? I know you can, I can feel how much you like them.” 
Ominis was now level with his groin, his searing breath ghosting over where the brunette desperately needed his hands, his mouth, anything. Deft hands worked on his belt, slowly undoing the buckle and pulling the leather out of the loops at a snail's pace. Ominis made sure to slide the smooth fabric along his skin, knowing how much Sebastian loved the idea of him and his belt, absolutely helpless to his whims. Giving the panting boy a small taste of what’s to come, he pressed his lips teasingly against the wet spot next to his zipper, mouthing lightly at the tip of his pulsing cock and murmuring into him. 
“Look at you, being so obedient for me, Sebastian. You're doing so amazing. What else do you see? Be my eyes.” 
Sebastian sucked in a breath, a feeble whimper sneaking its way out of his parted lips. The knot in his stomach continued to tighten, sending shivers of pleasure from his nose to his fingertips and making his member twitch, still buried under two layers of cloth. His entire body buzzed with energy, his hands shaking steadily at his sides with a frantic need to card his fingers through the blond hair just within reach. 
“Merlin, Ominis, you’re killing me.” His breathing was shaky, small pants entering and exiting his lips and making him dizzy, “They look bewitching— absolutely hypnotizing. They’re parting those lips you love so much, both looking quite bruised and plump— your doing I’m guessing, you devil. Gods this is positively filthy—”
A loud swear shocked its way through his system, his head falling back against the wall with a loud thump as his blisteringly hot cock was released to the chilly air around them; its dripping head smacking against his lower stomach and streaking his pale skin and mousy brown hair with precum. Sebastian reached his hand towards his domineering boyfriend in a risky movement, gently brushing against the stray hairs that had fallen out of his styled quiff with intent to reach farther into his tresses and pull him closer to where he needed him. Ominis roughly grabbed his wrist before his fingers could go any further, pushing his hand back into place next to his now naked hips before taking his leaking cock in the other, giving it a sharp tug as a warning. 
A wanton moan filled the room, ricocheting against the walls and spilling into the ears of you and the blond. Sebastian was positively trembling with want, his orgasm creeping closer and closer to the surface as apologies spilled from his lips like the finest of wines.
Ominis growled at his lover’s sounds, biting at the squishy meat of his thigh in violent arousal. “Merlin, you sound destroyed already and we’ve barely touched you. Is that what you want? You want us to completely ruin you like a common whore? Beg for it— beg for what you want, my darling.” 
“Please, please, I’m so close let me cum please —” The brunette whimpered, tears pricking at the corners of his vision from the pressure building in his gut.
“You’ll cum when I tell you to, you—”
“Ominis, I think he’s had enough for now. Bring him over here so we can continue with the plan for the night, please.” You simper, cutting him off. A smug look turned up the corners of your face at the fucked-out expression of your normally composed partner. 
Sebastian released the breath he didn’t know he was holding, his knees nearly giving out underneath him in relief as Ominis released him. The blond pushed him harder into the wall, leaning forward and smashing a ferocious kiss to his lips. A groan broke from his mouth only to be swallowed down by the other boy. Giving one more teasing squeeze around his throat, Ominis separated himself from the brunette and began to lead him towards the large king size bed they all shared. Sebastian hadn’t had a chance to truly look at everything laid out for him on the bed linens, his eyes were completely enraptured by the sight of his nearly naked loves as soon as he entered the doorway. Tied tightly to the headboard of the four poster were two silk scarves, emerald green and shining in the candle light. He gulped to himself, swallowing around the fear and pure arousal stuck in his windpipe, before carefully sitting down on the bed, collapsing back onto it while he willed his breathing to control itself. 
You leaned over him, pressing feather light kisses to his star-covered eyelids and cheeks. “Do you need a moment before we continue, my love?” 
He nodded minutely, letting his heart go back to normal speed and his orgasm to wean off again. The three of you sat in a soft silence for a few moments, pressing gentle kisses to every inch of skin you could reach on the brunette boy. 
Ominis kissed him again, much lighter than he originally did but with just as much love behind it, before bringing his hand up to his cheek, tenderly brushing his thumb along his cheekbone and whispering against his lips. “Was that too much for you? Please let me know, beautiful.” 
Sebastian leaned into the loving touch, bringing his hand up and wrapping his trembling fingers around the blond’s wrist. He softly shook his head, pressing a kiss to the boy’s palm before snuggling even closer to the warm contact. 
Ominis hummed to himself, deducing that the other boy needed another moment before he could easily speak again. “I need more than that, Seb.” He smoothed the brunette’s hair from his sweaty forehead, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his skin. “Tap once for yes, twice for no. Are you truly okay? Do you want to keep going?” 
The freckled boy scoffed lightly, his breathing starting to slow down to a manageable pace, and tapped his finger once against the smaller boy’s wrist. Peaking his eyes open once again, he saw a slow, devilish smile make its way across Ominis’ face. His heart leapt in his chest again and he fumbled for a moment, unsure if it was out of nerves or pure, inordinate levels of devotion. 
Ominis pawed his other hand around the bed, searching for the third member of their trio before finding your hand and squeezing it. You leaned over Sebastian, smoothing his tangled curls down and pressing an affectionate kiss to his lips for the first time of the night. He could feel the care you both had for him spilling from your souls and wrapping his own in the softest blanket he had ever felt. He truly didn’t deserve you both. 
“Can you scoot up the bed for me, Sebastian? Lie yourself against the pillows and let us take care of you.” 
He did as he was told, leaning back against the soft feather-down pillows and relaxing into the silk of the linens. You straddled his hips, pressing kiss after kiss to his temple, his nose, his cheeks, and finally his lips once more. This kiss had more heat behind it, more hunger. He could tell how worked up you had gotten from his session with Ominis as you lightly grinded your pelvis against his, drawing a startled mewl from him that slowly transformed into a melodic moan. Reaching to where his hands had rested themselves on your hips, you grasped his wrists in your palms and raised them above his head, mouthing against his jaw and neck. With a soft mumble, Sebastian felt the tell-tale feeling of your ancient magic swirl around his arms, stretching up and wrapping the green silk around his wrists, binding them together and securing them against the bed frame. 
He softly laughed, nipping lightly at your bottom lip when you moved back up to his mouth. “Did you just use your deeply ancient, completely unexplored magical powers to tie me to the bed?” 
You giggled against his mouth, dipping down to slot your lips with his once again. “So what if I did?” 
With a hum, Sebastian chased your lips for another kiss, his noise morphing into a whine as you moved farther away. He was already starting to hate these binds. 
You got off his lap, sitting next to his head to his left while Ominis took the spot to his right. Sebastian could see how you gnawed at your bottom lip with nerves, how Ominis wrung his hands together as he came up with the right words to say, and he felt his heart drop into his stomach. Now was the time for the true reason you had done all this for your beloved. 
Ominis spoke first, his voice much softer than the domineering presence he originally held. “Sebastian, we know what you think of yourself. I may be blind, but we both aren’t stupid.” 
You laughed, “Well I might be a little stupid sometimes, but not about this, though.” 
The blond snorted, trying to cover it up with a cough before turning once again towards Sebastian and meeting his eyes. Sebastian has known Ominis since first year, but the accuracy he had with finding another's eyes and holding contact even without being born with the gift of sight always intrigued and slightly unnerved him. He gulped, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights.
“You have done so much for us. You love us unconditionally— spread yourself thin at your job and still come home to us with so much love to give. We could never wish for anyone else in our lives, yet you question our devotion— our care for you.” 
Guilt crawled up Sebastian’s chest like the spindly legs of an acromantula and nestled itself under his ribs. He looked down, breaking the eye contact that burned into his skull, pulling his deepest feelings out into the open. You softly turned his chin towards you, forcing him to meet your eyes and see the eternal, unrestricted love you held for him. 
“My love, there is no question that you deserve us— deserve the love that we have for you. But, if you still don’t believe us, we have no choice but to show you exactly how much we want you— need you.”
Raising to your knees, you straddled his hips once again. Flicking your finger towards his binds, they unwound themselves from the head board and wrapped the rest of the fabric around his wrists, binding them together and locking his arms on either side of his head. Ominis pressed his hands to Sebastian’s upper back, gently lifting him from the soft sheets and slotting himself behind the boy, bringing his arms up a bit more and curling them behind his neck, elbows bent by his ears. He kissed the skin of his partner's biceps lazily, tracing his fingers along his cheek and jawline. A blush began to creep its way over Sebastian’s face, starting from the apples of his cheeks and working its way down over his nose, neck, and collarbones. You had never seen a prettier color in your life. 
Feeling the pulsing heartbeat of your nervous lover drew a wide grin across your lips, corners stretching across your cheeks and feeling like they could touch your ears. Your lips traveled across Sebastian’s jugular, flirting downwards with feather-light pecks and drawing gasps from the lungs of your beautiful boy. You gnawed teasingly at his hip bone, hair sliding along the thing the brunette longed for you to touch, before whispering against his clammy skin. 
“We are going to go back and forth, telling you one thing that we love about you until we either run out, or you finish. Whichever comes first.” 
With that, you licked a long, languished stripe along the underside of his throbbing member, stifling his reply in his throat and causing one of the loudest sounds you had ever heard the boy make to cascade out of his pink, parted lips. Ominis groaned against Sebastian’s neck, making love bites everywhere he could reach— his throat, his shoulders, his collarbones, everything, and bucked his hips against the curve of the other boy’s ass. Sebastian bit his lip in desire, feeling just how much the blond had been affected by their erotic play earlier. 
Kissing the tip of the brunette’s leaking cock, drawing a stuttered breath from his lungs and stretching your smile even wider, you murmured against his happy-trail. “I’ll go first. I am utterly enraptured by your courage and bravery. Even in moments of intense distress, you still stood by our sides and protected the ones you love.” 
You pressed another kiss to his burning skin before leaning up on your elbows and taking him into your mouth, moving up and down at an incredibly slow pace and drawing long moans out of your partner. Sebastian threw his head back in ecstasy, opening up the column of his throat further to his bite-happy boyfriend. He nipped at the skin just behind his ear, smoothing the pain away with a gentle lick and kiss. 
Ominis whispered tantalizingly in his ear, “My turn. I love your kindness and generosity. There isn’t a day where I don’t think about the little things you do for me and smile.” 
The brunette whined, tears of pleasure and happiness building behind his lashes once again. He refused to open his eyes and look at either of his partners, all too aware that if he met either of their gazes he would lose his composure completely. Just then, you took him all the way into your mouth, the tip of him tapping against your uvula, and moaned around him, sending supernovas of stars behind his eyes and blazing through the warmth in his chest. 
Well, so much for composure. 
If his hands were free, Sebastian’s fingers would be digging into your scalp, pulling at the roots of your hair in an alternation of rough and gentle pressure. He wanted desperately to touch his lovers, but he didn’t dare disobey their orders. He wasn’t afraid of their punishment, but in complete honesty he wanted to savor this moment. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this— this level of affection and tenderness. 
Swallowing around his throbbing manhood, you sucked in your cheeks and dragged yourself up, up, up to his tip once again, humming around his never-ending sounds of pleasure and sending ricochets of vibrations along his entire body. 
You licked at his slit, collecting the elixir that continuously flowed from there and spoke again, arousal lacing your tone. “I love how much you care. You always put us before you, even when we’re being right bastards.” You laughed, pressing your smile to the skin of his inner thigh, “I also hate it, though, because you never let us spoil you rotten.” 
Ominis placed his hand against Sebastian’s throat for a fourth time that night, not squeezing, but simply holding it in a possessive grasp. The unseemly sounds of you working the brunette to release filled his mind and sent burning fire to his pelvis, leading him to press his burning, still very clothed, cock against the other boy’s lower back. He willed himself to remain still— this was Sebastian’s night, not his. His freckled partner had other plans though, and grabbed at the hair at the base of his neck and slightly pulled, whimpering into the air around him with need. 
“Please pleasure yourself, Ominis. I want to feel you against me— I need to feel you.” 
The blond swore, dropping his head back to the brunette's throat and roughly biting at his pulse, seceding to his wish and harshly grinding against him. At this point Sebastian's skin was littered with speckles of black and blue bruises and reddened teeth marks. He could feel everything, the silk wrapped around his wrists and against his legs, the smooth breaths of the blond at his back— the rise and fall of his chest, your teeth gently grazing the large vein at the underside of his member, sending delicious shivers up his spine and filling his mind with static. He could especially feel the tightening of his abdomen as his orgasm got dangerously close to the surface for a second time. He was in absolute, erotic bliss. 
Ominis grunted deep in his throat, leaning down and breathing hotly against the brunette’s ear as he whispered his next bout of praise. “Surprisingly, I love how stubborn you are. It’s a relief, sometimes, to know that nothing can change your mind about how you feel towards us. I’ve never felt so desired, so cared for, so loved.” He chuckled airily, “That being said, it’s only nice when it’s not being used against me.” 
Sebastian whined loudly when he felt your nose brush against the hairs at the base of his cock, his hips stuttering and bucking more of himself into your awaiting throat. Tears had begun to spill down his cheeks at that point, only to be wiped away by Ominis’ gentle fingers. 
You laugh again, releasing him with a pop. “What do you want us to do to you, sweet boy? Use your words.” 
The sounds dripping from his lips were absolutely sinful— his begs and pleads filling the space around them. “Please, please , Merlin, you're going to murder me, you filthy bastards. I love you both so much— I need to be inside you, to have you inside me, anything . I can’t take it anymore, I need to feel one of you fill me and the one of you cumming around my cock.” 
Your breathing stuttered in your chest at the crassness of his words and the sharp buck of Ominis’ hips— a deep, heady groan rumbling both of your bodies from the usually quiet blond. Quickly detangling yourselves, you help Sebastian to lie down on the pillows once again, unbinding his wrists in the process and delicately kissing the bruised skin from his constant wiggling and pulling. 
The taller boy finally blinked his eyes open, gazing with half his normal amount of focus into yours. Your blinding smile brought one of his own to his lips, sending his heart aflutter as you caressed his cheekbone. Your pupils flicked left and right as you took all of him in, feeling yourself sink into his beautiful brown irises. 
A loving sigh parted your lips as you drawled against his lips, “I think it’s my turn again. I love your eyes— I feel like I could get lost in them for the rest of my life.”
Grinding down on his hard length, your purred more muted praise against his throat. Ominis slithered behind the both of you, sliding his hand down along your spine and pushing you forwards so you were pressed chest to chest with the flustered man. Sebastian groaned at the sudden skin on skin contact, heat permeating through his flesh and directly into his soul. A sudden mewl from you shook him from his stupor, causing him to crane his neck to the left with as much speed as he could muster and watching what the pretty blond was doing at his feet. Color flooded his cheeks yet again at the sight of his long, lithe fingers prodding in and out of your entrance, stretching you just right so he could fit. Breathy moans continued to fill the air as you both moved against each other, pushing and pulling in rhythm with the smaller boy’s fingers.
You breathed against the brunette's lips, whining around your teasing words. "Do you think you can handle both of us? One of us bouncing on your throbbing, delicious cock while the other fills you to the brim?"
Sebastian swore at how uncouth you were being, nodding his head with enthusiastic rapture.
You keened, Ominis hitting that spot just inside of you that sent pleasure right to your core. "Good boy. I knew you could do it. I've been thinking about this all day— could barely keep my hands off of our boyfriend for long enough to make this perfect for you."
Ominis leaned down and bit you roughly on the behind, marking you as his own just as he did to the taller boy, before moving further into you and prodding at your entrance with his skilled tongue. Sebastian nearly wept at the sight, sinking his own teeth into your fleshy shoulder to muffle the noise. The blond sharply smacked his thigh, growling around his own arousal. 
“Don’t muffle yourself. Let the world know how well we fuck you.” 
Relinquishing his fingers from your tight entrance, he took Sebastian into his hand, gave him a few more slow, mind numbing strokes, and sunk you both into sweet, connected euphoria. 
Your heart stuttered in your chest, fingers reaching up and tweaking at your nipple in elated bliss. The man under you bit his lip at the sight, throwing his head back against the headboard.
"Shit, you feel so fucking good inside me. Stretch me out just like that, yes."
Ominis set to work once again, taking the brunette’s legs in his palms and stretching him so that his calves rested on the blond’s shoulders. Whimpers flooded his senses as he became completely consumed by lust and the sounds of his partner’s pleasure. Licking his pointer and middle finger, making sure to keep eye contact with the brunette struggling underneath the both of you, he stroked his fingertips at his puckered hole, drawing another loud, needy whimper from his partner. 
“I love your sounds, Sebastian. I’ve never heard anything more beautiful than the both of you singing in pleasure together.” 
The man continued to tease at the other’s entrance, pushing his fingers inside and curling them against the spot that made everything go white behind his eyes. Ominis could feel him pulse around his fingers, smell the sweet scent of his release breaching over the surface slowly. In one smooth movement, he sunk himself into his love— you all finally becoming one. 
Sebastian had never felt so full. Every sense in his body was in overdrive, sparking and sizzling behind his tightly shut eyes like the brightest of stars. Constellations flowed around his mind like the rings of Saturn, dancing through his memories and filling every inch of his body with infatuation. You both used him for your own pleasure, bouncing on him and filling him with heavenly bliss. The room filled with the sounds of your love: high pitch whines, low groans, skin slapping against skin, everything sinful that made his heart stutter in his chest and more. He could feel his very being reaching out and grasping towards the both of his partners, ready to worship them as the celestial beings that you were. Ominis leaned over you, digging his teeth into the opposite shoulder that Sebastian had bitten and marking you once more. Both of you were his, no one else's. He put all of his frustration into his thrusts, grabbing onto your hips as they stuttered against the brunette’s and slamming you down in time with his own movements, filling you with an otherworldly level of revelry.
Growling, his teeth clenched together as sounds of lust spilled from his throat and cascaded down onto your skin, Ominis spoke between each thrust. "You're ours, Sebastian. Take it for us, I know you can. You feel so perfect, squeezing me just like that."
The freckled boy slapped at your thigh, lacing his fingers together with the blond’s as they grabbed at your love handles with enough strength to leave bruises. Whines spilled from your throat like the fountain of youth, seeping into your partner’s ears and silencing every negative thought that hid behind their amorous expressions. Each thrust filled him with unimaginable levels of pleasure, his orgasm rocketing closer and closer to spilling over the precipice and into the blissful chasm below. 
Sebastian stuttered against your shoulder, ecstasy piercing his brain each time your bouncing syncs with Ominis’ thrusts. “F-fuck— please can I c-cum? Please let me cum, I’ve been so good, please.” 
You could feel your own release building, sending blinding hot heat to your stomach and blacking out your vision into an incandescent infinity. The blond’s thrusts behind you were getting sloppy, his rhythm stuttering around his hips and his fingernails digging painfully into the skin of your flesh. Pants flew out of your mouths, each of you struggling against the tightening pressure in your lower bodies as you fought for more air. You nodded at the brunette, your voice long gone in the throes of pleasure, before slapping one of your hands over the two combined at your waist, tying the three of you together. 
Ominis whined, all his dominance shedding from his body only to be replaced with flustered indulgence. “Yes, cum for us, Sebastian. You’ve been so good— taking us so well. I want to feel you tighten around my cock as you release into them. Shit.”
At his words, everything in his brain was wiped away in a torrential downpour of heavenly euphoria— light flooding behind his eyes as his release exploded through his body, the both of his partner’s following soon after and sending the trio into the effervescent, enigmatic paradise. 
Bodies crashed atop of bodies, cum mingling together and turning cold against your hot, sweaty forms. Sebastian gasped for air, his everything beginning to give in to exhaustion from the constant pleasure and pain he had experienced at the hands of his loves. Ominis rolled off first, gently kissing you on the back of your exposed neck and lifting off of the brunette’s hips. The freezing cold water of the washcloth the blond had grabbed was absolutely amazing against your skin— all traces of your exuberant sex being wiped away with a caring, gentle hand. Ominis tossed the washcloth away without a care for where it landed, exhaustion seeping into his own bones. With the last of his strength, he tucked his two companions under the blankets of their bed, cuddling up against the back of Sebastian and wrapping his arms around your waist where you rested against the brunette’s chest. You slotted together like pieces of a puzzle, love swirling around your souls and pressing gentle kisses to the magic that hummed in your veins. 
Sebastian laughed breathily, sleep descending on him— he felt boneless, like years of his life had been swept away in the tides of contentment. His eyelids were heavy as he pressed his lips against your temple and the other’s wrist. “Marry me.” 
A soft grin stretched across your face, sleep whispering sweet nothings in your ears just as it was to your boys. “What did you say?”
He snuggled closer to your warmth, reaching for the other boy’s arm and tugging him flush to his back. “I said marry me. There’s no one else I want to be with. No more doubts, no more insecurity, no more jealousy— this is it for me. This is my future; you both are my future.” 
You hummed against his chest, the soothing sound of his heartbeat dragging you deeper and deeper into your slumber. “Let me think about it.” 
You pretended to ponder for a moment, listening carefully to the brunette’s heart and gauging how true his words were. The solid, steady beat of his heart never changed— every inch of his body oozing trust and love. You kissed the skin just above where the organ rested and prepared to speak, your smile dazzling like the brightest constellations before craning your neck slightly over Sebastian’s shoulder, looking at the snoozing blond and squeezing the hand around your waist. “What do you say, Ominis? Should we marry this stubborn mule of a man?” 
Ominis huffed, his own sleepy smile spreading across his cheeks as he squeezed the both of you closer to his chest. “As long as no one takes my last name, I think I’d be okay with that arrangement.” 
You giggled, light and airy like wind chimes on a summer day, running your fingers first through the hair of the blond just at the edge of your reach and then the brunette pressed close to you. “I suppose I’m okay with that, too.” 
You three would talk more about it in the morning, hash out all the details and ponder how one would even have a triumvirate wedding. But, until then, the blissful feeling of rest sweeped over the room, gently tucking each of the former Hogwarts students into the comforting arms of those that they love most in the world and filling their dreams with images of the future. 
For now, all was well. 
like what you read? here's more!
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Master List: Hogwarts Legacy (WIP)
Master List of my FanFics - mixture of fluff and smut, F!MC, and GN!MC
There are NSFW 🔞 posts -no minors please.
I am also on Ao3 as blueraineshadows 💜
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Garreth Weasley
Imelda Reyes (x F!MC)
Leander Prewett
Misc. & One Shots
Dark Betrayals Master List (Seb, Omi, F!MC)
Brothers Master List (Garreth Weasley)
Secrets of the Night Master List - Sebinis
Blood Bound Master List - Dark fic, angst, NSFW (Seb, Leander, F!MC)
Leander Prewett Basic Sketch
Dark Sebastian - He made his choice.
Garreth Weasley Sketch
Her Auror - Leander x F!MC from Blood Bound
Victor Rookwood sketch
Oscar and Trixie - OC art
Take Me Back to Eden - Vessel with the relic
Would you like to join our Discord? Hogwarts Legacy/Wizarding World theme. Over 18s only.
Send an Owl to myself, @slytherin-paramour or @eternalremorse for an invite 💌
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azrielya · 2 months
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Of my fanfics, definitely "The Three Options of a Harlot". I had never written fanfiction, nor any smut. And yet I wrote it like the house was on fire. Ended up with a 27 chapter fic finished in about about six weeks. And yes, I´ve done several editing rounds since then, because when I write I remain blind to my typos and grammary errors for a long time. But the story itself, is just what I intended.
About my few fanarts, there is two that I´m quite happy with. Not sure which one is better.
Young Victor Rookwood, taking over the Rookwood Gang (based on another fic of mine, "Devil wears a Top Hat") after his father´s suspicious death...
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Or. A heated meeting outside of The Three Broomsticks. For "Firewhiskey and Fiendfyre"
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ephemerasnape · 3 months
Devoutly Fanart Commission 💜
So pleased to present my latest commission based on a scene in my Victor Rookwood x Anne Sallow fanfic, Devoutly to be Wished.
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The artist did such an amazing job with all the little details! I am beyond pleased and already considering my next commission...
⇢ Read "Devoutly" on ao3. (Canon Continuation)
Audiovisual teaser beneath the cut... 🔞🥵🎩
Several people have reported that they didn't expect to like Devoutly, but now they're hooked. Thanks for giving it a chance! Devoutly is a lot different from my other works as it is a lot more plot than smut, and very meaningful to me on many levels.
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slytherinsomniari · 1 year
A Twisted Kind of Love| Part One| Possessive! Sebastian Sallow x F! Reader x Victor Rookwood
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x F! Reader x Victor Rookwood
Summary: You are trying to live a normal life to the best of your ability after you graduated from Hogwarts 2 years ago but a figure from your past is preventing you from doing so. After being in Azkaban for 5 years, Sebastian is back and he is taking what he wants–you. 
Word Count: 3211
Themes: Consent issues, Dubious consent, Aged up characters, Smut, Punishment, Imperius Curse, Cock dumb, Mindfuck, Sexual Slavery, Sexual Tension
A/N: Holy shit guys, I did not expect to ever make something like this but here I am. This is my first dark fic so I am not sure how it will go down but I was so inspired by @ragepuffdraws art of Sebastian escaping Azkaban and using Imperio on Ominis that I just had to write something. This is a 2 part series (also my first time doing one) so buckle up. 
|Part One| Part Two|
The evening breeze felt nice against your face, blowing your hair to the left slightly and ruffling your nightgown as you basked in its embrace. It was peaceful here, something you greatly needed. You had moved to a small wizarding hamlet far from Hogwarts after graduation as it still pained you to look at the castle. Everything had changed when Sebastian had killed Solomon. You had been a child at the time, only 15 and you were frightened and didn’t know what to do. Your best friend–the guy you secretly loved–killed someone. He had meant to defend himself, but of all the spells he had chosen Avada Kedavra–the Killing Curse. Hearing how you reacted, how you bawled your eyes out hysterically at the result of Sebastian’s actions, Ominis felt that the only way to make him pay was to send him to Azkaban. 
And so he did. He had sent his best friend from childhood to a horrific prison while he was left to pick up the pieces with you. The two of you were devastated, but you leaned on each other and tried to claw your way through the rest of your time at Hogwarts. The two of you graduated feeling not entirely better, but better enough to attempt to move on with your lives–no matter how broken you guys still were on the inside. You moved to a hamlet and made money by exploring and selling the things you hunted and found or made while Ominis moved out of his parents’ house and into a place near Hogwarts, training to become the next Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. It wasn’t what you had in mind before, but this way of life allowed you to take your mind off everything while simultaneously trying to heal.
Peeling yourself from the window, you close it and turn around, making your way to your lights to turn them off and get ready for bed. Just as you are about to do this, you hear a knock on your door. Frowning, you walk towards the door, not expecting anyone at this time but heading to answer nonetheless. You open the door and a man steps in quickly, shutting and locking the door behind him. On your guard, you look for something to defend yourself with when you suddenly realize who it is. Standing in front of you was, of all people, Sebastian. 
He was still in his prison uniform but it had taken some damage as there were tears on his right sleeve where dried blood formed. There was also dried blood on his hands and face, as if he had fought for his life to break out. He had a dangerous look in his eyes. Something had changed greatly in him. It was to be expected as he had been in Azkaban for the past 5 years but he seemed like a completely different person. He was no longer the lanky boy you had gone to school with. The man who stood in front of you was a more muscular, more mature version of the boy you knew. He had grown taller and you could see the muscles nearly tearing through his shirt. His chest peeked out a bit, letting you briefly glimpse his chiseled body underneath. 
“Sebastian! What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in Azkaban!” You exclaim, terrified of the implications of him being here. If he’s here, what did he do to escape? What was he doing here in front of you? How he escaped was the real question, one whose answer you weren’t sure you wanted to know.
“I know, love. I couldn’t stop thinking of you when I was trapped in that horrid place. The dementors ate away at almost all of my happy thoughts, but I didn’t let them get any of the ones with you. Oh, Y/N, I missed you so much! You wouldn’t leave my mind while I was there, you were the only thing keeping me sane. Your face hasn’t left my thoughts–nor has your body. We were meant to be together, and I intend to do just that.” The pain and sorrow in his eyes turn to hunger as he looks at you, approaching you slowly and making you flinch, backing away from him.
“Sebastian, I love you but this can’t happen. It broke me when you were sent to Azkaban, truly. But you are not yourself right now. We can discuss this when you have calmed down.”
Your comments are ignored as he continues, “Every thought I had was of what I was going to do to you once I found you. I want to feel your lips on mine, your breasts in my hands and my dick inside you. I want to hear you scream my name as I fuck you until you beg for me to stop.”
Your back hits a wall as he finishes his last sentence, leaving you nowhere to run. Your face heats up just as you start to tremble out of fear and desire. Speechless, you can do nothing as he continues towards you. He finally reaches you and caresses your cheek with one hand slowly and gently, as if he was his normal self. But you knew better. You saw the danger that emanated from his body. His other hand is placed on the wall, keeping you in his trap. His thumb moves across your bottom lip, opening your mouth as he presses his lips to yours without warning, letting his hand move to the other side of you on the wall. He completely dominates you and you struggle to move against him. He intensifies the kiss, trying to deprive you of air and make you dizzy and weak for him. You try to move but he has you fixed to the wall. Seeing you become desperate for air and your eyes start to blur, he pins you to the wall with his knee, rubbing it right up against your pulsing area. You let out a strangled moan against his lips and feel something wet beginning to form down there.  
Realization hits you just as it hits him. You finally pull away from his lips in shock, gasping for air as your mind reels. A smirk forms on his lips and he knees you back and forth, teasing your aching pussy. Somehow, he knows where exactly to place his knee as he continues to rub up against the right spot.
“I knew you were ready for me. You have always been waiting for me, waiting for me to defile you, haven’t you?”
A lewd moan comes out of you as your head falls back, compelling you to grab onto him and grind against his knee in desperation. The pressure mounting inside you becomes too much to bear and with the combination of that and your repressed longing for him, you release with a suppressed whimper. A moist fluid leaks from your legs and dribbles onto the ground, thoroughly pleasing him.
“I-I can’t bear it any longer. Fuck me Sebastian, please.” Tears form in your eyes as you struggle with the two different sides of you. One side tells you to run but the other side is telling you to stay. If you run you might make it out in one piece, but if you stay, he will do Merlin knows what to you. A tiny part of you wanted to know, and that frightened you.
“Don’t worry, I will fuck you so hard the only person you will think of is me. I will be the only one in your thoughts–the only one you come crawling back to for more.”
Taking his knee off of you, Sebastian lifts up the bottom of your nightgown and looks over at your wet, cum-stained legs. You were ready for him. He put his plan into motion, violently tearing your gown apart, leaving it in discarded shreds on the floor. Your naked form shakes and your nipples harden, giving him even more reason to take you. He lifts you into his arms bridal style and carries you to your bedroom, sprawling your body out on the bed. He has no need to, but he closes your bedroom door and locks it, creating an even smaller prison for you–one that you cannot escape from. He glances in a mirror and sees his appearance, noticing the blood stains all over his clothes and face. With a quick motion of his wand, the stains disappear, leaving a clean face and body in its wake.
Putting his wand aside, he removes his shirt, showing his new body in all its glory. His muscles pulse in anticipation and you drink the view in. Next, he removes his pants and you can’t help but gasp as you observe just how big he is. He notices and gazes back at you with predatory eyes, marking you out as his prey. Deliberately moving in a slow manner, he grabs his wand and eventually makes his way to you and gets on the bed, placing the wand on the bedside table and moving himself to be on top of you. In a moment of clarity, you try to cry out, try to stop him, but you find that you are unable to. His body is rock solid, almost as if it is made of goblin metal. He looms over you undaunted and pries your legs open, revealing your needy, wet cunt. He positions himself at your entrance, waiting for the right moment to strike. Your breathing gets heavier as you realize what he is about to do and you inhale as you feel his member almost inside you. You fight your instinct to pull him to you, to lower yourself onto him and feel his giant cock inside you as your walls cling onto him for dear life while he fucks you into oblivion. You fight against your longing for him to take his hand and place it at your clit and watch as he pumps it in and out while simultaneously pleasing you in other ways. It was getting to be too much. Just one more push and you would be done for. 
“I have been waiting so long for this” Sebastian says darkly, and with that, he plunges into you. You let out a pained whimper, trapped between the lust and joy of being one with him and with the sad fact that you did not want him like this. You wanted him when he was happy–when he was as carefree as he was as a student and the only thing that worried him was trying to find a safe way to cure Anne. You wanted him as a kind and caring boy who would have done all that you wanted and more. That boy was gone, however, and he was never coming back. He was replaced with a stranger–a strange dominant man who took what he wanted, consequences be damned. This new man’s touch felt so good though. So intoxicating. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you let him have you…Despite warning yourself, your body was responding to his touch as if it had a mind of its own. Your body grinded with him instinctively and wouldn’t stop until he finished what he came for. 
“...Stop…” He could barely hear your low voice over his grunts as he thrusts ferociously into you. Your face scrunches up in agony. It was getting harder and harder for you to endure his treatment of you, making your defenses slowly crumble down. How could you resist something that felt so good? That felt so right? You couldn’t bite back a moan in time and it escapes, ringing out for both of you to hear. Laughing, he nuzzles your neck and kisses it, biting down on it after a moment. He sucks on it, running his tongue on it before removing his mouth. Keeping his hands occupied, he grabs your breasts and fondles them, pawing them and holding them tight. They were so round, so soft and pleasant in his hands. He rubs circles on your nipples, stimulating you and drawing out a pathetic mewl from you. 
He thought it was so adorable. He found the sight of you squirming beneath him all too tantalizing and hard to withstand. He knew you couldn’t hold out for long against him, he could see it in your eyes. He had made the final touches for his plan and watched as you buckled under his purposeful, arousing touch. 
It pained you to resist him, so instead your body made the decision for you. With your back arched and head thrown back, you came with a hideously loud moan. Your fluid leaked out, spreading from your legs onto the bed. It embarrassed you to be caught in his trap like this but the pleasure was too much–too much that it utterly took over your senses. You began to believe it–began to believe that you had been destined to be his since before you had even met. You couldn’t believe how you had acted before. Your body belonged to him and he was only taking what was owed to him. You should have tried pleasing him in any way possible to make it right. You should have let him punish you severely, let him have his way with you for days on end without rest until he was satisfied. Try as you might to do otherwise, you end up submitting yourself to him.
“Don’t stop” You slurred, losing control of yourself. Sensitive from your release, your body tingled and overrode your mind. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad it didn’t matter where he had been or what he had done. The only thing that mattered was that you wanted him to use you and fill you until there was nothing of you left. 
The chains were already in place. Twisting your desire, he made you bend to his will. You became his obedient slave and gave in to your passion, forgetting the rest of the world around you. Your face lost its previous contorted look and took on one of ultimate bliss. You started moaning a lot more openly now, showing him that you were taking just as much pleasure in it as he was. Showing him that he had won. Sebastian grinned, pleased with your submission and gave you a kiss–a kiss that you eagerly accepted. 
“That’s my girl. You were made for me Y/N. Don’t you feel how perfectly you wrap around my cock?”
Mumbling, you reply, “Mhm. You feel so good inside me, Sebastian.”
You wrapped your arms around his back, hugging him close to you, making sure he wouldn’t leave you as you willingly gave yourself to him. 
He put his mouth to your ear, saying in a titillating tone, “It’s going to feel a whole lot better from here on out, love. Be a good girl and take it.”
Sebastian renewed his plunder of you gradually increasing the power of his assault, but this time you whole-heartedly enjoyed it. Each thrust sent shivers through your body and as they did, you did your best to please him. You kissed his chest, worshiping his muscular body while it pounded into you. Moving on from his chest, you went to his neck and kissed it, letting your tongue run on it before placing your mouth close to his ear so he could hear you moan. He so adored listening to you moan while he made you his. It was the sound he had been dreaming of ever since he went to Azkaban–and now he was hearing it and was the direct cause of it. 
Body rolling into his, you felt your orgasm build up and you rode the high as he stimulated you with each move. You clawed at his back and held him tight, screaming his name as you came. His thrusts were inhumane at that point, as if he was trying to break you completely. The pain and pleasure mixed into one as you let your cum run onto Sebastian’s dick and down your legs. Your arms fell back onto the bed and your head hit the pillow as you steadily lost strength. To teach you a lesson, he didn’t allow himself to cum until a while later, not until he had made you orgasm once more. By then, you were just a mix of moans and whimpers as you lost all thought and movement in your body. It shook almost violently while he took you. You were so coated in your own fluid that every time he moved in you it made a wet, slimy sound. 
Finally reaching his peak, he came in you as your body pathetically tried to grind with him, spraying his enormous load inside you. You moaned, feeling the heavy gift he left inside you, and thanked him silently. With your cunt wrecked like nothing else, he thrusted into you for his last rounds, not wanting to leave you and wanting to make sure his seed was so far in you that you wouldn’t be able to get it out. He kissed you, still dominant but with more of a loving touch to his lips. You weakly returned it and smiled. He grinded his body into yours leisurely, enticing your body to wake up and grind back into his as you tremble. A few tortured sounds came out of you as your body ached and yet wanted more. Pleased with himself, he removes himself from you, watching his penis come out of you completely covered in a mixture of your guys’ cum. Moving to a sitting position next to you, he began to think.
He kept replaying the beautiful moments you two had shared. He had you. He had his way with you and it felt wonderful. You felt wonderful. Nothing was going to be the same now. Now that he was out of Azkaban, he was free. And he wasn’t going to let go of you now–not when he just found you and made you his.
“I love you, Sebastian” A frail voice said, not recognizing that it was your own.
“I love you too, Y/N. I always have.”
You laid there in a trembling, crumpled heap of used up desire. Your mind no longer registered the events leading up to the moment, only focusing on the pleasure you received from Sebastian. He made you feel so good, made you feel so many things you never felt before. You loved him. You needed him. You wanted him to ravage you again, to fuck you non-stop in so many different ways but your body gave out and you felt the pull of slumber. Just as you did with Sebastian, you gave in, permitting yourself to sink into the depths of the abyss.
Head turning towards you, Sebastian looks at you while you sleep peacefully and declares, “You will never leave me, dear. I will make sure of that.” With those words, he grabs his wand and points it at you, saying the one word you wouldn’t have wanted to hear–what you would have ran from had you been conscious and in control of your mind.
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jecksaa · 11 months
Not His Idea
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On the Second day of Kinkmas, I apologize for Rookwood smut. But i had fun writing this one. Prompt was Size Kink word count is - 1.7k Enjoy! and a friendly reminder MDNI, please only read if 18+ as always.
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“fuck…” a sigh left Victor’s throat as he slumped in his high winged back armchair; it had been a rough few weeks, every one of his plans were being foiled by a fucking child. His men were useless, half of them dead the second the insolent child laid eyes on them. The child’s magic was growing, and his army was depleting, Victor was at the end of his tether with losing. He needed a plan, a fool proof plan to either turn them or be rid of them once and for all. First, he needed a clear mind to think, he needed her, writhing around him, screaming his name. That would make him feel better. Victor looked over the encampment, it was loud, the men and women were drinking their troubles away, their loses, their hard efforts. She was drinking alone in a vacant corner of the tent, long jet-black hair swept over one shoulder, a sorrowing look in her eyes, he felt if he had a heart it would break for her, for all of them. He took up the space next to her, leaning against one of the support beams. She was considerably smaller than him, which suited Victor perfectly. She was normally feisty, but the second his cock was deep within her, she was a tiny needy mess. “Penny for your thoughts?” A small smirk tugged at Victors lips. “That joke got old after the first time, Victor.” A smirk to mimic his. “Apologies, Penny. You smiled though.” She let out a small sigh, looking up at Victor with her bright green eyes, the same ones that sometimes haunt his dreams, dreams of watching the life fade from them by someone else hands and not his. Not that he would want to kill her, but the idea had crossed his mind once, or twice while she was choking on his cock. He could just wrap his hands around her pretty little throat, squeeze tight enough that her airways would be cut off and the light would slowly fade from those beautiful green eyes. “Can I help you, Sir?” A hit of sarcasm in her tone. “Actually, I do believe you can. Follow me.” Victor gestured with his finger for her to obediently follow, she does. ~~~ Victor led her to his own quarters, a larger room in the encampment. The warmth from the fireplace filled the space, Victor shed his long dark blue trench coat letting it hit the floor, his black top hat thrown across the room. Her hands came from behind, unlooping the buttons on his dark maroon vest. He turned to face her, his hand grazing her cheek, moving into her loose hair, his fingers interlocking and gripping hard. Penny winces at the pain, but her eyes are begging him to take her. Victor pulls her head back so their eyes lock, looming over her, his lips just brushing against hers, a soft mewl lingered between them. “Kneel!” Victor commanded. Her bright doe eyes, the wet sheen to her lips, the way she slowly knelt before him, her fingers unclasping his trousers. She pulled them down just low enough that he was freed, her hands grasped the base of his thick cock, she dragged her tongue slowly up his shaft, her mouth wrapped around the tip. Her tongue danced over the sensitive head, slowly sucking in her cheeks. Eye contact never breaking, Penny pulled her head back, a string of saliva mixed with pre-cum connected her delicate lips to his throbbing cock. Victor needed more, his hand still tangled in her hair, grip tightening he pulled her back so her mouth, and her throat took him completely.
Soft sobs muffled by the entirety of Victor, her tongue dragging along the underside of his cock. Low, deep grunts catching in his throat, her mouth felt good, but her cunt would feel better. He wanted to savor this moment for just a bit longer though, she was never this obedient. Normally she is running her mouth, fighting with anyone who looked at her wrong. With her it was always a power play, her stature was well under half of his own, but he was sure that’s what made everyone terrified of her, she could easily kill a man three times her size, but when it came Victor, her fight was becoming less and less each time. She would never admit to herself that she loved this just as much as he did. Who was he kidding, he would never admit it either. The moans that vibrated against his skin sent shivers up his spine, the hand intertwined with her hair pulled her in as far as her throat would allow, he almost let his head roll back in pleasure. He just needed a few seconds of watching her choke on his cock before pulling her off. Penny tried to stifle the coughing, tears staining her slightly reddened cheeks, she wiped the mixed-up saliva from around her mouth. “Good girl!” A pleased hum from Victor.
A needy whimper escaping her, he pulled her up by the tangled mess that was now her hair. Slowly releasing her, his fingers trailed over the buttons of her blouse, undoing them as he went. She tugged the shirt off behind her, he took in the sight of her bare breasts before him. His hands unclasped her skirt fasteners, letting it fall and crumple on the floor. Tugging at the small little bow that was keeping her undergarments in place, his fingers slipping in-between the soft cotton and her warm skin, pulling them down till they fell. Victor grabbed her hand walking backwards, pulling her towards the bed, her feet stepping out of the slightly damp material. His calves bumping against the wooden frame, her hands pulling at his clothes. Vest thrown across the room, shirt tossed over her head, trousers lay at his ankles, her palm lay flat against his chest. Giving a soft push, Victor’s back hitting the soft mattress, kicking the remainder of his trousers off. Penny slowly climbed atop Victor, giving a tantalizing lick over the head of his cock before settling her hips just above his now aching length. Her hand gripped him tightly as she adjusted herself, the tip pressed against her opening, slowly rubbing against the wetness between her legs. Victor’s hands ran up her thighs, they settled on each side of her hips. Her skin was soft, and warm, delicate for a criminal like her. The sensation was maddening, his fingers dug into her skin, pulling himself into her sharply. Hissing at the feeling of her tight walls clenching around him, her abrupt screams filling the room. He didn’t stop there, thrusting into her, the rhythm was harsh, rough, making sure her screams never faded.
It wasn’t enough, Victor pulled out of her wetness, a needy moan left her lips before he situated himself behind her. The palm of his hand pressed into her back, forcing her hands to support her on the bed, his free hand slid to pull her hips up. Pressing the head of his cock against her core, he plunged deep within her, running the hand back to her other hip and pulling her further against him. Her moans becoming desperate, his pace was rougher, demanding. Her cunt was more than willing to obey the demand, it tightened around him, her body began to shake from her own release. Her slick coating his length, making it easier to fuck her. He felt her body begin to go limp. Leaning into her ear, he whispered. “Not finished yet.” Victor’s hand slipped round her throat, pulling her into his chest, gripping tighter with each thrust into her tight, wet cunt. Her strangled moans barely audible, her breathing started to stagger. His mouth nibbled on her ear, grazing down her neck before sinking his teeth into her shoulder. A pained screamed began to leave her before his hand tightened again, tilting her head back a bit further, he could now see her eyes, the tears that streamed from them. The most beautiful fucking mess he ever had the pleasure of creating. “You are such a good little whore for me!” A deep purr in her ear. Her walls tightened around his cock again, her hands were clawing at his thighs, her nails digging into his skin. She felt incredible, completely soaked just for him. Victor felt his own climax creeping up on him, he needed her to come again, to come with him. His free hand softly kneaded her breasts before running his fingers down the side of her ribs. Grabbing hold of her hip again, his hips hammered into her. He watched her eyes begin to roll to the back of her head, he wasn’t finished yet. His fingers moving to her clit, rubbing small circles into the sensitive nub. “Y-yes, ple-ease!” His hand still holding firm on her throat, it was as much as she could muster through the desperate screams of pleasure. Victor’s cock began to twitch at her pleas, his hips snapping into her overstimulated cunt, her strangled screams were like music to his ears. His release flowed and filled her entirely, her body shaking at her own climax. His hand releasing her, her breathing shallow and deep. He pulled his length from her and watched her fall to the bed, his own breath catching up to him. The view that befell him, was that of a dream. Her fucked into bliss, his cum spilling from in-between her legs, her neck bruising nicely with his own hand print.
He fell beside her, now realizing how sweaty and worn out he was, a heavy sigh catching in his throat. “Something wrong, Victor?” Penny’s breathing was still settling. “Just the usual.” “You fuck me like that, and you are still thinking of the child?” Penny propped herself up, elbow pressed into the mattress. “I just, I am at my wits end with them. They are a pain I need to be rid of, or I need them to join us.” Victor was trying to not sound defeated. “Kidnap them then… make them listen to you… You are Victor Rookwood after all!” Victor looked at her in awe, how had he not thought of that. Victor Rookwood, the leader of the Rookwood Gang, the most notorious dark wizard in all of Europe… and a tiny, fucked out whore of a woman, just gave him the best idea he had ever heard.
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lovisarayne · 1 year
Random plot bunny birth:
Smut one-shot of MC in a three-way with Victor Rookwood and...
Wait for it...
Think I could pull that off?? Any thoughts? 👀
It popped up in my head after reading the smut fic of MC/Rookwood/Harlow.
Victor seems like the type to have a harem so why not 🤷🏻‍♀️
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lara-kaminari · 9 months
You wanna see a magic trick?
Abracadabra ✨️
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A fair exchange - Lara_Kaminari
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