saladpride · 2 years
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Still perfecting the #glutenfree bread for @sun.and.seed #glutenfreebread #glutenfreevegan #glutenfreeuk #bread #veganbread #sorghumflour #glutenfreerecipes #glutenfreelife (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdgOwO5MqaR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fruityvegita · 2 months
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mycthefirefly · 4 months
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I got an apple bread for my birthday this year.
W Shifu says, for spiritual cultivators, every day is our birthday.
Happy birthday! We're getting older every day! Seize the day and do good!
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leva1 · 1 year
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Here's an easy recipe for delicious banana bread:
3 ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
3/4 cup sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.
In a mixing bowl, combine mashed bananas, melted butter, baking soda, and salt.
Stir in sugar, beaten egg, and vanilla extract.
In a separate bowl, sift together flour and baking powder. Gradually add to the banana mixture and mix until just blended.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan.
Bake for 60 to 65 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean.
Remove from oven and let cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
Enjoy your fresh, homemade banana bread!
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caavakushi · 1 year
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Did you know some breads are not vegan? You can find I hope variety of different vegan breads on the Caavakushi Vegan Search Engine 🔎🌱🍞
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地粉パン教室 2回目(1回目は記録できず) ・ 10月の地粉パン教室は 地粉を知ることと二次発酵が課題。 南部地粉、チクゴイズミ、農林61号を比較しました。 ・ オニオンロールパン シナモンロールパン 甘酒パン おまけの角切りシュガーパン でした🥖 副菜2品、スープ、デザートで モリモリお腹いっぱい どのクラスも楽しい時間でした! ご参加ありがとうございました🙏 ・ どの粉も、特性を生かして、おいしい。 形は不恰好でも、愛情のかたまりのパンは、きっと家族が喜ぶパンです。 ぜひこの機会に挑戦してみてくださいね。 ・ また来月もお待ちしております! ・ #料理教室チャノマ #地粉パン教室 #地粉 #中力粉 #南部地粉 #チクゴイズミ #農林61号 #白崎茶会 #白崎裕子 #かんたんパンレシピ #シラサキパン #organic #plantbased #veganbread (Kagoshima Prefecture) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkINOEuvNwf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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masalavegan · 2 years
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Hope everyone’s Sunday is going well 💚 My Weekend Haul from the local deli @coccoroccodeli & the amazing Sonia, who always has lots of vegan options 🌱 I managed to get a whole bunch of vegan goodies including Brasserie Sourdough Bread & Baguette 🥖 🍞 🥖 Vegan Nougat, Chocolate coated Almonds, Dark Chocolate Macadamia & Hazelnuts Also, dark Chocolate Orange Energy Balls from @addictionfoodaustralia 😋 #veganbread #masalavegan #sydneyvegan#supportalocalbusiness #northernbeaches #kindfood #kindness #vegannougat #masalavegan #sourdough #veganbaguette #almonds #macadamia #veganchocolate #hazelnut #crueltyfree #veganfortheplanet #veganfortheanimals (at Forestville, New South Wales, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9L26iJaA8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shbakes-blog · 2 years
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Late night baking tomorrow bread - soy milk white toast and raisins orange peels loaf 😋 今晚烘了纯素豆浆白吐司和葡萄干橙皮面包,明天早上餐有得选择😋 #soymilk #veganbread #vegan #raisinsbread #orangepeel #shokupan #白吐司 #葡萄干吐司 #candyorangepeel #breakfast https://www.instagram.com/p/CgcAZjtvn1y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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williechou · 2 years
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接續著上一篇的他她咖啡, 結束後就到附近走走逛逛, 然後就來到成功路上丹丹漢堡身後這間 「 憨吉胖 」, 這名字讓我覺得很可愛, 但又有種樸拙的感覺。 原本以為就只是間平凡的小小烘焙坊, 也只能外帶, 但進去後, 跟老闆娘小聊一下後, 才發現這又是一家素食者的天堂, 而且他比之前的吃貨製造所的素食等級又更高, 因為她是無蛋無奶的素食烘焙坊, 所以可以讓更多素食者有更多的選擇。 不僅他的麵包麵糰是素食的, 他的原料方面也是嚴選過的, 像是我這次到店時, 正好是他們的桑椹季, 而他們的桑椹來源就是用植物友善的工法去栽種, 整個就是各種友善啊! 然後我就不要臉的問了闆娘可不可以內用, 想不要居然可以, 於是就點了幾樣感興趣, 還有闆娘推薦的品項跟方式來吃吃。 |馬鈴薯蘑菇鹹派 / 加熱回烤 菇類的香氣非常明顯及特殊, 不知道是加了什麼香料(闆娘說是義大利香料), 我吃不太出來說, 但是得說的是他的餡炒得很香, (闆娘說除了馬鈴薯、蘑菇,還加了花椰菜等材料在裡面) 是那種吃完後, 嘴裡還會殘留著香菇餘韻的那種, 甚至會有種鮮味。 而且由於是無蛋無奶的緣故, 一般鹹派內是用蛋奶液來作為內餡, 我就不太知道是用什麼材料了, 但他口感跟蛋奶來做的非常不一樣, 他的是比較鬆的口感, 但是又不會散掉。 |桑椹派 / 冷藏狀態 闆娘建議水果系列的派可以在冷藏冰涼的狀態就直接吃, 所以當然要照推薦的方式來吃啊, 我用木刀切的時候, 就可以感受到派皮的酥度, 不是軟軟的, 是會有點硬度的酥感。 切開後可以看到裡面被填滿了滿滿的桑椹果醬, 而且不是水水的那種質地, 而是整個被濃縮到接近沒有液態感的狀態, 但你還是可以吃到微微的果肉感, 沒有熬煮到整個果肉化掉的程度。 但一口咬下, 原本以為會是甜味跟桑椹味道會很明顯, 但出乎意料的算清爽嗎? 好像是欸, 因為他的桑椹風味沒有到過於強烈, 是舒服不厚重的那種, 搭配著不帶有過於甜的派皮, 或是你也可以說是沒有甜味的派皮, 來吃剛好有口感跟味道上的互補與平衡。 *闆娘說他們內餡是直接用桑椹拌了一些砂糖, 然後直接放入派皮裡面下去烤, 而不是用桑椹果醬下去做, 所以他才會那麼有口感, 跟不過於甜膩。 |可可布朗尼 雖然說是布朗尼, 但他吃起來更像是磅蛋糕跟黑糖糕這兩種口感的綜合體, 咬下時有磅蛋糕的鬆軟, 而咀嚼時又像是黑糖糕的紮實Q彈感, 但是是鬆的,不是緊實的, 加在裡面的堅果跟果乾也讓口感跟味道豐富不少, 吃起來完全不會有負擔。 🍠:台南市國華街四段11號 FB:憨吉胖 IG:憨吉胖 #憨吉胖 #台南美食 #手作烘焙 #全素麵包 #素食麵包 #小農水果 #季節水果甜點 #手作甜點 #手作麵包 #桑椹派 #可可布朗尼 #馬鈴薯蘑菇鹹派 #quiche #fruitpie #北極是吃貨 #chocobrownie #vegan #vegetarian #veganbread #vegandessert #popyummy #poptainan #pop台南 #台南麵包店 (在 憨吉胖) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfK4Ka9v0pl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bakerycafekoaa · 2 years
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This week’s special bread 雑穀食パン【VG】 20種類の雑穀入り、プラントベースの食パンです。 前処理として雑穀をお粥状にしてありますので、結果的に大変高加水なパンに仕上がります。 栄養価も高く消化も良い、身体に優しいパンです! 朝食にこのパンを食べて、鬱陶しい梅雨を乗り切りましょう。 HPで毎週のラインナップご確認出来ます! ご予約も承ります。 もちろんご予約無しでも! 皆さまのご来店、心よりお待ちしております♪ #営業日は毎週土曜日 #営業時間は11時から17時半 #ausgezeichneteauswahl #選りすぐり #国産小麦 #手作りにこだわっています #薔薇酵母 #hpからご予約できます #今週のおすすめパン #koaa #veganbread (KOaA こあ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CenyY5ivmqD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cut-clap · 7 months
hi guys its me veganbread i have infiltrated vee's account muahahahahaha
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fruityvegita · 2 months
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daprosy · 10 months
Hey i saw the thing u sent to veganbread, do you want me to tag the art i made of 90 with that as well? I really really dont want to make you feel uncomfortable- (soso sorry because it already has:c)
the reason i never asked you to because that's like your ultimate comfort character afaik and i'd feel really bad if i made you tag your cc :,)
if you reeeeeeeally want to you can! i won't stop you.
i've actually really been wanting to look at your art cause ik you draw but i also. am scared lawl.
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srflowerbakery · 2 years
For just $29.99 Looking for a different Organic PALEO Bread Option - LOOK NO MORE!! Homemade, Vegan, Gluten Free English biscuit square with plump organic raisins. Enjoy this hearty , wholesome, slightly sweet bread toasted with topping of choice (jam/butter) or straight from package on the go. No refined Oils No refined Sugars Buckwheat flour- Super grain All ingredients Organic, Non GMO. Gluten Free Dairy Free Egg Free Paleo Complient No refined sugar Nut Free School Safe Ingredients: Organic Buckwheat Flour, Organic Coconut Sugar, Organic Unsweetened Coconut Milk, Olive Oil, Organic Unsulfured Seedless Raisins, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Baking Soda, Organic Himalayan Pink Salt. 56 grams each, 2 oz. individually wrapped for freshness. Ingredient label provided Nutritional facts available - please contact me Stays fresh 1-2 weeks and freeze for 3 months. Perfect Grab & go breakfast option as well. Gift box available- see ordering 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞 Bee Well Bakery LLC is NOW PREORDERING for Christmas, New Years 2022, Weddings, Corporate Events, School Fundraisers, Catering!! Save your date!! **ORDERS are MADE FRESH- Please allow 1-3 days in addition to shipping days. Bee Well Bakery LLC [email protected] Facebook: Sally Wheeler Facebook Business page: https://www.facebook.com/beewellbakery https://www.etsy.com/shop/SallysEssentialOils https://www.facebook.com/groups/www.beewellbakeryvipclub Pinterest – Bee Well Bakery Instagram - #beewellbakery Naturally, Homemade Products for Wellness GLUTEN FREE *VEGAN *ORGANIC Baked Goods www.etsy.com/shop/SallysEssentialOils USPS is EXPERIENCING Larger than normal DELAYS. Please preorder all holiday items. We ALWAYS do my part to get sealed, FRESH, baked goods out in a timely manner. Bee Well Bakery LLC Provides tracking and is NOT responsible for any LOST/LATE packages. ALL ORDERS WILL BE SENT 1 WEEK PRIOR TO EVENT DATE & OVERNIGHT / 2 DAY SHIPPING IS AVAILABLE with an ADDITIONAL FEE, please inquire for ...
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endless-joy · 2 years
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🇱🇻 ŠOKOLĀDES BIEŠU MAIZE 🍫 Biete - viens unikāls sakņu dārzenis, kuru var izmantot visa rudens un visas ziemas garumā kā sāļajos, tā saldajos ēdienos, turklāt tas visbiežāk piešķir novembrim tik tradicionālo sārto nokrāsu.🇱🇻 . 🍁 Kā ik katru gadu, arī šajā novembrī vēlējos iesākt Patriotu nedēļu ar kāda bietēm pildīta ēdiena recepti. 🍠 Zinu, ka klasiskā bietes garša ne kuram katram patīk, bet to šeit pilnīgi noteikti nevar sajust. Šeit biete vairāk piešķir sulīgumu, savukārt kakao to padara par īsteni šokolādīgu desertu. 🍫 Var griezt šķēlēs un baudīt tāpat vai arī papildināt ar zemesriekstu sviestu, ievārījumu vai jebko citu, ko vien sirds kāro. . 🍁 Pilnu recepti atradīsi agnesezimele.com - saite profilā! . . . 🇺🇸 CHOCOLATE BEETROOT BREAD 🍫 Beetroot is one of the most versatile root vegetables that can be used almost all year long in both sweet and savory foods. 🍠 This time, I decided to mix it with some cacao and make a very moist, dense, and sweet chocolate bread. 🍫 It’s high in fiber and other wholesome ingredients, but tastes like a total chocolate dessert. . 🍁 INGREDIENTS: wet - 1 banana, 2 medium cooked beets, 3 tbsps coconut oil, 1/3 cup maple syrup, 150ml water; dry - 1 cup oat flour, 1 cup wheat flour, 1/2 cup cacao, a pinch of salt . 🍁 RECIPE: trow all the wet ingredients into a food processor and blend them well. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients and gently fold them into the batter. 🥣 Heat up the oven up to 200*C. In the meantime, grease a baking form and pour the batter into it, evening out the top part. 🍞 Put the baking form into the oven for about 10min, then lower the temperature to 180* and let the bread bake for another 10min. Take it out of the oven and let it cool down a bit. 🥧 Enjoy it just like it is or spread some peanut butter and jelly on top. . . . #breakfastmakes #veganfood #foodblogger #veganbreakfast #vegandessert #chocolatebread #beetroot #beetrootbread #veganbread #vegānisks #veganlatvia #gatavomājās #patriotunedēļa #18novembris #latvija #šokolādesrecepte #šokolāde #brokastis #tasirvegānisks (at Rezekne) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWFhi74Mgpn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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veganrecipebox · 3 years
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DOUBLE RHUBARB DREAM LOAF WITH RHUBARB BUTTER ★ A snack to go with tea or to give you that extra boost of energy to get you through the day. This rhubarb loaf is the perfect vegan dessert.
214kcal // $3.89 per bowl
Recipe and photo: Real Ordinary Food
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