twitter-hikari · 2 years
iele 2
"Kitten!" Nana's head whips up from where she'd been staring down the Cloud Officer Ottavio and she beams.
"Coronis!" She skips across the hall and down the stairs, hovering happily out of his reach before coming in and grabbing at his sleeve and tugging it gently in the different direction where she knows that Hotaru is pinging around the walls under Rulsalka's direction. "Hotaru and I wanted to show you something, come on."
Ottavio watches as Nana Sato scatters mooks around her wake, the fierce Sun Coronis....tame and soft under her fingers. There's something extra there, and he's feeling the itch of want and irritation. What kind of Quality let an unNamed girl bring him to heel?
Nana thinks that it's a stupid idea when Coronis tells her he's got another mission and she would like for Coronis to stay and give his attention to her, her and Hotaru. It's a wall of warmth that she likes to have at her back, Hotaru at her side and vibrating to be out and attacking. Coronis watches her and sighs, reaching down to ruffle her hair.
"Okay, come and pack. you're going to drive yourself up the wall Kitten, you need to sharpen your claws against someone other than the Cloud squad." She brightens and then leaps up the stairs, reaching out for Hotaru and dragging her behind. Hotaru went out with Rulsalka lots, but Nana hasn't been out of the Varia Compound and yes, she did want what Coronis had promised her, the power and respect and drive of a job completed and the respect but she craved to not be boxed in by walls and rules in an equal ferocity that surprised her when they finally stepped out of the front gates.
Tyr ignored Coronis when the Sun appeared in his office. He ignored him until the sounds of wine in a glass reached him and he raised a hand, expecting the deposited weight and sipping. "What do you want from me now Coronis?"
The red-head scoffed, dropping into the armchair to the side of Tyr's desk, swishing his own drink. "I don't need anything from you!" When Tyr lifted his gaze to tip the glass towards him Coronis wilted and shrugged. "I have....other contacts I need to talk to, and I can't take Kitten or Zap with me. And Kitten..." he hesitates again and Tyr would very much like Coronis to fucking stop with the mincing his words- "Have you noticed that Kitten can look very sharp and her flames look too dark for regular Sky Flames?"
Tyr nearly choked on his sip of wine and has to splutter away from his paperwork. "Fucking excuse me?!" He wasn't sure that he was more flabbergasted that Coronis has seen the girl's elusive Flames or that he was implying that she was a Wrath Flame user. "There's not been anyone with those except for Ricardo, and I know you aren't suggesting that she's another bastard Vongola running around. The Famiglia and wider Families wouldn't accept another after the mess that Nono made with Xanxus and Iemitsu."
Coronis, (the bastard, may he rot in hell forever) shrugged, swallowing another mouthful of wine and weighed them out in the air. The hand holding his wine glass, "Xanthus, scowling child who throws around the bloody orange Flames." The other hand, empty but his fingers curled as if holding a smaller hand in it, "Nana, known as Kitten, who has an empty smile, and will only use her flame if Hotaru is injured and will not see the flames being used. The barest edge of red. Both come with unexpected and unexplained provenance at a time when the Underworld struggles with Skies." He shrugs, dropping his hands.
"The math is not difficult, but baiting Kitten into unsheathing her Flame around me is nearly impossible. I hoped that I could ask you to train her, teach her to use the Wrath Flames so that she would not burn herself to a crisp when she loses something that she cannot make herself forget."
Tyr scowled and sighed, dragging a hand over his face. "You know that I am weak for the Family mysteries. Hell spit, yes, I can provoke an unbonded Sky. It's not as if I wanted to keep myself in one piece."
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dark-elf-writes · 7 months
Okay so reading the home prt made me think of this: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16900914/chapters/39702882
Minor run down: Home Sky/War Sky is sort of a fan on idea that revolves around the idea of skies sort of having zones. Home skies protect the home and the people in while War skies rage war. The above fix is Tsuna/Kyoko but it's the only fic I like with the pairing because Kyoko is TERRIFYING here.
But anyway: Reborn Grandson Tsuna being a home sky who wants to protect his home is yes
Oh yes. Yesssss
Tsuna who has always seen home as people. Who for a long time thought of home as his mom’s laughing voice int he kitchen and hazy memories of little warm hands steadying him. Who never saw his dad as home. As his. He was always too far, too distant, too attached to a different home that’s wasn’t Tsuna and his mom and lazy Sunday mornings where they just got to exist around each other with no pressure.
Tsuna who latches into Kyoko first, knowing somewhere deep down that she is part of his home even if he doesn’t know how. Who gets that feeling twisted with hormones and carries a crush for way too long.
Tsuna who sees Reborn standing over him after falling down the stairs, reaching out to him with little hands warm and smelling of sunlight and coffee and knows that part of his home has returned to him.
Hayato and Takeshi are next. Claimed nearly at the same time with the hissing of dynamite long extinguished still in his ears
They come faster after that. Lambo and I-pin and Bianchi and Futa and so so many more. It becomes a running joke for the others, who Tsuna will see and claim as his and how many times they will try to kill him first. (He isn’t sure the others will ever let him live down trying to block the Vindice from taking Muruko while hardly able to stand after winning their fight. He is sure that Reborn knows that he and Chrome are plotting a way to break Muruko out and is simply waiting until they’re stupid enough to act before stepping in)
Reborn is less than pleased when Tsuna starts claiming other Arcobaleno as his. His mother laughs and tells him that he gets it from his grandfather.
No one is sure how they’re supposed to react when Tsuna claims Xanxus in the middle of a fight to the death.
Tsuna who reminds all of them just how dangerous he is when someone tries to attack his people — his home — and how far he will go to protect all of them.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 month
Ray, Ray, cursed idea! First day of middle school, some kids play a nasty prank on fem!Dame-Tsuna and she ends up at ground zero for class 3E. Not a problem, would be a quick fix after a Hibari beating for missing the first day, except Korosensei happened. Now she’s stuck in a class three levels above her, in the wrong school, learning to be an assassin. Featuring: Fem!Tsuna having an OutofSightOutofMind experience with Nana, and Varia adopting the Murder Class. X27, eventually. 1/2
2/2 And so when Reborn rolls into Tsuna’s life, two years later, she’s got good grades because this is her second time in the last year of middle school with worse teachers, dealt with lots of threats of various natures from teens who mistook her for older than she was (only to get viscously murdered by 3E for making threats like *that* against a 12 year old), and good friends with the Varia, who are trying to talk her into a betrothal contract with their boss, whenever he gets off ice.
No but I love this? Xanxus is gonna wake up and wanna go apeshit at this little Decimo wannabe and the Varia are gonna be like "no no Boss you can't kill that one, we got it just for you!"
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dearcat1 · 7 months
Breakfast Brain
Part 1 of Nana's Son
Xanxus eyes Tsunayoshi fruitless attempts to pass him the coffee beans, yawning into his fist. He snorts at the other's uncoordinated movement, snatching them from the younger Sky's hand. Tsunayoshi only grunts back, eyes still unfocused and empty. They're running out of tomatoes. "You've got to get the groceries today."
Sawada's reply is a mumble Xanxus interprets as agreement. He'll have Gokudera remind the little shit, Tsunayoshi's brain is mush until midday. Right on cue, Squalo enters the kitchen and gives Xanxus an absent nod. "Lussuria wanted to let you know he'll be back early."
"Fine." Xanxus accepts the mug Tsunayoshi is silently offering and pushes him towards the table. "Have Gokudera remind the trash to get the groceries."
Squalo hisses in offense. "We're not your babysitters! Remind him yourself!"
The screech that results from Xanxus throwing his mug at him is satisfying but not as satisfying as the taste of perfectly made espresso of Tsunayoshi's replacement mug. "It's good." He transfers the fried eggs on the bowls, sprinkling some tomatoes on the side.
From where he's sitting, cradling his own mug, Tsunayoshi musters a sleepy smile. Xanxus rolls his eyes and slams the bowl in front of him. "Eat. How you're this useless in the morning I'll never know." 
Tsunayoshi yawns, hiding his face on Xanxus's chest and clinging to his thigh for a moment. The assassin clicks his tongue but his fingers tangle in brown hair. "You need a haircut again." This guy's hair is a mess.
"Uh huh." Tsunayoshi blinks, straightening after Xanxus taps his shoulder. "Food."
"Yeah, yeah." Xanxus pulls away, sitting on his side of the table. "Eat it." Without turning to look at his second, he raises his voice. "Have Gokudera schedule an appointment at the barber shop, too. He better get his hair dealt with before the gala."
"Fuck off, you shitty boss!" Squalo seethes. "Keep us out of your fucking relationship."
"It's your fucking job," Xanxus reminds him, watching as the yolk seeps satisfyingly into the rice. "You're the fucking go to between the Varia and the Vongola, remember? You wanted the fucking job, now suffer in silence."
"My job," Squalo snarls, finally fishing the last piece of mug from his hair, "is to facilitate the relationship between Vongola and the Varia not to pencil in your date nights and manage your fucking household shit!"
Xanxus blinks. Maybe Tsunayoshi's stupidity is contagious. Still, he extends his hand and nods when Sawada wordlessly passes him his empty mug. The assassin turns in the same movement he uses to throw this mug into Squalo's forehead. "What the fuck?"
Squalo doesn't scream, he just bares his teeth right back. That's how Xanxus knows he's serious. "Sunday's dinner? Not my job to get the reservations. Do it yourself, I have a job and I'm too busy with it to be managing your date nights on top of it!"
That clarifies nothing at all. Xanxus arches his brow with maybe more condescension than he should. "It is your fucking job. We discuss any issues with the business during those dinners."
Tsunayoshi makes an agreeing hum around his spoon.
"The hair appointment?" Squalo snaps back. "Grocery runs?"
"How do you expect us to work without food?" Xanxus answers because Squalo has never had an issue with this before. "And Tsunayoshi would live in sweatpants if I let him and it would make us all look like idiots. So we have to make sure he cuts his hair and looks like a human being. This is work."
In his seat, Tsunayoshi's brow furrows but he shrugs without saying a thing. Probably deciding it's too much effort.
"You…" Squalo is still frowning but when he straightens, it's less anger and more horrified realization. "Boss," he gestures at them, "what do you think this is?"
"This is us having breakfast," Xanxus replies unsure of whether he's confused or annoyed at the stupid question. "You're the one who kept insisting we should work together. So we are."
"Holy shit," Squalo eyes them. "Oh my god. You don't even realize. How dense can you be?"
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 25 days
For some reason my brain has offered the pairing of Viper/Nana in the sense that Vioer tracks down Iemitsu’s son planning on blackmailing the Vingola to unfreeze Xanxus but Nana is so damn nice they can't go through with it.
They do yank the seals off both of them because Nana had a seal that bound her will to her husband’s, and Tsuna is so happy to feel warm he's totally going to help his cousin.
Somehow this ends with the Varia moving to Japan and removing themselves as part of Vongola because Hibari was happy his Sky became free and uses his money to fund them until they can do it themselves.
Viper/Nana happen along the way. Nana is in fact asexual and is pleased with her relationship now while Vioer is just happy they have a good partner and a cute son without sex themselves.
Reborn and the other Acro of course know what going on. The Hitman is delighted to fuck with Vongola on his tutoring mission…
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rebo-chan · 5 months
Continuing the lambo and tsuna discussion:
Oh yeah tsuna absolutely would be a hypocrite and it would be so intersting to see them having a serious fight over it.
Especially bc, tsuna ALREADY as a 13/14 year old doesnt wanna be involved in fights and the like, he just wants to be a fucking teen please leave me alone, but when he's older hes probably even MORE terrified of what they've been through as kids. As a teen when he saw 15 yo lambo he was like "oh yeah he can handle this... Maybe... Probably... Perhaps???"
But the older you get the more you realise what a fucking dystopian nightmare it is to believe fucking teenagers could be in a war, no matter how powerful they end up being or how successful! Most of the shounen protags are AT LEAST in Highschool, Tsuna is a FIRST YEAR IN MIDDLESCHOOL, BABY GOT BARELY OUT OF HIS TWEENS
So while yeah its hypocritical tsuna also has the experience and hindsight now to realize NAH UH NO NO NO NOT HAPPENING NOPE THAT IS A FETUS
Not that Lambo would ever accept that bc yeah its his big brother and (idk how common this is i am an only child and never had friends with siblings) its (maybe) common for kids to look up to their older siblings in a way especially when they are far older and tsuna has done some really amazing stuff. He just doesnt get the whole "too young" for the fight thing, especially bc his background is already mafia related and the Bovino let this 5 YEAR OLD run around with GRANADES AND ROCKET LAUNCHERS.
Child safety? Dont know her - Old Bovino motto
No but srsly i just think tsuna is the very first person that actually brings up this concept in lambos life. Even Nana never sees whats going on around her as any kind of dangerous, even kids his age are nonchalant about it, fucking yamamoto may see a kid in him but he rolls with almost anything, gokudera just shows him disdain which is not exactly concern (in the beginning)
So its JUST Tsuna that looks at this five year old and says "Absolutely fucking not"
I mean technically also Haru but i dont think he registers that bc she just generally coddles the babies.
So Tsuna, his big brother, the one he looks up to the most, does not acknowledge him as a fighter. And while lambo doesnt see Tsuna as his boss, I do think when he grows older it WILL become more and more of an issue between both of them.
I know i basically just rephrased and repeated a lot of what you said in your post but also I HAVE SO MANY EMOTIONS
A real fight about this topic between Lambo and Tsuna would actually be so interesting though, you're so right. In this case, Tsuna cannot be reasoned with. As you mentioned, the older he gets the more he will look at being 15 years old as being a FETUS. His stress already just skyrockets whenever Lambo is ANYWHERE near the battlefield, he becomes absolutely belligerent (Shimon arc, future, and letting himself get disqualified in Varia) Tsuna is definitely the one most protective of Lambo, though Gokudera is a good second place even Gokudera doesn't realize that is a child though tbf in a world where the strongest are infants I do not blame Gokudera for not blinking an eye.
Child safety, don't know her ksJNGKJNSGE NO FR THOUGH. TSUNA IS THE ONLY ONE LIKE "please for gods sake stay at home my god please please" Its even funnier when you consider the only reason he trusts TYL I-Pin to protect anyone is bc she becomes 1 year older than him through the bazooka. SKJNG this is why TYL Lambo is also called Adult Lambo in his head. But yes, this idea would ABSOLUTELY disintegrate the moment my boy tsuna leaves his teen ages. I think the idea that this will be an area of tension for Lambo and Tsuna is so cool, because oh my god!! Lambo wants to be there. Despite his age, he is rightfully Vongola's Guardian of Lightning and he wants to hurry up and catch up!! Especially when you take into account of what I said about 20yl, like that's a Lambo that loses everyone!!!! Imagine the absolute stress on Lambo's brain when these thoughts flourish in his mind, and then he's got his big brother who would see him in a training room and go "WHAT ARE U DOING HERE. GET OUT?????? DO NOT TOUCH THE POINTY SPEAR THAT IS CHROMES" It's such absolute tasty content and I am more than happy to oblige with the Tsuna/Lambo thoughts. They're so important to me <3
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Khr for the 20 questions meme (you can choose the numbers if that’s a lot) Thank You!
Thank you for the request, my lovely anon! I didn't really manage to do all of them, though I explained why I couldn't do particular ones while answering and I hope you'll enjoy my thoughts on the ones I did do!
which muse is the easiest to write?
Honestly, I think I've answered this a couple times on this blog. But for those who might have missed those answers, the honest truth is that there isn't a single character left in KHR that I consider 'hard' to write about anymore. I don't think I write the best Reborn, Hibari, or Mukuro, but I do try my best. I will say, I do find Gokudera always naturally flows pretty well for me but overall, KHR is the easiest fandom for me to write about and I enjoy all the characters, in their own way.
which muse is most likely to go to jail?
Well, let's see. Mukuro, Ken, Chikusa, M.M., Birds, and the Bloody Twins are all canonically either currently in jail or they have been in jail. But if that's too much of a cop-out answer, Naito would definitely spend at least a night or two in jail here and there because he's an idiot and a loud one and gets himself into silly situations or causes a public disturbance. If it wasn't for the fact that they're protected by the Mafia and have so many resources at their disposal, the Varia should also be spending time in prison for multiple murders.
which muse would be the best parent?
That's a really hard one because, honestly, this cast is so huge, and there's a lot of characters I think would make excellent parents. There's no way to settle into best either, since I think they'd all have vastly different parenting styles. I will say, out of Tsuna's family, I think neither Gokudera nor Hibari want children, nor would either of them being particularly great parents, each for their own reasons. The only person in the Varia I see wanting their own children is Levi, though I also think Squalo could be a good parent if it did become a thing for him. Out of Mukuro's gang, I don't think Mukuro nor Chrome want their own biological children. They could all potentially be good parents, but out of them all, I do think Fran would make the worst parent, though even he has moments of being a really good parent.
what would your muses be the deities of? what are your favorite icons for each muse? what song do you associate with each muse? what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Okay, this is just an absolutely huge cast of characters, so I hope you don't mind that I skipped these questions, my dear. The resulting post, if I was to do the entirety of the cast, would take hours upon hours to write (and like I said, these prompts are supposed to be fun and fast in between the more serious waiting requests), and would be extremely long for any of these questions, though I'd be happy to do these with a narrower group of characters in KHR.
which muse would you most like to meet irl?
Oh, there's so, so many characters from KHR I do wish were real and were in my life. Shouichi, Spanner, Byakuran after the future arc, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Haru, Kyoko, Chikusa, Shamal, YamaPapa, Squalo, Skull, Enma…the list is literally too long to count.
which muse would be the MOM friend? DAD friend?
Mom friend? Both Bianchi and Kyoko definitely show signs of being mom friends to those in their lives, though each in their unique ways. I also do think Luce, Aria, and Yuni all are or were 'mom friends' and that, even before she became a mom, Nana was a 'mom friend' to those she was friends with. Now, I'll show myself as dumb here but I didn't really know what a 'dad friend' really meant, so I had to google it. I think Yamamoto and Reborn both have some 'dad friend' energy, as does Kusakabe and Romario, right off the top of my head. Of course, YamaPapa has the most daddest of dad energies though, just saying and is a father, so maybe that helps. I also think Timoteo was always a 'dad friend' to people, from the time he was a kid all the way until he becomes an old man, when he gains 'grand-dad friend' vibes.
which muses are cat people? which are dog people?
Okay, so again, this is a question that if I listed all the characters from the wide cast of characters that fit into both categories, the post would be very long and would take a very long time to write, so I'm just going to go with the first ones that popped into my head. Hibari would definitely be a cat over dog kind of person. While animals really love Hibari in general and he tends to get along best with animals rather than people, he's not really a fan of dogs, to be honest. They're too clingy and require too much attention. Gokudera, Chikusa, Julie, and Kikyo are all very much cat people too. However, Yamamoto, Skull, and Colonello to me are all very much dog people.
which muse would you want to have a sleepover with?
Of course, a sleepover with the girls (Chrome, Kyoko, Haru, Hana, Bianchi, and I-Pin) would be so much fun. I also think sleepovers with Byakuran would be a blast and though I know he's really unpopular, sleepovers with Naito would be hilarious and full of crazy stories for the ages.
which muse would try to befriend the others? which two muses would get along the best if they met? which two muses would immediately fight each other if they met?
Now, I'm treating all of these questions in terms of how I write the various characters in my crossovers and AU's. Again, if I was to write this thinking of all the characters, I could make each question a very long, thorough, time-consuming post, so I went with just my first thoughts. I would happily answer these questions more thoroughly, if anyone would like, with a narrower group of characters. In terms of the crossovers/multiverse AU's though, Tsuna is always the most accepting and the one to make the most friends. While not as outwardly extroverted and friendly as Yamamoto, there's this charisma to Tsuna that does draw people to him. Hibari, Byakuran, Mukuro, Gokudera, Bel, and Xanxus get into the most fights in these stories though.
which muse is physically the strongest? which muse would win in a fist fight against the others?
So, keeping this strictly in universe, the Varia are all considered elite assassins and fighters and I think most of them would survive a fist fight with any of the other characters to at least a draw. It's canon that Hibari is the strongest, battle-wise, of all Tsuna's Guardians, and the Arcobaleno are the absolute best of the best, with Skull in particular actually being known for his strength, something a lot of people seem to forget because honestly, canon and fandom does him a little dirty. In just plain out hand to hand combat, I think Skull can hold his own against anyone, even Hibari, if push came to shove. I'm also adding Knuckle and Ryohei to this category, as fist-fights are their specialities and something both really excel at.
what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for [muse name]?
I mentioned this to a friend the other day in messages, but I honestly, if I had the time and artistic ability, would love to write light novel spin-off series for KHR, something that would never happen as those have to be approved, I'm pretty sure, by the original creator. But I would love to do light novels exploring so much - the Arcobaleno's individual pasts, how they each came to chosen, their experiences with the occasion that turned them into Arcobalenos, and the immediate aftermath of being turned into infants and how they adapt to life after that. I'd love to do light novels exploring all the prior generations of the Vongola Bosses and their Guardians. I'd love to do one exploring YamaPapa's past, especially his relationship with his sibling disciple of Shigure Soen and the creation of Shinotsuku Ame.
which muse would spend a night in a haunted place for $20?
Gokudera will do it for free. No kidding, legit, he might even pay for the privilege. I honestly do think Bianchi actually does share some of her brother's passion for ghosts and she would be interested in spending the night in a haunted house as well. Byakuran and Mukuro would both do it, just because it would amuse them, and both are enough of skeptics to not even be scared.
which muse would you not let into your house, under any circumstance?
Honestly, it's Kikyo. I do see him as being really judgmental, especially with anything aesthetic, and I do think he'd read my interior decorating skills and aesthetic to filth, despite how much I love my apartment and how it looks. I also don't think I'd much like Bel in my apartment…too much chance of me being murdered for my comfort, thanks.
which muse would investigate the scary noises? which one would hide?
Again, this is one where if I really focused on the full cast, putting them into the groups, I could create a post that would be very long, thorough, and would take quite a while to write, so I just went with my first thoughts. Lambo, Tsuna, Shouichi, Enma would all hide. Basil, Gokudera, Spanner, Byakuran, Mukuro, Hibari, Adelheid, Shitt. P, and Reborn would all investigate, some with less fear than the others.
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xjulixred45x · 12 days
ThanZag es el Catradora bien hecho(TRADUCCION)
okay, primero que nada, hace tiempo que no formo parte del fandom de Shera, pero me he visto la serie varias veces, aparte de que siento que esto es algo digno de señalar poraue pudo haber sido la forma perfecta de haber desarrollado la PEOR pareja de toda la serie.
estoy en mi fase con Hades de Supergiant, y mientras veia mi decimo gameplay, me di cuenta de algo viendo las Interacciónes de Thanatos y Zagreus, y es que estos dos tienen algunas características similares al C/atradora.
1- ambos fueron criados por la misma figura materna.
2- tuvieron una relación de rivalidad/amistad desde que eran niños(en caso de Catradora "rivalidad/amistad")
3-el principal drama en la relación empieza cuando uno de los dos se quiere de ir de su casa(aunque en caso de Catradora, ya habia BUENAS RAZONES para querer irse antes de la serie).
4-el otro miembro de la relación tiene que evitar o tratar de evitar que el otri consiga su objetivo (aunque lo unico que hace Thanatos es tratar de evitar que la gente le de suministros a Zagreus, nada mas. nisiquiera pelea tal cual con el. Catra intenti matar a Adora varias veces)
5- este miembro en esoecifuco tiene mommy issues y una actitud "tsundere"(en caso de Catra, mas bien es abusiva. Than es tal cual un Tsundere que le cuesta expresar lo que siente😅).
6- el protagonista es mas listo de lo que le dan credito, son considerados realeza, usan espadas, etc(en serio ¿cual es la necesidad de decir que Adora es tonta?¿no vieron el show?)
estas son las """"similitudes"" que yo pude encontrar con mi hermana. pero que como ven, hay una GRAN diferencia de ejecución, y voy a entrar mas en detalle con cada una.
1- Zagreus tiene sus propios padres, y si bien paso toda su vida pensando aue Nyx era su madre, su dinamica con Thanatos nunca fue de hermanos y se refirio a el siempre como un amigo de la infancia. no fue hasta los Eventos del juego (cuando eo quiere encontrar a su madre biologica, Persefone) que puedes tener la opcion de romancear a Thanatos.
Aparte de que se da a entender en el juego que si bien Zagreus se lleva bien con los hijos de Nyx, no se crio con ellos. y que Nyx lo crio o mas como una Nana, o que dejo de lado a sus hijos para cuidarlo. osea, no crecieron como parte de la misma familia. Nyx no fue una figura materna para todos sus hijos.
Catra y Adora no solo nunca se refirieron asi mismas como amigas, sino que tuvieron una relación DEMACIADO estrecha con la MISMA figura materna, incluso si fueran adoptadas, siguen siendo hermanas al haberse CRIADO JUNTAS.
y es peor cuando ves en el ARTE OFICIAL que se refieren a Catra como HERMANA DE ADORA.
2- la amistad y rivalidad de Thanatos y Zagreus no era mas que una competición amigable y saludable para la diversión mutua, aparte de que ya sea que ganen o pierdan, felicitan y RECONOCEN las cualidades del otro. no son meramente hostiles simplemente por estar compitiendo. incluso cuando Zagreus falla un intento de fuga o le gana, Thanatos no es realmente mezquino o lo insulta.
Catra y Adora por otro lado son todo lo contrario, Catra siempre SIEMPRE encuentra un momento para decirle a Adora que "es una idiota", lo primero que le dice es que "se ve ridicula", que "esta loca", la desmerita y tira abajo constantemente para hacerse sentir mejor A SI MISMA.
3-Zagrues quiere dejar el Inframundo porque descubre que su madre podria estar en la superficie, aparte de que su relación con su padre es bastante mala debido a esto ya que Hades no quiere que salga, tratandolo mal y sacando sus frustraciones en el. y si bien Zagreus a lo largo del juego entiende las consecuencias y todo lo bueno que el deja atras por querer ir tras su madre, nadie (ademas de Hades) espera que cambie de opinión.
Adora decide irse de la Horda porque se da cuenta del horrible daño que hacen a Etheria, dejando tambien a su toxica madre adoptiva y a Catra(su aun mas toxica hermana/"amiga"), pero es llamada constantemente egoista por Catra por irse y dejarla, a su vez que ella misma no quiere ir con Adora.
ambos en escencia quieren dejar su ambiente toxico, solo que uno tiene un círculo de apoyo y Adora tiene, lamentablemente, a Catra, que espera que Adora se quede miserable en el ciclo de abuso que ELLA creo.
4- Thanatos tiene ordenes directas de tratar de evitar que Zagreus deje el Inframundo, sin embargo las "peleas" con el suelen ser de corta duración, aparte de darle a Zagreus cosas como vida si el mata más monstruos que el o empatan. Thanatos no hace un esfuerzo REAL en detener a Zagreus. solo esta amargado de que se haya ido sin despedirse. es todo. riñas de niños. que después de un tiempo se le pasan y vuelven a su dinámica normal. saludable.
Catra esta en el bando contrario de Adora en una guerra, sin embargo no demuestra ningun problema en ser especialmente sadica y disfrutar dañar a Adora cuando pelean. ella QUIERE hacerle daño. ella QUIERE ganarle y evitar que culpa su objetivo por mas que la haga miserable. a ella no le importa.
5- no tenemos mucha idea de como era la relación entre Nyx y Thanatos, pero Nyx parece haber hecho el rol de madre mayormente a Zagreus por encima de sus propios hijos(ya sea por voluntad o por ordenes de Hades) y tambien podria ser que gracias a esta poca guia Thanatos no sabe como expresar adecuadamente como se siente con respecto a Zagreus o su ida. pero aun asi respeta su decisión.
Catra crecio con una madre abusiva que la hizo a un lado para favorecer a Adora, generando esta dinamica de "amor"-odio hacia ella y que hiciera que solo demostrara "interes" o atención hacia ella mediante rebajarla a su nivel, ya sea mediante insultos, violencia, manipulación, etc. mas que una Tsundere, es una sociopata.
6- Zagreus es un muy buen luchador, que sabe aprovechar las bendiciones que sus familiares y que en la historia del juego logra salir varias veces del Inframundo para reencontrarse con su madre (teniendo que pelear con su padre MUCHAS veces) e incluso ayuda a arreglar oa dinamica familiar entre su familia y el Olimpo(porque mas que una familia tóxica, cuentan mas como una familia disfuncional. pero no sin arreglo).
nadie le niega estos meritos a Zagreus. mucho menos Thanatos o Megaera(otro interes romántico a la cual puede que le dedique otro post porque la amo).
Adora es literalmente SHERA, la legendaria guerrera, ha comandado varios ataques contra la Horda, comando la rebelión en algun punto, es una gran guerrera includo sin shera, guio misiones de rescate, savlo el universo de Hordiano Prime, etc.
y aun asi Catra sigue considerandola una idiota igual que el fandom....
como pueden ver, las similitudes que comparten estos ships no son mas grandes que sus brechas de escritura, y es TRISTE pensar que pudimos haber tenido algo como ThanZag en Shera, porque ellos son la prueba de que PUDO funcionar, pero los fetiches de la creadora se pusieron en el camino.
todo esto sin hablar de la ROMANTIZATION que tiene el Catradora! es repulsivo como realmente la gente (y sobretodo los creadores) pueden ver a este par como algo romántico!
ahggg ya me excedi escribiendo. se suponía que esto iba a ser mas corto pero me explaye, espero les guste el producto de mi sufrimiento. y ThanZag forever.
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cloud0818 · 1 year
Reading KHR in Japanese (5)
In Japanese, we can get a person's character and personality by the way of speaks. How about Tsuna's mother!
First person : Kaasan / (Watashi)
Second person : their name / Anata
on the whole : Mild, Generous
She speaks like little older than her age. This is not a mature or calm manner, but rather a conventional "motherly" way of speaking. She is a good mother and not unnatural. Her speaking is calm and laid back but not timidity impression. If anything, it shows her generous and leeeway mind.
Tsuna calls her "Kaasan", so Nana often calls herself "Kaasan". It is common for parents, to use the second person that their children use for them as the first person. Or, she sometime calls Tsuna "Anta". It often used by parents to call their children. It's not a polite expression, but when used by someone like her it conveys intimacy and affection.
She doesn't call other kids "Anta". Nor calls herself "Kaasan", or she doesn't calls them without a suffix. But it never means she keeps a distance from them. She loves them dearly and treats them like a real family. Even she once suggested to Futa, "If you will stay in Namimori, why don't you enroll in elementary school?" And if he said yes, she would definitely have helped. But for her there is a clear difference between her only son and the other children. Of course, never in a bad means. However this is reflected in such a her speaking way. Well, she had forgotten Tsuna's birthday once.
And she calls "Dino-kun" even he is adult. She gladly welcomes anyone who comes to house unexpectedly. I guess all of them are "Tsuna's friends" to her. She never scolded him about Tsuna's grades or abilities. The only thing she pointed out to him was the question of "how to live".
Or she does not limit him. When Kokuyo attacks Namimori, Tsuna is about to go out and says to him, "Maybe you shouldn't go out today?", but doesn't stop him. And when Lambo was injured in the Varia arc, she did what Tsuna asked without pursuing it. And she made a reason for Kyoko and Haru. The thinking at that time was nuanced "What is my husband doing? When he comes back, I will ask him why definitely". Of course, there is also the reason that Iemitsu was relying on her. But even though Tsuna knew something, and perhaps it was dangerous, she didn't get angry or question Tsuna. Like, "I don't know what's going on, but let's help him". She has never had any nuance of anger toward him in these situations.
She educated Tsuna "take care of your own affairs yourself". She is an optimist and a laissez-faire person. But never mean lazy. She was always a dependable adult who fulfilling her responsibilities.
Btw, middle school students rarely go out late at night in Japanese. Don't fight at school every night with Italian mafia.
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queenharumiura · 10 months
✵ + goku & emi
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting||
For Gokudera
Your first impression of Gokudera: "My first impression..." Haru thinks back on it. The first time she met him was around the time that she'd first met Tsuna and she had gotten mad at him for corrupting a young and innocent child and she'd gone on to challenge him. "My first impression was that he's kind of rude and a bit of a punk?"
Current impression: "He's still a punk." That doesn't mean it's a bad thing, though. You can just tell by the way she says it affectionately, "He's my punk." Cue a small giggle. "He says things like how he's still not good enough and that he still has room to improve, but I think he's been doing great for himself." She doesn't deny the fact that it's good to strive for self-improvement as there was always room to improve. "I've been coming to rely on him quite a bit recently-- goes to show how comfortable I am around him. He's as stubborn as I am, so once he notices i'm feeling off, he won't let me go." She laughs. "Sometimes, that's the fun part."
Are you attracted to Gokudera?: "Sure would be awkward if the answer to this was 'no', considering that we're dating."  
Something you find frightening about Gokudera: "It's not really something about him that I find frightening, but of his position?" As the righthand of Tsuna, Gokudera had a big target on his back, as well as the other guardians. It was scary to think of what could possibly go wrong when they went on missions. On one hand, there is less anxiety and worry if you don't know what's going on like Nana-san, but true to the academic soul in her, she'd rather know. There was nothing worse than being left in the dark and believing in something that was hopeless. "It's frightening to think that one day, I may wake up and learn that he's gone..." His temper? Pff! "Teleprompter-san, you're funny. Do you think i'd have been butting heads with him over the years if his temper scared me? I know he wouldn't willingly hurt an ally, so he's not scary at all." Now some of the Varia-- that's a different story. She can believe that they might actually do something if you cross them.
Something you find adorable about Gokudera: "Oh! You know what's cute about him? You wouldn't know it if you saw him walking around normally, but I think he's a bit of a shy boy?" He freezes quite often when Haru teases him, and it's kind of cute. It's endearing to see him just freeze as if he's in the process of a factory reset. Psst "I'll admit, sometimes I tease him because I find his reactions cute." It'll be a sad day once he stops.
Would you sacrifice yourself for Gokudera?: "Haru was willing to fall from a bridge if it meant Tsuna-san and Lambo-chan would survive. Did you think my answer would change for my boyfriend?" Stupid. "Well, something tells me that he wouldn't let me." He'd also maybe get mad if he were around to hear her say yes. "Sorry, you did say he wouldn't see this interview, right?" What do you mean you reserve your right to remain silent????
Would you go on a date with Gokudera? platonic/romantic: "Hm? What's with the second part?" Haru tilted her head. Was it asking if she'd go on a platonic date or a romantic date with Gokudera? "Mmnn... so if a platonic date is one without romantic feelings, I'd have a problem with that-- since we're together. That alone should suffice for an answer.
One word you would use to describe Gokudera: "Just one word? That's a lot of pressure." Haru thinks about it. There was a lot to Gokudera, so it was kinda rude to task her with summing him up with just one word. He was very devoted to the Vongola. Had a bit of a short-fuse at times. Sometimes, he was a bit slow to certain things. Very loyal, and definitely smart. Stubborn (like she's one to talk), and very hard-working. "Let's go with... admirable."
Would you slap Gokudera if you could?: "Are you asking if I could, would I? Or are you asking me could I even do so?" She waits for the teleprompter to think about it before it reads [both]. "If Haru wanted to slap him, she's sure that she could. I've a swift hand, you know?" She moves her hand, demonstrating the movement. "I wouldn't want to slap him, though. I don't think there is a reason to slap him." There were only a few reasons why Haru would slap someone and Gokudera wasn't one to commit any of those acts. He was as loyal as they come and despite his rough demeanor he wasn't that bad with kids. Never anything slapping-worthy.
Would you hug/kiss Gokudera?: "Of course! I do try to not do so very publicly, so as to not embarrass him or anything." Really, it was more of a, 'it's probably not wise to put your relationships on full display in the mafia-world' kinda thing. It does become a bit of a liability.
- -- -
For Emi
Your first impression of Emi: "Ah... I think it was when Ayane first introduced her to us?" She had brought a friend over and Haru happened to be there to meet the new face. "She wasn't the most talkative from my recollection. Something about her reminded me of Hayato and Hibari. Something about her demeanor, I guess?"
Current impression: "I can say that she's very like Hibari in many ways, so I wasn't wrong to pick up on that in her demeanor." Haru nods her head sagely, quite proud of herself. "She does-- have a bit of-- mn... how to put it... tension between her and Ame? It can make things a bit awkward at times, but I don't think it's wrong. She's expressing herself and that's fine." Let the young kids express themselves and learn about themselves in the process! Haru was a big advocate of learning through trial and error. "She's a good kid. A bit troubled, it seems, but... I knew another kid who had some troubling behavior and look at him now. He turned out to be a great righthand. "She'll be fine, she has a great friend in Sayuri-chan, and a good mentor." She has an auntie too, if she ever needs Haru for anything.
Are you attracted to Emi?: Haru stares dubiously at the teleprompter. "I'm taken, thank you for asking." Note to self to look into who is asking the questions to have a strong word with them afterwards
Something you find frightening about Emi?: "I do hope that she can find an outlet that can help her destress and organize her emotions. Find a support network that helps her before she explodes and does something she'll regret." It would be such a shame if in a fit of rage she inadvertently does something that can't be repaired. "I fear that she'll feel so isolated and alone that she'll withdraw herself and turn her back against everyone." Though, perhaps that's more worry than fear? Close enough.
Something you find adorable about Emi: "Even if she's not the most talkative nor the most easiest to get to open up, she does try. She's very considerate, you know?" Emi is a good kid who would offer to help a struggling Auntie Haru. It's also cute when she hides her tiny smiles, whenever they happen. She won't say that aloud, though.  
Would you sacrifice themselves Emi?: "I'd sacrifice myself for anyone in the Vongola, but especially the kids." It was the duty of the older generation to protect and pave the way for the younger generation. If it came down to it, she'd sacrifice herself for Emi. "Though, I feel like that would be unnecessary. Emi is plenty capable and if she were ever in such dire straights, i'm sure Hibari had something planned as backup."
Would you go on a date with Emi?  platonic/romantic: Again, she reminds herself again to find who created these questions so she can have a TALK with them afterwards. What kinds of questions are you asking in relation to young kids? "The better question would be if Emi-chan was open to going on a platonic date with her Auntie Haru."
One word you would use to describe Emi: "The first thing that comes to mind is resilient." Judging by the way she used to lash out more often, it felt as though she'd been through a lot. Still, she was trying to better herself, and she was under the tutelage of the Hibari Kyouya. That's resilience in itself for sure.
Would you slap Emi if you could?: "No, of course not."
Would you hug/kiss Emi?: "Well... if she would allow me... sure." Haru would always want to respect Emi's space and her wishes. If she didn't want any hugs, then she wouldn't get any. (Haru will give them in spirit, though) As for kisses, Haru was a fan of giving kisses on the cheeks or on the forehead, but again-- only if Emi was okay with it.
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twitter-hikari · 2 years
Iele is what they called her after she and Tyr Harmonized. Before that, she didn't have a name, she hadn't made a name for herself of Quality. None of the Varia's skies made names for themselves, it was too dangerous. A Named Sky, that was asking for trouble to come and pick apart the Sky Squad and none of the Skies in the Varia wanted to be chosen. That was the point of being in the unofficial Sky Squad, being part of the unnoticed support and intelligence. They didn't take missions that other elements took, they didn't make waves, they rarely set foot outside their places and spaces that were safe. There was a boogeyman waiting for Skies out in the world after all.
Nana is 16 and ready for Hotaru to be done with the wanna-be Triad gang they'd run into. Hotaru was a Hibari through and through, and Nana wanted to take a nap before they moved into Russia. Hotaru does finish playing with the dissenting Triad gang and they walked about a block away before the hairs down Nana's arms stand up and they're gently surrounded by four very intimidating people. They're Varia and Nana, while not being born and bred into this life the way Hotaru was, she knows that name, had it breathed into her ears as a young child and she wants. Thankfully, they want her and Hotaru too, and the two of them are very quickly swept into the arms of the Varia squad on their way back to Italy.
"Why us," she asks Coronis as they're holed up in a shitty hotel less shitty than where she and Hotaru had been staying before this. But in Estonia, on their way back to Italy. Coronis laughed, ruffling her hair and laughing harder at her scowl when he finished. "You are very odd, little sky. You and your lightning wander the world and haven't been touched by anyone. It's interesting. Of course, now we see if you are Varia, but that is different. Come now, bring me your knives and we can practice more with your kitten flames."
Nana is still 16 when she and Hotaru land in Italy with Rulsalka standing behind them and ready to defend them against the rest of the Varia. "Not that I'm going to be there for you every second kittens," they say, sweeping their hair from behind them and up into a bun. "But a sponsorship, that's the way it was done. Gambit's gone and gotten herself a protege in the Storm Division, but Rain and Lightning, that'll be fine. Hotaru is going to have the time of her life in the Lightning Division I can keep decent eyes on her. And you," she clicks her tongue, reaching out and tipping Nana's chin back. "Coronis would be ready to fight anyone for you, if he hadn't been detoured. I'm going to introduce you to Tyr, and he'll be willing to take you even just on my say-so, but Coronis is staking his reputation on you. Don't fuck it up."
Rulsalka shoos them into the main hall, past the many, many eyes that Nana can feel against her skin and she refuses to hide. She keeps her flames leashed under her skin and behind her teeth, following placidly but letting a smidgen of amber-orange shimmer against her eyes and hair. No whispers follow, and she's honestly surprised. Varia is Quality, Coronis' remembered voice whispers in her mind. She hadn't heard that capitalized q before, but she sees it now. Quality.
"She's 41 kilos soaking wet, and all she does is smile. This is ridiculous." Tyr snarled down the line of his phone, waiting through the static for Coronis to answer.
Coronis has the gall to laugh, likely secure in the knowledge that he's hundreds of miles from where Tyr can get revenge. "Kitten? Or the little zappy bug she's bonded to?"
"You brought me a god-forsaken Sky," He glanced through the door to where the sky, Nana, or Kitten, as Rulsalka and Coronis called her, sat and played with a tiny knife. "What am I supposed to do with her Coronis. We can't stick her on a squad with anyone else. There's not enough Quality that would be able to fight through a Sky being injured."
".....you're not giving Kitten credit."
Tyr ground his teeth and took a breath, pulling on his flames to settle. "She just smiles."
Coronis laughed again and Tyr gripped the receiver, facing the small smile from the Sky that grew brighter as she saw him and the laughter in his ear. "Well, she was running a clean op with her zappy bug, maybe find out what she's willing to fight for? Good luck Tyr!"
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peachmoonsworld · 1 year
Ai yazawa tinte de cabello colaboración parte 1
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Los tintes para el cabello Beauteen de los productos para el cuidado de la belleza Hoyu son muy populares en Japón. Para hacer que sus productos fueran aún más vendibles, se le pidió a Yazawa Ai que diseñara las cajas de tinte para el cabello en 2003, y Yazawa ha trabajado con la empresa varias veces desde entonces.
Diseñó los primeros diseños en la primavera de 2003 y también dibujó la portada de un champú para cabello teñido. Por cierto, las imágenes supuestamente se inspiraron en Anna Tsuchiya, quien canta el tema principal del anime.
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Recibió su siguiente pedido en la primavera de 2005 y su trabajo más reciente se completó en la primavera de 2006. Estos productos todavía están disponibles en Japón .
2006 tintes para el cabello
Yazawa no solo diseñó el exterior de las cajas de tinte para el cabello, sino que también transformó las ilustraciones en personajes reales. ¡El producto es anunciado por cuatro chicas que tienen nombres, cumpleaños e incluso pasatiempos! También es interesante que "Yuu" se parezca inquietantemente a Nana Komatsu, ¡y "Rei" podría incluso ser Yukari de Paradise Kiss!
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Tsuna & Skull Road trip: the first clue the panicked assholes back home find is a blurry and shaky 15 secounds clip someone recorded there is a lot of red and yellow, people are screaming and Sull looks angery as he holds a gun at someone off screen. Tsuna is behind him, his eyes glowing faintly.
What is actually happening - Tsuna and Skull stop for the day to enjoy a fireworks festival and were mad when a group of locals insulted their travelling friend when they had turned down their paint gun challenge. Now they are ready to fuck up some bitches for their friend (not for themselves though)
It's been three weeks and there's been no sign of Tsuna anywhere.
They've torn Namimori apart, Itay is in a quiet but frantic sort of uproar, Nana thinks Tsuna's on a backpacking trip, the CEDEF and Varia have both been deployed, and Hibari seems to be one misstep away from challenging the actual celestial sun to a fight.
Reborn's torn between being impressed over the amount of chaos Tsuna has managed to cause and being ready to break his idiot student over his knee when he finally gets his hands on him again.
Especially if he's been kidnapped the way Gokudera's been screeching.
It's Spanner who finds the clip.
At first no one's sure what, exactly, it is they're seeing.
But then Reborn hears a familiar snarl, hears a familiar voice thick and heavy with an accent he'd only heard once years and years ago, and feels every single bit of himself go still even before the video finally stabilizes enough for them to get some kind of idea of what they're watching.
The bullet Reborn puts through Spanner's screen is basically a reflex.
Around him the room erupts into chaos even as Reborn finds his attention caught on the look of absolutely arctic rage that's settled across Hibari's normally blank face.
Reborn knows exactly how he feels.
Luckily for Reborn and not so luckily for his wayward little idiots, Reborn was gifted with two hands.
One for both of their necks.
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dearcat1 · 11 months
Part 3 of Sass and Squirrels
It happens while Xanxus is busy changing a nappie, face wrinkled in disgust and fingers still clumsy but more practiced. It only takes him about six months to realize. "I'm six years old," he informs the hiccuping brat. "I'm not old enough to raise you."
But Nana is too busy humming away in the kitchen and Xanxus's death didn't cure him of his family loyalties.
"You're lucky I died," he goes on, morbidly curious. "A true six years old would be fucked." It's hard enough as it is.
Sawada just gurgles at him, small fingers feeling the texture of the blanket.
Xanxus sighs, dropping the soiled nappie in the bin and then climbing up the bed to join him. It occurs to him that even if all of his brothers get killed, now Xanxus is the heir. It gives him a second of smug satisfaction before Sawada's baby babble brings him back to the present. "You're useless," Xanxus complains. But even with that, this Sawada is far less… terrified, Xanxus guesses. And far too trusting. If Xanxus wanted, the boy would be dead already. The kid giggles, tiny fists reaching for him. Xanxus sighs but gives in; fuck it, he's in the bed already. It's not like there's a risk they'll fall.
"You demanding little shit," he picks Sawada up, letting the boy hide his face against Xanxus's neck. He's heavy by now, not enough that Xanxus can't carry him but enough for the former assassin to worry about accidents. "Other you was terrified of me."
This version, though, has peed on his face.
The kid just cooes. Tiny fingers, even for Sawada, exploring his shirt. "You're useless," Xanxus repeats because it's true. "But you're mine."
For all the old man's whining, Xanxus is a Sky. He's made to be around people, his people. As much as Xanxus likes to ignore that fact, the Varia of this version of the world can't be his. This Xanxus has never met them. And even if the entire squad is the same, would they be his men? Similar? Are they like him? For all his pretense otherwise, Xanxus feels the sort of loneliness that burns. It's an uncomfortable, ever present feeling that he manages to avoid by keeping busy. Unwanted baby brother or not, Sawada makes for a good distraction. Between that and taking over his kindergarten, a surprisingly time consuming activity, Xanxus doesn't have much energy left to wallow in self-pity.
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forochisme · 1 year
Y es que varios sabemos que por cualquier mínimo cambio mal aplicado en un code, basta y sobra para joder medio foro, aún si es en un post... Pero entra aquí una pregunta muy interesante. Si se supone que Kanon es la encargada de hacer los cambios de apariencia ¿Acaso cometió un error de novatos? O ¿Acaso alguien más hizo el cambio? Porque si... El código se jodió... Con la simple, estúpida y descojonadora razón de que en varias sintaxis del código estaba escrito 'foo' en lugar de 'foro'. // ¿mis disculpas publicas? A mi me dijeron que cerraron sun por que se desmotivaron por culpa de los usuarios esos que venian aqui a desquitarse, y yo pensando: bueno si algunos comentarios son pesados y hasta insultantes, siendo un poco de pena por ellas pero ahora que lei esto neta, me arrepiento de haber sentido lo anterior. No merecen la empatia de nadie si andan con esas cosas de culpar al projimo por algo tan simple y sobretodo de la web, LA WEB y aun que fuera algo que no involucre el pc, tampoco es correcto culpar a otro por tu error
Si hasta el dia de hoy ni siquiera Nana ha recibido disculpas, no pienses que tu o los demas anons que pasaron malos momentos en Sunflower sobretodo con Kefla, o los que son apuntados como <los culpables> de matar un foro, vayan a disculparse
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princeno2 · 2 years
I saw you tag reblog on my post and I myself have thought about it, if Xanxus wasn’t taken in by Timoteo. He still have flames and a very powerful sky flame so I can see him creating his own street family, his personality from that might be less stuck up. But there’s so many other Variables to think of like what if Xanxus mother says he’s not related to a Vongola but he’s destined for greatness because he has a sky flame, he might start thinking that others should bow down to sky flame users.
Honestly there’s e no clear cut path but I would be happy to hear what you think.
Sorry this took a while to answer, I had to take a while to think about my reply.
I think Xanxus would still be the arrogant, egotistical man that he turned out to be anyway since he was born with such a powerful resolve that he could conjour up sky flame in his own hands.
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Honestly my KHR knowledge is kinda weak, either from me forgetting things or things just not being mentioned in the series, but ordinary people don't really know about the whole resolve/flames thing, do they? The girls didn't know, Nana didn't know. Only the people in the know actually know.
So somehow Xanxus' mother knew about it, knew that Timoteo was the ninth boss of the Vongola and took her child to him. So Xanxus knew that he was special because of the power of his flame. I can't remember off the top of my head if his flame was that strong for a reason, or if he was just like that. Another interesting point I found while skimming the Varia arc was this line about Xanxus from Timoteo;
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So, even though I said he'd still be the arrogant man he is now even if he didn't know about the whole mafia thing, he wouldn't be as angry. Obviously, since like 90% of his anger stems from being lied to about being of blood relation with Timoteo. I think that anger's what gives him his physical strength, as well as his power over his subordinates.
I can't remember where I read this, but loosely I remember reading about how "Xanxus' disregard for his subordinates is what makes them respect him". If he didn't end up with Timoteo and wasn't lied to, he'd still think he was better than everyone like you said since he has the sky flame, but he wouldn't be as cruel, I believe. He wouldn't even have the same subordinates as he has now, since Squalo met him during a mafia party thing, and the rest kinda followed from there. I doubt he'd be able to have the weapons he uses, too. Since they're all mafia related, he wouldn't be able to use his flames to their full capacity. Who knows, maybe someone else related to the mafia would've found him and his clunky gang, and given him a different role.
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