#vanguards: we punch with our faces
swaps55 · 1 year
Mass Effect Vanguard Guide
Other Guides: Guide to Basic Infiltrating | Shield Gate and YOU | Adept Guide | Sentinel Guide | Soldier Guide |
First and foremost, this is exactly what it says: a guide. It is not the right way to play this class; it is a way that I have found very effective after well over a thousand hours spent running different builds and different classes in campaign and ME3 Multiplayer. If you build it differently and like your style better, great! If you are having fun, you’re doing it right.
But if you are struggling at all with the Vanguard class or don’t click with it, this guide might help you. The build, loadout, and strategy are designed with higher difficulties in mind. This kit can easily make quick work of insanity and is a lot of fun if you enjoy using your face as a weapon.
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Shepard has 8 skill trees + a Bonus Power. At Rank 60, you can max out 8 skills and have enough points leftover to take the 9th to level 4. For this build, I recommend only taking Cryo Ammo to rank 4 (or skipping it entirely), and maxing everything else. 
Prioritize Charge, Nova, Incendiary Ammo, Assault Mastery, and probably a few points in Fitness here and there.  
Breakdown under the cut! 
Incendiary Ammo: Incendiary ammo might be one of the most brokenly overpowered skills in the game. The explosive evolution adds a flat damage value vs. a percentage on every other shot, which is insane. On rapid fire weapons that do less damage per shot, like the Tempest or the Typhoon, you're basically doubling the amount of damage you're doing. Add the area of effect you get with the explosion? You're now inflicting this chaos on anyone else who’s nearby. Are you using a piercing mod (the answer should be yes)? You now have a shot at another roll for another explosion, because the damage call can pass through the armored target and torment the cannon fodder behind it. A piercing mod reduces the damage on your bullet, but not the explosion. This is super insane on shotguns, because you get a shot at the extra damage roll per pellet, not per shot. Shotgun blasts have multiple pellets per shot.
Have I mentioned that this is affected by increases in power damage? So any power damage increases you take in Assault Mastery make incendiary ammo better.
Rank 4 – Damage. To hell with your squad. I mean, your squad is amazing. But trust me, you want to be selfish with incendiary ammo. You can do so much more with it than your squad can.
Rank 5 – Are you handy with headshots? Take Headshot damage. Would you rather have more ammo capacity? Take Ammo Capacity. Whatever makes you happy.
Rank 6 – Explosive Burst. Always take explosive burst. There is no universe in which you want anything other than explosive burst.
Cryo Ammo: This is your dump stat. I don’t even put my leftover points in cryo ammo, because the circumstances in which you would choose cryo ammo over incendiary ammo do not exist, if you are going for maximizing damage. Cryo ammo is really nothing more than a debuff, and you know what’s better than a debuff? Killing it. Now, if you just want to snicker at enemies with a health bar freezing solid and toppling over, that’s different. 😊 But when it comes to higher difficulties, cryo ammo just doesn’t stand up to the effectiveness of other ammo powers.  
Pull: Pull doesn’t provide nearly as much benefit as your other skills, so I suggest speccing into it last. It can, however, be a fun way to toy with mooks if you’re bored of scattering them like ninepins, and offer an alternative for dealing with Guardians if emptying a shotgun full of fire into their mail slot doesn’t quite do it for you. Pull will also prime biotic explosions. It’s not elegant, but you can do it.
Rank 4: Duration vs. Radius: I go for Radius, because as a Vanguard nothing stays alive long enough for duration to matter. But if you are having trouble with timing to get biotic explosions, you can choose Duration here.
Rank 5: Lift Damage vs. Expose: Go for Expose, which increases all damage to the target, including biotic detonations. Again, things don’t stay alive long enough for lift damage to do much for you.  
Rank 6: Recharge Speed vs. Double Pull. DOUBLE PULL. Why would you choose one pull when you can have two? This skill already has one of the fastest recharge speeds in the game, so choosing recharge speed doesn’t gain you anything.
Biotic Charge: Biotic charge, of course, is the signature skill of the vanguard, and while there are plenty of playstyles you can use that don’t hinge on charge…why would you? Charge is stupidly fun. You can be reckless, silly, and stupid, and no one can stop you. You’ll make so many things explode you can hear colors. There isn’t a problem your face can’t solve, unless the problem is on a platform out of bounds.
Charge is also a detonator power, which means you can set up biotic explosions by painting a target with warp, reave, dark channel, and even pull, and then slamming your face into it. Charge will also create a fire explosion when you ram your face into something that’s on fire from incinerate or….incendiary ammo. Hey, who has incendiary ammo and can make their own fire explosions? VANGUARDS. 
Rank 4: Force & Damage vs. Radius. Dealer’s choice. Do you want to smash for face against one thing with all the force? Or smash your face against all the things with less force? ME3 tends to emphasize cannon fodder over high tier enemies, so if you’re a little shy about running straight into the arms of a banshee and prefer to use yourself as a bowling ball into a pile of husks, go for radius. Otherwise, go for damage.
Rank 5: Weapon Synergy vs. Power Synergy. For most playstyles, power synergy is what you want here, especially if you like to spam Nova, as power synergy makes your nova hit harder. However, if you prefer to charge into something and then stick your shotgun down its throat to set it on fire with fire bullets, take weapon synergy.
Rank 6: Bonus Power vs. Barrier: I recommend barrier here, because the number one problem vanguards have is not giving a fuck, and having charge give you your shields back when not giving a fuck lands you in a sticky situation will generally save your life. Also, the cooldowns on this kit are so fast you really don’t benefit that much from randomly getting a free one to justify giving up those shields you really need because nova.
Shockwave: Shockwave is another detonator for biotic explosions, and it’s a handy mid-range attack when you’re stuck in cover or don’t want ravager goo all over your face.
Rank 4: Force & Damage vs. Radius: Shockwave’s biggest weakness is its short reach, so I choose radius here. NOTE: In the Original Trilogy, this skill is bugged on PC. Choosing radius actually causes this skill to do ZERO damage. So if you are playing OT on PC, choose Force. This bug appeared to be fixed in LE when I tested it.
Rank 5: Detonate vs. Reach: While reach would be great, because again, range is this skill’s biggest shortcoming, detonating combos is what makes shockwave so good. I recommend detonate, unless you find yourself not using it for explosions.
Rank 6: Recharge vs. Lifting Shockwave: Either one will work here, really. Lifted shockwave is cute, and can help you set up explosions, so I tend to choose it.
Nova: The companion skill to Charge! A lot of people are afraid of Nova because it depletes your shields. But I encourage you to practice with it, because if you get comfortable with the pattern of charge + nova + shoot it on fire until it’s dead, there isn’t much of anything a vanguard can’t handle.
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Yes, even banshees.
Rank 4:  Force and Damage vs. Radius: You can choose either here, though I will give the lean towards force and damage. If something manages to evade the radius, stick a fire shotgun down their throat to make them think about what they’ve done.
Rank 5: Power Recharge vs. Half Blast: I recommend power recharge here, because decreasing the effectiveness of nova means it dies slower, and Power Recharge speed increases your recharge speed by 25% across the board for 15 seconds. That means CHARGE recharges faster. Which means you can lock yourself in a continuous loop of faster recharge by charging and nova-ing until everything is dead. Remember, this kit does not have a grenade power because SHEPARD is the grenade. Realize your full potential and blow everything up.  
Rank 6: Pierce vs. Sustain: Don’t be tempted by Sustain, and the allure of sometimes not using up your barrier. Choose Pierce. Not only does this make you more effective vs. Armor and Barriers, but also shields, which is something biotics aren’t great at. If you feel naked without your shields, remember you have a FIRE GUN that can protect you until Charge is primed and ready to give you your shields back, and Rank 5 means that recharge is faster.
Assault Mastery: Here’s where things get stupid. Assault Mastery makes all your badass shit even more badass.
Rank 4: Damage vs. Influence & Force: I understand that the Influence bonus is really attractive here, but we’re focusing a build that services combat, not story, and Damage brings you to a 20% power bonus vs. the 10% if you choose I&F. Remember, power damage not only affects your biotic powers, but also your ammo power. Remember how stupid Incendiary Ammo is? This makes it stupider.
Rank 5: Squad Bonus vs. Weight Capacity: Be selfish. Your squad is great, but Shepard is a god, and do you know how your make gods even more badass? Let them bring heavier guns.
Rank 6: Shotgun Damage vs. Power Intensity: Even if you primarily use a shotgun and don’t rely heavily on powers, the 20% power damage bonus from Power Intensity is better, because it also applies to Incendiary Ammo. And it gives you the freedom to use other guns if you want to.
Fitness: Let’s make this short and sweet: As a vanguard, you are not punching things with your fists, you are punching things with your face, so for ranks 4, 5, & 6, go Durability, Barrier Recharge, and Durability.
Bonus Power: I recommend any biotic power that sets up combos, since setting up combos is what Vanguards are not great at. Between Reave and Dark Channel, I prefer reave, because you can paint multiple targets, it staggers the target, it stacks, and it gives you damage reduction. I do NOT recommend Flare. While it is a really cool power, it has a painfully slow recharge speed, and vanguards need to move fast.
Rank 4: Duration vs. Radius: I choose radius, to paint more targets. It’s not gonna live long enough for duration to matter.
Rank 5: Damage Reduction vs. Recharge Speed: The recharge speed is a little painful, so if you aren’t having trouble staying alive, you can choose it. If you’re dying, damage reduction will help.
Barriers & Armor vs. Damage & Duration: You can go either way here, but I prefer Barriers & Armor, because you can fire a reave at a banshee and then ignore her while you go bowling with the cannon fodder. When all your toys are dead, you can then ram your face into the banshee so she explodes.     
The Weapons
The weight capacity bonus you can get from Assault Mastery means Shepard can be this powerful and carry some REALLY good guns. I recommend weapons with a high rate of fire to take advantage of Incendiary Ammo. Shotguns are the obvious choice, but any weapon with a high rate of fire that keeps you close to or at a 200% cooldown is good.
My favorites are the Piranha and the Hurricane, the latter of which can take advantage of a power mag bonus. But since you are already giving up a valuable mod slot for the power mag, if you need a stabilizer to use it comfortably, I’d recommend going with something else. The Talon is a good choice because it is lightweight, fires quickly enough, and it has a damage bonus to shields and barriers. Basically, it’s a pocket shotgun. The Reegar is a weapon that can be REALLY dumb, since it melts shields, and it benefits from a piercing mod, but its drawback is that it is very short range on a class that already struggles at range. If you want to use it, I suggest the piercing and thermal clip mods.
Speaking of the range issue. I have two words for you: The Indra.
The Indra is an automatic sniper rifle, one of the absolute best weapons in the game, and Shepard can carry it and STILL HAVE A 200% COOLDOWN. Also? It costs 10k credits on the Citadel at the beginning of the game. Is it counterintuitive to carry a sniper rifle on a Vanguard? Yup. Is it immersion breaking? Possibly. But remember, this is a combat guide, not a story guide. Put the Indra on Shepard with Incendiary Ammo, and congrats! You are now invincible.
How to Play
Vanguard is a high risk/high reward class. It’s designed to play fast and at close range, so if you are trying to play it like an adept, you might not get good results. Get comfortable playing with your shields down (you’ll get them back with the next charge), don’t be stingy with medigel, and don’t fret too much about top tier enemies like phantoms and banshees. You might occasionally get sync killed, but truthfully, your damage output is so high you can often stagger them out of their murderous intent. Even turrets can’t stand up to this kit:
Turn on incendiary ammo the moment you load into a mission and leave it on. I suggest mapping charge, nova, and reave (if it’s your bonus power) to the hotkeys so you don’t have to use the power wheel for each, and make it a muscle memory. Charge everything. Nova with impunity. Shoot everything that isn’t dead until they’re on so much fire they wish they were. Use the power wheel to pause the game and get your bearings or figure out what’s shooting you. Use your squadmates to either strip shields or set up biotic explosions. Use and abuse combat roll to get out of trouble if charge is on cooldown. If you’re about to die, charge first, then medigel. Reload canceling is your friend. (If you are not familiar with reload canceling, I plan to make a post about it.)
A vanguard should rarely stop moving, except for the occasional stint behind cover to regroup, reload your gun, or set up an explosion. If you stop charging, you’ll probably die.
This class is a hell of a lot of fun if you let it off the chain and go hog wild. Don’t be afraid to die. Taking the risk – even if it doesn’t pay off all the time – helps you get comfortable with the batshit playstyle if it’s not something you’re used to.
I love all the Mass Effect classes, but this one is my favorite because this is how I really love to play the game. I hope this guide helps!  
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blmpff · 4 months
My Top 9 Albums of 2023
Tagged by @troubled-mind you know what's up 😎🤘
Tbh I listen to playlists more often than albums (I put all the songs by a certain artist I like all in one playlist and listen to those most of the time) (I have two kinds of playlists: 1. artists 2. genre), but these are the ones I do listen to on their own (the slower songs got bye byed).
I'll be as kind you and put their names below in case anyone is interested, and even add my favorite songs, muah
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Nothing More - Spirits (also eg: Turn It Up Like, Don't Look Back, Face It, Spirits)
2. Architects - the classic symptoms of a broken spirit (also eg: deep fake, tear gas, living is killing us)
3. Stray Kids - 5 star (also: Hall of Fame, S-Class, Item, Super Bowl, Get Lit)
4. Smash Into Pieces - Disconnect (also eg: Reckoning, Vanguard, Heathens, Deadman)
5. From Ashes To New - Blackout (also eg: Heartache, Nightmare, Broken By Design)
6. Skindred - Smile (also eg: Our Religion, Gimme That Boom, Black Stars)
7. Five Finger Death Punch - Afterlife (also eg: Afterlife, IOU)
8. Xikers - House of Tricky (also eg: Tricky House)
9. John Wick 4 ost (also eg: Blood Code, though I honestly love all of them)
No pressure tagging: @solaarflaree @scarefox @neuroticbookworm @lurkingshan @sparklyeyedhimbo @lukaherehelp @pharawee @firstkanaphans @guzhu-furen @colourme-feral @tenprem @mysterygrl20 @stormyoceans @yourstormthlaylirahh @poetry-protest-pornography @cangse-sanren @italianpersonwithashippersheart @maxescheibechlinichacheli and everyone who'd like to, only if you feel like it of course, and if you've done it already could you please @ me in your list hehe 🙏
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undertale-anomaly20 · 8 months
Mortal Kombat 11 x reader: Chapter 12 End of an era
That person is Liu Kang, but he has drastically changed in appearance. He appears fully human, but his hair is now grey, his eyes glowing electric blue, his tattoos generating electricity and his body generating flames. Raiden's hat is on his back, and his trousers now have a blue shade on them as opposed to red. His bandanna is now metallic and he wears a necklace of beads.
Liu Kang stands to his feet, looking at his outstretched hands, in awe at his new powers. He closes them into fists and puts them back down at his side.
Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Jax all begin to walk forward. Kung Lao teleports onto the deck from his ship and Kitana jumps over from hers, landing next to Kharon. All of them take in the sight of the radically changed Liu Kang.
"Liu Kang?" Asked Sub-Zero "I am..." Liu Kang begins to say before he stops pulsating with electricity and fire, but his eyes are now bright blue, as are his tattoos. "...And I am not" "What happened to Raiden?" Asked Jax "He is part of me. Bound to my soul. He... made me a god. For now, at least" Liu Kang replies
"A god? Incredible" Kitana commented "My revenant counterpart. I have absorbed his knowledge of the Keep, of Kronika's plan. I know where to find the hourglass. We can beat Kronika" Said Liu Kang "Is Lady (Name) and Calithea safe?" Kung Lao asked worried "They both are unharmed. Lady (Name) is chained and cuffed as is Calithea" Liu Kang Replied.
Back in Kronika's Keep, both she and Cetrion look upon the chair that once bound Liu Kang. Kronika is wide-eyed and more perplexed than we have ever seen her before "Out of desperation comes invention. I had not thought it possible for Raiden to surprise me" Says Kronika as she addresses Cetrion without even looking at her "Our success is no longer certain. We must make haste"
They walk back to the hourglass and begin manipulating the sands once again all the while (Name) watches them as she holds Calithea close to her chest.
Back on the shoreline, Kharon's flagships have almost reached land. Waiting for them is the Netherrealm army, and the oni demons roar in anticipation and charge the shoreline. The ships continue forward, not decelerating in the slightest.
"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" yelled Kharon.
The flagship touches down on the shore without issue. A boarding plank is lowered as the Netherrealm army reaches the ships. Before the demons can climb up it, Sub-Zero slides down, using his ice reaches powers to freeze the ground beneath him and the demons below him. He lands on the shoreline and uses an ice axe to chop a frozen demon into shattered remains, then immediately decapitates another one.
Scorpion teleports from the ship deck in a burst of flame, coming out in the midst of the army, sending several onis into the air in flames. He punches down one oni, then rips the heart out of another.
The ship containing the Special Forces crashes into a dock, smashing it into a splintered ruin. With a loud cheer, the vanguard runs down the boarding plank. Three soldiers on deck chuck grenades at the army, which blow up and kill several demons in one go. More demons charge as Cassie, Jacqui and the younger Jax zipline down to the shore. The oni charging them are cut into bloodied strips by the firepower of Jax's assault rifle, Jacqui's wrist cannons and Cassie's pistols.
Another ship crashes onto the shoreline, and Kung Lao and the Shaolin monks all acrobatically leap off the ship, landing expertly on the ship's large oars on its starboard side. They run across the oars and touch down on the ground to face the Netherrealm army. Kung Lao drops an oni with a jumping spin-kick, drops another with a punch and roundhouse kick, and a third with a snap kick.
The Netherrealm army also charged the last ship touching on land. On that ship, Kitana lifts a hand containing her bladed fans into the air. With a loud cry, she points with her fan to the army and leaps ashore, joined immediately by Baraka, Sheeva and Jade, and a second later followed by the soldiers, Tarkatan and Shokan they all command. The Outworld army pumps themselves up with chants as the Netherrealm army charges toward them, and with one final cry, they all run forward, joining the battle.
Kitana blocks a blow from a spiked club with her blades, throwing the weapon aside and cutting into the demon who wielded it. She knocks it down with a jumping high kick as Sheeva charges two demons, grabs their heads and bashes them together, knocking them down in a spray of blood, before backhanding another charging demon aside with her two right hands.
Back at the Special Forces boat, Cassie, Jacqui and Jax cut down countless demons approaching them with their gunfire, but it seems like they will soon be overwhelmed. But above them on the boat, the elder Jax stands on the edge of the bow. He leaps off, his fist charging with energy. Just as the Netherrealm army is about to swarm over them, Jax lands on the pier deck and smashes his fist into the ground. The resulting shockwave blasts the entire front ranks backward several feet, clearing the area. Jax looks back toward his daughter.
"This mean you're back?" Jacqui asked hopeful "This means I'm sorry, Jacqui. And hell yeah, I'm back" He replied
Jacqui immediately hugs her dad, to the delight of Cassie and the younger Jax. The moment is quickly broken though as the Netherrealm army finishes regrouping and charges once again. Cassie and Jacqui open fire once again, while both Jax's begin punching and kicking down every demon that steps too close to them. Even so, countless more demons make their way forward.
But all of them fail to notice a disturbance in the clouds above. The clouds swirl in toward what appears to be a red glow in the sky. The light soon becomes bright enough that both Jax's, Jacqui, Cassie and even the Netherrealm army look up to the sky in shock and wonder.
At the center of the red vortex is Liu Kang, charging up with lightning. On a balcony of Kronika's Keep, the revenants Kitana and Kung Lao also watch this spectacle, flanked by two demons. As the clouds turn and swirl around him, Liu Kang gathers his focus, bursts into flames and torpedos down into the center of the Netherrealm army guarding the gates to Kronika's Keep.
The impact he causes on landing is akin to a nuclear explosion, with the entire area surrounded by white for a few moments.
When the smoke clears, Liu Kang stands alone. The Netherrealm army in the field is simply gone, vaporized into nothingness. Only a small defensive force of Netherrealm oni survived to defend the gate, while a large number still waited within the Keep itself. Behind Liu Kang, the gathered army of heroes all cheer the display of power and charge forward toward the gate of the Keep.
With the Earthrealm / Outworld armies approaching behind him, Liu Kang strides toward the gates, his arms crackling with electricity. The remnant of demons roars in defiance and charges, to which Liu Kang responds by blasting lightning from his hand. The electricity catches one demon and then immediately chains the others around it. Within moments, all the demons have been fatally electrocuted.
Liu Kang walks up to the gates, with all the heroes following after.
"Stand back"
They all wait as Liu Kang charges up his hand with fire. He strikes the gate, and the impact is so devastating that on the other side, the frontlines of the Netherrealm army are thrown into the air from the massive explosion that occurs.
The army of heroes charges toward the keep, Liu Kang now taking to the skies once more. As he flies off to deal with the defenders near the back, Kitana stabs a charging demon multiple times with her bladed fans, knocking it down with a roundhouse kick. She slashes another demon several times over, almost completely eviscerating it, then stabs a third demon four times over, finishing with a stab straight through the top of its skull.
Kung Lao palm strikes a demon twice in the chest, then splits it in two vertically with a swipe of his bladed hat.
The younger Jax blocks a demon's punch and punches it twice, leaving it for his elder self to finish off. He swipes at another demon that actually manages to duck his attack and punch him back, but the elder Jax then charges in and hits two shots to the ribs that stun the demon. Younger Jax recovers and the two Jax's both wind up their fists and punch the demon on both sides of its head, completely obliterating it.
The heroes make their way to the Keep's entrance, and we cut to inside where the revenants Kung Lao, Kitana and Jade all run into the room where the hourglass is kept "Is the battle lost?" Asked Kitana "Victory is still at hand. The hourglass is nearly ready" Kronika replied.
She turns to the revenants.
"You will prevent Liu Kang's interference. But you will require more assistance"
Time energy flows from her hands toward the revenants. On the other side of the doorway, Liu Kang, Kitana and Kung Lao approach.
"Whatever happens, I am honored to fight at your side" Said Liu Kang "Likewise, Liu Kang," said Kitana as Kung Lao placed a hand on his shoulder saying "Me too, brother."
"May the Elder Gods protect us" Said Liu Kang.
He charges his hand up with fire and punches the doorway. This time, the door melts away rather than blowing up. The three heroes step through to find Kronika and Cetrion still manipulating the hourglass and (Name) on the floor chained with her daughter, but they are stopped by the appearance of revenant Jade, Kung Lao and Kitana, all wearing new attire in the same white-gold of Kronika's clothing. Kronika looks over to Liu Kang.
"Liu Kang, God of Thunder and Fire. Combined with Raiden has the benefit of novelty. But it is also too little, too late" Said Kronika while (Name) and Calithea looked in shock at Liu Kang.
She turns back to the hourglass and pours her energy into it. The revenants move forward slightly, but don't attack. The sands in the hourglass begin to flow upwards as Liu Kang runs forward to attack, but as he does so, Kung Lao and Kitana come to a frozen halt. As Liu Kang stops and turns around, they begin to move in reverse.
"Kitana! Kung Lao!" he calls out as he tries to Kitana's hand, but is unable to stop her from moving backward. To his dismay, he can only watch as time starts to unwind, and with it, both Kitana and Kung Lao step back through the door, which unmelts and seals itself once again. Liu Kang looks back toward Kronika and the revenants, unaffected by the reversal of time.
(Name) growls and glares up at Kronika "Cheating bitch! What? Can't handle a fair fight!?" she snaps at her but Kronika only glances at her momentarily before returning her attention to the hourglass.
We cut to the scenes from before where the armies of Earthrealm and Outworld collided with the Netherrealm army, only now these scenes are being rewound. The Outworld army jumps back on their ship in reverse, the Shaolin monks leap backward on the oars of their ship, and the pier docks are reformed as Kharon's ships rewind and undo the crash damage they inflicted. Scorpion teleports in reverse back onto his ship, while Sub-Zero undecapitates and unshatters the frozen demons from earlier, sliding backwards to his ship. Kharon's ships sail off in reverse, and the Netherrealm army runs backward from the shoreline.
Back in Kronika's Keep, Liu Kang steels himself. Kronika looks over at him.
"Raiden's gift shields you from the power of the hourglass. Regardless, your allies are gone, while mine remain to defend me" She motions to the revenants.
"Finish him!"
Jade and Kitana charge Liu Kang at the same time. He parries Jade's staff with his hands and ducks under a swipe but walks into a roundhouse kick from Kung Lao. As Liu Kang staggers back, he manages to block an ax kick from Kitana but takes a sidekick to the stomach from her when she counterattacks. Kung Lao immediately strikes him in the face with another roundhouse kick, then Jade hits him in the knee with her staff and twirls around to smash it into his chest.
Liu Kang remains on his feet as the revenants come in again. He catches Kitana's hand before she can swipe him with her bladed fan and blocks Jade's staff with his other arm, but this leaves him open to Kung Lao, who blasts him with a barrage of fists to his sternum. With Liu Kang stunned, Kung Lao steps back and delivers a sidekick to the sternum that knocks Liu Kang backward, sending him crashing hard to the ground.
"Liu!" (Name) calls out worried as she struggles against the chains. Calithea slips out of her and gets up running "Fire man!" she calls out (Name) worried even more "Cali! No!" (Name) yells jumping to her feet, pulling at her chains and cuffs, trying to free herself.
For a moment, Liu Kang writhes on the floor but struggles to his feet. The revenants remain in fighting stances. Liu Kang closes his eyes to focus... and hears the voice of Raiden.
"Earthrealm's Jinsei flows within you. Let it fuel your fire"
He opens his eyes again, and now they sparkle with electricity. His face etched with fierce determination, Liu Kang looks to the heavens and roars with fury. Lightning strikes his body and fire explodes out of it once more. He shifts into a fighting stance, dispelling the fire and electricity as the three revenants charge him again.
Kung Lao attacks first with a barrage of punches, but Liu Kang parries them all, as well as some staff strikes from Jade. He then blocks a high kick from Kitana and another from Kung Lao, dodging between strikes from Kitana's fans. He grabs Kitana's hand as she tries to stab him, then steps forward and judo throws her to the floor. Before she can recover he punches her in the face, knocking her unconscious.
Liu Kang then throws a roundhouse kick that counters a palm strike from Kung Lao, blocks some more punches and lands a straight punch to Lao's face, sending him reeling back. Kang turns to his side as Jade tries to flank him, deflecting her staff attacks with his fists and feet. He jump-kicks her in the face, punches Kung Lao again when he tries to charge in and blasts him in the chest with a fireball, knocking him down.
Jade tries to stab him with her staff, but Liu Kang dodges around it, punches her in the face, then takes her staff with both hands and wrenches it downward. As Jade staggers forward, Liu Kang knees her in the face, knocking off her mask. He then twirls the staff around - taking Jade with it - and forces it against her throat, while he grabs her head from behind and pushes it down against her staff.
It's not long before Jade begins to struggle for breath, and she falls to her knees. As she lets go of her staff, Liu Kang leans downward and springs back with a devastating knee strike to the back of her neck. The blow is so powerful that Jade's staff breaks in two from the impact, and the revenant assassin collapses on the floor, killed instantly by the strike.
Liu Kang throws the broken pieces of Jade's staff to the floor and assumes another fighting stance. He addresses Kitana, who has just begun to pick herself off the floor.
"Now stand down! I have no wish to harm you.
"Harm me?! You already KILLED me! My fate was sealed the moment I joined you at Raiden's side. It's a mistake I won't repeat in the New Era"
They fight. Even with Kitana's Edenian speed and thousands of years of battle experience, Liu Kang had bested her before. And even with the power of Kronika in her revenant form, it proves to be no match for the Fire God that is Liu Kang. Taking advantage of his newfound abilities, he quickly finishes the fight and leaves Kitana down on the ground.
"Our friendship was no mistake"
He looks over to Kung Lao, who has also started to rise from the floor "Your ego knows no bounds!" Said Kung Lao. Liu Kang walks toward the revenant "I did not ask for this. It was thrust upon me" Liu Kang tried to reason with him "It should have been ME, Liu Kang, from the beginning! Thanks to Kronika, it will be"
They fight. While Kung Lao has lost none of the speed and ability that carried him to victory many times in life, and is powered up further by Kronika's machinations, it turns out to be his ego that is too big for him. The Fire God Liu Kang takes the fight to the revenant and defeats him in short order.
With Kung Lao turn, Liu Kang turns to Kronika.
Unknown to him Kitana slowly got back up and prepared to attack him from behind when a large ball of fire slammed into her, knocking her to the floor, head first, and rendering her unconscious, Liu Kang looked at the now unconscious Kitana then to (Name).
But (Name) was still shackled she looked behind him in disbelief "That...wasn't me" she whispered wide-eyed. Liu Kang looks back behind him shocked the fireball still remained in one place but slowly extinguished. All that stood there was Calithea, glaring at the fallen Kitana, without a single injury and a few embers on her skin. She points at Kitana "That was for killing my mommy and trying to hurt mama's friend!" she shouted. Liu Kang walked over to her and petted her hair smiling "Well done, little one" He said making her giggle as he picked her up. Calithea looks at her mother and laughs "Look, mama!" She says waving her hands "I'm just like you!" (Name) tears up and smiles "Yeah baby. Just like me" she says softly. Liu Kang walks to (Name) and unbinds her. Calithea leaps into her mother's awaiting arms happily.
Liu Kang turned again to Kronika "Still, you are alive" She said "Yes, Kronika. You were right to fear mine and Raiden's powers combined" He replied "A demi-god's power cannot rival that of an Elder God. Cetrion!"
Kronika steps aside to reveal Cetrion - who rather than the green outfit she wore earlier, is now decked out in red, with glowing eyes to match. Her new attire makes her look similar in appearance to a succubus "As you wish, Mother" Says Cetrion.
Cetrion throws fireballs at Liu Kang which he dodges and flips over. Liu Kang shoots a fireball of his own which Cetrion blocks. She shoots off a blast of wind that Kang cartwheels to avoid and another which he ducks under. She then throws a roundhouse kick that shoots a spark of ice, which he blocks but sends him back several feet. Liu Kang recovers quickly and jump kicks the air, shooting a fireball from his leg that Cetrion barely ducks under. She shoots another fireball that Kang ducks from, and he launches another roundhouse kick that shoots a fireball that catches her in the face, sending her onto her hands and knees. She stands again quickly "You match me step for step," She says.
She kicks the air again, sending out a fireball and an ice blast. Liu Kang dodges both projectiles and counters with a lightning blast that electrocutes the Elder Goddess, knocking her to the floor. Behind her, Kronika stares on at Liu Kang, eyes wide with fear as Cetrion struggles to rise, still being wracked with electricity.
(Name) and Calithea stands back. (Name) doesn't interfere. Something inside her tells her to stay back just like at the collisium when she let Kitana face off against Shao Kahn. Calithea watches 'fire man' fight Cetrion.
"Because your heart is not in the battle, Cetrion. You fight for your mother's vision. But as a goddess of virtue you know that her desired balance is folly" Liu Kang says
As Cetrion stands up, Kronika walks over to her "Heed me, Cetrion! He lacks our vision and wisdom!" She says. Cetrion turns away from her, clearly conflicted "Please. No virtue is served by condemning the realms to endless war" Liu Kang implores her. Cetrion looks back at Kronika for a moment, then steels herself, facing Liu Kang once again.
"The greatest virtue is abiding my mother's will, Liu Kang. I cannot fail her"
They fight. With her powers over nature and all of its elements, Cetrion should indeed be a match for the Fire God Liu Kang. But the battle does not sway that way, because Liu Kang is also the God of Thunder and he takes full advantage of the internal conflict raging in Cetrion's mind. Slipping past her attacks and into her defenses, Liu Kang manages to do the impossible and overpower the Elder Goddess, knocking her to the floor.
"Your heart betrays you, Cetrion"
Laying on the ground, Cetrion looks over to Kronika "I have failed you" She says pitifully "Dearest Cetrion, you have done admirably" What little forced compassion is in Kronika's voice dispels as Cetrion rises to her feet "Yet there is one final service to perform" She says. Cetrion looks downcast but also resigned to her fate "Yes, Mother. I understand" She said defeatedly.
She raises her hands to the heavens and cries out. Her form disintegrates into a glowing ball of multicolored light that flies into Kronika. The power that Cetrion wielded now flows out of Kronika "You will be exalted in the New Era, Cetrion"
"What is wrong with you?"
Kronika and Liu Kang turn to (Name), who stares at Kronika with disgust "She...she was your daughter...Your child, your creation and you used her to fill the fucking hourglass?" She said her rage slowly building. Calithea gets out of her mother's arms and stands next to her "She did EVERYTHING you asked of her, even if it meant going against everything she stood for, every moral she had, and you didn't even care nor hesitate to use her very life for your selfish desires! have you no shame?!" She yells. Kronika looked indifferent "I am her mother. It was her honor to do this" She replied. (Name) growled as she lit her hands up with fire "You...don't deserve the title of mother!"
Liu Kang and (Name) throw a fireball each, but Kronika effortlessly bats it aside. He looks at his hands in confusion for a moment as does (Name), but puts it aside and charges her. Kronika blasts a storm of sand from her palms, striking Liu Kang and knocking him down "And YOU, Liu Kang, have FAILED!" Kronika said.
She turns to the hourglass and uses her time powers once again. The sand continues to flow upwards, increasing in speed. (Name) picks up Calithea again and clutches her to her chest afraid for her daughter's life as Calithea cries and buries her face in her mother's chest. Liu Kang rises to his feet and Kronika looks over at him again "History rewinds, giving way to the New Era!" Kronika said "NO!" Liu Kang exclaimed. He looks at (Name) and her scared expression and how Calithea is crying in fear. He runs to them and brings them both into his arms to shield them as much as he can as (Name) buries her head in his shoulder.
Around them, Kronika's Keep suddenly fades away, as they and the hourglass are transported through time and through realms, emerging in pre-historic Earthrealm. They appear in a luscious and beautiful forest, with a dead dinosaur in the background. The area surrounding the hourglass is distorted, seemingly opening out into space. Kronika hovers above Liu Kang, slowly coming down to ground level.
Liu Kang lets go of (Name) and Calithea and walks away from them far enough so that they won't be included in the fight. He sends (Name) a confident smile before he faces Kronika.
"The realms as you knew them are undone. Erased. You cannot save a future that no longer exists! There is only the New Era!"
They fight. The battle is truly epic, with neither Liu Kang nor Kronika getting any clear advantage for the majority of it. For what seems like an age, the newly born Fire God and the architect of the Mortal Kombat universe fight with every power they have, but eventually, Liu Kang prevails and knocks Kronika to her knees. She struggles to her feet.
"The realms will not fight your endless wars"
"Fight me further and your friends are lost. They have no future unless I create it" Kronika says getting to her feet
"The future you offer is not worth living! It will NOT come to pass!" Liu Kang exclaims.
They fight. Once again, the battle proves to be a meeting of two unstoppable forces. But this time Liu Kang gets the upper hand and knocks Kronika to her knees.
"With or without you, I will restore the timeline!"
Kronika growls in anger and rises to her feet. She telekinetically hurls another two asteroids at Liu Kang, but he kicks them to pieces.
"Sculpting the Sands of Time requires great power and skill. You have neither, Liu Kang. You may be a god, but I am a Titan!
They fight. Once again, the battle proves to be a meeting of two unstoppable forces. But, with (Name) and Calithea shouting words of encouragement, Liu Kang overpowers Kronika and knocks her to her knees.
As Kronika rises, Liu Kang charges up a fireball and blasts her straight in the chest. He shoots three more, each striking the helpless Kronika, before charging up a final blast that shoots out from his hands like a flamethrower. The blast engulfs Kronika entirely, and when it ends we see that her entire body has molded into what looks like molten organic glass.
Liu Kang approaches the now crystalline form of Kronika. He chops her outstretched hand, shattering her arm to the elbow, then repeats the motion with her other arm, shattering that too. Growling in fury, he roundhouse kicks her across the face, and her entire head explodes into pieces. He then contemptuously pushes down what remains of her body, letting it break apart completely upon impact with the ground.
With the Titan of Time lying dead at his feet, Liu Kang closes his eyes, trying to find focus again when he's engulfed in a hug. He opens his eyes to see, both, (Name) and Calithea hugging him smiling. He smiles back and returns the hug "She is gone. There is nothing to fear anymore" He said pulling back enough to see (Name)'s face "We're just happy you're alive and well, Liu," She said smiling. Calithea smiles up at him "You're ok, Fire man! No more bad lady!" She says showing off her little fangs in her smile. He chuckles and pets her hair "Correct, little one. No more bad lady"
"Our work is finished, Liu Kang.
Liu Kang turns around. Behind him stands Raiden...but something is different. Raiden's attire is the same as before, but his voice no longer reverberates with power.
"Lord Raiden" Liu Kang said surprised as he let go of (Name). Raiden looks up at him. There is no electric blue glow in his eyes. His pupils are brown and look entirely human "I am merely Raiden, now. You have proven worthy to take my place as the new Protector of Earthrealm, once it is restored" Raiden said "You honor me, Raiden" Liu Kang replied as he clasped his hands and bowed "The honor is mine, Lord Liu Kang. The sands of time are yours to shape. It falls upon you to architect a new history" Said Raiden before he turned to (Name) with a remorseful look in his eyes.
"Lady (Name). I know I do not deserve to even ask for your forgiveness for all the harm and pain I have put you through the years" Raiden said with sorrow before a hand was placed on his shoulder "I forgive you Raiden...Yes, it hurt for many years but I grew stronger because of those actions. so please don't beat yourself up over it" S.he said smiling at him as he returned the smile. (Name) looked to Liu Kang "time to give the realms the histories they deserve, Liu" (Name) said smiling
"The fate of all realms... in my hands? Raiden, I cannot do this alone" Liu Kang said slightly nervous "I shall advise you for as long as my mortality allows. But have no doubt, you are up to the task" Raiden replied "As will I. We won't leave you alone while we still exist" (Name) said with a look of determination and Calithea giggled looking up at him.
"Then together, let us begin" Liu Kang said determined
As the four of them turn to the hourglass, the camera pans up into the shining cosmos of space. The future may be uncertain, but it looks hopeful.
Cut to black.
(This isn't the end of the story just yet. I still have to do the Aftermath DLC because its been stated that it's canon and leads into the next game Mortal Kombat 1. It'll Take some time since it's going to be hard to insert the reader and not have her or Calithea cross paths with her past self)
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cadrenebula · 2 years
Prompt #12: Miss the Boat
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Stefan looked around to be certain he was alone. Usually his sister came here right around the start of the Rising celebrations. Hopefully that meant coming here as they ended meant he wouldn’t run into Destiney today. Thankfully it looked deserted as he came to stand before the marker that was their father’s gravestone. 
He wasn’t sure what he wanted to feel as he stood here. Did he want to scream to the void? About what? About the mess he was in because of their family lineage? There was just so much he wished he could say face to face to their father. So much he wished he could yell at his father for. Would it do him any good to yell at emptiness?
“Why? She always had your approval and your love. Why did it always feel like I wasn’t good enough? I’ve been told you did love me. It never felt like it.” Stefan stared at the silent stone as he seethed. “Was it really because you were afraid of me walking the path of the Vanguard because of my love of magic? Or were you afraid of what I would become if I did?”
Huffing as he began to pace back and forth in front of the grave. “Didn’t you ever think I might be safer if I knew? Rather than keeping me in the dark. Letting me blindly stumble into the family secret? My mistakes undoing whatever you did to keep me undetected by Ronove because you thought we were safer not knowing. Because you thought you knew best.” A disgusted scoff. “Because you thought we’d be safe. You were wrong, father.”
“I let my sister go to Ishgard without me.” Crouching down before the stone, letting little sparks of lightning crackle between his fingers as he held his hand up in his view. “I let her suffer alone. All because you couldn’t ever be honest with me. Because you couldn’t be bothered to just treat me like her. All I got were the pained or worried looks. Cautious treatment. Attempts to make me go outside because you ‘thought it was better than those dusty tomes’. Only for me to get bullied. So I left. If you had done things differently, maybe I would have been in Ishgard with her.”
Dropping his hand back down as he sighed heavily and looked away from the stone. “Why did you have to go and die on us? Leave us all alone like you did? You know how much Destiney adored you, father. It almost killed her to hear you died while she suffered in that dreadful city alone. I survived because Uncle found me. Helped me when I needed it. Unlike you. I didn’t even know you had died till Destiney found me years later.”
Clenching his hand into a fist as he squeezed his eyes closed. Why couldn’t he just have the chance to yell at him to his face. Instead here he was yelling to a grave. Unlikely his father was even hearing him. Lashing out with his right fist to hit the stone. Taking a shuddering breath as he let his fist just rest where he’d hit. Finally leaning forward till his forehead met the cool stone.
“Would it have been so terrible to teach your own son magic? To prepare me for the day I’d finally have to do something about our damned lineage? Why couldn’t you just accept me…” Tears ran from the corners of his closed eyes, unable to keep them back anymore. “All I ever wanted… Was your approval… To feel as loved as Destiney was…”
Turning around to sit down with his back against the stone now as he rubbed his sore hand. Thankfully he’d been smart enough not to punch it with his left since it had just been sprained last week. Scrubbing at his face to remove the remainder of the tears. He wasn’t going to spare any more tears for his father.
“I was fine without you before. I’ll be fine now. So thanks for caring.” The words dripped with sarcasm as he looked up towards the sky. “I’ll figure out how to end the Vanguard without your help. Just like everything else.”
Pushing to his feet as he moved to walk away. Only making it a few steps before he paused to look back. Unable to see the ghost that lingered behind the stone that looked at him with an infinitely sad expression. Stefan felt conflicted as he took a deep breath before letting it out. Granted he felt better getting his feelings off his chest where his father was concerned. But he also felt bad to some degree for dumping all the blame on his father. Some of it was definitely his choice and his fault. Some of it laid on Stefan too though.
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t the son you wanted.” Turning his back to the grave once more. “But I will make sure the Vanguard ends with me. So that your daughter and grandchild are safe. Just like you wanted.” Now he did walk away with those final words said.
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Encounter (Chapter 100)
Crow x Guardian
"I told Osiris about the Amunet incident." I watch Crow's face darken instantly and his hand goes to my stomach. "Why?" "Because it came up in conversation and I thought he knew. How was I supposed to know Saint didn't tell him." "At least I understand why you look so down." "Yeah. It just reminded me that there should be an additional baby in the house right now." It was Crow's turn to cup my face. "It stings to think about it. I know." "I hate that it still bothers me. I was only two maybe three months along. Couldn't even tell if it was a boy or girl." "It was still our child. Things like that leave a mark." I nod leaning into his touch. "Anyway after that conversation, Osiris told me that Ikora is doing an evaluation on him." "That's to be expected, isn't it. Even I was subjected to that once Ikora knew who I was." "What?!" Crow chuckles sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. "I thought you knew." "I did not!" "Ruby, don't get upset. You have to understand where she is coming from with this. She wants to make sure Osiris is Osiris."
I growl under my breath and stand to get out of the bath. Crow follows suit and we head to bed. "I understand but still. I feel like it's wrong to do it this soon." "From what I heard from Saint today, Osiris wants back in the field. This is to assure he is strong enough for it." I huff my arms crossed as I lay down. "I just wish people would see Osiris as who he is, or was before Savathun." "Not everyone has your magic, love. They can't tell that he isn't corrupted." "Then they should take my word for it." Crow leans on his arms while smiling at me. "What?" "I love when you're passionate about something. Especially when it's protecting someone you care about." "I just want justice and for people to be respected." "From what you said, Osiris didn't have many people trusting him before Savathun." I punch Crow and he acts hurts. "What, it's true. The exile didn't help." "I know, I know." "Talk to Ikora. Tell her how you feel and what you saw in Osiris's mind. Maybe that will help alleviate some tension between them." "I was planning on it." 
"See. I knew you'd have a plan already." He then leans over me. "Now let me help you relax." "And how, praytell, do you plan on doing that?" I tease. He chuckles darkly before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. Over the next few days, I wait for Osiris to get back to me regarding his meeting with Ikora. But there was nothing. From Osiris, Saint or Ikora. Even when I tried to get a meeting with Ikora, I got rebuffed. How could one vanguard leader not talk to another? It was asinine. It was another week before I heard anything from anyone regarding this situation. I was busy in my office going over a budget request from Ana, who was asking for more funds to help rebuild Rasputin. I approved wholeheartedly knowing the word she was putting in but did request an update on the project. That's when I heard a knock on my office door tearing my attention away from my data and back to the newcomer. I see that it was Ikora and wave her in. "I've been trying to get ahold of you for a week now," I state as she takes a seat. "I know and I'm sorry. I've been busy."
Full chapter on Ao3
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financead · 6 months
Take a Look At The Most Effective  Best Financial Services Ads Campaigns
Hey there, fellow finance enthusiast! If your day is just as dedicated to the fine art of dollar-dancing as mine, then you've probably seen a pretty penny’s worth of financial services ads. I want to dive deep into a bounty boat of the best financial services ads that are not only memorable but effective - a 7SearchPPC that packs a punch. Buckle up because we're all set for a roller coaster ride in the money-making world!
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Why Some Ads Stick, and Others Slip
You know, it's always intrigued me - what gives some commercials their super-glue stickiness? Why do some ads taste like freshly baked bagels whilst others lack flavor? Let's see:
The Storytelling Factor
When you tune in to your favorite TV show, you're greeted by a compelling scene in a financial ads. It features a young couple, just graduated from college, embarking on the journey of adulthood. They're in the process of purchasing a new home, setting up their retirement fund, and venturing into mutual fund investments. Throughout their financial endeavors, a dependable financial institution is right by their side, guiding them every step of the way.
Man, the power of storytelling! The ads that carve the deepest grooves in our minds are often those that take us on a journey. They’re the ones weaving a tale we can relate to. The ads that hit the most potent emotional chords often come out on top.
The Fresher-Than-Fresh Factor
For a financial ad to be the "best" in its league, it needs to be drenched in novelty. Just because finance is often associated with suits, charts, and graphs, doesn’t mean the ads should follow suit (pun intended!).
Take E*TRADE's talking baby commercials for instance – absolutely comic. A baby, literally just born, voicing concerns over retirement savings. Who saw that coming? Surely not me. But it works because it's different, it’s a breath of fresher-than-fresh air.
The All About Staying Genuine Factor
Genuine authenticity is the secret ingredient that sets the best financial advertisement campaigns apart from the rest. Ads that genuinely comprehend their customers' journeys and tackle real problems with practical solutions have the power to touch hearts and make a significant impact.
One ad that immediately pops up in my noggin’ is the stunningly sincere commercial by Vanguard. Instead of bombarding viewers with a snooze-fest of financial jargon, it talks candidly about challenges people face in saving for retirement, all while proposing Vanguard’s low-cost, long-term investment strategy as the perfect fit. Kind of like finding the last puzzle piece in a 1000 piece jigsaw – satisfying!
Striking the Magic Trio: Informative, Entertaining, Inspiring
In the realm of financial advertising, we often yearn for the fascinating tales that finance could tell. These ads serve as our storytellers, attempting to convey intricate financial concepts in a captivating manner. How can financial advertising become the perfect narrator, striking the delicate balance between engaging storytelling and the complexities of the financial world?
The Informative Ingredient
“"A financial advertisement without information is akin to a circus show without a juggler. "A tad bit incomplete.”
It's crucial that ads communicate what the financial service is all about. Everything else is secondary. They must unravel the products and services in an easy-to-understand way. Else, they might as well be selling dreams.
The Entertaining Element
Ads that bring in a dash of humor, an interesting twist, or a heartwarming story, often end up being the victors in the advertising arena. They manage to do the juggle of getting noticed amidst hundreds of other ads. Plus, who doesn't like a pinch of laughter or a spoonful of joy?
The Inspiring Impact
Keep it inspiring, keep it interactive, and you've got a winner of an ad. Trust is central to financial services, and a touch of inspiration goes a long way in building that trust. When the audience sees the success of real-life people they relate to, it becomes achievable and less of a far-fetched dream.
How Can I Create a Successful Financial Ad Campaign?
Creating a successful campaign starts with understanding your target audience and their needs. Craft a compelling story, use engaging visuals, keep the message simple, and include a clear call to action.
Are There Specific Regulations for Financial Services Ads?
Yes, the financial industry is heavily regulated. It's crucial to ensure your ads comply with all relevant regulations and guidelines.
In the world of financial services, impactful advertising is the key to success. The campaigns mentioned here exemplify the power of creativity, clarity, and storytelling. By understanding these principles, financial institutions can create advertising that resonates with their audience and drives success.
Explore the creativity and impact of these campaigns, and let them inspire your financial services advertising journey. In the competitive landscape of finance, staying creative and impactful is the path to standing out and making a lasting impression.
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Destober: Day 2, Vanguard
"Thera! May I speak to you a moment?" Ikora called out after spotting the young wolf walking across the bazaar.
"Of course," Thera, who had previously been on her was to the Drifter to collect gambit bounties, replied, then walked over to the warlock vanguard. "What is it that you need?" She spoke professionally, most likely guessing this was an assignment she was about to go on.
"You've been working a lot lately Thera and well... I worry for you. I believe you need a break from the fighting for a few hours. So, I'd like to request that you join Zavala and I to a walk in the City where we'll be checking on the citizens and such." Then she added with a smile, "And, as an addition to this invitation, Zavala has agreed to pay for supper at the end of the day."
"I-I suppose I could." She wouldn't be doing much else, and it was very rare that she got to spend much time with either vanguard. "Casual clothes?" She asked.
"We'll be wearing our casual. We intend to take breaks ourselves. Saint-14 and Shaxx will be watching the Tower in our absense for the day."
"Alright." Thera nodded. "When will I meet you?"
"The elevator in twenties minutes."
"See you then."
Twenty minutes later, on the dot, Thera met with Ikora by the elevators that led down to the City below. The warlock vanguard was now wearing fitting grey pants, a white blouse with a purple cardigan, and black boots. It was so weird for Thera, seeing her without her normal robes on. She couldn't remember a time in which she had ever seen her in anything different.
"Where's Zavala?" Thera inquired, looking around.
Ikora sighed. "Late. He always shows up on time to meetings, but for a walk in the City he decides to take his time."
Thera leaned against the metal railing. She wore an outfit made of black denim jeans, a light purple shirt tucked into said jeans with a hunter snake emblazened across it, along with a black leather jacket and black leather ankle boots. A top her head rested light purple aviator sunglasses, and on her ears, worn for the first time in forever, hung amythest stone earrings.
Zavala arrived a few minutes later than the two women. He wore black pants and a beige cashmere sweater. Peeking up from the sweater was the white collar of a button down shirt. It was also so different seeing Zavala without the bulky titan armor.
Thera straightened, arms crossed over her chest.
"Ready to go now, Commander?" Ikora asked, gesturing to the elevator.
"Ladies first."
Both Thera and Ikora entered the elevator with Zavala behind them. In no time they were on the City streets. People came from their homes to stop and wave at them. A few vendors who had set up in the streets gave them deals. Thera ended up with a small bag of taffy, 50% off. She usually didn't get this type of attention, she didn't go into the City much. She was surprised really with how many people knew her as the Young Wolf, and how many ran to her when the Vanguard was right there beside her. She had always seen them more liked than her by the City civilians. Children ran up to Zavala arms reaching in the air, wanting to be picked up and put on his shoulders. Little girls and boys ran up to talk to Ikora, and she crouched down to their height to speak with them, kindly and softly. Thera, without much knowledge about what to do with younger children despite having taken part in a few dodgeball games with Shaxx and Ann, followed the vanguards' lead. She gave each one she came across a piece of her taffy, and at one point a young boy came up to her with two wooden swords, wanting to play with her.
Thera took it and laughed with the child as she gave light blows to the boy and then dramatically fell back when he stabbed her in the stomach with the blunt wooden weapon as the children around them laughed and cheered.
The three also took their time to talk with the adult civilians, asking questions such as whether there was anything they should work on to make the City better. Thera got rather angry when a few mentioned passive aggressive statements about the House Light, but brushed it off quickly. It was one thing to get angry at a Guardian, another entirely to show aggression towards a civilian. Guardians could come back from a punch in the face, these people could not.
Thera took mostly to speaking with the teenagers, especially the shy ones who looked longingly at the three celebrities practically who walked along the City streets. She gave a few autographs, took a few pictures, and at the end of the day Zavala took Ikora and Thera to Cayde's favorite ramen restaurant.
"I had no idea the people loved me that much, especially the children." Thera said after slurping down another bite of ramen.
"Oh they adore you." Replied Ikora. "They usually ask us when we're bringing you down to the City with us."
Zavala nodded. "While Ikora and I are the Vanguard, we handle the more diplomatic aspect. You on the other hand are a warrior who has done many great feats, more so than Ikora and I both."
"I highly doubt that."
"Either way, they are inspired by the tales told to them by their parents about you. Your devotion to the City and the great stories of your triumphs inspire them, Thera. Many wish to be like you."
Thera smiled a small smile. "I never knew. Perhaps I should come down to the City more often."
"The children would love that. We do try to do this once a month. I'll invite you."
Thera nodded as she took another bite. All was silent for a moment and then Thera asked, "Did Ann put you up to this, to invite me down to the City?"
Ikora smiled sheepishly. "Well, she did come to me asking for you to be let off. But the taking you down into the City with us was all my doing. That girl does a lot of good for you."
"That she does." Thera replied. "Wouldn't know what I'd do without her."
Ikora smiled solemnly. "Cayde used to say the same about you."
"He did?"
"He was always proud of you Thera, how far you've come in your life. He always said he wouldn't know what he'd if he didn't have you around." She chuckled lightly. "He said you made life more interesting, and quoting him, 'That you were one of the coolest hunters he's every had the honor of training.'."
Ikora's words touched Thera's heart and she smiled.
It wasn't much longer until they finished their food and left after giving a generous tip to their server. Then they were walking back to the Tower again, the sun setting beautifully behind them.
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paypay0315 · 3 years
The Space Between (6)
Pairing: Eren x Reader or Female OC!
Series Summary: Harmony was a young girl who just lost her family, she was more of an open wound then most. When she catches the eye of the Eren Jeager her whole life changes and she doesn't realize she might be in love.
Word Count: 3.5K
"HUH?! You're joining the Scout Regiment?" Eren yells. "But you wanted to be in the Military Police so bad?!!"
"Yeah, that's right but-"
"Looks like your soapbox speech yesterday worked" Connie gets interrupted.
"Sh-Shut up!" Connie yells out. "I decided this on my own"
Harmony could clearly tell he was lying by the sudden red that appears on his cheeks. Erens speech wasn't all that though. All it consisted of was him arguing with Jean again about being strong or whatever.
It's been weeks since her last interaction with Eren, and he hasn't really tried to do anything about it. Well he has but Harmony doesn't give him enough opportunity to follow through.
She doesn't understand why she is acting like this. She knows why but everytime she sees Eren she can't get what he said out of her mind.
'Shes all alone'
'She has no one'
Like that wasn't a slap to the face.
"Umm everyone-"
She turns around and sees Sasha, she's also stopped talking Sasha as well. Deep down she does care about Sasha but she can't be okay with being friends with her, she knows how terrible this world is and she can't risk losing someone else in her life.
"I bought some meat from the officers pantry" Shes almost drooling out of her mouth.
Harmony stands up at this. "Sasha what the hell?!" She walks up to her to see the meat inside her shirt.
"Sasha.... you'll be thrown in solitary confinement" Eren shakes. "You're such an idiot"
Even though she doesn't want to agree with him she does. He is right. If she gets caught this could be the end for her.
"Let's spilt it up afterwards" She doesn't even hear what they are saying. Drool slowly starts to come out of her mouth.
"We'll slice it up and put it between slices of bread"
"Put it back!" Connie yells at her.
But she just shakes. She is too blinded by the food she doesn't even hear what they are saying.
"It's all right..... if we reclaim the land we can raise cows and sheep again" she says while putting the meat in the bin next to her.
A light presence starts to fill the air with Sashas words. She always had that effect even when she was obsessed with food she always had a way with words.
"ILL HAVE SOME OF THAT MEAT!" She hears someone yell out beside her.
All of a sudden everyone from their group starts yelling out the same thing. Are these people actually agreeing with her?
They all turn to look at her since she is the only one who hasn't said it. She feels pressured, of course she is not going to say it.
But when she looks down at Sasha who is giving her the biggest smile, something comes over her.
"I guess i'll have some of that meat too" she smiles and the crowd goes wild at her words.
The laughter dies down when everyone goes back to cleaning the canons.
"If we don't get back to work they will find out Eren" Thomas tells him.
She starts to go back to cleaning as well. She walks over to place the metal rod down but she bumps into Eren who hasn't moved an inch.
"Can you move out of the way!" She says.
Eren gets bumped out of his inner thoughts. "Oh-sorry...." He rubs the back of his head.
She walks past him to set down the rode so she can clean it, he wants to tell her something but he can't.
Well he chooses not to. He wants to reach out to stop her from moving but he doesn't.
Maybe she needs to be alone in order to succeed, maybe being alone is for the best. Shes always rude anyways.
That's what he wants to say.
But deep down he can't get over how he sees himself in her. How he sees her passion, her desire to kill all the titans. It's like a hunger that grows in the pit of his stomach. He has to say something.
She can't be alone, she isn't alone.
Before he could finish a yellow flash is brought close onto Harmonys eyes, when she looks up she sees it.
The titan.
Not just any Titan, the titan from that day. The day her family died. What was it doing here? Before she could scream a strong wind makes her blow off of the wall and she immediately latches herself on to the wall.
She stops and looks over and sees Sasha running down to save Samuel. What is she doing?
When she sees Sasha latch on to Samuel she lets go of the breath she was holding but not for long. She looks down "The wall is broken" she says and everyone looks down and sees it too.
"It's happening again, the Titans are coming in" She says quietly but Eren heard her though.
The images from that day show up in her mind again.
"Prepare for battle!" She hears Eren yell.
Battle? Against that thing?
"Our target is right before us! It's the colossal Titan!" Eren whips himself forward.
Is he actually planning on fighting that thing?
"Eren wait!" Harmony yells out.
"Nows our chance! Don't let it get away!"
"EREN STOP!" She yells out to him but it's no use.
He is already flying in the air ready to defeat anything in his path. He's such an idiot. He never thinks, he always just goes. She uses her MOD gear to go where he is.
"EREN WATCH OUT!" She yells but he doesn't even look back. He is too blinded by his hate, she sees him go towards its neck and before he could try again he is in the air. She uses her gear to go towards him to catch him and bring him to the wall.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" She yells at him. "You almost died"
"It disappeared"
"The titan it disappeared" he spoke soflty. He didn't hear a word she just said. But she stopped talking on the subject cause she also started to think how crazy it was.
The Titan just disappeared out of no where. How did it do that?
"Hey, there's no time to be sitting around, the wall broke so Titans are gonna come here" Connie tells them.
"Go to HQ" an advanced squad leader comes there direction and tells them.
"We need your help over there" They all have there arms to there chest ready for battle.
This was actually happening.
They are actually here.
But this time it's different. Shes fighting the Titans instead of running away like she did back then. She didn't realize she was shaking until they reach the head quarters.
She needed to refill her gas tank as much as she could but she was shaking. She was trying to connect it to her gear but she was shaking.
Why is she shaking? Harmony you have to do this.
"Are you okay Harmony?!" Eren walks up to her.
"i'm fine" she quickly says still trying to put the gear together. It was no use she kept missing the hole. Every breath she took was quick she needed to calm down.
"Hey, Harmony you need to calm down" Eren tries to reach out to her but she moves away.
"I am calm, don't tell me what to do" she growls at him.
"Look I know this isn't the right time but we need to talk..... about everything, when i was talking to Mikasa i didn't mean what i said-"
"Eren we don't have time for this right now-"
"Let me finish-"
"NOO!!" she screamed. The scream she let out helped her attach the gas tanks to her gear and she started to quickly put it on. "We have a job to do, now shut up" she says walking away.
"YOU KNOW THIS IS WHY YOU DONT HAVE ANY FRIENDS" He says loudly for the whole room to hear. She stops.
Tension fills the room and you can hear her sweat drop on the floor. She turns around nose flaring. Why did he say that?
No that's not what he meant to say.
She walks up to him and he honestly knew what was coming he started to hold his body to embrace the impact of her hit but..... it didn't happen. He opens his eyes and she is looking at him.
He looks back up at her, "You think you are so smart dont you? Well guess what Eren, I don't have any friends because I CHOOSE not to have any friends. In this world you don't get to make friends because they all end up dying anyways" It's quiet.
Everyone knew she was right. "Now like I said before, we have a job to do." She walks away never looking back.
She was right, and everyone knew it. In this cold world your friends die and today was the day that proves it.
Of course she was on Erens team once again. When will she ever be free of him.
She's not in the best shape but neither is the rest of her team. She wouldn't admit it but she's terrified. This was very much different then last time.
Last time she was running away, crying, screaming, and she lost many people that she cares about but this time she is running towards them. She can still feel the faint tears on her cheeks that poured down that day.
"Hey, Harmony" Eren calls out to her.
"Isn't this a great opportunity?" He asks her.
"If we prove ourselves here before we apply for the Scout Regiment. We are bound to get recruited and earn fast promotions!" He cheered.
How did he know she was joining the Scout Regiment?
He turns her way with a big smile on his face. "I remember you telling me how much you wnated to join them. This is our chance to prove we belong there"
He remembered that? That was such a long time ago.
She flinches at the smile he pursues.
"I hate to disappoint you, but many from our class are candidates for the Scout Regiment" They get interrupted by one of their team mates.
"You beat me to the punch earlier, but not this time" Another one follows her.
"That a challenge, Thomas?" Eren asked.
"Let's see who can kill more titans!" He finishes.
"Squad 34 move out, you are going to support the vanguard" Someone yells out to them.
Harmony stands straight up at the call. This was actually happening. This was her chance to do what she has always dreamed of. She was ready, at least she thinks.
"Okay, let's go!" Eren yells out getting their squad riled up he looks at Harmony who just rolls her eyes at him.
They all take off with their MOD gear flying through the air.
"There's this many titans already?!" The girl with the black hair says.
"The front line is totally dismantled" Thomas follows her.
"What happened here? Those guys are always trying to steal the show"
She knew it was going to be easy but this..... she wasn't expecting this. Can she really do this?
"It's one of the perculiar types!" Eren yells interrupting her thoughts. "STOP!" he yells again and all of them go to the building they are next to, to not get caught by the Titan jumping towards them.
They stopped to look at the Titan before them and they see Thomas. He is dangling from the Titans mouth. No one moved. Everyone just stayed there watching as the Titan gulped him down. He was gone. Thomas was gone.
She didn't even know him for long and he was just gone, it all happened so quickly.
"What the hell did you do?!" She hears Eren scream he pushes himself off the wall and goes after the Titan.
"Eren wait!" She yells back at him but it's too late he already is half way there. Ever single one of them follow him.
"Wait, damn it!" He yells.
"Eren stop you cant go off on your own!" She yells.
She can't finish her next sentence because she sees Eren fly into the air and roughly onto the buildings roof. His legs were chopped off by a Titan.
"Eren!" She yells out. She doesn't have time to go towards him because she looks over at her teammates and see them about to get eaten by titans.
What is happening?
What was she thinking, she can't do this. She cant defeat the titans. Being this close and personal with them she sees this is alot harder thasn she thought.
She looks over and sees Eren, he is bleeding.... alot. He has no leg. It got chopped off by the TItan. She looks over and sees her teammates getting eating and she just stands there, not doing anyhting.
She watches as each bone gets crushed by the mouth of the titan. This is impossible.
She freezes in her spot looking back at Eren who looks completely dead. She drops to her hands and knees, her face doesn't move at all. Shes completely numb.
A Titan starts to move towards her and she doesnt move out of the way, instead the Titan takes her and throws her into its mouth.
She falls onto the Titans tongue and it wasn't until she felt the slime she screamed. What was she doing? She can't die like this. She spent too much time for it to end this way.
"AHHHH!" She screams, she doesn't think anyone can hear her. Is she going to die?
Eren lays there knocking on heavens door. He hears the screams, the screams of his teammates but the one that stands out to him the most is Harmony's.
"H-Harmony" he tries to call out to her but it's no use, his throat feels all scratchy and he can barely talk.
She doesn't deserve to die. He knows him and Harmony didn't have a good start but she doesn't deserve to die. Not after everything she has been through, this is the Titans fault.
It's their fault that she is feeling this way and he hates that. He hates how she can't ever be happy because of this world, because of the Titans. He wants to kill them all.
He wants her to be happy, she is his friend after all even if she doesn't think that way. Even if she hates his guts, he cares about her. She is his friend. And he has to save his friend.
He gets up. His uses his MOD gear to go to the building next to him. He has to keep fighting.
"HARMONY!" she hears a voice call out to her she looks up and it's Eren.
Eren reaches his arm out to her. "Come on!" He yells out. He is saving her. She can't die.
She can't die like this. She pushes herself off of the Titans tongue and into Erens hand. Once they connect he uses all his strength to pull her out.
She pulls herself onto the roof and she sees Eren holding the Titans mouth open.
"Eren come on!" She reaches her hand out to him. He is there and then he is gone.
The Titan closed his mouth and Erens arm comes flying onto her face and so does the blood.
He got ate.
He was just there and then he was just gone.
She watches as the Titan walk away. "AHHH!" She screams out.
How could she let that happen? Eren saved her and he ended up dying. Why did she have to be so weak.
Tears start to well up in her eyes and she doesn't have time to stop them cause they come down fast.
Everyone was dead. Eren was dead.
"HEY HARMONY" she gets knocked out of her daze too meet eye to eye with Armin.
"Hey Harmony are you okay?" Connie asks.
"Are you hurt?" What happened to your squad?" Armin asks. Still shaking her.
"My squad?" She questions. She honestly doesn't remember much.
"Hey, stay with me now. Why is it just you?" Connie asks holding her shoulder. "Your body feels slimey" He takes his hand off of her.
"What the heck happened?" Armin asks again.
And in an instant the memories flood her mind. She gasps at the realization of what had just happened.
Her squad is dead. Eren is dead.
She remembers feeling his hand ome minute and the next he is gone. She looks out and sees her squad and her parents. Everyone that is dead...... cause if her.
"You're weak"
"IM SO WEAK" She yells out holding her head. Connie and Armin both flinch.
"Hey, calm down Harmony" Connie tells her but she's screaming to loud to hear him.
"Where are the others?" Armin asks again started to get worried. Armin knows that Eren and her were on the same team so why isn't he here?
"Go easy on her yall"
"They were all wiped out, expect for her" Ymir finishes.
"Shut up! Harmony hasn't said anything yet" Connie yells at her.
"Look around! We can't waste our time with her" She tells him.
"Why was Harmony the only one spared?" Connie questions.
"Who knows? Maybe they already thought she was dead"  Ymir says. "It's unfortunate they had to face multiple titans, but if this loser is the only survivor Eren and the others died in vain"
"Damn bitch! I outta shut you up for good" Connie threatens.
Harmony doesn't say anything, she is still shaking and crying. She's crying to the point boogers start to come out of her nose. Armin doesn't say anything either. How could he? He just found out his best friend is dead.
"Harmony is it true?" Armin starts to shake her. "TELL ME IT ISNT TRUE!" He yells in her face.
"Stop it, both of you! We're all in shock!" Christa comes forward. "We lost a lot of our friends all at once. We can't help feeling upset!" She says.
"We can't stay here Harmony, can you get up?" Connie reaches his hand out to her, but she doesn't take it. She stands up.
"Sorry for the trouble" She says emotionless.
"I have to go" she uses her MOD gear and takes off.
"HARMONY!" Connie yells out.
"i'll follow her"
"Armin stop" Connie grabs a hold of his arm, "Let me go! She knows the truth of what happened to Eren, i-if i don't know how could I ever live with my self" He stutters letting the tears flow out of his eyes.
Connie lets go and Armin takes off.
Why did she do this? Why didn't she help? She's so weak. If only she wasn't so weak, she could have helped him.
Flying through the air all she can see is Eren going into the Titans throat. She can't get it out of her head.
It plays on a loop. Why did he save her? She should have been the one to die not him. He's such an idiot.
She's the idiot. This whole time all Eren was trying to do was be nice to her and she treated him like shit. She has no one now.
Oh how she wishes she could go back and apologize to him. How she wishes she could see his face again and tell him she didn't mean everything she said. They were friends why did she have to ruin it. All she wanted was friends, and that was Eren.
Eren the one who stayed up with her during the night to look at the stars. Eren, the one who made her bread wine soup when she got sick with a cold and the one who stayed near her bed to see if she was warm. Eren, the one who never left her side, this whole time she thought it was Sasha that was her first friend. But no it was Eren.
Eren was the one who opened her eyes back up again and made her find love in friendship again. But that's all gone now.
All of it. The laughs, the smiles, everything just gone. She feels so much regret for not giving Eren a chance. All he wanted was to be her friend.
"I'm sorry Eren" she cries.
"HARMONY!" she hears her name being called out she turns around and sees Armin following her she didn't realize he was. When she turns back around she immediately hits the wall and falls down to the floor.
"Are you okay?" Armin asks rushing to her side.
She hold her nose to stop the throbbing and she hears heavy breathing. It's hannah.
She's trying to bring her friend back to life but it's no use. His bottom half has been ripped off.
Armin and her both walk up to them.
"Hannah, it's too dangerous here. We have to get up in the roof" Armin tells her.
"WE CANT LEAVE FRANZ HERE!" She screams again.
"No, Hannah-" Harmony breathes "Franz is already....." she stops talking.
Franz is really dead. "Please stop" she shakes and cries once again.
She falls to her knees. "He's dead" She says quietly.
"Armin..... Eren- he's dead" She tells him and Armin falls to his knees with her and starts crying.
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mason-knight · 3 years
some project phoenix era drabble idk blame the meds
“Four of you? That’s all they sent? They promised us an army! Cerberus… they promised us if we… Oh, god. There’s no… There’s no way. We’re all going to die.”
Mason is conscious of his team at his back, the slight creak as the plates of their armor move as they shift on their feet. The colonists in front of them are dirty, hungry and weak, held hostage by a merc band for far too long and they were desperate and low on hope.
“There’s a Cerberus cruiser in orbit,” Mason tells them. “Armed to the teeth. But you won’t need it.”
The leader of the settlement, a grizzled human woman that escaped one horror on earth only to be faced with a new one in the traverse, stares at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. Mason’s smile is small, meant to be encouraging. “We’re phoenix.”
Another man clasps her hand and murmurs of hope start to ripple through the crowded shelter.  
“We’ve heard about you.”
Mason inclines his head. “Then you know what we can do.”
“We’re going in under the cover of darkness,” Mason informs them in the rear of the shuttle later. “The drop will be right over the inner courtyard but their surface to air defences won’t be active thanks to Sabre’s handy work. We’ll have only a short window to get in before they detect the shuttle so we need to be ready.”
“You sure those defences will be down?” Zeus grunts. “It’s risky.”
“If Sabre says they’ll be down, then they’ll be down,” Mason says firmly. He looks around at his team – Zeus, Sabre, Hurricane. Only four of them, but they could be as destructive as a small nova if they needed to be. Tonight’s objective was something else though. “No showboating tonight, team. There’s too much at stake for these colonists. Sabre-“
Without further prompting, Ethan steps forward and hands each one of them a small black disc. They slap them onto their phoenix armor, directly over the Cerberus logos and the discs hook in with tiny claws, then shutter and expand as panels of electric blue, red, and gold darken to muted shades of black and grey instead.
“We get in, we get out,” Mason continues, hoisting his helmet under one arm. The shuttle jostles under his feet, making them sway slightly on planted feet. “Minimize any structural damage to the facility. Zeus, I’m going to need you to pull your punches on this one. Stick to your whips.”
“Hurricane, you’re the tip of our spear. Scatter them like dominoes while Sabre and I take up the rear and put down any stragglers. We can’t afford to leave any of these bastards alive. Are we clear?”
Hurricane’s grin flashes behind the faceplate of his helmet and he bounces lightly on his toes. “Got it, Boss.”
Mason nods, satisfied. They’ve done this so many times now they’re a well-oiled machine. “Alright. We have ten seconds until we drop, and…” Mason peers out the side of the shuttle as a wink of blue appears on the ground. “Goddamnit. He’s already gone. Sabre, you really gotta talk to him about that.”
Ethan raises an eyebrow. “And what makes you think he’ll listen to me?”
“Well, he sure as fuck doesn’t listen to me and I’m squad leader,” Mason laughs, shoving his helmet onto his head. There’s a biotic boom from down below and Mason spares a moment to hope Ben remembers his instructions about structural damage. “Maybe big brother status trumps it.”
Ethan chuckles, relaxed and at ease despite being a few seconds away from dropping into a warzone. “Of course it does.”
“3 seconds!”
“Fuck it, I’m going too,” Zeus mutters and then he’s gone in a haze of blue.
Mason stares at the empty space where Zeus stood only heartbeats before.
“Fucking vanguards,” he mutters, before turning to the man beside him. He catches Ethan’s eye and raises a closed fist. “Ready for this, Sabre?”
Ethan bumps his armored fist with his own as the countdown reaches zero.
“Always, Huntsman. I’ve got your back.”
They drop.
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goblin-writer · 3 years
A Solitary Watchman
I apparently remembered how to write again. It’s been a while.
Thank you to @flashfictionfridayofficial​ for a prompt that hopefully gets me writing again :>
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Ancient ruins hung from the cliffs, frozen in their collapse. An archway drifted between fragments of walls and stones that, free from mortar and gravity, spun to and fro in the mists. Out above all this the remains of a bridge jutted from the cliff. The road that it once was a part of now overgrown with weeds and dirt that was content to keep it all together.
A lone rider wound their way towards the bridge, white cloak billowing in the wind. The riders black boots reflected a fire that had long since burned itself out. Next to the bridge a single tree stood defiant. Its trunk bore scars of some great force and its branches bowing away from the abyss that it now abutted. A man in a mottled cloak watched the rider. His dark eyes following him along the road as the man lit up a pipe and allowed wisps of smoke to escape into the air.
The rider brought their horse to a halt next to the tree and spoke with a voice that commanded attention in the highest halls of power, “Where is my city?”
The man in the mottled cloak gave a large puff of smoke before his hoarse voice answered, “The great conqueror returns. You left here twenty years ago, our glittering armies with banner of eagles, and ravens, and all manner of birds.”
“The city was still protected.”
“So well protected that no army could hope to assail its walls let alone reach the bridges that marked the second river. You should have seen it, the enemy arrayed in their thousands, crashing against the storms of arrows and flashes of lightning.”
“I would have expected to see carved wonders of these battles.” The conquerors voice hardened, they had marched away to protect the city from so many enemies. They had bathed in blood and faced down magic that wiped away hundreds.
“Ruin and destruction. They called them your great exports, the cities and kingdoms you toppled. They were angry,” The man looked toward the gravity defying ruins. He could still see the field of bodies and the rivers bursting their banks in a red tide, “We held against all those you defeated as they found their way here time and time again, some begging for our aid, others calling for our blood.”
“No amount of men could have taken the city, and starvation couldn’t have become a problem.”
“The stores you left behind were plentiful, and people didn’t go hungry. You didn’t prepare against treachery.”
“My brother was tasked with ensuring loyalty.” The man nodded as the hooded figure spoke.
“Your brother, the younger brother of the great conqueror. Our Immortal Queen whose legacy he never would compare to.” As he puffed smoke into the air it seemed to hang for just a moment the royal house’s emblem.
“What did he do?” The queen asked the man.
“He did what any young royal fool would do. Instead of proving himself as a wise leader and someone we could rely on he invited mages and sorcerers to the court. Over years they poisoned his mind. With promises of greatness and a legacy to eclipse whatever you accomplished they fed his greed.”
“What happened?” Her voice was razor thin; the curved sabre at her hip seemed to expel a red mist. The golden symbols burned into the backs of her hands glowed with a baleful glare.
“He opened the tomb in hopes of emerging as you did. The seal was broken and the city began to tremble. Great fonts of earth were erupted across the city and we ran. The royal guard brought up the rear and the garrison the vanguard. We punched through our besiegers and they ran. And we ran. It felt like an eternity. Then I fell. The earth opened up to swallow me. Some enemy caught my hand and hauled me up.” He fell silent for a while, the wind pushing a brick from the ruins over the ground where it promptly clattered down.
“They left, to build a new life elsewhere. I wouldn’t, or rather couldn’t abandon my post. The city is ruined and destroyed, as are so many. Hopefully my queen will relieve me of my watch.”
The queen was silent for a long time as she looked across the floating ruins. The man on his part shifted uncomfortably before she spoke, “Why didn’t you leave?”
“I tried,” he shrugged, “but I woke up here every morning it seems the abyss took my oath rather seriously.” He presented her with a pennant and lance. She smiled a sad smile that reflected his own.
A lone rider in a white cloak rode away from the field of floating ruins, away from the singular tree. They held a pennant aloft. And beneath that tree the ground once more received an offering of blood.
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lordmartiya · 3 years
lord Martiya’s Lilanette Week 2021, part 3: Science Fiction
One thing she had been grateful to Lila for was her talking Chloe out of her mother’s toxic influence. She hadn’t succeeded in time to prevent the whole Miracle Queen debacle, but now she was back trying to become a good person, and even taking therapy (something Lila also sorely needed, but even if she could be talked into it there was the problem of how it would reflect on her mother’s image in the weird diplomatic circles). As an addendum, now Sabrina was in their friends group, something Marinette was usually happy for… But not right now.
“How did Sabrina guess I’m Multimouse?!” Marinette complained to Lila after they were alone.
“Her father is a police officer, one trusted with commanding groups during important operations – she’s grown around secrets just like me, she was bound to get suspicious. That, or she saw the Mirage you used to divert Chat Noir’s suspicions, and kept the secret because, well, she’s a cop’s daughter. Still, I would have expected her not to tell the others when Juleka asked about your break-up…”
That was when the Ladyblog signaled that a perfectly normal-looking punk biker had been caught trying to find the heroic Volpina and then sent flying the police officer that had confronted him about it.
“Didn’t think Alya would hesitate calling him an Akuma.” Lila said.
“After that monster in London?” Marinette asked.
“Well, let’s see what we have.”
“Let’s see… He followed the Mirage me in the Bièvre and swam back to the surface, then shrugged off impact from five rakes, a brick to the head, and even an anvil… What can we say?” Volpina asked the two other heroes as she put away the piano at their insistence.
“That you carry the weirdest things in your Miraculous?” Ladybug asked back.
“That Rena Rouge could have done a lot more had she known about what you put in there?” Chat Noir deadpanned.
“I liked the Loony Toons, so what? But aside for that?”
“It’s most likely an Akuma.” Ladybug admitted. “Though we need to talk about what else you may have in there…”
Then Mr. Pigeon arrived on a swarm of pigeons and started carrying away the not-Akuma, ranting of how he had squashed a pigeon when throwing away the anvil, while the surprisingly resilient biker tried to fight back.
“I stand corrected. Now what-Volpina?”
Volpina had pulled out a binocular and started cussing like only a Roman of Rome and few others could. Then she pulled out another thing.
“What the-an RPG-7?!” Chat Noir shouted.
“Of course not, it’s an AirTronic PSRL-1, it’s made of better steel and has better optics, though it can use the same ammunition.” came Volpina’s reply as she removed the rocket and replaced it with a larger one.
“Put that thing down!” was Ladybug’s demand.
“You’re right, Mr. Pigeon and his flying rats don’t deserve this, and I need to interrogate that overgrown mushroom before killing it. Though I really wanted to finally use the thermobaric rocket…”
With that Volpina put the weapon back in her flute and cast the illusion of a tower of peregrine falcons, scattering the pigeons and making both Mr. Pigeon and his would-be victim fall down – the latter making a metallic noise when hitting the ground. Then, as Paris’ heroes dealt with the Akumatized villain, she grabbed the biker’s weird medallion and punched through his chest, revealing him as a metallic exoskeleton for a much slimmer individual, that looked perfectly human aside for the green skin and hot pink hands.
“You’re not an Evree!” Volpina accused the green man.
“Am I really that ugly?” he replied.
“No, but I couldn’t see your face – only the Evree tracker medallion and that you just wouldn’t give up.”
“Had the owner in my escape pod, before I could eject him in space.”
“Did you finish it off?”
“I fired my thrusters in his face.
“What are you talking about?”
Volpina and the green man looked at the two other heroes and the now free Mr Ramier, the latter of which had made the question while the former two were appalled at just how the Vixen and the green man were talking of killing someone, that and the apparent overkill.
“Nothing you should worry about, Mr Ramier.” Volpina replied. “Though my colleagues may be interested.”
The talk had been moved at Gustave Eiffel’s apartment over the Tower, of which Ladybug and Chat Noir had the keys. And there they learned that the Evrees that had been fought by the United Heroez and Volpina weren’t just some alien pirates but a full alien invasion of planet-looting emotion-eating fungal lifeforms that moved around the cosmo with a mothership the size of a small moon. The ones that had repeatedly raided New York had been vanguards, trying to establish a beachhead and sabotage US defenses to allow a full-scale invasion without facing the US nuclear arsenal – that they could have weathered had they not decided to try and avoid the losses that would have caused, and that they had been stopped right as their emperor had been about to deploy their full force.
“And that is why I came here to talk with you, the broadcast I intercepted spoke of your role in defeating the invaders.” the alien – whose world had been conquered by the Evrees – explained. “My world fell, we lowered our orbital defenses for a few minutes as a sign of peace after signing the commercial treaty, and before we could reactivate them they had already overran the capital.”
“My role was small.” Volpina admitted. “Yes, I beat up a few of them, and was in the strike team, but I was the distraction, Doorman got us in and out, Feniks and the Russian soldiers were the ones that deployed the hundred megaton bomb – didn’t think the Russians were crazy enough to rebuild that monstrosity, or generous enough to provide it free of charge – and Jade Turtle saved everyone more times I can count with his shields, and wrecked his back doing so.”
“Master Fu did what?!” Chat Noir shouted.
“Considering the situation, I’m more surprised he didn’t Cataclysm everything.” Ladybug stated.
“He did that, and before he could leave my uncle decided to retire me and gave him my Miraculous.” Volpina confirmed. “Found out he was the Guardian only then…”
“I don’t know what happened, but from what I found out it was you to talk the surviving commanders into turning on each other.” the alien pointed out.
“Honestly, I just helped preserving our nukes, they were weakened enough humanity’s combined missiles would have done the job. Anyway, happy to have given justice to your people.”
“They conquered my world 36 of your days ago.”
“They had another planet spaceship and emperor, and it was them who invaded my world. We had an evacuation plan in place just in case, three colony ships – the Xabra they got in orbit, the Xenia escaped but I don’t know where, and my ship, the Antra… We were coming here to warn you and give you our technology, we knew you were better warriors than us, but they had an infiltrator on board and got us near Saturn. I’m the only one who escaped, with a full database… And-”
“And I can get you in contact with those who can actually make use of it.”
It had been quick – a call to the Italian embassy in Paris, and they had been able to bring the alien (who, when someone finally asked his name, had identified himself as doctor Xarion, First Counselor for Energy for the planet Xerba) to the Élysée directly to the French president. Even after his stunt in New York, Papillon didn’t rate that high. Then the three heroes had gone back to what they had been doing before Xarion’s arrival… Or at least tried, as Lila was on the verge of a panic attack.
“Lila, what is it?”
“The Evrees!”
“What about them? You and the United Heroez already beat them once, and-”
“And next time they won’t toy with us! They’ll get serious from the start! And then they’ll-”
“A time traveler told me we’re going to win.”
There. She had said it. Marinette hadn’t wanted to reveal Bunnyx’ existence, but she just couldn’t bear to see Lila in that state. Also, she totally had to snap her out of it before she got Akumatized. And that was the most important part. Seriously.
“It… Is it true?” Lila asked.
“The Rabbit Miraculous has the power of time travel, and the Holder, Bunnyx, arrived chasing a villain created by a future Papillon and told us a few things. Including that we’re going to defeat an alien invasion.”
Lila looked Marinette for a few moments, processing what she had just been told. Then, surprising both of them, she grabbed Marinette jacked and pulled her so she could stamp a kiss on her lips.
“Oh…” the Italian said as what she had done dawned on her. “See you tomorrow, OK?”
With that, Lila bolted, leaving Marinette to stand for about half a minute before she realized what had just happened.
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Eclair’s Guide to Snow on the Black Wall: Part II
📚 Our second task of the chapter is to set a course for the Milk Tribe Village… hmm… perhaps this is the village where Milk Cookie came from? This leg of the journey consists of two more stages before we take a respite in the Village, so let’s not waste any time.
Stage 13-4
Stage Power: 391,192 (No increase)
Sprinkled Yetis: Big, bulky, and reminiscent of Muscle Cookie after that snowball fight last January, this is one snow fella you definitely wouldn’t want to mistake for one conjured under the warm company of Snow Sugar Cookie. Packing lots of HP, this big bruiser marches towards your group before punching your party’s vanguard (or whoever else gets caught up front) square in the face, sending them several meters backwards with a knockback that exposes everyone else that WAS behind them to incoming enemies. For its special ability, it gathers nearby snow into a large snowball and throws it right into the crowd, inflicting heavy damage while stunning everyone in the impact zone. Unless someone in your party is still trying to catch up, currently out and about planning an ambush, preparing to mount an attack that makes them resistant to the snowball’s stun effect, or your party managed to book it out of the way somehow, this attack will temporarily incapacitate your entire party for a few seconds. If you see the bar filling up over its head, it’s getting ready to throw the snowball! Stun it immediately to cancel the attack and avoid getting stunned back with HP to spare.
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Wave 1: Sprinkled Yeti, 2 Licorice Cake Hounds (see above)
Wave 2: 3 Licorice Cake Hounds, 1 Mountain Ent downrange
Wave 3: Sprinkled Yeti, 2 Mountain Ents downrange
Final Wave: Boss Sprinkled Yeti, 2 Mountain Ents downrange
📚 These yetis aren’t big pushovers, they’ll push YOU over yonder for big damage! As for the Ents, you’ll see them after the first wave’s free-for-all melee with the Yeti and the Hounds… all at a considerable distance away from their group’s frontal forces, which you’ll have to face first before confronting the Ents. Three. Different. Times. Some could call it tactical support.
⚙️ You what I’d call it, Eclair?! I’d call it cheating! Camping! Unfair! They didn’t have honor programmed into their motherboards!
📚 Calm down, Strawberry Crepe. There’s no need to shout. I’m sure any of our subscribers who has played a… uhh… [flips through another handbook] “first person shooter” video game knows what you’re talking about.
⚙️ The fact that you had to pull out a handbook to realize what I was talking about says a lot about your everyday operations.
📚 [Visible Frustration] Of course I wouldn’t know what that meant! I’m a scholar, not a gamer! I spend lots of my time conducting important historical research, not wasting time enamored with colorful graphics on an electronic screen!
[Annoyed Groan] If that’s the way they chose to phrase that… *ahem* You still need to protect your damage dealer regardless, or risk a quick collapse from an Old Western duel’s length away because honor has apparently gone out the window with the dark armies. But if “no honor” is what they’re doing, then you should be just as crafty. Once you encounter the Yetis backed by Ents, lure them away from the Ents supporting them and engage them alone. Heal when you can, and stun it when it’s about to throw its snowball. Once the Yeti falls, heal again quickly and tackle the Ents where they hide.
If you choose to bring Sea Fairy to the fight as your damage dealer, she could sneak a few shots on the Ents in the back using her ability if the Yeti in these waves forces her party back far enough where the Ents can’t reach, but are still visible enough for Sea Fairy to target them with at least two of the five streams launched using her “Soaring Compassion” ability.
Editor’s Announcement: Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s dialogue will now be marked with the ⚙️ emoji to distinguish between them and Strawberry Cookie 🍓. Previous posts will not be edited to reflect this change.
Editor’s Party:
⚙️ Strawberry Crepe (Level 51, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, two Walnuts and three Almonds, all +12)
🌊 Sea Fairy (Level 50, all Raspberries +12)
📚 Eclair (Level 49 ⭐️⭐️, all un-upgraded Raspberries)
🐑 Cotton (Level 51, ⭐️⭐️, all Chocolates, three +12)
🍨 Pure Vanilla (Level 47, all Raspberries +12)
🪶 Sugar Swan’s Shining Feather (Level 5)
🪄 Blind Healer’s Staff (Level 3)
📜 Old Pilgrim’s Scroll (Level 2)
Stage 13-5
Stage Power: 391,192 (No increase)
Wave 1: Sprinkled Yeti, 2 Licorice Cake Hounds
Wave 2: Sprinkled Yeti, 2 Mountain Ents downrange
Wave 3: 3 Mountain Ents bunched together vertically
Final Wave: Boss Sprinkled Yeti, 4 Licorice Cake Hounds
📚 This one’s more or less the same song and dance as the last encounter. It practically mirrors two of the four waves from the previous one too! No power increase or anything to really consider. Just ensure that you have a proper stun ready for when the Yeti is preparing its snowball so you can stop the yeti in its tracks, or have a proper mass-heal spell ready in case the snowball does connect. The Ents are less common here, but since they’re still there and still causing trouble, keep your guard up to protect your main damage dealer.
Editor’s Party (Before going back to 13-4):
⚙️ Strawberry Crepe (Level 51, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, two Walnuts and three Almonds, all +12)
🌊 Sea Fairy (Level 50, all Raspberries +12)
📚 Eclair (Level 48 ⭐️⭐️, all un-upgraded Raspberries)
🐑 Cotton (Level 51, ⭐️⭐️, all Chocolates, three +12)
🍨 Pure Vanilla (Level 47, all Raspberries +12)
🪶 Sugar Swan’s Shining Feather (Level 5)
🪄 Blind Healer’s Staff (Level 3)
📜 Old Pilgrim’s Scroll (Level 2)
📚 Upon arriving at the Milk Tribe Village, you will be presented with the following rewards:
⭐️ 3,200,000 Kingdom EXP
🪙 50,000 Coins
🛡 50 Pristine Defense Powders
300 Crystals are also on offer for completing stage 13-5 in Story Mode for the first time, as well as views of the scenic Milk Tribe Village!
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📚 …oh wait, there’s more to see if you bring Espresso and Licorice out here.
☕️ The Coffee Tribe Village was long abandoned, noted only due to the fading scent of coffee in the air. Despite their civilization consisting mainly of tents, the tribe was always known for their speed, agility, and the uncanny ability to stay awake for days on end, allowing them to work as infiltrators, messengers, and scouts for the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Due to the high caffeine contents of Cookies belonging to the Coffee Tribe, their pupils are usually constricted. Why else do you think the pupils of my eyes are constricted this far anyhow?
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📚 That story even made it into the Art Book for the game published last year! Sketches depicting the early stages of the Coffee Tribe…
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💀 Nothing was left of my village… it was already a wreck to begin with… no history, no remains… no… nothing! Where did they go wrong…?
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📚 It’s a genuine shame this part of history was lost to time itself… I’m sure the Hollyberry Kingdom would’ve had a solution for your new home *away* from your rather “hardly impressed witch hell-bent on conquering Earthbread”. If only your “Princess” had not started a brawl in the palace hall.
💀 I- um- I can explain-
📚 Now now, there’s no reason to lie or explain yourself. Mostly since I already recorded everything from that incident. Come with me back to my traveling camp and I’ll try to find something for you to eat whilst you contemplate WHY you thought siding with her seemed like the “right” thing to do.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by mathmaticalknight)
“Hey, Dobermann, can I ask you something?” The Doctor, dressed in her own workout clothes, was walking with the drillmaster through the training room, checking in on the Operators at work. “How do you decide who gets to be a trainer? Because I’ve been looking through the list, and I’ve noticed some odd choices in my book.”
“You may be our leader and strategy master, Doctor, but I operate on the disciplinary level. The Operators I’ve chosen are the best for teaching the Rhodes Island System to our Operators.”
She could understand tha- Wait, hold on. “Dobermann, is that Plume watching Bagpipe go through her drills?”
“Yes; Plume works specifically with our Vanguards with extensive combat training before coming here.” There was a hint of a smile at the Doctor’s dumbfoundedness. “If you think I’m a hard-ass, you should have seen her working with Miss Siege.”
“Did you just call her Miss Siege?”
Dobermann nodded. “I did. Next question - I can see it on your face.”
“Is that training?” They watched as Gavial engaged Folinic in hand-to-hand combat. “They’re both Medics, aren’t they? And Folinic is Dr. Kal’tsit’s personal student, so why is she-”
“She’s learning the Rhodes Island system. Even our Medics need to know how to defend themselves.” The Feline punched the Archosaurian in the face, which managed to score a laugh with the better-known-for-violence of the two.
The Doctor shook her head. “I need a crash course on this system myse- Okay, THAT is not training.”
“Hmm? Oh, hell no!” The Perro cracked her whip, interrupting Swire and Hoshiguma in the middle of making out. “Train on our time, do that on your own.”
“They’re both on the trainer roster, too. How shameful...” Although considering Miss Swire’s gym outfit, she did at least understand the rationale.
They had one last room to check...and this time, the Doctor had no explanation. “Okay, I know Hellagur isn’t a trainer...neither is Skadi, or Ch’en, or Mr. SilverAsh, or-”
“Beehunter’s our expert in there. Her method is focused on ‘last man standing’ brawls, and they’ve been quite useful in getting our best combatants out of their comfort zones and make clear improvements in their performance review scores.” Dobermann cracked a genuine smile. “Still confused?”
“There are ten Operators in there, and all of them are fighting each other? Ten of our strongest, most experienced, and most dangerous personnel...keeping in mind none of them are Casters?”
The Perro nodded. “Yes.”
“Can I watch?”
“No.” Dobermann chuckled at her frown. “We have a session of our own to get to, after all.”
As they continued to the room at the end of the hall, she made another observation. “You know, I think you being my personal trainer is similar in a way.”
“You think so?” The drillmaster herself held the door for the Doctor as they stepped inside.
“Here I am, the master of my domain, treated like a queen and the last hope of Rhodes Island...” She turned on her heels, manifesting her Arts blade in her left dominant hand. “And of all the personnel, all the war heroes and Arts experts and asymmetrical operations specialists available to us, you’re the one in charge of keeping me fit for duty. Why is it that the person who works with our green Operators takes it on herself to work with me?”
Dobermann cracked her whip against the floor. “For the practical explanation: you’re not expected to keep the same physical standards as our combat-ready Operators, but the thought of one of our recruits kicking your ass without at least a little effort is utterly disgraceful.”
“Alright, that’s fair...” The Doctor took a couple practice swings at the air between them. “But the way you said that sounds like there’s another reason.”
“Oh, there is. No one else is allowed to see you sweat.”
She blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“You haven’t noticed? There’s a reason you have a reputation of being so competent in everything you do, and that’s because no one else knows the level of effort you put in to maintain that level of success.” The Perro’s weapon hand was loose around the hilt. “As your trainer, and as your personal assistant, I’m the only one who ever gets to see that side of you, and I like to keep it that way. Besides, if someone saw you after a workout, glowing the way you do, they might want you almost as much as I do, and the fallout from that would be an HR disaster.”
“Ah...Am I really-”
She nodded once. “I could not exaggerate my feelings if I wanted to.”
“Wow.” The Doctor grinned. “So you’ll take it easy on me so you don’t mess up my pretty face?”
“Are you kidding? I never said you couldn’t use a couple scars.” And with that, the session began.
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flowers-of-io · 3 years
#10 Blood
Read it on AO3 here
You put the gun into your mouth To bite the bullet and spit out Cause it's running in the family All the rituals of you and me
Eris Morn stares at the pyramid, sharp against the backdrop of Jupiter peeking out from behind the horizon. It is dawning on Io. Asher is standing by her side, silent in horror and fury, and wonder. His human hand is clenched into a fist and the Vex one shudders convulsively.
“I’m going down there,” she says, her voice ringing loudly in the deafening silence.
“You’re in a rush to your grave I see.” He doesn’t take his eyes off the pyramid.
“If I don’t, we all will find ourselves there even sooner.” She pulls out a dagger and begins making her way down the cliff. Asher does not try to talk her out of it; he knows her well enough to acknowledge it is no use.
“Eris.” Instead, he tosses her his shotgun. Their eyes meet and a comfortable silence lingers between them for a while, until she finally nods and turns towards the cliffside.
He watches her disappear in the distance and, knowing she cannot hear it—though it would make no difference if she could—says quietly, “Be safe.”
Fiddling with the radio knobs, Asher tries to contain his panic. Because fear is unreasonable, he murmurs to himself, because it obscures his vision, because they are all—every single damn one of them—utter morons; because how irredeemable of an idiot must you be to as much as consider such a fool’s errand worthy of your time and resources? Because they are fools, fools with no brain and blood on their hands, putting lives at stake in the same stupid way and expecting a different result—
A signal pierces through the static. Asher catches his breath.
“—do not let the atrocities of Crota haunt you. Whatever this is, we will not let the tragedies of our past repeat—”
He slams his open palm against the table so hard the radio trembles. Idiots! Have they truly learned nothing, are they truly expecting to miraculously work out by the golden rule of fortune favouring fools? Oh, now they have brought tanks, that will surely turn the tide!
But even through his ire, he cannot help but listen to the distant gunshots and scarce commands. He tries so hard to keep from hoping, because hope is a fool’s errand and only ever makes things harder. Too well does he know the pang of guilt every time a frantic call for support shakes the airwaves he is listening in on; his body stirs, ready to get up and rush to aid, but he cannot, all he would ever do is listen to the cries of anguish and lists of casualties read out monotonously long into the night. Both remorse and self-pity swirl together like sugar crystals in stirred tea as his hand twitches, as he almost reaches out to kill the signal but always holds himself back.
It is hours later when the battle dies down. From the scraps of dispatches and commands it seems the calamity has been avoided, and Asher leans back in his chair with weariness matching that of a field-bound solider. His radio picks up on the chatter of post-fight reports, Ikora talking so fast it is barely comprehensible, someone’s response driven out by the hum of static
Even through the interference, he recognises the voice and fights back a sigh of relief so profound he can almost feel tears in his eyes.
“Good to know you are still alive,” he barks into the comms, as dryly as he can muster; both glad and angry and acknowledging none of these emotions.
“Asher,” Eris breathes, “I’m sorry… I could not—”
“Are you allowing this buffoonery?”
“It was a Vanguard operation,” she says with a hint of bitterness, “but there is something entirely more terrible here—something ancient. What we have forgotten the fear of. The storm rumbling overhead.”
“Remain clear in your purpose, then.” He closes his eyes. “But do not… succumb to it.”
A long moment of silence settles between them, static cracking, before she responds.
“I have seen the Dreaming City, cousin.” There is both sorrow and wonder in her voice, as if she was telling a fairytale. “One day, I will take you there.”
 “Have you seen the Traveler yet?”
Asher cocks his head, looking up from the piece of fossil he is turning in his hands. Eris is staring straight into the distance, at the aurora-painted skies and the colossus of Jupiter, and the majestic Cradle below it. Unmoving, save for the thick black flow down her cheeks.
“No.” He follows her gaze, taking in the unearthly cyan glow of the evening sweeping over Io. Distant geysers are but white streaks against the background of the star-specked blanket of sky. After a short, tentative silence, he adds, “I don’t think I will.”
Eris’ eyes flick to him, the briefest glance before they turn back to gaze at the horizon, “I heard it’s magnificent and heartbreaking. A shattered chalice of Light.”
Asher watches the swirling fumes rising up, up towards the skies. He can almost feel its radiance from the distance, prickling against his skin and warming his core. Is not Io just that, he thinks, a shattered chalice filled to overflow, rivers of brightness spilled and still trailing between its rocks?
“Have you seen it?” He asks despite knowing the answer.
She shakes her head. The City is a fickle lover, loud and kaleidoscope-changing. Some things are fit to be adored from the distance.
“It gives me hope,” she says softly after a while, and the glow of her eyes flickers. “How it maimed itself to shatter the cage, broken and radiant.”
Asher thinks bitterly how fitting it is that she has moved to the Moon, to poke and prod and taunt the darkness that marred her out of something more than burning vengeance. He is all too aware of the Pyramidion’s angular shape behind his back.
They sit in the cyan glow, two broken and radiant things on yellow sandstone, and the silence between them is dim and warm like the swelling night.
 On the day Oryx falls, Eris stumbles into his quarters trembling like an aspen leaf. It is late, only a few windows in the Tower still aglow, and the City engulfed in the uneasy slumber of a battle raging overhead. But she has felt him die in the inmost depths of her core, and the shudder which tore through the cosmos in that moment left no room for doubts.
Asher makes her tea she is too nauseous to drink and curls up on the sofa with a book in a nest of blankets and pillows. She just watches the Traveler, bright and absurdly gentle against the horrors of this night.
“I dread the next step,” she says quietly.
“Take comfort in this triumph, if nothing else.” The soft rustle of flipping a page seems deafening in the stillness of the room. “You did kill a god today.”
“And what good did it bring?” The words are out before she can stop them; she knows it is a wrong question to ask. She knows she should keep her eyes fixed on the purpose. Yet she allows herself a second of bitter grief, of Eriana’s face etched silver in her mind and the itch of tears streaming down her scarred cheeks.
“Is the path you’re walking worthy of your fear?”
The question shakes her out from the stupor. She turns to meet his gaze, fixed on her from above the book.
“Then walk it.”
The next time she sees him is in the hospital.
 It is a lovely autumn, painting the Tower plaza red and yellow in an eternal sunset, leaves dancing in the air as gusts of wind pull them into a waltz. Eris can see the trees from her hospital window but their beauty frightens her, the effortlessness with which their branches sway and shimmer in the sunlight just another punch of realisation how nothing will ever be good and safe and beautiful again. It takes her three weeks to start speaking again, yet everybody is quick to shun her when she begins talking of the Hellmouth. Only Ikora stays, teary-eyed, tending to the burns on her head and limbs and examining the amputated toe, swallowing Eris’ every word like poison that soaks into her bloodstream with toxin of woe.
Asher does not cry, does not look away with disgust-laced pity. He makes her tea and the first proper meal she has eaten since leaving the hospital, sits down across the table and watches her with scientific curiosity. He does not negate the change, but there is no condescending sympathy in how he looks at her eyes and scars and patchy skin. And most of all, he allows her to talk; and when she finally finds the strength to begin, she cannot bear to stop. Words spill out of her like the black tears from her eyes, rotten and terrible, as she claws furiously at her core to scrub them off, to cleanse herself of the putrid stench of death clinging to her bones. He grounds her with practical questions, his matter-of-factness comfortingly familiar. It calms her when she starts shaking and losing her grip, a constant to hold on to against the deafening howl of her own twisted thoughts.
He lets her shuffle through his books and lie on his floor and does not ask whether her eyes hurt. He goes on as normal; even when she startles at every sudden noise and bleeds ink over his sofa throw, when she is whispering to herself and scratching at the scars on her skin. He just leans over the table, passing her a sheet of half translated text. He has been trying to decipher the Cabal language and wants her to take a look.
She is grateful.
 “I do not advise this.”
Eris cocks an eyebrow at him, “I expected stronger words.”
Her glance is bold behind the veil of steam from the cup of tea she is holding, the feignedness almost undetectable. But her fingers are stiff and pale, clutching the porcelite like a lifeline, and her foot bobs nervously under the table; and when Asher meets her gaze, she looks away.
“I thought of Eriana as of someone possessing as much as half a braincell.” He stirs his own tea meticulously. “I understand she is grieving, but this idea is ridiculous. Dragging you to die together down there will not return Wei to her.”
“As long as Crota lives, no one is safe. This is not just about vengeance.”
“And what makes you think you two can achieve what thousands of Guardians failed to?”
She hates the disdain in his voice, the judgemental glare he is flashing her across the table. Like an older brother deriding a bratty sister.
“There isn’t just the two of us.” She leans forward, narrowing her eyes. Challenging him. “Sai and Vell are more than willing to crush Crota. Knowing Omar, I think he’ll join in gladly. Mare Imbrium took its toll on more than just Eriana, you know.”
“Mare Imbrium was a Titan’s tomfoolery,” Asher raises the cup to his mouth in an annoyingly dragged-out gesture. “We knew nothing about the Hive. Nothing about the weapons they used. Now we’re only beginning to scratch the surface, and frankly, I do not like what I’m finding.”
Eris crosses her arms, “Toland says—"
“Toland!” He smacks the cup against the saucer so rapidly the tea spills out. “You... Out of all the people, all the wretched charlatans in this bloody system… You’ve come to him?!”
“He knows more than you think.”
“He will lead you there to die smiling all the way through!”
Eris’ silver-grey eyes turn to steel. She bares her teeth like an angry animal about to strike, “What would you have me do, then? Get over it? Over Aparajita, and Gunnvor, and Jagi, and Lee? Over Wei? They died to reclaim the Moon. We owe them to continue the fight!”
“Don’t mistake idiocy for bravery, Eris.”
“Stop doing that.” Asher raises his eyebrow, and she adds, “Talking to me like to a child.”
“You act like one.”
Eris springs up, her chair swinging backward and nearly falling to the floor. Her hand itches to stab him where it hurts the most, to ask him where he was while she watched the corpses of her friends scattered over Lunar rocks. To tell him to sit on his ass in this damn library and keep lying to himself he is being useful. Her love for him boils and burns, and the bland disapproval on his face feels like a searing brand stamped on her with an iron rod.
She storms off, turning back at the door to give him one final, furious glare. Her eyes well up with angry tears, and it is the last time Asher sees them.
 Fiddling with the radio knobs, Asher tries to contain his panic. Because fear is unreasonable, he murmurs to himself, because it obscures his vision, because they are all—every single damn one of them—utter morons; because how irredeemable of an idiot must you be to as much as consider such a fool’s errand worthy of your time and resources? Because they are fools, fools with no brain and blood on their hands, putting lives at stake in a stupid way and expecting to—
A signal pierces through the static. Asher catches his breath. Even through the interference, he recognises the voice and fights back a sigh of relief so profound he can almost feel tears in his eyes.
“—call for retreat! I repeat, this is Eris Morn of unit eight-three-seven. I have lost a third of my cohort, I call for retreat! We are dying out here!”
She is alive, for now. He picked up on Conar and Pujari earlier, the former badly wounded and packed up on an evac shuttle; Vell is still kicking somewhere out there too—stupid Titan—yelling curses interrupted by bullets into the comms. Dropping dead, getting rezzed, cursing again.
But even through his ire, Asher cannot help but listen to the distant gunshots and scarce commands. He tries so hard to keep from hoping, because hope is a fool’s errand and only ever makes things harder. He knows well that by the time the battle dies down, there will have been hundreds of Ghostless and dead and nonresponding, and he will have swallowed just as many I-told-you-so’s down his throat. He is furious, furious and mournful for the lives lost, and guilty for the warmth of his apartment and the untouched mug of now-cold tea. He should not have gone there, he is right to have stayed, yet every sound of battle is like a prick of conscience—making him wonder ever so briefly if this had been a life only just snuffed out, one he could have, possibly, saved.
 The smell of smouldered flesh is still strong in the air when Eris lowers her hands, the storm of Light around her subsiding. What is left of the ahamkara are wind-scattered ashes, strangely silent after the recent din of hurricane and whispers. Ikora pokes them with the barrel of her rifle; her face intent, wary. They hardly ever go down easily.
But all is quiet. A breeze rustles Eris’ hair gently, a welcome respite from the humidity of Venusian jungles, and after a minute of fraught silence Ikora looks up and her eyes soften.
“Looks like we’re done here,” she slings the weapon over her shoulder and summons a Sparrow, “If we’re quick, we can make it for dinner.”
Eris still watches the ashes, the breeze sweeping them gently across the terrain. When Ikora calls after her, she nods absently and turns away; the hand in her pocket tightening around a shard of bone that seems to fit perfectly into her palm.
Back in her room, she lies on her back and stares up at it, fingers caressing the jags and curves of its surface. It is beautiful and ancient. She thinks briefly about embedding it in silver, creating a jewellery piece or ceremonial weapon, but then rejects the notion. She will wrap it in leather and place in her locker, safe under layers of cloth and paper, her ultimate safeguard.
She falls asleep with her fingers clasped tightly around it, and dreams of sunshine and marketplace chatter, of silvery laughter and stalls full of fruits red and fresh like the sunrise.
 “Praedyth complained about you.”
“Oh did he,” Asher does not look up from the book he is slouched over, the unkept mess of alabaster hair giving in to gravity and falling over his face. “He tires me.”
Eris’ lips quirk slightly upwards as she reaches for their shared bottle of liquor. It is a cheap Moscato, sweet and sickly-aromatic, and in the afternoon sun flooding the rooftop they have perched upon it looks like molten gold. “What do you think of this hunt anyway?”
“By the way they’re approaching it? I’m surprised there have been no casualties yet.”
“Osiris and Tallu were arguing about it yesterday. He said he didn’t approve of genociding an entire species.”
“Can’t imagine why,” Asher hums and dogears a page.
She regards him sternly, sunlight gilding her hair and flickering on the hilts of her sheathed knives. “They are extremely dangerous.”
“Every power is when you abuse it.”
“But not every power can make you abuse it.”
She has a point and Asher hates it, but he deems the matter unworthy of butting heads over it any longer. It would not deter Fairwind and Saint anyway, even if Osiris shared his rightful concerns. He closes the book and sits straighter, running a hand through his hair absently.
“With their Wei Ning mentality, all this ‘hunt’ is gonna be is a brawl.” He shoots her a weighty glance, “And of course you’ll join in on the folly.”
“The knowledge they possess—”
“Oh don’t give me that,” his hand outstretches in a demanding gesture, and as Eris passes him the bottle, his features soften, “It would be a waste if you died.”
 Sunlight flickers between City buildings, slipping through the balcony fences and strings of garlands stretched above streets. The market square is swarming with people; the colours of awnings over the stalls and fruits stacked in crates are vibrant and loud and heavy with summer’s daze. Ripe-sweet scent of blooming flowers lingers in the air.
A little girl ducks under her mother’s arm and starts squeezing through the crowd—as she runs, the yellows and reds and grey cobblestone all flash past and come colliding when a stall or a body suddenly sprouts in front of her. She rams into it laughing, and zaps away before the surprised rebuke has a chance to reach her.
“Wait for me!” A boy calls after her, struggling to keep up. She does not stop until they are blocks away from the marketplace, away from the clamour and swirling crowds, by an old boathouse on the bank of the river. The heat is more bearable here, and the sunshine glimmers on the surface like stardust. The girl looks up the weathered planks, squinting.
“I’m gonna climb the roof.”
“You’re gonna break your legs.”
“I don’t care.” She already has one foot in a knothole. “Stay down here, if you want to miss the view.”
The boy crosses his arms, watching her try to find a handhold. Bravery and idiocy are indistinguishable in their small world, when the most courageous thing you can do is grin through the hurt and claim the height of the fall was worth it.
“Will you come down when I call you?” He asks, with just the tiniest hint of anxiety to his tone.
She glances at him and for a flicker there is some eager honesty in her eyes—or just the bright, reckless innocence of a child.
“I always will.”
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zedb1939 · 3 years
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“Hey Zed! Whatcha doing?” Aura the Awoken Warlock of Fireteam Blitzkrieg asked with a wide grin and happy smile to her Exo Hunter compatriot.
“Hmm? Oh hey Aura.” Zed-2 said with a sigh as he looked up from a picture he had in his hands as he sat on the wing of his Arcadia-class Jumpship he inherited from his mentor, Cayde-6.
“Hey what’s wrong? Why so down in the dumps...oh...” She looks and sees the picture in his hands. It was a selfie he had taken of himself and his girlfriend, Ada-1.
“Um...it’s nothing.” He said as he put the photo onto his knee pocket where he could down directly at it.
“Zed...you know she’s doing important work...” Aura said as she sat down next to him and set a hand on his shoulder and Zed made a pained expression as he looked at the ground.
“Yeah. She just sealed up the Black Armory, recalled all of her Forges, and just left me with nothing. Yeah the woman I love really cares about me...” Zed said bitterly as he pulled out Caydes knife from his back and looked at it as he sighed and palmed his face.
“Look I know it may be hard right now but she’ll be back! I just know it!!” Aura said with her usual optimistic smile and tone as she rubbed his back and he breathed out as he touched his metal face.
“Traveler help me...I thought we were doing really good...after everything I was able to get her to come out of her shell. She enjoyed the Dawning, Festival Of The Lost...all of that...” Zed said with a sigh as he just picked up the photograph he’d taken from a pre-Golden Age camera and had taken it when Ada was busy.
“Hey she’s still alive Zed. She’s just busy with Lakshmi. She’ll be fine. After all she isn’t just some damn civilian...” Aura said with a smile as she tried to convince her friend that Ada-1 would be fine.
“I...I just wish I had gotten to say goodbye...” Zed said with a sigh again before he turned and saw a frame walk up to him and set down a box.
“Package to Guardian Zed-2. Delivery sign off, yes?” The delivery Frame asked to which Zed just let his Ghost, Zephyr, fly down and then transmat the box next to him. “Thank you.” He said with a wave as the Frame left back to it’s duties.
“Who’s it from?” Aura asked him and Zed looked at the box and pulled out a datapad and he opened up a digital letter he had received. “It’s...from her...from Ada...” Zed said in disbelief before he began to read it aloud.
“Ahem...To my dearest Zed, I hope this letter finds you well. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to see you off in person...I guess I’m still not very good on the whole, connecting thing...” Zed said as he read aloud to himself and Aura. “Lakshmi and I are working quite hard on Project Stronghold. Sorry I cannot talk in more detail but according to your Vanguard, it’s classified. But luckily I was able to work on these little something’s before all this nasty Pyramid business happened. It’s all inside, the keys to my Lone Wolf, my weapons locker, and of course inside is some new armor, and a surprise for Zeph. All Handcrafted. I hope you hunt well my love. Sincerely, Ada-1, Curator of The Black Armory...” Zed read aloud and finished.
Zed then looked at the Black Armory labeled box and opened it up, him in awe of the amazingly crafted white with blue accented armor. He smiled happily as his red glowing eyes were now full of wonder and happiness. “Ya know...I think we’re gonna be ok...I just hope this Stasis stuff won’t put a wrinkle in our relationship...” Zed said with a chuckle as Aura smiled happily.
“I don’t think it will. As long as your you...she won’t leave you. After all she’s tolerated you so far...” Aura teased Zed as he chuckled and lightly punched her shoulder before the two started laughing, it echoing throughout the Tower Hangar, it showing that even now, love and laughter were still present in this dire time.
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changingourdestiny · 3 years
Nightlight Part 1: Endless Night
Fireteam Paralight awake to the Last City being plunged into darkness with the sun nowhere in sight. Ikora and Osiris have no doubt about it being the Vex's doing but with no answers on how to fix it, they turn to unlikely allies for them but familiar allies to Paralight: Mithrax and Tif of House Light.
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Next Part: Here
“I know I said to ‘party until the sun rises’…but this is NOT what I meant.”
Cayde and Fireteam Paralight all stood at the Helm’s front window at the endless night sky…at 11am. The sun hadn’t risen at all that morning with strange glitch-like wisps in the air. Rae let out a sigh, “Can…can someone pass me that cushion over there?”
“Oh, sure.” Crow picked up a nearby cushion resting on the war table and handed it to the Stasis Vanguard. “Thank you.” Rae calmly accepted the cushion and held it to her face before letting out a stressed and frustrated scream into the pillow. As her scream faded, Adam hesitantly spoke, “Are…are you ok, Rae?”
“My stress levels are PERFECTLY healthy, guys!” Rae said with a forced grin. “Uh huh…sure…” Blaze scooted away from Rae a bit as the sound of footsteps approached. Zavala and Ikora entered the Helm. “Thank you for coming on short notice.” Ikora began. “Figured we’d be called up here at some stage.” Blaze replied, “Usually when things take a turn for the crazy, we’re the ones that are called. And the sun being gone is kinda hard to miss.”
“Very true. With that said, allow me to deliver your briefing.” Ikora began, “As you saw, for the first time in humanity’s long and storied history, the sun did not rise. Osiris tells me it’s a Vex simulation that has plunged the City into an endless night. It seems they’ve found a way to harness our energy against us. And even in all his wisdom, Osiris can offer no solution.”
“To do something like this to the Last City…” Cayde muttered, “Whatever the Vex are planning, they’re confident enough to target our home turf.”
“That or they’re becoming desperate.” Zavala added. “The Vex rely on logic. Whatever their plan is, the chances of success for them are high enough for them to execute it.” Rae chimed in. “Rae’s right.” Ikora agreed, “I don’t know what will happen if we can’t break the Vex’s hold over the City. I do know that we must protect our people, no matter the cost.”
“Agreed.” Adam nodded. “So, what’s the plan? How’re we gonna pry the Vex’s robo-hands off the City?” Blaze asked. “The Vex are machines…” Ikora replied, “And no one understands machines better than the Eliksni. Osiris and I could only think of one we might turn to. And I believe you’re acquainted with him and one of his captains.”
“Wait…you mean…?” Rae perked up in realisation. Ikora nodded, “Mithrax, Kell of House Light. My spies report he claims to be among the last Sacred Splicers; those with the power to commune with machines. He may be our best and only hope.”
“I didn’t know he was a Splicer.” Rae muttered, “He never made it obvious during the times we met him and Tif never mentioned it either.”
“It makes sense that he would try to keep it hidden.” Crow replied, “House Dusk and the remnants of Salvation would find the abilities of Splicers useful against their enemies.”
“Hmm…fair point.” Rae said before turning back to Ikora, “Do we have any information on his location?”
“My Hidden report that both Mithrax and Tifawt were last seen on Europa, helping Variks evacuate Eliksni defectors.” Ikora explained, “Both the Vex and Eramis’s loyalists are down there hunting for survivors, shooting anything that moves. Be sure to shoot back. We need Mithrax alive if he’s to help us with our Vex problem.”
“Right.” Rae turned to her Fireteam, “You heard Ikora. Let’s hit the skies.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Fireteam Paralight hurried out of the Helm. Cayde went to follow but was stopped by Ikora. “No. You’re still in trouble for the last time you snuck out. Besides, we need all the help we can get for crowd control.”
Rae couldn’t help but feel sorry for Cayde as she heard his disappointed groan from down the hall.
“Oh, the Vex outside are frightful~ But the Light is so delightful~ Knock them down, blow-by-blow~ Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~”
Blaze sang to herself as she shot down Vex after Vex with Firelight. “Nice Dawning carol.” Crow chuckled as he fired a round from Hawkmoon into a hobgoblin, “You should remember them for this year.”
“I’m already working on ‘Sainta Claus is coming to Tower’!”
Crow let out an amused snort at Blaze’s pun as Rae tuned into her comms, “Ikora, any luck on locating Mithrax?”
“You’re closing in on some residual signals. It could be Eliksni bound for House Light…or it could be more of Eramis’s loyalists.” Ikora replied. “I think I see an entrance in the ice.” Adam yelled from several feet away. “Let’s go say Velask.” Rae said as she slid down the ice into the hideout. The four Guardians landed with a faint clang onto the metal plating of the hideout. “Velask? It’s Fireteam Paralight. Is anyone here?” Rae called out before contacting Ikora again, “Empty. Looks like the Eliksni cleared out before the Vex showed up.”
“See if you can learn where they’re headed.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Over here!”
Rae looked up to see Blaze by an Eliksni terminal with Crow typing away at it. “I think we found something. Some sort of looped audio recording.”
“I’ll patch it through to Ikora as well.” Crow added as he played the audio.
“-over their possessions. Trigger message repeat. This is Misraaks. To those who renounce the violence of House Salvation and seek refuge in the House of Light, I will be landing a Skiff near Asterion Abyss. Bring only what you need. We must prioritise survivors over their possessions. Trigger message repeat.”
“Asterion Abyss. That’s their rendezvous point.” Ikora began, “A single Skiff recently touched down near your position. It’s got to be Mithrax. Hurry, before he takes off.”
“Uhh…we should hurry but I don’t think he’ll be taking off.” Adam said as he stood near a cave opening looking over Asterion Abyss. In the middle of the ice and snow was a crashed ship with smoke emerging from it. “Oh no…we gotta hurry!” Rae exclaimed as she began to climb up the ice with the rest of the Fireteam not far behind. As soon as they were on smoother turf, the four Guardians summoned their Sparrows and began to speed across the snow towards the downed Skiff. “Mithrax sure is wrapped up in dangerous business, huh?” Blaze muttered. “It’s a bad time to ask for a favour, true.” Ikora replied, “But he and his House of Light still worship the Traveller. And due to your previous interactions with him and Tifawt, he’ll trust you more than the rest of us.”
“I just hope we’re not too late.” Rae sighed, “The second we get there, we secure the crash site and help any Eliksni that might have survived.”
“Crow and I can handle any Vex or Salvationists that are around while you and Adam can protect and heal survivors.” Blaze added.
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s move!”
Upon arriving at the downed Skiff, all that remained was the smouldering wreckage, Eliksni bodies, and Vex swarming the ship. Rae prepared to shoot at the Vex with Lumina when-
A hobgoblin that was standing atop the wreckage was suddenly shoved off by an Eliksni captain from behind with two goblins that were standing either side of it getting sliced by arc blades. The captain wore purple, blue and grey armour with the usual furry mantle at the back and the back spikes. The armour looked slightly different to a standard captain’s, mainly the boots and gloves. That’s when Rae realised it. Only one set of arms. Short for a captain. And the last piece of evidence came when the captain punched a harpy with a Stasis-covered fist.
“Tif!” Rae exclaimed with a smile. As the last Vex fell, the captain spun around at Rae’s yell, only seeming to notice the Guardians’ presence just then. “Paralight!” The familiar voice of Tif came from behind the captain-esque helmet of the Titan. Tif ran up to Rae and hugged her, lifting the Warlock off the ground slightly as they did so, “Oh my Traveller, your timing couldn’t be better! We’re trying to evacuate Salvation defectors but the Vex-”
“We know. We actually came here looking for you and Mithrax.” Rae explained. “Wait. Really?” Tif cocked their head to the side before shaking it, “There’s no time to wonder. Misraaks is keeping the refugees safe but I don’t know for how much longer they’ll last. Please hurry!”
“Lead the way.” Rae nodded. “Berhane?” Tif began. “Pike is at the ready!” Berhane chirped as a Pike appeared beside the Titan. “Follow me!” Tif yelled as they hopped on and sped across the icy tundra, Rae and co. in tow.
Visibility decreased slightly as an icy wind blew in. “We should be close.” Tif yelled as they came to a stop, “Misraakskel, are you there? Paralight are here!” As Tif called out, Mithrax emerged from a nearby cave. He wore different attire compared to the last time Rae had met up with them. His upper right arm was heavily mechanised, and he wore a grey and purple helm. “Guardians, I find you in the Light.” Mithrax greeted, “And on your signal…Ikora Rey?”
“Mithrax-kell, it is an honour. We have been searching for you for a long time.” Ikora greeted from the comms. “This is known. You are not the only one with hidden eyes.” Mithrax nodded, “Many enemies pursue my House of Light. We did not wish to be found.”
“Then times are desperate for us all.” Rae chimed in, “The Vanguard need your help.”
“Oh yeah…the Vex have been messing with the City, right?” Tif began. “You know about that?” Blaze asked with surprise. “Yes. Vex systems pulse with talk of the City’s Endless Night…but my people demand much protection.” Mithrax explained, “If Paralight could assist Tif and I in blinding the Vex here, we can speak more without risking bloodshed.”
“Blinding the Vex…we’ll do whatever you need, Mithrax-kell.” Rae nodded. Mithrax motioned for the Guardians to follow as he ran to a large clearing in the ice. He held out his mechanical arm that began to glow as a sudden pulse of Vex energy opened up a hole in the ice, “I have opened the door for you, Guardian. Will you walk the path of the Sacred Splicer?”
The four Guardians glanced at each other before nodding. “We’re ready.” Rae replied. “You might wanna hold onto your tummies!” Tif suggested, “I did this once and it gets weird. WHOOHOO!!!” Tif jumped cannonball-style into the hole with Fireteam Paralight jumping in after them. In a flash of light, the Guardians found themselves slowly descending onto a series of teal, geometric platforms in a vast purple void filled with geometric creations emerging from below. “Is this…some sort of Vex simulation?” Rae asked as they touched down. “The path before you is no illusion.” Mithrax explained through the comms, “You venture through the Vex domain itself, where the machines guard their most precious secrets. I will clear the way. Tifawt, can I count on you to guide the Guardians?”
“Yes, Misraakskel!” Tif responded with a smile.
“Very well. Good luck, Guardians.”
Rae looked out at the vast space before her and sighed, “Alright. Let’s start the crazy.”
To Be Continued…  
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