#valeria moreno
huntsvillegossip · 2 months
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Hello, hello my little lovelies,
So much to catch up on these days! Everyone all at once seemed to have some type of news to share with me. 
You all know being on the ice is meant to keep us all cool and level-headed, right? There were so many punches thrown at the ice skating event, not just once, not even twice, but three whole times. Eagan Connolly punched Huntsville Daily’s very own Samuel Ahn over what was reportedly, and unsurprisingly, something to do with that missing brother of hers again. If she keeps that attitude up no one is going to be willing to assist her. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, sweetheart. 
Seeming to take a cue from her is that wildchild from the Westfall family, Esther Westfall, who is just as short tempered as ever. They were seen punching one Eldon Harcourt, though he seemed to take it decently well, and didn’t engage into a full brawl. The same can’t be said for Joey Albright who fully attacked Louis Ryan and had to be pulled off him. Not exactly the behavior you’d expect from everyone’s favorite heartthrob but it seems love makes fools of us all. Let’s just hope that Hope Macgillivray is worth it. 
However, not everyone at the ice skating party was quick to come to blows. It seems that there are at least some of you who would rather make love than war. Jackson Miller was spotted getting cozy with Lavender Parsons, ending in what was apparently quite the steamy kiss, if my sources are to be believed. Now I know that some readers may be scandalized by this news, but I for one think it is wonderful that after everything she went through with her mother’s disappearance last year, Miss Parsons seems to be coming into her own as a young woman. All I can say is, be careful out there, men of Huntsville! There’s a new heartbreaker on the rise.
Here’s a toast to one town event being mostly a success with no serious incidents. Hopefully this is the start of a new and lighter year for all of us. 
Auntie G
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That older ranger guy is like, always at the bar. Smells like a bar too. Really harshes the vibe, you know? - Day Drinker
I've been seeing Amber Ryan and Noah Kasprak head off to his place a lot lately. I wonder how her siblings feel about her sleeping around with her co-worker. Seems pretty irresponsible to me considering the family's history. - Anon (25F)
So I was minding my business, when I heard Marisol de la Luna was holding some guy’s tarantula? Is that a new euphemism the kids are using or what? Here’s hoping history doesn’t repeat itself or she’ll end up like her mom did senior year. - Think of the Children
Geez, never a dull day with the Romeros. Heard another one of Hawk’s kids came popping out of the woods. Sora Griffon? At this rate, he’s gonna have a whole flock of ‘em. Hope his new hubby is ready to play Brady Bunch. - Town Bird Watcher
Nico Garcia has been going around saying he’s going to be a dad? I wonder who he knocked up. Could be half the town from the way he’s been getting around. I heard that within the past couple months he’s been hooking up with Val Moreno, Kirby, Nadine Briggs, Jessie Sinclair, Wren Romero, Cole Cerulli, Jovi DiCamillo, and Tatum Hampton, to name just a few! - Anon (33M)
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Control Z  -  Netflix  -  May 22, 2020  -  Present
Teen Drama (8 episodes to date)
Running Time:  31-41 minutes
Ana Valeria Becerril as Sofía Herrera
Michael Ronda as Javier Williams.
Yankel Stevan as Raúl León
Zión Moreno as Isabela de la Fuente. (season 1)
Fiona Paloma as María Alexander
Andrés Baida as Pablo García
Patricio Gallardo as Gerardo "Gerry" Granda
Luis Curiel as Luis (season 1)
Samantha Acuña as Alex
Macarena García Romero as Natalia Alexander
Iván Aragón as Darío
Xabiani Ponce de León as Ernesto
Paty Maqueo as Rosa "Rosita" Restrepo
Rodrigo Cachero as Miguel Quintanilla
Mauro Sánchez Navarro as Bruno
Kariam Castro as Valeria
Ariana Saavedra as Regina
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yakuly · 24 days
Amortentia | J.JK²
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Jeon Jungkook grifinório! x leitora sonserina.
Palavras: 1.767
Sinopse: Em teoria, um grifinório e uma sonserina não poderiam acontecer, mas desde o primeiro dia em que chegaram no castelo, Jean não tira seus olhos de uma sonserina. Mas o moreno logo descobrirá que cobras são mestres em se esgueirar para longe dos holofotes.
Avisos: Nenhum, acredito eu.
J.JK¹ | J.JK² | J.JK³
     "Senhorita S/s, como minha melhor aluna, quero que seja tutora desse... rapaz."
    A voz de Snape ecoou em sua cabeça, como se tivesse em um túnel do terror. Boquiaberta, literalmente, o olhar da garota vagava da figura obscura a sua frente, para o moreno ainda sentado. Jeon da um sorrisinho de criança, erguendo as sobrancelhas e ainda teve a audácia de a dar um tchauzinho. Tudo bem, isso vai ser difícil de ignorar.
  "Professor, o senhor acha que o rapaz em questão, precisa de aulas a mais?" Ela ousa perguntar, tentando se livrar da nova posição, claramente desconfortável. Snape rola os olhos, claramente querendo se livrar do grifinório, a levando a acreditar que Jungkook provavelmente estava ali a um tempo considerável.
    "O que eu acho não é importante, o importante é que a senhorita o tutore, para que ele saia imediatamente da minha sala, senhorita S/S." É, Jungkook realmente estava ali a um bom tempo.
  "Tudo bem, eu concordo," a mais nova começa, e ambas as feições se iluminam (a de snape o máximo que se podia), então ela imendou com pressa: "mas apenas com uma condição."
   "O. que. Senhorita?"
  "Pra cada ponto que Jeon conseguir em sua aula, quero dois para a sonserina." Apesar do tom firme, o seu interior tremia, aflita com a resposta. Mas tudo o que recebeu foi um aceno de cabeça. "você" aproveitando que snape tinha se virado para longe, ela aponta para seu novo pesadelo, que estava claramente aturdido com a virada de eventos "começamos amanhã, depois da aula do professor Snape."
    Quando saiu daquela sala, caminhou rápido o suficiente para fugir de Jeon, mas não rápida suficiente pra perder o professor gritando com o moreno, e o ver tropeçando porta a fora. Pelo menos paga uma pequena parte do que seja lá que ele esteja planejando...
  Ao chegar nas masmorras, felizmente encontrou Park Jimin passando para algum lugar. A parte feliz desse encontro é que o agora loiro, fazia parte do ciclo de amigos de Jeon.
  "Park!" O rapaz se vira para você, abrindo um meio sorriso, e esperando que você contornasse as poltronas até ele. "Será que você consegue me explicar o que seu amigo está planejando?"
"Hum..." Park faz um som de 'tsk' com a boca, fingindo que estava pensando no pedido da garota "Não, acho que não."
"O quê? Por quê?" Seu desespero era adorável para ele, e talvez rir não foi a ação mais inteligente de Jimin da hora. Por isso ele recebeu um soco leve, mas bem merecido no ombro.
"Ow! Eu quis dizer que não, eu não consigo te explicar o que Jeon planejou, por que não faço a menor ideia do que esteja falando."
"E como sabe que tô falando do Jungkook?" A garota tenta o encurralar, mas dessa vez, não pode ficar revoltada com a risada do loiro. Então o deixou ir, e foi para seu quarto tentar dormir.
   Mas não tinha como escapar o novo dia que chegou, e até fingir uma febre foi considerado, mas a ideia de ter que tomar algum remédio doido na infermaria, não valeria a pena. Então tudo o que pôde fazer, era vestir seu uniforme, tomar café da manhã e encarar as aulas, esperando pelo pior.
   E por incrível que pareça, Jeon estava incrivelmente quieto. Um alívio bem vindo, claro, se não sentisse um arrepio estranho em sua espinha. Nada que viesse do rapaz, poderia ser algo bom.
   Quando a aula de Snape, que por algum acaso era a última do dia, acabou , Jeon a esperava do lado de fora da sala. Quando saiu o encarou por alguns minutos, esperando alguma piadinha ou comentário engraçadinho, mas nada. Tudo o que viu, era um rosto perfeito, em um corpo perfeito, usando seu brasão rival. As meninas que passavam cochichavam, e riam, não tão discretas, o que claramente e obviamente a irritou. Sem dizer uma palavra, Sn começou seu caminho até a biblioteca.
   "O quê? Ei!" a voz surpresa do rapaz, soou às costas da garota, que apertou o passo, o fazendo copiar o ato. "Cobrinha, onde você vai? Não tá esquecendo de nada?" Por mais que o plano da sonserina fosse seguir seu caminho sem muita dificuldade, o ter gritando em suas costas, e falando como se fossem amigos a fez parar de andar, e se virou pra ele, que caminhava rápido e quase caiu por cima do corpo menor.
"Vamos pra biblioteca Jeon, não vou te tutorar no meio do corredor."
   Quando ouviu aquilo, Jungkook se sentiu um idiota, mas tinha alguma coisa no modo como você o chamava pelo sobrenome, que o fazia cócegas por dentro. Então ele a seguiu, como um cachorrinho abandonado. Mas claro, que não em silêncio, ele comentava do clima, das aulas do dia, de alguma piada que Seokjin tinha feito (esquecendo completamente que a garota apenas o conhecia como um monitor qualquer da Grifinória, e não como um dos melhores amigos e mais engraçados que se poderia ter). E tudo o que a menor fazia, era caminhar em silêncio à sua frente, querendo mais que tudo que a situação acabasse tão rápido, estranho e surpreendentemente quanto começou.
   Na grande biblioteca, a garota seguiu diretamente para uma das mesas de estudo ao fundo e escondida de todos. Mas enquanto caminhavam biblioteca adentro, passaram por diversas mesas vazias, que Jeon começava a se perguntar se ela estaria o levando para uma sala super secreta, e o trancaria lá para sempre.
  Mas para seu alívio, a menor parou em uma mesa que a agradou, mas o rapaz não deixou de notar sua localização: fundo do biblioteca, as luzes das velas que iluminavam o local eram as mais fracas, e os dois definitivamente seriam escondidos pelo grande e pesado livreiro, repleto de livros grandes e pesados.
   Deixando sua bolsa na cadeira, S/n o ordenou que se sentasse (e se surpreendeu quando ele de fato fez, a olhando com grandes olhos de bambi).
  A última coisa que Jungkook viu, foi a figura feminina se esgueirardo pelos corredores da biblioteca, recolhendo livros e mais livros. O rapaz ficou observando seu vulto branco e verde andando de um lado para o outro, e começou a se perguntar como poderia se aproximar mais da garota. Veja bem, ele tinha um plano, só não pensou muito sobre ele.
  Quando finalmente se deu por satisfeita, S/n voltou para a mesa, colocando os mesmos na frente do rapaz. Por Serem pesados e velhos, quando encontraram a mesa de madeira, uma leve poeira subiu ao ar, dando um tom mais dramático para o ato.
  Os olhos já grandes de Jungkook crescem ainda mais, se levantando para a olhar por cima das capas duras. "O que espera que eu faça com isso?" Ele balbucia para a garota, que sorri 'docemente':
  "Hã? Você quer que eu leia tudo isso?" O tom exasperado do moreno, a fez sorrir internamente com aquilo, mas não demonstrou "Eu achei que fosse me tutorar..."
"E eu que você fosse tão inteligente como eu, mas parece que ambos estavam errados." se sentando na cadeira a frente de Jeon, pega seus materiais para fazer seu dever, e estudar o que precisa.
"Cobrinha, não foi isso que eu pensei..." Jungkook começou a reclamar mais uma vez, usando uma voz manhosa e balbuciando, coisa que a surpreendeu, já que nunca o ouviu falar desse jeito. Mas não deixou a abalar, e apenas abriu o livro, começando com seu serviço.
"Eu também não imaginava que você seria tão chorão assim, Jeon. Pois se quiser me ter como tutora, sente-se e leia, caso contrário, desista e avise ao professor Snape."
  Foi tudo o que ela disse, cutucando o ego, e lado competitivo de Jeon, com uma ousadia digno de um sonserino. Mas além de ser quem é, Jungkook também possui o melhor e o pior dos grifinórios, e não desistiria tão fácil. Portanto apesar de contrariado, o moreno bufou,  se sentando e finalmente abrindo o livro começando a ler em silêncio.
    Durante a primeira semana, enquanto andavam para a biblioteca, Jungkook ainda proclamava notícias, e reclamava todo dia, quando ela surgia com o que pareciam ser ainda mais livros Mas durante as aulas, ele pareceu esquecer do combinado, por tanto, cada ponto que ele acertava por provocação, a sonserina acumulavam mais dois "Magicamente".
   "Isso não faz sentido!" Um Grifinório gruniu uma vez, olhando para a pontuação das casas. A sonserina largava com dois pontos a mais que a casa leonina. O grupo de Jungkook, que passava para poder ir ao refeitório, parou para ver qual a comoção. "Ela parece que nem fala mais nada, como eles podem estar na frente?!"
   Coincidentemente Sn passava pelo mesmo caminho para também almoçar no refeitório junto à seu pequeno grupo de amigas sonserinas, ela escuta toda a comoção, e não pôde esconder o sorriso vitorioso para os rapazes
   Jeon observou enquanto passava por eles, com seu orgulho ferido por ter caído na sua armadilha, mas ao mesmo tempo, maravilhado por sua ideia brilhante e sua reação. Ele estava louco pra conseguir mais daquilo.
   Mas surpreendentemente na semana seguinte, o rapaz se calou. Sem mais citações de seus amigos, sem reclamações, e até ele mesmo começou a se levantar e buscar os livros par ler e fazer anotações. Uma incrível evolução, na opinião de S/n, afinal esse poderia ser um sinal que sua tortura estaria chegando ao fim.
   Logo, ele passou a ser uma presença tolerável. O silêncio, cheiro de livros (e talvez o leve aroma de menta que emanava do moreno) e bebidas quentes, e o barulho calmante de penas sob o pergaminho Parecia o paraíso. Mas estava tudo muito bom pra ser verdade.
  Na próxima aula de poções, Snape anunciou que deveriam se aproximar de sua mesa, pois a poção que iriam aprender tinha um truque. Ao ouvir aquilo, uma ideia do que poderia ser surgiu a mente de S/n, mas gostaria muito que não fosse, mas não teve jeito, "Amortentia" era a poção da vez, então se aproximou da bancada, e infelizmente sentiu Jeon braço a braço, com ela.
  Conforme o professor explicava e fazia a poção, você anotava, e tentava nao focar no fato de que o perfume de Jungkook estava ficando cada vez mais forte.
Quando acabou, Snape deu um passo para trás, olhando a sala com a mesma feição impassível de sempre "Muito bem, alguém se voluntaria para sentir o cheiro e dizer o que sente?" todos se entreolharam, até Jimin levantar a voz, e alguns suspiros do seu lado serem escutados. Coitadas...
"Professor, acho que seria interessante pra sala se Jungkook e Sn cheirassem"
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wickedlvst · 30 days
it's starter call time.
because i want to use the following muses more, please like this post for a starter based on something from your wishlist. bonus points for kinky, dark and/or taboo plots. also, i'd be eternally grateful if you could specify which muse(s) you want!
charlotte. historical muse. submissive. bicurious. fc: hannah dodd. gentle & romantic sweetheart. usually, some sort of princess or noble lady.
blair. submissive. pansexual. fc: lily rose depp. part-girl who has a tendency to go off the rails. usually flirts for her drinks and isn’t above handing out favors instead of cash for drugs. voted most likely to become either a stripper or sugarbaby. loves to be spoiled like a princess and fucked like a filthy whore.
cairo. switch. pansexual. fc: sabrina carpenter. knows all too well how beautiful she is and isn't above taking advantage of that to get what she wants. playful and teasing. a little brat. very much into being treated like an object, though. loves to go by ‘mommy’ as a dom.
esther. submissive. pansexual. fc: kristine froseth. artsy college-student. looks all innocent but has been a regular visitor in bdsm-clubs ever since she turned 18 - even if she’s mostly been a passive audience rather than an active participant so far.   
maria. switch (sub-leaning). pansexual. fc: zion moreno. the epitome of generational wealth. sweet, spoiled babygirl on the outside. doesn’t do trips unless five-star hotels and first-class flights are involved. will absolutely spoil her loved ones without thinking twice about it as well. has secretly been fascinated (read: obsessed) by true crime ever since her sister was murdered. has a dark side hiding underneath that shiny rich girl shell.
sloane. switch. pansexual. fc: hunter schafer. business tycoon’s & hippie mother’s only child. complicated relationship with her father ever since she decided against joining the family company to pursue a life in the arts. curious nature with the biggest heart & determined to try absolutely everything at least once - regrets are for the weak. probably should have been tested for adhd as a child. softest dom ever in the best way possible. loves to keep switchings up in a relationship. 
tabitha. submissive. bicurious. fc: cailee spaney.  a literal angel sent to earth. terrified of breaking any rules or committing a sin - will do so anyway if you ask nicely. definitely a virgin. 
valeria. switch. pansexual. fc: rachel zegler. ambitious golden girl & her parents’ pride. proud & bratty tease, but will very quickly beg and plead if that tactic is used against her.
zoe. switch. pansexual. fc: savannah lee smith. the biggest mean girl - think regina george but worse. nice to your face if you’re lucky, definitely mocking you behind your back. has a strong preference for cute girls and men old enough to be at least her father. not shy at all about using her sexuality to get what she wants. prefers a nice power struggle in her sexual relationships. 
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yanxioustrikas · 1 year
my headcanon contribution for el matador because he’s also important to me
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- eduardo mansouri iglesias aka el matador
- for main series i put that he is 33 years old but idk he just has to be around his 30s anyway, but going with that, in rookie season he is 29 years old
- i think it is canon that he was born in spain, but my hc birth-city is madrid
- he’s predominantly of spanish descent, but he also has some algerian (arab-amazigh) ancestry
- el does not like to admit this but he doesn’t have perfect vision, so his custom-made glasses act like eyeglasses (would be ironic cuz his jersey number is 20 but doesn’t have 20/20 vision lol)
- he would dye his hair to cover up his grey hair; in the future he would stop doing it
- he probably already has a skincare line and it is surprisingly successful
- if el were to get pursue higher education, he would probably pursue in some type of business or marketing program, maybe even fashion (in all honesty he doesn’t seem to have any interest in doing college)
- el’s father’s name is mateo mansouri garcía. he is a retired professional football player. he is of spanish and algerian descent.
- el’s mother’s name is valeria iglesias moreno. she is a retired professional flamenco dancer. she is of spanish descent.
- el has like so many siblings, i think it’s canon that he has 12 siblings?? regardless i like to think that el is the youngest child in the family. some, like el, pursue football, some pursue flamenco, and others pursue other careers.
- el and all his siblings attended a boarding school in barcelona
- all family members were born in madrid!
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callofthxvoid · 6 months
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SUMMARY: Clara is at the emergency command centre.
MENTIONS: Rangers, Jamie Brennan, Phoenix Romero-Sawyer, Jay Romero-Sawyer
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Clara let out an exasperated sigh as she conversed with—slash yelled at—Rusty and Duck over the radio. She had made her way to the emergency command centre after the earthquake, and once it had been made clear that both the Head Ranger and the Game Warden would be out of commission, she had kicked into high gear making sure that she was staying on top of everything. And at least trying to get them to rest.
"For the last time, I've got it covered," she said with a tone that brokered no argument. "You can help with search and rescue but don't overexert yourselves. Yes, I say this knowing you will both ignore me, but I still want it on the record that I tried."
The radio crackled to life in response, with Rusty reminding her that she was in charge of everyone except him, and Duck reminding her that they were technically in different departments altogether, resulting in another beleagured sigh. After issuing a reluctant correction, she wrapped up the conversation and clipped her radio back to her belt.
Okay. She was in charge.
After taking a moment to let that reality sink in, Clara looked down at the map of Huntsville she had laid out on a table, quadrants for search and rescue hastily drawn out with various emergency personnel and rangers assigned to them. She had marked out all triage centres, and was keeping running notes for each of them listing medical professionals on site, number of patients with serious injuries, and a likely tally of people who would need to stay the night at either the clinic or the fire station.
Next to the map was a pile of lists that she was doing her best to keep updated as the day progressed—a list of people who have been confirmed fine, a list of people who have been confirmed injured, a list of people who were still missing, among others.
Pulling the list of rangers out of the pile, she looked down at it while fiddling with her engagement ring, spinning it around her finger and trying her best not to think about Jamie out there without her—or any of her loved ones out there without her. Running a hand through her hair, she took a deep breath before methodically going down the list.
Her radio crackled to life again. "Hey, it’s Val, and I have DJ here. We're at the fire station. Injured but not badly. Has Cain radioed in?"
"Okay, stay put and let me know if any rangers show up there, we're still missing a few," Clara responded, amending her notes to state that the pair were accounted for but injured, before frowning to herself. She could hear the concern and fear in the younger woman's voice, and even though she was also worried about Cain, she knew that she had to be reassuring. "And he hasn't, but I'm sure they will soon."
"Oh, okay. Let me know if they do. Can someone keep an eye out for Hunter too? Uh… Bleach blonde hair, probably walking around with a phone."
"Will do," the Acting Head Ranger replied before amending her notes and moving on.
Mia had managed to radio in earlier, reporting that her back and arms were cut up from shielding her kid and their dog from debris, but that she was otherwise alright. Marcus was uninjured, working search and rescue, and had been one of the rangers to locate Rusty and Reggie and then help them out of the haunted house.
Finally, when her radio sounded again, it was Elijah's voice coming through, reporting that he had found James and was trying to get him out of the bank. "Understood, I'll check in with the fire trucks and get one of them over to you ASAP," Clara replied, before once more amending her notes and moving on to the last section.
Elijah and Jahi had both radioed in earlier, the latter joining Marcus to help Rusty and Reggie, but she hadn't heard from Emrys yet. She took a deep breath before noting the time and bringing the radio to her lips. "Attention rangers, keep an eye out for Barlowe, Reider, and Rosser," she barked into it. "They have yet to check in."
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"What can I get for ya?"
Clara looked at her foster dad from behind the bar. The bar was busy, the dancehall was in full swing, and she had been serving drinks practically non-stop since she had clocked in for her shift. John had showed up on his way to work, and she knew damn well that he didn't want a drink—but if he was going to insist on checking in on her, she was going to insist on doing her job. Even if her job was just serving drinks at a bar.
Before he could respond, a loud crash was heard from the other side of the bar and Clara immediately jumped into action. Directing the other bartenders, she directed one to continue manning the bar, one to remake the drink that had spilled, and then disappeared herself to grab the broomstick and clean up the broken glass. When she returned, her dad was nursing a glass of water and giving her a pointed look.
"What?" she asked.
"You handled that well," John replied calmly before having a sip of water. "You were decisive, you gave clear and concise directions, and you took responsibility for the main job of cleaning up—even if it wasn't your mess to begin with. It's impressive."
"It's just a bar, dad," Clara said with a slight roll of her eyes. "I'm not exactly making life or death decisions here. I'm serving cocktails and cleaning up broken glass."
"Yeah, and the same skills are required in my job," he responded with a shrug. "Quick decision-making, a sense of duty, a willingness to be accountable. I'm not saying you should be a ranger, but we both know you're meant for greater things."
"Who says I want greater things?"
He let out a laugh before setting the glass down and getting ready to leave for his shift. "Clara," he said with a small shake of his head. "Everything about you screams it."
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Once more, her radio crackled and she heard Val's voice coming through.
"Hey, Cain is here at the fire station. Some debris hit his eye but he should be fine."
After a brief exchange regarding the status at the fire station, Clara thanked her for reporting in before setting her radio down on the table and going back to amending her various lists. Her work was interrupted when an earlier entry caught her eye, and without thinking about it, she paused to brush her fingers over the names.
The word injured felt like a knife to her gut, and for a few seconds Clara struggled to breathe as she stared at it, before wiping a tear from her face and going back to work.
Hours passed, and never once did she stop working. It was getting closer to dusk and she was still on the radio, talking to the cops, talking to the medical staff, and coordinating with volunteers still working search and rescue. Looking up at the setting sun, she knew that she would have to start diverting ranger attention toward securing and eventually leading people to buildings that would be safe for the night ahead.
She took her duty seriously. She thought quickly, made concise decisions, and held herself accountable for making the right ones. She did everything that her dad had always known that she could, that she would, if she was ever in a leadership position.
She was Clara Jones. And she had finally managed to prove to the world, but most of all herself, that she was meant for greater things than she had once settled for.
Thanks for believing in me, dad.
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oxtofmydcpth · 7 months
The day after Val's birthday // Valeria Moreno // @callofthxvoid
Hunter only harboured a little resentment that he hadn't been invited to Val's birthday party, but her explanations made sense. Liam was there, and things between him and Hunter were rocky at best. Also Cyan had been there, and Hunter admittedly couldn't guarantee he'd be able to hold his tongue long enough not to get another punch or his phone well and truly smashed to pieces. By one or either of them.
At least she had come to him after and explained it all, and he'd get over it quickly enough. According to his version of the story this is where he asked her to dinner instead, deciding that Hunter Hilton was better than some generic party and had to one-up the people that were there. That how he came to be stood on her doorstep, a white shirt and leather jacket he'd purchased that day, bleached blond a little more styled than it normally was, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand (because girls likes flowers as gifts right?)
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tsunami-subastas · 1 month
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OLA SOLIDARIA/ Más de 30 lazos de amor 
Más de 30 lazos de amor, es un proyecto que toma a la figura del amor como basamento catártico, formulado a partir de procedimientos de trabajo colectivo donde me propongo mirar y pensar la forma de vincularnos, utilizando y sugiriendo que la técnica que acompañe la propuesta sea el bordado.
El suceso que originó este proyecto data de 2015, cuando motivada por una profunda y dolorosa ruptura amorosa, di comienzo a la reconstrucción metafórica de mi propio desamor, encontrando en el bordado la herramienta que “arreglaba” eso que sentía destrozado. Esta búsqueda dio lugar a otras: los vínculos amorosos con el resto de las personas de mi vida y la forma que tenemos de demostrarlo, hicieron de mi corazón un gran tejido. Así es que se expandió y me animé a invitar a otros a trabajar. La propuesta fue sencilla: elegir una tela estampada, por gusto, por su textura, por su cuerpo, por lo que quisieran y comenzar a pensar el vínculo que cada uno tiene con el amor; el propio, el ajeno. El amor en todos sus sentidos, sin límites. La idea fue bordar, cortar, romper, descoser, agujerear, hacer lo que cada uno sintiera.
La propuesta es un ritual donde finalmente me reconstruyo en los trabajos de los demás salvándome, por ahora.
¿Dónde van los fondos recaudados?
Hace unos años conocí a Caro Soriano, mujer, fotógrafa, mamá, luchadora; la conocí haciendo fotos en el taller de Gabi Muzzio. Caro a parte de tantas cosas lindas y de que se le hacen agujeritos en los cachetes cuando se ríe, es la Presidenta de la *Fundación FAME Argentina (Familias con Atrofia Muscular Espinal). La misma se encarga de agrupar familias y pacientes afectados con Atrofia Muscular Espinal, que es una enfermedad genética neuronal, caracterizada por la pérdida de músculo esquelético causada por la progresiva degeneración de las células del asta anterior de la médula espinal.
Ella me mostró lo que significa lidiar con una discapacidad desde lo corporal así como también desde lo social. Me mostró la cantidad de cuerpo que hay que poner en una lucha pero sobe todas las cosas me enseñó que sin el amor, que es lo que la sostiene, no podría continuar. Caro es mi más enorme lazo de amor.
Por eso el fin de este proceso de producción, amorosa y catártica es recaudar fondos para que FAME siga luchando y todas estas personas consigan pronto la aplicación de la Spinraza que es la droga que cambiará sus vidas!
Sigamos construyendo lazos de amor, gracias por colaborar!
Agradecimiento especial a todos los bordadores que participaron:
Alicia Salvañá/Angie Strappa/Arturo Geminell/Belén Rimini/Betina Barandalla/Bruno Gloriani/Camila Gómez/Camila Sauan/Carolina Soriano/Cecilia Ann/Cristina Rosenberg/Delfina Forno/Florencia Giacobe/Florencia Llarrull/Florencia Luciani/Forencia Toba/Gabriel González Suárez/Gabriela Muzzio/Guadalupe Rúas/Inés Beninca/Joaquín Gómez Hernandez/Josefina Estevez/Josué Gómez/Julia Trecu/Larisa Luciani/Laura Pizzorno/Lucía Anghilante/Luciano Rondano/Magalí Drivet/Mailin Weiss/María Belén Gómez/María Cristina Pérez/María Gracia Paoletti/María Laura Carrascal/Mariana Pissano/Marina Ciuffoli/Marisa Betucci/Mariu Fondato/Martín Leonard/Martín Moreno/Natalia Trejo/Norma Rojas/Pamela Bavutti/Romina De Luca/Rosario Telleria/Silvana Scuisatto/Sofía Estevez/Sofía Meier/Valeria Bezos/Victoria Cenóz/Victoria Estevez/Victoria Gomez Hernandez/Violeta Martin/Susana Marcozzi/Adolescentes participantes del taller: “Maquinando Relatos” Centro de Convivencia Barrial Barrio Santa Lucía. Coordinado por Sofía Meier y Natalia Trejo/Alumnos del taller:  Pintura 2, año 2016. Escuela de Bellas Artes (UNR). Docente Titular: María Cristina Pérez – Norma Rojas.
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huntsvillehq · 6 months
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on october 31st, it started as a rumble: a low sound deep within the earth. the telephone poles and street signs began to sway. the ground shifted and opened up: a jagged split down the middle of main street, three feet wide and fifty feet long, revealing a black void beneath.
buildings cracked and crumbled. the huntsville bank lost a third of it's structure; the shelves in the library toppled and crashed into each other; pete's garage collapsed completely; the playground in the park slid to an angle.
the earthquake destroyed all the booths and stalls for the festival. a fire broke out in one of the haunted houses. a pipe burst, spraying the street with water. destruction and devastation reigned down upon main street.
it lasted a total of five minutes before the ground and dust settled and people were able to take stock of what just happened. Mayor Natasha rounded up the police and fire departments, sending them on a search and rescue to ensure everyone was recovered in some form or another and to put out the fires and check that every door with a protection rune remained intact.
shock and horror gained traction over the course of the next several hours, as reports came in. three individuals were killed and dozens were injured. Sunflower Parsons was declared missing, as her body was not recovered and no one could remember where they saw her last.
the list of deaths were posted the next morning: Minnie Garcia, Sammie Thompson, and Zoë Clark.
(below the cut are the people who were injured in alphabetical order. the muns can determine how severe the injuries are, up to and including loss of limb/disability. due to the nature of the disaster, those not listed can still have minor cuts and bruises. the event concludes on nov 11th, at which time no new event threads may be posted and we catch up to the ooc present. you will still be allowed to continue event threads until completion.)
Alessandra Nuwa Chen
Alexa Cruz-Dutton (10)
Andrew Richardson
Andy Flowers
Avery Cowling
Bowie Bardot
Briana Ryan
Calloway de la Luna
Claire Forbes
Cain Barlowe
Daishiro Takahashi
Daisy Theirry
DJ Cruz-Dutton
Domino Otto
Eagan Connolly
Edgar Wayne
Eldon Harcourt
Emma “Em” Dunford
Falco Romero
Halley MacGillivray
James Goldstein
Jane Doe
Jay Romero-Sawyer (15)
Jerico Leeds
Katarina “Rini” Roberts
Liam Jefferson
Lin Xiu
Mallard “Duck” Romero
Mylene “Myles” Karimi
Natalie Gray
Penelope “Penny” Lane
Peter “Rusty” Craven
Saffron Aubert
Salem Salazar
Sandra Quispe
Scout Garcia
Sicilia “Lia” Flowers
Spencer Holmes
Reggie Alson
Ricardo “Ric” Reider
Rosemary Felton
Valeria “Val” Moreno
Victoire “Vic” Dubois
Ward Langston
Wolf Lykaios
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huntsvillegossip · 4 months
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Happy New Year Lovelies!
Well, happier for some than for others, it seems. Eagan Connolly is raising quite the fuss about the disappearance of someone named Will Monroe—details are light on who exactly Will is but apparently he's known to some as a local prostitute. If you see her hobbling around, maybe keep a wide berth, since they’ve been heard muttering to themselves in public. If it was something worth worrying about, the police or Mayor Nat herself would have informed us, of course.
We have multiple witnesses having seen what looked like a very upset Christopher Winters and a very concerned Jim Dunford in town the other day. They were arguing about what sounded like a cheeky New Years Eve kiss that they shared. Jim seemed to be trying to placate Christopher, who was not having it, shoving the man away and stalking off. No news yet as to whether Emma Dunford is aware of this. For all we know, this might be her way of having her cake and eating it too. Christopher and Emma are also expecting a child, which begs the question, is now really the time to try something new?
Speaking of their upcoming adoption, the baby’s birth mother has also been on her own romantic adventure. Josie Reigh and Gabriel Westfall are official, at least if the people overhearing her referring to him as her boyfriend are to be believed. The two seem to be quite happy with each other. Alas, not everyone seems to be as over the moon as they are. Nico Garcia stills seems hung up over Miss Reigh, which is no surprise, since he always was the more sensitive brother. He has repeatedly been seen intoxicated at the Sasquatch and was even heard propositioning one of their bartenders. One lucky contender who took him up on the offer is Jessica Sinclair. That girl's taste has always been questionable—but perhaps this is the one who will break her streak of heartbreak?
The younger Garcia brother isn't the only one moping and drinking his sorrows away at the bar. Theodore Collins has become the latest member of the lonely hearts club. Many have remarked he's been overly temperamental at work with some adding in that he and Kirby have officially called it quits. However, seems they're both quick to move on. Theodore was spotted hitting on Morgan Vovk, who took him home "as a friend"—you can take that as you will. Meanwhile, Kirby has been seen multiple times leaving the drive-in with Edward Langston. Now, sonsidering he should be focused on helping raise his goddaughter, you would think he'd reconsider his priorities. Kirby is fun but they're hardly the person you'd want around when you're trying to be responsible.
That's all for now, my lovelies. Remember: drink and flirt responsibly! You never know who's watching.
Love, Auntie G
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“Is it just me, or do the old folks at the retirement home seem happier lately?  Is it just because of that new doctor working there or what?” - Anon (37M)
“So, I hear there’s an angry bounty hunter in town, and word on the street is he’s after a big score. Guess it makes sense that he seems to have joined Val Moreno’s harem. He seems like her type. Good luck and godspeed to Connor Hastings, I suppose.” - Hopeful Future Harem Member
“It appears like Duck Romero has been lassoed by Claire Forbes and is officially off the market. I saw the two of them on what appeared to be a date after New Years looking mighty cozy. Third time’s the charm, folks!” - Town Bird Watcher
“Declan Sullivan seems to be sowing his wild oats, as he was seen kissing Peyton Wilson soon after a love confession to him by Artemis Hayes was overheard at a construction site. Never seen a boy high tail it out of a conversation so fast. Hey, I'm willing to be her shoulder to cry on any day.” - Bob the Builder
"You'd be surprised how much shit gets talked about at the construction sites. You know that circus guy? Mercy Wainwright? Might've overheard him bitching about not getting to see his kid. That he might actually try to get custody of 'em. Not sure how the baby mama, Josie Reigh, gonna feel about that one." - The 4th Property Brother
“Yeah, so I was having a drink at the Sasquatch when Hope McGillivray threw a drink in Floyd Blackward’s face. Guess he made a pass at her but you can’t blame a guy for trying. Dude’s still stuck in second place it looks like.” - Day Drinker
“Although Halley MacGillivray and Saffron Aubert are now officially dating, Halley has been seen hanging out with Felix Berkowitz, Saffron's ex-fiancé. Like mother, like daughter, I suppose. Loyalty seems to be a concept that family struggles with.” - Anon (22F)
"Hey, so I don't know if it was the eggnog at the party or what. But Edgar Wayne had a full meltdown at his own party. Looks like it was cause of Beverly Torrance, she went skinny dipping in this freezing ass weather with Elijah Atkins. I thought the rangers were suppose to help out folks not nearly kill 'em." - Eggnog Lover
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ambercast · 6 months
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where: the pumpkin festival who: valeria moreno (@callofthxvoid)
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“And then he had the fucking audacity to go on his fucking merry way, leaving me fucking staring after him like a gaping fucking fish.” Saffron glanced up from the pumpkin they were viciously stabbing, noticing the faraway look in Val’s eyes. “Hello? Earth to Val. You in there?”
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ourblued · 1 year
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highly selective multimuse blog for both canon and original characters from various media. sometimes will run on a queue, unless stated otherwise. please the rules below before interacting. all commissioned items are from @anacommissions!
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rules & older muses. memes. banned.
affiliations with: @staggerbackwards, @lovepctions, @h0pefall, @gemhinis, @whispcrcr, etc.
featured muses: astrid bishop ( original character with they/them pronouns), hange zoe from attack on titan ( they/them pronouns), annika atwater from YOU on netflix, demetria holland ( original character with they/them pronouns), harry osborn from the mcu / tasm movies ( they/them pronouns), callisto ' cal ' holmes ( star wars original character with they/them pronouns), etc.
collette mendoza, played by genesis rodriguez. 36, tour guide at a museum. bisexual, open + active.
valeria cardoza, played by karla souza. 36, principal at a middle school, pansexual. open + active.
nicholas ' nick ' lane, played by hunter doohan. 27, film major. bisexual with male lean. open + semi active.
dylan hartigan, played by topher grace. 43, divorced author of fictional books. bisexual with male lean. open + semi active.
luna la, played by zion moreno. 18-21, former student of constance billard, former victim of gossip girl, model for oscar de la renta. pansexual, open + semi active.
callisto ' cal ' holmes, played by brigette lundy paine. 26-29, scavenger, avid believer in the rebellion, amateur pilot. pansexual, open + highly active. (they/them pronouns).
allison argent, played by crystal reed. age unknown. huntress, part of the mccall pack. pansexual, open + semi active.
charlie west, played by brigette lundy paine. 18-21, former high school student at east highland, english major. pansexual, open + semi active. (they/them pronouns).
shivani ' shiv ' klein, played by megan suri. 23. college student, film major, communications minor. pansexual, open + semi active.
annika atwater, played by kathryn gallagher. 26-29, social media influencer, former best friend to beck & peach. pansexual, open + highly active.
hange zoe, animated. 29-31, 14th commander of the survey corps, titan extraordinaire. heterosexual, open + highly active. ( they/them pronouns).
annika yeun, played by tati gabrielle. 28, private investigator. pansexual, open + highly active.
mei mei, animated. 33, jujutsu sorcerer. bisexual, open + highly active. single shipped with staggerbackwards’ nanami kento.
sasha braus, animated. 19, member of the scout regiment, former member of the 104th cadet corps. heterosexual, open + highly active.
yuta okkotsu, animated. 17-18, ( special ) grade 2 student at jujutsu high. bisexual, open + highly active.
mai zen'in, animated. 16-18, second year student at kyoto jujutsu high, member of the zen'in clan, younger twin sister of maki zen'in. questioning, open + testing.
mindy meeks martin, played by jasmine savoy brown. 19-20, former student at woodsboro high, college student at blackmore university, one of the ghostface killers. lesbian, open + active.
ethan landry, played by jack champion. 19-20, student at blackmore university, ghostface killer. bisexual with male lean, open + active.
annie leonhart, animated. 23, the female titan, graduate of the 104th training corps, former member of the military police brigade. bisexual, open + active.
ymir, animated. 75+, the jaw titan, graduate of the 104th training corps, former member of the survey corps. lesbian, open + active.
petra ral, animated. 22, hand picked soldier of the survey corps, placed in the special operations squad. bisexual, open + active.
sukuna, animated. 1,000+, cursed spirit, the king of curses. unlabeled, open + testing.
craig tucker, tanner buchanan. 18-21, college student at park county community college, member of the boy's only club. homosexual, open + testing.
kokichi muta / mechamaru, animated. 17, second year at kyoto jujutsu high, curse user. due to his frail body, he uses ultimate mechamaru to get around. unlabeled, open + testing.
kamo noritoshi, animated. 18, third year at kyoto metropolitan jujutsu high, former heir to the kamo clan. heterosexual, open + testing.
nobara kugisaki, animated. 16-18, first year student at tokyo jujutsu high, grade three jujutsu sorcerer. possessed by the curse king, ryomen sukuna. bisexual, open + testing. ( please keep in mind that this is the only portrayal i will be writing of nobara. )
britta perry, gillian jacobs. 30, student at greendale community college. bisexual, open + reserved for gemhinis.
florette, fc coming soon / animated. age unknown, the local florist puppet who started as a recurring character on the show, then made her way into being one of the various main characters. she's bright purple, almost lilac with blonde hair. unlabled, open + testing.
stan marsh, cameron cuffe. 20-22, student at park county community college, member of the south park boys' only club. bisexual, open + testing.
anika kayoko, devyn nekoda. 21, student at blackmore university, one of the ghostface killers. lesbian, open + testing.
barry berkman, bill hader. 44, former marine turned hitman. amateur actor. bisexual, open + testing.
bailey mcalister, brigette lundy paine. 29, interim astronomer, former college student. pansexual, open + active. ( they/them pronouns ).
billie callahan, brigette lundy paine. 28, assistant to roman roy at waystar royco. pansexual, open + active. ( they/them pronouns ).
marlene alraune, annie murphy. unknown. former museum employee, corporate executive, social worker, secretary, archeologist, student, wife. heterosexual, open + active.
maria hill, cobie smulders. 44, former deputy director of shield, former commander of shield. pansexual, open + active.
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zerounotvadri · 1 year
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Llega a salas cinematográficas este 23 de febrero
Opera prima de la Directora Michelle Garza Cervera que cuenta con las actuaciones estelares de Natalia Solián, Alfonso Dosal, Mayra Batalla, Mercedes Hernández, Martha Claudia Moreno, Sonia Couoh y Aida López.
Ganadora de los premios Nora Ephron y Best New Narrative director en el prestigiado festival de Tribeca así como los premios Blood Window y Citizen Kane en el festival más importante de cine de género, Sitges. Fue también acreedora del premio del público en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia, entre otros
Estreno en salas el próximo 23 de febrero bajo el sello de Cinépolis Distribución.
El género de terror mexicano gana cada vez más terreno en la cartelera, prueba de ello es la llegada de Huesera a salas a nivel nacional el próximo jueves 23 de febrero, bajo el sello de Cinépolis Distribución. Ópera prima de la joven directora mexicana Michelle Garza Cervera producida por Paulina Villavicencio y Edher Campos. La película explora una entidad llamada La Huesera, una materialización sobre los miedos que no nos atrevemos a enfrentar y que nos atormentará hasta rompernos. Huesera marca el debut protagónico de Natalia Solián, al lado de Alfonso Dosal y Mayra Batalla. Este largometraje de 97 minutos de duración cuenta la historia de Valeria, una joven que al enterarse que está embarazada, es víctima de una entidad siniestra que pondrá en peligro su vida y, después de dar a luz, la de su bebé. Para salvarse, tendrá que adentrarse en su pasado punk y en un mundo de brujas urbanas que la guiarán para enfrentar a La Huesera. Dirigida y co-escrita por Michelle Garza Cervera, egresada del Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica, co- escrita con Abia Castillo, con la Dirección de fotografía de Nur Rubio Sherwell y  coreografía de Diego Vega, la película es un abrumador replanteamiento de la experiencia “idilica” de la maternidad, convirtiéndola de manera abrupta a una vivencia angustiante con tintes sobrenaturales. Un escalofriante relato de entes sobrenaturales, seres arácnidos, brujas y una fuerte carga de horror psicológico. El filme de terror que en el 2022 ha sido galardonada con más de una treintena de premios y menciones en festivales internacionales como Tribeca, Sitges, Torino, Morelia, Mórbido y Rojo Sangre, entre otros. Huesera, cuenta con un elenco integrado por Natalia Solián (Somos), Alfonso Dosal (Narcos: México), Mayra Batalla (Noche de fuego), Mercedes Hernández (Sin señas particulares),  Martha Claudia Moreno (Distancias cortas), Sonia Couoh (Nudo Mixteco), Aida López (Belzebuth), y Anahí Allué (El juego de las llaves). Producida por Machete y Disruptiva Films en co-producción con el Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE), Estudios Churubusco, Señor Z, Maligno Gorehouse, Terminal y Simplemente, Huesera se prepara para llegar a salas en México, Centro América y Perú.
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dneurin · 2 years
El desayuno (Film, short version) - Miguel Casco from Miguel Ángel Casco on Vimeo.
Largometraje / Performance / Videoarte Miguel Casco en colaboración con Hekatombe Producción Artística
Catorce personas habitan su propia piel para atestiguar el amanecer y compartir sus cuerpxs mientras el sol naciente ilumina el espacio. La interacción se suscita entre ellxs y la premisa principal es celebrar la vida, honrar la libertad y el disfrute. El Desayuno invita a abrazar la desnudez y entrar en sintonía con la naturaleza.
D I R E C C I Ó N Miguel Casco
D I R E C C I Ó N E S C É N I C A Andrea Garay
D I R E C C I Ó N C O R E O G R Á F I C A Sebastián Santamaría
D I R E C C I Ó N E J E C U T I V A Catalina Navarrete
R E P A R T O Mar Castañedo Mónica Colin Marlene Coronel Mariana Domenech Jimena González Aileen Kent Carlos Nunez José Francisco Ordóñez Luis Ortega José Ortiz Baruk Serna
V I D E O Alan Espinosa Erik Jonguitud Michel Trevilla F O T O G R A F Í A Alejandra Edwards David Flores Rubio
M Ú S I C A Sebastián Lechuga (Intro, Oscuridad, Ofrenda y Desayuno) Alejandro Preisser (Locura, Descenso, Claridad y Outro)
E D I C I Ó N D E V I D E O Miguel Casco Erik Jonguitud
D I S E Ñ O F L O R A L Alejandra Velasco
M U S I C A L I Z A C I Ó N E N V I V O Jail Less
E Q U I P O T É C N I C O Humberto C. Cáceres Heber Leonidez Elena Manero Ehécatl Moreno María Naidich Alfonso Pérez Yair Ramírez
P R O Y E C T O R E A L I Z A D O C O N E L A P O Y O D E Etna M. Arroyo, Jacobo M. Casco, Patricia Almada, Luis Antonio Garay, Elsa Hernández, Carlos Navarrete, Rocio Barajas, Carlos Santamaría, José María Macías, Andrés Castañeda, César Meza, Enrique Ajuria, Susana Tovar, Valeria Casco, Luis Antonio Casco, Heleni Castro, Óliver Victoria, Andrea Ayala, Andrea Anderson, Indira Zamora, Roberto González, Andrés Piña, Rafael Hernández, David C. Parra, Youtaek Hwang, Eduardo Palacio, Remi Cárdenas, Rogelio Toledo, Ross Romero, Isabella de la Mora, Tabaré Arroyo, Yair Ramírez, Luis Almada, Omar Cobos, Silvana Larrea, Raffaela Schiavon, Isabel Vieitez, Rebeca Zequera, Leonardo Galicia, Mark Feldmann, Francisco Saldívar, José Francisco Ordóñez, Neil Haidorfer, Bárbara Huerta, Adriana Degetau, Tere Sáenz, Chloe Estes, Fernando Almazán, Gina Guzmán, Mariano Nava, Rubén Ojeda, Diego Ortiz, Santi San Martin, Carlos Santamaría Barajas, José Funcia, Malimna Etnegorozka, Pablo P. Caro, Gabriela Chávez, Gabriel Picazo, Rubén Torres, Roberto Praxedis, Luis Pérez, Jeannette Betancourt, Elena Manero, Ma. Ceci Cuesta, Humberto Schiavon, Celeste Bejarano, Mario Montes & David Martínez.
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indiejones · 1 year
Position.  Name.
1 Barbara Stanwyck 2 Olivia de Havilland 3 Meena Kumari 4 Geraldine Page 5 Audrey Hepburn 6 Suchitra Sen 7 Vivien Leigh 8 Ginger Rogers 9 Elizabeth Taylor 10 Katharine Hepburn 11 Kate Winslet 12 Julia Roberts 13 Norma Shearer 14 Nathalie Lissenko 15 Hasmik Agopyan 16 Catherine Deneuve 17 Chulpan Khamatova 18 Nataliya Vdovina 19 Elena Solovey 20 Brigitte Bardot 21 Aleksandra Khokhlova 22 Jeanne Moreau 23 Anna Karina 24 Isabelle Adjani 25 Romy Schneider 26 Léa Seydoux 27 Mélanie Laurent 28 Audrey Tautou 29 Ekaterina Chtchelkanova 30 Vanessa Paradis 31 Simone Signoret 32 Emmanuelle Béart 33 Isabelle Huppert 34 Sandrine Bonnaire 35 Carole Bouquet 36 Anne Parillaud 37 Fanny Ardant 38 Sophie Marceau 39 Nathalie Baye 40 Anouk Aimée 41 Alexa Davalos 42 Josiane Balasko 43 Clémence Poésy 44 Natalija Janichkina 45 Laetitia Casta 46 Eva Green 47 Elodie Yung 48 Kristin Scott Thomas 49 Anna Mouglalis 50 Astrid Bergès-Frisbey 51 Charlotte Gainsbourg 52 Capucine 53 Roxane Mesquida 54 Jane Birkin 55 Bérénice Bejo 56 Olga Kurylenko 57 Leslie Caron 58 Josephine Baker 59 Pom Klementieff 60 Noémie Merlant 61 Adèle Haenel 62 Adèle Exarchopoulos 63 Emma Mackey 64 Yael Grobglas 65 Emmanuelle Seigner 66 Juliette Binoche 67 Ellen Burstyn 68 Madhavi Mukherjee 69 Isabelle Weingarten 70 Sarah Adler 71 Christa Théret 72 Karin Viard 73 Déborah François 74 Marie Gillain 75 Juliet Berto 76 Mélanie Doutey 77 Monique Mélinand 78 Stéphane Audran 79 Léa Drucker 80 Dominique Labourier 81 Angélique Litzenburger 82 Françoise Lebrun 83 Valérie Donzelli 84 Bernadette Lafont 85 Sylvie Testud 86 Cécile de France 87 Katia Leclerc O'Wallis 88 Zouzou 89 Françoise Fabian 90 Maria Schneider 91 Agnès Jaoui 92 Valeria Bruni Tedeschi 93 Aurora Cornu 94 Stacy Martin 95 Lola Créton 96 Laurence de Monaghan 97 Dominique Blanc 98 Béatrice Romand 99 Mélanie Thierry 100 Caroline Cellier 101 Michèle Moretti 102 Geneviève Page 103 Elina Labourdette 104 Anne Wiazemsky 105 Marie Dubois 106 Claudine Auger 107 Annie Girardot 108 Juliette Mayniel 109 Brigitte Fossey 110 Martine Carol 111 Dolly Scal 112 Patricia Gozzi 113 Marilou Berry 114 Maria Mauban 115 Janine Darcey 116 Suzanne Flon 117 Colette Marchand 118 Françoise Arnoul 119 Ludivine Sagnier 120 Béatrice Dalle 121 Claude Nollier 122 Josette Day 123 Nicole Stéphane 124 Catherine Salée 125 Dominique Sanda 126 Marina Hands 127 Cécile Aubry 128 Nicole Ladmiral 129 Bulle Ogier 130 Véra Clouzot 131 Simone Renant 132 Sylvia Bataille 133 Suzy Delair 134 Jane Marken 135 Nane Germon 136 Lucienne Bogaert 137 Renée Carl 138 Catherine Frot 139 María Casares 140 Arletty 141 Odette Joyeux 142 Marguerite Moreno 143 Madeleine Robinson 144 Héléna Manson 145 Paulette Dubost 146 Micheline Francey 147 Ginette Leclerc 148 Mady Berry 149 Edwige Feuillère 150 Jacqueline Laurent 151 Mila Parély 152 Florelle 153 Claudette Colbert 154 Danielle Darrieux 155 Rolla France 156 Annabella 157 Anne Chevalier 158 Lya Lys 159 Simone Mareuil 160 Maria Falconetti 161 Yvette Andréyor 162 Musidora 163 Nora Arnezeder 164 Virginie Ledoyen 165 Michèle Morgan 166 Marine Vacth 167 Louise Bourgoin 168 Caridad de Laberdesque 169 Pauline Carton 170 Sévérine Lerczinska 171 Odette Talazac 172 Léora Barbara 173 Simone Simon 174 Marion Cotillard 175 Mireille Darc 176 Edith Scob 177 Chantal Goya 178 Emmanuelle Riva 179 Chiara Mastroianni 180 Claire Maurier 181 Marika Green 182 Delphine Seyrig 183 Mylène Demongeot 184 Marie-France Pisier 185 Françoise Dorléac 186 Marina Vlady 187 Stella Dassas 188 Marpessa Dawn 189 Elsa Zylberstein 190 Bleuette Bernon 191 Sara Forestier 192 Pascale Ogier 193 Amanda Langlet 194 Julie Delpy 195 Linh-Dan Pham 196 Nelly Borgeaud 197 Nicole Garcia 198 Irène Jacob 199 Myriem Roussel 200 Arielle Dombasle 201 Marie Rivière 202 Solveig Dommartin 203 Émilie Dequenne 204 Ariane Labed 205 Zabou Breitman 206 Romane Bohringer 207 Sabine Azéma 208 Hafsia Herzi 209 Andréa Ferréol 210 Jeanne Balibar 211 Isabelle Renauld 212 Mireille Perrier 213 Juliana Samarine 214 Catherine Mouchet 215 Aurora Marion 216 Anaïs Demoustier 217 Judith Chemla 218 Marie Laforêt 219 Michele Valley 220 Hélène Alexandridis 221 Anne Consigny 222 Macha Méril 223 Anne Brochet 224 Miou-Miou 225 Anne Teyssèdre 226 Joséphine Sanz 227 Gabrielle Sanz 228 Fantine Harduin 229 Charlotte Véry 230 Élodie Bouchez 231 Natacha Régnier 232 Pili Groyne 233 Yolande Moreau 234 Emmanuelle Devos 235 Nina Meurisse 236 Florence Darel
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callofthxvoid · 1 year
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🎨 Amirah "Ames" Shehadi - 23 y/o - 5'9" - FC: Jihane Almira Chedid [ BIO ] 🍔 Celia de la Luna - 35 y/o - 5'6" - FC: Ana de Armas [ BIO ] 🏹 Clara Jones-Brennan - 33 y/o - 5'2" - FC: Jessica Henwick [ BIO ] 🩹 Dahlia Cruz-Dutton - 36 y/o - 5'7" - FC: Shay Mitchell [ BIO ] 🎮 Esperanza "Essie" Calloway - 25 y/o - 5'1" - FC: Becky G [ BIO ] 🐈‍⬛ Georgette "Georgie" Hicks - 23 y/o - 5'1" - FC: Antonia Gentry [ BIO ] 🔍 Karma Free - 26 y/o - 5'4" - FC: Zoey Deutch [ BIO ] 🚔 Leila Williams - 38 y/o - 5'4" - FC: Candice Patton [ BIO ] 🎊 Marisol de la Luna - 18 y/o - 5'1" - FC: Isabela Merced [ BIO ] ✨ Minnie Garcia - 28 y/o - 5'2" - FC: Dove Cameron [ BIO ] 🌟 Scarlette Albright - 30 y/o - 5'6" - FC: Chloe Bennet [ BIO ] 🌳 Valeria "Val" Moreno - 24 y/o - 5'3" - FC: Maia Reficco [ BIO ] 🏗️ Veronica "Vero" de la Luna - 31 y/o - 5'9" - FC: Bianca Santos [ BIO ] 🏫 Yvette Alson - 43 y/o - 5'4" - FC: Jamie Chung [ BIO ] 💊 Zarina Knightley - 28 y/o - 5'5" - FC: Kat McNamara [ BIO ]
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