#user: valen.
clvhq · 1 year
valen, tu cambio ha sido autorizado.
choi yeonjun pasa a estar liberado y choi san queda ocupado en su lugar.
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vincerehq · 11 months
¡error de registro! LEE TAEYONG ha sido confundide con LEE JENO. los oráculos están trabajando para corregir el expediente.
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theramusen · 26 days
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Did you know my magister and Valen are actually husbands and in love? Just thought yall would wanna know 🤧
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greatprotector-if · 11 months
So inlove with V
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i would say that they love you too but i'm not sure i'd wake up tomorrow morning if i did!
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rasairui · 2 months
Nightmare blunt rotation comprised entirely of whatever characters my mutuals are obsessed with atm
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sweetsweethate · 2 years
Hace unas semanas tuve un parcial en mi carrera y una de las preguntas que mis profesoras me hicieron fue: ¿qué sentido le ves al arte en el curriculum escolar? ¿porqué deberia enseñarse arte en las escuelas? y esa pregunta me dejo paralizada por unos segundos y dije que era una pregunta realmente profunda aunque sonara simple, es mas que nada preguntarse: lo que yo amo, lo que yo decido hacer, lo que me motiva, lo que me apasiona, ¿qué utilidad le pueden dar otros? ¿porque el arte es importante? y por un momento me olvide de todas las razones que dicen los autores, de todas las habilidades intelectuales y motrices que implican la practica y la apreciacion del arte, de toda la historia de la enseñanza del arte como disciplina en las escuelas y pense en mi misma, en yo de pequeña experimentando con crayones y lapices, pintando en el mspaint, pasandome horas mirando artistas digitales en interent, mi yo de adolescente leyendo sobre artistas y apreciando sus obras de arte, leyendo sus vidas y reversionando sus cuadros y pense en la alegria que eso me provoca, a pesar de todo, de la calidez en el alma que me genera, entonces dije, mientras me acordaba de un parrafo expecifico de un texto: porque hace crecer el espiritu. Son esos momentos donde soltas lo primero que pensas y a mi me paso algo asi, no me pregunten a que me refiero con espiritu y si lo pienso es una respuesta un poco vaga, pero es que se me hace muy dificil explicar porque es importante el arte si es algo que los seres humanos hacemos desde tiempos remotos, desde pequeños y que probablmente seguira hasta el fin de los dias. Ver el arte como algo humano, como algo posible para cualquiera de hacer y apreciar, lo maravilloso que se siente y lo conmovedor de muchsimas obras de arte. Y yo quisiera poder transmitir eso algun día, espero poder hacerlo algun dia.
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valen-dreth · 2 years
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HUGE thanks to my dear crab links friend for tracking me down today for the Ultimate crab gift.........
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de everett dupont para recibirle en su tercer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando medicina en st. wolfeius y ha sido asignade a la mansión doce. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
VALEN, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
fuera de personaje.
nombre: valen.
pronombres: ella/suya.
edad: +25
país / zona horaria: gmt-4
triggers: maltrato animal, incesto.
¿aceptas que tu personaje reciba cualquier tipo de intervenciones? si
¿algo que agregar? nada 💗
dentro del personaje.
nombre completo: everett dupont
faceclaim: lee know.
pronombres: él/suyo.
edad: 24 años.
fecha de cumpleaños: 25 octubre. 
lugar de proveniencia: marsella, francia.
descripción psicológica: inteligente, tenaz, observador, juzgador, travieso, curioso. 
descripción física: mide 1.72, su apariencia es esta, siempre usa su cabello castaño oscuro y largo. tiene un pequeño tatuaje en su brazo.
uno. su nombre coreano es jaewook, solo algunos tienen conocimiento de este. él tuvo esta información recién cuando fue capa de entender de que era adoptado. 
dos. es adoptado por un matrimonio homoparental. sus madres siempre lo trataron como si fuera hijo de su propia sangre ya que fue adoptado cuando recién tenía cuatro años. por su parte las adora, daría todo por ellas su meta es que estén orgullosas de él y por esto mismo siempre fue el que destacaba en cada asignatura de la escuela. 
tres. tuvo una infancia media complicada al ser adoptado por dos mujeres europeas, en un principio algunos compañeros fueron malos con él hasta que empezó a crecer y formó sus personalidad. no se dejó pasar a llevar por nadie y terminó convirtiéndose en el chico que era amigos de todos.
cuatro. sus buenas notas lo llevaron a conseguirse una beca para poder entrar a st. mary magdalene a estudiar medicina. se quiere centrar completamente en su carrera y así poder ser un doctor exitoso. 
dato adicional opcional: removido por la administración.
¿estudiante matriculado o becado?: becado.
facultad: st. wolfeius.
carrera: medicina. 
año de curso: tercero. 
extracurriculares: miembro del club de portugués, miembro del club de jardinería, miembro del equipo de gimnasia masculino ( suelo ), miembro del club de baile de salón.
¿cuál es la sociedad secreta de su interés? removido por la administración.
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millennialshqs · 1 year
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¿alguien conoce a yves phakdi? los rumores llenan todos los rincones y los hechos seguramente darán de qué hablar.
valen, ¡bienvenida a millennialshqs! estamos felices de recibirte en el grupo y no podemos esperar a ver cómo tu personaje se desarrolla en esta historia. recordá enviar la cuenta de tu personaje pronto y, en caso de necesitar cualquier cosa, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotras.
nombre: valen
pronombres: femeninos. 
edad: +25
zona horaria: gmt-3
triggers: incesto, maltrato animal
user de discord: 
¿algo que agregar?
nombre: yves phakdi. 
pronombres: masculinos. 
faceclaim: chittaphon leechaiyapornkul ( ten )
edad: 26
esqueleto: i3
fecha de cumpleaños: 27 febrero. 
descripción psicológica: introvertido, paciente, amigable, encantador, impulsivo. 
descripción física: x mide 1.72, normalmente usa su cabello negro corto o hasta los hombros. tiene tatuajes en su brazo y uno debajo de su pecho. 
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable? sí / no.
¿dejarías que todo lo que rolees pueda tener impacto directo sobre la trama del grupal? es decir, que a partir de tus convos la administración pueda usar cierta información para futuras actividades. sí / sí, pero hablándolo primero / no.
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id-sparrow · 2 years
Hi, I'm Sparrow
To (hopefully) avoid a lot of confusion in gonna put my pronoun sets here
(Subjective, objective, possessive objective, possessive pronoun, reflexive)
Rai/rai/rais/rais/raiself (pronounced like rye, not ray)
Ai/ai/ais/ais/aiself (pronounced eye not A.I.)
Preference is not in any particular order, I like to just throw them all in a blender on high and dump them into whatever I'm saying do feel free to do the same
Pronouns used from list based on vibes
If you feel the need to ask what I am, just know that my dick is bigger than yours, and if it isn't, I can get a bigger one in 3-5 business days
This is junk blog (whether things on here are actually junk or if it's just something I don't want otherwise tied back to me is up to me to know and you to decide for yourself)
Content will be entirely random, yet again based on vibes, chill here if you want and know that if I write anything with a self insert you will probably not be able to read it easily due to pronoun bullshit
Thank you and goodnight
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
No longer locked upon the land but free on the rolling waves
You and Buggy come face to face with himself from the past, and while you’re fully accepting that this is your husband as a child, Buggy doesn’t want to accept it.
Rating: PG-13ish, but just due to some swearing.
Warning: Upset kid, upset husband. Reader is way too nice, doesn’t necessarily take husband’s feelings into account as well.
A/N: A combined request. I did a few versions of this story before feeling like it hit the marks I was wanting to hit. Also, I’m just trying to vibe off what I’ve seen of Kid Buggy. I’m no expert. I’d protect that kid with my life. He’s so adorable. I also like the trope of “Meeting your self from another time” and “gets turned back into kid-self”. This is the former, and I know shit about time travel but I just kind of made something up.
This is the last chapter with the epilogue at the end. This has been a lot of fun to write and I've enjoyed it so much, thank you all for reading it and replying! I've loved responding to you all. So thank you thank you thank you. I liked how this chapter wrapped things up. Moments go a little quick but that was the intention. Nothing was to really be drawn out.
Title comes from “Sailing Song” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6/Epilogue
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @misadventures0fdes @sylum @valen-yamyam16 @dohkyu @fluffybunnyu @skyofsteel @lavalampskyy @gingernut1314 @ane5e @madam-o @the-angriest-angel
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Chapter Six
Your husband decided to stay back on the ship while you and the kid went into the town. His excuse was he needed to get the crew ready or something, but you didn’t push him for a real reason. Part of you wanted him with you when you went into town because you didn’t know what to expect. Would some kind of portal open up and tear the kid away from you, kicking and screaming, or would it happen in an instant, like when he first appeared? You were going to cry either way, you just wish you had some kind of idea of what to expect. 
But you also didn't want Buggy coming because again, what if some portal opened up and tore your husband away from you as well as the kid? You didn't want him disappearing on you at all so you just gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading off the ship with the kid.
“I think that the table was over here.” Kid Buggy said as he held your hand, leading you down a street. You knew what he was looking for but you let him take charge, wondering if he knew here to look. The table wouldn’t be there anymore, it hadn’t been since you turned 14 and left to start your apprenticeship and your parents moved elsewhere. They still made jewelry and sold it, but in another town on another island. 
It was hard not to tell him everything, because even though Buggy said he doesn’t remember anything about this whole ordeal, what if this was different? What if something was triggered that changed the course of the kid’s life from this moment forward? You didn’t want to take the risk. You loved your life, your husband, and the life you two had together. Nothing could change that, so you never told Kid Buggy that he stole from your parents, or that he would become a Devil Fruit user at a young age (he never questioned Buggy’s head popping off his body during their first meeting), nor did Buggy ever tell him what happened between him and Shanks. 
“You think so?” You replied as you followed after, smiling down at him as he turned his head in every direction, a look of concentration on his cute face as he tried to remember where to go. He stopped a few times, looking around, wondering where to turn. You were patient, giving his hand a squeeze whenever he’d start walking again.
“I’d bring you back with me if I could, y’know.” Buggy said as he looked up at you. “Introduce you to everyone. They’d think you were great.” He then looked away, searching for the table of merchandise that no longer existed. “But I know you wouldn’t wanna come with…”
“If I could come back to my husband in the end, I would.” You assured him with a smile. “But you’ve seen how you are as an adult, you can’t survive ten minutes without me, so I have to stay back with him.” Truthfully, if you met the crew, you would have brought hell down upon them. While your husband would speak highly of being an apprentice under Gold Roger, you had other opinions, ones that you wouldn’t share because you didn’t want to upset Buggy. There was always something under the surface whenever you listened to your husband speak about it. The self-doubt, fear of failure, everything, and one time when he was drunk he cried about Shanks, often feeling lesser than his friend, but then the next morning as he sobered up he would curse the same man. 
“Yea?” He grinned. “Really? I think you’d like it. You could even meet Shanks, since you said you never got to meet him.”
“Maybe something will happen and I can someday, Buggy.” You steered him out of the main walkway, letting people pass as you knelt down in front of him. “I want you to know that I have loved spending time with you, sweetie. It’s been one of the best things ever.”
He blushed at that, avoiding your gaze as he looked away. “Are you saying goodbye to me?”
“No! Not yet, just…” You hesitated. He wasn’t used to this kind of attention, the praise, compliments, affection even. You wanted to give him as much as you gave your husband because you saw the way he would brighten up when you’d tell Adult Buggy how handsome he looked in his coat while you’d straighten his cravat, or when you’d let him know how much you loved him every night before going to bed. You meant every word you spoke to Buggy as an adult, and you wanted him to know the same as a kid. “I want you to know you’re a wonderful kid, Buggy.”
He was still red in the face but he allowed you to wrap your arms around him and pull him into a hug. He mumbled something in response and you didn’t quite hear it, because he suddenly pulled away from you, his eyes lighting up in excitement.
“I can hear Shanks!” He said as he looked over your shoulder. “I think he’s calling for me!”
You turned in the same direction but didn’t see or hear anything. What was going on? He grinned at you before he suddenly took off running in the direction he was looking. You got to your feet and started after him, but he was fast. He turned down an alleyway, calling for Shanks, and when you finally caught up to him your heart dropped. It was a dead end and he was nowhere in sight. 
So this is how it ended then.
You came back to the ship an hour later and went right to your room, ignoring the looks of the crew and even your husband. He noticed you were alone, so he told the first mate to keep an eye on things while he went after you. Buggy wasn't sure how upset you would be, because even after ten years of marriage he wasn't sure how to handle it.
He found you sitting on the bed, leaning back against the headboard with something in your hand. Buggy hung his coat and hat up before taking his boots off and climbing into bed next to you. You immediately leaned into him, curling up against his side as he put his arm around you.
“I'm going to miss seeing you as a kid.” You sniffled, looking at the once stolen pendant in your hand. “You were so sweet, Buggy.”
“I was a little shit.” He rolled his eyes, clearly having a different opinion on the whole matter. You looked up at him with watery eyes and he sighed. “Fine, yes, I was a sweet little shit.”
“I just wanted you to feel safe and loved, Buggy.” You wiped at the tears as they rolled down your cheeks. “And you're not going to remember any of it.  What was the point of any of this?”
He just shrugged, pulling you closer as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He wasn't really good at using words to comfort you. He was used to actions like giving you gifts or finding ways to make you laugh instead. He hated seeing you so upset, but he knew better than to tell you to suck it up and move on. The one time he said that to you ended up with you giving him the cold shoulder for a week and he couldn't deal with that again.
“I just wanted you to be okay, Buggy.” You mumbled as you tucked the pendant away in your pocket. “I hate you went through so much before we met.” You rubbed your eyes. “And…and you're not going to remember any of this.”
“Yea, well…” He hated saying sappy things, like something out of a silly romance novel. He sighed and gritted his teeth. “If I didn't become an apprentice and continue being a pirate, we wouldn't have met.” You glanced up at him and his cheeks started to turn red. “The kid will be fine, because he will meet some way too nice tailor, fall madly in love with her and be an idiot about it, and she will show him all the love he will ever need.” He huffed and pulled his arm away from you, crossing them over his chest as he looked away. He felt a little uncomfortable but he knew you needed to hear this. “And when they hug for the first time he'll remember a moment of feeling safe as a kid but he won't know why, and when they kiss for the first time it will make him realize how much he wants her in his life.” He took a deep breath and exhaled before scowling. “Okay? So… so the kid won't remember what you did for him but he'll have a sense of familiarity when he meets his future wife, because she treats him with kindness and never asks for anything in return, and he really doesn't deserve someone like her.”
When he was finished with his rant he looked down at you, only to be horrified when he saw new tears streaming down your cheeks. Oh shit. He didn't mean to make you cry.
“S-Sorry, I didn't mean to-” He was at a loss for words. “Why are you-”
“R-Really?” You whimpered. “You felt that way when we met?”
He turned even redder if possible, unsure if he should keep talking or not, but you were almost smiling now as the tears rolled down your cheeks so he sighed and nodded.
“Y-Yes.” He said, looking away from you once more. “I… I knew the moment you gave me a hug that you and I were meant to be, because I felt safe in your arms and… and you took good care of me even before we started our relationship.” He scratched his cheek, looking so very uncomfortable to be carrying on like this, but your crying was letting up and you were looking at him with such love in your eyes that he thought he was going to literally fall to pieces in front of you. “Fixing my coat, clothes, even my gloves. It… it was nice and you didn't have to do that because I wasn't the nicest person to you at times, y’know.”
“I fixed your gloves just to spend extra time talking to you.” You said, giggling as you wiped your eyes with the hem of your shirt. He looked at you in confusion. “I made it up that your gloves needed fixing. I just… wanted to spend time with you after fixing other things, and you didn't know what I was talking about so you let me.” You smiled brightly at him. “I lied because I liked you, Buggy.”
His jaw dropped, a look of betrayal on his face. “What?! You lied?!”
You laughed. “What? I liked seeing your hands without them, honey, because you always wore them. That was the first time I felt your hands without gloves on, you know.”
“I can’t believe you lied!” He wouldn’t drop that tiny detail. “After all this time you lied about my gloves needing to be fixed?”
You knew what he was doing, trying to distract you from being upset, and you appreciated it. It still hurt having the kid disappear so quickly out of your sight but it was a comfort to hear from your husband the little bits he could recall, even if it wasn’t exact moments of his time with you. You didn’t want him to be hurt, or go through the heartaches of growing up, but if it meant the two of you meeting and falling in love, then maybe you could accept that you couldn’t fix everything.
“I love you, Buggy.” You told him as you leaned over to kiss his cheek. He turned red and looked away again but he put his arm back around you, pulling you closer to him before he looked back at you. 
“Yea, yea.” He kissed you on the forehead and sighed. “I love you too.”
“Buggy! Where’ve ya been?” One of the older crewmen asked. Buggy didn’t turn around, instead looking at his now empty hands. Where did the pendant go? He just snatched it off that table and he had it in his hands just moments ago, but now it was missing. Did he somehow drop it? “It’s been twenty minutes, kid! Don’t take off like that!”
He glared up at the man. “Not my fault you can’t keep up with me!”
The man just laughed and patted him on the head; the kid immediately swatted at his hand, trying to get him to stop. He didn’t take off running, he had just been with the crew and then it seemed like everything went still for a moment. He didn’t want to say anything so he kept quiet, trailing after the adult as they went to join up with the others. 
“We weren’t too worried, y’know. Figured you’d turn up once you got hungry.” 
Buggy just nodded, glaring at the ground as he walked along. It’s not like he disappeared or anything. He was just out of sight for a few minutes. Shanks and him did it all the time. 
They were walking down the street that the vendor was on where he took the pendant from. Did they somehow get it back? He hesitated but risked taking a look as they walked by. The adults were talking to a customer, showing off pieces while a girl around Buggy’s age sat nearby, looking completely bored. When their eyes met she perked up a bit and gave him a big smile. Buggy made a face and looked away  but the adult he was with noticed the exchange and laughed.
“Flirtin’ with the local girls, Buggy?”
“Shut up!” He snapped. “Let’s get back to the ship!”
“Don’t you want to say bye to your girlfriend?” He teased as Buggy glared at him, his face red. He was about to say something else when something tugged on his sleeve. He spun around, ready to fight, but froze when he saw the girl standing there, holding a flower in her hand with a big smile on her face. 
“The red flower looks like your nose.” She told him as she took his hand and placed the flower in it. “I like it.”
Buggy didn’t say anything as his hand closed around the flower. He was frozen where he stood, not sure how to respond to that, but the moment didn’t last because she turned and went back to her parents, taking her seat near the table once more. He didn’t know what to say or do next, but the adult grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him along, laughing and joking about young love and other stupid shit Buggy didn’t care about. He stuck the flower in his pocket and looked back at her once more, his face still as red as his nose. She was watching him leave and gave him a smile and wave as he left. 
Yea, okay, he decided she was kind of nice, but he wouldn’t see her again so there was no point in saying hi to her or asking her name.
 It was just a one time meeting by chance.
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clvhq · 1 year
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se ha visto a xian yueliang desfilando por las calles y boulevares de parís, pero no hemos llegado a ver si es de pronto buena o mala fortuna la que le persigue. ¿tu sí? ¡anímate a descubrir cuál es!
valen, ¡bienvenide a cestlaviehq! nos encanta que seas parte de nuestro proyecto y esperamos que el buen juicio sea parte de tu camino dentro del mismo y si no… bueno, ¡así es la vida! recuerda que tienes 24 hs para hacernos saber cuál será la cuenta de tu personaje y que, en caso de necesitarlo, puedes pedir más tiempo.
nombre / pseudónimo: valen
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: +25
país / zona horaria: gmt-3
triggers: pedofilia, incesto, maltrato animal.
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable? sí.
¿algo que agregar? nope.
in character.
nombre completo: xian yueliang.
pronombres: masculinos.
faceclaim: xiao dejun
fecha de cumpleaños: 8 agosto.
edad: 23 años.
ocupación: licenciado en astronomía / trabaja en su titulo profesional.
descripción psicológica: ( + ) reservado, cauteloso, agradable. ( - ) cohibido, inseguro, precipitado.
headcanons sobre el personaje:
uno. su nombre significa luna, cuando se enteró de esto fue que se propuso en ser astrónomo. desde pequeño que mantuvo una obsesión con la galaxia, estrellas y el universo en si. ahorra por muchos meses dinero para comprarse su primer telescopio.
dos. trigger warning: mención de bullying. en la escuela siempre fue objeto de burlas por parte de sus compañeros, era el niño que siempre excluían de cualquier actividad y el cual era el centro de bromas pesadas. al crecer encontró su pequeño grupo de amigos, con los cuales se juntaban a jugar juego de rol: dungeons and dragons. fue el único recuerdo bonito que rescata de la escuela, lo demás evita conversa de ello.
tres. creció con muchas inseguridades por lo que le cuesta confiar en las personas, siempre piensa que se acercan para lastimarlo.
cuatro. para defenderse en la escuela comenzó a practicar diferentes tipo de deportes hasta que finalmente se dedicó de lleno al gimnasio y al jiu-jitsu.
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vincerehq · 11 months
¡error de registro! KIM HONGJOONG ha sido confundide con LEE TAEYONG. los oráculos están trabajando para corregir el expediente.
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Porn on Tumblr is a complicated subject
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In 2018, Tumblr announced a ban on “adult content.” That call was made by Verizon, Tumblr’s erstwhile owner, and to call the resulting mess “a shitshow” is an insult to good, hardworking shitshows all over the world.
Verizon enforced this policy with an automated filter, which was charged with analyzing images and categorizing them as “sexual” or “nonsexual.” This is risible enough, like asking a computer to sort videos into “virtuous” or “sinful” but that was just for starters.
Verizon’s ban included a ban on “female-presenting nipples” — a canonically hard-to-define category — but included exceptions for non-sexual nipple images. Hard to imagine that any serious, disinterested computer scientist promising that an algorithm could cleave “female-presenting nipples” from “male-presenting” ones, let alone decide which ones were “sexual” or not.
The filters were…not good. Verizon posted a selection of images that were explicitly permitted under its policies. That post was blocked by Tumblr’s filter.
It wasn’t just that Tumblr’s AI couldn’t turn its unblinking eye upon the nipples casting their shadows upon the wall of Plato’s Cave and divine their true nature. Tumblr’s AI thought everything was a nipple — or some other potentially “adult” body-part.
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[Image ID: A series of nested Tumblr posts marveling at the foolishness of Tumblr’s filter.]
I posted an image of a hand producing a fingerprint. Tumblr’s filter blocked it. I posted a followup about Tumblr’s idiotic filter. Tumblr’s filter blocked that. I did it again. The filter did, too.
Verizon was not good at running Tumblr, which isn’t a surprise, because Verizon’s core competencies are lobbying and union-busting. Eventually the company wrote down its online media assets, taking a $4.6B loss:
Tumblrites didn’t know what to make of the writedown. There was a lot of trepedation, sure, because even after years of mismanagement by Yahoo and then Verizon, Tumblr was still a community that mattered to its members.
What’s more, with the writedown, there was the possibility that someone else — someone less Verizony — would buy the company. That happened! Automattic, creators of Wordpress, announced that they would buy Tumblr. Tumblr’s filter blocked the announcement:
When Automattic took over Tumblr, there was a lot of hope that the adult content ban would be reversed. Tumblr’s adult communities had been hugely important in creating and promulgating a sex-positive, queer-positive, sex-worker-respecting platform, utterly unlike anything else online.
The impact of contributing to and participating in these adult communities can’t be overstated. In Tumblr Porn, Ana Valens offers a memoir of how profoundly Tumblr’s sex-positive spaces (“vanguard of a user-generated sexual revolution”) affected her life:
Verizon’s sex ban didn’t just shut those communities down — it consigned them to the memory-hole, blocking the archivists who scrambled to preserve them:
But despite the importance of sex to Tumblr’s success and the manifest idiocy of Verizon’s ban, Automattic did not bring back the adult content, and made it clear they had no immediate plans to change that position.
Now, five years later, Tumblr has made its first tentative moves to open the platform to NSFW materials, with a new dashboard that lets views opt into adult content and a labeling system that lets posters flag their uploads:
This is a far cry from Tumblr’s original full-throated, wide-open NSFW policy, and there’s a reason for that. In a new post, Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg describes why Tumblr’s old “go nuts, show nuts” policy can’t work today:
It all comes down to chokepoints and liability. It’s an open secret that Verizon’s Tumblr porn ban was triggered by Apple’s threat to block the Tumblr app for iOS users, in the name of preserving the App Store’s “child friendly” policy. Remember when Steve Jobs announced that “Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone?”
Google Play — the Android version of the App Store — is only slightly less adamant about blocking adult material. With the mobile duopoly dead set against adult content, an NSFW-friendly Tumblr would have to be web-only. Mullenweg explains why that’s not viable: “40% of our signups and 85% of our page views come from mobile apps.”
Now, it’s true that there are other apps for platforms with a lot of adult content that both app stores welcome (Reddit, Twitter). Mullenweg says “My guess is that Twitter and Reddit are too big for Apple to block so they decided to make an example out of Tumblr, which has ‘only’ 102 million monthly visitors.”
Though, he adds, “Maybe Twitter gets blocked by Apple sometimes too but can’t talk about it because they’re a public company and it would scare investors.”
Playing chicken with Apple’s App Store censors is a losing proposition. As Mullenweg describes, the interpretation of the App Store rules varies from day to day, depending on which person is evaluating your app. If you submit an app update, Apple might arbitrarily change its position on whether you’re crossing a line and block your app instead. When that happens, it’s a big deal. Mullenweg: “If Apple permanently banned Tumblr from the App Store, we’d probably have to shut the service down.”
But it’s not just the mobile duopoly that holds Tumblr’s future in its hands. Mullenweg actually ranks payment processors as more powerful than mobile companies. Credit-card companies hate porn. Adding adult content back to Tumblr threatens Automattic’s ability to process payments for all its services, from Wordpress hosting to ad-free Tumblr subscriptions. Without money, the company couldn’t last long, and its 2,000+ employees would be out of a job.
At this stage, Mullenweg anticipates a chorous of cryptocurrency enthusiasts claiming that the solution to this is to accept payment in cryptos. He heads them off. No matter whether you think crypto might solve this problem tomorrow, “today if you are blocked from banks, credit card processing, and financial services, you’re blocked from the modern economy.”
But even if you bypass the mobile dupology and find a way to live without payment processing, setting up an adult-content-friendly site is still fraught. New rules (including SESTA/FOSTA) create civil and criminal liability for adult content hosting; as do rules against nonconsensual pornography (AKA “revenge porn”).
Mullenweg doesn’t want to host illegal adult content, not just because he doesn’t want to go to jail, but because he decries the odious trade in sexual material made without consent, featuring children, or other unsavory circumstances.
But today’s environment, filled as it is with networked pocket cameras, is fertile ground for the production of those materials. When anyone can produce sexual images, it becomes extremely difficult to establish whether everyone pictured is of age and consenting.
But even if Tumblr could hire the moderators it needed to make those determinations, it still wouldn’t be in the clear, because market concentration elsewhere in the stack makes operating an “adult content business” far harder than it was in Tumblr’s heyday.
Today, hosting adult content means finding specialized network connections, hosting, DDoS mitigation and more, because every layer of the “stack” of services other kinds of sites can rely on has been turning into an oligopoly with uniform anti-sex policies.
Paying for those specialized services is a problem, too, and not just because you will struggle to find a bank and credit-card company that will serve your business. Many investment funds are prohibited from investing in “vice” related businesses due to agreements with their own backers, and even the ones that can fund such a business choose not to.
Mullenweg sums up:
If you wanted to start an adult social network in 2022, you’d need to be web-only on iOS and side load on Android, take payment in crypto, have a way to convert crypto to fiat for business operations without being blocked, do a ton of work in age and identity verification and compliance so you don’t go to jail, protect all of that identity information so you don’t dox your users, and make a ton of money.
That’s a sobering conclusion, but even more striking is Mullenweg’s back-of-the-envelope calculations for what this would take:
> I estimate you’d need at least $7 million a year for every 1 million daily active users to support server storage and bandwidth in addition to hosting, moderation, compliance, and developer costs.
Mullenweg closes with his hope that someone else will figure out how to “replace what people used to get from porn on Tumblr,” but implies that for Tumblr itself, the best we can hope for are more baby-steps.
[Image ID: A Victorian pornographic illustration of a man in coat and neck cloth touching the exposed bottom of a grinning woman who is face down on a fainting-couch. The image forms the backdrop for an animation in which a grinning Tumblr logo bounces up and down over her bum.]
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wolveria · 3 months
Now I can’t get Dark Force User!Valens x Jedi!Reid AU out of my head. It would be the true Enemies to Lovers AU. Like they would start out on the opposite sides of the Force, Dark and Light respectively, and over the course of the story, they both would slowly change that by the end of the story, they both would be Gray.
Yesss yessss ahhhh I need this like I need air
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valeffelees · 3 months
hey Valen, umm, 🍕🥑🍎?
hey what's up, thanks for coming to hang out!
🍕 What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
oh fuck this is a hard question, because i don't think anything could have prepared me for the overwhelmingly kind things people had to say about without sun. i still haven't replied to any of the comments i've gotten on that fic bc when i scroll through them, i feel like my brain shuts down for a moment. i look at them and think, they can't be talking about me. they can't be talking about my story, my writing. but they are, and what the fuck am i even supposed to do with that, yk? every comment i've gotten on that fic feels like my favourite comment i've ever gotten. someone told me it was heartbreaking. someone told me my depiction of the mage was complex and intimidating. someone called my prose lovely, aching and beautiful. someone said the atmosphere was deeply haunting, that they hope i write for this fandom forever, that one of my scenes captured something extremely magic and extremely human and universal at the same time. i keep seeing all these words—visceral, melancholy, gorgeous, immersive. and i just, holy fuck. holy fuck. holy fuck? so yeah, i dunno, i really can't pick a favourite. (i have another fic i posted several years ago now, and every year since i've gotten an annual comment from the same user telling me that they still love the story, and that means a lot to me, too.)
🥑 What are you currently working on?
my main wips at the moment are: - without sun, a magickal mishap story in which simon snow accidentally curses the entirety of watford into thinking he's dead, allowing him to take a look into the lives of the people he loves most to see how they would handle a world without him, only for him to discover the reality of grief is not what he expected it to be. - ballad of the final sparrow, also known as bitverse. a non-magical alternate universe, set in small-town ontario, in which simon snow's mother has died, his best friend is moving away, he's pretty sure his girlfriend is ghosting him, and his father won't get off the couch. in other words: his life is falling apart, and to make it worse, he can't seem to get any sleep. he begins to spend his nights scrolling the back corners of the internet, diving through abandoned web forums and exploring old, innocuous threads. then, one night, he stumbles across the link to a private domain titled BAZ.ai/chatroom-1. this fic is unposted, but it's one of the most bleak, visceral stories i've ever attempted to write. - fragile things (and how to break them), once upon a time known as there's a werewolf in london. i talked about the plot at length before here, if you're curious, but something about it i don't think i mentioned in the orig post is how much of the story is actually a journey about baz and his vampirism, about him learning what it means to accept and be accepted, finding family in strange places, and discovering that sometimes true happiness starts with letting go.
🍎 How do you prioritize which stories to work on when you have multiple ideas?
and i answered this one here
[ask me things!]
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