#until the araj thing happens
eff-plays · 9 months
So I was famously (it got like 6 notes) against sleeping with Astarion a second time because it felt like one of those Zevran situations where you need to reject him for the best outcome, and accepting was such a nothing scene (on purpose, I get it, but still) while rejecting him seemed genuinely more interesting.
SO! I'm gonna headcanon that yes, Astarion does attempt to sleep with Hiraeth a second time in order to secure his position on the team, and they go along with it up until a certain point before they notice he's clearly disassociating and go "Oh ew. Bye I'm not doing this lmao."
Cuz 1) I feel like him panicking and thinking he's fucked up is delicious angst when mixed with the relief of someone not forcing their body on him and 2) Hiraeth is a bard, and a reasonably attractive one, so everyone they've slept with has been very enthusiastic about it. They can tell when someone isn't, and they feel kind of insulted that he was both assuming they'd be into semi-traumatizing him for their own cheap benefit, and that he's clearly attempting to use them for ??? Some purpose??? But why?? What is he hoping to gain that they won't just give him if he asks??
So he's like "I'm consenting? I suggested it? Why does it matter if I'm into it?" because he's given up on the charade at this point and is desperate to stay on their good side, and they just stare at him for the longest time like "That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Sorry to say but you're fucked up. Don't ever hit on me again unless you mean it lmao. Goodnight."
And he has no fucking idea what to make of it rip 😔
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vspin · 7 months
Astarion should have had a post-Araj conversation (that doesn’t lock in the romance) AND the unprompted confession 
You might have noticed that Patch 3 changed Astarion’s romance progression a bit. Previously, if you had entered Moonrise and had high enough approval with Astarion, he would approach the MC at a long rest and confess his manipulations and growing feelings towards the player character.  It’s such a beautiful scene and is so well acted. Now that confession is tied to after you kill Yurgir and if you haven’t talked to Araj in Moonrise. 
I actually kind of like his confession being tied to progressing his personal quest, and if you think about it an early admission in Act 2 does seem kind of quick based on his past/struggles. 
Buuut, I am disappointed that if you talk to Araj early-on you can lock in the romance then and you won’t get the unprompted confession later on, because I think that scene is much stronger from a ROMANCE and partnership perspective. 
Araj Conversation
The post-Araj conversation is an amazing moment for Astarion’s development and arc. His realization that he never stopped acting like a slave. His decision to stand up for himself and advocate for what he wants. It’s so powerful. It’s a critical moment for Astarion and his journey to be free from Cazador.
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Honestly, I think tying it to the romance really cheapens it and creates an initially one-sided dynamic for his romance.  
These are the dialogue options after he thanks you:
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The first 3 options lead to him opening up more about his feelings and this line: 
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After this, if you want to progress the romance you tell him you care for him and it leads to the hug scene/whatever option you want. 
BUT HE NEVER MENTIONS MANIPULATING YOU and that he's developed feelings. Hello Astarion!? I feel like that's kinda important to the dynamic here! With these options, poor Tav is left in the dark because it doesn’t come up again really.
Now, if you pick the last option: Why sleep with me?
You get these lines: 
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(His face lmao, smug little bastard)
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His line delivery here is interesting. He’s very matter-of-fact about it. He’s like “duh! I was using you and it was easy”. 
Depending on how you're RPing your MC this pretty rough lol. A naive and good-hearted Tav may have actually thought there was something there. 
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And these are the dialogue options to respond to it. That’s it. No pushback from Tav. They can end things, just be friends, or progress the relationship. Idk it’s just not my favorite. 
Unprompted Confession
Compare that to the unprompted confession. 
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He approaches Tav. He confesses the manipulation and what I think is super important he is THINKING about Tav’s feelings: “You deserve something real.” 
And what I love is that Tav can choose to immediately confess their feelings or push back a little here: 
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I think this is a much better dynamic between potential partners. Options 2 + 3 really give more context to his feelings and also allows Astarion to reiterate his positive feelings towards MC. 
Up until this point in the relationship, the MC has given a lot to Astarion, and Astarion hasn’t given much back beyond sex. Tav has listened to Astarion open up about Cazador, protected him from the monster hunter, helped with his scars, the mirror conversation, let him drink from them (potentially), and supported the endeavor with Raphael. 
I think this conversation is Astarion acknowledging all that and him giving something back in return by being honest with his feelings, even if there is a chance he’ll get nothing out of it. 
I think this why people love the Durge x Astarion romance so much because it offers more give and take between the two, and depending on which confession scene you get with Tav it is a very one-sided dynamic in comparison.
The second scene a MUCH better foundation for something to develop between the two in my opinion.
Final Thoughts
I think the Araj scene should happen regardless but with the romance portion omitted. Of course, I think Astarion should still break up with MC if they made him drink, force him to have sex, or give Tav an option to end it as well if this isn't something they want to involve themselves in. 
Then, I think you should get the actual confession after defeating Yurgir. I think it makes sense that after Tav has advocated for Astarion’s autonomy and helped with his scars he realizes his feelings. 
Big thanks to these Youtube channels here and here for the screenshots. My saves are a mess and I didnt want to fight with it.
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In one of my playthroughs, my Tav is having a TIME with Astarion, and it's a version of his romance I don't see represented online as much and I want to talk about it.
If you choose more lightweight dialogue options, if you don't dig into his mind at the bite scene, if you get his Araj confession instead of his impromptu one,
Then by the end of Act 2, you do *not* have a secure relationship AT ALL, he has never said he's in love, and everything feels REALLY rocky.
All through act 1 he lays on the seduction heavily, but in act 2 a bitch is MAD. He is stressed, he needs to figure out his scars, he feels hunted and un-safe and because of this, he starts to take it out on Tav a bit.
when Raphael shows up to talk to him, he snaps at Tav saying "don't get in my way". When you do his quest and kill the orthon, you have to PRY a thank you from him by literally telling him to parrot your words ('thank you for helping me, it was very... Kind') and he spits it out like he really, really wasnt intending to say anything in the form of gratitude.
When you talk about what to do about Cazador, my Paladin chose 'youll never be free while he lives' because it's true. If he runs, cazador will hunt him. If cazador lives, he will never stop looking over his shoulder. His reply 'i hate that you're right'
Even when you say you'll join him to hunt his master down, you can watch his facial expressions and see: he's not convinced. Of course he isn't. He's terrified. And is he grateful? Yes, but again, it's guarded.
I then went to moonrise and talked to Araj, and I defended his autonomy 100%.
When his Araj-confession happened, it was absolutely NOT a LOVE confession. It was more like:
"thank you. This made me realize I was still acting like a slave even in freedom, and you supporting me there made me feel like I can start to snap out of that kind set. Sooooo... I should tell you, since you did me a solid, that I was using you for protection and manipulating you up until now"
If you DONT choose the top options, the MOST he tells you about how he feels about you is a single line of dialogue
'imagine my surprise when I started to actually feel... SOMETHING... For you'
This could be friendship, crush feels, etc. It's VERY vague, and important things to note is while WE THE PLAYER know more about him and what he may feel at this point or what he's gone through, YOUR TAV DOESNT.
He does not apologize for using you. He states his regret that his plan failed because he started to value you as a person instead of a tool for him to be used. That admission is his gift back to you for defending him in front of Araj.
If you then choose 'what do YOU want' he approves, but says he doesn't know. And then he defends that 'isnt it nice not to know?' You still get soft faces, your hand held. He's trying to *silently* communicate what he can't bring himself to say, but he *DOESNT* SAY anything to affirm you two are a couple/in a relationship/etc. Just a vague 'lets not talk about it but see where it goes'
Honestly, based on this experience via dialogue choices for this character, it almost seemed to me like "sounds like you need a friend not a lover" makes the MOST SENSE. Of course this is my Astarion Romance run, so my Paladin instead said, basically, I'll wait for you until you're ready. (She chose the 'what do you want,' and let it lay there as is)
Afterwards you can ask about your relationship with him and again, he's flustered, he's hedging, he's defensive, and he brushes it off. He's not ready to talk, he's not ready to commit, he's fully focused on Cazador and his safety.
You enter this waiting period where Tav has been manipulated, spoken down to, snapped at, bitten, and responded to without gratitude, but is ALSO given just the faintest, BAREST glimpse at the vulnerability beneath the surface. The player is being asked at this point to REALLY trust and WAIT without ANY evidence that this relationship could become healthy, or could turn into love, or could because a real relationship. And that's SO NEAT
If you don't romance anyone else and aren't put into the position to choose him, you never get a confirmation of dating. If you get the Araj scene and don't choose hug, and don't force him to confirm he was attracted to you etc, you can literally end the talk on "thanks for defending me, also haha I was using you this whole time just so you know, thanks for being nice about it"
From a Tav point of view, this *could* be fairly devastating, and even if Tav decides to wait and keep supporting him, at this point, even post "confession" there is VERY little evidence that things are gonna get better between you.
We know it does. WE do. We get the access to other dialogue and choices or the other confession IF we chose that. But this, this scene, these dialogue choices REALLY emphasize his Act 3 confession
"you were patient. You waited, through blood lust etc /even when it was an objectively stupid thing to do etc"
Cause yeah. He's RIGHT. If you don't choose VERY specific dialogues to get more out of him, most of his romance up until the Act 3 confession,most of how he treats you, most of how he responds to your decisions in game (if you're playing fairly good and not evil/durge) gives Tav no reason beyond faith to continue to pursue him.
I think he knows this, and it's why he's surprised when you state you don't want him for sex. Because up until Act 3, he KNOWS how he's been treating Tav and even HE wouldn't have stood for it if the roles were reversed, so h thinks 'it must be because I'm good in bed'. Then he takes the sex away and you still stay? Even when he's chasing power, hunting for revenge, snapping at you, refusing to commit?
It's a powerful story line. It's so engaging. And it has room for SO MUCH ANGST
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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loquaciousquark · 3 months
Finished the Astarion origin run, got my Honour mode achievement, and have enabled my gold dice.
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That said, and despite some very funny things that happened over the course of the run, I really did not enjoy playing as Astarion and don't think I'll be running any other origins anytime soon.
It didn't just feel like I wasn't playing with Tav, it hardly felt like I was playing with Astarion. As a companion he's richly developed, with a beautifully crafted arc and frequent colorful commentary and viciously strong opinions on just about everything Tav does. He grows and changes based on the events of the game and reacts to moments of doubt with fear or courage, depending on where in the plot you are.
Origin Astarion is almost as much a blank slate as Tav, with nearly all of that wonderful color stripped out. Aside from a handful of unique scenes (most notably a nightmare in Act 1 leading into the first bite), everything else happens exactly as it does to Tav, and there's no little voice in the back of your head informing your characterization. No notes on the Araj encounter like, "You fear being touched. Even now it brings up a sense of fear, loathing. Is it worth it to sacrifice your body, to bite this drow, for a potion?" No clear suggestions during your romance that you might have hangups about having spent two hundred years using your body to lure people to their deaths over and over, nothing suggesting outright that you might have some hesitation to engage in sex. Just a dialogue option here and there, one of four, that allows for that choice, if you choose to even think about it in the first place.
Even worse, things like the drow scene--which, in a Tav run, is a moment of great fear and uncertainty for him transformed into a moment of defiance & strength, a pivotal point in his characterization--has been revamped, if you'll pardon the pun. Araj is deferent and polite to origin Astarion, not assumptive and proprietary. She formally requests the bite and is gracious when you say no, and in-universe I couldn't find a single reason for him to be offended or to decline. You don't even find out her blood smells/tastes bad until you bite her; there's no forewarning, no choice, no crisis of exchanging your body for power. No companion steps in and says "you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Tav isn't there to support his first "no" in two hundred years. It's just a transactional offer, no harm no foul, and all the weight of it is yanked away.
It really felt like there was no guidance. All the strong opinions that made Astarion Astarion had been stripped out, and you really could shape him however you wanted, without much input from the narrator or his own history.
I tried my best to stay true to what I thought Astarion would do in each moment, and it turns out without someone (Tav or anyone) checking in on him and occasionally holding him back, he became this hedonistic possessive creature who slept with everyone and loved no one at all, not even himself. Tav wasn't around to make him feel safe, so he took power until he made himself safe. Tav wasn't around to suggest sex could be anything but physical, so he engaged in its physical transaction whenever he could to make sure he had everyone as hooked as possible. It didn't matter the trail of hurt people he left behind him. Nobody bothered to tell him he didn't have to sell his body for a potion. Nobody bothered to tell him they wanted to be with him with or without sex, and after two hundred years, old habits died hard.
Lae'zel - slept with immediately, but after the bruised "everything hurts" feeling the morning after, he decided not to pursue it. Successfully persuaded her to stick around after siding with the Emperor and letting him assimilate Orpheus, not because he really cared if she stayed but because he didn't want to have to expend the energy to fight her.
Gale - had sex with him in the Weave, then broke up with him. He became the God of Ambition at Astarion's encouragement. Probably the most hurt by Astarion's inability to love. As delighted as Astarion was by Gale conjuring up towers and libraries for him, I think for all Astarion's sexual experience he wasn't able to get his footing in the Weave, especially when Gale started growing extra arms and heads. He was put off enough by not having control of the sex that he never wanted to repeat it, and Gale was totally heartbroken.
Wyll - danced with him and kissed him, but broke up with him immediately when he stated he preferred a long courtship & old-fashioned romance. Encouraged Wyll to take as much power as possible, leading to him becoming Grand Duke.
Karlach - flirted with her the whole first and second acts, and for a long time I thought having to actually get to know her as a person and remember her likes & dislikes--actual facts about her outside of her sexual preferences--might finally teach Astarion how to let someone into his heart. Except then, thanks to a series of unfortunate cutscene priorities in late Act 2, other people's romances came first all in a row, and by the time Karlach's night finally triggered, he'd already made his way through Gale, Wyll, and two very tense scenes with Tavish-Emperor, and he'd hardened his heart again after hurting all three of them. Karlach ended up being endgame romance in that he went to Avernus with her, but I don't think he felt anything more than a possessive affection for her by the end. The dialogue option I picked even reflected that; it wasn't the "I know you're afraid to be alone, and this time it'll be different because I'll be with you" choice, it was the "I refuse to allow you to die. Get up and let's go" choice. Unfortunate.
Tavish-Emperor - slept with, and sided with in the final battle. She assimilated Orpheus and ran off into the city, so Lae'zel didn't even get her dragons.
Halsin - slept with regularly, much to Karlach's unhappiness. No real affection here, just a release of tension and I think a very selfish assurance to himself that Karlach didn't "own" him just because she loved him, that he was still free to do whatever he wanted.
Minthara - propositioned him, but because saying yes would have permanent consequences with Karlach, he declined. Again, not because he really cared about hurting Karlach at this point, but because it would get too messy and dramatic afterwards if he didn't.
Shadowheart - did not engage with romantically and ended up catty BFFs, which I honestly found such a relief. She saved Nightsong (mostly because Astarion couldn't be bothered to intervene) and moted her parents. :(
This Astarion also ascended, because that's what his search for power culminated in, and again, there was no one saying "my guy, I love you for who you are right now. You don't have to do this. Not because it would be sad to kill all those people, but because I'd be sad if you became something else." I hated that cutscene the first time I recorded it for the Astarion Supercut and I hated watching it again now as the Astarion origin. I won't be letting that happen again.
Anyway. I know I was in control of the character and could have made different choices, but I was really trying to play him as I thought he would react in those moments, and I didn't care for the outcome at all. I felt like I'd lost almost two whole characters this run, and even with as much as I really like Minthara, I'll be going back to my tried and true (and very much missed) Tavish as a palate cleanser in the next few days.
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
So I Finally Finished a Playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3
It's been months of playing over my holidays and the weekends, but I've finally completed my first playthrough of what was deemed Game of the Year for 2023.
As someone whose only D&D experiences come from the two movies (the bad one that traumatized me as a kid by killing Snails and the good one that deserves more love) and Critical Role, I didn't know much of what I was getting into, only my coworkers saying 'buy it, it's a masterpiece' unanimously when I inquired about it. Having no idea how to play or the lore, I was very much entering blind.
Continued down the Keep Reading
So, I'm sure we gotta get through the first set of questions so let's get to them.
What was your Tav? It took a long time to realise that 'Tav' meant your player character among fanpages, I can't tell you why it's Tav still, but I only pieced it together from Durge naming too. My Tav is Dec, short for December because that's when I started playing and I couldn't waste too much time on stream thinking up a clever name. He was a High Elf Guild Artisan, for Class I started as a Beast Master Ranger, ironic that Ranger is deemed one of the lesser classes among the community, I was adamant to not use archery at the start but by the end of it I was a Crossbow Expert. I went 9/3 with Rogue to get Assassin, but then respec'd my Ranger into a Gloomstalker, since I never really summoned the bear (probably should've learned from Sam's constant dissing of Trinket eh?) plus when I remembered Dread Ambusher it gave me 3 attacks on the first turn. He has combustible blood thanks to Araj and some tadpole powers after consuming them after the creche incident made him more open to trusting the Dream Visitor; Charm - which failed 90% of the time - Psionic Backlash, Favourable Beginnings and Luck of the Far Realms used mainly, I had Stage Fright and Force Tunnel but didn't use it, same for Cull the Weak. Likes to talk things through, especially with Persuasion/Charisma buffing invisible hats. Has the Duellist's Perogative Sword and the Swire's Sledboard Shield for Melee, and the AC bonus, plus the Armor of Agility giving him an evasive 24 AC with Advantage thanks to 20 DEX and the Cloak of Displacement.
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You can't see his scar and tattoo too well from here but I had to show off his Black Furnace and Red dye on his armour it looks too good. Here's a better look of his face:
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For his tattoo and scarring I like to think he got the tattoo after the burn, in some ways distracting it from the scarring.
Did you Save Scum? Don't Lie to Me! Yes and I'm not sorry about it. If you wanna invite me to a D&D table I'll follow the rules and how the dice lands but there's a lot more wiggle room there than in a game where there's finite dialogue options. I was also not going to sit there and let my companions turn against me just because the game fancied throwing continual Nat 1s or low rolls at me, nor would I let Omeluum die in the Iron Throne, or end up leaving the Mirror of Loss empty handed. I bought the game so if I wanna carve this experience this way I shall carve it this way, I get some people see the Morally Good path as boring for this kind of gaming but I like to be good, it feels good, and I want good things to happen for my allies, even if it means having to undo most of their religious indoctrination. But, it did take a while for me to start save scumming, really it was freeing Halsin that started it but it didn't become regular until Auntie Ethel. I only really did it for dialogue/lore expansion (or when there were two dialogue options I was between which I hoped would be interpreted how I expect it to) and for necessary buff rolls like the Mirror of Loss, but sometimes I did it to keep some key NPCs alive like Jaheira, who died at Moonrise the first time.
Who did you usually team up with? Kinda a harem squad since I had Lae'zel, Shadowheart and Karlach. I was very combat-oriented; Lae'zel adding support to Karlach's melee or Dec's ranged combat while Shadowheart made up for most of the magic with heals, summons and like 100 scrolls in her bag (Dec horded about 100 different arrows and poisons too, sometimes pays off). I respec'd her to Light Domain after the Nightsong stuff to fit her character and hair change - though I must admit I preferred the black hair - and gave her my Adamantine Splint Armour for defences plus the ring and Balduran's Helm for +5 healing each turn. Lae'zel was a Battle Master, clad in the Helldusk set, though I didn't use much of her Superiority dice moves; the enemies often made saves against it even with 18 strength (20 after the mirror of loss, and higher at endgame thanks to an Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength), I relied more on her brute force, plus reaction skills like Executioner and Sentinel, plus the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane. Karlach was a 9/3 Bear Heart Barbarian and Champion Fighter, I did respec her for the Feats but the Bone armour, Balduran's Greatsword and Brutal Jump also helped at times, plus the Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength and the Amulet of Greater Health made her a high damage, near-200 Health-on-Rage machine (over 200 thanks to the +30 extra health at the final battle). I tended not to swap around a lot, I couldn't abandon my healer, loved Karlach's personality and I had sentiment for Lae'zel being the first person I encountered, she has the sad eyes too, but I did do some rare switching for personal quests. Initially I started with Astarion, but that's because of a misunderstanding of who Karlach was - more on that later - and it turned out that I wasn't doing much for stealth, I brought him for Cazador though, much like I brought Wyll for Ansur and Gale for the Book of Karsus. Later in Act 3 I played around with dyes and equipped everyone, out of fear that I may be sprung unprepared like with Orin - Halsin only had a torch - by all campmates joining the fight, it didn't happen but everyone at least looks stylish.
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I go between whether I like Wyll's colours though, on one hand he looks like a Templar and the white would stand out in Avernus, other times he looks like a cosplayer XD Minsc and Jaheira needed no dyes the colours already suited well, but I do love the colours I chose for Astarion, Halsin and Karlach.
Who did you fuck? (romance) Probably would've been asked sooner but sadly Dec became an unintended bachelor, at least outside of the headcanon. He did share a night of passion with Lae'zel after freeing the Emerald Grove but it wasn't something he wanted to pursue further, our dynamic was more befitting of two soldiers, or at least a dynamic where we think we're the General and the other the Advisor. Had Shadowheart took 'later' for her drink offer as 'I want to see all the dialogues other characters have first' rather than a refusal there might have been a romance there, instead I feel we fell into a more sibling bond, she can be a bit too sassy at times in passing dialogue - I had hoped to see more development with her and Lae'zel eventually being friends. Wyll did his best to throw sad puppy eyes at me when I refused to dance with him but it just made things more awkward, Gale meanwhile probably was gonna make moves when teaching me the Weave but he was very hung up on Mystra for me to entertain it, I sat with him when he felt the mortal coil though. Astarion I think made a passing suggestion but nothing of substance, Halsin left it late after he got kidnapped by Orin - I didn't realise he had to physically join the party to be a part of the group until Act 3 - coming onto me right before I confronted the Brain which was quickly turned down. I believe Minsc and Jaheira are unable to be romanced atm, and I did not fuck the Emperor; it weirded me out that he just was there shirtless chilling next to my unconscious dream state. We killed Minthara, didn't know you could recruit or romance her in a Morally Good path. Which left Karlach, fuck did I want to romance Karlach, not for lack of trying either; but because when I met Wyll he was talking about killing her I immediately assumed 'oh Karlach must be that woman on the cover with him' (aka 'the bitch who could've been cool if she wasn't such a bitch' Mizora, who I also wouldn't have romanced given the option) and stuck a pin in it, I was also unaware that most Act 1 romance stuff would come to a head at the end of the Emerald Grove quest which I prioritized so I only encountered Karlach after I saved Halsin and the Grove, meaning I couldn't reach Dammon until Act 2. By then Karlach seemed to be locked out of romance, perhaps for another misunderstanding on my part too since I did upgrade her engine twice at Lost Light very swiftly, but it still was a knife to the heart after all that and the date at the circus that she called us 'just mates' to Fytz. All this and then they give us a better kissing patch ¬_¬
Yes so sad, anyway what about ~Astarion~? Astarion is popular, and I know why he's popular, and the scene of him killing Cazador was very well done...but Astarion for me though was just fine; I mean you guys see Karlach right? Part of the reason she stays my group was that I can't bear to part from her. A lot of the times my Morally Good options didn't align with Astarion's brand of pessimistic chaos, so he spent a lot of time in camp as I mispronounced his name until I heard it be properly said, which probably hampered his story a bit more, but we had a close enough friendship that he heeded my advice with the Ascension and the spawn, wish he reacted to me getting a painting of him since he can't see his reflection though, felt like something could've been done there. Jaheira was a fun personality too, angry old lady who says it like it is, kinda wish we had more to her quest, seeing her home and her interacting with her wards/children was interesting, Minsc was charming too in his simple way, would've been cool if he had more of a presence as well, like we could hear about Minsc and the Stone Lord in separate lights earlier in the game to build up to him. On that topic, I was surprised to find that there wasn't a companion for each role, I suppose there were constraints but Aylin and Zevlor both worked as Paladins, Alfira a Bard (though I don't think anyone would dare put her in the line of fire), I suppose there's little need for a Sorcerer when you had a Wizard or a Monk when you had a Fighter and Barbarian but it was strange, you get 2 Druids and your Ranger is built more like a Fighter or Barbarian (the latter I added to Minsc). I'd later learn that there was cut content for a halfling companion who was a werewolf, but I can see why that one was cut, with Chetney and all, but yeah not any halflings, Barcus could've been a companion even without the Artificer class, or a Dragonborn.
So how did your story go? Being the Morally Good Guy I was I went through most of the best options I could, but I also tried to avoid combat earlier on when I was struggling to work with it. I was friendly with the Goblin Camp for starters, since they thought I was with the Absolute and Dec is willing to put shit on his face to avoid conflict, it all went tits up after freeing Halsin and having to kill everyone but it may've had some benefit to how I could walk freely through Moonrise. Ironically it was the same with the Githyanki, friendly up until they wanted me to hand over the prism, though the Creche was a lost cause anyway, they're lucky I didn't ransack the place, could've gotten a lot of xp and loot there. I let Viconia live, so she can dwell on that burn Shadowheart gave her but oftentimes I was not so merciful, do wish I didn't kill that one Sharran with the letter of hating being there though, why'd you fight me girl? Same with the Bhaalist with the parents at Elfsong, and the goblin children, I was using nonlethal but arrows don't count as I'd soon learn. Allies were mostly good-to-neutral creatures like the Tieflings (though I wish I saved more, nobody told me about the harpies and I thought convincing Rolan to stay would mean the Grove not the Shadow Cursed Lands - also why send refugees who struggle with goblins through the SHADOW CURSED LANDS?) and 90% of the Ironhand Gnomes because fuck Wulbren - I didn't like Barcus too much at first, thought him rude, but when Wulbren didn't even show gratitude for his attempts I softened to him. Kindness made me quite the enemy to others however; the infernal naturally did not appreciate my deeds of pact breaking but saving the Duke anyway and pilfering the House of Hope, but to be fair Raphael (and his clear portrait of himself I clocked onto immediately when he was in his human guise to know he was untrustworthy) never repaid me in-game for 'killing' Yurgir, and Mizora would've squirmed a lot more in her Ilithid pod had it been a table interaction - though, the latter two were more than willing to help me with the Absolute, 'cept Raphael because he's dead - but in my defence I loved outwitting and being a sassy little shit to demons. Slaying the Chosen was a given, as a very Pro-Karlach guy I was never letting Gortash live, got the Father/Grandfather-Daughter set with Bhaal too. Killing the former Balduran was disappointing; as much as he was on my side he always felt like he had his own ulterior motives, he also had a superiority complex to him with his constant urging of being half-Ilithid; thinks it's not important that he's Balduran either, dismissing Ansur's legend until confronted by Ansur's spirit. Stealing the Orphic Hammer was an insurance policy at first, I could understand Voss' disdain for us using Githyanki Jesus in a box like a forcefield, but it's a shame that the guy who was all about trust decided not to trust me in releasing Orpheus; we could've stopped the brain together! Omeluum would've heard me out. I mean Orpheus was a bit salty but he at least was willing to negotiate and not immediately side back with the brain like a petty bitch. I'd say the gods have mixed feelings with me; friendly with Selune and Lathander at least, and whatever Withers is - though the guy roasted me about my love life. The rest either neutral or anti; Shar and Vlaakith (if you can call her a god) definitely hate me, because they're sore losers, think Myrkul and Bhaal likely hate me, Bane however seemed to respect game not sure how I feel about that. I don't quite like Mystra, think she's a bit extreme with her treatment of Gale, but I understand her role, valid god but shitty person. On the other hand I probably have Cyric's favour for helping the Strange Ox, which might be bad...but Milil was happy to be recognized.
In the end, most of the allies got to live somewhat happily; Gale got the orb out of him and became a professor, Lae'zel - having dealt the final blow to the brain - leads the charge against Vlaakith after Orpheus became a Mind Flayer and was mercy killed, Shadowheart has her family (Shar would've always been with her regardless of her choice), a bunch of pets and can maybe reminisce with Nocturne again one day, Jaheira and Minsc - once he survives Zhentharim execution, didn't realise I needed to have him talk to Nine Fingers - also can rest with her wards and probably share drinks with Nine Fingers until the next fight, Astarion sadly has no cure for vampirism but he is owning it and killing the right people (I like to think he'll get to see the sun again, maybe Omeluum and the Mycolids help), plus Halsin has a bunch of kids in Moonrise to look after, plus Thaniel, Oliver and a new Owlbear who I'd rather had left with Dammon given the option. Isobel and Aylin can settle down, Rolan runs the Sundries, Hope is free, Alfira and Lakrissa got their bard's school, Florrick and Ravengard resume leadership to rebuild, Dammon has his forge, Scratch found a new home in this Mindy (but I remain best master), Mol I'm sure will be running the Guildhall in a few years, Thrumbo has a shelter for his brothers, Mayrina will raise her son without the threat of a hag, Vanra won't become a hag (but does need therapy), and Arabella will probably be the next Withers after reading some more rocks. Yenna didn't seem to have an ending so I'll assume that she found a loving home too, maybe with Halsin or as one of Jaheira's wards, or maybe Gale wants a Sous Chef since she did bring her own carving knife if you didn't know. I wish Alfira got invited to the epilogue, god of song is fine but not the familiar face and it would've been cool for them to meet, nice to get a letter at least, and we'll have to visit Art's grave sometime. Surprised we got no word about Mizora, I didn't get a letter from Geraldus even though he survived, Naaber apparently had more in him after wanting to be a dog, sad not to get anything from Rolan, Devella (I know Valeria mentioned her but c'mon), the Gondians, Mol, Omeluum, or Aylin and Isobel from the epilogue, did we really need the ramblings of Ettvard? Plus the papers must've glitched they said Stelmane's killer was still at large? Post-credits scene felt a bit weak mind you, but guessing Withers is that old God of Death Jerghal? Least he's not a surprise villain to fight. As for me, well, I was never one to give up on people and neither is Dec, and thus Dec and Karlach brave Avernus to seek a fix for her infernal engine, punch a few demons and whatnot, Wyll is there too as the Blade of Avernus, a role he embraced twice after barely contributing to killing Ansur but that's more proximity. We'll chill in the House of Hope especially after her letter, but soon enough we'll all return to Faerun on a more permanent basis.
So you enjoyed it? Yes, very much. I did of course make a lot of mistakes though; kept forgetting about Dread Ambusher for one, my earlier failures at romance still stung, I think the game wasn't as welcoming to those unfamiliar to it. The dice did not like me many times, I once got a Nat 1 in a 2 DC with +2 bonus, I also have had several instances of back-to-back Nat 1s, even had 6 in two different streams. Combat was an adjustment period, I missed a lot of the time which was frustrating, or the enemy would make saving throws on my gambits, Karlach even got pushed into the abyss at the Temple of Bhaal, I was livid. I think I probably would've experienced more if the game established better that you can long rest as much as you like without turning into a Mind Flayer, because much of Act 1 was me reluctant to Long Rest because they say you can change 'within 2-3 days', as a result that affected some romance options too, nobody to spend the night with if there's no night, as well as other in-camp interactions - Astarion never tried to bite me for instance, and I'm sure Raphael would've arrived to reward me for killing Yurgir had we not dealt with a backlog of interactions. I remained quite the hesitant player too, I ignored Gale stuck in a portal for a while fearing some magical backlash was gonna vaporize me, oftentimes I expected worse than what actually happened. Graphically there were a few characters whose cheeks were being pulled to the far left side of the map which was weird, and some battles would have enemies who would just do nothing for their turns, and some areas didn't render quick enough to not be noticed, but it was small stuff in comparison, I didn't do much for camp clothes or dyes until late on but probably for the better since style should be for the final act. I also keep seeing stuff that I somehow missed in my playthrough; like there's an angry squirrel near the grove? A frog in Ethel's house? A bird who wanted help with the giant eagles? What? Where?
What was the most difficult part? Act 3 had a lot of tough shit going down, though one of my most memorable struggles was against Auntie Ethel in Act 1. Already deep in her domain at lv4 it was a rough run to start with, continually hit by Hold Person by her projections, only when I learned they were one-hits did it become a little easier, but without Extra Attack it was still difficult. After that combat was here and there, sometimes it was just the environment like being jammed in a pipe when fighting Minsc; Lorroakan was annoying, Grym I had to be tactical with the hammer, the Assassin at the Facemaker was quite difficult too because he'd Haste himself and hide. The Death Shepherds in the Mountain Pass were surprisingly difficult without the Blood of Lathander, much easier with its Sunbeam. The companion quest final battles of Cazador, Ansur and Viconia were each difficult in their own way; the former was most annoying because my party would be downed but the thrown healing potions weren't working (plus those downed members were the ones with Radiant damage and holy water), wasn't even Bone Chilled like with Viconia, Ansur was difficult because of his burst attack. Raphael hits fucking hard, but once I realised that Hope kept dying because she was getting backlash from dealing Radiant Damage it was just attrition and lots of potion throwing. Combat-wise I think the toughest battle was Cazador due to the glitch of thrown potions not healing, otherwise the toughest boss was Ansur. Overall the most difficult experience I found was the timed operations of the Iron Throne.
Will you play again? Most likely, which is something I don't tend to say so Larian did do their job well. Though I might wait a bit to play other games first and give Larian time to add more content and finer polishing, I think I'd have a better time with it the second time around, would definitely try to resolve previous wrongs or missed opportunities, though I doubt I'd look forward to everything there; killing the Goblin Camp was still difficult work, same with the Steel Watch and all the turn limit stuff, I'll at least wait until I have Extra Attack before dealing with Ethel in Act 1 and take more Long Rests, maybe rotate the party a bit more and try out some other classes - but you will pry Speak with Animals out of my cold dead hands! Learning later about there being a bunch of cut content would entice me to play a third time if they reach a stage where all the intended content has been added in, but there's not exactly a time frame for that or a clear show of intent so far, so we'll see in that one, for all that is cut it seems like the end product is the tip of the iceberg. Enjoyed the play, played for a long time, would play again: money well spent.
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noirsongbird · 5 months
man the more I think about it (because I’m rotating it in my brain for an angstfic) the harder it hits me that the way Astarion breaks up with the PC in act 3 if you don’t confirm the romance in act 2 is really fucked up.
Like, Astarion, babe, there was no bilateral “sex for protection” agreement here. That is not the offer that was made. At best “sex as thank you for bites” was kinda a thing if you pick the right dialogue options when he comes onto you, but he does not actually explicate what he really wanted and expected out of things until either the confession (upfront if you get the Yurgir scene or a little more sidelong if you pick the right dialogue in the Araj scene) or the fucking breakup. Like, damn, Astarion, what the fuck.
Don’t get me wrong: I love this! Astarion’s ideas about relationships are so fundamentally fucked that he can’t imagine that Tav/Durge might have come to genuinely care for him and just assumes that they were obviously on the same page about this being an Exchange of Services!
But it’s still really fucked, man, and I’m enjoying exploring the ways it broke my fragile disaster area Durge’s heart. Not least because it can happen after having the Act 2 “resist killing your lover” scene (it did on my first game where I had no idea what I was doing, and that has now spun off into this Angsty Act 3 Breakup AU), in which Ryla really did feel like he opened up and poured his heart out to Astarion, and he certainly thought they were on the same page in a very different way than Astarion did.
I’ve seen people imply and outright say that it’s bad or fucked up to romance Astarion because of his sexual trauma (to which I can only say: what the actual fuck) but Astarion also takes away Tav/Durge’s agency to decide what they want out of the relationship by lying to them. A fucking lot. It’s great and it’s messy and it’s still my favorite romance in the game because once you get past the manipulation there’s something incredibly beautiful there.
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bluerose5 · 2 months
You know what would be hilarious? Zevran post faerûn back in Thedas doing magic in front of Morrigan just to watch her lose her fucking mind trying to figure out how she did it
But for an actual prompt, I’d love to see Astarion’s reaction to Zevran being downed in battle
Alternatively, Fenris, Astarion, and Araj Oblodra in Moonrise
Zevran would troll the hell out of Morrigan and anyone else willing to watch. I feel Wynne would have hated this new development more than anyone, though. 💀
For the prompts, I actually have a WIP similar to the first one. It's just more of a Zevran gets injured while Astarion isn't in the party, but I feel they would be similar enough that I'm going with the alternate prompt if that's okay. 👀👀👀
Fenris’s blood boiled with rage.
Not only did he despise the necessity of having to infiltrate Moonrise Towers, but he also despised having to play nice with the cultists until they could figure out how to proceed.
Araj Oblodra was no exception. If anything, she was one of the worst ones they happened across throughout their journey, entitled and condescending.
The instant she asked for his blood, Fenris bristled, and his answer rang with a note of finality.
"Ask that of me again," he snarled, "and I'll cut you down for even suggesting it. You will not be conducting any 'research' on my blood."
"Hmph." She all but pouted, yet she was apparently wise enough to know not to push her luck. "Fine, but perhaps we could turn to another matter at hand: your friend."
When her eyes slid towards Astarion, Fenris could hear his own heartbeat pounding behind his ears. His fingers twitched at his side, itching to unsheathe his greatsword. For a moment, he could barely hear her words over the racing of his pulse. He narrowed his eyes at her, his lips curled into a sneer.
Then, as clear as day, she asked a question of Fenris, one that pierced straight through the haze that clouded his mind.
"I assume he belongs to you?"
Behind him, Astarion sputtered, "Ex–Excuse me?"
Fenris felt the air around himself start to shift.
"He doesn't belong to anyone," Fenris snapped. He stepped forward until he loomed over Araj, his gaze dark. "Now, I advise you to think very carefully about your next words." The clawed fingers of his gauntlets glinted in the room's low lighting. "Because they might just be your last. You will show him respect. Understand?"
They were hardly to be compared to one another, since Fenris didn't know a thing about Araj beyond this encounter, but so much about her already rubbed him the wrong way, reminded him of Hadriana. They thought their lives valuable enough that they were invincible in their minds, untouchable, and that all others were merely pawns in their games, to be used and discarded as they saw fit.
Araj scoffed at his threat, tried to act undeterred, but the slight quiver of her voice —the more deliberate delivery of her words— exposed her fear for what it was.
She made an offer, and Astarion declined.
How easy it was for her to fall back into old habits, even with her life on the line.
She glanced at Fenris as soon as she didn't get her way, wrinkling her nose in disdain.
"Can't you talk some sense into your obstinate cha—"
Fenris was blinded by a sea of red.
Her words choked off.
He didn't even have to think about it. Before he knew what was happening, his hand sank deep within the confines of her chest, her still-beating heart nestled within his palm.
Right before he crushed it.
And as he freed his hand, he watched her body collapse to the ground.
"Good riddance," he muttered.
Lae'zel noticed another cultist gaping from the corner of the room, quick to cover for them in the best way she knew how.
"Take her death as a lesson. Question us, and you'll meet your end as she did. Understood?"
They nodded.
"Good," she said, then jerked her head in the direction of the door. "Now, scram."
She didn't have to tell them twice.
While Fenris stood over Araj's body, blood dripping onto the floor from his fingertips, Karlach leaned in to whisper to Astarion.
"Remind me not to piss him off."
"No kidding," Astarion said, but he braced himself before approaching, reaching out to rest a hand upon his shoulder. "Fenris..."
In a flash, Fenris shrugged off his touch, turning on him with a fire still raging within him, teeth bared.
However, at the sight of the others, Fenris felt those flames die down, their presence drawing him back into reality.
Astarion was fine.
He was safe.
Even in the belly of the beast, Fenris would see to that.
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tadpole-apocalypse · 6 months
Working out how Astarion’s act 2 confession goes in my head. I always pick the non-araj confession, the one that’s locked behind killing Yurgir now. I really like that he’s beside himself with guilt enough to approach Tav about this, and I prefer how he confesses his sexual insecurities. Also just the fact we even get two different act 2 confession scenes is crazy to me.
Under a cut for length:
Morgan didn’t really know what a vampire was when she met Astarion because of her sheltered cult upbringing. Her only reference was vampire erotica she likely read at some point after she got out, which definitely glossed over the horrifying monstrous aspects of vampirism in favor of the sexy ones.
Their early sexual encounters were fun and satisfying but she wasn’t overly impressed. It was very standard romance novel level sex with little of his own personality. But he was attentive and thorough and technically very proficient and she liked that. She gave him a lot of leeway for being so hot…he has pretty privilege for sure. She writes him off as a fuckboy, brats it up in bed to poke him for reactions because it’s funny to her. He shows his personality more when he gets pissed off and when he gets blood and that gets her attention. It impresses her, to see him acting selfishly in bed when she is able to goad him into doing so.
She’s blindsided when he confronts her. She is someone who generally knows what’s going on with most people she interacts with; gentle prodding with detect thoughts to test their mental defenses, then peeking into their surface thoughts and intentions. She’s extremely good at doing this undetected to all but those experienced in mental magic. With Astarion she can’t do that, not without brute forcing her way into his head with the tadpole, anyway. But detect thoughts doesn’t work on undead, and she didn’t think it mattered because she thought she had him figured out; he wanted sex and her blood. Easy.
She totally fell for his seductions if not his cheesy performance and was only just starting to put together that wow…he was actually a bit more fucked up by what happened to him than she realized at first. This his slavery wasn’t hyperbole and he hadn’t living an existence that allowed him to reap any benefits from his condition. That his slavery included mental, physical and sexual torture that lasted longer than her human perspective can really comprehend.
It’s very hard for her to deal with at first. The revelation leaves her feeling humiliated, panicked (how could she have read things so wrong?), anger at herself and at him for making her feel like a fool. Shame, for teasing him as a poncy fuckboy with a blood fetish.
However she is emotionally mature enough to handle those reactions appropriately and recognize the severity of him revealing this to her face and it forces her to examine her own feelings and motivations. Him admitting he wanted their fake relationship to be real, that she deserved something real, was a gut punch.
They have some similarities in that they were both controlled in their own ways by powerful men with delusions of godhood and dealing with having their own autonomy for the first time, she’s just much further along in her healing. She’s had ten years to adjust and also the benefit of therapy (the cleric that rescued her started a counseling service for adventurers in Baldur’s Gate ☺️)
She feels bad that their relationship up until this point was the best relationship he’d ever had. His only one! She wants to be nicer and be better to him. They stumble over boundaries a bit until they get it settled by act 3 when they are firmly in their ride or die phase for each other.
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vampcaprisun · 8 months
archer just had the encounter with araj almost immediately after telling astarion that he wants to be with gale and i can’t stop thinking about the scene in that context.
imagine you’re astarion in that moment, right? the guy you were planning on seducing for protection just broke it off with you because he’s in love with someone else, and of course you play it off like it’s nothing but inside you’re fucking terrified. you probably spend every moment you get after that trying to come up with a new plan because if he doesn’t want you anymore that makes you vulnerable. you’re as good as alone, and if that doesn’t change, you might as well walk up to cazador’s front door yourself.
so you’re scrambling, you’re terrified, you’re probably just following the rest of the group around and not really paying much attention to where they’re going or who they’re talking to because you have much more pressing matters to worry about…until some drow they struck up a conversation with is talking directly to you and she wants something from you. and you say no, over and over, but she’s persistent and she’s offering something powerful in return and you’re starting to second-guess your decision to deny her even as the words are coming out of your mouth.
and then the unthinkable happens.
that same guy — the one who you were totally convinced wouldn’t give a shit about you now because why would he, if he doesn’t want sex anymore and you have nothing else to offer — has your back. he doesn’t even hesitate! he just steps up without a second thought and tells the drow that you said no so she needs to back off. hell, he even comes over after it’s over to check on you and reassure you when you admit that you’re still doubting yourself.
it’s the kind of thing you wouldn’t even expect from someone you are sleeping with, much less someone you aren’t anymore. it’s confusing to say the least, terrifying in it’s own way, but god is it a relief. and for the first time you start to think that maybe, just maybe, you don’t have to give yourself to him just to keep yourself safe. that maybe, by some ridiculous stroke of luck, this weird group of people you’ve found will be there for you either way.
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clericofkelemvor · 9 months
Clip of back to back conversations with Araj Oblodra, the drow alchemist you meet in Moonrise who wants a sample of your blood and a bite from Astarion, when you meet her again in the city in Act 3 with a romanced Astarion in your party. Choices made in her conversation in act 2: gave her the PC's blood, backed up Astarion when he refused to bite her. This happens after there is a massive explosion in her home and she runs out.
Transcript below the cut
Astarion: And I will keep refusing until the end of time. I'm done bowing to the whims of others.
Araj Oblodra: Oh! My silk, what are the chances - it's /you/!
AO: Ah, and the heart-stopping bloodsucker. I hope you've changed your mind. My neck is yours, any time.
Tav: Astarion, we can leave if you don't want to be around her. (Astarion approves, Jaheira approves)
AO: Never say never.
AO: Forgive the mess. Your blood is far more volatile than I'd anticipated.
A: I'll be all right. Let's just get this over with.
T: Forget it. I saw how you made Astarion feel. I'm done with you. (Astarion approves)
AO: Nervous to see me again, is he? How sweet.
AO: But! We have quite a bit to discuss. What a wonder you came to my door just when you did.
AO: You see, it's /your/ blood that caused the conflagration you just witnessed. Imagine!
AO: It's a breakthrough in the sanguine arts the likes of which the world has never seen. The Grand Matriarch will have no choice but to restore House Oblodra after I present her with my research.
AO: But listen to me, rabbitting on about myself when I have you - the prize bleeder - on my very doorstep.
AO: If you'd come inside, we could discuss something far more exciting than drow politics.
AO: How I made him /feel/? What I propose goes well beyond such frivolities. We are talking about alchemical breakthroughss based on the blood that runs through /your/ veins, my friend!
T: And if it does?
A: I appreciate the thought, truly, but if this is something you want to look into…
A: Well, hearing her out won't kill us.
A: Well, death never stopped me before. I don't know why it should now.
AO: Now, now. I do think that's enough. When you see what I've been working on, bygones will all be bygones, I assure you.
The party follows Araj down to the lower level of her house.
A: If that's her 'formula' I can smell, it's even fouler than her blood. Gods below…
AO: Ah - a cosy little spot, isn't it? These four walls have witnessed greater alchemical triumphs than the keep of Urngath Dorrund!
AO: And now that you're here, the crown jewel of my research is soon to be faceted. All you have to do is drink Formula Gruna.
T: Formula Gruna?
AO: Well yes. Formulae Arkku through Fruak were spectacular failures. But Gruna - Gruna is different. Believe me!
T: What will this formula do?
A: Say no - the only thing she's offering is pain, and I- I don't want to see you hurt.
AO: When you first entered this home, you saw the incredible latent power within your blood exposed in all its nuances. Formula Gruna will unleash that power /within/ you.
AO: Risky. But - erm - safe!
T: I won't be drinking any mysterious formulas today, thanks.
AO: Not even for the betterment of the alchemical arts the realm over? Not event for /that/?
T: All right. Hand it over.
AO: Oh, marvellous. I've never been so excited for anything in all my days! Just - stand over there. Far over there. And drink up!
A: What are you doing? That had better go down the drain and not down your gullet.
Tav steps away and drinks the potion Araj gave them. An explosion occurs around them, doing low fire damage.
T (ambient): Am I… /explosive/?
T: You seem surprised. Had you expected me to die?
AO: Oh my- my heavens! You LIVED!
AO: This is incredible. I'm seeing stars!
T: Is this going to kill me?
AO: I'd hypothesised you wouldn't, my friend. And you've proven me absolutely correct.
AO: You are the world's first /detonative exsanguinator/. To put it simply: from this day on, your blood goes boom. big boom! Ahaha! It's incredible!
AO: All it needs is a spark.
AO: Certainly not. But it might do damage to anyone who makes you bleed without your express permission.
A: Naturally, I always ask first. I'm civilised, unlike you.
AO: There are other necks available for biting, of course. If you were so inclined.
T: Can you revert it?
T: You've had enough of my blood.
AO: What an odd question.
AO: Now, let me offer you a little treat. In exchange for the teensiest vial of your marvellous blood, I'll give you something that'll really throw your enemies for a loop.
AO: I'll only ask a /nominal/ fee in exchange.
AO: Now now, darling. Let's not be /rude/…
A: They said 'no'. You should learn the meaning of the word.
T: Why do you need /more/ of my blood so badly?
AO: My research will be quite worthless without proof. And my proof is running through your veins. I only need a tiny bit. Then - then my life will /truly/ begin.
T: I said /no/.
AO: Ah. I'd so hoped it wouldn't come to this. But I can't let my prize experiment walk out that door. I'd hoped to take a sample with your permission. But I can do without it.
Everyone rolls initiative.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 8 months
I have been unable to get through the tiefling party as Majexatli without Astarion propositioning them, and while I agreed a couple times my current save is one where Astarion offered, Majexatli said maybe, and then they never actually did anything. And I think I’ve settled on how I want things to go down for Majexatli’s canon.
Which is. Astarion is offering to hook up because sex has been his only means for survival for the past 200 years and he had no say in whether he had sex and no say in anything about his body or life, and he assumes that sex is what Majexatli wants and it is the trade off for them allowing him to live and travel with them.
Majexatli’s only long term relationship was one that started when they were a teenager and culminated in their death, leaving their druidic circle, and spending the next 20 years in isolation, and their partner was essentially just taking advantage of them and their emotions and vulnerable position in the circle to get them to have sex with him. And their most recent thing approximating a relationship was Lae’zel, where all that happened between them was a few nights of sex where Lae’zel would leave as soon as it’s over and there was no intimacy of any sort.
So essentially, we have two people who are traumatized and assume the other wants sex and that sex isn’t about what they themselves want. So I think that the two do almost have sex, they at least meet up. But then they get caught in this sort of “what do you want, it doesn’t matter what I want” stalemate and they can both see their own distant gaze reflected in each others eyes. So things sort just, grind to a halt. And they both walk away from the experience more confused than they were when they walked into it. I’m not sure which one of them would be the first to hesitate in the moment and stop things, I think both would be able to notice some part of the other not being entirely into it.
And it just adds a weird layer to their relationship, because it’s not like there hadn’t been sexual tension between the two, but they also didn’t even have good approval with each other until mid Act 2 (after Majexatli helps him with his scars/the deal with Raphael, and the thing with Araj. Starting act 3 he’s the only origins companion that Majexatli doesn’t have 100 approval with though). And now there is the added thing of “the fact that we didn’t hook up at the party led to a slight moment of emotional vulnerability and how do we reconcile that”.
So like, they have entirely different alignments and worldviews, they can’t stand each other, but they also like, have some weird soft spot where they don’t like, hate each other, and they both see the metaphorical and literal scars the other has and wants to be mindful of them and can understand the others pain on some level, even though theyre still at each others throat figuratively and literally.
They’re opposites and the same. Because of what Astarion has been through he wants power and control over others, he doesn’t want to help people he hates heroes and altruism because no one ever saved him in his 200 years of torture and abuse. Because of what Majexatli’s been through they want to help every person (or animal, or plant) they come across even if it causes themselves harm to do so, as if somehow their kindness and sacrifice and noble suffering will make up for the fact that they never experienced kindness and no one ever was there to save them. And neither of them are happy, because what they do doesn’t change what happened and they avoid processing what did happen all those years ago.
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amaranthsynthesis · 6 months
OK- you killed me with the "For everyone else, fucking with the collar is a very quick way to lose use of that limb, and also their lungs and heart and blood flow.". Because, like, this BEGS the question: how's Astarion react to the collars? Does he ever get to play with it? Where does their dynamic work on the attack dog missing a master thing?
Ohhhhhh man I should really do a full fic about this shouldn't I? Sticking it on the idea list, which is messy and long and, yes, does include 'a whole ass comic' about insomniac gortash lmao
But i think the collar doesn't show up until Astarion and Ballard are already fucking. So the dynamic of that is somewhat established, albeit a bit confused. On the one hand, Astarion watched Ballard let some random in the goblin camp beat him to a quarter health and moan about it. On the other, he took charge of their hookup with remarkable aplomb. So he can’t quite peg if Ballard is a top or not, which means he isn’t quite sure how to play it, and most of their encounters have been contentious snark-offs that end up mostly cheerful wrestling matches for control.
All this is to say that when Astarion spots the collar (bc of course he does, the hyper vigilant anxious wreck that he is) and has kind of NO idea how to work this into his understanding of the situation. I’m not sure how it goes the first time, if he tries to push that button and gets his ass firmly kicked for it, or if he ignores it long enough that he can no longer comment on it.
Up until the conversation in Act 2 after meeting Araj Oblodra, the hookups are so casual that Ballard wouldn’t think of letting him yank him around by it. And of course, shortly after that convo, they end up setting aside the actual hookups in favor of talking emotions. So while I think Astarion (and Halsin, even, though I don’t know that he’s particularly want to take it himself) -definitely has the potential to get to take the leash, it probably doesn’t happen until after they meet Gortash at the coronation.
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corvigae · 2 months
Here's some questions for the Tav relationship thing! <3
For Lunarae- 3 for Karlach and/or Shadowheart
For Page- 3 for Astarion
3 - Did Shadowheart reveal her fear of wolves to your character? If so, how did your character respond?
If I remember correctly I actually don't think the dialogue triggered for her when they were in the Emerald Grove, unfortunately. She did later share the memory that's the reason why she's afraid of wolves, though, and Lunarae responded by thanking her for sharing that with her, but also starting to get just a little bit suss at the Sharran cloister once she noticed the moonstone detail and remembered the Selunite ritual of sending children out into the woods. She mostly kept these thoughts to herself for the time being, tho.
3 - Did your character help Karlach improve her engine? If so, how did they react to her ability to touch again?
OF COURSE she was SO excited for her to be able to touch again she couldn't wait! She reacted with the BIGGEST bear hug she could muster with her weak lil wizard body, lol, probably followed by a bunch of quick kisses all over her face. Gotta make up for lost time!
3 - If your character encountered Araj Oblodra in Moonrise Towers, did they pressure Astarion into biting her, or support his desire not to? Why, and how did your character react to Astarion’s confession about his life’s lack of consent afterwards?
ABSOLUTELY NOT she immediately backed him up because she did NOT like her tone and the way she insinuated that he wasn't a person. Also, she just wasn't gonna pressure him into doing something he didn't want to do bc that would feel gross regardless. And when he thanked her later and told her about his past with not having much of any bodily autonomy, she could unfortunately relate on some level with not feeling totally in control of your own body and what you do with it, given the whole Durge thing. I think she probably kept that part to herself for a bit, though, until after the whole "I almost killed you in my sleep" thing happened, after which they really do bond over this one different-yet-somewhat-similar horrible thing they've both experienced.
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koseigu · 3 months
...i am hungry. ...i was born hungry. ...i will be hungry.
theo flexes and strains against their bindings experimentally, slightly ashamed of the fact that they'd admitted their guilt out loud. it's one thing to feel it on their own, one thing for it to constantly hang over their head like a storm-cloud. it's another thing entirely to drag astarion into it with them, especially now that he's got so much to celebrate.
...i am something. ...i was born something. ...i will be something. pride of the father, eldest, most beloved.
they'd not gotten off the nautiloid with delusions of being a hero prior to the loss of their memories, though they were shocked to learn exactly how wretched they are and had been.
this whole thing was my idea, they want to scream, kill me and stop it.
astarion lifts their head, kisses their cheek, and theo has to swallow a rush of bile. before cazador, before the reunion with araj, they almost killed him. images of his beautiful body flashed before their eyes: covered in gore, the way it would feel under their fingernails, the otherworldly pleasure they'd feel as the last gasps of life left his lungs. before he even knew they loved him. he is so afraid. so, so afraid of everyone. besides you, who he should fear most. "i'm so tired." a warning and an admission: i haven't been eating and you know i haven't been sleeping but i'm also letting you know that it's going to happen again soon and you should go far away until the sun rises.
"and i don't know how much longer it'll stay like this," be restricted to nights, that is. "maybe..." they can already hear his response, though they continue. "astarion, my love. maybe we should start to consider our other options."
@architaciturn || continued from here
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jynxeddraca · 1 month
Interrupted Reverie - Astarion/Tav Moonridge
So writing is slow going and I really needed/wanted some slight angsty fluff and decided to play around with the fact that Cazador can enter Astarion's Reverie/dreams if he so chooses. Which, if you play the Astarion Origin, actually does happen. I have lots of headcanons about elves and sleep vs trance, some point I might even write them down. For now have a drabble. - All my original posts about Baldur’s Gate 3 are located here: [Link] If you just want the AO3 link, that’s here: [Link]
Astarion was finally allowed to relive a pleasant memory in Reverie. 
Araj had just told Tav to talk some sense into her ‘obstinate charge’, and he had pulled Tav aside to convince her not to trade his bite – his body – for some stupid potion, to not use him like everyone always did.  In his memory, once again Tav assured him she hadn’t planned on it – despite her surprise at him not taking the offer.  He read in her expression and a sneaky brush of tadpoles that nothing other than backing his decision on the matter had flittered through her mind. 
He said ‘no’ – a word that had been forbidden to him for two centuries – and for the first time it was respected.  The realization was a warm, wonderful thing that – if he could – he would bask in for hours, just like he had come to love basking in the sun.
However, whatever supernatural force that controlled his luck couldn’t abide by what happiness and comfort the memory brought.  The icy, violating, pressure of Cazador inserting himself into Astarion’s Reverie brought the memory to a standstill around him.
“Godsdammit.”  Astarion breathed. 
This mental violation was a special torture his master had saved especially for Astarion – for when his blasé jokes went too far and Cazador felt his punishments weren’t enough.  It wasn’t the first time before or after getting kidnapped by the Nautiloid that Cazador had entered what should have been the only place Astarion should be free of the bastard.  After his disappearance, Cazador checked in often – most likely in hopes of discovering where he was. Up until now, Astarion’s Reverie near-exclusively replayed old memories with a strong focus of the torments under Cazador’s power.
“Hm, I do not know this place.”  Cazador said with a haughty sniff.  “It must be where you are hiding – or near.”
Astarion turned and glared as his master circled him, the echo of his staff tapping the floor with every step reverberating.  “What makes you think I’m hiding?”
Cazador laughed.  “Because you are a frightened, little boy – one who is wearing my patience dangerously thin with your disobedience.”  The laugh soured on his face, and he glared at Astarion with more vitriol than Astarion could recall seeing before.  “How are you resisting my command?”
Smirking at Cazador, he shifted his weight so he could put his hand on the now cocked out hip and gave a shallow shrug knowing perfectly well it would infuriate the other elf.  Just to rub it in, he gestured aimlessly, casually when he spoke next.  “You tell me.  You’re the one who’s supposed to have total control over me.”  If Cazador ever managed to regain his power over him, Astarion knew there would be no end to the punishments delt out.  For the time being though, the tadpole’s protection made the rush of defying his old master far too intoxicating to pass up.
“I am sure you’ve found some interesting trinket from those that took you.”  Cazador mused running his eyes over the armor Astarion wore in this memory.  “Or someone is helping you.”  As if becoming aware of the others in this memory, his eyes flicked across those present before focusing on Tav.
Tav, who had frozen in place in front of Astarion, still looking up at him with her head tilted to one side – a soft, warm, and slightly concerned look on her face.  Astarion’s eyes had instinctively gone to her upturned face when Cazador realized he must have allies in this memory, and just as quickly flicked away hoping the look hadn’t been caught.
“This one.”  Cazador said, stepping to the side of her and reaching out. 
It wasn’t actually Tav standing before him, but seeing Cazador’s fingers curl around her neck lit a fury in him Astarion hadn’t known was possible.  One that must have shown on his face as Cazador’s sour expression bled into a smug one.  “Ah, I take it this sweet idiot is the source of your protection?”
Astarion scoffed.  “Not her, no.”  It was only half a lie.  The tadpole was what was protecting him, but Tav was the reason he was alive to be protected by the tadpole.
“You can’t lie to me, boy.”  Cazador crooned, fingers stroking along Tav’s neck.  “I made you – I know you better than you know even yourself.”
“You keep telling yourself that.”  Astarion bit out.
Cazador canted his head at Astarion, considering him for a long moment with that amused, smug smirk he always wore when he had successfully coaxed some emotional outburst from Astarion.  “If not protection, boy, then she clearly fulfils some other role to you.  Why else would you become so upset from me touching a memory of her.”
“Perhaps I’m just tired of not getting proper rest when I close my eyes”  Astarion said, forcing a laugh into his voice.  “Your face isn’t exactly the stuff of sweet dreams.”
Cazador’s eyes slid to Tav again and with a considering tilt of his head, let go of her neck – and slid a finger just under the high neck of her armor and pulled.  Once tugged down, two barely-there indents in her neck from Astarion’s teeth were highlighted by the angle of the light in the room.  Cazador raised a brow and leveled and look at Astarion that normally was followed by time in the kennels with Godey. 
Something icy and dull was burrowing into Astarion’s stomach.  Memories in Reverie only filled in what was known.  He couldn’t move from his position in the memory and anything that he himself was unaware of wouldn’t be present.  Cazador knew this and knew that if those bite marks were present Astarion would have to know about them.  He was a vampire talking to someone looking up at him lovingly who had been bitten by a vampire – and really, how many vampires could one person have met and survived to tell?
Tsking and releasing the fabric, Cazador’s mouth twisted in disappointment.  “‘Thou shalt not drink of the blood of living creatures’.  I believe I was explicitly clear about that.”
“I don’t bow to your whims anymore.”
“Perhaps for the moment – but whatever manner you are using to defy me will not last forever – and you will be appropriately punished for your transgressions when they do.  Though I may find some mercy for you if you simply return home.”  Cazador said before taking Tav’s chin in between his forefinger and thumb.  “I don’t care much to partake of someone’s leftovers, but I think she would make a lovely spawn.  Don’t you?”
“Fuck. You.”  Astarion snarled.
The wicked smirk was back that held promises of endless torments not just for him, but for her as well.  “You weak, pathetic, little boy – don’t tell me you care for cattle now?  Or is this simply anger that I am threatening to take over that which you have decided to claim as yours without the right or means to back that claim?”  Cazador laughed, thumb tracing absently over Tav’s jawline without actually looking at her.  “Tell me, is she claiming to care about you?  Has she sworn her heart to you so long as you grant her pleasure?  Have you fallen for such pretty little fantasies?  Or are you simply using her?”
“That’s enough.”  Astarion snapped.
“I thought you would have learned this lesson the first time I had to punish you for your bleeding heart, boy.”  Cazador said.  “Perhaps one year wasn’t enough to teach you better.  Perhaps this time I’ll lock her in that tomb with you to really drive home the lesson.”
“Enough!”  Astarion snarled, mentally ripping his mind out of the trance and away from Cazador’s oily laugh. 
Jerking upright, he took down gulping breaths of air that he didn’t actually need, in order to calm his heart that couldn’t race anymore.
“Astarion?”  Tav’s voice touched him like a witch bolt, and he flinched before looking at her.  She had pushed herself up and clearly had been about to touch him, but her hand was pulled back slightly.  “What happened?  Are you alright?”
“Fine, I’m fine.”  Astarion said shaking the echoing remnants of Cazador’s laugh from his mind.  “Bad dream is all.”
Tav’s eyes twitched ever so slightly narrower.  “Elves don’t dream in Reverie.”
‘Of course she remembers that.’  He silently cursed.  “True, but that’s nicer than saying ‘bad memory’.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”  Tav asked after giving a nod.
The image of Cazador’s hand around her neck flashed across his mind.  “No.  It’s nothing that bears repeating.  Did I wake you?”
‘She’s lying’ Astarion thought watching the tiny movements around her eyes. 
Tav moved so she was sitting upright.  “You did startle me though.”  She confessed.  “I’ve heard you make some noise in your trance before, but…but you growled and started to shake.  Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”
“Absolutely not.”  Astarion said.  “Sorry for-,”
“There’s nothing to apologize for.”  Tav said before hesitatingly putting her hand on his shoulder and Astarion covered it with his own – glad for the warm touch.  “Truly.  And if there is any way I can help – you only need to ask.”
Closing his eyes briefly as her thumb rubbed soothingly against his shoulder, Astarion nodded.  “Thank you.”  Watching the sad smile on her face for a moment longer, the faint echo of Cazador threatening to turn her reared its head.  “There is one thing, actually – if you’re agreeable.”
“Name it.”
Astarion took a moment to take in her expression: Open, trusting, and so eager to help him.  Part of him loathed how badly he had come to crave that expression turned on him.  “Can…can I rest my head on your chest?”  Inside, he suddenly cringed at the request and scolded himself for being silly.
“Of course.”  Tav’s smile was so warm, so strangely soothing.  Pulling her hand from his shoulder, she turned so she could lie back on the bedroll and reached out to him.
Uncertain as to why he was surprised she agreed, he accepted her hand and let her pull him down towards her.  Not particularly wishing to lay fully on her, he settled so most of his body was next to her and only the weight of his head and chest burdened her.  Wrapping his arms around her torso, he deeply inhaled her scent which – paired with the steady thud of her heart under his ear and the warmth of her body – helped loosen the knot in his chest.
Tav pressed her lips briefly, softly to the top of his head and wrapped her arms loosely around him.  Absently, her fingers gently scratched his scalp and she started to quietly hum.
Attempting to fall back into Reverie again tonight was out of the question.  Tomorrow he’d be tired, and probably a little pissy from lack of rest – but for now he allowed his world to narrow to the tent he shared with Tav and how she somehow managed to make it feel like the safest place in the world to be.
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