#fenris x astarion
bluerose5 · 3 months
You know what would be hilarious? Zevran post faerûn back in Thedas doing magic in front of Morrigan just to watch her lose her fucking mind trying to figure out how she did it
But for an actual prompt, I’d love to see Astarion’s reaction to Zevran being downed in battle
Alternatively, Fenris, Astarion, and Araj Oblodra in Moonrise
Zevran would troll the hell out of Morrigan and anyone else willing to watch. I feel Wynne would have hated this new development more than anyone, though. 💀
For the prompts, I actually have a WIP similar to the first one. It's just more of a Zevran gets injured while Astarion isn't in the party, but I feel they would be similar enough that I'm going with the alternate prompt if that's okay. 👀👀👀
Fenris’s blood boiled with rage.
Not only did he despise the necessity of having to infiltrate Moonrise Towers, but he also despised having to play nice with the cultists until they could figure out how to proceed.
Araj Oblodra was no exception. If anything, she was one of the worst ones they happened across throughout their journey, entitled and condescending.
The instant she asked for his blood, Fenris bristled, and his answer rang with a note of finality.
"Ask that of me again," he snarled, "and I'll cut you down for even suggesting it. You will not be conducting any 'research' on my blood."
"Hmph." She all but pouted, yet she was apparently wise enough to know not to push her luck. "Fine, but perhaps we could turn to another matter at hand: your friend."
When her eyes slid towards Astarion, Fenris could hear his own heartbeat pounding behind his ears. His fingers twitched at his side, itching to unsheathe his greatsword. For a moment, he could barely hear her words over the racing of his pulse. He narrowed his eyes at her, his lips curled into a sneer.
Then, as clear as day, she asked a question of Fenris, one that pierced straight through the haze that clouded his mind.
"I assume he belongs to you?"
Behind him, Astarion sputtered, "Ex–Excuse me?"
Fenris felt the air around himself start to shift.
"He doesn't belong to anyone," Fenris snapped. He stepped forward until he loomed over Araj, his gaze dark. "Now, I advise you to think very carefully about your next words." The clawed fingers of his gauntlets glinted in the room's low lighting. "Because they might just be your last. You will show him respect. Understand?"
They were hardly to be compared to one another, since Fenris didn't know a thing about Araj beyond this encounter, but so much about her already rubbed him the wrong way, reminded him of Hadriana. They thought their lives valuable enough that they were invincible in their minds, untouchable, and that all others were merely pawns in their games, to be used and discarded as they saw fit.
Araj scoffed at his threat, tried to act undeterred, but the slight quiver of her voice —the more deliberate delivery of her words— exposed her fear for what it was.
She made an offer, and Astarion declined.
How easy it was for her to fall back into old habits, even with her life on the line.
She glanced at Fenris as soon as she didn't get her way, wrinkling her nose in disdain.
"Can't you talk some sense into your obstinate cha—"
Fenris was blinded by a sea of red.
Her words choked off.
He didn't even have to think about it. Before he knew what was happening, his hand sank deep within the confines of her chest, her still-beating heart nestled within his palm.
Right before he crushed it.
And as he freed his hand, he watched her body collapse to the ground.
"Good riddance," he muttered.
Lae'zel noticed another cultist gaping from the corner of the room, quick to cover for them in the best way she knew how.
"Take her death as a lesson. Question us, and you'll meet your end as she did. Understood?"
They nodded.
"Good," she said, then jerked her head in the direction of the door. "Now, scram."
She didn't have to tell them twice.
While Fenris stood over Araj's body, blood dripping onto the floor from his fingertips, Karlach leaned in to whisper to Astarion.
"Remind me not to piss him off."
"No kidding," Astarion said, but he braced himself before approaching, reaching out to rest a hand upon his shoulder. "Fenris..."
In a flash, Fenris shrugged off his touch, turning on him with a fire still raging within him, teeth bared.
However, at the sight of the others, Fenris felt those flames die down, their presence drawing him back into reality.
Astarion was fine.
He was safe.
Even in the belly of the beast, Fenris would see to that.
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Thinking of touch-starved men…, their eyes follow your hands and fingers so carefully, anxiously, getting easily jealous at how casual your touches are with others who are not them; always lingering where you are, seeking out your presence and just wanting a sliver of your attention away from everyone else; touch-starved ones who have a quiet gasp whenever you place your hands over theirs or just a casual friendly touch; chills along their spine and entire body as you play with their hair; hugs make them freeze in their tracks before arms tentatively wrap around you like your made of glass or a stardust that will vanish the second it’s over
EDIT: they can’t help but swallow down their moan(s) when your fingers brush through their hair, lightly touching the exposed back of their neck
Just….touch starved characters…
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marty-mc · 3 months
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Still trying to understand how to draw the twink elf everyone loves and my Tav (Belantar). Seriously why does a 39 years old forever young high elf look so old!? And how come his hair is styled so perfectly if he can't even look at himself in a mirror?!
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rossy-mossy · 9 months
Astarion x Tav
Someone pointed out that my Tav looks like a Fenhawke love child and now I kinda want Astarion to meet his would be in-laws??
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No IDC if the timeline / universe doesn't make sense, I just... really want fenris and astarion to meet.
They'd absolutely hate each other at first I think... then Fenris would recognize that same desperate, hunted look in Astarions eyes and he'd instantly /know/
Might draw it later, but I just kinda want a Fenris whose immediately protective of this young, hurt elf and an Astarion who sees someone who was able to break his shackles, whose now loved and so so incredibly happy...
And begin to hope that maybe, just maybe, it's possible for him too.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 3 months
I played DA before I even knew what Baldur's Gate was and like this context is making so much of those games make so much sense in the good year of 2024
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razrogue · 3 months
do you have a top 5 favorite descriptions of scenery or memories from your fics? how about a top 5 lines of dialogue or moments of banter or exchange?
Good times going through everything I've written grabbing snippets of stuff!
I decided to just pick top 5 general fic moments (linked, in no specific order below):
The Vow (F!Tabris and Zevran Arainai)
His hand reached for hers without a thought. It was almost an instinct for him, like a dagger in his hand, it fit his perfectly. Briva leaned into him and smiled and his heart raced in his chest. Things were different. He was alive for one thing, when she could have easily ended everything in that clearing. And two, he was here, very much alive now, and feeling things he never thought he’d feel again. Things he used to think were silly and foolish and damning. Things that got you killed because they made you weak. And yet he felt these things for her and it made him stronger and freer than he’d ever felt. He felt like more with her than he ever did without her.
The Makings of You (F!Cadash and The Iron Bull)
At that moment, she began to weep again. She cried for her friendship and relationship with Gerren. She cried for letting him join them on their escort. She cried for Gerren dying in her arms. She cried for feeling like he abandoned her. She cried for the drinking, the fighting, and her desperation. She cried for the night her father stood at her door letting her know she was not alone no matter how she felt. She was finally experiencing the catharsis of all the hurt she'd experienced, all the pain she’d caused, and everything she'd locked away behind iron walls within her. Just when she thought she'd cried for everything she could, she felt his hand cradle the back of her head. Her mind turned to the first time she met him on the Storm Coast. The first time they fought enemies together, the first time he called her Boss, their first drink at the tavern together, the first story they shared by fire at camp, the first time she had drinks with the Chargers, the first time she sparred in the practice ring with him, the first time they flirted with each other, the first time they killed a dragon, the first time he met her in her suite, the first time they discussed the rules, the first time she admitted to the inner council it was no momentary diversion and she and Bull would be continuing. A dragon’s tooth, split in two for each person to wear so no matter how far apart life takes you, you're always together he said. She recalled the surprised look on his face when she presented him with the necklace. He called her Kadan, my heart. She cried for everything she'd lost and now for everything she'd found.
The Cost of War (FemShep)
They all knew what they signed up for. The skirmishes, the battles, the reconnaissance, the exercises, it was part of military life. It was part of Alliance life. It was part of N7 life. It was definitely a part of her life as Commander Shepard. The Geth, the Collectors, Cerberus, the Reapers - they all wore away at her each time they came into contact with each other. As she continued to cry there in the shower, she wondered if there would be anything left of her once it all ended. Ryal didn’t know if she could continue to pay the cost of war without losing herself in the process.
Left Behind (F!Hawke and Fenris)
She stood there at the table and watched as he slept. His hair splayed out on the pillow, much longer now than when they fled from Kirkwall in the middle of the night some time ago. Wrinkles slightly creasing the corners of his eyes, a sign of the stresses they had endured. They had been through so much together. He had been by her side every step of the way. Even when he didn't agree, he would trust her judgement to see them through to the end of it. And despite his loyalty and devotion, she was contemplating how to leave him there at that inn in a few days. There was no way she could let him accompany her. Even with everything they'd been through, she just couldn't let him endanger himself yet again. Sonika felt like she was always asking so much of him. It was never a question of if he could handle it, it was a matter of should he have to. She knew his love for her wouldn't allow him to be left behind, yet her heart was torn not wanting to ask more of him again.
Always a Price (Tav and Ascended Astarion)
"Aeternitas ," he remarked to them, his eyes poring over their face. They'd spoken about what happens after Cazador, the tadpoles, the elder brain, everything. What would it mean for them…if there was going to be a them after. They had mostly aligned throughout their journey together but what would happen when he became a vampire ascendant and they were controlling a cult. Both desired power but neither wanted to consider what would happen should their goals and paths diverge. They'd left things at choosing each other and would come to terms with the day someone no longer did when faced with it.  Astarion loosened his grasp just slightly so Gan could speak with less strain.  It was just enough to let Gan cough a little in relief. Once it subsided, hopefully a bit of truth would bring him back to reality…or at least buy Gan some time. "I already chose."
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chaoticbardlady99 · 2 months
Welcome to Hayley is high at 3:00 am and is vibing to some music while creating another ✨WIP✨
So I’m a Fenris girlie and Dragon Age 2 is actually my favorite game of the series because I live for Purple Hawke and the whole story. I love all the companions minus Sebastian (but he doesn’t count to me really)
Any whoosies- I’m working on a self indulgent OC Fenris-esque and dragon age 2 inspired storyline x Astarion and the Baldur’s Gate Universe. Astarion gives me major Purple Hawke, Zevran, Isabelle, Anders, and general bastard vibes which are the bests. I feel like Fenris’ serious personality just balances really well?
This means I’ve been doing some studying and by the Gods- I suddenly remember why I was so taken with Fenris to begin with 💀 “And I appreciate a woman who can speak her mind” UM OKAY SIR
The graphics are still atrocious though
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roleplay-searcher · 3 months
30+M here looking for some MxM with someone 25+! Not comfortable with female writers or characters, sorry.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Looking for Astarion for my trans male/NB Chaotic Fairy Tav.
Dragon Age: Looking for either Dorian, Anders, or mage M!Hawke for my Fenris.
I have a few more D&D OCs that can be offered as well if interested, other than that I don’t really do doubles. But maybe?
Discord is preferred for the time being.
I can do either paragraph or chat format.
For paragraph, I don’t do word counts, and prefer quality over quantity. I consider myself an advanced/literate writer.
Like for contact!
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dolceaspidenera · 24 days
OMG I love this idea so much! I had to make one for each of my favourite couples
Thank you for the tag @vspin and @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate both of yours were so incredibly sweet 🥺🥰
Rules: make your ships in this adorable picrew, then give me their song. Tag some friends to share too!
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Number one we have, of course, Astarion x Sameira (I love these two dorks).
It was hard to choose just one song for them, I have so many that make me think of these two 🥺 (I Found, You And I, Take Me Back To Eden, Jaws, Undisclosed Desires)
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From left to right from the 3 Dragon Age titles: Zevran x Nerissa - To Be Alone Fenris x Hawke - Find Me Solas x Lavellan (the tragic couple 😭) - Where's My Love
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Julian x Venere (my apprentice from The Arcana) - Northern Star
Ais x Selenia (my "Unnamed" MC from TouchStarved) - Smoke And Water
I would have snuck in Shepard x Garrus but alas, it was impossible to replicate Garrus 😁 but he gets an honorary mention for best space husband ever.
(Yes, I'm aware I have an addiction in making either dark or white haired ocs, apparently I keep forgetting other colours exist).
Tagging (sorry if you've already been tagged, I'm already losing track - and as usual no pressure): @cleric4vampire @astarionposting @phasebun @senualothbrok @howlsmovinglibrary + anyone who sees this and wants to join in on the fun!
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bluerose5 · 4 months
something with Astarion/Fenris pls? maybe Astarion managing to bring out Fenris' softer side in a vulnerable moment?
Anon, idk if this is what you wanted or expected, and I'm more than happy to do another try at something fluffier if you want, but I see these two butting heads a lot. I can make it work, though! But I wanted to stay true to that tension & conflict I imagine between the two.
Even though Astarion's thirst for power tested Fenris’s patience more often than not, confronting Cazador had proven to be that key moment in their relationship where everything made perfect sense.
Cazador reeked of the same arrogance that Danarius once embodied. They flaunted their power over others. They reveled in it.
Astarion had gotten so close to becoming the one thing he loathed more than anything else, but Fenris found that he felt more empathy than judgment towards Astarion after meeting Cazador. After all, was Fenris not in that exact same situation himself, once upon a time? Did he not see power as a means of destroying his former master, of taking control of his life once and for all?
Did he himself not succumb to a demon's tricks while in the Fade for that exact reason?
Out of everyone, Fenris knew better than most what Astarion was going through, and that was why Fenris believed that he had to be the one to intervene.
He had been there to all but shout him down when the moment was right. He didn't back down. He told Astarion that he would neither plead nor beg with him, but that he also wouldn't hesitate to cut him down where he stood if he thought for a moment that Fenris would help him with that accursed ritual.
Luckily, his approach somehow managed to work.
Astarion got to kill Cazador, but Fenris—
Fenris felt so much rage, so much hatred.
The way Cazador talked to Astarion hit way too close to home.
He wanted nothing more than to kill the bastard himself, over and over again, to rip out his heart just as he did Danarius's, but he refrained. For Astarion's sake, if nothing else.
That was his moment, not Fenris’s.
Yet that didn't stop the sudden onslaught of emotions from hitting him the second they returned to Elfsong Tavern.
He paced the length of their floor, muttering to himself.
As soon as his form started to phase in and out of existence, a hand touched his arm in an attempt to ground him back to reality.
Fenris turned abruplty on his heel, only to stare down into bright red eyes.
Astarion stared up at him in return, exhausted, both of them soaked in blood.
Then, he said, "It's over."
His words rang with a note of finality.
All Fenris could see when he looked at him was the elf who cried when he was finally free.
"Yes," Fenris whispered with a lone nod. "It's over."
He didn't know which of them took the first step.
Before he knew it, they were both holding onto each other as if their lives depended on it. Their hug tightened, Fenris burying his face into Astarion's sticky, bloody hair while his shoulders hitched with quiet sobs.
When they managed to pull away, Fenris stuck close, resting his forehead against Astarion's as their eyes locked once again.
He cupped his cheeks, his thumbs brushing along underneath his eyes.
"They won't ever hurt us again," Astarion murmured. He rested his hands atop Fenris’s with a gentle squeeze.
"Never again," Fenris agreed.
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notebooks-and-laptops · 4 months
BG3 x Dragon Age Romance Crossover Polls Master post
Who would Wyll Romance?
Who would Minthara Romance?
Who would Halsin Romance?
Who would Karlach Romance?
Who would Lae'zel Romance?
Who would Shadowheart Romance?
Who would Astarion Romance?
Who would Gale Romance?
Who would Anders Romance?
Who would Fenris Romance?
Who would Merrill Romance?
Who would Isabela Romance?
Who would Sebastian Romance?
Who would Carver Romance?
Who would Bethany Romance?
Who would Alistair romance?
Who would Morrigan romance?
Who would Leliana romance?
Who would Zevran romance?
Who would Josephine Romance?
Who would Cullen Romance?
Who would The Iron Bull romance?
Who would Cassandra Romance?
Who would Blackwall Romance?
Who would Solas Romance?
Who would Dorian Romance?
Who would Sera Romance
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joiedecombat · 7 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/0 Tags
I was tagged by @sjofn-lofnsdottr!
Baccano!: Luck Gandor
Baldur's Gate 3: Astarion
Dragon Age 2: Fenris
Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Murrue Ramius
Sailor Moon: Sailor Jupiter
Starship Promise: Antares Fairchild
SWTOR: Theron Shan
X-Men: Rogue
I'm not tagging anyone, I am where tag chains go to die. Do it if you want to and claim I tagged you!
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the-blue-wraith · 7 days
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you for tagging me @crownsofguilt! I'll admit I haven't started writing some of these but if someone sends an ask I'll be happy to give them a brief explanation about it!
Doomed Reginae (Strelitzia POV | KH)
The World isn't Such a Bad Place (Hoder and Baldr | KH)
My Secret (Elrena POV | post-KH3)
You’re Not Alone, Not Anymore (Fenris POV | DA)
F!Tav x Astarion fic (BG3)
I hope after this I can continue writing these 😅
Tagging no one, feel free to do this if anyone wants to!
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stars-and-clouds · 1 year
Masterlist of My Major Posts (multifandom)
Last updated: 26/10/2023
☾ Send a Commission
☾ Fanart Prints and Merch
☾ Gumroad Shop
☾ Other Artworks
☾ Kofi
☾ InPrint Shop
☾ Fanfics (multifandom)
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
☾ Favourite Gothic Media List
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Ishgardian Hierarchy
FFXIV Astral and Umbral Eras
Ishgardian Curses (writing aid)
Pre-Calamity Coerthas Map (writing aid, not mine/referenced)
Haurchefant and Aymeric’s Kindness (Character Sketch)
Aymeric’s Insecurity (Character Sketch)
Coerthas/Ishgard  Aesthetic Prompt
Borel House Heraldry (HC)
☾ The Wayhaven Chronicles:
(moodboard) Adam Du Mortain
(moodboard) Nathaniel Sewell
(moodboard) My Detective x Adam
☾ Love and Deepspace:
fancast for Rafayel, Xavier and Zayne
Xavier Romance Headcanons (SFW)
☾ Dragon Age:
Fenris, Elvhen Slavery, Golems and Tranquility Theory
☾ Baldur’s Gate:
Why Astarion Won’t Betray Tav Theory
Lamentable is the autumn picker content with plums (I hc completed Astarion’s shirt poem)
Romanced Astarion’s need for power
Astarion Romance Headcanons
Astarion likes sweetness
Astarion moodboard
Astarion and the sweet sweet man
☾ ASOIAF/Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon:
Unseen Westeros Compilation
Tolkien vs Martin
☾ Hakuouki/Shinsengumi Kitan:
How to play Hakuoki SSL on PC (guide)
Why Do People Hate Iba Hachiro?
Hakuoki random alignments
Hakuoki as text posts
☾ Moodboards and Aesthetics:
Aymeric de Borel stimboard
Camp Dragonhead during a blizzard
Thanalan during a sandstorm
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hawkeshep · 2 years
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I was tagged by @thefathersbride and @vhenan-solas to create some of my ships using this picrew thank you for tagging me this is so cute!!!
zevran arainai x deirdre amell (dao), fenris x marian hawke (da2), solas x athera lavellan (dai), & astarion & aoife (bg3)
Tagging without pressure: @plisuu @n7viper @moxxihodunk @kirkwalls-dumbest @oxygenforthewicked @moss-flesh and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! I’d love to see yours 💜
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psalacanthea · 1 year
Ten Random Lines Tag
Thank you, @my-dumb-obsessions for ze tag! I’m not sure I’ll tag anyone because I’m sorta crazy-busy and I’d probably miss people’s and feel bad, but I’ll be happy to at least participate!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
What We Are- DA Post-Canon, Fenris x Anders
Anders leaned against the sauna shed in the darkness, arms folded, chin tucked into the depths of his scarf and what looked to be a thick woolen sweater.  “That is horrifying.  Just watching you do that makes me feel like I’m about to freeze to death.”
“Coward,” Fenris said flatly, the skin of his feet peeling away from the ice as he walked through the cloud of steam rising from his drenched body.
Reforged in Dragon’s Fire-  DA: Awakening, Nathaniel Howe x Cousland
“What are you glarin’ at me for, Feebs?”
Phoebe slung her pack onto the ground, giving him a cold look.  “If Felsi shows up with an axe and a grudge, I’ll help hold you down.”
Oghren gave a small, rusty laugh.  “Yeah.  That’s fair.”
Somnium- Modern DA AU, Solas x Lavellan
“You're heavy,” she scolded, but didn't push Solas off as he breathed her in, arms tightening around her waist. She was comfortable and laughing with a crackly warmth as he mumbled a protest at her words and tugged. “No, I'm not coming back to bed, stop it. I have an appointment before work I have to go to.”
Dissonance and Debauchery, the Drama of an Ill-Fated Bard- Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Astarion
Astarion’s finger tucked under her chin, stroking lazily up from her throat.  An enticing little threat of a caress that dragged her full attention to him, turning her away from the party.  Shadows cast across his face, adding intrigue and mystery.  “So...you do remember after all?”
Where the Road Leads - Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav (Zynatheri) x Gale
“I am saying that perhaps inside this wizard’s heart there is a bit of bard,” Zyn replied, reaching down and pressing a hand over Gale’s heart.  It sent her stomach sloshing up her throat.  She sprawled forward over his shoulder, giving a long groan.  “Oh, why do I drink so much?”
A Sky of Shattered Stars- DA post-canon, Hawke x Varric
Naomi wished she could say Merrill wasn’t right for her worry, but introspection was the last thing on her mind.  All she knew was if she didn’t deal with this, get rid of this problem trying to take Varric from her, she might go insane. Maybe that should have been a concern.
Valse des Fleurs-  DA pre-canon Iron Bull x(&) Orlesian Bard OC
“Love?  You have sold me!  Made me chattel!  Your love disgusts me.”
“Your life is in danger!” Elys shrieked, cowering with a hand on her wax-burned cheek.  “We did it to protect you!  All of this is to protect you!”
“What good is a life in a gilded cage, you idiot cow?!”  Claire retorted, fury incandescent.
Anarchy in Denerim- DA: Origins (modern) Zevran x Tabris x Mahariel
Zevran’s light voice only made the frustration all the worse.  "It is...not a threesome we are proposing, you know."
"Well, it is in a way," Liana said, and then laughed faintly as Zevran dismissed her words with a flip of his hand.  "Darian, are- you know that a relationship doesn't have to be just two people, don't you?"
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