#unless there is
spottedenchants · 5 months
Okay. I follow you and see you tag #phil and I'm like, "damn, Phil Lester goes hard" and I just wonder sometimes if that's who you mean.....?
Ah- no, I do not mean Phil Lester xD The name is taken from Caleb's pirate alias Philip/Phillip :D
The long and short of the tag is that I made a typo a while ago and now I'm obligated to reblog bro and/or bromance posts and tag them as phil XD
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Nigel Farage got milkshaked again, what a time to be alive
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jplupine · 7 months
So apparently some people new to Tumblr think a repost and a reblog are the same thing, so when they see creators asking for people to not repost, they're thinking the creators are saying to not reblog 😭
Y'all, a repost is when you copy/download the work and create a new post using the work making it seem as if it's yours. A reblog is you using a site provided feature to share the creator's post directly from the creator so that it's still credited to them and they still get all of the traction/notes from the work.
Please, reblog fics/art/etc. that you enjoy! Reblogging is not reposting! Creatives need support too, and reblogging is a way to do that!
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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prawnlegs · 1 month
I'm always seeing this sentiment of "I have got to make my art weirder" or people begging for weirder art but here's the thing, Weird is not a brand. You cannot rack your brains trying to figure out the "Weird" formula. You don't get weird art by artificially forcing whatever you think is "weird." You get weird art (and I think "weird" is sometimes people groping for a way of saying non-corporatized) by figuring out what you like, deep down, even (especially) if you think it's embarrassing and wallowing in it like a pig
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cleaverqueer · 3 months
petition to change LGBT to DFTQ (Dykes Faggots Trannies and Queers, naturally)
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teal-deer · 7 months
I wish there was a magic skillet I could pick up that would make me literally impossible to fire from a job, no matter how weird or disagreeable people decided I am, where I could still work only part time & ideally with lots of breaks. Like sorry Ms Karen McWasp, I am a load bearing unit and the task will be done when it's done and there's jack shit you can do.
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weezeryuri · 5 months
[kisses you tenderly on the lips while holding you like my lover] don’t eat any food with mold on it even if you cut the moldy part off ok?
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alatar-and-pallando · 7 months
So, my spouse has been exploring his gender lately; he also just built himself a new laptop. Today he told me that he in an attempt to process some genderfeels through metaphor, he made a post on a trans forum along the lines of: "I'm a lifelong Windows user and I think I'm pretty good at it. I want to find out what Linux has to offer but I'm afraid I wouldn't be any good at it. And how do you choose the right Linux distro, anyway? Do you have to try them all?"
The responses, he said, were a mix of useful advice about feeling out your gender and useful advice about choosing a Linux distro.
I love trans people so much
Edit 4/8, in case you don't see the reblogged additions -- my wife is now going by Eve!
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cemeterything · 8 months
i did actually attend a catholic school as a kid because it was the only school within walking distance and my parents worked all week so they couldn't drop me off elsewhere and while i was there one of the other kids stabbed me through the hand with a pencil during a fight so i guess i'm like. 1/5th stigmatic.
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ionomycin · 3 months
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tazmiilly · 1 year
I love watching dvds... bc the little commercials beforehand will be like "coming to you spring 2008!" like man. I can't wait for 2008
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captain-mozzarella · 2 months
I headcanon that all of Yoda's finest teacups were made by younglings
In fact most masters of the order's finest teacups were made during crèche crafting time when the kids were learning pottery.
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madohomurat · 6 months
trans women are everywhere and are so eager to be seen and heard but only if they feel safe around you. if you hardly ever have trans women interacting with you, especially online, then consider there might be a reason for that and you should address it
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marisatomay · 1 year
like all lapsed catholics i don’t actually believe in hell unless it’s for comedic purposes
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breaddo · 1 year
thinkign about characters i like being sweet and tender with each other
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