jskinn · 1 year
I don’t think, I KNOW I Love YOU…because You Love Y(our)self…how could I not…🤞🏾♾️💚
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zentivityhub · 1 year
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We are all divine 🙏☯
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theesotericecho · 19 days
The Spiritual Essence of Love
Welcome back to our enlightening series, “The Alchemy of Love.” As we approach the culmination of our journey, today’s exploration ventures into the most ethereal and profound aspect of love: its spiritual essence. Throughout history, love has not only been seen as a personal experience but also as a profound connection to the divine, a facet that bridges earthly affection with spiritual…
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spiritualsoull1969 · 22 days
The quote, "In the realm of silence, the soul speaks the language of love," carries a deeper and spiritual meaning that emphasizes the profound connection between silence, the soul, and love. Let's break it down: 1. The Realm of Silence: Silence, in a spiritual context, often refers to a state of inner quietude, stillness, and peace. It's a state of being where external distractions and inner mental chatter are subdued, allowing one to access deeper layers of consciousness. 2. The Soul: The concept of the soul varies across different belief systems, but in general, it is the eternal and inner essence of a person, often associated with one's true self or higher self. The soul is believed to be the core of one's being, beyond the physical body and ego. 3. The Language of Love: Love, in this context, is not limited to romantic love. It represents a universal, unconditional, and all-encompassing love that transcends personal attachments. It's often associated with compassion, empathy, and a sense of interconnectedness with all of creation. Now, let's explore the deeper and spiritual meaning of the quote: • Silence as a Gateway: In many spiritual traditions, silence is considered a gateway to the deeper aspects of our being. It is in the stillness and quietude that we can access our true nature and connect with the divine or universal consciousness. • The Soul's Expression: When we are silent, when the mind is tranquil, and when we let go of the constant chatter and distractions, we create a space for the soul to express itself. The soul, unburdened by the noise of the world, can communicate its wisdom, intuition, and innate qualities. • Love as the Soul's Language: Love, in this context, is seen as the most authentic and natural expression of the soul. When the soul is free to speak, it communicates through love. This love is not just directed at others; it is a reflection of self-love, love for all living beings, and love for the universe as a whole.
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envisionyourbusiness · 2 months
🎉 Celebrating Ramakrishna Paramahansa Jayanti, honoring the enlightened sage whose teachings transcend time. His spiritual wisdom and boundless love unite hearts, fostering harmony among all faiths. . . Let his radiant legacy illuminate our paths, guiding us towards peace and understanding. Happy Jayanti to all! 🙏
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printpixiee · 2 months
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Discover the magic of love with our 'Love is Everywhere' collection! 🌟❤️ For more visit here…. https://cliq.ink/TgbjO
Embrace the power of love in all its forms with our enchanting array of heartwarming designs. From cozy apparel to delightful accessories, each piece is crafted to inspire connection, kindness, and joy.
Spread love wherever you go and let your heart shine with our 'Love is Everywhere' collection. Because in a world where love is abundant, anything is possible. 💖✨
Love is Everywhere
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raleksd · 2 months
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(via T-shirt graphique avec l'œuvre « Aime ton voisin comme toi-même! » de l'artiste Frantz CIALEC)
Hey you!!
Just sold
Sold recently  at my redbubble online gallery. 
Manny Thanks to the buyer from United States for the purchase of one product at my redbubble online gallery with around 5403 designs available on so many products!!Every day new products are available.
Have a wonderful  Wednesday!!
Thanks for your visit,
Stay tuned!!
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goodvibesatpeace · 2 months
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Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. This day ends the 7 day celebration of pure and universal love... it started on Feb 7th with Rose day. Let love shine through now and always. ☮️💗
Some writings on this day:
In this time of shadows, allow me to take your hand. And as we gently hold each other, remembering back to us the fragments of what we truly are through the exquisite intensity and depth of our unified-heart connection — more hands appear, reaching out in the haze of darkness to be held; yearning to remember. 
It is in holding each other here in the dark that we see our Self in the eyes and hearts of the other. We each experience the divinity of true and conscious connection. We see beyond the pretty lie... beyond the net of illusion cast over us that had us experience this false sense of separation that has caused us each eons of untold anguish. 
Still — in this dark mist that swirls around us now, we continue to hold each other. Expanding the pulse of our collective Love out into the ethers of this reality. Of the ethers that we perceive of as reality. 
And in this blanket of dark, we keep reaching out to grasp more hands... more hearts... more fragments of ourselves that choose to connect. To belong. 
For even in the dark that is this now space we dwell within — we belong to each other. We can recognise and see each of our hearts light despite the pervasive darkness weighing down on us. 
Within the profound depths of this recognition when opening our hearts to one another, we exist in resonance with the Everything-That-Is, in absolute resonance with all of Earth and with the Earth herself. And in this space of vibrational frequency where pure Love is held unequivocally, all rendered apart soul-fractals are retrieved. Responding to the surging wave of increasing Light, they return home to complete the whole. 
Filaments of our consciousness echoes out — a gentle summoning into the infinite cosmos of creation — singing out the resounding waves of soul song for the I AM to definitively recognise itself and meld magnetically into full sentience. 
Here in this eclipse of light, amongst the silent shroud of shadows... here we are drawn into each other once more. Here we hold each other, as we reunify with all our fragments that were scattered on the winds. In this veil of dark that has attempted to thwart our efforts to seek out our hidden counterparts, we unveil the stunning brilliance that is our Truth. 
And while we hold each other, reorienting ourselves in this exquisite soulFull homecoming, our senses realigning to this ancient knowingness that exists deep beneath our skin... our hearts begin to beat in unison, our breath mingles in perfect rhythm. We exist in the enlightened wonderment of Oneness. 
In this span of darkness, despite all that has been hurled at us in the density of this experience, we still managed to find each other. We still managed to find our strewn Soul pieces within each other. 
Yet, here we are gathered together in the dark, holding each other’s hands with entwined fingers and interwoven heartstrings — remembering and waiting. And while we are waiting for the Light to come... the most important thing we need to remember is this:
It is we who are the Light itself. 
It is us who Light up the dark. 
Infinite Love,
Namaste 🙏
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ana-maria-santuario · 3 months
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rntozen · 5 months
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Loving Kindness Prayer: Cultivating Compassion and Universal Goodwil … https://rntozen.com/blog/mindfulness/loving-kindness-prayer-cultivating-compassion-and-universal-goodwill/
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suprememastertv · 6 months
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Happy 30th Anniversary of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day! 🎉 Today, we celebrate the universal day of kindness and compassion, a day that belongs to all of us. As Supreme Master Ching Hai reminds us, it's a day to honor those who've shown love and respect to every being on this planet, human and non-human alike.
Supreme Master Ching Hai, a luminary in the realm of spirituality and compassion, has dedicated her life to the well-being of all living creatures. Her teachings, rooted in love and enlightenment, have touched the hearts of countless individuals, guiding them toward a path of greater understanding and harmony with the world around them.
Supreme Master Ching Hai's tireless advocacy for a vegan lifestyle and environmental protection underscores her deep commitment to safeguarding our planet and its inhabitants. Her humanitarian work and charitable initiatives have reached far and wide, providing essential aid to those affected by disasters and offering sustenance to the hungry.
On this special 30th anniversary of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, let's spread the love and goodwill to all, for Supreme Master Ching Hai Day is about all of us coming together to make the world a better place. 🌍💖
💗 Please join Supreme Master Ching Hai to sincerely thank God Almighty for World Vegan, World Peace and souls’ Liberation 💗 Every day at 9:00 PM Hong Kong time 🙏
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odelia-i · 7 months
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skyecoaiart · 8 months
Unlock : Confidence, Love, Struggles, Relationship, Goals. A Visual Journey with Learn from Images
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arwin-interior · 1 year
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PRAKASH PURAB Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji is a significant occasion for Sikhs all around the world. It is a day to commemorate the birth anniversary of the fifth Guru of Sikhism, Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
GURU ARJAN DEV JI was known for his unwavering FAITH, courage, and DEVOTION to God. He compiled the Sikh holy scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, and constructed the Harmandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple, in Amritsar.
Let us celebrate the birth anniversary of Guru Arjan Dev Ji with the spirit of LOVE, compassion, and SERVICE. Let us honor his legacy by striving to make this world a better place for all.
Get in touch with us- +91-9041491000 | [email protected]
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spiritualsoull1969 · 4 months
The Intrinsic Connection Between Bonds and Feelings in the Realm of Spirituality
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बंधन रिश्तो का नही, एहसास का होता है.!!
जहाँ एहसास खत्म, वहा रिश्ता खत्म !!!
English Translation
The bond is not of relationships but of emotions! Where feelings end, the relationship ends!
The aphorism "बंधन रिश्तों का नहीं, एहसास का होता है" (Bonds are not of relationships but of emotions) encapsulates a profound truth about human connections. It suggests that the essence of any bond lies not in the superficialities of relationships but in the deeply rooted realm of emotions. Moreover, it contends that where emotions cease to exist, relationships also come to an end. To unravel the layers of this thought, it is imperative to delve into the spiritual dimensions that underpin the intricate interplay between bonds and feelings.
Spirituality and the Essence of Connection:
At its core, spirituality is the quest for a deeper understanding of existence and the acknowledgment of interconnectedness. It goes beyond the material realm, emphasizing the significance of the intangible aspects of life. In the context of relationships, spirituality invites us to explore the essence of connection beyond the visible and tangible.
The Illusion of Material Relationships:
In the material world, relationships are often defined by societal norms, familial ties, or legal constructs. These external frameworks, while providing a structure, may lack the emotional depth necessary for a lasting bond. Spirituality prompts an examination of these superficial aspects and encourages individuals to look beyond societal expectations.
The Role of Emotions in Bonding:
Emotions are the threads that weave the fabric of human connection. Love, empathy, compassion, and understanding form the cornerstone of profound relationships. Spirituality teaches that these emotions are not mere fleeting sentiments but powerful energies that create lasting bonds. When individuals connect at an emotional level, the bond transcends the limitations of conventional relationships.
The Dynamics of Ephemeral Bonds:
Relationships based solely on external factors, such as shared history or societal roles, are susceptible to decay. In the absence of genuine emotions, these bonds become fragile and transient. Spirituality asserts that true connections endure through the ebb and flow of life, sustained by the perennial flow of emotions that bind individuals together.
The Decay of Bonds in the Absence of Emotions:
The phrase "जहाँ एहसास खत्म, वहाँ रिश्ता खत्म" (Where feelings end, relationships end) is a poignant reminder that without the nourishment of emotions, relationships wither away. Even the most ostensibly strong bonds, devoid of emotional resonance, become hollow and eventually disintegrate.
Spiritual Foundations of Emotional Resonance:
Spirituality emphasizes practices that cultivate emotional intelligence and mindfulness. Through meditation, self-reflection, and conscious living, individuals develop a heightened awareness of their emotions. This heightened awareness forms the basis of genuine connections, as individuals become attuned to their own feelings and those of others.
Unveiling the Self in Relationships:
Spirituality encourages individuals to shed the layers of ego and pretense in relationships. When people authentically express their emotions, vulnerabilities, and true selves, the bond created is inherently stronger. In the absence of pretense, the connection is based on the essence of each individual, fostering a deep sense of understanding and acceptance.
Empathy and Compassion as Pillars of Spiritual Bonds:
Central to spiritual teachings is the cultivation of empathy and compassion. These qualities serve as bridges connecting individuals on a profound level. When one can empathize with the joys and sorrows of another, a bond forms that is resilient in the face of challenges. Spirituality teaches that true connection arises from the ability to see oneself in others and to treat them with kindness and understanding.
Transcending Boundaries through Spiritual Bonds:
Material relationships often come with predefined boundaries and expectations. In contrast, spiritual bonds transcend these limitations. They are not bound by societal norms, familial obligations, or geographical constraints. Spiritual connections have the potential to bridge gaps and unite individuals across diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of universal brotherhood.
The Eternal Nature of Spiritual Bonds:
The temporal nature of worldly relationships is a recurring theme in spiritual philosophies. Spirituality posits that the essence of a bond lies in the eternal, transcending the temporal nature of human existence. Emotions, being timeless and boundless, form the eternal thread that weaves through the fabric of spiritual connections.
Crisis and Spiritual Bonds:
The crucible of adversity often tests the strength of relationships. Material bonds may fracture under the weight of challenges, but spiritual connections thrive in the face of adversity. The shared understanding, emotional support, and mutual resilience forged in the crucible of challenges strengthen the spiritual bond.
Detachment and Spiritual Bonds:
Paradoxically, spirituality also teaches the importance of detachment. This does not imply apathy or indifference but rather a healthy understanding that every individual is on their unique journey. In spiritual bonds, there is a recognition that each person's path may diverge, yet the emotional connection remains intact.
The Intersection of Love and Spirituality:
Love, in its purest form, is considered a spiritual force that binds the universe. Whether directed towards a romantic partner, family member, friend, or even all of humanity, love transcends the boundaries of conventional relationships. Spirituality teaches that cultivating love in the heart is the key to forging enduring and meaningful bonds.
Harmony with the Universe:
Spiritual bonds extend beyond human connections to encompass harmony with the universe. Understanding one's place in the cosmic order and recognizing the interconnectedness of all life forms, forms the basis of profound spiritual connections. This holistic perspective fosters a sense of responsibility and compassion for all living beings.
The Power of Forgiveness in Spiritual Bonds:
Forgiveness is a potent aspect of spiritual teachings. In the realm of relationships, the ability to forgive and let go of grievances is crucial for the sustenance of bonds. Spirituality teaches that harbouring resentment disrupts the flow of positive emotions and hinders the growth of the spiritual connection.
In the tapestry of human existence, the thread of spirituality intricately weaves the fabric of meaningful connections. The aphorism "बंधन रिश्तों का नहीं, एहसास का होता है" (Bonds are not of relationships but of emotions) serves as a guiding principle in understanding the profound nature of human connections. Through the lens of spirituality, we come to realize that the enduring strength of bonds lies in the richness of emotions, the depth of understanding, and the timeless essence of love. As individuals embark on their spiritual journeys, they discover that the true beauty of connections transcends the transient nature of worldly relationships, finding solace in the eternal dance of emotions that binds hearts across the vast tapestry of existence.
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Have you noticed 2 planets hovering close together in the western sky? Venus, the goddess of love and Jupiter the light-giver are together in the mystic star of Revati-- the tail of the cosmic fish (Pisces). Jupiter is the guru of the devas in Vedic Astrology and it’s said that in Pisces he increases generosity and kindness. Venus, the guru of the asuras, is heightening a sense of universal love and compassion. The alignment of these 2 gurus is a spiritual event that can inspire exceptional artwork, poetry and music, and could also spark romantic connections. Side note: Venus and Jupiter are so close that they form a “graha yuddha” (planetary war) that can exaggerate matters of the heart for the next day. Be particularly mindful not to overeat or drink. Intuitive hunches and empathic connections are more likely until Venus transits to Aries on March 11. The full moon of Holi is around the corner. Sign up for my newsletter to find out more. Link in bio @anandashree_vedic_astrology image: Venus & Jupiter in Revati #universallove #transcendentalwisdom #venusinpisces #vedicastrology #jyotish #intuitiveguidance #higherlove #universallove♥️ #jupiterinpisces #nakshatra #grahayuddha #auspicioussign #alignments (at Varkala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTKPQNSWe-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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