#uncommon qs
inlocusmads · 2 months
do the uncommon asks!! Trystan + Nora, please: 10, 13, 23, & 29 (along with F for the creator ones!!)
thank you 🌺
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Answered here!
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Trystan: What colour do you think I look best in?
Nora: I feel like you're good at -- adapting colours. Do you-
Trystan: Yes, yes, I get what you mean. So hypothetically I could wear a traffic cone.
Nora: At the risk of looking cartoonish.
Trystan: But a fan-favourite nonetheless.
Nora: Someone abolish his mobile phone service, please.
Trystan: You look very good in green, though.
Nora: I wear like four colours that worked for me as a kid. Never changed anything ever again.
Trystan: She looks very good in this kind of -- deep shade of purple though.
Nora: More I think about it, you could pull off the orangething in the traffic cone.
Trystan: Now it's just insulting at this point.
Nora: Seriously?
Trystan: *exaggeratedly* You have tarnished my love for oranges entirely. I will never look at the fruit the same way ever again.
Nora: *giving him the most deadpanned look of deep-sated disapproval*
23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
Nora: You can't "take" what you "want" that's not how it works, but-
Trystan: You don't deserve to be wronged either and you're allowed to want to deserve compensation.
Nora: Shit, how are you good at this?
Trystan: I used to write poetry, Nora. You think this stems out of bereavement speeches? Come on. I thought we were partners.
Nora: That and -- I dunno, I guess I have a more healthier view of envy than I used to. I'm not vicariously consumed with the need for revenge. Not often.
Trystan: I feel I have too. I do have everything I'd ever want, you know? I'm happier.
Nora: Moral of the story - just get a PI job. Actually don't.
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
Trystan: Do you think I live up to my ideals?
Nora: *blinks* What are your ideals?
Trystan: Good question. They change on the daily.
Nora: Goals aren't ideals.
Trystan: They are if you put them on a hamster wheel and run it until the end of time. Recently I try to -- better erm, forgive myself if that makes sense, at the risk of sounding selfish?
Nora: You aren't selfish.
Trystan: Trying to move on and - take responsibility while also knowing you cannot really conjure up a trick or anything.
Nora: It's depressing. He lost at Tetris and just, moved on.
Trystan: An endless stack of mismatched bricks. Those are ideals. You pick whatever that fits and move on.
Nora: Do you think I do?
Trystan: Aren't you doing that everyday by merely having the strength to keep going?
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
When I look at Nora, I just think of desperation - this attempt to keep going on and on, because she has no other choice, which stems most of her strengths and weaknesses. As for Trystan, I tend to associate him with hope - both the healthy and unhealthy versions which affects every facet of his life depending on the nature of what he aspires for.
Of course there's a lot of things, but a more fun answer would be - Nora's just "why am I here" and Trystan's "Here? Really? Seriously? You guys could not have picked a better 'here', are you actually--"
Thank you so much for the ask Juudy!! <33
uncommon oc asks
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gonzague-if · 2 months
Hi Oscar! I was thinking about f!MC’s situation recently and had a few qs if that’s ok. Is her gender identity well known publicly or do people outside her close circle assume she’s a man? If he’s aware, why would Aurore’s controlling & sexist father would want to marry off his only daughter to a woman? Is same sex marriage possible and common? And if so, what did f!MC have planned for heirs if she’s afab and planning on marrying another woman (obviously before the reveal)?
These are all questions I've given a lot of thought when I decided to make Gonzague's gender up to the player's choice.
First of all, I obviously took a big liberty here from the historical context, although it's not entirely without precedent. I recommend Kaz Rowe's video about the Chevalier d'Eon if you want to know more. In Gonzague's context, a woman or afab person taking the title of a man is uncommon, but not impossible. Historically, it probably would have made a lot more waves than the way I plan on treating it in the story, but it was not entirely impossible either. I decided to normalize it somewhat for the sake of the story.
Same sex marriage was not a thing at the time, at least not in theory. But if you are able to pass as the opposite gender, who knows? I'm not an historian so I wouldn't be able to tell you how likely and/or how often a scenario like thtat could have happened. But again, for the sake of the story, I chose to make it possible, if exceptional.
When it comes to heirs, Gonzague (regardless of their gender or agab) isn't interested in having any for several reasons. The first one is because they're mainly focused on their survival. Then there's their history with their father. They're not interested in repeating what their father have done for the sake of perpetuating a bloodline that has only caused them misery. Of course you can headcanon whatever you like about Gonzague wanting children, but in the story it won't be a goal for them at all for these reasons.
For the rest, it's somewhat up to the player's interpretations. It's possible that most people ignore Gonzague's true gender and/or agab. It's possible that Aurore's father ignores it as well. It would make more sense for a man as sexist and controlling as him, as you pointed out. But I don't want to impose that, because depending on how each player imagine their Gonzague to look like, it might not be easy/possible for them to hide their agab. So I leave it vague for that purpose, it's up to you what makes more sense for your version of Gonzague. After all, people can be contradictory. You could imagine other reasons why Aurore's father is overlooking Gonzague's sex and/or gender. Maybe the title of Prince is too appealing. Maybe it's another way of controlling his daughter. If he doesn't give her away to a man, maybe he feels like he still owns her? Sexism isn't logical after all.
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revasserium · 5 months
well you said we can talk about perfumes so I hope you don’t mind questions that might sound pretty dumb, but I’m a curious person LOL how do you get to work at a fragrance house? can you study about fragrance/scents or is it something you get train on academies or even department stores? like how do you get there? bc were I come from, careers are a little bit limited and uni majors even more so, so when I actually hear about or encounter someone that works on “uncommon” fields to the standards of society I do wonder ‘can you study for that? or is it not as necessary and you can learn it on the field?’ I hope I’m making sense and not being too ignorant or unintentionally rude:’)
not at all!!!! i don't think a lot of people think about "perfume" as a career path LOL unless you're talking about like retail sales (where you work as an employee for like... chanel and you sell their perfumes or something) but yeah! i'll put under a cut cause i can ramble for ages u__u
to answer your qs:
i got the frag industry kind of by accident! i applied to a marketing internship at a startup right out of college, and it just so happened that the startup i worked for was in fragrance! :)
yes, you can absolutely go to school for fragrance! it's called perfumery school, and the most prestigious/well known one is ISIPCA, which is run out of versailles, but there are a few other ones that are pretty big as well: GIP (grasse institute of perfumery), and the école supérieure du parfum in either paris or grasse. there are a few colleges/unis outside france that offer perfume courses, but they're not entire schools built around perfumery. also, most major fragrances houses will have some kind of apprentice program, for instance givaudan has their own internal perfumery school, MANE does too (at least their website says it does), IFF actually partners with ISIPCA, and Firmenich also has an internal program that looks similar to Giv's (2 year, they jetset you around the world to learn smelling, etc).
but if you really do want to get into fragrance, you should pick a STEM major -- chemistry would probably be your best bet, mathematics being a close second. most, if not all, major perfumery schools require a bachelors in a math/science-related field. so you don't actually go to undergrad for perfumery, you go to grad school for it -- it's a long road for sure, but if this is something you're super passionate about then i say go for it! :)
but to your next question, also yes -- this is something you can learn "in the field" though it's much harder nowadays than it was before. see, before, perfumery was very much one of those "apprenticeship" crafts, like fucking.... ironworking or something, where you have a mentor, and you just like literally apprentice underneath them for like 5 or 7 or even 10+ years. and back then, a lot of the best and most famous perfumers were self taught! because they loved it or their parents worked in the industry, that kind of thing. as shitty as it is, fragrance is still a pretty nepotism-heavy field. and i think that's because it's such an "uncommon field", like you said, that no one really... thinks about it? usually, you don't work in the industry unless you grew up around it or have heard of it before. it's not something that people stumble into (though it does happen!)
i hope that answers all your questions! :D pls don't be afraid to ask more ! like i said this is something that i love so i don't mind chatting/rambling about it!
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by-glass-and-waves · 10 months
oh dude dude what do you MEAN "sorry guys who are looking for delicious Courtship/Restart goodies" I LOVE DEPRESSION QUEST, and i love the fact that theres someone else out there that has a runaway narinder AU
the idea of a completely power hungry lamb who disregards narinder as a person is so uncommon, i dont think ive actually seen that dynamic played out in a story/hc tbh ??? so i am LIVING for this, it truly is the spice of life
n like letting him runaway n waits for him to come crawling back??? absolutely maliciously delicious content
but nARINDER OH NARINDER angry, break down, self imploding beloved!!! again there isnt enough completely broken down ISOLATED(emotionally) conceded narinders, so many au's have him conceded, but they always including the lamb trying to get him comfortable and okay, never narinder just being tolerated and treated like property or a trophy and i love that fucked up dynamic
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
either way the idea of narinder self imploding to the point of complete isolation (running away) is such a good idea, im living for it !!! and the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
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WHOA I was at work and I was like "I got an aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" oh man I'm glad you really like the idea! I think I did see some fics like this (well not Narinder dips fics)
I will let you know that these qs making me go "wait hm this would fit into the AU better than my original ideas" so please bear with me!! at any rate omg aw thank you for loving these idees maybe I should just masterpost and mark spoilers for whatever comes to mind here also this is gonna be a long answer post pardon me
so spoilers for Depression Quest and Courtship I guess?
also trigger warning: depression, thoughts of self harm, mentions of mental breakdown
So this is me not reading cotl shit in like, literally months in order to try to preserve my headcanonideas like a loser but damn whoaaa I'm happy that you really like this AU
The initial idea actually did have just plain old Lamb being all okay bb i'll be here waiting for you when you ready I won't push you, I'll let you run away and live your life bb just want you to be happy uwu like they did want Narinder to love them back but they were fine with just making him happy and brought back the Bishops and stuff so they could reconcile but as said before, things didn't seem the same for them
Then as Courtship took form I kind of moved those kinds of feelings Lamb had to the new AU and really honestly removed them from the equation because I wanted to focus on Narinder and Getting Over It™ and just living his own fucking life instead
What did remain was Narinder's complete and absolute breakdown when he locks himself into the house they built for him and his eventual escape. Like goddamn, I was like this man needs to break
The amount of broken furniture, crying and screaming onto the floor and bed, throwing items at whoever manages to get into the house, laying down and staring at the ceiling in a catatonic state, etc
I liked the idea of him meeting other people and them remarking on his fallen status or having to hide his identity when interacting or going to public places and it's pretty much how I came up with the Ratoo encounter/friendship
Imagine Kudaai laughing when he requests a scythe and giving him the smallest, lightest one for his weak upper extremities
addendum: like after escaping he does get better like he runs into kudaai and gets scythe at least but he still sucks since his hands/arms more likely to spaz more when he exerts himself too much (aka combat)
Imagine Narinder trying to stay inconspicuous when he goes to Plimbo's stall at the Lighthouse, etc
Once the idea of resurrecting the Bishops came up around the time I started writing Courtship I kind of went, tbh Lamb would only do that to get Narinder back and then that idea of the Lamb just stuck
The Lamb knew where he was the entire time. The Lamb let him think he was finally free from them. The Lamb decided to uproot his life when he thought he finally found peace (by reintroducing his siblings) and from there the Lamb became the kind of famous hero/whatever who would 100% use Narinder as a trophy SO and show them off while he feels awful and drinks every night to cope
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
So initial idea was that Baal and Aym weren't crazy about it but came around after Lamb invited Forneus for a visit, then they would be like yes Master should see how good Lamb is
Now thinking it over, it could have a good twist to it:
Baal and Aym think that Narinder should come around because Lamb is a good person and his life would improve
In this, his guardians become his jailers. They've become the ones most actively working for his "rehabilitation", and Narinder hates it because he knows it's another way for the Lamb to break him. He's thinking that it's their mortality that made them cave so easily.
Once Narinder makes it out, they want to make their presence known once they find him, but Lamb explicitly commands them not to until they say it's time. So they go and check on him and obvs this is stwess for Narinder since he feels like he's being watched
Still though, Depression Quest is more Narinder-based than Narinder/Lamb relationship-based because it's him trying to live in a new Lamb-ruled world while trying not to show off his shitty power level or something, Lamb didn't really pull up much once he gets out except for really sending Baal and Aym to keep tabs on him and maybe probably when the Bishops are resurrected but even then it's just like... there's still this kind of sad underlying everything.
So fun fact: a few of Courtship's ideas originated in Depression Quest! Such as the shared love for gardening/camellias by Leshy and Narinder, and the relationship/dynamic between Kallamar and Narinder. I don't know why but their relationship felt fucking devastating once I came up with it hence why I think Chapter 9/Kallamar's quest in Courtship has been my favorite to read and write so far.
Courtship and Depression Quest do share quite a few things, so I'm worried I might echo too much of the same shit should I actually come to write it. While writing out this answer I posted an unedited bit on a prototype for Leshy quest and you may see some parallels to the one for Courtship :o
the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
pls show me when you done I want it I'm so glad you like it and yes Ratoo and Narinder friendship is one and only
I think there was more but it's like 2am and I have to wake up in like 3 hours and I think I should just do a fucking masterpost on these AUs
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munstysmind · 1 year
Evens for Chris and Maddie
Odds for Steve and Harper
So, I’m not sorting these into groups so you’re getting them as they are 🤣
Chris and Maddie / Steve and Harper
Who’s more likely to put the milk back in the fridge empty?
Probably Harper, only because she doesn’t pay much attention to stuff like that, unlike Steve.
Which partner will squeeze the toothpaste in the middle, and which one hates this?
Chris, and it drives Maddie nuts 🤣
What’s one book/DVD/CD they both owned a copy of before meeting each other?
Cool Runnings.
Do they wash their clothes in the same load or separately?
Together. Separated by lights and darks. Maddie does wash her bras and underwear separately on the delicates cycle though.
If they’re married did they live together before they were married?
Yes. Harper moved in with Steve after about 8 months together.
Who picks what colour bed linen they buy? What does it look like?
They both love neutrals in the bedroom. Their sheets are almost all white or a light beige, sand colour.
Who makes a shopping list, and who just shops from memory?
They both make lists. They each have a running list on their phone they jot down anything they need in and compare whenever one of them goes to the store.
Who’s more likely to buy something that’s not on the shopping list?
Chris. He’s terrible for buying ice cream and sweets.
Who will buy Girl Scout Cookies when they knock on the door?
Steve. His favourites are the Samoas.
When they moved in together, who moved into whose house? Or did they start fresh in a whole new place?
Maddie will eventually move into Chris’ place in LA
Do they play music in the background while they’re just hanging out at home?
Sometimes, depends on what sort of mood they’re in.
Does either partner have an allergy? How does their spouse help keep them safe?
Luckily neither of them has any allergies so it’s not something they have to worry about.
Do they share personal items like razors/hairbrushes/toothbrushes?
Nope. They love each other but Harper refuses to share a razor or toothbrush with Steve.
Which partner snores more loudly? How does the other person cope?
Maddie snores but she’s not loud. Chris finds her little snores cute.
Who goes to bed first?
Harper. While Steve can function on very little sleep, she needs at least six hours a night. She either takes herself to bed or fall asleep on the couch or at her desk at work.
Who’s more likely to go over-the-top with decorating for holidays? Chris. He loves Christmas. Live Tree. Lights. The works. Maddie lets him do his thing.
What’s one song/movie one person loves that the other person can’t stand? 22 by Taylor Swift. Steve says it’s like nails on a chalkboard.
What’s each person’s favourite place in their house? Chris loves the back patio, spends most of his free time out there when the weather is good. It’s not uncommon for Maddie to find up asleep on the swing bed. Maddie loves the reading nook. It’s a safe space for her, especially when she’s overwhelmed.
How do they help each other get ready for a night out (zipping dresses, straightening ties etc?) Definitely, of them while telling each other the things they want to do when they take their outfits off. Harper always checks his tie and medal bars when Steve is in his dress uniform. It’s her little routine.
Do both partners buy any personal items (sanitary items/contraception etc), or is it one specific person's job? They have no hang ups on buying each others stuff. However Chris likes to buy his condoms himself, even the ones stored at Maddie’s place because he’s of the mindset that it’s 100% his responsibility so he wants to be the one to do it.
What number is their house/apartment? 2727
Which partner is the one that forgets to hang up their towel? They’re both pretty good at picking up after themselves
Which partner writes love notes in the steam on the mirror? Steve has once, after the first time Harper stayed over at his place
Was there a moving-in-together talk, or did someone just stop going home? Chris brings it up. They’re spending basically all of their free time at each other’s places anyway so it makes sense that they live together.
Do they have an office or a study? Who spends more time there? There’s a small study area in the dining room. Steve often has files from the current case scattered over the desk that he goes through when he can’t sleep.
What’s the big item they had to compromise on to make room for when they moved in together (Piano, pool table, bookcase etc)? There wasn’t really any compromise that a needed to be made, however Chris did a big clear out of the whole house and git rid of a lot of random stuff that he didn’t need to declutter and make way for Maddie’s stuff so she doesn’t have to get rid of anything.
How do they organise their books/DVDs/CDs? Are they kept separate, or together? Alphabetically? By genre? They don’t have many DVD’s, Harper got Netflix a few years back and they use that most of the time, but the DVD’s they do have are organised alphabetically
How many kinds of milk will you find in their fridge? Two, light and full cream/creamer. Maddie can’t stand stomach full cream dairy products and Chris can’t have his coffee without full cream/creamer.
Do they know each others’ tea/coffee orders? Can they make it well? They do. They make each others if they’re the first up. Steve does coffee with sugar and butter which makes Harper’s stomach churn. Harper likes green or fruit tea. She can’t stand coffee. Loves the smell of it though.
Who forgets there’s wet laundry in the washing machine and leaves it till it smells funky? Probably Maddie.
Who never stacks the dishwasher ‘right’, and who always ‘fixes’ it? Neither, they don’t have a dishwasher. Harper’s been trying to convince Steve to get one but he argues it’ll be a waste since it’s just the two of them.
How do they decide which photos are on display? They don’t really have a system for deciding. It’s more a case of they print the photos they like the best and add them to their ever growing photo wall in their living room.
Is this their dream home, or do they plan to move again someday? They love their place. It belonged to Steve’s parents. He grew up in it and they hope to raise raise their children in it. They have no plans to move.
How do they divide the chores up? Does each person stick to their agreed job? They’re both pretty good at dividing everything fairly evenly. They don’t really have set cores they each do, more of they just do a chore if/when they see it needs doing.
Who’s always turning the thermostat down? Who’s always turning it up? They don’t have a thermostat. Their house was built in the late 70’s/early 80’s and nobody ever got round to upgrading the heating and cooling.
Do they rent, or own their place? They live in the home Chris owns in LA. Maddie also owns her apartment in Vancouver which she plans on renting out if/when she leaves Supernatural.
How long were they a couple before they moved in together? They were together for about eight months before Harper moved in with Steve
Who’s bed/couch/fridge did they keep, or did they buy a whole new one? They kept all of Chris’ stuff because it was already there and Maddie was living with Seb so it made no sense to take the fridge and couch. She did leave her bedroom
Who’s more likely to lock themselves out? Neither, they both know how to pick locks.
Who’s more likely to invite other people over? Chris. It’s not uncommon for Maddie to get home to find him in the backyard cooking on the BBQ with a few friends or Scott having a beer.
TAGLIST @aussieez @rookiemartin @babeyyemor @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @chickensarentcheap @dhoruwolfie @themaradaniels @cali-nyc5 @darsynia @muchadoaboutcj
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risingsouls · 2 years
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@likesguyskakarot​ asked: 7, 10, 17 (Geets and Nabs ✨️)
It’s That Time Again...Sinday Qs || Open!
7: Does your muse like using toys with their partner or themselves? What sorts of toys?
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[Definitely into it on herself and open to using them with her partner if they’re into the idea. idk why but she’s been on the idea of using a strap on. BUT she likes to experiment, so absolutely give her some toys.]
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[It would definitely be a new experience and even suggestion for him, so nothing HE would suggest. He wouldn’t understand the appeal until like...actually doing it, but he would definitely prefer to be the one using it on his partner than having them used on him, likely. Think like remote control vibrators where he gets to torment them and be in absolute control. He’s for that without much hesitation.]
10: What is your muse like after sex? Do they like to cuddle, chat, or go right to sleep?
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[Give her mind blowing sex and she’s the definition of basking in the afterglow. While not required, she does like to cuddle and have a little bit of playful banter/chat afterward. Praises and stuff like that. She doesn’t MIND skipping it but she prefers the snugs.]
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[It absolutely depends on his mood, intention, and who he’s fuckin. Most of his encounters were hit it and quit so he absolutely would not be cuddling or anything after that; he’s LEAVING. IF it’s with someone he likes being around/is actually in a relationship with, he may not be super into it, but he won’t mind cuddling or talking a little afterward. With the right person he CAN be a little soft for the gentle touches and rubbing of post sex.]
17: Has your muse ever had an awkward moment during sex? What happened and how did they handle it?
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[Tbh, she doesn’t have a whole lot of bad experiences in general. Which isn’t helped by the fact that all of her partners have been people she’s comfortable enough with and understands the fine print of the situation between the parties. Probably the most awkward for her was her first time with Ganondorf, which was her first time with a man. Which, you know...isn’t uncommon. A lot of it was just her getting into her own head about it all because it was on his coronation night (like she insisted because she wanted it to be special for both of them in short) and she knew he was decently experienced by that point. She was trying too hard to be what she THOUGHT Ganondorf expected of her (despite the fact that they had already built a tight relationship and, deep down she knew she didn’t NEED to try so hard because he was obviously into her and only her) and, had he not caught on as quickly as he did to what she was up to and knew how to get her to relax, she probably would have just been frustrated and tense the whole time. After working through that, the only difficulty after was dealing with the pain of the first time and all that because, from then on, if something felt awkward, they managed to find a way to laugh through it or Ganondorf would distract her.]
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[I think so some degree, all of Vegeta’s early encounters felt...awkward. Likely because he had a really negative perception of sex as he viewed it as succumbing to his base desires and, therefore, a weakness. I don’t think it ever was awkward during: most of the time he just went with them, did the very bare minimal of foreplay, bent them over, and did the thing, doing his best not to think much about it (save for his VERY first time but...that’s another story). The awkwardness usually came AFTER when he felt ashamed of himself and had to deal with that. Otherwise, it was like just doing another chore for him.]
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theveil-and-thepath · 2 years
Hello again, love!! I give you the 10 of Cups in time for your celebration!!! 🎊🥂
For my 2nd qs, I hope this qs would be okay, how will my first serious relationship be like? If not maybe a general love reading?
For my 3rd qs, I'd like to ask for a general message from the Universe?
Thank you once again!!! I truly am thankful for this opportunity to ask you once more. I hope I can do an exchange reading for u maybe some other time when I get to practice my tarot skills better. I actually bought a cheap tarot card months ago and I've been practicing it for quite some time. Lol sorry for my randomness. Thank you once agaim, Veil! 🤗 Hope you have lovely lovely months ahead! ♥️
Hi there! I just did your other reading (sent private). Thank you so much for the gift, I love the 10 of cups and I hadn’t received it up to now. Be confident in your readings, I have noticed that I got pretty good readings from people who are very new to tarot, so I never really make a distinction. Mostly what changes is the way cards are interpreted, but the cards themselves are always correct and can help people anyway. So keep practising and you’ll get more used to it.
How will your first serious relationship be like? nine of pentacles, five of pentacles, page of swords. Will your first relationship be the last/the one you want for life or spouse? seven of pentacles, eight of cups, page of swords.
Your first serious relationship will be one from which you will walk away as soon as you notice the other person doesn’t have your best interest in mind and perhaps is even secretly in competition with you, and you have some petty arguments. It makes me feel like it will be the first relationship that you take seriously but the other person might not take so much so it will end pretty quickly. I think I am asking the wrong question.
What will your first long term relationship be like, like 3+ or 4+ years. Ace of cups, the magician, seven of cups. What an improvement. Well, the first longer relationship you’ll have will be one of mutual affection for sure, perhaps this person is self employed or really good with their hands (in your field it mustn’t be so uncommon, but I am seeing this anyway). It will last more than 4 years and there is potential for marriage (I asked if this relationship will last more than 4 years and I got the 10 of wands, 2 of cups, and the hierophant). When you are with this person it feels like a blessing, like a bath after an exhausting day, this is someone who will encourage you and may partner with you in work or will be extra supportive to your career, someone independent who will encourage that in you. With the seven of cups as the last card, the end of this relationship is now open ended, you will be able to envision different possibilities with this person, you can daydream possible futures together or you may be unsure at first how it will go, where it will lead. It can mean that that you will love this person dearly and for that reason it may be easy to be carried away, but I don’t see this card as negative here, I see it as an open ended future. I would say there is a chance you will meet this person within the next 5 years. 
A general message from the universe to you. Seven of wands, page of pentacles, queen of wands. Keep pushing, your effort will be worth it and your future self is so much more confident than your current self that you wouldn’t recognize her if you saw her. The message is of encouragement for when you face tribulations. It’s short, but it is keep going because the struggle will end eventually.
(feedback can be private)
Game will be open for extra 24h
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ahz-associates · 1 year
University of East London
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University of East London
Intake: January, September
Location: Royal Docks, England
World Ranking: 801-1000 (THE), 801-1000 (QS), 106 (NSS), 114 (The Guardian)
Students Satisfaction: 80%
Graduates Employability: 57%
Specialised In: Sports Science, Architecture Computing and Engineering, Cultural and Media Studies.
Int. Student Percentage:
Int. Fee Range: £11,880
In the London Borough of Newham, there is a public university called the University of East London. The University of East London has two contemporary campuses: the Docklands and the Stratford. The Stratford University Square campus was established with cutting-edge technology and first-rate amenities. The university demonstrates how students can acquire transferable skills and real-world learning experiences. On-campus amenities are extremely uncommon in London city, however the University of East London offers them.
History of University of East London
The Polytechnic of East London was founded as an institution of higher learning in 1989. It received university status in 1992 and was given the name University of East London (UEL). Stratford University Square is a new campus that opened in September 2013. UEL receives lead academic support from Hackney University Technical Institution, the city's first university technical college.
Students at the University of East London are free to choose any course that suits their interests and qualifications. The following are the faculties:
Faculty of Architecture and Physical Design
Faculty of Art and Creative Design
Faculty of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance
Faculty of Computer Science and Digital Technologies
Faculty of Law, Policing and Justing
Medical Sciences, Media and Journalism, Psychology
Global development, Politics and International development.
Hospitality, Events and Tourism.
Student Statistics
Undergraduate – 67%
Postgraduate – 33%
Full-time students – 86%
Part-time students – 14%
UK students – 77%
EU students – 3%
International students – 20%
Female – 57%
Male – 43%
Breakdown of fee structure
Fee: starts from £11,880
Facilities and Services
The two University Campuses offer £450 million of facilities as well as the £21 million Sportsdock sports centre. Studio space, lab space, libraries, and other amenities are offered. Experienced teachers are very friendly with the students. Each student is cordially welcomed and there are no racial or disability issues.
A new library and exclusive learning environment with computing services
Upgraded laboratories
Clinical Education Centre in Podiatry
The student support hub
Physiotherapy and Sports Science set up in new buildings
Modern seen at Stratford University Square facilities are:
Performance spaces and studios
The Harvard lecture theatre having with live capture technology
The multi-media Weston Learning Centre
A 300-seat skilled tiered lecture theatre
Exclusive MBA suite as well as teaching space
A simulated courtroom for experiencing research.
Student Life
Students at UEL participate in community projects as active volunteers. Students can participate actively in a variety of voluntary endeavours through UEL's more than 50 societies. A beautifully constructed campus cafeteria and a café-bar for the Students' Union attract attention. Additionally, UEL is the location of career counselling and guidance. Here, people from all over the world assemble to form a strong community that fosters friendships that last a lifetime. The UELSU, the student representation body, is always prepared for the wellbeing of the students. They represent the interests of students in all university decision-making.
Living Accommodation
The lovely waterfront Halls of Residence are located at the University of East London. On-campus housing is available to students, which is extremely uncommon in London. Making friends is made simpler by the campus amenities. The Halls feel secure with round-the-clock security. Private residences and purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) are only intended for use by students. Luxury studios are available to students at Space Greenwich.
The fortunate university students are able to conveniently commute between campuses during the day using a free shuttle bus service. As a result, the Docklands campus has its own train station. The closest places in Stratford are the Olympic Park and Westfield shopping centre.
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sothischickshe · 3 years
Uncommon fandom asks for Good Girls: 👻 Dropped plotline & foreshadowing, 👀, and 🌳!
fanx! <3
👻 Dropped plotline / foreshadowing
my fave apparently dropped foreshadowing is the dean coming out storyline
👀 Inexplicable / unnecessary scene
ok so another fave inexplicable scene: the dean/eric spa montage. how have they not kissed yet. i do not understand a single thing.
🌳 Reoccurring location or setting
the s2 bar was so prettttttty! i wish they’d kept it :(
uncommon fandom fave qs
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inlocusmads · 2 months
10, 11, 21, E for trystan and nora👀👀
Okay I'm hooked onto the whole "interview/chat" format so here's just them answering instead:
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Nora: I guess when I was young I had this habit of skipping classes. My school was close to a park so I'd just wander around there.
Nora: In terms of frequency that is.
Trystan: I lied to my siblings that I was an actual - magician for five whole years.
Nora: Did they figure it out?
Trystan: They might, but I haven't given the game away.
Trystan: It's coin tricks. I did coin tricks! Sleight of hand stuff! Good thing they were impressionable back then. Now-
Nora: We don't have to talk about that. Uncle Tommy caught me once kicking rusty cans in the park.
Trystan: Did you get a uh-- "time out" as they say?
Nora: No, I saw him look up GPS trackers on the home computer that evening. We don't talk about that anymore.
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Nora: How do you cope with confusion?
Trystan: I don't.
Nora: No, I can attest to that. He remembers every detail. Except when it matters.
Trystan: I thought we weren't bringing up the coffee thing.
Nora: He held up the line for five minutes. It - wasn't pretty.
Trystan: As if somehow you cope up with confusion better than I do.
Nora: I don't. I just go "HUH?" in the loudest voice possible.
Trystan: I once had to ask her five times what she wanted from the cafe. It was over text, by the way.
21. Why do they get up in the morning? 
Nora: Why do *you* get up in the morning, Trystan?
Trystan: To be able to see you during the day.
Nora: Psh.
Trystan: No, I would like to withdraw my answer. I live in this residential area where there are a bunch of cars lined up on the street and somehow or the other, one of them would start blaring at 5-fucking-o-clock in the morning.
Nora: The sun hits the corner of my eye. *in the most monotone voice possible* I suffer from incredible pain everyday.
Trystan: Also people keep their windows open in my place. Cue the symphony of alarms.
Nora: And also to feed Silver.
Trystan: If you do not feed her at precisely 6:45, she weeps like a dying Victorian child.
Nora: And to see each other too, I suppose.
Trystan: *Now* you thought to mention it?
Nora: I'd rather see you in person than receive a million texts about whether I'm dead.
Trystan: My concern comes from a very valid place.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Oh absolutely not lmao. Nora's just "meh" about making friends in entirety - she will have a conversation, but it isn't a "we're besties!" thing and Trystan will probably just look at my state of affairs (*cue that one Jaiden Animations screencap where she zips open her brain to produce this blob-like creature out on the table*) and go, "Who hurt you, my friend?"
Thank you so much for the ask!! <3
uncommon oc asks
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stingslikeabee · 3 years
NSFW Meme - Qs: What would you say is Mel's biggest turn on during sex? Has she ever been with any of her girls (sampled the honey from her own hive, wow, that's so crass xD)? What, in her experienced view, was the most kinky thing she knows of happening/have experienced herself in the HBI?
sinday asks . accepting
Oho! Your questions were all so interesting! I decided to break them down below by theme to properly address each and every one of them, so apologies in advance if this gets a bit wordy, hehe.
1. Melissa's turn-ons during sex
This is a fun one to address - although I have explored Mel's preferences and kinks in some memes like this before, while developing her and considering her backstory, some things that most people would view as turn-ons do not necessarily translate as such for her, mostly because of a lot of bad experiences in the past (mainly from her time as a honeygirl).
For her, personally, she's essentially attracted to two types of personalities: a) people who defy/challenge her; and b) people who worship/submit to her and gladly allow Melissa to be dominant. These two things, unsurprisingly, are traits she rarely had the chance to display before during her years as a prostitute, since her own pleasure was never truly in question (but rather her own client's).
So, in short, Mel can turned on by a teasing partner slamming her more forcefully against some random surface while grabbing her hair and trying to have her beg as well as by someone who will leave no patch of skin unkissed and whisper her name like prayers to a goddess while allowing her to control every single thing.
It also goes without saying that having a personal attachment to her lover will do wonders - the stronger the connection to her partner, the more turned-on she will be.
2. Melissa and the honeygirls' relationship
Although Melissa is bissexual and attracted to women (and have had certain affairs in the past), it's very uncommon for her to engage in anything of a more sexual nature with her girls because she tends to view her employees in a more platonic way by default. This is rooted in her very maternal/protective personality and how losing her sisters left her with this big void that she constantly sought to fill again.
It doesn't mean it cannot happen - but it's not how she normally would feel about her own employees. However, Melissa is no prude about sex (there is no room for shame inside a brothel, after all) and she's not above teaching/practicing certain skills if needed - this was more common when she took over the Honey Bee Inn management and the rooster was smaller and not necessarily composed of skilled girls.
3. The kinkiest experiences at the Honey Bee Inn
I've decided to split this into two sub-section to cover two different things: something from Melissa's experience and something from the inn's own (not necessarily involving her).
From Melissa's own side, her S&M and bondage experiences certainly top the chart. It was something she engaged with very specific clients with long and trusted relationships between them - and these moments were the ones when she figured out she had a domineering side. Being a mistress to these men made her feel powerful, untouchable and otherworldly; and the fact that her customers derived pleasure from it all only made it better. It's not something she openly advocates for or does with everyone - but she has the gear and the clothing and enjoys it if her lover feels like experimenting.
From the inn's perspective, it was an one-time occasion involving a single client only one or two years after she acquired the place. Melissa had already managed to gain some attention for her new spin on the business, now independent from Corneo, when a guy arrived, with a strong accent and claiming to be on Midgar for tourism - particularly to visit the inn.
The man had a bet with friends - to have sex with every girl on the cast, on a single night. At the time, Melissa had a rooster of 15 to 17 girls, and the unexpected tourist paid for the inn to be closed for that night and for him to be the sole guest. Despite being a very odd request (or insane), all the girls agreed to participate with eager curiosity and the inn (and the employees) were well remunerated for it.
Within a 24 hour time span, the (now legendary) tourist managed to accomplish his self-imposed task - it was a very peculiar event, but all the honeygirls who joined this venture at the time claimed their guest was surprisingly kind and dedicated, and they all actually enjoyed the experience. It remains a local (and unchallenged) record of the place (and also loosely based on a similar story in real life in Germany, but where the girls attempted to set their own records).
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pocmuzings · 4 years
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A GUIDE BARELY ANYBODY ASKED FOR: writing smut foreplay 101.
NOTE: every body is different. every person likes different things, and reacts different ways. i’m writing from my various personal experiences as a Self Assigned Hoe, also the self titled Smut Queen of the rpc. NONE OF THIS IS DEFINITIVE. if you’re unsure- ask your writing partner first. always.
pls be warned this is quite nsfw and straight up Filth. it also is written from my perspective as a cis-gender, pansexual woman.
always, always keep communication to your rp partner open. consent is sexy. especially with writing.
gauge the mood. if you suggest something to your writing partner and they just say ‘yeah’ or ‘ok’... don’t take it as 100% go ahead. sometimes people, especially in the rpc, will say yes just because they don’t know how to say no. an ENTHUSIASTIC YES is really really good and necessary!!!
vice versa, make sure you tell your partner if you’re not comfortable with something. if you said yes to begin with to writing a scene, but slowly u start feeling uncomfortable and weird... guess what? U CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND!!! I GUARANTEE U NOBODY WILL BE MAD! IF THEY ARE- DUMP THEM AS A WRITING PARTNER!  change your mind whenever u want, about whatever u want. writing is meant for u. its meant for u to be comfortable. ur lil safe kinky space, if u so wish it to be!
talk to ur partner. be their pal. be their fwend. writing smut can escalate v quickly, and if ur not an active talker to ur writing partner, then sometimes things can get misconstrued, or uncomfortable. even if it’s just a check in like ‘HEY HOW WAS UR DAY’ or ‘is what im writing ok????? i love when ur character does ___’ or idk. just be comfortable and friendly!!!
u don’t have to write paragraphs and paragraphs of smut. just.. give a lil detail though. give a lil smth to ur writing partner. like any other reply, just writing one sentence is not really enough for another writer to reply to.
anal is super popular and super wanted atm. i’m not going to say it’s a ‘trend’, bc it’s not really. but it’s definitely becoming more and more mainstream. this DOESN’T MEAN u have to do it / write it, but just know that most ppl atm are on the butt train (yahoo!). so.. yeah, expect anal to be a ~written abt thing or Wanted thing
other ‘popular’ kinks i’ve noticed atm (through fb groups im part of and just friends in general) are choking, and spanking. but this is NOT everybody’s kink. just bc it’s ‘popular’ doesn’t mean its right for ur character. kinky, rough sex is becoming more mainstream i’ve noticed.
a handjob is like.... not ever super wanted. it’s a handjob. it’s not the greatest thing in the world. as far as sexy things go, this is basic tier. a handjob is better than nothing, but i don’t rlly know anybody who actively wants a handjob.
same with fingering- look, fingering is fine, and it can get things in motion, but it’s really hard to orgasm from fingering. i’d say borderline impossible, but this is just from me (and, again, the gals in my lives) experience. fingering is GOOD as a beginning saucy movement, just like a handjob is good to begin with.. but climaxing from it is not Super Likely.
cum is messy and gets everywhere. everywhere. 
pre-cum is a thing. discharge is a thing. women getting wet is a thing. it’lll happen. it’s messy. it’s a lot sometimes, and it’s really.. slick (idk how else to explain it, but it helps with the MOVEMENT of things greatly). it’s good to write abt bc guess what? it means somebody is turned on! this is GOOD
look a ‘tight vagina’ or whatever u wanna call it, is not a Good Thing, bc it means a person isn’t turned on enough / wet enough
when writing basically anything about genitalia... use spit. oh my god use so much spit. be disgusting with how much spit is there, bc u need that as LUBE (unless ur writing ur characters using lube!!!)
write vocal characters. in my experience, nobody is ever 100% quiet during sexy times. if ur character is being touched in a way they like, trust me- they’ll be moaning. they’ll be rocking their hips. they’ll be whispering more, more, more, yeah, like that etc.
if writing rough sex, have a safe word for the characters ic. practice safe sex even with writing! safe words are rlly good bc they also actually help create a safe ooc environment too!! that way, if somebody doesnt want to say smth ooc, they can say it ic, and hopefully feel more comfortable 
write realistic sex. pls. write about the awkward noises. or the accidental wrong movement. or the laughing. sex isn’t always magnificent and beautiful. it’s clumsy and silly. and it’s fun to write it that way, bc.. look, smut is meant to be fun! so make it fun! write it as fun and silly and goofy as u want!!!!
yes cis-men have the prostate and its located in the butthole fdnjkfjkndf. but u can’t write ur character just shoving a finger in a butt. characters, just like people ooc, need to maintain communication before trying anything ‘new’ like that. safe sex everyone!!!
don’t go straight to what’s between the legs. neck kisses. nipples. breasts, back scratch, dirty talk... this is all VERY IMPORTANT to foreplay. don’t ever use write ur characters diving on in, especially not to female muses bc female bodies work v differently. we need waRMING UP! we need a lil teasing.
write hand movement! write where your characters hands are. are they carded through hair? are they gripping sheets? are they clawing at someone’s back? digging into scalps? hands are ALWAYS doing something.
writing about shaving / hair down there is not super necessary, but u do u.
involuntary noises / movements happen a lot when smth is GOOD during foreplay. gasps. moans. cries. hips jolting. mouth falling open. 
foreplay is so SO important before sex. in real life, and in smut. if i write with someone and they go STRAIGHT to writing sex, no foreplay, im like ... hewwo ?? this just isn’t realistic, and my coochie clenches. 
when writing... make ur characters ask the dumb qs u’d probably ask real life. ‘should i get a condom?’ ‘are you on anything?’ ‘did that hurt?’  ‘can i cum in you?’ ffjnkf u get what i mean? i hope.
cis men do cum pretty quickly, especially compared to women. 
showers are fine for sexy times, but WATER is NOT lubricant.
READ FAN FICTION. there’s some really really good fan fiction out there, and it actually does help with ur own writing 
if a character likes something and says ‘yeah’ or ‘like that’... that doesn’t mean necessarily to write another character ‘speeding up’ or getting rougher. if somebody likes something ‘like that’, then keep it ‘like that’, or pick up the pace a little as encouragement. 
finger movement on the outside of a vagina is just as important as finger movement on the inside. sometimes it can be more important, bc some people are more sensitive on the outside. (i’m not using technical terms bc nothing abt this post is technical or medical lmao)
if u don’t use lube or spit on ur hand when giving a penis a handjob.. it’ll probably hurt the person a little and be rough and not very Easy on either party
a handjob can be pretty fuckin awkward (i’ve been told + found personally). it’s just two people lying / sitting there, with one hand uncomfortably angled to jack off another person. it’s probably the most silent of all foreplay things which is why every person i know (female, male, cis, non cis) hate handjobs. 
ur hand and fingers might cramp a little if ur fingering a female, and the movements might get a little clumsy, but thats OKAY TOO!!! 
the angle of ur hand when fingering is important. if ur just shoving it down some pants/  trousers, it doesn’t leave a lot of movement so it won’t be super Great. under a skirt, or better yet- naked, makes things a LOT easier bc u have more Room.
write about the fingers. write about them moving up and down. don’t just rub them over the clit, or have them inside a vagina. that’s not exactly how it works. we need some pressure. we need a little rub. mainly near the clitoris or on the actual clitoris itself
don’t ever start by writing fast movements. u gotta write about building a motion and speed. start slow, then speed it up. 
fingering: circular motions over near the clit slowly, then a liiiiittle faster. stroking motions up and down. moving up towards the clit properly, then back down and slowly inserting a finger. then pull the finger out. repeat. keep each movement slow and deliberate and teasing. fdjkndfbnjkdfjnk graphic, i know. but. i mean. that’s a good first foreplay move i’ve found ???
handjob: thumb over the tip first as a lil tease, then slowly roll your hand in a fist motion all the way down the length (keep ur arm in a ‘straight’ movement.) then back up. twist ur hand, especially near the tip. move a little faster if ur lubed up enough, and then u can even give a lil ball squeeze if ur feeling courageous. keep that movement going. the FASTER ur hand moves, the more close somebody will get to orgasm, bc for them it’s sometimes all abt friction. 
starting with fingering / a hand job is like the first step of a dance usually. start with hands and fingers, THEN rock on baby, to --
as previously mentioned, use a LOT of spit or lube. slick that bitch up.
cis-women are never wet constantly. ever. in fact, u can get dry pretty quickly again, so it’s not uncommon to write abt somebody spitting ‘down there’, just like u’d spit on a penis when giving a blowjob. 
most cis-men like their balls being played with a lil. so.. dfjnknj write about balls. i know it can be awkward and weird and the word ‘BALLS’ is not sexy. just try mention some movement there. some playing, or squeezing, or whatever word u feel comfortable using. especially during blowjobs. it’s just a good thing to do if u don’t know what to do with ur hands. don’t go crazy and just grab balls really roughly. 
if ur writing about a blowjob on a penis, deepthroating is never gonna happen straight off the bat. u gotta warm up ur throat a little, get ur throat to relax inch by inch, and not gag a lot. i promise u can’t just shove a whole dick down ur throat, unless u have the gag reflex of a porn star.
BUT also. write gagging. gagging happens a lot with blowjobs. i’ve never blown a guy who hasn’t loved the sound of gagging / choking a little 
jaws ache from oral. it’s a lot of the same movements and exertion, and YEAH IT CAN HURT UR JAW
tongues are ur best friend. a tongue should definitely be mentioned when writing oral on ANYONE.
write about hands AND mouth when writing oral. (use fingers and tongue when writing about going down on a female, and use hand in a fist movement around penis, when writing a blowjob, bc gripping with ur hand what ur mouth can’t reach yet is a+)
when writing a blowjob, focus on balls, yes- but also mention the tip. it’s sensitive for most guys, so a lil swirl of the tongue, or a suck or whatever... that’s good usually!!!
when writing going down on a female- move the tongue a lot. over the clit. then back down. use ur whole damn mouth and get messy. some ppl have a sensitive clit and direct movement onto it can be a lil overwhelming / overstimulating / painful, so yes- clit is good, but it can also be a little too much for some ppl!
write about lips. when going down on someone, lips also create sensations. it’s not the same as TONGUE, obviously, but it’s still soft and warm and it’s definitely something u feel. 
if ur writing about eating a girl out: tongues can be soft and flat, or they can a little pointy when u tense them. alternating between these 2 movements can be rlly good and pleasurable. starting soft and flat near the clit is good, before moving down to stick ur tongue in a little, and move it / wiggle it. but trust me - most of the action should be SOFT especially near the clit, bc it’s sensitive.
if you’re writing about a blowjob: suction. and moving quickly. hollow out those cheeks, and write about the tongue moving as the mouth does. suck hard, but not like.... ur character isn’t a vaccuum cleaner. they should suck ‘eagerly’ or whatever, and use their hand and tongue to help them out. trust me ur jaw will lock / hurt, u cannot suck a dick for like an hour. 
if u deepthroat a penis enough, ur voice can get pretty fucked up sounding, but i’ve never had it last longer than the next day or so. it just sounds like u’ve got a cold / sore throat (and thats bc u do)
some people just don’t like oral. some people aren’t comfortable in their bodies and can’t get out of their minds when it comes to it- which is super understandable. it’s a very intimate, close thing, bc hello -somebody is staring at ur genitalia basically. so hey, if u don’t wanna write it / don’t like it, then that’s completely chill too!
you don’t have to write about ‘the taste’. in fact, it’s absolutely ok and i’d prefer if u don’t bc i personally think that gets a bit weird. u can mention there IS a taste, but u don’t have to get into particulars bc that can get kinda icky. like ... it’s genitalia. we all know it won’t taste like a peach or whatever.
cis-women orgasm from oral sex, i think sometimes more often than they orgasm from actual penetrative sex? this is based off things i’ve read, and again, my own experience. 
oral sex can take a loooong ass time to reach orgasm sometimes. it’s barely ever a two-reply-thread piece. it’s always gonna be longer then that, if ur writing it realistically. sometimes reaching climax during oral, for any gender, can take anywhere up to an hour ??? if we’re being generous ??? again, cis men are more likely to cum first, BUT good oral sex can be dragged on for a while, for anybody. 
im gonna say it straight up. yes. it kinda feels like pooping almost when somebody fingers ur butt. but in a weirdly.. good way. idk how to describe it. 
getting fingered in the ass is SLOW work.  a finger will NOT just go in, especially not DRY. u need saliva / lube. you need the other person to be relaxed, or breathing, and u need to coax them through it all.
u don’t really know whats going on back there if ur on the receiving end. like. u can’t TELL by feeling on what’s going on. real talk: a guy fingered me once and i thought it was two fingers, but it was 3, and then later- when he put his dick in it was fine as well bc he’d relaxed me and gotten me to feel rlly comfortable and Safe. so TRUST me thats important when writing butt stuff. i can’t stress it enough.
it feels Strained. like it isn’t necessarily painful the entire time, but u can FEEL very full. so yeah, nobody is gonna have a finger in their ass and then immediately be ready for another, or be bouncing back , knuckle deep. u need a lot of patience and time for this.
if ur a cis-female... butt stuff is Fine, but its not a way to achieve orgasm, bc honestly there’s nothing stimulating u. it feels nice and the Roughness can be a kink, but u probably won’t orgasm / cum from it
use a lot of spit and a LOT of lube
u can’t just shove a dick / multiple fingers in someones ass either. u gotta stretch it out. take ur time. it literally can take an hour + sometimes more to get someone relaxed and stretched out enough. the amount of spit / lube and fingering needed is ridiculous
when it comes to ass stuff- make sure ur character is BREATHING in order to relax their muscles. everytime they’re relaxed, everything moves easier (this just goes for sex stuff in general too!)
eating ass is a thing, and look- ur not meant to ‘douche’ regularly bc apparently it’s bad for u. so if ur writing abt anal / butt stuff, u do NOT need to write abt anything poopy related or any of the douching stuff. its a silent rule, just like in real life. we don’t talk abt it djknfgnkjd
honestly, the overall feeling of Butt Stuff is just one of being Full and a lil Stretched, and if ur into Pain / a very different feeling then it’s a Good Feeling bc it just is all abt trusting n putting ur body in someone else’s hands (and fingers)
getting ur ass eaten feels warmer / more pleasurable than fingers bc a tongue in general is just nicer and softer then fingers are. 
spread them cheeks, boys, girls and non gender conforming folk
if ur gonna touch a cis-girls ass with ur tongue or fingers or anything... pls make sure ur stimulating her clit at the same time. i promise that can make things speed up in terms of relaxation and pleasure v quickly.
always ask a cis-male before going near his ass (but also in general, always ask before doing anything), especially rlly Straight Dudes bc they get SUPER defensive abt their own ass being touched 
anal stuff can be GREAT for foreplay just bc it’s a bit risque and it’s a bit Rougher and Harder just bc it’s a tighter hole. so, honestly yeah a lil finger in the ass whilst being eaten out isn’t terrible, or being fingered there at the same time as being fingered elsewhere can  also feel pretty Spicy, depending on ur taste
for cis-men, butt stuff  can be a  VERY quick way to orgasm. especially if ur blowing them / stroking them at the same time
anal / ass stuff isn’t for everyone. don’t write it if ur not comfortable. don’t do it if ur not comfortable. 
the body shakes, tenses, spasms and generally loses a little bit of control
ur grip turns very intense and Harsh
back arching is a Thing
hands yanking at hair is a Thing
for when a cis-man orgasms... it can happen quite suddenly, but it’ll be a little twitch, and u can FEEL them tense. fast movement is what usually gets them to orgasm Quicker, i’ve found. 
for everybody else, i feel like it can be harder to achieve orgasm, but when it happens- your legs get all tense and squeeze the SHIT out of the head between them, and u definitely make some noise. orgasm can just happen, and sometimes with women especially.. it’s kinda easier to fake orgasm bc there’s never truly a Way To Tell physically???? this could be entirely wrong, of course, but there’s SO MUCH discussion and research based on the female orgasm that i feel like i can’t write anything abt it here bc it’s SO different for everyone.
just follow the general rule: ‘you’ll know when it happens’. ‘you’ll know when you know’. 
orgasms won’t always happen. it can get CLOSE but not happen, and it’s not always some big disappointing, ‘blue-balls’ event. it happens, or it doesn’t. sometimes u can write amazing head, and the other character won’t cum, and u know what? that’s ok too.
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 years
Incredibly random question - Marvel is constantly getting dragged for it's depictions of Romani characters (in comics or film), so... why haven't they ever just created a character who is Romani and isn't a stereotype? They get called out for whitewashing SW and QS, I'm pretty sure the same thing will happen to Doctor Doom (though speculation is that it's Giancarlo Esposito who may play him), so why not create a new character that isn't whitewashed or leaning into stereotypes?
I'm not sure I believe that there is, or has ever been, consistent and prominent criticism of the whitewashing, erasure, and exploitation of Roma history in superhero media. I don't see it in the consumer base, and I don't see it in the journalism world. These issues sometimes get brought up as talking points, and there are fandom communities that like to parrot shallow diversity rhetoric to each other, but I rarely see critics or industry professionals engage with the problem in a committed, intentional way. If Marvel were receiving backlash on a level that would prompt a clear, material response... we would've seen that response.
More to the point, there is no structure within Marvel to parse criticism and generate creative material in direct response-- that's just not how the story writing process works. Meaningful, honest representation happens when the writers and artists on a project understand the issues at hand and want to do right by the communities they're depicting. If the company had better hiring practices and not only prioritized marginalized voices, but matched corresponding voices to minority narratives, we would see that type of representation more often.
I do get where you're coming from, but I kind of feel like diversity for diversity's sake is just tokenism, and, if I'm being honest, I'm not comfortable with the idea of gadje writers taking it upon themselves to create "good" Romani representation. I'm really much more interested in improving upon the characters who already exist, because they will persist in the popular imagination whether I like it or not. Besides, it can be hard to launch new characters-- not everyone can be a runaway success like Kamala.
One of my favorite things about Wanda and Pietro is that they do speak to an important part of our history and reflect not-uncommon experiences in our community-- it's not a stereotype, per se, to be poor, or an immigrant, or to experience racial violence. It's not a stereotype to be descended from Holocaust survivors. These are truths which need to be represented, but they need to be represented truthfully. It's unfortunate that so many writers and artists choose to employ racist aesthetics and tropes when doing so, but it doesn't have to be that way. Quicksilver: No Surrender proved as much, and I think that Ahmed's treatment of the characters could make a real difference moving forward if he, or anybody half as smart and informed, got another crack at writing them.
I don't necessarily think that the Maximoffs, or even Doctor Doom, are whitewashed in the same way that Meggan or Amanda Sefton are, but, as I've explained in the past, it would be better if there were a more diverse range of ethnic appearances among Roma characters-- they can't all be white-passing, you know? These things are not immutable, though-- Wanda's coloring has fluctuated over the years, and Victor has even been brown on occasion. There's not reason the Maximoffs can't become more visible characters of color. I mean, how many times has Rictor turned white? I'm just saying.
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queerlymasculine · 3 years
3. What monster/creatures would you like to be?
4. What does it feel like to be primal? Do you act differently?
10. Werewolves or demons ?
18. Tentacles?
22. What’s the most uncommon monster you’d fuck?
(I think those were the ones I sent you I can’t remember lmaooo)
💝💝💝ty for writing out the questions, I don't have the brain cells today to flip back and forth to find the Qs, ilu robin💝
3. I haven't had a moment when I've wanted to be a monster, but that could always change. I just want to be fucked by a monster :3c one that's much bigger and stronger than me, whereas I'm just a human who does want to be railed by said monster but wouldn't be able to stop the monster if i hypothetically wanted to, which I would not want to. love that for me.
4. hmm this is a good question! I think yes but I don't act too differently. I think I'm just more connected to my body and I let myself focus more on the physical arousal and I let it be a little more overwhelming. I'm more likely to whimper and not use as many words and to want to stay where I'm put and just take the dicking like a good boy ☺️
10. both! both is good
18. YES I'm really into tentacles. multiple phallic shaped objects??? yes please
22. idk, I need to spend more time thinking about this. but maybe a plant monster could be considered uncommon? I'd definitely fuck a darkspawn from the dragon age games.
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hyba · 4 years
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I started working on festivals after receiving an ask from @writingamongthecoloredroses​ about festivals in my world! Thank you very, very much for that motivation and inspiration! (I’d like to go ahead and make separate posts for each of them, if you don’t mind, so I can share about them without letting posts get too long ^^)
Utsaval Hisad is a festival celebrating the harvest seasons that takes place in Sissa twice a year, and it is one of the most popular festivals in Sissa. To read more about what happens during Utsaval Hisad and how it’s celebrated, take a look under the cut!
Because Sissa is geographically located in such a hot, arid region, alongside the Black Desert, the yearly harvests mean a great deal to the people. They mean that there will be enough food, and they will have enough to last from one harvest to the next. Those harvests are also extremely important because there isn’t much land that can actually be made fertile enough to grow crops in, so that small bit of land that can work has to produce enough to feed the entire empire.
It isn’t uncommon for schools to take their students to the nearest farm to help out during the harvests and learn more about how things work. Many families also like to visit local farms to offer their help and celebrate. It is a time when the community really comes together, and the two iterations of Utsaval Hisad that happen during the year often take place over two or three weeks, with several parties and fairs happening throughout Sissa.
As this is a festival related to food, there is generally an abundance of food to be had during these celebrations. Parties, which are generally open to the public and held by those who can afford to (there is a certain amount of prestige that comes with being able to throw a party that can feed hundreds of people) tend to have banquets. Fairs include stalls where people can sell and buy special snacks. But food isn’t the most important thing to look out for during these times.
Community and togetherness is a big part of Utsaval Hisad. It strengthens the bonds between groups of people and reinforces the fact that they’re in it together, and they all should work with one another to ensure the success and greatness of the empire. And, given that the empire is constituted of various ex-kingdoms and states, this is important. It unifies the land.
Let me know if you’ve got any Qs about this, or want more details! Send me an ask!
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Uncommon qs for Iaze - 4, 5 & A?
thanks!! 💜
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
not very easy at all. she’s a sarcastic jokester with a flirty streak and definitely doesn’t come off as mean or anything, but she has a hard time opening up to people and bonding with them on account of the whole “exiled from Csilla at a young age thanks to her Force sensitivity” thing. Orgus, T7, Kira, Satele, and friend OC Ereneth (belongs to consuularis) are the only people she really trusts herself with at least in act 1. thankfully she opens up more over time. :’)
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
see the above. while she doesn’t actively believe people are about to betray her, her father ratting her out and getting her exiled from Csilla makes it all too easy for her to assume the worst in somebody when they’re trying to befriend her. she’s still friendly and gives people a chance, but it’s. yeah.
A. Why are you excited about this character?
she’s the only Jedi Knight I was able to get attached to enough to not only beat the class story with, but also take her through the expansions :’) okay but even more seriously: she’s a person who, at her core, at the very end of the day, absolutely loves being a Jedi and doesn’t want to be anything else. for all her flaws (and she’s got plenty), Iaze very much chooses to be a Jedi and to uphold their values of peace and protecting people. she loves her order and she’s at least partially a way to get out my own appreciation for the Jedi as a whole.
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