#ugh. ill b so glad when this bullshit is over with
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#lets do some math here. im applying to 5 programs for a phd and i have 2 degrees that i have to send out as official transcripts#so that's already like 30 dollars per school. so 150 basline. plus application fees#the 1st uni i applied to had no fee. the canadian one is 125 Canadian dollars so 95 usd#then 38 dollars for one us uni and fucking 70 dollars for the other us uni#and idk if the last uni has a fee but it would prob be like 25 pounds so 30 usd#so thats what fucking#353 dollars assuming the last uni doesn't have a fee. jesus.#the fucking 70 dollar one fucking gets me tho but that application is also the most fucking annoying one. u have to individually input a#bunch of info rather than just submitting a cv. fucking stupid#and its like. they might not even accept me so like wtf#one school is wanky and prestigious. another program is highly competitive bc its for only one position. another i wont kno if the lab has#the funding for a student until like april. and then idk abt the us schools. the 70 dollar one is also fuck off kinda prestigious#but the other seems kinda more chill? so idk i just want to b accepted somewhere pls.#also i need to ask for letters of recommendation. its so annoying. in the uk and Canada they only want 2 but in the us its 3#ugh. ill b so glad when this bullshit is over with#at this point idk where i want to go really. they all have pros and cons. the canadian would b kinda rad bc i would b an international#students but also not very far from where i grew up and i miss the snow and the trees a lot. its literally like 3hrs from where i did my#undergrad lmao. oh god i shouldnt think abt it like that or it might dissuade me from going there lol#idk idk idk the us schools would prob give me the most info school wise bc rhe us system is kinda brutal#and i could fuck around forever and establish nasa connections. but idk i also wanna go back to the uk#even tho i would b a huge pain in the ass with all the visa bullshit. ugh. whatever it doesnt even matter rn#bc no one has accepted me yet#unrelated
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One of the most important things I’m learning while my father-in-law is visiting is how people interact with me as a sick person. I’ve been mostly just around my husband since getting worse over the past year and moving to another state. Interacting with his co-workers for events has been a once every few months type of thing so I’ve never had to cancel on them or show outward signs of my symptoms because I could just push through for a few hours every couple of months. But seeing my FIL every day for a week is showing me how little patience people have with me as a chronically ill person. I don’t have any outward signs that I’m sick except my facial expressions and my taking medicine in front of people. Since he can’t see something wrong with me, my FIL doesn’t seem to understand that a migraine is different than a headache, an IBS or Endo flare up is different than a stomach ache. He seems to think I’m either faking it or being a big baby.
At least that’s the way he’s coming across. We never actually said anything about it. I pulled myself together for the first 2 and a half days that he’s been here and done everything that we had planned for his trip. But then when we went out to dinner at a super fancy restaurant that evening I just felt so bad. My Endo and IBS had been flaring all day. I’ve been in and out of the restroom a more than normal amount for an extraordinary amount of time. I wasn’t talking because I had a headache building up to a migraine. I was just there. He was getting upset that we had a quiet dinner at this fancy restaurant (that he was paying for despite the fact that we were planning on paying for it the whole time and he knew it) and had very little to say to me on the ride home. The next day was more of the same so I said fuck it. I’m doing a half day. Whatever the two of them wanted to do in the evening was all left up to them. I had a shitty health day again, I medicated as much as I needed to despite my FIL seeing, I took an hour long soak in the tub with epsom salt while they watched a baseball game, I came out in my PJs and used a heating pad for the last part of the game. I just lost all my fucks. They’ve gone to a concert and I’m glad I didn’t go. A) I don’t want to deal with his passive aggressive bullshit, B) I ate dinner and nearly vomited it back up three minutes later. I may only be 29 but I need to rest and that’s that.
Maybe he’s just in a bad mood. Maybe I’m taking way too much of his outward behavior personally. But I also know how he has interacted with me in the past and I also know how he has reacted to my discussion of my health in the past. He wants to pretend it isn’t happening or wants me to discuss it with my mother-in-law since Endo is a woman’s issue. UGH. Okay, I need to stop bitching at this point. I’m just frustrated.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
In a season where confronting toxic relationships is a major theme, it's nice to see that Bellarke doesn't have any problems. I know everyone wants a Hakeldama 2.0, but we get the angst- in small amounts. They disagree, but they talk through it. They support each other, and they understand each other. They're quite possibly one of the healthiest relationships on the show.
You’re right. Bellarke is nice. They’re still figuring things out with each other, but that they are FIGURING things out is healthy. They aren’t really making assumptions or claims on the other until they know where they are which is good.
But you know, I’ve seen some healthy relationships too. 
Monty and Harper looks good from what I’ve seen. Supportive. And Monty is kind of in crisis and Harper is there for him. (she’s also there for Emori, so go Harper!)
(controversy ahead) B/E seems pretty healthy to me, also. They support each other. They are honest with each other. Protective. caring, committed. Sucks that it’s going to end, but sometimes even healthy relationships don’t work in the real world. Sometimes the other person is not QUITE what you need, and that’s actually okay. Especially if you have a solid relationship outside of romance. 
In general spacekru seems healthy. In its romantic and platonic (and something in between) relationships. Except for Murphy. But even with that, we can see his friends supporting him, giving him space, pushing his boundaries to urge him to come back or step up or stop feeling sorry for himself. They love him even with his flaws, although they won’t let him hurt them anymore. They want him back. They value him. They give him chances. 
Oh Clarke and Madi is also a healthy relationship. They support each other, it’s not oppressive for either, Clarke cares for madi and makes sure she doesn’t take on too much responsibility but gives her freedom. It’s honest. Even when people are in danger and Madi makes choices that are dangerous, they deal with it.
Ah. See. That’s the thing, healthy relationships are not an either/or proposition. A healthy relationship is a way of INTERACTING. It might be a verb, not a noun or adjective. 
There are ALWAYS going to be problems, whether external or internal. And sometimes people LOSE IT. Murphy lost it. Abby lost it. Octavia lost it. Their demons are taking over. 
You can watch as Bellamy, or Emori works to work THROUGH Murphy’s issues and bring him back in. As Murphy’s primary target, she’s understandably more defensive than Bellamy who is more a big brother type of relationship with him. Monty dealt less well with him, but THEN, Monty is also in crisis, and their opposite desires are causing friction. Monty wants to stay safe away from the problems of the earth, and Murphy needs the problems of the earth to feel valid.
Murphy is working on his issues, though, as imperfectly as he is, more than Abby. Who is in denial denial denial stage. Lies. Dishonesty to herself and Kane. Hurting others. Running away. Part of her problem is external. The drugs are a thing outside of herself. And then the mental illness of addiction. She’s a mess. Not hopeless, but Kane can’t very well make that relationship healthy by himself, and she’s actively working to keep it toxic, because of the addiction. Ugh. We don’t know how it’s going to shake out yet. Stay tuned.
And then there’s every relationship that Octavia is in. All of them toxic. The best one is Octavia and Indra, and she ignores Indra who is trying to moderate Octavia’s slide into darkness, which is fed by her own demons, by the necessities of survival, by having too much power, by having no one to call her on her bullshit (why Indra was so glad to see Bellamy) by being surrounded by sycophants, by toxic stories about how it is required to sacrifice people and mercy in the name of survival. Wow there’s so many things wrong with octavia right now. And she has no need to change, because she has all the power. Again, we’ll have to see how that shakes out. 
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tempestshakes01 · 5 years
Here’s another entry in this embarrassing public online diary (I love it.):
Health: 4/10 
The weird cough is still lingering, but now it’s gotten a bit worse in the daytime. I’m still hacking up mucus until I vomit (or moan and cry to NOT vomit because I just ate and I’d rather NOT throw up a bacon burger, thanks) and it’s fuckin miserable. I’m worried that if this lasts, I’ll have to fly like this and my flight is an overnighter--prime cough/nausea/vomit hours. UGH. 
Other than the cough and my persistent jaw acne, I’m the perfect picture of health. I feel great. 
Well, no. My ass has a massive bruise because yesterday I slipped down Leah’s stairs (wood laminate is slippery as hell in socks!) running to the bathroom to...ugh...puke up a glob of mucus and bits of burger. 
But other than that! 
Work: 7/10
I still feel like I did something wrong and no one is telling me. I’m friendlier and peppier now that the winter blues (read: depression) are slipping away with the sunny skies and warmer weather (all that snow--16 inches on the ground at the start of the month--melting), but I think the damage is done. 
Except, other than not being super chatty, I’m not sure what the damage is. The only admin that’s normal is the principal. We’re getting along great! A few colleagues are still the same including Mr. Married Lumberjack whom I had a crush on.  
I’m probably paranoid though. I’m also bored out of my mind. Things are smooth for 85% of the time and that’s...great, but also...it’s too smooth and I feel judged doing more because Veronica is gone. 
Okay, so that most likely makes no sense, but it’s how I feel. 
Home: 9.5/10
Things are superb with my parents. I’m headed to D.C. with my mom next week (along with every 8th grader in America...I’m so stupid...) and we’re going to try to keep it as civil as possible when it comes to politics. My dad is texting, but not smothering me with attention. In fact, I should call him more.
My sister seems to be doing...the same. Lots of astrology posts on the gram, but no mention of Paris (her potentially mentally-ill ex) so that’s a relief. The kids are doing great as well. Nick and I are texting more often. He even asked my advice about our parents which was new. I want to ask him about Alyssa because I’m still utterly curious about that situation, but I know he’s still hurting over it and the fact that he had a “quarter-life” crisis when he was working 50+ hours, going to school full time, and interning at the church. He’s decided to graduate as quickly as possible, quit the preacher path, and stay in the coffee game. 
Apparently, he got a promotion and a raise, so he’s making really great money. Plus, he’s like...super passionate about coffee. More passionate than he ever seemed about Jesus or school. 
We’re currently fighting about NCAA brackets and our current favorite music, and it’s great. 
Friends: 6/10
Reconnecting with Jack and Nicol is super nice. I just don’t know how to proceed and how quickly and if I’m an annoyance. I also want Nicol without Jack as well, but I don’t want to offend either of them (not that I think it would! but the chance makes me hesitate...) and they’re such a partnership that I wonder if it IS a big request to separate them. 
We went to see Us today and I didn’t like it very much. We’re going to see Back to the Future on Tuesday at the old theater. They invited me to the former; I invited them to the latter. I trust this will all work out.
Gosh, and I don’t trust Leah at ALL which is wild because I probably hang out with her the most out of anyone, but yeah. There’s something about that girl that I don’t trust. 
Went on Facebook and saw a photo of my childhood best friends (we were a trio: Valerie, Kristina, and I). They were on a backpacking trip together in Alaska. They live entirely different lives, but they still maintained a great friendship over the years. God, and they went into chemical engineering so they’re both making BANK, but they’re the most down-to-earth women. 
I don’t know...I guess it makes me think...for the billionth time...how different my life would be if we’d never moved from El Paso. 
El Paso was idyllic. My childhood consisted of bike rides out into the desert, street games with a plethora of neighborhood boys, summer secrets and stars, theme parks and athletics, best friends who were boys that I knew I could fall in love with, best friends who were girls and I knew I could trust with my whole heart. I lived a good life there. 
When I left, things started to peel apart, but it sort of seemed--for the most part--most of the El Paso crew grew up in the same way they had been...in that easy, perfect sunset sort of way. Most everyone I grew up with went Homecoming and Prom and did senior sunrise and went to good schools where they did the greek life and then got jobs in the sciences or medicine or moved out to Hollywood. They’re utterly normal and successful now in a very...the way they tell you things will go in life. 
Anyway, that childhood best friend I thought I could fall in love with? Went through a long-haired rave phase circa 2012/13, but is currently dating a white girl who wears cowboy boots, no makeup, and studies sports medicine in the same grad program as him. It’s the way things were supposed to be and it’s just weird to see their lives (through the filter and lens of social media) go so simply. Also, his hairline is going and he looks bloated, so the white-half is coming for him in the aging process, ha. His Mexican mom still looks BOMB, so poor guy for inheriting his dad’s hair follicles. 
And anyway, that childhood best friend I could trust with my whole heart? Dating a republican future politician named John Smith and traveling South American for the next couple weeks working in various hospital and women’s health care. She’s a nurse and probably a damn good one. She got her boobs done a couple years ago and I sometimes wonder if we’d still get along. 
Media: 5/10
This is a bullshit category just to give a VM hot-takes, but I’ll play into my own bullshit. 
I’m not watching any TV except B99. I watch about 3 movies a week and I try to make 1 a classic or a “difficult” title. I watch mostly youtube, to be honest. I like Hot Ones, Bon Appetit, Jenna Marbles, theTryGuys, Tasty, Brave Wilderness, Millenium Dance Complex ‘n’ adjacent choreographers’ channels, and various media video essays. 
I’m reading a lot of books...but they’re all YA. Which isn’t bad! I’m just laughing that it took me reading Airborn by Kenneth Oppel (my favorite adventure YA book) out loud to the students to remind my dumb reading brain how fun books could be. Apparently, I’m a fantastic reader and I do wonderful voice and I make the story seem like a movie. We’re on the sequel and I’m about to start the His Dark Materials series.  
That Worlds podium? TRASH. Justice for S/B. 
Yeah, so I’m on a VM cleanse, right? Cause with the winter and all the crazy, it was just an unhealthy piece of media in my life. I miss the GC though, but that’s about it, lol. Oh, and with the new content (I tried to resist!) it’s clear that I did miss them doing their thing and I need to unload some of the thoughts whirling in my head. 
Ugh, I have thoughts about the whole timeline of events because I see people questioning or backtracking, and I’m like? We seriously went through an awful series of events that made all the previous weirdness make sense (but left lingering brand-new weirdness). Except that’ll just bring back old feelings that I’m trying to move on from. 
Geez, I can’t believe I’m about to talk about them in a gossip-y way again, but uh, I’m glad that they seem to be repairing their friendship and that Scott legit looked happy. The vibes are definitely friendship so far, or like, 2015-vibes. Which who knows where that will lead in the future? Will they do things messy like last Fall/Winter? Do they think they can try again or are they now afraid of fucking this up so badly they can’t come back from it? Are they going to accept each other as only friends and maintain those boundaries? You love me, real or not real? WHO KNOWS. I hate this ride.
Also, I’m aware of some of the gossip because I’m fool who caves from time to time for a few minutes and I remember (god, again, I hate that I’m still invested even with this time off) that J was selling her Coachella tickets, and now it’s been announced that VM are doing that show in Korea which takes place the same days as a Coachella weekend. So. Yeah. I’m putting my money on J being in Korea because why sell the tickets (just take a friend), but I’m also still wondering if this is all going to end up like Klawes-era. 
Literally, I wake up believing 100% that J’s gonna be the one Scott’s going to marry because it’s just that time. Then, I go to sleep 98% believing that no matter what, somehow, someway, Tessa and Scott are going to end up together. 
inTERSTIngLY, I have neglected to message Tinder matches the past couple weeks and I believe 50% of the time that I’m going to end up alone because I’m not even trying. (Cut me some slack though. I haven’t had an acne flare-up this bad in years and it’s wrecking my confidence.) 
Music: 10/10
I take hour drives out of town and find obscure trails and I hike for an hour...and let me tell you my Spotify is killing it. 
Current favorite songs:
How Do You Know - CALIPH (you know what I’m thinking) 
Stone Street - MS. WHITE (fun)
anything from Oliver Tree (his music speaks to me as does his fucking stupid meme humor)
Wow. - POST MALONE (sue me)
anything from Duckrth (so much fun) 
Charms - ABEL KORZENIOWSKI (don’t imagine VM dancing to this)
The Cheek of Night - ABEL KORZENIOWSKI
Sucks - ANGELO MOTA (dark and atmospheric hip hop that makes me wish I could dance cause it’s calling to me to choreograph something to it)
bury a friend - BILLIE EILISH (lol I can’t dance, but I’m learning Kodish choreo for this as a workout) 
Beverly Blues - OPIA (a summer jam)
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Ali & Carly
Ali: save me Ali: this practice is dragging Carly: survive it & i'll help you forget you had to Ali: reckon i've only just come down Ali: but this sesh is making that happen hard and fast 😩 Ali: how's you Carly: aw baby no Carly: say you caught stage fright off me & you gotta leave rn k Carly: i was still up before i got brought down too Ali: dead believable Carly: i kno Ali: can't even blend into the furniture 'cos there is none Ali: so grunge rn Ali: unacceptable tho, who's bringing my baby down Carly: lie on the floor Carly: as protests go itd get the mood across Carly: ronan is Ali: yeah, 'less they think i'm about to go all acdc on 'em Ali: shouldn't have needed to ask but there we are Ali: what's got his knickers in a twist today Carly: wtf does that mean Carly: a load of his cousins are back on site Carly: fun Ali: oh babe Ali: missing out Ali: i'll show you, not at this rehearsal but when i'm actually bringing my rockstar a game Ali: omg is bartley there Carly: k Carly: yea he is Carly: so im not Ali: fun times Ali: i'd rather him over ronan but you do you Carly: if i wanted a bf Carly: but nah Carly: & hes not over it Ali: 😬 Ali: come to grab you Ali: awks Carly: yea Carly: like i kno im good thats why i cant save it all for you boy Carly: wife your own Ali: thought they weren't allowed to wife gorjas anyway Ali: tuttut Ali: you just out here tryna be community spirited Carly: yea im just living like one of you don't get it twisted lads Carly: cant make it clearer than fucking your cousin at your bday party Ali: damn Ali: stone cold boo Carly: told him how it had to be but he didnt wanna hear it Carly: had to show him instead you kno Ali: i get it, did the same but in reverse Ali: its cultural but its a bullshit excuse Ali: don't answer to anyone, so they don't like no, like Carly: yea? Carly: how fun Carly: like i dont answer to anyone either lads Ali: mhmm, you know how weird he got ick Ali: forreal Ali: my ma might say otherwise but shh Carly: mine wouldnt Carly: out here making her proud Ali: pop that on the next postcard Ali: glad you ain't here, lads Carly: ha Carly: wish you were tho you could distract Barty for me Carly: the grass is too wet for creeping Carly: fall on my arse Ali: poor baby Ali: i'd throw myself on that dick bomb for you Ali: lene can't even be mad Ali: loves chivalry Carly: aw Carly: youre too good Carly: i kno i should just go out there like idgaf but looking like this Carly: not gonna do me any favors Ali: like you're so 😍 there's gonna be a riot or you looking how you feeling Carly: wanna say yea to the first 1 but got the weight of last nite on me Ali: fuck this Ali: i'm coming and i'm bringing concealer Carly: might start a riot at rehearsal baby Carly: but idc if you dont Ali: nah, explained Ali: basically a feminist emergency Ali: how could they refuse Ali: don't need to mention we're gonna turn looks and party Carly: ha Carly: [sends selfie] Carly: thats what im working w Carly: emergency it is Ali: nah you still cute Ali: cuter than them, that's a given but i'll bring all my shit Ali: love a makeover moment Carly: youre so sweet Carly: love a happy lie Ali: no lies bitch Carly: ha k bitch Ali: a bitch better believe me Ali: imma make you when i'm through, don't worry Carly: you do have talent Carly: ive seen that Ali: 😉 Ali: tell you it's all natural or take the compliment hmm Carly: nobodys lashes look that good w out help Carly: but when i can see the freckles i kno you not going hard like Carly: so cute Ali: now who's the sweet one, shortcake Ali: 😊 Carly: facts baby Carly: im just saying 'em Ali: touche Ali: well your eye and hair colour combo is killer and we gon flaunt that Carly: its gonna clash w my skin if you keep making me blush boo Ali: nah, save your blushes for me Ali: stone cold fox, remember Ali: they'll never know Carly: dont let your gf kno Carly: dont wanna get grabbed by her either k Ali: 😂 Ali: she'll be gutted but cool with me Carly: love a 3way but Carly: she still scares me Ali: She's a pussycat really Carly: w you Carly: cuz youre cute Ali: so are you Ali: just a #confirmedstraight Ali: she can't be too nice, like, think of her rep Carly: ha Carly: tell her how many girls ive fucked Ali: tempting as it is to spice up the pillowtalk babe Ali: can't deal with the male gaze rant again 🙄 Carly: like you dont kno how to shhh her Ali: 😏 Ali: easy as a lad, like, but don't tell Carly: facts Carly: like i said you have talent baby Ali: backatcha Ali: for a straight girl, like 😘 Carly: ha Carly: yea lads arent no trick Ali: like you said you've fucked loads of girls too Carly: idk tho didnt stick around to tell me how it was Ali: hmm Ali: have to ask for a review next time Carly: fuck no Carly: might as well go to school and flunk that like Ali: awh baby Ali: how you expecting to learn anything 'bout treating a girl right from ronan Carly: idc Carly: as long as the lad is feeling what im doing Carly: & they do Ali: no doubt Carly: too much in bartys case Ali: hard life being a bad bitch Carly: ha you kno Ali: are any of his other cousins cute Ali: get the full set Carly: yea Carly: most are Ali: back again to homewreck hey Carly: couple are old but would Ali: shame i'm 💍 and they probs are too Carly: ha yea Carly: you could end yours w a txt but them nah Ali: you reckon? 😂 Carly: whats she gonna do Carly: show up here Carly: ill be like i dont share bitch Ali: probably Ali: shotgun toting da's don't scare her as much as they should Carly: k ill remember that Carly: hope mine dont show for my own reasons Ali: would probs scare off bart but also all the others Carly: youd think but hed just have a beer w them & b matey matey Carly: reckon hed sell me for a case if he could Carly: ship sailed w my virginity tho Ali: bummer really Ali: who knows what we coulda got outta that deal Ali: giving it away willynilly ugh past me Carly: they might wanna go harder for round 2 Carly: youre more talented now Ali: nice salespitch, babe Ali: i'm impressed, idk if they will be but worth a shot Carly: they would Carly: not that stupid Carly: & youre that cute Ali: like i'll wanna go with them when their chat is gonna be nowhere near as nice 😋 Carly: aw Carly: well you got me Carly: marital bed whenever Ali: but of course 😂 Carly: youre meant to laugh me into bed not out Ali: yeah and you're meant to wanna be there babe so it's chill Carly: k yea true Ali: even with my talents Ali: no turning water into wine, like Ali: sadly Carly: not w that attitude baby Ali: yeah being a debby downer's your only turn-off Ali: my ego thanks you, babe 😉 Carly: i'll work on the rest of you thanking me when you get here Ali: bitch... 😳 Ali: least it gon' be equal when I slay your makeover Carly: ill be grateful you kno Ali: i know
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consequentson · 7 years
My thoughts on 5x05, Dreams Die First under the cut. Liveblogging without the spamming of the dash, basically.
Was kinda confused about the beginning scene -- did Norman black out again or was this still him being confused from the night before? Was it the night before, or has time passed?
Emma’s hair is adorable.  And I’m not surprised Dylan kept the earring... I mean can you imagine standing over the trash can with that piece of evidence? He probably did and then just couldn’t do it. You can really tell it’s eating him up inside. :(  I’m surprised Emma’s not seeing through him but she’s probably just associating his discomfort with Norma and Norma alone, which... would be part of it. Half truths do a hell of a job in covering up lies via omission.
Norman’s a lot better at lying this episode than he was in the last, haha. I’m liking this new sheriff, too. She’s seeing through his bullshit, calling him on it, but not unprofessionally. 
Okay freaking DYLAN DADDING and then HUSBANDING and then lashing out at the mention of Norma bc a) NORMA and b) AUDREY and
and then Norman doing THE SAME FUCKING THING TO MADELINE and brother parallels and THEY ARE NORMA’S BOYS and I’m having Bates Family Feels™
(the scene with Sam and Marion was drawn out as fuck and boring tbh like it didn’t need to be that long lmao)
... Apparently feelings mean less to say. But I’ll keep typing till commercials are over.
I’m kinda confused about what is going on with Norman rn. Glad we got that confirmation that it was the very next day since the last episode though.
I have a lot of feelings about how caring of a person Norman is underneath all his illness, and really appreciate how the writers are keeping him true to himself beneath it all; between him actually trying to let Caleb go and the way he was speaking to Madeline, idk, I just love Norman.
I am so not sold on Marion yet, ugh. She’s mumbling/not enunciating and seems really vacant, like it’s obvious Rihanna’s not an actress >.< I hope she revs up her performance because if we’re stuck with this for long... 
lmao they’re trying so hard to make Madeline interesting and like... I don’t hate her except that I hate how boring she is because she pretty much nailed it on the head about her being the stupid idiot in the middle lmao  like I laughed when she told Norman “get out of my damn truck” because like... they’re trying so hard to make us like her/think she’s like Norma but damn that delivery was weak as fuck... 
Props to that bartender for being totally cool with Norman dressing in drag and having an alter ego, at least from his perspective, lmao. Using proper gender names and all haha. It was funny though as he started realizing something was off though. Great little scene. I really don’t get where this Rogue!Mother thing is going, though.
Dr Edward’s return was surprisingly welcome -- though I’m not super keen that it was just... totally by accident? Of all the crosswalks, y’know? But I liked the insight we got from his conversation, and kind of almost wonder if maybe this talk will lead to Norman reaching out to Dylan...? A Dylan!mun can dream........   >.>  I mean, Gregg reminded Norman of reality, something that was already seeping in for some reason we haven’t quite learned yet, so maybe Norman does feel alone enough to reach out to his big brother?
Marion’s scenes are dry, dry, dry. Rihanna needs to step it up -- and hey there, Carlton. I appreciate the cameo, but this is the final season, you can’t act, and was the scene really necessary to the plot...? A non speaking cameo in the background or brief one liner as an extra might’ve been more suitable :/ 
that scene just
i’m tearin up and actually might barf lmao i jUST FEEL SO MUCH FOR THESE CHARACTERS
holy fuck 
“I was a coward and I left because I wanted to be with you”
and Emma kicking him out telling him to leave
okay WOW i feel like if i could just actually get sick i’d feel better but like holy FUCK BALLS i am not prepared for next week nope nope Emma knows now and Dylan’s in the doghouse and NORMAN IS FUCKING UNDERSTANDING SHIT AND IS REALIZING/REMEMBERING NORMA’S DEAD and my heart is just breaking for everybody 
rip me i dead
i need to rewatch this like ASAP
will prolly rewatch 2-3 times tomorrow ngl wow
great ep
(will fast forward the sam and marion scenes tho thems were snoozers)
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unlikely-savage · 6 years
Xavier: -clears work off coffee table and throws it under something somewhere-
Xavier: -puts champagne glasses and snacks on coffee table-
Xavier: Okay I think that's everything.
Aurora: *smiles and hugs him from behind* You're such a good host. It's really cute
Xavier: I'm just nervous your friend will hate me. -sighs-
Lux: *walking with Rosemary* What if I dont get along with your friend's boyfriend?
Lux: What if hes a republican?
Aurora: Dont worry, silly! *turns him around and kisses his nose* she'll love you! I havent met her boyfriend yet though
Rosemary: If h-he's a republican th-then we can both tell A-Aurora she needs to s-stop seeing him. -nods before giggling-
Xavier: -pecks aurora on the lips and smiles- As long as he isn't republican it'll all be fine.
Lux: *smiles* Can we get into an argument with him first if he is? I'd like to at least mess with him a little *nudges her and laughs*
Aurora: *lightly hits his arm* even if he is, be nice!
Xavier: If he's a republican, no promises.
Rosemary: -bites her lip and giggles when they get to the door- -rings doorbell-
Aurora: Ill get it! *runs to door and opens it*
Lux: *holds up bottle of wine* Greetings!
Xavier: -walks behind her and goes to the door-
Xavier: -wide eyes- Lux?!
Rosemary: -looks at Lux and then Xavier- Y-You two know e-each other? -confused face-
Lux: *blinks then smiles* Xavier! I didnt know this was your place! *walks in and gives him a bro hug*
Aurora: Oh uh *smiles* I guess we can skip that intro then! Uh Rosemary, this is Xavier, Xavier this is Rosemary
Xavier: -bro hugs- Good to see you! So I see you're doing well then. -chuckles and nods at Rosemary and holds out a hand for hi to shake- Hi.
Rosemary: -blinks and shakes Xavier's hand- H-Hello.
Xavier: Come on in. -leads everybody into apartment and closes the door-
Rosemary: -walks in and is prolly standing awkwardly coz shes rosemary- S-So how do y-you guys kn-know each other?
Lux: *smiles at Xavier* lets just say, we helped each other out
Aurora: *clasps her hands together* Oh well how wonderful! I'm so glad everyone can get along now
Xavier: Wait. I never asked. Lux, you aren't a republican, right?
Rosemary: -starts giggling and ends up laughing like a maniac bc thats what lux was worried about-
Lux: *laughs with Rosemary and leans on her for support because hes laughing so much* Oh god *wipes eye* never. I'd rather lose my magic
Xavier: -looks at them like they're crazy but chuckles- Good.
Aurora: *giggles* See, Xavier? Nothing to worry about
Xavier: Right. -smiles and throws an arm around her shoulders-
Aurora: *grabs Rosemary's hand and starts yanking her into the kitchen* Come on! Help me finish up the food
Rosemary: -is dragged to the kitchen- B-But I c-can't cook!
Aurora: *giggles* Thats alright! That's what magic is for
Lux: *stands there with Xavier and chuckles* I see you worked out your woman troubles
Rosemary: -goes into kitchen and sighs- B-But I don't h-have magic!
Xavier: -grins back at him- I see you did too.
Xavier: I mean I know I made a guess about what she was like but I'm surprised I got everything right. Even down to the stutter. -chuckles-
Aurora: *starts using magic to move ingrediants and stuff around as she pours them something to drink* *smiles* I like Lux! You two look like youre realling in love
Lux: *chuckles* Yes, shes a real doll. I happen to think her stutter is cute *laughs*
Rosemary: -smiles and blushes and leans against a counter and plays with her hair- W-We do?
Xavier: -rolls his eyes and laughs- Of course you do.
Aurora: Mhm! *hands her a glass* Im so happy things for you both worked out. I can sense how happy you both are. Its like you two even have the same mind, I mean you both started laughing at the same time *giggles*
Rosemary: -smiles and takes the glass- I-It's just th-that he was worried X-Xavier would be a r-republican too. -giggles-
Lux: Isnt she adorable though! *tries to peak into the kitchen* Thanks for knocking some sense in me *nods, smiling* Youre a true friend
Aurora: *laughs into her hand and takes a sip* Really? How funny. Our boys have like the same mind
Xavier: Same goes to you. -chuckles when he tries to look into the kitchen- If it weren't for you I think I'd be breaking her heart. Thanks.
Rosemary: -giggles and drinks a bit- I'm not sure i-if that's hilarious or t-terrifying.
Lux: *gives him a noogie* You would be! And youd be sad because you let her get away!
Xavier: -chuckles and pushes him off- Thanks for kicking my ass into telling her, though. Sex is /so/ much better without the pretense of no feelings.
Aurora: A mix of both *continues waving her hands to do magic* I mean, they both hate republicans and enjoy coitus *giggles*
Rosemary: -blushes super red and drinks more- -how she still finds sex embarrassing is a mystery to us all-
Lux: *nods all proud* Anything for a fellow brother having lady troubles! *laughs* I agree though. Its nice to be able to tell Rosemary I love her now and not be afraid of what she'll say
Aurora: *giggles* Has it gotten better since you two started dating?
Xavier: -hands Lux a drink from the coffee table and gets one for himself and holds up his glass- To being able to tell our women we love them.
Rosemary: -blushes super red and drinks and nods and tries to hide a really big smile-
Lux: *clinks drinks with him* Salute! *takes a sip* Howd you finally do it?
Aurora: *squeals and playfully pokes her* I can see it on your face!
Xavier: -drinks before sighing- It wasn't pretty. I mean the catalyst was her having a fling with her ex but then she told me she loved me and I couldn't say I didn't love her back because I was tired of lying.
Rosemary: -giggles and playfully slaps her hand away-Sh-Shut up!
Lux: *sucks in air* Sheesh, thats harsh. At least she cares for you more though, thats what matters. My psycho ex tried to convince Rosemary I was just using her *sighs* so then thats when i had to tell her the truth about how I really felt. i couldnt have her thinking any of that bullshit was true. It was just the right time to tell her how i felt
Aurora: *smiles and whispers* to be honest, I feel the same with Xavier and I's sex life
Xavier: We're stronger for it. -thinks for a second- Is your ex the girl that moved in and after a few days was sent a vibrator with a note saying "it's not as good as the original, but that one's mine"? -is in the news and knows everything that goes on shhhh dont question it-
Rosemary: -blushes- L-Lux is just r-really... -bites lip- g-good at what he does.
Lux: *laughs* Yeah.. that was Rosemary's doing *chuckles as he takes a sip of his drink* Howd you know?
Xavier: -chuckles and takes a drink- Lucky guess.
Aurora: *giggles* .... say, Rosemary, have you ever thought of having kids?
Rosemary: -looks up at her and thinks for a second- N-Not really. Why?
Lux: Youre good at guessing, my friend. You're two for two right now *laughs* Ugh *tries to look into the kitchen again* I cant believe they shut us out for girl talk. I want to see Rosemary try and cook! Itd be adorable
Aurora: *starts manually cooking and shrugs lightly* Oh uh I just.. i dont know, it just popped into my head the other day
Xavier: -outright laughs at him- You really love her, don't you?
Rosemary: -tries to help and is awkward and stuff- Wh-What? Are you thinking of h-having kids?
Lux: *smiles like an idiot* Can you tell?
Xavier: -rolls his eyes- You're like a lovesick puppy I swear.
Aurora: *hands her a spoon* I er.. I had a scare the other day *covers her mouth* Shhhh! Dont say anything to Xavier or Lux! But uh *bites lip* it was a false alarm but you know...
Rosemary: -wide eyes- -hushed yell- RORA! -hushes and goes up to her- Are you sure it was only a scare?
Lux: *chuckles* Shes more of the puppy than I am (haha get it cause werewolf) *sits down on couch and grabs a snack* You cant tell me you dont think shes absolutely beautiful! *chuckles* Shes so damn cute
Aurora: I er.. I-I dont know... *bites lip*
Xavier: -sits on the couch next to him and eats a bit and chuckles- She's very pretty.
Rosemary: -wide eyes- H-haven't you been u-using p-protection?!?
Lux: Shes more than pretty! *chuckles and nudges him* You cant make fun of me though, youre a little bit love sick too if Aurora turned you from a cold sex addict to a boyfriend *laughs*
Xavier: -chuckles and shoves him- Shut up.
Aurora: Yes!.. Sometimes! M-most of the time! A-and its never been a problem because usually i just use a spell but I-I dont think it works over time though
Lux: *wiggles eyebrows* Admit it, you're just a teeny bit whipped
Rosemary: R-Rora! -hugs her- H-Have you been s-sick?! A-Are you late with your b-bleeding? -wide eyes and is super worried-
Xavier: Little bit. -laughs and drinks-
Aurora: I-Im late but *shakes head* I-Itll be fine! *rubs her stomache* Ill just uh *bites lip* ill terminate it
Lux: *gives him a look* Bullshit *laughs*
Rosemary: W-Without telling Xavier?
Xavier: -chuckles- Okay, I'm whipped. -sighs and takes another drink- What can I say? I'd do anything for her.
Aurora: *shakes head* O-Oh god no! I-I couldnt tell him!
Rosemary: -tilts her head to the side and looks at her confused- Why?
Lux: *chuckles* Same with Rosemary. I'd protect her no matter what. I'd give my right arm before I let anything happen to that sweet angel
Aurora: *looks down* B-Because he has work and he probably still wants to live his life, n-not have a kid
Xavier: You know I used to never sleep? I would always stay up working myself sick until I passed out from pure exhaustion. -sighs and smiles a bit- Since I've met Aurora, I've been able to get to sleep because she's with me and she makes sure I don't work too hard and -sighs and smiles- she keeps me sane.
Rosemary: But he l-loves you. I-If that doesn't m-mean he w-would drop everything f-for you, wh-what does?
Lux: Really? *smiles* That's really sweet *nudges him with his elbow* that's cute that you care about her that much that shes like sort of your relaxer. *smiles* Rosemary does the same thing. She calms me down, and well I do my thing *smirks and takes a sip of his drink cause eyyyy sex*
Aurora: I-I couldnt ask him to do that though! T-thats not fair! *sighs* Besides, I'm only twenty...
Xavier: -chuckles and drinks- You really are shameless.
Lux: *smirks and shrugs* Shes not complaining
Rosemary: I-If you are p-pregnant... You sh-should tell him. Wh-Whether or not you keep it sh-should be a decision y-you make t-together.
Xavier: -covers his face and groans- Please stop.
Aurora: *bites lip* I-I dont want him to get mad though! *puts face in hands and sighs* Its all my fault. I wasnt being careful enough..
Lux: Hey, Im just very proud of the exquisite sex life I have been blessed with! *raises his glass*
Rosemary: -hugs her and kisses her forehead- He won't get mad.
Xavier: -laughs and raises his glass- To sex! -drinks-
Aurora: *frowns and hugs her back* He'll think im an idiot...
Lux: To the coitus! *clinks glasses* I was thinking of asking Rosemary to move in with me. I mean, she practically lives in my home now anyway *laughs*
Rosemary: -sighs- No he won't.
Xavier: I've been thinking about the same thing for Aurora. I mean, her clothes take up most of my closet space, and my apartment is closer to her first class most days than her dorm is. Besides, I like having her around.
Aurora: I-Im just afraid to lose him.. I love him so much and just... *sighs* everyone leaves. I just want him to stay...
Rosemary: -lightly bonks her on the head- Y-You can be s-so silly. -shakes her head- H-He won't leave you. Ever.
Lux: *chuckles* Rosemary always leaves something at my house when shes in a rush to get out. Its really cute. I made a drawer for her stuff so she might as well move in. I love waking up to her next to me in the morning and having the smell of her in my bed. Itd be nice to have that everyday.
Aurora: *frowns* thats what I thought about my dad and Kade..
Xavier: When are you gunna ask her to move in?
Rosemary: N-Not everyone i-is like th-them. -small smile- I s-see the way he l-looks at you.
Lux: *smiles down at his empty glass* Maybe when the ball drops? I think thatd be a nice start to the new year. Whaddaya think?
Aurora: *holds hand to her chest* I just dont know who will stay and who wont anymore..
Xavier: You are so corny.
Rosemary: He will. Trust that.
Lux: And you have a better idea to ask Aurora?
Aurora: *sighs* S-should I tell him soon?
Rosemary: Wh-When the ball drops.
Aurora: *gulps* Y-you sure?
Xavier: Not sure.
Rosemary: Y-Yes.
Xavier: -looks at the time- GIRLS! GET IN HERE! -turns on tv- Five minutes to the new year!
Aurora: oh god *gulps and walks in squeezing Rosemary's arm*
Rosemary: -squeezes her hand and smiles before walking over to Lux and pecking him on the cheek-
Lux: *countdown starts* Its almost time! *hugs Rosemary super tight and attacks her cheek with kisses*
Rosemary: -giggles and kisses him back-
Aurora: I uh *lightly tugs and Xavier's sleeve and whispers* X-Xavier I have to tell you something
Xavier: -holds Aurora close and smiles at her and kisses her nose- What is it, darling?
Lux: 5.. 4... *whispers in Rosemary's ear* You want to do me the honor of being my new years kiss? *kisses her neck a little and chuckles*
Aurora: I u-uh *bites lip and looks up really nervously at him*
Xavier: -looks at her concerned- Are you alright darling?
Rosemary: 3...2... -smiles and kisses him when the ball drops-
Lux: *kisses her backs and spins her* *chuckles and puts his forehead against hers* Rosemary, my love, would you like to move in with me? I'd enjoy waking up to your beautiful smile every morning each day of this year *kisses her nose*
Aurora: *ball drops* I-I'm pregnant.
Rosemary: -gasps and giggles and jumps into his arms- Y-Yes!! Of course!!
Xavier: -wide eyes for a second before he smiles and picks her up and swings her around and kisses her really sweetly-
Lux: *chuckles and kisses her* I can just expand my house with magic, itll be wonderful! We can decorate it however you like *kisses her*
Aurora: *bites lip* Y-youre not mad..? Y-youre not breaking up with me?......
Rosemary: -giggles and smiles and kisses him- I-I love you.
Lux: I love you more, angel *kisses her jaw and chuckles* More than you could possibly imagine
Xavier: -looks at her like she's insane- Why the hell would I be mad? -smiles like an idiot and kisses her- You want to keep it, right?
Rosemary: -wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him for a bit before she snaps back to reality- R-Rora! -grabs Lux's hand and runs over to her and Xavier- D-Did you tell him?
Aurora: *frowns* Because... my dad didnt want kids when my mom told him she was pregant. And also you have work and I dont want to hold you back from anything..... I uh.. c-can we talk about this alone?
Aurora: *looks over at Rosemary* Y-yeah *nods*
Lux: Tell em' what? *tilts head*
Xavier: -looks at Rora- Should I tell him?
Aurora: *smiles a little and nods* G-go ahead
Xavier: -looks at Lux and grins like an idiot- She's pregnant. Now, if you'll excuse us for a bit we need to talk. -smiles and takes Aurora's hand and leads her to the bedroom so they can talk about things and closes door-
Rosemary: -nods and shoos them away and smiles-
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