#two cockatiels one was named elvis
waypens · 1 year
i interacted with some parrots today i actually have not had so much fun in a while they were so nice
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A complete list of pets my family has had.
A black cat with no name. I was three so either she didn't have a name or I forgot it.
Dennis (AKA menace)- A hamster who decided his three-story cage wasn't big enough and that people were the enemy. Almost daily he would escape his cage and instead live in my ANTIQUE wooden doll house. If you tried to remove him, he would remove your fingers.
Purdy - A King Charles terrier who was very pretty. However, do not go near her mouth. Even with food. It is a death sentence. She lived to thirteen and even while deaf and blind she could tell if you were approaching her pearly whites.
Two Springer Spaniels - Jasper Casper and Jim Diamond. Jasper used to run full force into kitchen cabinets chasing shadows. He somehow made it to thirteen. Jim is still going strong.
Charlie - an obese chihuahua (maybe, we're not sure if he was even a dog).
Betty - a little black chihuahua who managed to get pregnant by Finnley (coming up later) when he was 9 MONTHS OLD.
Declan - a racehorse who is too shy to race.
Darby - a chestnut pony who we bought for casual hacking, however, at the slightest sign of freedom he would bolt (with you on him).
Peanut - a shetland/fallabella pony who broke two of my toes.
Woody & Buzz - two guinea pigs who managed to hide so well in their cage that we routinely thought they had escaped (Buzz was later renamed to Fat Nugget).
Jinx - a demon of a cat who asks for attention and then attacks you for the fact she had to ask.
Rosie and Ronnie - cats! Ronnie got run over the same day we let him outside. Rose is still kicking at 14 but habitually brings mice HEADS to our front door.
Colin - a cockatiel whose only talents are wolf-whistling and sitting on Rosie to test her animal instincts.
Kia - a thoroughbred racehorse.
Sooty - a black feral kitten brought home to us by Jim. In his mouth. Completely unharmed. We think he found her in a field?
Shiela - another cockatiel who we got as a friend for Colin. Her only talent is screeching at the top of her lungs when you're trying to relax.
Alfie - an orphaned lamb. He needed to be bottle fed, however, he would headbutt the groin of anyone who tried to do it. He, in fact, chased my stepfather around the orchard trying to get at his groin.
Mario - a tea-cup cockriel who managed to drown in a kiddie pool we had set up for the ducks (the pool was maybe 30cm deep).
Maggie - a duck who got kidnapped.
Shelly & Lucy - sheep who would run away if you tried to interact with them.
Chickens - too many to name but a few notable ones were; sonic (ran everywhere) and Molly (named after my sister because she strut around like she owned the place).
Finnley - a chihuahua who looks and acts more like the illegitimate son of satan himself than a dog.
Boris - son of Betty and Finnley who was born with an underbite, floppy ears that never stood up, and only one testicle.
Edgar - son of Betty and Finnley who lived each day like he wanted it to be his last.
Elvis - the final son of Betty and Finnley who begs to be picked up and then growls like he never wanted it in the first place.
Lucy - an ex-racehorse who, when in jumping competitions, decides she's not done when the course says so, and bolts.
There might have been a few I missed but that's all for now folks.
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megarahmoon · 6 years
About Me
Thought I’d update my “about me” for my blog because I haven’t updated it in years Lol.
My name’s Meg and I’m 22. Northern California born- residing in Michigan. I consider myself a Celtic pagan. I have a very strong bond with a lot of Celtic deities- especially Cernunnos, Anu, Flidias, Druantia, and Epona/Rhiannon (depending on if you believe if they’re the same Goddess or not). I do love and worship many other Gods and Goddesses (some not even Celtic). I worship nature just as much as I worship deities. Nature has always given me love and life. When I’m in a green, mossy forest, or by the stormy dark sea, I feel so alive. I think in my past life I was a selkie or a dryad. Or just a redwood tree in general!!!
I love tattoos! I plan on getting covered. I have 10 at the moment.
I am bisexual but I’ve always been far more attracted to women! I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. This really does make life hard for me- I can’t work a normal job- especially around people. My dream is to become a primatologist like my idols (Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Birute Galdikas). More specifically I wanted to work with gorillas or orangutans. But another dream of mine is working as a wildlife rehabilitator! If you know me, you will know animals are my LIFE. I’m so drawn to them and they also seem to be drawn to me! Everywhere I go I find an animal! My favorite animals include, horses, gorillas, orangutans, praying mantises, deer, seals, barn owls, beluga whales, spiders, and really I absolutely love ALL animals! It’s pretty hard to choose specifics but the animals I mentioned are the ones I’ve always loved an admired. My own animals include a german shepherd, a hairless chinese crested/pomeranion, a russian tortoise, a ball python, two cockatiels, four tarantulas, a forest scorpion, and a tailless whip scorpion! Oh I want so many more animals! When I have my own place one day, I’ll definitely add to my mini zoo. Animals really are almost the only thing in my life that makes me truly happy. I just want to be around animals and dedicate my life to them.
My favorite weather has to be rainy and stormy and misty weather! I love the eerie feelings and vibes. Sure, sunny days can be lovely but I’ve always preferred rain. This is probably why I’m so drawn to Northern California's redwood coast! When I lived in Cali, we lived in a boring, dead, and dry valley. So maybe twice a year we would be able to make a trip to the coast! I’ve never felt so much magic and beauty than I have being in the redwood forest! Foggy seas, mossy forests, tiny waterfalls, lots of animal life, little streams, the sound of the sea...it’s all just too beautiful to handle. That is my true home and one day I definitely plan on living there, that’s for sure! Eureka, Fort Bragg, and Mendocino are the places I always visit and fell in love with. I also plan on someone scattering my ashes in the redwoods and the sea.
Photography is one of my passions in my life. I don’t know what I would do without my lens! My camera is the love of my life! Riding horses is also a passion. I do have a horse, and even though I’m a thousand miles away from her and she no longer lives with my godmother, I still consider her mine. I have been with her since I was around 12 and a couple years back, when she lived with my godmother, I got to move in with my godmother which made me so happy because then I could ride my horse all I wanted!! We bonded so greatly with my time being there. At first she was the most stubborn quarter horse ever! She would not listen one bit when we rode and ran off when I pulled out her bridle! Luckily with some patience, we rode everyday and soon she began to listen to me. We even had a routine where she would stand very still while I climbed onto a table to hop on her back! (I NEVER used a saddle- always bareback) then we would ride away into the orchards! My godmother even told me I could take her with me if my grandmother found us a house. But of course that didn’t happen but I still have so many memories with my little mare! She’s forever in my heart! I do hope to see her again when I take my yearly visits to California.
Brian Froud is my most favorite artist! Ever since I was little, I was so intrigued by his faeries! I absolutely loved how he made them. Very earthly and natural- some not even human like. That’s exactly what I believe faeries look like. Annie Stegg is also one of my favorite artists! Her art is absolutely beautiful! Some of my favorite music artist include, Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Meg Myers, The Pretty Reckless, Dorothy, Deftones, Agnes Obel, Greta Van Fleet, The Beatles, Celtic Women, FAUN, Elvis Presley, System of A Down, Serj Tankian, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Pierces, America, Rob Zombie, The Civil Wars, Haley Kiyoko, The Vespers, Mariee Sioux, Cecile Corbel, Pink Floyd, Karen Elson, and I just really love classic rock/rock/indie/traditional chinese/celtic/kpop/blue grass music genres! I also love anime and video gaming! The Legend of Zelda (precisely twilight princess) will forever be my favorite gaming series. As well as Fable, Harvest Moon, Skyrim, World of Warcraft, and Pokemon. I’m a huge ass nerd. Favorite movies include: Legend (1985), Pan’s Labyrinth, ALL the Alien movies (including Prometheus and Alien Covenant), Apocalypto, The Last Unicorn, The Birdcage, Jurassic Park 3, Jeepers Creepers (1&2- FUCK 3), The Black Stallion, The Secret of Roan Inish, Harry Potter (precisely the prisoner of Askaban), The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Poltergeist (ORIGINAL NOT THE SHITTY REMAKE), The Lion King, Gorillas in The Mist, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and this is all I can think of right now!
I could tell you so much more about me but I’ve told the most basics about myself. Please, feel free to ask anything you want to know! Here’s a list of what I am in love with: the moon, forests, the sea, animals, abalone shells, fossils, porcelain dolls, feathers, stevie nicks, faeries, selkies, thunderstroms, foggy and misty weather, riding horses, photography, green tea, tattoos, pretty women, soft streams, moonstones, galloping horses, fresh fruit, the colors of autumn, celtic, native american, and traditional chinese music, foggy sea breezes, goddess deities, mossy woodlands, driving through the California coast, ferns, crystals, long skirts and dresses, red lipstick, eerie mermaids, snapdragons, lilacs, redwood trees, the scent of horses, the scent of rain, long hair, fresh snow, and feeling content with myself even for a moment. 
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junkyard-trash-blog · 4 years
Another weird vivid dream with some sleep paralysis thrown in halfway through the dream. In the dream, it jumps to several different scenes which I find really weird because there’s only ever maybe one or two scene jump in any of my dreams.
Scene 1
Information: I’m in a haunted residence with my team of paranormal investigators - there’s four of us total: two guys, a girl, and me (I don’t know if I’m male or female). We’re all adults in our late twenties. The residence is three stories + basement and it’s a castle-like residence made of stone (it actually appears later on). There’s a green filter over my eyesight as though my eyes are like night-vision cameras.
We’re just doing our normal investigation thing when some weird shit starts happening - growling, voices, dark shadow, one guy gets scratched. We run down the three levels of stairs, this being spiral at the time, because the one dude is freaking out and telling us to run.
I enter the basement and the scene shifts suddenly.
Scene 2
Information: My eyesight has a kind of black and white grainy filter except some things are in color. I feel younger than before, like I’m a teenager. The basement is filled with a bunch of cages either stacked on top of each other in the center of the room or on tables lining the walls. Some cages have critters in them: one a raccoon, another a cat, a couple rabbits, and several birds that are crosses between cockatiels and parrots. 
I walk through the room in a funk and for some reason my only thought is about where my laundry basket is because I need to wash my clothes. I see a man near the cages on the right side of the room that is supposed to be my uncle but he looks...off (I can’t say what about him looks weird, it was more his aura or something? idk, he’s just...off...somehow). 
I ask him if he’s seen my laundry basket while staring at a raccoon in a cage nearby. He looks at me and starts speaking in tongues, then he opens a cage and takes out a dark calico-ish cat with glowing golden eyes (like in BBC’s Merlin) (the cat is in color instead of black and white). 
Uncle: Watch over this beast.
Me: *unsure, taking the cat* oh...kay? 
*the cat squirms a bit in my hands*
Uncle: It’s important. Watch over it. Treat it well. Promise me. *stares me down and his eyes are pitch black like demon’s eyes, this doesn’t seem to bother me*
Me: Okay, I’ll watch over it.
The cat settles in my arms and starts sucking my thumb when I tell my uncle that I’ll watch over it. I ask him again about my laundry while follow him to the left side of the room, this is where I see the bird cages.
I look into the four bird cages there while my uncle rambles in tongues in the background. There’s five smaller birds in one, three small/medium-sized birds in another, two medium/large-sized birds in a third, and another small/medium-sized birds in a fourth cage. The birds (cockatiel-parrot hybrids) are all in color instead of black and white.
My uncle enters my field of vision, he mentions rats and the scene shifts.
Scene 3
Information: The world around me is in normal colors. I am a younger teen, maybe 13-15, and I’m in a pet store with a man who’s supposed to be my father but he looks odd too (again, can’t say exactly how he looks odd, but he does; and again, I think it’s his aura or something)
I follow my father around while he talks about pets, he’s going to buy me any pet I want. I tell him that I want two rats and he says okay, but we look at some other animals first. In an open section of the store are two older teen girls wanting to get married (they look like the girls from Hayley Kiyoko’s “Girls Like Girls” music video). They’re talking about how the priest nor their guests would ever show because they’re two girls in love and everyone’s homophobic.
I talk to my father about the different kinds of rats and he nods along - he doesn’t really understand. We run into an employee - a young black woman in an orange-yellow uniform with red suspenders and khakis. I tell her what I want for my pet rats - I want something like a double rex rat, two of the same gender so they won’t breed.
She leads us right over to the rodent section - there’s three whole rows of ten tanks/cages with rats and mice, on the ends are bigger pens for a few giant guinea pigs (and by giant, I mean like the size of a Yorkshire terrier). She shows us the rats and I see two curly-haired ones that I like, both young. One is a toasted marshmallow color and the other is a silvery-grey color with a white belly. 
I decide these are the two that I want, the lady says she nicknamed them [demonic scramble] and [demonic scramble] (the scramble means that whatever is said is in another language, the demonic part means that it sounds demonic). 
She packages the rats up for me. My father pays for everything: rats, cage, food, bedding, and supplies. We start to leave and I can hear a commotion in the background that involves the two girls, the scene shifts as I’m looking back.
Scene 4
Information: I’m maybe 13-14 years old and I’m with my family: my father (looks a bit like Zak Baggins but with a mustache), my mother (who’s face is blurred out), and my older sister. There’s supposed to be one other, my eldest sister, but she’s missing. My middle sister is a popular YouTuber who goes by the name “Jim”.
We’re sitting in the stands of a ballpark, my father is angry and yelling about something (it may have to do with gay/lesbian relationships) while my mother tries to calm him down. He storms off.
My middle sister walks down the stairs (she had gone to the bathroom and missed dad’s outburst), people are screaming around her about “Jim!” because they recognize her from her YouTube channel. Her hair is short with a few long thin braids (I think she cut her hair while in the bathroom but it could have been before, idk) and she’s wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a dark brown-grey t-shirt, and cargo shorts.
She smiles at her fans as she passes then stops in front of me and mom. 
Sibling: I’m sorry, Mama, but this is who I really am. My name is Jim and I’m your son. If you can’t accept that, well -
*Mom hugs him, cutting him off*
Mom: It’s okay, honey. I love you whether you’re a boy or girl. I’m just glad that’s you’re finally on the path to finding out who you truly are.
The scene shifts after our mother says this.
Scene 5
Information: I’m a child of 6-7 years old and I’m sitting in the backseat of a small car between my older sisters (this is before the middle one joins YouTube). Dad is driving and Mom is in the front passenger seat. 
Mom and Dad are talking about having to leave because of some guy. I tune them out as I look back at our house - it’s a big three-story stone house. When I look at it, it looks abandoned and decrepit, there’s vines going up the sides, windows are boarded, and there’s a couple doors missing.
The house isn’t supposed to look like that yet (it’s the same house from the first scene that me and my team are investigating). I turn to my parents to tell them this and the scene changes.
Scene 6
Information: I’m an older kid of 11-12 years old. The family has stopped to stretch for a moment before we continue our journey to wherever we’re going - Mom and Dad are near the car, my eldest sister is missing, my middle sister is on the train station platform, and I’m standing near her on the ground. The area in front of me has an old train station platform and a small white stone building with a caving roof, one window hole on the side, and a doorway with no door. 
Me and my middle sister are arguing but the words are scrambled to my ears. I do have the feeling that it’s about having to move again because she did something that she wasn’t supposed to do. (it feels like we move around a lot)
The scene quickly changes. (this is weird because it’s such a quick scene, like it was played in fast-forward)
Scene 7
(I wake up briefly here but immediately slip back into unconsciousness, this is also where I believe the sleep paralysis begins though I’m unsure of that)
Information: I’m 9-10 years old and I’m standing behind a white stone building. Up a small grassy hill is a store called femmel duol (it’s supposed to be all-lowercase. it’s sign is: a yellow and red half-flower on top of a shield). Outside femmel duol, in the parking lot, is a black guy in a sequined maroon suit (like Elvis’ white suit but maroon), he has a microphone and he’s singing about “Baby Sugar Ray”. 
I’m scared of the guy singing so I run around the building behind me to get away. I quickly find myself in front of a mechanic shop called “Chuck’s Wood Stock Chop Shop” I’m all alone and I know that I’m not supposed to be here - I’m supposed to be with my friends, my paranormal investigation team, and I’m supposed to be an adult.
I’m starting to freak out because I’m a child in an unknown area. I find a cellphone, a flip phone that I was given in case of emergencies, and I call my dad on instinct. 
Dad: Sweetie? Honey, where are you?
Me: I don’t know, Daddy, I don’t know where I’m at. Where’s Mom? I have to speak to Mom. Where is she?
Dad: It’s okay, Honey, Mama’s here. She’s a bit preoccupied, she went into one of her [scrambled words] and is speaking in tongues. Can you see a sign or any marker of where you are?
*I look around and see a homemade sign: there’s two guys on a motorcycle holding up something - the something is missing; there’s a name above them*
Me: W-Wood Stock, Chuck’s Wood, Stop Shop, Stock Wood *I’m struggling with the words and getting them turned around even though the words on the sign clearly say: Chuck’s Wood Stock Chop Shop*
Dad: Describe it. Does it have Chris Angel with Death on it? (idk why he says this but he does)
Me: It has two guys on a motorcycle.
Dad: Are they holding a scythe with Death’s Skull on it?
Me: I...I don’t know. Part of the sign is missing. Where’s mom?
Dad: Is it called “Chuck’s Wood Stock Chop Shop”?
Me: *I nod then remember we’re on the phone* uh-huh
Dad: We’re on our way. Just wait there, sweetie.
Me: Okay, Daddy
I hang up the phone and wait inside in a little hallway. In the next room are four biker guys (one may actually be a female but it’s hard to tell) and they’re arguing about thieves - someone stole part of their sign.
Suddenly my father is there and so is my eldest sister. The middle sister is still in the car with our mother (this is before my middle sister becomes famous on YouTube and before she realizes she’s trans). I tell my eldest sister that I need to speak to mom but she doesn’t listen.
Me: Where’s Mom? I need to talk to her.
Sister: She’s a little busy right now. She’s [scramble]. You can’t talk to her.
Me: It’s important.
Dad: [scrambled sister’s name] Go check on your Mother, see if she’s okay.
Sister: All right, Dad. *she leaves the small hallway and I follow her* Just stay back, okay? Stay out of my way. *the “stay out of my way” is said in a gentle tone, not menacing like one would normally say it*
Me: Okay
*We go out behind the building and find Mom standing there looking odd and staring at the sky. She’s speaking in tongues*
Sister: Just stay right here, I’m gonna talk to her.
Me: But I need to talk to Mom. It’s important.
Sister: *insistent* Stay right here. You can talk to her in a minute.
Me: *sighs* Fine
*Sister walks up to Mom*
The scene is abruptly cut off and I wake up because of my phone alarm. It takes me a minute to move because I’m still in that paralysis state. It’s a lot easier to get my body to move this time which is odd because it normally takes me awhile to get out of the state, but this time it only took a minute or so for me to be able to move.
I just found the dream really odd because of all the scene jumps. As I said above, there’s usually/maybe only one or two jumps in a dream, but this had seven scenes total which I don’t think has ever happened in my dreams before.
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