#tw: substance use mention
panlight · 7 months
What do you think Edward's reaction is to meeting someone having a psychotic episode? Also, do you think vampires can suffer from psychosis?
I'm torn between being like, "oh of course he would try to help" and also kind of thinking that the Cullens keep to themselves and probably aren't as interested in the humans around them (except for Carlisle at work) as we might like to think they are. I love seeing all the headcanons about how Jasper cheers people up at school or the kids work together to get a student out of a dangerous domestic situation, but that's not . . . that's not anything we actually see in the text, and their attitude toward humans in general is pretty dismissive.
If Edward is paying attention enough to notice someone is experiencing some kind of psychotic break, I think his first reaction would be discomfort, followed perhaps by fascination. Someone having a psychotic episode generally has some kind of break with reality, seeing, hearing etc things that aren't real, believing things that aren't real. It doesn't have to be from underlying mental illness; it could also be from physical illness or injury, a traumatic event, or related to substance use. For a mind-reader, experiencing the mind of someone going through that would probably be interesting and unsettling, and Edward has been through medical school twice (although how recently is unclear--it's possible it's been A While and his understanding of mental illness is outdated) which adds another layer of perspective.
(You could argue Bella hearing/seeing Edward in New Moon was psychosis--visual and/or auditory hallucinations are a symptom.)
I'd like to think after that initial reaction he'd try to do something to help; at the very least make sure the person is as physically safe as possible, and then maybe quietly/anonymously reach out to family, if possible, or the appropriate social services. (Do not call the cops, Edward!) Or at the very least call Carlisle and let him deal with it. But I don't think Edward would take the person on as a long-term project or anything. He doesn't care about humans on that level.
And sure, I'd imagine vampires could suffer from psychosis themselves. I think the feeling of going without blood for a long time could trigger an episode--we know Carlisle wasn't in a good mental place when he starved himself and snapped and killed deer for the first time, for example. I don't know if we'd call that psychosis, but. There's also the extremes that vampires tend to go to when they lose their mate; I could see that veering into that sort of territory, too. And then you have people like Zafrina who really can make you see things that aren't real, so I think it fits within the mythos if you want it to.
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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pigeonwit · 7 months
Tipsy Davey is a lovely Davey, easy to blush and fluster – it doesn’t take much more than a smile to send him giggling into his glass, and it drives Jack’s own ego to dangerous heights. He could spend whole nights murmuring compliments in Davey’s ear, tracing his knuckle against Davey’s thigh, listening to him giggle against Jack’s own temple, feebly nudging him away (and letting him come right back) and mumbling "Jackie, stop…" without meaning a word of it.
And then there’s Drunk Davey, when his flush settles high on his cheeks and his bashfulness settles with it. He loses that nervousness he keeps underneath his skin that’s always pulling him back just a little, telling him not to come on too strong. He touches freely, whispers the pads of his fingertips over Jack’s wrists enough to drive him insane, sweeps over the bridge of Jack’s freckled nose and murmurs, “Glory be to God for dappled things…”. The bitter little middle-schooler that still lives in Jack’s mind has always thought that poetry was something just too dorky to be attractive, but that bitter little middle-schooler sure shuts the hell up when Davey whispers pretty things in Jack’s ear on a dark corner of the dance floor. Jack’s not complaining at all.
And then there’s Jack’s favourite – Truly Shitfaced Davey. He’s a rare gift, reserved only for New Years, birthdays and Halloween parties, if his costume is slutty enough. Jack can recount every single Truly Shitfaced Davey encounter he’s ever had, and while they’re nowhere near as suave as Drunk Davey, they are by all means his favourites.
“Face,” Davey mumbles, poking Jack’s cheek and marvelling at the squish of it. Jack has to bite his lip not to laugh.
“Yeah, babe?” He asks sweetly, because he is a wonderful boyfriend, thank you very much.
“Your face… It – you…” Davey’s face pinches as he tries to find his words underneath the drunk haze that’s blanketing his brain. He promptly gives up and groans, waving an arm dismissively as he burrows into Jack’s side. “S’good.”
Jack grins, pressing a kiss to the curls tickling his face. He gives up on trying to stifle his smile – Davey’s too drunk to care, and far too drunk to notice the way he’s staring inquisitvely at Jack’s lips the way he usually stares at a good book.
“Thanks, Davey-mine. Your face is good, too.”
Davey stares at him for a moment, mouth squared and silent for a little too long, until he makes a strangled little squeak and ducks his face into Jack’s neck.
“Shuddup!” He orders as Jack laughs, but he can’t help it. As much as he loves Davey when he’s reciting sonnets from memory, he especially loves him speechless, if only for the novelty of it.
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the-hype-on-tv · 6 days
vignette and addiction: my takes
(cw & tw: substance addiction, general addiction, mention of sexual themes and pornography, self destructive behavior, anxiety and depression)
vignette is one of my favorite songs on clancy (all of them are, but that's not the point), and as i was watching the livestream i heard tyler mention explicitly that the song was about addiction. and that's a theme i think it's important, and it's good that he brought it to light
while you'd read the lyrics and think the song is clearly about substance abuse, I don't think this is what tyler meant it to be about. not entirely.
the thing about addiction, is that everyone can have it, be in larger or smaller scale. it's like a tick that latches onto your skin but you can't see it or feel it because it numbs your senses.
I've dealt with addiction before (not substance, but adult entertainment on the internet, and then in real life) and i think this to be true: anything can be an addiction. be it a mania like biting your nails or maybe an eating disorder, to spending too much time on certain apps; everything that keeps us enslaved can be hurtful for our health.
we become mindless zombies, we can't see what's around us, we can't think unless it's related to that thing in specific that will bring back the feeling, the comfort. it's desperation for relief, for numbness, for a familiar pain. i see "the vignette" as a metaphor for something you can't always see, but it's there, until it swallows you completely
when i was deep in my addiction, one of the things i couldn't stop thinking about was: "can people see that I'm an addict? am i hiding it well?" the anxiety of wanting to appear normal, like I want struggling, like i wasn't under the control of something so simple and mundane, it consumed me to the point of wanting to isolate myself.
you're always clinging to the promise you won't do it again, you won't let it win, but sometimes you can't. and that's okay. it's a constant fight, a process, and it might never truly go away, but you'll get stronger each time.
the second verse messes with me the most. when you see someone who has openly struggled with addiction, the before and after may surprise you. people who were once so full of good values and confident in themselves "suddenly" let themselves rot away without realizing, or without caring.
i think "where do i go from here" represents the emptiness you feel once you're sober. you feel lost, like you're in the dark and you can't find footing. you want to feel comfortable again, but it never lasts long enough.
and of course "no not me it's for a friend" would be a controversial one. you could say that the hurtful thing you're consuming isn't for you, it's for a friend, but you could also say that about help. i personally like the help one, but i think both can be right. admitting to having a problem is the first and most difficult step in all of the process, you're always so scared of feeling judged that you'd rather pretend it's someone else who has to deal with it. heck, I'm feeling that right now as i write this! sometimes I can't use the right words at all without feeling a chill down my spine, but i believe that it's just like exposure therapy, and I'm sure it will be less and less scary to talk about it as i grow, just like tyler is talking about it now
vignette is a masterpiece, and although I don't and probably won't know for sure whether tyler has dealt with a different kind of addiction like i have, or if he actually is just referring to substance ones and I'm putting my bias into it, I don't care. this song will always have a special meaning to me and i hope it does to everyone else as well:
everyone struggles. we might be ashamed of it sometimes, but we should take pride in our recovery instead. it'll be hard to seek help, but the search party will come.
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Dissociation culture is feeling like youre really drunk or high even though you haven't done any substances recently
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nur0ullah · 2 years
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milktrician · 2 months
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thought about my warlock kierin the other day
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Rest in peace to me because I am vague blogging so forgive me everyone but sometimes I am so very obsessed with people's opinions about why Elementary is Bad in the year of our lord 2023.
The argument was that Elementary was bad as an adaptation for making it a procedural crime drama and for making Sherlock an addict, both of which "miss the point" of the ACD canon. (This person was very obviously a big Johnlock person as well which wouldn't matter except for the particular hill they decided to defend.) I can't disagree that procedural crime dramas are a function of modernity, and are certainly not the "point" of the Holmes canon. If you dislike procedurals on principle then I think that's that and there you have it—but considering that procedurals are a very common way to do mystery-writing now, and considering that to my knowledge there has never been a Holmes & Watson procedural before, I do think that it makes sense for a modern adaptation. Modern Holmes, modern storytelling convention, matchy matchy. But no, not the point and perhaps a valid complaint.
But disliking Sherlock as an addict is a VERY FUNNY ISSUE TO TAKE WHEN YOU ARE PUTTING BBC SHERLOCK ON A PEDESTAL. My number one complaint about season four of Sherlock (and I am being dead serious) was the relationship they presented between John, Sherlock, and drug use. Because the "point," I think, was that Sherlock Holmes is willing to escalate conflict, lie to his partner, and put his own life in jeopardy for the sake of the mystery, damn the consequences (and, for that matter, he trusts that his partner will accept being abused and still help him no matter what). And I get that ACD!Holmes would do anything for the mystery and he didn't always treat Watson well in the canon but I think if the "point" were that these two characters are locked in an immutably abusive and codependent relationship then these characters would not having the staying power that they do. I won't say that the episode was bad writing per se, but I felt like that was the nail in the coffin for BBC Sherlock as an adaptation for me. It was like, yes sir, we've always given Sherlock drugs to use recreationally as in canon, and when he starts to use them in unhealthy ways and they negatively impact his relationships, it doesn't need to be addressed to the audience as an issue because actually Sherlock Holmes is Too Smart to have a drug problem, he was tricking you the whole time, and you were stupid for worrying.
Which like. Okay. I don't think that's the point, and if it is, I don't want it. No thanks.
Compare with Elementary. And not saying it's perfect. Not saying anyone has to like it. But we are thinking about Sherlock Holmes in a modern setting. And the fact of the matter is, when ACD wrote Sherlock Holmes, we did not have the same amount of information on substance use or addiction that we do today. This isn't to say that people can't use substances recreationally and safely, whether they live in the late 1800s or in the modern era. But in ACD's time, the common understanding of chemical dependence was often attributed to moral failing rather than any other contributing factor. There was no such thing as chemical dependence. There were people strong enough to make good choices and people who weren't. And that's not to say they didn't notice, say, genetic predispositions. That tied into much of eugenicist thought at the time. "Ah, yes, the way to fix society is to get rid of those gross people who keep generating morally weak children. Then society will be great!" The way people thought about drug use had very little to do with medicine and a lot to do with self-reinforcing prejudices against class or race. The Sherlock Holmes written by Arthur Conan Doyle did not have an addiction, not because he was just amazing at maintaining a healthy and recreational relationship with his substances, but because deep down he's Too Good For That. Back then Good People didn't have addictions. He had vices, perhaps, or indulgences, or experiments. But Holmes couldn't have a problem with substance use because he was above having a problem with substance use.
So we are left with Holmes in the modern era. Like before, Holmes uses drugs recreationally. He enjoys them. They, as before, help him think and help him stay close to the mysteries he solves. But something else has changed. Now we know that there is no such thing as being Too Smart or Too Good to have an addiction. And so our modern Holmes has to contend with the fact that yes, he's not Too Smart to develop a dependency, he's not Too Smart to relapse, and he is not Too Smart to suffer the same kind of struggle that so many ordinary people have also suffered. It's very humbling. It is indeed painful for him to accept Joan as a sober companion in his life. It's something impossible to escape. And it is really, really fruitful as a character trait. The conversation he has with Joan in the season 3 episode "The Eternity Injection" still sticks with me:
Sherlock: If you must know, Watson, I've been feeling a little bit down of late. It's the process of maintaining my sobriety. It's repetitive. And it's relentless. And above all, it's tedious. When I left rehab, I... I accepted your influence, I committed to my recovery. And now, two years in, I find myself asking, "'is this it?"' My sobriety is simply a grind. It's just this leaky faucet that requires constant maintenance, and in return offers only not to drip.
Joan: You have your work, you have me. You're alive.
Sherlock: I've told myself that many times. So many times, it has become unmoored from all meaning. Odd. I used to imagine that a relapse would be the climax to some grand drama. Now I think that if I were to use drugs again, it would in fact be an anticlimax. It would be a surrender to the incessant drip, drip, drip of existence.
I love this scene. I love this conversation. And I love it as an adaptation because this is not a conclusion or moral that Arthur Conan Doyle could have written in his own time. This scene captures some of the knowledge we have now, and likely some of the hurts and harms of our era as well. However, it says something about these two famous characters: that Sherlock, whose mind aches for mysteries, is equally if not more challenged by the practical matter of living his life, and that Joan is with him in it. It's not dramatic. It's just a conversation in their living room.
I think that's sufficient.
Sherlock is a detective and an addict in Elementary. His addiction changes the way he thinks and acts forever. And in some regards, that makes him worse. And in other regards, that makes him the best he's ever been. No, Arthur Conan Doyle did not write a story about an addict. Elementary did. And the point is that he solved mysteries and helped people, the point was that he was an incredible detective, and the point was that he was human, only human.
rrrrrrr don't say weird things about my show kthxbai
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erebidaean · 1 year
I really, really need people who claim to be anti-ableist to stop using stigmatizing language around substance use disorders (addictions) and to stop using substance use as an insult.
I saw someone go off on the light it up blue campaign and then yell at the designer of the campaign poster to snort cocaine until they od.
Friend, you can't claim to be anti-ableist and then tell someone to kill themselves with a disorder that is highly prevalent among disabled people because of a lack of access to treatment, isolation, and symptom/pain management.
Anyways I had to block them. If you want to be anti-ableist, learn about substance use disorders and take some online recovery ally trainings. That is hugely beneficial to disabled, queer, neurodivergent, and poc communities as all these communities are disproportionately affected by substance use disorders.
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qpr-culture-is · 3 months
Tw, brief substance mention
My qpr experience was always wanting something more with my best friend but they were always dating other guys
A year ago they decided guys and drugs were more important to me and it always hurts that much more after I realized I want a qpr, not a typical relationship, and sometimes I wonder if we could've had that if I found it what a qpr was before I cut them or of my life 🥲
(I wish there was some positive thing I could add to this to make you feel better but I really can't think of anything so just know I'm wishing you the best )
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crumbleclub · 1 year
Masked Bully Gang Headcanon Stuff
Idk, I wanted to talk abt them lol
Freddy Mask:
I subscribe to the belief that this is Jeremy, the main reason being that he's one of few characters known to be alive (survived the frontal lobectomy and all), which matched the Fredbear mask sprite not having posession eyes, and that it wouldn't be a stretch for him to have known Michael (were coworkers later on)
So this also functions as Jeremy headcanons, just mostly prior to and immediately after the Bite
Anyway, very expressive kid. Generally pretty happy but it's easy to tell what he's feeling either way. Heart on his sleeve type
Extremely casual, not super interested in following any kind of formality. Gets away with it because he's a total sunshine and people find it charming
His relaxed behavior sometimes makes others assume he's lazy or incompetent, but that could literally not be less true
Jeremy is extremely well organized and efficient
He can be very goal-driven as well. Excellent multitasker.
All that aside, he's not the type to overwork himself for no reason. He prioritizes his friends and his own wellbeing over achievements unless there's something very important at stake
Bounced around a lot growing up due to his family situation. He has a single parent who's having trouble getting by; he's been in cheap apartments, homeless shelters, foster care, living out of his family's car, etc. Things start to get better financially as he gets older
His family is generally good to him but they don't have adequate resources. That being said he's been around foster parents and other adults who are really shitty at varying times as well
Spends a lot of time outside and doing structured activities just to have a place to go
Boy Scouts, school sports, babysitting, youth groups for churches his family doesn't even go to, he just has to be doing something
Probably becomes an Eagle Scout at some point actually. He's ridiculously competent
His biggest flaw is being unusually vulnerable to peer pressure
Probably had the most guilt of the three after the Bite
Tried to make up for it as much as possible by going out of his way to take as many opposite actions as possible. Getting involved with fundraising for children's hospitals, anti bullying stuff, etc
His response at the initial event was a complete freeze. He and Mike were the only two who didn't run, but neither were much help in getting Evan back down
Jeremy just kind of... stood there. He doesn't remember it.
Eventually jumped at the opportunity to be a night guard in hopes that it might help Evan and the other kids
Mike's most consistent friend through the years
Also the same age as Mike, they're probably 2 months apart or something like that. 13 when the Bite happens
Chica Mask:
I feel very strongly that Chica mask has a bowl cut.
Using he/him pronouns for him in this bc that's what he used his whole life but I do wonder if he'd end up identifying differently had he lived longer
From a big family, middle child but has mostly younger siblings still at home
And when I say big family I mean 10+ siblings. I would not object to it being closer to 20.
They struggle to make ends meet but not to the extent Jeremy's family does
Totally starved for attention
His parents love their kids, they just have way more responsibility than they could feasibly handle well + end up neglecting their kids out of a lack of parenting skill
They also don't really delegate responsibilities so nobody's really sure who's watching the younger kids at a given time
Nobody notices in all the noise when Chica kid leaves to go with his friends or comes back or gets into trouble etc
He's also not been taught some basic social stuff bc nobody had time for him. He doesn't understand boundaries at all bc he's used to a chaotic full house with little siblings climbing all over him and having to shout to get any attention etc etc
Probably the angriest of the three
He's a little younger than the others, 12 when the Bite happens. He's also small for his age and makes up for it by being Really Loud
Chihuahua energy
Probably the most likely to get into trouble even without his friends around (Mike is similar, but the other two aren't)
Ran when the Bite first happened. Terrified. The guilt never quite got to him because he couldn't get past the initial shock of what happened
He was scared, and angry, and confused. He hadn't expected it to happen; he was just lashing out blindly like a dumb kid.
The only one who didn't go to Evan's funeral
He reached out for help about a thousand times in a thousand ways but nobody ever did anything. His family didn't seem to realize anything had even happened no matter how loud he screamed for help or how badly he acted out
I don't know how he died yet. From the town's perspective, he wandered off one day and just disappeared
Idk if he got into substance use really early or if he did something self destructive on purpose or if he was just stressed and took too many risks goofing off somewhere dangerous or what, but I think whatever killed him in the end was how the Bite affected him, rather than William or anything like that
Bonnie Mask:
Probably the most well-adjusted, honestly
Quiet kid, smart
A little older than Mike, 14 when the Bite happens
Has a single dad; his mom died recently of an illness
Family does okay in terms of money; they're not rich but not struggling either
If he has any siblings I feel like they're far apart in age and not that close
He and Mike play baseball together or something. He's really into it but his skill level is pretty normal. Might be more into stats or trading cards than actually playing
Probably views his life in baseball movie format actually
Quick learner, more into the language side of things than like math tho
Probably learns foreign languages as a hobby but has awful pronunciation bc it's all from books
Another one who isn't likely to be cruel on his own, but he doesn't exactly feel that bad about it until the Bite, either
He honestly just. Never considered the consequences of his own actions?
Very out of sight out of mind type of kid. When he no longer sees someone crying, he figures they must have stopped. The upset he causes others stops when he stops looking at them from his perspective
Had trouble making friends so he just went along with whatever the few he did have did and didn't think about it much
The Bite was a very harsh awakening for him
He ran. Completely panicked.
In the most normal turn of events, he told his dad and went to therapy about it and stuff
Developed a fear of blood over it. Never went back to Fredbear's.
Probably visited Evan's grave more regularly than any of the others
Shut down to some extent afterward. Kind of stopped having friends at all
William killed him in the end. I'm not sure whether it had anything to do with Evan or not, but he was lured and killed much like the MCI kids
Despite being in his teens at the time, Bonnie kid had never had a lot of reasons to be wary of strangers. The adults in his life were kind to him, and he trusted William's intentions until it was too late
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bambiraptorx · 8 months
People need to stop making me hate big mama so much! I'm supposed to love her! She's evil. Shes a giant spider lady. And she's voiced by Lena Headey!
But also...yeah sounds about right...she totally would:(
I read somewhere at one point that one of the potential plans for Rise S3 would have been to have Big Mama essentially take over the Hidden City and become that season's main antagonist. And while I don't know if that was actually how that season would have worked out or if it was just something they were considering and might have eventually scrapped, I started thinking about how she would use her influence to control an entire city like that.
Clearly, she already has a ton of power and influence given the Battle Nexus New York shebang (that she was advertising throughout season 2, so it's not like she was hiding it). And while canon doesn't address it exactly, we know from Draxum that potentially exposing the yokai to the humans is considered an extremely serious crime but she just?? does that for personal profit??? And there's no way she didn't think that through, so she either decided the potential profit was worth the criminal charges, figured that she'd be able to get the charges dropped, or knew that the Council of Heads wouldn't even prosecute her.
As I mentioned in this post, I've given her a lot of sway over the yokai education system as one of her avenues of building her power. But education isn't the only pie she's got her finger in: basically every industry in the Hidden City either has her direct influence on it, or people who owe her something in it. So for a lot of the lore I've built around Big Mama, she doesn't need to take over the Hidden City. She already runs it. If she did ever outright seize power from the Council of Heads, it wouldn't be taking control so much as openly acknowledging the power she already has.
//CW Drug Use, Substance Abuse, Addiction, Manipulation//
And as for her letting the Nexus fighters maintain substance abuse issues like I mentioned in that last lore post, it's just one of the many, many things she uses to control people.
Fighting in the Nexus is incredibly stressful, so many people who do it long term end up with serious substance problems (alcohol, drugs, etc) as coping mechanisms. If they want to get clean, she'll help them get clean (and lord it over them every time they try to defy her, that without her, they'd still be an addict). If they want to keep using, she'll help them keep using (and by providing them their drug of choice, legal or illegal, by letting them work for her, she becomes the safest and easiest source).
And if the Council is aware, they turn a blind eye to it: after all, addicts who have a safe, legal source for their substance of choice are much less likely to end up committing crimes, so really, she's just making society better, right? And honestly, that's what a lot of what she does to gain power boils down to: she makes it look like she's trying to make society better. She funds schools, medical research, housing developments, and so much more, but at the end of the day it's about making people feel indebted to her.
As far as the Hidden City is concerned, it couldn't function without her, and that, not the title of leadership or obvious political power, is what really matters to her.
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nyandela-catalogue · 3 months
[original description + trigger/content warnings under readmore, please read before watching]
here's a video by Ces explaining things related to Mark's posts from the night of March/18/2024. it goes into some detail about some stuff that goes on outside of this blog/in general, but it's mostly vague.
i hope this gets our point across. this bad boy is a long one.
Ces talks about the posts from the night of March 18th, 2024. Said posts can be found from that time period on [link to this blog] , however the long post is read here, as well as several asks we've received. Ces also discusses some pretty heavy topics, which are outlined in the warning screen before the video. Heed them before continuing. Thank you for your patience. The whole process of making this video was am emotionally-taxing one. --- TW/CW for discussions/mentions/implications of: religion, delusions, paranoia, implied suicide, mental illness, trauma, source trauma, abuse, harassment, substance use (weed)
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Tag nine people you want to get to know better
cw: mentions of substance use
tagged by @levisbrat25!! I would LOVE to chat even more :3
three ships: y'all know i don't do ships lol. but if i HAD TO CHOOSE... - Captain Swan for sure (a certain arc made me cry a;ldjfk) - TamaHaru from OHSHC (has the manga-convergent version of the anime come out yet???) - OH and probably AtsuLucy from bsd??? (idk i don't feel as strongly about this one compared to the previous two idk i dont rly get as much dopamine from ships other than self ships af;sdklfj)
first ever ship: oh god uh...delena i think?? that was around the time that i really got into fandom-related stuff. i think i dipped a toe in some naruto-related ships when i was 12 but i dont think i rly understood what ships were back then LMAO
last song/album: idk i've been only listening to AOT soundtrack soooo...I have been OBSESSED with reluctant heroes tho! still trying to work out learning that piano cover :'D
last movie: i really dont remember o.o maybe top gun maverick because my sister wanted to watch it but i was stoned outta my mind so i dont remember much LMAO
currently reading: ADHD means i'm reading a bunch of books at once....lemme list a few i guess - the Illidan novel from WoW - also the Arthas novel from WoW lol - Chronicles series from WoW - Grimoire of the Shadowlands from WoW (i now realize i read a lot of WoW content LMAO) - one of the books from the Witcher series, forgot the name - some book about positive psychology and prosocial behavior, forgot the name
currently watching: look, i can only have one fixation at a time, so OFC it's AOT. but if i had to choose, maybe rewatch supernatural? idk s4 is *chef's kiss*
currently consuming: a matcha tea latte! surprise to no one akdlfs;kj
currently craving: there's rice pudding in the fridge that i'm trying not to eat for the sake of my blood sugar but i really really want it a;lkdfsj
tagging people that i want to know better i guess? is this how this tag game works idk im tired
#: @roseofdarknessblog @wyvernslovecake @sixpennydame @luvjiro @nosleepjustlevi @bruhm0mentum @happybird16 @leviismybby @notgoodforlife
idk feel free to ignore my social anxiety makes me shy and a;lsdjf;laksdf
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eyleensfilm · 7 months
i have to sober up wtf
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ferromagnetiic · 9 months
Portrayal notes. 【 Addictions 】
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Daily drinking is standard for Kid. Ranging from casual day drinking, to going on extreme and destructive benders, booze consumption has always been a large part of his life. He drinks socially, in times of celebration, and as a coping mechanism in periods of hardship. He's good at holding his alcohol and sobers up decently quickly, but when he wants to get drunk, he won't stop drinking until he gets there. Drug use is a less frequent yet still a noteworthy aspect of how he chooses to live. He knows not to overdo it because of the things he's seen growing up in the rougher parts of Refuge, as well as having several nakama who have histories of battling drug abuse themselves, but despite that; if he's offered something, he'll probably take it regardless of what it is. Cocaine is his preference when he's struggling with some kind of mental turmoil.
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