#tw Barbie doll nudity
5tarryknight · 2 months
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Princess Mirielle is a kind-hearted protector, watching over the forest folk in her domain. Her favorite thing is giving people placebo charms and potions that are “activated” by the user being kind and believing in themselves.
Design by Kenzilina on Toyhou.se! I’m so happy I could buy this gworl ^^
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chaotictactics · 1 month
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tumblr compression killed this one
art from 2019 but I fully beleive this is my peak
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thefloatingstone · 11 months
I've potentially convinced a Discord server I'm in to do a watch party of Utena. As a professional Utena enjoyer, could you give me a list of all of the TWs that Utena entails? I know about a few, but I haven't watched the entire series myself, and I'd rather they be informed about what they're stepping into. 🙏
oh oof. OK! This may spoil certain things but I also understand the concern.
First, importantly, the show is PG13 so remember that nothing I am about to list is shown GRAPHICALLY on screen. You're never going to see detailed nudity (They're all barbie dolls) or sexual acts in detail. But the situations are IN the show and although some things are told through symbolism and metaphor... a lot of it is not.
I don't want this list to make you feel you shouldn't watch it, because almost every fucked up thing in the show is treated as being as fucked up as it is and does NOT paint these things as good or cool. As well, because the show uses metaphor and symbolism a lot, (as well as being aimed at teenaged girls) these topics are never graphic or presented as violence or in a "horror" way. It treats these subject as serious and mature, not as shock value or trying to upset the audience. This isn't Midori or anything.
So this is more if people would like to avoid certain topics COMPLETELY. But if they're not super triggered by the topic itself, they should be ok to watch the show as it portrays these things carefully and with consideration.
Also all of these triggers are plot important and tied directly to the narrative, and are not just there to be there. They all impact the story in a major way.
Also reminder what the show looks like
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OK! So here's the list;
Trigger warnings for
A character throws a kitten into a river where it drowns (not graphic. Just very sad)
Flashing lights
incest between siblings (not shown in a positive light)
The characters are 14 despite not looking like it. So also sexual relations between an adult and several of the underage characters (it's fucked up and presented as fucked up)
Grooming ^ (once again fucked up and presented as fucked up)
Suicide attempt
suicide ideation
Terminal illness
High school bullying between girls
the character Anthy has multiple moments in the show where she is slapped by someone including some of the male characters
emotional and mental manipulation
The show is about "Gender is a construct. Tear it apart" so there are moments of deliberate misgendering and a LOT of misogyny from some of the worse people in the show
blood free stabbing
Parental death and grief is a large plot point
And finally; Nanami turns into a cow
I think that's everything. If anyone remembers a major trigger that needs to be added let me know.
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calico-lamb · 9 months
slight tw: barbie doll nudity and pubic hair feral silly billy :3 also no creepy comments for the sickos out there, this is a minor
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ohfugecannada · 4 years
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Epoxy chest replacement. before and after sanding.
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queerbauten · 4 years
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Lammily should be glad my Roxy dolls haven’t come in yet
(pardon Stormer’s doll nudity; I haven’t got any clothes for her yet, eep)
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doggbonezz · 5 years
idk how to add read more on mobile so i’ll just say to ignore this post. If you do really insist on reading it than huge TW because this is about csa
I was talking to my hockey team the other day and as all of us went to elementary school together we ended up talking about that school. Somewhere along the line Maddy got brought up by one of my teammates. My teammate asked if i was still friends with her and when i said no my teammate said “she used to make you watch inappropriate videos, right?”
now, i was caught off guard by this for two reasons. 
1. i have no memory of telling ANYONE about what was happening to me at the time. (i remember hinting at it to my parents but they ignored my hints and i never told them outright)
2. i had more or less decided that these “inappropriate videos” were just a figment of my imagination. There’s so much i can’t remember about what happened between me and her. I thought they weren’t real.
When my teammate said this i asked them why they would think that. They said i told them years ago at school. They said i told them i hated Maddy and that i never wanted to see her again, but i wouldn’t tell them why. I DON”T REMEMBER THIS.
what makes it worse is that now i keep remembering more and more of what she showed me. It wasn’t quite porn, but it mimicked it as best it could. They were really weird videos on youtube. Some of them were these really weird “doll sex tapes”? not sex dolls, children's dolls. like barbies and stuff. I guess there was technically nothing wrong with them, but it comes off as really fucked up. I know theyre probably made by people trying to be funny, but it just feels gross. I wonder how many kids have come across those videos by accident? There were also videos of these middle-aged men reviewing actual sex dolls, which was weird. There were also a few “sex tutorial” videos that she showed me. Those ones were the worst i think. They were the only ones with actual nudity and stuff. I googled a few of these things out of curiosity and found that all this stuff is still out there. It’s nothing awful really. It’s not that bad, but i was 9 years old when she was forcing me to watch and reenact this stuff and it makes me feel gross. Watching some of those things made me have one of those weird panic attacks where i feel like everythings happening all over again. I probably shouldn’t have looked that stuff up, but i wanted to see what she was showing me.
also, this makes me wonder what else i’ve dismissed as nightmares is actually real? I have a really vague recollection of a lot of things, like her recording something on her phone, the game we played going beyond “pretending” to do the things that hurt, the time other kids were involved. I just don’t know anymore. I don’t want it to be real.
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queerbauten · 4 years
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so, ah, I went to Goodwill today
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