#tumblr HATED the format of this one. just. absolutely would not let me do it
stone-stars · 2 months
in which murph has a very normal time at the hands of his players
Murph: Wel-come back to Bahumia everybody! [Jake, Emily, and Caldwell echo him with "Bahumia!". Caldwell sounds incredibly enthusiastic.] Murph: He's so excited! Caldwell Tanner, thanks for being here. Caldwell: Ye-ah! Murph: It's not your turn yet, dude! Caldwell: I'm so sorry sir! Murph: Okay? I'm your Dungeon Master Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Hurwitz-- Caldwell: Bahumia! Jake: [laughs] Hey! Dude! Murph: Caldwell! Caldwell: Sorry! Emily: [laughs] Bahumia! Bahumia! Jake: I'm trying to rhyme, man! Murph: Quit stepping on him with your enthusiasm! Caldwell: I'm just so ready to go! Emily: Bahumia! Jake: I worked really hard on this. I di-- [sighs] well forget it. Fuckin' forget it. Murph: No you gotta! Emily: Bahumia! [Overlapping crosstalk as Caldwell and Murph encourage Jake.] Caldwell: You've got this. Murph: You got this. Jake, go ahead, don't let these two enthusiasms get in your way, alright? Jake: Yeah. Alright, no, yeah. I got this. I got this. Yeah. Caldwell: Whoo! He's got this! Jake: Fighting alongside-- Caldwell: You've got this man! Do it! Murph: Stop! You have to stop! Jake: I know I got it! I'm doin' it! (Calder voice) Fighting alongside a frog and a bard with my brand new sword, Shard. [Emily and Caldwell laugh.] Murph: Yeah! Pretty good. I do feel like we built it up though, at a certain point. And there was just-- there was no way you could fully deliver. Jake: Yeah. It would've been perfect if I got it out clean right up top as soon as you introed. Murph: Yeah, if we did a super low energy intro. [Jake: M-hm. Yeah.] Caldwell: I think it was great man, I think it was amazing, I can't wait to hear it again! Murph: Who is this person. And then of course we've got Emily Axford-- Emily: Bahumia! [Everyone laughs. The others continue laughing harder as Murph talks.] Murph: Ohh. Okay?? That's the name of the world. Her character's name is Calliope Petrichor. If for some reason episode 57 of campaign 3 is the first thing you've listened to. That's Emily Axford. (laughing) She plays Calliope Petrichor. She did say before we started, I think almost as a counter-bit to Emily's bit, before we started (laughing) Emily said "I'm not gonna do a rhyme I don't feel like it." And I said "wild energy to bring into the episode!" so Caldwell went the opposite and went overenthusiastic. They're just fucking with me! Everything we do is just an inside joke to make me upset. Caldwell: And now you're caught up! Murph: Yeah, and now we're caught up. Caldwell: Bahumia! Murph: And-- [laughs] and Bahumia. And-- Uh, and then of course we've got Caldwell Tanner-- Jake: (yelling) Bahumia! Emily: Yeah!!! Jake's in on it!! Caldwell: See, it feels good! It feels good. Murph: Okay. Caldwell Tanner, of course, plays Sol-- Caldwell: Ohhh, Sol Bufo [Murph: Okay.] I'm feeling fine, just found out I'm two of a kind, [Emily: ooh!] and now I'm gonna go and find out if Swag's still alive. I'm really trying to thrive here. Bahumia. [The others laugh. As they talk, Caldwell laughs too.] Murph: You lost me. But you had me for a moment. And that's more that can be said for the other guys. Jake: Wow. Emily: Bahumia. Murph: [laughs] Bahumia. Jake: Bahumia, guys. Murph: Sure. Hey guys, Bahumia. We did it. We did it everyone. Alright? Everyone settle. Settle? Okay?
[The others sigh as if relaxing, and chorus "yeah."] Murph: Ready? Alright. Let's do-- let's do-- Caldwell: Eldermourne. Murph: Not the right campaign. Not the correct campaign. Caldwell: Shit, sorry. Murph: Let's go ahead and do a little-- [laughs as Emily interrupts him] recap-- Emily: That's Calliope's middle name. [Everyone laughing.] Murph: (through laughter) Shut. The fuck up. Everyone. Alright. [Pause as everyone continues to laugh.] Jake: S-- sorry. Murph: So last time, you left Calder's home to pursue Gowan to the Ice Knife, but received a call from Albin along the way-- [laughs] Shut up, dude. Jake: Bahumia. Bahumia. [Everyone laughs.] Murph: This is precious information! Jake: Bahumia! Emily: Bahumia! Bahumia. Caldwell: (exaggerated) Bahumia! Murph: Yeah, okay. You guys are like pokemon now? [The others laugh.] Okay. Alright. Worst bit ever. Okay. [Jake: Bahumia] You recieved a message from Albin--
Murph: -- You were greeted by a ghostly message in the ice that said Friends… Murph and Emily: Betray! Emily: I remember! Murph: You remember. Good job, Em. Jake: Holy shit. She's back. Murph: You get a sticker. Emily: I wrote it in my notebook. Murph: Very good! [Emily: Yeah, yeah, yeah.] That almost makes up to your behavior for the first three minutes of the show [The others laugh.]
Murph: And that's where we are now. Caldwell: Alright! All my real betrayal heads get ready! Emily: Yeah! Caldwell: This is where it starts! Murph: [laughs] Shut up. All of you. [Everyone laughs.] Caldwell: (through laughter) I can't. I have to talk for another hour at least. I'm so sorry. Murph: It's all good. Alright. So--
Murph: Sweet, well we'll talk more about this over on our Patreon. That's patreon.com/naddpod that's N-A-D-D-P-O-D-don't sing yet-- [Emily and Jake start to sing "We"] Caldwell: Bahumia! Murph: Yeah, remember that. [laughs] D-- Do you guys remember that? Uh-- Emily: Bahumia! Caldwell: What are you talking about, man? Murph: Bahumia! Does anyone else have anything they'd like to plug? Emily: Bahumia! Murph: Bahumia, yeah. Jake: Oh, yeah, I would love to plug Bahumia. Murph: Yeah. Check it out. Campaign 1, campaign 3. Caldwell: The world. Emily: Oh! [Murph: uh-huh] Uh, actually can I plug Bahumia? Murph: Great. Really good job, guys. Awesome. Caldwell: It's an incredible world. Incredible place. [Murph: yep!] Check out all of the incredible environs there. Murph: Yeah. Check it out. Uh- You can follow us on, uh-- Emily: Bahumia. Murph: You can follow us on social media that we may or may not use. @ chmurph's me, @ caldy's Caldwell, @ eaxford's Emily-- [Emily: @ bahumia] -- @ jakehurwitz is Jake-- Jake: I'm actually-- I'm actually @ bahumia. Murph: Follow our campaigns on Bahumia-- Emily: I'm also @ bahumia. Murph: I don't think you are. And you can tweet about the show using #naddpod that's N-A-D-D-P-O-D. [They sing "We are, We are" as the audio fades out, but Caldwell and Jake replace the words with "Bahumia"]
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celestetcetera · 5 months
Having finished binging all of BBC’s Sherlock for the first time, I would like to express the following opinions:
The show is actually so good. It’s incredibly camp & very entertaining. I can’t believe I let tumblr make me think it was bad for so long
My favorite season is season 3 followed closely by season 4. Fave episode was the sign of three, I love how the cases interconnected and it was adorable how hard Sherlock tried for John’s wedding
Mary honestly might be my favorite character lol. I wish we got more content with her. I liked how they handled her death though, was very fun to see John & Sherlock spiral into a depression
Honestly I kinda just wish we got more content in general. The 3 episodes at 90 minutes format kept my attention the entire time, but I really wish the show had something closer to the 13 episodes of 45 minutes like a lot of other things had at the time. I would’ve loved more “filler” episodes where we got to step back from the overarching plot and just solve some random crimes
Also think that format would’ve benefitted the Moriarty seasons. Felt like we kinda speedran him as a villain and I would’ve loved for him to be an ominous presence through more cases
I can absolutely see how seasons 1-2 gaslit people into thinking johnlock was gonna be canon and that’s very unfortunate bc the far better interpretation (imo) is Sherlock is aroace af and he and John are in a QPR (neither are aware of this, but Mary knows).
People seem to hate the ending episode a lot but tbh I quite liked it. I like Eurus and Sherlock’s dynamic towards the end though I do wish they didn’t re-imprison her. Also Molly deserved one goddamn scene where Sherlock apologized to her
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adh-james-version · 14 days
Story of a Boy
Singer AU
Song used- “Story of a Boy” by Jordy
- I altered some of the lyrics to fit the story better
- and I HATE tumblrs formatting, so I apologize for how whack it is
Remus hadn't seen Sirius in months, 5 to be exact. The love of his life he hadn't seen in months. He wishes he could say he hasn't seen his boyfriend on months but he never plucked up the courage to actually ask him out before they finished Highschool.
Highschool ended and Sirius had to go back to the home he hated in France for college and Remus' music career took off, and they lost contact. While he  technically lived in Wales he was constantly somewhere else for recording, shows, tour, meet and greets.
Remus heard his phone ringing and picked it up. "Hello?" "I GOT HIM TO COME!" Came James very excited and very loud voice, causing Remus to pull the phone away from his ear. "You got who to come to what?" "SIRIUS! I Got Sirius To Come To Your Concert In France Next Week!!" Remus froze for a second, "what." "You're not excited?" "I'm definitely excited but now I'm nervous."
"You can debut that song that you wrote about hime that you never released at the concert!" Remus immediately rejected that idea, "That song doesn't sound right." "Incorrect, you're gonna sing him the song by choice or I'm going to get my boyfriend to change the music so that you have to sing it."
"Regulus wouldn't do that to me."
"He would if I gave him some good dick."
"Oh my god. Fine I'll do it." Remus said knowing that James was right. "You'll thank me later!" James hung up.
Concerts never make Remus nervous, never. But today was different, the person he cared about the most was gonna be there. And he was gonna sing him a song. That he wrote. For him. Oh my god. He was internally freaking out but they were calling him on stage so let's go ahead and have fun.
Remus got the rowdy crowd to be quiet. "Okay so there is a special guest here tonight, I'm not going to point them out, but they know who they are. This last song, my new unreleased song," Remus let the crowd go crazy for a second. "This one is for you." Remus quickly looked over to where Sirius and James were standing and they were both smiling.
This is the story of a boy
I'd adore them if I had a choice
It's like they don't know I exist but I would absolutely love it
If they were mine
Remus walked and moved around the stage singing his song.
Bad date on the east side
Breaks down in the mean time
Drinks henny to sleep right
But it don't do the trick
Cause life is a bitch
Moved here from a small town
Fell in with the wrong crowd
Don't blame them cause most people suck
And then leave you crushed
They don't know me now
But I could give much more
I know it's such a shame
I'm sure you've heard it all before
Remus jumped into the chorus jumping and moving around the stage as lights faded and flashed behind and around him.
Burnt out on highschool
Didn't go how they though it would
And I watch them on the internet
Tryna be happy
Remus made direct eye contact with Sirius.
He wouldn't have to if he knew that he could have me
I know it all sounds typical
He's golden, I'm invisible
He'll never know and maybe that's just how it goes.
Remus closed out his song and concert. "Thank you all for coming!!!!! I love you all so much!!" He ran off stage.
Remus walked to his dressing room to see James waiting for him as he usually does, but sitting next to him was Sirius. "Hi Sir-" Sirius ran to hug Remus who eagerly returned the hug. Sirius pulled backs and smashed his lips onto Remus'. Neither boys notice James leave the room. "I missed you so much Remmy." "I missed you more"
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got impatient. woe, fic be upon ye
the format is fucked up (read; not indented) because tumblr was pissing me off. and i cannot fight with it at 2am. we might fix it later
ao3 ; x
Legend is a man of many talents. He has a lot of hobbies and skills, all picked up over his many years of adventuring. ..but sometimes, he surprises himself with what he can do. It’s a little intimidating, to think you know what you’re capable of just to be informed you can do something you’d never even considered, but…it is what it is. It’s best to just accept it when it happens.
That being said, Legend isn’t used to the fact these strange, rabbit-like creatures in Wild’s era seem to like him. A lot.
Rupee stuck around, following close behind Legend whenever they walked anywhere—as if he was afraid Legend would disappear if left alone for one minute. For a little while, this was cute—Rupee would even trail after Four, sometimes—but eventually ‘cute’ became ‘annoying’, and Legend kind of wishes the rabbit-creature would stop toddling after him all the time.
“Ledge, your lil friend is trying to get your attention,”Four spoke up quietly, not looking up from whatever book they’re reading. Wild had given it to them as a birthday gift, when he’d learned Four’s birthday had passed without the smithy saying anything. He also made Four a cupcake, despite the smithy’s protests.
Four shared it with Legend and Rupee later on. Rupee seemed confused at the idea, but had eaten his third of it after Legend had. Legend noted that it was carrot cake, and that he absolutely needs to get that recipe from Wild before this adventure is over.
Sometimes, Rupee will run off and find things to bring Legend, and other times he all-but-drags Legend with him to show the veteran something. It’s a little endearing, and sometimes Rupee finds some interesting stuff. That’s only sometimes, though.
In the span of a few weeks—he thinks, anyway. It’s a little hard to tell—he’d gained the attention of three more bluepees, none of which stayed too long but were present enough to have been named Koholint, Puddles and Blueberry (that last one came from Four. He’d let the smithy name her when they were upset one night) respectively.
Much like Rupee, however, they fussed over Legend too much. He’ll say he doesn’t know why they do it, but he does, and he hates it.
Just because his bunny form is a little…smaller than the average bunny, doesn’t mean he’s a baby.
Legend sighed. “What’s up, Rupee?”He tilted his head at the creature, groaning in annoyance when Rupee pawed at his leg before turning and hopping a small distance away, before stopping and turning to see if Legend was following.
Looks like he wants Legend to follow. Reluctantly, Legend stood up. “If the others ask, I’m just taking a walk. Rupee wants to show me something.”
“Okay. Be careful, vet.”
“Will do.”He hums, turning and following Rupee as he began to lead the veteran somewhere.
Belatedly, Legend realises that his sword is still with Four, but he doesn’t think he’ll need it. Not really. Rupee doesn’t drag Legend anywhere dangerous—hell, half of the time they don’t even go too far from wherever the chain had set up camp anyways.
Rupee kept going, occasionally slowing down to see if Legend was still following and allowing him to catch up before hopping off in front again. How considerate.
Honestly, Legend doesn’t know why he bothers entertaining it when Rupee leads him away; but no matter how much he questions himself, he still chooses to follow. If asked, he’ll deny the fact he questions himself on it. Nobody needs to be inside his head, except the ones already there. “...you’re not serious here,”Legend sighed out, watching as Rupee disappeared, appearing in a puff of blue smoke at the top of a nearby cliff. “You want me to climb up there? With these bones? No way in hell.” …he climbs up the cliff anyways. He’s admittedly curious about why Rupee wants him up there in the first place. Once he’s safely made it up, Rupee begins to lead him along again, stopping every so often so Legend can catch up. They don’t travel much further, as Rupee leads Legend into a clearing with a pretty tree and a pond in the centre. Vaguely, Legend recognises that this place reeks of magic. It doesn’t feel hostile, though, just…curious. “Okay, Rupe. What’re we here for?”He kneels down to the bluepee cautiously. In return, Rupee nudges his hand, and Legend belatedly realises that Rupee was trying to comfort him. He’s not leading Legend anywhere else, now, just sitting with him and nuzzling up to him. He still seems to think Legend needs to be comforted. Legend would be mad if it wasn’t Rupee. But it is, so he doesn’t, and instead settles onto the grass with him. He has to admit, this place is calming. It’s quiet, and absolutely soaked in protective magic. It’s safe. Even if the magic here feels curious, like it’s trying to figure out who and what Legend is, it doesn’t seem like whatever it’s coming from seems to be hostile. The veteran relaxes, running his fingers through the glowing blue fur of his little companion. Rupee seems to appreciate it. Legend doesn’t relax like this often. At home, he does. He has plenty of animals back home that he can do this with, he just…doesn’t do it while adventuring. His ears twitch. Something blue moves near the pond, but it’s too small to be a bluepee. It’s…a horse, he thinks. But it’s…not a horse. He knows what a horse looks like. He has one of his own at home. Twilight’s got his horse, Epona, with them. This is a horse, but it’s…not.
It has a similar glow to the bluepees, and Legend registers that the magic he felt earlier is coming from this being. How weird. The horse-thing seems to stare at Legend, and all he can do is stare back. He swears this thing has more eyes than it should. It has antlers, too, sort of like the ones that the bluepees have. After a solid, uncomfortable minute, it takes a step closer. And closer, up until it’s right in front of the veteran. Legend stares at it, before slowly standing up. He never takes his eyes off of the creature, and doesn’t even think about moving too quickly. Once he’s standing, he offers a hand out to the creature. He can feel the aura from the thing. It’s curious. Protective. “I’m gonna call you Pond,”Legend decides, once the…horse (he’ll keep calling it a horse, for now) nudges into his hand. “I don’t have any food with me.”He mumbles. “I’m sorry.”He does feel a little bad about it, but how could he have known?
Pond seemingly doesn’t mind. He spends a while just,,,sitting there, in the presence of a fluffle of bluepees and Pond. It’s…nice. Their presence almost feels healing, as he doesn’t seem to have a single complaint about how his body feels. Eventually, though, he realises that he did sort of leave without telling anyone except Four, and they might be getting worried now. “Rupe, we have to go,”Legend sighs. He doesn’t want to. He sort of just wants to stay here. Rupee hops up, though, and Legend pulls himself off of the ground. He turns to Pond, and runs his fingers through their mane. “I have to go now, Pond. It was nice to meet you.” Pond doesn’t seem happy. Makes a sound of protest that Legend’s only ever heard from Pepper, when he does something that she doesn’t like. “I know,”He frowns. “I’m sorry. I would stay if I could.”And he would. He would spend so much longer here if he was able. Pond seems to make a decision. Starts trotting away from the body of water, towards where Rupee is sitting. Legend, confused but needing to go that way anyways, follows. This is how he finds himself walking down a beaten path with a bluepee and a strange, horse-like creature who feels like a deity. This is how he finds himself back at camp, still with the two in tow. “Hey Ledge, enjoy your—”Wild cuts off, staring behind him. “This is Pond,”Legend informs. Then, “Do you know what it is…? I think it’s a horse? But it’s not.” “That’s—Legend, that’s the lord of the mountain.”Wild blinks rapidly. “That’s basically a minor god. How did you..” “Oh. Pond just kinda followed us back.” “Pond.”He wheezes, and Legend thinks he might be dying for a second. “You somehow befriended a minor god, and you named it Pond?” Legend pouts. “I think it’s a good name.” “For a pet, maybe.” Legend frowns and turns to Pond. “Do you like the name I gave you, or do you want something else? Nudge once for you like it, twice for you want a new one.” Pond nudges him once. “See? Pond likes it!” “Vet. You’re back.”Four hums, wandering over to scoop Rupee up into their arms, tilting their head at Pond. “Made a new friend?” “Yeah. Named ‘em Pond. Wild says they’re a minor god. Cool, right?” “So cool.”Four nods, petting Rupee. “Is that what Rupee wanted to show you?” “Yeah.”Legend fetches an apple from his bag, feeding it to Pond as he speaks. “There’s a little pond up on that hill. Pretty tree. There’s a lot more bluepees there, and that’s where Pond was.” Four hums, still holding Rupee as they step a little closer to Pond, tilting their head curiously. Legend notes that Four stays behind him, as if Pond might get spooked by Four’s very existence. “So creepy…Pond is so cool. Can we keep them?” “If they’re a god like Wild says…we shouldn’t, no. Pond really didn’t like the idea of me leaving their side, though. Like. Got so upset when me and Rupee went to leave that they followed us all the way back.” Four whistles. “Damn. Hey, can we swap Epona out for Pond? Pond looks cooler.” “Four!”Sky scolds with a frown. “I’m joking~ Relax. We can have both.” “You can’t keep the lord of the mountain!”Wild whines. Despite Wild protesting it, though; Pond hangs around the group for the rest of their time in this era, hovering over Legend and Rupee. Wild accepts this.
Later, he tells Legend that he’s lucky to be able to befriend Pond—who, Wild reveals, is actually called Satori—so easily. Legend doesn’t get it, though. Never does. He’s not really that lucky. Animals just like him. Wild throws something at him when he says that. Genuinely throws his soup ladle at the veteran, while the others laugh about it. Distantly, Legend wonders why animals trust him so easily. It can’t just be because he’s sometimes a bunny. It’s weird, but welcome. He does need to look into it, though. Preferably before he accidentally befriends another deity.
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callsignfangs · 5 months
Aaaaaaaall right- I'm very curious.
I wanna know why you love Farah.
Do it- Yooou KNOW you want to. >:)
GIGGLING youre absolutely spoiling me right now 😇😇
I will take literally any opportunity to talk about the sweet girl so here we go 😻
Btw this is going to be completely unorganised, I’m literally just dumping my thoughts into a tumblr txt post 🧍‍♂️
Also ik for a fact that I literally cannot put my love for this character into words to forgive if my wording is horrible 😇
This is also for @missaimfire14red, who was lovely enough to drop this in my askbox as well 😚 Figured I might as well merge the two!! I’ll also be fleshing this out later for yous, hopefully into an actual semi-formatted essay lol 😭 /lh
Cw: Blood warning for clips & images of canon scenes
Now: Mwi (Modern Warfare one)
I’m gonna start off with her and Hadir. Their bond, like, HURTS me (in a good way 😇). They went through so much together - loosing both their parents, growing up in a warzone and almost dying + having to flee their home as CHILDREN, then being imprisoned for, as far as i know, almost all of their childhood and early adulthood.
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Hes just her big brother and they love each other to pieces, literally quite possibly the strongest bond in the cod reboot imo. (See Hadir saying ‘I love you even if you hate me’ BAWLING)
And now let’s talk about her reaction to Hadir using chemical weapons.
Firstly, this scene, when she first finds out that Hadir betrayed them when he originally used them. I’m not gonna go too much into this scene bc I think it’s more about her bonds with Hadir, Price and Alex and I’m trying to keep this as a Farah post, but I might make another one abt this in the future. Lemme just say that she literally fights Hadir until she passes out. Ty 😇
Now what she says when she confronts him and he starts blaming Price for betraying them???
‘You betrayed yourself’. PAINNN 💔💔
She hated those weapons because they were used on her an her people and she just never wanted anyone to experience that ever again, even the enemy.
Let me reiterate that - she literally wouldn’t use the enemy’s own weapons against them due to the sheer inhumanity of it. Her morals are literally so strong that she practically disowns him because of it. She refuses to use the weapons that were used on herself, even on the people who attacked her. When I say I fully believe she is one of, if not the kindest, person in the cod reboot, I MEAN it. She rightfully refuses to give into the occupying forces but is still merciful enough to refuse to torture them the way they tortured her. She’s merciful in her warfare and her revenge and it just. It just breaks my heart 😇
Adding to that,
ALSO. Let’s talk about how, when she was being detained by Hadir, she had all the opportunity to kill him, literally weapon in hand, and she just let herself get taken. Was it for the greater good? Totally. But I think it also tells us that she trusts her allies enough to be willingly taken by the enemy (calling Hadir the enemy HURTS bro 😭). I also think it tells us that she still loves him, to some extent. She hates what he’s done unbelievably, but he’s still her big brother and she still loves him.
Okay, onto Mwii (Modern Warfare two)
First: Hadir’s death.
He tells her that she has the warhead and tells her to use it, but, ofc, she refuses. But then, what does she do??
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SHE COMFORTS HIM. Tells him that she’ll defeat the russians, even if it’s not the way he was planning. That’s why I’ll literally NEVER take anyone saying they didn’t love eachother - bc no way would she ever spare an actual enemy (esp one she was technically interrogating) this kind of mercy, but she does for Hadir.
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THEN the way he encourages her and her reaction 😭 She tells him that they have nothing to do with this, and I kinda feel like it’s either out of grief or because she doesn’t want them to know about this, in a way? She wants to keep their memories of their parents in a simpler time and doesn’t want to acknowledge what Hadir did, maybe even partially doesn’t blame him, because she’s angry too and she might even partially understand why he did it, yet she’s logical, kind, and thinks things through enough to know that it wasn’t the right thing to do, ethically or tactically.
And dont even get me STARTED on tactics. She’s literally the commander of her ENTIRE force ffs, you know she’s literally unbelievably smart, both against an enemy in general (Al Quatala) and against one with more populated and technologically advanced (manufacturing-wise, they have more weapons and are much more heavily funded). Not to mention her and Hadir literally produced weapons for their troops themselves. Personally, I don’t have much knowledge with weapons, but I do know that so many intricate parts go into them that it’s not the kind of thing a normal person can just do.
Admittedly, bc of the shift in focus for mw2, theres not much else I wanna talk about Farah-wise. I’m not gonna go into detail with the atomgrad raid bc honestly I dont have the time rn lol- might make another post about it.
The only other really notable Farah we got here that I’m gonna mention was Laswell’s rescue.
Firstly, let’s talk abt how she was willing to help, but was also smart about it. She didn’t risk forcing her people back into war, only pursuing the kidnappers once they reached Urzikstan, and the plus that they were Al Quatala.
Then, Farah’s ‘we share a common enemy,’
And Price’s ‘and a common friend.’
Honestly I’m totally projecting by saying Laswell is a mother figure to Farah bc there’s literally no plot evidence but. In my heart Price and Laswell are besties co parenting Gaz and Farah 😇😇 (and honestly all of 141 and ULF as well to some extent). But!!! Laswell does call her, Price, Gaz and Farah meeting as a ‘family reunion’, so there’s definitely some level of bond there. And then Farah proceeds to compliment Laswell on her moves which honestly had me giggling a little 😇
(Also can i just say I’m so upset we didn’t get a Farah reaction to Gaz’s heli moment?? Disappointing 🙄🙄 /lh)
Lastly: Mwiii (Modern Warfare 3) - and ofc spoilers for it.
For mw3, I’m only gonna go over her and Dena, mostly bc I’m running outta time rn lol.
They have such an adorable bond and I love them sm 😭😭
Can we talk about how one of the only times we see Farah smile,
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Is at Dena? 😭 And Farah immediately asks about her mother? It’s such a like domestic sort of scene that I just love so much bc we get a little peek into Farah outside of Commander Karim 💟💟
Then they have the little moment in the car 💔
You can just tell how much Farah appreciates the encouragement and the trust between them
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Honestly, I’m not gonna go over Dena’s death 🧍‍♂️ Like the other death in mw3, I feel like it kinda could’ve been handled differently/better (also like give my girl Farah a break jesus can she not be happy?? 😭 /lh)
Still, the way she promises to give Dena justice literally breaks my heart 😭💔
Anyways, that’s it for now 😚 At some point I wanna like come back to this and flesh it out a bit alongside other dialogue and plot stuff with Farah, I just didn’t have the time today :[
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beaker1636 · 11 months
So no clue where this came from but it just happened like a month ago and I haven’t had the guts to post it yet but my friend Paige keeps telling me to soooo here’s a very smutty Chris fic.
Please be gentle, I don’t write smut at all, this is my first attempt. And I absolutely hate it despite paige and another friend saying it was really good. Also sorry if formatting gets fucked up, I type these on my laptop but can’t remember my tumblr password so I cut and paste it from a document on my phone into tumble so sometimes it gets wonky.
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“Hey baby, I am sorry but things are not going how I wanted so I will be done late, we will have to move our date to another night. As soon as we finish this song I will come to your place and we can watch a movie or something,” you read the message from your boyfriend Chris for a second time, your mood instantly dropping.
This is the third time he has had to cancel date night in the last couple weeks that he has been home so that they can continue working on the new album at night. You understand that this is what he does for a living but you are getting really tired of this happening all the time. Honestly, it is making you start to feel like you arent important to him and that maybe he doesn’t want you around as much as he used to.
You sign, before responding to him. ‘Okay, don’t worry about coming over tonight if you are going to be late, you can go home and rest so that you are ready to work tomorrow.”
You get a response rather quickly, catching you off guard. “I want to come see you, I feel like we haven’t had any time together with both of our jobs.”
That message is what finally breaks you, that makes you snap and let out all your frustration in one strongly worded message that you send back.
“And that is somehow my fucking fault, YOU are the one who has cancelled on me yet again. Go fuck yourself, I don’t even want to see you tonight now,” you type out, fighting tears of frustration that are threatening to fall as you hit send.
You quickly shut your phone off and throw it on your living room table so that you don’t have to see what his response is. You had a rough day at work and really needed to be with him tonight but that doesn’t matter anymore, nothing matters anymore.
Storming off to the bathroom you start to wash your face of your makeup, its just going to get ruined when you eventually stress cry, which you know is going to happen. You also say fuck it and change into pajamas, theres no reason to be dressed up just to spend the night alone in your apartment.
You follow this all up with getting a large glass of wine before going to your room with your new romance book to read and drink your feelings away, hoping that it would give you a much needed distraction so that you don’t spend your night sulking about your fight with Chris.
About an hour later it has worked, you are so drawn into the story that you don’t hear your front door open rather hashly, nor do you hear the footsteps leading to your bedroom until your bedroom door slams open.
You look up and gulp when your eyes lock with Chris’, his eyes showing you very quickly just how pissed off he currently is.
“This is seriously what you have been doing while ignoring my texts and calls? Reading a book?” He seethes, glaring at you to the point you are uncomfortable and glance away.
Fighting the tears that are now threatening to fall down your cheeks, you decide to be quiet for a minute to think about what you want to say.
“Maybe if you actually made time for me and didn’t always put me second I wouldn’t want to ignore you.” You finally say, quietly, feeling rather small in the moment. You hate confrontation so to know that Chris is upset with you really has you anxious.
“You know we are recording and have deadlines we have to meet, I can’t just leave in the middle of a song,” He spits out, growing more frustrated.
Feeling like Chris isn’t even listening to you and not wanting to get yelled at even more you decide to go back to reading your book, this conversation can be finished once he has calmed down some.
This is the last straw for Chris however, who is not going to let you continue to ignore him. He storms over to your bed and quickly rips the book out of your hands in annoyance, his eyes scanning the text on the page that you currently had the book opened to.
“Seriosuly, you are ignoring me so that you can read about other people fucking eachother?” His eyes darken as they scan your face, watching for your reaction.
Finally having enough of his tantrum yourself you finally crack. “Yeah, I am. It could have been us if you would actually show up for a fucking date.”
If he wants to fight then fine, you will fight back. He doesn’t get to be a dick when it is his fucking fault that you are upset and fighting right now. You match his glare, not wanting to be the one to back down at this point, too riled up to give in. But slowly his glare turns into a smirk, and he makes his way to the other side of your bed, climbing in next to you.
“You want to read your book so bad, fine. Read it, out loud,” he challenges, thrusting your book back into your hands.
“What? No I…. I can’t. That just, what? No Chris,” you struggle to come up with a coherent response, feeling awkward and honestly embarrassed at the thought of reading out such a dirty scene out loud in front of him.
“Why not? You seem like you have plenty to say tonight, so come on. Put your words to good use and read it to me,” he teases you. Chris knows that if he pushes you enough that you will do exactly what he asks you to, because you always do.
“Ugh fine,” you grumble.
You know Chris well enough to know that he is playing some kind of game with you but what exactly? You aren’t sure.
“‘You’re already so wet for me,” he whispers, his tongue running flat alone the darkening marks along your neck. He drags his fingers up the length of your heat’”.
You cut off suddenly with a gasp as Chris slips a hand inside your pajamas and your panties to do what you just read to you, removing the garments from your body.
“Keep reading, you wanted to ignore me for your book so bad so lets see if you actually can,” his voice grows deep as he continues to tease you.
You suck in a shakey deep breath before you continue.
“‘What do you want me to do to you,” he asks, your thighs shifting around his wrist. “Hmm?’
‘To touch me,’ you whisper, your voice barely audible in the quiet room.
‘You’re going to have to be more specific,’ he informs you. ‘And aren’t you forgetting something?’
‘Much better.’ He nod his head and you withhold a sigh, you’re never going to remember that. Before you can utter another word, two thick fingers are inside of you, you being wet enough to where he has very little resistance as he thrusts them knuckle deep.’”
You hesitate, swallowing as you try not to make a sound as Chris yet again does what you just read. You don’t want to give that cocky bastard the satisifation of knowing what he is currently doing to you.
He stops moving, glaring at you again. “You stop reading, I stop touching you.”
“‘ He pulls his hand back enough only to thrust them back inside you roughly, causing a deep whine to leave your throat at the sting of pain and pleasure, shivers immediately crawling up your spine.
He pulls away slightly, watching you under a heavy lidded gaze as his fingers continue to thrust into you, rough, forceful and unforgiving…”
You cut off, finally giving into Chris, whispering fuck this, throwing your book onto your bedside tabe before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.
He resists, not giving you the kiss that you are craving so desperately.
“I always get what I want,” he says with a chuckle. “And don’t think that after the way you spoke to me that I am going to let you cum that easily.”
You try to hide your disappointment when his fingers leave where you need them most.
“Now clean up the mess you made,” he demands, holding his hand infront of your face.
You learn forward, taking his two fingers between your lips, tasting yourself. You decide to take your time to make sure you actually get them cleaning, hoping that maybe if you do what he says that you will get what you want from him. He removes them, resting them on your lower lip.
“Good girl, now tell me, how bady do you want me y/n?” He asks, his eyes meeting yours.
“Badly, please Chris,” you whine, deperate for him to touch you again, to take care of the ache that he has created.
He slides your shirt off, smiling at the fact that you had already taken your bra off when you changed, leaving you bare as he stands up.
“Then how about you show me how much you actuary want me,” he commands, making you shiver at his tone of voice. “Get on your knees for me baby.”
You don’t hesitate to get up and do just as you were told. Reaching out to open the button and slowly slide the zipper down on his jean before tugging them and his boxers down in one movement, his hard cock finally free much to his relief.
He tugs your hair harshly, pulling you forward and silently urging you to do something, anything, just as desperate as you are for what is to come.
You wrap your hand around the base of his shaft before running your tongue along the underside, only to then teasingly lick around his head tasting the pre-cum there before dipping lower, not missing any of his length.
“Stop teasing,” he groans at your actions, growing frustrated as you continue to do so. You want your revenge for him doing just that to you earlier.
You can’t help but smirk up at him, glad that you could make him crave you just as much as he makes you crave him.
Finally you decide he has had enough and take him into your mouth, slowly lowering as your hands strokes what you can’t quite take. He tugs on your hair to make you look up at him as you hollow your cheeks and start to actually bob your head, ready to drive him crazy like he does to you. His eyes meet yours as you take him even deeper.
“Fuck, I love how great you are with your mouth,” he groans, knowing that the praise always motivates you, makes you work harder in hopes of receiving more of it.
He starts to pull on your hair, taking control away from you as he urges you to go faster. You gladly let him, loving that he is making you do what he wants, taking what he wants from you with no restraint.
He groans, pushing deeper, your eyes watering as you keep swallowing around him, trying not to choke as he gets rougher and rougher with you.
His eyes close as he leans back slightly, letting you deep throat him as he shudders, getting right to the edge. After a moment his grip on your hair tightens again as he pulls you away from his throbbing cock, you gasping for breath.
“Get on the bed, hands and knees for me baby,” he growls as he helps you up, pulling his shirt off as you crawl on the bed, looking over your shoulder at him.
You tense in anticipation when he climbs up behind you, pulling you back towards him by your hips and making you both groan at the friction that it creates. His hands pull you up by your hair o that your back is pressed against his chest, leaving kisses that trail form your neck to your ear.
“I’m about to fuck you, hard,” he whispers as he reaches around, cupping your breasts before pinching your nipples which makes you jerk back into him, causing the much craved friction between you both again.
You fail to fully process his word as all you can think about is your want, no your need to finally cum.
He gives you a kiss before letting you go, you falling back on your hands as he enjoys the view of your ass and the fact he is able to have his way with you without you putting up much a fight.
He can see just how wet you are as it glistens in the dim light from your lamp. It pleases him to know how much he can make you crave and need his touch, that only he can do this to you.
He cam tell that you are growing impatient as his fingers make their way to your hips yet again.
“I bet you still want me to go home, don’t you,” he murmurs, not wanting to give you what you want just yet.
You glare over your shoulder at him, barely holding on to what little resolve you still have left, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how badly you actually crave him.
“Use your words y/n, I want to hear you beg for me before I even consider touching you. You wanted to use them so badly to get me to leave earlier” he demands of you, harshly thowing back your words from earlier in your face.
You still refuse to answer, which just frustrates Chris, so he harshly smacks your ass, instantly making you whine at the sting.
“I still don’t hear you.”
“Oh come on, you can clearly tell how much I fucking want you. Just fuck me already,” you groan, annoyed that he is making you do this. Any other time you don’t mind begging but the angry part of you is still holding on weakly, making you want to put up a little more fight that usual.
“Good girl, thats more like it,” wraping his fingers around himself, practically pulsing from how close you had him with your mouth.
Without warning he roughly enters you, making you gasp in surprise. You press your face in your arm, jaw clenching at the sudden sting from the action.
He starts out rather slowly, deciding that he is still going to tease you before he finally starts to get rougher and rougher with each thrust, pulling your body back to meet his with each movement.
You lose your breath and close your eyes as you get closer and closer to the edge. Enjoying that he is being so forceful that it almost hurts, loving this new and rougher side of Chris that you have not seen before.
He’s slamming into you with no restraint, pulling you right to the edge but still not giving you enough to actually cum yet, the need tormenting you at how close you are.
His fingers slip around your waist to tour clit, making you cry out from the pleasure as he enjoys the sight of the bruises forming on your hips from the hold he just had on them.
You suddenly clench around him, making him groan.
“Please, Chris, I’m” you cut yourself off, not able to finish what you are saying as you beg him for your release, knowing that the only way he would give it to you is if you do.
“Fine, cum,” he demands as he presses his body down into yours on the mattress. “Cum.”
You finally do, your vision going a bit blurry as you cry out, loud enough that Chris secretly hopes that your neighbors have heard you.
His rhythm slowly becomes erratic as he can’t take it anymore and spills himself inside you with a low groan “fuck”.
His arms slip around you as you both go limp, him gently rolling you over onto your back as you lay there for a few moments, catching your breath, still pressed together as you lowly regain control of yourselves.
He slowly pulls away, gently helping you get more comfortable as you let out a sign in exhaustion. You barely notice that he left the room until he returns with a damp washcloth, helping you clean up the mess that you both let on your now very sore thighs.
“y/n, do you need anything? Are you alright?” he asks after he finishes, laying down next to you in the bed, pulling you into his arms and bruising your damp hair out of your face.
You nod, not quite ready to answer his question.
He gives you a very gentle kiss, almost as an apology before speaking.
“I’m sorry I haven’t had much time for you, I promise that I will take tomorrow off to spend with you, just us,” he says softly, toying with your hair in the way that he knows you love.
“Thank you,” is all that you mange to get out, not feeling like any other words need to be said as you oth lay there, slowly falling asleep next to eachother, glad that the fight has ended.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
(If you're just trying to find some cute ship art for like lumity or huntlow and you find this I'm sorry I just want this to get some recognition cause I'm new to the Tumblr community 😭😭)
Hello there and welcome to me rating different TOH ships!
It'll be in a format like a iceberg chart, the more well known ships at the top and more unknown and obscure ships in the middle and below
Also know this is my opinion and I have given reasons why I don't like and ship the ones I'm going to list, don't get mad at me cause I don't ship whatever the fuck you like
And with that let's go!
The surface
1. Lumity 9/10
Actually a really good ship, I don't know why people keep on saying it's a toxic/unhealthy ship, the only reasons they say is that they lie to each other,Amity somehow "hurts" Luz and never gives her a proper apology...? Im sorry but it's fucking stupid, there's other reasons but I don't remember them, I gave it a 9/10 because it's okay, nothing astonishing or amazing, just good wlw rep and that's all that matters
2. Huntlow 100000/10
WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP OMG!!!! I wish it could have gotten confirmed or more hints throughout the show (I personally think it would have been a cool idea that after kings tide Hunter and Willow started dating and it would be shown in TTT) it's just a really cute ship to me and I love everything about it >_<!!!
3. Raeda 10/10
It's a really cool ship, but I was confused on the whole is Eda bisexual or pansexual thing cause she's confirmed bisexual but Raines non binary...and now supposedly bisexual people can be attracted to non binary people??? It's just hella confusing to me, but that's a topic on it's own for a different time, I really like how they developed and definitely TTBK was and is one of my favorite episodes
4. Veesha 8/10
It's actually canon that Vee has a crush on Masha and thats all I need to know...GAHHH IT'S SUCH A CUTE SHIP!! Really cool thing how Dana is adding some much non binary characters in the show (NOT including the collector cause he's demiboy NOT non binary, there's a huge ass difference) wish there could have been some development/hints in the WAD, sadly not, but that doesn't mean it won't be confirmed!
5. Gustholomule 8/10
By far one of my ships but sadly not on the top 3,yet again, needed more hints, especially in s2a cause Gus and Matty had more screen time and interactions together,and I love how the fandom just agreed Matty was gay, and not to mention the friendship with Matty and Amity
6. Belpaw 10000/10
this is a joke ship between Belos and springtrap/William Afton from fnaf but it's absolutely fucking hilarious to me and I love it
Now, time to go under the surface, here are some ships that some people know/ship but not much people do, and the further I go we'll get to the more...problematic ships, yet again, don't get mad at me for my opinions
1. Lunter -100/10
Please block this account immediately if you ship lunter I CANNOT STAND THIS SHIP!!! Sure, they had some pretty decent chemistry and interactions with each other, but it just won't work! There's no use in shipping a character with a canon love interest/already dating someone and just choosing to ignore it and ship them anyway, PLUS FOR THOSE SHIPPERS WHO ACTUALLY GOT FUCKING MAD CAUSE IT DIDN'T BECOME CANON I'M ACTUALLY SHITTING BRICKS ON HOW FUCKING STUPID THAT WAS 💀💀💀💀 plus Willows a canon love interest to Hunter, Zeno, HUNTERS VA, literally changed his name to Hunter noceda, and no it's not wlw erasure, but if you acknowledge the fact that lumity is canon, if you acknowledge the fact Dana put her hardwork and effort trying to get a same sex couple in a kid's show which literally got it CANCELLED, and still ship it, disrespectfully shut the fuck up, lunter would be canon if FUCKING NETFLIX MADE TOH 😭😭😭
2. Huntric/Huntmira -100000/10
I. Hate. This. Ship. I put them together cause I didn't want to make seperate sections for it, now you're gonna read me rant on how much I fucking despise this ship, number one, EDRIC IS FUCKING DATING SOMEONE, no interactions (only one with Edric but none with Emira) the mfs literally degraded him in labyrinth runners, no chemistry whatsoever, its overall just not worth your time, and I'm not a toxic huntlow stan, no I won't force the ship on you, however I will block you because I don't want that shit on my feed, same goes for lunter and the other ships I'm gonna mention
3. Luz x Willow, Amity, or all of them together 5/10
Ngl, it's not that bad of a ship, actually really cute, but I couldn't see it happening in the show given that lumity is already canon, plus we should normalize healthy friendships between two girls, not everyone needs to be shipped and the toh community has a huge fucking problem with that, plus this also goes for Amity x Willow as well
4. Camila x Eda (i dunno the official ship name 😭😭😭) 5/10
It's mid, I SAID IT I SAID IT!!! *hides in bed* I'm sorry the ship is mid, raeda is canon already and they didn't have any dialogue, interactions,chemistry together only other than people want Camila to date/marry someone,and the only part when they actually meet is in WAD and that one picture of Eda showing Camila the Apple blood, other than that it's meh, eh, mid
5. Boscha x literally anyone -1000/10
Disrespectfully shut the fuck up if you ship boschlow, boschmity, or boschluz, THESE ARE EXTREMELY TOXIC SHIPS AND YOU'VE PROBABLY NEVER EVEN WATCHED WING IT LIKE WITCHES OR THE ENTIRE FIRST SEASON OF TOH, YOU MUST HAVE SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE IF YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY, Boscha is literally their bully, IT'S NOT THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS STORY YOU WANT POOKIE, the only one that isn't as severe is boschmity, that one, unlike the other ships isn't as bad cause boscha genuinely likes Amity and if you watched FTF you'd know why, plus boscha must had have the fattest crush on Amity, but the only boscha ship good is Boschbria (Boscha x Bria)
6. Veenter 10-/10
No...why must I have come to this...NOOO!!! okay, first off, ima just put this in the most direct, black and white, simple way, it fucking sucks, no interactions that support the ship, no chemistry, like I said, I'm a raging Huntlow stan, this ship is unacceptable, plus I like found...a potential r34 comic of them BUT WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT HAHAH....oh fucking god...
The pit, here lays all the problematic ships, also uhm TW maybe??? I am gonna use words like p3dph1l1a, @buse, Child @buse,and pr0sh1p alot, so if it makes you uncomfy just a warning, and with that, lets go...
1. Camphip -infinity/10
I HAVE A RAGING HATE FOR THIS SHIP OH MY FUCKING TITAN, okay, I know Camila is an adult and belos is...well he's an old fucking geezer,but the age gap gives me the ick, but let's just start, it's @busive, Camila literally said she wanted to beat him up in the beginning of FTF, AND I DUNNO, DO YOU THINK A 400+ GENOCIDAL EMPEROR WHO @BUSED 50+ GRIMWALKERS WHO COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BE KIDS (and by kids they'd be at least 11/12-16, still pretty younge though)MANIPULATED MILLIONS OF WITCHES AND DEMONS, AND KILLED HIS BROTHER IS A GOOD HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND MATERIAL? disrespectfully shut the fuck up, given the fact of think Luz, Vee, and Hunter are all Camila's children (or at least that's what I headcanon) DO YOU THINK THEY'D BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT THEIR MOTHER IS DATING THE PERSON WHO CAUSED THEM SO MUCH FUCKING PAIN AND ABUSE????ESPECIALLY HUNTER, BELOS FUCKING SAID HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HUNTER IN HOLLOW MIND, CLOUDS ABOVE THE HORIZON,AND IN THANKS TO THEM, HE LITERALLY TRIED TO K1LL HIM, THIS SHIP WOULD ONLY BE FINE IF IT WAS IN A GOOD BELOS AU, THE ONLY WAY, I will immediately block you if you ship Belos x Camila, I hate it HATE IT AND I'M DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS
2. Amity x Gus or Hunter -infinity/10
You're lesbianphobic, go fuck yourself if you ship Amity with any male characters
3. Empgold/Huntlos -infinity/10
It's pr0ship, p3d0philia, and @buse, Hunter is 16 and Belos is 400+ years old, you can't ship a character with someone's who dead so it wouldn't matter if you ship them after the time skip when Hunters 20, Belos @bused Hunter, the scar on his cheek and the whole fucking possession scene in TTT might give you a hint, Belos never cared for Hunter and only saw him as a tool, he tried to k1ll him in Hollow Mind, and in Thanks to them, if you ship them, I am blocking you, and I say this proudly
4. Guster -infinity/10
I. Hate. This. Ship, AND FUCK YOU GUSTER BUBBLE BATH YOU FUCKING MADE ME HATE IT EVEN MORE (please don't question what the guster bubble bath is, DO NOT SEARCH IT UP IT IS AN R34 COMIC...unless you wanna get traumatized, but it's cool baby girl) I hate this ship, there's plenty of interactions, but they give off a more sibling energy,and that's a reason why I don't ship it, I see them as siblings, I get they could somehow date cause of cosmic frontier but it's more of a similarity than a romantic aspect just like with Amity and Luz with the good witch Azura,its also uhm *COUGH COUGH* p3d0philia if you ship their time skip versions (Hunter is 20 and Gus is 16), the reason why I put it so low is because I feel like it's not as well know but not as obscure (plus I did this all rushed so I had no fucking time)
And ladies, bros, non binary folks, that's the end! You've endured all my criticism so take a damn break, you deserve it
And special credits to ships I didn't include!
Luz x Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Hunter x Sasha (Amphibia)
Gus x Willow
Gus x Bria
Luz x Marco (svtfoe)
Gus x Vee
Luz x viney
Edric x Emira
Eda x Belos
Eda x Darius
Amity x Marcy (amphibia)
Belos x Luz
The Collector x King, any member of the hexsquad
Amity x Odalia
Eda x Dana
Darius x Raine
Belos x Kikimora
Kikimora x Puss in boots (oh god yes that's exists)
Lilith x Belos/Hooty/Steve/Eda!!!
I hope someone at least read this cause I made this in a damn hurry!!!
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albatris · 5 months
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@multi-lefaiye hello hi forgive me for the awkward formatting but I saved my reply as a draft and tumblr is now lo nonger letting me edit it :c
so I will reply here!
thank you for the silly question!
Nat and Yvonne would do FINE, they've both worked customer service and they get it. Yvonne is cheery and organised and hard-working, Nat is lazy but efficient..... all his managers dislike him on vibes but they can't fire him 'cause he's actually really good at his job. Alex would also do fine... it hasn't necessarily worked customer service in this kind of sense before, but it's worked with People and knows how to handle The Public at their stupidest.... it's also very hard-working and efficient, it'd handle itself okay in a department store, and would probably really enjoy working alongside Nat and Yvonne :3 dream team!
Quinn and Zeke are where we run into problems lmao
Quinn has no work ethic, hates pushing themself, and has no tact. Quinn would think department store work is beneath them and they'd absolutely talk down to customers, subtly at first but eventually just telling people flat out to go fuck themselves. they'd refuse to stock shelves and carry boxes, they'd bitch about customers within earshot of those customers, they'd never obey the dress code...... they'd last a week, tops, and they'd hate every second of it fthdks
Zeke would last longer than Quinn but still not long.... although she'd love the fast-paced environment and the pressure and competitiveness, she'd suck at the customer stuff..... she'd have no patience for rude or angry customers. telling customers to fuck off may be the only thing she and Quinn ever agree on xD
Nat MIGHT be able to coax Quinn into doing some hard work (as long as he's not also been fired for eating a customer for harassing one of his other co-workers) but he'd be annoyed at them the whole time.... likewise, Alex may be able to reign in Zeke's righteous fury but it would take a lot of effort.....
so nah, Quinn gets fired and everyone is happier for it and Zeke MIGHT get fired..... she's on thin ice..... she gets fired and everyone is kinda bummed about it bc she's a lot of fun :c but unfortunately fistfighting customers is against store policy 😔
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
I'm scared that being queer is going to drag me away from the church, because every queer person I know in the church has absolute bare minimum faith, and they always contemplate leaving, and I have heard in polls about the sheer amount of queer people leaving the church because of the bigots who refuse to accept and live in equality and harmony with the LGBTQ+ community.
Why can't the straights and Christians just get along with the LGBTQ people and vice versa? It's like a small thing like being queer is enough to have both sides hissing and clawing at each other, and being in all three communities feels like I'm being pulled in two different directions: one half of me who believes in the Church doctrine and wants to be that good, faithful girl who goes to heaven, and the other half who wants me to embrace who I am.
I absolutely hate the fact that queer people have to be closeted in this Church, and I hate the fact that being queer makes me feel wrong, because of the bigots and prejudicial people who can't just let people live their lives regardless of gender or sexual orientation or whatever.
I also hate that part of me can see the patriarchal format of the church and even as a kid questioned why, but currently I am so desperate to keep my faith, to hold onto the one thing I know is true in this world, that I'm wondering whether I should just stay closeted for the rest of my life and live as a cishet and then no one has to know and I can just avoid being disowned and I can avoid having my closest friends turn on me and I can avoid being ostracised for something as trivial as not aligning to the gender binary.
I'm also terrified for my next temple recommend interview because I don't want to lie when the bishop asks if I believe in anything that goes against church doctrine because I might but I don't want to say yes since that might prompt further questions, and I don't want to lie to the bishop and say no.
I can't even ask my parents because they're both homophobic, transphobic and very actively hateful towards anti-LGBTQ people, and I feel like I have no one to talk to, since I don't know any irl friends outside the church and all my other friends believe in being relatively anti-LGBTQ as well.
I feel at my lowest point right now and I hate this because it's piling onto pre-existing family drama and I just want it to end.
Why can't I live my dream of being a proud queer mormon with a husband and kids like I've always wanted without this crippling crisis adding itself onto the gender dysphoria I have from my mother pressuring me to dress and act femininely?
I hate this feeling so much and I hate putting on a smiling mask for people and pretending like it's okay because I can't get into how I'm feeling and the closest I can get is writing an anonymous ask on a queer mormon tumblr blog in the hopes that someone can hear me and talk to me from an understanding point of view.
Sorry for the rant, I had to get it out somewhere...!
This is heavy. I'm glad you wrote.
You're observant. Most queer individuals do leave the church. It indicates that church isn't a good place for most queer people and needs to make some changes.
The church used to define how I viewed myself and my queerness, but over time, my queerness has changed how I view the church. I can't change and not be queer, it's not a choice, and no matter how much I wanted to it just isn't something I have the power to change. Since this is how God made me, then it makes me question why my church would say it's wrong or bad.
For me, I had to learn that this church isn't perfect, the prophets sometimes get things wrong. Lots of things have changed and will continue to change.
Fortunately, Jesus taught us the 2 great commandments and then said all the laws and prophets hang on those 2 commandments. It helps me when I think about teachings at church to think "does this fit with the 2 great commandments, to love God and to love myself & my neighbor?" If it's not loving of myself or my neighbor, then it doesn't fit with what Jesus taught. It helps me identify things I can set aside and the things I can hold tight to.
I'm not saying that now is the right time, but one day you will step out of the closet. Almost every queer person takes that step and it's a brave thing to do. Everything starts changing at that moment because then you can speak up for yourself.
There is a temple recommend question that asks "Do you support or promote any teachings, practices, or doctrine contrary to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?" Feel free to ask your bishop if he could explain this a bit more. For example, I support gay marriage and Elder Christofferson has said that members can support gay marriage and still have a recommend, but if two women marry each other then they can't have a recommend anymore. The way I think of this question is the way I live my life is the biggest testament I can give. Even if I want things to change or I disagree on some things or even reject some statements by the prophet, I still live my life in a way that complies, that is a stronger statement than anything else.
We have a queerstake discord that I think you'd enjoy. You'll meet many current and former members who are queer. Even though some are former members, it's not a place to bash church members. Send me a DM and I'll send you a link
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caroldantops · 7 months
Ooo, if you’re really up to more Harley thoughts, then I’ve got plenty!!
Like like like, Service Top!Harley
She absolutely has a love/hate relationship with bondage. On one hand (hehe), she hates not being able to touch you but on the other hand, she absolutely has trouble with knowing what to do with her hands during sex and so having them tied behind her back while she’s eating you out /vigorously/ just lets her focus on the feeling instead of feeling awkward
So, it’s like “mmm sweat cheeks, you taste /so/ good, but I wanna touch you so bad, please lemme touch you I promise to make you feel so good just let me touch you please” but like you’re already working up to your third orgasm and so you can’t really respond so Harley (like the adhd queen she is) lifts her head a little and is like “baby did you even hear me? I sai-“ she’s quickly shut up by you pulling her face back down by her hair, activating another kink of hers, hair pulling and needless to say she’s back at the task at hand (for like 5 minutes before she’s begging again)
Or or or, Harley who’s hardcore into public play, but not because of the risk, honestly she couldn’t care less if anyone sees. She’ll just knock em out hard enough to forget they saw anything. No, what she loves is how shy and embarrassed you get, desperately trying to appear normal and stay quiet as she carelessly rams three fingers inside you until you’re crying and she’s just “aw pumpkin, don’t cry! Somebody might come up and ask what’s wrong and then they’ll see what we’re doing under the table, hmmmm and that would be just /awful/ wouldn’t it? Cause then I’d have to k!ll them and nobody wants that, huh?” before curling her fingers even deeper and it’s too much and makes you cum immediately mmmmmm
Also, Harley would be the QUEEN of petnames. Literally everything under the sun, she’ll call you it, even making up petnames just for you, shaking her head and scrunching her face when she tries one that doesn’t really fit saying “uh-uh, nevermind not that one”
Ughhh, I should be writing right now but instead I’m obsessing over Harley Quinn, eh there’s worse things to be doing.
(also, I don’t if this is just me, but tumblr won’t let me use html formatting under anon and I don’t remember that happening before, has that always been a thing?)
-(a procrastinating) M anon
"Somebody might come up and ask what’s wrong and then they’ll see what we’re doing under the table, hmmmm and that would be just /awful/ wouldn’t it? Cause then I’d have to kill them and nobody wants that, huh?"
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(also i think the not letting anons use html isnt new new but it like recent within the last maybe 6 months? idk)
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writing2sirvive · 11 months
As someone who was given the new “update” on Tumblr mobile, let me tell you why it sucks pine sap:
-absolutely hate hate hate the messaging system. Looks like twitter and instas dms had a baby. Not cute. I had to switch my color palmette over because before me and my fiend had calming colors however with the switch it made it such a bright white it hurt my eyes (even with my screen brightness down!). Plus the way they are set up is unappealing.
-apparently my feed will just. Cut Off. I’ll be scrolling through Tumblr and suddenly I just read the end of the sidewalk. No matter how much I refresh, it won’t give me more posts.
-last night I couldn’t scroll through Tumblr because there was no new posts. Like it was empty. I exited the app a few times, even giving it a few minutes to reboot but nothing. Very concerning.
-idk why but this new format is giving my Uncanny Valley vibes and I HATE it. I can’t even begin to describe why I hate it so much, but I do. Everything about this new update is awful. It doesn’t feel like Tumblr
@staff I give this new format -100/10. It’s awful and no one here wants it. If I wanted to go on a site like Twitter or Instagram I would be on that site not Tumblr. Please for the love of god don’t make the same mistakes as other sites and copy their behavior. Don’t make this, or whatever is going on with desktop the new norm.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
What got you into answering submitted questions on this blog?
Absolutely nothing! I registered this blog for other reasons originally but left the ask box open, because, well, why not? Formspring and Curiouscat were dedicated "ask a social media person a question" services, and I had one of those for a brief time, too, but it all just seemed to kind of... collate here.
But I wasn't a fan of when people would sit down and shotgun blast 10+ questions in a day and then go radio silent for days, or even weeks. Some of that was just how Tumblr itself treated asks -- you could only post answers immediately. However, if you had Xkit installed, asks could be put in to the queue like any other post. (Nowadays, Tumblr lets you do that by default)
So, out of politeness, I decided to just dump all my asks in to a queue where they would go up two or three times a day.
But it was still kind of inconsistent. I'd get a few days or maybe a week worth of posts, but there were still dry spells. Eventually I settled on there being one post per day. And that's the way it's been for years and years at this point. It's extremely rare there isn't a post ready to go.
Sometimes I think I should speed it up. I used to. There used to be times where I'd have 10-15, even 20 posts in the queue, and I'd bump it back up to two posts a day. But that hasn't happened in a while now*. That's for a few reasons.
One, I think I spend a lot more time writing each individual post. Shorter, sweeter, to-the-point posts are getting fewer and farther between, to the point where I am now making a conscious effort to write less, because my proclivity is to just write and write and write and write forever. So when you see a post like this, that's me in my own head saying "shorter posts are fine. not everybody wants to read a novel every day" instead of skipping that ask.
Two, I don't get paid for this. I've thought about at least trying to put a simple adsense banner on this blog somewhere, but if I'm being honest, Tumblr makes that difficult. You may not know this, but my bltn.net site is basically just a tumblr blog redirected through a domain, and Google Adsense is constantly yelling at me because I don't have a proper ads.txt and this and that and the other thing. Because even if you tell tumblr to make a blank page without any formatting, it still inserts secret, invisible formatting anyway. Which Google hates. So it serves ads on bltn.net, but only begrudgingly. And I don't want to make it mad any more than I have to.
You gotta write because you like writing, which I do, but there are sometimes I take a step back and think "This feels like work. I should be paid for work."
Particularly because a friend of mine, Imran Khan, in the days before he became known for his work at Game Informer and Kinda Funny Games and etc. briefly tried to run an ask blog like this, failed to start, and then point blank asked me why I keep this thing running when it seems like so much work. I didn't have an answer for him, outside of the fact that I like interacting with the people who like my writing.
Which I do. But in this scary new world after my Mom died last year, I'm definitely examining where I spend my time more carefully and what I should be paid for doing.
But nagging people to join my Patreon because I can't shut up on Tumblr probably isn't going to work, either. I have a thing my blog's sidebar about it, but getting more aggressive... I dunno about that.
(That being said: good time to note that not only do I have a Patreon, but tier 2 donors get access to a Discord channel where I basically link these the moment they go in to the queue. Meaning you can get early access to these posts days, or sometimes even up to a week or more in advance)
So... I like doing this, I want to keep doing this, I will keep doing this, because I think getting prompts from you guys to write about things legitimately helps me as a writer and helps me build viewpoints on things I would never otherwise think about. If I am left to my own devices and only write about topics that are self-indulgent to myself, I don't know that I would ever write about even a quarter of what this blog wrings out of me.
Because that's the other thing, when Imran asked me that question all those years and years ago: I don't know how to come up with topics? Like, I know the topics that interest me, but those are a narrow group of topics that may or may not be in vogue at any given time. I mean, just go look at my Youtube channel, for instance.
Would you say I have any ongoing "shows"? How often do I venture out of my comfort zone? I think a lot about my last Youtube MCN, Screenwave, when they effectively "fired" me in 2021. I think they figured The Definitive Way To Play would be this ongoing series where I always had a new game to talk about every few weeks or at least every couple of months, and then I... didn't do that. Because I only make those kinds of videos when it's meaningful to me. I don't research games for that series, I talk about mods I personally have field tested in games I want to play. Which is why it's mostly just been Sonic games.
So, like, yes, while I do have a Google Doc absolutely stuffed full of video ideas (32 unmade ideas and counting), when it comes to brainstorming new video ideas, new series, it's not something I've ever really been able to do? That Google Doc is ideas I've been accumulating for the last 5-10 years. My "some day" ideas that never got made.
(That's probably harsh on me, and more impostor syndrome stuff, but I digress; when I think about me thinking about my process, I don't have brainstorm sessions and to date just write videos about things I already know)
Getting prompts here gets me to think about and say things I'd normally never consider. I value that greatly. And this tumblr has even been the inspiration for some of my most popular Youtube videos (my "Definitive Way to play Sonic Adventure" video actually came from this tumblr post blowing up).
So I'm glad to be here. I want to keep being here. It's important to me. But I'd be lying if I did not feel like there was a clock ticking.
* There was no room for this anywhere else, but another reason I feel like I should speed up the queue is that the dry spells are slowly getting fewer and farther between, and sometimes old asks get buried under the next tide of new asks. I have something like 1300 unanswered posts in my inbox these days, but I rarely fill the queue with more than 5-10 posts anymore.
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted. 12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
1. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
Already answered here, but I can add something to that. Something I didn't mention in my last post was that I would like her to have more closure with Vision. Not just closure with her idea of Vision, with Westview Vision... but closure with actual Vision, Spectral Vision. That doesn't mean they get back together or that it would necessarily be happy closure. In fact, I see it being quite sad and maybe possibly even antagonistic. But I would be very upset if they never met again, because I think part of Wanda's healing process needs to include facing what Vision has become every bit as much as facing what she's become herself. Ideally, I would want them to meet at least one more time, and have that conversation of... here's where we're both at right now, here's what we each want, here's what the past means, and given that, where do we intend our separate futures to go from here? I don't see them ever getting back together, but I need them to at least have that uncomfortable conversation, because there is so much there that is still open, raw, unsaid, and unresolved between them.
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
Omg, so... I started rping on this site back in 2014 (Ned and Ygritte from GoT), and I barely knew what rp even was on this site, how to go about it, what I needed to do. I fell into it by accident, lol. I had fan blogs for those two characters, and apparently the way I had them set up, people thought they were rp blogs. So someone just started rping with me by sending something into my ask box, and instead of saying I wasn't an rp blog, I was like... you know what? Yeah. Sure. I'll do this. XD And it was really fun.
But that tells me something about the rpc back then. It was so light, casual, and forgiving. People had rules pages, I remember, but otherwise they were so chill and so kind to each other. It was okay if you didn't have an official rp blog. It was okay if you didn't use fonts and formatting and icons. It was okay to reblog memes from each other. It was okay if you didn't have elaborate rules or a triggers list. And people didn't have these like... angry sort of... "here are all the people/muses/blogs/FCs I absolutely won't interact with" and "here are all the reasons I'll block you instantly" tirades posted in their blogs basic info. Nowadays the vast majority of new blogs that I look at to see if I want to interact with start off so hateful and off-putting that I wonder why they're rping at all, because it seems like they just don't want to interact with people. Like they're automatically, before we even talk, so defensive and ready to block, ready to argue, ready to just hash it out and have drama. Back in 2014, it was like... do you want to write? Really? So do I! Okay, let's start! And that was it. It was that simple, and the hobby was a lot more inviting and inclusive rather than being so elitist and exclusionary sometimes. I feel like people focused more on the muses, the writing, and the storylines rather than on their personal drama and on sniping at each other, and I miss that atmosphere. The lack of tension and toxicity in the rpc is something I definitely miss.
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rohirric-hunter · 2 years
I’ve been putting together a video tutorial for Helm’s Dike, since I had so much trouble finding helpful EB guides in the past few months. I have almost all the footage of all the different side objectives, and it shouldn’t be too much in the way of editing, but I do have one significant problem: I don’t want to post this on YouTube.
Over the past few years I’ve heard horror story after horror story about creators on YouTube who have been throttled and shut down by the platform and its stupid algorithm. Just today I watched Shadiversity’s video about how YouTube is simply not recommending his stuff even to his subscribers. (Also I swear I was subscribed to this guy but I haven’t seen any of his stuff recommended in months and when I went to his channel I apparently wasn’t?) And obviously I’m not looking to make money off of LotRO guides and the vast majority of people who would be interested in that follow me here, but I don’t really want to support a platform that screws over creators like that. Also, I’m thinking about other stuff I might eventually post on a YouTube channel: I’ve been meaning to do Let’s Plays for lesser known LotR video games, and when I finally have time and space to work on that Grey Company cosplay I’d love to document the process in video format. I have music that I write and would love to share. I’ve been thinking for a long time about posting 5 minute craft debunks and knitting tutorials, and those could be monetized. And YouTube just. Doesn’t seem like a good platform for any of this.
I’m currently looking into alternatives, although honestly many of them are just absolutely hateful borderline unusable websites. If Tumblr wants to make their next great innovation better video hosting and an improved player that would be fantastic.
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- oh, for fuck's sake, what in the goddamn are you doing here?
---- i gotta say, i'm very surprised at this. i think this is the first time i've seen Maxson outside of his Brooding Room, let alone this far from the Mothership. the fact that he's not surrounded by guards implies to me that he flew himself here, too. no backup, no witnesses, presumably nobody told where he was going - what the fuck is up with this??????
Maxson: How dare you betray the Brotherhood! Danse: It's not her fault. It's mine.
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- ah, dagnabit. my process at the moment is that i play through a little chunk, making notes and taking screenshots, and then i type out the dialogue from the screenshots in the appropriate spaces in my notes (and format in html as i go because the sad fact is that that's less aggravating than trying to format with tumblr's rich text editor >_<). except now my xbox is being a shit, and i've apparently missed a few lines of dialogue, after i've overwritten the file saved before this conversation. i'm so mad.
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- physically placing myself between my grandson and this lunatic.
Maxson: [missed line? screenshot unclear] Cat: He's not a "thing". He's one of your best men. Maxson: Have you taken leave of your senses? Danse isn't a man, it's a machine... an automaton created by the Institute! It wasn't born from the womb of a loving mother, it was grown within the cold confines of a laboratory! Flesh is flesh! Machine is machine! The two were never meant to intertwine! By attempting to play God, the Institute has taken the sanctity of human life and corrupted it beyond measure!
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Danse: After all I've done for the Brotherhood... all the blood I've spilled in our name, how can you say that about me? Maxson: You're the physical embodiment of what we hate most! Technology that's gone too far! Look around you, Danse! Look at the scorched earth and the bones that litter the wasteland! Millions... perhaps even billions, died because science outpaced man's restraint! They called it a "new frontier" and "pushing the envelope", completely disregarding the repercussions! Can't you see that the same thing is happening again?! You're a single bomb in an arsenal of thousands preparing to lay waste to what's left of mankind!
- Maxson really, fundamentally doesn't get what the Institute's whole deal is, does he? like, their thing is sinister and horrific, but he's talking about them like they're the Brotherhood. this entire crusade was never about any of the actual harm the Institute were doing, it was because he heard someone else had power and technology and assumed that they'd use it like he would if he had the chance.
Cat: That's insane. He dedicated his life to protecting mankind. Maxson: Is that what it told you? How can you trust the word of a machine that thinks it's alive? Those ethics that it's striving to champion aren't even its own. They were artificially inserted in an attempt to have it blend in to society.
Danse: It's true. I was built within the confines of a laboratory, and some of my memories aren't my own. But when I saw my brothers dying at my feet, I felt sorrow. When I defeated an enemy of the Brotherhood, I felt pride. And when I heard your speech about saving the Commonwealth... I felt hope. Don't you understand? I thought I was human, Arthur! From the moment I was taken in by the Brotherhood, I've done absolutely nothing to betray your trust, and I never will. Maxson: It's too late for that now. I don't intend to debate this any longer. My orders stand. Danse: You've convinced me that I was wrong to be ashamed of my true identity, and I thank you for it. Whatever you decide, know that I'm going to my grave with no anger and no regrets.
- dude, come on! we just talked about this!
Maxson: Touching.
- YOU shut the fuck up!
Cat: After all the sacrifices I've made and all the battles I've fought for the Brotherhood, you need to listen to me. You owe me that much. Maxson: Very well, I'm listening.
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- :3
Cat: If Danse dies, then you lose me as well. I can't stay in good conscience if his life means that little to you.
- this is very similar to the position i was in with High Confessor Tetris. i have too much clout for even Lord Eyeshadow to sweep me under the rug now, and i think he's just now realising it. literally anyone else, even renowned heroes like THE Paladin Danse, he can do away with if he's quick and quiet and doesn't let them get a word in edgeways, but me? i go loud, and i go messy, and i take the bastard with me.
---- check.
Maxson: Unbelievable. You'd be willing to sacrifice your career... for the sake of a machine. So. It appears we've arrived at an impasse. Allowing Danse to live undermines everything the Brotherhood stands for, yet you insist that he remains alive. Which leaves me with only a single alternative. Danse. As far as I'm concerned, you're dead. From this day forward, you are forbidden to set foot on the Prydwen, or speak to anyone from the Brotherhood of Steel. Should you choose to ignore me, know that you'll be fired upon immediately. Do we understand each other? Danse: I do. [missed line i think] Maxson: Don't mistake my mercy for acceptance. I'm returning to the Prydwen, Knight. Take some time, say your goodbyes, and then I expect to see you there. We still have the Institute to deal with.
- good move, buster.
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prismatoxic · 6 months
glancing on twitter for a post someone links to and finding that a bunch of your friends are using it almost exclusively is... a weird feeling?
i'm always going to be sour about the state of modern social media. i think some are worse than others, and i'm especially bitter about ones that try to replicate the tumblr format but maintain the restrictive NSFW content rules. but twitter...
i don't know. i knew i'd lose a lot of mutuals when i left it for good. it was the right move; twitter was stressful, and its algorithm makes it more of a cesspit than it might be otherwise. not even getting into the absolute piece of shit who currently owns it. i hope he gets hit by one of his fucking polygonal trucks.
maybe i'm still sensitive from 2018. when i got banned from tumblr around the nsfw purge, it stung to have a lot of people not... leave it. people who were my friends. i wanted solidarity, but you can't really ask that of people when it comes to social media, because they're all so different and fill such specific needs. but it did feel dismissive. maybe that's the bpd talking. a lot of times it's the bpd talking, in general.
when i got banned from twitter after that, i already had a second one to move to full-time. that time was absolutely mass-reporting, but i didn't want to fight it. i was tired. being on the forefront of discourse was exhausting.
but this time, i left twitter of my own volition. the "post rationing" was what broke me, but that being walked back didn't make me want to return, because i'd been gearing up to do it anyway. it felt like such a toxic place to be. people are still there, though. sometimes they're only there. or mostly. and why not? you can still post NSFW. all your friends are there. why wouldn't you stick around?
some part of me tries to chalk it up to a moral failing on their part, but. that's not it. i'm not better for still using tumblr. so what is it, really? well, it is the bpd: i feel left out. like i left a party to sit on the lawn but everyone else is still inside. it's a me thing, it's no one else's issue to deal with, but the nature of how bpd works means it twists me up inside nonetheless. do i compromise my personal morals to return to twitter? or do i stick it out and stay only here and on aethy? does it even fucking matter at this point?
i wish it was easier to move people to the fediverse. i really do. but if you've been on the 'net long enough, sites like twitter and tumblr and all their derivatives are some degree of intuitive. the fediverse isn't. you can sand down as many sharp edges as you like, but it's always going to look too complex for most people to even try. feditips can help, but only so much, and it's a lot of reading.
why trial and error a new thing when the old thing works fine? when all your friends are still there? i'd have jumped ship from discord ages ago, but all the competition kind of fucking sucks, and all my friends are still on discord, so genuinely, why bother?
i hate the modern internet. give me 2012 tumblr back. give me myspace back. let me use livejournal when livejournal was still good. sure, there's dreamwidth now, but no one's on it.
... it's loneliness, really. it always is. feeling left out, feeling unwanted; these are things my brain loves to force on me. no amount of rational thought can dispel them entirely. i try, but. it's hard.
i guess i'll think on it. my twitter still exists. i just feel like trying to go back would be making a mistake, or if nothing else, people whose opinions matter to me might be disappointed. maybe i'll get over this and not think about it again. i don't know.
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