#tucker and dale vs evil chad
andelkacroatia · 1 year
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Chad from Tucker and Sale vs Evil and Jason from Stranger things whould def be besties...
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damaskino-26320 · 2 years
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Same energy.
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moviemunchies · 6 months
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Some Octobers, I think that I should actually watch movies that are vaguely spooky. I don’t do horror films, but there are plenty of other movies that might fit the bill for Halloween. Usually, though, I don’t get around to it.
Well this year I got to re-watching Tucker & Dale vs. EVIL and I think that works for Halloween.
Tucker & Dale vs. EVIL has this premise: a group of college kids go to the woods, and when one of their own gets kidnapped by hillbillies, they decided to fight back. The twist is that the main characters are the hillbillies, and they’re not villains, they didn’t kidnap a college girl, they saved her after she hit her head. Her friends don’t know that, though, and since they’re clueless, stupid, college kids, they keep getting themselves horribly killed while trying to rescue her. Blaming it on the hillbillies, they resort to increasingly ridiculous and violent methods to fight these two guys who only want to vacation in a cabin in the woods.
It’s violent, it’s gory, and it’s hilarious.
The movie’s message is obviously that people shouldn’t judge each other based on appearances. Dale is very awkward and comes across as weird to Allison and her friends, but he’s a great guy. If anyone had actually effectively communicated, if people had sat down and clearly explained what it is that they were actually doing, this Plot would have been avoided.
Mind you, it’s also because the people in the movie are pretty dumb. The kids are pretty dumb, in how they keep dying, but Tucker and Dale aren’t exactly super observant either. They walk into a cabin with bones hanging from the ceiling, and newspaper clippings of horrible crimes, and absolutely no warning bells go off? It works for comedy purposes (“I think an archaeologist lived here!”), though it makes you wonder if communication would have worked to begin with the more you think about it.
I’m also not familiar with horror movies, but I feel as if I’ve watched/read a ton of stories in which college-aged kids are surprisingly competent in combat and survival. Of course, most people have no idea what they’re doing, and the kids here don’t either–they quickly rush into situations and get themselves killed in stupid ways.
There’s an element of the ending that is a little bit of a copout? Spoiler alert, but it’s revealed that the homicidal leader of the college kids, Chad, is actually the son of a violent hillbilly. The idea that hillbillies aren’t any worse than anyone else is undermined by the notion that actually yes, there apparently are killer hillbilly genes out there that can turn someone into a murderous maniac. Communication wouldn’t work if it’s just in his DNA, right? 
Then again, I think the point isn’t necessarily that Chad has killer DNA, it’s that he’s prejudiced against a group of people that he himself is related to. Still, I don’t know that Chad needed a backstory that gave an excuse for him being evil. The idea that he’s a young man so full of himself that he doesn’t question his prejudices, because it lets him live out his hero fantasy, even if it gets his companions killed… that’s strong enough.
I suspect I’m thinking too hard about this, though.
I am not really a fan of horror films, so I cannot speak to how well this movie resonates with that fanbase. I’d like to think that fans of slasher films will enjoy it, but I don’t know. I did enjoy it quite a lot, though, and I think if you’re willing to try a spoof of middle-of-nowhere, killer hillbilly slasher movies, then you’ll have tons of fun with Tucker & Dale vs. EVIL.
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lucasbeingrandom · 2 years
last night
I dreamt my brother was suff0c4ting in a McDonalds play place and my parents got divorced and my dad remarried a girl named hoe and I made out with chad from tucker and dale vs evil and then I got bottom surgery and had sex with the girl my dad remarried whilst troublemaker by weezer was playing in the background throughout the entire dream
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pb-dot · 2 months
Film Friday: Tucker and Dale VS Evil
I'm feeling a bit of a meta-horror mood these days. Although it's not quite as deep in the meta soup as Cabin In The Woods, there's no denying that Tucker and Dale VS Evil belong in that pot, and considering how delightful it is, it's hard to not describe it as a bit of potato... ok, where was this metaphor going again? Anyway. Tucker and Dale VS Evil
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Tucker and Dale have been friends their entire life. Now things are looking up for the two country boys, as many years of saving have allowed Tucker to purchase himself a little vacation home, a cabin in the woods. Only two small problems mar their first trip to this home away from home. One, the cabin is creepy as hell and the kind of a fixer-upper that requires power tools, and Two, a gaggle of college kids have taken to the woods to party. The latter problem wouldn't be as much of a problem, except that due to a series of unfortunate misunderstandings the college kids believe themselves to be stalked horror-movie style by the two hillbillies.
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Now, that'd be amusing enough of a setup on its own, but what really elevates it into hilarity for me is how the college kids, in an effort to fight back against the perceived life-and-death threat, end up doing the messiest accidental suicides you can imagine. Without getting into gory details, a woodchipper, moonshine, a chainsaw, and the worst loose board in the history of loose boards are all involved. It becomes a bit of a splatstick routine after a while, but damn if everyone involved doesn't sell the hell out of it.
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Not that accidental mutilations and murders are all the movie has to show for itself of course. There is a romance subplot between Dale and one of the college kids, the somewhat more perceptive Allison, who, as a link in the chain of misunderstandings and accidents that drives the plot, gets knocked out and finds herself recovering under the auspices of the hilbillies. It's not my favorite romance subplot, but it's fine, ties in with the themes well enough, and the ongoing Rube-Goldberg machine of misunderstandings and murder that springs from it is at least entertaining.
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The main draw apart from the gore though, is the central friendship between our two titular characters. It's often played to show that neither of these two are particularly bright. There's also something very sweet about these two fellas having each other's back, Dale in the earnest way he does everything, and Tucker with the restrained "not too much of a compliment now" way of your big brother-type characters. It's just nice to see dudes being friends like that, although I sure wish either one of them could read a clue to save their life, but there's comedy for you.
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There's also some business going on with nature and nurture and one of the college kids being just a little bit too keen on instigating a class war on these two hillbillies, but I honestly consider the way it's resolved a bit of a weak point of the narrative. Fortunately it doesn't get in the way too much, as it still allows Chad, and of course this young gentleman is named Chad, to be a fun, if not thematically strong, final antagonist.
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Rejoice! Slashstrology 5 is Here! As always feel free to fight me! 
Aries- Jill Tuck (Saw Series) Almost made her a cancer because she always looks like she’s on the verge of tears, but in a lot of cases (other than her death for some reason) she’s actually very...I don’t want to say strategic but very logical. 
Taurus - Ghost (Ginger Snaps 2) Leave it to a Taurus to enslave a werewolf girl and almost murder their own grandma because they weren’t behaving how they want. 
Gemini - Bea (The Babysitter Duology) I don’t know how to explain this one because to me everything about her scream Gemini. 
Cancer - Johnny (He’s Out There) Uh.....IDK honestly. Family mummy doll things? 
Leo - Tiffany Valentine (Chucky Series) Aesthetic on point in a way that only Leos can do. 
Virgo - Carrie White (Carrie) Wow a canon birthday, haven’t had one of those in a while. 
Libra - Dr. Lawrence Gordon (Saw Series)  Uh no real reason other than him seeming the most balanced out of all the apprentices. 
Scorpio - Cyrus Kriticos (Thir13en Ghosts) Have you seen the scene where he’s beating Arthur with his cane telling him he’s insignificant and a loser? yeah you know why he’s a scorpio. 
Sagittarius - Josef/Aaron (Creep Duology) Close call between Sagittarius and Aquarius for him, but I ultimately chose Sagittarius for him since when he’s giving his little speech in the river in Creep 2 in sounds like he’s going into the story of his birth. 
Capricorn - Lucas Lerner (Better Watch Out) Movie takes place some time in December, Lucas says he’ll be 13 in a few weeks which means his birthday is probably before the 20th of January but after the 22nd of December. 
Aquarius - Chad (Tucker and Dale vs. Evil) Mostly just all the “we’re special” shit he kept barking. 
Pisces - Airam (Look Away) Uh, It was snowing in the flash back when they were born? 
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spooky-mister · 3 years
Brain empty - thinking about Chad from Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil-
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esperwatchesfilms · 3 years
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
Time for one I know a good friend of mine enjoys. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it with him, but it’s also possible I slept through it at the time. I love Alan Tudyk, so theoretically, I should love this.
I think it’s super brilliant that the clerk is listing the items back to Tucker and while he’s not the focus, he throws things in the list like “lubricated condoms” and “feminine napkins”.
“You’re a good-looking man, more or less!”
Awww poor Dale. I wanna hug him.
Chubby’s Chili Dog Depot! HOT DIGGITY DOG!
I really feel bad for falling asleep now. I love this. I mean, I felt bad before. I must’ve been very tired, though. I love watching things with people, but if I’m too comfy, I fall asleep.
Oh my gods, these college students are the biggest morons.
Dale is so fucking sweeeeeet!!!!
I love the misunderstandings. It makes me so happy.
Allison is awesome, and I love that she says, “I think major problems are usually caused by lack of communication.” So true, dude. So true.
But why are you friends with ultra judgmental people, lady? I mean, I understand desperation, but holy hell, that girl would not have problems making friends that are better than this polo-wearing, collar-up dick biscuit.
Oh nooooo!! STUPID COLLEGE KIDS! They’re scaring poor Tucker and Dale! HIDE THE SHARP OBJECTS!!
SEE, DICK BISCUIT!? Even your friend calls you a dickwad. OH, AND OF COURSE DICK BISCUIT’S NAME IS CHAD.
Talk about miscommunication. This is some Shakespeare-With-Rednecks-Shit.
Why would they not question the “psycho killer” running away? Would they not realize these two clearly don’t mean them harm!? WHAT THE HELL!?
“THEY CUT OFF HIS BOWLING FINGERS!” What the FUCK is the matter with this sadistic freak?
“I’m glad I’m not hung like a bear.” -- I love this.
Shut up, Chad. I hate you.
GO GET THAT FUCKER, DALE. Get this little college dickhead!
“Bring it, Frat Bitch!”
Of COURSE the kid is the murderer’s kid. I knew it!
Awwww Daaaaale <3 I LOVE THIS!
ESE: 93/100
50 +5 for “Last Chance Gas” +3 for “feminine napkins” and “lubricated condom” background list items +10 because I just love Dale’s face. So there. +7 for Chubby’s Chili Dog Depot +2 for smoking, then inhaler -5 for probably THEE most idiotic college students +10 for cutie one-eyed pupper named Jangers +3 for Allie being so sweet to Dale -5 for the bees. Because fuck bees. +25 for “Circle Circle Dot Dot” -10 for idiotic kids getting people killed -10 for Chad +5 for Dale helping with the safety -10 for Chad pointing a gun at Jangers +7 for Dale crying -50 for Chad again because I just seriously hate this guy. +60 for Allison +10 for wholesome Tucker -20 for Dale’s insecurity +2 for Allison’s clumsiness -10 for the disgusting feeling Chad kissing Allie causes me +5 for “Bring it, Frat Bitch!” +2 for Allie’s outfit this whole movie practically +3 for bendy straws +4 for Allie’s pink helmet
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tenitchyfingers · 4 years
lol I love how the boyfriend in Final Destination 3 is Fuckboy Chad from Tucker & Dale VS Evil
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curlicuecal · 7 years
tucker & dale and the instigation of internet mob culture
Re-watching Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (the parody movie where the rednecks in the woods are the hapless protagonists and its the bunch of paranoid college kids causing all the problems.)
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I’d forgotten how much the situation was escalated by the one teenager who was clearly looking for an excuse to hurt people.  The college kid that, at the beginning of the movie, explicitly declares himself a better person than those around him.
He’s the one who tells his friends “what’s really going on here is worse than you think.” He’s the one who insists they handle it themselves and not through official channels. He’s the one who casts his opponents as “pure evil” and says “we finally have a chance to fight back without rules.” When some of the other teenagers express uncertainty he’s the one that says if they can’t handle what needs to be done, maybe they deserve to die, too.
“We have to burn this place to the ground.  Destroy it completely. You have no IDEA what this is all about, do you Allison? These freaks are evil. And they deserve everything that’s coming to them.”
I’d never realized before how closely every single plot point in the movie mirrors the way mob culture instigators will rile up the masses under the guise of “social justice”:
You assume bad faith in your opponents.
You declare your opponents subhuman and acceptable to hurt by any means.
You discourage the use of peaceful or official methods to address the issue.
You keep your followers in line through fear of the “other” and threats of ousting them into that group if they become “contaminated.”
You revel in as much chaos and pain as you can inflict–
–after all, you’re the good guy.
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andelkacroatia · 2 years
Jason and Freddy
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Final girls in general
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Tucker and Dale
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The Sinclair bros
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Asa Emroy
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Roman Bridger
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Carrie White
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filmadaydiary · 5 years
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Tucker and Dale vs. Evil – Eli Craig, 2011
What a delightful romp this movie was! Straight from the beginning, it sets out to subvert horror tropes and address stereotypes about classism. I am always on board for the villain to be the frat bro (screw you, Chads everywhere). Also, it is definitely worth pointing out that Alan Tudyk is a national treasure and should be protected at all costs. His comedic chops carry the movie at times, and this is a role in which he truly shines.
The lead female character did end up as sort of a Mary Sue – she was beautiful, but also studying psychology so she’s smart and caring, plus she grew up on a farm so she’s deceptively strong, and still spends most of her time wandering around with her midriff exposed. Considering so much of the film was dedicated to deconstructing tired tropes, it would have been nice if they had done something about the Final Girl character as well. But the story wasn’t about her, it was about the relationship between the two titular men. 
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cinematic-novice · 4 years
Week 1/52: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil - January 11, 2010
Directed by Eli Craig, starring Tyler Labine and Alan Tudyk
At the close of your first viewing of Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, you have to lean back, close your jaw, and ask yourself, “What genre of movie did I just watch?” Ultimately, I landed on comedy, though the choice was harder than it seems.
Interspersed with the movie’s jokes are nods to clichés are dramatic scenes of character growth, nods to horror tropes, and a budding romance.
Tucker and Dale stars Tyler Labine as Dale, an intelligent but bumblingly naïve hillbilly, and Alan Tudyk as Tucker, his best friend since grade school. They are traveling to Tucker’s newly acquired cabin in the woods (similar to, but legally distinct from, The Cabin in the Woods) in order to fix it up and turn it into a proper vacation home. Their paths cross at the Last Chance Gas station with a group of college kids headed on a camping trip in the same woods, led by fraternity brother Chad and psychology major Allison. Through a series of comic mishaps, Allison ends up unconscious in Tucker and Dale’s custody. The rest of the plot unfolds into a crescendo of every teen horror film — but mostly played for laughs.
The emotional whiplash of this movie is a little difficult to struggle through; there were multiple moments where I went from laughing at the absurdity of a situation to gasping and recoiling at another character’s grisly death. The pacing is on point, though, and the film rarely takes itself seriously enough for the abrupt changes to be too problematic. The writers also leaned a little too much into stereotypes about “hillbillies”, which took away from some of the humor for me. (But then again, when I watch Escanaba in da Moonlight, I see a documentary about my family, so what do I know about hillbillies?)
Do note that if you’re sensitive to blood and gore, there’s a fair amount in this film. That should be clear from a synopsis of the movie, but I went in blind and was a little surprised. 4/5 stars, would watch at “let’s have an excuse to get together and get drunk” movie night.
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To wrap up Strawberry Spooktober, we have selected our best pair picks sorted into the best, the worst and so bad it’s good. We also chose 3 personal favourites and a few Honorable mentions. V stands for Vic N stands for Nic
Pair favourites:
The Ritual (Before: 9.5, After: 10.5)
V: I liked the monster and the design of said monster, but I really liked the fact that the monster was a monster of guilt, or rather a monster that fed on guilt. Being Native, specifically Cherokee, this monster really like, brought my ancestors up from the dead and I immediately wanted to worship the monster.
N: This movie was atmospheric, it had a definite link to Norse mythology and the runes on the house and trees were accurate. It was an interesting and different idea of a horror movie based on Norse mythology. The only downside was their lack of knowing directions, THE SUN IS IN THE WEST OR THE EAST. 
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (Before: 9.5, After: 10.5)
V: I liked the hillbillies and the way the college kids all died. Even if that’s an awful thing to say.
N: This movie was a comedy horror which is always a favourite genre to mix. The twist of the classic hillbillies being the protagonists and the college kids being the antagonists makes for amazing hyjinx. Chad the villain was 100% terrifying and creepy while Tucker and Dale made for compelling unlikely heroes
Mandy  (Before: 9, After: 10.5)
N: Mandy is an insane look through the eyes of a mad man. Nicolas Cage does LSD in the woods and is attacked by LSD bikers and cultists. It’s funny and insane, the visuals are great and the funny bits are hilarious.
So Bad It’s Good:
Tremors  (Before: 9.5, After: 9.5)
V: Kevin Bacon’s Ass, especially in those Jeans™️. Being from Oklahoma, this movie actually really scared me when I first watched it (because it takes place like an hour and a half drive from me) and rewatching it reminded me of the first time I watched it with my Grandpa.  
N: A delightfully 90s film, so 90s it might as well be singing Smash Mouth. A younger Kevin Bacon plays an amazing character and the pure idea of the movie was amazing. The only problem was the slightly anti climactic ending. 
Sleepwalkers  (Before: 8.5, After: 8)
V: I loved the cats (and the actors) and I kind of loved the monsters, but not the design. They could have done the design of the monsters much better in my opinion. 
N: A look into one of the more strange movies of the Steven King franchise. The concept of the monsters was good but the execution was lacking. However, the movie has some funny moment and some incredible animal actors, particularly Clovis the cat.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Before: 8, After: 8)
V: I loved the 70s feel of the entire movie and the insanity of the whole movie, but the abuse of antiques and instruments really hurt me. 
N: This movie captures the feels of 70s horror movies perfectly. Really the movie is made to be corny and so bad it’s good. Leather face was fun and weirdly relatable but the sheriff was creepy, although he was made to be that way.
The Worst™️:
Silence of the Lambs  (Before: 6.5, After: 6.5)
V: I really didn’t like this movie. It gave me really bad anxiety for some reason and even now, I’m not sure why it happened. I did like the characters and the actors’ take on the characters. 
N: This movie was good in its plot and main characters. Hannibal and Buffalo Bill are especially creepy and a perfect snapshot of a psychotic mind. However many of the characters felt under developed, such as the creepy 
28 Days Later  (Before: 8, After: 4.5)
V: This movie was just awful. The zombies didn’t really make sense and acted more like humans instead of actual zombies. And we didn’t even see the zombies that much because there were only like 10 zombies. However I did like the actor playing the chained up zombie. 
N: This movie was strange, it felt like three separate themed movies pushed into one. The beginning of the movie was a classic zombie movie set in London, then it turned into a family fun road trip before ending on a dystopian after apocalypse movie. The music never fit any part of this movie, the main character turned into a ninja 5 days after waking from a coma, there were 10 zombies in the last hour of the movie and they acted like humans. Also IT RAINED ONCE IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE, SET IN ENGLAND. 
The Borderlands  (Before: 7.5, After: 5)
V: THE ASSHOLE OF THE CHURCH; how did that ending fit into the movie? I did like Deacon and Grey, and the setting of the movie itself was good. I did like that for being a found-footage film, the video wasn’t shaky.
N: This movie started well, this movie actually was a good movie for the majority of the running time. The characters were well developed and well balanced in humour and seriousness, the setting was pretty and it was a different take on a found footage movie. HOWEVER THE ENDING WAS TERRIBLE, CONFUSING AND OUTRIGHT WRONG.
Vic’s Picks:
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark  (Before: 9, After: 10)
I really enjoyed the monster designs and the fact that at least one of the monster’s actors was actually doing the stunts that are in the movie. I loved that they didn’t make the ending sad, like they could have, but they gave the characters a happy ending after all the nonsense they went through.
As Above So Below  (Before: 7, After: 9)
I wasn’t expecting this movie to be one of my favourites, but it was. I loved the story and the locations that they filmed at and the characters. I wasn’t a huge fan of the jumpscares, but the ones they did have weren’t unnecessary.  
My Bloody Valentine  (Before: 9, After: 10)
I love Jensen Ackles and I loved the twist ending. The 3D was also really well done and hilarious to watch in 2D, because it didn’t really work as well as if we had watched it in 3D. I do have to say that the villain design was terrifying and I did enjoy hearing my History major girlfriend geek out about coal mines. 
Nic’s Picks:
The Pyramid  (Before: 9, After: 10)
This movie was a different take on the Egyptain pyramid horror movie, not focusing on the classic mummy but instead on Egyptain mythology, specifically the gods and the journey to the underworld. The father and daughter relationship was well developed and the found footage format was given up to ensure that important scenes were captured well toward the end. And it was cute to see my girlfriend geek out on the Egyptain gods.
Trick r Treat  (Before: 10, After: 10)
Four different movies about a horror filled Halloween night, all linked together in the end and done well. Each story was unique with its own twists and amazing monsters. The children in this movie were adorable, even the evil one.
Troll Hunter  (Before: 10, After: 10)
A Norwegian horror movie in a food footage style but told well through the eyes of college students doing a report for a project. Hans, the troll hunter they follow, is wonderful in his grouchy demeanor of a man worn with the world. The trolls themselves were wonderful in their lore and the use of CGI.
Honorable Mentions:
Grave Encounters  (Before: 8, After: 9)
V: Surprisingly, I really liked the jumpscares in this movie.
N: A found footage movie set in an abandoned asylum with a lot of good jumpscares and a creepy atmosphere overall.
Apostle  (Before: 8.25, After: 8)
V: I really liked Micheal Sheen in this movie and I really liked the cult, before they started killing people.
N: A cult centred horror movie set on a small island, Micheal Sheen is always good and the monster design was incredible but the movie was a little slow to start with some plot holes.
Dog Soldiers  (Before: 9, After: 9)
V: The werewolves were so beautifully designed and I really liked the story and the actors themselves, ESPECIALLY THE DOG ACTOR. 
N: A werewolf horror movie set in scotland with great characters, well designed werewolves and THE BEST DOG.
Joy Ride  (Before: 8.5, After: 9)
V: The truckers and the whole concept of this crazy journey that the characters take throughout the movie was really good.
N: A very American horror film set around a very creepy truck driver that relies on atmosphere and actual threat rather that jumpscares. And Jim Beaver is always a plus.
Thirteen Ghosts  (Before: 7, After: 9)
V: I loved Dennis and the makeup was well done. 
N: A ghostly horror movie set around a strange mansion and a ritual, the make was done well and the characters, particularly Dennis and Maggie, were well developed and fun.
Puppet Master  (Before: 6.5, After: 8.25)
V: Cuddly Bear was great, the actors were great, and the cast was diverse. 
N: This movie had well designed scary puppets, good physical effects and a great cast of characters.
Deep Blue Sea  (Before: 9, After: 9.5)
V: The sharks were beautiful and I loved that the sharks had a reason for attacking instead of just attacking for the sake of attacking.
N: A different take on shark horror movie with Samuel L Jackson and LL Cool J as amazing characters with some incredible physical effects.
Winchester  (Before: 7.5, After: 9.5)
V: I really liked the costume and makeup design for this movie. 
N: A movie centred around a real ghostly horror story and house with amazing effects and a great cast with developed characters
Don’t Knock Twice  (Before: 6.5, After: 8.5)
V: The ending was a huge twist, the monster design was beautiful, and the actors were great at setting the scene for the scary things to happen.
N: A Welsh horror movie with a well written story, great cast with a good range of emotions, a lot of terrifying jumpscares, a good monster design and a twist ending.
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phimhdonline · 3 years
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil – Khi chuyến đi chơi trở thành điều kinh hoàng
Nội dung phim:
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil xoay quanh chuyến nghỉ dưỡng của hai anh chàng. Tucker McGee và Dale Dobson là hai anh chàng miền núi vừa mua một ngôi nhà trong rừng. Họ bắt gặp một nhóm sinh viên đi tới khu rừng phía Tây Virginia để cắm trại. Đó cũng là nơi mà hai người vừa mua căn nhà. Nhưng nhóm sinh viên này không mấy thiện cảm khi Dale có ý định làm quen.
Tucker và Dale đến ngôi nhà xập xệ của họ và bắt đầu sửa chữa nó. Ở gần đó, Chad kể cho các bạn nghe câu chuyện kinh dị “Cuộc thảm sát Ngày Tưởng niệm” nói về một tên sát nhân miền núi giết một nhóm sinh viên trẻ vào 20 năm trước. Một cô bạn trong nhóm vô tình bị thương và bất tỉnh khi đi gần hồ bơi. Hai người họ thấy vậy thì đưa về nhà chăm sóc.
Có điều những người còn lại cho rằng họ đã bắt cóc Alllison. Không những vậy nhóm bạn còn lập kế hoạch giải cứu. Điều này cũng mở ra chuỗi hành động khiến họ càng tin chắc hai người là kẻ sát nhân. Còn họ đang phải tháo chạy trong cuộc chiến sinh tồn này. Tiếp nối là một trận chiến kinh hoàng không chuẩn bị trước đã diễn ra khiến cho có người chết và bị thương.
Mặc cho Allison đã cố gắng giải thích và kìm hãm những người bạn của mình, họ đều không chịu nghe. Thậm chí còn cho rằng Allison đã mắc hội chứng Stockholm. Một cậu bạn trong nhóm nói rằng bố mình là người bị giết trong thảm án năm xưa. Mẹ mình lại chính là người sống xót duy nhất. Hiểu nhầm trộn lẫn hiểu nhầm. Hậu quả của điều này sẽ là thế nào?
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02. Tôi muốn kết nối thiết bị xem phim Tucker and Dale vs. Evil với Smart Tivi?
Hiện tại phim Tucker and Dale vs. Evil chưa có chức năng tự động kết nới với smart tivi nhưng các bạn có thể xem phim xxx trên thiết bị smart tivi bằng cách mở trình duyệt và đăng nhập vào website của chúng tôi.
03. Tôi muốn tải phim Tucker and Dale vs. Evil về máy tính?
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04. Tại sao khi xem phim Tucker and Dale vs. Evil hay bị đứng hình
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05. Tại sao phim Tucker and Dale vs. Evil không có vietsub hoặc thuyết minh?
Nếu phát hiện bất kỳ bộ phim nào mà không có vietsub và thuyết minh hoặc phim lỗi không xem được hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi thông qua hình thức gửi email để chúng tôi có thể khắc phục trong thời gian sớm nhất.
06. Tôi muốn xem phim bộ và phim tập ?
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Trailer film Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
The post Tucker and Dale vs. Evil appeared first on Phim HD online - Kênh xem phim HD online tổng hợp miễn phí trực tuyến.
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ao3feedshklance · 6 years
Hunk and Lance vs Evil
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uLl6Lo
by Nightzilla333
Lance bought a cabin. Hunk decides to help fix it up. Somewhere along the way a group of college kids decide to try to kill them.
Inspired by the artwork by Onesmolhurt here: https://ift.tt/2Gwjydi
Not beta read. Any and all mistakes are my own.
Words: 9738, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Hunk, Lance, Alison, Allison, Chad, Shiro, Pidge, Keith, Allura, Lotor, Rax (but is a dog)
Relationships: Keith/Lance/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: AU, Everyone is older, Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Future, Alternate Universe - Tucker and Dale vs Evil, this was supposed to be happy, but I apparently like making people suffer because Hunk and Lance both have PTSD, PTSD, Murder, Character Death, Not exactly to the movie because I followed the script that I was able to find online, close enough to the movie though, Hunk and Lance centric, the pairing only comes in right at the end, so don't be expecting much, there is only a pairing because I'm shipping trash, Inspired by artwork, inspired by Onesmolhurt, Inspired By Tumblr, maybe some slight OOC, i should tag that, OOC
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uLl6Lo
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