#traitorous bastards crossover au
odds-tales · 1 year
The Proposition (rewritten)
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Hans sat in his Cell on the way back to the southern isles, he expected to feel dread or something negative but really he just felt numb. He thought back to his plan and how royally he messed it up. He saved Elsa, everything could have gone to plan if he didn't save her.
Why did he save her? She was a pawn, if he had just let her die he would have won. The Duke would have taken the fall and Hans would have been seen as a charming prince doing his best. Unlucky number thirteen until the end. He would be lucky to live when he got home. The shadows of the bars on his cell wall cemented his hopelessness.
Hans was Jarred from his thoughts by a scream above him. Shooting, shuffling and the clashing of swords. He rose to his feet and leaned against the bars, he caught a glimpse of fire outside the door. A short chubby man with spectacles he didn't recognize peeked on unbothered. "Capn! There's a man in here!" He called, leaving before Hans could question him.
The next stranger to walk in was a scrawny looking man in a red coat that looked a little big on him. He looked a little outdated in terms of his fashion. He had long black hair tied back and dark brown eyes looking intently at him. "Prince Hans it's a pleasure to meet you, I am Captain James the mysterious." He said giving a polite bow.
"You've heard of me?" Hans questioned. "It's hard to not hear about a prince with such an... interesting history." He responded. "You know why I'm in this Cell?" Hans asked with an unreadable expression. "I could always use new crew members. Since I'm feeling polite I'll give you two options will you take this ship....or sail under my flag?" He asked.
Hans raised an eyebrow at him, unsure of how to respond. The current ship he was on was apparently on fire, so if he chose that option he would most certainly be left to die. Hans looked at the captain his smug expression got on Hans's nerves. He wouldn't work for him forever, he'd simply stroke his ego a bit and take James out when the time is right. He wouldn't be outsmarted.
"I'll sail with you... Captain." He said straightening his posture." James unlocked Hans Cell with the keys on the opposite side of the wall , the door swung open with a creak. "Excellent choice Hans." He said leading him through the flames on the burning ship with an unnerving nonchalance he noticed a few crew members pouring the loot into a big chest.
"An eye for treasure eh?" James asked as if they didn't just meet in an extremely dangerous situation. "Doesn't everyone?" Hans responded with a smirk. "You'll make your cut of the loot soon, I pay my men well. In the meantime do you read any good books?" James asked. "Always a fan of adventure books." Hans responded. "Then you're in good company, why don't you have some tea in my quarters?" James suggested gestureing to a door.
Hans hesitated, he didn't really want to be alone with a pirate. Then again looking at his thin body and well groomed handsome face his fear disappeared quickly. "Of course." He replied confidently, he was more of a threat than this pathetic captain.
James led the moron into his office, it was obvious Hans was sucking up to him. He didn't trust many men as far as he could throw them but Hans? He was a documented liar the guard he questioned had filled him in about how he had tried to kill the princesses of Arendelle. Still, it would be nice to have someone besides Smee reading with him, shame it wouldn't last. What other reason would a Prince have to stare so intently at him? He smiled a little wider opening the door for Hans. He had learned long ago not to turn his back on new members.
Hans walked in his boots hitting the wooden floor hard, he was surprised to see an actual porcelain tea set. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't the truth. "One lump or two?" James asked sitting down excited for his first intellectually stimulating conversation in months, Hans thought about the burning ship they were sailing away from and smiled. To everyone else he was dead, he sat down and replied. "Two."
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seiya-starsniper · 10 months
Dreamling Bingo WIP - Pranks
FINAL PROMPT! I've had this WIP for months now, and I'm finally going to formally commit to it! Based off a stunning AU that my darling @pyrecryptid drew where Hob is a spy, and Dream is his Quartermaster. Check it out here!
This fill will be used to replace my @dreamlingbingo square B1 - Crossover: Book. I will be replacing it with the adoptable prompt Pranks
“My sun and my stars, you’ve kept me waiting for your call for too long,” Hob murmurs dreamily into his earpiece when he hears the buzz of static on his transmitter.
“Must you always pretend we’re lovers when you check in?” Dream sighs. The same song and dance is getting exhausting. Hob has been playing the same prank on Dream for almost five years now, always saying the most ridiculous things to get some sort of flustered reaction from him.
“I’m never pretending, my lovely Dream,” Hob replies, and Dream. Dream has stopped believing Agent Hope’s honeyed words are anything but an act, but his traitorous heart still beats faster every time. He has only gotten better at hiding it. 
“Of course you aren’t,” Dream answers gruffly. If he bites too aggressively into his croissant, no one has to know but him. “Please tell me you’ve made progress on collecting your intel.”
“If by progress, you mean I’ve ingested approximately six martinis waiting for this bastard to stop playing roulette, then sure, plenty of progress has been made,” Hob says with an air of frivolity he knows Dream hates.
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carminite-wyrm · 3 years
FFXV + TES:Oblivion Crossover AU
To kick things off, here's a ficlet for an AU in which, Nyx Ulric wakes up (to his surprise) after dying during the Fall of Insomnia, and finds himself right at the start of the events of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
Ficlet under the Read More.
The first rays of sunlight had broken through the horizon, slowly banishing the shadows that had arisen from the smoking wreckage of the city, as Nyx Ulric drew what he knew to be his last breath. The price of wielding the power of Kings was a deadly, painful one, but at the very least, Nyx thought, as he stared out into the sunrise, it would be worth it for the future of Lucis, and the very world, come to think of it.
Or, at least, he hoped it would. He trusted Libertus to get the Princess, and that Ring, out of the city and to safety, at any rate.
He beheld his last sunrise, waiting for death to properly claim him, as the sensation of broken concrete and soft, warm light faded away, and he finally fell away into the darkness of death. For the briefest of moments, he thought he could hear the voices of King Regis, of Crowe, of his sister, before that too faded away, leaving nothing behind but a lingering sense of peace.
Peace that was rapidly disturbed by the sound of someone agitatedly trying to get his attention.
Nyx groaned as he cracked open his eyes, a sharper sort of light temporarily leaving him blinking away spots as he looked up at what was bright midday light spilling through a barred window. His entire body ached, as if he had gone several rounds with an iron giant and then had an entire building fall on top of him…which had basically happened, on top of the utter shitshow that was Crowe dying, the Empire invading, half the Glaive and bloody Titus Drautos turning out to be traitors, the King dying-
And wasn’t he meant to be dead?! The Kings of Yore had said that was to be the price of wielding the Ring, wasn’t it? Nyx had thought, in the few timeless moments he’d had to think about it, that he was prepared for that, and hadn’t he paid that price?
Then why was he waking up in what was definitely a cell of some sort, the tattered remnants of his Kingsglaive uniform still clinging to his battle-worn frame?
It was at that moment, lying on his back in a patch of warm sunlight, that he finally noticed the origin of the agitated voice.
With only moderate amounts of incredulity, because it’d only been maybe an hour or two since he’d yelled at a bunch of spirits and then used the power he’d gotten from said argument to bring some giant statues to life to kill an equally massive daemon superweapon, so he was pretty much ready to go ‘yep, this might as well be happening’, he beheld the person in the cell across from his.
The other man was dusky-skinned, much darker than anyone he had ever met, even back home when Galahd had not been ravaged by the Niflheim Empire, pale hair hanging limply even as he sneered at Nyx. Most strikingly, however, was the very obvious pointed ears that the other man sported, ears which Nyx knew was a characteristic of the elves in some of those fantasy novels he had seen on sale in the bookstores in Insomnia.
This has got to be the strangest afterlife ever.
Nyx gave himself a pinch as the elf– holy Shit that was an elf! He wasn’t dreaming or hallucinating! –continued to laugh at him mockingly, more concerned about the fact that it really was sinking in that 1) this was real, and he was alive, somehow 2) in a cell, and 3) had no clue where he was, or how he had even gotten there.
“I’m sorry, what?” He finally managed to croak out, shifting to sit upright and get a better view of the occupant of the cell across from him. He grimaced as his movement jostled the injuries that still remained despite his – Reincarnating? Potential afterlife? Somehow not having died?– his left arm in particular aching terribly even if he wasn’t currently burning from the inside out.
If this was an afterlife, then whatever had dropped him here really could have done him the favour of getting rid of the injuries he’d sustained fighting daemons, traitorous Glaives (Luche, you fucking bastard), and Drau- Glauca, on top of it all. He slowly lifted his injured arm, wincing at the crackling scars that somehow still shone with the blue-violet hue of Lucian magic, and the faint imprint that the ring had left upon the base of his finger.
“Didn’t you hear me? You’re going to die here!”
Nyx turned his attention back to the elf across from him, as he slowly managed to get to his feet, muscles stiff and almost making him topple over even as he used the wall to help steady him.
“Die?” Nyx almost scoffed at that. He’d literally died moments earlier; it’d be the height of his very dry sense of humour if he were to die again so quickly.
“What are you, deaf? That’s what I-“ The elf paused in his tirade, cocking his head to the side. “Hey, you hear that?”
“Hear what?” Nyx narrowed his eyes, looking around for the source of whatever the elf was hearing. He didn’t see anything, only the chains hanging ominously from the wall of his cell and the small table opposite them.
“The guards are coming…for you!” The elf began to cackle once more.
Five minutes later, Nyx was staring at an elderly man, and his entourage of bodyguards, as the elderly man talked about fate and prophecy in a manner so alike the King he had watched die.
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goddessofroyalty · 4 years
okay, but if Ravus and Luna were Sefikura's children and we kept to part of XVs story, that would mean that Cloud is part of the Oracle lineage (probably a bastard?) and makes me wonder under what circumstances he and Sephiroth met and how Silvia came to custody of the kids (also Ravus would probably be very attached to Cloud and maybe resent Sephiroth)
If Cloud’s a bastard of the bloodline then you can probably keep it pretty similar to how they meet in my default FFVII/FFXV crossover au - Sephiroth as a Niflheim general and Cloud joining the Niflheim army to make a name for himself/become a hero - they meet possibly through Zack, etc, etc. 
As for how Silvia ended up with custody I feel like it probably started when Luna first displayed her powers. But then I’m not sure. Does Niflheim find out and try and use Luna as leverage to get Tenebrae under their control - sending both children to live there to hopefully endear them to the people? Do Sephiroth and Cloud (or even just Cloud) privately search Silvia out to help figure out Luna’s powers only to give her custody of both children to protect them from Niflheim? Both have really interesting possibilties but also change the story and even Cloud’s agency in it quite a bit. 
Ravus would DESPITE Sephiroth. A traitor and possibly was involved in the sacking of Tenebrae. 
I feel like he’d also be somewhat untrusting of Cloud as well. I mean Cloud did run away and hide (or possibly be captured and experimented on with no-one knowing depending on how you want to take that bit of the verse) instead of doing anything to stop the Empire. Anything to protect his children. 
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lisinfleur · 5 years
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Author’s Notes | Don't ask me how come this became so big. Serious. Just don't ask. Anything about Mads is too intense for me! I hope you guys like this! Universe | Kriger Pairing | Hvitserk x Reader Info | Dark! Hvitserk, Biker! Hvitserk, Criminal AU, Modern Vikings AU, Crossover requested by @lyanna-the-giantsbane for 5CW5 Words | 7184 ⁑ Warnings: Heavy ANGST. Mentions of violence, death, grieving, blood, suicide, and torture. Caution is recommended: the following content may be triggering.
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You couldn't really believe. After everything he did for that shitty colors, your sweet friend was there, lying cold in a wooden box, killed by the men he wanted to impress.
Guilt kicked in. You were the one who convinced Mads to get cold about CC's fast climbing on the gang, to learn from him so he could become better and maybe reach his goals. The fucking vest he never had, a symbol of something you wanted to burn to ashes now that Mads wasn't there to laugh with you and say you were a pyromaniac.
His favorite one.
You didn't dare to come closer. You knew how destroyed Joy was. She just had their baby - the baby Mads was boasting about, all happy about his soon to come child he wouldn't be there to see growing into a man - when everything happened. Her nurse was the one to find Mads' body at the door. The poor woman wasn't even bleeding anymore: the sudden and terrifying death of her husband caused her body to stop the recovering period from her labor and now she was there, stuck in between tears and a crying baby that would always remember her from what she lost. You couldn't imagine her pain, but you were sure the last person Joy would want to see was someone related to Mads' "work". So, you kept some distance, asking your best friend forgiveness for not giving him a proper goodbye. You would respect his beloved wife's pain and you knew, somewhere in the afterlife, Mads would understand your distance and lack of words for his simple funeral.
You were about to leave when a bunch of men came in motorcycles. For a second, you held the gun in your waist, ready to shot any bastard from the Wolves who had the audacity to show up for Mads' funeral, but then, something took your breath away: one of those men came out of his motorcycle, took out the helmet and came closer to Joy who looked at him and collapsed in his arms; heavy sobs shaking her body against the supportive embrace of a man you couldn't believe you were seeing.
Whoever that man was, he was Mads. With braided hair and a furious expression, but Mads, from the head to the toes! You heard Mads mentioning a twin brother once, but you never thought he was serious about this family he had traveling around the world. However, almost like an irony from destiny, his words were confirmed with those strange men coming down from their motorcycles, all in vests like the Wolves had. Colors of a motorcycle club you came closer trying to identify.
"Descendants from Odin," you mumbled, reading the jacket of one of them, a tall red-haired one with a single braid hanging from his head until the middle of his back, tied with strands of leather.
He came closer to the coffin, along with the others: A blonde one, with some kind of braided mullet hair and a goatee and a bald bearded one, taller like the red-haired - this last one punching the tree next to Mads' coffin with all his anger, while the others seemed to be more conformed with the cruel truth. There was a fifth one who remained leaning on the motorcycle, lighting a cigarette. There was something strange around his legs, like hard equipment, and a cane in his motorcycle - the reason why you thought he didn't come closer: to avoid walking. This one - black-haired with utterly blue eyes - was the one who noticed you were near; his eyes almost crossed your soul like cold daggers when he looked at you as if he was ready to beat you down with that can for daring to come into his imaginary territory.
"This is my brother's funeral, woman. Who are you?" he asked, angrily.
"I'm Y/N," you answered "I was Mads' friend... I didn't know he had more than one brother." you said, surprised.
But the blue-eyed man seemed to recognize your name.
"Y/N, from The Sirens. I know who you are. Mads' spoke about you..." he said, mentioning the club you were part of, despite the fact you weren’t wearing their colors for this moment.
"Y/N?" the honey-haired one spoke your name and you felt your heart sinking into your chest.
It was Mads' voice.
Your eyes filled with tears you didn't pour and you turned yourself to look at him.
Mads' clone had left Joy's side, coming near to speak to you. Looking from closer, he was different from Mads. There was a beard Mads didn't let grow and his hair was braided, imprinting a stronger impression. He also wasn't so smiley and his voice was kinda hoarser.
Or maybe it was just your heart trying desperately to find differences to tell your brain that man wasn't your Mads. Your poor sweet Mads.
"You must be Hvit… Hvits..." you rolled your tongue to speak his name and he softly smiled, probably remembering how Mads never understood why his mother called them such different names.
"Hvitserk. Yes. This is me. It's nice to meet you, well... It could be nicer." he sighed "Do you know what happened? Anyone knows who did this to my little brother?"
You grunted, annoyed.
"There are some bastards saying he was a rat, but I hardly doubt! Mads was crazy about that club and he would do anything for those colors, except abandoning Joy. That's why he left in the middle of a reunion Tom was making to find a supposed rat that was delivering the gang members to the police around. I don't know precisely what happened, for I'm not a part of those sons of bitches in vests, but the end of the story is that: They spit on his name as if he was the traitor and one of them shot him for this. I heard it was CC. Some say it was Tom himself."
Hvitserk's face was frowning more and more as you were speaking and so it was the blue-eyed man's face, gaining wrinkle over wrinkle as your story was going forward.
"And what do you believe, Y/N?" Hvitserk asked, looking at you with those eyes so similar to your friend's. "Mads used to say he didn't trust anyone else as he did to you. I'll follow my brother's instincts. Tell me what do you think about this."
You smiled, remembering how Mads used to tell you things he didn't say even to Joy.
Damn tears. You wiped your face, sighing.
"I hardly doubt CC pulled that trigger," you said, looking at Hvitserk "I didn't like the bastard, but Mads was too close to him and they were kinda helping each other all the time. He may have something with it, but I don't believe it was him. However, if someone knows who pulled the trigger against my friend's head, this person is CC. Joy's nurse saw him at the spot. We could try to speak to him. As long as I know he lives in a boat at the docks." you said, seeing the man in front of you nodding.
"Today we'll bury my brother. From tomorrow on, you shall help me to find the bastards who killed him and then, I'll bury them all with him."
He had a different tone. Mads was innocent, sweet and kind.
Hvitserk seemed to have the talent for that life. Even his hand felt heavier than Mads' on yours. And his smile was smaller and full of malice you never saw in your friend's lips.
"Ubbe!" Hvitserk called and the red-haired one came closer. "Take Joy with you. She'll need help with the baby and stuff. I'll take it from here, but this is something I wanna do by myself."
"You gonna get yourself in trouble. We already fucking lost a brother, Hvitserk!" Ubbe warned.
But in an action utterly different from Mads' passivity, Hvitserk frowned at the taller man, looking at him with anger sparkling in his eyes.
"They killed my little brother, Ubbe. That man into that coffin was the half of me and they fucking put a bullet through his head. I'll be sure Mads' face will haunt them until the last moment of their lives. I'll be sure to be there when it happens, Ubbe. I'll be sure to be the one pulling the damn trigger. I want them down. My brother will never see his son growing, but I'll be sure his murders will never see anything but his face. I owe him this and I'll do it. I can take care of myself."
You kept your eyes on that man. So similar, yet so different from your Mads. Hvitserk was darker, harder as if he was made to that angry life - quite the opposite you always thought about sweet Mads. In fact, you thought the birth of Mads' son would take him outta that life for good.
You never thought it would be that way.
"Fine. If you need us..." the older one accepted, resigned.
"I know what to do." Hvitserk said, patting Ubbe's shoulder and looking at you "I have no place to stay in this town and it is good for me to stay hidden for the moment because we don't want to fuck the surprise. Do you know where I can stay?" he asked you.
And you sighed.
"I have a trailer. You can stay with me. Mads used to sleep there when Joy and he had fights. I think you'll be fine there." You offered and he nodded, accepting your offer.
"It's good to see my brother had some good friend in this place," he said, causing your heart to clench.
Ubbe softly conducted Joy outta that place into the car she came from and followed her car with his motorcycle, leaving with her. Slowly, the other brothers started leaving as well and then, you allowed yourself to come closer to Mads' coffin, touching his cold hands and placing in between them a small and silly gift you had made for him. It was a sticker for his motorcycle, a circle that said: "Proud Dada", around his neck tattoo. The skull was holding a pacifier in its mouth. You never saw the laughs you thought that little joke would bring to his lips.
"Wherever you are, I hope they make good burgers, brother," you said, trying to hold your cry to the little gasp that scene took from your mouth and the tears that rolled down your face when the cemetery workers started preparing to take his body to the crematory.
Hvitserk came closer as well. He lowered himself and touched his forehead with Mads', ignoring the coverage to the bullet hole and speaking low, almost as a secret in between them both.
"I see you in Valhalla, brother."
You saw him caressing Mads' face and then closing the coffin causing you to turn your face away, feeling suffocated. The tears becoming thicker in your face, closing your throat.
"Shit," you cursed, swallowing dry.
"It hurts me too," Hvitserk said, sighing. "He told me a lot about you. I can see he was right about how deep you two were."
It was enough for you to lose control and break into tears again.
"Fuck... He was my little brother. I was supposed to be there for him. He should be happy, boasting around about making a boy with Joy... Shit!" you cursed.
And then, you felt his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace just like you saw him doing with Joy, moments earlier.
"That's ok... We gonna tell his son how freaking good his father was. We gonna tell him everything Mads wanted to teach him... Everything."
You wanted it all to be a terrible prank. You wanted that man to laugh like Mads and say there was no twin brother and the stuff in the box was a dummy he paid to make, just to laugh at your face in one of those stupid games Mads used to invent.
But that wasn't the fresh scent of your friend's arms. And into Hvitserk's embrace, you cried until your heart was empty once again.
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 "You can sleep here," you said, preparing the day-bed for him with some blankets Mads used to borrow from you in the nights he spent in your house.
Hvitserk was now in sweat pants and a shirt that was only making him look even more different from Mads in your eyes: Mads would like to dress his football shorts. And would probably be with his hair locked in that man bun so common for him.
"I know. I'm just like him..." Hvitserk said, sighing, noticing you were all the time staring at him.
"It’s the exact opposite," you answered, calling Hvitserk's attention. "You look like him. But you're not like him. You're pretty different."
Hvitserk leaned his head, smiling with that strange curve in his lips once again. Mads would be laughing.
"Yet, you can't avoid comparisons," he said and you nodded.
"Same face, not the same actions. Mads would be laid already," you kinda joked, and his smile became bigger.
"Well... Mads knew you already. He always said I would like to know you and..."
"That one day he would make me his sister in law. I know." you rolled your eyes and Hvitserk chuckled.
His giggle with a light tone of malice.
"My brother knew what I like."
Ok. That was a direct punch on your face.
Mads wasn't this direct.
"Do you have some beer?" He asked, not giving you the right time to really process the hit you just received. "I would like to share one... for him." he completed.
Kinda waking you from your small shock when you went to the refrigerator, picking up a pair of long necks and throwing one for him.
The two of you went to the stairs of your trailer, opening the bottles and toasting before pouring some of the beer to the ground.
"For Mads," he said, drinking from his bottle.
You did the same, taking large gulps, sitting at the stars by his side.
"A woman who knows how to drink, who used to hide my brother from his mad old lady and take care of him, who lives by herself on a trailer in a city with lots of criminals and sleeps tranquil... What more could I know about you, Y/N?" Hvitserk smiled, drinking from his bottle.
It seems Mads really talked to him about you.
You took a new sip from your bottle and sighed.
"There is not too much to be known, Hvit... Damn... Your name is so fucking hard to speak! Why the fuck did your mother fucked you this way?" you asked and he laughed, this time, a loose laugh that really caught you for a moment.
He was so... Strangely attractive...
"I don't know. I think she wasn't planning twins and well, it would be Mads only. But then we came and mother had to find some other Scandinavian Viking name and then I ended up with the curse," he joked, getting a giggle from you. "It's said H-v-i-t-s-e-r-k" he tried to pronounce it slowly, just making it stranger for you.
"Mads used to call you Hvits," you said, solving the problem with a smile on both of your faces. "Well, Hvits, I'm a normal girl. I just try to take care of myself a little bit better than the other girls. That's all." you said, sipping from your bottle.
"Mads told me you're a founder in this motorcycle club of yours," he kept the casual conversation and you told him about the usual things your club were into and how you weren't so deep into the schemes of that gang war at the city.
Hvitserk also told you how Mads decided to leave the Descendants from Odin - his family club, as you now knew - when he fell in love with Joy and decided to quit the travel to stay in Demark with her.
Bad idea, you thought.
The conversation extended and you saw yourself laughing from Mads' childhood histories, such as Hvitserk had his time to laugh with you from the jokes and stories of your friendship with his brother.
It was already dawn when the two of you found the last bottle of beer into your refrigerator.
"This is the last one," you said, opening the bottle and taking a large sip.
"And I guess is now yours, right?" Hvitserk hit back, almost insinuating you were selfish.
But you offered the bottle to him with a smile.
"I'm a good hostess," you said, "We share."
"Share seems a nice idea," he said, coming closer and taking the bottle from your hand, putting it on your mouth instead of his.
You were kinda high, but you knew exactly which way he was taking. Hvitserk spent the whole night hitting on you with those direct sentences, suggestive words and the subtle game that made him utterly different from Mads in your eyes.
And you were sure you would lose that bet from months ago...
 "I bet he wouldn't take one night to kiss you, Y/N! Hvitserk is terrible! When he wants a girl, he gets her. And I'm sure he'll like you when you have the chance to meet each other..."
 You took a sip from the bottle and Hvitserk leaned himself, stealing half of the bear from your lips in a firm and intense kiss that got your legs trembling.
You were right: he was utterly different from Mads' sweetness to Joy. There was some fire in that man that was attracting you like a moth to the light. You felt his thumb caressing your cheek and he nuzzled his nose on yours.
"When this all ends, then I want to meet better this girl my brother wanted so hard to introduce me" he mumbled, and you giggled.
Here was the reason why he was going so far, so soon. Mads told him to.
Somehow Mads prepared everything for what he wanted.
"What?" Hvitserk asked, looking at you, curious.
"I owe that bastard ten dollars now," you said, causing Hvitserk to smile. "I bet he would be laughing on me now, saying he knew I couldn't resist your charm."
"Well, I guess I owe him ten dollars as well," he said, catching your curiosity and smiling "He bet I wouldn't spend a night by your side without wanting to kiss you."
Everything made sense for you and you smiled sadly. Mads' plan worked, after all. Pity he wasn't there to see how intelligent it was.
"He trapped us," Hvitserk smiled. "And found a way to earn twenty, the bastard. I'll miss him."
"Me too, but I don't wanna cry again," you said, sighing deeply to control the clenching on your throat, "Let us just imagine how hard he must be laughing at our faces now and get some sleep. We cannot lose the whole day. CC may leave and then, we're fucked."
Hvitserk agreed, getting into the trailer with you.
Things would be harsh from that moment on. It would be good for the two of you to have some rest.
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  The boat was locked at the docks, as you thought it would be. It looked empty.
"Fuck”, you cursed, thinking CC could have left after what happened to Mads.
It wouldn't be the first one to go away after that. The Wolves were dying, being caught or disappearing after Mads' murder with the police all over their spots and hunting Tom like the rat he was. If Mads wasn't dead, you would tell him not to be near those bastards.
You sighed, trying to shove the thoughts away.
"He's not here," you said to the hooded figure by your side: Hvitserk was covering his face and head to keep the disguise, but instead of being away from the place, he jumped into the boat.
"Then I think he won't care if we take a little look around right?"
It could get you in troubles.
But how many times did you get yourself in trouble breaking into houses to save some of the girls your motorcycle club sisters had taken to shelters and stuff? How many times did you break houses and places like CC's boat for food when you were living on the streets?
It was for Mads. You could do this.
Hvitserk forced the door, confirming it was locked and prepared to kick it when you stopped him.
"Gimme a second," you said, taking a pair of clips from your hair, moving them into the lock from a side to another until hearing a click.
You then swirled the clips and the door opened under your fingers, causing Hvitserk to smile with that sexy curve in his lips once again.
"Good drinker, gorgeous, good conversation, and knows how to open a lock? Mads was right. You're my kind of girl, smukke" he said, causing you to softly giggle.
"Come on. We must finish before he comes back.”
The two of you got into the boat, starting to search for any information that could reveal you where CC was hiding now. You found some bottles, some packs of cigarettes, clothes, books. Everything a man would have in his house beside condoms and girl's lingerie - things you thought Hvitserk had discovered when you first heard his voice cursing.
But the curse was followed by something being messed up with relative anger and you thought you should warn him to not to break anything. However, as soon as you turned to speak to him, CC showed up at the door: a gun pointed to Hvitserk who took his hands out of the vault he was messing into, keeping his head lowered, covered by the hood.
"Hands where I can see," CC said as you slowly walked towards Hvitserk. "What the fuck are you doing here, Y/N? And who's this guy with you?"
You noticed Hvitserk's jaw was clenched into the hoodie and his hands were lightly trembling. What the fuck did he discover after all?
"I thought you weren't around after what happened. I came for information. Since your boat looked like an abandoned place, I thought you wouldn't be pissed if I took a look around..." you answered. "Put this shit down, CC."
However, he kept the gun pointed on you guys.
"Who's the guy?" he asked and Hvitserk giggled in a sinister way, causing you to feel shivers down your spine.
"He won't pull down the gun, Y/N. Because he knows what we discovered here, don't you, CC?"
His voiced caused CC to twist his face - and you to twist yours because you had no idea of what the hell he had found in that vault.
Whatever it was, got Hvitserk pissed enough for him to raise his head, pulling the hood, exposing his face to look at CC who almost jumped back as if he had seen a ghost.
You had no time to tell him he was wrong. Hvitserk advanced against him taking the shock as a chance to hit the gun away from CC's hand, punching his face and advancing over him with punches and kicks in a fight that was completely unfair...
For CC.
You, who so many times cared for Mads' wounds from the fighting club of the Wolves, saw shocked the way Hvitserk was hitting CC multiple times, giving him almost no time to react with more than attempts to defend himself.
"Hvitserk wait!" you tried, shaking your head to recover from the shock and intending to advance to stop Mads' brother's fury.
However, his words caused your stomach to turn.
"It was this bastard's fault!" he yelled, kicking CC who was already on the ground, protecting himself, unable to get up. "This fucking bastard is the damn rat they were searching for! It was you! All the fucking time it was you, you damn shitty cop!"
You froze once again and your eyes went to the vault Hvitserk had opened. On the lid, lots of pictures of Mads, you, other men from the gang. Down into the vault, there were some papers Hvitserk had spread. You picked up some of them seeing messages exchanged between CC and Mads, printed in official paper with the police station stamp. Forms of official declarations, a map with the places of the Wolves drug spots and their storages marked, pinned to more printed messages from Mads, teaching CC about the places he had worked on as a guard before...
You felt your heart sinking into your chest and your eyes filled with tears. Hvitserk pulled CC by the collar, forcing him to sit on a chair, tying his hands with a tie he found at the clothes you were messing with.
You came closer, throwing the papers over his chest.
"You were delivering them..." you said, looking at CC with tears pouring down your face. "I would understand you had to do your fucking job, to do something about what the Wolves were doing with this city. But you fucking used Mads' innocence to get information! You fucked my best friend!"
CC spat some blood on the ground taking a breath to speak.
"It wasn't like this. I tried to save him..."
"Liar!" you yelled. "Mads sent me a message when you helped him to escape the reunion! He told me you showed him a passage to leave the hidden place of the gang! That you helped him to leave the damn place for seeing Joy at her labor! He fucking thanked me for convincing him to trust in you because 'after all, Y/N, he's a good friend'! You god damn bastard!"
You stomped CC's balls, causing him to growl in pain, bending upon himself. You couldn't believe what he had done.
"I didn't know Tom would come after me..." he mumbled, hoarse. "I took the job for myself because I wanted... I wanted to give him a chance to flee. I didn't know Tom would come after me and shot him that way... I didn't want him to die. I... swear."
"You should have thought about this before fucking making him look like a damn rat! You bastard!" you yelled again.
Hvitserk messing up with the rest of the papers, discovering the whole operation that ended up with his brother's death.
"The bastard was doing more than that," he growled. "He got my brother in troubles, he used Mads to get pictures from the gang clients to the police... You fucking used my brother as much as you wanted, didn't you, you fucking coward?"
Your stomach was floating. You could remember the way Mads became pissed off when CC got his colors before him, through his idea. You could still hear your own words telling your friend to calm down and give a chance to the new guy. CC was starting to explain himself to Hvitserk when you picked his gun on the ground and placed a bullet on the needle, calling everyone's attention when you pointed the gun to CC's body.
"Where is Tom?"
"He's at the storehouse, at the end of the docks. He intends to meet a contact so he can fly away from Denmark. We'll..." CC answered, but you cut him.
"You won't do anything!" you yelled "You'll shut your fucking mouth CC. I believed you. Mads suspected you weren't trustable, but I believed you. You stained my friend's name; you fucking stole his colors and you used him like a damn tool for your needs! I should shoot you as many times as you shoot Mads' honor. I should fuck you and leave you bleeding to death like the damn pig you are. But Mads loved you." You growled, looking at him. "Mads loved you like a brother, CC, and you fucked him."
You came closer, looking at him. Hvitserk's heavy eyes over yours, watching.
"I won't kill you. Mads wouldn't. I won't." you touched the gun's barrel on CC's knee, looking right into his eyes. "But you won't ever forget what you did to him, CC. You'll never forget what you did to Mads."
You shot his knee, again and again, changing the gun from one hand to another and shooting his other knee, three more times, being sure he would never be able to fully recover from those wounds.
CC growled in pain, throwing his head back, in agony. But you pulled his head, forcing him to look at you.
"Mads once told me you felt guilty for a man you let die when you were at war or something like that. A friend you felt responsible for killing."
You pulled the gun's comb, taking bullet by bullet away from it until there was only one. Then, you reloaded the gun placing the single bullet on the needle.
"Live with your marks and the guilt of knowing you did it again, you killed someone that trusted you, you left a newborn without his father and created a new widow. Live with Mads' death on your shoulders along with this one you already carry until the end of your life," you said, pushing the loaded gun on CC's belly, forcing him to hold it with his now free hands you untied for him. "Or die like the coward you were through your whole life."
You got up and Hvitserk stood by your side.
"I won't make things easier for you CC. You killed Mads. You may not have pulled that trigger, but you were the one who killed my brother. Live with it or clean the world of your despicable existence by yourself."
You turned yourself to leave. Hvitserk by your side.
"Tom is yours, I promise you," you said, tears pouring from your face when he held your hand, tightly.
"We'll do it together. Mads would want us to do it this way."
His thumb caressed your face, wiping the tears. And he touched your forehead softly with his own.
 The silence in between the two of you cut only by the short sound of a shot coming from the boat you left behind...
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  Tom's car was parked outside of the dock where CC told you he would be. Inside, a man with a shot in his head indicating Tom was outta control, burning witnesses, getting rid of proofs.
Hvitserk took the care of picking up CC's phone before you left the boat and now he was aware of the messages of Tom - who was supposedly waiting for him at the docs - and of his messages with a detective from Denmark Police Station - probably the one to who he was delivering the whole shit he was getting from Mads. According to the messages, she was waiting for CC's confirmation about the place where Tom would be for that meeting to send the police there, so it got Hvitserk and you kinda free to act: CC would never send that confirmation message. So, she would never have the right location.
You parked CC's car you and Hvitserk stole near Tom's, leaving it there. There was one single storehouse with the giant door open.
The two of you came in, walking through the containers to find Tom near the back door of the place, trying to make a call he should have tried a thousand times that night. The cellphone ringed in Hvitserk’s hand, denouncing your presence.
"CC won't come, Tom," you said, your gun in your hand, pointing on him. "It's over."
"As long as the brotherhood exists, it will never be over," he answered, looking at you, seeing Hvitserk by your side. "I killed you," he said and Hvitserk walked forward, pulling down the hood, looking straight at Tom. "I put a bullet through your head, you bastard! You don't fucking die?" he cursed, pulling the gun and shooting towards Hvitserk who dodged jumping aside and kicking Tom's chest with both of his feet, throwing him on the ground, violently.
With one foot, Hvitserk stomped Tom's hand, using the other to kick the gun towards you.
“I came back from hell to drag you there with me, you son of a bitch.”
You didn't get closer this time. You just picked up the gun and looked at Tom when Hvitserk started kicking his stomach to be sure the bastard wouldn't get up once again.
"You killed the wrong person, Tom," you said, calmly.
Hvitserk kicking him randomly in the middle of your words.
"Mads wasn't your rat..." More kicks. "Mads was just a guy who was fighting his skin off to impress you and get your colors so he could be a part of what you so proudly called a brotherhood."
Hvitserk kicked again, walking around Tom, kicking different places of his body, taking the small pauses in between your sentences to strike Tom one more time.
"He was the only one who really took it for granted and dedicated his life, literally, to make your brotherhood bigger and something real. Mads respected your rules, he believed in your members. But you all only used him and guess what... Someone like you used him as well and got into your organization... CC was your rat, dear Tom." you said, lowering yourself down just to show a picture Hvitserk had taken from CC's boat with CC beside the police girl. The two of them talking to each other, laughing at each other.
"She would be here tonight," Hvitserk said, looking at Tom's agonized face. "CC used my brother to keep himself informed and reach you. And then, you started giving everything he wanted to know so he could fuck your damn brotherhood my brother wanted so bad to be into."
"Mads... had a twin... Fuck." Tom spat some blood, giggling. "The gods found a way to screw up things twice." he laughed, causing you to clench your teeth.
"Mads respected you!" you yelled.
"Mads... was a rat. He may not be the rat I was searching for... But he was nothing but a rat. A goat you sacrifice to the piranhas when the rest of the flock needs to cross the river... He was cattle. And he died like the cattle he was!"
Hvitserk kicked his jaw this time, causing Tom to grunt, spitting some teeth and blood from his bitten tongue.
"You fucking bite your tongue before speaking about my brother. He was a good person. He would be an amazing father. And he was good-hearted. He really believed he would be a part of your stupid club one day. But guess what? You guys killed my brother to protect your damn club. Then I want you to know, I'll fucking hunt every single one of your members. Every single one of the bastards that already used the Wolves' colors. And I'll kill them, Tom. I'll kill every single one of your damn brothers dear CC listed to me when he was making the relation of your members for the police to arrest. I... will fucking... ERASE... YOUR DAMN LEGACY... FROM THIS SHITTY WORLD!" Hvitserk yelled, stomping Tom's hips, back, legs and arms while yelling, furious. "And when I finish, there won't be a single trace of your stupid brotherhood in this world! When I finish, you won't be anything but ashes!"
"Seems like a good thing for me," you suggested, looking at Hvitserk. "There is a lot of flammable stuff in this place. Cripple him. Let's set this place on fire and see if his gods are willing to help him now."
Hvitserk smiled.
His thoughts remembering him how much his little brother insisted you were his perfect mate.
 But she's pyromaniac! She fucking loves any kind of fire!
 "Light this place, smukke," he said, starting to hit Tom's legs to be sure the bastard wouldn't be able to leave.
You prepared everything around, bringing things closer, spreading the flammable stuff around and preparing your box of matches.
Leaving Tom agonizing at the ground, Hvitserk started walking away from the storehouse with you and you left the match behind, starting a fire that soon started swallowing the whole place. The two of you picked up a pair of beers you had bought on the way to the docks, opening them with the sounds of Tom's screams.
"For Mads," you said.
And Hvitserk agreed, pouring some beer to the ground, drinking in Mads' salute until the screams were totally silenced.
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 CC was dead, Tom was dead, your little brother was avenged. Now what?
After the last sip of that beer, you didn't know what to do now. Your club wasn't working anymore since the war of gangs started - to avoid the police to end up screwing everything. So, you were in your trailer, waiting for Mads' baby to come to kinda make your life better since he said he would make you the godmother of the boy... Now...
Now what?
You went home silently and your silence ended up calling Hvitserk's attention. He respected your silence until the two of you arrived in your trailer, exchanging some messages with his brothers through his phone.
"Ubbe settled Joy in one of our father's old properties. Mads boy will grow up in his favorite farmhouse," he said, breaking your thoughts for a moment.
You smiled, remembering how Mads used to say he would love to bring his child there to teach him how to ride a horse.
"Mads used to talk about that place. He would be happy to know this," you commented.
"I'll be leaving tomorrow with the club," Hvitserk said, causing your smile to become smaller.
Too soon, right?
"The crematory will release my brother's ashes and we intend to make a small ceremony while leaving, spreading his ashes on the road. Some family thing, to rest on the road we used to live in..." he explained, and you nodded, understanding the meaning of that.
You felt his fingers touching your chin, lifting your face up to look at him.
"Come with us," he said, surprising you with the invitation.
"What? I... You mean, leave everything and..." you stuttered, but his voice sounded firmer.
"And burn the road with me and my family. Run the world, know new places, sleep in cheap motels and enjoy life. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Come with us," he insisted, caressing your face with that thumb touch you were starting to get used in him. "Mads wanted us to be together, I like you and I want to know you better. And my brother told me dozens of times he was your family in here. There is nothing for you here now, smukke. It would be awesome to have you by my side."
It was an incredible experience: to run around the world with your bike and an amazing guy by your side. But...
"My bike is not for these trips, Hvits... I would have to keep you here for some time to fix it and improve and I don't have the money to..." you started seeing all the excuses and then, Hvitserk's index lifted your chin once again.
"Take Mads' bike with you. It's the last memory of my brother I would like to keep. And you're the one person I think he would like to have it. Joy will never let her child be a motorcyclist like his father and we all understand why. My brother's bike would be stuck forever at the garage and this is a terrible fate for such an important thing. Take it with you and come with us, smukke. This way, he'll be kinda traveling with you and me wherever we go."
You smiled. It sounded almost poetic...
"You know how to conquer a girl's 'yes', don't you?" you joked, accepting his invitation, lightly nodding at him.
He giggled in a sweet way. And for a second, you remembered your sweet Mads in his face. Somehow, it filled your heart with joy, instead of the sadness of before. Mads would be always with you guys, burning the road, smiling and laughing, living the best you and Hvitserk could live together to keep his memory alive.
In the morning, you packed your things and closed your trailer. It would be good to have a safe base, but you wouldn't come back there in a while. You and Hvitserk went to Mads' former house and picked up his motorcycle. You slid your fingers over it - a beautiful black Harley Davidson you knew how much your friend loved.
"I'll take care of her, Mads," you promised, turning it on and making the motor snore in a beautiful sound Mads used to get goosebumps from. "I'll take care of your princess."
Hvitserk smiled. He was sure no one would ever care for his brother's motorcycle as you were showing him you would. It was a good decision to give it to you. Even more, he could feel it was a good decision to invite you to go with them.
When the two of you arrived, the others were already waiting. Ubbe with the urn of Mads' ashes in his hands. It clenched your heart. But you knew your brother would like that special
"She'll come?" the black-haired man from the burial asked, looking at Hvitserk.
"Yes, Ivar. She'll come with us," he answered.
And the one he called Ivar looked at you.
"Take good care of this, woman," he said, recognizing the motorcycle you were piloting. "You're driving my brother's princess. Make it worth the honor."
"I will," you said, and he nodded at you as Hvitserk took his place in the V formation they were disposed at the road.
You guided your bike to the position beside his, at the end of the V, and all the others turned their motorcycles on, indicating they were about to leave. Ubbe gave the urn to the blonde man on the top of the formation and he opened it, speaking to all of you.
"You live on the road. You stay on the road. We'll keep burning it for you, brother. All hail Mads!" he yelled.
And you joined the choir alongside Hvitserk and all his brothers after the first one.
"All hail Mads!"
The motorcycles started walking and the blonde one raised his hand with the urn, spreading the ashes on the wind while they were gaining speed. The sound Mads liked the most gaining volume until the ashes were all gone and the whole group was sounding like a single melody of potent motors you could really get used to hearing.
Ubbe pulled up the bike's nose and Hvitserk did the same calling the group to a faster pace and you followed them, feeling as if your life were starting all over again.
Mads would never smile at you once again, but somehow, you could feel in your heart the same good feeling you had whenever he smiled at you.
You were sure he was happy.
 From wherever he was looking at you all.
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ladynahimana · 6 years
Yu-Gi-Oh!/Ai no Kusabi Crossover AU idea
A while back I watched Ai no Kusabi again. I always was intrigued by the society in it. If you never heard of it, I can only recommend to check it out. It’s a yaoi light novel series, which was even officially published in english. It got two OVA adaptions (one is from the 90′s). The second one was sadly never finished, but it has scenes in it, the first adaption didn’t have. Also there exists english dub. Anyway, I always thought about what series would be good for a crossover and a while back Yu-Gi-Oh! came to my mind, so I watched Ai no Kusabi again to refresh my memory and wrote down some ideas (mostly what role the Yu-Gi-Oh! character could play in the original story). I sadly didn’t read the novels (and they aren’t available anymore by the publisher), only read some things up and mostly go by what is seen in the OVA’s (as almost always the anime is not as explicit).
Don’t know, if I will ever write a fanfiction out of my ideas, but would definitely read anyone else’s version of a crossover (maybe I get someone onto the bandwagon). My sister wrote one for me for my birthday, incorporating some of my ideas into it. Sadly, it’s not a finished story, just the beginning, but I absolutely love it. In her version Bakura keeps breaking his pets (and kills them afterwards *cough*), none being able to keep his interest for long. He is interested in Yami’s/Atem’s pet Yugi, so to keep him far away from his own pet, Yami/Atem makes it his personal mission to get Bakura a new pet and one that will keep him busy. He gets Kaiba to help him (whose ego is so big, that he keeps more pets than one at a time xD). They buy Ryo, a Mongrel from the slums, who just tries to get a better life and Bakura is infatuated the first moment he lay eyes on him. Of course, he then tries his new pet out. ;) Sadly, the writing ends there.
Well, here are my ideas to who could be who, keeping most of the original story intact:
So the rank of the Elites in Ai no Kusabi is determined by their hair color and the highest class of them is called „Blondie“ and as the name suggests they have blond hair. Since this doesn’t work with the Yu-Gi-Oh! characters (what would Yugi and Atem be? xD), I think it would be all about the skin tone (not to be racist, but I have no better idea). They would have a darker skin tone and are called „Bronze“ or something. This is in no way intended to be offending (I read about the change of Bronzeshipping to Eclipseshipping to be less offending), but since Blondie sounds utterly ridiculous and is also a slur for blond people (at least in german), it should be something similar stupid.
The Blondies are not completely human, their body artificially made, to quote it: „Iason’s ruthless sexual avarice and his untiring, sculpted cybernetic physique“. So they can basically be total sex machines. I’m not really sure, I like this not-human part, even though the stamina sounds like fun (well, at least for the reader).
Kaiba and Jonouchi fit the relationship of Iason and Riki the best. It practically screams Puppyshipping. Kaiba (as Priest Seto in appearance) is the one in charge of the elite city (I call it Domino now) and the Domino Syndicate, reflecting the power he has with Kaiba Corporation in Yu-Gi-Oh! over Domino City (especially in DSOD). Jonouchi is, of course, a Mongrel from the slums, always picking a fight. One day he is saved by Kaiba from some thugs, but unlike Iason, Kaiba is a prick. He only did it, to hold it under Jonouchi’s nose and call him pathetic or a third rate fighter with fourth rate fighting skills? We’re talking about Jonouchi, so of course he gets pissed and pays with his body to shut that high class bastard up and not be in his debt for saving his life. Kaiba is all superior and only accepts the payment to further humiliate the Mongrel. Like Iason, he doesn’t take his clothes of then and talking about disciplining a pet. Kaiba, wanting to humiliate him further, takes him as his pet, even for the fact that it makes for a scandal. Jonouchi’s not thrilled at all, especially when Kaiba starts to fall in love with him. He always fights back, letting himself not be tamed. Eventually he starts to develop feelings for Kaiba and accepts his status as his pet unlike Riki.
Honda gets the role of Guy, since it’s also really fitting. In Yu-Gi-Oh!, before befriending Yugi, they helped each other a lot by fighting their way out of trouble (and not with card games). In this AU they were pairing partner before Kaiba came along and took Jonouchi away. Since no way in hell this AU will end like Ai no Kusabi, Honda doesn’t get crazy and will definitely not castrate Jonouchi to remove the pet ring.
Bakura will be a Kaiba’s right-hand in the black market for pet trade like Katze (the criminal trait is coming through). While writing this, I just noticed that both have a scar on their face. xD How fitting. Okay, so Kaiba gave him the scar then as punishment for something, but unlike Katze, Bakura never was Kaiba’s Furniture, since Furnitures are castrated and also because Bakura has darker skin, so he would actually be a Bronze. So how about Ryo comes into play here? Ryo is a valuable pet bred at the Academy and was supposed to be sold on a pet auction. Bakura incidentally attended that auction and saw this little docile creature and instantly fell in love with it. He paid a ridiculously high price for him, because he belonged to a brand new line. Since the Elites are not allowed to engage in sexual activity and are only allowed to watch their pet masturbate or do it with other pets, he gave up his status and left Domino. Also here comes the scar into play. Kaiba was so furious with his decision and marked him as a traitor, but since he is also a business man, he couldn’t let Bakura’s skills go to waste and hired him.
Atem gets the role of Raoul. He is Kaiba’s best friend and second-in-command. I think this is also a good fit, because Raoul can tamper with the minds of people (Mind Crush!). His pet could be Anzu or Yugi or both, one replacing the other after a year or so. Yugi would also make great Furniture, but that castration thing… maybe in this AU, the sex drive of Furniture is handled differently.
Kirie would totally be played by Insector Haga. xD Such an unlikable character. There are other characters in Riki’s gang, but I’m not sure Jonouchi would even have a gang. Maybe members could be Otogi, Dinosaur Ryuzaki and Ryota Kajiki.
Now to Marik and Yami Marik. The other Blondies are not that important, the only one really noticeably in the OVA’s is the security one, but I read into it a bit on the internet (wish I had the novels). Marik would be the one in charge of the security. Yami Marik would definitely be the one, who is chief of Midas, because that guy seems to have a wicked sense of humor.
Mai would be Mimea. Mimea is/was Raoul’s pet, but I think it’s more fitting, if Mai is Yami Marik’s pet instead of Atem (obvious reason). When Jonouchi arrives at Eos Tower and befriends her, she falls in love with him and they have sex, Jonouchi doing it mostly just to piss Kaiba off and ruin his reputation. Kaiba is angry and drives them apart just like Iason did. She is then forced to pair with another pet (maybe that guy from that filler episode, who wanted to marry her or Valon), who she doesn’t like, but who she was planned for even before the incident.
Horakthy would replace Jupiter.
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starvvars · 7 years
sansa stark
i haven’t read the books, so it’s only about the tv-show
what i like about them: and again with relatable characters. you know, we’d all be sansa in the got universe :D so it’s easy for me sympathize with her and to like her + all the character growth that she came through, how much better she became at adapting to all the horrible things that happened to her, how she slowly started playing the gamewhat I dislike about them: like many other fans i didn’t really like anything about her at first. too naïve and way to bitchy. but she’s changed now.favourite moment: all the dayum gurl moments “Oh wait, I just realized, I don’t care.” // “I’ll tell you what. I’m going to give you a present. After I raise my armies, and kill your traitor brother, I’ll give you his head as well.” “Or maybe he’ll give me yours.” // “I’ve been naturalized by a royal decree from-” “Tommen Baratheon? Another bastard.” // “Your words will disappear. Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear.”etc.least favourite moment: being naïve and stupid and obsessed with joffrey in season one // not telling jon about nights of the valea situation with this character that I want to see explored more: how about a situation where she’s happy. i want to see it explored more.an interesting AU for this character: au where joffrey is nice to her // okay so i had this weird idea for a got au in my head where sandor for some reason has to raise the stark girls (no romance between him and sansa here). maybe it’s a modern au or something like the last of us but with two girls instead of one. they all annoy each other in the beginning but become friends and a cool family by the end.a crossover: otp: SANSA/TYRION, i love this ship so much and i’ve never talked about it. they were becoming good friends at the end of season three and i enjoyed their interactions so much but then robb and catelyn just had to be killed and everything was ruined. since she was little she’d dreamed about marrying a handsome prince and had this ideal fantasy in her head about what her life would be, yet she was disappointed over and over again. tyrion is the exact opposite of her dream prince, yet he’d care for her better than any handsome prince out there.other ships: margaery/sansa, sandor/sansa, and it’s not really a ship but i really like the idea of ramsay realizing what a great woman he’d lost when he heard her saying “You’re going to die tomorrow Lord Bolton, sleep well.”brotp: sansa&brienne, sansa&jon, sansa&anyone from her familynotp: i don’t trust littlefinger anymore and i’d like for her to stay away from him at this pointan assortment of headcanons: nothing really, her character is complicated enough for me to think of anything else
send me a character
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odds-tales · 1 year
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odds-tales · 1 year
I wanna wanna write more fanfic about these two but my brain is blank.
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Feel free to suggest ideas even if I don't vibe with it in the moment it might inspire me later.
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odds-tales · 1 year
The Proposition (crossover fic)
Hans had finished his chores for the day heading back to the castle to take a shower, the only problem was his brothers had locked him out again. He let out a sigh in annoyance letting go of the gold door handle. He was walking back to the fence by the horse stables waiting for them to notice.
He leaned against the wooden fence with a miserable expression. He would have spent the leftover time thinking back on everything he hated about his life, when he spotted somebody who wasn't supposed to be there. A dapper looking man with long black hair and a red coat, he was walking confidently around the castle like he owned the place.
Hans must have been looking at him for a while because the mysterious stranger saw him and started walking over. Hans took the short time watching this dapper stranger to regret all of his life decisions and put on an unreadable expression.
"Hello my good man, I couldn't help but notice you look absolutely miserable." He said smugly. Hans would have been too stunned to speak if he wasn't already ready to snap at anybody. "Are you just here to be smug?" Hans said restraining himself.
"Of course not, I simply have a proposition for you." The man said. Hans's anger faded into confusion at that, he kept his best stone face expression. "What is it?" He said too curious to tell him to go away. "How would you like revenge on your family?" The man asked. Hans raised his eyebrows intrigued, the man continued.
"The castle will burn down either way but if you'd like to come with us in the aftermath I might have a job for you." The stranger said his smug expression was getting on Hans nerves. "Who are you?" Hans asked, softness in his voice that he didn't feel. "James, captain of the Jolly Rodger." He responded not bothering to elaborate beyond that.
Hans couldn't quite place why that name seemed so familiar. "What's the plan?" Hans asked.
He could've sworn he saw a gleam in James's eye at his response. He handed Hans a mask, and a new outfit. "All you have to do is make it to the ship dressed in this after the fire is lit without being caught by the guards, Cause some chaos and confusion if you can." James said handing Hans the clothes.
"How do I know I can trust you?" Hans asked. "I have nothing to gain from this interaction beyond a chat with a handsome prince, I just want to see if you take the chance I've given you by sunset." James said walking away before Hans could question him further.
He mulled his options over in his head, take a chance on a new unknown or stay in an already miserable situation. Unsurprisingly Hans chose to leave, nothing was worse than his current situation. Once the doors finally unlocked he changed out of his dirty clothes, and took a bath. It would be a while until sunset, he would use that time to clean up and pack. He wondered what James wanted from him, whatever it was Hans was sure he could wring the young gentleman of everything he was worth.
Meanwhile James was in his cabin all too smug about the new recruit. Finally some decent company on his level, he looked over to Mr Smee. "Tell the crew we attack at sunset, and make sure our newest guest has a place to stay when he arrives." James said lighting a cigar and leaning back at his desk. A villous prince was no doubt an asset, James knew he was taking a risk housing a known manipulator. It would be an interesting challenge though, every legendary villain deserves an intellectual equal after all.
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odds-tales · 1 year
Hans: I'm smarter than you.
James: Oh Hans...you could never, don't put that expectation on yourself.
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odds-tales · 1 year
We'll Meet Again
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After so long, the crown was his. After joining pirates, falling in love and making a deal with his mother. Hans held up the wanted poster of the devilishly handsome crook, he leaned back in his throne. "Sad it had to end this way James." He lamented. The wide expansion of his polished throne room feeling empty.
Meanwhile James was in his prison cell with an unreadable expression. James thought back to his time with Hans, it was bit on again off again but he could never expect this was how it ended. In a dark dirty prison cell ratted out by his lover for the sake of the crown. Not long now before he was hanged.
"He learned to backstab from the best I suppose." James said. His prison cell creaked open, a guard stood motioning for James to follow. To his confusion, he was brought into the throne room.
"Leave us." Hans said sternly. The guard didn't question anything and left. "One last goodbye before you hang me?" James sneered not bothering to look Hans in the eye. "Well Captain James, you've committed many crimes...but unfortunately your last one has won your pardon." Hans said handing James his proof of pardon. "What crime would get a pirate pardoned?" James asked confused and bitter.
"Stealing my heart." Hans said taking James by the chin and planting a soft kiss on his lips. When he pulled away James had a glint in his eyes and a deep blush. "You really waited until the last moment didn't you?" James teased. "Our lives are going in different directions James, but before I let you go I needed to let you know you'll always have sanctuary in the southern isles." Hans leaned in close. "-and you'll always be welcome in my chambers." He whispered sending a shiver up the Captain's spine.
"Perhaps another time." James replied as Hans removed his cuffs his face a bright red, the idea was appealing but it was a bit soon. James and his crew sailed away the next day. Hans watched from his bedroom holding up James's wanted poster. His mother never did say he couldn't pardon the pirates after he became king. "I'll always have your wanted poster." Hans sighed, not really expecting James to ever return.
James looked back at the castle putting on his Captains hat. "Everything alright capn" Smee asked. "It's nothing, we'll be back in a month or so." He mused adjusting the broach Hans stole for him during their first plunder together. With the wind in their sails and a spring in the Captain's step they set a course for Neverland.
A/N: I know this feels like an ending but it's not, while all these stories are set in the same universe they take place at different times. This is the end of a chapter but I plan to write more past and before this. Thanks for reading I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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odds-tales · 1 year
The End of a Wonderful Masquerade
Hans stepped into the large ballroom, a place of glittering gold and dark shiny wood with spotless floors. Hans looked forward at James walking ahead of him beaming confidence and Joy. He was never so confused by the Captain. James almost always looked smug, but the childlike wonder he was radiating was off-putting in a different way. Sneaking into a masquerade, wasn't exactly something Hans was expecting to do as a pirate.
Then again seeing a pirate Captain in beautiful frills and a custom masquerade mask with gold lining and split red and white pattern down the middle was something that never even crossed his mind before, it seemed like such an outlandish idea.
"Do you usually get this excited about stealing?" Hans teased adjusting his own black mask with blue trimming. James looked at Hans annoyed, He didn't really know why. Typically their best interactions were playful teasing and banter.
"We're at a masquerade ball, let me enjoy this." James said subtly stealing a gold necklace, from a lady preoccupied with conversation as they walked past. Hans wasn't entirely surprised, if there was one consistent thing about James it was his love of high society luxuries.
Not that Hans could blame him, there were times he really missed the finer things. "What's the plan?" Hans asked changing the subject. "Take small items with high value around the castle, I'll be taking trinkets off of the people." Before Hans could ask him anything else he started dancing with the richest looking lady in the room adorned in pearls and jewels with brown hair in a green dress.
Hans doing as he was told stole as many things as possible hiding them in his coat, every now and then he would side eye some of the women who got particularly flirty with James. One red head lady in particular laid her head on James's shoulder. Hans caught the smug look James flashed him with.
He rolled his eyes putting a gold rose decoration in his coat, once James gave him the signal they both met outside in the expansive garden. The music inside escaped through and open window. "So how many things did you get?" Hans asked. "Mostly bracelets and necklaces." James replied showing off a diamond studded necklace.
"I got a few expensive looking decorations." Hans said, pride in his voice. "Brilliant, let's get back to the ship then." James said looking through the castle window at the red haired woman, not leaving. Hans noticed she still had all her jewelry.
"Do you want to leave?" Hans asked, letting the bitter feelings he felt show in his words for once. "I suppose I wish it had lasted longer." James replied turning back to the direction of the docks. "The night isn't over." Hans said making James stop in his tracks. Hans bowed putting on his most charming smile and holding out his hand. "May I?" He asked.
"But of course." James said as he took Hans's hand. Hans took the lead making a note of their last romantic interaction. "You seem nervous." James whispered in Hans's ear. "Just worried someone might see us." Hans replied, whispering in return.
James looked into Hans's eyes, Hans leaned in and...stopped. He pulled back and they continued dancing, James took the lead from Hans pulling him into a dip. "I expected more confidence." James teased. "I am confident." Hans sneered.
James leaned in close and Hans expected another kiss but instead James playfully blew a stray hair out of Hans's face and pulled him back onto his feet. "I can tell." James stated sarcastically, he started to walk back to the ship. Hans followed him, he found James attractive. There was really no denying it after their first kiss, even if Hans at the time he wasn't being genuine with his advances.
It was more than he thought of Anna, but then...what did he think of Anna? She was a pawn, Elsa though was much more... interesting. Cold isolated and unsure, he had felt that way before. Maybe that's why he so foolishly saved her.
It was an impulse and James....the way James made him feel was terrifying. Vulnerable, yet wonderful....was that how Anna felt with him? Why she was so willing to marry a man she just met? He thought she was just stupid. His father always treated love as a transaction rather than a feeling with his mother, or with anyone really. He could never pay the toll in the way his brothers did, or in the way his mother used to.
James wasn't like Anna, but was James like him? He was a pirate, but he wasn't like any smelly bloodthirsty pillager his father spoke of. Then again Hans wasn't exactly the average murderer. He looked over to James and made a decision, if they were going this way he wouldn't let his guard down like Anna did.
He was the one in control, not some pirate not his family. It wasn't anything serious, James had a use now. Hans needed him, whether he liked it or not. Once they got back to James's cabin, a place the captain wasn't expecting to be followed into Hans finally gave James the kiss he wanted.
Though maybe a bit rougher than the captain was expecting, pushing him against the wall by his collar, but he could go with it. James wrapped his arms around Hans's neck as Hans's arms wrapped around his waist.
When they pulled apart for air James looked Hans in the eyes. "You're still uncertain about this?" James asked disappointed. "You're a pirate" Hans said breathlessly. "You betrayed your last love, were both traitorous bastards Hans." James replied.
Hans's grip on James tightened, he had a point. "How far do you think this will go?" Hans asked. "As far as you let it." James replied placing a hand on Hans's cheek. Hans pulled away, James let him. On his way out the door James stopped him with a sentence. "You're quite the kisser Hans, shame it ended so soon.~" James said making Hans tense.
The door closed behind him, Hans almost regretted leaving. He decided to wait for his blush to die down before going below deck to sleep with the rest of the crew. Meanwhile James fixed up his hair and clothes a tad annoyed after all that Hans couldn't even say "I love you."
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Inspiration 👇✨
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